Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 08, 1859, Image 4
Jfarmcr's Department. Calendar ox Operations for Sept. 1359. Farm.—The A<^rifuiilirl year nsy be said to commence ii;is month. New plan? are to be laid and preparations made for the coming eeascn. Fart of the seed, the wheat or.d rje, are to be *'sou in hope," and fields intended for next year's planting to be cleand ot sur face stone, diaincd, the stumps removt d, and other necessary preparations made. For drain ing especially, the time is propitious. The fieds are now mostly clear, there is compara tive lesiure where wheat is not extensively sow n, but little rain will interfere with out-door op erations, and the heat of Summer no longer oppresses. Now too, is the time for storing the magazine with abundance of the farmer's ammunition—manure. " Well I egun is half done," —begiu at the manure heap, and you may expect to end well with next year's harvest. Boundary and other |ermane;it fences may now be erected, let them be put up as near as possi ble, for all time. Agricultural exhibitions arc bring held in most counties, and claim the attention of in teligent cultivators. Visit them and take specimens of your best crops to increase the at tractions. Premiums are secondary considera tions but premium crops and stock pay the best. Barns and Hovels.— If some of the stock went through the last Winter unsheltered, re solve that it shall be the last Winter. Pre pare to erect additional buildings early. Beans will need pulling and drying. When properly cured, the haulm or straw, makes good sheep food. Beeves. —Begin to give additional feed to animals intended for beef. A little extia food now, will save many bushels of corn iu cold weather. Buckwheat will need cutting. It cures, handles, ami thresh* s best when cradled and bound. It should not get so ripe as to shell out badly iu the field. Thresh as fast as caittd in. Butter and Cheese making are supposed to be going on briskly in-doors. September and October are the best mouths for laying down butter for Winter use. Cattle.—The cows are now beginning to sbriuk in milk, and require some of the soiling crop to keep up a fuil supply. The garden will furnish turnip and beet tops, cabbage trimmings, corn stalks, etc., which should be fed out tothe cattle. Give the animals a frequent change of pasture, turning them upon the tine rowen crop where it is not to be gathered. Cellars will soon be wanted for storing vog tables and fruits. Let them be well cleansed, and properly regulated. There is much sav ing in arranging them conveniently. Coru.— Select the earliest, most prolific,and best for seed, tracing up by a few husks and hanging in the loft or granary. Cut and shock as soou as ripe, or upon the first severe frost. The grain will be heavier, and the fodder much better than when exposed uncut iu the field to alternate storms and sun, frost and heat. Cisterns.—lf these conveniences for hot It house and barn were not built as directed last mouth, the present is a suitable time. WeiL may also be dug. Eggs.— Now that the fowls arc laying inor than are wanted in the family and the market price is low, put away a good supply lor Win ter. We have invariably had good success with them, when packed iu common salt. Fences should be carefully watched now that pasture feed is short and the corn field looks tempting. Forests—Continue to cut away, those intend ed to reclaim for til luge. Grain.—Thresh early, especially if stacked in the field where rats, mice, squirrels, and crows feed upon it. See that granaries are in and proptr order. Make them proof agaiust rats mice. Hedge Rows and Bushes—Clean up any al lowed to grow till now. Hemp and Flax.—Full, and spread for rot ting. Hogs.—Separate those to be killed this season, and give them extra feed. They should be in first-rate condit on when the ordinary fattening season commeuct s. Cook the food rather than feed it out in a raw state. They are capable of making much manure. Manure—Among the other labors do not neglect the manure yards and heaps. Dig all the muck possible befote the swamps arc filled with water. Pastures need examining lo see that the feed is sufficient. A frequent change is desirable Flow, for rye and wheat, unless it was done last month. Turn the soil over Sto 10 inches deep 'Potatoes.—Unless for present market, or to clear the ground for Winter grain, it is usually better to leave potatoes iu the giouud until October. I'onl ry may generally run at large, dur ing this month without injury, and will lay the belter for their freedom. Root crops are growing rapidly this month Keep the ground well stirred wirh the cultiva tor and horse or hand hoe, and suffer no weeds to grow in the rows. Rye.—Sow, if not done last month. See that the seed is well cleansed. A strong brine will float any oats and chess among the seed and they may lie skimmed off. Sheep require the same care as last month. As cold wheather approaches get them iugood flesh for Winter. Soiling Crops.—Cut and feed as wanted.— Any remaining should be harvested and cured while the weaither is still favorable for doing so. Sugar Cane for Grinding should be cut, or begun upon ul latest, as soon as the frost has killed the foliage, which will be, in some locali ties. There will be a large quantity to manufac ture this season. The grinding and boiling should follow close upon the cutting. Roil iu shallow pans with a free circulation of uir around them. Timothy—sow with wheat and rye, or by Itself for a future grass crop. Turnips—Thin late sowings, feed early ones and keep all well hoed. Sow more of the quick growing varieties on vacant ground. Wheat should now be put iu as early as may bo, on deeply plowed und finally pulverized sod that has received a <_ r ood coating of manure. Many complaints of Winterkill are owing to late sowing. The growth is not sufficient to protect the roots before Winter sets in.— Where it cau be ('one, use the diill iu sowing. Instead of relating upon the man who culls you vidian, a liar, or ft thief, coolly inform him that you have not sufficient confidence iu Lis veracity to believe him. An untarnished character is of vastly more importance turn, plcstp bjois xfilfecf Uanrous. ' nr ** , HI Wjgj > THIS IS THE ESTABLISHMENT where you can tind a very line assortment of WATCHES AND JEWELRY" of all descriptions, also a good st. sk of CLOCKS, prices ranging IT >ni 10 shillings up. and warranted to give good satisfaction or uo sale. 1 am also agent for the sale ot D. E. LENT'S celebrated Barometers, which every farmer should always have. Pri ees from $1 to -.0, according to finish REPAIRING done as usual in a ueat and workmanlike mannerand war ranted. W.M. A. CHAMBERLIN. N. B. The person that took a Breast Pin from my shop, July 3d, to show to his wife, had better call and see me iu re card to the matter, perhaps it will save him some cost and trouble. Towanda, Nov. 24, 1868- W. A. C. JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY A. 3VX. Warner's New d' Splendid Jewelry Store, one door north of Potions Drug Store, _ HAS just been opened with thelrrrgest and Jfl most choice stock of FASHIONABLE QfWw JEWELRY ever offered to adisciiminatiig BBC-J j) public. Indeed, he can safely sny that with Mf, the opening of his new store has been in •'* auger. *od a new era in the Jewelry line, ina.-much as along with the choiceaud elegant assortmei.t lie gives the mo-t rep. Lie assurance of an almost incredi ble reduction iu prices : the rich and tasteful articles hav ing been ail bought with ready cash. A. M. W.. ivh. ii he reflects how, for the past years,with a far less attractive stock, lie has enjoyed so large a share of public patronage. Hatters hinisolt that the imm( ns<- in crease of Goods he now offers, which have been bouglitso much more advantageously, will enable him to increase lie generous confidence which has hitherto been vouch safed to him. He therefore solicits a continuance of the favor of his old customers, and invites the public general ly to come and see the fashions. " -THE WATCH REPAIRING DEPARTMENT will continue to be distinguished by the skill and despatch which has heretofore enabled it to enjoy the enviable rep utation of being the most reliable in town. Towanda, September 24, 153. THE OLD STAND STILL IN OPERATION! THE subscriber would annoum e ---—-r- to the public that lie has now ■ n c -*™ J '" ! and. and will make to order all ! inds ot CABINET FURNITURE. J' J I'such as Sofas, Divans. I.o<inges (Vu- ItSjSy tre, Card, Din::_ and Break!..-t Ta- Mahogany, Walnut. Ma;'< and ■ 4. Cherry Bureaus, Stands of variou * _JL- V kinds, Cliairsand Bedsteadsofevc-ry description, which are, and w ill be made of the bo-t ma terial and workmanlike manner, aud which they will sell for cash cheaper than can be bought in any other Ware room in the country. READY-MADE COFFINS, on hand on the most rea sonable terms. A good HEARSE will tie furnished iii Funeral occasions. JAMES MACKINSON. Towanda, January 1. 1137. TOWANDA HARDWARE,CUTLERY, IRON AM) STOVE STORE. fl D. C. HALL a P -eo Ml- ! -•!.• and lb ; ;l Denlci H •: I ware and St \o-. lion t J-- n -i~ Nails. Sash. G!u.-s, Paints / v L ml Oils. Hoe , Trimmings— f""—- - — —— ell: •• '-ii •. i trimming-*. 13 PSK ' -o:- s •*-, nn 'l -"Sot ' . cm Car i-'-uttio" and John rs' Planes. - y V ■'■■■■ -. A - ' Tools, Bell ' llamnv-vs and S row Plates. Axes.Broad Narrow, Lath and Hand Hatchets—Cabh L g. Trace and Ha'.tr, Chains, Crowbars, Picks, Shovels and Spades. POCKETAXD TABLE CUTLERY-—Shears and Scis sors, Edge Tools of all kinds, Bra.-s and Enameled Kettles. Shovel arid Tongues. Spoons and Ladies. Tubs and Pails. Mops and Washboards, and all other kinds of house-keep ing implements. In the HARDWAREIine. Brass. Brittania. Japnaned and Plain Tin Ware, single or inset:-;. |; ;lr . Band. Scroll and Hoop Iron, Steel of all kinds, Nail Rods, Ac. Pumps. Lead Pipe and ail the necessary fixtures for water works. Patent. Stretched Leather Belting and String Leather and 10,000 other articles too numerous to mention, thai wc are now receiving direct froin t lie hands of mauufai - tarers andimporters, including the largest assortment and greatest variety of STOVE Stoves 2.t per cent. less thou usual for Cash. or (Sain at the highest market prices. Coal and Wood Cooking. Coal and Wood Parlor. Dining Room, Six Plate arrtl Cylinder, ever brought into Northern Pennsylvania or Southern New York; all of which we are now prepared to sell at wholesale or retail, at as low rates, and on as good Tkhms n< can be found this side oi New-York, from the fact that all our goods were bought of first hands and in full packages and large quantities, that gives us an advantage over smaller purchasers and Dry Goods dealers, that wiil enable us to sell from 5 to 13 per rent, less than any of them, which advantage we shall offer to any who will favor us with a call before pur chasing elsewhere. A large quantity of Tin ware, Stove Pipe and Elbows a.lwav son band, wholesale and retail. All kinds of Job Work done to order, on short notice and warranted. D-m't mistake the place to "buy STOVES and HARD WARE cheap—one door Soulh of Tracy A- Moore's, and Powell's new block on Main street, in the new Wood Building, lettered allnrer. Grain and Country Produce, old Iron, Brass, Brittania and Coppc-r. Dried Fruit of all kinds. Feathers and Bets wax wanted for goods. 10,000 Sheep Pelfs wanted, for which the highest price n Cash will be paid. Jte" No credit given over four months, and all hav iag a< ount.s i r notes over due had better call and pay immediately, if they wish to save cost. Towanda", October 13,1851. H. A. BURBANK'S BAKERY One Door North of the If 'ard House. TOWANDA, PA. \\J I" BE you can li. d a idistant supply of Bread, Rusk. V ♦ Crackers, Cookies, Jumbles, and all kinds ot Fauci Cakes. J mr OA STEPS furnished by the quart or keg, or cook ed to order. b*r Particular attention paid to filling orders for parties Returning our sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon us during the past year, and hoping by close applicati ,n to business to merit a continuance of the same, we remain as ever, your humble servant, March 10.1157. H. A. BURBANK. TOMB STONCS AND MONUMENTS. Towanda Rlarblc Factory. ( Near/1/ Opposite the Baptist Church.) The subscriber lias opened the TO WAN- M ARBLE FACTORY, where he will le 'Vf/rUM St-tu-s. manufactured from the best qualities Li of RUTLAND and ITALIAN MARBLE, and Vl> wrought into such styles and designs as will ; suit every variety ot tu-te. '♦ L| Persons w.sliing to make their selections can do so whenever in Towanda, by lulling at this New Establishment. The superior quality of the stock, the artistical beantv of the work.and the promptness with which orders will be tilled, will offer inducements to visit this new shop. F. H. BALDWIN, Proprietor. Towanda, July 20, 1150. BKFKKENCES. WAVEIU.Y. TOWANDA, FA. Hon. Nathan Bri-tol, Prof. C. R. Coburn, C. H. Shepard, Cashier, Rev. Julius Foster, It. G. Ci-ans, Merchant. H.S Mercur, Merchant, -Vlpin A' Donhleday,do. Montanyes, '• lie v. O. C cane " T. M. Woodruff, Sheriff, •' Win. Putnam, C i. A. M'Kean, Prot'y, " D. A. Shepard, Hon. D. Wiiinot, F. Tyler. t. Bank. '' J. C. Adtma. cheminu. " Wm. El well, G. 11. Buck. Esq. E. A. Parsons, Ed. Argus. w vsox. E. O. Goodrich,Ed.Reuortcr. V. E. Piolict. Esq. . Fair Warning - ! ES iiuvih| dissolved partner- AtX ship, it Will i- necessary that the accounts of the lute ii'm shoul < >c It expected that ail having unsettled acc tuts will call immediately and arrauce the same, aud these having notes overdue must expect to pay them. A compliance with these requests will save usthe uucessltj of xukiag coste Jane 20 1559. DSticrllanrous. P A TTOX & PA Y NE, IVTo. Pattern's Ulock, Sowanda, Pa., Have recently added largely to their stock of iRJIdI! & MEMCMES, CHEMIOALB, FAMILY GROCERIES. They also have constantly on hand PL/ HE WZ3JES AND IIQIJOHS, FOB MEDICINAL PURPOSES. FRE S H CAMPHENE, At the lowest rates, a d BURNING FLUID, of superior uaiif3*. ni inn uetnred ( npressly l'r the gat-jet Fluid Lamps. They also keep all the Popular PA TEXT MEDICIXEE, of the day. Every article goiug from thi- store is war ranted as" reprc-ented. and if any prove different. they will be cheerfully taken back, and the money refunded. J. PATTOM. Towauda, Feb. 1, 1-50. Dr. E. I>. I'AY ME. \ NEW AGRICULTURAL SETTLE i. \ MEXT.—To all wanting farms, a rare opportunity in a delightful and healthy climate 25 miles southeast of Philafelpid i • " the Camden ami Atlantic Railroad. New Jersey. An old c-tnte consisting of several thousands of acres of productive s il lias been divided into Farms of various sizes to suit the jmrch lser. A population of some Fifteen Hundred, from various parts ol the middle States and Mew England have settled there the past year, im proved their places, and raised excellent ci p*. The price of the land is at the low sum of from sls to S2O per acre, the soil is of the be t quality for the production ol ICheal, Clover, Corn. Peaches, Or epes and 17 geta- Oles. It is considered the best fruit soil in the Union.— The place is perfectly secure from frosts—the destructive enemy of the farmer. Crops of grain, grass and iruit are now growing and can he seen. By examining the place it-elf, a cornet judgment can lie formed ot the produc tiveness of the land. The terms are made easy to secure the rapid improvement of the land, which is only sold lor actual inipro ement The result lias been, that within the past year, some three hundred house* have been erected, two mills, one steam, four stores, some forty vinyard and Peach orchards, planted, and a large number of other improvements, making il a desirable and active place of business. The Market, as the reader may perceive from its loca tion. is the t< —t in the Union. Produce bringing double the price than in locations away Imm the city, and more than double the price than the West. It is known that the earliest and best fruits and vegetabn s in this latitude come from New Jer-c-y, and arc annually exported to the extent of millions. In locating here, the settler has many advantages. He is within a !• w hours ride of the great cities ot New Eng land an l M 'idle States, he is near his old friends and as so jution*. he is iii a settled country where ever : improt went of comfort a.irl civilization is at bar.el. He can buy every article he wants at the ■ hen pest price, and sell lus ,u since for the highest, (in tlie West this is reversed.) be has schools for his children, divine seirice, and will enjoy an open winti r. and delightful climate, where lev er.- ~rc utterly unknown. TI ies-ilt of the change upon those firm the north, has g ru-ral v been to restore tliem to an excellent st ite of health. In t'o w.iv of building and improving, lumber ran be obtained at the mills at the rate ot sln <>r fls pirtiiou s-iul. io ihs (mm tie-Li i. k \ i i opened in the [ lace every article can be procured in the place, good carpen ters arc at hand, and there is no place in the Union where buddings and improvements can be made cheaper. The reader will at once be struck with the advantages here presented, and a-k himself why the property li is not bet n taken upbeh-re. The reason is, it was never thrown in the market; and iinlc-s these statements were correct, no one would be inc ted t > examine the land before pur chasing. This all are expected to do. They will see the land under cultivation, such is the extent of the settle merit tlnit th< \ will no doubt, meet persons, from their ovn iieighbi rlin d : they will witness the improvements and can judge the character ol the population. It they come with a vi< w t . settle, they should come prepared to stay a day or two and be ready to purchase, as locations cannot bo held on refusal. There are two daily trains to Philadelphia, nnd to all settlers who improve, THE RAILROAD COMPANY GIVES A FUME TICKET FOR SIX MONTHS, AND A HALF-PRICE TICKET FOIL THREE •. EARS THE TOWN OF HAMMOXTON Tn connection with the agricultural settlement, a new anil thriving town lias naturally ari-<n, which present* inducements for any hind of business, p trticulurly *1 re < and manufactories. The Shoe business could be carru d on in this place and market to good advantage, el-o coit n business, and manufacto ries of og/ iculturat imple mints or Founde i its for carting -mall articles, 'l'fcc improvement lias been so rapid as to insure t constant and pe-maueut increa-e of business T wn lots of a good size, we do not st II small ones, as it would effect the improvement of the place, can be had at from $10(1 and upwards. The Hammontem Farmer, a monthly literary and agri cultural sheet, containing full information of Uammonton, can be obtained a ; 25 cents per annum. Title indisputable—warrantee deeds given, clear of all incumbrance when money is paid. Route to the land : leave \ ine street wharf. Phila leiphia. b r Uammonton by Railroad, at 74 A. M., or 4.1 P.M. Fare !•() cents. When there inquire For Mr. Byrnes. Boarding conveniences on hand. Parties had better.'-lop with Mr. Byrnes, a princi p il. until they have decidt d as to pun !, i-ing. as he will -how them over the land in his carriage, tree of expense. Letters and applications can lie addressed to Landis A Byrnes, Hammonton P. 0., Atlantic ('■>.. New Jersey, or >. B. I'oughlln, South Filth Street, Philadelphia.— Maps and information cheerfully furnished. Hayrnoud's Latest Improved, DOrBLE-THREADF.D FAM/r. Y SEWING Price of Hand Machine $27 00 Withstand ,nd treadle, tools, Ac .. i'!s 00 TUIKSE MACHINES AFTER ONE 1. year of eons'ant use, have been pronounced the iiest Machines in the world, and have been used entensively in the cities of St. Louis, Mo., Cineinutti, ().. and Chicago 111., among the first families, and are preferred to the high er priced Machines. They will Stitch. Hem. Turk. Fell, (lather, and Em broider. with perfect satisfaction, and especially adapted to family use. They will sew all kinds of goods, from t e finest to the coarsest, better than any Machines now extant. The following are tlm advantages they possess over all other Machines. 1-t. An}' person of ordinary intelligence, can in one hour, learn to use them successfully. 2nd. They arc simple, strong and durable, easilr under stood and managed, and not liable to get out of order. 3rd. They use cotton from the ordinary spool without rewinding. 4th. The stitch is stronger and more difficult to rip than any other made by Machinery. The two threads are double looped into each other, and firmly tied and knot ted at every stitch, which is the best and most elastic stitch ever made. sth. They sew with cotton, linen and silk thread equal ly well. tith. They finish their work. There is no occasion to fasten the thread at either end of the seam, as is required by olher shuttle stitching machines. 7th. Every Machine is made to run by hand or foot power, thus combining the advantages of both methods. All persms des rous of purchasing the best and cheap est Machine ever invented for family use, can n nv have an opportunity, by addressing or calling on the subscri ber, B.F.SHAW, Ulster, Bradford County, Pa. X. B. These Machines are warranted, and any person purchasing them can return them and get their money, it alter one month's trial, do they nut give satisfaction. May 3, 1*59. IT. B. if'KEAN", FIRE IXSI RANGE AGENT, at Towan da, Pa., for the following reliable Companies : Girard Insurance Co. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Capital, $300,000. Great Western Insurance Co. - Philadelphia Kensington Fire Insurance Co., - Philadelphia. Capital, $3 00,000. Towando, May 30,1559. PERSONS IT ANTING CHANGE OF climate. See advertisement of Hammonton Lauds, in another column mfsccUancous. SELECT SCHOOL Tcr ItouDg Ladies. \nSSES CHUBBUCK respeetfnlly in- ITJL form the public that the Fall term of their school will commence on Monday, the 20th day of AUGUST, in the room formerly occupied by them. Thankful for the liberal pati onagc extended to them during the past year. Misses C as-urc their patrons that no pains will be "spared to merit. continnnneeof the con fidence of those who may confide pupils to their care. MISS FANNY L. CHL'BBUCK will have entire charge of .Music ; and a limited numlier of scholars only will be taken. TERMS. PER QFARTER OF 11 WEEKS. First Clasu —To include the elemcntry English Branches $4 00 Second Class—To include the more advanced English branches,w it h Mathematics and Latin f> 00 Third Class —To include Mathematics, Moral and Mental Philosophy, Rhetoric, Botany, Ac., with Latin .' $7 0o Music. —lnstruction on the Piano, with use of Instru ment per quarter, $lO ; French, per term, $3, and Draw ing $5, extra. Each pupil will be expected to provide herself with a desk and chair. jfeJ-Any information in reference to this School may be obtained by applying t.i 11. S- Mercur or E. T. Fox. Towauda. August 1, 1359. DICKINSON SEMINARY. (FOR BOTH SEXES.) Williamspcrt, Locoming' County, Pa, FACULTY. Rev. JOHN IT. D \SHIELL, A. 51., (Principal ) Moral Philosophy and Relic Lett res. J. W. FKRKKK A. M., Mathematics. C. R. Z. CHIEGXER, A. M-, Am ient and Modern Lan gll tges. GEO ROE W. .JOHN. A. 15.. Natural Science. WILLIAM LKJHTON, Instrumental and Vocal Mario. Miss MARY lh CUSH.iI AX, Preceptress. Miss LAURA M: V AN NESS, Painting and Drawing. Rev. Jn'lX 1. V \ LLA I E. I leparatory Department. Mi-s EMM A MANLIN, Assistant PnpiL S. M. GIUB3, Penmanship and Book Keeping. D. SHOWERS, Steward and Treasurer. ' 1 i.c seminary Year is divided into three unequal terms. Pupils are received at any time. Deduction for Abeem e i- made ou recommendation of the Faculty to the Trea surer. Fall Term will begin, Angust Bth, 1359, and end December 21st, 13 weeks. Winter Term will begin January sth. ISGO, end March 30th. 12 " Summer Term will begin, March 31st l fi Go, end June 21-t. 12 " Biard, washing, and fnrn i.-hed room, $2 35 pr week, or $93 70 pr yr. Gas and fixtures, 15 " " G 30 " Tuition, per 12 weeks, Preparatory Peparinent, $5 00 •' G 00 Scientific " 7 GO Scientific Lectures, (extra), 1 00 24 50 " Classical Department, 8 00 Incidental charges—Heating and Clean ing Public Rooms, Ac., SO cents per 12 weeks, 2 80 Total charge per year, $132 30 Music, Drawing, Painting and Modern Languages, Book keeping, Ornamental Penmanship and Wax-Fruit, extra. No Student admitted to recitation until all bills are settled or arranged with the Treasurer. Bills payable in advance, per term. Student- -limild bring with them towels, napkins and bedding. These and their clothing should be well mark ed. This School has many advantages; the Location is beautiful and health}', and has direct cnmmiini ath-n, twice a day. with Baltimore. Mew York and Philadelphia. The term- are cheaper th in in the major ty of sell mD— The Buildings are spm-i'ms, lighted with gas. and well supplied with school and boarding requisites. Night Watch. Brothers and sisters may be educated together. Studies are liberally arranged t > suit preferences or in dustry. Daily prayers, with singing and the reading of (rod's Word in the Chapel. Mar.s-ly. (Collegiate Institute, TO IVAN 1)A, BRADFORD CO., PA. F ACS'I.TV : OLIVER S. DEAN. A .M. Principal Professor of Ancient Languages, and Mental and Moral Sciences. WM. H. DEAN. t. IL. As. • :.itc- Principal, Professor of Mniliem iF's and i:! S e. Pivt. CHARLES 11. ( OIJCUN 1 ■ nty Superintendent. General Director of Normal Department. Mrs. ANN ('. KEI.IJ GG. l'n- , ptrcss. Miss ANNA M. 1 EAM. A--i- 'it Pre eptri-s. Mi— MAR) IL ALLEN, Tenia! <f Vocal ar.d Instru mental Music. Mr. CANFIEI.D DAYTON, Mcwari. The Fall Term commences WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, and will continue 14 weeks. tin ION. PER TERM : [Payable invariably m advance, or one-half on entering the school, and "in liali at the middle of the term—fuel and eonlingencies included-] Primary, per term $ 5 00 Preparatory 6 00 Higher. Bt year, per term 7 ()' Higher, 1-t and 2d year, per term 8 09 i la -iciil, Ist year, per term 7 00 Classical, 2d and 3d year, per term s 00 Collegiate, per term 10 00 X. B. Pupils will be classed by the most advanced branch they respectively pursue. Pupils using scholarships are charged $1 per term for fuel and contingent-. EXTRA. EXPENSES T French $ 5 00 German S 00 Drawing 3 00 Board in the Institute, per week, including fuel and light 2 00 Washing, per dozen 3s The Collegiate year i- divided into three terms of 14 weeks each. The '-nniver-aiy exercises will be held at die close of the Spi ing term. Instrumental Music will not, as heretofore, be t a tight, in the Institution, hut by special arrangement—a i ia— will be taught in a hall adjoining the grounds of the Institute, by the Teacher of Vocal Music. This arrangement has been adopted for tire past term, and experience lias proved it to be eminently superior to the plan pursued in former years. Special pains will be taken to secure the greate-t progro-s tlmse wishing to t tke lessons in this branch. Terms w ill be as heretofore : Tuition on Piano Forte, per term $lO 0(i Use of instrument for practice 3 00 Pupils boarding in tiie Ilall will furnish their own tow els. Ac., and the table silver their option. It is desira bie that they aho tumi-h their own bed and bedding when it is convenient, but when otherwise, these will be furnished at a slight charge. It is strongly recommended that students from abroad should board ill the Institution, as better opportunities lor advancement in study are thereby secured. Xormat Department Special exercises nre arranged without extra charge for those preparing themselves n- T<■■o'hers of Common Schools. Pr.ff. C. K COBL'RN. the able and well known Superintendent of Common School in the county, lias kindly consented to organize the Tea cher's class, and direct the course to be pursued. He will also be present to conduct its exercises as often as practicable, and will deliver frequent lectures on the Theory and Practice of I'oacbing, as also on other subjects connected with Normal training. Those persons, therefore, intending to engage in teach ing lor tiie winter, will find it greatly to their advantage to be present during the Fall term. " Prof. Cohurn's connection with the institution is not such as to in any way interfere with the discharge ol the regular duties of his office. No pains will he spared, on the part of the Faculty and Trustees in sustaining the high repulatatkm the institu tion lias hitherto enjoyed, and in tendering it more wor thy of future patronage and sn j (port WILLIAM H DEAN, ) n . . , Aug. 9. 1859. OLIVER S. DEAN, ( 1 nnc, P a,s - HAY SCALES ! rpilE SUBSCRIIIKR IS NOW PRE J PARED to construct Hay Scales upon an improved principle, where simplicity, accuracy, and durability are so combined as to excel in at least simplicity and dura bility any ot t lie scales now in use. Also repairing of old platform scales dune on reasonable terms and with dis patch. Address G. W. JACKSON, June 6. 1859. Wyalusinc, Bradford Co., Pa. "DARCLAY R R & COAL COMPANY. -D Office in Patten's block, corner of slain and Bridge streets, Towanda. second floor. Retail prices of Coal : LL'MP COAL. SMITH COAL. By the single ton $2,25. $2,00. Orders sold at the Office, and at O. D. Ilartlett's store. COAL will be delivered in town, at 25 cents per load. JAMES MACFARLANE. Towanila. July 13.1353. C.en'l Superintendent. SURVEYING. To LAND iioi, HERS AND LAND DEALERS. The subscriber having located perma nently in Herrickville, tenders his services as Land Sur veyor, to all who may need them. He professes to be thorough in his profession, and having had ten years practice and being provided with a first class Vernier In strument, by the arrangement of which, he can gieitlv expedite work and overcome the numerous somces of er ror so preva'ent in the ordinary practice, and the cause of so much litigation in this country. Orders by letter properly attended to. „ . L „ H. 9. HANN V. HerTickville. Bradford County Pa.—May IF Busfitrss CTariis. I \R CIIAS. M.TURNER, PHYSICIAN AJIF SUR OEON, offers his professional service* t< the inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity. Office and res idence in the dwelling recently occupied by 11. BoOTU, S.sq., one door north of the Episcopal Church, ou Maine Etreet. _____ _ E. OVERTON, JU O. I). MONT AN VK. OVERTON & MONTANVE, ATTOR NEY YS A T LA II" Office in Union Block, former y occupitd by JAS- MACFAKLANE. H. J. MAPII.L P- D. MORROW. MADI LL A MORROW, A TTORNE YS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW,— Office over Mercur's Store. Towanda, Pa. Towanda, April 2, 19. n-43-tf 7AK. E. H.MASON, PU YStCIANA ND .1. * SURGEON, offers his professional services to the people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at his residence on Pine street, where he can always he found when not professionally engaged. U B. PARSONS, ATTORNEY AT IJ. L.I IF, TItOY, Bradford Co., Pa. Office over V. M. A H. F. Long's store. Aug- 7.158. UENITV 15- M'KEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TOWANDA, PA.; will pay prompt attention to business entrusted to him. Collections made on reasonable terms, with prompt remittances. octlfi T?LH ANA N SMITH, 1 laving returned to IJ Towanda, has opened a Law Office over Mereur s Store. Dec. i. 18,57. AIVN DR 11. WESTON, DEN J', 1- p) TIST. permanently located in rowanda- I )FKI( E one door south ol Bailey&Nevens'. Towanda, Feb. 19, 1k59. nU U. S. PECK, SURGEON AND MECHANICAL DENTIST, TOWANDA. Pa. #-(>:iice. No. 1. Brick Row, over 12. T. Fox's store— i ntrance first door tn Pine st. July 19.185 it. WOOL CAR32I3XTG. TTTR have put our marliiiu i y in the very T V liest order, and have engaged the services of two good and experienced workmen. Having abundance of machinery, room and power, shall be able to do work as last as it cmnes. and will card load from a distance as soon as brought. Cloth dressing, dye ing, Ac., will also he done in its season. I shall give the business iny personal attention hereafter, and will guai antet all the work well done. INCH AM Camptown. May 10. 1959. TGWANDA CABINET WAREHOUSE F&R —CHESTER WELLS would -j. respectfully inform his friends and the that hc is now receiving at his new stand one door of Mont&nyes Co., a large ami ex tensive assortment of Sofas, Maliotrnny Cliairs, of various patterns, Rosewood and Mahogany Side and Centre Tables, Dining.Tea an.' l Pembroke Tables. Stands of every kind, Cane, Flag and Wood seat Chairs,high Chairs, Children's Rockers, Bedsteads, Bureaus. Lounges, Gilt and Rose wood Picture Frame. Iron Hat Stands, Corner and s'.Jc do. of walnut and mahogany; Cradles, Cribs, Ma rd robes, Cupboards. Looking glasses. A c. *g-< 'OFFIXS, ot I" TV size and quality, and will at tend on all occasions when required. The public are invited to examine my assortment bei ore urchasing elsewhere,as I will sell cheaperthau any other establishment in Northern Pennsylvania. Towanda, May 30, 1859. STORKS & CHATFIELD OWEGO, N. Y, Are agents for the sale of WHEELER'S FATCNT P-AI'TT'SY Chain II ORB! LPOWER. WHEELER'S PATENT Cumbincd Thrrshrr and Winnower. OVERSHOT THRESHER, (With Vibrating Separator,) Single or One horse Power and Separator, WHEELER'S CLOVER lIULLER, LAWRENCE SAW-MILLS, (for sawing wood, Ac.) All the above machines are manufactured by Wheeler, Mclick, A Co . Albany. N. Y., and are warranted to give entire satisfaction or may be returned at the expiration ot a reasonable time for trial. S. HORTON &. Co.'s CELEBRATED CO3 POWERS, FOR CHURNING, &C, Constantly on hand. ftTf'Farmcrs and others wishing to procure any of the above articles, will do well to call upon us before purchas ing- June 28. 1859. New Arrival of Clothing ! z. m. coLiiiivs TS NOW RECEIVING THE LARGEST I slock of Spring and Summer Clothing ever brought to this market .whiclijio is now selling at greatly reduced pri ces. His stock consists of Brown Linen Sack Coats. Brown Linen Frock do. White Linen Duck do. Queen's ( loth do. Spanish Linen do, prices ranging from $1 to $3. Brown Linen Pants, Fancy Linen do. Check Marsailles do, Tweed do. Fancy Cassimcre do, Black Cassimere do. White and Fancy Marsailles Vests, Figured Silk do. Black do. Black and Fancy Farmer's Satin do. Fig ured Silk and LJneu do. Black Cloth and Fancy Cloth, Dress Coats. Business Coats, Silk mixtures do. Plain and Fancy Cassimere do, Tweed do, Kentucky Jeans do. FXJRIMTSIXirffG GOOES. Shirts, Drawers. Cravats, Suspenders. Collars. Linen and Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs, White Shirts, Fancy do, Marsailles do. Cloths, Cassimeres, and Vesting^. Black and Fancy Cord Cloths, " " Cassimeres, " " Vesting*, All of which I am ready to make up to order on short no tice. and warrrnted to lit every time or no sale. 1 have secured the services ol Mr. Pennypacker to carry on the rAILORIXG BUSINESS. To all you that want cutting or anything in that line will please give as a call.we keep none but the I est workmen. CUTTING done on short notice. Thankful for past favors, lam now ready to wait on any one who may give me a call. Don't forget the place one door south of Hall's Store. Towanda. May 10, 1959. J. M. COLLINS. ISTEW SI'KIXCf AND SUMMER GOODS! J" HARVEY PHINNKY WOULD *1 • respectfully return his thanks to the public for the liberal patronage he has sustained, and as the citizens of Bradford and surrounding counties, can appreciate good Goods at low prices, he is now prepared to ofler greater inducements for their patronage than ever. His stock consists in part of Book Muslin, Hoops. Hoop Skirts, Poplins, Lawns, fhallies, Stair Carpets. DeLains, Chambrays, Jacquard Diapers, white, French Chints, Jacquard Diapers, brown, Table Covers, Linen Collars, Jaconet Muslins, Book do., Irish Liuen. Dimity, Swiss Muslin, Cambric do., Crape and Crainbric Collars, Nansook Muslin. French Veils, Dotted Swiss, Organdys, Victoria Lawns, French! Scotch and Ameri- B ivadere Swiss. can Ginghams, White Gotten Girders, French Lawns. Robe Lawns Swiss Sleeves, A! 1 Wool DeLaines, Camliric Bands, Bayadere Savella, ' Cashmere Shawls, Dmhleskirt Robes, Stella Shawls, French Prints, Silk Mantillas, Y'elvet Ribbons, Parasols, Belt Ribbons, American Prints, Oil Cloths, Bonnet Ribbons, Ingrain Carpets, Taffeta Ribbons, Venetian Carpets, Cloths, Cassimeres. Denims, Stripes, Ticking, Sheet ing, Shirting, Boots, Shoes, Huts, Caps. Groceries, Hard ware, Crockery, Ac. Call ard see what bargains can be had at No, 3, I'ATTON'S BLOCK. Towanda. April 2G, 1859. GTO YES FOR SALE.—A Seeontl Hand, O No. 10, " Queen of the Weet" COOKING STOVE, in good eor.iliticiu—also a Sheet iron Air Tight STOVE will be olilcheap. Apply ,tthi-' office N0v.10.185f. jKfsrrUanrous. TO WANDA FOUNDRY. THE snhfioriher continws to carry on the Foundry business in Towanda, and is prepared to do a'! kinds ot work in hi* line on short notice and in a workmanlike tnar ner. He will keep on hand or make to order Plows, Stou-s, Mill Irons, Sleigh Shoes, Wagon- Boxes. and any article of cast iron that may be required. Turning and fitting up work will be done on short notice and on reasonable terms. Persons wiMihig to purchase Stoves of any kind will find it ranch to their advantage to buy at the Foundry, as they can lie repaired much cheaper. Please call and examine liefore purchasing else where. Old cast iron and Grain taken in payment Don't mistake the place—one door east of Mercur's Block. I would also say to those having accounts stand ing over six months, that they must Is? settled without delay, and those having notes that are due will do well to pay up and save cost. JOHN CABMAN, i'owanda, Oct. 22, 185 G. NEW TIN SHOPf HPHM undersigned respectfully informs his friends anl J the public generally, that he has opened a new TIN WARE A SHEET IRON ESTABLISHMENT in the Fiundry. first door below Mercur's Store, where lie is prepared to conduct the business in all its Various branches. Tin Ware and House Spouting of all kinds, made to or der. on short notice. Stoves of various styles constantly for sale. Paiticular attention paid to Jobbing. Old Iron, Copper and Brass taken in exchange for goods. Jane 1.1858. JOHN CARMAN. M YER'SM ILLS. r T'MIE undersigned having purchased the above wclJ I known mills and attached to it a Steam Engine, and also put every thing connected with it in perfect repair, with ail the modern improvements now in use in first class Flouring Mills—would respectfully solicit the pa tronage of the community—trusting that the reputation the mill has heretofore borne may not suffer in the hands of the new firm. It shall be our aim to do all work en trusted to us promptly and in the best possible m nner. Customers from a distance may rely upon having their work done at once, so as to make but one trip " to mill." Mr. FRO>T will continue to give his own personal at tention to the business at the mill. CASH paid for all kinds of GRAIN ; also Flour. Meal and Feed fur sale at the lowest market prices. M Y'Elt, FROST A CO. ISA AC MYKR J. 0. FROST £. T. FOX. Nom it TCWAVDA. Oct. 6. 1858. Patronize a Home Enterprize ! A Book-Bindery in Towanda! \\JK would respectfully announce to our friends and \ V the public generally, that we have connected with our Printing Office and Book A Stationery Store, a Plain and Fancy BOOK-BINDEItY, and earnestly solicit the patronage of all who desire anything in the line. Having -ecured the services of one of the best binders in the United States, we flatter ourselves that we can give universal satisfaction both in workmanship and price Therefore we present to the public the strongest assuran ces that we are prepared to bind in a workmanlike man ner. all kinds of BOOKS, among which we may name Bildes. Histories. Music. Magazines. Pamphlets, Periodi cals, Law and School Hooks, to order or pattern in French, Italian, German and English style ; in Velvet, Silk, Cloth, Leather and Paper. upon the most reasonable rates.for CASH, or ready pay *rGive us a trial. Particular attention given to re-binding Books. All work warranted to lie properly executed. Plain and Fancy Paper Boxes made to order. Jan 1,1858. E. A. PARSONS. BOOKS &. STATIONERY! £3" The attention of the public is requested to the very general nd ex- client assortment always on hand at the Argus Book and Stationery Store, first building north of the Ward House. Call and examine our stock. Kew Store! New Prices! it. w. NOBLE, JVo. 5, Brick Row, Towanda, YIHTOLESALE k RETAIL LIQUOR v PK YLER. now offers to the public a well selected stock of \\ iues. Liquors, Tobacco, Havana and Domestic Cigars. Consisting in part of the following: BP \ NDlES.—Hennessey. Otard. Cognac, and Dupuy. GIN >.—Holland. Rose, and Schcidam Schnapps. Rl M-s. -Santa Cruz, Jamaica, and New England. WHISKEY'S. -Bourbon, Scotch, Monongehala, Old Cr -'.v. and Old Rye. WlNES.—Champaigne, Claret. Sherry, Madeira, Bar gundy. Port. Muscat, Malaga, Domestic. French cor dials oj aii uianus. CIGARS.— La Victoria. Washington. Light Guards. Rio Kund '. Henry Cfiv, La Fontica, La Isabella, La Flor d < 'ubuna. Principe. Vara. Principe. Tt B YCCO—A good assortment of Ciit.Chewing, Smo king and Manufactured Tobacco of various brands, al of which will be sold at the lowest prices for Cash, or to prompt payers. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for Goods. X. B. A large lot of Jugs, Demijohns, and bottles of all sizes for sale. Towanda, Feb. 22,1959. GEO. 11. BUNTING, r~) ESPECTFUI.LY informs his former customers and i. tbe public generally, that lie has removed his TAUOH'S SHOP, To one door smith of Tracy A Moore's store and imme diately opposite 0. C. Mali's Stuve and Tin Store Mainst. He flatters himself that from his long experience in bu siiiess he will tie able to please all who may favor him with their custom. Owing to the loir pressure in the mo ney market, he will make Coats front 50 to $4 50each and other work in proportion for READY PAY'. Country Produce in payment, will not he refused, if ffered- Towanda. March 20, 1858. Greener &. Co. Piano Forte Manufacturers, AND MUSIC PUBLISHERS, No. 51, Water-st., Elm ir T.V ADDITION TO A LARGE ASSORT 1 ment of our own mnnufatenred Piano Fortes, which have now tieen in ue for years, and have been pronounc ed by Mons. STRAUKOSCH and other eminent Artists, urisurpa-sed in touch, tone and durability, we have a large stock of the world-wide celebrated ' <k Sens," Boston: Grand and Square Piano Fortes, who have received thirty-four medals in Europe and Amer ica for the best Piano Fortes. We have also Raven, Baccn & Ce.'s. fiano Fortes, wlii.h are undoubtedly preferable to any other makers in New Y'oik. Being manufacturers ourselves, we get the aliovc In struments on the most favorable terms, enabling us to sell them to dealers and Seminaries at their regular whole sale prices. Carhart, MTccdham & Co.'s, 3YTclodeons. Mr. ( arhart being the original inventor of the above In struments, and the -ame having all the valuable improve nients, it is only jii t to say they an- not to be excelled. A large assortment of SHEET MUSIC. One of our firm having had long experience in this branch, parties at a distance not aide to visit our Ware rooms, may rely on his selections. The ties: ot Dalian Strings. Violins, Guitars, etc. Par ticular auction is paid to the selection of BRASS IX STIII M ENTS for Bands. All Piano Fortes bought of us are WARRANTED for three years. Pianos and Melodeons TO RENT, and sent all over the country t extremely low prices. Parties wishing to purchase Piano Fortes, or any other Musical Merchandize, and save from ten to fifteen per cent., will please call, or address ELI A SON, GREENER A CO. May IG, 1859. 51 Water Street. Elrnira, X. Y. WM. DITTKICH, is agent for the liim at Towanda. Opening ct the North Branch, AND AN ARRIVAL OF A2V EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OK SPRING AND SUMMER © is @ W 01 2 Sf © J \T E SOLOMON HAS JUSTRETURN .' ! • ED from New Y'ork with the largest and most complete assortment of SPRING &. SUMMER CLOTHING ! Ever exhibited in this market. He has also a large and heanl rill - OTtm nt m'GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, which hive been selected wiih special reference to the wants of this market. I)ur st i ick iif SI M M Kit ( 0 A TS, comprises an endless variety of Dress. Raglans, and Sacks, at prices ranging from rl 2"> to $. Pants and Vests in proportion. As our Goods have been purchased for CASH we are enabled to sell them at prices which will defy competi tion. Wi? cordially invite our old customers and the pub lie generally, to cull, see und judge for themselves, feel* in# confident that we shall be able to please the most fas* tun OUR. ar UEMKMRER THE PLACE- No. 2. ration'* Block. Towanda, April SB, W M. g. SOLOMON. I | ARDWART? \ NEW LOT JtTBT 1 I received at vrpcrw'S.