Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 28, 1859, Image 1

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Thursday Morning, July 28, 1859.
jirlettcb |)oftrn.
[This translation from the German ballad of Baron
Trttllilz is by Clarence M&ngan. It seems particulaih
apropos at this time of European war, when one might
well image the restless spirit of the first Napoleon hov
ering over the moonlit fields which were the scene ot his
military exploits.]
When midnight hour is come.
The drummer forsakes his tomb,
Aud marches, beating his phantom-drum
To and fro through the ghastly gloom.
He plies the drumsticks twain
With fieshless fingers pale.
And beats and beats again aud again
A King and dreary reveUlt
Like the voice of abysmal waves
Resounds its unearthly tone,
Till the dead old soldiers, long in their graves,
Awaken through every zone.
And the slain in the land of the Hun.
Aud the frozen in the icy North,
And those who under the burning sun
Of Italy sleep, come forth.
And they whose bones longwbile
Lie bleaching in Syrian sands,
And the slomberers under the reeds of the Nile.
Arise with arms in their hands.
And at midnight, in his shroud.
The trumpeter leaves his tomb,
And blows a blast long, deep aud loud,
As he rides through the ghastly gloom.
And the yellow mooulight shines
On the old Imperial Dragoons :
And the Cuirassiers they form in lines.
And the Carabineers iu platoons.
At a signal the ranks unsheathe
Their weapons in rear and van ;
But they scarcely appear to speak or breathe.
And their features are sad ami wan.
And when midnight relies the sky.
The Emperor leaves his tomb.
And rides along, surrounded by
His shadowy staff through the gloom.
A si'ver star so bright
Is glittering on his breast :
In a uniform of blue and white
And a gray camp-frock he is dressed.
The moonbeams shine afar .
On the various marshalled groups,
As the Man with the glittering silver star
Rides torth to review his troops.
And the dead battalions all
Go again through their exercise.
Till the moon withdraws, and a gloomier pal!
Of blackness wraps the skies.
Then around the chief once more
The Generals and Marshals throng :
And he whispers a word oft heard before
In the ear of his aide-de-camp.
In files the troops advance,
And thvmAU' no longer -cen.
The challenging waUhword given is " France !"
The answer is " Sainte Helene 1"
And this is the Grand Review.
Which at midnight on the wolds.
If popular tales may pass for true.
The buried Emperor lo ids.
l\\ isc r 11 anto us.
A Visit to a Gunpowder Mill.
On the front of an old-fashioned home in
Lombard-street, London, are inscribed the
ominous words " Gunpowder office " Du s y a<
the people are in thut hu-y street, it is remaka
ble to observe with what apparent care the
passers-by choose the opposite side of the way
in preference to steering 1 their barks close to
so seemingly dangerous a f rt. But they need
have no fear, for scarcely more than a few
ounces of powder, byway of samples for mer
chants.-ever there.
Gunpowder is the guard-chain and strong
bolt which keeps the barbarian thief from en
tering the precincts of the peaceful and indus
trious., indirectly, the great peace-eon
stable of the world. Prior to this clever chem
ical invention, the wars of sects, classes, or
nations were vexatious!* prolonged. Citarle
n ,gne spent a long r ;gu in perpetual war. Pur
i 1 g the Roman empire war scarcely ceased,and
- 1 it had been with all the preceding nations.
The b -tory of the world is a history of shilt
i 1 g wars. Prior to the invention of gunpow
e r. or more correctly speaking, prior to its
apt cation as a means of warfare, a prolonged
peace, such a peace as the 40 years between
the Napoleonic wars and the Crimean war.has
scarcely been recorded. The fact i< that when
nj-n discovered the terrible effects of this new
engine for their destruction they began to think
more serionsly of war. The oid battles.fought
without gunpowder, were not half so much to
be dreaded as a modern war. The battles of
Ptolemy and Ramises. kings of Egypt, of Neb
uchaduezzar, Babylon, and Xerxes, of Suss,
were of a class that may be compared to a
mighty host of robbers sacking a country with
but little or no danger to themselves. What
a contrast do such battles present to the ter
r.fic encounters at lukermaoo and Sevastojiol,
at which thousands of men were killed after
but a few days' contest. All men fear and re
spo t gunpowder. Nation-spend millions ot
MNf in building fortifications, and in endeav
or '■ g to : ake strongholds impregnable to the
tffvets of this simple mixture, but ail their
eff are without avail. No fortress that has
ever been erected can bold together against
I : d • Us, rockets, and balls flying through
i P • lightning speed, urged on by gun
| I fr The modus tptrar.di practiced in the
nun a fact are of an article so destructive cannot
: ■1 ' ■> in: rc?t everybody, and so we *-k the
*• ad< r to accompany us on a visit Jo the great
to •ut-.ctovy at Hcuuslow.
liit tail cbtmaey stack; now in sight are a:
the Gunpowder Mill ; so keep them in view,
and you will be sure to travel right. A little
walk and you are within hearing of the engine's
groans. Now you are fairly within " blowing
up" distance, so have a care ; if smoking, put
out your cigar. Within a tract of land two miles
square is another about half a-mile broad ;
aud it is within the later that the mills are at
work, ceaselessly, from morning to night to
morning Sunday and week-day without end—
until the next terrible explosion gives a little
rest, when fresh muscles and new headpieces
are quickly again directing this grim work.—
The first thing that will attract a stranger's
attention will be the enormous cords of wood
—aiderwoodand dogwood—for a quarter of a
uiile : the ominous words " fire-engine." letter
ed on several, warns oueto beware. Now yon
enter the niter-house, and here all appears
harmless enough, boiling and steaming, filter
ing, cooling and crystallizing. You will here
be pleased enough to see how the dirty earthy
saltpeter (niter) of India is washed and purifi
ed till it looks as fit to eat as a lemon ice.—
These large retorts are where the wood is dis
tilled to convert into charcoal. By this pro
, cess not only is charcoal produced, but hun
dreds of gallons of tar, and also acid water. —
This acid water, in plain truth, is weak vinegar
and has only to be freed by a few strokes of
chemical magic from the tarry particles nosv
floating in it to become the white-wine vinegar
so tastefully labeled at the great pickle-shops
of Soho-square and Piccadily.
Pass we on. Here the sulphur sold to ns
be King Botnba, and vomited out from the
earth's stomach by the fire-belching mountain
Vesuvius, is ground, sifted, and rendered fit to
enter the warrior's mixture. The niter, the
charcoal, and the sulphur are all pretty harm
less in their primitive state, but " when
rogues meet, then let honest men beware." So
now to the first mill house. The rumbling.the
rattling, the clankling, the screeching, the
heaving, the wincing of powerful maehiuery,
1 overcoming obstacles, are now about as pleasant
to hear as an Atlantic steamship fighting
against the storm-waves, and you on board of
I it. An engine-house, boiler, furnace and chim
ney in the very center of a guupowder mill !
But so it i- ; one mighty axle passes from the
engine-house to six griuding-houses—three on
the left, and three on the right. We will en
ter one of them ; it is about the size of a small
cottage ;on the floor is a monster chemist's
mortar, and inside it, in lieu of pestle, there
roll two might stone w heels, cased with iron
tvres, weighing more than 2 tuns each. Forty
pounds of mixture—sulphur, niter,and charcoal
; —are put into the mortar. Over end over
this the wheels roll for eight hours before it is
, considered smooth and fine enough. Every
two hours it is " liquored"—that is, a little
water is sprinkled over it from the rose of a
watering pot. At the end of eight hours,
i black-looking demons will appear and carry off
this 40 lbs. of meal (is now called " meal ")
to the corning house. Here the meal from all
the said griuding-houses is brought together,
and subjected to immense hydraulic pressure,
so as to form "cakes." Each cake is then
cut into slices, and each slice forced through a
little sieve-like apparatus, which divides it in
to "grains." Tne newly-made grain powder
! is, however, still too damp for use, and must
be dried. To do this the powder is spread
out on trays that hold about 10 lbs each, and
I is then placed in the drying-house, which i;, in
fact another cottage of wood const ruction. By
the side ot this building there isasmallturuace
and boiler for generating steam. The steam
passes through convoluted pipes within the dry
ing-honse, zig-zag between the racks that sup
port the trays of gunpowder. Proper vales
i are arranged so as to prevent the pipes becotn
: ing too hot. Finally the powder has to lie
made genteel aud respectable, with a bright
polish on its face, fit to appear into society.—
This is effected by passing first through the
dusting i.oi-e. H re all the fairformed "grains"
are sifted away from the "du*t and so very
dangerous in this operation that a large wood
on crecn is erected all round the house, in
order to keep cloud-like dust being wafted by
the wind towards anv of the boiler furnaces,
for the lightest spark falling from tbechiinney
stacks into the dusty cloud would explode the
whole. It beirg thus necessary to keep the
dust within a limited space, the nrm employed
in the work are exposed4o its noxious influence.
Lastly, the powder is carried to the glazing
bouse. Here it is put into barrels of one Iniu
; dred lbs each, together with a few ounce® of
black lea l. Each barrel is fixed on a kind of
spit, and made to revolve on its axis until, by
mutual abrasion, every grain has the bhu k
metallic luster familiar to all who u-e the
"shooting iron." We have said the powder is
carried from this hon-e to the other house :
cow, all these "houses" are but cottages, or
rather enclosed wooden sheds, of the lightest
po-sible construction : so built, for obvious
reasons that should any accident occur the
whole thing would blow away The "houses"
are separated from each other by many yards,
even distant an eight of a mile. By thus
separating the buildings there is, of course,less
danger iu case of fire.
Through the land on which the Gnnpowder
Mill is situated there flows a small river—the
Colne—and from it are cnt several canals,
winch by serpentine windings from wharves to
several of the houses, so that when the pow
der is sent trcm one to another it is carried by
boats, a means of transit attended with the
least danger to those transporting so danger
ous a material.
Advantage is taken of the abundance of
water-power to do a great deal of the work at
the nulls; indeed, before the demand for pow
der became so great, the whole work was put
into operation by the motor thus at haod.
F >wuers ot various textures are here pro
duced, which require grinding from six to eight
hours tor each marge of 40 ibs. Every charge
tbeu, as an average, occupies seven hours
The different qisahues are known as sporting
powder, military or government powder, turn
ing or bla-ting powder, Ac. :40 lbs of pow
der everv seven hours is equal to 960 lbs. a
week j this multiplied by 10 the number of
grinding bosses a: work, is ecfha! to 9,600 lbs
a week, 85 1-2 cwt., over (or say) 4 1-4 tous j
weekly, that is 220 tons annually—22o tons
of gunpowder made yearly at one manufactory.
The source of power in gunpowder lies in
the saltpeter ; this substance, termed nitrate
of potash, cousists of nitric acid and potash.—
i Now, the nitric acid is, as it were, an immense
volume of atmospheric air, coudensed into a
solid, ready on demand to assume the air form i
|by the touch of a spark. When sulphur and
charcoal are mixed with niter (saltpeter), and
■ a spark is applied, the sulphur ignites, setting
fire to the charcoal,and concentrated air is sup
plied to the substance by the decomposition of
the niter. The air condensed therein instantly
unites with the combustible, and the result is
an intensely hot gaseous compound, two thous
and times the bulk of the original solid.
The English government gunpowder is com
posed 75 parts of niter, 15 charcoal, and 10 of
sulphur. The Russian military powder con
tains 73 3-4 of niter, 13 1-2 charcoal, and
12 3 4 sulphur.
MARRIAGE. —In the pressure that now weighs
upon all persons of limited fortune, sisters,
ncices, and daughters,are the only commodities
that our friends are willing to bestow upon us
for nothing, and which we cannot afford to ac
cept, eveu gratuitously. It to have been
the same, at a former period, in France. Maitre
Jean Picard tells us that, when he was return
ing from the funeral of his wife, doing his best
to look disconsolate, snch of the ueighbors as
had grnwn-np daughters and cousins came to
b in, and kindly implored him not to be incon
solable, as they could give him a second wife.
" Six weeks after," says-Maitre Jean, " I lost
my cow, and, though I really grieved on this
occasion, not oue of them offered to give me
another." It has been recorded by some anti
conuubial wag, that when two widowers were
once condoling together on the recent bereave
ment of their wives, one of them exclaimed,
with a sigh, " Well may I bewail my loss, for
I had so few differences with dear deceased,
that the last day of my marriage was as happy
as the first." ' There I surpass you." said li is
frieud, " for the ia*t day of mineiras happier
Although woman are accused of being much
more vain than men, roy experience has prov
ed to me. at least, the contrary. Only in a few
instances have I found the ladies as exacting
as the men Sontt times I have heard girls,
gifted by nature with ail the charms of Hebe,
say that they thought I had flattered them.—
Now, a truly beautiful woman cannot be done
justice to either by painter or poet, ;o that in
these eases, instead of flattering, 1 was failing
far short of the originals. Once, indeed, a la
dy sat to me who considered that her figure
was not good : so she asked a friend who had
a fine figure to sit for her. The effect of the
combination may be imagined. To an artist's
eye, at least, it # was putting the portraits of
two different persons in one stereoscope, for
the figure, whether handsome or otherwise,
always harmonizes with the head. Once a
'"Spanish lady sat to me, w hen he had absolute
ly ma tit ier face to such an extent with
varnishes, cosmetics and paints, that she look
ed more like a China doli than a human being.
Her own complexion was of an exquisite olive
brown, as I saw one day when she was not
sitting to me. and it was a sin to spoil it in
that way. I longed to tell her so, but that
would have been a mortal offence ; for, of
course, her object was to make me and every
one else think that was her complexion."
Stick to thf Farm. —lt is a peculiar part of
the programme common to high pressure time-,
when speculation ruins riot and drives reason
and prudence into obscurity, that men forsake
the plow and work-bench and resort to selling
silks and la e-, toys and rat-traps, tobacco,e'e ,
for a living. It is useless for a man of prudence
and experience to urge that bankruptcy is the
fate of ail such ns forsake the farm and resent
to the counter for a living. Inexperienced in
the business, their failure is a mere problem in
process of solution ; the first reaction in c>>;n ;
met ■ • and currency will sweep them overboard
and they will go down. A successful farmer
possessing a family has no more r.ght to forsake
hi- well-secured farm-boat for a leaky, shabby,
cob web, lace-lined boat, than he has to resort
to intemperance and gambling. Stick to your ;
firms : your lands wi! never desert yon r r
e-*ase to supply your wants, unless you first ue
?er: them. The mercantJe business is a hum
bug to whoever s inexperienced in it. Lke
gambling, it mn-t be understood to make it
pay. and wo to him who l>ets on a card who
cannot tell as well what it is by seeing the
back as seeing the face.
Sfiling a Jiii.r—Bob Harper, who lived
on K.tie Creek, in Wilkes county, Ga.. was
lined five dollars by Judge]Pooley during court
week. B b wa-; a wag, and he said he would
have the worth of his money out of the Judge, i
It happened the Judge was on hi circuit on
horseback in those days.) and passing by Bob's
hoo;e on the creek, which was swollen by a
heavy rain, he wanted to know if the creek w as
" I reckon it is." said Bab, " tou will get a
cold bath if you try it."
" I'll strip and make my borseswim it if you
will go up the creek and bring my clothes over"
said the Judge.
I Off went his nether garments and over went
the Judge, his horse not going over his knees
—the creek being broad but shallow. As the
Judge got over, several persons were enjoying
the fun from a store piazza, neither Bob nor
his clothes making their appearance. The
Judge was wraihy, cold, and shivering. Bob
was still on his side of the creek bawled ont,
i " Judge, you can have your breeches for five
" Bring tbem over," said the Judge : "I'm
cold ; ycu may fight at the next court all the
week, and I'll not fine you at all."
A married monster said he lately dream
ed that he bad an angel by his side, but upon j
waking found it was nobody but his wife. '
[From the Independent, May 25th.]
The Organ.
God has taken care that Religion, which is
the mother of all things good, shall itself be
served by the npblest servants. And, surely,
in music, without which it would seem impos
sible to express the deepest and divinest emo
tious, He has appointed the worthiest servant
of all. For music is itself the language that
the soul talks in—the inarticulate speech of
feelings too subtle and pure for expression In
coarse words. And yet God has joined to
music the divine thoughts of hymns. For
what music is to feeling, poetry is tothinkiug.
And of all poetry none is so spiritual and uni
versal as a hymn ; —not alone those which are
cast to the mould of some tune, bnt those
other noble strains, hymns in spirit and not in
form, irregular and untunable, scattered up
and down through all fervent and deep relig
ious poetry, and which move the heart to mu
sic if not the tougue ; —such music as nature
inspires in birds, in soft sounds of moving
trees and murmuring brooks, wild, and not yet
tamed and broken in to the bit and harness of
the schools. A hymn is taken out of the hu
man soul as Eve was from the side of Adam.
And music is the paradise where voice aud
hymn walk entranced.
Likewise hath it been appointed to the
Church of Christ to possess the sublimest in
strument of the world—the organ ! It is
not so much a single instrument as a multitude
of thein, dwelling together—a cathedral of
sounds within a cathedral of service.
It would seem a.s if a Divine Providence
had permitted men. in the outward world, to
devise and perfect musical instruments for
every quality of sound, and with every degree
of power, that then they might be gathered
up into one many voiced orchestra. The flute
and harp for love, the trumpet for battle, the
clarionet for the march, the violin and viols
for festive gaieties, but all of them for n !ig
ion, when gathered together and ranged by
the side of other instruments without names,
expressing all the sounds which Nature know s;
some of birds, {some of sharp and piercing
winds, flying high in the air or sighing around
old and desolate places ; some of moving wa
ters, of human voices, of nameless sounds, aud
all tempered to a harmony with vast and
thunder-rolling basses, so that every living
thing and every object in Nature hears the
sound ot devotion in his own tongue !
If that mysterious element which the hu
man wili exents upon a single instrument or
orchestra, and which makes a violin speak,
like a spirit-voice, instinct with human feeling,
lie wanted in an organ, so, too, in the caprice
of irritable musicians, the wilful temper, the
spiteful neglect, which have always made mu
sicians the most inharmonious aud discordant
people in the world.
To the service of religion has this noblest
of ai! instruments been preserved, without be
ing defiled by any evil associations of secular
service or perversion. And it stands in the
churches, with its massive harmonies, to excite
and express the noblest feelings which the
human soul ever experiences !
But it is to be feared that, except in a few
instances, this instrument is almost useless for
religious purposes, ui.d in a great many cases
positively injurious. Indeed, the me* that
plav the organ, in hundreds of instances, seem
utterly nnconscion%of its moral functions
The service of the organ in nou-Episcopal
churches is usually an opening piece or pre
lude ; an accompaniment to the singing of
choir or congregation ; interludes and a clos
ing voluntary.
What is the use of the opening organ piece?
Is it amusement ? a musical Inxury ?
When men enter the house of God upon
the Sabbath, they come from care, from busi
ness, from secular pleasures and duties. And
the two things needed at the beginning of
putdic worship, are, fir-t a transition from or
dinary thought and feeling into a higher and
more devout frame of mind, and, secondly, a
unity of feeling; a fellowship in the whole
assembly. Now, it is in the powef of music,
to arrest the attention, to change the current
of feeling, "to draw off the thoughts from
common things, and to give to the mind, if
not a religious tone, yet a state higher than
before, and froiu which the tran-ition to wor
-hip will be easy and natural. Nothing will
hr ng men into a state of fet ling common to
all sooner than fit organ music. This, then,
is the object of the opening piece. Upon ca
tering "he house of G d there as it were, a
a screen of sonnd rolled down between the
audience and the outward wor!!
Every susceptible nature is drawnoofu f from
sordid or sad thoughts, the careless arc inter
ested, and the attention of all is attracted to
a common influence which is moulding them
gently to holy thoughts and fee'irgs. Of
course this object will determine the fitness of
an openitcr piece. It may be slow and -oft ;
it tuay be grand and majestic ; it may be per
suasive and soothing ; or it may be jubilant,
as celebrating the incoming of Christ's IF.} 1
But the end to be gaintd is the hearts of the not the ears of connoisseurs ! That
is good wiiich gains the audience to a prepar
ation for worship, and ouiy that is good. No
man that knows the almost omnipotent power
of association, will greet the audience with
marches, or opera airs, which take the thoughts
right back to tl-e world. Neman either, who
has religious sensibility, will take snch a time
laboriously to perform intricate pieces, which
are. perhaps, master-pieces of skill, Lot n hieh
are about as fit for the church as Paradise
Lost would be for a hymn. This opening or
gan-piece. admits of as great a range of use
fulness as any service ot music in the church.
Ana it is a thing to be studied and remedied.
If organ-playing is but organ diversion in
chnrch. if it is only a stupendous method of
gratifying the taste, the organ had better be
silenced. But if the organist feels the power
of the Sabbath day; if it lifts its Dgbt upon
him as the day whkh brought salvation to the
world, and fills his sou' with rejoicings and
gratitode, be will be able upoe so stately an
instrument to pour forth strains that will win
the audience to sympathy with him.
ed about midnight, if we remember right, at
Wiudsor Palace. The Archbishop of Canter
bury, with other peers and high functionaries
of the kingdom, w ere in attendance. As soon
as the "sceptre had departed " with the last
breath of the king, the Archbishop quitted
Windsor Castle and made his way with all
1 ; possible speed to Kensington Palace, the resi
i deuce at that time of the Princess, (already
by the law of succession, Qneeu) Victoria.—
' He arrived long before daylight, announced
himself, and requested u interview with the
I Princess. She hastily attired herself, and met
the venerable prelate iu her room. He iu
! i formed her of the demise of William, and
' j formally aunouneed to her that she was iu law
and right, successor to the deceased monarch.
1 [ " The sovereignty of the most powerful nation
of the earth lay at the feet of a girl of eigh
■ • teen." She was de jure, queen of the only
1 realm, in fact or history, "on which the sun
never sets." She was deeply agitated at tlie
formidable words, so deeply fraught with bless
ing or calamity. The first words she was
able to utter were these : "I a;kyour prayers
in my behalf." They kneeled together, and
Victoria inaugurated her reign, like the young
King of Israel in olden time, by asking from !
the most High, who rnleth in the kingdom of
men, cn understanding heart to judge sogreat
' a people, who could not be numbered oreouut
■ | ed for multitude.
The sequel of her reign has been worthy of
such a beginning. Every throne in Europe
lias tottered since that day. Most of thein
1 have been for a lime overturned. That of
England was never so firmly seated in loyalty
and love of the people as at this hour. Queen
Victoria enjoys a personal influence, too—a
heartfelt homage paid to her as a wife, a
mother, a friend and benefactor to the poor, a
Christian woman—incomparably milder and
greater than that of any monarch now reign
ing. She is loved at home aud admired
STEADINESS OF PURPOSE. —It overcomes dif
ficulties—not with a rush and a shout, but one
by one they melt away before its incessant
pre>;ure, as icebergs before the steady radiauce 1
of the sun.
It gives one the strength of a happy con- 1
science. A weather cock of a man whittling
about with everv breeze, cannot have true
steadiness of mind. Self dissatisfaction wor
ries and annoys him ; but a cheerful vigor and [
energy grows out of an iutel igent and unvio- j
lating purpose.
It gives dignity and honor to character
Men cannot but admire the mind that marches
stiadily on through sunshine and shade, calm ;
aud storm, smiles and frowns ; glad of lavor,
but pressing on without it ; thankful for aid, ]
but fixed on advancing at mi events ; such
tnen establish for themselves a character which
can not but be seen and honored.
It gives success. In any enterprise which
is not dow : right madness, such a man must
succeed. He will not reach his ends at a leap,
but he will reach them. He moves nut rapid
ly, but sorely. When you want to find him
by-arid ly, you know where to look You wi.l
look at the topmost rounds of the ladder of
success, and you will find Liui about there
—Our wives aud daughters lose three-fourths
of the plea-nres of summer travel, by the in- j
excusable, the execrable perversion of true
taste and common sen-e. in dressing for a rail
car or a steamboat as if they were goini to a
court reception. It docs seem that they have
no more sense of the fitness of things than
idiots. Cannot some few gentlemen hare their
own wav for once, and thereby set the fashion ;
by dressing their families for a summer trav.!
ic plain, sid -Tantia! nmeats, allowing no ;
member anything beyond what a small carpet
I6g would contain, and x hich should be the j
S't.e article which each one was to t;.ke care
of? I>t us all "put ourselves U]on rmr he
havior." and not on our dress. The fact is.
the clerks and proprietors of hoteis, the cap
tains of steamboats, and the conductors of ;
railroads, see at the very first glance the real
stmlus of a traveller ; the dullest chambermaid,
the most stnpid cabin boy and the laziest wait
er. are neither dull, nor stupid, nor lazy, nor
erring, either, in the estimate they make of
jeopte, as if by intuition
A TRUE SENTIMENT. —Virtue, in the pre
sent, life, perhaps never re-j]PO large and t x
quisite a reward, a- when it goes to enhance
the plea;ures of love. None but the virtue
have power to admit more than a tran-ient,
pa--ioab\ capricious joy ; a joy t lint alights
i upon a honr ; and h uone in search of ot'ur
sweets. Hut sou'- franz'it with goodness fi-.d.
that every noble sentiment, every iiL'h pr ci
ple, every generous energv. every grace, every
-oftcess, ami every fparkling adornment of
mind or person, when it meets its correspond
ing sentiment, and principles, and purpose.and
grace, and beauty, ;n the Leis g b< loved, be
comes a powerjincalculab'y productive ;so that
every pleasure.creates and recreates it=elf, a
a thousand.time', at >i without end. If the
beneficence of the Supreme i- seen, stiff .-ively
sheddiDg its glories over the ample fields of
the material world, and is mild'y reflected from
myriads of points through earth and air, art
not its beams brought to an intensity np a that
circle, wherein virtuous love takes its Lh.-s?—
T'.mp'e of Mildutrta.
6®- "Shall I have, your hand?" said an
exquisite to a belle, as the dacce w as about to
" With all my heart," was the soft response.
HEAET DISEASE. —An exchange say*, the
bct care for palp tion of the heart, i to leave
off bogging and kis-ing the girls. If th:s '*
tba only remedy Hat can be produced, we for
one, say let 'er pa'pitate !
VOL. XX. XO. 8.
Circumstantial Evidence,
Joe Brace WHS a farmer's son in the town
of W , ami by his tricks, ami jjames, and
wild pranks, caused his watchful " parientu"
no little trouble, sometimes. It happened on
one occasion, that Master Joe was caught in
some misdemeanor, and as a punishment for
the satne had been compelled to hoc in the
corn-field until such time as the said " patient"'
would judge proper that he should be released.
Joe, like a dutiful son, took his hoe, and
straightway commenced sad havoc among tt>c
weeds which obstructed the corn.
Dinner time came and passed by, and still
no call for poor Joe, who began to think his
punishment was " greater than he could bear,"
but still he toiled, expecting every moment to
hear the summons which would release him,
for a time, at least, from Ids task. But there
was no such good luck for him. The old man
determined that he should " sweat it out," us
lie termed it ; and stretching himself on the
lounge in the-back room, was soon fast asleep.
Joe labored faithfully till three o'clock, when,
hunger getting the better of duty, he resolved
to get something to "stay his stomach *' at ail
hazards. So dropping his hoe, he steered
cautiously towards the house ; and entering
J the back door, succeeded in reaching the pan
try without detection—the old man being
i asleep, and the other portion of the household
being eugnged with company in the front part
of the bouse who had arrived a few minutes
before. On entering he commenced an attack
on a mince pie that had been set before the
j window to cool, being just out of the oven.
When he had about half demolished the
pie, and was thinking of some means to escape
detection, his meditations were disturbed by
something coming in contact with his l.mbs.—
On looking down, he saw the favorite {Missy,
who had stolen in at the door, and vmi rub
bing herself, and purring, as if expressing her
entire satisfaction at the prodding. Ou per
ceiving her, he thought of a plan which he
j immediately put into execution Grasping her
fore legs, he daubed them about in the remain
ing pai t of the pic, and placing her on the
shelf, left the pantry, the cat jumping to the
floor and following him. leaving her tracks of
course both on the shelf and on the floor—-
Joe now made immediate haste for the field,
I refreshed by his " bite," and was soou diligent
ly at work.
lie had been hoeing but a short time, when
hearing a noise in the rear, he looked up and
saw the old man coming with Tabby under
one aim, and his gun over his shoulder.—
Neither spoke ; the old man passing by, and
proceeding round behind a knoll which hid
i him from ooe'.s view.
Joe leaned on his hoe for a moment, listen
ing. when the silence was suddenly disturbed
by the report of a gun, mingled with the
screeching* of a cat, plainly intimating what
had been the fate of poor pussy. Jn a mo
ment more, the old man re-appeared with his
gun in his band, the smoke .-till curling from
the barrel : and as he passed by his laboring
hopeful, if he had not been a little hard of
hearing be might have heard:— There got s
imother viciim to circumstantial evidence.
A N";:ORO Discvsstox ABOUT EGGS. —Geneva,
the lovely village ou Seneca Lake, furnishes
the following specimen of Parliamentary rul
ing :
'• In the fairest village of Western New
Vo:k the "culled passeus," in emulation of
their white brethren, formed a debating socie
ty for the purposed improving their minds by
the disenssion of instructive and entertaining
'topics. The deliberations of the society were
presided over by a venerable darkey, who per
formed his duties with the ntmost dignity pe
culiar to his color. The subject for the dis
cus-ion on the occasion of which we write was:
"What rm de mnddir of de chicken*—de
hen trot lay de eggs, or de hen wot hatchesdc
chick T*
"The question was warm'y debated, and
many reasons pro and eon wire urged and
. combatted by the excited disputants. Those
in fuvor of the latter proposition wire evi
dently in the majority, and the j resident made
no attempt to conceal that Lis sympathies w-tre
with the dominant party. At length an in
teiidarkey ro-e from the majority sida
anj begged leave to state a proposition to this
•• * Spose,** said he, " dat you set one dozen
duck eggs under hen. ami dry batch, w h.cli
am de mttddor—de duck or de hen ?"
Tis w - a- a p'i-er. was well put, and ron
| pln--cd the other : de. even staggering the
president, who plainly saw the force of the
argument, l ot had committed l:m*e!f too far
to vield without a struggle : so, after cogita
ting and scratching IJ.S w ola b-w moments, a
bright idea struck him. 11: ing from his chair
in ail the pride of coascions superiority, he
" ' Dnck am not lefore de house ; chickens
am de question ; defore I rule de docks out
and do it he did, to the complete overthrow of
iiis opponents."
HAmxr?? :>- C.'tiUHioOß —lt i woidsrfnl
how hap: ice-- nsed to be. It lay alsiut, like
the sunshine, within arm's length of every
body. It G-ed to grow in the fieid ;we have
fonnd it there, but rot lately. Some times five
speckled egg- in a gr ■-▼ nest constituted it ;
soaM-tian four beautiful ones it the I.lacs. It
'j-ed to vw'ro in the brook-, and turn up its sil
very and mottled -id s, like a |M>iished little
sul re spr.r kle I w ih the color of fame, which
is gene: a"y understood to lie crim-on. We have
found it many a time b*side a mossy stone,
when it looked viry I ke ? first
flower : we issve sen it rnsi* down in the
showe-, and heard it dMmd in the ruin. What
a world uf it usrd to lie r-iwded into a Satur
day abe noon 1 An old emepnper. with cedar
rib, a tail bke three hn&aw*. -• d a |eaoj'
worth of twin-*, h ire c.TwtHimti i many a tune
—that is, many sno'-/ time—ttve entire stock
in trade of one jc rf'-crir I appy.
T*:r most dng n-n- of wild beast* is a alar
dvr * ; of flme o:.**, a fl.jr* r- r