iicportcr. E. (>. GOODRICH. EDITOR. TOAVANDA : Thursday Morning, April 14, 1859. TftKM*—Onr Dollar per annum, invariably in advance— Four weeks previous to the expiration of a subscription. notice trill he given by a printed wrapper, and if nut re newed, the paper totll in all cases be stojtped. Cu'DMNO—The Reporter trill be tent to Clubs at the fol lowing extremely low rates : 6 eopiet for |5 00 |IS copies for sl2 00 10 copies for 8 00 | 20 eopiet for 15 00 AnVRRTi^KMRVTH —For a septare of ten linet or less, One Dollar for three or less insertions, and twenty-fire cents for each subtequenl insertion. JOB-IYOHK— Executed with accuracy and despatch. am! a reasonable prices—with every facility for doing Books, Blanks, Hand-bills, Bali tickets, 4*r. MONT may be sent by mail, at our risk—enclosed in on envelope, and properly directed, toe will be responsible for its safe delivery. Republican County Meeting. THE REPUBLICANS OF BRADFORD COtNTY an* rrfliirtcrf to aHcni!>le in County Meet- Inn, on MONDAY EVENING, MAY 2, 1*59. fr the pur now of chousing Delegates to represent this county in Bute Convention, to be held at Harrishurg. on the Bth day of June next. \VM. C. HUGART. Chairman County < 'ommittee. STATE CONVENTION. —Tie citizens of Phila delphia ami of the several counties ol' this Commonwealth attached to the People's party, and all others who arc op posed to the unwise and extravagant measures of the Na tional Administration, are requested to send delegates, equal in nutnlier to their representative* in the tleneml Assembly, to a Convention to he held at ILirri-biirs;, on Wednesday the Sth day of June. 1 S.V.I. to nominate candi date* for Auditor General and Surveyor General, to be vo ted for at the General Election in next October. HENKV M. FI 1.1.EU, C'liairman. WM. R. MANN. Sec. CANAL DAMAGE BILL PASSED ! The bill for the assessment and recovery of damages upon the North Branch Canal, which wo announced last week, as having been lost in the Senate by a tie vote, was afterwards taken up, reconsidered, and passed, in a shape which it was supposed would be acceptable to all the parties concerned. In the House, how ever, it failed, and Committees of Conference were appointed in each house, who agreed up on a bill which was passed through both branches of the Legislature. The following is a brief synopsis of the most important provisions of the bill, which we shall publish in full next week : It provides that the Courts shall appoint three appraisers, who af ter giving the necessary notice shall proceed to assess damages, Ac., and file their reports in the Prothonotary's office, from which report ei ther party may appeal within twenty days up on giving security for costs, and the Court shall then appoint seven disinterested persons, who shall proceed to re-examine and re-assess damages and muke report to the Court; upon which report, if approved by the Court, final judgment shall be entered, ami if not approved, an issue shall be formed, ami proceedings had as though the case had originally been brought in said Court, security for costs being given in the same manner ai.d like effect as is now pro vided for in cases of appeal from award of ar bitrators. SENATOR MYER'S SPEECH. On our outside will be found the remarks of Senator MYF.B, made upon the consideration of a bin to prevent the waiving of the S3OO ex emption law. Whatever may be thought of the propriety of the proposed measure, all will agree that the Senator is sincere and honest in the purposo he is seeking to accomplish, while the speech displays a profound knowledge of the history of the legislation of the State upon the subject of exemptions. Some misapprehension has existed in regard to the object of the bill concerning exemptions, which a perusal of his speech will correct, and show that Mr. MYER has only had at heart the interests of those who are liable to come within the provisions of the law. It is a point involv ing much controversy how far the poor man would be benefitted by the enactment of a law which deprives him of the privilege of waiving the exemption act—a point upon which men may honestly differ. It is certain, that in this section the law is almost nugatory, from the fact that almost all business is transacted by means of notes waiving the right to exemption laws. How far it may be the dnty of the Leg islature to interfere in behalf of the family of the debtor, is a nice point, upon which there will be, necessarily, a difference of opinion.— The Senator has certainly given a faithful, though wofnl account of the evils likely to re sult from placing debtors in the poicer of the Shylocks of the present day, and he should have credit for his earnest efforts to abate the evils which he deprecates. fcarThe four murderers, GASIIIRII.L, CROTPS, CORRIR and CY PHl's, were hung in Baltimore Friday. An immense concourse of people witnessed the executions. All the prisoners exhibited great nerve. CAMBRILL and CYPHCS asserted their innocence to the last but CIIOPPS left a note in the hands of the officiating clergy man, to be opened after his death, in which he confessed the shooting of Officer Rmno.v, nnd expressed himself repentant. CORKIE said noth ing whatever relative to his guilt or iunoccnce. The negro DANIEL WEBSTER, whse case has created a sensation in Philadelphia, is on his way to Canada, his friends fearing his reurrest if he remained in Philadelphia. FCS- Deputy United States Marshal TYI.ER, convicted of manslaughter, at Detroit, for shooting a ship captain, has been sentenced to imprisoumeut for 30 days and" a fine of sl. 1 he Court, in passing sentence, observed that the verdict was substantially one of acquittal, aad graduated the scntcuce accordingly. REPUBLICAN TRIUMPHS. Since our last isue, we have reports of sev eral Republican triumphs, occnrring at elec tions held on Monday, the 4th inst. CONNECTI err was looked to with much interest. Strong (ffurts were made to divide the Republican party so as to secure the election of Lecomp ton Congressmen. The result is a glorious Republican victory. Thf State ticket, with the Legislature, and all four members of Con gress are Republican. WISCONSIN elects a Republican Supreme Judge by about 5000 majority, showing that that State is sound. L'TISVIM.E, elected an Oppo ition Mayor, and has chosen a Council composed of eighteen Opposition ana six Democrat members. ST. Lons held an election for municipal officers. Filley, the Republican candidate, was elected Mayor by a majority of 2,500 over Bogy, Democrat, and 4,500 over Wyman, American. The whole City ticket and a majori ty of the Common Council are Republicans. CI.EVEI.ANP, chose Scnter, a Republican, Mayor, and elected the Republican ticket. MICHIGAN held an election for Chief Justice which resulted in the choice of George Martin, the Republican candidate, by over 10,000 ma jority. RHODE ISLAND, on the fith, elected the Re publican State Ticket, and a large majority of the Legislature, one Republican Congressman, nnd will undoubtedly elect a sccoud of the same faith. SICKLES' TRIAL. The trial of Hon. DANIEL K SICKLES for the shooting of KEY commenced at Washing ton on the 4th inst. Several days were con sumed in procuring a jnrv, on account of a sympathy with the accused, and the application by the District Attorney of an ancient law requiring a juryman to be worth SBOO. The evidence for the prosecution does not disclose any new facts. The witnesses are very con tradictory in their statements of the occurrence, as to the position of the parties kc. The defence was opened by JOHN GRAHAM, of New York, on Saturday. It is evidently the intention of the defence to show that KEY was armed, and fired at SICKLES, and also, if possible, to introduce the criminal connexion between Mrs. S. and KEY, as justification.— The trial will probably not be concluded be fore Saturday. FOREIGN NEWS. —The steamship Canada, of the Cuuard line, arrived Friday at Halifax, bringing European advices to March 26. The news is interesting. The rumor of an early meeting of a general Congress is confirmed, with the auspicious fact in addition, that Austria has consented to participate It is stated that Prince NAPOLEON is to represent France, a nomination that would seem to bode ill for a pacific determination. Count CAVOVR, the Sardinian Premier, had arrived in Paris. The Reform bill was still under discussion in the British House of Commons. There ap peared to be little doubt of the success of Lord JOHN RCSSKLL'S amendments; but it was also believed that to save the Ministry Lord PAL MERSTOX and his friends would sustain the second reading of the bill. An interesting Ministerial explanation had been made in the Spauish Cortes, in reference to the subject of Cuba.— After stating the general direction of the Gov ernment policy in ameliorating the condition of the island, the Minister of Foreign Affairs begged his remarks to be accepted in lieu of of the documentary matter called for, as very little of such matter existed, and the question *' was almost terminated.'' The general uews from the Continent is without interest. fcj?" A verdict for $7,000 has been obtain ed at Burlington, Yt., against the Vermont and Canada Railroad Company, in a suit brought by the administrator of Mr. EBKN X. FRENCH, who was killed by the explosion of a locomo tive on the road in July, 1855. The suit was brought in behalf of the family of deceased.— The Jury gave the verdict ou the ground that the Company was guilty of culpable negligence in permitting the locomotive to be run when in an unsafe condition. In the Eliot School Case, in Boston, in which Mr. M. FTCOOK, teacher, was sued for committing an assault and battery on the boy THOMAS J. WAIX, Judge MAINE rendered a decision ordering the discharge of Mr. COOK. The Judge held that the mind of the boy had been prepared for insubordination and revolt by the instructions of his father and the priest and that the punishment was not excessive under the circumstances. FUGITIVE SI.AVF. CASE.— We published, last week, the arrest at Ilarrisburg, of an alleged fugitive slave, who was hurried off to Phila delphia, for trial before the Slave Commission er. The case created intense excitement in that city, and was finally decided by the dis charge of the negro. CaT" We see by the Adrertisrr that, on Sun day evening of last week, while James McCarty was quietly wending his way along one of the streets of Elmira, he was suddenly kuocked down by a colored man, when another colored man stabbed him four or five times about the breast and shoulders, inflicting several ugly wounds, among them oue in the neck. During the scuflic which ensued, he managed to get possession of a hat belonging to one of the vidians which led to their detection. They would have probably killed him, had not his outcries attracted the attention of a person, upon whose approach the negroes ran, and though hotly pursued, made such good time as to escape. One of the negro ruffians was arrested 011 Wednesday. The other negro en gaged in the affray, has succeeded iu keeping out of the way of the officers. LOCAL AND GENERAL. ftayln the time table of the X. Y. & E. R.R.' as published last week, the Dunkirk Express going west, was put down as not stopping at Waverly. This was ; changed after running two days, and that train now stops at Waverly. at 3.02, P. M. Persons le ving New York in 1 the morning, can reach this place the same da}*, by tak | ing that train. iST'The late dismissal by the Postmaster General, of a numler of special mail agent*, did not affect Col BI LL. His district will be Northern Pennsylvania, Southern New York, and the State of New Jersey. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. —We continue our list of Township Officers from last week's Reporter. It is not possible for ns to determine with certainty the number of School Directors and Road Commissioners elected, ill ev ery instance, and if we l>cstow those honors on persons not legally entitled to them, they will please excuse us. Rome - Judge of Elections, Reuben Vought: Inspec tors, Thomas Vancise, E. M. Towner; Road Commission ers, W. W. Wood burn, John A. Moody ; Auditor, Win. McCabe ; School Directors, E. A. Ridgway, J. S Parker, Asa Fuller; Assessor, John Vought; Constable, H. W. Drowning ; Treasurer, J. L. Barnes ; Clerk, K. W. May nard. Shesheeptin —Judge, Horace Kinney ; Inspectors, Elias Ball, 1.. P. Horton ; Road Commissioner, Z. B. Spalding : Auditor, Jabez Tomkins ; Justices of the Peace, Martin Rogers, C. H. Ames ; School Directors, Wni. Delpeuch, Wm. Snyder, Jr.; Assessor, Abijah Mead; Constable, John Brink : Treasurer, Geo. C. Gore ; Clerk, O. Gore. Sylrania Brno 1 Judge, L. N. Tinkham ; Inspectors, Horatio Allen, S. I). Goodrich ; Overseers of Poor, Henry Card, James H. Nash : Auditor, E. G. Tracy : Justices, N. H. McCollum, Peter Munroe ; School Directors, Peleg Peck, Hezekiah Peck; Assessor, Peleg Peck, Jr.; Con stable, L. 1,. Gregory ; Burgess, Curtis Merritt: Council, N. 11. McCollum, Peter Monroe, Silas Smith, L. L. Greg ory. Smithfield. —Judge, W. 11. Phelps ; Inspectors, John 11. Chapel, Orville Kellogg; Road Commissioner, Samuel Gates; Auditor, Harry Durfey; Justice, Augustus Phelps; School Directors, John Smith, Jr.., James Fritcher, A. E. Child, Israel Phillips, Buckley Tracey ; Assessor, E.G. Durfey; Constable, T. J. Wheeler ; Treasurer, John I. Sconton ; Clerk, S. R. Crane. Springfield —Judge, Curtis P.Fuller : Inspectors. .Inn. W. Hoggins. Robert Allen; Road Commissioners, John X Cooley, N. S. Hosley ; Justices, 0. A. Vincent, S. D. Harkness ; School Directors, I). H. Brooks, Woodward Berray, Jr.; Assessor, B.K. Adams ; Constable, A. West brook : Treasurer, Francis Itipley ; Clerk.lrvine Burgess. Stamling Stone Judge, B. W. Ennis ; Inspectors, W. 11. Gordon, Jared Hart ; Road Commissioner, Charles Roof; Auditor, F. S. Whitman; Justice, George A. Stephens ; School Directors, George Stevens, George E. Van nest; Assessor, F.S.Whitman ; Constable, Nathaniel Moger ; Treasurer, A. C. Stevens ; Clerk, Asa Stevens. South Creek —Judge, John Dean ; Inspectors, Joseph Dunham, Heman Lewis ; Road Commissioner, S. B. I'et tingill ; Auditor, Cyrus Berk ; Justice, Linus Williams ; School Directors, Ransom Tanner, D. If. Gillett; Asses sor, Wlll.J.Evans; Constable, Ira Crane; Treasurer, Jesse More; Clerk, John F. Gillett. Tusearora —Judge, John Clapper ; Inspectors, C. H Johnson. Reuben Madison; Auditor, N.I. Coggswell; School Directors. Levi Wells, Theodore Silvara; Assessor, Belbec Wood ; Constable A.J. Silvara ; Treasurer, James Black ; Clerk, George P. Taylor. Toiranda Tirp —Judge, Harry Scoville ; Inspectors/"}. 1). Mace, J.L. Bowman ; Road Commissioner, WAV. Deck er ; Auditor, E. W. Hale ; School Directors, H. L. Scott, A. It. Bowman, Daniel Decker ; Assessor. Samuel Dirn miek ; Constable H. M. Goff; Treasurer, L. D. Bowman; Clerk, Miller Fox. .North Towanda —Judge, Jesse Woodruff; Inspectors, W. W. Eastabrooks, I. H. Stephens ; Road Commissioner Wm. Barnes ; Auditor, J. C. Adams ; School Directors, W. W. Eastahrooks, I. 11. Stephens ; Assessor, M. H. Alloway ; Constable, Chester Bennett; Treasurer, W. 11. Foster; Clerk, Wm.Sluyter. Towanda Borough Judge, B. F. Powell : Inspectors, James H. Nevins, Geo. P. Cash ; High Constable, G. 11. Eaton ; Auditor, O. I). Bartlett; Justice, N. N. Betts ; School Directors, W. C. Bogart, E. H. Mason : Assessor, W. C. Bogart: Constable, A. J. Noble ; Overseers of the Poor. Wm. Mix, C. K. I,adU ; Town Council, Wm.Elwell, E. O. Goodrich, Harry Mix. Troy, Tirp —Judge, Martin Rockwell; Inspectors.Jas. Taylor. Uel Porter; Road Commissioner, John McKean ; Auditor, Archibald Maynard; Justice, Lewis P Williams; School Directors, Alfred Parsons, Amos Price, E. Loomis; Assessor, Darius Manley : Constable, H. N. Fish ; Treas urer, Chas. Strait; Clerk, L. T. Loomis. Troy Rorough. —Judge, Harmon Huntingdon ; Inspec tors, John H. Grant, Austin Mitchell; Town Council, John E. Goodrich, D. W. C. Uerrick, C. F, Sayles, B. S. Dartt; School Directors, C. C. Paine, E B. Parsons, B.S. Dartt; Assessor, N.M. Carnochan ; Constable, E.C. Wil j liams ; Burgess, Horace I'omeroy ; Auditor, L. A.Sayles; Overseers of the Poor, Wm. Morgan, Andrew Case. Ulster.— Judge, John Mather ; Inspectors, C. W. Hol comb, A. P. Shaw ; Road Commissioner, Chauncey Rock well ; Auditor. R. McKinney ; Justice, Thomas Mather ; School Directors, Chauncey Rockwell, R. McKinney ; As sessor, B. W. Itusscll; Constable, George W. Nichols ; Treasurer, Edward Walker; Clerk, S. C. Hovey. Warren.—Judge, A. D. Corbin ; Inspectors, Jno.Sleep. cr, O. P. Taylor; Itoad Commissioner, H. P. Taylor ; Auditor, J. J. Corbin ; School Directors, Ira W. Corbin, J. H. Carey ; Assessor. Harrison Whittaker ; Constable, Itobett S. Corbin ; Treasurer, John W. Murphy ; Clerk, H. C. Allyn. Witmot —Judge, R. M. Dodge ; Inspectors, A.W. Bart lett, Joseph Asheraft: Road Commissioners, Elmore Hor ton. J. C. Crandall ; Auditors, D. H. Corbin, Aaron Per ron, John Voce; Justice, Samuel Norkonk ; School Di rectors, Wm. Norkonk, Reuben Barnes, Wm. Passmore, Panl Quick, Elmore Horton ; Assessor, Wm. F. Grant ; Constable, B. P. Ingham ; Treasurer, Joseph Gamble ; Clerk, A. J. Stone. Well*. —Judge, Elijah Ferguson ; Inspectors, Moses J. Carr, Humphrey Wilson ; Road Commissioner, James J. Osgood ; Auditor, A. Swayze ; School Directors, John A. Roy, Humphrey Mosher, E. E. Dillison, C. C. Updyke; Assessor, James Wilson ; Constable, Wm. Bcekwith ; Treasurer, R. R. Beckwith ; Clerk, John W. Pellet. IVindham. —Judge, Charles Washburn ; Inspectors, W. Doane, Nelson Loomis ; Itoad Commissioners. Stephen Morey, Loren Pear ; Auditor, Silas D. White : School Di | rectors, J. B. G. Itabcock, H. Darling, James Olmsted, Austin Elsworth ; Assessor, Wilsey Rogers; Constable, J. W. Warner ; Treasurer, N. C. Elsbree ; Clerk, Samuel Kuykendall. Wyatusing —Judge, C. J. Homet; Inspectors, Charles Biles, G.R. Acroyd ; Road Commissioner, Ransom Fuller; Auditor, John A. Bailey ; School Directors, J. D. Camp, George Summer ; Assessor, Jonathan Homet ; Constable, James Lewis ; Treasurer, J. F. Chamberlain ; Clerk, J.V. X. Biles. IVysox.—JnAfp, C. J. Owens ; Inspectors, C.U.Shores James Khultz ; Road Commissioners, G. King, John Al len ; Auditor, L.S.Case; School Directors, Joseph Smith Geo. Gard ; Assessor, H. Strope ; Constable, J. B. Hinds: Treasurer, W. A. Benedict; Clerk, I. P. Spalding. Itey-Tlie School Directors of the several townships should not forget, that their annual reports are to be forwarded to the County Superintendent by the Ist day of June. The department is determined to be more particular in regard to this matter than it has hitherto been. The four months certificates should be sent in as soon as possible, so that the Treasurers may draw the State Appropriation, and be prepared to pay off the or ders for the winter schools. It is hopes! that those docu • ments will be forthcoming without delay. DISTRESSING ACCIDENT.—A daughter of A. J. XOBI.K, of this place, aged about three years, was on Tnos day. severely scalded by accidentally falling into a pail of hot water. S&- A miner named JOHN FERRITOR was ladly injnred at Barclay last week, hy the falling in of the roof of the " breast'' in which ha was mining. FROM HA RRI [Correspondence of the Bradford Reporter.] lLuuusitiKO, April 7,1659. I Mr. E. 0. GOODRICH :—On Saturday morn -1 ing, the lstinst., an alleged fugitive slave was ' arrested in the public market of this borough, handcuffed and hurried off to Philadelphia, for trial before a slave commissioner. The ne ■ groes name was DAW DANGERFIEI.D. TheDe • puty Marshal who arrested him was the noto ' rious JENKINS, who tried a few years ago to arrest a fugitive at VVilkesbarre, and came near killing him by shooting him while in the river. t The crowd present were quieted by the alloga r tiou that they were arresting him for murder. Great excitement ensued when the cheat was discovered, but it was too late to render assis tance. DAN has lived iu this town about seven years has a wife, married here, and has buried his only two children, the last one a few days ago. His trial at Philadelphia caused the most intense excitement in that city, and has resulted iu the negro's discharge. The war rant claimed that he escaped from Virginia four years ago, while he proved that he had been iu this State over six years. "Whether they got the wrong darkey, or did not keep the record right, is a matter of little conse quence now. The excitement has resulted in reducing the colored population in this town. The FRY divorce case has not yet passed to a vote in the House. There are certainly two sides to the case, and the vote will be close.— It is claimed on one side that every public con sideration, as well as the interests of the par tics themselves, require the divorce to be grant ed. Ou the other side it is said that if they are divorced, it will be at the expense of his character. Mr. GRIGG, the father of Mrs. FRY, was at great expense in procuring learn ed counsel from Ohio, and in hiring newspaper columns, through which, to mould public opin ion. FRY has been equally vigilant, but has less money to spend iu that way. While Miss Gossip would insinuate that money is used in such cases among Legislators, I am satisfied j that however much may be used, the members | never see a cent of it. The article is used in ■ an entirely different way, and a pressure is brought to bear upon the legislature by borers ' who are hired for tiiat purpose. The method • j of forcing bills through the Legislature would form a very queer chapter in political history, , : and may some day be written. , Ihe supplement to the exemption laws pas • sed finally, and simply allows the debtor to re tain the S3OO, now exempt, " out of any bar.k . 1 notes, money, stocks, judgments, or other in • debtedness." The section making that sum i permaneut, and depriving the party of the i right of waiving it, was stricken out in the , | House and the Senate concurred. r ; The Free Hanking Bill has finally received [ | its quietus in the House by a vote of 31 yeas . j to 54 nays. The bill to change the tax on trades, pro ' fessions and occupations, from one dollar to : | fifty cents, for school purposes, has been about •! killed in the House. The law as it is now con strued by the School Department, is equivalent ; to levying a specific tax of one dollar on every • taxable inhabitant in the Commonwealth, and | j it is causing much annoyance arid difficulty all ; 1 over the State. The present bill proposed to • | bring it back to the act of 1854, which gave I more general satisfaction. , i The bill to give Justices, with a jury of five, . power to hear and determine finally, crimes of • a certain character has passed the House by a . vote of 34 to 20. It applies to about twenty couuties—Bradford among them. I would give you a synopsis of the bill, if there was any . prospect of its becoming a law. The bill for fencing the Williamsport & EL ' roira It,. It. lies dead in the Senate. From a careful polling of the Seuate it was found that ; it could not be passed, or eveu reconsidered, • and so no attempt has been made to reconsider it. How long must people suffer these evils and annoyances, simply because the railroads • control legislation. The act to incorporate the Towanda Gas . and Water Company has passed both Houses. Au act to legalize the township election in ; Terry town has also passed. The General Appropriation Bill has been ! returned from the Senate with many amend | ments, about half of which have been concur . red in by the House. The rest of them go to : a committee of conference. It will not require much time to adjust it. A bill to reduce the State tax from two and - a half mills to two mills, passed the House > unanimously. This was decidedly a vote for [ bunkum, and should the Senate "do likewise" it will be regretted, for in less than two years the Legislature will be compelled to raise it again, or let the State debt remain undimini , shed. Woe to the man that should hereafter ■ vote to increase the State tax. The Personal Liberty Bill, which prohibits . the use of our jails for securing fugitive slaves, i and forbids persons holding office under the : State to aid or assist in capturing or returning them, was made the special order for Wedues- I day eveuiug, the sth, but a majority of the , House which did not like to face the music, t contrived to crowd other business into its place I so it was not considered, and many speeches, ; no doubt, were badly spoiled. The Damage Bill is now being hawked about between the House and Senate on two or three very important points The principal ones are the trial by jury and the statute of limitations. Its fate is hardly foreshadowed yet. The trial by jury would have been comparatively safe had there been less excitement at home upon the subject. The impression here seeuis to be, that the entire counties through which the ca nals pass are iu a state of wild excitement up on the subject, and that a trial by jury, under such a state of feeling, would be unsafe. Some men have zeal without knowledge. I have just lime to say that the difference between the two Houses is reduced to one point, viz: the statute of limitations, and that is in a fair way of being adjusted. Bills are now being passed through both branches with inconsiderate haste. The con sideration they receive is abont equivalent to the Clerk's marching through the Hall with them pinned to his coat tail. The Legislature is not unlike the boy who played in the forenoon and tried to do his stint in the afternoon. Philadelphia still has the floor. Yours, truly, PETER KLAUS. DESPERATE AFFAIR NEAR MARIETTA—AT TEMITBD MURDER — THE ASSAILANT KILLED. — The Lancaster Express of last evening gives an account of a desperate affair, which occur red op. Thursday, 011 the canal near Marietta. A canal boat was passing up the canal with about one hundred and fifty passengers, who were asleep in their banks at the time the fracas commenced. Henry Pierce, a colored desperado, who has been twice in prison, and was concerned in the Sebastian murder, with out any apparent cause, commenced firing a revolver in the boat. This unusual proceed ing waked up Franklin Mosey, an assistant constable and pilot of Marietta, who threw his feet out of his bunk, and asked what he (Pierce) was about. The reply was, " look out! Pse comin at you again," and another shot followed,which took effect in Mosey's leg. The affair having now assumed a serious aspect, other parties were aroused and an attempt made to secure Pierce, who fought like a tiger and the revolver was not secured until he had discharged four balls, and was too weak to resist any longer. He was terribly beaten, and was taken to the York county prison, where he has since died of his injuries. A RUSH FOR THE WESTERN GOLD MINES.— A correspondent of the Cincinnati Times who has just returned from Kansas, says the river towns in Kansas and Nebraska are now crowd ed with strangers of every nation, tribe and people, wandering about with a forlorn look, bearing rifles on their shoulders, and making enquiries in regard to routes to the mines, out fits, &c. All the hotels are crowded to reple tion, and every Western train and steamboat is filled with people. Trains are now starting daily for every important town on the Missouri river, in lowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri. While traveling five or six miles on the great Military Road leading from Fort Leavenworth to Fort Laramie, recently, he met four trains on route for the mines. In two of them the wagons were drawn by mules and oxen ; in the third-eight men were attached to a hand cart, which contained their outfits, and was so con structed as to float over the streams. They designed to draw it the whole distance—2ooo miles to Pike's Peak. The fourth was composed entirely of pedestrians, with their packs upon their shoulders. What will not mendo for gold ? A Bill appropriating $5,000 for exam ining the extension of the Chenango Canal 011 to Athens, Pcnn'a., the New York lias passed both branches of Legislature. The provisions of this act require the ground to be surveyed and examined, and the tost of running a ca nal through the same estimated. If this bill becomes a law, as we presume it will, nothing more being required but the Governor's signa ture, the survey and estimate will be made and reported at the next session, when immediate measures will be taken for a speedy completion —conrecting the North Branch with Canals of New-York at an important poiut.— Waverly Advocate. THE mo. SHIP A HUMBUG. —Some of the English journals indulge in the most extrava gant anticipations of the exploits to be per formed by the mammoth steamship Great Eastern, particularly in time of war. She is first pronounced capable of sinking whole fleets by the fire of her batteries, and also by running them down. Then she is capable of landing an army of ten thousand men, who, in the language of the Illustrated Xrws, can be peifected in drill on board during the passage, and be ready "to step from the deck to the field." The Boston Traceller says : " All this may be realized, but we appre hend there will be found some difficulties in the way. What, if in a violent storm in mid ocean, the great steamship becomes unmanagea ble and goes down with all her living freight of 10,000 men ? As to an army ' stepping from her decks to the field,' there will be few har bors in the world where she can take refuge, and her men will have to be landed, in boats, which will be as much exposed to fire from the shore as any boats coming from smaller vessels. There are few beaches where a landing can be effected which can be approach ed by her within several miles. As to runn ing down and sinking every vessel which she sees, the low and stroug prow of a much smal ler vessel, striking the great hull of the mighty steamer at the water line, may do her some fatal injury ; and it may be found that she is not so easily and readily haudled as to bo available for all the deadly purposes which are contemplated." TV HEAT IN* ILLINOIS. —A man who travelled last week through six counties in Central Illinois, reports to the Chicago Tribune that Winter wheat promises to make a fine crop, and that the farmers feel greatly encouraged at the prospect. The Cariinville Democrat says of the wheat in that portion of the State (near the capital) that the crop will be little short of an average crop, although the breadth of wheat sown last Fall was much less thun usual. {feaT* Four persons of a family named POTTER, were burned to death in the house occupied by them in Lee, Me., on Wednesday night. DIED, In Springfield. April sth, ADDI X. VINCENT, in the 72d year of his age. PEAS, BEANS AND SEEDS.— FieId Peas, Blaekeyed Peas, Marrow Beans, Button Onions, Onion Setts, and a choice selection of Garden Seeds at April 12. FOX'S. DUNPnPTG . POWFU QHERIFI- 8 SALES.—By virtue of Fundrv kJ writs of Vend. Expo, issued out of the Court of mon Pleas of Bradford County, to me directed and deli?' ered, will he exposed to public sale, at the Court H,„ in the Borough of T-.wanda, on FRIDAY the <;th h1! ; MAY. 1-SJ, at 1 o'clock. P.M.. the following 1 lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Monroe bom ed north by a lot belonging to the Baptist Church J,i burying ground, east by land of J. B. Hinman south h. land of Mrs. J. H. Phinney and Jedson Blackman by land of Jedson Blackmail and the state rmd. C tai.iing abo.it 12,71s so..are feet, more or less, .11 imp £ vod, with one framed shed thereon. * Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Brown A Rockwell vs H. K. Fowler. A LSl)—The following described lot. piece nr parcel of land situate in Rome twp., bounded north bv land of V than Stafford, ca-t by unseated lands, warrantee nameun known, south by land of Isaac Decker and John IWsmnre west hv land in possession of Vincent (Sibbs. Containimr' about forty-eight acres, more or less, about forty sere, improved, one framed bam, one framed shed, and corn i house, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Harris A i Page, to the use of F.N. Page vs Marsena K. Drake ! A LSO— The following descrilied lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Burlington twp., hounded north by land of , Karl Nichols, east by laud of Morgan Waters, south by J land of fallen Nichols and Morgan Watera, west by the ■ public highway. Containing fifty acres, more or Irs. 1 about thirty-eight acre- improved, one framed house on. i framed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit ; uate in Burlington twp., bounded north by land of In ! Weed and Irenw Randall. east by land of Strope and Edward Overt on, sonth by land of Edward Overton and John Leavitt, west by land of James NichuLs and Ed ward Overton. Containing ninety-eight acres, more or less. Seized and taken in execniion at the suit of J. H. Pliin. ney A Co., to the use of Richard Patrick assignee uf J.C. Meeker A Perkins Vs William Mead. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situatt in Canton twp., bounded as follows : Ik-gin ning on the west line of land owned by William H.Smith at the southeast corner of X. 11. Hitlnk's farm, and run ning thence south 21° west along the west line of land of said Smith and Isaac Williams 61 per to the northeast corner of Wm. Fitzwater's lot, and thence north fi-j° west along the north line of said Fitzwater's land and land of Wm. S. Fellows 252 per to a stake and stooei standing on the east line of land of J.ired and Jacob Beard-ley, thence north 2J° east along said lieardsley's line I 2-lOper to a stake and stones standing on the south west corner of Myron Fellows land, thence north "St 3 east 112 per t i the west line of X. H, Hickok's land, then e south 2£° west along the west line of said Hickok's land to the southwest corner of said Hickok's land, thence south CBJ° east along said Hickok's south line to the place of beginning. Containing seventy-seven acres and seventy-five perches, more or less, about forty acres im proved, one barn, a framed house and a log house, and an apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Chester Thomas and O. P. Ballard, to the use of O. P. Ballard TS George P. Channel!. Al,K()—The following described lot. piece or parrel of land situate in Shesheoain twp., bounded as follows : Be ginning at a chestnut, the southeast corner of K. Chan filer's lot. thence east 7S per to the southwest corner of a lot deeded from De C'ater's to Truman Willoby. then re north 171 0-10 per to a post for a corner, tiieuce south 31 per to a dogwood for a corner, thence east 42 per to a chestnut for a corner, thence smith 13s avid Barber vs Chester Thomas. Benjamin Northrop vs Kichard Lyon. Barclay Railroad A- Coal Co. vs Abrara Edwards. Clarrissa ('.race's ailm'rs vs Edward Maliood. E J Rineheart vs Otis P Lyon. Davis Fiztsimmoos vs Amos Knapp, Jr. T B Bnck vs fsaac Palmer. same same. Woodruff A- l.ewis vs Empire Insurance Co. Archibald Forbes vs Win Gibson's ev'rs. Benjamin Vaughn vs Charles Hinderer, et al. Daniel Sweeny vs Abijah Parks. Benjamin Buniham's use vs Isaac Walters. Israel Smith vs Samuel Kellum, 2d. Adaline P> Morlev vs It W Coolbnagh.et al. Samuel C Means > use vs Horace Wiliey, et al. Elijah Horton vs Henry P Shaffer. Martha Stowell's trustee vs John A Codding, et al. J J Boswell's use vs Rollin Wilcox. Jesse Spaulding vs Orson Rickey. same vs John Arthur. John C Parks vs John Moore. Benjamin F Taylor, et al vs Martin Wilcox. Job P Kirby vs Jesse Spaulding. William A Park vs Daniel Strong. Bass. Clark A Dibble vs same. Loop A- Allen vs same. Mary A Richard Catoti's trustees vs Moses Bobbins. Win Gibson's ex'rs vs G H Gorsline. et al. M II Landing vs Sarah A Emery, et al. William 15 Darlington vs Chauncey X Shipman. William Peppers vs Decatur Peppers. Ransom Ac la vs John W Sweet. Matthew McMahon vs .1 P Horton. Timothy Hill vs R Wilcox. The Commonwealth of Penn'a vs Charles Sill, ct al. John Raymond's adui'rs vs Isaac Raymond same same. M C Merenr vs John Valliloe, et al. Cyrus Shumway vs Silas J Bowen. S F Colt vs Susquehanna Collegiate Institute. THIRD WEEK. Joseph Ingham vs Barclay Railroad A Coal Co- Matthew 1) Bishop vs Alfred Gore. II M Moore A Co vs Jerome Woleott. Moore, HubbU A Co vs H S Davidson A Co. Charles Drake vs The Farmers Insurance Co. George II Morrow, Ac vs Erastus Sliepard. Addison Alger vs Joseph Seely, et al. J L Gorsline, Ac vs A J A G II Gorsline. M T Carrier vs John Kendail. Michael Coleman vs James Thompson. S Hutchinson A Co vs Alanson B Smith, et al. Vaa Duseu A J agger vs same. Wilson, Jackson A Meinell vs same. Charles H Shepard vs same. Samuel F Ripley vs Hiram Spear. Seely J Farr vs Henry Parsons. Weverley Bank vs Alanson B Smith. Cortlandt Palmer, et al vs Harriet Mean*. II M Moore, et al vs Alanson B Smith, et al. Jefferson B Clark, et al vs same. Cecil Bank vs Aaron Peekham. Daniel Bailey vs Samuel Stevens' adm rs. BRADFORD COUNTY. SS.-Suhp . 10 o'clock, A. M.: and for the third week on the ing Monday, May. ldth, at 10 o , .... rrvthoHi-larS- April 12.