Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 11, 1859, Image 3

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    Jicto atrtjcrtfsrmcnts.
For "Founf Ladies.
MISSES CHUBBUCK rcspectfnlly in
form the public that the Fall term of their school
will commence ou Monday, the 29th day of ALGLS-,
in the room formerly occupied by them.
Thankful for the liberal patronage extended to them
during the past year. Misses C. assure their patrons that
no pains will be spared to merit a continuance of the con
fidence of those who may confide pupils to their care.
MISS FANNY L. CHUBBUCK will have entire charge
of Music ; aud a limited number of scholars only will be
Firtt Class —To include the elementry English
Branches 14 00
Second Class— To include the more advanced
English branches,with Mathematics and Latin $6 00
Third Class— To include Mathematics, Moral
and Mental Philosophy, Rhetoric, Botany, Ac.,
with Latin 17 00
Music. —lnstruction on the Piano, with use of Instru
ment per quarter, $lO ; French, per term, $3, aud Draw
ing $3, extra. .
Each pupil will be expected to provide herself with a
desk and chair.
tST Any information in reference to this School may
be obtained by applying to H. S. Mercur or E. T. Fox.
Towanda. August 1, 1859.
North Branch Canal Company.
THE Stockholder, of the North Branch
Canal Company arc hereby notified, by a Resolution
of the Board of Managers, an instalment of Two and a
Halt Dollars per share, is required to be paid to the Trea
surer or his Assistant, at their office in Wilkesßarre, by
the 15tii day of September next, and if not paid within
thirty days after that time, the stock will be forfeited.
GEO. M. HOLLENBACK, Treasurer.
July 21,1859. W. G. STERLING, Asst. Teas'r.
Shrubs aud Vines.
THE undersigned will he prepared the com
ing Fall, to supply the public with a well selected
and choice variety of trees,shrubs and vines. All orders
sent or given I will attend to filling and delivering my- j
self, and hope to make satisfactory. Trees that shed the
leaf should be transplanted in the fall, evergreens late in
the spring. As some people think that nursery men
siioiifd replace all trees that do not live, 1 would say.
to those buying of me. that I do not agree to do so, but f
I will warrant my trees to he in good order when deliv
ered. I will warrant all to live, but in such a ca-o 1 will
have an extra prii-e, and attend to setting out myself. I
N. B.—The following Insurance Companies have ap
pointed me their Agent, to take risks of ail classes where
local agents are not found : The Farmer's Union Insur
ance Co., and Great Western, united, now of Philadelphia,
the Kensington of Philadelphia, the Lycoming County
Mutual insurance Company, of Muncy Pa., Any thing
in this line promptly attended.
Towanda, July '25, 1659.
County Treasurer.
BRADFORD : Fei.LOW CITIZENS -I offer myself as
a Candidate for the office of COUNTY TREASURER,
subject to the decision of the Reptidlican County Conven
tion, and respectfully a-k the co-operation ot my Repub
lican friends in my behalf. Should 1 be so fortunate as
to he nominated and elected, I will perform the duties of
said office with fidelity. E. 11. VAUGHN.
Wyalusing, July 12, 1859.
JL ing Fruit, Ac., Fresh all the year round These
Bottles are cheaper and better than "any other bottle or
canin use. For sale by E. T. FOX.
on hand for sale, of his own manufacture a
\.t/~ niimher of Buggies, Democrat Wagons,with
and without tops, and Lumber Wagons, with pipe boxes.
These wagons are made of 'the very best materials and
equally as good as those made at any other shop, both as
to style and workmanship, and will be sold cheap, for
cash or approved notes.
The subscriber will also do all kinds of Wagon making
aud Repairing on short notice, and reasonable terms.
R- Shop on (he west side ot Main street, opposite the
Baptist Church. PHILLIP SEEUICH.
Towanda, June 21.1859.—2 m
Fair Warning!
MONTANYES liaviti<r (lisi-oWed partner
ship, it will lie necessary that the acounts ot" the
late firm should he settled. It is expected that all having
unsettled accounts will cull immediately and arrange the
same, and those having notes overdue must expect to pay
them. A compliance with these requests will save usthe
necessity of making co-ts. June 20. 1h59.
. how io nvake it ea-y and cheap. Send a 3 cent
stamp, and get full particulars how to obtain wealth. Ad
dress S. HAXKIXSOX. Chemist, No. 75. We-t 13th St.,
New York City. Agents wanted. May.2f>. 1H59.
X? from Philadelphia by Railroad in the State of New
Jersey. Soil among the best for Agricultural purposes,
being a good loam soil, with a clay bottom. The land is
a large tract, divided into small farms, and hundreds from
all parts of the country are now settling and building—
The crops produced are large and can he seen growing.
The climate is delightful, and secure from frosts. Terms
from sls to S2O per acre, payable within four years by
instalments. To visit the place—Leave Vine Street
Wharf at Philadelphia at 71 A. M.,by Railroad for llarn
laonton. or address It. J. Byrne-, by letter, Haminonton
Post Office, Atlantic County, New Jersey. Sec full ad
vertisement in another column.
J Office in Patton'- block, corner of Main and Bridge
streets, Towanda, second floor.
Retail prices of Coal :
Hy the single ton $2,25. $2,00.
Orders sold at the Office, and at O. I). BartWt's store.
COAL will be delivered in town, at 25 cent-per load.
Towanda, July 18, 18o8 Gcn'l Superintendent.
I Manufactories in a new and thriving place where
business is good. See advertisement of the Hammonton
DISSOLUTION. —TIM co-partnership here
tofore existing between the undersigned, under the
firm and name of MONTANYES, is this day, dissolved by
mutual consent, the said E- D. A F. D. Montanye having
The unsettled business of the said firm will be attended
to by J. D. Montanye.
June 9. 1859, F. I). MONTANYE.
The above co-partnership having been this day dissolv
ed, the undersigned would repecttully give notice to the
public that the same business will l>e carried on bv J. D.
Montanve A Son. J. D. MONTANYE,
Towanda. June 9,1851.
I FLOUR ! FLOUR !—E. T FOX is now
receiving a large stock of FLOUR of superior quali
ty, which will be sold cheaper than at any other place in
town. June 14.
for sale a FARM in North Towanda township,
about three miles from the Borough of Tow
anda, and about one half mile from the road
leading from Waverly to Towanda. This farm
contains about forty-three acres, ot which thirty acres
are improved, with a good honse and barn and apple or
chard thereon. Offering great inducements to purchasers,
as the tarm will be sold cheap, and terms of payment made
easy. Inquire of JOHN HOLMES.
Towanda, June 21,1859.
TtfARSHAL'SSALE. —By viftoe of n writ
iL of Vend. Exponas, issued out of the Circuit Court
of the United States, for the Western District ol Pennsyl
vania, and to me directed, there wiil be exposed to 1 üblio
Pale at the Court House in Wflliamsport, Lycoming Co.,
on FRIDAY, the 2d day of SEPTEMBER 18a9, at 2 o -
clock. P. M., the following described tract ot land situate
in the townships of Columbia aud W ells, Bradford c ounty
Pa., bounded on the north hy lands of Jesse Edsale, Aus
tin Edsalc, David Freeze and George Sbive. east lands
of John R. Cole. George Fairbanks and Thomas Gust in,
south hy lands of Joseph Beeman and Daniel Corey, west
by lands of Ira Weber and John Derby. Containing 4-h
acres, more or less, 250 acres, more or less cleared, with
the appur enancea, consisting of two framed houses, one
frumea barn and shed, one wagon house and other out
buildings, and one orchard of fruit trees thereon.
' Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the pro
perty of Joseph H Dewitt.
Marshal's Office, Williamspoit, Aug. 1, 1659.
WANTED.— All kinds of Grain, Country
Produce and Lumber, for which the highest mar
ket price will be paid at the store of
Towanda, May 24, 1859._ TRACY A MOORE.
* their business to a rapidly increasing Country, a
New Settlement where hundreds are going. Where the
climate is mild and delightful. See advertisement of th
Bacimonton Settlement, in another ooluaic.
SHERIFF'S SALES,—By virtue of sundry
write of Vend. Fxpo. issued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Bradford County, to me directed and deliv
ered, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House
in the Borough of T .wands, on THURSDAY,the Ist day
or SEPTEMBER. 1859, at 1 o'clock. P.M.. the following
deserilied lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Ridgberry
twp., bounded north by lands of Jacob Mitchell east by
land of Columbus Bart, south by land ol J. Stevens ami is
Van Bttskirk. and west by land of J. Stevens. Contain
ing 70 acres, !>e the same more or less, about forty acres
improved, with a framed dwelling house, a framed barn
an apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon.
ALSO— All that certain lot, piece oi land-ituate in
Ridgbery twp., bourn ed on the north by land of Win. i
Martin, east by land of H. Cuinmings, south by land of (
George Fintoh, and west by land of B. L. Cooper. Con- 1
tainiug 32 acres, more or less, about one acre improved, j
and a small board house thereon.
Seized and taken it) execution at the suit of Charles F. j
Wilson's use vs. -lames Mitchell.
ALSO—The Ml" wing lot. piece or parcel ofland situate i
in South reek twp.. bounded north by land of George. :
Wliitmore, dee'd, east by land of VanDuseu and Inniau, I
and South and we.-t by the highway. Containing about ■
!)U acres, be the same more or less about 60 acres thereof j
improved, a log house, a framed barn and a few fruit trees >
thereon. i
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Charles F. s
Wilson vs. Levi Goddard.
Also, at tiie suit of .1 E Goodrich's use vs Levi Goddard.
ALSO —The following lot, piece or parcel ofland situate
in Ridgbery twp., bounded on the north by land of C.
Westbrook and S. S. Clark, on the east by land of Jane
VanGorder and John Larison, ou the south by land of M.
Egan and F. 11. Arnold, on the west bv land of E. F.
Hanlon and S. S. Clark. Containing about 188 acres.bc
the same more or less, about 30 acres improved, two log
houses, one framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of David
Gardner vs. John Middaugh.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel ol land situate
in ltoine twp., bounded north by land ol John Park, east
by Silas Allis, south by the K. tract, and on the est by
land C Park. Containing 86 acres, more or less, about
60 acres improved, one new framed house, one old fram
ed house, one framed barn, and an orchard of fruit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Edward
Overton vs. Harvey Burcbard & Terre Tenants.
ALSO— The following lot, piece or parcel of land situate
in Wilmot twp., bounded on the north and west by land
of John .-auks, east by land of Arthur Moffett, and south
by land of P. Hunsiuger. Containing fifty acres, mora j
or less, about '25 acres improved, with a trained house, a
log house, a log bam and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Philip L.
Mairhofer vs. Charles Mornings tar.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land -itu
ate iu Ulster twp., bounded north by land of Thaddeus ;
Hill, east by land of Chauneey Rockwell and Lorenzo
Watkins. south by land of John Mather west by land of
John Howie. Containing 10-4 acres, be the same more or I
less, about 5 five acres thereof improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. A. Kiflf
to the use of W. S. Lincoln vs D. B. M ulacr.
At.SO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ- (
ate in Athens boro, bounded north by land of J. Hull, east j
by Welch, south by Bush and Cotton, west by j
Main street. Containing | an acre, more or '.ess, all im- j
proved, two trained iiouscs, and a few Jruit trees there- j
on. {
ALSO—AII that certain let, piece or parcel ofland sit- \
uate in Athens boro. bounded north by land of D. B. Cot- j
ton, ea-t bv Welch, south by D. B. Cotton, west by
Main street. Containing half an acre, more or less, all !
improved, one framed house, and a few fruit trees there
on. 1
ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit
uate in Athens boro, bounded north-by land of Cotton A ;
Bush, on the east by land of E. U. Ovensliire, on the south j
by land of F. A. Allen, ou the west by Main street. U >n- !
tainiug § an acre, more or less, all improved, one trained ■
I ouse, one framed ham, and a few fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit- !
ate in Athens ho, bounded north by N'orth street, e.i-t by i
Main street, south bv C. C. Brooks, west by Shipnnui, i
Wells A Harris. Containing £an acre, more or less, all j
improved, one framed bouse, and truit trees thereon. ,
ALSO All that certain lot. piece or parcel ofland sit. j
uate iu Athens boro, bounded on the north by laud ot .
D rex well, ea-t bv Shipiuan. Wells A Harris, south by F.
Lyon, we-t by Elmira street. Containing 4of an acre, j
more or less, all improved, with one trained house there- i
ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land
situate in Athens boro', bounded north by North street. j
east bv Shipmin Wells A Harris, south by Drcxwr-.Lwcst j
by Shipmau, Wells A Harris. Containing 4 of an acre, !
more or less, ail improved.
Seized and take in execution at the suit of Chester
Park to the use of X. C- Harris vs. Daniel R. Cotton A
Daniel G. Bush. i
ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel ofland -ituate
in Durell. now Asylum twp., bounded north by land ol
J. M. Bishop ,V D. Ridgway. east by the public highway,
south by Win. ( oolbaugh. R. Bennett. Al\ J. Cole and
on the west by T. Jennings and 1). Ridgwuy. Containing
about GO acres, about 50 acres improved, "tie framed ;
house, 1 framed 1 am thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at the -nit of Isaac D.
Cole, to the use of H J - iladilj. vs. Solomon Cole.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel ofland situate
iu Athens twp., bounded on the north by land of L. 11< r
rick and the public highway and lands of K. Pray, and
Harry Bos worth, east by tiie Chemung river, smith by
land of T. Hireen, and west by land of Solomon Bos wort li.
Containing 300 acres, more or less, about 2>o acres im
proved, one trained house, 1 log house, 1 framed barn, 1
wagon house, and an orchard of fruit tree- thereon.
Seized sod taken in execution at the unit of F. A.Tyler
to the u-e of John Sonthworth vs. \\ ni. L. Moore.
ALSO The folh > wing lot. piece or p .reel ot land -ituate
in Athens boro.'bounded north by Chemung street, on
the ca-t by land of M.Win el-" k, nil the south by land of !
John Drake, aud on the west ' y Chemung rim. < oii
taining .jot an anc, more or le--, all improved, one fram
ed house and fruit trees thereon. !
ALSO— All that certain lot, piece „r parcel of land .
situate in Rome twp.. bounded north by laud ol Kphraim
: Parker, ea-t by laud of Doug.Davidson, formerly belong
ing to H. Xotciiki.-s.on the south hv laud of S. G. Town
send. on the west by land of Elijah Townaend, or tin
public highway. Cunt lining 75 a< ie-, more or less, about
forty acres improved, 1 framed house, 1 trained barn and
a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit. ..f Thomas P.
Wol.-ott vs. John Rogers. It. Hadlock. and H. Town-end.
A1 .St)— The following lot. piece or par, c! of land situate
in Burlington twp., bounded as follow- : Beginning at the
south-east corner of a lot owned by t. • I' • Nichols,
north deg. west 75 per. to a po-t, then *e south 1 deg
-1 we-t 49 9-HI per. to a post, the south-east comer of u lot
I ofland sold by C. F. Nichols to L. Ellis, thence north so
| deg-west 66 1 a post, thence south 1 "'.eg. west •!-
j per. to a po-t on the south line of said lot, thence south
'sy deg. east 1141 per. t a post on the south-west corner
j of a iot known as the Wooden lot, thence north U dee
! ea-t 79 per. to the place of beginning. Containing 53
| acres and to; per. more or less, about 20 acres improved.
I two small trained or plank houses aud a few fruit trees
! thereon.
i Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Edward
j Overton vs J. W. Spencer.
I ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of. land -itu
| ate in Canton twp., bounded north by Hind ot W :n S
Biker and Edward Burke, on the east by land oi (Juries
i Wright. Edward Burke and S. B. laithrop, south by ihc
public highway, called Union Street, aud wc-t by the
' highway called Troy Street. Containing about one acre
j more or less, all improved.
AI.SO—AII the defendants interest in that certain h>t.
piece or parcel of hind situate in Canton twp.. bounded j
| north by the public highway called Union Street, ea-t by
! Ihe highway called Division Street, south by lands ot ,
j Siice-e. we-t by an alley called \\ right s Alley,oil
! a town plot of Canton village, dated cf. 1. 1-54, now in
I pos.-es-inn <f S. 11. Newman, excepting therefrom, lot
I No. 25 on said plot, upon which a School House i- situ- s
I ated. Containing about one acre more or less ail im- ;
' proved. j
ALSO-All the defendants interest in all that certain 1
i lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp.. bound- |
| ed north by land of Harding A Ue. Geo. W. Griffin, D. i
Wilcox, Mix A Hooper east by land ot J. W. Grilhii and
j John A. Codding, south by the public highway called i
To wan da Street, west lv the public highway called Troy j
Street and land of Harding A Lee, Mix. Hooper A Turn- i
! or and E.G. Mauley. Containing threefourths of an acre :
i more or less, all improved, with a framed tavern house, j
! one framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—AII the defendants interest in that certain l"t. j
piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp., bounded
' north by land belonging to the estate of James Parsons j
deceased. cast by lands of S L. Gillett, south by the pub j
lie highway and land of S. H. Newman, west by land ot
Kingsbury Newman A Co., C. \N right, W. K Baker. 1. S.
Davidson and T. H. Morse, excepting therefrom, lot V-. i
37, sold to J. B. Wright. Containing nine acres more or <
less, all improved. |
ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land
situate in Canton twp., hounded north by lands oMi -
Brien and Tioga -trect.or land of Kingsbury, Newman i
A Co., east by the public highway called Centie Street,
south bv the public highway called Union street, west by
land of S. B. Lathrop and O'Brien, Containing one I
fourth of an acre more or less, all improved, one framed
house and a lew fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Morgan
Griffin vs. R. H. Newman.
Al-o. at the -a t of Wells A Christie vs. R. H. Newman.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel ofland situate
in Terry twp., bounded north by lands belonging to the
estate of Thomas Stevens deceased, east by lands of C.
F. Wells, south by lands of Era.-tus Shepard, west by
lands of Ramuel Hiilhouse and others. Containing about
one hundred acres more or less, about fifty acres improved
two framed houses, one framed barn, acorn house and
other out buildings, and an apple orchard and other truit
trees tbereon. ... ~• , ,
ALSO The defendants interest in all that certain lot
pieye or parcel of land situate in Terry twp., bounded
north by land of Erasttis Shepard and the highway lead
ing from the Albany road to the Frenchtown road, east
by the highway leading from the Susquehanna river to
Albanv. south and west by land of Hiram and J. P. Hor
ton anil unseated land. Containing about 30 acres more
or less, about 16 acres impro\ed, with a steain saw mill,
two framed houses, one framed oam aud other out build
ingH thereon. ,
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Uor
ton vs. Edward I. Shepard-
AL.-O The following lot. piece or parcel of land auu-
ate in Terry twp., liouuded north by laud of Era-tun Shep
ard and the highway lending from the Albany road to the
Frenchtown road, east by the highway leading from the
Susquehanna river to Albany, south aud west by laud ot |
Hiram Horton and Jason P Gorton and unseated land j
Containing about thirty acres more or less, about fifteen
acres improved, one steam saw mill, two framed houses,
one framed barn and other out buildings thereon.
ALSO—AII that certaiu lot, piece or parcel ot land sit
uate in Terry twp., bounded north by land of Edward I ;
Shepard, cast by land of C. F. Wells, south by land of
John McMahon and Hiram and J. P. Horton, west by
land of Samuel Hiilhouse. Containing 50 acres more or 1
le-s, 40 acres improved, with a framed, two framed I
| barns, an app c orchard and other fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Hor
ton vs. Era-tus Shepard.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit
' uate in Athens tp., hounded north by land of William
Thomas, east by land lately owned by" Orson Rickey and
I land of James Miller, south by land of James Miller and
I Nathan EdininUter, we.-t by the public highway leading
! from Athens Boro to Factoryville. Containing about 28
acres, more or less, all improved, one large brick house, j
! one brick barn and a small orchard of fruit trees thereou.
ALSO—One other brick building, situate in Towanda
! Boro. bounded west by land of D. F. Barstow and E. W.
. Baird,north by land of 1). F. Barstow and Ira II Stephens, j
j east by land of Ira H, Stephens, south by the Public j
; Square, it being feet front and 32 feet back, defend
ants interest in said building being the basement aud up- '
per stories and the west half of the story over Ed Over '
ton jr., and Geo. D. Moutauyes law office, and right of j
entrance in front of said building.
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate
iu Troy Boro, bounded north by land of O. P. Ballard, i
ea-t by an alley about 10 tect wide, used for -aid lot which .
join- on the land of Y, M. Long, south by Main street, i
west by lauds of O. P. Ballard. Containing 33 feet front ]
and 72 feet hack, with the right of way on the hack or
north end ol said lot of 10 leet wide, all improved, with
a large brick building thereon, occupied as stores, shops,
Ac., it being the east part of the brick block in Troy boro. r
Seized and taken in execution at the .-uit of John C.
Adams to the use of Francis Tyler vs. Sidney Ha} dec. j
ALSO—The following lot.piece or parcel of land situate j
in Litchfield tp., hounded north by land of Thomas Mer
rill and Hetnan Morse, east by land of Alsup Baldwin, i
south by land of Al-up Baldwin, west by land of Ira
Park and Joseph Muun. Containing fifty acres more or j
less, about twenty five acie- improved, one small framed
barn and a tew truit trees thereon.
ALSO—AII that certain lot. piece or parcel of land sit
! uate in Litchfield tp.. bounded north by the public high- I
! way and land of Alfred Hicks, east hy Joseph Kinney aud ;
j William Cotton, south by the public highway, west by
I lands of Alsup Baldwin and John Onans heirs. Contain
ing 80 acres more or less, about 30 acres improved, one i
! framed barn and a tew fruit trees thereou.
! Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of George A. j
Perkins to the use of N. C. Harris vs. Stephen Evans and
Nathan Baldwin.
Al.RO—The following lot, piece or parcel of laud situ- '
: ate in Towanda boro. bounded north by land formerly t.e
longing to the estate of Diantha Ingham dee'd., ea-t,
| south and west, by the highway. Containing 50 feet !
front by 150 feet deep, ali improved, with one framed
! hou-c aud truit trees thereon.
ALSO—AII that certain lot. piece or parcel of land sit- j
I uate in Towanda Boro, bounded north t.y laud of John
I Beidieman, Win. Patton and John McMahon, east by the
, Susquehanna river, south by land ot J. D. Montaiiye,
i west by Main street. Containing about half an acre more
• or less" all improved, with a framed house ami fruit trees i
: thereon
i Seized and taken in execution at the suit of A. AH. j
Brown vs. R. C. A J. W. Means.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ- |
ate in Towanda Boro, bounded on the north by lot No.
\ 50 as laid out in Col. Mix's plot of town lots iu the so j
| called Northern Liberties ot said borough, and now or j
j formerly belonging to John F. Means, ea-t t.y Front ,
; street, south by lot No. 48 belonging 10 John F. Means, |
; west hy lot of Wnr. 18. Dodge, lot No. 49 iu -aid plot.—
| Containing about 50 feet front aud running hack about ;
I 100 feet, more or less, all improved, with two framed
, houses thereou.
| Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James H.
Phinney. jr. vs. Alfredßluudellaud Priscilla Ann Walker, i
■ terre tenant.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land sit
-1 uate in Towanda Boro, lying on the we-t side of Second
I street, and the fourth loi" south ot Bridge street, com
j mencing 160 feet from the comer of Second and Bridge ;
streets, thence south along Sei ond street 50 feet, theme
westerly about 150 feet to tiie center <>f an alley to be
I opened 12 feet wide, thence northwardly 60 feet along
l the center of said alley, them e ea-twardly to the place
1 o beginning. Containing 2s perches, more or less, all
I improved. _ r i
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of VanDuseu
A J agger to the n-e of James 11. Phinney. Jr.. vs G. M.
; Bowman A Geo. Bowman, terre tenant.
ALSO—The following lot, biece or parcel of land situ
ate irt Burlington tp., bounded north by land ol Cuirell j
Marcelbis aud Andrew Campbell, east by Hollistei ('omp
ton, south by lands of Henry Hill, west by land of James !
Ross. Containing 50 acres, more ot less, about 15 acres
i improved, a log bouse and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Merry
\ Willieim A Co., vs. L. D. Nichol- aud l;.ac Xicfaols.
ALSU—TIie following lot, piece or parcel of und situ
' ate in Windham tp , bounded north by lauds of X. ( owlcs
I aud G. W. Webster, east by lands of Jonathan Payne. •
south hy lands of Austin Gleason, west by the public !
highway. Containing about thirty acres, more or le-s,
about .-ix a rcs improved one small trained barn thereon.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel oi laud situ
ate in Canton tp., bounded north by lands ot Geo. \\ il
ham-, east by Ttioma- R. Mauley. 1-uae U illiams and
William Liwrence, south by Geo. P. Mauiev. west hy
John McKce and Jul Wright. Containing one hundred
and thirteen acres, more or less, about ten acres improved
I cue plank house thereon.
AERO -The following lot, piece <<r parcel of land situ
ate in Canton tp., bounded north by Geo. Williams, ea-t
by Ju< oh R" i ;i-, south hy Tlnuna, R. Mauley and (I. D.
i liartlett, we-t hy .Samuel l it/.water. i out lining ninety
l acres, more < r less, about twenty acres improved.
ALSO- The following lot, piece or parcel ol land situ
ate iu Canton tp., bounded north by lands ot Oliver Bsrl
lett and William Liwrence, ea-t by John Baty, south by
! O Daniel's aud Downs, west by Aaron Barnes 1
and John Mi Kee. Containing one hundred acres, more
I or less, about thirty acres improved, two log homes, and
j a few fruit tree- thereou.
ALSO The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
' ale in Canton tp., bounded north by lands of Thomas
Williams jr., and S. Fit/.watcr, east by lands f George
) Williams, .-oath by Joel Wright, west by Jacob Beard.' ley.:
Containing eighty acres, more or le-s, about tiltoeii acres !
AI.RU—The following lot, piece or parcel of laml -itu
ate iu C .ntou tp., hounded north by land-of Joel Wright,
; ea.-t by lands of Oliver Bart lett and Gen. P. Mauler. 1
! -outli by lands of Aaron Barnes, west by lauds of (.'lark ,
I Wright." Containing one hundred and thirty acres, more :
! or le-s, about sixty acres improved, two log houses, a log |
j barn und a lew truit tree- thereon.
i ALSO—The following Int. piece or parcel "f land situ
' ate in < unton tp., bounded north by John McK< e. east bv
Geo. P. Mauley, south by O Daniels and M. Dickey
j we.-t by Ryan. Containing seventy two a re,, more
I or les- about twenty five acres improved, one log house
j and a few fruit trees thereon.
I ALSO The following lot. piece or parcel of land -itu- j
ate in Canton tp., hounded north by lands of Michael
1 Hie key, ea-t by lands of Michael Conghliii. south hy land
of Thorn is Coii-ty, we.-thy land-oi William Ryan. Con
! tainin? twenty live acre-, more or less, about six u ■ re
improved, h>g house, log body lor a barn and a lew fruit
i trees thereon.
ALSO All that certain lot, piece or parcel ofland -it- i
uate iu < 'anton tp., bounded north hy lands of Kane,
} cast by lauds of Fritz, south by lands formerly in
J pos.-e-sion of James Higgins, west by lands ot Henry
i Tubman. Containing liny acres, more or loss, about tii
-1 teen acres improved, one board shanty aud truit tree-
I tbereon.
ALSO That certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate
| in ( autuii tp., bounded north by Stephen Roberts and
i John Crandall. east by Roderick and Thomas Williams
i and (diaries fctockwell, south by V\ illiuui Moun-ey and
I Henry Vo rliis, west by lands oi John Crandall and Mil
ton Allen. Containing one hundred aud fitly acres, more 1
i or less, about fifteen acres improved, ouc log house there- ;
j ou.
| ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of laud sit
uate in Canton tp., bounded north by Li- U illiams, east
by Thomas A R. Williams, south by William Mattison,
we.-t by John Crandall. Containing twenty-four acres,
i more or less, about seven acres improved, one log house
■ thereon.
ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit- j
; uate in Canton tp., bounded north by land- of John ( ran- j
I ilall, east by William Mattison, south by Porter A Ben
nett, west by Milton Allen and Jelfersou Beals. Contain
ing -i\l\ acres, more oi less, üboul ten acres improved
ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel ot land sit
j uate in Canton tp., bounded north by lauds of Milton Al
len, east by lands of Henry Yoorhis, south hy Lycoming
! County line, west by Jefferson Bcals. Containing one
I hundred acres, more or less. i
ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit
' uate in Canton tp., bounded north by iauds of Thomas
i Baty, ea-t by lauds of Daniel McCarty, south by lands of
j Thomas Wilson, west by lands of Thomas Baty. Con- -
taining tea acres, more or less, about one acre improved,
arid one board shanty thereon.
ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit
uate in Canton tp., bounded north by lands of Michael
Coughlin, east by Fritz and John Kane, south by
acres, more or less, about thirty-five acres improved, one j
bard shanty, a log burn and fruit trees thereon
ALSO—Another piece of land situate in Canton tp.,
bounded north bv land of O Daniels, east by lands
of ' Mouth by lands of Michael Coughlin,
west by lands of M. Hiekey. Containing sixty acres,
more or less, about five acres improved.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate in Canton tp.,
bounded north by lands ot Clark IV right, east by
Ryan, south by Phelps, west by Thomas and R.
Williams. Containing fifty acres, more or less, about 10 j
acres improved, log house, log baru and fruit trees there
"seized and taken in execution at the suit of Stephen
Felton vs. James M Peck.
ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land situ- |
ate in Burliugton tp., bounded noxth by land of Judith
Selleok and William Carman .east by lana ofC'-F. Nichols
end Lyman Stiencer, sooth by land of S. H ; SackettAj
Co., west by land of Barker Brown. Containing eight j-
Hrflal. I
three acres, more or less, about thirty-five acres improved
a trained house, a framed barn, and un orchard of fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the auit of H. H. Macfc
vs. Win. Mead, David Mead, J. W. Spencer and Charles ;
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Pike tp.. bounded north by land of S. R. Bostwick i
east by Joshua Burrows, south by land of Jas Sharer and j
Ferris" Bennett, west by land of Winchester Cobb- Con- !
taiuing one hundred acres, more or less, about forty acres
improved, with a framed house, a log hovel or shed, and
a small orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Bald
win vs. Setli S. Strickland.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Suiitblield tp., bounded north and east by lauds of i
Hugh Tenipleton, south by lands of Jerry Sullivan, west
by lands ol Jra Adams. Containing fifty-three acres,
more or less, about twenty-five acres improved, a board
or plank house, a log barn and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Gibson A
Gorsline, t > the use of D. Mercur, vs. Patrick MeNinncy. ;
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of laud situ- :
ate in lcidgbery tp., bounded north by land of Wm. Fas
ten . cast by laud of Luther Ames.south by land of Luther
Ames and John Wallace, west by laud of "Win. Eastou.— <
Containing two acres, more or less, all improved, with a ;
! framed tavern house, a framed barn, an apple orcliurd
and other fruit 'recs thereon.
ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of laud sit
' uate iu Ridgbery tp., bounded north by land of John
Wallace, east by the Berwick Turnpike, south by laud of
! Charles E. Bingham, west by Wm. Eastou. Containing
4j acres more or leas, all improved with an old framed
building thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John E.
Goodrich, now to the nse of I. A. Pierce vs. Johu Wal
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate iu Canton tp., bounded north by what is known 011
the town plot of Canton village as Tioga street, east by
r land of Samuel H. Newman, south by land of S. B. La*-
turop and others, west by land of Edward Burke. Con
taining about one fourth of au acre, more or less, all irn
i proved.
ALSO—AII the interest of Henry Kingsbury in the fol
-1 lowing lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton tp.,
; bounded north by the public highway called Union street,
! cast by land ot 1. K. Van Dyke, south by land of Case
' and Col well, west by land belonging to the e-tate of J.
; 0. Rose, deceased. Containing about one eighth of au
acre, more or less, ail improved, with one framed barn
; thereon.
ALSO—AII the interest of Henry Kingsbury iu the fol
' lowing lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton tp.,
liounded north by the public highway called Union street
, east by the public highway called Division street, south
by land iu possession of 8. A., west by an alley
! called Wright's Alley 011 the town plot of Canton village
dated Oct. 1, 1x54, now in possession of Samuel H. New
man. Containing about one acre, more or less, all im
) proved with a framed school house thereon.
ALSO—AII the iuterest of Henry Kingsbury in the fol
| I -wing lot. piece or parcel of laud situate iu Canton tp.,
I bounded north by what is known ou the town plot of
I Canton village as Tioga street, east by Ceuter street, south
1 by Union street, west by Lalhrop, Lake,
and Mary O'Brien. Containing about one acre, more or
lies, nil improved with a dwelling house and a few fruit
trees thereon.
ALSO—AII the interest of Henry Kingsbury in the fol
lowing lot, piece or parcel of laud situate iu Unntou tp.,
bouuded north by laud of Harding A Lee. J. VY. Griffin
and D. Wilcox, east by laud of J. W. Griffin aud A. N".
Spalding, south by the public highw ay called Tuwauda
street, west by the public highway called Troy street,
| land of Harding & Lee. Mix, Hooper A Turner, and F.
G. Mauley. Containing about three fourths of an acre,
more or less, all improved with a framed tavern house,
j one trained house, a shoe shop, and a new framed baru,
; and a tew fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—AII the interest of Henry Kingsbury in the fol
lowing lot, piece or parcel of laud situate iu Canton tp..
liounded north by laud of William S. Biker and Edward
Burke, east by lot known as the Cramer lot. aud Edward
\ Burke, and S. B. Luthrop, south by the highway called
Union street, west by the highway called Troy street
1 containing about one acre, more or less, ail improved.
ALSO—AII tlie intere-T ol Henry Kingsbury iu the fol-
I lowing lot, piece or parcel of hind situate iu Canton tp.,
bounded north by land of the entile of James Parsons,
deceased, ea-t by land of S. L. Gillett, south by the pub
lic highway and lands of Kingsbury N'ewnun A Co., C.
I Wright, Wm S. Baker, T. S. Davidson and T. H Morse,
excepting therefrom lot No. 37, sold to J. B. Wright.—
Containing nine acres, uiore or less, all improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Calvin
Seybolt and 0.-car F. Connor, trading under the firm of
Seybolt A Connor, vs. Henry Kingsbury.
Also, at the suit of Mark H. Greeniuan, to the use of
John E Goodrich, vs. Henry Kingsbery.
Also, at the - lit ol James Butler, to tile use of John E
Goodrich, vs. Henry Kingsbury.
ALSi(—The following lot. pkce or parcel ol land situ
' ate in Wyalusing tp.. liounded north by land ol i'hileman
Stone, east by laud of Harvey Ingham, south by land of
ILuvev Ingham, west by land of l'bilemun Stone. Con
taining about five more or less, all improved, one
i framed house, a small framed hor-c barn, grist mill aud
truit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of X. J. Keel
er Executor of Diantha lngiuun deceased, vs. Ingham
Stone administrator of Jonas ingiiam deceased,
j ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel ol laud situ
ate iu Ulster tp., bounded north by land of M. Ross, east
by latd of 11. S. Davidson A Co., south by land of Geo.
! Lenox, Joli 11 Lenox, and Daniel Lenox, west by land of
John Conkiin. Containing ninety acres, more or less,
about lorty acres improved, with two 1 ig houses, a framed
barn, a young apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Thomas I*.
Woicott vs. Johu Klsbree.
ALSO—By virtue ot a writ of Fieri Facias, all that
certain lot. piece or parcel of land situate in South Creek
tp.. bounded north by laud of Harriet Whitmore, east by
laud of S->luinon Sealuse, south by land ot Henry A l'itt,
west by land of Benjamin Wilson and William llaikiiess.
Containing x acres more or less, about 7 acres improved,
with a framed li ui.-e thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Charles F.
Wilson, vs. liiram Sample,
i ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of Levari Facias,
the loiloniiig lot, piece or parcel ot land si uate in Rome
tp.. la-ginning at a corner of land of Barnabas Clark iu
the warrantee line, thence south one degree west 74 9-10
of a perch to a post, in a line of land surveyed and now
iu possession of William Pepper, thence south seventy-six
degrees we-t 137 4 10 perches to a beech another corner
of said Pepper, thence north one degree east 3d 2-10
: perches by unsold lands to a post, thence south 76 degrees
west 79 perches to a post, thence north 59 4To perches to
.1 po-t, thence south M) degrees cast 7 9 10 perches to a
hemlock, then e north 10 degrees ea.-t 21 perches to a
I post, a corner of Barnabas Clark, thence along said
< Turk's line south sy degrees east 197 perches to the lie
ginning. Containing 109 acres and x.'l perches strict
measure, more or less, being a part of a larger tract of
laud and known by parcel X>>3 and Warrant Xo. 114,
about 100 acres improved, two framed houses, two framed
burns and two apple orchards thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Edward
Overton vs. John Parks and William !!. Parks.
ALSO—By sundry writs of Levari Facias, all that lot,
piece or parcel of laud situate in Burlington tp.. liegiu
! uing at a chestnut oak a corner 011 the west line of war
rant No. 1499, and the south west corner of lot No. 2s,
thence south 89 degrees cast lis 5 11| per. to a post and
-tones. 011 ihe west line of Charles S.-outons lot, thence
south 151 lid perches to a post and stones,the northeast
corner of the Geo.Bell lot,thence north X 94 west 122 1 10
perches to a post, 011 the west line of warrant lot No.
1402. and being tlie north west corner of said Geo. Bell,
I thence by the west lino of lots No, 1592 A 1499, north lj
east 151 "l 10 perches to the pi ice of beginning. Contain
ing 115 acre- and 138 2-10 perches, being part of warrant
lot No. 14 1' A 1502, about 70 acres improved, one log
house, one log barn and an orchard thereon.
! Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Edward
Overton vs. Francis C. Mead aud Charles Mead. ter. ten.
ALSO— By sundry writs of Levari I'a ias, all that cer
tain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Burlington tp.,
beginning at a poplar south west corner of lot No. 274
on warrant lot No. 4436, thence west on the south line of
said warrant 202 perches to a white maple for a corner,
thence north 79 2-10 perches to a post, thence east 202
, perches to the west line of said lot No 274. thence south
792 2-10 perches to the beginning. Containing 100 acres,
strict measure, it being taken from the south end of lots
N0.274 A 276, on said warrant No. 4436, with about 70
acres improved with one trained house, one framed ham
and a small orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. 11. Mace
vs. Elisha Foster, with notice to Jonathan Thompson and
I Charles T- Coverdale, terre tenant.
ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of Levari Facias, all
that certain lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Rome
i tp., beginning at a post, the south west corner ot a lot
run out for Daniel Smith, thence east Ix7 2-1 <1 perches
j to a post, thence south one degree west 52 4-10 perches
to a post, thence north S9i degrees west 186 8 10 perches
to a post on the out line "of the tract, thence north one
j degree east 54 2-10 perches to the beginning. Coutain
ing fifty-eight acres aud one hundred and lorty perches
aud the usual allowances Ac., with about 40 acres im
proved. two log houses, a log barn and orchard of fruit
j trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William
B. Clyirn r assignee of Vincent Leßay DeC'haumont, vs.
Timo hy S. Kinner.
ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of Levari Facias, all
; that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Rome
tp., beginning 32 perches west from the south east corner
heretotore run contracted to the said Tobias Lent,
| thence west 80 perches to auother corner of the said
Lent's lot, thence south passing the no th east corner of
a lot run and set to Asa Kinner at 30 perches and along
the west line of the said - inner lot in the distance alto
gether 100 perches to a post, thence east xo perches to a
post, thence north 100 perches to the iieginning. Con
taining tilty measure, about 40acres Improved
a framed house, a small framed barn and a small orchard
Seized and ti ken in execution at the suit of William B.
I Clymer assignee of Vincent Leßay DeChaumOnt, vs. To
-1 bias Lent, mortgagor, and Lncy Lent aud Albert Jackson
| Lent, terre tenants.
ALSO—Bv virtue of sundry writs of Levari Facias, all
: that certain lot, piece or narcel ot laud situate in Rome
tp., beginning at a hemlock sapling, the north west
1 corner of a lot run or set to Tobias thence north
1100 perchesto a poet, thence east 96 perches to a post,
thencf. south 100 perches to a post, thea-e west 06 perches
fitaal. I
! to the beginning. Containing 60 acres, strict measure, '
; with about 45 acres improved, a log house, a framed
baru, a house frame, au appie orchard and other fruit
; trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William B.
Clymer assignee of Vincent Leßay DeChaumont.vs. Tho*. !
Bruce, inortgator, and Solomon Kinner,terre tenant,
j Sheriff*s Office, Towanda, July 14. 1869.
NOTICE TO PURCHASERS.— To prevent misunderstand- 1
ing, notice is hereby given that purchasers at Sheriff's
sales will be required to pay the amount bid at the time ]
the land is sold. It has become imperatively necessary
j to adopt this rule, aud it will be strictly adhered to, ex- 3
cept in cases where the purchaser is a lien creditor and
I is entitled to the fund as provided in the Ist section of i
the act of Assembly, approved April 20, 184 C. which is
as follows : " Whenever the purchasers of real estate at
Orphans' Court or Sheriff"s sale, shall appear from the
! proper record to be entitled, as a lien creditor, to receive
j the whole or any portion of the proceeds of said sale, it
; shall tie the duty of the sheriff, administrator, executor
i or other person making such sale, to receive the receipt
1 of such purchaser or purchasers for the amount which j
he or they would appear, from the record as aforesaid. [
: to be entitled to receive : Provided that this section shall '
| not he so construed as to prevent the right of said Sheriff, I
administrator, executor or other person aforesaid to de- j
| maud and receive at the time of sale a sum sufficient to j
cover all legal costs entitled to be paid out of the proceeds ;
of said sale ; and provided further, that before any pur- 1
chaser or purchasers shall receive the benefit of this sec- i
j tion, he or they shall produce to the Sheriff", or other per- |
son so making said sale, a duly certified statement trem
; the proper records, under the hand and official sea! ■' the
I proper officer, showing that he is a lieu creditor,ent.tied :
! to receive any part of the proceeds of the sale alorea- i
' by given, that there has been filed and settled in 1
the office of the Register of Wills, in and for the county j
of Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the follow- :
iug estates, viz :
Final account of Susan Griffin and William H. Bishop,
administrators of Samuel Uriffiu, dee'd, who was guardian
of William, Lena, and M.llburue Osborn, minors of Peter
Osborn, dee'd.
Final account of Rebecca H. Corbin, administratrix of i
Chus. Corbin, late of Warren, deceased.
Final account of Stephen Pierce, administrator of Al
bion Budd, late of Columbia, deceased.
l'artial account of O- G. Cantk-id. guardian of Melviu
Gregory, minor child of Deboreh C. Gregory, deceased.
Filial account of Johu Clapper, administrator of Wm.
P. Clapper, late of Tuscarora, deceased.
Supplementary account of Julius Pratt, administrator
of David I'ratt, late of Canton, deceased.
Final acco nt ol Margery Allen, administratrix of Isaac
Allen, late of Windham, deceased.
Final account of Silas Burner, guardian of Levi W.Tow
ner, u minor child of Joseph Towner, deceased.
Final account of H. C. Allvn and Nancy M. Chaffee,ad
ministrators of Joseph B. Chaffee, late of Warien, dee d.
Final account of John L. Sawyer, executor of George '
H. Jackson, late of Athens, deceased.
Final account of Gabriel King, guardian of King Sibel
and Sarah Sibei. minors of Henry SiH 1, deceased.
Final account of Harry Morgan, administrator of Seth
Phillips, late of Wilmot "deceased.
Final account of B. Laporte, administrator of Hiram
Gilbert, late ot Terry, (formerly Durell), deceased.
Final account of Harry Morgan, executor of John H.
Vaunest, late of Standing Stone, deceased.
Final account ot P H Buck, surviving administrator of ,
11 B Bailey, lute of Pike, deceased.
And the same will be presented to the Ofphans' Court
of Bradford County, on Monday, the sth day of September
next, for confirmation and allowance.
JAMES H. WEBB, Register.
Register's Office, August 1, 1849.
£ EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Notice isbere-
J by given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate ot DEBORAH INGHAM, late of Terry twp. dee'd.
are hereby requested to make payment without delay,
aud all persons having claims against said estate, will
present them duly authenticated tor settlement.
Aug. 1,1859. B. LAPORTE, jExecutors.
' IX Is hereby given, tlmt all persons indebted to the
• estate of GEORGE G. ADAMS, late of Ulster twp.,de
ceased, are hereby requested to make payment without
delay, aud all persons having demands against said estate,
will present tiiem dulv authenticated for settlement.
August 1, 1859. Administrator.
J. V L hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
state of JAMES C. PARSONS, late of Canton twp, dee'd ,
• must make immediate payment, and all persons having
demand* agam.-t -aid estate will present them duly au
! thenticated for settlement.
, July 11, 1659. Admiuisf ,-utrix.
LWKCUTOR'S NOTICE —Notice is licrr-
I J by given tint all persons indebted to the estate of
j JAMES MATTOCKS, dee'd.. late of Springfield tp, must
| make immediate payment, and all persons having demand
ugainst said estate, will present them duly authenticated
for settlement. CHARLES MATTOCKS.
July 11.1859. Execotor.
T\ ox, vs. Adam Excnrinc. In Court of Common
I Pleas of Brad'ord County, No. 4-2, Sept. Term. 1-57.
The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court
\ to bistrihnte funds raised by Sheriff's sale ot real estate of
defendant, vv ill attend to the dutivs of his appointment at
I his office in the Borough ot Towanda, on SATURDAY,
' 1 the 6th day of August, 1859, at 1 "'clock. P. M..: t which
' | time and place all persons interested arc requested to pre
! sent their claims or else forever he debarred from the said
fund. G. D. MONTANYK.
July 11, 1-4)9. Audit r.
I.k_ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to thee
, j tafe of JOHN PHILLIPS, late of Pike twp., dee'd., are
hereby requested to make immediate payment, and all
; persons having claims against said estate will present
! 1 them duly authenticated tor settlement.
, | * JOHN JONES, Jr., Administrator
June ?o, 1559. with will annexed.
1 il is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
| estate of DENNIS DRU.MMY. late of Ridgbury, dee d.,
. ! are- hereby requested to make payment without delay :
and all persons having claims against the said estate will
please present them dulv authenticated tor settlement.
!!S£SK MV ' i
i May 5. 15.',9.
il is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
estate of WILLIAM PARRY, deceased. late of Athens
. j Boro', are requested to make payment without delay ;
and those having claims against the said estate will please
I ' present them duly authenticated for sett!) inent.
C. W. CLAI'P. f
1 1 March 22, IXB9. Administrators.
l'\ is hereby given that, all persons indebted to the r--
tatcof CH AUNCEY TING LEY .late ot Orwell twp..dcc'd..
; ; are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and
all persons having claims against said e-tate will present
them duly authenticated for settlement to W. it. PICK
i EIUNG, Orwell Hill, Bradford Count v. Pa.
. ! April 18, 1859. Administrators.
1 EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE— Noticeinitcrc-
TJ by given, that all persons indebted to the estate ot
I I ANDREW It. GERNET, late of Columbia township,
1 dee'd., are hereby requested to make payment without
. delay : and all persons having claims against estate will
* present them duly authenticated for settlement.
1 May 16. 1659. Executrix.
• VTOTICE is hereby given tliat an npplicn
l it tion will hp made at the next session of the Legis
lature of Pennsylvania for the incorporation of a Bank,
' to he called the" Bradford County Bank ith banking
privileges of l-sne. Discount and Deposit; with a capital
of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, with the right to in
crease the capital stock to Four Hundred Thousand Dd
lars, and to lie located in the borough of Towanda, in the
1 county of Bradford.
Towanda, June 20. 1S0.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to tin
estate of WILLIAM E.MAYNARD, late of Rome dee'd .
must make immediate payment, and all persons having
demands against said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement.
June 6, 1839, Administratrix.
"V Ul>7foß'S N OTIcE.— XO. t>G3, ~ '&pt.
Term. 11. Gibbs 4" Non vs. John Hint. In the
Common Pleas of Bradford County.
The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by said Court,
to distribute funds raised by Sheriff's sale of defendant's
! real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment,
i at his office in the Borough of Towanda, on THUIISDA V
the Ist day of SEPTEMBER next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., at
which time and place all persons interested are required
i to present their claims, or else be forever debarred Iron
; said fund. ELUANAN SMITH,
| June 20,1859. Auditor.
is hereby given, that all persous indebted to the es
tate of DAVID F. BARSTOW, late of Towanda boro. de
ceased. are hereby requested to made payment withont i
1 lay. and all persons having demands agalDst said estate,
, will present them duly authenticated for settlemeut.
May J-1.1557. Jjfmfnwfraltx.
Jttmhaiftfff, Src.
BER Term and Sessions, 1559.
GRAND J1T.083. #
Albany—Daniel Chaunian ahcshequin—Win. >r Jr
. Alliens tp—S R Harkneaa South Creek—R Farmer
3ur!irigton west—E Black- Troy tp—Samuel Thoraaa
well Troy boro—Thoa J Dove
Canton—ll Webster, Enoch Towanda boro—S Felton
Sellard Towanda tp—W iiiMeMicken
Solumbia -F W Keyea Ulster—Thoma* Mather
errick—Calvin Stone Wajrc-n—lram Manchester,
i Leßov—Joseph Mills N' C Bowen, J H Carey,
j Orwell—J G Newell 1 Henry C A ien
Kidgbury—Vlucent Ovm |Windham -Chu Washburn
Standing Stone—Myron Vani iVysox --George F Reynolds
neet 1
j Albany—M A Ladd, John V'Pike—Oco White. B Pierce
Rice, Silas Moon. llMdgbnry—Nn'tutu DetrW.
I Athens tj> b W Park. Tho<-ptniihßeld--D K Billingc-i"W
lauie. Ferrin 11 Ackley. j A Seward, At Aflyn. B C
; AsTliiiu—Jolm Huffman. j Thomas.
I Burlington boro—FrcderUk'Springtltld—A Bo we, H S
Whitehead. ' OroVcr. L Leonard.
I Burlington tp—O R Haight.jSho-hcqiiiii—John B Lackey
J Canton—John Bates, W Sj Miller Smith.
Jayue. 'Towanda north—C Rutty,
i Columbia—John Merkcll. J Simmers, Means Watu
Durell—Robert Bull, laaacfTowanda tp—H H Mace.
Eunia. 'Tovfattda boro—W A Cham
{ Franklin—Luc'an White. ( bfrliu. Al> Jfontanye.
' Granville—Sylvc .ter TaylortToacarom—Wilinot Cobum.
LorCneo D SwaiD. jWAUca—Allen Shepard, I) S
i Leßoy Att Hoagland. !■ I reis.
[ Litchlield—Hemau Morse, JiWarrtn—Wjn IJeardHev.
Rogers. [Wys-nt—John Frink.
Monroe tp—J W Irvine. fWfooot—D C Miller, Daniel
i Orwell—A E Barber. Cochin.
Asylum—F W Frntchey. IShaahequln— A W LaFayett*
Armenia—J Jerolouiau. J C'niver. G W Blackmail,
' Athens tp—Peter Rutnn. f Wur Patterson
; Athens boro—H Williston. jljyl vault Noro—fl Smith,
j Burlington boro—L M'Kean.jSprrngtieM —A I.Brown.
Martin J Long. [Troy Ip—Leonoid Uphara.
| Burlington tp—C Wheeler. 'Tuwmida—L I) Buwni.u., L
! Canton—John H.zlctou. K Mead.
Durell - Biles. jTuscarora—lf 3 isturdevauf.
Granville—Nathan Tidd. (h Ulster —l' Holculnb, Thouiaa
D Perry. John Spalding. ! S :ott.
T eßoy—Augustus Kelley. 'Wilinot—J M Quick. David
: Litchfield—A Nap Baldwin. | Uibfulierger.
] Orwell—S X Browiison. [Wellt-s -AUrn Swayzey.
Rome—J Allen R McCube. fWindha'hi—Nelson LiumN,
i Kidgbury—o Chamberl'm.- James Olmsted,
j Win Dickinson. !
. MF.XT.—To all wanting farms, n nre opportunity
in a delightful and healthy climate 20 miles southeast of
Philadelphia on the Camden and Atlantic Railroad. Xovf
Jersey. *An old estate consi-ting of several thousands of
acres of productive sril has he-en divided into Farms of
various size- to suit the purclm-cr. A population of sum
Fifteen Hundred, from Yuri-u:- parts of the middle States
and New England have settled there the past year, ira
| proved their places, and raised excellent crip*. The
1 price of the kind is at the low sufU of from sls to il<)
| per acre, the soil is of the best quality for the production
jof ly/uat , Clover, Cu,n, Pearlers. Grapes and Vegeta-
I bla. It N considered the best fruit soil in the Union.—
The place N perfectly -i-cure from frosts—the destructive
; enemy of the farmer. Crops of grain, grass aud fruit are
' ww growing and can he wen. By examining the place
: itself , a correct judgment can he formed o" the produg
! tiveness of the land. The terms are tnade easy to secure
i the rapid improvement of the laud, which is only *< M ior
I actual iiupcoi ement The result ha been, that within the
! pa-t year, some three hunditd houses have been erected
< two milts, one steam, four ..totes, -uine forty viuyan! and
j Peach orchards, planted, aud a large number ol other
improvements, making it a ue.-iratle aud a- live place of
The Market, as the reader may perceive from it- loca
tion, is the best in the Union. Produce bringing double
the price than in locations away from the city, and morn
than double the price than the West. It is known that
the earliest and bct fruits and vegetables in this latitude
conic from Xew Jersey, and are annually exported to ihc
extent of millions.
In locating here, the settler has many advantage*. He
is within a few hours ride of the great cities of Xew- Eng
i land and Middle State-, he is near his old friends and as
sociations. he is in a settled country when ever y improve
ment of comfort and civilization is tit hand, lie can buy
every article he wants ,;t the cheapest price, and -ell his
produce for the highest, (in the West this is reversed,y
i he has schools fui his ciiildieu. dirine service, and will
enjoy an open winter. :uid delightful climate, where lev
ers are utterly unknown. The result of the change upon
those from the north, has general v been to restore them
to an excellent state of health.
In the way of building aud improving, Iniul-er con be
obtained at the mills at the rate oi sllir sls per thou
sand. Bricks from Hie brick yard opened in the place
every article can he procured in the place, good carpen'-
tci-s are at hand, am. there is no place in the Union w here
j buildings and improvements can lie made cheaper-
The reader w ill at oute be struck with the advantage!
j here presented, and ask himself why the pro) ertv has not
I I een taken up before. The reason N. it was never thrown
, in the market: and unless these statements were correct",
' no one would la- invited to examine the land before pui
! chasing. This all are expected to do. They will see the
I land under cultivation, such is the extent of the setiie
t mont that they will rio doubt, meet persons, fra their
: own neighborhood ; they will witness the improvements
and can judge the character of the population. M they
| come with a view to settle, they should come prepared to
stay a day or two and be ready to purchase, as locations
| cannot be held on refusal.
I There are two daily trains to Philadelphia, and to all
settlers who improve, the Railkoad Cosrr vsv cives a
! Fkek Ticket kok -iv months, and a hai.i tvice Ticket
THE TOWN OF HAMMOXTOX.—In connection with
! the agricultural setih iiicnt, a new and thriving town lias
; naturally arisen, which presents inducements far auy kind
lof business, particularly stores and manufactories. J'he
I Shoe business could be carried on in libs place and market
j to good advantage, also cotton business, and manufacto
ries of agricultural implements or Voundtries for casting
i small articles. The improvement has been so rapid a.- to
j insure a constant and permanent increa-e of business. .
I Town lots of a good -ize, we do not sell small ones, a it
; would effect the improvement of the place, can be bad at
i from SIOO and upwards.
The // r.nmonton Farmer, a monthly literary and apri
! cultural sheet, containing full information oi Hainrnonton,
I can l e obtained at 2. cents per ann> tn.
Title indisputable—warrautee deeds given, clear of all
j incumbrance when numev is paid. Route to the land :
i leave Vine street wharf, iMiiladrrphia. for Haminouton bv
| Railroad, at A. M., or 4d P. M. Fftre i'H cents. W'Uea
f there iminire for Mr. Byrnes. Bearding conveniences on
j hand. Parties had bctterstop with Mr. Byrnes, a prim-i
jinl, until they have decided as to purchasing, as he will
I show over the land hi his carriage, free ofexpi n-c.
I letters add applications can be addressed to Laudis A
I Byrnes, HammonAoir P. 0., Atlantic Co., New Jersey, or
; S. B. Couphlin, 202 South Fifth Strict, Philadelphia. - -
' Maps and information cheerfully furnished.
Raymond's Latest Improved,
Price of Hand Machine #27 00
With stand and treadle, tools, Ac .. ?.1i 00
' A year of cous'ant use. have been |ronoiiiiced the l*-t
I Machines in the world, and have la-en used entensively in
! the cities of St. Louis, .Mo., Ciiicinatti. 0.. arid Chicago,
j 111 . among tl.e first families, ami are preferred to the high
■ er priced Machines,
They will Stitch. Hem, Tuck, Fell. Gather, and Ein-
I hroider, with prr.ect satisfaction, and especially adapted
to family use.
' They will sew ai! kinds of goods, from t' c finest to tho
: coarsest, better than any Machines now extant.
The following are the advantages they possess over all
I other Machines.
Ist. Anv person of ordinary intelligence, can in one
' hour learn to use thein successfully.
2nd. They are simple, strong and durable,easily under
stood and managed, and not liable t<> get out of order,
i 3rd. Tiny u.-e cotton from tl.e oidinary spool without
4th. The stitch is stronger and more difficult to ri.o
! than any other made by Machinery. The two thread-are
double looped into each other, and firmly tied and knot
ted at every stitch, which is the lest and most elastic
, stitch ever made.
sth. They sew with cotton, lineu and silk thread equal
i ly well.
tith. They finish their work. Then- is no occasion to
fasti u the thread at either end of the seam, as is required
by other shuttle stitching machines.
7th. Every Machine is made to run by band or foot
power, thus combining the advantages of lioth methods.
All pers in< d'.s raus oT purcha-ing the hest and cheap
est Machine ever invented lor family use, can now have
an opportuuit v, bv addressing or calling on the subscri
ber, " B. F. fill AW,
Ulster, Bradford County. Pa.
X. 15. These Machines are warranted, and any person
purchasing them can return them and get their money, if
after one month's trial, do they not give satisfaction,
j Mayil, Iteifl. „
climate. Fee advertisement of liammonton Land-,
in another column.
can be carried on profitably at Hamniouton. heo
advertisement of Hammonfon 1-ands.
A First Rate Hotel for Rent.
the subscriber in Towanda. will be for rent,one year
from the Ist of January next. Ansiona to tecurv a good
tenant, and to give him time to procure suitable furniture
—1 will make s lease from the above date at any lime.
when an acceptable application is made- •
Xone hut experienced landlords, with capital euffleieat
to furnish the house properly, need apply '
Towacla, JtJße 8, tbs?. C. L. Wj.RT*.