Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 14, 1859, Image 2

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    Tar GREAT BALLOON VOV. GE. —Tho first
experimental air voyage from St. Louis to the
seaboard, took place on Friday last. The mam
moth balloon Atlantic, left Washington Square
about seven o'clock P. M , carrying Professors
Wise, Lauiountaiu and Gag' r, and Mr. Hyde
of St. Louis Republican. The Troy Daily
If "big learns from Mr Gagcr, one of the pas
6enger by the Atlantic., who arrived in I roy
this morning, the following particulars :
Saturday" 1 1 2 P. M.. St Louis time were
abreast of Rochester, over Lake Ontario,when
the altitude was increased on accoufit of the
wind, which was blowing a perfect hurricane,
unaccompanied by rain. The supply of gas
was small, consequently the balloon did not
reach the altitude above the storm. The vessel
was immediately headed for shore.
When the stotm was highest the vessel was
only about 30 fret above the level eft be Lake.
We reached land in a few seconds in the town
of Henderson. Jefferson County, with all hands
on board. We landed in an edge of woods
with the basket swinging to and fro, making
rapid evolutions among the higher branches
of the trees, the passengers clinging to the rig
The strength and general excellence of the
arrangements of the balloon basket probably
saved the party. The balloon was left in a
high tree, swinging above the boat, and much
The whole distance traveled is 1,150 miles ;
we started at 4 40 P. M. on Friday from St.
Lonis, and landed at Henderson, Jefferson
county, 2:20 Saturday P. M. Mr. Lamonntain
remained in charge of the balloon. Mr. Wise,
Mr. Gager and Hyde will come on totheoast.
A grand reception was given to the parties
at the village of Adams, Jefferson Conntv. —
Mr. Gager will come on to Troy. Mr Wise on
to Albany, and Mr. Hyde to New York.
nett, K-q , an old resident of the city of 0.-we
go. died there very suddenly on Saturday night
of heart disease. lie had been a resident of
Oswego for about 40 years. At the time of
his death, lie was worth about $300,000, which
reverts to his only two children, one a son and
the other a widow lady, who is tin-relict of the
late Jacoij Richardson, the defaulting collector
of customs at Oswego.
About ten years ago, Mr. Bennett caused a
stone coffin to be made for himself, which he
kept in his house, and which was consumed in
the great conflagration there a few years ago.
His original intention was to be enclosed in
this marble coffin after death and sunk in the
depths of Lake Ontario, but this intention was
afterwards abandoned. When the coffin was
destroyed by fire, he remarked that if it could
not stand such beat ns that, it would not ans
wer his purpose ! Ho then procured another
one, in which he was finally buried. It used
to be the old man's delight to visit the room
in which the coffin lay, and inspect its beauties.
It is said that he frequently laid down in it to
see how his body fitted its final receptacle.
This summer he erected an iron railing
round his cemetery lot. It was completed the
day before he died. He caused the gate to be
securely locked, and in conversation with a
friend a few hours before he died, and when
iu apparent good health, lie exhibited the key
to him, saving, " This is the key to my Home
stead," little thinking at the time that he was
so soou to occupy that " home."
DROWNED IN A 01.-TERX. —An interesting lit T le
girl, aged about six years, the daughter of Mr.
John R. Waterhouse, who since the death of
her mother, lias lived with her aunt. Miss Wa
terhouse, on Hawley St next east of Sheriff
Burghurt's, fell into the cistern Wednesday
afternoon of last week, between 6 and 7 o'clock
and when taken out life was extinct. The cir
cumstances attending this melancholy occur
rence are about as follows :
The little girl was playing about the yard,
while her aunt was preparing supper, and on
her aunt calling to her to come iu and no ans
wer being returned, she proceeded to search
for her, and 011 pissing the cistern, which is
close to the house, she observed the child's
doll floating in the water—which forced the
horrible conviction on her that the child must
have fjilleu into the cistern and was drowned.
The alarm was given, and in a few moments
Mr. Waterhouse arrived, and got the child out
of the cistern—but too late,as life wasextiuct.
It is supposed that the little girl first dropped
her doll into the water, and on reaching down
to get her doll out fell in herself.— Bingkam
to 1 Republican.
THE WHEAT CROP iu every quarter is repre
sented to be in excellent condition. In Mary
land and Virginia it is being cut, and the yield
will bo large aud unsurpassed in quality. In
Tennessee it is abundant,though slightly damag
ed by the fly. Alabama, North Carolina and
Texas report favorably. Iu southern Illinois
harvesting is going on in good earnest, and
the yield is very heavy. In Kentucky the wheat
harvest is rapidly progressing, and will soon
be over. The yield is in genera!, fine, and the
quality of grain most excellent It is thought
the crop of 1859 is the largest and best ever
raised iu Kentucky.
Bes&~ Mons. Blondin, on Thursday perform
ed the hazardous feat of walking across tlit*
Niagara River, 011 a tight rope. The rope
was stretched across tli" river between the
Fulisandthc Suspension Bridge,and was eleven
hundred feet long. There were from five to
ten thousand spectators present. lie first
crossed from the American side, stopping mid
way to refresh himself with a drink of water,
which ho drew up a bottle with a rope from
the steamer Maid of the Mist. The steamer
accompanied him, to be of service iu case of ac
cident. He crossed over in seventeen anil a
half minutes, and returned in twelve minutes.
Ig.T'Mr. Senator BROWN, in his late speech at
the barbecue in Lississippi, given in his honor
stated his position in regard to the Charleston
Convention to be us foiiuws. We do uot see
that he is read out of the party by the organ
of the President for this frank expression of
opinion :
"The Democratic party was Abolitionized.
It refused to acknowledge the duty of Congress
to protect slavery in the Territories He pro- ;
claimed that the only hope of the Southern 1
Democracy was to make a light in the Char- ;
leston Convention—to go there determined to
have their views incorporated in the creed of
the party, or burst the concern up in a row.—
He had no doubt, as they had heretofore con
trolled the party on all great questions, but
the Northern Free-Roil element would yield in
graceful submission again. If it did uot, why
then apply the torch to the great temple of
Demoiracv, and bio* the concern -tiers !>
Thursday Worniug, July 14 ; 1859.
! TRK'SA —One Dollar per annum, invariably in advance—
Eour tricks previous to the expiration of a subscription.
notice will be given bti a printed wrapper, and if not re
newed, the paper will in all cases be stopped.
CLCBBIKO — The Reporter i rill be sent to Clubs at the foi
lowing extremely 'osr rati s :
6 copies for 15 00 j \5 copies for... tl- 00
10 copies [for 8 00 | 20 copies for 15 00
AnvEßTi'siMKNiß—For a square of ten lines or lest, One
Dollar e ar three or less insertions, and twenty-Jive cents
for each subsequent insertion
JOB-WOK* —Executed with accuracy and despatch, and n
reasonable prices—with ever-/ facility for doing Rooks.
Blanks, Hand-bills. Bali tickets. Sfc.
Some authentic partieularsof the great
Buttle of Soiferir.o—the name by which the
1 engagement near the Mincio is to be known—
have reached ns by the arrival of the steam
ship Hungarian at Quebec, from Liverpool
on the 29ib ult. Her advices are four days
later than those by the Adelaide and the Asia.
Full details of the battle have not been re
ceived, but sufficient is known to establish the
fact that the Austrians suffered a most disas
trous defeat—which fuct, for a wonder, they
very candidly admit. One account estimates
their loss at 35,000 men hors d?t combat, and
the Emperor NAPOLEON'S dispatches, while they
do not estimate the number of the enemy kill-
I td, claim the capture of six or seven thousand
prisoners, thirty cannon, and three flags. The
P.eduiontese, who were principally engaged at
San Martina with heavy masses of the enemy,
are represented to have performed prodigies of
valor. Their losses were heavy, and those of
the French arc rumored to have been from ten
to twelve thousand. The entire Austrian army
had again withdrawn across the Mincio, and
their head quarters were at Villa Franca. —
, NAPOLEON, during the battle, was constantly
|in the hottest of the fire,and one of his Gen
erals, who accompanied him had his horse shot
uuder him. The rejoicings in Paris were uni
versal, and preparations were making for n Tc
Deum in all the Chuiches in France. Mean
time preparations are making by the bell'gerents
to carry on the war on a still grander scale.—
The Gazette de France asserts that a further
force of 450,000 men is to be collected for
France; 40,000 men were embarking in Algeria
tor the Adriatic, and large reinforcements were
constantly leaving for Italy. An attack on
Venice and Tagiiamento was expected to take
place on the 28th ult. On the other side, the
Austrian reserves, numbering 175,000 men,
consistuting the flower of the Austriah army
were on their way to Italy. There is nothing
new with reference to the intentions of Prussia.
The political news from Great Britain isunim
j portant. The Liverpool cotton market was
• dull, arid prices were generally unchanged
Breadstuff's had a downward tendency, and
provisions were dull.
SENTENCE COMMUTED. —President Buchanan
has commuted to imprisonment for life thesen
j tence of death impending over the youth,Cvrus
w. p; utnmer, convicted at Boston of piracy
and murder. The case has excited more interest
in Boston and New York than any other one
known to the historv of maritime tragedies.—
i - n
' home twenty thousand persons, principally im
! mediately connected with maritime affairs,
besought the President to this exercise of his
prerogative by petitions, ( n the ground that
; the prisoner was far less guilty than others who
! escaped puuishment altogether.
NEWS FROM UTAH to June 10 reaches ns
S The action of the Government, sustaining the
! action of Governor Gumming, appears to have
afforded the most lively satisfaction to the Mor
-1 mous. The Mormon Bishops aud Elders who
| fled to the mountains to escape arrest ; had
; returned to their homes. Large arrivals ofiui
: migrants and trains of merchandise are report
ed at Salt Lake City. Another of the eliild
j ren who survived the Mountain Meadow mas
. -acre had been recovered and placed with the
others under the charge of l)r. Forney.
t special dispatch to the St. Louis Democrat
| says that the Kansas Constitutional Conven
tion met at Wyandotte on Tuesday, ai d por
| manently organized by the election of J. M.
| Winehell as President, and A. J. Martin as
! Secretary. No business of was
, transacted. The Convention stands 35 Ilepub
' licans to 17 Democrats.
RAILROAD ACCIDENT. —'The night Express,
Jon the New York aud Erie Railroad, when
near Sufferns, on Saturday night, rail over a
man and woman, killing the former instantly,
| and cutting off the hand of the latter, besidts
I otherwise injuring her. They were Irish, aud
I both intoxicated at the time.
R SIONED. —Official notice has been given
I to the employees on the New York and Erie
Railroad, that Mr. HEADLEY has resigned his
place as Vice President of the Road, the re
-1 signatiou taking effect ou the first inst.
The Alias A Argus says that a tele
graphic dispatch to Mr. T. Squires, Broker,
announces that the Tioga County Bank Pa.,
has been tluown out in New York. Private
advices to the same party state that bills of
this Bank were being sold on Tuesday, by
parties, for 75 cents on the dollar.
Accounts from the Pike's Peak mines
continue flattering, notwithstanding which let
ters trotn there advise those who may coutein
-P.htl* taugrißug to " suj a: home. 77
HAMTON.—One year ago, at the celebration here, Foun
tain 110.--e Co. No, I, of Binghamton, was one of the at
tractive featuns of the proce-sion, and its members tar
lied with us on the Sabbath, receiving the attentions of
Lin-ta Hose Co. and others. In return for the courtesies
extended on that occasion, Fountain Ilose had addressed
an early invitation to Lin-ta Hose, to visit them on the
Fourth of July, and participate in the festivities of the
occasion. The invitation was formally accepted, and the
necessary preparations made, in the expectation of a re
ception at the hands of Fountain Hose, such as that Com
pauv are noted for.
I Lin-ta Hose numbered 21 men. commanded by E. OVER
TON,jr., Foreman, H. B-MCKEAN, Ist Assistant, ONCAK
BROWN, 2nd .Assistant, dressed in red shirts. New York
fire-hats and patent leather belts, with the name of the
Company in white letters on a red ground. Their carriage
is of Philadelphia make, bra?.? plating, painted dark blue,
striped with g>! 1, and is adorned by several paintings by
SHREEVE, which are not excelled by the decomtiouh of
any similar apparatus. The carriage will compare favor
aidv with any in this section of the country.
We pas over the trip to Waverly to reach the N. Y. &
E. R. R. Suffice it to say that the carriage, accompanied
by several members of the Company reached that place,
Saturday evening, was taken in charge by Neptune No.l,
and housed : and that the Company, with Dittrich's Brass
Band, found themselves early Monday morning, at Wa
verly, ready to commence the festivities of the day. The
storm of the previous day had cooled the atmosphere, and
effectually laid the dust, and the indications were that the
weather was to be propitious. Before the rising sun had
gilded the tops of the surrounding hills,the spirit-stirring
drum and the ear-piercing fife, gave notice that the An
niversary ot our National Independence had dawned, and
betokened the notes of preparation for its proper observ
After an early breakfast, the Lin-tas were formed in
front of Warford's Hotel, and preceded by the Band
marched to the bouse of Neptune Co. and received their
carriage, acknowledging the courtesy ot that Company,
by three hearty cheers, which were responded to by the
Waverly firemen. The carriage was then placed upon a
platform car. prepared for iis transportation.
While waiting for the arrival of the train, we had the
satisfaction of seeing Neptune Co. turn out t* place their
apparatus upon the cars, preparatory to a visit to Eimi
ra. This Company numbered 65 men, and presented a
fine appearance. Their Foreman is E. J. SHEPAKD, and
their apparatus was beautifully decorated.
The Waverly Volunteers also marched through the
streets, to take their passage on the same train with the
Lin tas, for a visit to Owego. This Company, volunteer
ing for the occasion, was commanded by Capt. POWERS.
and numbered about 40 muskets. They were dressed iu
black frock coats, white pants, and the accoutrements of
the Waverly Guards. The military precision with which
they marched, and their martial appearance, reflected
great credit upon' their officers. In the ranks we noticed
our friend BALDWIN, who looked every inch a soldier
We heard them named the Gari-baldwint —in honor of
the distinguished Italian patriot, and the editor ot the
Soon the shrill whistle gave warning that the ea-tern
bound train was at hand, and "all aboard," was the
word. After a detention of a few minutes, at 7.35 we
were off, the sun breaking forth from a cloudless sky, and
everj- heart inspired with expectations of pleasure to be
enjoyed. A few brief stops, bringing new passengers,
brought us to Owego, where the Volunteers disembarked,
and we could hear the evidences of a cordial reception
from their hosts of that place.
No noteworthy occurrence took place, until at 9.35 we
drew up at the Station at Binghamton. The Lin tas were
speedily transferred to the platform, and as quickly in the
mid>t of hospitable greetings. Forming, they marched to
the east end of the platform wheie N0.4 was drawn up 'o
teceive them. They were welcomed to the place by J. H.
BARTI.ETT in a neat and pertinent address, briefly res
ponded to by E. OVERTON, and alter thiee cheers all
round, took up their line of march, preceded by the Chief
Euginfe;-of the B'nghumfor pe-iartmnt, A. P;: WITT.
ami Aseist-ut- H. C Per.' TON and C. H. ROGERS. Pass
iag the residence of L. B. OLMSTED, they were present
ed by Miss MARY OLMSTED with a beautiful floral arch.
' having the word Lin-ta suspended. On arriving at Fire
! men's Hall, their carriage was housed by No. 4, and after
a suffii ient interval for washing and brushing, an invita
tion was given to "walk up stairs." The sight there pre
sented was one which touched a tender spot, of every An early breakfast, under circumstance-, not pe
culiarly favorable to an appetite, and tbeir ride, made ev
ery eye beam, and every month water, as they saw spread
out a collation, which seemed made up of the viands most
acceptable, and in lavish profusion. No second invitation
was needed, "tojpitch ia," and the Lin-tas made a Zouave
like charge upon the edibles and bibibles. Whatever
; cause of complaint No. 4 may have towards their guests,
they certainly cannot complain that they did not do full
justice to their eatables.
After this dejeuner had been discussed, a pleasant inci
dent occur-ed iu the presentation of a Fire llat l y No. 4.
to their Foreman, M. A. HOLMES, and the presentation
by Engine Co. No. G, of New York, of a beautiful presen
tation front to Fountain Hose, No. 4. The latter Com.
puny also presented to Lin-ta Co. a splendid presentation
The hour having now arrived for the forming of the
procession, under the direction of Chief Engineer DEWITT,
it was formed in the following order :
Martial Band.
Excelsior Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1.
Phcnix Engine Co. No. 1.
Martial Band.
Rescue Engine Co. No. 3.
11. C'ay Preston. Ist Assistant Engineer.
H.C. Rogers, 2d " "
E. O. Goodrich. Chief Engineer Towanda Fire Dep.
Dittrich's Cornet Band.
Lin-ta Hose Co. No. 3, of Towanda, Pa.
Fountain Hose Co. No. 4.
Martial Band.
Independent Engine Co. No. 5.
V. Graves, .Secretary of Fire Department.
F. A. Morgan, Treasurer " '•
President and Vice President of the Day, Orator, Reader
and Chaplain.
President ami Trustees of the Village.
Committee of Arrangements.
Citizens Generally.
Along thermite of the procession the Lin-tas were fair
ly delnged with the floral offerings of the ladies. Win ther
prompted by a spirit of hospitality, or an offering to the
good look? of the young men on the rope,at every square,
a hearty cheer told that a boquet had added its beauty to
the ranks. They arc suitably acknowledged in the reso
lutions of the Company appended.
After marching through the principal st-ects, the pro
cession halted at Oak-wood Grove, where the exercises of
the day were proceeded with. The Declaration of Inde
pendente was read by BENJAMIN SHERWOOD, Esq., and
on Address delivered by Hon. SAMUEL A. LAW, of Dela
ware County, concluding with music by Dittrich's Band.
The procession being re-formed marched to Firemen's
Hall, where the respective Companies were placed in
charge of their Foremen. After a brief interval, the Lin
tas escorted by No. 4. and Chief Engineer DEWITT,
marched to the Exchange Hotel, and sat down to dinner.
Dinner being over, short speeches were inade bv E. O.
GOODRICH and GW>. D. MONTANYE, in acknowledgment
of the hospitality of the Firemen of Binghamton, and by
Hon. LEVI DIMMICK. Hon. 1). S. DICKINSON, and Dr. GEO.
BURR, on behalf of the citizens and Firemen of that place.
Mr. DIMMICK'S remarks contained some very telling
points, which were warmly aud hilariously applauded by
the boys. The orator of the day was also called up. and
ex-chief MORGAN sung the celebrated " Rooster Song,"
lo the infinite enjoyment of the audience.
After some time pleasantly spent at the table, the mem
bers of the two Companies were placed in carriages, es
corted by the Band in a four horse wagon,—calling upon
Mr. J. P. MORGAN and lady, where there they were en
tertained with a bountiful supply of delicacies. Thev
were then taken to the Inebriate Asylum, a description
of which we have not space for. The beauty of the loca
tion called forth the most unbounded admiration. Sitna
ted upon a considerable elevation, whichever way the
eye is turned, it takes iu the beauty of a glorious land
scape. Glimpses of the Susquehanna, from the east aud
west, and the Chenango, from the north, flash through
the foliage in the distance, While Binghamton is seen
below, in this leafS." month almost emboweied in the abun
dance of itA shade tree a. A v!lt to the Inebriate Aylcn
is worth a day'e journey, to see the loveliness of the sce
nery surrounding it. The basement of the building ia just
completed, and shows that it ia to be a very extensive
structure, substantially built.
The next call was at the '• Orchard," the residence of
Hon. D. S. DICKINSON. Unfortunately. *c missed the
pleasure of this visit, but the boys speak with raptures
of the cordiality of tbeir welcome by the distinguished
Statesman, and his family.
Returning to the Exchange, the hour of 8, P. M., had
now arrived, and the Lin tas had been on duty since GJ
A. M. They were accordingly dismissed for an hour, and
at 9 o'clock, proceeded with the Band to honor Miss MA
BY OLMSTEAnand Mrs. HIRAM M. MYER with a serenade,
returning to the Hotel at 10 o'clock, and closing the day
with National tunes by the Band.
At G o'clock, the next morning, the Lin-tea found the
Thief Engineer of the Bingbamton Firemen, the Foreman
of No. 4, and a number of members, < n hand to escort
tbem to the depot, and bid them farewell, and after a pro
fuse interchange of partings, three cheers were given
for No. i. three for the Chief Engineer of the Bingbam
ton Fire Department, three for the ex-chief MORGAN, and
amidst the cheering of No. 4, we left the depot, with our
faces turned homeward. At Owego, the Company took a
short parade, and without incident or accident, arrived at
Waverly, from whence the Hose Carriage was drawn to
Athens, loaded on the packet " Gazelle," wbich, at 1 P.
M., ticd,to her wharf at Towanda, where No. 2, under the
direction of CIIAS. H. ALLEN, Foreman, was ready to re
ceive the carriage, and house it,which they did in fine style.
Nothing occurred during the whole trip of an unpleas
ant nature, and the whole Company returned with the
liveliest feelings of satisfaction as to the result of their ex
cursion. The citizens and Firemen of Binghamton will
long live in the grateful recollections of those who enjoy
ed their hospitality on this occasion. Their courtesies and
attentions were bestowed with an unsparing baud. The
only occasion of regiet was the inability to accept all the
proffered hospitality. The pleasure of the occasion was
much enhanced by the music furnished by Dittrich's Band,
which did itself credit by its performances. The atten
j tion paid by Fountain Hose, to the wants ol their guests,
' and their forethought in anticipating them—and their
I succos.-. in making the occasion a joyous one, caused ttie
I parting to be dashed with a shade of regret. The memory
! of this visit will long be cherished, and its pleasant inci
dents be the theme of many a thought and conversation.
" Forward we look, with wistiul eye,
Scarce half resigned ; yet think how sweet
'Twill be agaiu, in coming days to meet."
At a Special Meeting of LIN TA HOSE CO. NO. 3,
"held a Firemen's Hall, July 8, 1839, the following resolu
■ tious were unanimously adopted :
Rr.Wrr-f—We tender to FOCNTAIN HOSK CO. NO. 4, of
Binghamtm, our sincere and heartfelt thanks for their
many acts of kindness on the 4th in-t.. that we shall ever
remember tin r liberality in the welcome extended to us,
that we shall endeavor at all times to continue and pro
: mote the good feeling shown us on that occasion, their
united efforts to make our stay pleasant, each vieing with
| the other to render the bond of friendship that heretofore
I exi-ted stii! stronger it possible, made it an occasion ever
to lie remembered with the liveliest gratitude by ta
Hose Co. We will ever prize the l>eautiful Front present
: ed to us as a sacred gift and a pleasant memorial of one
the happiest days of our lives.
Resolved—We tender to the Wiief Engineer, A. DE
WITT, H. C. PUE.-TON, anil H. C. ROGERS. Assistant Engi
neers, our thanks for their successful efforts to make our
j visit pleasant.
Resolved, That we acknowledge with gratitnde our ob-
to the f-adies and citizens of Binghamton—espe
CLAY PRESTON, Mrs. Mm, Mrs. T. O'HAKA. Mr. J. P.
MISS ANNIE: HENDKICKSON, of Albany—they will ever be
; held by each of us in respectful regard ; their acts of kind
ness are deeply felt and warm v appreciated.
Resolved. That we are indebted to HIRAM C. ROGERS,
| Foreman of Excelsior, for the beautiful boquet, and to
M. A. HOLMES and J. H BARTLKTT for their kind remem
'■ brance—presented on the morning of our depart ire,—as
the fragrance of the one, and the potation of the other,
enabled us to reach home in tine spirits.
Resolved, That our thanks are hereby extended to the
, proprietors of the Exchange Hotel, for the kind attention
; shown us during onrstay with them.
Resolved, That Neptune, No. 1, of Waverly, lias plac
led under renewed obligation by their kindness ia tak
ing charge of our carriage.
Resolved. That our thanks are due to Naiad, No. 2, for
'heir cordial reception on our arrival home.
fey*" We are requested to pi re notice that
all passengers on the Barclay Railroad will hereafter be
required to pay their fare.
fet*- " M " is respectfully informed that his
article, though well written, is not appropriate for the
columns of a newspaper.
Hon. G. A. GROW can be addressed at Glenwood, Sus
quehanna Cuunty, Pa., where he resides.
fro?-A Imrn on the farm of Gilbert Warner,
Esq., near Montrose, was struck by lightning during the
very severe thunder shower on Tuesday, June 28th. Not
withstanding the torrents of rain fading, the bam vras
, consumed.
In pursuance of an act of the late Leg
islature, Hon. THOMAS WHITE, of Indiana county, STE
| PHKX TURKEY, Esq., of Wayne county, and THOMAS JOHN,
SON, E-q.. of Susquehanna county, have been appointed
] Appraisers of claims and damages growing out of the con
! struct ion of the North Branch Canal.
l&yTlie Pennsylvania State Teachers' As
| sociation is to meet at est Chester, in Chester county,
on the 2d day of August next, at 10 o'clock, A. V. It is
| hoped that the teachers and friends who can possibly do
so, will arrange their business so as to attend the meet
j ing. Chester county is rich in revolutionary reminiscen-
I ces, and those that desire to visit that interesting portion
'of the State will tlnd this a favorable time to do so. We
are authorized by the President of the Association to snv,
that persons attending the meeting ean go and return, by
paying tare one way upon any of the Pennsylvania Rail
roads. Exchanges will confer a favor by copying the
above. C. R. COBCKN,
Chairman Executive Committee.
V t
! HLKM CNS, of Ridgbury, while attending a Fourth of July
ball at his brothers, in that town, was kicked by his horse,
while unharnessing him, and so badly injured as to cause
bis death. He was about 30 years of age.
—An Irishman, named JAMES CARROLL, on the same
day, fell trom his horse, and was stepped upon by the an
imal, iuliicting injuries from which he died.
A destructive fire broke out in Eimira,
on Saturday morning, at a few minutes past 1 o'clock, on
Wisner street, between Fifth and Sixth, destroying two
Irish dwelling houses, one belonging to T. CALLAIIER,
and the other to THOM AS CAN ILL. The former was insur
ed for sßoo—the latter for $->OO. The noble exertions of
the tirenien saved a vast amount of adj ining property.
A young man named JOHN MAULEY met with severe in
jury by fulling from the top of an adjoining building. He
was promptly cared for.
fetf* Fourth of July celebrations have been
more numerous this year, than in any previous one. Bing
hamton, Owego, and Eimira. each had a (treat time, •' all
the country" turned out at each place. Troy and Leßuys- j
vile, in this county, went into the matter on a little small
er scale, and Wyalusing, Tuscarora, Moigan Hollow, and
several other towns and neighborhoods had celebrations I
of their own. Cannons were tired, crackers burned, tor- !
pedoes exploded, speeches made, orations delivered, lem- j
onade, lager beer, brandy slings, and whiskey punch I
drank, roast turkeys and pigs, baked chicken, and boiled j
geese and ducks, were eaten, patriotism bubbled up and
ran over in the shape of toasts and impromptu respon
ses, horses ran away, wagons were broken, and hearts
too, bonnets, what there was of them, were smashed, and
crinoline badly mussed. The young folks danced, and the
old ones scolded them for it.
Well, I went to Leltaysville to show my love of country '
and there was as good a celebration there as any one need
to ask for. The very large collection of people marcher!
to the orchard of Isaac Seymour, Esq., under the direc- i
tiou of Majors PIEUCE and STEVES?, the Marshals of the I
day, where there had been a convenient stand prepared, j
large cr.ocgb tj lCoeraoeOute tb* the speaker*, the band
and choir, together with alt of the aged men who were in
attendance, comfortable acata were alo arranged for the
ladies. Wu. T. DAVIBS, Esq., the president, called the
meeting to order, and with a few appropriate and eto
qnent remarks, introduced the exercises of the occasion.
The opening prayer was made by the Rev. Mr. JOXK*. of
the Methodist Episcopal Church, and the tenedictioa was
pronounced by Rev. Mr. Sains, of the Congregational
Church. The Declaration of Independence was well
read by G. \V. BRINK. Prof. O. 8. DKAN. of the Collegiate
Institute, made an address of rare torce and beauty of lan
guage, and was followed by U. MKKCUR, Esq., who gave
us one of his nicely written, classical orations, full of
sound sense and wholesome advice; both addresses were
highly creditable to the authors and well adapted to the
occasion. tud what was somewhat singular neither speak
er trenched upon the ground of the other.
One of the moat pleasant parts of the whole theory was
the Hue music by the band and the choir-there were but few
players, but their instruments discoursed sweet music,
most sweetly. The number of singers was ranch greater
and their performance of several appropriate glees, was
certainly very fine. From the orchard the company
marched to the hotels, where dinner had been prepared.
At the tables each individual worked upon his own res
ponsibility, and doubtless did his work well.
Theie was one peculiarity of the la-Raysville celebra
tion which is worthy of notice. There were no toasts.
Whether they were forgotten, or whether it was purpose
ly omitted is not known, but, at any rate, it was a novel
ty to sit down to a Fourth of July dinner and not hear
any toasts read, C.
in Bradford County, continued : •
j Amount previously reported 1126 00
Received from Mr*. Dr. Baker, of Canton .
j Mrs, Wm. S. Baker, Canton j 00
Miss A. M. Baker, " 1 oo
: Mrs.C. Stockwell, " Iqq
j " .Mary Leffrets, " Iqq
" Electa Vandyke " Iqq
i " Edward Spalding, " Iqq
j " A.N.Spalding. " Iqq
" C. P. McDougal, " 1 oo
! " A. Doty, " Iqq
| " E. Holcomh, " 100
i " Nancy E. Tabor, " 100
" B. G. Bullock, " 1 qq
" E.Baker, (of New York,) 1 qq
j Miss Maria E. Baker, " 100
j Mr. M. H. Case, Canton 1 oo
j " \V. Townsend, " .... j, 00
Received fnm Mr*. Goodrich :
| Subscription of Mrs. Jesse Woodruff 1 00
Mr. G. S. Peck I qq
sl4l 00
Next mouthly report Ist of August.
Mrs. C. L. WA Up, Lady Manager.
(For the Reporter.)
I call of the Committee, an Educational Convention met in
the Free Will Baptist Church, at Windsor. Broome Co.,
V. Y., June 23, 1R59. Prayer by Rev. Stephen Krum.
Appointed Rev. S. KRL'M, Chairman, and Rev. O. C.
! HILLS, Secretary.
Appointed a Committee on Resolutions, to report at an
i adjourned session.
| Called for correspondence from brethren and friends
I from abroad, which was read ; also for an expression of
sentiment trom those convened in relation to the propos
ed enterprise, both of which manifested an interest in es
tablishing in our midst a good Seminary of learning.
Adjourned until to-morrow, at 1J o'clock, P. M. Prayer
was offered, aud tuc Convention parted.
June 24. met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by Rev.
John Tiilinghast.
j Called for the report of the Committee on Resolutions,
which was made and accepted, and the following resolu
, tions adopted:
Resolved. That in the judgment of this Convention, the
time has arrived when the Free Will Baptists of Southern
i New York and Northern Pennsylvania, ought to put forth
a united, well-directed effort to establish,at some suitable
point, a good Semiuary of learning,
j Resolved, That Fi-t Troy, Bradford County, Pa., is a
very good locality for a Seminar..
Resolved, As the scLse of this Convention, That Brad
ford County ought to ra;<e at least t .co-thirds of t.ic pro
I posed ten thousand dollars for erecting the Seminary
ouiiding. in order to insure its erection at Last Troy.
Resolved, That with this aid (or more) from the people
j ol Bradford County, we recommend the establishing of a
I Seminary of learning at East Troy,
j Resolved, That we appoint a Standing Committee of
I nine, wliose.duty It shall be to assertain by torrespon
-1 dence or otherwise, the mind of our membership, who,on
j account of their locality, will naturally be interested in
this enterprise, in relation to e-tablishing an In>ti ution
jof learning in our mid-t; also to engage an Agent or
■ Agents to circulate subscriptions ; to see that no unsafe
or rash move is made which would tend to injure the pro
| gress of our effort; and if in their judgment it shall be
thought best, call another Convention at some suitable
: time and place.
Resolved, That the Agent be instructed to take collec
■ tions in his public meetings, which shail assist the Com
| mittee in their immediate expenses.
Resolved, That no Agent be allowed any per centage
in any of the operations of this enterpri-e. but that they
[ be j said a reasonable salary for their services, agreed upon
: either by this Convention or by the Committee.
I Resolved. That the Committee be amenable to a gene
ml Convention, if one should be called, otherwise to the
I Trustees, when appointed.
Resolved, That we recommend the appointment of fif
j teen Trustees, a Treasurer, Secretary, a Building Com
mittee of seven, and a Prudential Committee of five, as
i soon as convenient alter the subscription is lull.
Resolved, That we further recommend that the Treasu
rer l' required to give bonds to the amount of five thou
sand dollars, ior the taithful performance of his duties.
Resolved. That we leave the precise location of the
building to the Standing Committee, but we recommend
the site offered by I). N. Alien, especially if he should con
clude to give the whole of the needed four acres of land,
giving an Article for the same, in trust, to Wm. N. Ward,
j Resolved, That we divide the Ten Thousand Dollars for
: building purposes into shares of Twenty five I >ollars each
making four hundred shares, and that everyone who pays
one share or more, shall have a certificate of the amount
paid after the subscription is full.
Resolved, That we so change the subscription, by an
nexing to it this resolution, as to make twenty-five per
cent, due when the building is enclosed, and twenty five
per cent, at its completion, to aii who subscribe after this
date, instead of fifty per cent, due at the completion ot
the building, as it now stands ; also, that we respectf lly
invite those who have subscribed to consent to the same
Resolved. That if Bradford County should fail to raise
the proposed amount, the Committee be instructed to give
notice, that we may locate the proposed Seminary some
I where else, if thought best.
Resolved That we apply to the Legislature of Pennsyl
• vania for Ten Thousand Dollars, either in saleable lands,
: State scrip, or something else that may assist us iu giving
1 the Institution a permanent endowment.
Appointed James H. Ward, B. 11. Stephens, William N
j Ward, Ezra Loontis, Alvin F. Dunbar, Jacob A. Welter,
H. 11. Strickland, John Salisbury and 0. C. Hills, the
! Standing Committee.
1 Voted, That the Committee have the right to supply
j any vacancy that may occur.
Voted, That we instruct our Secretary to present the
I doings of this Convention to the Conference of the Sus
; quebanna Y. Meeting (or their approval; also to publish
: ilitin in The Morning Star and Towanda papers.
Resolved, That we. the Yearly Meeting Conference of
the Free Will Baptists of the Susquehanna Y. M. approve
j of the measures adopted by the Educational Convention
lin this place. June 25, 1859. JOHN TYLER, Clerk.
SHIPMENTS of Coal by the Barclay Rail
Road and Coal Company :
Previous Shipments 7,467 tons.
For week ending July 2 1,1*3 "
" " " 9 81G "
i Amount for the season 9,467 tons.
ftaf-The attention cf Farmers is directed to
the advertisement of the Tioga Poiat Agricultural Works
iu another column.
bune lias trustworthy advices to the effect that
there is promise of excellent crops iu Europe ;
and that iu spite of the war there will be no
unusual demand for American breadstuff's in
that part of the world.
THE New York Herald has just fonnd out
what the Douglas letter means, viz : Deng! as
proposes to have Gov. Wise nominated by the
Charleston Convention, and be beaten by the
people ; and he proposes to prepare the way
lor bis own Domination and election in 18^4
OBKBLIN— The untried " rescuers" who HAD
lain in jail eightj-fot.r days at Cleveland, hav
ing been liberated pursuant to an arrangement
between their counsel, the counsel for the Kea
tucky men arrested on a charge of kidnapping
and tTre Court, have returned to their homes
at Oberlin. They were greeted whith enthus
iasm by their townsmen, who gathered in a
church and organized a public meeting in their
honor. Speeches were made by several of the
liberated meu, the principal one being by Pro
fessor II ENBY E. PECK. A unanimous deter
mination was expressed to resist the execution
of the Fugitive Slave law at all times and the
meeting adjourned at midnight, after directing
the towu Council to enter a minute on their
records commendatory of the conduct of the
" rescuers."
IJellefoiite the painful intelligence of the death
of the Hon. James Burnside, President Judge
of the 25th Judicial District, on Friday eveu
ing. by being thrown from his carriage. Judge
Burnside was about 45 years of age ; and was
a son of the late Hon. Thomas Burnside, of
the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. He had
served with distinction in the State Legisla
ture and was elected Judge of the 25th Dis
! trict in '53.
toy The corner stone of the New York
State Agricultural College, at Ovid, was laid
Thursday with appropriate ceremonies, by
| ex-Grv. KING, in the presence of a great coa
! course cf people. The report of the Trustees
state that $40,000 have been subscribed towards
the Institution by the citizens of Ovid and
vicinity. A like sum is also appropriated by
the State. The building will be ready for the
' accommodation cf one hundred and fifty pupils
! next Spring.
Bagr The Detroit Advertiser states that the
wheat crop in Michigan will be abundant, not
withstanding the frosts, and that the reports
of excessive damage which were first circulat
ted were unduly exaggerated. The frost was
confined to a section comparatively small, and
l tlie fears of the timid led to the spread of uu
| fouuded rumors.
P-fT The crop prospects in West Jersey and
East Pennsylvania are very good. The wheat f
j is yet free from the bug or fly which usually
attacks it before the Ist of July ; rye looks
well ; oats better than iu many years ; corn,
finely ; cherries plenty ; of apples, there will
be a greater yield thau for ten years past; hay
will be abundant.
ftay Another of the terriffic storms for which
i this seuson is remarkable, is reported from
Great Barringtou, M ass. It did a deal ol
mischief. Elms, 100 feet h'igh, were torn np
by the' roots, cornfields wpre despoiled, houses
; and barns upset, and terrible havoc spread all
Pso" Hon. Lot M. Morrill has been nominat
ed as the Republican candidate for Governor
Main. *
BOY DROWNED. —On the morning of the 4th
two or three boys went up to amuse themselves
iu the Susquehanna river a little above the
Bend. One of them a boy of about 8 years old,
i got in beyond his depth and was drowned He
j was the second son of Mr. J. Houston of Page
St. A\ hile the sounds of rejoicing were echoing
through our streets, how it must have wrung a
father's and a mother's heart, to see their dar
ling boy,who a few minutes before was in health
and strength, sleeping the sleep of death.—
Owe go Times.
\\ ise has written a letter to a citizen of Lynch
burg, Ya.. disagreeing with General Cass OH
the question of the rights of foreigu govern
ments toexaet onrendered military service from
our naturalized citizeus who were born uuder
their laws. He says he "would protect our
naturalized citizens against the military service
of the other powers to the uttermost ends of
the earth."
THF. Louisville Courier declares that Sena
tor Douglas can carry "no Southern Statedis
trict, county or precinct, while he entertains the
doctrines" of the letter just published.
r IST OF LETTERS remaining in the P.
J. J O. at T-ovanda. for the quarter ending June 30,1859.
Biles Catharine
Bishop Alonzo
Bullock Darius
Biles George
Bliss Gordon
Rurukam Howell
Bowman Miller
Bering Margaret
Urighum P
Bi-accay Sarah J
Chilson Benjamin
Cushing Adelia
Canada Daniel
Coveland Fidelia
Carver Jos V
Curran John
Case M H ]
Cox Stephen P
Crowley T
Chase Wilcox
DeWolf M Miss
i DeWolf Lyman
' Dunham Abraham
I David R
Dickernian L M
| Drislaine Wm
Klsbrey Amelia
Ely AaroifE
Edwards E B (reg)
: Foster Franklin J
Falsey John
Farquharson John
Gran Elizabeth
| Eilcn
j Gibbs Daniel P
! Granger Patience
Griffis William
Howard Ann
Heath B P Mrs'
Havens Daniel
Harrington Florence
llale Henrietta J
Houser Maria
Holland William
Hitchcock S Mrs
Hoskina S
Johnston John
Johnson Caleb
Kirk R
Keete Patrick O
Keeler Ira
1 elsie EU
Iziwrence H C
M-Person* (or letters ia the above list,
pleoe iv they *ie advertircd.
Mead Elizabeth
Mace Emerson
Mead Eli K
Menlliga Honora
| Marsh Horace
I Mix George
Murnhy Jeremiah
I MeKue James
McLean James
jMaiers John
Miller Jcbn
j Myer Lizzie
jMhip Margaret
Moore Marivia
Mercur M C (reg)
Xeal Geo B
Pratt Angeline D
Palison Wm
Post Wm
Phelps V E
Post M B
Plowman Cornelius 3
ttyan William
Kockafellow Minerva
Rollar Frank
Svrook Tunis
Shiner Stephen
Sullivan Michael 0
Shanon Marv
Swartwood j M
Smith James H
Shaw John H
Smith Isaac
Shanahan James
Smith Charlotte
Smith Elizabeth
Taylor H B
Tvudale Henry
Thomas Libbie
Thompson William
Tuttle B B
Vohburgh W F
Williams Wm & J B
White Allen
Whalen Ann
Williams A S
Wells Elmore H
Wasser George
Williams Henry
Wittenberg Joseph
WillUton LP
White M J Miss
H. B. MoKBAN, P.M.