Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 03, 1859, Image 4
-Sctofitfl jfttachfitr. GROVER &. BAKER'S CELEBRATED Family Sewing Machines. NEW STVLES—PRICES s;>o TO sl2o EXTRA CHARGE OF $5 FOR II EMM EES. F. R. CHANDLER, AGENT, MONTROSE ; J. M. ROBINSON, LVSK-ST., ELMIRA. THESE MACHINES sew from twosponls. as purchased from the store, requiring NO re-wind ing of thread ; they HEM. Fell, Gather, ami SLH-h In a superior style, finishing each SEAM hy their OWN opera tion, without recourse to the hand needle, A* N required by other machines. They will do tiettcr and cheaper sewing than a seamstress, even if slio works for one cent an hour, and are. nnqnestionahly the hest Machines in the market for family sewing. 011 account of their simpli city. durability, ease of management and adaption to all varieties of family sewing — executing either heavy or fine work with equal facility, and without special adjustment. As evidence of the unquestioned superiority of their Machines, the Grover A Raker Sewing Machine Compa ny beg leave to respectfuliy refer to the following TESTIMONIALS. " Having had one of Grover A Baker's Machines in my family for nearly a year and a half. I pleasure in commending it AS every way reliable for the p irpose for which it IS designed— Family Sewing." — Mrs. Joshua I sarin, wife of Rev. Dr. Eea'vit, Editor of .V. 1". lade pendent. " I confess myself delighted with ynnr Sewing Machine, which has been in my family for several months. It has always been ready for duty, requiring no adjustment, and is easily adapted to every variety O. family sewing, by simply changing the spools of thread."— Mrs. Flizahe h Strickland. srife of Rev. Dr. Strickland, Editor of X. F. Christian Advocate. " After trying several good machines, 1 preferred your*, on account of its simplicity, and the perfect case with which it is managed as well as the strength and du rability of the seam. After long experience, i feel com pctent to speak in this manner, and to confidently recom mend it for every variety of family sewing." — Mrs.E. It. Spooner, wife of the Editor of Brooklyn Star. " f have used a Grover A- Baker Machine for two years, and I have found it adapted to all kind* of f iraily E\ving, from Cambric to Broadcloth. Garments have Keen worn without the giving away of a stitch. The Machine is easily KEPT in order. and easily USED.— .Mrs. A.'iiip p!e, wife of Rev. Geo. lYhippfe, Xew York. '• Your Sowing Machine has been in use in my family the past two years, and the ladies request me" to give JOT their testimonials to its perfect adaptness, a* well as labor-saving qualities in the performance of family and household sewing — Robert Buorman, Xetc York. " For several months we have USED Grover A* Baker's Sewing Machine, and hare come to the conclusion that every lady who desire* her sewing beautifully and qui. -LI Y done, would be most fortunate in possessing one of thc-C reliable and indefatigable "iron needle-women.'' whose combined qualities of beauty, strength and simplicity, are invaluable J. It'. Mums, daughter of Gen. Geo. P. Moms, Editor of the Home Journal. Extract of a letter from Tiios. IT. Leavitt, an AM°rican gentleman, now resident in Sydney, Xew South Wales, dated January 12, IRAS . " I had a tent made in Melbourne, in 15.1.1. in which there were over three thousand yards of sewing done with one of Grover A' Baker's Machines, and a single *eam of that has ontstood all the double seams sewed by sailors with a needle and twine." "If Homer could L>O "called up from his murky hades.lie would sing the advent of Grover A' Baker as a" leo-C be. nignant miracle of art than was ever Vulcan's smithy. He would denounce midnight shirt-making as " the dire ful spring of woes unnumbered." — Prof. Xorih. "_I take pleasure in saving, that the Grover A Raker SewingMai liines have more than sustained mvexpectation. After trying and returning others.! have three of them in operation in my different place*, and. after four year's trial, have no fault to find. — J. H. Humm.nid, Senator of South Carolina. " My wife has had one of Grover A- Raker's Sewing Machines for some time, and 1 am satisfied it is one of the best labor-saving-machines that has been invented. I take much pleasure in recommending it totlie pubiic."- J. G. Hams, Governor of Tennessee. " It is a beautiful thing, and puts EVERYBODY into an excitement of good luiinor. Were I a Catholic. I *H<>U!d insist upon Saints Grover A Baker having an eternal ho liday in commemoration of their good deeds lor humani ty."—Cassias M. Clay. " T think it bv far the best patent in USE. This Machine ran he adapted from the finest cambric to the heaviest cassimere. It sews stronger, faster, and more beautifully than one can imagine. If mine could not be replaced, money could not buy it." — Mrs. J. G. Brown, Aashrillt, Tenn. "It is speedy, very neat, and durable in its work: is easily understood and kept in repair. 1 earnestly recom mend this Machine to all my acquaintances, and others."— Mrs. M. A. Forrest. Memphis, Tenn. " W E find this Machine to work to our satisfaction, and with pleasure recommend it to the public, AS we believe the Grover A Baker to be the best Sewing Machine in use. — Deai y Brothers, Allison, Tenn. " If used expressly for family purposes with ordinary caro, 1 will wager they will last one " three score years and ten " and never get out of fix." John Erskinr.Xusli ritlr, Tenn. " I have had your Machine for several weeks, and am perfectly satisfied that the work it (iocs i* the be*t and most beautiful that was ever made."— Maggie Aimison. Xashrille, Tenn. " I use my Machine upon coats, dressmaking, and fine linen stitching, and the work is admirable —far Letter than the liest hand-sewing, or any other machine 1 have ever seen."— Lucy B. Thompson", Xashville, Tenn. " I find the work the strongest and most beautiful I have ever seen, made either by hand or machine.and regard the Grover A Biker Machine as one of the greatest bless ings to our sex-" — Mrs. Taylor, Xashville, Tenn. " I have one of Grover A Baker's Sewing Machines in use in my family, and find it invaluable. 1 can confidently recommend it to all person* in want of a machine."- G. T. Thompson. Xashville, Tenn. " I take pleasure in certifying to the utility of (lie Grover A Baker Sewing Machines.' 1 have used one on sil most every description of work for months, and 1 find it much stronger and better in every respect than work done by hand. ' — -Mrs. DAY. iYheeler, Xashville. Tenn. " I would L>e unwilling to dispose of my Grover A Raker Marhine for a large amount, could ] not replace it again at pleasure." — Mrs. H. (1. Scovel. Xashville, Tenn. " Our two Machines, purchased from yon, do the work of twenty young ladies. WE with pleasure recommend the Grover A Baker Sewing Machine to be the best in use." — X. Stdlman A" Co., Memphis, Tenn. " The Grover A Baker Sewing Machine works admira bly. 1 think the stitcli and work far superior to that of any Sewing Machine I ever saw. tin line work. I think the Machine would be hard to be beat ."—lV. J. JJacie. Alrmphis, T nn. " I find the Machine easily managed, very durable, and take pleasure in recommending it to all who wish conve nience. economy and pleasure."— Mrs. F. Titus, Mem phis, Tenn. "The Grover A- Raker Sewing Machines have given such satisfaction that we cheerfully recommend them to all who wish a good and substantial Sewing Machine. It executes work witli much care and speed and more finely than any other machine 1 have seen." — Mrs. R.B.Mitch el, Memphis. Tenn. " I am happy to give my testimony in favor of Grover A Baker's Sewing Machine, and of the perfect satisfaction it gives in every respect it SEWS neatly, and is by no means complicated, and I prefer it to all others I have seen."- - Mrs. Biyan, wife of Rev. A. M. Bryan, Memphis, Tenn. " It affords me much pleasure to say that the Machine works well ; and 1 d > not hesitate to recommend it as possessing all the advantages you claim for it. My wife is tnnch pleased with it. and we take pleasure to certify to this effect.' —R. C. Brink/ey. Memphis, Tenn. " It gives me pleasure to find the Grover A Raker Sew ing Machine giving so much satisfaction. 1 have it in con stant use, and find it all that could lie desired. It is the most simple and durable machine in use, and I heartily recommend it."—/'. M. White, Memphis, Tenn. " Having seen, examined, and used many other kinds of Sewing Machines, I feel free to say that the Grover A Raker are far superior to" all others in use." M. Francois Seltz, Memphis. Tenn. " I consider my machine invaluable, and would not take five times its costs, if 1 could not supply its place. With it I can do all my family sewing in about one fourth the time I could with my hands."- M J. Scott,Xashville, T nn. JWSEXD FOR A CIRCULAR, "I* A LOCAL AGENT WANTED. pOLMNGWOOD & LEVERICH, SUR \J VEYORS, ENGINEERS, AND DRAUGHTSMEN '";\ ke surveys, attend professionally as CIVIL. MLLIIANIC, OH HYDRAULIC ENGINEERS. Execute ARCHITECTURAL, TOPOGRAPHIC VXD MACHINE DRAWINGS, and transact ail business connected therewith, with neat ness. accuracy and despatch. OFFICE, with C'ollingwood Brothers. Jewelers, 13 Lake street. ELVIRA. N. Y. T. COLLINGA'OOI). G. LEVERICH. R HLL ERI.NL 13.--H. Benjamin, Tracy Beadle, Klmira ; ILL"' . VAMP, Esq., Owego ; Judge I>. Boardmau, LTH,4,A ' Feb. 7, 1859. The World Challenged! The Excelsior Churn! Patented by SILAS HEWITT, July 14,1157. THIS CHURN is the result of years of experience by a 1 rictical iirinei , to pio l< ce a Churn that has all the advantages of the old D**b Chum and i>e a*labor-saving ! Machine. We claim f r ih'* Clu rn, and are prepared to prove by actual demon*!rat : on. th it it will produce more j i utter- a better quality—with less time and less labor— I than any other Churn in market. It is perfectly simple in its construction, not liable to get out ot order, and a child can operate 011 it. It has been thoroughly tested by several hundred fanners in Seneca and adjoining Counties, and its merits folly established wherever introduced, and s pronounced by all to be one ol the greatest improve ments o£ the age. trg- riie following extract from the Seneca Falls paper* of May 26th, is a sample of what the " EXCELSIOR CHURN " has done, in competition with other Chums : •• A trial between the Smith Churn, of Elgin, Illinois, (which took the first premium at the State Fair at Buffalo last fall, and ha* taken the premium at ail the Fairs where it has been exhibited) and the Excelsior Chirn.of this village, took place at Woodmansee'.sJllotel. the 20th inst. The cream was taken front the same'vessel, alter being -iinvd up that it might lie of .the same temperature and 1 quality— one quart at a time—each Churn receiving two gallons. Till.' F.reehi.r Churn p Oa'nced 'and gathered the B titer hard and yellow in sir and a half minutes, while the Smith Churn was 12 minutes ia producing the Butter, which was soft, white and oiiy : and Excelsior Churn produced Twelve Ounces more Butter than the Smith Churn '. The Excelsior Churn then produced thir teen ounce* of good Butter from the Bitter Milk >J the Smith Churn.being more than half as much a* they got from the cream! The Smith Churn could not produce any Butter from the buttermilk of the Excelsior Churn." Trial of Churns—Report of the Committee. At the trial between Smith's Churn, from Eigin, Illinois, and Hewitt's Excelsior Churn. manufactured in this vil lage. which took place at Woodmansee's Hotel, on Wed nesday morning, t ho following was the result of the trial: Hewit's Churn, 2J H>s.—Butter in fit minutes. Smith's Churn, 14 Bis—Butter in 12 minutes. About two gallons of Cream was put in each Churn. Tlie iniik from Smith's Churn was then changed to Hew it's. and thirteen ounces of Butter extracted from it. No Butter could be brought from the milk from the Hewit Churn, which was transferred to Smith's. The quality of Butter from HcwP's Churn was much the best, being of better color, and more solid. A second trial, which was about one-third more cream was put in the Hewit Churn than in the other, resulted very nearly the same as above, Hewit's Churn being shown to be greatlvthe superior. EDWARDS. LATHAM.) ~ JONATHAN SACKET.f Comm,Ute - Seneca Fall*. May 2 >. I*sß. All that i* a>ked for thi* Churn i*. to let it rest 011 its own merit—the world i* challenged to produce better. lt £- For particular* for Rights or Chum*, address : 11. F. BURT. Ridgbury, Bradford County, Da. February 2. 1 *.1.8. Towanda Borough Report for 1058. EXrF.NDITI'KES. Amount of work done on public streets, $177 31 Material furni-hed, laving and repairing walk', 3*2 79 Building 3d street Bridge, 290 0(1 Building two public reservoirs, 101 00 Rebuilding Culvert on Alain street. ' 210 00 Repairs on old culvert, occasioned by fre*het, It 13 Instalment* and interest paid on Borough scrip, 201 .10 Expenses of Fire Department, 62 GO Winding and keeping town clock in repair, 2.1 00 Repairing Borough Tools, 5 39 Election Expenses, IS 10 Printing Expenses, 1G 50 Justice Fc cs. 4 60 Attorney Fees, for 1553, 1.5 00 Taking care of Engine house and repairs, 10 00 Coal and light* for Council rooms, £ 75 Books and stationery, 9*. Sec. and Treas. salary, and serving app'l notices. 43 00 $1.9*4 56 Acxorvr WITH COM EUTORS. Collector. Date Ain't Paid Exn'd Prct Due W. C. Bogart, I*so $33 07 sl7 08 sls 39 .! G. 11. Eaton, '55, 'SO 855 30 '289 79 32 08 92 91 440 .73 A.J. Noble, 1857 69! *5 019 69 21 84 50 32 do special, 1*57 636 14 4*5 07 95 64 55 53 do I*sß 9*9 79 51 07 936 72 3,206 15 1.463 30 1,379 24 on. A. n. MONTvvvi:, TUIVSI-RKU TOWANDA Bono', CR. Balance in treasury, jlbt'd on dup. $1,379 24 Jan. 1.1*5*. #4O 58 Exonerations, 140 56 Dup. prior to I*sß, 2.216 37 Percent to coll. 211 50 Dup. for I*sß, 9*9 7: I Paid Beidieman, 123 69 Sand* A Co. license, 35 00.Building cOra. order, 895 la-nt. do 35 00, Overpaid 011 special ('. T. Smith, judgt 50 0:j l ist year, 26 47 ißoro' orders cancell | ed in 1858, 1,439 47 1 Balance, 31 25 3,366 6*' 3,366 6-8 TOWANDA Bono' ORDER AfTOrNT. Outstanding orders Orders redeemed and Jan. 1. I*sß, $545 59j cancelled in 1858, 1,704 47 Issued in I*sß, 1,9*4 sGiOutstand'gJan.l,'s9, 824 6* 2,529 l.l| 2,129 15 1.1 ABJ CITIES. Amount of outstanding orders, Jan. 1. I*sß. $ 824 68 due on Boro 1 scrip, April .*, 1*59. 1,097 67 Judgment in favor of Michael Kennan, 99 47 " •' " " I*. D. Morrow, 99 -17 " " " " John llolmcs, 6* 00 $2,199 29 Assirrr'. Balance due on Judgment, ('. T. Smith, $ 14 45 " " G. ii. Eaton's Duplicate, 440 52 " " A..J. Noble's Duplicate, 93* 72 " " from Treasurer, 3 4 26 #1,427 95 ULYSSES MERCUR. Burgess. J. HARVEY IMIIXNEY, Jit. E. O. GOODRICH. J EKE GULP. ATTEST. A. D. MOXTAXYK. Secretary, Overseers of the Poor Report for the year 18.78. EXPENDITURES. Paid E. Madden for keeping Mr*. Crow, $ 2 50 C. Sweazcy for keeping Jacob Gain"*, 30 00 llollon " " Floyd Decker, !91 Relief to Savercool and family, 17 90 " "O. Sage ••" ]4 3s " " Mrs. O'Grady, BHs Paid Mrs. Warner for keeping Mrs. Miner, 11 25 " " Vandereook " , " " 30 00 Temporary relief to Colored women, 50 Paid William Mix services in I*s*, 20 00 J. P. Kirby, " '• lo 00 C. K. I .add as physician, 10 00 Paid Mrs. Baker for keeping Lorinda Pope, 11 73 " Powell A Smith stage fare, 1 00 " Mrs. Baker for keeping Miss Reclie. 3 00 Temporary relief to MeCarty and German, 3 00 " John Reese, 1 o> " *' Mr*. Powers, I 7., Paid C. Wells for 3 coffins for paupers, lo 25 " Thomas Barnes for digging 3 grave*.paupers 400 " Sarah Ogden for keeping Dan Sullivan, 10 00 Attorney fees, 5 00 $217 05 WM. MIX. ) f , r.l .r V K L U>D j Overseers of the Poor. AfoorNT WITH roi.T.Ecroit* or POOR nrri.iCATF.s. Collectors. 1 Year. | Ain't, j Paid. | Exn'd ! Prct ! Due C. T. Smith, 1*52 $23 58 $1 .70 s]r, 717 ...... s.l 32 A.J.Noble, 1857 352 00 232 00 sl4 10 106 *0 376 4* 233 50 16 76 14 10 112 12 DR. A. D. MONTATVE, TREASURER POOR FEND, ClI. A mount oi Smith's du- {Ret'd on duplicates, sll2 11 plicate. $23 58i Overpaid last year, 17 05 do Nobles', 352 90| Ex. to Smith, 16 76 Uec'd of M.E.Solomon Perct to Noble, 14 10 per Quigley, 5 00 Orders redeemed, 211 30 Balance, 10 15 $341 48 s3*l 47 We the Auditors of the Borough of Towanda. do certi fy, that we have examined the account* and vouchers of the Town Council, Overseers of the Poor and Treasurer, for the year 1858, and find them correct. M. C. MERCUR, ) , J. D. MONTANYE,) A,lllltori '- Ziadies Dress Goods. PARTTCI LA R attention is invited to a large assort ment of Ladies' Dress Goods, now being received by JOSEPH POWELL—comprising everything that is now f;v-liiunab!e and durable in Rcrages, Crape Mosetts, Or ginilics. French Printed Jaconetts. Lawns, English and French Prints, Brilliants, Ducal Plaids, Lustres, Phalli's Ginghams, Print*. Ac., Ac., which will be sold at prices far less than ever before offered in Towanda. June 8, ISSS. ( 10TTKX, LINEN AND MARSAILLES L Shirt Bosoms, at No. 1. Patton's Block. MACKINAW TROUT, WHITE FISH, Bine Fish. Mackerel and Codfish, at No. I,l'atton's Block. Nov. 24. PROVISIONS OF ALL KINDS, Nov. 24. at ROCKWELL'S. (II ENTLEM EN 'S SH A Wl,S.—Doable and VT Single Broche, Blanket, Mantle, and Misses Shawls, Nov. 24. at W. A. ROCKWELL'S. BT FFALO ROBES.—The largest assort ment in town, at N'ov.3o. MERUUP.'S. 1)U FFALO ROIJES for sale, and anv rmnn t tity of I'l P.H WA NTLDJat ROCK WELL'S. ittteccUgwwx* WHOLESALE &. RETAIL Boot and Shoe Manufactory. -=, JOIIX BEIDLEMAN &. CO., V respectfully inform the public that they have ommencetl the manufacture ofißootsA Shoes, fit i„ the ::.l storv ot ReidlemanV Block,eoi tier ol Main IV Bridge streets, where they are prepared with every facility to furnish at Wholesale and Kctail, Boots and Shoes, of every description, of the very liest materi als a.,rt manufactured in the most workmanlike manner. Men's French Coif, l\ip and Coarse Knots and Shoes. Women's and Children's J Snots and Shoes, of every description. Bv the case or single pair, dealers are particularly re quested to {rive us a call, as we believe with.our facilities we can furnish a better article at a LOWER RATE than can he obtained elsewhere. REPAIRING, of all kinds,'done with despatch,in short notice, in a workmanlike manner. We shall also keep on hand a large assortment of LE A THER and FINDINGS which will be soid at the lowest possible figures. C VSli paid for Hides, Sheep Pelts, Arc., at the highest market rates. J. HEIDI.EM AN &CO Towunda, Dec. 22,1858. M YER'SM I L LS. r|"MIE undersigned having purchased the above well I known mills and attached to it a Steam Engine, and also put every tiling connected with it in peril ' repair, with all the modern improvements now in use in first elass Flouring Mills—would respectfully solicit the pa tronage of the community—trusting that the reputation the mill has heretofore borne may not suffer in the hands of the npwjfirm. It shall lie our,aim to do all work en trusted to us promptly and in the best possible m trier. Customers from a distance may rely upon having their work done at once, so as to make but one trip " to mill."' Mr. FROST will continue to give his own personal at tention to the business at the mill. CASH paid for all kinds of GRAIN ; also Flour. Meal and Feed for sale at the lowest market prices. MY Fit, FROST & CO. ISAAC MYKR .T. O. FKOST li. T. VOX. North Tcwaxpa. 0ct. 6, 1858. DENTIST! DR. G. S. PECK, Snrpeon and Mechani cal Dentist, being permanently located in Towanda, tenders his professional services to its citizens. Espeeia attention given to FIT,I,TNG and CLEANSING DECAY ED TEETH, also EXTRACTING and ARRANGING IRREGULAR TEETH IN CHILDREN. Teeth insert ed on" pivot: also gum and plain incorruptible teeth monnted on gold, silver, cheopiastic. and Slavtons lva-e, from one to an entire set, in the most artistic manner known to the prolession. \1! tin* above opt rations will be performed with a THOROCGH PR ACTIC AL KNOWLEDGE Of his busi ness. and duty to his patient. Office over E. T. Fox's Store, No. 1, Brick Row. En trance. first door on Pine street. X. B. Produce taken in part payment for dental ope ration- at its market price. •July HO, 18.38. Patronize a Home Entcrprize ! A liook-Bindcryin Towanda! UTE would respectfully announce to our friends and the public generally, that we have connected with our Printing Office and Book A Stationery Store, a Plain and Fancy BOOK-BINDERY, and earnestly .solicit the patronage of all who desire anything in the fine. Having secured the services of one of the best hinders in the United States, we flatter ourselves that we can give universal satisfaction both in workmanship and price Therefore we present to the public the strongest assuran ces that we are prepared to bind in a workmanlike man ner, all kinds of BOOKS, among which we may name Bibles, Histories. Music. Magazines, Pamphlets, Periodi cals, Law and School Books, to order or pattern in French, Italian, German and English style; in i 'el ret, Silk, Cloth, J .cut her and Paper. upon the most reasonable rates, for CASH, or ready pay gs'Givc ns a trial. Particular attention given to re-binding Books. All work warranted to be properly executed. ITS - Plain and Fancy Paper Boxes made to order. Jan 1, ISSB. E. A. PARSONS. BOOKS &. STATIONERY! JfirThe attention of the public is requested to the very general tid excellent assortment always on hand at the Argus Rook and Stationery Store, first building north of the Ward House. < all and examine our stock. EAGLE FOUNDRY! AND zsiyvcj r rxjx si ioi > ! Ajrain in lYZoticn ! IWIE SuWrihtr purchased the above . works, situated at the lower end of town, near the Canal Basin of the Barclay Bail Road Co.. (the same es tablishment formerly carried on liv Lamnreux, Hall A Russell,) and having employed a competent set <>l work men, is now prepared to execute orders Cur Castings or Machinery or almost any kind. He ; !-o manufactures a variety of Cook, Parlor and Office stoves. He re pect fullvs olii its a siiare of public patronage. Towanda, Sept. 8, 1858. O. D. BARTLETT. ''BIG- STOCK" / 1 OOD ASSORTMENT, NEW GOODS, " X Be-t Styles, and I>w prices, at MARSH A CO'S..Xo. 1, Union Block. Elmira. N. Y. THE GE.OVBR & BAKER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. 1 >-> BROADWAY, NEW YoRK, HAYING jrroatly increased their facilities for manufacturing tbeirO/eio of<rf Family lil'tchine*. with ail th° recent improvements, have reduced their pri ces, and offer for sale A NEW STYLE .MACHINE. PRICE SSO. Tt is no longer questioned that these Machine* are the best in ii-c for family sewing. They Hem, Fell. Gather, and Stitch in the most superior manner; and are the only machines in the market that are so well and simply made, that they may he -ent into families with no other instruc tions than are contained in a circular which accompanies each Machine, and from which a a child of Un years may readily learn liovv to use them, and keep them in order. They make upwards of FIFTEEN HUNDRED STITCHES A M INUTE, and will do the sewing of a family cheaper than a seamstress can do it, even ii she works at the rat - of one cent an hour. Is there a husband, lather, or bro ther in the United States, who will permit the drudgery of hand sewing in his family, when a G rover & Baker Ma chine will do it better, more expeditiously, and cheaper than i f can pos-ibly be done by hand. Semi for a circu lar. For hv J. M. ROBINSON, Lake St., Elmira, and F. it. CHVNDI.F.R. Montrose. OA RELAY R R & GOAL COMPANY. mJ —Re-tail prices of Coal at Towanda per L n : J,r.MP COAL. SMITH COAL. By the single ton $2,25. #2,00. After the first of December COAL will be delivered in town, at the door, at 25 < cuts per load. COAL is sold, for cash only, at the office of the Rail road 1 'ompany, in Ratton's Block,corner of Main X Bridge Streets, (second story); aiso at the store of O. D. BART LETT. " JAMES MACFARI.AXK, Towanda, Nov. 21, ls.'S. Gen'l Superintendent. E>I BROIDERIES.— Cheapest, in the world J_nt MARSH & CO"S. /"M-'.NTLLM I",\"S and Youth's l*'ur, Rer- V 5 lin and Buck Gauntlets and Gloves, at Sept.-js, is.-,s. MERCER'S DRY GOODS. —AII assortment heretofore nneqnalled by any thing ever offered in Towanda of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, comprising many new and desirable sytles of Goods unknown in this mar ket ; among which will be found in Ladies Dress Goods, al! the novelties of the season, cheap at the KEYSTONE, CHAWLS. — New nnd Choice Patterns of O Broche, Stella, Plaid Wool. Talma, Mantilla, and Knitted Worsted Shawls, cheap at the Oct. 12. KEYSTONE. T A DIES' DOE (1A F NTL ETTS —TII e -Li "Piecolomini Style," has been received, and is now forsaleatthg 0ct.25. KEYSTONE STORE. PRINTED FRENCH MORINOES.—An -L assortment of Colors of new and beautiful Styles,re ceived to-day at Oct. 11. _ POWELL'S KEYSTONE STORE. WORSTED HOODS. —A Jarpc lot of \V omens, Misses and Children's Hoods, just re ceived atthe 0ct.25. KEYSTONE STORE. IjMIUIT. —Fresh Raisins, Zantee Currants, Prunes, Dried Peaches, Apples and Berries, at. Nov- 24. ROCKWELLS. SPLENDID RORES A'QUILLE, In chanting Colliers Chenile, and captivating Habits d'Opera and Knit Hocda at Sept.l* 185K _ MKRCUR'S. OLD JAVA AND RIOCOFFEEL PERM Ground Java Coffee, Green Tea at 50 rents per lb. as "good as ran be bought at other places for 75 rents, at Nov. 2. FOX'S. i-Hfscrllawous. Tioga Point Agricultural & junction Iron Works, AT Athens, Bradford County, Pa. WELLES. BLOOD A CO. EMERY'S PATENT RAILROAD HORSE POWERS ! T"tTE arc manufaeturing these justly celebrated End \ V less Chain Powers, for one and two horses ; to which we have added such improvements a-to make them the heat endless Chain Powers in the world. Our THRESHERS AND SEPARATORS Are much improved over the Albany machines,and work admirably. Our new TIOGA-POTNT THRESHER AND CLEANER, Just finished, will, we are confident. prove itself to be the i Combined Tiikkshkr and Win no win: in market. | It runs easily, is simple, strong, light and durable : will : not carry over, nor waste grain; and will thresh pud ' clean tit for ma-kct as much grain per day. with the same : power, as any Thresher with Separator will thresh. It is admirably adapted for two and four horse powers. Job threshers will find it to be just the macbinethey have so long desired to find. Our Horse Powers and Threshers a re,'to say the least, equal to any made in the Union : so that farmers hi Sou thern New-York and Northern Pennsylvania. M ill find it to their advantage to buy our Machines, on account of saving heavy expense in freights, as well as for their su periority. We invite the particular attention of Farmers and Deal ers to onr TIOGA POINT FEED CUTTERS, GALE'S PATENT. We can with confidence, recommend these Hay, Straw and stalk Cutters on account of simplicity, durability, strength, efficiency,ease of operation, rapid cutting, Ac. They do away with the very serious objections heretofore urged hy farmers and other's, and iasfl ,- too, against all patented feed cutters ; namely—that they aie too com plicated, too many small castings and traps, consequent ly too liable to get out of repair; that they have too many wearing or friction places, therefore hard to operate. Our Feed Gutters have two simple straight knives which can easily he sharpened, or. if ever necessary, can be made by any blacksmith. AH tire warranted to give snt islaction. Ask your inert hant to order one for von. and send for onr Catalooce. which contains additional in formation concerning all of the above mentioned machines and many others of 01* manufacture and s.i! . WELLES, BLOOD A GO. Athens, Sept. 15,1858. Matched Horses for Sale. THE Subscribers desire to sell fine span of matched BLACK HORSES. not having teaming enough to keep them em ployed. Said team is a valuable one and is well known, having been formerly owned by Messrs. Harris A Page, and Welles A Brooks. Tney took the first premium as she Ix-st pair Carriage Horses at the Bradford County Ag ricultural Fair in 1857—their weight is about 12INI pounds each. We will sell them cheap, either for cash, or on time with approved security. Athena. Sept. tl, 1858. WELLES, BLOOD A CO. The Groat Atlantic Telegraph! XVX. E. SOLGJYIOIYS CLaiHIM EMPORIUM No. 2, Pattern's Block. r TUIE two greatest events of the Nineteenth Century, J are the submarine telegraph between Europe and America, nnd the nnparalbd stock ot ItEADY MADE CLOTHING OF M. E. SoLOMON! combining the givatc.-t variety, latest fashionable, nnd most durably made Clothing ever brought to Towanda. 1 hug to inform the < itizens of Towanda and vicinity, tb it I have kkmovei) to No. 2, Pattons Block, one door imrth of I! u-kwell's store, where I shall be liappy to see all 1113- old friends and customers and as many new ones its may wish to favor me with a call. Having just return ed front the Eastern and Western markets where 1 have purchased my Fall and Winter stock of CLOTHING, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, Ac.. I can sitppl)- the I public at lower rates than ever sold horn before, as 1 have bought Ul3' stock for C'a.-h at the lowest figures. MY STOCK CONSISTS OF OvKttco its.— Superfine ldm k Bcavor Raglans and Sack- Overcoats ; Black. br>wn and blue Pilot do; Petersham do; Union Cassimere do. Black, brown and eray SeaKkin do ; Deerskin do; Lion skin do; Fancy Bear skin do. and various other styles, too numerous to mention. Fkockcoats.—Fine French black Broadcloth double I breasted Frock Coats, single-breasted, same ; Medium (quality do; Cotton warp do; French Beaver Business |do ; Fancy Cassimere do ; Side Band do; Black Union ! Gas do ; Fancy Satinelt do • Tweed and Kentucky Jean i do. Pants.—Sup. black Doeskin Pants : Medium do : Blk. cotton warp do; Fancy Cassimere side hand do: Satti nctt da ; Farmers and MechanicsGassim-we do. \ r- rs.—French Fancy Silk Veh t Vests ; t 'henilleand Printed do; Silk Vests, of all descriptions ; Silk and Worsted do; Black Satia do; Cassimere Vests; Satti j net and Plush d■>. j IYiin 1-;ii\<; Goons.—Fancy Silk Ties, Block do ; Fan cy Silk Scarfs; Black figured Scarfs; Black Silk Cva- I vats -. Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs : Cambric do ; Silk | do ; Fancy cotton do ; White linen-bosom shirts ; Fan | cy Marseilles do ; Fancy Linen do ; Wlißc Marseilles By ; ron Collars; Fancy do; Fancy and white iiiiett do; White string and lap do ;11 -i< : rv, of all kinds ; Snspen ( dels ; White and Mixed Men's Wrappers and Drawers. 1 A complete assortment of Boy's Clothing! Boots and ; Shoes and Rubbers. 01 all kinds, Sole Leather, Upper 1 Leather, Kip Skin, Calf Skin, etc. I Onr motto : " Qfick axu Sxai.i. Profits." ( ash will be paid tor Wool. Hides, Sheep Pelts, and all j kinds of Grain, atthe highe-t market prices. I Remember, removed to No.?, Patten's Block, fnrmfT ; ly occupied by William A. Rockwell. " Towanda, Sept. 20, I*sß. M. F.. SOLOMON. Great Excitement in Clothing;! o collars & ?, VIIE now receiving the Largest Stork of Ready-made Clothing ever offered in this market, which they are selling at prices that astonish over? one; our Goods are got up expressly tor our Trade, and are : warranted in every way, our stock consisting of every thing in the line of Men and B#y's Wear, Black Cloth Coals. Kaicy and Plain Business Coats,Sattiuett Coats. ; Black and Fancy Cassimere Pants. Uniou do„ Sattiuett ; do., silk and Plush Vests, Cotton Plush do.,Sattinett do., 1 Plush and Satin do. Ctonts Purnishinw C^oods! I Sueli as Wool Under-Shirts, Wool Drawers, Collars, Cra . vat-. Suspenders, Gents White and Fancy Shirts, Check i and Hickory Shirts. Hoseiry of all kinds. " Hats and Caps, j the latest style* of Black Silk Hats made to order. Cloths, Cassimcres and Vesting ! We are receiving the largest. Stock of Cloths, Cassi meres and Vestings, ever offered iu this market,which we are ready to make to order or sell by the yard. Persons wishing Clothing made up to order, will do well to give j \is a call before purchasing elsewhere,as we warrant eve rything to lit or no sale. We keep none hnt the best work men, and are receiving the latest Fashions every month. Persons wanting anything in our line, will please give us a call as we keep nothing but Men and Boy s Wear, and tldnk we buy our Goods cheaper than those that only- buy | <ol NTR\ PRODUCE of all kinds taken in payment ! for Goods and on short credit. Cutting done as usual,and • [ no charge when the Goods are bought of us. Don't for get the place, one door south of Hall's Hardware store. I October 12, 1858. COLLINS A POWELL. 'MimiSmr 1 ©dobs i XMisscs GRIFFIN <k. PARK, BEG leave to invite your early attention to to their new stock just received comprising choice ( styles Bonnet-Ribbons, Silks, Satins, Velvets, together j with a carefully selected assortment of Feathers and Flowers. Thankful for past patronage heretofore so liberally be | towed, they would respectfully solicit a continuance of 1 the s<-me. Otoher 11, IXSB. H. A. BURBANK'S BAKERY One Door North of the Ward House. TOWANDA, PA. TT7 HERE you can find aconstant supply of Rread, Rusk, V V Crackers, Cookies, Jumbles, aud all kinds of Fancy Cakes. Bg- OYSTERS furnished by the quart or keg, or cook ed to order. *r Particular attention paid to filling orders for parties Returning our sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon ns during the past year, and hoping by close application to business to merit a continuance of the same, we remain as ever, your humble servant, March ltl. 1857. H. A. BURBAXK. BUFFALO LODES. —Two do/. Buffalo Robes, just received and for sale cheap, at Nov. 1 >,1858. POWELL'S KEYSTONE STORE. iiusutrss £arijs. DIl CllAb. M.TURNER, FUYSICIAXX S URG E(> N, o ffe rs lii* professional services to I the inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity. Office and res- | idence in the dwelling recently occupied by H. BOOTB, I Esq., one door north ol' the Episcopal Church, ou Maine j Street. E. ©VKETOM, JK C. It. MCiNTANYE. OVERTON k MONTANYE, ATTOR NEY R AT I.AlV —Office in Union Block, former ly occupied by JAS. M ACEAISI.ANK. II.J. MADII.I TV I>. MOBKOW. MADILL A MORROW, A TTORNE YS AND COUNSELLORS AT LA W, —Office over Mercur's Store. Towanda, Pa. Towanda, Aprils, IK. n-43-tf DR. E. H.MASON, I'J J YSK' IA X A XI) SURGEON, offers hi* professional ervices to the | people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at his residence ! on l'ine street, where lie can always be found when not professionally engaged. |<l R. PARSONS, ATTORNEY AT JJ* LAW. TIJOY, Bradford Co., Pa. Office over V. M. h H. F. I,<>rig's store. Aug- 7, IM. HENRY B. M'KEAN, attorney . AT I.AW, TOWANDA, PA.; will pay jirompt attention to business entrusted tohim. Collections made on reasonable terms, with prompt remittances. oetl9 LM.HANAN SMITII, having returned to ' XLI Towanda, has opened a Law Office over Mercur's Store. Dec. 1,1857. TOWANDA FO UNDRY. THE subscriber continues to curry on the Foundry business in Towanda, and is prepared to j do all ktnds of work in his line on short notice and in a | workmanlike manner. He will keep on hand or make to j order Plows, Stoves, Mill Irons, Sleigh Shoes, Wagon- | Boxes, and any article of oa-d iron that may be required, j Turning and fitting up work will be done on short notice and on reasonable terms. Persons wishing to purchase ' Stoves of any kind will find it much to their advantage i to buy at the Foundry, as they van lie repaired much ' cheaper. Please call and examine before purch isiug else where. Old cast iron and drain taken in payment— ; Don't mistake the place—one door east of Mercur's Block. ar 1 would also say to those having accounts stand- i ing over six months, that they must lie settled without delay, and those having notes that are due will do wellto pay up and save cost. JOHN CABMAN. ; towanda, Oct. 22, 1556. NEW TIN SHOP! I' I MIK undersigned respe' tfullv informs his friends and L the public generally, that he has opened a new TIN WAKE & SHEET IRON ESTABLISHMENT in the Fmndry. first door below Mercur's Store, where I he is prepared to conduct the business in all its various i hrancncs. Tin Ware and House Sponting of all kinds, made to or- I der, on short notice. Stoves of various styles constantly j for sale. Particular attention paid to Jobbing. Old Iron, j Copper and Brass taken in exchange for goods. June 1, 185 S. JOHN ( AUMAX. ARE YOU INSURED? Susquehanna Mutual Insurance Co., I TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, l'A. THUS Company insures against loss or dam- \ I -L ape by Fire. Dwelling houses, Furniture Warebon- i I ses, stores and Merchandize, Ac., on the most reasonable ' terms. DIRECTORS. IT W. TRACY, ALLEN M'KEAX, ; JOHN V. LONO, GUY TRACY, | EZRA TIOI.roMB, JOB KIIIBY, ; JUSTUS LEWIS, DANIEL BAILEY, I ISAAC MYER. WM. KIXOSLEY. PRECEPTOR FORBES, JOSEPH POWELL. H. W. TRACA", President, j AT.T.EN M'KEAN, Vice President; JUDSON HOG ' COMB, Kocrctarv t LAFOwTE, MJBWS A CO.. Treas. ; 11. B. IRKEAN, INSURANCE AGENT, at Towan j J- da, l*a., for the following reliable Companies : , Farmer's Union Insurance Co. . Athens, Fa. Capital, $200,00 0. State Alutiuil Insurance Co. . llarrisburg , Fa. Capita I, $200,000. Girard Insurance Co. . . . Philadelphia, Fa Capital, $300,000. Great Western Insurance Co. - Philadelphia Towanda. July 14, 1858. I TOWANDA HARDWARE, CUTLERY IRON AM) S OVE STORE. ML D c - NALL Wholesale and Retail Dealer q i"l in Hardware and Stoves, Iron J ft x' O Sash.Glass, Paints /s Oils. House Trimmings— all kindsoM'arringe trimmings. Clot 1 - and Laces. Carriage peuters' and Joiners' ]'lanes. Hammers and Screw Plates. Axes. Broad Narrow, Lath and Hand Hatchets—Cable. Log, Trace and Haltr, Chains, Crowbars, Picks, Shovels ' and Spades. POCKETAXP TABLE CUTLERY—Shears and Scis- 1 sors, Paige Tools of alt kinds. Brass and Enameled Kettles. : Shovel and Tongues. Spoons and Ladles, Tubs and Pails, 1 Mops and Washboards, and all other kinds of house-keep ing implements, j In the HARDWARE line, Brass, Brittania. Jappaned I : and Plain Tin Ware, single or hwtts. Bar, Band. Scroll | and Hoop Iron, Steel of all kinds. Nail Rods. Ac. Pumps. I Lead Pipe and all the necessary fixtures for water works, j Patent. Stretched Leather Belting and String Leather, ' and 10,000 other articles too numerous to mention, that we are now receiving dircet'from the hands of mannfac- ' ; turers andimporters, including the largest assortment I and greatest variety of STOVES I Stores 25 per rent, /ess than usual for Cash, or Grain at the highest market prices. I Coal and "<>d Cooking. Coas and Wood Parlor. Dining • 1 Room. Six Plate and Cylinder, ever brought into Northern | Pennsylvania or Southern New York ; all of which we j nre now prepared to -ell at wholesale or retail, at as low ; i rates, and on as good Terms as can he found tills side of 1 j New-York, from the fact tliat nil our goods were bought j | af first hands and in full packages and large quantities,! ! that gives us an advantage over smaller purchasers and j Dry Goods dealers, that wiil enable us to sell from 5 to 1.) per cent, less than any of them, which advantage we ■ shall off, rto any who will fuvor us with a call before pur chasing elsewhere. A large quantity of Tin ware, Rtove Pine and Elbows always on hand, wholesale and retail. All kinds of Job > Work done to order, on short notice and warranted. Don't mistake the place to buy STOVES and HARD WARE cheap—one door South of Tracy A Moore's, and Powell s new block on Main street, iu the uew Wood j Building, lettered allorer. Grain and Country Produce, old Iron, Rrass. Brittania and Copper, Dried Fruit of all kinds, Feathers and Bees wax wanted for goods. ■ j 10,000 Sheep Pelts wanted, for which the highest price ■ j n CASH will be paid. j . O" No credit given over four months, and all liav . ; ing accounts or notes over due had better call and pay i I immediately, if they wish to save cost. ; Towanda, October 13, 1858. I SALE OF RSA£ ESTATE. THE valuable Real Estate, known as "The l.nken's Lands," situate in Warren tvrp., Bradford | Co., Pa., are now offered for sale to the highest and best bidder. This body of lands consist of four tracts, oontaining i 111 1 hf.X 111 NDRED ACRES of good farming land, | situate about five miles from the X. Y. A Erie Railroad. Persons desirous to purchase will send their offers in writing in the nature of bids per acre to my agent . WM. EL WELL, Esq., at his office in TOWANDA, by the 15th day of NOVEMBER next. Offers will be icceived for the whole body, or for the i separate parcels agreeably to the present sub-divisions, i No sale will he made of less than one hundred acres, and ' the parcels will not he sold separately unless the body can i i be disposed of in that way. | Terms, one-third in hand and the balance in two year- ; - ly instalments with interest. 1 .... SARAH 1,. KF.ENE. Administratrix C. T. A., f John Lukens, dee'd. Philadelphia, Sept. 15, ISSB. ' I NOW is THE TIME TmT* TO (JET 11 MELAINOTYPES & AMBROTYPES CHEAP ! / \ G. H. WOOD n \ Jlas reduced his prices of all kinds of J * Futures icilh Cases, 25 per cent. ! Frames of all kinds kept on hand also at reduced pri- j ees. < Jood Cases with Melainotypes, 75 cents ; all other ! kinds in proportion. Rooms open at all hours. Pictures 1 taken in all kinds of weather (except for children.) Ail , work warranted. Towanda, July 27,1858. \ ittfscrllaitcous. %jj$TW. A. CHAMBERII VL ( LOCK A- WATCH WA , WKa Towanda, I'a. JEM rrnis IS THE ESTABLISHMri -L where you can find a very fine i 1 WATCH KS AND JEWELRY of all deLrie," 'H good stock of CLOCKS, prices ranging froli?'; *j up, and warranted to give good satisfa-tp,,, ' " lam also agent for the sale of D. E. I KXT's 1" Barometers, which every farmer shtinM !.„?, 7 ees from $K to S2O, according to finish done as usual in a neat and workmanlike m-,,', 111 ranted. WM. A. CH AMlirmi N. B. The person that took a Breast I'in m ' 1 July 3d, to show to hi- wife, had better i-a!' m - 1 regard to the matter, perhaps it will save him " 3 and trouble. mVf: Towanda. Nov. 24. IK3S. JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELR A. M. Warner's New <s• Splendid Jewelry Store, one door of Fattens Drug Store A H Afi opened with'thelar. choice stock of i Of |CT-—' 4} public. Indeed, he can safe'v-v" v Jlix ■ . vm tllf "puniiig of his new store hi 7 r aiigurated a new era in the J f ! w , . inasmnch a# along with the choice and eleja? ♦ "j lie gives the most reliable assurance of ble reduction in prices : the rich aud tastefulartV"! ing been all bought with ready cadi. A.M. 5V.. when he reflects how, for the p a .- t a far less attractive stock, he has enjoyed so ! a r • of public patronage, flatters himself that the crease of Goods lie now offers, winch have Wok ,!, much more advantageously,will enable him' ,' ••• -rous confidence which ha- ii.. ' safed to him. He therefore solii-itsa continual,,. .| favor of hi- old customers, and invites the pntli'r ly to romc and see the I'.ishions. ' " " -THE WATCH REPAIRING DEPARTMFM continue to lie distinguished by the skill anil which has heretofore enabled it to enjoy the en', utation of being the most reliable iu town. Towanda. Septemlier 24,155. TOWANDA CABINET WAREHOI CHESTER WELLS tr, respectfully inform his friends ** public that lie is now receivin-a- H stand one door north of l-a;>orte. M.i-on A Co'ai house, a large and extensive assortment of Sofas, Mahogany Chairs, of various path Ro-ewood and Mahogany Side and Centre l 4 | Dining, Tea and Pembroke Tables, Stand-of on kind. Cane, Flag and Wood seat Chairs t Chairs, Children's Rockers, Bedstead Bureaus. Lounges. Oilt and U>se- ' wood Picture Frame, Iron Hat Stands, Corner and -i 'e dn. of walnnt and mahogany : Cradles, Cribs, ttV;. Cupboards, Looking glasses, Ac. Oi"('OFFINS, of every size and qualify,aid wi tend on al! occasions when required. The public are invited to examinemyassnrtmcntti purchasing elsewhere,as I will.sell cliea;>ertbiL establishment in Northern Pennsylvania. " ' Towanda, August 8. 1K.55. THE OLE STAKE STILL IN OPERATIC snhscrilier wnM aesi to t!j *.I that he ha• . 1 Li'-nd. and will make to r [IN jibflSj j tre. Card". Dining and R- I'v ble. Ms hogany, Walnut. V.M ■ § I "lurry t'.ureans, Stai i- : ->i B —kind-. Chn'rsand Ftod-t"ad-- description, which are. and will be made of the •< t< rial and workmanlike manner, and whi ii ' for ca'h cheaper than can be bought in anv other I room in the country. READY-MADE COFFINS, on hand on the s sonable terms. A good HEARSE will fie furs-if Funeral occasions. JAMES MACKIN's Towanda, January 1. 1857. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS ( II est suit of the Fublic Square, oppsiii Court House. BAILEY & XEVIXS arc just receicj large addition to their stock of Yankee Notions. Toys. Fruit, Confectionary, i I will fie sold wholesale of retail for < a-h, or In most kinds of country produce, at pri'-estliat rannl to suit purchasers. Consumers or country 1 do well to call and examine our it -k an. I GROCERIES. Black and Green Tea. Rio and JavaC-H - f 1 Cocoa, Sugar, Mola-ses, Syrup. Ginger. !>• -r I Cloves, nutmegs. Mace cbumou. Ground M .-' a J Sauce. S.-ila. Saleratu-, Cream Tartar. Spentanc 1 Candles. Bar Soap, Vinegar. Star h. Ac. PROVISIONS. Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Rye Flour. Corn Meal, Pork. Hams A Shoulders. Mackerel. Codfish. - 1 Trout, Picketed and Smoked Herring.Chec* R I Onions, Potatoes, Butter. Lard. Crackers, Ac. Ao FRUIT. Prunes, Citron, Figs. Eng. Currants, Raws ons and Oranges, Green and!tried Apples, and 1 Almonds, Pecan nuts. nuts. Gren-' 1' an<: i! i Walnuts. Filtierfs.J'ca nuts. Chestnuts.Hh -r i GERMAN, FKEXCH and AMERICAN Tuv>. Fam• 1 Ac.- Boys sh iglis. Tin Wagons, Chins,Pewta Tea Setts, Dolls. Trumpets. Toy Guns, Acaniuas nionicas. (Jlass. Paper and Wood Inlaid W r kE v Toilet Cases, Toy Bureaus, Secretaries. A,u IVu ' Papier Mache and Leather Port Monaies W;" : Ivory, Horn and Wood Pocket and Toilet Comb co and Suuff Boxes, Cigar Cases. T; tli. Hair Brushes, Fancy Mirrors, Perfumery, Hair OIL A FOOLS CAV, Letter, Commercial S te sd • Paper. Envelopes. Wafers. Sealing Wax, Ink. Wafer Cups, Sand Boxes, Penholder.-. l'ens,\G I Ac. &c. .., TABLE AND DAIRY RAI.T, Salina and n-*k 1 Cavuga Ground Plaster. BAILEY A M towanda, November 26.1855. TCMB STONES AND MONUMEN' Towanda Marble Factory. (Xearly Opposite the II ard Hovo The subscriber has jist o]ieneil | DA MARBLE FACTORY, who*'; EWBljiii P re P arc "l to '. furnish Monunients ■ Kfynfllffl Stones, mannfactured from the 1 VIAJL !' of RUTLAND and ITALIAN MG 'XMOTI wrou f-ht into such styles aud de- - mjfttmtif suit every variety of taste. f'g Persons wishing to make tner —'V can do so whenever iu Towanda. 1 • this New Establishment. , The superior quality of the stock, the artist. • of the work,and the promptness with whi 'li be tilled, will offer inducements to visit thi- U ' ■ F. H. BALDWIN-W Towanda, July 26, 1858. REEEBF.NCKS. WAVERLY. TOWAXtO 1 Hon. Nathan Bristol. Prof. C. R- 4 '' '• ( '. H. Skeptrd, Guhitr, Rev. Julius It. G. Grans, Merchant, H.S Meieur.M- - Alpin A Doubleday,do. Montanves. . j Rev. O. Crane. " T. M. W uodni" v . i " Wm. Putnam, Col. A. M_'Kew. '■ " D. A. Shepard, Hon. P. Wilni 'L | F.Tyler.Pres't. Bank. " J.C. Ad'm<. CHEMUNG, " Wm. blwc . I G. W. Buck. Esq. E. A. Parsons. L'- W v.sox. E.O. Goodrich, V. E. Piollet, Esq. QCRUBBINO BRUSHES, M< \ kT Baskets, Grain Measures, Pails, Tubs, Traps, Ac., at Nov. 2. QUGARS of every grade, Ha w am ' | O Syrup and Molasses, and the liest Tea 1 Nov. 2. HOODS AND RIGGOLETO Nov. 24. M K (J TO YES FOR SALE.—A ScD)";, l^ LA Mo. 10, " Qoeen of the West 1 0® Tielit in good condition—also a Sheet-iron A ■ -p —will be sidd cheap. Apply at thisollice. T>OMBAZi N KS k ALPACAS -Jj frcai to 12s a yard, at * j, „ cjiie 1 1 I EXTRACTS for flavoring, tor - Jat ■' "| Readers of the Repoiter IF von want to ouy Dry tmods. *.m j kee Notions, cheaper than you y co>J take a trip to \o. 5,