Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 09, 1859, Image 3
Jirto gNtorrifsrmrnts. INDEPEJiBSKCti 80- ' riAL.—The Company of Yourself "s&SSSii' and Lady is respectfully solicited at AN INDEPENDENCE SOCIAL, to he given at the \ ALLE) HOUSE/' She-hequin. on MONDAY EVENING, JULY 1, 1859. ' Music : MOORE'S FULL BAND. II • DICKERSOtf, May 30. 1859. Proprietor. BRIDGE LETTING—StaIed Proposals will be received at the house of John Dickeraon in Warren, upon FRIDAY, the 17th inst., at 1 o'clock, P.M., for the building and completing a BUIDCE across itheWap paseing Creek near that place. Plans and Specifications for the same may lie seen at the house of said Dickersou for ten days previous to the said letting. !). LILLEY, ) D DECKER, v Commissioners, p. H. BUCK. S Commissioner's Office, June 2, 1559. BUILDING PROPOSALS.—The Board of Directors of Monroe township will receive propo sals for the erection of three School Houses, until SAT URDAY, the 37 th inst. Plans and specifications maybe obtained of either of the Directors r of the undersigned. Ry order of the Board. CEO. COREY, Monroe, June 4, 1859. Secretary. A First Kate Hotel for Kent. THE PUBLIC HOUSE OWNED BY JL the subscriber in Towanda, will be for rent,one year from the Ist of January next. Anxious to secure a good tenant, and to give him time to procure suitable furniture —1 will make a lease from the above date at any time, when an acceptable application is made. None but experienced landl with capital sufficient to furnish the home properly, need apply. Towauda, June 6, 1859. (.'. L. WARD. THE GREAT QUESTION WHICH HAS SO LONG Agiiahul Northern I'ennsylvania, AT I.AST DECIDED RY TIIF. UNANIMOUS VOTE OF THE PEOPLE! Goods can be sold in Tcwanda t © & <n as i Should any doubt this, let them CALL AT THE KEYSTONE STORE ! \\niKRE THE LARGEST STOCK OF f T GOODS is kept, and where prices rule so low that it i* only necessary to make an examination to be convin ced thai such is the fact. There w ill be found at the KEYSTONE STORE a stock of goods complete in every department, to which large ad ditions have recently been made, under a great depression iu the markets. Many goods will be sold at a great reduction from what we have even ourselves asked for theui early iu the '.ea bon. Attcnti ei i- particularly called to our new stock of LA DIES DRESS GOODS. PINE APPLE CLOTHS, PLAIN AND FIGURED BERAGES, BERAGE ROBES, FRENCH ORGANDIES, ORGAXDEE DOUBLE SKIRT ROBES, BEAUTIFUL GOODS, FRENCH PRINTED JACOXETTS, And a large assortment of Lawns at one shilling per yard, same goods a- is i-old elsewhere at eighteen pence, also law us at 1.4, same a.- in sold elsewhere at 10 cents,we have also a variety of Goods for Travelling Dresses. Ging hams, Brilliants, Mourning Goods, Ac., Ac., at equally low prices. SHAWLS o" almost every description from 50 cents to $20,00. LACK AKE SILK IViANTSLLAS, I rom $1 ~">0 to $lO 00. all of which are new and beautiful styles and good Goods. GLOVES AIJD HOSIERY oT all description* for Ladies. Misses. Men's and Boy's wear, cheaper than ever ottered before. WHITE GOODS, Irish Linens warranted all pure linen from 25c to 75c per y ud. L : eu and Mar-aille.n Shirt Fronts from 10c to .17Ac each. Plain Swiss Muslin from 1 'lie to 50c per yard. Fine Jacoiietts from 10c to 50c pcryuid. White and Fig nr'd Marsa tiles from 25c to 75c per \ ai d. Plain and Check Nainsook Mii-lin. Checked and Striped Cambric*, Bish op's Lawns. Book Muslins, Ac., equally rheap. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs from 5 to 50 cts each. raiLLmERY GOODS. Bonnets ot different kinds, Misses and Children's Bloo m.-ra, of all qualities, Roches, Flowers, Ribbons, Trim mings, Ac., at greatly redm ed prices from anything ever before offered in tlii- market. Ribbons for i'2e worth 25c, Ribbons for 22c wortli 31c. Ribbons for 25 worth 37.{c, Ribbons for 51c worth 50c. Milliners supplied at a reduction Iruia these prices. HATS. A great variety of Men's and Boy's Summer Hats, of different colors, at 33 per cent less than any heretofore offered in Towanda. To the>e goods particular attention is directed. CLOTHS AKIi CASSZM2R2S. Plain i'dai k French Cloths warranted till wool and fast colors, from $2,25 to $5,0(1, Plain Black Doeskins, war ranted all wool and good quilily, Irorn s7fc to $2,50 jier yard, fancy ('assimcres of new styles, troin a recent auc tion sale, much less in price than the same goods sold ear h in tlie M .1- ■ 11, Linen goods for Men's wear of every <le s ription, Silk and Marsailies Vesting* equally cheap. ROOTS ARID SHOES. We can also quote a reduction in the price of these g " ds, having been purchased from the manufacturers without paying the New York Jobbers profits. We are now selling Ladies Black Gaiters from 37$ to $175 per pair. Women* Enamelled Sewed and Pegged Boots from -7Ac to $1.25 per pair, with arid without heels. Worn ns Buskins and Slippers, different qualities, Misses, Chil dren*, Mens and Boys Shoes equally low. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, 2VIAT TI3MGS, dtC., 6LC. It is unnecessary to say that no one can compete with ns in these goods. Having the only assortment in the pa ! having bought the goods i'or Cash, wc are able to defy all competition in the sale of Carpets. June 8,1359. C ALT- 300 BARRELS FOR SALE, AT KJ June 6.1859. FOX'S. jS" E "W Spring & Summer Goods. \ LARGE AND WELL SELECTED -* A stock of Spring and S umner Goods just received front New Yoik and Philadelphia, and offered for sale at prices lowers than were ever offered in TOiv.vXP \, at the MAMMOTH STORE OF TRACY A MOORE, consist ing of every variety of Dry Goods, Groceries and Provi ' ions, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Crockery and • '.la.—ware. Paints, Sash and Glass, Paper Hangings, Ac., all of which w ill be sold for READY PAY ONLY ! Persons desirous of purchasing will do well to call at NO. 4 BRICK ROW and examine our stock before pur clrwing elsewhere. " Ilnirty Pay Quick Sales I and Small Profit is our motto. pg- Don't mistake the place—NO. 4 bRICK ROW, at the New Store of _ Towanda May 24.1859. TRACY ft MOORE. XX ANTED All Mods of Grain, Country Prodnec and Lumber, for which the highest mar ket price will he paid at the store of • nda. May 24. 15.',;.. TRACY * MOORE. H. 1?. JPKEAN, piRK INSURANCE AGENT, ot Towan da Pa., fn r the following reliable Companies : Mutual Insurance Co. . Ilarrisburg, Pa. Capital, $2 00,00 0. rard Insurance Co. . . . Philadelphia, Pa f , Capital, $300,000. 'rent II titcm Insurance Co. - Philadelphia. b usingion P' lre Insurance Co., - Philadelphia. Capital , $300,000. T'-'tanda, May 30, 165?. *Herchan*rt?e, Set. AN APPRAISEMENT AND CLASSI FI 1 ATION of the different persons engaged in the sale of goods, wares and merchandise, in the county of Bradford, for the year 1969, with the amount of license thereunto annexed: Where sold. Names. Close. License. Asylum U.Moody 14 7 00 Athens boro'. .Page A Bristol 11 16 00 C. Park A Son 12 12 60 E. Averell 14 7 00 G. A. Perkins 14 7 00 G. B. Perkins 14 7 00 C. Comstock 11 2 00 P. W-Meeker 14 7 00 J. Parsons 14 7 00 Athens twp. .L. A.Garduer 14 7 00 A. Biedlcman 14 7 00 Burlington b0r0'....J. F. Long & Sons 14 7 00 Merry, Whithelm & Co 14 7 00 A. Morley A Bru s 14 700 S. W.Miller 14 7 00 Canton..... Lock wood A Beunet 14 7 00 W. S. Baker 14 7 00 J. A. Hooper 14 7 00 W.P.Newberry 14 7 00 A. Doty 14 7 00 D.Wilcox A Co 14 7 00 J.M.Foster 14 7 00 J.S.Baker 14 7 00 A. A W. W. Spalding 14 7 00 Columbia.... A. R. Austin 14 700 Franklin Barclay R. R. A Coal Co 14 700 Grauville L. D. Taylor 14 700 H. Malov 14 7 00 W. Phillips 14 7 00 Derrick Chas. Piatt 14 7 00 Leßoy D.D. Parkhurst 14 7 00 Monroe b0r0'.... 11. C. Tracy 14 700 Smith, Crammer A Co. 14 7 00 J. B. N. Hiuman 14 7 00 S. S Hinrnan 14 7 00 1). It. Blackman 14 7 00 Brown A Rockwell 14 7 00 Orwell T. Humphrey 12 12 50 S. N. Bronson 14 7 00 H. GibbsASon 14 7 00 Benj. Lyon 14 7 00 Overton I), llaverly 14 7 00 Pike G. 11. Little 13 10 00 Baldwin A Seymour 14 7 00 L. L. Bosworth 14 7 00 D. A D. M. Bailey 13 10 00 Stevens A Burrows 14 7 00 Ridgbary.... Liman Woodruff 14 700 A. H. Voorhis 14 7 00 B. F- Buck 14 7 00 G. W. Quick 14 7 00 Rome Geo. Nichols 14 7 00 J. W. Woodburn A Co 14 7 00 Standing Stone G. Stevens 12 12 50 H.W.Trac 13 10 00 G. Espp 14 7 00 Sheshequin Kinney A Gore 14 700 Suiithlield M. Bullock A Co 13 10 00 E. S.Tracy 14 7 00 Durfey A Fritcber 1.... 13 10 00 Springfield H. Spear 14 700 White A Daily 14 7 00 Tuscarora....T.Taylor 14 7 00 Troy b0r0'.... F. I. Caukius ACo 14 700 Goodrich, Newberry 4" Peek.. .13 10 00 I). W.C. Hcrrick 14 7 00 S. W. Pavue 14 7 00 V. M. A "H. F. Long 12 12 50 F.L.Ballar 14 7 00 H. Korn 14 7 00 O.P.Ballard 14 7 00 Maxwell Leonard A Bros 12 12 50 S. W. A D. F. Pomerojr 12 12 50 Towauda b0r0'.... J. Biedlcman 14 7 00 Montanyes' 13 10 00 J. H. l'hinney 14 7 00 J. Kingsberry 14 7 00 D.C.HaI 13 10 00 H. S. Mercur 12 12 50 M. E. Solomon 14 7 00 Tracy A Moore 13 10 00 J. A. Record It 7 00 W.A.Rockwell 14 7 00 J.M.Collins 14 7 00 O. D. Bartlett 14 7 00 Patton A Payne 14 700 Humphrey A Wickham 12 12 50 W. A. Chamberlin 14 7 00 J Ncvins 14 700 E. T. Fox 14 7 00 H.C.Porter 14 7 00 E. A. Parsons 14 7 00 J. Powell 10 20 00 L. C. Nalson 14 7 00 Terrytown -... Terry A Jones 14 700 J. W. ile nison 14 7 00 John Hortcn 14 7 00 Ulster A. Newell 14 7 00 U.S. Davidson A Co 14 7 00 Welles J.Brownell 14 7 00 Warren R. Cooper 14 7 00 Talniadge A Bowen 14 7 00 Windham.... W. H. Russell 14 7 00 Wyalusing . .J. M.Bixby 14 7 00 Avery A Camp 14 7 00 G. C. At wood 14 7 00 E A C. Lewis 14 7 00 W.Taylor 14 7 00 Wysox V. E. A J. E. l'iolett 13 10 00 Wilmot C. Wilcox 14 7 00 Morton A Strong 14 7 10 J. Windal 14 7 00 A list and classification of the lieer Houses Eating Houses Ac., in the County of Bradford, for the year 1859, under the Acts of Assembly of 10th of March, is4:l, and 31st March, 1856. mere located. Names. Class. License. Athens boro'. Carner A Snell 8 5 00 C. Harsh 3 5 (ill J. Drake 8 5 00 Atnens twp... L. AA. Marshall 8 500 Canton E. Porter 8 5 00 Monroe buro'.. A. Mullan 8 5 00 I). Owins 8 5 00 Pike E. B. Easterbrooks S 5 00 Sheshequin E. Brigham 8 5 00 Smitlifield . ...C. B. Uigg* 8 5 00 Standing Stone.. J. < 'rookslianks 8 5 00 South Creek.. .11. Wheeler 8 5 00 Towanda boro*.. M. Garter 8 5 00 H. A. Bur bank 8 5 00 Troy b0r0"....(). P. Adams 8 5 00 Win. Morgan 8 5 00 Ulster 1. 8. Smith 8 5 00 Rockwell A Birney 8 5 00 U. Shaw A Son 8 5 00 C. P. Gorsline 8 5 00 Wyalusing G. H. Stalford 8 5 00 J. M. Salmon 8 5 00 David Brown S 5 0o A list and classification of the persons en caged in the sale of Nostrums. Patent Medicines, Ac., in the Counto of Bradford, for the year 1559, under the Act of Assembly ol April 10th 1849." ft here located. .Xames. Class. License. Athens boro'. .0. A. Perkins 4 5 00 Leßoy D.D. Parkhurst 4 5 00 Standing Stone. H. W. Tracy 4 6 00 Towanda boro' if. C. Porter 4 500 Patton A Payne 4 5 00 Troy b0r0'....V. M. A H. F. Long 4 500 F. Ballard 4 5 00 A list and classification of the different Di?- tillcriel in Bradford Count. , for the year 1859, under the Acts of Assembly of 1349, 1*56 and 1858. II here located. Names. Class. License. Springfield .. .A. Brace 15 00 Standing Stone .T. Binges* 15 00 Troy twp K. X. A G. F. Viele 25 00 Win. Russell 25 00 A list of Bankers, and classification of the same, in Bradford County, for the year 1859. Towanda boro'.. Laporte, Mason ft Co 1500 45 00 iter Notice is hereby given that an appeal wil' be held at the Commissioner's Office in the Borough of Towanda on the 11th DAY of JUNE next, at 1 o'clock P. M., at which time and place any person who feels aggreived by the foregoing Appraisement and Classification can a tend if they think p oper. C. H. AMES. Sheshequin. May 14. 1,859. Mercantile Appraiser. WOOL CARDING. A\ E have put our machinery in the very 7 T best order, and have engaged the services of two good and experienced workmen. Having abundance of machinery, room and power, shall be able to do work as fast as it comes, and will card loads from a distance as soon as brought. Cloth dressing, dye ing. A' ~ will also be done in its season. I shall give the business my personal attention hereafter, and will guar antee all the work well done. H. B. INGHAM. Camptnwn. May 10, 1859. 1 J A RI) WARE.— A NEW LOT JUST .1 I received at _ MKRCI'R'S. ARE YOU INSURED? Susquehanna Mutual Insurance Co., TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, FA. THIS Company insures against loss or dam age bv Fire. Dwelling houses, Furniture Warehou ses, Stores and Merchandize, &c., on the moat reasonable terms. DIRECTORS. HENRY W. TRACY, JOSEPH POWELL, HON. D. WILMOT. J. W. PAYSON, JOHN A. CODDING, LEVI F. STALFORD, J. D. MOXTANYE, ISAAC MYER. THOMAS ELLIOTT, WILLIAM GRIFFJS, ALLEN M'KEAN, GUY TRACY. H. W. TRACY. President. ALLEN M'KEAN, Vice President; EDWARD T. EL LIOTT, Secretary; LAI'ORTE, MASONA CO., Treas. Towanda, May, 11, 1859. LADIES' DOE GAUNTLETTS—The "Piccolomini Style," baa been received, and i* now , for bale at the oct/25. KEYSTONE STORE. itterchaniljf, Set. MONEY FOUND! A POCKET BOOK, CONTAINING money was (bund on the 16th inst.. between Cyrus Shumwav's in Tuscarora. and Lewis' Mill, in Wyalusing. The owner can have the same by proving property, and paying charges, by applying at tnv house. \VILLIAM MARTIN. Tuscarora. May 30, 1869. HO ! FOR GOLD AND SILVER ! how to make it easy and cheap. Send a 3 cent stamp, and get full particulars how to obtain wealth. Ad dress S. HAXKINSON, Chemist, No. 75. West 13th St , New York City, pg- Agents wanted. May, 26,1869. SURVEYING. TO LAND HOLDERS AND LAND DEALERS. The subscriber liaviug located perma nently iu Ilerrickville, tenders his services us Land Sur veyor, to all who may need them. He professes to be thorough in bis profession, and having bad ten years practice and being provided with a first class Vernier In strument, by the arrangement of which, he can greatly expedite work and overcome the numerous souices of er ror so preva'ent in the ordinary practice, and the cause of so much litigation iu this country. Orders by letter properly attended to. H. S. H ANNA. Herrickville, Bradford County, Pa.—May 16. WOOL ! WOOL!! WOOL ! !! 10 GOO LBS WANTED !—The hitrb- I'.MJtJv est market price in will be paid for WOOL at M. E. SOLOMON'S EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, wliole-ale and retail, for sale at lowest cash prices at M. E. SOLOMON'S. Towauda May 16,159. Just Received at Humphrey & Wickham's A Large Addition to our Stock! LADIES GAITERS, AT 44 CTS. LADIES GAITERS, AT 50 CTS. LADIES GAITERS, (FOXED,) 62$ CTS. LADIES GAITERS, ALL PRICES, UP TO TWO DOLLARS. LADIES' AND MISSES' MOROCCO BOOTEES. BUS KINS, AND SLIPPERS. GENTS PATENT LEATHER SEWED ANI) PEGGED GAITERS. CALF GAITERS, OXFORD TIES PUMPS ANI) SLIPPERS. CALF BROGANS, THICK KIP AND SPLIT BROGANS, A VERY LARGE VARIETY OF CHILDREN'S GAI TERS, TIES, PARODIES, AND OTHER STYLES, BOYS AND YOUTHS PATENT LEATHER ENAMELLED. CALF, KIP, AND SPLIT TIES AND BROGANS, PATENT AND CALF GAITERS DO., A LARGE STOCK OF SOLE LEATHER. UPPER LEATHER. KIP AND CAT.F SKINS, FRENCH AND AMERICAN, MORKOCCO IN VARIETY, A FULL STOCK OF COCHINEAL. PINK, MAROON, GREEN AND WHITE, LININGS, PATENT CALF SKIN'S, LACE, LEATHER, THREAD, PEGS, AND ALL ARTICLES OF SHOE FINDINGS. WANTED, 500 COP.DS HEMLOCK BARK, 100 CORDS OAK BARK, WANTED, BEEF HIDES,CALF SKINS,SHEEP SKINS, PELTS, GRAIN, BUTTER, AC. Towanda. May 30. 1859. New Arrival of Clothing ! o <!. 2VE. COLLINS TS NOW RECEIVING THE LARGEST 1 -took of Spring and Summer Clothing ever brought to this market,whiehjhe i- now selling at greatly reduced pri ces. His stock eoiiM.-ts of Brown Linen Sack Coats, Brown Limn Fro.-k do, White Linen Duck do. Queen's 1 loth d". Spanish Linen do, prices ranging from $1 to $3. Brown Linen Pints, Fancy Linen d. Check Marsaillea do, Tweed do, 1 am y Cassimere do, Black Cassiutere do, 'A bite and fancy Mar-ailles Vests, Figured Silk do, 151.irk Satin do. Bin k and Fancy Farmer's Satin do. Fig ured Silk and Linen do. Black ( loth and Fancy Cloth, Dress Coats. Business Coats. Silk mixtures do. Plain and Fancy Cassimere do, Tweed do, Kentucky Jeans do. FURNISHING GOODS. Shirts. Drawer*, Cravats, Suspenders. Collar*. Linen and Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs, White Shirts, fancy Jo, Marsailles do. Cloths, Cassimeros, and Vestings. Black and Fancy Cord Cloths, " Cass i meres, " •' " Vestings, All of which I am ready to make up to order on short no tice, and warrrnted to fit every time or no sale. 1 have secured the services of Mr. Pennypacker to carry 011 the TAILORING BUSINESS. T<> all you that want cutting or anything in that line will please give a- a call.we keep none but the best workmen. CUTTING done on short notice. Thankful for past favors, fam now ready to wait 011 any one who ina.v give me a rail. Don't forget the place—one door south of Hall's Store. Towanda. May 10,1559. J. M. COLLINS. Gladding s Ilay Elevator. THE above engraving is intended to represent a HAY ELEVATOR, or Horse Power Pitchfork, patented last season by C. E. GLADDING, of Troy, Pa. This Elevator possesses many important advantages over all other forks, among which are the following :—The tines being allow ed to drop to discharge its load, the tilting of the handle as in other power forks, is avoided J hence, hay can lie unloaded with the utmost facility and ease into shed win dows or beneath purlin beams, and many places where other Horse Forks cannot be used. The Elevator can in all cases be managed with greater ease than any other Horse Fork. It is also well adapted to stacking. With this Fork a ton of hay can be unloaded in from five to seven minutes. This Elevator received the first premium after thorough triul'and competition, at the last New York and Pennsylvania State Fair*. TESTIMONIALS. HORNBY, X. Y.. Aug. 3], 18,58. I hereby certify that I have witnessed the operation of C. E. Cladding's Patent Horse Pitchfork, an 1 am free to say that 1 esteem it a great acquisition to the Agricul tural department. Its simplicity,durability, perfect ope ration, and comparatively trifling expen-e. recommends it to the farmers of our country. A. B. DICKINSON. NORTHYMRKKLAND, Pa., Oct. 1,1859. Having been acquainted with Horse Power Pitchforks for several years, and having witnessed the operation of Mr. Gladding * Patent Improvement of the same, I cheer fully recommend it to the tanning community as decided ly the best I am acquainted with. A. E. KAPP. February 13, 1859. I hereby testify that I have for some years been using the common Horse Power Pitchfork, and have seen V. E. Cladding's Patent Improvement, and do most cheerfully recommend it in every respect—a decided improvement. SAMUEL LEV ERICH, E. S. CARPENTER. RSr The above testimonials are selected from many others, the signers lieing generally known as distinguish ed agriculturists. All who have seen it operate agree in the above opinions of its merits. They can be obtained by addressing E. P. SHAW, She shequin, or C. E. GLADDING, Troy, Pa. State and County rights for sale. Address C.E.GLAD DING, Troy, Bradford Co., Pa. TAKE WA RNING. —AII persons indebted to me by note or book account, are hereby notified that the same must be settled by the Ist day June next, or cost will be made. M. T. CARRIER. Towanda, May 16, 1859. ONE DOLL AR WILL BUY EIGHT yard" of fine French Brilliant, at MARUII A CO'!?., Eimira TEmptvt Store, (Otorgo. Please Preserve this as a Bill of Refer ence to Prices. A GREAT - CRASH In the Price of Goods has commenced and must continue during the year of our Lord aBS9. EMPIRE - STORE ! OF gwmvM & OWEGO, N. Y. WILL DISSOLVE PARTNERSHIP by limitation in a short time, consequently no more Goods will be sold by them except for READY I J YY . We herewith put forth to the publk a LIST OF PRICES, As the most convincing argument in favor of Paying Cash for Goods, The following prices are From 10 to 30 per cent. Less Than Goods have been sold even foi Cash heretofore. No pains will be spared in purchasing The Best and most Fashionable G-oods of the Season. OUR AIM IS 70 PLEASE ! We shall be constantly receiving NEW GOODS. Bent Merrimac Print* 10 rents per yard. Cocheco, Hamilton and Lowell Prints. 10 " " •' Richest quality of new style Del.aines 18| " " " Same " old " " .15 " " " Good style and good fabric 12| " " " Best make of Paper Cambric 10 " " " Second quality do 8 Extra heavy 44 Brown Sheetings Si " " " •Heavy 8 •• • " Fair " " " C " " " Fine " " " 4j " " '• SEW STYLES OF BLEA. GOODS, at the same reduced rates. Irish I .incus for 2s. 6(1., which others sell for 3.-, per yard 3s- " " 3-4.6 d. " 3s. Cd., " " 4s. to ss. 4s. " " ss. to 6s. TABLE DIAPER, TOWELING AND NAPKIN S, 25 per cent, than elseichere. Black Broadcloths for 42, sold el.ewhcre for 42 to 13. do do $2,50 to $3, do $4. do do $3, do $5. Cassimerca **. do 10s. to 12s. Superfine do. at 20 to 30 per cent, discount. Kentucky Jeans for 25., sold by others for 2s. Cd. do do 2s. 6d., do do 3s. ALL OTHER CLOTHS 3f CAS SI MERES ul the same discount. Black Silks for 4s. Cd., usually sold for 6s. 6s. do do Bs. Bs. do <1 > 10s. to 12. 9s. do do 12s. to 14. RICII PLAID SILKS, of all Styles, at greatly reduced prices. Mohairs at 10c. per yard, sold elsewhere for Is. Alapacas at two-thirds the usual price. Counterpanes at 165., well worth 20s. do ls's., well worth 21s. Table Spread-, at los., well worth 12s. to Its. Pure Rubber Circular Combs at I*. Second quality Circular Combs, Sc. Puff Side Combs, best kind, 5c to 10c. Skirt Reeds, bc-t quality, 3<\ " '• second " 2c. Shetland Wool, 9r. per ounce. Good Hooped Skirts, Bs. An extensive quantify of DRESS TRIM MINGS, at greatly reduced rates. White and colored " Contes " Thread, best quality, 200 yard spools, at 4c ; second quality do, at 2c. 100 yd colored Spools, at lc. Gold-eyed Needles, be.t quality, at 4c a paper. 2d quality do at 2c per paper. Knitting Cotton, best quality, 3c, full skeins. Velvet Ribbons at two-thirds their value- A splendid assortment of Brocha, Cashmere, Silk and Thibet SIIA WLS, at greatly reduced pi ices. Also, a very large assortment of r mmsm Too long to itemize. nnifUNERY 'BD©BS At ll holesale and Retail 10 to 20 per rent Cheaper than formerly. BONNET BLOCKS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, BLOND EDGINGS, Ac. Always on hand in large quantities Lawn* and Bcrages in llieir Season. The best stock of LOOKING GLASSES, CARPETS, AND OIL CLOTHS, Ever offered in Owego. Carpets at 25., usually sold for 3s. do 35., do do 4s. do 45., do do ss. do 55., do do 6s, do 65., do do 7s. Rich 3 Ply and Brussels do Particular attention is cailed to our stock of I.arlics' Collars, Handkerchiefs, Swiss Muslin, Jaconeft, Barred Muslins, Ac., all of which will be sold 15 to 25 per cent below the usual price. Ladies' Hosiery, good assortment, selling at 10c, usually sold lor Is. Is, " Is. 6d. Ticking, Baiting, Summer stuffs, Checks, Srtipes, Flannels, Spc. <J-c., 25 to 30 per cent, less than Formerly! A splendid assortment of MOLASSES at 3s. ; Salaratus at 6c; per th ; best TEA in Owego at 45., sold usually at 5a., by onr neighbors. As to SUGARS, come and see for yourselves, and save one to two cente per lb. "We most cordially invite an examina tion of our extensive stock, and hope it may please. •VOXVS * CO., Owego, N, Y. iUfrthanSlic, tct. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! T HARVEY PHINNEY WOULD • respectfully return his thanks to the public for the liberal patronage he has sustained, arid as the citizens of Bradford and surrounding counties, can appreciate pood Goods at low prices, he is now prepared to offer greater inducements for their patronage than ever, llis stock consists in part of Book Muslin, Hoops, Hoop Skirts, Poplins, Lawns, Challies, Stair Carpets. DeLain*. Cbambrays, Ja<quard Diapers, white, French Chiuts, Jncqunrd Diapers, brown, Table Covers, Linen Collars. 1 Jaconet Muslins, Book do., Irish Linen. Dimity, Swiss Muslin, Cambric do., Crape and C'rambric Collars. Nansook Muslin. French Veils, Dotted Swiss, Organdys, Victoria Lawns, French, Scotch and Amcri- Bivadere Swiss, can Ginghams. White Cottcn Girders, French Lawns. Kobe Lawns, Swiss Sleeves, All Wool IK', Cambric Bands, Bayadere Savella, Cashmere Shawls, Double Skirt Robes, Stella Shawls, French Prints, Silk Mantillas, Velvet Ribbons, I'arasols, Belt Ribbons, American Print*, Oil Cloths, Bonnet Ribbons, Ingrain Carpets, Taffeta Ribbons, Venetian Carpets, Cloths, Cassimcrcs. Denims, Stripes, Ticking, Sheet ing, Shirting, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps. Groceries, Hard ware, Crockery, Ac- Call and see what bargains can be had at No, 3, PATTON'S BLOCK. Towanda, April 26, 1859. Opening ci the North Branch, AND AN ARRIVAL OF AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF SPRING AND SUMMER ME SOLOMON HAS JUSTRETURX • ED from New York with the largest and most complete assortment of SPRING &. SUMMER CLOTHING! Ever exhibited in this market. He has also a large and beautiful assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, which have been selected wiih special reference to the wants of this market. Our stock of SUMMER COATS, comprises an endless variety of Dress, Raglans, and Sacks, at prices ranging from 41 25 to $5 50. Pants and Vesta in proportion. As our Goods have been purchased for CASH, we are enabled to sell them at prices which will defy competi tion. We cordially invite our old customers aud the pub lic generally, to call, see and judge for themselves, feel ing confident that we oliall be able to please the most fas tidious. REM EMBER THE PLACE- No. 2. Patton's Block. _ Towanda. April 20, 18M. M. E SOLOMON. SPRING GOODS, SPRING GOODS, SPRING GOODS, CHEAP GOODS, CHEAP GOODS, CHEAP GOODS, ALL KINDS OF GOODS, ALL KINDS OF GOODS, ALL KINDS OF GOODS, JUST RECEIVED JUST RECEIVED JUST RECEIVED AT MONTANYES A CO'S. AT MONTANYES A CO S. AT MONTANYES A CO'S. WLOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. Tnwanda, March 21. 1*59. SPRING GOODS! AT WM. A, ROCKWELL'S Comer cf Main and Bridge sis. NO. 1, PATTON'S BLOCK. DRESS GOODS, SILKS, NEWEST STYLES, LAWNS, BRILLIANTS, BAREGES, C'HAt.LIS, DUSTER GOODS. UP IN TS, GREAT VARIETY, SCOTCH AND AMERICAN GINGHAMS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS, FLATS, SHAKERS, HATS AND CAPS, MILLINERY GOODS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS. WREATHS, HEAD DRESSES, LACES AND EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, DUSTERS AND SHAWLS, MANTILLA SHAWLS, VEILS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, HOOL'S OF ALL KINDS, AND HOOP SKIRTS, LADIES SUSPENDERS, YANKEE NOTIONS, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, St'N UMBRELLAS, CLOTHS OF ALL KINDS. FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. BLACK, CRIMSON, SCARLET, AND NANKEEN COLORED, FARMERS SATIN, MARSAILLES, TRUNKS. VALISES, AND CARPET BAGS, CARPETS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, BIRD SEEDS, CUTTLE BONE AND CAGES, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. WINDOW SHADES AND CURTAIN PICTURES, WALL PAPER, CORDS ANI) TASSELS, BORDERING, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, PAINTS, OILS AND NAILS, SASH AND GLASS. HARDWARE, GLASSWARE AND CROCKERY. It is not nee ssarv to inform our patron* that we do not intend to be undersold, for they arc already aware of tin fact! we only sav to them C O M E A N D S F. E. Towanda. May f I*5J. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! J. HIKGS2ERY TS NOW RECEIVING LARGE SCI' JL PLIES of Goods adapted to the season, embracing some ol the most beautiful Dress Goods to be found in the market, as well as a great assortment of Staple Goods, ALSO, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. HATS A CAPS, N VIL FISH, GLASS, PAINTS, BOOTS A SHOES, Ac , Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac. And a large stock of Fashionable Summer Clothing, all of which will he sold at prices which will give entire satisfaction to purchasers. Towanda, April 26,1859. r/\A TONS OF PLASTER JUST RE * -I* / CTSIVED and for salt at the at ore of April 19. MM A ROCKWFJ.L. lieoal. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE-By virtne of nil order of the Orphan*' Court of Bradford county, will be oxposed to public sale or. premise* of the mill pro perty, on FRIDAY , the Ist day of JULY. 1359, st one o'clock, P. M., the following Ucwribtd property, late the estate of Z. Hicks, dee d., Kitimfe )n Athens twp., and bounded and described us toliows : Oue undivided rtnth part of a r—. ill property sit m. ted in Athena township forv id and including a >aw mill, flouring mill, and .-ash fac tory, which arc ail bit isted together and carried by tbo water puwci and iucjpai leo: being divided and that tba same is bounded n* follows : On the north by William Scott's land, <a-t by tlie Cbfinwij River, south and we.t by land ol littnaoiu I'arshsll, Containing about foar acres. ALSO—One ninth part of 3 small piece of land situate i 1 Allien* tow nship itioiesaid uttd at the head d the nidi race and bounded as follows : On the north by land of Albert and Murray Tozer, east by the Chemung River, south by land of \\ illiatn Scott, and on the west bv tbt mill race. Containing about seven acios, be the tains more or less. ALSO—One ninth part of a niece of land situate i Atlien; township aforesaid mid lying on Crciit' Creek and bounded as foil >ws : Beginning at a postou tbc south east corner of a pie e or land snrreiedto James YViDoft on Warrant No. 1530 as de.-cribed in a deed given by C'X Shipmau t<> Arthur Y alts beating date li;th February, Alb 1849. excepting 100 10 res sold to Levi Averill. Contain ing about 100 acres, with abnuMwcuty acres improved, with a house and barn thereon. ALSO—One ninth part of another piece of land situate i Athens to\vn-!ii|i aforesaid and bounded as escribed 111 a ccrtaiu deed dated 25th day of June., 1855, giv en by John highmey to Artliur Vates : Beginning at a 1 oruer o'. a lot belonging to the estate of Horace YY'lllLj. toe, dee'd., thence north 14 s east 165 rods to a corner, thence north N8A 3 west 107 rods to a corner, thrucc soutii l.J° we.t 155 rods to a corner, thence south 9x|° east 107 r.ids to the place of beginning, being lot X'o. |o, on YY'ar rant Is!n, ot the Carrol lauds, as allotted by H.W. Patiiult. Containing about 100 acres, uiorc or less. Terms of sale—4 of purchase money down, and the bal ance in one y car. ARTHUR YATES, > . , . . . . GEO RUE S. HICKS, i A d>'& i *trab>rii May IC, 1859. A I 111 1 OR'S NOTlCE.— Albert Cenklin vs. Alliy 'l\itllr and H ilharn Humphrey. In the Court of Common Picas of Brad ord county, X'o. 417 Ma v Term, 1858. - 1 The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court t distribute film's raised by SlieritTs Sale of real and per sjiial estate ol defend..nt. w ill attend to the duties of his appointment at his otlice in the B .rough of Towanda, ou MONDAY, the 2:t'i duvof JUNE, 1859, at 2 o'clock I*. M..ut which time a,.d place a!! persons interested are required to present their claims or else be forever debar red from the-aid fund. I*. D. MORROW. May 23. 1859. Auditor. \ i nil OR'S NOTICE. — James Eiiiott i XX Execut eof I I'm. Gihsi.n, dec'J.. vs. J I'm. Mau gcr. In Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County. X'o. 417. May Term, 1858. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed hy said Court to distribute fund* raised by Sheriff's sale ol real estate of defendant, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in tin Borough ol Towanda, on SATURDAY, the 25th dny ol JUNE, Ino9, at *2 • clock. P. M.,at which time and piece all per.-en* Interested are requested to pro sent their claims or else forever be debarred from the said fund. p. u. MORROW', May 23, Is.i 9. Auditor. a UDIIORS NOTICE. — J. ii. l'/mmey T -FT. Jr. ID the u.e of Richard Patrick, assignee of J. C. Meeker 6- Perkin* vs. IVilliam Mead. In the Court Of Common Pleas of Bradford County, X'o. 840, Mav tcna 1959. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised by .Sheriff's sale of real estat* of defendant. will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the Borough of Towanda, on FRIDAY', the 24th day of JUNE, 1859, at 2 o'clock, P. M., at which time and place all per-ons interested arc requested to pre sent their claims or else be forecer debarred from the saiil fund. P. D. MORROW, May 29. 1850. Auditor. 4 DM INISTR A TOR'S NOTlCE—Notice ./X is hereby given that all persons indebted to the as tute of F. 8. HOYT, late of Athens Borough dee'd., are hereby requested to make payment without del.iv, and all per-ons having claims against said estats, wUI present them duly authenticated for settlement. J.J. HOYT. i . , ... . May 3, 1359. J. B. REEVE, f Administrator® 4 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE -Notice XX is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of DEN NIS DItUMMY. late of llidgburv, dee'd., are hereby requested to make payment without delay j and all per.-ons having claims against the said estate will please present theni dulv authenticated (or settlement. DENNIS DBL'MMY, 1 , , ... , C. O. 1 RENCTI, Administrators May 5,13-59. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice XX is hereby given, that all persons indebted to lbs estate of Y\ I 1.1.1 A M PARRY, deceased, late of Athena Boro", are requested to make payment without delay | sinl those having claims against the said estate will pleas* present them duly authenticated for settlement. YVM II FRITCHER. 1 C. YV. CI.A PP. ( March ! c -9. Administrator*. A DM IN ISTKA TO R S NOTICENotice XX is hereby given that, all persons indebted to tha es tate of CH A LX'CEY TlN'■ LEY' late of Orwell ! wp.,dee'd., arc hereby rt que-ted to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate will preseut •hem duly out!n nti ated for settlement to YV, R. I'ICK.- ERING, Orwell Hill, Bradford f'ontitjr. Pa. YV 11. PICKERING, MASON TINGLEY. April 19, 1953. Administrator*. A I)MINI STRATRIX'S NOTICE. N otic* XX. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the ss state nt DANIEL WILSON, late of W'ilmot twp, dee'd., must make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against -aid estate will present them duly aa thenti. ated for settlement. UItANIA WILSON, April 14. 1 359. Administratrix. A DM INISTR ATRIX'S Xatk* x X is hereby given, that all person* indebted to thes- Lite of JiIN YTHAN AULA. late of Durell, dee'd.. ars hereby requr-ted to make immediate payment, and all persons "sating claims again t said estate will present tlieiu dulv authenticated for settlement. ELIZABETH ACI.A, April! 18.1859. Administratrix. KCUTRIX S NOTICE —Notice is here* A-J by given, that nil persons indebted to the estate of ANDREW B. GERNET, late of Columbia township, dee'd., are hereby requested to make payment without delay : and all person, having claim* against estate wilj present them duly authenticated for settlement. HARRIETT GERNET. May 18. 18.', 3. Executrix. I N THE ORPHANS' COURT OF 1511 A- D FORD County. And now to wit : February, 19,1x59, on motion of Mr. Mercur, the Court grant a rule upon the ' eirs and repre cn atives 0 | James Lee. late of Herrick, n said County, decca-ed, to appear on the sljtlt day of next May t- rm and accept or refu-c to accept the •ral estate oi said dei edent, at the valuation made by the Inry of Liouest. or sh-ov imisr why the same shall not be sold. Ann notv to wit : May 11. 1959, on motion of Mr. Mercur, the rule upon the heirs and representatives of the -aid .hunts Li-e, de. i ascd. is extended till the fitii day of Se] t -nib' r Ti rin. A D . 1859. (which will be on the 19th lay ot September. 1 959.( and dire -t a publication of the -anie in one of the newspapers t the county, and that a opy of the s3ire he mailed t" Fremont, Nebraska Terri tory, for three noi e-Ive weeks, Certifuil from the record. JAMES 11. WEBB. May 3D, I 59. Clerk. AI) MIN I?T RA TO ICS NOTICE.-Notice XX is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of SAMUEL W. BILES, I \te of Wyn! using ?Wp.. de eased. are hereby requested to make payment without lei iy. and nil person-having demands ngaln*t sai.l e-tate, A - ill present them dulv authentic, ted for settlement. JOHN F, CHAMBERLAIN. May 30, 1 -53. Administrator, V DM i MSTRATUiX'S NOTICE XX is lieieby given, that .ill per-ons indebted to theea tate of DAY'lt' F. HAIISTOYV. late of Towanda boro, do ceased. arc hereby requested to made payment without de ity and all person* having demands against -aid estate, will pre-cnt them duly authenticated for settlement, AMELIA A. BAUSTOYV. May SO. 1859. Administntfrir. Tioga Point Plows. \T r E wotiM respect fully invite tlte altfulioo * of Farmers and Tiealcrs to our Assortment of Corn. S .d Stubble, and Side Mill Plow . <lor facilities f't manufacturing ermMes n- to make bet ter I'loWs, at same prices, than any neighlioring manu .'act irer. YY'e take care to n-e the tVry iw-t uwrteriaV. - tbe wood being of best white oak. aiul the casting* f hard tough irou. Y\> have affiled scrrral new and Uesi able patterns to our li-t since 1,-f -c ison ; enabling n* to n resent a iietter assortment or Plows, riUpted to the vMts of ou- Fanners, tiiati any other shop in the country, for a catalogue. Athens. IV, Much 32, AP. YVE.'J RI.OOD A CO. BHAITC'Kt* Bitt-ROtn AND COAb COMrAVV'S Orritlt. PuiLAnru-niA, May 12, 1859. NOTICE— A spe. iHI meeting of thestockholcjers in the BRADFORD RA L RO.YUA CO \L TO .willheld in room Xo. 24, Merchant's Exchange, in lniiDdelphia, on Monday, June 20th, proximo, at 12 o'cJuck. M., t ac cept or reject a supplement to the charter of lire Compa ny, approvrsL Ypril t3, 1X59. • Bv order of tbc hoard rf direrf xw. May, IG, 1V59. A BR. It rFRKiyS, President