Nfoi I pVITON & PAYNE, | - I 4, patton's Block, Towanda, Pa., II H-ive recently added largely to their stock of iiinUGS & MEDICINES, | CJ rKMICLYT.S, hUILY GROCERIES. Tlicy also have constantly on hand 1 ,- KE WINES AND LIQUORS, ' 1 FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. FRESH CAMPHENE, j i .-t rate-, and BURNING FLUID, of superior I • ni 'mifneturcd expressly for the gas-jet Fluid pin v also keep all the Popular KiTENT MEDICINES\ J ivAiy. Every article going from this store is war | and if any prove different, tliey I icerfully taken back, and the money refunded. " J. G. PATTOX. i Tunadt. Feb. 1. 1-vl Dr. K. D. PAYNE. The World Challeng-ed! [he Excelsior Churn! Patented by SILAS HEWITT, July 14 ,1*57. I r - HERN i- the result of years of experience by a I j i ai farmer, t" produce a Churn that has all the H . .if the old Da-li Churn, and 1e a labor-saving We claim for this Churn, and are prepared to i .ut i d demonstration, that it will produce more I etter quality—wiUi less time ami 10.-s labor-- ,:-i atluTChurn in market. It is perfectly simple • \J ,'n-tru-tion. not liable to get ont of order, and a I m apcrate on it. It has been thoroughly tested by I icuiilred firmers in Seneca and adjoining Counties, rrit- fully established wherever introduced, and I , .iin. isi by'all to be one ol the greatest iuiprove- I : its f the age. j 1 ij'iiic following extract from the Seneca Fall- papers i .'Oh, i- a sample of what the " KXCKLSIIJR S' " lias dmie, iu competition with other Chorus : 9 ■ ill tween the Smith Churn, of Elgin, Illinois, • k the first premium at the State Fair at Buffalo a and ha- taken the premium at all the Fairs where - rcii exhibited) ami the Excelsior t'hirn.of this I ~t- k place at Wwnlmaiisee's Hotel, tli-- 20th in-t. || -iin w.i- taken frmn the came ve—el. after Itcing I - n' ut it might be of the same temperature and I ■) -'-.Hi quart at a time—each Churn receiving two ~j The Frtf'.si r Chum p odured and gathered Ih'Urr hard and velloir in six and a half minutes. -m tli Churn was 12 in iiutc- in producing the ! eh was -oft. white and oily ; and Excelsior Twelve Ounces more Butter than the hi 'hura ! The Excelsior Churn then produced tliir *•- of - iod Butter from the Butter Milk of the 1 burn, being more than half as much a- they got the cream! The Smith Churn could not product ttcr from the buttermilk of the Excelsior t hum " Trial of Churn*— Report of the Committee. trial between Smith sChurn, frmn Elgin.lllinois. ll* (ritt's Excelsior Churn . manufactured in this vil slrn-li : k | lace at Woodmansee's Hotel, tin Wed ■ri ig. the following \a- the result of the trial: H* a it's ' burn, 2 j lbs.- Butter in Dl minutes, stieth's ctmrn. li lbs.— Butter in I 2 minutes, ssit tw * callous of Cream was put n e ub Churn. from Smith's Churn was then changed to Hew n! thirteen ounces of Butter extracted from it No *'"ii *1 be brought from the milk from the Hewit was transferred to Smith's. The quality of " f r*"in llcwit's Churn was much the 1 e.-t, being of '.'"lor, and more solid. 1- nml trial, which was about one-third more cream in the Hewit Churn than in the other, resulted uii the same as above, Ik-wit's Churn lieing .to Is* great)v the superior. EDWARDS. LATHAM.) JONATHAN SACKKT.j i - 5-. •' * a-ked for this Churn i-. to let it rest on its - the world i- challenged t*> produce ls tter. r particulars for Rights or ( hunts, address : !• HFRT, Ridgbury, Bradford County, Pa. marv 2. ls*>s. | lumphrey & Wickhsm * K now receiving a large addition to tlu-ir Stock of 1 "<"le and Upper l-eather. Calf mid Kip Skins, Shoe i*i and other Findings, Sugar, Molasses, Syrnp. Tea, ami other Family Groceries, Sheetings, Shirting-, > which thev offer with their former Sto( kat a advance for Oasli or Country product, and respect uvite buyers to give tliem a cull. 1 ida, Jan. 25, 1 -59. BW Arrival of Cicthing! A OVER COATS, ALL KINDS. AT U COLLINS* POWELLS. B!SIN ESS COATS, ALL GRADES. AT COLLINS A POWELL'S. CHEAP WINTER VESTS', AT COLLINS A POWELL'S. WINTER PANTS, AT COLLINS A POWELL'S, 'he above articles were bought tor CASH and are - off 25 per cent, les- than actual cost. '■uida. Nsv.3o, IRSB. COLLINS A POWELL. reat Bargains in Goods! TRACT <fc MOORE, RR now receiving l a very large and desir- t>le a-sortment of Fall and Wintt r Goods, which *('1(1 a- low as anything that can be found in this > ' '■"!!.i-ting of Dry Goods, Shirting stripe Shirting, v :-l* in-. Cotton Batts.Cotton Yarn. Carpet Warp. i'riuts, Sattinet-. Kentucky Jeans, Fancy and 1 a—iuterc. Black and Bine Broad ( loth. I.iiisey, • .Diaper Linen Crash. Napkins. Table Cloths, •> Spreads, Bleucheii Muslin, Red and White ' "tton l'laiuicl, Grain Bags. Ac. --'.nous—He Laine. Hamilton A Pacific mills, ■<. I'e Beges. Clienile Scarfs, Knit Hoods, ''a-imeres. Parnmatas. Ac. \1 ge a--ortiuent of new and choice pat li-i mil Wool Shawls. .no Cifs.—Men and Boy's Wool and Fur Hats the tinc-t as-ortui-nt iu town. ix Sii'iKs.. tli" differeit description of ■9 ami Children's Wear. -id cheap far cash. 1 i-"*s. TRACY A MOORE. GOODS of til! descriptions, ' ' Denim-, Drills. Sheeting, Stripe Sheeting, Ca-.-imere Cloths, Ac., cheap for Ready PIIINNEY'S. of all kinds COFFEE, TEA, Sjr ips. Fi.-h. Rice, and Tobacco.alwavson PHINNEY'H. \AILS, GLASS, OIL, PUTTY, SASH, ■ Drug" and Dyes, cheap for Ready Day,at , h BLOCK. 'BJB. .1. IIARVKY PIIIXNEY.jr. PESLI RAISINS AND CURRANTS, r ? rwra. p l '' '•> of till kinds, Ground and |Whole — -''.* ] -. "*l. Caraway and Celery Seed, at I " ' FOX'S._ 'NTARCH, TAPIOCA FARINA, : Sir, B.ikcr's liest. Cocoa and Chocolate, at L -—. No. 1, 2 and 3, PICKLED I HVI, '( •!'' FOX'S. | (iROCKRIKS —lncluding al I ' | |* r - p'L'le iu that line required in any family I and Glass ware, a new assort- I C 111 MERCCR'S. . - WORSTED rfoobs AND I |ii ORSTED, a new aupplyjmd received by 11. S. MERC I'll. ' illcrrljanbiic, £rc. J)R PORTER S DRUG STORE IS FULL 1)R. PORTER'S CHEMICAL ST RE IS FULL! DR. PORTER'S APOTHECARY STORE IS FULL 1 DR. PORTER'S OFFICE IS FULL ! | OF ALL KINDS OF EVERYTHING ! OF EVERYTHING OF AIJ. KINDS ! OF EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY ! OF EVERYBODY—FOR ALL THINGS ! CHOICE PERFUMERY AND FANCY GOODS! CHOICE GOODS AND FANCY PERFUMERY ! CHOICE TOILET ARTICLES & FRAGRANT WATERS ROSE. VERBENA, COLOGNE, BAY A LAVENDER ! ,TWINE FOR BROOM MAKERS! TWINE FOR MAKING BROOMS! TWINE FOR TYING BROOMS ! GLASS, LEAD, ZINC, OIL AND PUTTY ! VARNISH, BRONZE, GOLD AND SILVER LEAF 1 VERMILLION,OCHRE, UMBER, GREENS A BLACKS! GOOD BURNING FLUID AND CAMPHENE ! GOOD FLUID AND CAMPHENE FOR BURNING ! GOOD FOR BURNING—CAMPHENE AND FLUID! IMPROVED—NON-EXPLOSIVE—FOR GAS ! FLOWER, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS ! FRESH TEA, OLI) COFFEE AND PURE SPICES! GUM DROPS, LIQUORICE AND REFINED CANDY! ALL THE COLORS IN TUBE PAINTS! ALL THE COLORS IN TUBE PAINTS! ALL THE COLORS IN TUBE PAINTS! FISH HOOKS, SXKLLS, FLIES AND LINES! COSMETICS, TEETH AND HAIR PREPARATIONS ! AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND CHINESE RAZORS ! ALL THE PATENT POPULAR MEDICINES! ALL THE POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES! ALL MEDICINES POPULAR AND PATENT! GUN CAPS, POCKET KNIVES AND SNUFF! HAVANA, VARA AND PRINCIPE CIGARS ! TRUSSES, INSTRUMENTS AND SUPPORTERS! COAL OIL. SPERM OIL AND OIL FOR MACHINES ! PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICINE! BEAUTIFUL LAMPS FOR FLUID OR KEROSENE! j DYE WOODS, DYE STI FFS A FLAVORING EXT'S ! ' TINCTURES, SYRUPS, SPIRITS, A DECOCTIONS! LIQUORS, GARGLES, LINIMENTS AND LOTIONS ! j ; MIXTURES. POWDERS. INFI'SIoNS A SOLUTIONS! PLASTERS, OINTMENTS, LOZENGES A SALVES! t ACIDS, BALSAMS, BARKS, ROOTS AND HERBS! SEEDS, LEAVES, GUMS, EXTRACTS A ESSENCES! SALTS. WOODS, OILS, RESINS AND FLOWERS! AND MEDICAL ADVICE GIVEN GRATUITOUSLY, AT THE OFFICE IN THE DRUG STORE, BY DR. PORTER ! McCreary dt Warner, 1 EATING SALOON, Xnrlh side <f Ihe Public Square, TOWANDA, PA. OPEN at all hrmr* for the accommodation of the pub lic. Will keep on band at all time*, all the delicacies jof the season. Iu connection with the above, they have oiK-tied a SPARRING ROOM. A competent person has l*?en engaged,and will shortly take a limited number of gentlemen to instruct iu the ! maul v art of Self Defence. ! January, 24. 1.5.V.1. Met 'RE ARY A WARNER. GREAT REDUCTION IX 1U LCKS ! AT THE KIYITINE THE BALANCE of the stock or WINTER GOODS, which still comprises a go.*d assortini nt of SHAWLS of various kinds, Ladies Cloaks, Plain and plaid Merinos. Valencia Stripes and Plaids, plain, all wool and printed DoLaines, Knit Woolen Goods, Blankets, Winter Ribbons and Trimmings, and many other Goods adapted only to Winter's use. will now fie sold as low as COST, and in M ANY CASKS EVEN LESS, in order to open for Spring with an entire new and fresh stock. WN'OW IS THE TIME FOR BARGAINS in these Goods. Towanda, Jan. 20,1859. JOSEPH POWELL. M ERR! MAC PR INS—A new invoice of Merrimac Prints, new and beautiful paterns, just rc-eived by H. S. MKRCI'R. /ILOVER SEED.— 50 bushels superior 1 V J CLOVER SEED, for sale by February lit, l*s-i. H. S. MERC UK. ! nil II W WESTON, DEN rKBBSSmk T'tS T. permanently located iu Towanda. OKKH 'E one door south of BaileyANevcms". | Towanda. Feb. 19. ts.'o. __ MORE NEW GOODS Conaisting of DKBAOES. PRINTED DELAINES, PLAIN WOOt£DKLAIXKS, WOOL SIIAWI.s, WORSTED HOODS, DOMESTIC GINGHAMS, LINSEYS, CANTON FLAN NEKS, KENTUCKY JEANS, COTTON GLOVES. LISI.E THREAD AND SILK DO.. -lust received i n 1 for sale by H. S. MERCI R DUKSS TRIMMINGS, CHENILLE, Velvet Ribfx.n*. Tasaels, Acorn Buttons, Bonnet i Ribbons, Flower- and Rucheaait W.A.ROCKW LI.L S. I LEATHERS— Au elegant assortment of Black, White, Crimson and Fancy Plumes, at Now 21. W. A. ROCKWEI.I.'S. n/iA I,IIS. LIVE GEESE FEATHERS, mm' " ' of siifx rior <)ii:tlitv . for .-all at the Stove and Hardware Store of Not ■') f • " A LL. £egii. I O HEKII- l"S SALK lly virtue of sundry k? writs of Wild. F.spo., issued ot of the.Court ot Cnm mon Plea* of Bradford County, to nit* directed and deli vered, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the Borough of Towanda, on FRIDAY, the ilth dav of IKBHU AHI ,1859, at one o'rlnck, I*. \f., the lullnwiiig described lot, piece or imroel of land situate in Canton tp. bounded north by land or William S. Baker and Edward Burke, east by land in possession or A. M. Kramer, Kd ward Burke and S. B. Lath nip, south by tl e highway called Union street, west by the highway culled Troy st. Containing about one acre, more or ie-s-s. all improved. ALSO—AII the interest of Henry Kingsbery in that certain lot, piece or parcel ol land situate in Canton twp., bounded north by the public highway called Union St.. east by the public highway called Division street, south by htnd in possession of S. A. Sucese, west ty au alley called Wright's Alley on a certain town plot (if Canton Village, dated Oct. I. 1864, now in posae-ston of S. H. Newman, (excepting therefrom, lot No. 25 on said plot, upon which a school-house is situated ) Containing one acre, more or less, all improved. ALSO—AII the interest of Henry Kingsliery in that certain lot, piece or parcel id' land situate in Canton twp., bounded north bv Harding A Lee. O. W. Griffin and i>. Wilcox, east by land of J. W. tjrittin and A. N. Spalding, south by the public highway called Towanda street, west hy the public hi hway call Troy street and land of Har ding 4; Lee, Mix, Hooper A Turner and F. G. .Manley.— Containing three-fourths of an acre, more or less, nil 'im proves! .with a framed tavern honae.iUMi one framed build ing occupied as a dwelling house, a shoe shop, a new Ire. med barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—AII the interest of Henrv Kingsliery in that certain Int. piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp.. bounded north by the public highway called Union St., east by land of F. X. A andyke, south by land of Case and Colwell, west by land belonging to the heirs of J.C. Rose, dee'd. Containing one eight of an acre, more or less, all impioved, with a framed barn thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John E. Goodrich's use vs. Henry Kingsliery. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Burlington twp. bounded north hy land of John K. Means and Michael Harans.east by laud of John F. Means, south hy the State road and land of Sam uel Strope, west by land of Milton Bailey. Containing one hundred acres, more or lesaaibuiit seventy acres there of improved, with one trained house, one trained barn, and a smail orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H ll.Mace's use v-s. Jonathan Thompson and Charles Coverdale tern* tenant. ALSO—The following describe 1 lot. piece or parcel of land situate ill Sheshequin twp.. bounded north hy land in possession of Adam Foyst, west by land of Henry Me imld. soutb by land of Post, east by land of Burton Kingsliery. Containing twelve acres, more or less, about eight acres improved, one log house, log stable, and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Brough ton (fiiodsell's use vs. Nathaniel Chandler. ALSO—By virtue <f a writ of Levari Facias nil that certain lot. piece or parcel of land situate in the town ships ol Burlington and Towanda. bounded as follows : Beginning at a poplar tree, south-west corner ol lot No. 274 on warrant lot Xo. 443(1, thence we-t on the south line of said warrant 2u2 per to a white maple for a cor ner, thence north 79 2 10 per to a post, thence east 202 per to the west line of said lot Xo. 274, thence south 79 2-111 per to the beginning. Containing one hundred acres, strict measure, it being taken from the south end of lots Xo. 275 and 270 on said warrant Xo. 443<>, with about seventy acres improved, with one framed house, framed barn, and a small orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H.H Mare's use vs. Llislia Foster, with notice to Jonathan Thompson and C. T. Coverdale, terre tenants. THOM AS M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Towanda, Jan. 19, lssß XOTK'K TO PI KCHASKRH. —To prevent misunderstand ing. notice is hereby given that purchasers at Sheriff's sales will lie required to pay the amount bid at the time the land is sold. It has become imperatively necessary to adopt this rule, and it will lie strictly adhered to, ex cept in cases where the purchaser is a lieu creditor and is entitled to the fund as pr vidod in the Ist section •>! the act of Assembly, approved April 20, lH4<i. which is as follows : '• Whenever the purchasers ol real estate at Orphans' Court or Sheriff's sale, shall appear from the proper record to be entitled, as a lien creditor, to receive the whole or any portion of the proceeds ot said sale, it shall la* the duty of the sheriff, administrator, executor or other person making such sale, to receive the receipt of such purchaser or purchasers for the amount which he or they would appear, from the record as aforesaid, to Is* entitled to receive : Provided that this -e* tion shall not he so construed as to prevent the right of said Sheriff', administrator. exe* utor or other person aforesaid to de mand and receive at the time of sale a sum sufficient to cover all legal costs entitled to lie paid out of the proceeds of said sale: and provided further, that before any pur chaser or purchasers shall receive the lieuetit of this sec tion. he or they shall produce to the Sheriff, or other per son so making said sale, a duly certified statement tmin the proper records, under the hand and official seal of the proper officer, showing that lie is a lien creditor,entitled t<> receive any part of the proceeds of the sale aforesa said." ~VTOTICK.-The Hoard of Revision of lirad- Xv lord County have tixed upon the following days an ! pi tees for holding of the Appeals in said County for 1859, viz : Athens Boro', at John S. Sloan's. Tuesday, Feb. 22 : Athens twp., at John S Sloan's, Wednesday, Feb.2.l ; Ridglntry. at Charles O French's. Thur-day. Feb. 24 ; South Creek at Asa Gillett's. Friday, Feb. 25 ; Wells, at Aaron U Ingalls. Saturday. Feb. 2' ; Columbia and Sylvania boro',at David t.'ouable's Monday, February, 2s; Troy twp."and Troy boro, at E W Bigotn's Tuesday, March 1 ; Springfield, at H W Root's. Wednesday. March 2 ; Smitlitield. at Riley Ross', Thursday, M uch Ulster, at Xatluui Olm-tead's, Friday March 4 ; Burlington twp. at Roswell Luther's, Tuesday March 8 ; Burlington West and Burlington boro, at 1. F Rovee's, Wednesday, March 9 ; Granvills, at II F Taylor's. Thursday, March ID ; Armenia, at Robert Mason's, Friday, March 11 ; Canton, st S C Myers'. Saturday, March 12 ; Lcßoy, at O S Mor.-c's, Monday. M ircli 14 : Franklin, I) J Beardsley's, Tuesday. March 15 ; Monroe twp and Monroe boro, ut Ktlicl Taylor's, Wed nesday. March IF. ; Towanda boro, at the Commissioner's Office, Thursdai, March 17 ; Towanda twp and Towanda North,at the Commissioner's office, Friday. March is ; Albany, at Sheffield Wilcox's, Tuesday, March 22 ; Overton, at Daniel Heverlv's, Jr., Wednesday. March 23: Wilmot, at Hiram Morton s, Thurso iv, March 24 ; Asylum, at John M Horton's. Friday, Siarch 25 ; Durell, at Simeon Decker's, Saturday, March 2D ; Rome, at Orson Rickey's, Monday. March 2s ; Sheshequin. at S F Washburn's, Tuesday, March 29 ; Litchfield, at Cyrus Bloodgood's, Wednesday. March 30 ; Windham, at Betij Kuykendall's, Thursdav, March 31 ; Warren, at Robert Cooper's, Friday. April 1 ; Orwell at Thcophilns Humphrey's, Saturday, April 2 ; Pike, at O W M Tthrup's, Monday. April 4 ; Merrick, at H W Camp's. Tue day. April 5 ; Hurry Aekley's, Wende-day, April 6 ; Wyalusing, at John II Black's, Thursday, April 7 ; Standing Stone, at 11. W. Noble's, Friday, April 8 ; Wysox. at J M Reed's, Saturday, April 9 ; As essors will lie punctual in delivering notices to the taxaldes, and in making their returns on the da;, designa ted in their warrants, at which time and place the Board of Revision will attend and hear such its think theni-elvc aggrived by said Assessment, and make such alterations ;ts to tlieui shall seem just. By order of said Board. Commissioner's Office, I E. B. COOLBAUGH. January. 24. 1H59. \ > Clerk. IICEXSKS. —Notice is hereby given tintt A the following named persons have filed in the office of the Clerk ot the Court of Quarter Sessions, their peti tions for license under the existing laws ot this Cmum m wealth. and their several application- will be heard before the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions, ou Monday, the 7th day of February next, at 2 o'clock in the after uoon of said day : FOR A TAVRLLS. Lemuel T. Royce —Burlington boro'. H. M. Holcouib la? Roy. O. S.Morse Leßoy. J. M. Reed Wysox. Ann Wiialon Wysox. David Conabie Columbia. Silas E. Wilcox Columbia. Reel Smith ..Canton. John Howard W yalusing. Leui Mcrucle • - - Monroe twp. Hiram Sherry Windham. Shubel Bowimtn Vsyluni. Mary Horton Wilnwt. Caleb B. Sweazey Jk John Holmes Towanda Boro. O. W. Xorthrup l'ikc. X. D. Snyder Pike. Henry Sherman Overton Rollin Willcox " " Albany. George H. Estcll Towanda Boro. Theodore Hines Wyalusing. MERCHANT PEAI.KR. Henry W. Noble Towanda Boro. Stephen Felton Towanda Boro. ALLEN M'KEAX, Clerk Clerk's Office, Jan. 12, 1h59. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is here bv given that all persons indebted to the estate of THOM AS BRINK, dee d., late of Pike township, must make immediate payment,and all person- havingdemands against said estate, will preseut them duly authenticated for settlement. I'ERLEY 11. BUCK, Dee. 2D. 1858. Executor. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate of GEORGE WHITMOKE. late of South Creek twp. deceased, are hereby requested to make payment without | dclav, and all persons having claims again-t -aid c-tate. will present them duly authenticated for settlement. 1 C. F. WILSON, January 31,1559._ Administrator THRESH UUTTER A SODA CRACKERS ' at Nov. 2. FOX'S. L.jjal. T IST OK JURORS DRAWN FOR, JLi FEBRUARY TERM AND SESSIONS, 1859. OR AND JURORS. Albany- -Jn*eph Lee. Pr.lßidgdlmry—Ulysses Funis- i Fowler Miller.Hirain llor-l worth. John Miller. ton. Rome-EJlwin Taylor. Well* ' Asylum -John Horton. i M Warner. Athens twp—Patrick Flood .Sjjrinjjfield—Xorniwi S.Hos- Burlington \Vst_K K Phelps ! ley. Colombia—Aldeu Keys. [Wanda North-Ezra Rutty. • Canton—Kphraim Case. Ulster—Cornelius Plowman. | 1-eßoy Samuel Bailey. Windham- William Babcoek, ' Monroe twp—George Corey. John Kingsland. (trwell—Charles Upson. VVilmot—Samuel Bacon. Pike—A B Pay son. Wysox—B 8 Pierce. • Wyalusing—John U Welles. I TRAVEKSK JURORS—FIRST WEEK. Albany—P 11 Wilcox. Smith held—Win Peterson, J i Asylum—Miner Terry. Orville Gerald. Armenia—NathanSliennan Springfield—Andrew Cuni- Athens twp—John Morley. miiig*, jr, Joel Andrua, Krastus Wolcott. Win T Bailey. Burlington— Daniel I.aiie. sheshequiu-Reuben Thomp- Samuel B M'Cord, Myron j son. Travis. jSonth Creek—L Williams. Canton—Daniel P Knapp. Standing Stone—CharlesEd- NichnlasEverhart, Warren I wards. Laudon. ITowanda lioro—H A Bur- Columhiw—Geo Hull, Char- bank, CM Manville. J C les 1. Strait. J Wilson. Durell—Charles Stevens. Towanda North—W S Itun- Kranklin—Ceo Besrdsley. dell. I.eKoy —AI pi. a St,uie. Towanda tw]i —Montgomery l.itchlield--R It Killer. Bowman. Monroe lioro—Willi Brown. Troy boro—John Grant. Monroe twp—J It Ingham, l'tiscarura—lteubeii Matte- Orwell—W C Maynurd. son. Pike— Tll Ellsworth, Tlios Ulster—Horace Heath. Stone, 1) S Codding, J W Windham—W P Kinyon, Lewis. _ Johu Treadwell Ridghurv—Joshua Kline. Wilmot—Hiram E Pond. Rome—ft"in Forbes,HenryP Wysox—David Shores. Tanner. Wyalusing—Hiram Buck. TRAVERSE JL'KORS—SECOND WEEK. . Atnens twp—Geo L Easter Standing Stone—Edwin S , | brooks. Gregg. ; Burlington West—Charles Trov twp—James P Pratt, 1 Taylor. Ephraim Berray. , j Columbia—John Gustin.WmiTowanda bora—KAPnrsons, ; j H Gernet. Burton Kingsbury. ! Canton—Geo W Griffin. Towanda North-JesseWood ■i Herriek—Charles Overpeek. ruff. | Litchfield -Hiraui Mcrritt. Ulster—E B Tuttle. j Lettoy— K R Kingsley. Warren— Seneca Allyn.Chas i Orwell—Cicero Pinuniek. S Corbin. I Overton—JacobHotteiistine. Wells—lstrenzo Wing, Isaac j , Pike—Lvtiian Buck. EC Ah- Searle. Hiram West. r bott, Joseph Coleman. Wyalusing—Lewis Hitch- > , Home—Stephen 0 Allen. cock, James C Vaughn, ! Spririgtield —A H Cranmer. James Fee. Joel P M'Affee. iWysox—John Allen. Win A Sinithiield—Mcrritt Wood. { itenedict, Jacob B Eddy, I John Biles. I | 1 DM IN 1 STRATUM'S NOTlCE.—Notice IJL is hereby given, that all jierpsons indebted to the estate of ABIAL FOSTER, deceased, late of North ! Towanda, are requested to make payment without delay: 1 and those having claims against the said estate w II please 1 present them duly authentisuted for settlement. BAM(JEL B. POSTER. I January tS, 1*59. Administrator deOmri* mm. k I>MINISTRATOR'S NOTICE N tict is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of WILLIAM BERK, late of South Creek, dee'd., 'arc hereliy requested to make payment without delay ; j and all persons having claims agniust the said estate will please present them dulv authenticated for settlement. CYRUS BERK. Jan.24, 1*59. Adm'r, with the will annexed. Towanda Borough Report for 1858. EXPENDITURES. Amount of work done on public streets, $377 31 Material furnished, laying and repairing walk- , 3*2 73 , Building 3d street Bridge. 2:t< 00 ' Building two public reservoirs, 101 00 Rebuilding Culvert on Main street. 210 oo Repairs on old culvert, occasioned by freshet, 41 13 Instalments and interest paid on Borough scrip, 2i5 76 Expenses of Fire Department, 02 oo Winding and keeping town clock in repair, 2.7 00 1 Repairing Borough Tools, 5 3!) 1 Election Expenses, lb 10 Printing Expenses, 10 50 ; Justice Fees, 4 00 Attorney Fees, for 1*73, 17 Oft Taking care of Engine house and repairs, 10 00 i Coal and lights for Council rooms, 8 77 ! Books ami stat onery, 93 i Sec. and Treus. salary, and serving app'l notices, 43 00 {1,9*4 56 : ACCOUNT WITH COLLECTORS. Collector. j Date Ain't Paid Exu'd | Prct j Due i W.C. Bogart, I*7o $33 07 sl7 08 {l7 39 . G. 11. Eaton, '73, '.70 873 30 2*9 79 32 08 92 91 440 33 | A.J.Noble, 1*37 09183 019 69 21 *4 50 32 ' do special, 1877 630 14 485 07 93 04 5.7 53 ' do ISSB 989 79 31 07 930 72 j 3,200 13 1,403 30 1,379 24 lilt. A. J>. MONTANA E, TREASURER TOWANDA BORO - . CR. Balance in treasury, Ret'd on dtip. $1,379 24 Jan. 1,1*58. S4O 581 Exonerations, 140 70 Dup. prior to 18.75, 2,210 35j Percent to coil. 214 30 ' Dup. lor 183*. 9*9 791 Paid Beidleman, 123 09 Sands & Co. license, 33 01' Building coin, order, b93 la-nt. do 35 OntOverpaid on special C. T. Smith, judgt 30 ou last year, 20 47 ; Boro' orders cancell ; ed in 1858, 1,430 47 I Balance, 34 25 3,300 os'0 s ' 3,300 08 TOWANDA BOKO' ORDER ACCOUNT. Outstanding orders lOrders redeemed and Jan. 1. I*sß, $545 59] cancelled in I*s*. 1,704 47 Issued in 1858, 1.9*4 aOiOutstand'g Jan.l,'s9, *24 0* 2,529 15 j 2,529 15 LIABILITIES. Amount of outstanding orders, Jan. 1,1*59. $ 824 08 > i " due on Boro'serip, April 8, 1*59. 1,097 07 j Judgment ill favor of Michael Kennau, 99 47 •' " '• I'. 11. Morrow, 99 47 " " " " John Holmes, 08 oo $2,199 29 AKSETTS. Balance due on Judgment, C. T. Smith, $ 14 45 " •• (1. H. Eaton's Duplicate, 440 32 | " " A. J. Noble's Duplicate, 93* 72 " " from Treasurer, 34 20 $1,427 95 ULYSSES MERCI'R. Barmm. J. H ARVEY PHINNEY, JR. E. O. GOODRICH, JERK CULP. ATTEST . A. D. MONTANYK. iSecretary Overseers of the Poor Ret ort fur the year 1858. EXPENDITURES. I Paid E. Madden for keeping Mrs. Crow, $ 2 30 C. Sweazey for keeping Jacob Gaines, 30 00 • Holloii ' " " Floyd Decker, I !l Relief to Siivercool anil family, 17 90 " "O. Sage " " It 3s " •' Mrs. o'tlnidy, *B* Paid Mrs. Warner for keeping Mrs. Miner, 11 2.7 •' " Vandercook " " " 30 00 Temporary relief to Colored wonioa. 50 Paid William Mix services in I*s*, 20 00 J. P. Kirby, " " 10 <MI C. K. laidi'l as physician, 10 00 Paid Mrs. Baker for keeping Ijoriuda Pope, 11 73 •• Powell A Smith stage fare, 1 00 " Mrs. Baker lor keeping Miss Bee be. 3 oo Temporary relief to McCart y and German, 3 oo " " John Reese, 1 Oo " " Mrs. Powers, 1 7.7 . Paid C. Wells for 3 coffins lor paupers, 10 2.7 " TIKIIIIHS Barnes lor digging 3 graves, paupers 4 oo " Sarah Ogdeu for keeping Dan Sullivan, 10 on . Attorney fees, 500 $217 05 CK 1' 'uID J ( * VPrsopr ' the Four. M-COUNT Wirn COLLECTORS OF POOR DUPLICATES. Collectors. ' Y'ear. | Ain't. ! Paid. } Exu'd i Prct | Due • C.T.Smith. 1*52 $23 58 $1 50 sl(s 70 $5 32 • A.J. Noble, 1*57 372 90 232 00 sl4 10 100 80 3704823350 1070 141011212 DR. A. D. MONTATVK, TREASURER POOR FUND, CK. . Amount of Smith's du- Ret'd on duplicates, sll2 11 plicate, $23 6*iOverpaid last year, 17 03 . do Nobles'. 352 90 Ex. to Smith, 10 70 Uec'd of M E.Solomou j I'erct to Noble, 14 10 per Quigley, 5 OOiOrders redeemed. 211 30 >. | Balance, lo 15 $341 4s| s3*l 47 We tiie Auditors of the Borough of Towanda, do certi fy, that we have examined the accounts and vouchers oi f the Town Council, Overseers of the Poor and Treasurer, t lot the year 1838, ami tind them correct, s M. C. MF.RCUII, | . ... . 1 J. 1). MONTANYK, j A " dlt " r *- Ladies Dress Goods. T) ARTICULAR attention is invited to a large assort ? I" ment of Ladies' Dress Goods, now lieiog received by JOSEPH POWELL -comprising everything that is now . fashionable and durable in Borages, Crape Mosetts, Or t gaudies, French Printed Jaconetts, Lawns, English and , Freucli Prints, Brilliants. Ducal Plaids, Lustres, Challi's Ginghams, Prints. Ac., Ac., which will be sold at prices far ie* than ever before offered iu Towanda. June 8,18.38. 5 jnOTTFX, LIM:N AND maksaili.ES A- 1 -liirt B-soni .at No. I, I'attou* Block. ANNUAL REPORT, 'Of the Receipts and Expenditures of Bradford County, from January lkt, to Dccomber 31st, 1858, inclmive. EXPENDITURES,. j A-ae-wrs . .. $215 59 | Am.iturs 127 no ■ Upon Bridgi- Contract 1209 2 s I Upon Bridge and Road Views 30 00 . J,nnes Harris. Crier of Court 109 30 i C mtal.les making returns and attending court 523 03 ! Counsel to Commissioners 5000 Costs iu Commonwealth suits 2012 77 . Costs in Civil suits _25 on j Election expenses 7*4 00 , B dance of erecting Fire Proof 1.'a.0 3b : Fuel and Lights 140 47 ] Grand Jurors. 532 51 ' Traverse Juror* 2*02 70 ( Incidental Expenses 2* 40 , Insurance upon Public Buildings * 25 ; Office Books and Stationery '>'< j Prisoners Support in County Jail 437 97 _ JE— —— Account with the several Collectors of County Taxes fur the County of Bradford. Townships Br Bor\>s. Collector's Xames. Y.r charged. R.ceered. L'xjn t P.rcn.tag D we. Wilmot E Shmjard If*33 $7 29 $7 29 .. : Towanda North.... H W Easterbrooks ll*so 9 48 'J 4* , Alt any C H Corbin ilsso 5 97 5 7".' j Burlington West.... Plymm Phelps !.... 37 63 36 55 $1 08 Granville C D Koss ! ■••• Overton Daniel Heverly, Jr... " 16 27 76* 4C6 393 Springfield S D Harkuess |.... 12 04 12 04 Towanda North .... S A Mills '.... 221 29 207 26 . 13 94 Athens township.... WmHSihle 477 42 >6 >S it Asylum Hiram Horton 117 64 117 64 Burlington West... G W God.trd ... 131 70 131 i 0 ■ •• Burlington township I Travis,Jr. .... 1.5 71 121 34 15 4, 1, 9) , Caiitou ill F Beard-ley j 207 .73 163 .76 618 36 II ! Columbia I Charles Keys 140 02 140 02 I Durell I>S State ! 122 64 j 122 64 Frauhlin jJCßurnham. 57 70 12 00 .. I •• 943 72 i Granville 'Albert barnes ...j 223 71 223 71 .. j Htrrick {lsaac Marsh 1 •••! 4* 23 4* 25 .. | : Leßoy j I.eßoy Holcomb 1 115 88 11.7 88 .. j l.itch'tield iltowea Merrill !.... 298 17 271 29 712 | 19 74 Monroe township.... IM M Codbuugli 1 Off 67 107 67 .. j , Pike IG W Brink 100 23 160 23 .. •• ; Rome ill W Browning j.. 127 30 12* 36 ; .. ' B dgbury.. 'Jesse Hammond .... !••• IGG 26 135 <Bl ■ 8 65 22 44 Sbeshequin Jolin Brink ... 3*7 93 3*'4 21 3 6J I | Sinithiield IT J Wheeler .... 26 34 \ 26 34 .. j 1 Springfield .C C Hooker !.... 248 Cl 248 62 •• i Soutli Creek Ira Crane ' 18 82 { .... 44 32 12 47 I Tuscarora ID D Black !-... 78 26 j 76 26 j .. ; .. ] j Towanda Borough... A J Noble ;.... 234 16 | 225 60 860 I Towanda North.. .. James Elliott 63 25 25 OU 69 | 13 11 24 4j | Towanda township.. JamesSuntee -39 4.7 127 00 540 j 16 47, ' 8g 3$ I Troy BiMugb James Adams .... 123 72 123 4* | .. i -• I i Troy township 11 Spalding 132 4* 132 72 j .. | .. j ' Wyalusing James lx-wis 96 30 95 60 .. , .. I i Wysox... E K Blauvelt 221 41 221 41 . I 1 Windham J W Warner 168 9.7 16-95. 1 •• j ; Wilmot N T llorton .... 15 01 15 01 •• I Wells js H Ingersoll .. 96 94 92 19 4 75 I Athens 80r0ugh.....11 J FriUher Us* 376 59 239 39 , 24 76 ) 17 Cl I #4ls 1 Athens township I. B Garner 1.. 1202 60 , 1116 38 2" 60 . 6* 72 ! I Albany Clark Sweet '.... 221.52 I 15V 00 13 34 10 64 | 41 1 Asylum Iliram llorton 270 84 1 44 36 ! 277 ' 13 42 j JlO 30 Armenia {John it Morgan 1 60 79 ' 66 81 , 2 04 2 91 Burlington township Jer'li Travis. Jr. .350 *2 j 155 00 175 *2 Burlington Borough Philander Long .. i 64 21 j 25 Oil i 369 303 32 49 Burlington West . Edwin Loomis.. ; 299 *3 j 111) 00 , 263 1* 65 172 15 Canton Edwin Neuman 627 06 620 tiO . 107 0# Columbia Edward Young 6*4 96 4 4 00 1 05 28 31 71 67 Durell D S Status .... 290 34 1.75 00 I 3 38 14 35 117 61 Franklin....* James P Burn ha in.... 1... • I*l 36 I 11: 00 ! .. 62 36 Granville. David Say les ... 3*4 66 I 360 3 1 j 626 | IS 99 Ilerrick blames 8eaum0nt......j... 220 56 | 131 00 3 60 lo 65 76 11 Litchfield It) F Wolcott 341 70 j 265 00 . 1 64 17 00 57 88 LcR iy jUBoy Holcomb 225 73 62 00 1 11 11 32 1.73 00 Monroe township... M M Co'dtiaugli. 1 72 00 1 10 47 16 57 212 70 .vil, n roc Bon. ugh.... Marcus Terwilligcr... 60 59 I 40 55 ( 123 lu 51 Orwell DC Ellsworth 416 79 { 374 2s 2 32 2o 72 19 47 Overton ijauies Heverly 1.... "6 13 t(i 18 1 6 46 3 43 Pike G W Briuk | 664 34 310 00 J 354 31 Rome |H W Browning.. i-.. 391 63 160 (8) , 237 I 19 46 209 80 ! Riilgliurv ; Jesse Ilauiiuoud j.... 410 45 217 25 j li> 27 19 93 1,58 00 South Creek... .... Ira Crane : .. 252 24 193 89 35 25 I't 63 12 25 standing Stone [Jonathan Wood ;•••• 251 *3 162 *0 99 93 Sinithiield I'J Wheeler !.... 623 07 379 00 9 t'C 33 71 204 30 Springfield (AG Brown j... 617 65 420 00 3 25 25 73 68 CT Sbeshequin, John M Smith !.... 60* *2 577 33 1 10 3o 39 j Sylvutiia Borough... N H M'Collum. '.... 67 6* 56 1* \ 205 328 616 1 Towanda township.H II Mace I.— 2*o 42 275 6.5 j 87 i 11 00 1 Towanda Borough... A J Noble i 759 67 4*l 52 1 j 268 13 Towanda A H Kingsbury .... 232 07 11! 0(i | 66 11 58 108 83 Troy Borough lileorge Peck |.... 225 37 ; 210 96 j 305 I 11 36 Troy township II Spalding .... 623 27 ; 4** 00 ' 9 10 30 72 95 4J Tuscarora 'lt 1) Black 267 *7 ; 92 00 | 595 13 o'J ! 151 91 I Ulster IS C Hovey 314 42 j 324 39 1 2 89 17 15 Wysox jJ B Hind* 1 43 41 , 2*3 00 > j .. I 210 14 Wvalu*ing James l,ewis 439 5* | 309 62 j 223 , 2i 87 105 66 Warren 1 Robert Corbin 535 83 ; 509 3* ! 696 ; 26 49 1 Wells 'Levi F. Baker 365 57 j 3!1 64 li 36 j 17 67 Windhim J W Warner 48.7 3* 224 00 | 476 1 23 63 | 218 Wilmot 'N T Horton | 137 99 I 25 00 ! 473 I 670 j 101 56 ! ! $1.7.700 02 I $3 462 i i 29 11 | $4,1*8 9J DR. K Percical Shair, Treasurer, in account with lilt County of Bradford, CR. | Due upon duplicates for previous years $5,540 57 Duplicates for I*s* 15,5.72 1* Transcript of unseated land charged over for col lection 10 88 Transcript of seated lands for 1858 215 41 Transcript of unseated lands for I*sß 726 49 , He assessments 15 42 | Miscellaneous receivals .. 9*o 60 1 Paid for advertising 113 tracts of seated land 2* 2.7 i Abatement tor State tax. 296 56 ! j To amount in Treusui v, Januan 1, I*sß 50,76 93' s2* ,449 29 I DR. K. Percical Share, Treasurer, in acc'l with the Coai'th of Pennsylvania, CR. j Due upon duplicates for previovs years $ 4,739 13 j j Duplicates for I*sß 11,413 36 ! Transcript of unseated land for previous years 9 5b Transcript of seated land tor I*s* 8* 19 i Transcript of unseated land I*sß 547 47 Ro as-essinents 10 *9 Misccll meous receivals I $16.532 112 I DR. County (MUtt Macc't with the Co. of Bradford for 1858, Clt. To Orders issued in I*sß $16,654 22} Outstanding Jan. 1, 1858, 176 "I ! $16,*30 96 j —•— BRADFORD COUNTY, SS.- -We, the undcr*igni d, Conu issi uers of said County, do hereby certify that L. s. the above i* a true and correct atateim nt of the Receivals and Expenditures of saiu County, iroui the lirt —-* - day of January to the thirty first day 01 December, (inclusive) A. D. 1*59. \VitiHS- our hands and seal of offi e,at Towanda, the 15th day of January. 1*59. D. LILLEY. ) I>. DBCKER. Comiaissionera. Attest— E. B. Coni.Bu'Gtt. Clerk. P. H. BUCK. I DOUGLAS ELECTED! 1 cpilK MAN that makes the TIN' AXI) SHKET IRON 1 WARE at the EAGLE WORKS, is supposed by his admiring friends to l>o looking man,and 'he best workman in Tin and SlictTiron of any man in this region i of country. Tin Ware HI ide hy him is warranted not to ! bnk naod He is always on hand, like a thousand ot hriek. !to make work to order,or do HOUSE JOBBING,ss Eave : I Troughs, Conductors and Roofing, or to .exhibit a large ; variety of STOV K S , ; For cooking with Coal or Wood,or Parlor. Office or Shop I Stoves made at the above works. But if you wish to give orders for CASTING OR M ACHINK WORK, call at the otiier end of the same establishment where ynti eau pro eure anything you want in the line of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS with late improvements, siieli as Plows. | Cultivators, Corn Slu lleis. Cutting Boxes, Horse and I>og j Powers, Ac,, or any kind of Casting in Brass, Iron and j ! C niposition ; or Machine Woiknud Repairing in a neat j and woikmaulike manner. CASH paid for Old Pewter' j or Rrittnnia. <. P. BAHTI.ETT. } Towand.i. Jan. .">, Is.VJ. Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings! \ LARGE ASSORTMENT, for Portrait anu Picture Frames, Looking Glasses Looking Glas Piatt s.aud French Picture Glass of all sizes. Frames and Locking Glasses made to wider, at prices to suit the times. *4" Ready made coffins, of line tinish, and different sizes, with a gotid, ready at ail times. Low prices and terms ease. Towsnda. o'et. 20. lvis. CHESTER WKT.LS. 1 EMNE ASSORTMENT !'.\ 11 A. MKT AS. Figure and Plain OeLuine-. from It! to 25 irnts. at : i Oct. 19, IRIS. PHINNKV'S. ! . OONNET RIBBONS. Kl.o\YKi:s I* Broeiic Cloaks, Raglans uad Shawls from $ I .'.'."i to ' I'll IN NEWS. | I? RINGES,LACES,VELYKT RIBBONS ! 1 Buttons. Braid \u\. at PHINNEVS. COKKAKSTHAND 1 J KERCHIEFS, MarsailesSleeves and at Oct. PHINNKY S. QHETLAND YARN, EMBROIOERY OsiLK and Zepln r WpwtM. at PHINNEVS. PRINTS— 3000 YARDS OF EXTRA I QUALITY, for A cents,and any quantity from <M to 12 cents, at PIIiNNKY'S. VUTS AND CANDY, at WHOLESALE _LI very low. at F X'S. PARA MAT AS V MERINOES from ls6 a vard to the be.-t grades In all colors, at I MARSH A CO'F. \ Prisoners Support in Ea-tcrn Penityitiary 308 29 , Couvcving pi'i.*oueia to Eastern iVuitcliiiary 17 0 27 Public* Pliutl >g . 3D'< 1> Prothonotary "i 'lerk o (Jiurti r Sessi' ti- 3:'ti 54 I Repairs of Public B tidings 536 0 4 Town-hip 1.i..e Vi< w* 41 OO , | Wolf and Wild Cat Certificate* 27 62 Justin' Inpii-ion . 31 91 ; Towii-hipslor Sc'uM.t Tax upon c .ud lands re turned or O 1 le tlon 86 76 [ ('. L. Wi.rl for Water Re t .or live years 82 50 P. H. Buck, Co n.-r iX ; K$ I D. I.lllev. d •• 32*09 D. D. Decker, do .. 360 00 E. B. Coolbaugh, Commissioner'a Clerk 600 OO S lin Total $16654 W Due to Sheriff as per Auditor's lej.ort 420 ii Returned uncollected previous ti 195* 167 85 Returned uncollected (• r I*s* 4,"43 76 Exonerations upon transcript-of unseated lauds 10 88 Exonerate 11- given to Collectors 391 62 Percent,ige to Collectors *24 11 Old rs redeemed in I*s* 16,65* 85 2 per cent commis-ioti upon same 353 18 1 per cent commission upon $17,63* 30 .... 17C 23 Exonerations upon seated and unseated lands. . 34 56 By amount iu Treasury, January 1, 1959 .... 5,799 83 $2*.449 29 Returned uncollectd previous to 185* $ 167 84 Returned for I*s* 4,043 76 Exonerations upon unseated land 0.50 Exonerations given Collectors. 299 03 Percentage do 632 2.7 1 per cent, commission up >n $13,012, 130 l'J Paid State Tieasurer. per receipts, 10,499 10 Amount of abatement on State tax 506 79 Due State, January 1. 1*69 l.*C3 12 $16.*22 03 By orders redeemed in I*sß $16,658 *2 Outstanding January 1, 1-49 172 14 $16..* 3d 96 ' - ■ - ij " THE WORLD BEAT." I T FS ("ONCEDED TTI AT M A RSH & TO.. I OK KI.MIRA.em, and d'> beat all competitors in sell ing Embroideries, Collars. Sleeves, Bauds, Flountings, Edgings. inserting!-, Ac., cheap, at Dc ;. is.-,*. ma. union heock. ".lE3AI IN TERE *T." IMIE LEUAE interest on moxkv - is from > t'l I jierecnt. per annum, who therefore. : w<ml| pay 15 |>er cent, more t■ r (I O O DS on cred it titan tliev can buy the <=atre articles lev of MARSH -V CO.. f Elmirn, fur Cadi? " Ah. that's the ipiestion'' which is daily answered bv many who hire money at >t n/ilf interest and buy tor Cah thus sarin? ctrmi-omnl in terest. !>.. you a-k tviiere FLOODS CHII -V Itought so . heap i-r Cash? Our answer is at MARSH A CD'S. No. 5 Union Block, Kl mint. \. V. OTTR WIKTIK STOCK I S MOST OOMI'EETE— CONSISTING 1- of Single and I ton hie Itrorhe Shawl* trom #i! to fit). Single and I >• nt!• Woo! Rlaid Shawls ftoin It; s. to |A, Dress (evul* of every do-crinti n. Hoy's anil Men's Wear in every style and quality . fr-m the rhennc*t Kentucky Jeans to the finest Broad CI th Flannels from 1 *. a v ird to tlre beet in the world. 11l -ached aud Brown Muslin (rout 5 its. to the ur>s| superior grades. Tai.le Cloths. Pi ano ("oxers. Dinner Napkins Tin |V>ylie. ltamisk. Tow ellings. Husury, tlloves, Mittens. Oannth'tts. and in fa-t , everything that a rational human hcing can desire tofind in a first class Pry'lml- Store at M AltSlf A C(t'S., j No. 5, Union Mutt. EIIDTU. X. V. EXTEIff"SE3 PAID. \EE CTSTOM ERS ERO.M A D!S a V T\N<'K It-i trade at M \RSH jfc Cd'A, in Kliniri, will liavc their e\|ten es ni re than paid on what tdry save in the tirice ot (I wvds. Hundreds of persons have tried it to their entire satisfucthui. 1-y it iu, gome and see 'is, buy twenty d dlar- worth of n-. and if you d-cj't find it SO. Vilir cMielises will afl be i:tid -II cash HY Dec 7 M \RSH A COS.. No. a. Union 1110-k. MONTANTES' STORE rrHE CREDIT SYSTEM NOT ENTIRE ! 1- I.V EXI'I.ODKD We would nay t-> onr prompt pay ing Cut inters that we are still sellin • floods on tt credit • ef S x Months, and that we ate receiving large supplies by railroad and canal weekly, and out nriee* wilt comparv favorably with our cash rereivintr urieli'mrs. ! THE Vv HOLES vu: FP.\TURK Of their concern is 1 still continued, ai d snit.ll parcels, for Caeh will be sold at I Wholesale Pi-t.-c. j ONE BOAT LOAD OF IRON AND NATES just r% j reived from the Thinranon Iron Work- which will oe -♦,} [to the trade at city prices Including freight. * pa I tronl/e the losnufiu tare of our own State Nov 21. 1 j- iFt.NTvWm.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers