Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 03, 1859, Image 2

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    Tf he mingles less with the world, and learns
less of etiquette, he has opportunity for thought
and learns less of deception, and
chicanery, which make no one happy. Whose
suns luake the most enterprising and successful
merchants, the most profound statesmen, the
most eminent engineers, and 'he most learned
lawyers and divines ? The Farmer's They go
forth from the farm, with healthy blood in
tneir veins, inherited from healthy parents, and
consequently have healthy and vigorous minds.
Who are looked tip to as defenders of our
homes iu case of invasion ? Whose names are
in our jury boxes, aud whose names are sought
for (aye, a little too often successfully), on a
bank note? Brother farmers, let us not repine ;
at our lot; let us not envy others while they j
envy us ; let us honor our calling, and it will
honor us.
" Honor and fame trim no evilitbm riv?;
" He that would win, must labor for the prize ", X. Y., Moo., I*sß. 8. u. p.
Abstract of Congressional Proceedings.
WEDNESDAY, February 23,1353. j
Tho Kansas question, in all its aspects aud j
bearings, was reopened in the SENATE, growing |
out of the discussion of Mr. HAI E'S proposed
amendment to the Legislative, Executive, and
Judicial Appropriation bill, repealing tho re-;
Rtrietion clause in the act providing for the ad- ;
mission of Kausas. The debate assumed a coi
loquial shape, in which Mr. DORGRAS took the
priucipai part. lie went over the whole ground, !
from the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska act
to the present time, fully defining his position,
and answering ail questions freely. Mr. BROWN,
of Mississippi made a speech addressed to the
Northern Democrats. The debate was also ;
participated in by Messrs, DAVIS, of Mississippi
GREEN, of Missouri, IIRNTKR, of Virginia,
GWIN and BRODERICK, of California, Sri ART, of
Michigan, and others—principally, however,
The SENATE adjourned exactly at midnight.
In the HORSE, the first thing was an unsuc
cessful motion to suspend the rules for the in
troduction of a Tariff bill. The Post office
Appropriation bill being under consideration
in Committee of the Whole Mr. MONTGOMERY, ,
of Pennsylvania, attempted to tack on a Tariff
bill as an amendment, but the HORSE would
not consent to it. The subject of the Butterfield
contract for carrying the Overland Mail oc
casioned a long debate, aud an amendment was
adopted abrogating the contract. The bill j
was reported to the HORSE, but none of the
amendments adopted in Committee were acted
TUIT.IDAT, February 24,1353.
The post-routes bill occupied the attention
of the SENATE. Mr. Yulee spoke iu favor of
abolishing the franking privilege, and increas
ing the rates of postage from three to five
cents under three thousand miles, and ten cents j
for over that distance, \ftcr several amend
ments being made to the bill, the SENATE ad
journed, with the understanding that the vote !
on the bill be taken to morrow without debate.
The Post Office appropriation bill was taken
np in the HORSE, and the motion to allow the
Butterfield company to choose their own route
for the overland and Pacific mail was lost by
n vote of 110 to 99. The proposition to pub j
lisli advertisements for mail route proposals in 1
hut two papers in each State, and these two
to be the papers having the largest circulation
was also rejected by a majority of thirteen.—
The amendment appropriating $30,000 for
printing blanks (to be given to th ■ lowest bid
der) was adopted. A vote was then taken on
the bill itself, and it was rejected —yeas 80,
nays 110. Mr. Bocock, from the committee to
examine into the naval contract frauds, pre
sented a report from the majority ; aud a min
ority report lrom the same committee was pre
sented by Mr. Sherman. Both reports agree
in the opiuion that glaring abuses exist in the
Brooklyn navy yard, which require immediate
reform, and that great frauds are perpetra
ted by those having the agency for buying coal
for the navy. Both documents should be read
by all. A general debate took place in Com
mittee of the Whole o.i the naval appropria
tion bill—the tariff, and a revision of the post
age laws, being the principal subjects discus
SvrmPAr, February 2G, 1859.
In the SENATE, the most important motion
was the withdrawal, by Mr. SUDEI.L, for the
present session, of the Cuban bill. He gave
notice, however, that he should again introduce
it on the Grst day of the next session, and
stated that his motive for the withdrawal now
was, to save the Appropriation bills, and thus
prevent the necessity for an extra session,
though he was satisfied that the feeling of the
SENATE was clearly in favor of the principles
of tiie bill. The Army Appropriation bill was
then taken up, and passed after several hours'
debate, by a vote of 24 to 15.
In the HORSE, a bill was reported from the
Committee on Military Affairs, and passed,
which provides for a fine of SSOO and one year's
iuiprisomeut, for cutting timber on the Military
reservations. A partial report was made from
the Sjieeial Committee appointed to examine
the accounts of the late Superintendent of
Public Printing, which implicates PETER S.
DUVAI., late of the firm of DRVAL & Co., Phil
adelphia. The Post-Office Appropriation bill
was passed by four majority, iu the same shape
in which it was before rejected. Mr. PJIEU-S,
of Missouri, again made an attempt to obtaiu
a suspension of the rules for the introduction
of a tariff measure, but the effort was again
unsuccessful. The President's expected veto
of the .Agricultural Colleges bill was received.
The veto is based principally on constitutional
grounds, aud the bill failed to pass over it.—
The Naval Appropriation bill was then con
sidered in Committee of the Whole, but was
finally laid aside, and the SENATE'S amendments
to the other appropriation bills were acted
negroes belonging to the estate of the late
James L. Caleote, drew a large crowd at the
Court House, a short time siuce. Thirty-one
negroes were thus sold upou a credit of about
ten months. With four exceptions, they were
all between the ages of 12 and 22. The ag
gregate amount of sales was $41,100, being
an average of $1323 each. The highest price
paid was SIGOO, being for boys aged 17 aud
21 respectively. Eight of the negroes brought
between SISOO and SIOOO. — Natchez Courier.
fcaS- The iron works at Mill Hall, which
cost about SIOO,OOO, were sold at sheriff's
ale for about one tenth of that sum.
BaT On Friday afternoon of la=t week, a
go' l watch was stolen trom behind the coun
ter of Mussina's Jewelry shop, Williawsport.
> o clue to the thief.
Thursday Morning, March 3, 1859.
TERMS —One Dollar per annum, invariably in advance.—
Four weeks pre vious to the expiration of a subscription,
notice wili be given by a printed wrapper, and if not re
newed, the paper will in all cases be stopped.
CLUBBING— 'The Reporter will be sent to Clubs at the fol
loicing extremely loir rates :
C copies for $5 00 jls copies for sl2 00
10 copies for 8 00 | 20 copies for 15 CO
ADVERTISEMENTS— For a square of ten lines or less, One
Dollar 'or three or less insertions, and twenty-five cents
for each subsequent insertion.
JOB-WOBK— Executed with accuracy and despatch, and a
re isemub'e prices— ll ith every facility for doing Rooks,
Blanks, Hand-bills, Bali tichc's. 4'<\
MONEY may be sent by mail, at our risk — enclosed in an
enrehpe. and properly directed, we will be responsible
for its safe delivery.
Ax extraordinary session of the Senate is
called for the 4th of March, to act, as the
President in his proclamation says, upon such
communications as may have been or may be
made to it on the part of the Executive.
FOREIGN NF.WS. —The Royal Mail steamship
Canada arrived at Halifax Thursday evening,
bringing a week's later intelligence from Eu
rope. She left Liverpool on the 12th inst. —
The proceedings of Parliament had been unim
portant. Affairs on the Continent appear to
be in a very unsettled condition. The French
Legislature bad convened, and in consequence
of the peaceful sentiments uttered by the Em
peror and Count DE MORXEY on the occasion,
pacific rumors had predominated for a time,
but the latest advices have a warlike look.—
Preparations fur war continued on an exten
sive scale. The Paris Bourse had fluctuated
considerably, as also had the London Stock
Exchange—both closing heavily. A new loan
of fifty million francs had been voted by the
Sardinian Chamber of Deputies, which was
explained by Count CAVOX to be designed for
the defence of the kingdom against Austria.
Military movements still continued in the lat
ter country. Later news had been received
from China, but there was nothing of impor
tance. An advance had taken place in the
Liverpool Cotton market, while breadstuff's
were dull, with a declining tendency.
fifeS°*The Prince Albert, of the Galway line
of steamers, arrived at New York Friday, hav
ing on board as passenger William Smith O'-
Brien, the distinguished Irish patriot. The
committee of arrangements having in charge
his reception, by the Irish societies, met at the
Everett Home, and about eleven o'clock char
tered the steam tug Dr. Kane, aud boarded
the Prince Albert as she came up the bay.—
She dropped anchor off Castle Garden, when
Mr. O'Brien was appropriately received by the
committee on behalf of the Irish societies. A
battery of two guus saluted him as the tug
left the steamer, and about one o'clock he was
landed at the barge office dock, Whitehall. A
crowd had gathered at this point, and, as Mr.
O'Brieu landed, greeted him with enthusiastic
cheering. Soon after, he entered a carriage,
and was escorted to the Everett House, fol
lowed by Robertson's band and the artillery
company, and accompanied by the committee,
and a large procession of citizens.
&ssr A gentleman now In Washington, who
has receutly returned from England, brings
intelligence which he asserts can be relied up
on implicitly, and which is of the utmost im
portance as affecting our interests in Central
America. Great Britain, it is alleged, as long
ago as in October last, negotiated a secret
treaty with Guatemala, by which she obtains
absolute sovereignty over a portion of the ter
ritory claimed by her under cover of the ptivi
leges relating to the cutting of dye-woods at
Belize. This is supposed to account for the
willingness of Great Britain to consent to the
abrogation of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, as,
while that instrument is in force, it prevents
her from assuming or exercising dominion over
any part ol Central America. The privileges
granted to her uider this treaty, it is believ
ed, will more than compensate her for any los
ses she might suffer through the surrender of
the Mosquito Protectorate, or the relinquish
ment of any other of the rights claimed in con
travention of the provisions of the Ciayton-
Bulwer treaty.
The Beaver Argus states that THOS. NICHOL
SON, Esq , of that county has been, or certain
ly will be tendered the Chief Clerkship nnder
the newly elected State Treasurer, who takes
his seat in May next. Mr. NICHOLSON occu
pied the sarae position under Treasurer BANKS,
and is a competent trustworthy man.
fcaf The Investigating Committee appoint
ed by the Senate of Illinois to examine into
the alleged frauds upon the State Treasury,
have made their report. They state that the
testimony in the case develops the fact that
many of the Canal Checks which were cancel
ed sixteen years ago, have been returned to the
State Treasury and repaid. The Committee
do not affix blame to any particular persons,
but their report shows that Governor gMATTE
sos was implicated in the transactions. At
the Committee's request they were continued
with full powers. The Senate ordered the
printing of the testimony.
Sea" The Term of the Clinton County Court
last week, was broken up by the absence of
the presiding Judge—his sister, Miss Sarah
Btirnside, having died of consumption, at
Bellefonte, 13th nit, aged 27 years.
[Correnpondence of the Bradford He porter.]
HAKKKBUHO, Feb. 25, 1859.
MR. E. 0. GOODRICH —Resolutions agaiust
an increase of the present rate of postage, in
troduced by Mr. KINNEY early iu the sessiou,
cnme up in their order a few days ago. Goepp
(Democrat) opposed instructions upon any
subject, and upon this iu particular. Mr.
Wooding also spoke against them and moved
their indefinite postponement. Nill, Williston,
Rose aud Kinney urged their passage. Mr.
Rose read the remarks of Mr. Buchanan in
1838 in favor of instructions, in which the fol
lowing passage occurs : —" Ever since I was
capable of forming an opiuion upon this sub
ject, I have believed that the Legislatures of
the several States had a right to instruct their
Senators." This had a very quieting effect on
the question of instructions. Mr. Kinney said
the position of the National Administration
on this subject presented quite an anomaly,
and would be regarded with astonishment were
it not that the people had ceased to be aston
ished at anythiug that administration saw tit
to do. The President had kept a standing ar
my in Kansas and Utah to harass the people
and force them iuto submission to his will, at
a cost of millions of dollars ; he was now ask
ing the trifling sum of thirty millions in order
to pay the earnest money for Cuba for the na
tion to quarrel and fight about for years, but
when a few dollars arc asked to sustain a sys
tem of cheap postage, which is akin to a sys
tem of public education, he backs dowu and
snys the system should be self-sustaining. lie
thought ten cents a day for labor, and ten
cents a letter for postage, sounded very inucb
alike, and was in perfect keeping with the
President's former federal proclivities. The
resolutions passed by a vote of TO to 11. It
is thought by many that the above vote shows
the numerical strength of the pure Buchanan
democracy in the House.
Resolutions have passed the House fixing
the 15th of March for final adjournment.—
The business now before the Legislature can
not be properly transacted by that time. The
members were sent here by their constituents
to do certain work, and they ought not to run
home with it half done, simply because they
get a salary for the sessiou iu*tcad of being
paid by the day. An early adjournment of
course is desirable, but it is equally desirable
that what work they do should be done irell.
The prospect at present is that bills will be
hurried through neur the close of the session,
and placed in the hands of the Governor tube
vetoed for their errors and imperfections.
The general appropriation bill has been be
fore the Committee of the Whole in the House.
It will be cut down from last year. Among
its appropriations is live thousand dollars to
an institution for widows and indigent single
women in Philadelphia. Here a very animat
ed and interesting debate ensued, in which the
Philadelphia members were on one side and
Mr. Kinney on the other. Appeals to the
sympathies of the Legislature in behalf of old
women and indigent females generally were
made, and many tears were shed over their
misfortunes. The good the institution was do
ing was portrayed in glowing colors. Mr.
Kinney sympathized with them and wept with
those who weep, but reminded them that the
country had the same class of poor, and more
of them than in the city, in proportion to their
population and ability to support them. He
said the country supported its own poor of all
classes, sexes and conditions, aud did uot ask
assistance from the city or State to that end.
This institution was a local one—benefitted
Philadelphia alone, as its constitution clearly
shows, and no doubt the city would be glad of
any assistance the poorer portions of the State
might render for their support. The reference
of the gentleman from the city to the absence
of the milk of kindness among the country
members he thought was iu had taste, as the
city was the last place he would expect to find
that article in its purity. If this appropria
tion be made it would but open the door for
similar appropriations all over the State.
The section passed, but when it is reached
on the second reading where the yeas and nays
can be called, it will most likely be stricken
The death of Mr. Wood from the city of
Philadelphia was announced in both branches
of the Legislature on Thursday, and very elo
quent and feeling eulogies were made by seve
ral members. Mr. Wood was very young,
generous and kind—of quaker sentiments, and
much loved and respected by all acquaintan
ces. His disease was typhoid fever and of
short duration. The usual testimonials of res
pect were passed by both branches, and then
the Houses adjourned.
Yours respectfully,
Henry I). Foster of Westmoreland County,
Col. \\ in. F. Hopkins, of Washington Coun
ty, and] Dr. John Curwin, of Dauphin, have
been appointed lately managers ou the part
of the State for the Western Pennsylvania In
sane Hospital.
ocratic State Central Committee have called
a Convention at Uarrisburg on the 16th of
March next.
An accident occurred to the Northern
Central Railroad train, on Tuesday afternoon
of last week, about three miles above Dau
phin. A rock fell upon the track, throwing
the locomotive off, and smashing it to pieces.
The engineer and fireman were seriously in
jured. The passengers escaped uninjured.
LAWUESCK, K. T., February 12, 1859.
E. O. GOODRICH : Dear Sir —l suppose you
fuel something of ao interest in the welfare of
Kansas, especially that portiou of her citizens
hailing from the Old Keystone—and I tell you
their name is legiou. lam satisfied there are
more people in Kansas from Pennsylvania than
from any other ouc state. Why, eveu this city,
which is called a map-town, contains more
Pennsylvanians than those from any other one
state—so with Leavenworth and all the other
towns of any note in the whole Territory.
Our Legislature adjourned last night at 12,
P. M. The Speaker of the House of Repre
sentatives, both this and last winter, were
from Pennsylvania, and both made aide presi
ding officers. DITZI.FR, of last winter, member
from this county, was formerly from Schuyl
kill Co., Pa.; LAZII.KRC, Speaker this winter,
was from Berks Co. Last winter there were
some seven or eight members iu the lower
House ; one, BASSETT, from old Bradford ; this
winter there is about the same number, but
not one of the old ones of last winter. RO
BERTS, of Wyandotte, is the best legislator in
Kansas. He was Lieut. Governor uuder the
old Topeka Constitution, aud from the western
part of Pennsylvania, was iu the I'euna. Leg
islature for several winters, and is a man of
talent aud a good deal of shrewdness—alto
gether, he is the leading man in the House.
In the Council, there were 2 of the 13 from
Pennsylvania, SIBBETT aud HOLLIDAY. Mr. 11.
was altogether the most talented man in that
body ; he, also, was from the western part of
We had a grand, grand Jubilee last night,
or rather this morning, after the adjournment
of the Legislature at about half-past twelve
o'clock. There was a large bonfire built in
front of the Everett House, which is 100 by
117 feet, 4 stories high, aud better furnished
than any house iu Pennsylvania, outside of the
large cities, wheu some 500 of the bone and
sinew of Kansas gathered around it, and pro
ceeded to do what they had long wished, and
deteruiiued to do—namely, to blot and forever
destroy the old bogus-laws. The present Leg
islature have succeeded in passing an entire
new code, and repealing the last vestige of the
old Border Bnfjia n statutes. We all gathered
around the fire and proceeded to dispatch the
victim by burning a copy of the statutes in the
bonfire. There were some fine speeches made
on the occasion, and all seemed highly pleased
and delighted to think we were forever rid of
the odious laws, forced ou us by Border Ruf
fian rule and outrage.
After the bonfire we proceeded to form a
Keystone Club, all for fun. The Governor,
who was born iu Montgomery Co., joined us—
we made liira President—and had a good time
for an hour or two, when we adjourned among
the small hours, all well pleased with ourselves
aud the rest of mankind.
1 will send you a copy of the Constitutional
Convention Bill passed bv the Legislature :
this one has the signature of the Governor, so
we will see if the President will try to keep
u> out of the Union after we get this Consti
tution before Congress.
We have been having considerable trouble
in the southcru part of the Territory, occasion
ed by a band of out-laws. You have heard
and seen many statements in the papers about
it, all highly colored. 1 know this from the
fact I have beeu on the Grand Jury for the
two weeks past, enquiring into all the troubles
in that part of the Territory for the last two
years. Formerly the trouble was brought
about by the Pro-slavery oppressors—this last
was through a band of desperate out-laws, not
fit to live iu any community. Finally the Leg
islature concluded to pass a general amnesty
for all political offences committed in the south
ern portion of the Territory, up to February
11, 1859. The Governor signed the bill, so
all they have to do, is to form themselves into
a committee of one to carry out the laws, and
peace will reign instead of war and murder.
We have had a remarkably mild winter, no
snow, nor ice until now, people are cutting ice
to-day about four inches thick—afraid to wait
a day for fear there will he none left if they
There have been men coming in nearly eve
ry week, all winter, from the gold region, all
confirm the report of gold extending over a
large extent of country. I would uot advise
any one to go, as I believe ninety-nine hun
dredths are bound to be disappointed, who go
to any gold country, whether in Kansas or Cal
ifornia; 'tis all a lottery in digging gold, more
so, than in most any other kind of business,
from all I can learn from those who have beeu
in California, and there are more men here
who have been there, and in Australia, than
all the men I have ever seen any where in my
travels. I believe next year will be a better
time for a man to come than now, for this rea
son, nearly all that has been done as yet, has
been prospecting, if there is as much gold in
Kansas as reported, they will find the best lo
cality during the summer, so the persons who
come next summer will be better off than many
of those who have been there from the first,
or those who go this spring. I have no idea
of going this spring myself, nor do I want any
of my friends to go before one year, uuless they
have made up their minds to run the risk at
all hazards, and try their luck anyhow, good
or bad.
We are to have a Territorial Delegate Con
vention, to organize the Republican party, at
Ossowatamie, iu May. So dorft you Repub
licans in old Bradford be surprised if we or
ganize our party on a more liberal platform
than yon have ; I will send you our creed
when we get it laid down.
Yours, n. w. E.
appointed Mr. Ci. AM, of the (lazrtte, drain Mcamirer at
Philadelphia. The dnties of the office are nominal, and
the ■salary ia $2,.>00 a year. Printers art lucky some
—The Loco Foco County Committee met at Williams
port last week. There wax a contest between the rival
factions of the " unwashed," but the Lecomptonites car
ried the day and elected John B. Beck, a delegate to the
Fourth of March Convention, at Harrisbnrg. The oppo
nents of Packer and Douglass feel jubilant.
—Scarletina is prevailing to a considerable extent in
portions of the couuty, and has proved fatal to a number
of children.
&ay* A GRAND Military and Masonic Ball
came off at Fly's Hall, in Elmira, on Tuesday evening
the 22il inst., in honor of the illustrious WASHINGTON'S
Itirt'i Day. Over four hundred persons were present.
The Elmira (iazette, in describing the grandeur of the
occasion, relates thejfollowing imposing(!)scene At 0
o'clock, the Southern Tier liifles in a body, clad in their
new and splendid uniforms, and accompanied by officers
of the Regiment, entered the room, preceded by the
" Daughter of the Regiment," a young girl appropri
ately costumed, heating time on the tenor drum. At the
same time entered the officers and members of Union and
Ivylxjdges in full regalia. The effect wa-s grand and im
posing. After marching several times around the Hall,
and performing various evolutions, the companies were
drawn up on the sides of the room facing the center,
when the " Daughter of the Regiment," at the sound of
music from the orchestra, performed the Highland Fling,
to the great delight and satisfaction of all present.
J6 OUR enterprising and public spirited
fellow citizen, (KO. SANDERSON, Hsq., says the Scranton
Republican, in connection with several others, is about
starting a large Steam Flooring Mill, iu our Borough. It
is to lie located on Penn Avenue, nearly opposite the ex
tensive Machine shop of Dickson <k to.
IH?"* The Great Republic Monthly , for March,
is on our table, and our opinion of it is, that it is a peri
odica! that should be placed upon everybody's table. We
doubt it any Magazine in the world furnishes matter more
calculated to interest and instruct, for its contents fur
nishes a rich feast for the cultivated taste, the retiued in
tellect, and a pure pabulum for the heart. It is published
by Oaksmith & Co. 112 and 114 William St., New York,
and sent to subscribers for $3 00 a year.
The Atlantic Monthly, for March, conie3
to us promptly from its publishers, Messrs. Phillips,
Sampson A G'o. The opening paper, about Holbein and
the Dance of Death, is a delightful oiie, full of pleasant
description and narrative, as wfll as acute criticism.
" Fizzy (riswold's Thanksgiving" is scarcely up to the
average of the Atlantic i stories. There is a capital ar
ticle on " Charles I.amb and Sidney Smith another
which is quite Lamb-like in its humor, entitled " A Plea
for the Fijians a chapter of the " Professor at the
Breakfast Table." which, if more sober, is not less charm
ing than the previous chapters. The serial articles are
well sustained, and the poetry is excellent.
fta?* GEORGE W. WILSON, on his return
from Nebraska, to his home in Auburn, Susquehanna
county, stopped at the St. Nicholas hotel, in Wilkesbarre,
on the 31st of August last, since which time he has not
been heard from. His family are very anxious concern
ing him, and any information of his whereabouts, address
edto Mrs. Wilson, Auburn, Susquehanna couuty. Pa.,
will be thankfully received.
AGRICULTURAL NOTICE. -Pursuant to adjourn
ment, a meeting of the Bradford County Agricultural
Society, will be held at the Court House, in the Borough
of Towanda, on .Monday afternoon, March 7, 1850, at 3
o'clock, P. M. Electiou of officers and other important
business will be transacted.
as Father HKRSEY,) of the Baltimore Conference, will
preach in the M. 11 Church, next Sabbath morning and
evening, at the usual hour.
In the advertisement of R. I'. SHORTEI.L, as
published last week, a mistake occurred in the time of
day, which should have read "between the hours of 1 and
2 o'clock, P. M."
REV. ROBERT J. PARYIX delivered the last
lecture of tiie Course, at the Hall of the Alpha Epsilon
Society, on Tuesday evening, 22d ult. We did not have
the pleasure of listening to it, but are assured by those
present, that the lecturer was eminently happy and prac
tical iu his remarks, fully sustaining the high reputation
he enjoys in this community as an able lecturer.
fciyWe understand that COL. D. M. BILL.
well known, politically and otherwise, to the citizens of
this County, has been appointed Special Mail Agent, in
place of Mr. Evans, of Owego, resigned.
©■aT" In our advertising columns, will be
found an announcement from Mix and CAMPER that they
are prepared to furnish Grape Vines of several choice
varieties. We take pleasure in sayiug that those who
deal with these gentlemen may rely upon receiving what
they bargain for.
—Mr. DANIEL HARRIS-;, also advertises Fruit and Or
namental Trees. Our citizens have been pretty severely
dealt with by sharpers in this line, and they will at once
see the advantage of dealing with a reponsible person
who resides in their County.
JfcsT'A correspondent of the Philadelphia
Daily News, journeying from Schuylkill to Bradford,
tarries a while at Troy, and thus mentions some of the
" Institutions " of our neighboring village :
" Me now take leave of Williamsport, hoping to have
the opportunity soon of more extendedly noticing its nu
merous points of interest, and hastily travel an uneven
eountry in which the northern ranges of the Allegheny
Mountains contribute materially to the ruggedness of the
surface of the country, fifty miles, when we arrived at
Troy, in the western part of Bradford county, some fif
teen miles south of the State line. We have used several
spare hours viewing the town and surrounding country.
(• ift cen hundred inhabitants, we presume, is a safe figure
at which to estimate its population. There are three
store blocks in the town, built in a style but rarely met
with in the interior of our State. They would ornament
any city. Their proprietors, as a natural result of their
enterprise, do a large, and, we hope, a remunerative
trade. We are informed that the sales of each rise to
*IOO,OOO per year, which the reader will admit is a high
figure for a country store. Several of the leading coun
try roads converge here. Several lines of stages run from
here to Towanda, Wellsborough, and other towns, every
morning. The Stage office is at the Troy (louse, which
is conducted by a brother of the proprietor of the several
stage lines. We were much suprised to fiud the countty
so mountainous, yet it is a rich aud highly cultivated
agricultural district. A large amount of travel passes
through here, especially in the summer, as this line is a
popular route to Niagara Kalis. Troy is the point .that
the railroad travelers residing in the central part of the
county, who are numerous, (many being engaged in dro
vlng, Ac.,) take the steam carriage, thus necessitating a
good hotel, which we have in the Troy House. In a
town constituted as Troy, and depending upon the enter
prise of her citizens for her prosperity. It is essential
that they should not only possess a good hotel, but that
It should be conducted by one alive to the spirit of the
age. No fault can be fouud with Mr. Bigony, who seems
to possess the respect and confidence of the community.
Troy's citizens, if not church-going people, are a
cliurch-building, as some five churches modestly rear
their spires Heavenward.
Hoping to receive your forgiveness for so lengthy a let
ter, and thanking the Troy Postmaster, (who straff,
relate, possesses a quality quite scarce amoag * .
Postmasters, an accommodating, polite disunion > r
keeping the mail open a few minutes for our acomim T
tiou, we bid you good bye."
JOB PRINTING. —Having lately added EXTERN
sively to our assortment of Job Type, Ac., we a r - i, r ,~
ed to do Job Printing, generally, in as good a style aT't
can be done outside of the cities, and at fair, living
file Montrose Democrat makes a yreut
ado over a " Case of Ainalgainati.m,'' occurring iu tba-
County, which, though it present some daik features v,.t
knowing the Democrat's pent hunt for exaggeration
are disposed to take with some grains of allowance. ;•
says—"The negro's name is John Sophia, who has f
some years lived iu thu family of Joseph E. Whitii u
wagon-maker, in the town of Harford, this County q*
is a quadroon, aged about 22 years. The nameo! the v „"
tim in this disgusting transaction, is Amelia Tingle v
daughter of Mr. Truman Tingley, who resides about three
miles from the village, and about oue mile from the Ui
versity. Her age is 18 years."
It is alleged that they were married by a Justice 0 f the
Peace, at Kirkwood, N. Y., on Sunday, Ht|. nit. Aff ly
days afterwards the honey moon was cut shortbbey e
arrest, at Montrose, of the bridegroom and some accon
plices, who were held to bail, on a charge of conspir*,
at the instigation of the girl's father.
be held at Taylor's Hotel, in Monroeton, on Friday afu
j uoon ami evening, 11th instant, the proceeds of" which
will be applied towards procuring a bell for the I'resby.
terian church of Monroe. The public generally is invite l
! to attend.
£af-Oa Friday evening, at 0 o'clock, a fire
was discovered iu a small hovel, containing hay, in ti .
rear of sheds at the Baptist church in Montrose. It t) .
extinguished without btiug communicated with othc
! buildings. This is thought to le the work of an inceac
the Money Luminary, from a reliable source, that in ad
dition to the veins of coal formerly discovered in ijii!
county, anil which have been worked to a limited ex:. ■
a vein has recently been discovered about three miks
from Laporte, which is about twelve feet thick. It Usai 1
to be of superior quality, and lays > near the snrfa.-e thai
it can lie mined at but a trifling expense.
COAL OPERATORS. —The parties operating ia
coal, iu the Valley, held their regular semi-monthly meet
ing, on Monday last, in Wilkes-Barre, at Steele's Hotel
A commendable spirit, says the Union, was manifested
by all the members of the Association present, and a de
termination to rescue the coal business from its languish
ing condition evinced.
It was shown that iron has advanced in price materially
which ought to enable the producers of coal to get an ad
j vance price.
The next regular meeting of the Association will be
held on Monday, March 7th. when a full attenuate • of
all the operators will promote the vital interests of the
j valley.
Shocking Tragedy at Washington!
Philip Barton Key shot Dead in the street
by Hon. Daniel E. Sickles.
WASHINGTON, Sunday, Feb. 27—P. M.
The vulgar monotony of partisan passions
atid political squabbles has been terribly bro
ken iu upou to-day by an outburst of personal
revenge, which has filled the city with horror
and consternation, —I cannot unfortunately
add, with absolute surprise.
At 2 1-2 o'clock to-day, Mr. PHILIP BAR
TON KEY, the United States Attorney for the
District of Columbia, was talking with Mr
BUTTERWORTH, of New York, at the corner of
Peuusylvauia-avenue and Sixteenth-street, near
1 the south entrance to the Executive Mansion,
and some twenty yards from the Clubhouse on
i President's-square, when he was accosted by
1 the lion. I). E. SICKLES, of New York. Mr.
SICKLES charged Mr. KEY with destroying the
honor of his wife and his own happiness, and,
drawing a revolver, instantly shot him down.
One ball, entering in at the left side, passed
1 completely through the body of Mr. KEY ; a
second was lodged in his thigh, and a third,
glancing, inflicted a slight bruise. Mr. KEY
fell, imploring Mr. SICKI.ES not to kill him,
and died in a very few minutes.
Mr. KEY had inflicted upon Mr. SICKI.ES
; the greatest injury and the most intolerable
1 dishonor possible. Of this the full confession
' of the other party to thecrime leaves no doubt.
; Their intimacy had continued for months—
nearly a year—aud was carried on with every
j conceivable circumstance of aggravation. It
seems that it came to the knowledge of Mr.
J SICKLES on Friday : that he took measures to
! render himself perfectly certain of the truth;
and that under the frenzy and excitement con
sequent upon his wife's confession, he shot the
man who had injured him dead upon the street.
| Mr. S. surrendered himself to the officers of
, tlie law, and was committed to prison to await
i his examination, which takes place to-day.
WASHINGTON. Monday, Feb. 2-.
Application will be made by Mr. SICKLE
1 for a writ of habeas corpus, with a view to pro
cure his release on bail to await his trial. His
wife exonerates him from all blame and lie
has the general sympathy of the community.
In the Circuit Court, this morning, Mr. CAB
LISLE announced the death of Mr. KEY, the
iate District Attorney for the District of Co
lumbia. While eulogizing the deceased as a
I courteous, frank, openhearted gentleman, he
forbore to speak of the cause which led to his
death, as that was a subject for judicial inves
tigation. The Court paid a similar compli
ment, and as a token of respect to the deceas
ed adjourned till Thursday.
the Mauch Chunk Gazette, iu his comspou
i dence from Harrisbnrg, gives the following as
a " true copy" of a petitio® presented to the
■ Legislature, last week, from Columbia coun
ty :
"Know all men by the presseud that a 1
who sine this pittisshnn go in tur to through
i out the superintend of schoolls wituess our
. hunts and seels."
The Legislature doubtless considered the
source, and threw the petiliou under the table.
ROUGH AND READY. —We are informed that
1 200 toes of rails were made last week at the
Rough ami Ready Ilolliug Mill, in this place;
which is the largest amount ever turned out in
a single week by that establishment. Rough
and Ready never surrendered to the hara
times but has steadily kept in motion, through
out the fiuaucial depression.— Daneille An.
Hay* A party of Gipsies have been encamp
ed on the Williamsport road, about seven IULCN
above Muncy, for some time past. >ete' a
of the women visited town during the pas
week, aud drove a pretty brisk trade, tel iub
fortunes at $1 and $2 a heud. Evident j,
"duueos are not all dead yet."