I itrostone Column. ■ GOODS, Just received at p o well's Keystone Store, Comprising a complete assortment of , Black Silk*. Plain. I Black Silk*. Corded. I tfS* Black Silk*. Baydderr. I t si w>o ' Black Silk*, Moir antique. | ** Colored Silk*, Plain. I W"' Colored SUk, Striped. P f* , s ' Colored Silk*, Plaid. 1 iff B T,ns' Colored Silk*, Bayadere. I s* '-"".ns' Pine Apple Cloth*. I Poil de Chevre. 1 „,ns Mohair Stripe*. I Robe* a Laiz. I fIoPS. Poplin*. 1 1 , Challi*' Printed. I * K French Print*. I Grtoof | English Print*. I Fmc Ginghams. r'nnns French Cambric*. 1 lions' French Jaconrtt*. I r rlol'*' Figured Brilliant*, I I.airns, Plain. | £* Lawn*, Printed. SHAWLS. Stella. t Broche, Long. I Broche, Single. I '' Black Silk. Printed Silk. | *** Turkeri. Cashmere, Platn. E A l ''"' Cashmere, Printed. Bl" WHITE GOODS, r GOODS, Irish Linen*. I GOODS, /.men Handkerehiefs. i 1:1 GOODS, Linen Shirt Fronts. GOODS, Mar suite* do. | 'L, GOODS, Swiss Muslin*. I -iiij GOODS, Nainsook Muslin*. f GOODS, Book Muslins. M GOODS, Bishop's Lawns. I ~n GOODS, Cheek Cambrice. i s GOODS, Fsmeralda Swiss. I ijll GOODS, Drapery Musliat. 6 GOODS, Jaconette Muslins. > ijJi GOODS, I ictoria Laws. !. (jrl 'loons. Figured Swiss. [ :-j GOODS, Table Linens. i ton GOODS, Napkins. I-j Goons, Towels. A GOODS, Fmbroidtred Collars. rj GOODS, Fmbroidtred Setis. -r GOODS, Bands and Flouncing*. ■I GOODS, Edgings and Inserting*. GOODS, Lares, Silk. ■t GOODS, Lares, Cotton. i GOODS, I .aces, Thread. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, tantv, I.adies ll'hite Cotton. ■Wv. Indies Unbleached Cotton. feLwr. iMdics Slate Cotton. I par, Indies Mired Cotton. : i.vBV, Indies Black Cotton. Sitsv, Ladies Black Silk. jhiKRY, Misses ll'hite Cotton, vat, Misses Brown Cotton. *B*y, Misses Gray Cotton. -an", Child's ll'hite Cotton. tBV, Child's ll'orsted. f vutr, Mens ll'hite Cotton. :av, Alens Brown Cotton. jrRY, Mens Mired Cotton. Boy's Cotton. .tKY, Child's Cotton. lirw, Bajou's Kid. ..its, Good Kid at 50c. ivw, Indies Silk, Colored. icy s, Ludies Silk, ll'hite. yes, Ladies Silk, Black. iiYfc>, Indies Lisle, all colors. JYE, Ladies Lisle, all qualities. „vks. Ladies Cotton. JYIS, Misses Lisle, all sizes. [. YES, Child's Lisle. U*, Child's Silk. Mens Kid. wh. Mens Silk. >'M, Mens Lisle. '•is, Mens Cotton. • >r ßß, Mens Berlin. -jyb, Mens Leather. MILLINERY GOODS. huNTHY Goods, Bonnets, fcumr Goons, Rushes. huxiiT Goons, Bonnet Ribbons. Luimr Goons, Laces. luisery Goons, Belt Ribbons. litixißV Goons, Velvet Ribbons. tmsEBV GOODS, Flowers. DOMESTICS, wwrics, Shirtings, all qualities. £rric*, Sheetings, all qualities. iejtics, Bleached Goods.all qualities iTIC. Denims, all qualities. •estics, Tickings, all qualities. "'fries, Stripes, all qualities. wetics. Prints, all qualitiss. ®wics, Lancaster Ginghams. "-TICS, Jacquard Diapers. umics, Summer Stuffs. "Ties, Cambrics, '"Tics, Blue Drills, "TICS, Batts. "'TICS, Cotton Yarn. "•TICS, Carpet Warp. WOOLEN GOODS. [" mx Goons, French Cloths, Black. "i.KN Goons, French Cloths, Colored. "UN GOODS, French Doeskins, Black. | us Goons, French Casrimeres, Colored. polkx Goons, Towels, f en Goons, Sattinetts, all prices. ''i.EN Goons, Sattinetts. all colors. i.kn GOODS, Sheep's Greys. US Goons, Cassiuicres. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. eFi rnishisg GOODS, Carpets, Superior. •e Fl'kxisbino GOODS, Carpets, Ingrain. '< 'E Fcrvlsiiino GOODS, Carpets, Venetian. -E Fiknisiiino GOODS, Carpets. Stair. Fi RNismxo GOODS, Oil Cloths. 'E. FCRNISHINO Goons, Rush Mattings. 'S FURNISHING Goons, ' Matrasses. 'E FCRNISHINO Goons, Buff Hollands. •t FCRNISHINO GOODS, Green Hollands. •E FCRNISHINO GOODS, Window Shades, 'F- FI RNisiiiKo Goons, Damasks. ,K f cuv isin no Goons, Table Spread*. 'E FURNISHING GOODS, Table Linens, Wliite. 'E FURNISHING Goons, Tabic T.inens, Brown. -E FURNISHING Goons, Worsted Damasks. I PUNISHING GOOD*, Cotton Damasks. •E 1i HMSHING Goons, Furniture Prints, French. '£ FURNISHING GOODS, Furniture Prints, Common. WALL PAPER, GILT. WALL PAPERS, SATIN. WALL PAPERS, COMMON. WINDOW PAPERS, PLAIN. WINDOW PAPERS, GILT. WINDOW PAPERS, FIGURED. BOOTS AND SHOES. 1 AM ' SHOES, ladies Gaiters, Black. | AMI SHOE*, ladies Gaiters, Colored. * 4SD SHOES, Ladies Gaiters, Congress. [ AXD SHOES, ladies Gaiters, Heels. I . INI> ladies Boots, Sewed. [ AND SHOES, ladies Boots, Pegged, j r ,l* AXI> Sf "Ks. ladies Boots, Heels. ti and SHOES, ladies Buskins. AND SHOES, Ladies Slippers. ... ASD >H " KS . ladies Gai'ters, at 50c. ... *^, u ' " OKB . Misses Gaiters, Black. ' ' Hoes, Misses Gaiters, Colored, rs ivi w HOE *' Misses Morocco Boots. - r' Ino Misses Slippers. ••T* am' Children's Fine Work. • .or* and Ru,Children's Coarse Work. • ots AND s,;,?' Men's Congress Gaiters. "TS AND Sho"' * Hen s Calf Gaiters. [ " rs AND SHORE' Men's Coar-e Brogans. ts AND SHOES' Calf Brogans. AND SHOES , 0 s Morocco Brogans. rs AND Shokr' Coarse Brogans. AND SHOES' Y y Fin ' ! Rro^an ''- T8 AND SHOES' y' .'" Flne Br "g nl '- "y* AND SHOES i • * Coarse Brogrjis. sandshoes.' > ,fß '-ts./ "Ts AND SHOES W 'Fx't®- K ' s Kip Boots. HATS AND CAPS CHEAP' HARDWARE CHEAP*' CROCKERY CHEAP 1 GROCERIES chbap , PAINTS AND Ori.S CHEAP! CHEAP! WOODEN WARE rHEAp , EVERYTHING CHEAP AT wiT" KEVSIOSE SIOBE L Jtlfscrllaiteous. JQ R.PORTEIt'S DRUG STORE IS FULL DR. PORTER S CHEMICAL STORE IS FULL ! DR. PORTER'S APOTHECARY STORK IS FULL 1 DR. PORTER'S OFFICE IS FULL ! OF ALL KINDS OF EVERYTHING ! OF EVERYTHING OF ALL KINDS ! OF EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY ! OF EVERYBODY—FOR ALL THINGS ! CHOICE PERFUMERY AND FANCY GOODS ! CHOICE GOODS AND FANCY PERFUMERY! CHOICE TOILET ARTICLES & FRAGRANT WATERS ROSE, VERBENA, COLOGNE, BAY & LAVENDER! TWINE FOR BROOM MAKERS ! TWINE FOR MAKING BROOMS ! TWINE FOR TYING BROOMS ! GLASS, LEAD, ZINC, OIL AND PUTTY ! VARNISH, BRONZE, GOLD AND SILVER LEAF ! , VERMILLION, OCHRE, UMBER, GREENS A BLACKS! GOOD BURNING FLUID AND CAMPHENE ! GOOD FLUID AND CAMPHENE FOR BURNING ! GOOD FOR BURNING—CAMPHENE AND FLUID ! IMPROVED—NON-EXPLOSIVE—FOR GAS ! 1 FLOWER, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS! FRESH TEA, OI.D COFFEE AND PURE SPICES! GUM DROPS, LIQUORICE AND REFINED CANDY! ALL THE COLORS IN TUBE PAINTS! ALL THE COLORS IN TUBE PAINTS' ALL THE COLORS IN TUBE PAINTS! FISH HOOKS, SNEERS, FLIES AND LINES ! COSMETICS, TEETH AND HAIR PREPARATIONS ! AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND CHINESE RAZORS! ALL THE PATENT POPULAR MEDICINES! ALL THE POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES ! ALL MEDICINES POPULAR AND PATENT ! GUN CAPS, POCKET KNIVES AND SNUFF ! HAVANA, VARA AND PRINCIPE CIGARS! TRUSSES, INSTRUMENTS AND SUPPORTERS! COAL OIL. SPERM OIL AND OIL FOR MACHINES ! PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICINE ! BEAUTIFUL LAMPS FOR FLUID OR KEROSENE! DYE WOODS, DYE STUFFS A FLAVORING EXT'S ! TINCTURES, SYRUPS, SPIRITS, A DECOCTIONS! LIQUORS, GARGLES, LINIMENTS AND LOTIONS! MIXTURES, POWDERS, INFUSIONS A SOLUTIONS! PLASTERS, OINTMENTS, LOZENGES A SALVES! ACIDS, BALSAMS, BARKS, ROOTS AND HERBS! SEEDS, LEAVES, GUMS, EXTRACTS A ESSENCES ! SALTS. WOODS, OILS, RESINS AND FLOWERS ! IN THE SOUTH STORE OF THE WARD HOUSE. MEDICAL ADVICE GIVEN GRATUITOUSLY, AT THE OFFICE IN THE DRUG STORE, BY DR. PORTER! SELLING OFF AT COST ! THESubsoriWr anxioua of closing up bin I)rv Goods business will, after February 6, 1859, sell his entire stock of Dry Goods at the actual City cost, which consists in part of a good assortment of l'rints. Delaines, Merinos, Debegcs, Denims, Ticks, Cloth, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Sheeting, Shirting Stripes. Linseyn, Twills. Jeans .Shawls. Bennetts, Dress Trimmings, Ac., together with a large assortment of Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, and a general assortment of Hard Ware. NO. 3 PATTON'S BLOCK. J. HARVEY PIIINNKY, Jr. Towanda, January 31, 1859. drape Vines and Hot Bed Plants For sale at the Garden of HA.RRY MIX. CENTS EACH. CENTS EACH. Isabella 25 Burgundy 37A Catawba 25 foneord 374 Clinton 25 Rebecca 37l White Sweet Water 37$ Diana 37$ White Isabella. .50 cents each. These varieties of Grape Vines, for our climate, are numbered among the very best, they are hardy, vigorous, and productive, and no fruit more valuable. Every vine is warranted true to name, and to live with proper cul ture. The varieties above mentioned ripening at dif ferent times greatly adds to convenience. CENTS A nnz. CENTS A TMIZ. Early Dutch Cauliflowers. 6 Purple Egg Plants. 10 I.ate " " .0 l.ong " " " ..10 Large Sm'th Tomato Plant*; White " " " ..10 LargcSweet Pepper Plants 10| Early York Cabbage fi Billshapcd " " lOjSweet Potatoes Plants for I sale. All late Cabbage Plants, out door culture, 25 cts. per 100. Celery Plants, from May to the last of July, 25 cts.per 100. Mr. JOHN A. GAMPER will travel through the County for the purpose of selling a few thousand of the above mentioned Grape Vines, all well rooted. Being ex|eri enced and equally interested, he will gladly instruct how to cultivate, Ac. March 1,1859. Fruit and Ornamental Trees. THE undersigned is making arrangements for the roming Spring to supply the people of Brad ford, and adjoining counties, with a choice variety of FRUIT AND ORN AMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS. VINES ROSES AND GREEN HOUSE PLANTS, SPLENID DOUBLE DAHLIAS. Ac. These articles will lie superior to any that has been brought into this section of the State, ail being carefully selected from the best Nurseries, and will be taken up this Spring. My trees will be all freshly taken np. and delivered in fine order for transplanting. Persons living at a distance, that I may n"t call on between now and Spring, can have any of the within named, delivered without extra charge for freight: Apple-trees, Pear, Cherries, Peach or Plumb—Dwarf and Standard. Also all the best Evergreens,such as Norway Snrnce, Balsam or American Fir, Arbor Vita, Tree Ftix. Manonies Ac. Decidnons ornamental trees, European Larch, I/imbar by Poplar, Horse Chestnut, Weeping Trees, Mountain Ash, Ac. Bekkieh —New Rocbelle or Icwton Blackberries by the doz. or 100 plants, Raspberries and Strawberries of all va rieties, at lowest catalogue prices. Post Office address, Towanda, Pa. February 24. 1859. DANIEL HARK INS. nOUSE KEEPING GOODS at regu.ar smash down prices, at MARSH A CO S. ittmhait&Dr, #c. PATTON & PAYNE, Wo. 4, Patton's Block, Towanda, Pa., Have recently added largely to their stock of MISS & MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, FAMILY GROCERIES. They also have constantly on hand FURB WINES AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. FRESH CAMPHENE, At the lowest rates, and BURNING FLUID, of superior quality, manufactured expressly for the gas-jet Fluid Lamps. They also keep all the f'opular PATENT MEDICINES, of the day. Every article going from this store is war ranted as represented, and if any prove different, they will be cheerfully taken back, and the money refunded. J. (J. PATTON'. Towanda, Feb. 1, 1859. Dr. E. I). PAYNE. NEW SPRING GOODS! NEW SPRING GOODS, NEW SPRING GOODS, AT MERCUR'S, AT MERCUR'S, A SPLENDID STOCK, A SPLENDID STOCK, COME AND SEE, COME AND SEE, DRESS GOODS. DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, WHITE GOODS, PRINTS, PRINTS, FANCY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, STAPLE GOODS, STAPi.E GOODS, MTLLINERY GOODS, MILLINERY GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, LACES, LACES, SILKS, SILKS, RIBBONS, RIBBONS, EMBROIDERIES. EMBROIDERIES, SHAWLS, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, MANTILLAS, PARASOLS, PARASOLS, CASS!MERE HATS, SILK HATS, FUR HATS, WOOL HATS, STRAW HATS, CLOTH CAPS, CORDUROY CAPS, CHECK CAPS, MURPHY CAPS, JOCKEY CAPS, AT MERCUR'S, AT MERCUR'S. Towanda, April 6. 1859. GREAT BARGAINS FOR WIISTTErt GOODS! CAN NOW BE HAD AT ROCKWELL'S. THE SUBSCRIBER has still on hand a tine assortment of French and Euglish Merinoes, Plain and Printed DeLaines, Polka, and all wool DeLaiues, Union Plaids, Shawls of all kinds for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, Bonnet Velvets, Winter Trimmings, Ladies Cloth, Woolen and Knit Goods, and many other winter Goods, all of which will lie sold at COST PRICES, for CASH exclu sively. as he wishes to make room for a new and slendid stock of Spring Goods, No. 1, Patton's Block, corner of Main and Bridge streets. February 9. 15;,;.. WM. A. ROCKWELL SPRING GOODS, SPRING GOODS, SPRING GOODS, CHEAP GOODS, CHEAP GOODS, CHEAP GOODS, ALL KINDS OF GOODS, ALL KINDS OF GOODS, ALL KINDS OF GOODS, JUST RECEIVED JUST RECEIVED JUST RECEIVED AT MOXTANYES A CO S. AT MOXTANYES A CO S. AT MOXTANYES A OO'S. WLOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. Towanda, March 21, 1859. SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE IN STITUTE.—The fifteenth term of the above school commenced TUESDAY, March 19. Tuition, fuel and light, and board in the Institute, from $94 to s3* per term of fourteen weeks. Fuel and contingent expenses payable in advance. Washing 3* cents per dozen. Hir No scholar taken for less than half a term. April, 6, 1859. ELECTION. —The Stockholders of the To wanda Bridge Company, are hereby notified that an electio i will be held on MONDAY, the 2nd day of MAY next, at the Toll House in the Borough of Towanda, for the election of a President, Treasurer, and six Managers of said Company. D. F. BARSTOW, Towanda, April 4,1859. Treasurer. PLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED FOR SALE at No. 1 Patton's Block, corner Main and Bridge Sts. WM. A. ROCKWELL. March, 2, 1659. Urgal. CHERIfFS SALE.—By virtue of write k_J of Vend. Expo. issued out of the Court of Coimuom Pleas of Bradford County, to me directed ami delivered, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in the borough of Towatida, 011 THI'ItSDA Y, the 2*th day of APRIL, 1859, at I o'clock, P. M., the following de criled lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Armenia twp., bounded north by the public highway and land cf White head, east by land of Ira Greenleaf, south by land of A.M. Mix, west by land of David Palmer. Containing one hun dred and eighty-three acres, more or less, about twenty five acres improved, one framed house, one framed barn, and a few frujt trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Pomeroy A Co., to the use of Archibald Maynard Vs J. W. Becker. Al,S<)—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Warren two., bounded north by the high way and land of Jacob P. Rogers, the defendant, east by land of Abraham Ward and John Dickenson, south by land of Phillip Rogers, West by land of William Antis dale and the public highway. Containing about forty acres more or less, aliout twenty-four acres improved, one framed house, one framed Run, and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Abbe and Colt vs Jacob P. Rogers. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Smithficld twp., bounded north bv land of lJurlbnrt, east by laud of Allen Va 1 iff and R. M. Killey, south by land of James Woo-I, west by land of T. A. Burl in game. Containing fifty-tliree acres, more or less, about forty acres thereof improved,a framed house, framed barn, an apple orchard and other fruit trees there on. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Merry, TVil helm A Co.. vs Nelson Buiiingame. Also, at the suit of J. H. Webb, now to the use of U. i Mercnr vs Nelson Burl in game. I ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Towanda ltoro, bounded north by lands of j James Mackinaon, east by land of Barclay Railroad A Coal Company, south by land of Win. A. Chamberliri, • west by main street. Containing about eighty-live feet front, by about one hundred and twelve feet deep. | more or less, all improved, one framed dwelling house, one framed building occupied as as blacksmith's shop, | one f-amed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. I AI .SO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate lin Towanda Bom, bounded north by land of J. Adams, east by Main street, sontli by land of John F. Means, and : on the west by an alley, said lot being about fifty-feet ; front by one hundred and thirty feet deep, nil imporved, with a few fruit trees thereon. A I.SO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate | in Towanda Boro, bounded north by land of Edwin Rol ' lin and John H. Badger, east by an alley, south by land | of James Kinsman, west by the highway or Second St. i Containing alsmt lifty feet front and about one hundred and thirty feet deep, all improved, one framed barn, one | framed house, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Tracy A Moore to the use ol It. C. Lockwood vs Adam Esseu ■ wine. Also, at the suit of Secbicli A Ilfrda, now to the use of Job P. Kirby vs Adam Es.venwinc. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Sinitliticld twp., bounded north by land of Tlurlluirt. cast by lai d of Nelson iliirliiigame. south by land of James Wood, west by land of Garner Burliii gaine. Containing fifty-three acres, more or less, about forty acres thereof improved a framed house, a framed ; barn, an apple orchard and other fruit trees tliereou. ! Seized arid taken in execution at the suit of Abirani Pierce vs Otis Pierce and T. A. Bui iingame. ALSO—At the suit of Lyman Pierce vs T. A. Burlin ganie. AIX The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate In Smitlifield twp., bounded north and east by land of G. W. Campbell, south by tlie highway lead ing from near Levi Donahue's by H.Crowrll's, west by the Berwick turnpike. Containing half an are or there abouts, all improved, with a framed house thereon erect- j ed. and a small orchard thereon growing. Sezed and taken in execution at the suit of Daniel For- ! rest, now to the use of James Phillips vs Stephen A. YVul ker. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of 1 land situate in North Towanda twp., bounded north by land of Ferae ■ and Khoderick Granger, west by land of John Dougherty, south by land of 1). M. Bull, cast by I lands of John Brady and Owen Finerty. Containing j about one hundred acres, more or less, about fifty arras j improved, one trained house, two barns, framed shed, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at tiie suit of James El liott, executor of William Gibson, dee'd., to the use of James Van Dyke vs William J. Manger. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of ! land situate in Towanda twp., bounded north by land of 11. H. Mace, Andrew Gregg. Dennis M'Gill and others, east by land of Michael Mitehel, Win. Welsh. Margaret Hartley. Silas Shiner. Daniel Bowman and William Pat ton, south by land of William Patton, west by lands for merly owned by Win. GotT, Win. Gregg, E. W. Cox and Samuel Gilbert. Containing aliout five hundred and six ty-five acres, more or less, about six acres improved, four plauk houses, one log house, one framed barn, one steam sawmili with machinery attached, and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—The undivided one-half of the following lot, piece or parcel of land sit late in Monroe borough, lsuitid- j cd north hy land of J. 11. M. Hiiiman. east and south by : the public highway, west by land formerly belonging to Joseph Griggs. Containing about four acres, more or less, all improved, and fruit trees thereon. ALSO—- One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in j Monroe borough, bounded north by land belonging to the estate of N. I>. Warford, dee'd-, east by the highway, south by land of J.H.Smith, west by land of JmNon Blackmail. Containing about three-fourths of an acre, more or less, all improved, one framed dwelling house, with a store attached, a framed barn, and other out-build ings, and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. H. l'liin ney, Jr., to the use of W. H. Titus A Co., vs 11. S. Phin ney. AI .SO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Towanda tp„ beginning at a stake which stands 15 rods north 6*°. west from a birch stake on j Spring brook, thence south 7o° and 5:1 in in west 'Jut per to a white oak corner, thence by land of William Gregg and others north ls° and 4<> mill west 411 7-10 j per to a post, thence by land of 11. 11. Mace north 72° and 10 min east l'2'.i 8 10 per to a post, thence north 29£° west 0 7-10 per to a post, thence by land of Andrew ! Gregg north 60|°, cast *9 per to a stone heap,thenee by said Gregg's land and laud of Dennis M'Gill south .10°, east 157 per to a yellow pine stump, thence by land of Michael Mitchell south 57° and 50 min west 50 per to a stone heap, thence by land of the same soirtlr 10° 5 min east "20 5-10 per to a post, thence by land of Win. Welch south 7oA°, west 10s per to a white oak corner, thence sonth lo|°, east 140 3-4 per to a stone corner, thence north 7o|°. LOS per to a black oak sapling, thence south 10° and a min east along the line of lands of Shiner and I Mrs. Moulton 05 '2-10 per to a corner, thence north ss° | east along land of said Shiner 10 per. to a stake, tln-nce I by land of Bowman and Patton south 50° east '25(1 0 10 1 per. to a hemlock a corner of land of William I'atton, | thence south o'2°. west about IS rods to a stake and j stones,thenee north '2s° west 14S per. to the place of be- j ginning. Containing about 565 acres, about two acres j improved, with a steam sawmill, four plank houses, one framed barn, and an apple orchard thereon. ALSO—The following described lot, piece orjparcel of land situate in Towanda Boro, bounded north by land of C. N. Shipnian, east by Front street, south by Division ] street, west by land of Daniel and George Mis sly, being I lots No. 48 and 4C, as laid out on the Borough plot ot Hi- j ram Mix. Containing aliout one hundred feet front, and ; running back about one hundred feet, all improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit id William I Patton to the use of Gordon Hewitt vs J. Harvey Pliiu ncy, Jr.. and Henry S. Phinnev. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate iu Leroy twp., bounded north by land of Rus sell Haxton and John Loomis, west by land of John Ilaxtnn, south by land of Ethan Peppers. Izithan An dras and Uriah Clark, east by land of Pearl llaxton. Containing about thirty-nine acres, more or less, about twenty-five acres improved, one frame or plauk house framed barn and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of F. B. fca ton to the use of Ezra Baxter vs E. K. Sabin. ALSO—AII the (left's interest in the following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Standing Stone twp.. | bounded north by land ot John Bishop, east by land of J. j Hnrst.south by land of James Dougherty, west by land of John Hine. Containing alwwt thirty acres, more or less, \ about three acres improved. ASIA)—One other lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in j Standing Stone twp., iMiiiiulcd north by land 1m longing to the estate of Thomas Grace, dee'l., east by land of John Bishop and John H ine. south by land of John Hine, ! west by land of John Swackbammer. Containing aUmt seventy seven acres, more or less, about twenty-five acres ! improved, with a log house, and a few apple trees there- : Oil. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. Gibbs I A Sin vs John Hine. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of i land situate in Standing Stone twp.. bounded north, east and sonth by land of H.W.Tracy.west by land ofG.Dixon. Containing five acres, more or less, all improved, one log house, board shanty and framed barn thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. W. Tra cy to the use of T. T. Weirman vs Horace Wick win. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situato in Wysox twp.,bounded as follows: north by lands of Edward Overton, east by land of E. H. Coolbaogh south by the public highway, west by lands of the State of Pennsylvania, excepting therefrom three small lots! near the western line of the farm, one lot of about one acre belonging to the Bridge Company, one to William Kteler and one to Cornelius Coleman, containing (the three aforesaid lots not included), about forty acre- more or less all improved, t wo framed houses two framed barns and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Tracy A Moore to the use of Job P. Kirby vs N. P. Brown. Also, at the suit of Chester Pierce to the use of W. J. Woodward vs N. P. Brown. ALSO —The following described lot. piece or parcel of laud situate in Bhesliequin twp.. bounded north by lands of Geo. C. Gore, east by the public highway, south by William I,ent and the school house lot, and west by lands of Alfred Gore, containing one half acre be the same more or less, all improved,one framed dwelling house and one shoe shop thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the -nit of Comfort C. Gore to the use of Valentine Smith vs S. J. Is j gg. ALSO—AII the defendant-,' interest in the following described lot, piece or parcel of laud situate in West But- I ftegal. lington twp., bounded north by land of James English, east by Charles R, Scouton and Stewart Anderson, -mi h by land ol \\ illiani 12. Robin-uii, west by the public high way and land of Jaeob Myers, containing one hundred ami fifteen acres more or less, about seventy acres improved one log house, one log bun. and an orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of D. A. A 11. Ro— to the use of John W. Campbell vs Charles Mead. ALSO—The loilowing de-cri)cd lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Ulster twp.. bounded nmth bv land ol Fa n ii el Gal us ha, east by land of H. S. Davidson A Co.. south by lands of John El bree. west by land of John Elsbree. Madison Ro-s and Henry Kitchen, containing fortv eight acres, be the same more or less, about fifteen acres then - of chopped. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Samuel Hunt vs Patrick O'Brien and Abraham Steers. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of laml situate in Canton twp.. bounded north by the public highway, east by land of Eli P. Rockwell, south by land of N. M. and J. S. Reynolds, and E I'. Rockwell, west by the public highway. Containing one fourth of an acre, more or less, all improved, one trained store thereon. ALSO All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Canton twp , bounded north by the public high way, cast by land of Ltckwood and latuglieud, south by land ot lead Wilson, west hy land of C. G. Mauley, X.M. AJ. H. Reynolds, A. H. and K. Case. Containing one half of an acre, more or less, all improved, and one trained house thereon. ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Canton twp., bounded north by land ot Irad Wil son and L. Andrus.east by the public highway leading from Alba to Towanda Creek, south by lard of Mrs. J. J. Reynolds, S. and I>. Cooper and E. Ward, west by land of K. Ward and lrad Wilson. Containing thirty-four acres, more or less, all improved, one framed house, one framed barn, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. ALSO— All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Canton twp., bounded north by land of John Ayres and S. Reynolds, east and south by land of John McDougall, west by land of 11. Tlnclcpangh. Containing ten acres, more or less. Seized and taked in execution at the suit of Stone Starr A Co.. is A. 11. Case and Eli P. Rockwell. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate iu Granville tu p., bounded north by lam' of S. Taylor, cast by land of He man Bush, south by the pub lic highway, west by land of l aac Putnam. Containing fourteen acres, more or less, about seven acres impro ved. 1 ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Franklin twp., iM.unded north by land ot ltrcvtou Baldwin, dee'd., east by the highway and land of Robert Meteor, south by Towanda Creek, west by land of Allen and i\ illiam Rockwell. Containing forty-four acres, nmre or less, about twenty-two ai res improved, one framed bouse and barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Joseph It Roper vs Samuel Shephard. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in South Creek twp., bounded as follows: north by land of Nathan Kliepard, east by land of Joseph Bccmau. south by land of Nicholas and Samuel H. Ingcr so 11, west by land ot Stephen and Alfred Hammond, con taining about fifty and one-half acres, more or less, being lot No. 104 ot the subdivision of the Bingham lands iu South Creek twp., aliout twenty-live acres improved, one lug house with a framed addition,a few fruit trees and an obi log stable thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of David H. Tuthill vs Martin E. Wilson. ALSO The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Wyalu-ing twp.. beginning at a post near a white pine tree, on a line of laud belonging to Justus and Ehenezer Lewis, marked for a corner, thence by land of same west 45 3-10 perches to a tost on a line of the same, thenee by land of the san e north one hnn drt d perches to a po-t, thence east by tin, ,-ame 37 7-10 i perches to a post, thence south forty five degrees, west I fifty-three perches to a frost, thenee south seventy-three I degrees, east -4 6-10 perches to a po-t, thenee south fifty- j three degress, west 57 7-10 perches to the place of begin ning, containing twenty-live acres more or less,about ten I acres improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John W. Cray, Administrator of the estate of Sally Sears, vs. Hiram W. Washburn. ALSO- The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ- j ate in Burlington twp., beginning at a poplar the south wc-t corner of lot No. 274 on warrant lot 4436, thence weston the south line of said warrant two hundred and two perches to a white maple comer, thenee north 79 2-10 pore lies to a post,thence east two hundred and two perches to the west line of said lot No. '274, thence south 79 2-10 perches to the place of iiegiiitiing, containing about one hundred acres more or less, about sixty acres improved, ! with a framed house a framed barn and a young orchard ! of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. I'. Lind say. now to the use of Xatlun Olmstead vs. C. T. Cover dale. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land lifuate in Franklin twp., bounded north and north west by lauds in posses*! , n ( ,f Sainuel Albro.east by land of J-U. Itidgway, south and south-west by the Towanda < reck, containing about three acres, be the same more or lc-s, all improved one frame house, two shanties and slab stable thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Lucieu White vs Clues. Il.iller and William Rose. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Ridgberry twp , bounded north by land of K. Stevens, past by land of James Hapemau, south by land of Alexander Thompson, west by land of Bernet t Wilkinson. Containing forty acres more or less, about ' thirti live acres improved with a few fruit trees thereon. ' Seized and taken in execution at tbe suit of R. C. Liek wood vs Vincent Stevens. ALSO The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp., bounded north by land of James Stanton .east hy lands of Joel Wright and K. Bloom, south by lands of Isaac Williams, west by lands of Eldah Landon and Nathaniel Hickok. containing about forty acres, be the same in re or less, about thirty acres im proved, one framed house one framed baru and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William S. Jaync and Sophia his wife, late Sophia l'ickard. Execu trix of t lie estate of Albert G. l'ickard dee'd vs William 11. Smith. ALSO The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate iu Ulster twp., bounded north by lands of M. Boss, east by lands of H.S.Davidson A Co., south by lands of Geo. Lenox. John Lenox and Daniel Lenox, west by land of William Mounsey. containing ninety acres, he the same more or less, about forty acres thereof improved i with two log houses a framed "ham, a young apple orch ard thereon and other fruit trees. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Mc- | Guffic vs John Elsbree. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Tuscarora twp.. bounded n<>rtli by land ol Abial Keener, c,i.-t by land of Thomas Shaw, south by land ol Hamilton S>Sturdevaut.and west byland of Geo.Du sen bury. Containing about one hundred acres,more or less. ! ALSO One other Int. piece or parcel of land situate in Tuscarora twp., bounded north and east by land of Geo. ; W. Thompson, south by Tuscarora Creek, west byland of Geo. W. Thompson. Containing about one and a half ! acres, more or less, all improved, with one sawmill and machinery attached for manufacturing fence paling, Ac. ; tiurcon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Charles j Frederick Johnson vs I. X. Lacey and William Thump .Still* ALSO The following described lot, piece or parcel of , land situate In Pike twp..bounded north by landofOssian ! Pease. ea*t by land of Almond BeeolierandOssiun Pease, south by land of John Black and Joseph Haieh, wc-t by land of ( aleb l.yon. dee'd., with a road from the south side of said lot to the highway between the lands of John Black and Caleb l.yon. dee'd. Containing one hundred and forty acres, nture or less, about thirty acres thereof improved, with a log house, a framed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of AlbertConk liii v> Alba Tuttlc aml*Wil!iam Humphrey. ALSO —The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Springfield twp.. bounded north by the ; public highway, east by land ot Russell B. Voting, south by land of Lewis Beach, west by laud ot Ambrose Grace, Containing fifty ai res, more or less, about twenty acres ' improved, with a framed house, framed barn and shed, i and orchard of fruit trees thereon. ALSO All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land sit. natc in Springfield twp. bounded north by land of Addi son Brooks, east by land of Hiram Spear, south by land of ' Alanson Cole and Jeremiah Reeser. west by land of Fan ning Cole. Containing one hundred and twenty-four acres more, or less, about twenty acres thereof improved, * and a few fruit trees therecn. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Thomas i Clymer vs James U. Grace and Loren Grace. ALSO- The billowing described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Ulster twp.. bounded north by the Smith- i field Road, east by the public highway leading from To wand i to \thelis. south by land of Uriah Shaw, west I,y land of John Conklin, Containing half an acre, more o'r less, all improved, with a framed tavern house, a framed dwelling house, a framed barn and out-buildings, and fruit tres thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James L. Gorsline, to the use of Gilbert Barret vs Nathan Olm stead. ALSO By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land lying and being in the township of Monroe, bounded as follows : Beginning at a licmlo k on the south side of E. M'Adams' wairant, the corner of land sold to Samuel Owens, and running thence north "2°. east 423 j per along the line of said Owens to a ! post, thence north 4 !{°.ea.*t 195 9-10 per ton post, thence j south k6°, east 44 6-10 per to a post, the north-west oor- 1 iter of Jndson Blackmail's lot, thence by the same south '2°. west 232 per to a white pine, the south-west corner of J. Blackmnn's lot thence north west 52J rods to the place of beginning. Containing three hundred and three acres, more or less. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Robert H. : Corbitt to the use of Arthur Ixtary vs the Susquehanna ; Coal A Iron Company. ALSO By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, on Me chanic's Lien, all that certain two story wooden tmilding situate on the north side of Bine Street, in the Borough of Towaiida, on the plauk road extending out of said ltoro'. said building containing twenty-two feet fronton the plank road, and eighteen feet in depth, together with a one sto ry addition thereto, twenty-two feet in length and ten feet iu depth, and -aid building being built of boards nail ed on vertically, and is situated on a lot of ground con taining nearly one quarter of an a ere .hounded on the south by the plauk nwd. on tW- c.i-t ,ml north hy P F 11. Rtr*- tiw's l4d, on the west iy H. Mercur'a laud, it being UraaL against the ■••id lot of ground, and cnrtilngc appurtenant tisaid building. Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of Carry & lliinnan to the use of John Hiedlrman vs Itobert Gray. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF, Tnwanda. Marrh 3". Ktl Sherif. NOTICK To I'vaeiiakv:km.—To prevent mlauudri stand ing, notice is hereby given that purchasers at Sheriffa sales will Lie required to pay the amount bid at the time the land is -old. It has become imperatively necessary to adopt this nile, and it will be strictly adhered to, ex cept iu eases where the purchaser is a lien creditor and is entitled to the fund is pn viied in the Ist section of the act of Assembly, approved April 20, IMB. which w as follows : " WIIVIH ver the purchasers of real estate at Orphans' Court or Sheriff* sale, shall appear from tho proper record to be entitled, a* n lien creditor, to receivr the whole or any portion of the proceeds of said sale, it shall be the duty of the sheriff, administrator, executor or other person making such sale, to receive the rei-ei|rt of such purchaser or purchasers for the amount which lie or tliey would appear, from the record as aforesaid, to lie entitled to receive : Provided that this section shall not be so construed a to prevent llie right of said Sheriff, administrator, executor or other person aforesaid to de mand and receive at the time of safe a sum sufficient to cover all legal costs entitled to be paid out ot the proceed* ot said sale ; and provided further, that Isd'ore any pur chaser or purchasers shall receive tiie lienetit of thi* sec tion, he or they shall produce to the Sheriff, or other per son so making said-ale, a duly certified statement front 1 the proper records, under the hand and official seal of tho j proper officer, showing that he is a lien creditor, entitled t • receive any part of the proceeds of the sale afore*a said." 4 DMINISTRATOR'B NOTICE—Ntb -ix is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the estate ol JOHN MOORE, late of Pike township, de ceased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all per,on* having demands against said estate, will present theui duly authenticated for settlement. M ARTI.V CODDING,) .. . , April 13. ORIMX MOORE. ( Administrator. A HMIXISTRATUIX'S NOTICE. Nutk-c ax is hereby given, that all persona indebted to tho estate of AXIiIIKtV GIRSOX, dee'd.. late of Ulster, must make immediate payment. and all persons having demands against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. JAXK GIBSON. March, 22.153 D, Administratrix. 4 D.MINISTKATOKS NOTlCE.—Notice ± x. is hereby given that all persons Indebted to the (•*■ titc of MYRON 11. ES'I'KLI,, late ol Franklin township, deceased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having claim* against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. (J. 11. ESTELL. March 22. 18.19. Administrator UWECETOR'S X OTICK —Notice is hereby -1J given, that all persons indebted t<> the estate of ELIZABETH STO TT DO U 01, A SS. late of NorthTowaud* dee'd., ate hereby requested to make payment without delay : and all persons having claims against estate will present them dulv authenticated for settlement. BENJAMIN J. DOUGLASS, Feb. 22. Is.", 9. Executor. A DMIXISTRATOR'S NOTICE. -Notiei J\. is hereby given, that all person* indebted to the estate of JOHN THOMPSON, late of South Creek, dee'd., are hereby requested to make payment without delay : and all persons having claims against the said estate will plea-e present them duly authenticated for settlement. W. V. OUINES, March 22,1859. . Administrator. A DM INISTRATOR'SNOTICE.—Notice X is hereby given, that all persona indebted to tha estate of WILLIAM HARRY, deceased, late of Athens Boro", are requested to make payment without delay j and those having claims against the said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. W.M. H. FHITCHKR, 1 C. W. CLAIM'. f March 22. l®s!0. Administrators. PXECCTOR ; S NOTlCE.—Notice is here- I J hv given that al! persons indebted to the estate of ZKPHfcXIAH KXAPr dee'd., late of Well* twp, must make immediate payment, and ali persons having demand* against said estate, w ill present them duly authenticated for settlement. PETER R. KXAPP, 1 Marrh.39,1859. A. W. KXAI'P, (Executor*. ORPHANS' COURT SALE—Bt virtue of an order of the Orphan*' Court of Bradford coun try will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, the Kith day of APRIL, 1830, at 1 o'clock I*. M.. the following described piece or parcel of land sitmjte in the township of Pike. Ism tided as follows : On the west and north by the public highway,on the east by land of William Buck, on the south of lands of Thomas Brink, dee'd. Containing twenty and a half acres, all improved. To be sold as the estate of Thomas Brink, dee'd. Attendance given, and terms made known on day of sale. P. H. BUCK, Executor. March 13, 13.19. VTOTICE—IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT xs on the tttth day of February, 1818, a petition signed by Geo. P. Cash. James 11. Webb. (>. H. Wat kins and oth er-, of Towanda Borough, in the County of Bradford, was presented to the Court of Common Pleas of said County, praying to he incorporated under the name and style <>f " ALPHA KPSILOX SOCIETY of Towanda Borough," agreeably to the Constitution annexed to said petition. Whereupon the same having been perused and examined by the Court, and the objects, articles, and condition* therein set forth and contained, appearing to bo lawful and not injurious to the community, the Court directed said writing to he liied in the office of the Prothouotary of said Court, and that notice be inserted in one newspa per printed in the County aforesaid, for at loa*t three weeks before the next term, that application ha* been made to said Court to grant said Charter of Incorporation , and, if no sufficient reason is shown to the contrary, the said Court will, on the tlrst day of May Term next, decree that said application be a corporation as prayed for in the petition. PKOTIIONOTARV'S Omen.\ ALT,EN NcKEAN, .Towanda, April 4, ItiH. ( Protlionotary. RE< i ISTER'S N < JHCBB. Notice is here by given, that there have been filed and settled in the office of the Register of Wills, in and for the County of Bradford, accounts of administration upon the follow ing estates, viz : Final account nf Thorna* Park aril John Haddock, ex ecutors of George Haddock, late ol Litchfield, dee'd. Final account of T. T. Brown, administrator of Chari ty Mead, late of Michigan, dee'd. Partial account of S. X. Spalding, administrator of Howard Spalding, late of Troy, dee'd. Final account of O. W. Northrop and J. R. Fletcher, executors of Charles Worden. late of Pike, dee'd. Final account of Orris Frisbie and R. W. McLclland, administrators of George McLclland, late of Canton .dee'd. Final account of Emery Conaut. guardian of Susan L. Corbin. Mary J. Corbin, and Maria I*. Forsyth, formerly Maria D. Corbin, minor children of Charles Corbin, late of Warren, dee'd. I'artial account of Dennison Gregory, guardian of Geo . Dallas Gregory, miuor child of Deborah C. Gregory, late of Pike, dee'd Final account of Mason Pepper and Jerry Pepper, ad ministrators of William Pepper, late of Franklin, dee'd. Final account of .Monro Morse and 0. D. Morse, exec utors of Solomon M rs . late of Troy, dee'd. And the-nine will l>e presented to the Orphan's Court of Bradford County, on Monday, 2d day of May, IS.VJ, for Confirmation and allowance. JtMES IT. WMRB. Register'- Office, March 2s, 1 Register. ORPHANS* COURT SAKE Bjr virtne of an order of the Orphan*' Court of Bradford Coun ty. will tie exposed to public sale, on the premise*, on THURSDAY, the 7th day or APRIL, isio. at 2 o'clock, P. M-. the following property, late the estate of l.nther Chaffee, dee'd.. situate ill Orwell twp.. and bounded and described as follow* : On the north by Morris Woodruff, ea-t by Alliert Omkliti, smith by-——— Bocoher and the highway, and on the smith-wet by the highway from Or well to leliaysville. Containing about thirty acres, with a framed Imuse, flamed liaru, and shed, and an apple or chard thereon. C. O. GRIDLEY, Marh 11. 1 8.19. Administrator. P.i TI'"VKIIK\T. —The almve sale stands adj .urned un t 1 THI Its DA Y. A 1*1! 1 1. 21, 1-59, at the nme place and time of day. C. G. GRIDLEY, April 12. Administrator. Q FECIAL COURT. —Note* w hereby iriv k. J en that a Special ('.nirt of ('mumon Pleas will he held for the County of Bradford, at the Court House in tho Imroiigh of Towanda, commencing on the second Monday ol May next, and to continue for the week if required, at which Hon It. G. WHITE will preside, lor the trial of tho following cause, to wit: Israel Smith v. Samuel Kellum, and others. ALLEN M'KKAN, Prothouotary. Prothouotary'* Office, Feb. 2s, 1359. 4 EDITOR'S NOTICE.— John H*lmt' 1\- usr. vs. J ihn Crolrly. 1 u the Common Picas of Bradford county. No. 111. Dec. Term. Ihit. The undersigned, an Audit -r, appointed by said Court to distribute funds rai-ed by Sheriff's sale of real estate of defend int. w ill attend to the duties of his appointment at hi* office in the Borough of Towandn, on FRIDAY, the 2:th day of APRIL, 15.",:i t at 2 o'clock. P. M., at which time and fdace all person* interested are required to present their claims or else lie forever debarred from said fund. ELIIANAN SMITH. Mic h '-'s, Is", i .tiutitor. rnoWAXDA k BURUXGTOX FLA NX JL ROAD COMPANY.- Tlie stockholders of the To wanda and Burlington Plunk Road Company, are request ed to meet at the office of W. • Bogart, Esq.. in the Bo rough of Tow anda, on TffuitSl' A \ . tlie 2sth day of April, isjii. at 10 o'clock. A. M., to take into consideration tlie condition and future, inatiageinent ol -aid road. M. C. MERtTK. Towanda, April I, Prttidmt.