jKto a&tofrtfsnncttts. . A ISKMKNT AND CLASSI- I J L-T \iiON ' TL> E different persons engaged in the H >"V A' • , wares and merchandise, in the county of BWW o .' Sfor'the year 1959, with the amount of license lII* Wldkr"* J . 9 jxre> uto * : ' UI Names. Class. License. | #*'"*' r.Moodv 14 7(10 I A, vl *®Ll,ri)'' Page & Bristol 11 15 00 | 1 A tbetti (Kjro j>ark Squ 12 J2 - 0 E. Averell 14 7 00 G. A. Perkins 14 7 00 G. B. Perkins 14 7 0u C. Comstock 14 7 CO p. W- Meeker 14 7 00 J. Parsons 14 7 00 ,D. L- A.Gardner 14 7 00 f jibM A.Biedleman 14 700 „ , fu n lMro'— -J- F. Ixmg & Sous 14 700 jurlinU yterry, Whithelm &Co 14 700 j Morley A Bro's 14 7 00 g. W.Miller 14 7 00 j Lockwood & Bennet 14 7 00 j W.S.Baker 14 7 00 j J. A. Hooper 14 7 00 j W. P. Newberry 14 7 00 ! A. Doty 14 7 00 D. Wilcox & Co 14 7 00 J.M.Foster 14 7 00 i J. S. Baker 14 7 00 A. A W. W. Spalding 14 7 00 j , iii V.B.Austin 14 700 I ' ■ .Barclay K. R- A Coal Co 14 7 00 ; l |S'"...L. D.Taylor 14 7 00 H.Malo 14 7 00 W. Phillips 14 7 00 i 8 fl.rrick Chas. Piatt 14 700 I I i D.I) Baikhurst 14 700 jLk* bora'. • • • • C. Tracy 14 7 00 Smith, ( rammer & Co 14 7 00 J. B. N. Hinman 14 7 00 i S. S Hinman 14 7 00 I). R. Blackman 14 7 00 ; Brown A Rockwell 14 7 00 . _,II T. Humphrey 17 17 50 ' S. N". Bronson 14 7 00 H. Bibbs A Son 14 7 00 Beuj. Lyon 14 7 00 1 ,werton D. llaverly 14 700 ; B pie 11. Little 15 10 00 Baldwin A Seymour 14 7 00 L. L. Boswortu 14 7 00 1). A D. V. Bailey 15 10 00 j Stevens A Burrows 14 7 00 Rutabury Liman Woodruff 14 7 00; W g • A. ILVoorhis- 14 700 ; B. F. Buck 14 7 00 G. W. Quick 14 7 00 Geo. Nichols 14 7 00 J. W. Woodburu A Co 14 7 00 -tudingStone... .G. Stevens 12 12 50 i H.W.Trac 13 10 00 I G. Espp 14 7 00 sieshequiu Kinney A Gore .14 700 s ithfitld . ..M. Bullock A Co 15 10 00 K. S. Tracy 14 7 00 Durfey A Fritcher 13 10 00 | sjringlield.■ ..11. Spear 14 7 00 ! E White A Daily 14 7 00 Tuscarora ...T-Taylor 14 i 00 frov boro' F. I. Caukins ACo 14 700 Goodrich, Newberry 4" Peek... 13 10 00 1). W.C. Herrick 14 7 00 S. W. Payne 14 7 00 ' V. M. A H. F. Long 12 12 50 F.L.Ballar 14 7 00 H. Korn 14 7 00 O. P. Ballard 14 7 00; Maxwell Leonard A Bros 12 12 50 i S. W. A I). F. Pouieroy 12 12 50 i Tuwauda boro'. . J. Biedlenian 11 7 00 Montanyes' 13 lo oo I J. H. l'hinney 14 700' J.hingsberry 14 7 00 D.C.HaI 13 1000 11. S. Mercnr 12 12 50 J M. E. Solomon 14 7 00 i Tracy A Moore 13 10 oo ! J. A. Record 14 7 00 W. A. Rockwell 14 7 00 : J.M.Collins 14 7 00 O. D. Bartlett 14 7 00 ; l'utton & Payne 14 7 00; Humphrey A Wickham 12 12 50 W. A. Chamberlin 14 7 00 ! J Nevins 14 700 I E. T. Fox 14 7 00 I H.C.Porter 14 7 00 j E. A. Parsons 14 7 GO , J.Powell 10 20 00 L. C.Nalsou 14 7 00 j Terrvtowu Terry A Jones 14 700 ] J. W. be nison. 14 7 oo John IIort:n 11 7 00, Plater V. Newell 14 7 00 j U.S. Davidson A Co 14 7 00 : Welles J.Browueil 11 7 00 Warren B. Cooper 14 7 00 Talmadge A Bowen 14 7 00 Windham... .W. H. Russell 14 7 00 Wyalusing.. J. M.Bixby 14 700 Avery A Camp 14 7 oo C.C. Atwood 14 7 00 E. A ('.Lewis 14 7 00 W. Tavl..r 14 7 00! Wysox V. E. A J. K. Piolett 13 10 00 Wilniot 0. Wilcox 14 7 00 llorton A Strong 14 7 10 1 J. Windal 14 7 00 A list and classification of the Beer Houses K.iting Houses Ac., in the County of Bradford, for the year 1859. under the Acts of Assembly of 10th of March, 1-49, and 31-t March, 1-SC. I\'kcre located. Xtimes. Class. License. Athens ln>ro'. ('arner A Snell X 500 C. Harsh 8 5 00 J. Drake ti 5 00 ttnen* twp... L. A A. Marshall 8 5 00 Canton E. Porter 8 5 oo Mouroe boro".. A. Mullan 8 5 00 1). (twins. 8 6 00 I'A. r;. K. Easterbrooks 8 5 00 Shedieqnu— E. Bnghain 8 5 0 SmitbtnM C. B. Uiggs 8 5 00 Standing Stone. J. Orookshanks 8 5 00 South Creek. H. Wheeler 8 500 Towanda boro". M. Garter 8 5 00 H. A. Burbaitk 8 5 (to Troy boro' O. P. Adams 8 500 Wm. Morgan 8 5 00 l ister J. S. Smith 8 5 00 Rockwell A Birnoy 8 5 00 U. Shaw A Son 8 5 00 ('. P.Gorsline. 8 5 00 Myahising —G. 11. Stafford. 8 5 00 J. M. Salmon 8 5 00 David Brown 8 5 00 A list and classification of the persons cn zaped in the sale of Nostrums, Patent Medicines, Ac., iu the C■ .unto of Bradford, for the year 1-59, under the Act of Assembly ol April 10th 1-49." B 'tere located. Xaines. Class. License. Athens boro'. .G. A. Perkins 4 5 00 I'Roy D. D. Parkhurst 4 5 On Standing Stone.. H. W. Tracy 4 5 00 Towanda boro'.. H. C. Porter 4 a CO Patton A Payne 4 5 00 Troy b0r0'.... V. M. A H.F.Long 4 5 00 F. Ballard 4 500 A list and classification of the different Di>- 'illeriet in Bradford Count . for the year 1859, under the lets of Assembly of 1340. 1856 aud 1-58. If here located. Xami s. Class. License. Springfield A. Brace 15 00 Standing Stone. .T. Burgess 15 00 Tmy twp E. N. A G. F. Viele 25 00 Wiu.Rus.sell 25 00 A list of Bankers, and classification of the yie, in Bradford County, for the year 1859. fnwanda boro'.. Laporte, Mason A C 0.... 1500 45 00 hereby given that an appeal wil ! be held at the Coinmissioiier's Office in the Borough of Towanda on the nth DAY of JUNE nest, at 1 o'clock P.M.,at time and place any person who feels arpreived by he foregoing Appraisement and Classification can attend they think p oper. C. H. AMES - ™ U, 1861, Miff—tila Appraiser. OOMEAND SEE THOSE BEAUTIFUL c A R P K r s T AND R 1 N M A A T T 1 N G S AT Ml'.ltt UK's. Xtrv i WOOL CAB.DINO. w-ulL 1 '" I ,'v! Ur " lac,lllier .v i" the verv good and experience^'wo^T ged ,hc strvices of two be able'l". d'"work Mraltt'iM it 6 /'"' r °° m * nd powpr ' f,ha " Irom a distan.-c is . t '"omes, and will card loads irip, Ac. will aim, Kb a a? Cloth dressing, dye business'm vn< r ~ i IT lts s '"ason. I shall give the ' . tfc .ork " lJ ™ 8". - XEW LOT JUST " MKHCURS. ittercfianli(?c, Set. HOOP SKIRTS, WITH ALL NUM BERS of Springs, from tive up to thirty, all of the finest and best steel, at MARSH A CO'S., Elniira. THOSE NEW DRESS GOODS, FROM the other side of Uncle Sam's big fish pond, (liettcr known as the Atlantic Ocean.) with such hard names that one of our lady customers dislocated her jaw in attempt ing to pronounce them, are claiming a good deal of at tention and selling verv rapidly at April 26. 1853. "MARSH" A CP'S., Elmira, N. Y. A\ R ET FRENCH PRINTS FULL YARD ' wide, very best quality, worth 3s. per yard, for on ly ls.Cd. A great bargain just opened, at MARSH A CO'S.. Elmira. niIOICE DRESS GOODS —Twenty diffe \J rent, and entire new styles opening this day. at April 26. MARSH!A CO S., Elmira. RJOLORED FRENCH BRILLIANT, warranted not to fade ; also white with colored fig ures, just received at Marsh A CO'H. Also a choiee as sortment of all white, from 10c to the very best goods, upended to day, at MARSH A CO'S., Elmira.^ QPRING GOODS FOR BOY'S & MEN S kJ Wear, in a great variety—plain and fancy, among our goods opened to-day, at * MARSH A CO'S., Elmira. MILLINERY, IN ALL ITS BRANCID ES, opening every day till further notice, at MARSH A CO'S., Elmira. 9/ \ SPRING HOOP SKIRTS, for $2,50 ; also, 80 springs for a tritle more; also. 9 good steel springs for only Bs., at MARSH A CO S., Elmira. if) AAA NEW ARTICLES JUST opened, which we can't take time now to mention, but invite all to call and see, at April 26.185' J. MARSH A CO'S., Elmira. N. Y. ONE DOLLAR WILL BUY A FIRST rate Steel Spring Hoop Skirt, at MARSH .tyCO'S. ONE DOLLAR WILL BUY THE NI CEST kind of a Summer Counterpane, at April 26, 1859. _ MARSH A CO'S., Elinira, N. Y. I ONE DOLLAR WILL BUY A FINE j Lawn Robe Dress, containing 16 cards, at MARSH ACO S.. Elmira. I ONE DOLLAR WILL BUY A GOOD New Spring Stvle DeLaine Dre, at ' MARSH A CO S.. Elmira. ONE DOLLAR WILL BUY A GOOD, pretty new Parasol, at MARSH A CO'S., Elmira. j ONE DOLLAR WILL BUY SIXTEEN ; yards of real good fast colored Calico, at MARSH A CO'S., Elmira- | ONE DOLLAR WILL BUY EIGHT yards of fiue French Brilliant, at MARSH A CO'S., Elniira. ONE DOLLAR LAID OUT IN DRY GOODS, Fancy Goods, or Millinery, will yield a large return, at MARSH A CO'S., Elmira. New Arrival of Clothing ! u J. m. COLLINS TS NOW RECEIVING THE LARGEST A stock of Spring and Summer Clothing ever brought to j this market ,whieh;hc is now selling at greatly reduced pt i- j ces. His stock consists of Brown Linen Sack Coats, | Brown Linen Frock do. White Linen Duck do. Queen's ( loth do, Spanish Linen do. prices ranging from $1 to $3. I Brown Linen Pants, Fancy Linen do. Cheek Marsaiiles I do. Tweed do. Fancy Cassimere do, Black Cassimere do, White and Fancy Marsaiiles Vests. Figured Silk do, Black Satin do. Black and Fancy Farmer's Satin do. Fig ured Silk and Linen do. Black i'loth and Fancy Cloth, Dress Coats. Business Coats, Silk mixtures do. Plain and Fancy Ca-simere do. Tweed do, Kentucky Jeans do. FURNISHING GOODS. Shirts, Drawers, Cravats, Suspenders. Collars, Linen ! and Siik Pocket Handkerchiefs, White Shirts, Fancy do, j Marsaiiles do. Cloths, Cassimercs, and Vcstings. Black aud Fancy Cord Cloths, " " " Cassi meres, " •' " Vesting.-, All of which I am ready to make up to order on short no tice, and warrrnted to lit every time or no sale. I have ; secured the services of Mr. Pennypucker to carry on the ' TAILORING BUSINESS. To all you that want cutting ' or anything in that line will please give as acall.we keep \ none but the best workmen. CUTTING done on short J notice. Thankful for past favors, lam now ready to wait on any one who may give me a call. Don't forget the place—one door south of Hall's Store. Towanda. May lt>. 1859. J. M. COLLIN'S. REMOVAL! /HI ESTER WELLS HAS REMOVED his Cabinet Ware House to the Brick building form erly occupied by 1). C. Hall, on the south side of the Pub lic'Squre one door east of Montanyes', where he has just received a large stock of Cabinet Ware from New York, anu continues to manufacture most articles in his liue. Towanda, May 11. 1-59. New Spring & Summer Goods. Just Received at Humphrey & Wickham's DN Y 000 J) 8 : CONSISTING OK SILKS. BAREGES. DELAINES, CH ALUS. LAWNS. ROBES, LINENS, CAMBRICS. MUSLINS, GINGHAMS. PRINTS. RIBBONS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS. DENIMS, TICKINGS. DRILLINGS. VESTINGS, JEANS. SHAWLS. GLOVES. HOSIERY, DRESS TRIMMINGS. PA KASOLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, With all the usual extensive assortment of Boots and Shoes. Hatsand Caps. Crockery, Family Groceries, Nails, Leather. Morocco, Shoe Findings, Ac., Ac., Please give us a call. Towanda, April 18, 1959. Reduced to $9 a Year ! Pre-paid. THE CH AFEBT AND BEST PERIODI CAL in the WORLD. In consequence of the largely increased circulation, the publishers of L7L TTE L' S LIV IX G AG E , Are enabled to reduce the yearly subscription price from 56 to $5. The publisher* are determined that no expense or labor shall be spared to make this The I&ag-azine for the Million ! And whilst boldly challenging competition, claim for it, only what has been conceded by the most eminent men of this country from the time of its first publication (over sixteen years ago) to the present day, viz : I.—That it is suitable to all classes of readers—Statesmen, Professional men, Philosophers, Poets, Students, Mer chants, Mechanics and Fanners, all of whom may de rive profit and pleasure from its pages 2 That in it may be found the cream of all the world-re nowned Reviews and Periodicals of Europe, with origi nal articles and selections from the best fugative litera ture of our own country. 3.—That it contains more reading matter than any other magazine in the world ; each weekly number CONTAINING SIXTY-FOUR PAGES, AND A FINE STEEL PORTRAIT, Making Three Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty- Eight Pages in a Year, with Fifty-Two Steel Engravings. 4.—That it is the Oldest Periodical of its kind in this coun try. having been published over sixteen years. s. —That it is the Cheapest Publication of tfie day wheth er it is judged by the quantity or quality ol its con tents. 6 That no library is perfect without it 7.—Tliat to those with limited means, it is an admirable substitute for a library of miscellaneous books. And filially, that as a Family Magazine, it is perfectly unex ceptionable in all respects. Price Five Dollars per annum, or Thirteen Centsanum bet, sent by mail, post paid, to any address in the United States. To Clergymen, Teachers, Students, and Clubs, Four Dollars. DELISSER A PROCTOR, May 16. 1859. 208 Broadway, New York. U" OUSITKEEPING GOODS at repn.ar smash down pricss, at MAR&H A CQ'S. Empire Store, ©torflo. Please Preserve this as a Bill of Refer ence to Prices. A GREAT CRASH In the Price of Goods has eimtnrnced and must continue during the year of our Lord aasa> EMPIRE - STORE ! OF OWEGO, N. Y. WILL DISSOLVE PARTNERSHIP T by limitation in a short time, consequently no more Goods will be sold by them except for li LA D Y PAY. We herewith put forth to the public a LIST OF PRICES, As the most convincing argument in favor of Paying Cash for Goods,' The following prices are From 10 to 30 per cent. Less Thau Good* have been sold even foi Cnsh heretofore. No pains will be spared iu purchasing The Best and most Fashionable Goods of the Season. OUR AIM IS 10 I'LEASE! We shall be constantly receiving NEW GOODS. Best Merrimac Print* 10 cents per yard. Cocheco, Hamilton and Lowell Print*. 10 Richest quality of new style DeLaines. .18j " " " Same " old •• " .15 " " " Good style aud good fabric 12J '• " •• Best make of Paper. Cambric It) " " " Second quality do 8 " " " Extra heavy 4-4 Brown Sheetings 84 " " " Heavy " " " 8 " " " Fair " " " 6 " " " Fine " " " 4J " •• " NEW STYLES OF BLEA. GOODS, at the same reduced rates. lri*h Linens for 2s. Cd., which other* sell for 3s, per yard 3*. " " 3s. fid. '• 3s. fid., " " 4s. to ss. 4s. " " ss. to fis. TABLE DIAPER, TOWELING AND NAPKINS, 25 per cent, than elsewhere. Black Broadcloths for $2, sold elsewhere for $2 to $3. do do $2,50 to $3, do $4. do do $3, do $5. Cassimeres .B*. do 10s. to Pis. Superfine do. at 20 to 30 per cent, discount. Kentucky Jeans for 25., sold by others for 2s. Cd. do do 2s. fid., do do 3s. ALL OTHER CLOTIIS A CASSI MERES at the same discount. Black Silk* for 4s. Cd., usually sold for fis. •' •' fis. do do Bs. " " Bs. do d 1 10s. to 12. " " 9s. do do 12s. to 14. RICH PLAID SILKS, of all Styles, at greatly reduced prices. Mohairs at 10c. per yard, sold elsewhere for Is. Alapaeas at two-thirds the usual price. Counterpanes at lfis., well worth 20s. do 18s., well worth 21s. Table Spreads at 10s.. well worth 12s. to 14s. Pure Rubber Circular Combs at Is. Second quality Circular Combs, Bc. Puff Side Coinbs, best kind, 5c to 10c. Skirt Reeds, bc*t quality, 3c. " " sceond " 2c. Shetland Wool, 9c. per ounce. Good Hooped Skirts, Bs. An eitensive quantity of DRESS TRIM MINGS, at greatly reduced rates. White and colored " Contes " Thread, best q laiity, 200 yard spools, at 4e : second quality do. at 2c. 100-yd colored Spools, at lc. Gold-eyed Needles, best quality, at 4c a paper. 2d quality do at 2c per paper. Knitting Cotton, best quality, 3e, full skeins. Velvet Ribbons at two-thirds their value. A splendid assortment of Brocha, Cashmere, Silk and Thibet SJIA WLS, at greatly reduced pi ices. Also, a very large assortment of m mm ffwcßCßOw Too long to itemize. millimZT 'GO'DBS At Wholesale and Retail 10 to 20 per cent. Cheaper t/uin formerly. BONNET BLOCKS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, BLOND EDGINGS, Ac. Always on hand in large quantities Lawns aud Beraitt in their Season. The best stock of X.OOKXN-G GLASSES, CARPETS, AND OIL CLOTHS, Ever offered in Owego. Carpets at 25., usually sold for 3s. do 35., do do 4s. do 45., do do ss. do 55., do do fis. do 6a., do do 7s. Rich 3 Ply and Brussels do Particular attention is called to our stock of Ladies' Collars, Handkerchiefs, Swiss Muslin, Jaconett, Barred Muslins, Ac., all of which will be sold 15 to 25 per cent below the usual price. Indies' Hosiery, good assortment, selling at 10c, usually sold for I*. Is, " " Is. Cd. Ticking, Ratting, Summer stuffs, Checks, Srtipes, Flannels, <J*e. fye., 25 to SO per cent, less than Formerly! A splendid assortment of MOLASSES at 3s. ; Sa aratus at 6c; per tb ; best TEA in Owego at 45., sold usually at ss.,by our neighbors, As to SUGARS, come and see for yourselves, and save one to two cents per lb. We most cordially invite an examina tion of onr extensive stock, and hope it may please. OTO2FB A CO., Oweyo, If. T, lUnstone Column. N" E w 000 DS , Just received at Powell's Keystone Store, Comprising a complete assortment of DRESS GOODS, Black Silks, Plain. DKKSS GOODS, Black Silks, Corded. DRESS GOODS, Black Silks, Bayddere. DKKSS GOODS, Black Silks, Moirantique. DKESS GOODS, Colored Silks, Plain. DRESS GOODS, Colored Silks, Striped. DRESS GOODS, Colored Silks, Plaid. DKESS GOODS, Colored Silks, Bayadere. DRKSS GOODS, Pine Apple Cloths. DRESS GOODS, Poil de Chevre. DRESS GOODS, __ Mohair Stripes. DKKSS GOODS, Robes a Laiz. DRESS GOODS, Poplins. DRESS GOODS, Challis' Printed. DRESS GOODS, French Prints. DRESS GOODS, English Prints. DRESS GOODS, Fine Ginghams. DRESS GOODS, French Cambrics. DRESS GOODS, French Jaconetts. DRESS GOODS, Figured Brilliants, DRESS GOODS, l.axcns, Plain. DRESS GOODS, Latons, Printed. BUAWLB. SHAWLS, Stella. SHAWLS, Broche, Lung. SHAWLS, Broche, Single. SHAWLS, Black Silk. SHAWLS, Printed Silk. SHAWLS, Turkeri. SHAWLS, Cashmere, Plain. SHAWLS, Cashmere, Printed. WHITE GOODS. WIDTH GOODS, Irish Linens. WHITE GOODS, J.inen Handkerchiefs. WHITE GOODS, linen Shirt Fronts. WUITK GOODS, Marsailes do. WHITE GOODS, SWISS Muslins. WHITE GOODS, Afainsook Muslins. WHITE GOODS, Book Muslins. WHITE GOODS, Bishop's Lawns. WHITE GOODS, Check Cainbiice. WHITE GOODS, Esmeralda Swiss. WHITE GOODS, Drapery Muslias. WHITE GOODS, Jaconette Muslins. WHITE GOODS, I'lctoria Laws. WHITE GOODS, Figured Swiss. WHITE GOODS, Table Linens. WHITE GOODS, Xapkins. WHITE GOODS, Toicels. [ WHITE (toons. Embroidered Collars. i WHITE GOODS, Embroidered Setts. WHITE GOODS, Bands and Flounctngs. WHITE GOODS, Edgings and Jnsertmgs. WHITE GOODS, Laces, Silk. WHITE GOODS, I.aces, Cotton. WHITE GOODS, Duces, Thread. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. lIOSIKKT, /- allies IChite Cotton. HOSIERY, Ladies Unbleached Cotton. HOSIERY, Lathes Slate Cotton. HOSIERY, Ladies Mixed Cotton. HOSIERY, l.adtes Black Cotton. HOSIERY, Ladies Black Silk. HOSIERY, Misses White Cotton. HOSIERY, Misses Broion Cotton. HOSIERY, Misses Gray Cotton. HOSIKEY, Child's White Cotton. llosiKur, Child's Worsted. HOSIERY, Mens IChite Cotton. HOSIERY, Altns Brown Cotton. HOISFRY, Mens Mixed Cotton. HOSIERY, Boy's Cotton. HOSIERY, Child's Cotton. GLOVES, Bajou's Kid. GLOVES, Good Kid at 50f. GLOVES, I.adits Silk, Color ed. GLOV S, Ludies Silk, IChite. GLOVES, Ladies Silk, Black. GLOVES, Ladies Lisle, all colors. GLOVES, Ladies Lisle, alt qualities. GLOVES, Ladies Cotton. GLOVES, Misses Lisle, all sizes. GLOVES, Child's Lisle. GLOVES, Child's Silk. GLOVES, Mens Kid. GLOVES, Mens Silk. GLOVES, Aleiu Lisle. GLOVES, Alens Cotton. GLOVES, Alens Berlin. GLOVES, Alens Leather. MIL LIN EBY GOOD S. MILLINERY GOODS, Bonnets. MILLINERY GOODS, Rushes. MII.I.INKKY GOODS, Bonnet Ribbons. MILLINERY GOODS, Laces. MILLINERY GOODS, Belt Ribbons. MILLINERY GOODS, Velvet Ribbons. MILLINERY GOODS, Flowers. DOMESTICS. DOMESTICS, Shirtings, all qualities. DOMESTICS, Sheetings, all qualities. DOMESTICS, Bleached Goods, all qualities DOMESTICS, Denims, all qualities. DOMESTICS, Tickings, all qualities. DOMESTICS, Stripes, all qualities. DOMESTICS, Prints, all qualitiss. DOMESTICS, Lancaster Ginghams. DOMESTICS, Jacquard Diapers. DOMESTICS, Summer Stuffs. DOMESTICS, Cambrics, DOMESTICS, Blue Drills, DOMESTICS, Batts. DOMESTICS, Cotton Yarn. DOMESTICS, Carpet Warp. WOOLEN GOODS. WOOLEN GOODS, French Cloths, Black. WOOLEN GOODS, French Cloths. Colored. WOOLEN GOODS, French Doeskins, Black. WOOLEN GOODS, French Casrimeres, Colored. WOOLEN GOODS, Towels. WOODEN GOODS, Sattinetts, all prices. WOOLEN GOODS, Sattinetts, all colors. WOOLEN GOODS, Sheep's Greys. WOOLEN GOODS, Kentucky Jeans. WOOLEN GOODS. Farmer's and Mechanic's WOOLEN GOODS, Cassimeres. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. HOUSE FURNISHING GOOD*, Carpets, Superior. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Carpets, Ingrain. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Carpets, Venetian. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Carpets, Stair. HOUSE FURNISHING Goons, Oilcloths. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Rush Matting*. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Matrasses. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Huff Hollands. HOUSE FURNISHING Goons, Green Hollands. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Window Shades. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Damasks. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Table Spreads. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Table Linens, White HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Table Linens. Brown. HOLM. FURNISHING Goons, Worsted Damasks. House FURNISHING GOODS, Cotton Damasks. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Furniture Prints, French. HOUSE FURNISHING Goons, Furniture Prints, Common. WALL PAPER, GILT. WALL PAPERS, SATIN. WALL PAPERS COMMON. WINDOW PAPERS, PLAIN. WINDOW PAPERS, GILT. WINDOW PAPERS, FIGURED. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies Gaiters. Black. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies Gaiters, Colored. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies Gaiters, Congress. BOOTS AND SHORE, Ladies Gaiters, Heels. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies Boots, Sewed. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies Boots, Pegged. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies Boots, Heels. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies Buskins. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies Slippers. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies Gaiters, at 50c. BOOTS AND SHOES, Misses Gaiters, Black. BOOTS AND SHOES, Misses Gaiters, Colored. BOOTS AND SHOES, Misses Morocco Boot*. BOOTS AND SHOES, Misses Slippers. BOOTS AND SHOES, Children's Fine Work. BOOTS AND SHOES, Children'* Coarse Work. BOOTS AND SHOES, Men's Congress Gaiters. BOOTS AND SHOES, Men's Calf Gaiters. BOOTS AND SHOES, Men's Coar-e Brogans. BOOTS AND SHOES, Men's Calf Brogans. BOOTS AND SHOES, Men's Morocco Brogans. BOOTS AND SHOES, Boy's Coarse Brogans. BOOTS AND SHOES, Boy's Fine Brogans. BOOTS AND SHOES, Youth's Fine Brogans. BOOTS AND SHOES, Youth's Coarse Brogans. BOOTS AND SHOES, Men's Calf Boots. BOOTS AND SHOES, Men's Coarse Boots. BOOTS AND SHOES, Mt-u's Kip Boots. HATS AND CAPS CHEAR! HARDWARE CHEAP! CROCKERY " CHEAP ! GROCERIES CHEAP! PAINTS AND OILS CHEAP ! FISH CHEAP ! WOODEN WARE CHEAP! EVERYTHING CHEAP AT POWELLS KEYSTONE STORE. , April 12, 1659. Jttfrtfiairtljt. NEW SIMiIJN Cj AND SUMMER GOODS! T HARVEY PUISNE Y WOULD fj • respectfully return his thanks to the public for tin liberal patronage he has sustained, and as the citizens <>t Bradford and surrounding counties, can appreciate good (foods at low prices, he is uow prepared to offer greater inducements for their patronage than ever. His stock consists in part of Book Muslin, Hoops. Hoop Skirts, Poplins, Lawns, Chnlliu*, Stair Carpets. Helaiins. Cliambrays, Jacquard Diapers, white, French (.'hints, Jacquard Diapers, brown, Table Covers, Linen Collars, Jaconet Muslins, Book do., Irish Linen. Dimity, Swiss Muslin, Cambric do., Crape and Cram brie Collar*, Xansook Muslin. French Veils, Dotted Swiss, Organdys, Victoria I-awus, French, Scotch and Auieri- Biyadere Swiss, can Ginghams. White Cotton Girders, French Lawns. Robe Lawns, Swiss Sleeves, All Wool DeLaines, Cambric Bands, Bayadere Savrlla, Cashmere Shaw ls, . Double Skirt Robes, Stella Shawls, French Prints, Silk Mantillas, Velvet Uibbous, Parasols, _ Belt Ribbons, American Prints, Oil Cloths, Bonnet Ribbons, Ingrain Carpets, Taffeta Ribbons, Venetian Carpels, Cloths, Cassimeres. Denims. Stripes, Ticking, Sheet ing, Shirting, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries, Hard ware, Crockery. Ac. Call and sec what bargains can be had at No, 3, PATTON'S BLOCK. Towaudii, April 26, 1*59. Opening of the North Branch, AND AN ARRIVAL OF AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF SPRING AND SUMMKK ME. SOLOMON HAS JUST RETURN- j • ED from New Y'ork with the largest and most | complete assortment of SPRING &. SUMMER CLOTHING! ( Ever exhibited in this market. He has also a large and ! beautiful assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING ■ GOODS, which have been selected wiih special reference ' to the wants of this market. / Our stock of SUMMER COATS, comprises an endless 'i variety of Dress, Raglans, and Sacks, at prices ranging i from f 1 25 to s."> 50. Pants and Vests in proportion. , As our Goods have been purchased lor CASH, we are i enabled to sell them at prices which will defy competi- I tion. We cordially invite our old customers and the pub j lie generally, to call, see and judge for themselves, feel ing confident that we shall be able to please the most fas tidious. *3-REMEMBER THE PLACE—No. 2. Patton's Block. Towanda, April 26. 1959. M. E. SOLOMON. SPRING GOODS, SPRING GOODS. SPRING GOODS, CHEAP GOODS, CHEAP GOODS, CHEAP GOODS, ALL KINDS OF GOODS, ALL KINDS OF GOODS, ALL KINDS OF GOODS. JUST RECEIVED JUST RECEIVED JUST RECEIVED AT MOXTANYES A CO'S. AT MOXTANYES A CO'S. AT MOXTANYES A CO S. WLOI.ESALE ANI) RETAIL DEALERS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. Towamla, March 21. 1959. SPRING GOODS! WM. A. ROCKWELL'S Corner of Main and Bridge sis. NO. 1, PATTON'S BLOCK. DRESS GOODS, SILKS, NEWEST STYLES, LAWNS, BRILLIANTS, BAREGES, CHAI.LIS, DUSTER GOODS, PRIX IS. GREAT VARIETY, SCOTCH AND AMERICAN GINGHAMS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS, FLATS, SHAKERS. HATS AND CAPS, MILLINERY GOODS, RIBBONS. FLOWERS, WREATHS, HEAD DRESSES, LACES AND EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, DUSTERS AND SHAWLS, MANTILLA SHAWLS, VEILS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, HOOPS OF ALL KINDS, AND HOOP SKIRTS, LADIES SUSPENDERS, YANKEE NOTIONS, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, SUN UMBRELLAS, CLOTHS OF ALL KINDS, FOIt GENTI.EMENS WEAR, BLACK, CRIMSON. SCARLET, AND NANKEEN COLORED, FARMERS SATIN, MARSAILI.ES, TRUNKS, VALISES, AND CARPET BAGS, CARPETS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, BIRD SEEDS, CUTTLE BONE AND CAGES, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, WINDOW SHADES AND CURTAIN PICTURES, WALL PAPER. CORDS AND TASSELS, BORDERING, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, PAINTS, OILS AND NAILS, SASH AND GLASS, HA RDWARE, GLASSWARE AND CROCKERY. It is not ne: ssary to inform our patrons that we do not intend to be undersold, for they are already aware of the fact: we only sav to them COME A N D S E E. Towanda, May 5, 1*59. NEW SPRING SUMMER GOODS! J. KINGSBERY TS NOW RECEIVING LARGE SUP 1. PLIES of Goods adapted to the season, embracing .some ol the in >st beautiful Dress Goods to he found in the market, as well as a great assortment of Staple Goods, ALSO, GROCERIES. lIARDWATE, HATS A CAPS, NAILS, FISH, GLASS, PAINTS, ROOTS A SHOES, Ac , Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac. And a large stock of Fashionable Summer Clothing, all of which will be sold at prices which will give entire satisfaction to purchasers. Towanda, April 26, Is.',!). XAA TONS OF PLASTER JUSTRE tIvfv" CEIVED and for sale at the store of April 19. WM- A. ROCKWELL. Ureal. SHERIFF'S SALE —liv virtue of writs of Vend. Exp". Issued out of the Court of C jnnnora Pleas of Bradforc County, to me directed and delivered, will l<e exposed to public tale, at tlie Court House, in the borough vf Towauda. on SATCRDAY, the 4th day of JUNE, 1b59, at 1 o'clock, I*. M., the following de critied lot, piece or parcel of land -iti a'e in .Spriuglield tp., bounded uortli by land of Warren Calien, cast by laud of Mahlon Dickinson, south by land of Jnmes McCoruiick and .Tames Hauley, west by land ol Joel MrAffee. Con taining til'ty-four ncre-. more or les-. about four acres im proved, with u small trained or board bouse, and x few fruit trees thcreou. Seized ilml taken in execution at the suit of James H. Cbapin to the use of Warren Cailcu v*. Ja*,ou Chupln. ALSO—The follow ing dc-crita-d lot, piece or parrel of land situate in Sinit tie d ta p., b Mil d-d north by land of Willimn and James Gi >ou and A. G-Grifflu, east by laud belonging to the estate of Andrew Gibson, dee'd., south by land of E. A. Wlie ler A Co., west bv lend of C. K. Wilson. Containing two hundred and eighty auras, mora or less, about Iwtuty-live acres improved, with a steam sawmill and an old water sawmill, four dwelling honsos, one framed barn and one log barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of It. It. A J. W. Miller vs James J,. Gorsiine who survived William Gibson. AI.SO- The following descrilied lot, piece or |>arcel of 1 ind situate in Ridghury twp., )>oiiiide<i as folio a, to wit: Beginning at a certain white | i.ie stump, thence tiurtb so° cast to a north ami south line of John Cumuihis' jr. lot to stuke corin-r. thence north 2J' east to the north west corner of said lot. thence south cast at) rods to a stone standing in a warrant line, thence north 2s° east to the warrant corner, thence north west to D. If. Huruham's corner, thence south along the line of said IJuruham's lot to a -tone corner, thence west along Burn bain's line to another stone corner, thence south to a piuo stump, thence south 43" east to the place of beginning. Containing 133 acres, more or less, ai>out 7u acres impro ved, with a trained house, framed barn, and a few fruit tree- thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit-of Samuel C'!o-e to the use oi Wiliiard Wilcox \s Joseph lliuohiuaa administrator of Horace II inch man, dee'd. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF. Towanda, May 11. Isj'J. Shti iff. \ DM I NISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Katie* -/JC is hereby given that all per-on* indehtad to the es tate of !•'. S. HOYT, late of Athens Uonaigh dee'd.. are hereby re<iue.-tcd to make payment without dels*, and all persons having claims aga'in.-t said estate, will present them duly authenticated tor settlement. May 3,J_559. j! B. REEVE. i Administrators A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice XA is hereby given, that all persons indebted to tha estate of HE.VXIS DHI'MMY. late of Ridghury, dee'd , arc hereby requested to make payment without delay j nd ail persons having claims aguiii-t the said estate will plea.-e present them duly authenticated for settlement. DENNIS DBI'MMY, ) , , ... , C. O. FRENCH, j Administrator! May .">, I*sB. ADM I NISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to tha estate of JOHN MOORE, late of Pike township, de ceased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate, will present tiiem duly authenticated for settlement. MARTIN CODDING, I -, . April 13. ORRIN MOORS, i l,nnnltlraur • A DM1NLSTH ATIIIX'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of ANDREW GIBSON, dee'd., late of Ulster, must make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said c-tate will present them duly au thenticated tor settlement. JANE GIBSON, March. 23,1539, Administratrix. I DM IN IST lIA TOR'S NOTICE.—No tic® J- * is herebv given, that all persons indebted to tha estate of WII.I.IAM PARRY, deceased, late of Athaua Born', are requested to make payment without delay ; and those having claims against tin: said estate will pleaau present them dulv authenticated for settlement. WM. 11. FRITCHER, > C. W. CLAPP. ( March 22.1889. Administrator*. NOTICE. —Notice is here- J J by given that all |K-roiis indebted to the estate of ZEPHEXIAH KXAPP dee'd., late of Wells twp, must make immediate payment, and all person- having demand* against said estate, will present them dulv authenticated for settlement. PETER R. KXAPP, { Man h. SO. 1839. A. W. KNAIP._ P""*'" A DM I NISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice -1. A is hereby given that, nil persons indebted to the es tate of Ctl AI'NT'EY TIXGLKY,Iate of Orwell twp.,dee'd., arc hereby requested to make immediate payment, and all persona having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to W. R. PICK ERING, Orwell Hill, Bradford County, Pa. W R. I'MOKERING, MASON TING LEY. April H. ls.ifb Administrator*. A I) MINI ST R ATRI X'S NOTICE.-Notice I'jL- is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the ea j -tate of DANIEL WILSON, late of Wilmot twp. dee'd., i must make immediate payment, and all persons haviug I demands against -aid estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. URANIA WILSON, | April M, 1859, Administratrix. ! \ DM INISTR ATRI X'S NOTICE.-Notice 1 iA is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of JONATHAN AULA, late oi Durcll, dee d., aro hereby requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. ELIZABETH ACI.A. A prill 18.1859. Administratrix. EXECUTRIX s NOTICE —Notice is here by given, that all persons im'ebted to the estate of ANDREW B. GERXKT, late of Columbia township, dee'd., are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; and all pcr-.en- having claims against estate will present them duly authenticated for -ettlemcut. HARRIETT GERNET. May 16. Is.",!). Executrix. Gladding s Hay Elevator. THE above engraving is intended to represent a HAY ELEVATOR, or Horse Power Pitchfork, patented last season by C. E. GLAPPIXO, of Troy, Pa. This Elevator possesses* many important advantage* over all other forks, among which are the following The tines being allow ed to drop to discharge its load, the tilting of the handle is in other power forks, is avoided ; hence, hay can bo unloaded with the utmost facility and ease into shed win dows or lieneath purlin beams, and many place* whera other Hore Forks cannot be used. The Elevator can m ill cases l>e managed with greater ca-e than any other Horse Fork. It is also well adapted to stacking. With his Fork a ton of hay can lie unloaded in from tive to •even minutes. 'I his Elevator received the first nremimn ifter thorough trial'aml competition,at the last New York nd Pennsylvania State Fairs. TESTIMONIALS. lIORVBY, N. Y., Aug. 11, I hereby certify that 1 have witnessed the operation of E. Gbidding's patent Horse Pitchfork, and am fr*6 to ay* that 1 e-tcem it a great acquisition to the Agricul tural J' p irtnu-nt. It-, simplicity, durability, perfect ope .ation. and comparatively trilling expense, recommend* ,t to the farmer* ol "ur country. A. B. DICKINSON. NORTH i MUKni.AMi, Pa., Get. 1, 1-58. Having been acquainted with Horse Power Pitchfork* or several ye tr-. and having w itnesscd the operation of >lr Gladding* Patent improvement of the same. 1 cheer tiily recomineinl it to tic.- larm big community as decided y the best I ant acquainted with. A. E. K A PP. February 13, 1*59. I hereby testify that i Imvc for some years been using he common Horse Power Pitehfork. and have seen ('. E. Budding's Patent Improvement, and do most cheerfully ecommeuu it in every respect —a decided improvement. SAMUEL I.K v ERICH, E. S. CA REENTER. a Tin als>ve testimonials are selected from many •thcrs, the signer- laing generally known as distinguish ed agriculturists. All who have seen it operate agree in he above opinions of its merits. They can lie obtained by addressing E. P. SHAW.She dieqtiiu, or ('. E. Gl. \DOING. Troy, Pa. State and County rights lor sale. Address C.E.GLAIV DIXG, Troy. Bradford Co., Pa. xrcrzraxsra & PALMER, PKAI.EKS IS Batter, Cheese and Lard, NO. I*2, WASHINGTON STREET. XEIV YORK. JB. DUNNING.their sole agent for Bradford county, . will spend MONDAY of each week at C 'LI'MBiA v ROADS, where he will at all times pay the highest narket price lor BUTTER : c •mmencing \pril is, 18.19. J. B DUNNING Preach Mb, P. Tioga Point Flows. WE would respectfully invite the attent'^n of Farmers and Dealers to our Assortment of Corn. Rod.Stubble, and Side Hill Plows. Our facilities for manufacturing enables us to make bet ter Plows, at same prices, than any neighboring manu facturer. We take care to use the very be t materials— the wood being of best white oak, and the castings of hard tough iron. We have added several new and de-i -ahle patterns to onr list since last season ; enabling n- to present a lietter assortment of Plows,rdaptrd t > the want* of on- Fanners, than any other shop in the country. rySeud for a catalogue. Athens, IV, Match '.'2, 'j?. WELLES, BLOOD A CO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers