Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 12, 1859, Image 2

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    £irto<; front aril ilnitons'.
—The Pike's Peak Rubble is about reedy
to explode. The latest now- is that the rX- it.-inent almi.t
gold was mainly manufactured a- a ever to * Hihu-tir
ing desceut on Northern Mexico.
- —The Republican Stale Convention of Ohm
is to 1)0 held at Columbus n the I'o/l.ry vf June in St. I i
r.omiuate a candidate for Coventor and other State > rti
—The ' Milwnnk'c papers say that a large
number of Dike's Peak explorers from Wiston-m are re
tarkhig. " Tlicy have Ettie to s;iy an . nothing to-how.
—The great ctnliankuietit of the Kric Canal
at Hoiley gave way on the morning <•! tie 1M inst., while
a force of men w-re at rk ttit- The workmen vvcie
taken by surjirise. and two of the nuin'ar were swept
irwwvainT drowm I.
On the 2d inst., a lo onmtive blew up on
the Penn'a. Railroad. near tjreen-toirg ill W"e>tin Ireland
county, killing one engineer, conductor, and fireman. The
fault is laid upon the engineer.
—The free lovers of Berlin Heights have
established a dirty organ, with this p-rvei'Mon of a scrip
taral text for its motto : " For in heaven they KCIU..
marry nor are given in marriage."
—Cholera lias been raging in the Northern
part of Japan to a frightcul extent. At Yeddo alone the
deaths are reported at 15.000 in one month.
—The National Convention of Homcrpnth
jkts will tnoet in Boston on the lirst day of June, it will
wind up With a ball and levee at Famuli Hall.
Miss Fauitdiing says the first time si c
locked arms with u young man, -he felt like Hope leaning
em tier anchor. Poetic young woman!
—Bishop Cobb of .Via., has sent to the
county treasurer at Huntsviile SIK>O handed him by a
thief at the confessional.
Mr. Samuel 11. F.llis, of Pottstiwn, sum
moned as a Juror iu the t'nited States Court for the East
ern District of Pennsylvania, was fined s.">o by Judge Cad
wallador, last week, for expressing an opinion alter hav
ing been cmpaiumllcd us a juror.
—At the late session of the Juniata conn'y
court, there was no work for the <!rand Jury, and one
civil case only for trial.
—Mr. Davis, a new hand at the business,
succeeds Messrs. I.aird & Campbell in the charge of the
J iniata Sentinel.
—The New York East Annual Conference
of the M. !!. Churcli. now in session at New Haven. Ct.,
Bishop James presiding, has passed a resolution, almost
unaniui msly, declaring that sluvr-ltolJing is a sin. and
that the word " {-luve-liolding " should be inserted in the
" genera! rules " as one of the things forbidden by tin in.
—Bob Tyler has been on to Washington to
confer witu the President. Wonder what new treason
these two worthies will eoncoet.
—The Democratic State Convention of T n
ncs.sce titianimou-iy adopted resolutions denouncing the
tariff policy of President Buchanan n- a departure !r- m
tlte Democratic creed upon that subject.
Mr. Bishop, at the head of forty men,
while oti hi- way to join l.icut. Bcale, was attacked, at
the crossing of the Colorado river, on the '.'Otlt of Mai. li,
by a party of Indians, six or seven hundred strong, titer
killing a large number of his treacherous enemies, he <i:c
cceded in retreating about thirty utiles, and then - vnt for
ossi-tancc to Col. Hoffman.
—The Northern Pcnnsy/eani n, published
at Susquehanna Depot, says that the Paymaster of tin-
New York A Erie 'tailroad lets paid the emyloyt-es of tin
road at that place their February wages.
—The real arid personal property of Ex
<J >vt rnor Porte:. was recently sold by the >ht-rif! o
Dauphin county, at tiarri.-burg. He had been proprh t--i
ot Iron Works.
—The great suit brought by the Delaware
A Hud-on Canal Company against the Pennsylvania C n!
t 'ompanv, for iiat k toiis, to the amount of half a miiliou
of dollars, has beep decided at the C.eneral Term of tin
Supreme Court of New York, In favor of the latter C in
The French Minister at Washington lias
at length obtained leave of absence, and will leave imme
diately for France. It i- -aid that he does not contem
plate returning. Xo successor, however, has been named
—General Jerez, the Niearagnan minister,
will return home in the steamer of the ,>th of June, what
ever may be the determination of our Government regard,
ing the pending treaty.
—The Boston Advertiser says that the value
nf foreign goods imported at that port, during tin- fir-t
f-mr m Miths of lids year, exct i ds the amount fnrthe sur.u
time a year ago by GjiTHjMH).
A letter from Monrovia says that the
KHto's negroes have l>cen distributed along the eoa-t bv
the Colonization Society, and placed under teachers for
iutclle- tual and moral training.
—A hoy, named Thomas Miller, twelve
years of age, was convicted on Tlmr-d.iy last.iu New
York, of manslaughter, in killing another unfortunate lad
with a shoemaker's awl. The case was an utifurtuiian
one. and the judge very humanely sentenced the prisonci
only to confinement in the House of Itefuge until he shall
attain his majority.
The comet observed at the Michigan
I'nivorsity has I icon seen at the Hnvard and the Hamil
ton College observatories. Whether the comet vviil be
corue visible to the naked eye- whether it is approaching
earth or un, and whether itis the re-appearance of it
comet formerly noticed, or a new one the observations ot
a few days more will decide.
—The Augusta ('anslihiliinuilist of the 23
ult. states that a heavy hail storm pa—ed over tint ec v
on the 122 d, iu wltii h the falling stones were so large as
to break, thick gl vss in the sky-lighted rooms of the city
and even to kill pigeons, 'fin- was followed b\ a strong
wind, that blew down sonic of the shade trees in variou.-
parts i>f the city.
—Tiie Missionary Society of the M. K
Church South. liave appropriated I Pol for missionary
M-rvices during the year commencing on the 1-to! May.
Thissum pDvides for opening a iuis>i-.ii station in .1 a nan.
should it he deemed expedient, and another in Central or
S mtii A merit a. The board recommended that the llev.
W. Cunniugluin lie appointed superinteudciil of tlie Chi
na mission. This mi-.-io-i is t> be enlarged.
—The joint worm has made its appearance
io the Piedmont -to-tinn of Virginia, and Ibippahan nek
ltiver reginn, but fiwu the vigorous pr tgre-s the wheat
lia- ahvady nude, it is hoped tiiat the damage will n it be
so large as of late ye rs.
—Tlie preachers of the Northern Methodist
Episcopal Church in Texas have made themselves obnox
ious to the slaveholders in that State, from their alleged
proa-hlng of anti--Livery doctrines, and it is charged by
the Methodist organ, the Central Chri ttin Atr u-.i r.
that, in a number of instances, that gaper has either ISM U
suppressed or destroyed by postmasters.
—The Rev. Mr. Alexander, for twenty-six
years a missionary at the Land.ri ii IMaads, nr iv- <1 .t
New Bedford on Sauday. in the ship Mounta'n Wave,
train liouolulu.
—lu New York, Tuesday, a child four years
of age. during its mother's absence, managed to obtain
V >vse*sioa of a bottle of gin, from which lie drank a quanti
ty. and died shortly afterwards from the effects.
— f 'ue of oar Western villages passed au
0 diinncc fof'jjdding taverju to sell li<(uors on tlu-Sub
hiili to any person except travehrs. The text Sunday,
1 very nut in twn VV:LS sen walking around with a
v-.i-se i.i one band aud a pair of saddlebags in the
! Earthquake iu Chili—Letter fram Bucka
Qt i T rr,2'.M March, KiD.
DEAR SIR: We l>al this inoning at 8 1-2
tt'elock.nmch tins most severe Earthquake which
has v'sited Q iito duringtlhe present century.
|rs duration was about OHV minute. Tlie spires
,>f many churches are thrown clown, roofs of
I houses fallen in, and the streets in many places
t lined with broken Him precipitated from above
I have ju-t retur led f o.n visiting the FI ires
llou-e, fiou which we removed on the 17th
insf. It is in rains—a great part of the root
is down, also a part ot the second story ; the
chimney top, thrown with violence, carried
awav the stable' roof, some of the furniture is
I crushed, and die brick and tiles are piled four !
i or five feet deep over the bed places where we j
slept We escaped the catastrophe by just live j
i days.
1 My present house is uninjured, is reasonably
secure against future shocks, and there is plenty '
n! opt n ground adjoining for refuge. Mrs
Fin knlew ami I passed into the patio, and the
' children and servants into the garden during
I the shock—from our position 1 saw the action
of the house and the movement of the earth to
A bricklayer on the roof, working at a chim
ney top, found it thrown iu confusion around
liini, and took a firm grip to hold himself from
following the frigments. There is more or
j less of injury all over tiie city, but details arc
vet unknown. Ido not think the number kil
led, is very large. I have had time to make
only a -light personal examination, the houses
are very much shuttered, and another severe
I shock would produce immense destruction.
IF'ports from neighboring villages represent
them as having suffered severely ; and we await
news from the South, where previous Eirtl.-
quakes have been most severe. I might fill
my sheet with reports, tint have confined my
self in this leit-r to what L know.
Yours respectfully,
11, n. If. J. TJ /unheard, liloonisbv rg.
[Other accounts state that soum thousands
of persous, in ail, lost their lives by this earth
TIO.V. — Governor WISE has recently written to
Wti.t.i AM F SAMKOKU, ed.tor of the Signal pub
lislied at New Auburn, Alabama, apapertliat
has hoisted his name as a candidate for the
Presidency—a letter which fills nearly thirty
closely-printed columns in the Richmond /hi
quirrr —in regard to the slavery controversy
; and the exciting questions in reference to it
which are now exciting public attention. The
extreme length of the letter will prevent its
general perusal or republication ; hnt it is
nevertheless attracting considerable attention
from tli- characteristic ability displayed in it.
We cannot undertake, iu this article, to give
even a >aiisfaeh ry al struct of it ; but some idea
of its nature may b- formed by our readers
when we state that Governor WISE announces
his opposition to the doctrine of non interven
tion by Congress with slavery in the Territories
which has hitherto been advocated bv the Dem
ocrat ie party. He denounces the surrender
j by Congress of its rights and duties on that
question : and while lie contends that Con
gress cannot prohibit slavery iu the Territories
lie claims that it is its right and duty to pro
teet it there against all unfriendly legislation.
He denies the authority of Territoiia! Legisla
tures to tax slaves, or in any way to prohibit
slavery. 11 i< idea of Popular Sovereignty is,
that it can only be fully enjoyed at the moment
when State Constitutions are formed, prepara
tory to admission into the Union, at which
j time he supposes full dominion can be exert U
' i"l, hi icgard to slavery as well as all other
subjects. He contends that the Constitution
gnat unties to slavery in the Territories all the
protii tion it requires, but that the power of
t'o; gre.-s to assist iu securing such protection
should uotb e surrendered.
The State Central Committee of the
St ite Rights Democracy of Pennsylvania as
sembled at Altoona on Wednesday last. A
large number of members were in attendance,
and much enthusiasm was manifested.
Resolutions were adopted to the following
effect :
I That it is inexpedient at the present time
| to nominate a State ticket.
2. Formally proclaiming unalterable oppo
sition to the doctrine of Congressional inter
' venfion in relation to slavery in the Territo
ries a< advocated by the Republicans in their
platform of 1856, for the prohibition Aduiin
, istration Democrats for the protection of sla
very in the Territories.
" Recommending the friends of popular sov
ereignty to vote for no candidates at the com
tin 1 future elections, for county, State, or no
tional offices who refuse to stand clearly upon
the doctrine which recognises thepri iciple that
t'-e people of the Territories, like those of a
Siatc shall form and regulate their own do
;ii"stic institutions in their own way.
1 R"commending to the Union State-rights
Democracy of Pennsylvania to demand at all
times and in all places, the adoption of the
principles promulgated by the H u risbiirg C >n
■ vention of the 13th of April, 185'J, and whi< b
| were enunciated iu the Cincinnatti platform of
1856, and in Mr. Buchanans letter of aceep
j tanee.
That county committees of correspou
' deuce be created.
A committee was appointed to issue an ad
dress to the people of Pennsylvania.
Speeches were made by all the members of
j the committee, and the utmost unanimity pre
i vailed throughout.
ROAD. — A passenger in the Cincinnatti express
train the New York and Erie Railroad from
, Iviuira, on Saturday night, reported that the
train was three hours behind its time at that
place in consequence of a heavy snow storm
which drifted on and obstructed the track. In
some places along the route the snow was two
feet deep. After the train left Eimira iu went
along at accelerated speed, in order to make
; up time, and by the time the train arrived at
Narrowsburg fifteen minutes had been gained
—a distance of seventy miles, run in two hours.
A short time after the train left the latter
place, at a curve-near Port Eddy the locomo
live ran off the track against a ledge of rocks,
instantly killing the fireman, named Bell. The
engine and baggage car were badly damaged.
Am INTER. —The Governor has appointed
JOHN M. MAYNMUD, Esq., of Lycoming county,
an additional law Judge, under a recent act of
J the Legislature, for the Criminal Court of AL
' lqghony.
iirabforii iicjjortfr.
Thursday Morning, May 12, 1859.
TKKMS—One Dollar prr annum, invariably in advance.—
Four weeks previon* lo lite expiration of a subscription
nolicr will br given by a printed wrupprr, and if not re
newed, the paper will in all cases be slopped.
CLI'TUUNM— The Reporter will be sent to Clubs at the fol
toiring extremely lenc rates :
<] cojties fcrr *5 0(1 1 IS copies for... $1? 00
10 copies for 800| 20 copies f0r... . 16 00
ADVERTISEMENTS— For a square of ten lines or less, (hie
Dollar for three or less insertions, and twenty-five crnls
for each subsequent insertion.
lon-WoßK— F.xecuted with accuracy and despatch. anil u
reasonable prices—with every facility for doing Rooks,
Blanks, Hand-bills, Bali ticket*, §-r.
FOREIGN NEWS —TIie news from Europe is
of war, immediate and inevitable. Tliesteam
| ship Xingirti, from Liverpool on the 23d alt,
arrived at Halifax Thursday morning. The
linal proposition of England for the adjust
ment. of the difficulties in the way of a l'eace
Congress had encountered a positive refusal
i from the Government of Austria ; which had
at once sent at: ultimatum to Sardinia requir-!
ing her immediate disarmament within three
days, under penalty of a declaration of war.—
The demand had been attended with the dis
patch of eight thousand additional troops to
Lombard}*. As the answer of Sardinia could
only be a refusal, the (reparations for an im
mediate conflict were aceeleiated with startling
energy. The mission of the Austrian Archduke to Berlin is stated to have been per
fectly successful. lie succeeded in forming a
convention with Prussia, by which the latter
engages to send to the Rhine an army of 28,-
000 men under the command of the Prince
Regent, and if the pending negotiations for
peace should fail, this force is to be increased
by the continsrent of Bavaria, 00.000 strong,
and the Eighth Federal Corps of 00,000, while
other contingents will he held ready to march.
The French troops were advancing toward
Piedmont in large masses. The effect of these
! movements upon the Paris Bourse was to pro
duce a serious revulsion, with a decline of 3
per cent, in the Rentes. The intervention of
the Easter holidays had left London markets
less influenced. Consols had however, declin
ed 1 2d. Besides the war news, there is very
little intelligence of moment by this araval.
' —The arrival of the Canadian screw steam
ship, Anglo Saxon, at (Quebec on Monday,
brings four days later intelligence. The crisis
in Europe continues, hut as yet there has been
no declaration of war. War was momentarily
expected, although it was rumored that Aus
tria had given Sardinia fourteen clays longer
in which to consider her demand.
There was also a rumor that France and
Russia had entered into an alliance offensive
and defensive. This announcement which
reached London on Wednesday, caused a panic
in the money market, Consols falling on that
! day upwards of two per cent.
French troops had already crossed the fron
tiers of Sardinia. A French loan of five liun
! dred millions of francs is announced
Breadstuff's had advanced considerably in
I the Liverpool markets, and were buoyant at
: the close. Wheat holders were demanding a
j still further advance.
i There had also been a material advance in
Provisions, but particularly in Beef and Pork,
' for which the market was quite active.
The London money market was slightly
more stringent, and there was an active de
mand. It was expected that the Bank of Eng
land would advance its rate of discount.
i _ ,
The Louis Republican of May 3d says
, that its correspondent at Leavenworth City
! confirms the views which it has heretofore ex
-1 pressed, in regard to a foray upon Chihuahua
and Sonora, in the event of the failure of the
i Pike's Peak gold adventure. That agents
have been at work in getting up an expedition
i which is to be concentrated in Chihuahua and
| Sonera, does not admit of doubt : and the
condition of the men who have gone out to the
! gold region—the destination of many of them
even when leaving our frontier, and the proba
j bility that hundreds and thousands will he in a
. stale of absolute starvation, and therefore readv
for anything, soon after their arrival—all these
| things warrant the belief that an inroad, peacea
ble or otherwise, will be made into the Mexican
States which we have named. All that is
wanted to give a successful issue to such an
expedition is money—money to pay for the
provisions for the use ok the men.
SRIC* Official advices received in Washington
from \ era Cruz concur with our correspondence
in placing the condition of the Liberals in
| Mexico in a more cheering light. The princi
pal cause of DEGOLLADO'S retreat from before
i the city is stated to have been the destruction
of liisarniuuuition atTacubopaby the explosion
of a shell. Only tour cities are in possession
J of Mm AMOX'S forces—Mexico, Cordova, Puebla
, and Orizaba—and upwards of eight thousand
Liberal troops were inarching on the former,
under AMPUDIA,GARCIA, pF.ooi.LAno.and others.
The forces in possession of the city only num
bered about six thousand.
BxSr The Black River Woolen Mills at
| Watcrtown, were burned on Friday afternoon.
Some sixty persons were in the building at the
time the alarm was given, and tliciregress was
I cut off by the Are, which originated in the
lower part of the building. Some of them
were rescued by ladders, and some jumped from
the windows. Two pcr§ous were killed, and
thirteen others were seriously injured. Several
are also reported missing.
ming Annual Conference of the M. K. Church will iem
inence its session on Thursday the 12th lust., at Newark
Valley, tcu mile* north ofOwego.
School Commissioner P.UI.F.Y of Che- 1
nmng County, X. A"., about two weeks since, was arrested
on a charge tf assault and buttery committed on a young
lady of Millport, and placed under bonds iu the sum of
$7.11; for his appearance at Court. Subsequently he was
put under arrest for assault with intent to commit rape,
on the same girl, and his bonds ti.xed at S2<HW) for this o'-
fence. The State Superintendent has cited liiui to appear
and answer the charges or iu default thereof, lie will be
We have received a small placard,
(says the Luzerne Union of the 4th.) announcing that Dr.
JOHN MACKINTOSH will occupy a Hall in Wilkesbarre,
sonic time this week, bv giving an entertainment consist
ing of Biographical Anecdotes, Songs, and Poetic Itead
■ ings from BCIINS and the Scottish Ballad writers. Dr. Me.
hue UJCII travelling in the State of New York, giving re
citations, Ac., ami sends us the eertiticale of several pro
' iiiinciit citizens of Canauduigua, that his entertainments
! are the most agreeable ever offered to the people of that
' place.
We have the pleasure of being well acquainted with Dr.
MACKINTOSH, and from his education and pleasant ad
dress, we have no doubt he will delight an audience in
reading Brass and the Ballad writers of his native coun
-1 to ' .
guide and instructor for the farmer and mechanic, partic
ularly, is out fur May, laden heavily with agricultural in
formation, of the most interesting and useful nature. The
contents of this publication are always designed to en
hance the cause of agt (culture, and by a careful perusal
cannot fail to do so. Every farmer should subscribe for
the Agriculturist, liis true friend. It is devoted strictly
to the farmer's interests, and through its instructions
much labor may be saved, and the tilling of the soil made
I more profitable. The raising of stock is by no means
neglected in this publication, as we often see articles in
tills Journal treating upon the subject of this particular
1 branch of agriculture. It is the best paper extant for the
man who cultivates the soil. It is printed both in Ger
man and English. Orange Judd, publisher, Xew York :
Terms, $1 iu advance.
WYOMING COUNTY. —We find the fullowinjr
items in the Ttinkhannock Democrat:
We learn that Mr.Solomon Avery, of Fulls township,
1 met with a sudden death, on Friday last, by accidentally
severing a large artery in one of his logs, with a knife
which beheld in his hand and was using for some purpose,
and which caused his death within a very few moments
j from bleeding. Mr. Avery was a young man of sober and
: industrious habits, and leaves a wife and two children to
; mourn his loss.
| —The body of the wife of Joseph H. Robinson, residing
some three or four miles up the river fioiu this place, in
Eaton township, was found floating down the Susquehan
na river at Wilkesbarre, on Thursday of last week. We
learn that Mrs. Robinson had been laboring under the ef
fects of insanity, for the past two or three months, caused
by ill health, and that on several occasions she had at
tempted to put an end to her life, hut was prevented
from doing so. On Wednesday night Aie effected her es
cape from the house by obtaining a key to one of the
doors, which it was customary to keep locked to prevent
her from going out. and nothing was seen or heard of her
until picked up at or near Wilkesbarre. The body was
brought back and interred on Saturday. She was a wo
man much respected by her acquaintances, and her un
timely death will he mourned by a large circle of rela
tives and friends.
—Pursuant to notice, a meeting of the Republicans of
the County of Wyoming, was held in the Court House, in
the Borough of Tunkhaunock, on Tuesday evening, the
lOtli nit., for tlie purpose of nominating a Delegate Irom
this County, to represent this Senatorial District, in tlie
Republican State Convention, to be held at Harrisburg,
| the Nth day of June next :
Tlie meeting was organized by choosing Alfred Iline,
Esq..President: Henry Roberts and George Mowry.Esqrs.
Vice Presidents ; Richard P. Ross and Ziba Lott. Secre
On motion, P. M. Osterhout, Esq., was unanimously
appointed the Delegate from this County, subject to tlie
decision of the Conferees for tlie District.
Elisha Sharp and Richard P. Ross, were appointed
( Conferees for this county.
After being entertained by remarks from P. M. Oster
hout. Col. E'.liannan Smith and A. Iliite, the meeting ad
I Sessions of our County Court, commenced on Monday,
May 2d, Hon. DAVID WM. MOT, Presiding, Hon. JOHN PAS—
: MOKE, Associate.
The following Grand Jurors were in attendance : 11. L.
LVMKRI: \rx, Foreman ; T.J. Bisworth.Shuble Bowman.
1 Derrick Campbell. Aianson Carncr, 1. X. Chapman, Piii
! lander Case. Geo. W. (' rnehy. Edward Crans, Miles D.
I Carey, Orville C. Horton, John Hine. James Risley. EI
, wood Rodchaugh, John Rockwell, Thomas F. Thomas,
1 \\ in. \ ioman, Josiaii White, John Yeomans.
True bills were returned against tlie following named
Hiram Rogers, 2d, Daniel Rogers, and AVm. E. Gore—
Indictment for Conspiracy iu making and uttering Coun
terfeit Coin.
John W. Denison—For selling liquor without license.
William Bailey—For Rape.
Seymour Willcock*—For Larceny.
John M. Pike—For selling liquor to minors, A-e.
S. A. Mills—For selling liquor to drunkards and minors.
Henry Vanderpool- For selling liquor without license.
Same—For selling liquor on Sunday.
John Green—For selling without license.
O. W. Xorthrup—For selling liquor to minors,
George Rogers—Assault an ! battery.
Michael Dacey—Malicious mischief.
Iu the matter of the indictment against Mary Ann Me-
Carty, for perjury, the Grand Jury tound not a true bill,
and tlie prosecutor, J. L. Phillips, pay tlie cost.
In the matter of Wm. T. Cox and Harry B. Lowrey, for
fraud, the Grand Jury returned not a true bill.
In the matter of the report of viewers in favor of a
County bridge across the Wappascniug Creek, in War
| ren, and also of the report of viewers favora' le for a like
bridge in Canton, the Grand Jury concur with the re
, port made by the viewers, believing that the erection of
! said bridges would require more expense than is reason
able said townships of Warren and Canton should hear,
i On Thursday morning the Grind Jury announced to
the Court, that they had littished the business brought be
j fine them, and they were discharged.
Tlie Criminal Calendar, for tlie present term presents
an array of crime of a magnitude and lieinousness not ve
ry creditable to our County. There has not been a term
for some time when so much depravity and wickedness
lias been brought to tlie liar of justice as the present.
Com vs. Charles Knickerbocker— No one appearing to
prosecute against the defendant, the Court order his dis-
I charge.
j Com. rs. William Bailey— Defendant was in lcted at
, present term, for committing a rape npon the person of
Lydia L. Sexton. The evidence of Miss Sexton, who is
.an interesting appearing girl, of about sixteen years of
j age, as corroborated by tlie evidence, showed that the
I case was a very aggravated one, and the jury found the
! defendant guilty.
I Com. rs. O. W. Xorthrup— Defendant was indicted at
present term for selling liquor to minors, hut on the trial
j before the jury the charge was not substantiated, and he
) was found not guilty and the County for costs.
Com. vs. James CWr—Defendant was Indicted at pres
ent term lor assault and battery with iutent to kill. It
being the case occurring in Litchfield township, the par
ticulars of which we have already published. The defen
dant, while intoxicated got into a quarrel with his wife,
end in the fracas di-rbsrged a shot guu'at her, wound
ing her so severely that one arm was amputated. He was 1
found guilty as charged in the indictment.
Cum. es. /I'm. 11. llrant —Defendant was indicted for
perjury, in testifying In a certain case liefordMartin Lls
lirce of Windham township. The jury found him not guil
ty and the prosecutor, lilum Alger, to pay the costs.
Com. es. George lingers —lndicted fut as-ault and bat
tery, J. C. Park, prosecutor—Verdict, guilty, ;ind the
Court bcntenced defendant to pay a line of sl. and costs
of prosecution.
Com. es. H r m. 11. ll'lute --Defendant was indicted at
February term for malicious mischief, in setting fire to {
the house ofZiba Morse, in Armenia township, ontlie22d j
of January last. He was found guilty.
Com. es. Michael Darey —lndicted for malicious mis- ,
chief in setting fire to the saw mill of Asa Farusworth,
in Itidglmry township. Found guilty.
On petition of A. J. Noble, Con-table of Towa da boro, ;
the Court approve the appointment of Harry B. Snow, as
his Deputy.
E. C. Williams, Constable of Troy boro, having filed his
resignation, Stephen Fitch was appointed as Constable of
said boro.
On potition of Thomas J. Wheeler. Constable of Smith
field township, John W. Phelps was appointed as his I)e
In the matter of the petition of citizens of Albany
township for the removal of certain mcmbersof the Board :
of School Directors of said township, the Court grant a j
rule upon Myron Kellogg, ltussel Miller, and Daniel Kel
logg, School Directors, returnable on the Jd Monday of
the present term, being tiic 10th, to show cause why
they should not lie removed from the office, and others
appointed in their place.
In the matter of the petition of citizens Wells twp., for
the removal of the School Directors of said township, the
Court grant a rule returnable on Thursday, the 12th in.-t.
On motion of Mr. Elwell, H. N. Williams, was admit- '
ted and sworn as an Attorney at Law. with license to
practice in the several Courts of Bradford County.
The following licenses weae granted :
roa A TAVERN :
E. W. Bigony Trov Isiro.
John O. Ward Troy twp
J. S. Sloan \thens boro.
John Istughl'm Towanda boro. '
S. Chesley Myers Canton. ,
Hamilton Dickhison Shisheipiin.
Joseph O. Pine Uidglmry. 1
John Wallace Bidglmry.
Benjamin Herman Itidglmry.
John Muller Norton Terry.
John Wendell Wilmot.
John A. Conley Standing Stone.
M. T. Carrier Tmranda boro.
Aaron K. Ingalls Wells.
Orr Wilson Columbia.
James P. Strong Columbia.
John B. Dickerson Warren.
L. D. Bowman Towanda twp.
John S. Thompson Wyalusing.
H. A. l'belps Vthens boro.
H. W. Root Springfield.
Jesse Hammond Smithtield.
Ezra Holcomb Canton.
Riley M. Ross Sylvania boro.
Nathan Mitchell \then- twp.
Orson Rickey Rome.
Nathan Olmstead Ulster.
Ahram Fox,Jr "
Darius Myers . *•
Daniel lleverley. Jr..* Overton.
Filial Taylor Monroe boro.
Charles O. French Ridghury.
Jason Chaffee Rome.
Com. vs. Seymour M'Hlrorks Indicted at pro-ont term
for larceny. The defendant who is a bright-looking lad
ol about 12 years of age. was charged with -tealing money
from J . M. Watts, ol Towanda twp. He was found guil
ty as indicted.
In the matter of Hiram Morse, who deserted his family
—proceedings from Miles Prince, of Warren t nvn-liip. the
Court, after hearing, order that the Road Commissioners
ot Warren township, make public sale of all the personal
property attached, and collect and receive the rents and
profits of his real estate up to the amount of SSOO.
A Jury of Inquiry in the case of Win. T. Gardner, sen.,
report that they find him to he a lunatic, and the Court
appoint Win. T. Gardner, jr.. Committee.
On motion, the Court decree a divorce to Ann Eliza
beth Kinyon from her husband, Lucius B. Kinyuti.
The advertisement of this Company, located at ibis
place, will be found in another column. Those having it
in charge have made arrangements for it- thorough or
ganization, and invite the confidence and patronage of
the public. The officers are men of the highest respecta
bility and business capacities. It is a great object to our
citizens to have a well conducted and reliable Insurance
Company located in their midst, upon whose responsibil
ity and punctuality they can rely. It will save thousands
I <>f dollars to the County, which otherwise would be- lost
by the worthlessness of swindling foreign companies.
SF.WINB MACHINES.— \ new candidate for
public favor is offered by B. U. Shaw, Ulster, in the form
of Raymond's Family Sewing Machines. They are said to
lie extremely simplwand beautiful in their operation, and
ure offered at low rates. Being warranted, no risk is run
in purchasing, as the money will be returned, if they d°
not give entire satisfaction.
WIFE MURDER. —An Irishman, named THOM
AS K llOl011, residing in Troy borough, while suffering
from delirium tremens, heat his wife so severely, on Sim
d.iy evening, Ist iust., that she died on the following dav*.
Khough was arrested and committed to jail to answer the
charge, lie is represented as being an industrious and
peaceab'c man, except when under the influence of whis
feaF'Tlie prediction that tlie Earth was not
to be favored by any rain in May. which at one time
seemed likely to prove true, lias happily, failed. On
Monday afternoon the much-needed rain began to fall,
and at present writing seems likely to make more than
ample amends for its long delay.
All our accounts from the Winter crops represent them
as presenting an unusually fine appearance aud the indi
cations arc of a bountiful yield.
LICENSES —Persons to whom licenses have
been granted at the prescn., term of Court, should bear iu
uiind that the act of ls.j-s, under which they are granted,
requires that the licenses be taken up aud paid for within
fifteen ays from the time of granting the same, other
wise they .re forfeited—and any sale after'lie fifteen days
in such case will subject tlie party to prosecution and con
viction as tuily as if no license had been granted.
JOZ-The attention cf Farmers is directed to
the advertisement of the Tioga Point Agricultural Works
in another column.
G I.ADDING'S IIAY FORK —This late and use
ful improvement is attracting the attention of farmers,
and where used, it gives the highest satisfaction. If we
are to believe those who certainly should be judges, it
supplies a desideratum long needed by farmers. Those
intended for use in the county, can be obtained by ad
dressing K. P. SHAW, Sheshequin -. and State anu County
Rights arc for sale by K. CLADDING, Troy. Bradford
Co., Pa.
tffif Hie President having declined to ac
cept the modifications of the Cass Yrissari
Treaty, it falls to the ground, and Mr. MOLINA
will lie charged with a new negotiation. Gen
eral JEREZ will leave Washington on the sth
of June for Nicaragua, to enter the Cabinet'
of President MARTINEZ. The Nicaragua Leg
ation will remain in charge of Mr. MOLINA.
BURNT TO DEATH. —On Saturday last a fire
broke out in Ilaynor A Go's. Powder Mills, in
Lackawanna. The fire originated, we learn,
in an old press mill, which, owing to the quan
tity of powder dust in and around the premises
was speedily burned to the ground A man,
whose name we have not ascertained, was in
the building at the tbne, and was burnt to !
ushes. Another man is now lying, under the '
care of Dr. Gorman, iu a dangerous condition. I
last, between 9 ami 10 o'clock a , u l! "'J
name of Wm. Hell, „„ the road to w, I
whew he resides, was attacked l,v two t''W
men, Anthony Huwley and Tl,om. s
near the Kattroad crossing at the It '
mines. The/ran him about one f ollr ,i" ,: (f
mile, Hell hollowing murder. J, b .
passed by the racecourse, the men caJl '■
i and lie defended himself with a enn ' I *'fl
'knife. Theman!law,e y
twelve places, and died almost instant! H
other was cut in the neek and on 0 . i
bauds. On Monday Esquire Durbey*
ed a jury of twelve or'the hest
Seranioi), and on Monday night t|, PV '^" s °'
;ed a verdict thvt " Anthony H; IW , '.. rei,,J " r '
his death by being stabbed with aV'.;r a '? e t7 l
hands of William Hell ; te sani It,.','' tf/? :
ing his own lite." Bell was then d s. h.
l'ittslvn Gaxel'.t. 'TH.-,
B*S~At Columbus, 0., last week a'
whose insanity was of a wild tvp,. i.'" na 'N
comrade who roomed with him, cti' I,'i, *
j to small pieces, oinaiuei.ted li'im with"'.' '
| ribbons, and then proceeded to '
to the other occupants of the ward as "Ci
mast Beef.'' Wlien the terror-stricken U.
entered the room, several of the lm u t
eating the remains, and the butcher tin i'■
*itl. leer, that the ncjt timet Tn"!
should reserve him a choice cut. ■
Lvnch Law —Oscar F. Jackson *i. nm
den d Wallace, was lynched byartin'n it p I
ford, Minnesota. He took refuge in a •' 1
was crawn out by fire kindled ab'ut it I
then hung to the gable end of a ca | Ml| 1
let him down twice ; the first time lie at];-.
I sed the crowd, protesting his innocence oft'
murder of Wallace. The second time he ,
; strong but ineffectual efforts to speak j
which the crowd run him up again to tbe -J
ters, choking him until he was dead.
Mr. Ore ei.Y, of the Tribune , announce* -J
his readers that he will leave New York ov ; ]
10th iust. for a trip through Kansas and
alleged Gol . Region at tin: Kasteru has/ 1
the Rocky Mountains, thence through !'• ,1
and the Great Basin, to California, returi J
oero-s the continent or by the Isthmus a* rJ
cumstances shall dictate. Re purposes a,y
to take a rnh through Oregon.
In Ajiril 29. Ly Rev. J. B. Like, Mr. < Itir ;J
M. W ARBI'RTOX. of I'nx, SiiHiv.ui e'ountt .'I
Miss COIiDKI.IA M. KN MM', <-f Loffi.v. *' ""j
In Ttiwtintla on Saturday, A [nil 90, DAVID F.BARSTnv]
Kstj., ageil 03 years.
This community have been called to sutiß, int: J
death of DAVID F. BAkstow a loss which IS uotetsi t J
paired. It is not too much to say, tiiat a, a man h- Li
muiy noble traits width drew aiuu.ul UituaLrp - J
, o ' warm and true friends, who now deeply !.i
1 iss. Possessed naturally of a strong uiiud, his U„:. u
hnl been disciplined and strengthened Iy a a .
t on, and any subject upon which he L ...
, his opinions were always entitled to deference and respt-:;;
tlien* was no such thing as concealment or diseni- ■
! utterance of his views ; what lie held, he held fromW:
est and intelligent coyvi.-tion, and thvugli yon migl.t :
for from him in sentiment you could not but adiuire i.
straightforwardness and sincerity.
As a citizen, he was called to till several offices of h• r
and trust, which he did with hi- accustomed iut.fv
ami ability*.
None htit they who saw him in his family, surreal**
by those lie most tenderly loved and cared for. can ay
ciate the loss sustained by them who dwelt with him t*-
ncath the same roof.
But his highest glory w is to sit at the feet of Jem H
c muted all things hut lose compared w ith the ex tlkntj
of the knowledge of Christ Jesus bis Savior. His win .e
s ul for Ultjre than a twelvemonth past, was on-njiKd
with his niaste; s work ; hi- inea'. and drink -ctiacd In*
to do lil- will, and to finish the work that was given bin
to do. And that work was done cheerfully and w.'.h
a glad heart, not by cons'riint, but willingly. Hird
as is the yoke of Christ to the natural heart, it was tibia
• easy, and his Saviour's harden was light. btvaie-f-tU -•
of that Saviour ronstra ned him. and the hope of an be
ship with him in his eternal and glorious kingdom rcidf
every .sacrifice ol little account, it w,i- a pleasuref-r
him to lie found regu'arly in his seat whenever the Hii*
of t itnl was open ;it was no lmrdship for him to gather
aroifhd him on Sunday a elas.- in the Sunday > Is*, : lie
never looked upon it as a sacrifice to give a lew hour- du
( ring the week to the public worship of that Bud with
| whom he expected to pas- eternity. And nmv , we tea
j tore to say, that lie Iras no occasion to regret these bin-
I hie services for hi- Master's glory,
i bong may the sweet savor of hi- piety linger in th;
i community. He has gone to his rest and hi- reward.-
j His -oat is now vacant. Ills earnest prayer- are n
j ger heard, llut his decision, his dtv • ai— his larre
| hearted charity — his sympathy with every good work
ins loving care for his children let tlie-i remain i- the
t best monuments to his memory, and a- motives to those
j who survive to go and do likewise. B-J
■ ...
New Arrival of Clothing!
I stock, of Spring and Summer Clothiiig ever hi - ■ •
this market, whichjhe is now 3 lltng at greatly red
ces. His -io-k consists of Brown UMI S. t
Brown Linen frock d>, White Linen Duck do. yy*'
( loth do, Spanish Linen do, prices ranging fr-m h ■ '*
BrowH Linen l'ants. Fancy l.inen do. Clieck Mr--
do. Tweed do, fancy Cassiioerc do. Bl.e k < "a— iincrc
White and Fancy Mai-:til!cs Ve-ls. figured >■•..-'•
Black Sstin do, Black and fancy Fanner'- Sen.! ■-
nred -Silk and Linen tlo. Black loth and fancy • •
Dress Coats, Business Coats. Silk mixturesd •• f*l"
fancy Cas-iniere do, Tweed do, Keiitucky Jeans ui-
Shirts, Diawers. Ciavats, Suspenders. o lars. ••• '
and Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs, White Shirts, Kan.. 1
Mar-aillcs do.
Cloths, Cassimercs, and Vestings.
Black and Fancy Cord Cloths,
" " " Cassimeres,
" " " Vesting*, . n , r
j All of which T am ready to make up to order on - '
1 tice, and warrrnted to fit every time or no
secured the services ot Mr. Pcnnvpacker to l "W 0 '
• TAILORING lU'SIN'KSS. T ail you that
ior anything in that line will please cive a- acn * e ' r ,
I none but the best workmen. CUTTING done j®
j notice. Thankful for past favors, 1 am now read) t >
on any one who may give me a call. Boa t h'fS 1
place— one door south of Hall's Store-
Towanda, May 10, Ih.">9. J. M- UOI.U •
\J his Cabinet Ware House to the Brick bun 'j"F i'-üb
erly occupied by D. C. Hall, 011 the south side oft^
lie Si|iiic one dour ea-t of M .ntanyc-', where he
received a large stock of Cabinet Ware from s'" w '
j and continue- to manufacture most articles iu In- "
j Towanda, May 11. ISI9. —.—
Susquclianna Mutual IIISIIIMIHT 1o
Company insures a-rainst loss or d ; 1
J- age by Fire. I)ivl.'ing houses. Furniture ',l .pie
-es. Stores and Merchandize. Ac., on the most rea--
HON. D. WILMOT. J. W. l'A\s'lV. ||n
Tlll i) E L LlO IT, wrLLIAM (HtIFFW,
ALI.KX M'KF.AV. Vice President : j^ s
I.IOTT, Si-rtry; I.M'ORTK. MA SON A 0-
I Towanda, May, 11. l"o9.