Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 30, 1859, Image 3
iicto aitotTtrsentcnts. STOTRS HATFIELD OWEGO, N. Y, Are agents for the sale of Wheeler's Patent Railway Chain H O B9E-POWER. WHEELER'S PATENT Combined Thresher and Winnower, OVERSHOT THRESHER, (With Vibrating Separator,) Single or One horse Power and Separator, WHEELER'S CLOVER HULLER, LAWRENCE SAW-MILLS, (for sawing wood, &c.) All the above machines are manufactured by Wheeler, Melick, & Co., Albany, N. Y., and are warranted to give entire satisfaction. or may be returned at the expiration of a reasonable time for trial. S. HORTON 6c CO.'S CELEBRATED DO3 POWERS. FOR CHURNING, &C. Constantly on hand, aiT Farmers and others wishing to procure any of the above articles, will do well to call upon us before purchas ing. June 28.1859. DR. PORTER'S OLD DRUG STORE, Already admitted to be The largest, safest and most approved DRUG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA! WITH An established reputation for keeping the best medicine, UNEQUALLED In its facilities and apparatns for compounding and pre paring MEDICINE AND PRESCRIPTIONS, Conducted by thoroughly competent persons, who devote the most careful attention,pay the strictest regard to accuracy, and use only selected arti cles. and medicines of unques tioned purity, has become "jm §soi sums With prices revised to correspond with the market. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ALL ARTICLES WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. By recent arrangements with the Manufacturers. Impor ters or First Holders of Goods and Cash Purcha ses, the prices will always be at tne low est point for Prime Goods. LOWER FIGURES THAN EVER IN Paiuts, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, DRUGS & DYE-STUFFS. I'.rerything in this extensive. slccJc will be sold Cheap for Cash ! PRICES REDUCED, Viz: Of Soaps, Perfumery, Bribhes, Combs, Fccket Knives and Razors, Lamps and Materials for Light. TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS, WINES AND LIQUORS, ONLY FOR MEDICINES, TOBACCO & SNUFF. All the Popular Patent Medicines, Tooth, Skin & Hair Preparations, Fancy Articles of all Descriptions, Eclectic., Iti tu nic and Homeopathic Medicines. Spices, Bird Seed, Lamp Shades and Garden Seeds. FISH TACKLE, AMMUNITION, AC. Constituting the most complete assortment, embracing the great wants of the People, reduced in Price, and revised for the Cash System. DR. PORTER'S CAMPHENE ! DR. PORTERS ALCOHOL! DR. PORTER'S BURNING FLUID ! Are Fresh, daily prepared, and unrivalled by any in the Market. DR. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS For Family Use, Known as Safe and Reliable Remedies, are warranted for what they are intended to give satisfaction, viz : Dr. Porter's Pectoral Syrup price 27£ cents l'r. Porter's Family Embrocation •' 25 Dr. Porter's Tonic Elixer " 50 " Dr Potter's Worm Syrup " 25 " Dr. Porter's Comp. Syr. Hypophosphites.. " 100 *' Dr. Porters Uterine Tonic " 150 " Dr. Porter's Blackberry Balsam " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tooth Ache Drops " 25 " Dr. Porter's Cephalic Snuff " 25 " Br. Porter's Tooth Powder 25 " Br. Porter's Tricogene " 25 " Br. Porter's Tricophile " 25 " Br. Porter's Shampoo *' 25 " Br. Porter's Horse and Cattle Lotion " 37J " Br. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder " 25 " Br. Porter's Bed Bug Poison " 25 " Br. Porter's Black Ink " 25 " Br. Porters Cleansing Fluid " 37£ '* l'r. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison " 25 " Br. Porter's Citrate Magnesia " 25 " Medical Advice given gratuitously at the oflite Charging only for Medicine. A3"Thankful for past liberal patronage wonld respect fully announce to his friends and the public thatno pains thai! be spared to satisfy and merit the continuance of their confidence and patronage, at the CASH DRUG STORE South End of the Ward House, Jnne30,1859. H. C. PORTER. M. D. A FARM FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS in for sale a FARM in North Towanda township, 8 about three miles from the Borough of Tow 1* anda, and about one half inile from the road leading from Waverly to Towanda. This farm tiuuiris |about forty-three acres, of which thirty acres *r<- improved, with a good house and barn and apple or riiani thereon. Offering great inducements to purchasers. ** the farm will be sold cheap, and terms of payment made £tsy. Inquire of JOHN HOLMES. Towanda. June 21.1859. Tioga Foint Churning Powers. UVEIIY Farmer, wlio keeps three or more AJ cows, should have a good Portable Churning Power. Our PORTABLE DOG OR SHEEP POWER is adapted 1 any sized dairy from S to 15 cows. Price sls. And i 'sir PORTABLE DOUBLE SHEEP OR CALF POWER, o new machine just got up by us,) is adapted for dailies - 1 to mlsto 25 cows. Price $25. These Powers are ad- O'ribly adapted for the purpose intended ; also for run r r, B'grind stones, corn-sheliers, feed cutters, lathes and P B roping, and give universal satisfaction. They are du rable, simple, well made and compact—requring but lit tle room o r shelter. tvv '? r£rer Dairies, say of 30 or more cows, our RAlL ven- '♦ AND TVV ° HOKSE POWERS are very coa o>t!' ar "* ec nomical, more so than any other horse /"J"TVPbwtre. for the reason that they are so well <"alcu tu'H " r f a VMie< y °f other farm work, such as throwing. " ■ '-ag feed, sawing wood, and similar uses. ?' ™V ho,lld certainly examine these Churning om-.iT 6 deluding to bny any others. Bend for Ati 6 " WELLES, BLOOD It 00. —Athens, Pa., Vtrchß.lftSP. BARRELS FOR SALE, AT J June 6 ,1839 FOX'S iWrrchatrtffte, Set. IK GREAT QUESTION WHICH HAS SO LONG Agitated Northern Pennsylvania, AT LAST DECIDED BY THE UNANIMOUS VOTE OF THE PEOPLE! Goods can be sold in Towanda F <© 21 (0 A S 31 2 Should any doubt this, let them CALL AT THE KEYSTONE STORE ! YA7~HERE THE LARGEST STOCK OF v V GOODS is kept, and where prices rule so low that it is only necessary to make an examination to be convin ced that such is the fact. There will be found at the KEYSTONE STORE a stock of goods complete in every department, to which large ad ditions have recently been ruade, under a great depression in the markets. Many goods will be sold at a great reduction from what we have even ourselves asked for them early in the sea son. Attention is particularly called to our new stock of LA DIES DRESS GOODS. PINE APPLE CLOTHS, PLAIN AND FIGURED BERAGES, BERAGE ROBES, FRENCH ORGANDIES, ORGANDEE DOUBLE SKIRT ROBES, BEAUTIFUL GOODS, FRENCH PRINTED JACONETTS, And a large assortment of Lawns at one shilling per | yard, same goods as is sold elsewhere at eighteen pence, also lawns at 64. same as is sold elsewhere at 10 cents,we i have also a variety ot Goods for Travelling Dresses. Ging hams, Brilliants, Mourning Goods, &c.,&c., at equally low prices. SHAWLS I of almost every description from 50 cents to $20,00. LACE AND SILK 3VIANTILLAS, From $1,50 to SIO.OO, all of which are new and beautiful i styles and gO'sl Goods. GLOVES AND HOSIERY of all descriptions for Ladies, Misses, Men's and Boy's j wear, cheaper than ever ottered before. WHITE GOODS, ' Irish Linens warranted all pure linen from 25c to 75c 1 per yard. Linen and Marsailles Shirt Fronts from 10c to 37Ac each, Plain Swiss Muslin from 12£ c to 50c per yard, Fine Jaconetts from 10c to 50c per yard. White am! Fig ured Marsailles from 25c to 75c per yard, Plain and Check Nainsook Muslin, Checked and Striped Cambrics, Bish op's Lawns, Book Muslins, Ac., equally cheap. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs trom 5 to 50 eta each. MILLINERY GOODS. Bonnets of different kinds, Misses and Children's Bloo mers, of all qualities. Ruches, b lowers, Ribbons, Trim mings, Ac., at greatly reduced prices from anyth : ng ever before offered in thin market. Ribbons for 12c worth 25c, Ribbons for 22c worth 3lc, Ribbons for 25 worth 374 c, Ribbons for 31c worth 50c. Milliners supplied at a reduction from these prices. HATS. A great variety of Men's and Boy's Summer Hats, of different colors, at 33 per cent less than any heretofore offered in Towanda. To these goods particular attention i 3 directed. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. Plain Black French CMlis warranted all wool and fast colors, trom $2,25 to $5,00, Plain Black Doeskins. war ranted all wool and good quilily, from 87fc to $2,50 per yaid. Fancy Cassimeres of new styles, from a recent auc tion sale, much less in price than the same goods sold ear ly in the season. Linen goods for Men's wear of every de scription, Silk and Marsailles Vestings equally cheap. BOOTS AND SHOES. We can also quote a reduction in the price of these goods, having been purchased from the manufacturers without paying the New York Jobbers profits. We are now selling Ladies Black Gaiters from 37$ to $1.75 per pair. Womens Enamelled Sewed and Pegged Boots from 87Ac to $1.25 per pair, with and without heels. Worn ns Bu'-kins arid Slippers, different qualities, Misses, C'hil dreus, Mens and Boys Shoes equally low. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MAT TINGS, <kC., <kC. It is unnecessary to say that no one can compete with us in these goods. Having the only assortment in the. place, and having bought the goods for Cash, we are able to defy all competition in the tale of Carpets. Juue G, 1859. IGREAT EXCITEMENT! IST E W Spring & Summer Goods. A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED 1 V stock of Spring and Summer Goods just received from New York and Philadelphia, and offered for -ale at prices lowers than were ever offered in TO WAND \, at the MAMMOTH STORE OF TRACY A MOORE, consist ing of every variety of Dry Goods, Groceries and Provi sions, Boots and Shoes, Huts and Cap>. Crockery and Glassware. Paints, Sash and Glass, Paper Hangings, Jtc., ail of which will be sold for READY PAY ONLY! Persons desirous of purchasing will do well to call at NO. 4 BRICK ROW and examine our stock before pur chasing elsewhere. '• Ready Pay .' Quick Sales ! and Small Profits is our motto. RTC Don't mistake the place—NO. 4 BRICK ROW, at the New Store of Towanda Muv 21, fs.Vi. TRACY & MOORE. \ATANTED.- - All kinds of Grain, Country f V Produce and Lumber, for which the highest mar ket price will he paid at the store of Towanda. May 24, 1859. TRACY A MOORE. Ir. r>. M'KEAN, pi RE INSURANCE AGENT, at Towan i da, Pa., for the following reliable Companies : Girard Insurance Co. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Capital, $300,000. Great Western Insurance Co. - Philadelphia Kensington Fire Insurance Co.,- Philadelphia. Capital, $ 3 00,00 0. Towanda, May 30, 1859. FLOUR ! FLOUR i—e. T. FOX is now receiving a large stock of FLOUR of superior quali ty, which will be sold cheapor than at any other place in town. June 14. DISSOLUTION. —The co-partnership here t-jfore existing between the undersigned, under the firm and name of MONTANYES, is this day, dissolved by mutual consent, the said E. D. & F. D. Montanye having withdrawn. The unsettled business of the said firm will be attended to by J. D. Montanye. J. D. MONTANYE, E. I). MONTANYE, J. D. MONTANYE, Jr. June 0. 1859. F. D. MONTANYE. The above co-partnership having been this day dissolv ed, the undersigned would repectfnlly give notice to the public that the same business will bo carried on by J. D. Montanye & Son. J. D. MONTANYE, J. D. MONTANYE, Jr. Towanda. June 9,1959. STOVES FOR SALE.—A Second Hand, No. 10, " Queen of the West" COOKING STOVE, in good condition—al3o a Sheet-iron Air Tight STOVE —will be sold cheap. Apply at this office. Nov. 10.1858. Farmers, Take Notice ! fTIHE SUBSCRIBER hns some pood stork I SHEEP for sale. Bucks, Sonthdown and Bakewell. full blood, and Oxtord and Southdown, crossed. Ewes. Southdown blooded. They are three the best bloods of Sheep for this country. W. W. EASTA3ROOKS. North Towanda, Jnne 21, 1859. Fair Warning! MONTANYES bavin* dissolved partner ship. it will be necessary that the accounts of the late firm should be settled. It Is expected that all having unsettled arcounts will call Immediately and arrange the same, and those haviDg notes overdue must expect to pay them. A compliance with these requests will save as the necessity of making coste. June 29,1859. JUcrcftanlJt?*, <tc. MONEY FOUND! A POCKET BOOK, CONTAINING money was found on the 16th inst., between Cyrus Shumway's in Tuscarora. and Lewis' Mill, in Wyalusing. The owner can have the same by proving property, and . paying charges, by applying at my house. I WILLIAM MARTIN. Tuscarora. May 30, 1869. HO! FOR GOLD AND SILVER!— how to make it easy and cheap. Send a 3 cent stamp, and get full particulars how to obtain wealth. Ad dress S. HANKIXSON. Chemist, No. 75, West 13th St., New York City. tar Agents wanted. May, 20,1859. SURVEYING. TO LAND HOLDERS AND LAND DEALERS. The subscriber having located perma nently in Herrickvllle. tenders his services as Land Sur veyor, to all who may need them. He professes to be thorough in his profession, and having nad ten years practice and being provided with a first class Vernier In strument, by the arrangement of which, he can greatly expedite work and overcome the numerous souires of er ror so preva'ent in the ordinary practice, and the cause of so much litigation in this country. Orders bv letter properly attended to. H. S. HANNA. Herrickville, Bradford County, Pa May 16. WOOL ! WOOL! I WOOL ! I! 10 OTW \ LBS WA * TED !—The high- LVy V7\_rV/ est market price in Cash will be paid for WOOL at M. E. SOLOMON'S. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, wholesale and retail, for sale at lowest cash prices at M. E. SOLOMON'S. Towanda May 16,1859. Just Received at Humphrey & Wickham's A Large Addition to our Stock! LADIES GAITERS, AT 44 CTS. LADIES GAITERS. AT GO CTS, LADIES GAITERS, (FOXED,) 62J CTS. LADIES GAITERS, ALL PRICES, UP TO TWO DOLLARS. LADIES' AND MISSES' MOROCCO BOOTEES, BUS KINS, AND SLIPPERS. I GENTS PATENT LEATHER SEWED AND PEGGED GAITERS. CALF GAITERS, OXFORD TIES. PUMPS AND SLIPPERS. CALF BROGANS, THICK KIP AND SPLIT BROGANS, A VERY LARGE VARIETY OF CHILDREN'S GAI TERS, TIES, PARODIES, AND OTHER STYLES, BOYS AND YOUTHS PATENT LEATHER ENAMELLED. CALF, KIP. AND SPLIT TIES AND BROGANS, PATENT AND CALF GAITERS DO., A LARGE STOCK OF SOLE LEATHER, UPPER LEATHER. KIP AND CALF SKINS. FRENCH AND AMERICAN, MORROCCO IN VARIETY, A FULL STOCK OF COCHINEAL. PINK. MAROON. GREEN AND WHITE, LININGS, PATENT CALF SKINS, LACE, LEATHER, THREAD, PEGS, AND ALL ARTICLLS OF SHOE FINDINGS. WANTED, 500 CORDS HEMLOCK BARK, 100 CORDS OAK BARK. WANTED, BEEF HIDES,CALF SKINS,SHEEP SKINS, PELTS, GRAIN. BUTTER, AC. Towanda, May 30,1859. Raymond's Latest Improved, DOUBLE-THREADED FAMILY SEWING MACHINE Price of Hand Machine $27 00 With stand and treadle, tools, Ac... $35 00 Tn ESE MACHINES AFTER ONE year of constant use, have been pronounced the best Machines in the world, and have been used entensivelv in the cities of St. Louis, Mo., Cinciuatti, 0., and Chicago, 111., among the first families, and are preferred to the high er priced Machines. They will Stitch, Hem, Tuck. Fell, Gather, and Em broider. with perfect satisfaction, and especially adapted to family nse. They will sew all kinds of goods, from t' e finest to the coarsest, better than any Machines now extant. The following are the advantages they possess over all other Machines. Ist. Any person of ordinary intelligence, can in one hour, learn to nse them successfully. 2nd. They are simple, strong and durable, easily under stood and managed, and not liable to get out of order. 3rd. They use cotton from the ordinary spool without rewinding. 4th. Tiie stitch is stronger and nv>re difficult to rip than any other made by Machinery. The two threads are double looped into each other, and firmly tied and knot ted at every stitch, which is the best and most elastic stitch ever made. sth. They sew with cotton, linen and silk thread equal ly well. Cth. They finish their work. There is no occasion to fasten the thread at either end of the scam, as is required by other shuttle stitching machines. 7th. Every Machine is made to run by hand or foot power, thus combining the advantages of both methods. All pcrs ms des rous of purchasing the best and cheap est Machine ever invented for family use, can now have an opportunity, by addressing or calling on the subscri ber, ' ' B.F.SHAW, Ulster, Bradford County, Pa. N. B. These Machines are warranted, and any person purchasing them can return them and get their money, if after one month's trial, do tbev not give satisfaction. May 3, HM Reduced to $5 a Year ! Pre-paid. rpHECIIAI'EST AND BEST PERIODI J. CAL in the WORLD. In consequence of the largely increased circulation, the publishers of LITTEL'S LIVING AGE, Are enabled to reduce the yearly subscription price from $6 to $5. The publishers are determined that no expense or labor shall be spared to make this The Magazine for the Million ! And whilst boldly challenging competition, claim for it, only what has been conceded by the most eminent men of this country from the time of its first publication (over ; sixteen years ago) to the present day. viz : I.—That it is suitable to all classes of readers—Statesmen, ] Professional men, Philosophers, Poets, Students, Mer chants, Mechanics and Farmers, all of whom may de- j rive profit and pleasure from its pages 2.—That in it may be found the cream of ail the world re nowned Reviews and Periodical-) of Europe, with origi nal articles and selections from the best fugative litera ture of our own country. 3.—That it contains more reading matter than any other magazine in the world ; each weekly number CONTAINING SIXTY-FOUR PAGES, AND A FINE ' STEEL PORTRAIT, Making Three Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty- Eight I'ages in a Year, with Fifty-Two Steel Engravings. 4 That it is the Oldest Periodical of its kind in this conn- j try. having been published over sixteen years. s.—That it is the Cheapest Publication of the day wheth er it is judged by the quantity or quality of its con tents. 6 That no library is perfect without it. 7.—That to those with limited means, it is an admirable substitute for a library of miscellaneous books. And finally, that as a Family Magazine, it is perfectly unex ceptionable in all respects. Price Five Dollars per annum, or Thirteen Cents a num bet. sent by mail, post paid, to any address in the United States. To Clergymen, Tetchers, Students, and Clubs, Four Dollars. DELISSER & PROCTOR. May 16,1859. 208 Broadway, New York. B "iIIDGE LETTING.— SeaIed Proposals will be received at the house of John Dickerson in Warren, upon FRIDAY, the 17th inst., at 1 o'clock, P.M., for the building and completing a BRIDGE across theWap parting Creek near that place. Plans and Specifications tor the same may be seen at the honse of said Dickerson for tec days previous to the said 'etting. D. LILLEY, j D. DECKER, / Commissioners- P. n BUCK, ) Commissioner's Office, June 2,1859. T7XTRACT OF LEMON, ROSE VAN- U1 Ir, I .A. and Almond, at FOX'S. NE DOLLAR WILL BUT AN HX. PELLENT Bonnet, at MARSH A CO'S-, Elmixa. 3£mplrc Store, ©toeflo. Please Preserve this as a Bill of Refer ence to Prices. A GREAT CRASH In the Price of Goods has commenced and must continue during the year of our Lord 18S9: EMPIRE STORE ! OF SSK'IfS & OWEGO, N. Y. WILL DISSOLVE PARTNERSHIP by limitation iu a short time, consequently no more Goods will be sold by them except for STt E.A. D Y PA_ Y . We herewith put forth to the public a LIST OF PRICES, As the most convincing argument in favor of Paying Cash for Goods, The following prices are From 10 to 30 per cent. Less Than Goods hive been sold even foi Cash heretofore. No pains will be spared in purchasing The Best and most Fashionable Goods of the Season. OUR AIM IS 10 PLEASE! We shall he constantly receiving NEW GOODS. Best Merriraac Prints 10 cents per yard. Cocheco, Mamilton and Lowell Prints. 10 " "" " Richest quality of new style DeLaines 18$" " " Same " old " " .15 " " " Good style and good fabric 12$ " " " Best make of Paper Cambric 10 Second quality do 8 " " Extra heavy 4 4 Brown Sheetings 8$ " " " Heavy " " " 8 " " " Fair " " " 6 " " " Fine " " " 4$ " •' " NEW STYLES OF BLEA. GOODS, at the same reduced rates. Irish Linens for 2s. Cd., which others sell for 3s, per yard 3s. " " 3s. 6d. " 3s. 6d., " " 4s. to ss. is. " " ss. to 6s. TABLE DIAPER, TOWELING AND NAPKINS, 25 per cent, them elseichere. Black Broadcloths for $2. sold ekewhere for $2 to $3 do do $2,50 to $3, do $4. I do do $3, do $5- I Cassimeres 8. do 10s. to 12s. ! Superfine do. at 20 to 30 per cent, discount. Kentucky Jeans for 25., sold by others for 2s. 6d. do do 2s. 6d., do do 3s. | ALL OTHER CLOTHS 4- CAS SI AIERES ut the saint discount. Black Silks for 4s. 6d., usually sold for 6s. " " 6s. do do Bs. " " Bs. do d • 10s. to 12. " " 9a. do do 12s. to 14. RICII PLAID SILKS, cf all Styles, at greatly reduced prices. Mohairs at 10c. per yard, sold elsewhere for Is. Alapacas at two-thirds the usual price. Counterpanes at 165., well worth 20s. do 18s., well worth 21s. Tnbie Spreads at 10s., well worth 12s. to lis. Pure Rubber Circular Combs at Is. Second quality Circular Combs, Bc. Puff Side Combs, best kind, 5c to 10c. Skirt Reeds, best quality, 3c. " " second " 2c. Shetland Wool, 9c. per ounce. Good Hooped Skirts, Bs, An extensire quantity of DRESS TRIM AIINGS, at greatly reduced rales. White and colored "Coates" Thread, best quality, 200 yard spools, at 4c ; second quality do, at 2c. 100-yd colored Spools, at lc. Gold eyed Needles, best quality, at lo a paper. 2d quality do at 2c per paper. Knitting Cotton, best quality, 3c, full skeins. Velvet Ribbons at two thirds their value .4 splendid assortment of Brcchn, Cashmere, Silk and Thibet SHAWLS, at greatly reduced pi ices. Also, a very large assortment of Too long to itemize. MIIUUEIRY GOOD 2 At Wholesale and Retail 10 to 20 per rent. Cheaper than formerly. BONNET BLOCKS, RIBBONS. FLOWERS. BLOND EDGINGS, &c. Always on hand in large quantities Lawns and Berages in their Season. The best stock of LOOKZI7& GLASSES, CARPETS, AND OIL CLOTHS, Ever offered In Owego. Carpets at 25., usually sold for 3s. do 35., do do 4s. do 45., do do ss. do 55., do do 6s. do 65., do do 7s. Rich 3 Ply and Brussels do Particular attention is called to our stock of Ladies' Collars. Handkerchiefs, Swis- MUSHD. Jaconett. Barred Muslins, Ac., all of which will be sold 15 to 25 per cent below the usual price. Ladies' Hosiery, good assortment, selling at 10c, usually sold for Is. Is, " " Js. fld. Ticking, Batting, Summer stuffs, Checks, Srtipes, Flannels, Spc. Spc., 25 to 30 per cent, less than Formerly! A splendid assortment of MOLASSES at 35.; Salarstn* at 6c; per tb ; best TEA in Owego at 45., &old usually at 6s.,by onr neighbors. As to SUGARS, come and see for yourselves, and save one to two cente per &. W& mast cordially invito an examine* tion of onr extensive stock, aad hope it may pieaee. STONE A OO , Owego, W. T. Xttcrthairtfjr, <fcc. NEW SPRING" AND SUMMER GOODS! J HARVEY PHINNEY WOULD • respectfully return his think* to the public for the liberal patronage he has sustained, and as tue citizens oi Bradford and surrounding counties, can aupicciate good Goods at lon prices, he is now prepared to offer greater inducements for their patronage than evsr. His stock consists in part of Book Mu-lin, Hoops. Hoop Skirts, Poplins, Lawns, dailies, Stair Carpets. DeLains, Chambraya, Jacquard Diapers, white. French Cbinta, Jacqnard Diapers, brown, Table Covers. Linen Collars, Jaconet Muslins, Book do., Irish Linen. Dimity. Swiss Muslin, Cambric do., Crape and Cratnbric Collar-, Nansook Muslin. French Veils, Dotted Swiss, * Organdys, Victoria Lawns, French, Scotch and Aueri Bayadere Swiss, can Ginghams, White Cotten Girders, French Lawns. Robe I,awn-, Swiss Sleeves, Ail \Vool DeLaines, Cambric Bands, Bayadere Saveila, Cashmere Shawls, Do'ubleSkirt Robes, Stella Shawla, French Prints, Silk Mantillas, Velvet Ribbons, Parasols, Belt Ribbons, American Prints, Oil Cloths, Bonnet Ribbons, Ingrain Carpets, Taffeta Ribbons, Venetian Carpets, Cloths, C as.-i in ere-. Denims, Stripes, Ticking, Sheet ing. Shirting, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries, Hard ware, Crockery, 4c. Cali and see what bargains can be had at No, 3, PATTON'S BLOCK. } Towanda, April 26, 1859. iSPRING GOODS! AT WM. A. ROCKWELL'S Corner of Alain and Bridge sis. HO. 1, PATTON'B BLOCK. DRESS GOODS. SILKS, NEWEST STYLES, LAWNS, BRILLIANTS, BAREGES, CHAi.LIS, . DUSTER GOODS, PRIXTS, GREAT VAPJETY, SCOTCH AND AMERICAN GINGHAMS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS. FLATS. SHAKERS, HATS AND CAPS. MILLINERY GOODS. RIBBONS, FLOWERS. WREATHS, HEAD DRESSES. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, DUSTERS AND SHAWLS, MANTILLA SHAWLS, VEILS, DRESS TRIMMINGS. HOOPS OF ALL KINDS, AND HOOP SKIRTS, LADIES SUSPENDERS, YANKEE NOTIONS, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, SUN UMBRELLAS, CLOTHS OF ALL KINDS, FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, BLACK, CRIMSON, SCARLET, AND NANKEEN COLORED, FARMERS SATIN, MARSAILLI'S. TRUNKS. VALISES, AND CARPET BAGS. CARPETS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY. BOOTS AND SnOES, BIRD SEEDS, CUTTLE BONE AND CAGES, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. WINDOW SHADES AND CURTAIN PICTURES, WALL PAPER, CORDS AND TASSELS, BORDERING, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. PAINTS, OILS AND NAILS, SASH AND GLASS. HARDWARE, GLASSWARE AND CROCKERY. It is not necessary to inform our patrons that we do not i intend to be undersold, for they are already aware of the fact: we only say to them ' COME ANDS E E. ) Towanda. May 5. 1859. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! J. KIN6SBEHY IS NOW RECEIVING LARGE SUP- I I- PLIES of Goods adapted to the season, embracing J some of the mist beautiful Dre.-s Goods to he found in the market, as well as a great assortment oi Staple Goods, ALSO, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, HATS A CAPS, NAILS, FISH, CLASS, PAINTS, BOOTS AS OES, Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac. And a large stock of Fashionable Summer Clothing, all of which will be sold at price* which will give entile satisfaction to purchasers. Towanda, April 26.1859. HAY SCALES ! rpHE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW PRE I- I'AREI) to construct Hay Scales upon an improved principle, where simplicity, accuracy, and durability art so combined as to excel in at least simplicity and dun liility any of the scales now in use. Also repairing of old platform scales done on reasonable terms and with dis patch. Address G. W. JACKSON. June 6,1859. Wyalusiner, Bradford Co.. Pa. HOME OF WASHINGTON THE SUBSCRIBERS have just i.-stierl nr; engraving of MOUNT VERNON, from original draw ings. and printed in oil colors. The size of the engraving is fifteen inches by twenty, with a vignette of the Tomb of Washington appended, making the whole printed surface eighteen by twenty inches. In order to the perfection of the work t will he printed on a beautiful double-calendared plate piper ol extrt weight. The drawings were recenOv made, esperiallv tor this publication, by Mr. C.H.WELLS, of this city, under whose supervision the engraving and the entire printing has been conducted. The picture is printed by a new process, by which tw. thousjind copies are produced in the same time as tw hundred and fifty can be by any other mode. From this fet, and in the anticipation of a very large sale the v hare determined to place the work at the mereiy nominal pri e O.' Fifty Cents a cervv. NOTICES: Letter from Hon. EDWARD EVEHUT to the publishers . BOSTON. Bth June, 1959. Gentlemen .—The box containing tie vcv of Morxi VERNON arrived yeste-day. lam greatly obliged to yon for this plex-ing specimen of printing in o 1 colors, which, besides its interest as a representation of the spot which, more than any otl e\ endears itself to the boast of the country, is worthy ot attention as a successful attempt to place works of art of this kind within the reach of the great mass of the community. I remain,gentlemen. With many thanks, Ac.. Very respectfully yoojw, EDWARD EVERETT It Is the best picture of JJt- Vernon yet made in this country. The drawing is excellent and sucli c-e the mer- J its of the whole that it i a suitable decoration for any | parlor or library. As a work of art. in printing in colors, we are highly p-atified with its Philadelphia origl-. j Pennsylvania Inquirer. A very correct and beautiful colored view .—PMladel- \ phia Sunday Transcript. Decidedly the best icing ol the kind yet pulished— 1 Daily Record. It gives an admirable and falthftij idea of the old man- j slon. It will majjo a roost appronrlatp ornament for any household wEvfning Bulletin, Pkl'a. We have seen narv representations of this classic spot, hnt none more sumntiious it) oojoring, or mora faithful to nature— Sunday Mercury. Well executed. It would richly adcrn a parlor— frm. AGENTS wanted 1b every county throughout the Un ion ; to whom the moet libera! terms will be given. J. H BYRAM. June 21,1*39. Hi, Soath Third Street. Phila. 1 ORPHAN'S COLIvTsALE -By Tirtue ofau order of the Oiphaus' Court of Bradford county, will be exposed to public .-ale .n premise? of the mil! pro perty, on FRIDAY, the Bth day of JULY, 1869, at one o'clock, F JI-. the following described property, late the eatateofZ. Hicks, dee d , sitcate in Athens twp., and bounded and described as fellows : One undivided ninth part of a mill pr perty situated in Athens township fore said And Including a saw mill, flouring mill, and sash fac tory, which are all situated together and carried bv tl e water power and incapable of being divided and that the same is bounded as follows : On the north y Wiliwiu Scott's land, cast by the Chemung River, south and West by land of Ransom Parshall. Containing about four acres. ALSO—One ninth part of a small piece of lnt d situate 1 Athens to win-hip aforesaid and at the head of the mill race and bounded as follows : On the north by land of Albert and Murray To/er. caat by the Uicitfutig River, south by land of William Scott, u'nd on the west by the will race. Containing about seven acres, be the same more or less. ALSO—One ninth psrt of a piece of land situate in Athene township aforesaid and lying on Orcutt's Creek and bounded as follows : Beginning at a post on the south east comer of a piece of land sorvejed to James Wilson 011 Warrant No. 1530 as described in a deed given by C.N. Shipmau to Arthur Yates bearing date 16th February, A.D. 18t0, excepting 100 acres sold to Levi Avc-rili. Contain .ng about 100 acres, with about twenty acres improved, with a house and barn thereon. ALSO—(Jr.e ninth part t f uuothar piece of land situate in Athens township aforesaid aud bounded as escribed .it a certain deed dated 25th uay of June, A.IF. 1865, giv eu by John Eighraey to Arthur Yates : Beginning at A corner ot a lot belonging to the estate of Horace Willi*- ton.dec'd., thence tmitb 14° east 156 rods to a corner, thence north 88i c west 107 reds to a corner, thc-ncc south If west 155 rods to a corner, thence south 981° east 107 rods to the place of beginning, being lot No. 10, on War rant 1506 of the Carrol Lund-, as allotted by H.W. Patrick. Containing about 100 acres, more or less. Terms of sale—4 ot purchase money down, and the Lai ; aace in one year. ARTHUR YATES, ) . . . . . . GEORGE S. HICKS, | Admmistrt< I May 16,1859. \ DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlciE—Notice ./A. is hereby given, that utl persons indebted to the es tate of JOHN PHILLIPS, late oi Pike twp., dee'd., arc hereby reluct-ted to wake iiomedinte payment, and all i persons having claims against said estate will present j "hem duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN JONES, Jr., Administrator Jure 20.1*9. with will annexed. A DM IN INITIATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice X A. is hereby given that all persona indebted to the es tate of F. S. HOAT, late of Athens Borough dev'd., I are h-reby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having claims against said estate, will j pre.-ent them duly authenticated 'or settlement. | May 3.1859. J. B. REEVE, f Administrators AD M1NISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given. that all persons Indebted to the ] ettate ot DENNIS DRUMMY. late of Ridgbury, dee'd., j are hereby requested to wake payment without delay > : and all per-uns having claims against the said estate will j please prc-ea" them duly authenticated for settlement. DENNIS I) BUMMY, ) ... . C. O. r BENCH, j Administrator* ; May 5,1859. A DM i NISTR ATO R'S NOTlCE—Notice XX. is hereby given, that all persona indebted to the 1 estate of WILLIAM PARRY, deceased, late of Athens | Boro", arc requested to make payment without delay ; j and those having claims against the said estate will please I present them duly authenticated for settlement. WM. H. FRITCHER, J C. W. CLAPP, ) 1 March 22.1889. Administrator*. A D MINI STR ATO R S N OTICE —Notica I XJL is hereby given that, all persons indebted to the es • tate <>f CHACNCEY TINGLE Y late of Orwell twp.,dee'd., are heieby requested to make immediate payment, and all persons huving claims against said estate will present i them duly authenticated for settlement to W. It. PICK ERING, Orwell Hill, Bradford Conutv, Pa. W R. PICKERING. MASON TINGLLY. April 18,1859. Administrators. | A D MINI STRATRI X'S NOTIC E.-Notice i is herebv given, that all persons indebted to the es ( state of PANIEL WILSON, late of Wilmot twp. dee'd., ; must make immediate payment, aud all persons having demands against said estate will present thern duly au i thentioated for settlement. URANIA WILSON, April 26,1859. Administratrix. XECUT RI X'S NOTlCE—Notice is here- I J by given, that ail persons indebted to the estate ot | ANDREW B. GF.RXET, late of Columbia township. ; dee d., arc hereby requested to make payment without ! delay ; and all persons having claims against estate will ! present them dulv authenticated for -ettlcment. HARRIETT GERNET. May 16.1859. Executrix. T X THE ORPHANS' COURT OF BRAD j 1 FORD County. And now to wit: February, 19,1859, I on motion of Mr.'Mercur, the Court grant a rule upon the heirs and representatives of James Lee, late of Uerrick, ! in -nid County, deceased, to appear on the sixth day i of next May Term and accept or refuse to accept the . real estate o! said decedent, at the valuation made by the , Jury of Inquc.-t, or sli.iw cause why the same shall not be | sold. And now to wit : May 11,1859, on motion of Mr. | Mercnr, the rule npon the heirs and representatives of the said James Lee, deceased, is extende d till the 6th day of : Sc| te.mber Term. A.D.. 1859, (which will be on the lt'tlr ; day of September, 1859.( and direct a publication of the | same in one of the newspapers of the county, and that a I copy of the same be mailed to Fremont, Nebraska Terrl j torv. for three siu'ie-i-ive weeks. Certified from the record. JAMES 11. WEBB. May 30, 1859. Clerk. \ DMINISTRA TO R'S N( )T ICE. N otic* XX- is hereby given, that all person* indebted to the estate of SAMUEL W. BILES, late of Wyalusing twp., de ceased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate, will present thera dulv authenticated for settlement. JOHN F. CHAMBERLAIN. May 30, 1a."9. Administrator. A DMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE -Notire 1 \ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of DAVID F. BARSTOW, h.te of Tnwandu b<ro. de ceased. are hereby requested to made payment without de ity, and all persons having demands ngainst said estate, will present them duly authenticated frr settlement. AMELIA A. BARS TOW, May 30.1859. Administratrix. ! A UDI TO R'S NOTICE.—/. II Fhinruy, l\. Jr., to the t t*r of H. IV. Titus &r Co.. rs 11. S.Phm ney. In tlie Court ot Common Pleas of Bradford county. V'V 269. Sept. Term, 1859. Also ll'm. Patton to the use "f (Sutilon Hetoitl vt J. //. 4" II- N. Phinney, No. 090 Sept. Term. 1855. Tie undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court 0 d -tribute funds rai-cd by Sheriff s sale ot "real estate of !•> endunt in above judgment, will attend to the duties of I* appointment at his office in the borough of ToWanda, ■ii S \TURDA V. the 23d day of JULY, 1853, at 2-' clock. !'. M., at whi< Ii time and place all persons interested are requested t.> pre-cnt their claim* or else be forever debar red irum the -aid fund. E. OVERTON, Jr.. June 13. Din. Auditor. A DM l NISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. 1 V Is hereby given. that all nervous indebted to the estate of WIf.LIAM U M \YXARD, late of Rome dee d , must make immediate payment, and all persons having iemmd* against said c-tate will present them duly au theuticated for settle merit. NANCY F-. MAYNARD, Jnne 6. 1839, Administratrix. i i UDITOR'S NOTICE.— No. 063, Sept. x\ Term. H- Gihhs fr Son r*. Jc/m Hint. In tho I'srnmsn Hen* of Bradford ConrWy. The undersignot], an Auditor appointed by said Court, to distribute funds rei-ed by Sheriff's sale of defendant's Tal estate, will attend to the duties of hi* appointment, tt his office in the Boron ph of Towanda, on THURSDAY ihe Ist day of SEPTEMBER next, at. 2 o'clock. P. M., at which time and place all persons interested are required to present their claims, or else be. forever debarred from said fund. ELHAXAN SMITH. Jnne 20, 1859. Auditor. A First Rate Hotel for Rent. T<HE PUBLIC HOUSE OWNED BY X the tmhseriher in Towanda, will be for rent,one year rom the Ist of January next. Anxious to serine a good u-rant. and to give him time to procure -mitalde tnrritum —T will make a lease from the above date at any time, ivhn an t.V 'e application is m~de. None but expertened landlord*, with capital *< ffir ent t > furnish t':< hon-e properly, need apply. Towanda. June 6. 1859. C. L. WARD. WOOL CA&DINGr Y\7"E It aVP put our machinpry in tH vorv ' best order, and have engaged the t*w* good and experienced workmen. Having of machinery.ronpj and nowut, shall He able to do work as fast as it pimp -nd will cord Toads from a distance as soon ss brought. Clo'b-."tre*tPg. dy> iiig, ,';c., will also he dope in it* reason. I -.hull giv® tho hnsmess my nrrsin. t l attemloa ho,-etftC7, aud will guar aatt all the work weji don®. H. B- INGHAM. C-amptowrc >W pn TAKE WA RNING.—AII persons indebted to me hytlofo or fvw.k nceonnt, am herohy notified that the eaffiif wrist bo oettlel bv the Ist dav .lore next, or cost wlTfMffierte. * M T- CARRIER. Jo-ratlii, 'fay J8,1*53.