Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 03, 1859, Image 3

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    XOT 'AborrtieemctUs.
|O.l Patton's Block, Towanda, Pa.,
U vc recently added largely to their stock of
They al-o have constantly on hand
..forest rates, and BURNING FLUID, of superior
nmnulactnred expressly for the gas-jet fluid
They ai®o keep all the Popular
lav. Every article going from this store is war
i : t j j' represented, and if any prove different, they
, i* cheerfully taken back, and the money refunded.
• vtnda. Feb. 1.1*59. Dr. E. D. PAYXF..
The World Challenged!
The Excelsior Churn !
Patented by SILAS HEWITT, July 14,1857.
<r'ISCHI RN is the result of years of experience by a
j r. tieal farmer, to produce a Churn that has all the
, "f the "Id I)a-h Churn, and he a labor-saving
„ We cl aim for this Churn, and are prepare<l to
•wty actual demonstration, that it will produce more
jr-a better quality—with less time and less labor—
JIUJ oth<T Churn in market. It is perfectly simple
n®tm tion, not liable to get ont of order, anil a
.in pi-rate nit. It has been thoroughly tested by
nndri i! farmers in Seneca and adjniniug Counties,
■ Tirnts fully established wherever introduced, and
... need by ail to be one of the gre itest improve
>-i f the age.
irllie f slowing extract from the Seneca Falls papers
*ir JCth, is a snmple of what the '• EXCELSIOR
s done, in competition with other Churns :
t trial ia-tween the Smith Churn, of Elgin, Illinois.
• •-de the list premium at the State Fair at Buffalo
rio... ind has taken the premium at all the Fairs where
- sen exhibited) and the ExeeNior Cli irn. of this
sit : k place at Woodman-cc s Hotel, the 20th in®t.
y ram was taken from the .ame vessel, after being
ii|'thit it mieht lie of the same temperature and
• i "tie quart at a time—each Churn receiving tw
IL !.>. The F.Ttehvr Churn p otitic ed and gather r
Bvtler hard and yrllmc in six and a half minute*
• ''. he Smith Churn was 12 minutes in producing tin
inter. hich wis -oft. white and oily: and Kxcelsjoi
ra ; r duced Twelve Ounces more Butter than the
Churn 1 The Excelsior Churn then produced tlii>-
I*- .r-e-uf giMid Bitter from the Butter Milk of the
*! i hum. being more than half a- much as they got
*3 the cream! The Smith Churn could not product
. Butter from the buttermilk of the Excebior Churn '
Trial of < fctirns— lteprrt of Vie Committee.
itthetr-al between Smith's Churn, from Klirin.lllinoi
c Hw tt's Excelsior Churn. manufactured in this vil 1
•e hrh took place at Woodmansee's Hotel, on Wed
t'-ut morning, the following was the result of the trial:
lb wit'- ' born. 2j lbs.—Butter in 64 minutes.
sirit'Cj |l 'f.j _R -ttcr in I 5 minutes.
'• tw al. n* •tCr am was put ne ch Clinrt
' •m !k from Smith's Churn w is then changed to Hew •
sad thirteen ounce® of Butter extracted from it X
'ter 'u d he brought from the milk from the Hewit
whii b was transferred to Smith's. The quality ot
•i- from Hcwit'a Chum was much the Lest, being of
wr color, and more solid.
si- -id trial which was about one-third tnore cream
•e pat in the Hewit Churn than in the other, resulted
nearly the same as above, Ilewit'a Churn being
u*a to he grcatlv the superior.
.'OX \TH \N SACKET, { tOTnmi ""-
a Falls. May 2f. l®sß.
d i a-ked for this Churn is. to let it rest on its
> " Is—the w rid i® challenged to produce better.
" i o- i! ir® for Rights or ( burns, address :J
HURT. Riilgbnry, Bradford County, Pa.
ternary 2, MM,
lumphrey & Wickham
(Sfn w receiving a large addition to their Stock of
A " if and Upper LeHtlu r. Calf and Kip Skins, Shoe
nd and other Findings, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, Tea,
'ff and other Family Groceries, Sheetings, Shirtings,
i" which tiny offer with their former Stock tit a
advance for Cash or Country produce, and respeet
avite buyers to give them a cail.
' i da. Jan. 25, 1
1 FESTIVAL will He held at tlio rooms
■1 d S i-quehanna t ollepiate Institute, in the Roro'
*i■ \. on Tuesday evening, February. 8, 1559, for
' "fit of that Institution.
■ ■ ! ■ Uess known to nio-t of its friends that this In
' u*s been struggling for the last two years past
-■"-it rtiffi ulty and embarrassment from debts and
•' 'fuiaining due lor constructing and furnish
f " ling, and for tuition in former years. Trifling
-rt.ii"X- a- these debts may appear when compared
mignitude of the object for whi h they were
1. vet with an empty treasury, and without aid of
'• e\ inu-t involve the Institution in great loss, if
'Urr ruin, when the c llection of them is enforced.
t paie might It o copied in urging its claims
*• < ;ile of this Co ny and vicinity. But at thiw
• - to lie brought particularly to notice, it is
'meded to anticipate here.
■x "I the means to n lieve the Institute of goine
•! i usupi nU, its lady fi iciid.® propose to give
| '•■ iv "iient for its is>neflt as above stated. Xo more
"bj t an lie pre-ented to the liberal giver. To
; '- il to all ot its Iriends is offered an opportunity to
*1 agreeable and pleasant evening, wh 1c at the
' ey will be rendering sub-tantial aid 111 re
'U from prc-ent emltarrassmcnt.
• ["•B.neiit-. in every variety of form and price will lie
• ring the evening. The large halls of the Insti
* '* opened lor promenade, an<l the evening euli
*'Ui music and other sources of amusement.
' * 'iibif-s a ,,d generosity of every friend of the In
' * in this vicinity will lie taxed iu the contribution
'' srati in ..f refreshments.
•• ad- of the Institute throughout the County
•by invited to attend. Contributions will I*
tic adkli of M*---r®. OVEKTON A MOXTAXYK,
"oi":ieu ull( ] w. C. lioOAKT. in Towanda Boro.
j'JMKSTIC GOOPS of all description!',
Denims, Drills. Sheeting, Fitripe Sheeting,
I VMUMU, bassimere Cloths, Ac., cheap for Ready
S I *GAR.S of all kinds, COFFEE, TEA,
'-ses. Syrups, Fish, Rice, ami Tobacco .always on
< r"- kery Drugs and Dyes, cheap for Ready Pay.a*
. 1 ATTilN's BLOCK.
n " Ground and |Whole —
t i i Seed, Caraway and Celery Seed, at
J , e ' our . Baker's heat, Cocoa and Chocolate, at
i. ~ FOX'S.
•r'jEREL. No. 1, 2 und 3. PICKLED
and Codflsh. at FOX'S.
( L Y (i icl.idiriK al
i t „! vtrry in that line required In any family
r , f h^'al Fdxx
ttl "' Glass ware,a newassort
, !? ' No. 1. ration's Block.
o**!! prir. si MiR'H A Crt s
fTlrrrtjaniJitt, #c.
Towanda Borough Report for 1888.
Amount of work done on public street*, $377 SI
Material furnished, laying and repairing walks, 382 79
Building 3d street Bridge, 290 00
Building two public reservoirs, 101 00
Rebuilding Culvert on Main street, 216 00
Repairs on old culvert, occasioned by freshet, 44 13
Instalments and interest paid on Borough scrip. 265 50
Expenses of Fire Department, U2 GO
W Hiding and keeping town clock in repair, 25 00
Repairing Borough Tools, < 3q
Election Expenses, Is 10
Printing Expenses, ik Kn
Justice r<es,
Attorney Fees, for 1853, j- f)()
Taking care of Eugine house and repairs, 10 00
Coal aud lights for Council rooms, m 7®,
Books and stationery, ' g'j
Bee. mil Trees, salary, and serving app'l notices, 43 00
$1,984 56
Collector. i Date 1 Am't [ Paid | Exn'd j Prct I Due
L. Bogurt, 1850 *33 07 *l7 68 *ls 39 ......
G. H. Eaton, '55, '56 855 30 289 79 32 08 92 91 440 63
A. J. Noble, 1857 691 85 619 69 21 84 50 32
do special, 1857 636 14 485 07 95 64 55 53 ..
° 1868 989 79 51 07 936 72
3,206 15 1,463 30 1,379 24
Balance in treasury, Ret'd on dup. $1,379 24
Jan. 1,1958. 140 58 Exonerations, 140 56
Dup. prior to 1858, 2,216 35 Percent to coll. 214 50
Dup. lor 1858, gsg 79 p a id Beidleman, 123 69
Sands A Co. license, 35 0o Building com. order, 890
Luut, do 35 Oo Overpaid on special
C. T. Smith, judgt 60 0* last year, 26 47
Boro' orders cancell
ed in 1858, 1,430 47
Balance, 34 25
5.566 6a 3,366 89
Outstanding orders I Orders redeemed and
Jan. 1,1958, $545 59 cancelled in 1658,1,704 47
Issued iu lssß, 1,94 56 Outstand'g Jan.l,'s9, *24 6®
5.529 15 2,529 15
Amount of outstanding orders, Jan. 1,1858. $ 824 68
" due on Boro' scrip, April 8, 1859. 1,097 67
Judgment in favor of Michael Kennan, 99 47
" " I*. D. Morrow, 99 47
" " " " John Holmes, 66 00
$2,199 29
Balance due on Judgment, C. T. Smith, $ 14 45
" " G. H. Eaton's Duplicate, 440 52
" " A. J. Noble's Duplicate, 938 72
* " from Treasurer, 34 26
$1,427 95
ULY'SSES MERCUR. fur gets.
ATTMT . A. D. MOXTANYE. Secretary.
Ove rstsrs of the Poor Report for the year 1851.
Paid E. Madden for keeping Mr*. Crow, $ 2 50
C Sweazey lor keeping Jacob Gaines, 30 Off
Hollon " •• Floyd Decker, 191
Relief to Savercool and family, 17 90
" "O. Sage " " 14 38
" " Mrs. O'Grady, 886
Paid Mrs. Warner for keeping Mrs. Miner, 11 25
" " Yandercook '• '• •' 30 00
Temporary relief to Colored womon, 50
Paid William Mix services in 1856, 20 00
•LP. Kirby, •• • 10 00
C. K. as physician, 10 00
Paid Mrs. B.iker for keeping Lorinda Pope, 11 73
" Powell A Smith stage fare, 100
" Mrs. Baker lor keeping Miss Beelie. 3 00
Temporary relief to McCurty and German, 3 00
" John Reese, 1 0(j
" Mrs. Powers, 1 75
i'aid C. Wells for 3 coffins for paupers, 10 25
" Thomas Barnes for digging 3 graves, paupers 400
" Sarah Ogdeu for keeping Dan Sullivuu, 10 00
Attorney fees, 5 00
$217 05
C K r?Db 1 ® rerKcer '' Poor.
Collectors. ' Year, j Am't. | Paid, i Exn'd , Prct ' Due
U. T. Smith, 1852 *23 58 *1 50 *l6 76 *5 32
1. J. Noble, 1857 352 90 232 00 *l4 10 106 so
376 49 233 50 16 76 14 10 112 12
unouutot Smith'sdu- jßet'd on duplicates, sll2 11
plicate, *23 5s • tverpaid last year, 17 05
•In Nobles', 352 9< J Ex. to Smith, 16 76
Rec'd of M E.Solomon Perct to Xohle, 14 in
per (Juigley, 5 OOjOrdcrs redeemed. 211 3d
Balance, 10 15
$341 tH $3Bl 47
We the Auditors of the Borooph of Towanda, do certi
fy, that we have examined tiie account* and vouchers of
the Town Council, Overseers of the Poor an 1 Treasurer,
for the year 1858, and find thein correct.
M ( . MERCUR. i . ~
J I>. MOXTANYE, f Aua,t " r - 4 -
IVZcCreary <k Warner,
iYor/A side of the Public Squire,
OPEN at all hours for the accommodation of thr pub
lic. Will keep on hand at all times, all the delicacies
ot the season. Iu cunuection with the above, they have
opened a
A competent person has been engaged,and will shortly
take a limited number of gentlemen to instruct in the
manly art of Self Defence.
January, 24,1859. MeCREARY A WARNER
T"M!E BALANCE of the stock of WINTER GOODS,
JL which still comprise® ago dasiiortment of SHAWLS
of various kinds, Ladie* Cloak®, Plain ami plaid Merinos.
Valencia Stripes and Plaids, plain, al! wool and printed
Del able®. Knit Woolen Good®, Blankets, Winter Ribbons
and Trimming®, and many other Goods adapted only to
Winter's use. will now lie* sold as low a.® COST, and in
M ANY' CASES EVEN LESS, in order to open for Spring
with an entire new and rre®li stock.
Towanda, Jau. 20.1859. __ JOSEPH FOWF.LL.
MKRRIMAC PRINS—Anew invoice of
Merrimac Prints, new and beautiful patcrn®. just
received by U.S. MERCUR.
/XLOVER, SEED.—SO busliels superior
Xj CLOVER SEED, for sale by
February 19,1858. H. B. MERCUR.
77.VT. permanently located in Towanda.
Towanda, Feb. 19.1859.
ConiUtlog U
Jnut received KB! for sale by H. B. MERCUR.
THE Bradford County Tenehers' Associn
ti n will hold its next Quarterly Meeting at the Un
ion Church in Wihdham, on FRIDAY' and SATURDAY'
the 10th and 11th days of FEBRUARY next, commenc
ing at 10 o'clock, A. M., on the 10th.
There will be a lecture delivered by Rev. J. FOSTER
of Towanda, and two essays read, one by Miss HAKKIET
YATES, the other by Miss ANN BIBCOCK.
Two resolution* that were left over from the last meet
ing. will be further discussed.
One of these relates to compelling parents and guerdi
ans to send those under their care to school, the other to
the propriety of giving Hie County Superintendent a
right to annul teachers' rertificatcs.
Another resolution will be ofibred relative to the im
portance of eUbli*hing school libraries, and various oth
er questions connected with the cause of popular educa
tion, will be discussed. A general attendance is reques
Teacher* and other* Interested in the cause who reside
npon tbe north side of the State line, are cordially invi
ted to attend- The friends of education in Windham,
will expect a rotjd attendance, and it 1* to be hoped that
their expectations will not disappointed.
0- S. DEAN, Secretary.
Towanda. Jan. 21 I*V>.
Q HEIIIF I'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry
KJ writs of Vend. Expo., issued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Bradford County, to me directed and deli
vered, will he exposed to public ®ale at the Court House,
in the Borough of Towanda, on FRIDAY, the 11th dav
of FEBRUARY , 1859, at one o'clock, P. M., the tol.owing
descrilied lot, piece or parcel of laud situate in Canton tp.
bounded north by land of William S. Baker and Edward
Burke, ea-t by land iu possession of A. M. Kramer, Ed
ward Burke and c>. B. Lathrop, south by the highway
called Union street, we.-t by the highway called Troy ot.
Containing about one acre, more or less, all improved.
ALSO—AII the interest of Henry Kingsbery in thnt
certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp.,
bounded north by the public highway called Union St..
east by the public highway called Division street, south
by land in possession of S. A. Sucese. west ty an alley
called Wright's Alley oil a certain town plot of Canton
Y'illage, dated Oct. 1. 1K54, now in possession of S. IL
Newman, (excepting therefrom, lot N'o. 25 on said plot,
upon which a school-honse Is situated .) Containing one
acre, more or lesa, all improved.
ALSO—AII the Interest of Henry Kingsbery In that
certain lot, piece or parcel of laud situate in Canton twp.,
bounded north by Harding A Lee, G. W. Orifflii and I).
W ilcox, east by land of J. W. Griffin and A. X. Spalding,
south by the public highway called Towanda street, west
by the public hi hway call Troy street and land of Har
ding tf Lee, Mix, Hooper A Turner and F. G. Manley.—
Containing three-fourths of an acre, more or less, all'iin
proved.with a framed tavern house .and one framed build
ing occupied as a dwelling house, a shoe shop, a new Ira
ined barn, and a few fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—AII the interest of Henry Kingsliery in that
certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp..
bounded north by the public highway called Union St.,
east by land ot F. K. Vandyke, south by lahd of Case and
Colwell. west by laud belonging to the heirs of J.C. Rose,
dee'd. Containing one eight of an acre, more or less, all
improved, with a framed barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John E.
Goodrich's use vs. Henry Kingsbery.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Burlington twp. hounded uorth hv land
of John F. Means and Michael Ilarans, cast by land of
John F. Means, south by the State road and land of Sam
uel Strope, we®t by land of Milton Bailey. Containing
one hundred acres, more or less .about seventy acres there
of improved, with one framed house, one "framed barn,
and a small orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 11 H.Mace's
use vs. Jonat'uau Thompson and Charles Covcrdale terre
ALSO—The following describe 1 lot. piece or parcel of
laud situate in Sheshequiii twp., laiunded north tiy land
in possession of Adam Koyst, we®t by laud of Henry Me
njdd, south by land of Post, east by laud of Burton
Kingsbery. Containing twelve acres, more or less, about
eight acres improved, one log bouse, log stable, and fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Brough
ton Goodsell's use vs. Nathaniel Chandler.
ALSO—By virtue -fa writ of levari Facias all that
certaiu lot. piece or parcel of land situate in the town
ships of Burlington and Towanda, bounded its follows :
Beginning at a poplar tree, south-west corner of lot Xo.
274 on warrant lot Xo. 4456, thence west on the south
line of said warrant 202 per to a white maple for a cor
ner, thence north 79 2 10 per to a post, thence east 202
r;r to the west line of said lot Xo. 274. tlicnce south 79
10 per to the beginning. Containing one hundred acres,
strict measure, it being taken from the south end of lots
Xo. 275 and 27> on said warrant Xo. 4430, with about
seventy acres improved, with one framed house, framed
barn, and a small orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of fl.H.Mace's
use vs. Elisha Foster, with notice to Jonathan Thompson
and 0. T. Covcrdale. terre tenants.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Jan. 19, Lssß
NOTICE TO PI RCHASKRS. —To prevent misunderstand
ing, notice is hereby given that purchasers at Sheriff's
sales will be required to pay the amount bid at the time
the land is sold. It has become imperatively necessary
to adopt this rule, and it will be strictly adhered to, ex
cept iu cases where the purchaser is a lien creditor and
is entitled to the fund as pr viced in the l®t section of
the act of Assembly, approved April 20, ls4'j. which is
as follows : '• Whenever the purchasers of real estate at
Orphans' Court or Sheriff's sale, shall appear from the
proper record to lie entitled, as a lien creditor, to receive
the whole or any portion of the proceeds ot, it
shall i>e the duty of the sheriff. ndinioMrator executor
or other person making such sale, to receive the receipt
of such purchaser or purchasers for the amount which
he or they would appear, from the record as aforesaid,
tola- entitled to receive: Provided that tli;s section shall
not lie so construed as to prevent the right of said Sheriff",
administrator, executor or other person aforesaid to de
mand and receive at the time of -ale a sura sufficient 11
cover all legal costs entitled to tie paid out of the proceeds
of said sale ; and provided further, that before any pur
chaser or purchasers shall receive the benefit of this sec
tion, he or tlicy shall pr since to the Sheriff", or other per
son so making said sale, a duly certified -t.itcinent Ir un
the proper records, under the hand and official seal of the
proper offi.-er, showing that he is a lieu creditor, entitled
to receive any part of the proceeds of the sale afuresu
of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford coun
tv, will lie exposed fo public sale on the premises on
THURSDAY, the 3d day of FEBRUARY, is.iu, at one
o'clock P- M., the following described real estate situate
in Tusearora tw p.. lionnded and described as follows, to
wit: North by the land of John Ulap.icr, ea-t by land of
P. F. Hardy, south by land of Chandler Hixby, west by
laud iu possession of Wyllis Roger-. Containing tiity
acres or thereabouts, about thirty five aeres thereof im
ply ved, with a log house, framed barn, and a young ordi
nal of fr :it tree- thereon, excepting therefrom, one acre
lying in the north-west corner of said 1 t. late the estate
of William P. Clapper, dee d. Term- made known on day
of sale. JOHN CLAPPER.
January 4, 1559. Administrator.
EXECUTOR'S SALE —The fo'lowine d*-
Y.A scribed real estate of William Gibson, dece ,-ed. I ife
of Ul-ter twp., will lie exposed t < nubile sale iu the follow
ing order, viz: one lot ot land in Burlington twp., situate
on Brown Creek, containing three acres, upon which is
erected a good steam saw-mill with all its appurtenance®
in order for aawing. And also one farm with the afore
-aid Creek running through the centre of it: bounded on
the south by land of Charles Knapp, and the aforesaid
-aw-mill lot. which lot is Ismnded also on the south by
land of said Knapp, on the west by land of Luther and
Travis, on the north by the Carrol land, and on the east
by land of Walter Pollock. Containing sixty-nine acre®,
or more, with about thirty acres improved and a small
house and stable thereon. Tie- sale to take place on the
premises on THURSDAY, the 3d day of FEBRUARY,
1*59, and al®o on the following day at the house of said
Gibson, dee'd, all the hill land of the old homestead in
Ulster, containing two hundred and eighty-six acres, with
over one hundred acre® in a good state of improvement,
mncli of it cleared of stump®, and divided into three lots
for thepurp >eof accommodating purchasers. The survey
a® made by O. Rickey, sliowiug the divisions, will be ex
hibited on'the day of sale. There is a stream called the
Hemlock Pen passing through the whole l. igtli of the
said land, with a saw-m'.ll iu good order for saw ing, site
Red on the middle lot. which has standing upon it both
pine and oak timber sufficient for all the purposes of the
fai in and to spare. There are two dwelling houses at the
mill and one other small one on same lot. Terms of pay
ment will lie mane kuown on eash dav of sale.
Jan. 4,1859. Executor.
> T OTH E.—T!IP Board of Revision of Brml-
lord County have fixed upon the following day®
and places lor holding of the Appeals in said County for
18.59, viz :
Athens Boro', at John S. Sloan's. Tue®day, Feb. 22 ;
Athens twp., at John S Sloan'®, Wednesday. Feb. 23 ;
Ridgbnry, at Charles O French's. Thur®day. Feb. 21 ;
South Creek at Asa Gillett ®, Friday, Feb. 25 ;
Wells, at Aaron It Ingall®, Saturday. Feb. 2'5 :
Columbia and Sylvania boro',at David (Jonable's Monday,
February, 28;
Troy twp. and Troy boro, at E W Bigony's Tuesday,
March 1 ;
Springfield, at H W Root's. Wednesday, Mar h 2 ;
Smithfield. at Riley Rr>s-', Thursday, March 3;
Ulster, at Nathan Olmstead's, Friday March 4 ;
Burlington twp. at itoswell Luther's. Tuesday March 9 ;
Burlington West and Burlington boro, at L F Royce's,
Wednesday. March 9 ;
Granvills, at B F Taylor's, Thursday, Man h 10 ;
Armenia, at Robert Mason's, Friday, March 11 j
Canton, at S C Myers", Saturday. March 12 ;
Leßoy. at O S Morse's, Monday, March 14 :
Franklin, D J Beardsley's, Tuesday. March 15 ;
Monroe twp and Monroe boro, at Ethel Taylor's, Wed
nesday, March U> :
T-iwand'a boro, at the Commissioner's Office, Thursday,
March 17 ;
Towanda twp and Tow anda North,at the Commissioner's
Office, Friday. March 18 ;
Albany, at Sheffield Wilcox's, Tuesday. March 22 ;
Overton, at Ihmie! Beverly's, Jr., Wednesday March 2J:
Wilmot. at Hiram Horton's, Thursday, March 24 ;
Asylum, at John M Horton's, Friday, March 2"> ;
Durell, at Simeon Decker's, Saturday, March 28 ;
Rome, at Orson Rickey's, Monday. March 29 ;
Sheshequin, at S F Washburn's, Tuesday, March 29 ;
Litchfield, at Cyru® Bloodgood's, Wednesday. March 30 ;
Windham, at Benj Knykendall's, Thursday. March 31 ;
Warren, at Ro'uert Cooper's, Friday. April 1 ;
Orwell, at Theophilu® Humphrey's, Saturday, April 2 ;
Pike, at O W Mortbrup's. Monday, April 4 ;
Herrick, at H W Camp's. Tue day, April 5;
Tusearora, at Harry Ai kley's, Weudesday, April 8 ;
Wyalusing. at John II Black's, Thursday, April 7 ;
Standing Stone, at 11. W. Noble's, Friday, April 8 ;
Wysox, at J M Reed's, Saturday, April 9 ;
Assessor® will he punctual in delivering notices to tiie
taxable®, and in making their return* on the da designa
ted in their warrants, at which time and place the Board
of Revision will attend and hear such as think thcin-elve®
aggrived by said Assessment, and make such alterations
as to them shall seeiu just.
By order of said Board,
Commissioner's Office, I E. B. COOLBAUGH.
January, 24,1859._ * lerk.^
NOV. 7. FOX'S.
Albany—J'nepli Lee. Dr. Ridgdbnry—Ulysses Furas-
Fowler Miller, Hiram Hor- worth, John Miller,
ton. Rome—Ellwia Taylor, Wells
Asvlum—John Horton. M Warner.
Athens twp—Patrick Flood. Springfield—Norman S.Hos-
Burlington W-t-R R Phelps, ley.
Columbia—Alden Keys. Towanda North-F.zrn Rutty.
Canton—Ephrnim Case. Ulster—Cornelius Plowman.
Leßoy—Samuel Bailey. Windham -William Babcock,
Monroe twis—George Corey John Kings land.
Orwell—Charles L'pson. Wilmot—Samuel Bacon.
Pike—A li Pay sou. Wyaox—S S Pierce.
Wyalusing— John R Welles.
Albany—P H Wilcox. Smithfield—W in Peterson, J
Asylum—Miner Terry. Orville Ceroid.
Armenia—Nathan Sherman Springfield—Andrew Cum-
Atliens two—John Morley. inings, jr. Joel Audrus,
Erastus Wolcott. Win T Bailey.
Burlington—Daniel I.aue, Sheshequiu-Keuben Thump-
Samuel B M'Cord, Myron son.
Travis. South Creek—L Williams.
Canton—Daniel P Knapp. Standing Stone—CharlesEd-
NicUolasEverhart.Warreu wards.
Landon. Towanda l>oro—H A Bur-
Columbia—Ceo null, Char bank, C M Manyille. J C
les L Strait. Wilson.
Dure!!—Charles Stevens. Towanda North—VT S Run-
Frnuklin—Ceo Beardsley. dell.
I.eKoy—Alppa Stone. Towanda twp—Montgomery
Litchfield—B B Keeler. Bowman.
Monroe boro—Willi Brown Troy boro—John Grant.
Monroe twp—J B Ingham. Trmcarora—Reuben Matte-
Orwell—Wo Maynard. son.
Pike—T H Ell-worth, Thos Ulster—Horace Heath.
Stone, D S Codding. J W" Windham—W P Kiuyon,
Lewis. John Tread well
Ridgbury—Joshna Kline. Wilmot—Hiram E Pond.
Rome—Wm Forbes,HeuryD Wysox—David Shores.
Tanner. Wyalusing—Hiram Buck.
; Atnens twp—Geo L Easter- Standing Stone—Edwin S
brooks. Gregg.
Burlington West—Charlc- Troy twp—James P Pratt,
Taylor. Ephrnira Berrav.
Cola,nbia—John Gustin.Wm Towanda boro—E.V Parsons,
H Gernet. Burton Kings) ury.
j Canton—Gi o W Griffin. Towanda North-JesseWood
! Hei rii k—(. harles Overpeek ruff.
Litchfield—Hiram Merrill. LT-ter— E B Tuttle.
Leßoy—R It King-ley. Warren—Seneca Allvn.Chas
Orwell—Cicero Dimmlck. S Corbin.
Overton—JacobHotten-tiiie .Veils—Lorenzo Wing, Isaac
Pike—Lyman Buck. EC Ab Searle. Hiram West.
bott, Joseph Coleman. Wyalusing—Lewis Hitch-
Rome—Stephen O Allen. cock, James C Vaughn,
Springfield —A II Craumer, James Fee.
i Joel P M'Affce. Wysox—John Allen, Win A
Smithfield—Merritt Wood. Benedict, Jacob B Eddy,
John Biles.
LICENSES. —Notice is hereby jriven tlint
the following named persons have filed in the office
of the Clerk ot the Court of Quarter Sessions, their peti
tions for license under the existing laws of this Common
wealth, and their several applications will be hoard before
the Judges of the Court of Q arter Sessions, on Monday,
the 7th day of February next, at 2 o'clock in the alter
n >on of said day :
Lemuel T. Royee Burlington boro'.
H. M. Holcoiub Leltoy.
(. S. Morse Leßoy.
J. M. Heed Wysox.
Ann Whalon Wysox.
David Unliable Colombia. K. Wilcox Columbia.
B .el Smith Canton.
John Howard Wyalusing.
taui Meracle Monroe twp.
Hiram Sherry Windham.
Slinbel B >w:nan Asylum.
Mary Horton Wilmot.
Caleb B. Sweazey A John Holmes Towanda Boro.
G. W. Northrup. Pike.
X. D. Snyder Pike.
Henry Sherman. Overton
Rollin Willcox. Aloany.
Gc ,rge 11. E-tell Towanda Boro.
Theodore Ilinee Wyalusing.
Henry W Noble Towanda Boro.
Stephen Fcltoa Towanda Boro.
Clerk's Office, Jan. 12. 18.59.
LWI-X rTOR'S NO I'K'B.—Notice i.- here
I J all persons indebted to the estate of
l ibtM A.-i BRINK, dee'd., late of Pike township, must
m ike iii, mediate payment, ami all pers ins having demands
against -aid e-tate, will present them d 1 v authenticated
for -et lenient. PERLEY 11. BUCK.
Dee 2<i, has. Executor.
-V is here .v gi\en. tint ai! perpsous indebted to tin
e-tate of ABIAL FOSTER, deceased, late of North
T > wands. are requested t,, make payi icr.t without de,ay:
and those having cliims against the said estate w 11 please
pieseut them duly autheuti-ated tor settlement.
January 2". Administrator deboni* nan.
d\ is hereby given, tb >t all persons indebted to the
estate of WILLIAM BERK. late of South Creek, dee'd..
ire hereby requested to make payment without delay :
and all persons having claims against the said estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Jan. 24. 18.59. Adm'r, with the will annexed.
\o Lirts Cost, hut Crinoline greatly endan
gered by the Rush of Customers ot Xo. 1,
J'atton's Block, occasioned by the arrival of
New Winter Goods,
T ? returned fr ,m the rity with an unusually large and
carefully selected assortment , f Winter Goods, to whb h
he invites your attention, his stork of DRY GOODS are
of the latest styles, and unrivaled ia cheapness and excel
tence. Hi-GROCERIES are ~f the choicest kinds and in
endless variety. His large stock of BOOTS A SHOES are
not to l.e surpassed bv any in the county
The attention of HOUSE-KEEPERS is particularly In
vited to his assortment of CROCKERY. GLASS WARE.
TIN A WOODEN W ARE,Carpeting*. Curtain Draperies,
and House furnishing Goods gene,alTygill of whichwifl lie
sold at prices which cannot fail to please the nin t difficult.
WORSTED Pf.AID, Wool DeLaines. lb-Lain Robe-,
Rlue Polka Detain*, at No. 1 Patton's Block.
Velvet Ribbons, Tassels, Acorn Buttons, Bonnet
Ribbons. Flowers and Rirhe-.nt W. A.ROUK WELL'S.
1 LEATHERS. — An fli'irant n9ortinent o
B'acfc. White, Crimson and Fancy I'lomes. at
N'-,v. 24, w. A. RIM K WELL'S.
—' " 'of superior quality, for sale at the Stove and
HardwareStoraof h'T.I D. C. !I vI.L.
New Arrival of Clothing!
All the above articles were bought for CASH and are
selling oft' 25 per cent, less than actual en-t.
Towanda. Nv. Tb 1 -s*. COLLINS A POWELL.
Great Bargains in Goods!
\RE now receiving n very Inrtre ntnl J. sir- I
. able assortmi nt oi Fall and Wit r Goods. whi> h }
will be sold as low n anything that can be tound in tiii- \
market,,'niisistiug o! Dry Gooda,Shirting,stripe Shiiting, i
Ticking, Denims, Cotton Batts.Cotton Vara. Carpet Warp, j
Wicking. Prints, S.ittinets, Kentucky Jean-. Fancy and '
Black Cassimere, Black and Blaeßreid Cloth, Li spy.
Cm n Tabic.Diaper Linen Crash, Napkins. Table Clot;,"- j
D.iruask Table Spreads. Bleached Mu.-lin, Red and W liite |
Flannel Cotton Flannel, Grain Bags, Ac.
Dutss Goons—l)e Lainev, Hamilton A Pacific mills, j
No. 1, Poplins. De Beges. Cbeuile Scarfs, Knit Il ods,
Merinos, Casimcrs, I'.iramatas, Ac.
SIIAWI.S—A large assortment of new and choice pat- j
terns of Stella and Wool Shawls.
HAT* AND CAPS—Men and Boy's Wool and Fur Ilats |
ami Caps, the finest a-sortni-ut in town.
BOOTS AND SHOES—MI the Uiffere it description of j
Men, Women and Children's Wear, -old cheap far <a-b.
October 12. I*s*. TRACY A MOORE. ,
Ladies Dress Goods.
PARTICULAR attention is invited to a large assort
ment of Ladies' Dress Goods, now being received by
JOSEPH POWELL—comprising everything that is now
fashionable and durable in Berages. Crape Mn-etts, Or
gandie-, French Printed Jaconrtts. Lawns, Engli-h end
French Prints, Brilliants, Ducal Plaid-. Lustres, Challi's
Ginghams, Prints, Ac.. Ac., which will be sold at priets
far less than ever if>re offered in Towanda
June 9, 19JS.
Of the Receipts and Expenditures cf Bradford County, from January Ist, to
December 31st, 18S8, inclusive.
A=w*o $ 215 fib
Auditors 127 0(1
Upon Bridge Contract 120'J 2k
Upou Bridge and Road View* 60 00
J me* Harris. Crier of Court 10'j 50
C >ntal L-s making returns and attending court 623 63
Counsel to Commissioner* 60 (HI
Costa in Commonwealth suits 2012 77
Costs in Civil suits 25 (H)
Election expenses 7*4 60
B ilanee of erecting Fire Proof 1500 56
Fue! and Lights lib 47
Grand Jurors 632 51
, Traverse Jurors 2862 70
Incidental Expenses '2* 40
Insurance upon Public Buildings 86 26
Office Books and Stationery 55 20
Prisoners Support in County Jail 435 97
Account with the several Collectors of County Tuxes for the County of Bradford.
Tawmhipt Bor'ot., Co'ltctor'i Names. Yir charged. Rceeterd. Exonerated Per centagi Due.
Wilmot E Shepard 1*53 U 211 17 3'J
Towanda North (H W Easterbrooks.... 1*55 94* 'J .. 1 .. .
Altaiiy C H Corbin lS5u 6 97 5 73
Burlington West.... i I'lyrnm Phelps 37 03 i 36 55 $1 08 .. 1
Granville C 6 Ross (.... 2'J'2 03 2T2 93
Overton Daniel Heverly, Jr 10 27 i 768 466 393
Springfield S D Harkuess 12 04 | 12 04
Towanda North .... SA Mills 221 20 2"7 26 .. 13 94
Athens township.... Win H Nible 1857 691 02 4,7 6 42 76 73 57
Asylum Hiram Horton 117 --4 117 64 .-. .. ~
Burlington West... GWGd.ird 131 7o 131 70 .. ..
B lrliugton townshi] I Travis, Jr 155 71 121 34 15 47 11 9}
Canton il F Beard-ley 207 55 163 56 C 76 36 21
Columbia Charles Keys. .... 140 02 140 02
Dnrell ..MS State 122 64 122 64 ..
Frauhlin J CBurnhara 57 70 12 00 •• 145 72
Granville Albert bar -ej 223 71 223 71
Hirrick Isaac Marsh .... 4s 25 4s 25 .. .. ..
LcKoy ..eKoy Iloleomb 115 88 115 88
Litchlield ttowen Merrill ....j 238 17 I 271 2'J 7 12 19 73
Monroe township.... MM Cooibuugh J lOff 67 1"7 67
p:ke GW Brink ....! 160 23 ! IGo 23
Rome (1 W Browning I 127 36 12- 35 |
Ridgbury 'Jesse Hammond ! 166 '26 135 06 8 60 '22 44
Shesbequin IJohn Brink ... 3*7 93 j 3*4 24 3 63
Smithfield T J Wheeler .. 26 34 ! 26 34 j
Springftdd CC Hooker 24* 61 | 24•* 02 . ••
South Creek !ra Crane 18 e'2 ! 44 32 12 47
Tuscarora |D 1) Black 7* 26 75 26 , .. ..
Towanda Borough... A J N0,1e... 234 16 225 66 j 8 50
Towanda North.. .. j James Elliott ... 63 '25 25 Ob 69 13 13 24 43
Towanda township. jJimeSantee .... 23J 4, ,27 Ob i 5 4b 16 47 £9 58
Troy B, rough. .....'Junes Adums 123 72 123 4">
Troy towusnip ti Spalding ... 132 4s 132 72 i
Wyalusing James Lewis .... 95 5b 95 50 I .. j
Wy-ox K R Blauvelt 221 41 22141
Windliatn JW Warner 158 95 15 95 .. .. ..
Wilmot X T Horton .... 15 bl 15 bl j .. .. ..
Wells SH lugerscll •• 96 94 92 lJ ' 4 75 ..
Athens Borough... il J Fritchrr lsj l - 376 69 23'J 3> • 24 76 17 61 94 7S
Athens township.... }i, B Garner 1.. 12u2 60 1115 38 2s 60 fis 72 !
Albany !i.lark Sweet '.... 221 52 16. 00 i 13 34 10 64 I l <44
Asylum ilir.imllutnn ■••• 27) 84 44 35 j 2 77 13 42 210 30
Armenia ,J Tin BM igaa 6u 7J 65 6l , 2 04 294
Burlington townshi; jJei b Travis. Jr. [ 360 *2 j 155 00 j .. .. 175 SJ
!!iir!ing;on lt,,r ugh Philander L< n•. .. •• 61 21 j 26 00 | 361 303 32'49
Barl.ngton We-t. .. c.dwia Loomi-.... . .. ! 2J.1 -3 110 00 , 283 14 0j 172 15
Canton c-dwi.-i Neuma.i ' ! 6.7 06 1 620 60 j . 107 06
Columbia Edward Young !-.. | 6.-4 96 4 4uo j 1 05 28 34 71 57
I'Uiell J S States. j 290 3 4 165 00 j 338 14 36 11; 61
Franklin Janie-1' Burnham .. •• 11 L 6 lIJ oo 1 .. 62 36
Granville ILv'd Sayles a 350 3 526 j H99
Herri, k Jjiai-n Beaumont 220 56 131 00 j 360 lo 85 75 H
Lit, hiieid O F Wolcott 341 Jo 265 09 , 1 84 17 00 S7 s6
Leßiy Leßuy Iloleomb 2z,> 73 x '2 00 1 41 11 32 1.-.3 (g)
Monroe township .. jMMCooloaugh 341 74 72 00 lo 47 16 57 242 70
von roc Boi, ugh .. Marcus Terwilliger 60 69 40 55 .. 1 23 18 51
Orwell DC Ell-wor'h 418 79 ! 374 2s ; 232 1 2o >2 19 47
Overton Ij.tmes Heverly 76 13 i 6(i 18 I 6 40 3 49
Pike I i w Blink C-4 34 j 310 00 j .. 35 434
Rome [-'I W Browning 3JI <>3 | 160 00 ! 2 37 In 46 20<j eft
1 Ridgtiury 'Jesse Hammond 410 45 , 217 "25 16 27 19 93 15S (o
1 S'lutii Creek [lra Crane 26'2 24 j I*3sy i 35 25 16 53 12 25
! Standing Sto e .(Jonathan Wood 261 s3 ! 162 *0 [ .. •• Oft 53
Smithfield I'J Wheeler j.. '.23 07 37J00 ' 906 > 3) 71 204 30
: Spriugfieid Iv G Brown '■ .. . 617 65 j 42" 00 325 | i) 73 6 67
Sheahcquin [John M Smith , J 60- s'2 ' 677 33 110 3d 3j
Svlvania Borough.. j.V IJ M'Collum 67 6s I 56 l-s 205 3 28 6 16
Towanda township. .[ti II Mace ! ...j 2042 } 275 55 87 14 00 |
Towanda Borough.. V J Noble [ 769 67 491 52 i .. •• j 20H 15
Towanda. \II Kingsbury •••! 232 07 111 00 66 11 63 I 108 S3
Troy Borough George Pcck.T 22 ,37 ' 210 96 305 11 36 j
Troy township II Spalding 623 25 4 1 -* 00 910 So 72 | 95 43
Tuacazmra |i) D mack ; .... 265 -7 i 92 00 6 9J 13 oO 154 91
i Ulster . S C Hovey ;.... 344 42 : 321 3:) 2 89 17 15
(Wysox.. ,1 Blind- . .. 4-3 41 2*3 00 .. •• 210 44
| Wyalusing. j !ante- Lewis .... 439 58 I 309 62 223 21 87 105 86
j W..r cn bd cit Corbin j .. 535 s3 509 3s 5 96 26 49
! Wells 'Levi K Baker J... I 365 57 3!1 64 16 36 17 57
Windh an ,J W Warner j I 435 3t 228 00 j 476 23 63 218 09
| Wilmot 'XT liuitou '... ( 137 99 25 00 ; 473 ! 670 101 56
2l,(70 43 115.7'M1 02 1 13.'4 62 ! s*29 11 $4,186 O'J
1 DR. /.' J'ercirol Shair, Treasn er,in recount ui'h the Countu of Bradford, CB•
! Due upon duplicates for previous years $5,540 57
; Duplicate 11 for I*sß 15,552 1-
■ Transcript of unseated land charged over for col
j lection 10 8*
Transcript of seated lands for I*sß 215 41
Transcript of unseated lauds for I*sß 726 t
Re assessments 15 42
Mi-cellaneous rcceivals 9 0 60
Paid for advertising 113 tracts of tented land . 2* 25
Abatement for State tax 2 >6 si,
To amount in Treasury, January 1, 1858 50,76 9 !
s2* 449 29
| DR. K. Ptrcival Shmc, Treasurer. in acc't u ilh the Cvm'th of Pen 11 sylrani 1, CR.
! Due upon duplicates for previovs years $ 4.739 13 ,
implicates ior I*sß 11,413 S6 !
Tran-.cript of unseated laud for previous years 9 50 j
Transcript of seated land lor I*sß 8* 19 j
Transcript of unseated laud 1858 545 47 j
lie assessments 10 89 '
Miscellaneous recvirals
$16,*73 02 I $16,822 03
DR. County Orders in ace't with 'he Co. of Bradford for 1858, CR.
To Orders issued in 1858, $16,C'.4 22 i
Outstanding Jan. 1, 1858, 176 7(1
$16.*30 96 j
—BRADFORD COUNTY, SS.—We, the under-g d C onyissi ners of said County, do hereby certify that
L. s. the above is a (rue and correct statenn nt of the Receiv i- and Expcudit ~-es of sain County, irom the tlr.t
—-- day of January to tiie thirty first day of December, (inclusive) A. D. ISSS.
\Vitu, a, our luuds and seal of office, at Towanda, the 15th day of January. 1859.
I'. DBCKFR. -Commissioners.
Attest—E. B Coot.sirnn,C'erk. P. H. BUCK. I
THE MAX that makes the T!X AND SHEET TROX
WAHKitt tlie KAtiI.E WORKS. is mpptMil l.y hi."
•ulnrring lViond- to !e the laMlni'Li 12 man,and the liest
workman in Tin and Sheet iron of any man in this region
if country. Tin Wan- ra >de by him is warranted not to
Irak rami Hp in always oil hand. like a thousand o,
to make work to order,or do HOUSE .JOBBINtJ,: a Em
('roughs. Conductors and Roofing, or to,exhibit a large I
variety of
ST O V I: S ,
For cooking with Coal or Wood,or l'arior. Office or Shop
Stoves made it the nliove works. But it yon wish to give
orders for CAST I N't J OR M ACHIXE W( i!;K, call rt the
other end of the same establishment where ,vti can pro
cure anything you want in the line of AIiRICULTUR Al. :
IMI'LEMESTS with late improvements, sueh as IMows. j
Cultivators, Corn Shellc s Cutting Boxes. Florae and Dog
Powers, ,Ve., or anv kind ot Cas'ing in Rr.i-s, Iron and !
C mi>os-ition : or Machine Work and R"pairing in a neat
and wot k'r.anlike manner. CASH paid for Old Pewter!
or Biittaoii. 0. D. BARTLEIT.
Towand t. dan. l Q .llb
Gilt and Rosewood K£oulding-s!
\ LARUE ASSORTMENT, for Portrait and Picture
Frames, Looking Ola-sr—Locking t'.lass p] itt s.rv.d
French Picture olass of nil sizes. Frames and lax-king
iCI is-c- made to order, at prices to *rit Ihe times,
j Rcidv mide colli is, of fine finish, and difle rnt
i si/.-'<. with a good hear j e,ready at all tines. Low price* i (
i and terms easy.
j Tow -di Oct. 20.1 M. CHESTER WELLS. , .
i JL Figure and Plain UeLaiues. from 12 to •.*, cents. !t t
Oit. P. l.S's. I'HIXNKYS.
i 1> Br>chc Clo. ks, Raglans ar.d Shawls vto ?l 'j.t to PPIXN'EY's.
l_ Buttons. Braid. Ac... at PHIXXEVS.
J KERCHIEFS, MarsaileaSleeves and Quilts., heap at
j Oct. ■ IW. PHIXXKY'H.
O SILK and Zephjr Worsted, at FHINXEVS.
QUALITY, for 5 cents,and any quantity from n* to j
12 ce its. at PIJIXXEY'S. j
x y very low at F Xs.
PA I V >1 V r \ S A MRU I NOES from lsG
a ward to the t-est grades, fa all color®, at
1 " MARSH A CO"?.
I Prisoners Support in Eastern Penitentiary . So# 29
j Conveying piisonei* to Lx-tcru Penitentiary. I.V'O 27
Public Printi itr 810 I S
i Prothonotary and Clerk o" IJuarti r Session-..
' Repairs of Public Buildings 636 04
■ Towrn-hip Line Views 41 (JO
I Woirand Wild Cat Certificate* 25 62
< Jostici '• in jui-inns SI 91
• Townhipsfor School Tax upon .• eated land* re
! turned for C' le tlon B6 7*
;C.L.Wi r 1 for Water Brit for tire years 42 60
i P. 11. Buck. Commissi ncr 12; 00
I I). I.illey. 52* 00
' I). D. Di*. ker. do 360 00
i E. B. Coolbftugh, Commissioner's Clerk. 600 00
; Sim Total 110654 2i
i l>ue to Sheriff as per Auditor's report 420 2a
Retain d uncollected previous t - lSS 1 * 167 85
; Returned uncollected i- r I*sß 4,'''4 3 76
j Fxorier, tons upon transcripts of unseated lands 10 88
Exo icr.itions given to Collectors 394 63
j Percentage to C*llc tor*. *29 11
- Ord rs redeemed in I*sß 16/5* *5
' i per cent coiniiiis-iou upon same 313 Is
1 per cent commission upon $17,638 30 176 38
Exonerations upon sealed and unseated lands.. 34 56
By amount in Treasury, January 1, 1959 ... 5.799 83
$28,449 29
Returned uncoile td previous to 1858 $ 167 *5
Returned for 1*5*... 4,043 76
Exonerations upon unsettled land 0 50
Exonerations given C'ol!e< tors 2*J2 03
Percentage d > C 32 25
1 p>-r cent, commission upon $13.012 130 12
Paid State Treasurer, per receipts, 10.499 10
Amount of abatement on State tax 505 79
Due State, January I. If 69 1.863 13
By orders redeemed in 1.-58 $16,658 R'i
" Outstanding January 4, U&'J 172 14
$16.530 #C
TT IS COX C EDK 0 Tll AT M A IIS 11 & CO.,
L OF RI.MIR, ami .1) ficat all competitors iu sell
in? Kmi'V.iidi'i'iv*. Collars, tdeevee, Bauds, Flouncing*,
Udgiugs, Inserting*, Ac., cheap, at
Dee. T. HiH. N't..-,. UNION BLOCK.
JL is from fi to 7 per cent, per annum. who therefore,
woi M pay 15 per >out. more for (I 0 O D S on cred
it than they can hny the K :i!re a licles 'or of M \RSII ft
CO.. of Khiiirn. for Ca-h? "A i, that's the question '
which is d iilv answered Ijy m iny who hire money at
A nplf interest and tier tor Ca-h th >.* saving fomiound in
t< rest !> •v <n ask w here (V.ioris can be hon/lit so. heap
t'r Cash? Our answer is at MARSH ft CO'S.. No. 5
Union Block, Kimlra, X. Y. ____
I of Sinclc and Double Bmche Shawls from to fin.
Single and Double Wool Shawls from l')> ff.j.
Dress 11 -Kids of every desrripti n, Boy's and Men's Wear
in every style and nullity, fr< ni the cheapest Kentucky
Jeans to the finest Broad' Ct -th Flannels from T s. a yard
to the he<t in the world, Blenched and Bmwn Musliit
from "> ets, to the most superior grades. Talde Cloth". P'
ano Coirr*. Dinner Napkins T<a Dylh -. Dam.irk. Tow.
e'l >ii- if i-iery, (sh>ve. Mittens, Oaimtletts. and in f*> t
eve: i thin? that a rational human beine eno desire to find
in a first class Dry il > "Is Store at M ' R-sll ft COS..
No. S. Union Block Kltnira, N. Y.
V T ANCF. hn trade at M VRSH ft CO'sJ., in Elinlri,
w :1 hav their txi'f. es more than paid on what t .ey
save in the price of <1 ds. Ilundrr I of persons have
tried it to their entire satisfaction. Try it on. cntne and
hay twenty >1 dlaro worth of ns and if yon don't
Had it so. vottr cvneosi's will all tie raid in cash bv
D. c 7 * M \USiI ft Ut) S., No. 5. Uuion Block.
1 T.Y F.XDI.ODKD We would say tonnr prompt pi v
log flirt rmers that we are still selling floods on a ere>llt
ef Six Months, and that are are receiving lanro snppliei
by railroad and canal weekly, and our prices will compare
favorably with r cosh '•<' eiv.o ' ••e-.h
TIIK WHMLKS VI F UFVTUnU of tier -n->rpn 1a
sfdl continued, nrd small parcels, for Cah w'Jl tie sold a;
Wholesale Prices.
reived from the It neno"n lro> Works whi h v 11' >e <>! 1
to the trade at c'tv prices Including height. l*t us pa
tro ire 'he maniifaetnrt ef our own Suite.
Nov. 21. lfs9 MONT ANY,"IS.