Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 08, 1859, Image 3
twenty-five feet! In the descent, the two passenger curs rolled over,and alighted in an inverted position. The engine and baggage car stood upright. The Fireman, VBHNKY GHEES, an estimable young man of Owego, see ing the fearful leap the train was taking sprang from the locomotive down the bank, and the baggage car rolled upon bim, amputating one of his legs, and crushing his body, causing instantaneous death. The conductor and j three ladies were slightly injured. The passenger cars | Were badly wrecked, the ends being stove in and seats % smashed up. The North Branch Association of Uni- I versalists will hold its annual session at Standing Stone, on Wednesday and Thursday, the 28th and 29th days of September. Religious services will commence Wednea- , day at 10£ A. 11. A cordial invitation is extended to all. ! 11. E. WHITNEY, Standing Clerk. | CAUTION*. —In onr last paper appeared an j advertisement headed SSOO, purporting to be from CARET & SMITH, 321 Pearl st. New York, and offering induce ments to agents to take orders for Tobacco. We confess to being sold by the gentlemen in question. They are j Peter Funks of the worst kind, and we trust that none of our readers have been led to place any reliance in their j representations. flgy The Overland Mail arrived at St. Louis on Friday, bringing news from California Oregon, Carson Valley and the Fraser River region. The Mail left San Francisco on the 12th ult. From Victoria we learn that the Island of San Juan, between Vancouver's Island and the main land, claimed by our Gov - eminent as a part of Washington Territory, had been taken possession of by Gen HARNEY who had placed upon it a small body of L nit ed States troops. Gov. DOUGLASS had issued a protest, and had sent armed vessels and ! troops there but it was believed that the mat ter would be compromised by a joint occupancy of tiie Inland, until the two Governments could j take action in the matter. The turning news from Fraser Itiver is more encouraging. The Indian troubles continue. A battle had been fought between fifty troops under Maj. ARMI STEAD and four hundred Molaves, in which about fifty of the latter were killed. The loss of the troops is not stated. The Paloz Indians in Oregon are stated to be barrassing Lieut. . Mm EX'S wagon road expedition. The citizens of Carson Valley have declared themselves de tached from Utah, and have framed a Consti tution for a Provisional Government, naming tin ir Territory Nevada. Political affairs were in a very excited state in California. TERRIBLE FATF. OF Six HUMAN BEINGS. — An eye-witness gives us the horrible details of the destruction by fire of the Steuben County Poor House at Bath, on Sunday morning last at 2 o'clock. The building contained quite a large number of inmates among whom were three or four lunatics. One of these unfortu nate beings, over whose bewildered imagination the destructive element seemed to predominate collected a quantity of combustible materials, deposited them in an unguarded crevice in the building, and applied a lighted match. The flames spread with rapidity and but feeble re sistance could be offered to their progress.— Affrighted inmates thus aroused at the dead I hour *>f night without the slightest warning. ; were thrown into the wildest contusion, ai d > the unearthly yells of the lunatics mingling with shrieks of despair, Lightened the terror of the scene. Although the utmost, exertion were made to save the unhappy beings, thev were attended with but measurable success. In spite of every effort six of them were inextrica blyjwalled in by the flames,and the curling ele ment slowlv burned them to a crisp ! Upon searching for the remains after the conflagra tion had subsided they were discovered in such a roasted and mutilated condition, that only one from the number could be recognized as ; having the least semblance of a human body i A coroner's jury was summoned, arm held an inquest yesterday afternoon. They probably j rendered a verdict in accordance with the facts a- above stated — Elmira Doily I'rrss. On Wednesday evening 31-t nit.. by Rev. DeXVitt C. Hylfe-Ly, Rector of St. James' Church. Pittsburgh, a- ! -i-ted bv Rev. Itenj. J. Douglas*. Rotor of Christ i hurch. Towanda. S. FR ANK I.ATHROP anil M .MARIA E.. daiigntor of John S. Green E-q, both of Lapnrte, Sullivan Co. On the 25th in-t.,by the Rev. George Uarkniss. Mr. Sll.v WIS VAN BCSKIRK to Miss SUSAN GREEN , all of R iigbery. SUBi 3Krt)rrvtCsmnrts. JOS. KINGSBERY, Whole-ale and retail dealer in DRY ROODS, GROCERIES. HARDWAR E CR CKEUY, BOOTS & MiDES, NAILS, FISH. (51. \SS, Sll.r, BOOKS k STATIONERY, OILS k PAINTS, HATS k CAPS. HALL AND WINTER CLOTHING J— JL place to buy fall and winter CLOTHING, of superior quality and wot knianship, is at J. KINGSBKRY'S who i- now receiving a full supply, also, a largo stock of I >w |U 'MI CLOTHING, tog. titer with CLOTHS, CASSI MKRKS. Ac., at the lowest figures. |>OOKS AND STATIONERY—IT IS Dhardlt necessary to mention that JOSEPH KINGS BERY sella Sf Ho L A MISCELLANEOUS.BOOKS A STATIONERY, at WHOLESALE A RETAIL, on the BEST TERMS that can I c obtained by purchasers in thi- ' section of country. Kir Schools supplied. Towanda, August 24, 1-59—tf. I >RICE OF SALT REDUCED TO $1 12 I PER BARREL. The aabacriber having fust received j a cargo of S ALT has concluded to reduce the price to $1 j I2per barrel, for cash. August3l.lßs9. JOSEPH KINGSBURY. OATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE—THE U best in the world ; the only harmless and reliable I Dye known. Beware of Counterfeits. Also, Lyons' I Kathairon. and Barry'a-Tri .-opheron*. tor liemitifyinir the j hair, for sale Uy. JoHEUH KINGSBEKY. August 31.1 Ss!>. CWISS SALVE—EVERY FAMILY k A should have a box of this Salve in their house at all limes. For sale by Angnat 31.1859. JOSEPH KIXOSBERY. JOSEPH KINGSBERY—HAS JUST • ' rccoivt .1 some elegant suits of Clothes, embracing some Coats at prices ranging from $1 50 up to S2O. Towanda. August SI, 1-59. ROYSE IIOUSE BENEFIT. ( ' I ■ NTI ' K MKN : Y'oursel f arid l.ady are invited to a "Dancing j Party," at the " Royse House," in j Burlington Boro', Friday Evening,Septeml-r lfith, 1-59. | Music, Vanfleet A Loom is' Full Band. Bill, $2,00. L. T. ROYSE, Proprietor. Burlington. August 15th, 1859. r r III: MAMMON TON FARMER.—A I_ newspaper devoted to Literature and Agriculture, il-o -citing forth lull accounts of the new scttlcnicnl of llainmonton, in New Jersey, can be subscribed for at on ly 25 cents per annum. Inclose postage stamps for the amount. Address to Editor uf the Farmer, Hammonton P. 0., Atlantic Co., New Jersey. Tiio-e wishing cheep laud, of the best' quality, in one of the healthiest ai d most delightful cli mates in the Union, and where crops are never cut dowu ny frcbk, the terrible scourge or the so."tg, set advertise ' ment of IlammsEtoa Land.-. iilrrciianliGf, At. THE GREAT QUESTianS WHICH HAS SO LONG ilgiialed Northern Pennsylvania, AT LAST DECIDED I3Y THE UNANIMOUS VOTE OF THE PEOPLE! Goods can be sold in Towanda t &01 <g & B i Should any doubt this, let them CALL AT THE KEYSTONE STORE ! TYTHERE THE LARGEST STOCK OF TT GOODS is kept, and where prices rule so low that : it is only necessary to make an examination to beconvin | ced that such is the fact. There will le found at the KEYSTONE STORE a stock I of goods complete in every department, to which large ad- I ditions have recently been made, under a great depression i in the markets. Many goods will be sold at a great reduction from what i we have even ourselves a.-ked for them early iu the sea- j ! son. Attention is particularly called to our new stock of LA- I DIES DRESS GOODS. PINE APPLE CLOTHS, PLAIN AND FIGURED BE RAGES, BERAGE ROBES, FRENCH ORGANDIES, ORGAXDEE DOUBLE SKIRT ROBES, BEAUTIFUL GOODS, FRENCH PRINTED JACOXETTS, And a large assortment of Lawns at one shilling per I yard, same goods as is sold elsewhere at eighteen pence, also lawns at fij. same as is sold elsewhere at 10 cents.we have also a variety of Goods tor Travelling Dresses. Ging hams, Brilliants, Mourning Goods, Ac., Ac., at equally low j prices. ! SHAWLS of almost every description from 50 cents to $20,00. LACI3 AND SILII T,l ANTILDAS, From $1.50 to SIO.OO, all of which are new and beautiful I j styles and good Goods. GLOVES AND HOSIER'S of all de- riptions for Ladies, Mis-es, Men's and Boy-'- j wear, cheaper than ever offered before. WHITE CSGOX3S, Irish Linens warranted all pure linen from 25c to 75c j per yard. Linen and Marsailles Shirt fronts from luc to 37.1 c each. Plain Swiss Muslin from 12ic to 50c per yard, : Fine Jaconetta from 10c to 50c per yard. White an,! Fig ured Mar-ailles from 25c to 75c per yard. Plain and Check Nainsook Muslin. Checked and Striped Cambrics, Bi-b- I op - Lawns, Book Muslins. Ac., equally cheap. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs from 5 to 50 cts each. MTLZ.I3VER.IR GCCBS. Bonnets of different kinds, Misses and Children's Bloo mers, of all qualities, Ruches. Flowers, Ribbons, Trim mings, Ac., at greatly reduced prices from anytlcug ever before offered in this market. Ribbons for 12c worth 25c. Ribbons for 22c worth 31c, Ribbons for 25 worth JT jc. Ribbons for 31c worth 50c. Milliners supplied at a reduction from these prices. HATS. A great variety of Men's and Boy's Summer Hats, of different colors, at 33 per cent less "tban any heretofore off red in Towanda. To these goods particular attention is directed. CLOTHS AND CASSERSERES. Plain Black Fren< h Cloths warranted all wool and fast colors, trom $2.25 to $5.00, Plain Black Doe-kins, war ranted all wool and good quiliiy. Imm -7fc to $ 2,50 per yard. Fancy* of m w -tyles. from a recent auc tion - lie. much ie-s in price than the - ime goods-old ear ] ly in the sea-on. Linen goods lbr Men's wear of every de scription, Siik and Marsaille- \ e.-tings equalfy cheap. BOOTS A3J2J SHOES. "We can also quote a reduction in the price of these | goods, having been pnrcba-t d from tiie man.ifaeterer.- withont paying the New Yotk Jobbers profits. We are 1 now selling Ladies Bbo k Gaiters from to $175 per pair. Wometis Enainelh-d Sewed and Pegged Boots Irom | -7L- to $1.25 per pair, with and without heels, XYoni Jl | Bi-kin- and Slippers, different qtialitie-. Mis-es, Cfiil ! drcus. M - and Boy s shoes equally low. C/iKPITS, OIL CLOTHS, HAT TINGS, &C., ctC. It is unnecessary to -ay that no one can compete with us in the-e goods. Having the only assortment iu the | place, and having bought the goods for Ca-h, we are able to defy ail competition ill the .-ale ol Carpets. TEACHERS INSTITUTES. {r| Ml t Nsxn UIES ' r thin County, for the fall of 1858, J will be lie-lel at the I dlowing times and places; For the townships of South Creek. Well-. Columbia, Troy, Armenia. Canton, l.e Roy, Granville, Franklin at el Overt >n. in I eROY", commencing on Monday, Sept. 12th. j For Warren. W indham. Litchfield, Orwell and Pike, commencing on Monday. Sept. 19th, at the free will Bap ti-t Church, in WARREN. For the Burlington*, North Towanda, Ulster, Athens. Ridgbury. Sniithlield and Springfield, commencing on Monday! Sept. 2fith. at BURLINGTON BOROUGH. For Wyalusing. Tu-> arora, Derrick, Wilmot. Asylum and Terry, at MERRY A LL, cotninenciqg on Monday, October 3. For Wyscx. Towanda. town aid Borough. Monmet-n and Borough, Allmny, Standing >-t"iie. Sbeabequinand Rome, at W1 SOX, ( ommencing on Monday, < let. 12. The first -c—i>n of each Institute will commence at 2 o'cbick, P. M., ami the last session will Le held in the fori noon of Saturday following. Teacher-, and pei-ons intending to become teachers, are earm-tly solicited to attend during the whole time, and bring with them Saucer's Fifth Reader. Brown's Gi .i mu.a . Tow n's speller, In'eliectual and Written Arith metic, and the Shawm and Jubilee, if they have them. It is hoped that director- and friend- of Education, wiil .—j end as much time at the several Institutes as pos sible. Teachers freim the ,-everal townships can attend where it will Ih-—t suit t'icir convenience. All who see this no tice are requested t< extend the infe>rmation to others. ( IIABLE.- R. COBURN. Towanda, Aug. 17. U59. County Superintendent. J^ ARM LANDS FOR SALE 25 MILES Z from Philadelphia by Railroad iu the State of Now Jersey. Sefil among the- best fi>r Agricultural purposes, being a good loam -oil. with a clay bottom. The land is a large tra< t. divided into -mall fin na, and hundreds ir>>ni all parts of the country are now settling and building. The crops produced are large and can be seen growing. I'lie climate is delightful, and secure from fro-ts. Terms f rom sls to S2O per acre, payable within four years by in-talinents To visit the place l eave Vine Street Wharf at Philadelphia at 7.1 A. Xl.,by Railroad for Ham monton . or address R.J. Byrnes, by letter, Hammonton Post Office. Atlantic County. New Jersey. See full nd verti-ement in another column. PERSONS WISHING TO CHANGE I their business to a rapidly increasing Country, a New Settlement where hundreds are going. Where the j climate i- mild and delightful. See advertisement of the II inimonton Si ttlement, in another column. WOOL ! WOOL ! ! WOOL ! ! ! |A /W U \ LBS. WANTED !—The liijfh- I W.Wv M " est market price in C ■ h will be paid for WOOL at M. E. SOLOMON'S. S EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, wholesale and retail, for ; sale at lowe-t cash prices at M. E. SOLOMON'S. | Towanda May 18, 1*59. The London Stereoscopic Company. HA YE established a Depot in New York, for the stt|- ■nly of STEREOSCOPES and STEREOSCOPIC PIC- I TURKS, to the trade of the United States, they offer the ! greate-t extent and variety, on the most liberal terms, ; mr cash. Importers will find that they can buy at the | New York Depot, at the same prices "charged "at head i quarters in London. Orders executed, or parcels or sam i pl< . either of Stereoscopes or Pictures, forwarded ac cording to amount of remittances, bv TilEO. I.ESSEX*. Manages of the L. S. Co's Depot. 534 Broadway, N. Y. CANAL CLAIMS. rpilE nndersigneii Coninii--i(inets of Canal Claims will 1 meet at the Exchange Hotel in Athens, Bradford County. Pa., on Tuesday the 27th day of September, A. 1)., 1-59, at one o'clock I'. XL, for the purpose of perform ing the several duties ol their appointment in said Coun ty, under the provisions of the Act of General Assembly approved the 12th day of April, A. D. 1859. And they will so far as prat tieable investigate claims in their order; commencing at the northern boundary of said county.— I Of which all parties interested will please take notice. C.H.SEYMOUR. ) STEPHEN TURKEY,V Commissioners. THOS. JOHNSON, ) Angnst 12,1R50. Lf LOUR ! FLOUR !—E. T. FOX is now < L receiving a large stock of FLOUR of superior quali ty, which will i e Bold cheaper tima at any other place in tews. Jane li. ■ iHrrthairtffr, &c. I DR. Rb)RTER'S ' OLD DRUG STORE, Already admitted to be The largest, safest and most approved DRUG HOUSE JN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA ! WITH An established reputation fir keeping the beat medicine, UNEQUALLED Iu its faciiltiea and apparat us for compounding and pre paring MEDICINE AND PRESCRIPTIONS, Conducted l>y thoroughly competent persons, who devote the uiost'carefnl attention,pay the strictest regard to accuracy, and n-e only selected arti cles, and medicines of unques tioned purity, has become 7U2 ®asjj IDMKS S7OM XX'ith prices revised to correspond with the market. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ALL AKTICLE3 WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. • By recent arrangements with the .Manufacturers, Impor ters or Fir-t Holders of Goods and Cash Purcha ses, the prices will always be at the low est point for Prime Goods. LOWER FIGURES THAN EVER IN Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, DRUGS & DYE-STUFFS. Everything in this extensive she/: icill le sold Cheap for Cash ! PRICES KEDL" CE D , VIZ: Of £oaps. Perfumery, Briblies, Combs, Pcckct Knives and Hazors, Lamps and Materials for Liyht. \ TRUSSES & SUPPORTERS, WINES AND LIQUORS. ONLY FOR MEDICINE, i TOBACCO & SNUFF. All the Popular Patent Medicines, Tooth, Skin &. Hair Preparations, Taney Articles of all Descriptions, Eeledie, Ih/onic ovtl Hvmeeopalhic Medicines. Sjticc.i. Hi d .Sud. I.amp Shades and (inrdrn Seeds. FISH TACKLE, AMMUNITION, Ac. Constituting the most complete assortment, embracing the great wants of the People, reduced in Price, and revised for the Ca-h System. DR. PORTER'S CAMPHEXE! 1R. PORTER'S ALCOHOL! DR. PORTER'S BURNING FLUID! Are Fresh, daily prepared, and unrivalled by any in the Market. DR. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS For Family Use, Known as Safe and R liable Remedies, are warranted for what they are intended to give satisfaction, v tz : Dr. Porter's IYetornl Syrup price 274 cents Dr. I' irti t's Family Embrocation " 25 I>r. Porter's Tonic F.lixer '• 50 " t>r Porter's XYonn Syrup " 25 " Dr. Pol ter's ( omp. Syr. llypophosphites.. " 100 " Dr. Porter'- Ftei iue Tonic .. . " 150 " Dr. Porter's Blackberry Balaam " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tootii Ache Drops " 25 " Dr. Porter's ('eplialic —nutt " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tooth Powder " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tricogene " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tricophile " 25 " Dr. Porter's Shampoo. " 25 " Dr. Porter's llor.e and Cattle Lotion. .. " ftTl " Dr. Porter's Hor-e and ('attle Powder " 25 " Dr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison " 25 " Dr. Porter's Black Ink " 25 Dr. Porter'- ( iean-itisr Fluid " 37X Dr. Port, r's Rat and Xlice Poi-on " 25 " Dr. Porter's Citrate Xlaguesia " 25 " IKdical Advice triven ;it IlieolDie < barging only for Xledieine. £;>Tbutikfi ! lbr j'.i-t lifieral patronage would respecf ful'v attiiottu- • to b. 'U.I-and Hie iii.tdie tb it no pailis -bail be spared to -ati-iy and merit the continuance of their . otifideii. e and patronage, at the CASI ! 1)1* I "(■ STORJb South KIKI of the Warl House, June 30. 1W. H. C I*<Hl I I'M M. P. IIORSE HOXVERS FOR ONE AND l \Y() HORSES. THRESHERS AND SFPARATORS. THRESH MRS AND CLEANERS. UTE are mannfaeftiriti'.' IMPROVED EMERY PAT F..VT IP IBS! i POW ERS, equal if not superior, to inv other Railway Hor-e Power made iti the world. We ■ h illeri-e an\ one to p odiicp a better power. Our Horse Powers are unequalled for convenience,being adapted t > a great vari. ty of u-e- where power Is needed, —five differ ent <legr. i-of m -ti'.ii are obtained without extra gearing, mil also any <le-irable length or rapidity of crank motion for cross cut sawing, churning, pumping, Ac. These Powers run very easily, are strong and durable, well finished and in.ule of g >o.l materials. TI-RESHER.S AND SEPARATORS. These we make of various sizes. The. are superior to those f any other manufacture, of which fact, any one acquainted with others, will be satisfied on examination. THRESHERS AND CLEANERS. XVo are making a limited number of our own TfOG \ POINT TRESIIIRS AND CLEANERS COX! BIX ED Thev run easily, thrash rlean and fa-t, do not wa-ts. and clean all kinds of grain fit lor market : are -imple, strong and durable. We warrant them, as well as our llor-e Powers,„Thrcshcrs and Separators, to give entire satisfac tion. We are prepared to furnish EMERY'S THRESHERS a- d CLEANERS, and the IMPROVED RAKE THRESH ER and WINNOWER COMBINED at Manufacturers* pri >-an I terms ot warranty. Persons wanting the best Horse Power in market to run Threshers and Winnower* of any other rninulacture, should by all means buy their entire set- of machines from ti- or our agents, and there by save heavy freights from distant places and at the same time obtain lietfer set- of machines. Our priecs aet the same as those of the leading AVIP York St alt actum *. Kir If ftou buy our machines rather than those made at distant places, you wilt find it more convenient to obtain extras for repairs. Wheeler's and Emery's machine of all kinds repaired at -h >i t notice. We manufacture and have for sale at all times. CLOVER HELLERS. PORTABLE CIRCULAR AND CROSS CUT SAW MILLS, and a great variety of Agri cultural Implements, adapted to the wants of farmers. Send for copies of our catalogue WELLES, BLOOD k CO. Athens, Pa., August 1, 1859. jr ' &, NEW ATTRACTIONS ! Tf 5 At Geo. H. Wood's Gallery. U TOWANDA, PA. r \ nn can P r(,clire > at ' ow prices, / \p!EI DTOG&APH3, _Jt \ot all sizes, up to life size, either plain or rc touched, colored in oil or pastille. i Also. MELA INOTYPES and AMBROTYPES. and al most all other kinds of types. Pictures in good cases for 60 cents, and other size- and qualities in proportion. , Xleiainotypes made in all kinds of weather, (except for children. All work warranted. August 10.1859. EXTRACT OF LEMON, ROSE VAN JLJ ILLA.acJ Almond, at FOX' 3. Zmptrc Store, (fttocgo. Please Preserve this as a Bill cf Refer cncc to Prices. A GREAT CRASH In the Price of Goods has commenced and must continue during the year of our Lord | 3SL SB SB = ! EMPIRE"STORE ! OF mmvM GO,? OWEGO, N. Y. | WILL DISSOLVE PARTNERSHIP I ? ▼ by limitation in a short time, consequently no more Goods will be sold by them except for nEA. D Y I 3 A. Y . We herewith put forth to the public a LIST OF PRICES, As the most convincing argument in favor of Paying Cash for Goods, The following prices are From 10 to 30 per cent. Less ! Than Goods have been sold even foi Cash heretofore. No pain* will lie spared in purchasing The Best and most Tashionable Goods of the Season. OUR AIM IS 10 PLEASE! We shall be constantly receiving NEW GOODS. nest Merrimac Prints 10 cents per yard. C'lcheco, Mamilton and Lowell Prints. 10 " " " Richest quality of new style DeLaiues. ]M| " " " Same " old " " .1") " " " Good style and good fabric Best make of Paper Cambric 10 44 " 44 Second quality do 8 " " " Extra heavy 4 4 Brown Sheetings 84 " " " Heavy " " " " 8 " 41 44 Fair 44 44 44 6 44 44 44 Fine 44 44 44 4£ 44 44 44 jYL U" STYLES OF PLEA. GOODS, at the same reduced rates. Irish Linens for 2s. fid., which others sell for 3s, per yard •is. 4 4 44 3s. fid. 44 3s. fid., 44 44 4s. to ss. 4 s. 44 44 ss. to 6a. TABLE DIAPER, TOWELIXG A.YD XAJ'hJA S, 2."> per cent, than elsewhere. Black Broadcloths for $2. sold elsewhere for $2 to $3. do do $2,50 to $3, do 54. do do $3, do $5. Cas.-imores s, ,j„ 10s. to 12s. Superfine do. at 20 to 30 per cent, discount. Kentucky Jeans for 25., sold by others for 2s. fid. do do 2s. fid., do do 3a. ALL OTHER ( 'LOTUS S- OA SSI JMERES at the same discount. Black Silks for 4s. fid., usually sold for fis. tis. do do Bs. Bs. do d ' 10s. to 12. " " 9s. do do 12s. to 14. RICH PI.AID SILKS, of all Styles, at greatly reduced prices. Mohairs at 10c. per yard, sold elsewhere for Is. Alapncas at two-thirds the visual price. Counterpanes at His., well worth 2os. do Is.-., well worth 21s. Table Spreads at los.. well worth 12s. to 14s. Pure Lubber Circular Combs at Is. Second quality Circular Combs, sc. 1 nil" Side Combs, best kind, 5e to 10c. Skirt Reeds, best quality, 3c. 4 4 4 4 second 44 2c. Shetland Wool. 9c. per ounce. Good Hooped Skirts, Ss. An ertensire quantity of DRESS TRIM MIX (I S, at greatly reduced rales. While and colored 44 Coates " Thread, best q ia!ity, I 200 yard spools, at 4c ; second quality do, at 2c. HMI vd colored Spools, at lc. Cold eyed Needle-, best quality, at 4c a paper. 2d quality do nt 2c per paper. Knitting Cotton, best quality, 3c, full skeins. Velvet Ribbons at two-thirds their value. A splendid assortment of Brrcha, Cashmere, Silk and Thibet SHAWLS, at greatly reduced pi ices. Also, a very large assortment of s 2ic CL ae aai. Too long to itemize. MILLMEiRY E-DD'DS At Wholesale and Retail 10 to 20 per rent Cheaper than formerly. BONNET BLOCKS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, BLOND EDGINGS, Ac. Always on hand in large quantities Lawns ami Bcragcs in Ihoir Season. The liest stork of LOOZCING GLASSES, CARPETS, AND OIL CLOTHS, Ever offered in Otvcgo. Carpets at 25., usually sold for 3s. do 35., do do 4s. do 45., do Ho ss. do 55., do do fis. do 65., do do 7s. Rich 3 Ply and Brussels do Particular attention is railed to our stock of Ladies' Collars. Handkerchiefs, Swiss Muslin, Jaconett, Barred Mu-lins. Ac., all of which will be sold 15 to 25 per cent below the usual price. Indies' Hosiery, good assortment, selling at 10c, usually sold for Is. Is, 44 44 Is. 6d. Ticking, Baiting, Summer stuffs, Checks, Srtipcs, Flannels, fre. ' 25 to 30 per cent, less than Formerly! A splendid assortment of .MOLASSES at 35.; Salaratns 1 at 6c; per th ; best TEA in Owego at 45., sold usually at 55., by our neighbors. As to SUGARS, come and see for youmelves, and save one to two cents per lb. We most cordially invite an examina tion of our extensive stock, and hope it may please. STOWS 6c CO., Qvcpgo, K. 1 ZLCficll. C TIERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of sundry 0 writs of Vend Expo, issued out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Bradford County, to me directed and deliv ered will be expo-ed to public sale, at the Couit House, iu the Borough of Towanda.on FKII'AY, the sqj, tl;iv*of SEPTEMBER, 1 o'clock P. M., the f-.Bowing described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Rome t;>., bounded north by land of Smith Lent and Dennis Rock well, east by land of James Lent, south bv land of Win. Maynard and George Avery, west by land of Joshua Vought. Containing one- hundred and seventy acres, more or less, about one hundred acres improved, one framed house, two framed barns ,and two orchards thereon. ALSO—AII that certain lot. piece or par- el of land sit uate in Orwell tp., bounded north by land of Jacob Chub buck, east by 1-and of Pitman Pay on, south by land ol Gaylord Frisbie, west by land ot Jacob Cbubbuck and Franklin Frost. Containing 2JO acres, more or less, about sixty acres improved, framed house, framed barn and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in exceution at the suit of Andrus Fellows vs. George Fox. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate iu Pike tp., bounded north by land of Edwin Ford and Richard Ashton east and south by land of Edwin Ford and John Ford 2d, west by land of Abel Moore.— j Containing forty-one acres, more or less, about twenty j live acres improved, framed house, framed barn with j sheds attached, cider mill and other out-buildiugs, two apple orchards and other fruit trees thereon. | Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Richard Ashton, to the use of David Blackman vs. John Ford. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Tovrauda. August 16, lsJ'J. DXECB l'Oß'3 NOTlCE.—Notice itbere j J J bv given, all persons indebted to the es. tate of DEBORAH IVGHA.M. late of Terry twp. dee'd. are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having claims against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. URIAH TERRY, I r _j4ug. 1, 159. 11. LA PORTE, ( Executors. 4 DMINISTR ATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice A is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate ol GEORGE G. ADAMS, late of Ulster ceased, aie hereby requested to m ike payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. LEVI NOBLE, _ August 1, 1859. Administrator. \DM INI STRATRIX S NOTICE.-Notico a V is hereby given, that all pi rson- indebted to the es state ol JAM ES C-1 * -\ RSONS, late of Canton twp, dee'd., must make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against -aid estate will present them duly 1110 theutieated for settlement. HARRIET A. PARSONS, j July 11, 186 ft: Administratrix. UXECI FOR'S NOTICE -Notice is htre j A j by given that nil persons indebted to the estate of JAM ES M AT'l f)( KS. dec d.. late Springfield tp, must i make immediate payment,and all persons having demands against said estate, will present tla-m duly authenticated for settlement. CHARLES .MATTOCKS, July 11. 1859. Executor. A DMINISTRATOR'S > < >*Fl 1 !: Noiiro IJ\ is heiebv given. Iliat dl persons indebted to the es. tate of N EI.SOX JOHNSON, late ot Pike twp., dee d., are hereby requested to make immediate payrm nt,and all persons having claims against said estate" will ptesent tlieiu duly authenticated for settlement. J. 1!. FLETCHER, Administrator September 8, 1859. 1 DM INISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice 1 V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of DENNIS DREMMY. late of Ridglury, dee'd., are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; 1 and all person- having claims against the said e-tate will | please presen: tliem dulv authenticated for settlement. DENNIS DBUMMY, 1 . . ... , C. O. 4 BENCH, j Administrators May 5,1859. : A DMINISTRATOR'B NOTICE.- Notice j J.\. all persons indebted to the (•stateof WILLIAM PARRY, deceased, lite of Alhtn | Bom', are requested to make payment without delay : 1 and those having claims against the -aid estate w 11 please present them dulv authenticated for settlement. WM. 11. FRITCHER, 1 C. W. CLAIM'. ( March 22,1899. Admhtiatrators. I \DMIN IS I'B ATOR'S NOTICE.— Notice ! -a X is hereby given, all person- indel ted to the es tate of CH.M'N'i EY TIXGI.EY .iate of Orwell l w p..dee'd are hereby reqne-led to make immediate payment, and al! persons having claims against said e-tate w ill present t hem duly authenticated for settlement to W. R. PICK ERING, Orwell Hill, Bradford County. Pa. w. B. PICKERING, MASON TING LEY. April 19, ls.->9. Administrators. TOR'S NOTICE - Notice isbere -1 XJ l>v given, that all p< r> ins indebted to the e-t.'.'.e of | JOSHUA 11. IRSOUT, late of Monroe township, de< hi.. ore hereby requested to make p 1 vincnt witliei t iVlax : \ and all persons having claims against -aid estate w ill 1 present them dulv authenticated for settlemi nt. MARTHA ABNiit'T, JAMES W. IRVINE, _ .\ngu-t 23.1959. E.\c. utora. A DMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Notice | -AW is li< rebv given, th it all persons imlcbti d t• • tl.e estate of WILL.I \M E.M VYNARD, l ite nt Rome dee d , must make immediate payment, and all persons having j demands a gain. -t -aid e-tate will present thefn duly au thenticated for settlement. NANCY E. MAYNARD. j June 6,1839, Administratrix. \( ) l HE is hereliv given that an :}>|>J:c:i tion will be made at the next session of the Eegis latiircof IVnnsyh mia for the incurporation of a Bank, to lie called the 44 Bradford County Bank :" with banking privilegi - of Issue. Discount and Deposit : with a capital of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, with the right to in crease the capital slot k to Four Hundred Thousand Dol lars. and t > be located in the borough of Towauda, in the county of Bradford. Tovvnnila, Juno 20. 1859. North Branch Canal Company. NOTICE;. riMIE Stockholder* of t lie North Branch J. Canal Company are hereby notified, by a Resolution of the Board of Managers, an instalment "of Two and a llalt Dollars per share. i- required to bo paid to the Trea surer or his Assistant, at their office in Wilkes Ha rre. bv the 15th day of September next, and if not paid within thirty days after that time, the stock will be forfeited. GEO. M. HOLLEXB.yCK, Treasurer. July 21.1859. W. G. STEBI.ino. Asst. Teas'r. F RUJ T T R EES, Shrubs and Vinos. ITU IE nndorsijrnot! will he prepared the enni- JL ing Fall, to supply the public with a well s,\rted and choice variety of trees, hrn>>- and vines. All onk rs sent or given I will attend to lillimr and delivering my self'. and hope to make satisfactory. Tret stliat, shed the leaf should be transplanted in the fall, evergreens late ui the spring. \- some people think that iiurscrv men should replace .all trees that do not live, I would say. to those bin ing of me. tlmt I do not agree to do -n, but I will warrant my trees to be in good order when deliv ered. I will warrant all to live, but in such a ease I w ill have an extra prii e, and attend to setting out my ;•!!'. N". B. The tollow ing Insurance Companies liavc ap pointed me their Agent, to take risksof all i ia-.-a s win ie local agents are not found : The Farmer's Union Insnr aiice ( 'n.. and Great Western, tiniti d. uotv of I'hiiadt Iphia. the Kea-ington ol Phila li-Ipliia. the I.veoilifio- t I .I.IJ Mutual Insurance I'orapany. of Muncy Pa., Anything in this line attended. DtfilEL IIARKINS. Towanda. July 25, 1 *•'.">9. I *./ it ) CORDS OP BARK WANTEDI Cash will be paid for I>AK AND HEMLOCK BAIIK, and HIDES AND SKI N'S. at t!,c higlu r ma: ket aug9 HUMPHREY A WICK HAM. McCA B E : S CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. Prime J. Kingsbny's store, Main st. i r pi!K subscriber would respectfully tender his sincere I thanks to the public tor the very liberal patronage I extended to hint, anil solicits a continuance of the same. He begs leave to assure that he intends to keep on hand as heretofore, a choice selection e,t MEATS ot ill kinds, the best the country affords, which he intends to -*-11 for very small profits, cither by the side, quarter or pound. f A quantity of fir-t qualit of SALT PORK, put up by myself, cheap, by the barrel 6r pound. Meats will i>e promptly delivered, at any place within the eorpi ration. Towanda, Augnat 12, L 5.59. J MCCABE. A FARM FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS 1 for sale 1 FARM in North Towanda town-hip, j about three miles from the Borough of Tow j wYsS andn. and about one half ruile from the road ifr-r leading frotn Wavcrly to Towanda. This farm contains about forty-three acres, of which thirty acres are improved, with a good house and barn and apple or i charci thereon. Offering great inducements to purchasers, : ! as the farm will be selti cheap, and terms of payment made | easy. Inquire of JOIJN HOLMES. Towanda. June 21,1859. I C HOE BUSINESS AND FACTORIES I O can he carried on profitably at Hammonton. Fee | ' advert,gen-eat of Hainmonton l ands. , Sttoteff iftnfciifnr. OaOVBR At, BAKER'S CELEBRATED Family Sewing Macliines- NEW STYLES—PRICES SSO TO $125. EXTRA CHARGE OF *5 FOR H EMM EES. F. B. CHANDLER, AGKVT, MOMTROSE ; J. M. ROBINSON, LAKE-ST., ELMIHA. IMIE?E MACHINES sew from two spooK . a", purchased from the store, requiring no re-wind | iug o (thread ; tliey Mem. Fell, Gather, aud Stub in a I superior style, finishing each seam by their own opora , | tion, without recourse to t'ue hand needle, as is required i by other machines. They will do better and cheaper 1 sewing than a seanistrc-s, even if she works for one cent ■ an hour, ami are, unquestionably, the liest Machines in ! the market tor family sewing, on account of their simpli i city, durability, ease of management, and adaption to all i ; variolic- ot family sewing—executing either heavy or fiue work with equal facility, und without special adjustment. As evidence of ihe unquestioned superiority of their ■ Machines, the Grovcr 4 Baker Sewing Machine Compa -1 1 ny beg Rive to respectfully refer to the toliowing ' TESTIMONIALS. I *' Having had one of Grovcr 4 Baker's Mncbines in my family for nearly a year and a half, I take pleasure in commending it as every way reliable for the purpose for which it is desigucd—Family Sewing."— Mrs. Joshua Leuvitl. trife of Ric. Dr. Liar it, Editor of X. Y. Inde . I pendent. ■ 1 "I con fe? myself delight.J with your Sewing Machine, which lias been in my family for -everal mouths. It has . always been ready for duty. requiring no adjustment, and I is easily adapted to every variety of family sewing, by j simply changing the spools of thread."—Mrs. EHzabei'h J Strickland, wife of Her. Dr. Strickland, Editor of JV. Y. Christian Advocate. i " After trying several good machines, l preferred yours, on account of its simplicity, and the jrerfect ease with which it is managed as well*as the strength and du rability of the seam. After long experience, I feel com petent to speak in this manner, aud to confidently recom ' mend it for every variety ot family sewing."— Mrs.E. 13. Spo incr, wife of the Editor of Brooklyn Star. " I have used a Grover A Baker Machine for two years, and 1 have found it adapted to all kinds'of family sewing, from Cambric to Broad, huh. Garments have lleen worn - without the giving away of a stitch. The Machine is , easily kept m order.and easily u-ed.— Mrs. A. B.lVhip : p!e,wifi of Rev. Gio. Il'hippie, Sew York. '• Your Sewing Machine lias been in use in my family ' the pa-t two years, arid the ladies request me to give ! yon their testimonials to its perfect adaptness. as well as labor-saving qualities in the performance ot family and household tewing.— Robert Boot man, Sew York. " For several months we have used Grover 4 Baker's Sewing Machine, and have come to the conclusion that ; every lady who desires her sewing beautifnlly and quickly I done, would be nr. t fortunate in possessing one ot these reliable and indefatigable "iron needle-women," whose combined qualities of beauty, strength and simplicity, are invaluable.— J. I!'. Moms, daughter of Gen. Geo. I - Moms, Editor of the Jlumc Journal. Extract of a letter from Tho=. R. Leavitt, an American gentl. nan, now re-id. ut in Sydney, New South Wales, t dated lanuary 12,1858 . " I had a tent made in Melbourne, in 1553, in which there ivt re over three thousand yards of sewing done with one of Grover 4 Baker's Machines, and a single seam of that has outstood all the double seams sewed by sailors , with a needle and twine." '■ Tf Homer could be called up from his murky hade?.lio would sing the advent of Grover A Baker as a more l<e n gaunt miracle ot art than was ewer Vulcan's smithy, Ik- would denounce midnight shirt-making as " the dire ful spring of woes unnumbered."— Prof. Sorth. M-v.-iugM o hine- have more than sustained myexpectatinn. \tter tvying and returuing other-,1 h.ivc three of thein in operation in my different places, and. after four year's t; 1 ve no fault to lind.— J. 11. Hammond, Senator of Snath Carolina. "My w; has had one of Grover A Baker's Sewing Machines f r some time, and I am satisfied it is one of t'■" 1 1, t lubor -uving-niac hines tlmt has been invented. I tike inu. li pleasure in recommending it to the public."— J. ti. Hams, Governor of Tennessee. ' It i- a bou difu! thing, and puts everybody into an excitement of good linraor. Were I a Catholic. I should upon Saints Grover <V Baker having an eternal hn ii.lay in coinmeiiMu M ion of their good deeds for humani ty."—Cassias M. Cloy. " I think it by fur the liest'patent in use. Tliis Machine can be :: lapsed from the finest cambric to the heaviest ca-simere. It sews stronger, faster, aud more lieautifullv than one can imagine, li mine could not be replaced, money coul.l not buy it. ' — Mrs. J. G. llrown. -\ashville. Tenn. " It is speedy, very neat, and durable in its work ; is 1 Msil -y "tub r-tood and kept in repair. 1 earnestly re.-ora mend tbi- Ma hi;. t all v.o quaiutanees,aud others,"— Mrs. M. A. Forrest, Memphis, lean. tie tin. ibis M.o nine t>w uk to onr satisfaction, and with pleasure recommend it t > 'he public, as we believe the Grover A Baker to lie the best Sewing Machine in BSC. Demy Brothers, Allisoss, Tmn. " If c • dj o\], r es-Iy f,,|- family purposes with ordinarv ' care. 1 will wager tliey will last one " three score t ears and ten " and never get out of ti xT—John £i skine.Xash mile, Tenn. " I have hail your Machine for several weeks, and am perfectly .-ati>!'>d that Hi work it does is the best and n -t lie ;at:fu! that was ever made."— Maggie Aimison, i Nashville, Tenn. " I use mv Machine npon coats, dressmaking, and fine hnen stitching, and flic work is admirable—far better than the iiy>t h uid-.-cwiim, or any otlu-r machine 1 have ever seen."— Lury ft. Thompson. Saskrille, Tenn. " 1 find the wok the strongest and mn,-t be mtiful I have ever seen, ni 'deeitl r by hand or mm bine, and recant I tin (1 r> ver A Maker M tcliiue is one of the greatest bless ings to our sex Mrs. Taylor, Sashalle, Tenn. " I have one of Grovcr A Baker's Sewing Machines ir | use in my imilv, and find it invaluable. I can confidently ; recommend it to nil persons j n want of a machine,"— j G. T. Thompson. Sashvillr, Tenn. "I take pleasure in certifying to the utility of th ir v. r A in Reiving Machines, 1 have used one on al io -t i i.-i i description of work for months, and 1 tiud it loiich sti -nigcr and better h • vervto poet than work done ,by hand." Mr*. D.IT. f Vim la . Sashvillr. Tenn. . '• I would bo unwilling to d.- pose of mv Grover 4 Baker , Ma. bine lor a large am out. could I n. t replace it again at pleasure, — Mrs. 11 (j, Scovel, Sasirvih'c. Tenn. > " Our two Machines, purcha-ed from von, do the work of twenty young ladies. We with pleasure recommend the Grover A- Biker Sewing Machine to be the best in use. —SlilJinun A' Co., Mi inphis Tenn. " The Grover A Baker Sewing Machine works admira bly, i think the stit< li and work tar superior to that of my S. wing Machine I c V c r saw. On fine work. I think the M.c hin -would lie hard to lie boat." fT. J. Dame, -M. mphis, T mi. " I lind the Machine easily managed, very durable, and t ike pleasure in recommending it to all who wish conve nience, economy and pleasure."—.V/s. F. Titus, Mem phis, Tenn. '' Ihe Grovcr A* Baker Sew'ng Machines have given such satisiaction tint we cliecrfoily recommend them to all who wi.-h a good and substantia! Sewing Machine, (t executes work with much care and speed, and more finely th in any other machine I have sun,"- Mrs. el, .Memphis, Tenn. " I am happy to give mv te-tiinoov in favor of Grover A i Baker's Sewing Machine, and ot tbe per ect eft Mir* tion it g ves .a cMi y respc t I! -cvs neatly, and is by no means complicated, and Ipn v,- it all otiu-rs f have --ecu."— Mrs. Biyau, wife of Rev. A. M. Bryan, Memphis, Tmn. " It ato id- me much pleasure to say that the Machine w uk.- well ; and I d > not ' i -il.ite to ri-eoinni'iid it as n es-ing all thcadi ntu- e- you claim for it. My wife jis much pleased n ith it. ami we t pleasure to certify jto this effect."— li. ttrinktey, Sfemphis, Tmn. " 1! ' ;vcs nie pleasure 1 > "nd Ihe Grover A Baker Sew ; ing Machine civfimr xntnneksntisfaotton, I have it in eon ! slant u-e, and find it.iil that could tie desired. It in the most and d i! ',- mn i. in- in use. and I heartily rceommei rl it. f\ .If. 11 hitc, Memphis, Tenn. " Having rem. examino-l. and us-d manv other kinds I"f S wing Machines, Ifw 1 free • ay that the Grover 4 Baker Machine- arc far superior to all others in use." M. I'ranCois Si fiz, Memphis, Tenn. "I con-idT my machine invaluable, and would not . take five tinea ita cmts, If I could not supply its place. With it 1 can do all mv fatuilv -civtiig in aboutone loiuh t ie time I could with my hands. '— M. J. Scott.Sashvillr, T, nn. A ■ SEXN FOR \ RTRGI'T,\R.-ua A LOCAL AGES I WAM I Klt. 4LL WANTING FARMS IN A HE- A \ !i r htii ! ''limatr, ri I >c'uro from frosts. •>rt advritiscment en Humtnoni.;i in jtnoth^r cr#n inn. \ r EDM A X*S FR l T IT BOTTLES, for keep- J ing Fruit, Ac., Fresh all the year round. These Bottles are cheaper and better than any other hottle or canin use. For sale bv E. T. FOX. ynnnnrr, Taite Notice ! I r rilD ?I BS( RIRER lias some ijoor] s'ock ! SUI'I.T f'r sale. Buck?. Sonthdown and Bak well. fin! Id.i u'l. aud OT'hrrt ind Ronthdown. crossed. Ewea! Southdown blooded. They arc three the best bloods of | !>t "p for this c nntry W. W. EASTABROOKS. j North Towanda, dune 2t, 1553.