Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 04, 1859, Image 2

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    [From the Harrisburg Telegraph.]
Sale of the Fuhiic Works.
Mr Editor :—My attention was called pome
time pinco to the subject of Iro sale of the
Public Works of the Stat", the public debt,
Ac., by a controversy between " Invt >tigutor,
of the Patriot ind I'kion of H.imsburg, and
the editor of the Clinton Dr macro t.
I was long aware that there was a groat
and, for a time successful, attempt to keep the
honest, hard work inc taxpayers in the dark as
to the true financial condition of our State, us
well us the profitableness of the Public \\ 01 ks.
Of late years, however, enough has leaked
out to euable the people to see that all wn
not right. Hence the demand of the masses
that our Public Works should be sold.
The plunderers of " the Exact Scieree ''
class were loud and furious in opposition, from
Judge Black down, or up, to the Locktender.
I have examined the subject with a great
deal of care, aided only by the reports of De
mocratic officen, and have been perfectly as
tonished at the gross deception practiced upon
the people. I find the public debt on the
3Dth day of November, Hl*, was 140,6 12,371,31
On the"<oth November, 1351, it was 10,111,236,33
Decrease during Gov. Johnston's term. . 728.112,92
Nov. 30tb, 1851, as above f 10.111,230.30
Nov. 30th, 1851, it was 11,698,595,71
Increase during Gov. Bigler's term 1,581,359.35
Nov. 30tb, 1854, as above $f1,698,595,71
Nov. 30th, 1357 " " 39.881.738,22
Decrease during Gov. Pollock's term. . . 1,816,857.52
I find that the Public Works of the State
produced the following results, viz :
During the fiscal year ending Nov. 30th. 1*59, there was
a loss of ?7.313,70
For the year ending Nov. 30, 1852. a loss of.. .312,912,18
" " Nov. 30, 1853, a loss of.. .766.619,87
■' " Nov. 30. 1851, a loss of.. .113,711,16
Total loss in I jaers 51,500,600,21
For the year ending Nov. 30th, 1555, agaio of. .92.915,67
Total loss in 5 years SI ,107.711,60
For the year ending Nov. 30th. 1656, a loss of . 133,160,15
For the year endiug Nov. 50tb, 1857, a lor.s of.. .85,122,71
Total loss in 7 years •_ 625.097 19
Had the Public Works been sold on the
30th of November, ISSO, for the same price
we lately obtained for them, ami which the
" Scientific Plunderers" nil so much about,
how would the finances of the Slate have been
affected ? Let us see.
The main Line sold for $7,500,000,00
The other canals 3.500 000,00
Excess from the re-sale of latter 281,250,00
Interest on this sum at 5 per cent, for 7 years would
amount to .85.94-,537,50
To which add loss during same period 1,527,997,19
To which may fairiy be added cost of printing done lor
use of public '.Voiks during same period 35,000,00
Thus from facts and figures which defy con
tradiction, it appears that had the Public
Works been sold on the 30 th day of November
1850, at the price and oi> the same terms, the
State would have gained $5,000,431,09 by so
Again, had the whole Public Woiks been
given away on the said 30th of November 18.".0
the State would this day have been $1,625,-
097,49 the gainer.
Startling as the above facts are, they <Io
not present the full loss of the State. Those
who profited by the operation, have so mixed
up items that it is almost impossible at this
day to discover their tracks. Expenses which
should have been charged to Public Improve
ments, are hid away under heads or " lying
around loose."
Should any or all of the above statements
be questioned, the writer will gixetAe.i(ems,and
also, add many more to prcre that in the whole
view i^iveil above, facts and ligures have been
—Last Sabbath was Quarterly Meeting of tlie
M. W. Church, and as usual on such occasions,
the Sacrament was administered. A ter the
meeting adjourned, the mend ers went their
several ways, some to dine with friends in town
some to their homes in the country. In about
an hour the doctors were in requisition in every
direction ; the whole membership was seized
with a simultaneous " bilious attack," and the
demand for remedial agents was general. The
first smell of the sumptuous dinners prepared
provoked sudden and involuntary eructation on
the part of all the orthodox members of the
respective families. The venerable PETER CART
WRIGHT, Presiding Eider, for whom extra pre
parations had, of course, been made, retired
from the prospect as dinner came on, a little
bent over, with both hands placed below his
vest buttons, declaring that he "didn't feel
like eating." One brother is said to have
made for his house, half bent, and with a groan
tumbled on to tin bed, and in reply tj his wife's
" What's the matter f" exclaim d, in a des
pairing tone "Oh ! I've got the cholera." The
epidemic spread all through the country, ex
citing coniderable alarm, and occasioning a
general casting tip of accounts. But the panic
subsided when it was ascertained that ini/umnhl
wine had been, by mistake administered to the
whole body of Communicants ! We understand
that " Uncle Peter" said "it was the first
time lie ever knew an attempt to vomit the
devil out of the church." Although it was a
serious matter, the sinners, owing to the hard
ness of their heart--, did laugh.— Winchester
{111.) Chionicle.
fiwjp- A terrible casualty took place on Stone
street last night, July 20th. Just before mid
night the dwelling of the Widow Corbett was
discovered to lie enveloped in flames, its oc
cupants, Mrs. Corbett and a young girl of the
name Dickson, sleeping in entire unconscious
ness of their danger. The sister of the latter
rushed to the rescue and succeeded in getting
the old lady out, though not without consider
able injuries, that to one of her advanced years
will be likely to prove fatal. Twice again the
heroic girl plunged into the midst of the devour
ing flames in the generous hope of rescuing her
sister, but in vain. She could not rouse her
from her slumbers or succeed in getting her
out. The charred remains of tiie younger were
taken out of the ruins last night. The elder
is so severely burned that but" little prospect
is entertaiued of her recovery. Scranton lie
miles of the Sunbury and Erie Rail road,south
of Erie, has been completed and placed in run
ning order. It is expected that operations
will be commenced this week.— Miltonian.
U®*- There wag an insurance of $25,000 on
the lifg of Rufus Choate.
jictos from nil patterns.
A horrible tragedy was enacted near Free
pert. Illinois, n Wednesday. A German, named Peter
Arndt, killed three of his children, by chopping them
j with an uxe, and so wounded the fourth that it is likely
to die 1 It is not elated what cause led to the dreadful
crime, hut we hope, tor the wretched murderer's own
j sake. that he was in-anc, and if o, he is better off il his
reason never returns.
—The New York Evening Post says that
Von-, Blondin is recommended to try an excursion over
the deep and broad gulf that wi I separate the two sides
j of the Charleston Convention when it meets. '.Ve suppose
I he can use Mason it" Dixon's Line.
—The city of New York averages nearly
| six laßiilies to each house ; showing that about three
; fourths of the whole population of New York live, aver
| aging but a fraction less than six families in a house,
; while only about one family in ten occupy a whole house.
—ln Buffalo, Weduesdnv, a woman while
engaged in washing windows on the outside, made a mis
step, fell off, and aiter revolving once in the air, her
hoops became inflated, and she came easily and graceful
ly to the stone pavement, breaking but two small bones,
| and those were in her hoops.
—The llomo Sentinel snys that there is at
. that point a fleet of loaded canal boats, some four milts
i in length, all of them detained there by a scarcity of wa
j ter in the canal.
Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson has accepted
the invitation of the Cattaraugus County Agricultural
! Society to deliver an address before the Society at its
| Annual Fair at Little Valley, September 23 and 29.
—The Store of Mr. Hovcy, in Maine vil
| l.ige, Broome county, was burned down last (Wednesday)
j night. We are informed that nearly all the goods in the
-tore, amounting to about f3,0C0, were also destroyed—
It is supposed that the fire was accidental.
A correspondent, writing to the Roches
ter Democrat, states that during the thunder storm on
the 16th inst., the Methodist Church at Ludlowville,
Tompkins County, was struck by lightning and almost
totally destroyed. The fluid passed down a stove pipe
I and there was an explosion within the building. The
: wall is moved in many places, the floors torn up, win
| dows blown out and the stoop knocked to pieces. In
j short, the church is a perfect wreck. Nobody was iu or
about the luildiug, and consequently nobody was hurt.
Miss Florence Nightingale is so extreme
ly ill that the worst results are apprehended. Her strength
is diminishing sadly. She has been moved from Highgate
to London, but is now confined to her room.
lt, is a remarkable incident that the 15th
i of August, the day on which the armistice just concluded
j is to terminate, has always been kept as a holiday in
| France, it being the day upon which the Great Napoleon
\ was born.
Dysentery has again broken out in some
I parts of York county, Pa.
—The Fourth of July was celebrated at
Heidelberg, Germany, by about 60 Americans.
—Miss Bates, the sister of the Hon. Ed
ward Bates, of St. Louis, recently emancipated the last
of thirty-two slaves, who formed part "of her inheritance,
and whom she has gradually set free as they became
prepared to take care of themselves in freedom. Judge
Bates emancipated the last of his slaves several years
—Dr. Gaillardet, the person who, last sum
mer, was convicted at New York of assault with intent
i to kill, upon Mr. Cranston, of the New York Hotel, and
who connived with the officer who had him in charge, to
effect his escape, has taken up his permanent residence in
—A shark weighing over TOO pounds, and
. measuring three and a half feet in length and seven and
a half feet around the girth, was captured by a party of
i sharkers from New Ismdon, on the 26th inst. It was
caught iu the sound just out from New London, Conn.
—A fly trap, invented by I>. Atwater, of
| Berlin, Conn., which costs only one dollar, caught in a
j •lining room in a hotel in Manchester, N. H., seventeen
hundred flies in one minute, on a wager, and, of course,
! won the stakes.
A German a'; Cincinnati made a bet of
1 .fifty dollars that lie could drink half a barrel of lager
; l eer in twenty-four hours. Seeing how he was going on,
the other party paid hint ten dollars to throw up the bet.
—We are pained to learn that the Hon. W.
i B. Reed, our lute minister to China, is at present serious
. ly ill, at his residence, Chestnut Hill.
Mr. Buchanan declines being a candidate
for the Presidency—so says the Bedford Gazette of yes
terday, and so also says the Harrisburg Patriot and L'n•
—Colonel Braxton Bragg, to whom General
! Taylor, at the battle of Palo Alto addressed the famous
] words, " A little more grape, Captain Bragg," is report
| ed to be the Democratic candidate for a local office at
! Lafourche, La.
—The Mobile papers announce the death of
I the Ifon. John Gayle, Judge of the United States District
| Court of Alabama, who died at his residence, near Mobile,
|on the 22.-t inst. He was in the (57th year of his age,
and his health had been declining for some time previous
to his death.
—The Canard steamer Persia, which left
New York on the (Jth inst., arrived at Liverpool on Fri
day, the lath. The Liverpool Mercury says, that allow
ing for the difference of time, she made the passage in
) nine days, live hours. This is an extraordinarily quick
I trip.
A German girl in Buffalo, named Monroe,
swallowed twenty-two reed lea on Tuesday, and has digest
ed the whole number under medical care. She intended
j to kill herself, but did not succeed.
—The cars have commenced running on the
Baltimore City Passenger Railway. Great delight is man
| Jested thereat by the papers of that city. They puff the
! railroad, they puff the cars, and they puff tlie conductors
| who are all described as being " young gentlemen, most
j attentive and obliging." Of course.
Professor \V r ise leaves Lancaster iu a few
days, to resume his ballooning experiments in tiie West.
He forwarded last week to St. Louis, under the charge of
i his son, the balloon " Jupiter." The father and sou will
j make an ascension from St. Louis in a few days, and again
! attempt to reach the Atlantic States.
—Last week a little girl, aged ten, was
| placed in tlie New York State Lunatic* Asylum. The
j child was a very intelligent one, and its close application
j to study threw it into fits, and resulted in destroying the
! rhind.
—Dr Doy, recently arrested in Kansas on
a charge of Kidnapping, and confined in the St. Joseph
(Mo.) jail, was rescued on Sunday morning during a se
; vere storm, and at last accounts had not been retaken.
—A letter has been received in Paris from
Baron Larrey, the Emperors surgeon, in which he states
| that his horse wax killed by a bullet, which, had it not
been interrupted, would probably have struck the Ein
; peror.
—John, son of Judge Bressler of Clinton
, county, while gathering whortleberries on the moan tain,
Monday last, was bitten by a rattlesnake, in the hand.—
Remedies were applied, but be was in a precarious condi
tion until Wednesday.
Postmaster Glass, of New Brighton, Pa ,
has been arrested on a charge of passing counterfeit
! money.
—The fruit crop in California, this year, ac
cording to the San Francisco Herald, will amount to be
tween six and seven millions of dollars.
—The U. S. steam frigate San Jacinto, sail
ed recently for the coast of Africa.
ikiiifori) ilcpovtcr.
Thursday Morning, August 4, 1859.
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fz&cff-y**.. COMMITTEE will meet at. the Court
House, in the Borough of Towanila,
SATURDAY. AUGUST 6. 1859, at I.T. M-
The following named persons compose said Committee
— W. C. Bogart, C. H. Ames, Otis Hamilton, Andrew Fee,
B.'S. Hartt, I N.Evans, John G. Towner J G. Ham
mond, Philander Long.
July 26, 1859. W. C. BOGART, Chairman.
We have an official announcement in the
Bedford Gnzetle, that President BUCHANAN
will not be a candidate for re nomination. As
his Excellency : s now reposing from the cares
of Stete at Bedford Springs, this declaration
might be considered as final and authoritative
but for the fact that papers known to be iu
the confidence of " J. B." are urging his re-no
inination, together with the equally well known
fact, that the efforts of his office-holders are di
rected towards the same consummation.
That Mr. BUCHANAN has anxiously desired
a re-nomination, has been apparant for some
time. The patronage of his Administration
has been employed for this purpose ; while lie
has stultified himself and outraged the best in
terests of the country, to conciliate that sec
tional interest which controls the Democratic
party, and makes or unmakes its Presidential
candidates. It would be difficult to satisfy the
public that he freely and voluntarily gives up
the hope he has cherished, of being his own
successor. We should vat her consider it as a
feint, in strict accordance with the history of
his public life, and the unrecoucilable and tor
tuous course of his Presidential career, in which
not content with disappointing the hopes of
the country, he has violated and disregarded
the professions and principles by which he was
elevated to office, forgotten and repudiated old
friends, and taken to his confidence and his
affections, his life-long and bitterest enemies.
If Mr. BUCHANAN has really resigned all
hope of a re-nomination, it does credit to his
sagncity. Surrounded by flatterers and syco
phants, we had not expected him to realize the
general estimation in which his Administration
is held, and the univer.-a! verdict of condemna
tion uttered by the people. The fate of pre
vious Administrations may have forced upon
him the unwelcome conclusion, that the South
having used him to effect its purposes, would
fail him at the Charleston Convention, and
seek for some more serviceable candidate,to use
and repudiate.
ported in Washington that the Mississippi
State Convention have instructed their dele
gates to the Charleston Convention to withdraw
from that body unless they succeed in engraft
ing upon the platform the repeal of all laws
against the African Slave Trade, and the enact
ment by Congress of laws for the protection
of Slave property in the United States Terri
tory. The South Carolina delegation will fol
low them. The next movement in the pro
gramme is to call a Convention, if it is not al
ready called, of disaffected Southern States,
to meet on the 10th of November, to declare
the dissolution of the Union, and to induce as
many States as will co-operate to withdraw
from it. The Convention may possibly meet,
but you won't catch those Southern fire-eaters
doing any such silly thing as attempting a dis
solution of the Union. It is their interest to
keep it whole, and they will never leave it of
their own accord.
gress is making on the work at the depot
grounds of this roaa in Erie ; a freight depot
is to be put up shortly. A locomotive for the
passenger trains is expected at Erie in a few
days. The work at the " Sink Hole," on the
line of the road, near Waterford, will, it is
expected, be permanently surmounted in a few
days. Immediately thereafter the rails will be
laid over it, and carried forward with all pos
sible speed to Union Mills and Warren. When
the former place is reached, a passenger train
will be put on. The road, as far as made, will
compare favorably with any in America.
B*3* The labors of the Kansas Constitutional
Convention have been brought to a close. The
Constitution, as perfected, is a radical Anti-
Slavery instrument, but at the same time it
does not extend the right of suffrage to ne
groes as did the one adopted at Leavenworth.
The State Legislature will consist of seventy-
Representatives and twenty one Senators. To
peka is fixed upon as the temporary capital,
the priucipal competitor for the houor being
The latest advices from the Kansas gold
region are encouraging for those contemplating
emigration thither. The mines continued to
yield well, and new " leads " were being dis
covered. The greatest difficulty is represent
ed to be from the scarcity of water. In oue
place a flume eleven miles in extent was to be
-coa&tracted, and tunneling had already been
In another column, will be found an article
from the Telegraph, on the subject of the value
to the State of the Public Works. We are
aware that this subject is one in which public
interest has in a great measure abated, being
succeeded by a general feeling of relief at the
transfer by the State of her interest in Public
Improvements, but we publish this article to
show how fallacious are the statements that
the Public Works have ever been a source of
revenue to the Commonwealth. The article
was prepared from official documents, and the
figures given may be relied upon as accurate.
Leaving figures out of view, one fact has
beeu sufficient to satisfy us of the unproduc
tiveness, as a source of Revenue, of the State
Improvements, and that was, that they have
not contributed to the relief of the tax-payers,
nor towards liquidating the debt of the Com
monwealth. It has always been very eusy to
make out tables showing the enormous amount
derived from the Public Works, but the money
never found its way into the Treasury ; but on
the contrary, the outgo has been constant. If
the Public Works had been the profit to the
State, claimed by those interested in thieving
along the lines, the Public debt ought to have
been paid off before this time
The proudest day Pennsylvania has seen for
years, was that on which she divested herself
of all interest in Public Improvements. The
future will bear us out in saying that her
progress towards extinguishing her public debt,
and lightening the taxes of her people, will
date from that period.
FOREIGN NEWS.— Dy the arrival of the Yan
derbilt steamship Ocean Quern off Cape Race,
and the Canadian steamship Anglo-Saxon at
Further Point, on her way to Quebec, we are
put in possession of highly interesting Euro
pean advices to the 20th inst., four days later
than those brought by the Eitropa at New
York. The unexpected Peace continued to
be the absorbing topic of the English and
Continental Press, and its provisions appear
to be very generally unacceptable. The Paris
correspondent of the London Post, Lord PAL
MERSTOX'S organ, even asserts that the Emper
ors of France and Austria have become con-
vinced that the bases upon which it was found
ed are impracticable in many respects. The
Post had commenced an attack upon the pro
ceedings at Villafranca,and with all the other
English journals, treated them with ridicule.
The Vienna correspondent of the Times says
that the representatives of France, Austria
and Sardinia were soon to meet at Zurich to
conclude the Treaty of Peace, and the Post's
Paris correspondent says that the conference
has just been arranged at St. Cloud, to meet
early next month. The proceedings in the
British Parliament had been interesting. The
Budget had been submitted by the Chancellor
of the Exchequer, and it exhibits a deficit of
nearly £'5,000,000, which it is proposed to
make up by direct taxation. The financial
and commercial news is highly important. The
English fuuds were flat, and a decline had
taken place in Consols. The Austrian funds
were buoyant. The subscribers to the pro
posed Austrian Loan had been relieved from
their obligations. The Markets were goner
ally very dull and flat. A decline had taken
place at Liverpool 011 all qualities of Cotton,
and Breadstuff's and Provisions were also low
An accident occurred on the Old Colo
ny Railroad, at North Bridgewater, Mass., 011
Saturday morning, by which to persons lost
their lives and two others were injured. The
express train came in collision with a carriage
in which were a man, two ladies and a child.
One of the ladies and the child were instantly
killed. The accident was caused by the man
attempting to drive across the track before
the train. Every possible warning was givei
by the engineer, and unavailing attempts were
made to stop the train in time to avoid the col
IION. RICHARD RUSH died at his residence in
Philadelphia, 011 Saturday morning last.
Letter from President Buchanan.
The subjoined letter from President BUCH
ANAN was addressed to Hon. WILSON MOCAX
DLKSS, of Pittsburg :
UEDFORI) SPRINGS, July 25,1859.
MY DEAR SIR : I have received your kind
note of the 19th inst., together with the lender
from the Post. Whilst I appreciate, as it de
serves, the ability and friendship displayed in
that editorial, I regret that it has been pub
lished. My determination not, under any cir
cumstances, to become a candidate for re-elec
tion, is final and conclusive. My best judg
ment and strong inclination unite in favor of
this course. To cast doubts upon my pre de
termined purpose is calculated to impair my
influence in carrying out important measures,
and affords a pretext for saying that these
(measures) have been dictated by a desire to
be renominated. With kindest regards, Ac.,
Respecl fully vour friend,
THF. CENSUS. —The President has appointed
Mr. J. C. G. Kennedy, who was the Superin
teudent of the seventh census, to make the
necessary arrangements, in conformity with law
tor the eighth census. Before the work of
collecting the census is entered upon, which
will not be until after the next session of Con
gress, it is intended, if possible, to collate and
arrange the returns of the seven censuses already
tuken, so that they may be readily referred to
and availed of for information. Many of these
returns were never published. Tliey lie in the
department, an immense mass of chaotic mat
ter. Inquiries made either by individuals or
authorized by Congress, in regard to specific
facts presented in the returns, could not be
readily answered.
[Cp- Count de Sartiges. French Muuster at
Washington has arrived in Paris.
CAMP MEETING. —A Camp meeting for the
Wyalnsing District of the M. E. Church, will commence
on Wednesday, August 31, and continue till September 7,
on land owned by I. FORD, about two miles south east of
: Leßaysville. A boarding tent will be kept on the ground,
and all huckstering must be kept within the limits pre
scribed by law. The committee recommend that the Fri
day previous to the commencement of the meeting be
observed as a day of fasting and prayer throughout the
district. Any person desiring information in reference
to the matter, can address Rev. JONES, lyeßayaville,
Rev. I. CHILD, late of Rochester, N.
Y., has been installed Pastor of the Baptist Church in
this place, and regular service may hereafter be expected
every Sabbath, at 10J o'clock in the moring, and G. P. M.
Mr. C. will preach every Sabbath afternoon in the Baptist
Church of Monroe.
At a meeting of the Bradford County
Medical Society, held at the Odd Fellows Hall in the
borongh of Monroe, July 6, 1859, the following members
were present:
Dr. C. K. Ladd, Towanda, President; V. Hornet, and
G. F. Horton, Terrytown ; W. L. Clagctt, Standlrg Stone;
D. Holmes, Canton ; H. P. Moody, Frenchtown ; G. H.
Morgan. Monroe ; C. T. Bliss, Leßoy ; A. K. Axtell,
Troy ; T. F. Mndill, Wysox ;*E. H. Mason, Towanda.
The minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
Mr. Morgan reported a ease of local paralysis.
Dr. Bliss reported a case of dropsy, and exhibited a
large mass of steatomatous matter found attached to the
ovaria and filling up the pelvis on autopsy of the case.
Dr. Moody reported a case of empyema, with the dis
charge of small concretions, after the operation of para
Dr. Holmes reported a case of follicular pharyngitis.
Dr. Holmes offered the following resolution, which was
adopted :
Resolved, That the clinic hours of this Society shall be
between the Jiours of 2 and 3 o'clock, P. M., on each day
of its meetings, and hat the persons presented forexam
ihation must be patients of members of this Society.
I>r. Morgan, chairman of the committee on Vaccine
Virus, read a report, and asked that the committee be
continued until next meeting, which was granted.
The committee to whom was referred the case of Dr.
Axtell, for mal practice, made the following report which
was unanimously adopted :
WHEREAS : Dr. A. K. Axtell has been prosecuted for
an alleged injury done to the knee joint, while producing
extension, bv lorce applied above the condyles of the
lemor, or in that vicinity ; and whereas, it is asserted that
the leg was flexed upon the thigh while extension was
lieing made ; and whereas, a majority of your committee
were present to examine the patient's knee, and heard the
testimony at the trial, and are perfectly conversant with
the facts in the case, therefore
Resolved. That in the opinion of your committee, the
force applied to the knee, or its vicinity, did not nor could
not produce the alleged injury, a much greater force is
frequently employeti under similar circumstances, with
perfect impunity, to the knee joint, and that the course
pursued by Dr. A. is highly commendable, and in accord
ance with the best surgical practice.
G. 11. MORG AN, 1
C. T. BLISS, B Committee.
Dr. Holmes presented a resolution adopted by the Med
ical Association of the eastern district of the State of New
York, inviting the nembers of the Bradford County Med
ical Society to become members of their Association.
Dr. Horton offered the following resolution which was
adopted :
WHEREAS : At the instance of Dr. Holmes, a member
of tlie Medical Association of the eastern district of the
Stats of New York, that Association have invited the
members of this Society to membership with them, there
Resolved. That the members of this Society tender their
thanks to the Medical Association, and recommend the
members of tiiis Society to comply with their invitation.
Drs. Holmes and Bliss were appointed to read essays at
the next meeting.
The subject of Dysentery was selected for discussion at
the next meeting.
Dr. Moody offered the following resolution which was
unanimously adopted :
Resolved. That the thanks of this Society are tendered
to the Odd Fellows, lor the gratuitous use of their Hall
on this occasion.
Adjourned to meet at Towanda,Wednesday September 7.
E. H. MASON, Secretary.
SHIPMENTS of Coal by the Barclay Rail
Road and Coal Company :
Previous Shipments 11,577 tons.
For week ending July 30 991 "
Amount for the season 12.579 tons.
FIRE AT TROY. —On Tuesday n : ght, July
24th, about twelve o'clock, the harn of Gen. ELISHA
CASE, in Troy, was discovered on fire, and all at
tempts to save it proved useless. It was entirely con
sumed, together with its valuable contents, consisting of
two hundred bushels of line wheat, two hundred bushels
of barley, and about one hundred and fifty tons of hay - -
We are not informed as to the extent of Gen. CASE'S loss
or whether any portion of it is covered by insurance.—
The fire was undoubtedly the work of an incendiary, as
no person in <!en. CASE'S family or employ had been in
the barn after the harvest hands had quit work the pre
vious evening. Gen. CASE is a highly esteemed citizen
of Troy, and is not aware that he has a solitary enemy in
the place. The fiend waited until the whole hcrvest of the
farm had been gathered into the barn before he attempted
to perpetrate his damning deed, the last ton of bay hav
ing been deposited in the barn but a few hours previous
to the tire.
vention of the Episcopal Church of the Diocese of West
ern New York, will be held in Trinity Church in Elmira.
on the 17th day of August, inst. The Convention will
open at half-past ten o'clock in the forenoon. There ate
one hundred and one clergymen in charge of Congrega
tions in the Diocese, and who are exofficio members of
the Convention. Each Chnrch is entitled to three lay
delegates, making in all four hundred and odd members
of the Convention.
MYER'S MILL. —The proprietors of this well
known Mill, Messrs. FROST & Co., to accommodate the
wants of the surrounding country, have attached to it a
steam engine that no interruption make take place in the
business of the establishment, which they now have in
lull operation, and are prepared to accommodate all who
may call, on short notice.
AGRICULTURAL NOTICE. —At the urgent so
licitation of a large number of persons, the Bradford
County Agricultural Society will hold a Fair the coming
fall, if the new fair grounds of the Society can be finish
ed in time. The Secretary is now preparing the Lists,
which it is expected will be published next week.
Miss WASHBURN, a " trance medium," lec
tured at the Court House, last week, to a large audience,
speaking for an hour and a half upon a text selected by
a Committee.
We are requested to state that she will speak in She
sqequin, Sunday, August 21st, when ail persons desirous
of hearing her can have an opportunity.
THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY for August is early
upon our table, filled unusually full of interesting reading
matter. The " Minister's Wooing" is still continued,and
is full of interest; as is also " The Professor at the
Breakfast Table," with many other interesting articles,
which goes to make the " Atlantic " the magazine. Pub
lished by Phillips, Sampson A Co., 13 Winter street, Bos
ton. Terms, $3 per year.
tional Magazine still continues to improve, and it is now
second to none. The following will be found in its table
of contents : The Midnight Review ; The Soul's Depar
ture ; The Bell of the Burning Steamer; The Asinine
Papers ; Ruminations after Dinner; A Birth night Vigil;
Ladies Abroad in the Old Bay State ; Vagaries of aa
Artist; Seven Years in ye Western Land, Ac., Ac.
accident occurred on the Delaware and Hudson
Co's Railroad at Prompton, last Thursday
afternoon,resulting in the death of Mr. RICHARD
ADDVMAN, a well known citizen of this pi ace,
and maiming in a terrible manner a German
by the name of Rouse, who is yet lying in a
very critical situa*ion.
It appears Mr. Addynoan was engaged at
his business (painting,) in Prompton for a few
days, and was in the habit of coming home in
the evening, on the coal cars. At this time
he was running after a train in motion, to
jump on, and a short distance behind this traia
a few cars were coming, on which were men
working on the road, returning home. Just
as Mr A. was reaching out to catch on the
last car, he fell into a cow-pit. It is supposed
the fall stunned him, and before he could get
entirely out, the cars behind came upon him,
killing him almost instantly. The German,
who was also so much injuied, jumped off the
cars and attempted to pull hiru out of the cow
pit, and in so doing nearly lost his own life.
AN ESCAPE —While an express trainbonnd
East, Wednesday, on the Eastern division of
the Erie railroad, was running at full speed,
the passengers were suddenly startled by a
shrill whistle from the engine and the quick
and noisy action of the brakes. The train was
soon brought to a stop, when the alarmed pas
sengers learned that the engineer had discover
ed a pile of stones on the track in time to avoid
the imminent peril. The stones had been
heaved up by some unknown miscreant.
On the '27 th of July, in Towanda township, Mrs. POLLY
OVERTON, in the 87th year of her age.
Mrs. OVERTON had long been a consistent member of
the Church ol'Chiist, and has gone down to her grave in a
| good old age, " like a shock of corn fully ripe." Be ye
ready also. *•
iirui awwatmu.
For Young Ladies.
MISSES CHUBBUCK respectfully in
form the public that the Fall term of their school
will commence on Monday, the 29th day of AUGUST,
i in the room formerly occupied by them.
Thankful for the liberal patronage extended to them
I during the past year, Mi-.-es C. assure their patrons that
I no pains will BE spared to merit A continnance of the con
fidence of those who may confide pupils to their care.
MISS FANNY 1.. CHUBBUCK will have entire charge
of Music ; and a limited number of scholars only will be
taken .
FIRST Clam — To include the elementry English
Branches 14 00
Second Class — To include the more advanced
English branches.with Mathematics and Latin $6 00
Third Class—To include Mathematics, Moral
and Mental Philosophy, Rhetoric, Botany, Ac.,
with Latin $7 00
Music. — lnstruction on the Piano, with use of Instru
ment per quarter, $lO ; French, per term, $3, and Draw
ing ?•'?, extra.
Each pupil will be expected to provide herself with a
desk arid chair.
*-Any information in reference to this School may
be obtained by applying to H. S. Mercur or E. T. Fox.
Towanda. August 1, 1859.
Williamsport, Lccoming County, Fa,
Rev. JOHN H. DASHIELL, A. M., (Principal ) Moral
Philosophy and Belle Lett res.
J. \V. FERKKE, A. M., Mathematics.
C. R. Z. CHIEGNER, A. M., Ancient and Modern Lan
GEORGE W. JOHN, A. 8., Natural Science.
WILLIAM LIGHTON, Instrumental and Vocal Music.
Miss MARY K. CUSHMAN, Preceptress.
Miss LAURA M. VAN NESS, Painting and Drawing.
Rev. JOHN J). WALLACE, Preparatory Department.
Miss EMMA MAN'LIN, Assistant Pnpil.
S. M. < ill! lts, Penmanship and Book Keeping.
D. SHOWERS, Steward and Treasurer.
The Seminary Year is divided into three unequal terms.
Pupils are received at any time. Deduction for Absence
is made on recommendation of the Faculty to the-Trea
PALL Term will begin. Angust 18th, 1859,
and end December 21t. 18 weeks.
Winter Term will begin January sth. 1860,
end March 30th, 12 "
Summer Term will begin, March 31st 1860,
end June 21st, 12 "
Board, washing, and furn
ished room, $2 3.5 pr week, or S9B 70 pr yr.
Gas and tixtures, 15 " " 6 30 •'
Tuition, per 12 weeks,
Preparatory Deparment, $-5 00
6 00
Scientific •' 7 00
Scientific Lectures, (extra), 1 00 24 50 "
Classical Department, 8 00
Incidental charges — Heating and Clean
ing Public Rooms, Ac., 80 cents per
12 weeks, 2 80
Total charge per year, $132 30
Music, Drawing, Painting and Modern Languages,
Book-keeping, Ornamental Penmanship and Wax-Fruit,
No Student admitted to recitation until all bills are
settled or arranged with the Treasurer.
Bills payable in advance, per term.
Students should bring with them towels, napkins and
bedding. These and their clothing should be well mark
This School has many advantages ; the Location is
beautiful and healthy, and has direct communication,
twice a day. with Baltimore, New York and Philadelphia.
The terms are cheaper than in the major ty of schools.—
The Buildings are spacious, lighted with pas, and well
supplied with school and boarding requisites. Night
TV AN LI. Brothers and sisters may lie educated together.
Studies are liberally arranged t > suit preferences or in
dustry. Daily prayers, with singing and the reading of
GOD'A Word in the Chapel. Mar.s-ly.
Uorth Branch Canal Company.
THE Stockholders of the North Branch
J. Canal Company are hereby notified, by a >n
ot the Board oi Managers, an Instalment of A
Half Dollars per share, is required to be paid to tne Trea
surer or bis Assistant, at their office in Wilkesßarre, by
the lath day of September next, and if not paid within
thirty days alter that time, the stock will be forfeited.
GEO. M. UOLLENBACK, Treasurer.
July 21. 1859. W. G. STERLING, Asst. Teas'r.
Shrubs and Vinos.
THE undersigned will he prepared the com-
JL ing Fall, to supply the public with a well selected
and choice variety of trees.. shrubs and vines. All orders
sent or given I will attend to filling and delivering my
self. and hope to make satisfactory. Trees that shed the
leaf should be transplanted in the fall, evergreens late in
the spring. As some people think that nursery men
should replace all trees that do not live, I would say,
to those buying of me, that I do not agree to do so, but
I will warrant my trees to lie in good order wheu deliv
ered. I will warrant all to live, but in such a case I will
have an extra price, and attend to setting out myself.
N. B— I The following Insurance Companies have ap
pointed me their Agent, to take risks of all classes where
local agents are not found : The Farmer's Union Insur
ance Co., and Great Western, united, now of Philadelphia,
the Kensington of Philadelphia, the Lycoming County
Mutual Insurance Company, of Muncy Pa., Anything
in this line promptly attended.
Towanda, July 25,1859.
received at MERCUR'S.
No. 1, Brick Row, over E. T. Fox's store —
entrance first door <.n Dine st. July 18,1859.
County Treasurer,
a Candidate for the office of COUNTY TREASURER,
subject to the decision of the Republican County Conven
tion, and respectfully ask the co-operation at my Repub
lican triends in MY behalf. Should I be so fortunate as
to be nominated and elected, I wilt perform the duties of
said office with fidelity. E. It. VAUGHN.
Wyalusipg, July 12, 1859.
ing Frait, Ac., Fresh all the year round These
Bottles are cheaper and better than any other bottle or
can in use. For sale by F. T. FOX.