iicto atofrtfscmntts. TIOOP SKIRTS, WITH ALL KUM- I 1 RKKri of Springs, from five up to thirty, all of the and host steel, at MARSH A CO S., Elmira. fjTBOSB NKYV DRESS GOODS, FROM I the other side of Uncle Sam's big fish pond, (better v „n as the Atlantic Ocean,) with such hard names that tof our lad) customers dislocated her jaw in attempt -OUL pronounce them, are claiming a good deal of at a nd selling very rapidly at 26. 1859. M AKSH & CO'S., Klmira, N. Y. vTET FRENCH PRINTS FULL YARD \) wide, very nest quality, worth 3s. per yard, for on -I.l< i;d. A great bargain just opened, at M ARvSH & CO'S.. Elmira. iiHOICE DRESS GOODS.—Twenty diffe (J r ent, and entire new styles opening this day, at M , r i! 26. M ARSH?A COS., Elmira. COLORED FRENCH BRILLIANT, I ' warranted not to fade ; also white with colored tig nlfi, just received at Marsh & Co's. Also a choice as irtment of all white, from ltfo to the very best goods, ntwndcd to day, at MARSH A CO'B., Elmira. CPRTNG GOODS FOR ROY'S & MEN'S Wear, in a great variety—plain and fancy, among our opened to-day, at MARSH A CO S., Klmira. A 111 I.INERT, IN ALL ITS RRAXCII- Ii RS, opening every day till further notice, at MARSH A CO'S., Elmira. QASPRING HOOP SKIRTS, for $2,50 ; '' ' a lso, 80 springs for a trifle more ; also, 9 good iteel springs for only Bs., at MARSH A CO'S., Elmira. llYfiOO KEW ARTICLES JUST " "7 opened, which we can't take time now to mention, but invite all to call and see, at April 26.1859. MARSH A CO'S., Klmira, N. Y. AXFTDOLLAR WILL BUY A FIRST \_7 rate Steel Spring Hoop Skirt, at MARSH AICO'S. mm: DOLLAR WILL BUY THE n7- I f fEST kind ot a Summer Counterpane, at April 26,1859. MARSH A CO'S., Elmira, V. Y. ANE DOLLAR WILL BUY A FINE \ ' Uwn Robe Dress, containing 16 vards. at MARSH A CO'S., Elmira. ANE DOLLAR WILL BUY A GOOD \J New Spring Style DeLaine Dress, at MARSH A CO'S., Elmira. j ANE DOLLAR WILL BUY A GOOD, U pretty new Parasol, at M ARSH A CO'S., Elmira. AM; DOLLAR WILL BUY SIXTEEN 17 vards of real good fast colored Calico, at MARSH k CO'S.. Elmira. ANK DOLLAR WILL BUT EIGHT V ' vards of fine French Brilliant, at MARSH A CP'S., Elmira. ANE DOLLAR WILL BUY AN KX- U CELLENT Bonnet, at MARSH A CO'S., Elmira. ANE DOLLAR LAID OUT IN DRY U GOODS, Fancy Goods, or Millinery, will yield a ! large return, at MARSH A CO'S., Elmira. ATEW R~ R. ROUTE—DELAWARE, l\ LACKAWANNA A WESTERN RAILROAD.— j New and expeditoua broad gauge route from the North 1 and West, riu. Great Bend and Scranton-and from the Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys—through to New York and Philadelphia. On and after Monday, April 11th, 1859, trains will be run as follows: The Cincinatti Express Train bound east on the N. Y. A Erie Railroad arrives at Great Bend at 6. 0 A. M., and connects with the Express Train, which leaves Great itend for New York and Philadelphia at 8 10 a.a. Dm at Montrose 8 45 " Tunkhannock 9 24 " Factoryville 9 48 " Scranton 10 35 " Moscow 11 22 " Stroudsburg 1 26 P. m. Water Gap 1 39 " Delaware. (15 minutes to dine.) 2 04 " llridgeville 2 25 " Junction 3 25 " New York 7 15 " l'hiladelphia 7 15 " Passengers from New York, leave Pier No. 2 N'oith River, at 7 30 A.M. From Philadelphia, leave Walnut St Wharf, at 6 00 " Leave Junction 10 50 " Due at llridgeville 11 37 " Delaware, 15 minutes dinner,) 11 52 " Water Gap 12 29 " Stroudsburg 12 41 r. M. Moscow 2 26 " Scranton 3 10 " Factoryville 3 SI " Tunkhannock 4 15 " Montrose 4 53 " Great Rend 5 25 " Connecting at Great Bend with the Mail Train, west, at ?... 537 " Aeconunodation train leaves Scranton for Great Rend, at 8 10 *. M. Arrive at Great Bend 12 40 P.M. Connecting with the Dunkirk Express West, at 1 10, the Emigrant Train West at 1 53, and the N. Y. Express East at 1 56, A. M. • ill-turning leaves Great Bend, at 2 00 " Due at Si-ranton 6 15 " For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Division, a Passenger Car will lie attached to the Express Freight Trains, leaving Scranton, at 1 00 A.M. Due at Stroudsburg, at..- 10 05 " " Junction, at 220 P.M. Returning, will leave Junction, at 3 30 A. M. Due at Stroudsburg, at 7 05 " Scranton, at 2 30 P. M. Passengers to and from New York change cars at Junc tion- to and from Philadelphia, at Bridgville. For I'ittston, Kingston, and Wilkesbarre, take 1,. A B. U. R. cars at Scranton. For Jessnp. Archibald, and Carbondale, take the sta ges at Scranton. Tickets sold and Baggage checked THROVGH. JOHN ItKiSHIN, Superintendent. WM. .V. JUNKS, Gen'l Ticket Agent. Scranton, April 6,1859 a 26. New Spring & Summer Goods. Just Received at Humphrey & Wickham's DRY GOODS: CONSISTING OF SILKS, BAREGES. DELAINES. CH ALIAS. LAWNS. ROBES, LINENS, CAMBRICS. MUSLINS, GINGHAMS. PRINTS. RIBBONS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, DENIMS, TICKINGS. DRILLINGS. VESTINGS, JEANS. SHAWLS. GLOVES, HOSIERY, DRESS TRIMMINGS. PARASOLS, t YANKEE NOTIONS. rtn ail the usual extensive assortment of Boots and ■ hoeg, Hats and Caps, Crockery, Family Groceries, Nails, leather. Morocco, Shoe Findings. Ac., Ac., •ST Please give us a call. Towanda, April 18,1959. A DMINISTRATRIX S NOTICE.-Notice m , nT a! 1 persons indebted to the es- DANIEL WTLSOY, ,' ate of WUmot twp , dei 'd., demand payment, and all persons having /? ld estate "HI present them duly au- ANRIILFI ': r ,r Uleraent - L' lt AN I A WILSON, . ' "• Administratrix. 50rtr2£ N8 0F PLASTER JUST RE \i ril 10 an( * *° r at of • Wll. A. ROCKWELL. pEAs, BEANB AND SEEDS.—FieId Union Setts *! eaB ' Marrow Bean*, Button Onions*, Aprilll' Belectitm of Garden Seeds at '■ FOX'S. he Stockholders of the To- Tw,n^ P -', a D. F. BARSTOW, T* aanda, April 4, Ml. _____ Trtturawr^ BBBD FOR Bridee Nt*. 1 * Pattou'a Block, corner Main and MUKH, 2, JSS9. WM A ROCKWELL. 32mpfre Storr, #toego. Please Preserve this as a Bill of Refer ence to Prices. A GREAIF CRASH In the Price of Goods has eommenccd and must continue during the year of our Lord EMPIRE STORE ! OF S OWEGO, N. Y. WILL DISSOLVE PARTNERSHIP by limitation in a short time, consequently no more Goods will be sold by them except for READY PAY. We herewith put forth t the public a LIST OF PRICES, As the most convincing argument in favor of Paying Cash for Goods, The following prices aru From 10 to 30 per cent. Less Than Goods have been sold even foi Cash heretofore. No pains will be spared in purchasing The Best and most Fashionable Goods of the Season. OUR AIM IS 10 PLEASE ! We shall be constantly receiving NEW GOODS. Best Merrimac Prints 10 cents per yard. Cocheco, Mamilton and Lowell Prints. 10 " " " Richest quality of new style DeLaines.. 184 " " " Same " " old " " .15 " " •• Good style and good fabric 12J " " " Best make of Paper Cambric 10 " " " Second quality do 8 " " " Extra heavy 4 4 Brown Sheetings 84 " " " Heavy " •' " u • •< Fair " " " C " " " Fine " " " " " " NEW STYLES OF PLEA. GOODS, at the same reduced rates. Irish Linens for 2s. 6d., which others sell for 3s, per yard 3s. " •' 3s. 6d. " 3s. 6d., " 11 4s. to ss. " " 4s. " " ss. to 6s. TABLE DIAPER, TOWELING AND IS AI'KINS, '2b per cent, than elsewhere. Black Broadcloths for $2, sold el.ewherc for 52 to $3. do do 52.50 to 13, do 54. do do 53, do 55. Cassimeres Bs. do 10s. to 12s. Superfine do. at 20 to 30 per cent, discount. Kentucky Jeans for 25., sold by others for 2s. Cd. do do 2s. 6d., do do 3s. ALL OTHER CLOTHS J- CASSI - ut the same discount. Black Silks for 4s. Gd., usually sold for 6s. " " 6s. do do 88. Bs. do d • 10s. to 12. 9s. do do 12s. toll. RICH PLAID SILKS, of all Styles, at greatly reduced prices. Mohairs at 10c. per yard, sold elsewhere for Is. Alapacas at two-thirds the usual price. Counterpanes at 165., well worth 20s. do Ins., well worth 21s. Table Spreads at 10s., well worth 12s. to 14s. Pure Rubber Circular Combs at Is. Second quality Circular Combs, Bc. Puff Side Combs, best kiud, 5c to 10c. Skirt Reeds, best quality, 3c. " •' second " 2c. Shetland Wool, 9c. per ounce. Good Hooped Skirts, Bs. An extensive quantity of DRESS TRIM MINGS, at greatly reduced rales. White and colored " Coates " Thread, best qna'.ity, 200 yard spools, at 4c ; second quality do, at 2c. 100-yd colored Spools, at Ic. Gold-eyed Needles, ls-st quality, at 4c a paper. 2d quality do at 2c per paper. Knitting Cotton, tiost quality, 3c, full skeins. Velvet Ribbons at two-thirds their value. .4 splendid assortment of lirocha, Cashmere, Silk and Thibet SUA WLS, at greatly reduced prices. Also, a very large assortment of Too long to itemize. illllMl ©©©©S At Wholesale and Retail 10 to 20 per rent. Cheaper than formerly. BONNET BLOCKS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, BLOND EDGINGS, Ac. Always on hand in large quantities Lawns and Berages in (heir Season. The best stock of ZiOOSZltfa GLASSES, CARPETS, AND OIL CLOTHS, Ever offered in Owego. Carpets at 2a., usually sold for 3s. do 35., do do 4s. do 45., do do ss. do 55., do do 6s. do 65., do do 7s. Rich 3 Ply and Brussels do Particular attention is called to our stock of Indies' Collars, Handkerchiefs, Swiss Muslin, Jaconett, Barred Muslins, Ac., all of which will be sold 15 to 25 per cent below the usual price. Indies' Hosiery, good assortment, selling at 10c, usually sold for Is. Is, " " Is. 6d. Ticking, Batting, Summer stuffs, Cheeks, Srtipes, Flannels, if-r. 25 to 30 per cent, less than Formerly! A splendid assortment of MOLASSES at 35.; Salaratus at 6c; per tt> ; best TEA in Owego at 45., sold usually at 55., by our neighbors. As to SITJ ARS, come and see for yourselves, and save one to two cents per lb. We most cordially invite an examina tion of onr extensive stock, and hope it may please. STONB 4t CO., Owego, N. Y. IXrystoiu ftolumtt. tst ENV OOODS; Just received at Powejl's Keystone Store, Comprising a complete assortment of DRRSS Goons, Blark Sitks. Plain. I>RKss Goons, Black Silks. Corded. DRESS Goons, Black Silk*, Bnyddcrt. DRESS Goons, Black Silk*. Moirantiqut. DRESS Goons, Colored Silks, Plain. DRESS GOODS, Colored Silk*, Striped. DRESS GOODS, Colored Silks, Plaid. DRKSS Goons, Colored Silks, Bayadere. PRESS Goons, Pint Apple Cloths. DRESS GOODS, Poil de Chevre. I DRESS GOODS, JMohatr Stripes. DRESS GOODS, Robes a IMLZ. DRESS GOODS, Poplins. ■ DRESS GOODS, I'hallis' Printed. DRESS GOODS, French Prints. DRESS GOODS, Fnglish Prints. DRESS GOODS, Fine Ginghams. PRESS GOODS, French Cambrics. DKKSS GOODS, French Jaconett*. DRESS GOODS, Figured Brilliants, DRESS GOODS, Pawns, Plain. DKKSS GOODS, Lawns, Printed. S H A W I. S . SHAWI.B, Stella. SHAWI.S, Brocks, Long. SIIAWI.S, Brocht, Single. SHAWLS, Black Silk. SIIAWI.S, Printed Silk. SHAWLS, Turkeri. SHAWLS, Cashmere, Ptatn. SHAWLS, Cashmere, Printed. WHITE GOODS. WHITE Goons, Irish Linens. WHITE Goons, Linen Handkerthiefs. WHITE Goons, Linen Shirt Fronts. WHITE GOODS, Marsailts do. WHITE GOODS, Swiss Muslin*.^ WHITE GOODS, Nainsook Muslins, WHITK GOODS, Book Muslins. WHITE GOODS. Bishop's IMWHS. WHITE GOODS, Check Cambrice. WHITE GOODS, Fsmeralda Siciss. WHITE GOODS, Drapery Muslias. WHITE Croons, Jaconctte Muslins. WHITS Goons, i'tctoria Laws. WHITE GOODS, Figured Swist. , WHITE GOODS, Table Linens. WHITE GOODS, Napkins. \ WHITE GOODS, Totals. WHITE GOODS, Kmbroidered Collars. WHITE GOODS, Embroidered Setts. WHITE GOODS, Bands and Flouncing*. WHITE GOODS, Edgings and Inserting*. WHITE GOODS, I.aces, Silk. WHITE GOODS, Laces, Cotton. WHITE GOODS, Laces. Thread. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. HOSIKKT, /.adics I Chile Cotton. HOSIERY, Ladies Unbleached Cotton. HOSIERY, Ladies Slate Cotton. HOSIERY, Ladies Mixed Cotton. HOSIERY, Iridic* Black Cotton. HOSIERY, Ladies Black Silk. HOSIERY, Misses H r hite Cotton. HOSIERY, Misses Brown Cotton. HOSIERY, Misses Gray Cotton. HOSIERY, Child's IVhite Cotton. HoaiKUY, ChUd % i IVortted. HOSIKRY, 3/FFII IVhite Cotton, HOSIERY, Mens Brown Cotton. HOISFRY, Mens Mixed Cotton. HOSIERY, Boy's Cotton. HOSIERY, Child's Cotton. GLOVES, Rajau's Kid. GLOVES, Good Kid at 50c. GLOVES, Ladies Silk, Colored. GLOV s,, l.udies Silk, lUhite. GLOVE*, Indies Silk, Black. GLOVES, Ladies Lisle, all colors. GLOVES, Ladies Lisle, all qualities. GLOVES, iMdirs Cotton. GLOVES, Misses Lisle, all sizes. GLOVES, Child's Lisle. GLOVES, Child's Silk. GLOVES, Mens Kid. GLOVES, Men* Silk. GLOVES, Mens Lisle. GLOVES, Mens Cotton. GLOVES, Mens Berlin. GLOVES, Mens Leather. MILLINERY GOODS. MII.LIVKRY GOODS, Bonnets. MILLINERY GOODS, Bushes. MILLINERY GOODS, Bonnet Ribbons. MILLINERY GOODS, I.aces. MILLINERY Goons, ltelt Ribbons. MILLINERY GOODS, Velvet Ribbons. MILLINERY GOODS, Flowers. DOMESTICS. DOMESTICS, Shirtings, all qualities. DOMESTICS, Sheetings, all qualities. DOMESTICS, Bleached Goods, all qualities DOMESTICS, Denims, all qualities. DOMESTICS, Tickings, all qualities. DOMESTICS, Stripes, all qualities. DOMESTICS, Prints, all qualitiss. DOMESTICS, Lancaster Ginghams. DOMESTICS, Jarquard Diapers. DOMESTICS, Summer Stuffs. DOMESTICS, Cambrics, DOMESTICS, Blue Drills, DOMESTICS, Batts. DOMESTICS, Cotton Yarn. DOMESTICS, Carpet Warp. WOOLEN GOODS. WOOLEN GOODS, French Cloths, Black. WOOLEN GOODS, French Cloths, Colored. WOOLEN Goons, French Doeskins, Black. WOOLEN GOODS, French Casiimeres, Colored. WOOLEN GOODS, Towels. WOODEN GOODS, Sattinetts. all prices. WOOLEN GOODS, Sattinetts. all colors. WOOLEN GOODS, Sheep's Greys. WOOLEN GOODS, Kentucky Jeans. WOOLEN Goons. Farmer's and Mechanic's WOOLEN GOODS, Cassitueres. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. HOCSE FCRNISHIMJ GOODS, Carpets, Superior. HOI SE FVRNISHINH GOODS, Carpets, Ingrain. HOCSE FVRNISHINH GOODS, Carpets, Venetian. HOCSE FVRNISIUNO GOODS, Carpets, Stair. HOCSE FI-RNISHINO GOODS, Oil Cloths. HOVSK FißNtsHise Goons, Rush Mattings. HOCSE FVKNTSIUNG GOODS, Matrasses. HOCSE FCBMSHINO GOODS, Buff Hollands. Hot SK FvßSianiNG GOODS, Green Hollands. HOCSE FCRNISHINOGoons, Window Shades. Horsr FCRNISHINO GOODS, Damasks. HOCSE FCRNISHINO GOODS, Tabic Spreads. HOCSE FVKNISUISO GOODS, Table Linens, \V liite. HOCSE FCRNISHINO GOODS, Table Linens, Brown. HOCSE FCRNISHINO GOODS, Worsted Damasks. HOCSE FI UNTSHISG GOODS, Cotton Damasks. HOCSE FCRNISHINO GOODS, Furniture Prints, Frenrh. HOCSE FCRNISHINO GOODS, Furniture Prints, Common. WALL PAPER, GILT. WALL PAPERS, SATIN. WALL PAPERS, COMMON. WINDOW PAPERS, PLAIN. WINDOW PAPERS, GILT. WINDOW PAPERS, FIGURED. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies Gaiters, Black. BOOTS AND SHOE*, Indies Gaiters, Colored. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies Gaiters, Congress. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies Gaiters, Heels. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies Boots, Sowed. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ijnlies Boots. Pegged. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies Boots, Heels. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies Buskins. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies Slippers. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies Gaiters, at 50C. BOOTS AND SHOES, Misses Gaiters, Black. BOOTS AND SHOES, Misses Gaiters, Colored. BOOTS AND SHOES, Misses Morocco Boots. BOOTS AND SHOES, Misses Slippers. BOOTS AND SHOES, Children's Fine Work. BOOTH AND SHOES, Children's Coarse Work. BOOTS AND SHOES, MeiUs Congress Gaiters. BOOTS AND SHOES, Men's Calf Gaiters. BOOTS AND SnoKs, Men's Coar-e Brogans. BOOTS AND SHOES, Men's Calf Brogans. BOOTS AND SHOES, * Men's Morocco Brogans. BOOTS AND SHOES, Boy's Coarse Brogans. BOOTS AND SHOES, Boy's Fine Brogans. BOOTH AND SHOES, Youth's Fine Brogans. BOOTS AND SHOES, Youth's Coarse Brogivns. BOOTS AND SHOF.S, Men's Calf Boots. BOOTS AND SHOES, Men's Coarse Boots. BOOTS AND SHOES, Men's Kip Boots. HATS AX I) CAPS CHEAP! HARDWARE CHEAP! CROCKERY CHEAP! GROCERIES CHEAP! TAINTS AND OILS CHEAP! FISH CHEAP! WOODEN WARE CHEAP! EVERYTHING CHEAP AT POWELL'S KEYSTONE STORF.. April 12, 1859. .miscellaneous. PORTER'S DRUG STORE IS FULL DR. PORTER S CHEMICAL STORE IS FULL ! DR. PORTER'S APOTHECARY STORE IS FULL 1 DR. PORTER'S OFFICE IS FULL! OF ALL KINDS OF EVERYTHING ! OF EVERYTHING OF ALL KINDS ! OF EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY ! OF EVERTBODY-FOR ALL THINGS ! CHOICE PERFUMERY AND FANCY GOODS ! CHOICE GOODS AND FANCY PERFUMERY ! CHOICE TOILET ARTICLES A FRAGRANT WATERS ROSE, VERBENA, COLOGNE, BAY A LAVENDER ! TWINS FOIt BROOM MAKKRS ! TWINE FOR MAKING BROOMS ! ffWINB FOR TYING BROOMS ! GLASS, LEAD, ZINC, OIL AND PUTTY ! VARNISH, BRONZE, GOLD AND SILVER LEAF ! j VERMILLION, OCHRE, UMBER, GREENS A BLACKS! GOOD BURNING FLUID AND CAMPHENE ! GOOD FLUID AND CAMPHENE FOR BURNING ! ; GOOD FOR BURNING -CAMPHENE AND FLUID! IMPROVED—NON-EXPLOSIVE FOR GAS ! FLOWER, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS! FRESH TEA, OLI) COFFEE AND PURE SPICES ! GUM DROPS, LIQUORICE AND REFINED CANDY! ALL THE COLORS IN TUBE PAINTS! ALL THE COLORS IN TUBE PAINTS! ALL THE COLORS IN TUBE PAINTS! FISH HOOKS, BNELLS, FLIES AND LINES ! COSMETICS, TEETH AND HAIR PREPARATIONS ! AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND CHINESE RAZORS ! ALL THE PATENT POPULAR MEDICINES! ALL THE POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES ! ALL MEDICINES POPULAR AND PATENT! GUN CAPS, POCKET KNIVES AND SNUFF! HAVANA, YABA AND PRINCIPE CIGARS! TRUSSES, INSTRUMENTS ANI) SUPPORTERS! COAL OIL. SPERM OIL AND OIL FOR MACHINES ! PURE WINKS AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICINE! BEAUTIFUL LAMPS FOR FLUID OR KEROSENE ! DYE WOODS, DYE STUFFS & FLAVORING EXT'S ! TINCTURES, SYRUPS, SPIRITS, A DECOCTIONS! LIQUORS, GARGLES, LINIMENTS AND LOTIONS! MIXTURES, POWDERS, INFUSIONS A SOLUTIONS! PLASTERS, OINTMENTS, LOZENGES A SALVES! ACIDS, BAImSAMS, BARKS, ROOTS AND HERBS! SEEDS, LEAVES, GUMS, EXTRACTS A ESSENCES! SALTS. WOODS, OILS, RESINS AND FLOWERS ! IN THE SOUTH STORE OF THE WARD HOUSE. MEDICAL ADVICE GIVEN GRATUITOUSLY, AT TILE OFFICE IN THE DRUG STORE, BY Dll. I'ORTEK ! Grape Vines and Hot Bed Plants For sale at the Garden of 11A.31 R Y MI X . CENTS EACH- CENTS EACH. Ta!iella 25 Burgundy 37i Catawba 25 Concord 37$ Clinton 25 Rebecca 37} White Sweet Water 37$ Diana 37$ White Isabella. .50 cents each. These varieties of Grape Vines, for our climate, are numbered among the very liest, they are hardy, vigorous, and productive, and no fruit more valuable. Every vine is warranted true to name, and trr live with proper cul ture. The varieties above mentioned ripening at dif ferent times greatly adds to convenience. CENTS A IKIZ. CENTS A DOT. Early DutchCauliflowers.fi Large Purple Egg Plants.lo Late " " C Long " " " ..10 Large Sm'th Tomato plantfi White " " " ..10 Large Sweet I'epperPlants 10' Early York Cabbage 6 Bill shaped " " lOjSweet Potatoes Plants for I sale. All late <'abhage Plants, out door culture, 25 cts. per 100. Celery Plants, from May to the last of July, 25 cts.per ITlCK.—Notice is hereby (riven, that all person* indebted to the estate of JOHN MOORE, late of Pike township, de ceased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, ami all |ier*otls having deifiand agsilit sukl estate, will present them dtilv authenticated for settlement. MARTIN" < 'ODDIXG, > .. ■ ■ , , April IS. ORRIX MfrORK. A DM INISTK ATKIX'S NOTICK.-Notice i* is hereby (riven, that nil persons indebted to the I estate of ANDREW GIBSON, dee'd.. late <.r lTter. must make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against iJ estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. JANE OIBSON, March. 22. 1 s.:>•. Administratrix. A]) MIN (STR A T() RTS N OTIC E.--N ntic is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate of MY HON 11. ESTEI.L, late of Franklin township, deceased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having claims against said estate, will present the in duly authenticated for settlement. G. H. ESTELL, March 2'.', t'SJ. Administrator ADM! NISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of JOHN* 'l'Hi fMPSOX, late of South Creek, deed., are hereby requested to make payment Without delay ; and all |v a lot belonging to the Baptist Church and burying ground, oa.-t by land of J. B. Himuan, south by land of Mrs. J. 11. Phiuney and Jedson Blacktuau, west by laud of Jedson Blaekmau and the state road. Con taining about 32,729 square feet, more or less, ail impro ved, with one framed shed thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Brown A Rockwell vs H. K. Fowler. ALSO—The follow ing described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Rome twp., bounded north by laud of Na than Stafford, ea-t ly unseated lands, warrantee name un known, south by laud of Isaac Decker and John Paswmore, west by land in possession of Vini ent Gibbs. Containing about forty-eight acres, more or less, abont forty acre* improved, one framed barn, one framed shed. aiid coru house, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Harris A Page, to the use of F. X. Page vs Mar-ena E. Drake. ALSO—l'he follow ing described lot. piece or parcel "f land situate in Burlington twp., bounded north bv land of Earl Nichols, east by land of Morgan Waters, south by land of Cullen Nichols and Morgan Waters, west by the public highway. Containing lifty acres, more or "less, about thirty-eight acre- improved, one framed house, ono framed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. AI >i >— All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Burlington twp.. bounded north by land of Ira Weed and Isoretir.o Ruudali. east by hmdof Strope and Edward Overton, south by land of Edward Overton and John laiavitt. west by land of James Nichols and Ed ward Overton. Containing ninety-eight acres, more or less. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. H. Pliin ney A Co.. to the use of Richard Patrick assignee of J.C. Meeker A Perkins vs William Mead. AI .SO—The lollowing described lot. piece or parcel of land situatt in Canton twp., bounded as follows : Begin ning on the west line of land owned by William 11.Smith at tbe southeast corner of X 11. Hiekok's farm, and run ning thence south 2*° west along the west line of land of said Smith and Isaac Williams til |>cr to the northeast corner of Wm. Fit/waters lot. and thence north (its* ° west along the north line ot said Kitzwater's land anil land of Wm. S. Fellows 252 |wr to a stake and atones standing on the ea-t line of land of .fared and Jacob Keardsley, thence north 2*° east along said Bcardsley's line 4 2-10 |>er to a stake null stones standing on the south west corner of Myron Fellows land, thence north 79° east 112 nor to the west line of X. H. Hiekok's land, thence south west aloug the west line of said Hiekok's land ! to the southwest corner of said Hiekok's land, thence south (is* J cast along said Hiekok's smith line to the place of lieginning. Containing seventy-seven acres and seventy-five perches, more or less, about forty acres im proved. one barn, a framed house and a log house, and an apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Theater Tlioina* and O. P. Ballard, to the use of O. P. Ballard v George p. Channel I. ALSO- The following descrilied lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Sheslteqnin twp., boumhsl as follows : Be ginning at a chestnut, the southeast corner of It. Than dler's lot. thence ea-t 7* per to the southwest corner of a lot deeded from I)e Cater s to Truman Wilioby, thence north 171 9-10 per to a post for a corner, thence south 83 per to a dogwood lor a corner, thence east 42 per to a chestnut for a corner, thence south 13S 9-10 per to the place of beginning Containing ninety-one seres and one hundred and seven perches, more or less, about lifty neves improved, one framed house, one trained barn, and'an or chard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in t sedition at the suit of F. N. Page vs Thomas Ed-all. THOMAS M. WO( DRUFF, Towaiula, April 12. 1859. Sheriff II CENSES.—Notice is Iwreliy triven that J the following named |xwsnns have tiled in the office ' of the Cbrk of tie- Court of (Jo art or Ses-ions, their peti 1 tions for License nnder the existing laws of this Common- I wealth, and their several applications will he lieaiil before 1 the Judges ot the Court of Quarter So-siim. on MONDAY. | the 2d day of MAY next, at 2 o'clo k, in the afternoon ot j said day : KOK A TAVEHN : E. W. Bigotry Troy horn. 1 John ft. Ward.. Troy twp. ' J. S. Sloan Athens horn. , John latugiilin Tuwanda boro. S. Chesley Myers Canton. Hamilton Dick-uson. .. Shcslitxiuin. Joseph O. Pine Ridgbnry. John Wallace Ridgbnry. Benjamin llerm.in Ridgbnry. John Muller Morton Terra. John Wendell Wilniot. John A.C'otiley Standing Stone. M. T. Carrier Towanda boro. Aaron K. Ingnlls Wells. Orr Wilson .Columbia. John Kendall Towanda boro. James p. Strong. Columbia. John B. l>ickeron Warrci. L. f>. Bowman Towanda twp. John S. Thompson Wyalosing. H. A. Phelps \thetis born. John M. Pike Athens boro. H. W. Root Sprlngfii Id. Jesse Hammond Suiithtieid. Ezra Ilolcomh Canton. Riley M. Ross Svlvania bom. Stephen A.Mills North Towanda. Nathan Mitchell Athens twp. Orson Rickey Rome. Nathan Olmvtead Plater. Abrntn Fox. Jr. ~.. - Darius Myers •• Daniel lleverley. Jr Overton. Kthal Taylor Monroe boro. Charles O. French Ridgbnry. Jason CbafTee.. ..Rome. ' WKK( tt.tWT py.ii;en. Hhuble Bowman . Ti rrytwp Clerk - Office. > ALLEN M'KK.AV." April 0, 1-59. i Clerk.