111 PIP =7:79 ihse'reeently added largely to 'their doe)* tiaS & MEDICISES,, CHEM - 101%E5," MILY GROCERIES. They also have constantly, on hand. wimps AND tatittizik FOB MEDICINAL PURPOSES: - - FRESH SCAMPHENE'; ----. lowest rates, and BURNING FLUID. of superior manufactured expressly for the gas-jet Final J. They also keep all the Popular , ATENT MEDICINES 4 3T , very article going from this store is ear. repimented. and if iutyprove different. they .cbeerfully taken back, and the. mousy refunded. J. G. PATTON. T o mb, Feb. 1. 18.59. Dr. E. D. PAYNE: The World Challenged ! Excelsior ,Churn Patented by SILAS If hwittWoly 1441857., IS CHURN is the result of parrot experience by . a pptctical f farmer. t D o produce* Chant that - hts all the A g e' u the old Dash Chum, and be +0360r-raving i qe . We claim fur this Chum and are preparedto by actual demonstration, that it will.prodnee more -a better quality—with Iwo time and , less labor— ks other Churn in market. It Ia perfectly simple o r m ,troetion, not liable to Ret ont of I order, and a , c an operate nu it. It ha+ been thoroughly tented by al hundred farmers In Seneca and adjoining Counties, merits fully estaldiahed whemver introduced. and rnammced by all to be one of the greatest Improve. list the age. sr The following extract from the Seneca Fano parent 2cth, ii a pample Of what , the EXCELSIOR it.V . hal. done, in competitive with other Chums i trial between the Smith Churn, pr Men. Rlitight. tank the find. premium at the State Pair at Buffalo • and has taken the premium Mill the Pal& where been exhibited) and the Excelsior Ch urn. of this t, took place at Woodmansee's Hotel, the 20th inst. '•am Ira+ taken from the AMC vessel, after being up that it might be of the same temperature and ,—one quart at a time--each Cburrereceivinit kW!" 11. The Err e/sinr Churn p agent sad gatherer' Butler hard wad pilaf 1 , 61.six'aiiiit oLisa(rminuin , • the Smith Churn was 12 minutes in producing the r, which was soft, white and oily : and Excelsior ,prsloced Twelve Onncesi MOM Butter than the ^.hurn ! The Excelsior Churn therifirndneed.thir , ces of good Butter front thilintter Hilk of the sun, being more.tban half is Much: aitbey hot e cream ! The Smith Churn triad Rett i g= • .1 aer from the buttermilk of the Excelsior • Trial of Chttrwa—ilep O Centr orfthr,itittee. the trial between Smith's Churn. from Elln3lllllol° !rites Excelsior Churn , manufactured in this vil ihieh took place at Woodatansee'a Hotel, on Wed the following was the remit nf the trial: twit'. ('horn, 21 lbs.—Butter In Gi minutes. ch"rn 14 taw..—Butter in 2 minutes. .tr tw • .alk ris of Cr. am was put 'n a ch Chnrr alit fintn Sm.ith's Ch'irn was then changed to Hem and tlairteen ounces of Butter extracted from It. rr mei be brought from the milk from the Hewit which-wan transferred to Smith's. The quality of from Hcwit's Churn was much' the test, being of ..color, and more solid. • ' . lento& trial, which was about one-third more cream oat in the Hewit Churn than in the other, resulted tearly the name as above. Hewit's Churn being be greatly the superior. EDWARD S. LATHAId. t onstiftee. JONATHAN S.tCKET, Falls, May 29, 1 9 59. that is asked for this Churn is, to let it rest on its vits=•the world is challenged to produce better. 'or particulars for Rights or Clowns, address BURT. Itidgbury, Bradford County, Pa. ' 1858. &fey reediting &large addition to Stock of Upper Lea th er. Cal and Skins, Shoe "r Findings, Stier. Molasses, gimp. Tea, r Family Groceries , Sheeting's, Shirting", ofter with their tonne" Stock at a , wit' or Country produce, and respect. i to give them a call. 25. 11459. FESTIVAL. FESTIVAL will be held at the Torang of Susquehanna collegiate Institute, In the Born ' rands, on Tuesday evenlng,-Febrnary. 8, 1869, for lent of that InNtitution- s ,, ohtless known to mogsf friendctbat this In has Iven straggling for"the lag two years _part. ceiedilliculty and embarrassment from debts and !,1 remaining due for curtatmeting and furnish e Wilding, and fortuition in fanner years. Trifling r i sittarice as these debts may appear when compared the mignitude of the object for whidi they were I. pet with an empty treasury, and without, aid of they must involve the Institution in great hest, if atter ruin , when the c Section of them is enforced. j 'smite Tete might he co- copied in urging its claims 1 the people of this Canty and vicinity. lint et thisl is ~ 0 0n to be brought particularly to-notice. it is sealed to anticipate here. • - me of the anemia' to rielliee.tbe Institute of some 2a claims upon it, its, lady friends propose to give ntainment for Its benefit as abote gated. Jto more object, can be Presented to the liberal dyer. To to all of its: friendais offered 1111 opportunity to ' igreubte and pleasant evening wh le at the 11 they will be rendering endestantial idd fn; re a from pres.ent.embarrasisment, h.nents in every variety of Corn and price lA be lA L ng the evening. The forge lolls of ums esti be opened for promenade, and the evening:all ith music and other soureesof anumunen t. Ideate and generosity ofevery friend &the In hia vicinity will be taxed In the contribution ation of retivelottents. . tends of the Institute throughout the. County lially invited to :attend. Contributions will be fel at the offices of Messrs. Organs it NonAxars, Gorman:a and W. V. Baum., In Towanda Ron: MESTIC GOODS of all . de scr g p lio ns, Out. Denims, Drills. Sheeting, Ste mes o n r 41 inetti Cassimere Cloths. .• AILs. GLASS, OIL, PUTTY.SASH, Cmckerv. Drugs sod Dyes. cheap for *SA PIYO PATT(SNI3 BLOCK. i . Is, _J.. HARVEY MINNA Irf.jr. RAIS/1 0 , 4? 1) .: 43 all Maas, Giinl Seed , CirswaiJuid STARCH, /oaf Bakeei . . TEREL.")IO.-I, PreiCLED lAb lad Coa*. et— !: .:; pox's. IILY , G st every at wick to UM liSemainell 11040 di,. revs. , lay Old Okiligrarefi. .NEN Is E KEEPING GOODS at regb.ar 114 at +mu priter, et HAM k fAilk 4 t .. ~—,l‘, * t...,ar ;• ••,-,., A l kitig t 4 4 1 4 17, 1 1, 117V7 71 4 ;l i e Aiiiiiinticeit* dine on pant „ 1,," ' .'' . 41. S jai re l Winial nra g So llt i r d ee Irdg i ii - • ' ••1 ' • Igo Ail _,11:. Iwo public resersolra, .. ..,. ;, .i ~ .. 301 .:00 1144041MitiNUIV4r4 on Main street, - • ~ 216 00 , =1:1 old =de" aeandowed by treadiet, , 'lO 13 . to sad interest . tedd oaf "ortiAltsttio,-•2013 8 6 1 Reiman of Fin Department,: _ ~' -,, -, , ~ . -*2 CO , Winding and keeping fawn elodain repair ," '' 25 00 Itepabin Borough Tools, • 6 99 Election Epensea, —, , • -- , , , . ,18 -10 gel, ' ' 16 60 il i ttgst 6 eZ eti '-- -'" ' ' ' ' 4eo Attorney Fees. for ISM • ' rep ‘ a i n j IS 00 Tikhig care of Engine boon and ~ ', ,10 00] cog and lights. In — Coaxial roCulti r , . r rt " • I:El Nob afid'siglebny, ,' ' r ' ' allawr n eli l ai ssaieln lo ll o l o l l a**/' Ammer Irma commealt._ Coltector o . DAIL Ain't 114314 Eiced I Piet rDse W. C. Bogen, • 1460 SU 074171477 P.. 415 49 ' H• 101106; '0.'66 78179: 1308. ma 4116113 4.4. Noble;. 1967 691 85 619 49 II 84 4 033 do special, 1857 636 14 4135 07 94 64 56 64 , 40 IBM 1636-711 =6107 ..... 3.206 15 1,463 30 1.579 U Dl.' A. D. Itcncrisit. iguana roaranDA Soso% ca. Balance to treasury, • y RANI on dup. • 61.371 24 Jan..l. 1858. $4O 58 Exoperatioas. ' ' 610" 60 Dup. prior 10'1838; 2,21 e 33 Percent 10-con, . 1 314 30 Dup. for 1858, 989 79 Paid Deldleum, 123 59 B antirkewilternsi-36 - 01 1 ORM' luder — t 9s Lent, Se •-.98 mn aipectai f C. T. Smith, Jude. -60 00 bid pie. 26,47 - • • Sorer' orders 3,366 Gs tomems. some Ordstsadiog orders 4 Jan. 1. 1858. EU 6. Issued la 1668, 1,986 66 11•1111.01111 L Amount of outstanding orders, Jon. 1, 1858, $ 814 611 " due on Bozo' sett, ALM 8. 1859. 1097 67 Judgment in favor of Michael Lennin, 94 41 64 VI 44 0 P . D. morrow. 99 47 .. 4. S. I. J o h n Digni , .18 in shwa) atm Bohm dg . on Jadnuoat. C. % T. Ihdat. # ICU " • a U. It. Enton't Depots. OS 63 " " A. J. Noble's Depliessa. . a{ 73 " " trots Tronsurir, U N mini in. mama. .- C . U . T 96 J. HARVEY Pallillairiri, - , F. 0. 4001NUCH. ' JERE CULP. Orrie . a. D.XONTANYL Binary. Overseen 'file - Pow Moire for Me sow 1111. Paid E. Madden for keepliiiiii.trow, C. Sweeney tot keeping Jacob Oak" Holton " Floyd Decker, Belief to ilairerecal and famil ' y , • .. .. 0. Sage .i• 11141 • " •' Mrs. O'Grady. Paid Mrs. Warner for keeping Kra. Miner, • ' " Vandercook Temporary relief to Colored womon. Paid - Witham Kit services in 1838, . 30 00 J. P. laity. .. .. = 10 00 O. S. Ladd as physician. 10 00 Paid Mrs. Baker for keeping Lorinda Pope, . 11 73 " Powell IL Smith stage Care, • . 100 . " Mrs. Baker for keeping Miss Beebe.. 300 l'empozary tenet to McCarty and German, 3 00 •• . " John Beer*, 100 di ! I , Mrs. Powers; 175 G Paid C. Wells m a taint( roepaupers, '. • • 10 25 " Thomas Barnes for digging. 3 graver. paupers. 400 Sarah Ogden for keepingVaa Sullivan,o an, 'lO A ttorney tees, 91' 00 .I,CCOCIFIr WFIII .COLLiCTORS OF POOR. DCTLIOLIT.B - - Collector. s Year.-4 Ain't. Paid. Exo'd Pret E Due 0. T. Smith, 1852 023 56 $1 50-$l6 76 $5 32 .. J. Noble, 1057 352 90 232 00 $l4 10 106 80 „ R. A. b. MONTATTE., TREASURER roes ItND, CR. klitßUDi of Smith'sdu- Ret'd on duplicates, $ll3 11 plicate, $23 SF. Overpaid last year, 17 0. - ) do Nobles' 352 SP Ex. to Smith, t 16 76 Reed of 11.E.Solomon ” Perct to Noble. 14 10 per Quigley, 500 Orders redeemed. 211 30 Balance, 10 15 We the Auditors of the Borough of Towanda, do certi fy, that we have examined the accounts and voucher,, of the Town Council, Overacem of the Poor and Treasurer. for the year 1858, and find them correct. MERCUR, .1. D. BIONTANTE., Andilors. c Cr ear y do Warber, EATING SALOON, North aide•of the Public Square, , • TOWANDA, PA.:. nPef at all honroeffir the accommodation of the 'pair lie. Will keep on bend at all times, all the delicacies of the season. In connection with the above, they have opened si SPARRING- nooxi' A competent person has been eniptged,and •ili shortly take a limited number of gentlemen to instruct in the manly art of Self Defence. January, 24,1859. IffcCREAIIT & WARNER. .ckhain GREAT mximon. KEYSTONE :TIMEI rrtilE . BALANCE of the stock of WINTER - GOODS, I which still comprises a goslassortinent of SHAWLS or various kinds, Wins Cloaks. Plain nnd plaid Merinos, Valencia Stripe; and Plaid*. plain, ail wool and printed DeLaines, Knit Woolen Good*, Winter Ribbons and Trimmings, and many other G so l adapted only to Winter's use, will now be sold as 1 w' as COST, and in MANY CASTS EYMI LESS, in order:to open for Spring with an entire new and trash stock. t. Goo for Now IS THE TIME FOR itARGADIS in these dit. : Towanda, Jan. 20, 1852. . JOSEPIR POWELL IIA ERRXMAC -PRINS.L.A! new 'invoice of Merrimac Prtiti;new ifikehanittrul patents, fast reed by , •H. S. MEROUR. MOVER SEED. bObebi appeilor CLOVER SEED. for sale February 18.1858. xo i ignetm :i oa. R. lc APRON, ,nt) 8. N, • mi. I Tlgar c a le ii 4thotikat 11 - 211 — Mar• Toianda, Feb. 19.18,51 f. " ' ' : 1 • • , 11101133 , . (L_ 1 g j t. • ,Caoksol ce. - Twukogg. • . • NUT= i PLAIN wOO • - • WOOL 5tir14 4 7" . " 0 DOXXSTIC.GIMUIAIIik . •4 , . wisufs. I • ' 'CANTON JIPLIN*BI4 - KENTUCKY 48488, , , 4 tlB - 4= 5 83 4) . ?; tiareceited otl for islertig f ° 'MUNOA;USI. : rf„twi Viiiiriatior Canity-1)* _..., Assoil . 4-: A V a wfil held It; Destillbilliettnpid - tke Vs.' !Da Much In co FIUDAY awe EIALTURDATI the 4 1111111der itattirAlWN/0 liiitairit [in as,lo a't , Ili A.A., ovum 101,14", -1: ~ +_ 110•410.. I IdetUse.devered tolter. 7. POSTIII: ' if Torso% Rad typ eankrird_ p. 410. ter . 1 4 13 .Wk r Tireii; &brother by InmoUgq, RANom - f ' TWO reIOIQUOTIX OS wile IA over fern Or, !!,, Oiled.: # i tra si w r,n4W el* . k 4 ''.' 1 4 0iiis sate*. inkteirnadr#(,vu 'r- .- " Abi?. o l.the r 4 0 ' V* Prop atlyi, The •• . . > ,Itivorhisinislaol , vas* iiieltip,aitlegalkes;J:• — ~ Another resolattoti logretoibtotillogii* ilii.ifts - : palawkodatikNetsebool g rlMPoindinutotV, a ftilitatoCleS,4 l 9 l- CROe, 6 , 1 7 Pidar, 4 lcat 186124 ,M1 N M 114 0 4 a 1 ir" , . , . #101t.o. ; l e y ,t............ Tacieriniottiiiiitaiistiraciew mo w. ,, Apo woo Aldo del Ws -M. .. '""r1 "ial to' -4, . `era Magill' la inn , win ids asteadoetwasejt le Sob* toped Mitt:t heir- - 1"11:11°S 4 41 Wtki ire t crepirY• Toinneta, lin. ?.f: PM): ' - ' ,CMool,..o.`st r : r;FOX'S. =I ENi mum Aittoviv. , Order* redeemed - NW ' I cancelled in 1858.1.701 47 Ontatand'iplatal.'69, 82.4 EIZIZ 4217 95 C.B. WI L A a d D l Overseen of the Poor. 376 49 233 50 16 7G 1440 112_12 EMIM IN prtrogs ♦T THE tMl§r cH IF n 440 . l l9. iilti&l2L 111 4 1 7 rriniCr ci ; 7 ' 7 • VAL: 75 KW*''• • • • :.1 4 4 1 : rered, will be 4 • sale at the Court *lmre; thelleir*• " • • M.14.-W.lllo,lltte day of PEBRuAttY, 7: 9, at Onereelock. P. 31.. the following described lot, nleca pr ParVel offend situate in Canton tp. boeh&tiA north 11715 ed of William g Bater.sraar Edward Burke t east. by land in possession of A. M. Kramer, ti weekAlluirre and S. B..Lathrop,south by the highwiy oar e f i reireet: West .4 the hig h way called Troy st ems :alibi ittiere, more orjess. all•lmproved. *ALSOss4II2 - the intents& of -Hemy Hingsbery In that certain lot.:ideee of parcel of land'*nate **Clinton twp., boandedimothlei the public highway called. Union Sr.. east,trY thalablk,highway called Division sheet * !path threes. welt Ty. arrall ay gams- .og egtoolooll* plot of... Canton ' riallerOCL,„ MY& tom. iatielmeraisieamt M. H. ' 461101 :4 1 0 1 4 01 9 4 Wmklotilio; Co ra said plot, wan Containing one. recri more or km: pll Improved. •-AL O-AH the theterest of Ewa* Itlngsbiai In that oestaitlet, piece Or parcel of laud eituatein Canton trip. hooded north bit Harding & Lee;ll W. Griffin and D . Wikna; Met try had of J. - W. Orialn'and A.N. S palding, eolith by the public highway called Towanda street. west by the public hi. hwaysall Troy street and land of Hai , dimor 4. Ideit,llllx; 'Hbopet & Turner and P. O. Manley.— Coateinint ihreetfanrea of =acre. Mare or less. im peramith a framed tavern housemird one framed build. leg occupied as a dwelling-house, a Shoe shop. a new Ira med barn; and a few fruit trees thereon. • ALSO—AII the; interest of Henry Kingsbery In that certain tot, pier" or parcel of hind situate in Canton twp Winded north, by the nubile hlghwei , called Union St., east by_ land of VoK; Vandyke. smith by land of Case and Colwell, west by hind belonging to the heirs of J.C. Rase. dec'd. Containing one eight of an acre, more or lees, all Improved, with a hamed barn thereon. Seized and taken In execution It 'the snit of John E. Goodrich's use vs.l Henry Kingsbem ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of bind situate In Burlington twp.. bodirdeel north by land of John P. Meant and Michael Mitans, east by land of John P. Means, south by the State read 'and land of Sam uel Strop.. west by land of Milton =Bailey. Containing one hundred acres, more or less.about seventy acres there. of improved. with one framed house, one framed barn, and a small orchard of fruit trees thereon. Belted and taken in exception ABM snit of HALMsee's wee t vs.. Jonathan Ttmensson and Charles Coverdale terra tenan ALSO—The folloWing describe I lit, Piece or parcel of land situate in apthequin twp., bounded north by land In possession of Adam Port. west by land of Henry Me nmid south byland of Post, east by land of Burton Kingsbery. Containing twelve acres, more Cr less. about eigtrees ht acre cres Improved, one log honse,iog stable, and fruit I U3O 47 u 24 %NG. 48 :AU 16 Wised' nd taken In execution at thesalt of Brough ton Goodielra ail vs. Nathaniel Chandler. ALSO—By whine of a writ of Leiari Fades all that certain lot. leds parcel of land situate in the town. ships of n and Towanda. bounded as follows ; Il egianing at a tar tree. south-west corner of lot. No. 274 on warrant ai Nt. go. 4438, thence west on the south line of said warrant 202 per to a white maple fora cur nor. thence north 79 210 per to a posit, thence east 202 per to the westles of said lot No. 274. thence south 79 2-10 per to the prang. Contalaitur one hundred acres, 44re strict measure. It lux taken from the smith 'end of lots No. 275 and WO on said warrant No.i 4438. with about seventy acres improved, with one grimed house, framed barn. and a mash orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seised and taken In execution at the suit of H.ll-Mace's use vs. nabs Foster, with notice to 4onathan Thompson and C. T. Coverdale, terse tenants. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF. Sheriff. Sheriff's Oillie4 Towanda, Jan. 19, 1858 2 50 30 00 1 91 17 90 • 14 39 R n SO 00 Name To PericHaszaa.--To prevent mlitindeivtand big. notice is hereby given that pureita.sera at Sheriff's sale; will be required to pay the amount bid at the time the land is sold. lt, has become imperatively necessary to adopt this rule, and It will be strictly adhered to, ex cept In easel where the purchaser is it lien creditor and is entitled to the fend as pr stied id the let section of the act of AsSernbly, approved April 20, 1846. which is as follows : " Wheneeeethe purchaser; of Teal c-tate at Orphans': Court or Sheriff's sale, shall appear from the proper record to be entitled, as a lienereditor, to receive the whole or any portion of the proceeds of said sale, it shall be the duty of the. sheriff, administrator executor ur other person. making such sale, to receive the receipt of such purchaser or purchasers foethe amount which he or they would'appear, from the reCord as aforesaid. to be entitled to receive : Provided that this section shall not be so construed as to prevent the right of said Sheriff, administrator, executor or other person aforesaid to de mand and receive at the time of sale it sum snfficient to cover all legal tests entitled to tie paid-out of the proceeds of said sale ; arid provided further. Mitt before any pur chaser or purchasers shall receive the benefit of this sec tion, he or theY: shall produce to the Sheriff, or other per son no making sled sale, a duly certified statement from the proper records, tinder the hand turd official Nerd of the proper officer, Showing that he is a lieu creditor, entitled to receive any part of the proceeds of the sale aferesa said," • ORPIIANS COURT MIX - 7 1:y virtue of an order-of the Orphans* Court of Bradford coun ty, will be exposed to public MiC.Ol) the premises ou THWISOA V, the 3d thy of FEBRUARY. 1e53, at one o'clock P. M., the following described : real estate situate in Tuscarora , twp., bounded and described as follows, to wit: North by;the land of John Cllii4ver, east by land of P. F. Hardy, south by land of fliandler Bixby, west by land in possPsfion of Wyllie; ltoger..Z . : Containing fifty acres or thereabouts, about thirty-nye acres thereof int pryved, with a log house, framed barn; and a young °reir and of fruit fives thereon. excepting therefrom, one acre lying in the mirth-west corner of said 04. late the estate of William F. (;upper, deed. Term. mad known on day of sale. • JOHN C LAPPER, January 4: 1553. Administrator. $3Bl 47 EXECUTOR'S SALE —The fo?lowtna de .efibettt real estate of William f;illson. deceased, late of Ul-ter twp.; will be exposed vi nubile sale in the follow ing order. viz: one lot of land in Burlington tarp., situate on Brown Creek. containing three acres, upon which is erected &good steam saw-mill with all 'tits appurtenances in order for *wing. And also one farm with the afore said Creek ruining through the centre of it: bounded on the south by bind of Charles Knapp, and the aforesaid sawdstlll lot, Which lot la hounded also on the south by land of odd Knapp, on the west by land of Luther and Travis, on thg Borth by the Carrot land. and on the eatd, by land of Welter Pollock. Containing sixty - nine acres, or mare, with about thirty acres Improved and a small house and stitble thereon. The sale to take place nn the premise,' on ITHURSDAY, the 3d diqo of PERIM A RY, 1a59, and aim? on -the ffillowing day at the house of said Gibson, dec'd; all the hill land of the , ol,l homestead in Uister.coutaining two bundled and eighty-six acres, with over one hundred acres In a good state of improvement, much of it cleared of stumps. and divided into three lota for the Pnrpxte of accommodating pitiellasers. The survey as made by (b Ricitey, showing the divisions ' will be ex hibited on AO day of sale. There isn'etreara called the Hemlock Run passing through the whole isagth of the said land, with n in g ood order for sawing, situ ated on the middle Int , which lax standing upon it both pine and oakthuber sufficient fur all the purposes of the farm and fp 'spare. There are two dwelling houses at the mill and one other small one on same list , Terms of pay meta will be mane known on ugh day Of sale. JA.MiX ELLTOTT, Jan. 4.1339: a Executor. NTE4'E4,4The • Board of ileyisioit of Brno-- lord County ' have fixed upon tbe folioning days and places for holding of the Appeals In said County for 1859, via : Athens Bo&, at Join B:Sloan's, Tuesday, Feb. 22 ; Athens terp4 atjobri 8 Sloan's. Wednesday, Feb. 23 ; Ridging', at chides 0-French's. Thnviday, Feb. 24 ; South ender t Asa Gillett's, Friday,. Feb. 25 ; Wells. at Aar* W Ingalls, Satnrday. Feb. 26 ; Colombia and 'Sylvania boro',at David tkotable's Monday, Pabruany,*; Troy tarp., and Troy bon, at E W - B i gon y's Tuesday, Month I ; ! Opringileht. still W Boot's. Welinesiday; , March 2 ; lindthfield4t Riley Rom', Thursday, March 3; Milder, at Whin Ohnstrad's, Friday. March 4 •, Botitogtootirp. at Rowell Luther's. Ti esday Msreb - 9 ; Burlington West and Burlington born, at L F Royce's, • Wedneiday.-Iferch 9 k, • Ovairvilhi, at 111 F Taylors, T hursday, March 10 ; Anstalt, *Robert, Mason's, Friday. March It ; Canton; at Myers ', Saturday , Ilareh , l2 ; , q. • Leltoy_. at 0 B Morse's, Monday. March 14 i Franklin, Ddlleardsley s, Tuesday. Match 15 ; Monroe twp gild Monroe bon, ut Ethel Taylor's, Wed nesday. March ft; ; • ' r i Tawindii taro, at ibe Commissioner's Officel Thursday, :_' letich.,lfl‘ • :, 1 rth a togira - ' Towanda twekailetirrandallio, _ A ft, e lasioner a OflleiNFildat7Woltivrr -' ;..." ""` , , AlliiinY4lt'unewin"Wileos's - , Tues d ay ; starch 221 • !... finitua4 7 4 Daniel Illevr..rly% Jr.; Wednesday. Mardi' 22: Wiliaot, &Main Witten a.Thurschly. , March 24 ; - :Asylum; ittlohn If licatorea, Friday. Milith 25 Dare% at Simeon , Decker's, Saturda_y, March 26 ; - Rome, st Oroonitickey's, Itotllay, Bah* 28 ; _ ' _ :gbftheolia, at 13 P Washbu rn s,lneaday, March 29 : I Litelifield, it Cyrus Sloodgnod's, Wednesday. March 30 ; Windham, at Benj Huykendall's, Thursday. March 51 ; ur arr at at Waal e, t ., 6 rit . Tit! et OHO tiurriPlirefiri Saturday, April 2 Plkeottlifif Morthinp r i, Monday: April 41\ 1. Herrick. at , H W coogeo, l'oe-Aloy,:April 6; I / IThearmlat Bury, Arfil,Weakralq, Apiil 4,; -.r aelobolt ock s, Thursday.4o: 4 4 i =Ng stotit: it - W. tobre;Fil o tr, April 8I , Wynn, at ild Heed's, Oatipvlay, April •. , . -.' ) Asseaserkitill beintictual in del ft itotleto" ' .to..iho tossiblovAullo maltlog.Oelr return'', 011ie illai:dosioi. tett fiallelT,jtiattintli; - at irbfolittpto NA p_Tace tho,Boord 0E413094 wilraGeluriliall hear a tui ptiotthemselvps 'mad . vc4 Wald Aseiiiitis; 140 ... ' a 4eh t. ,4," as tosbeloOltallAeOlOPOit..: , .. costa; $ ,•_,_ ~ .:,e 1,','1.,, .:. , By ohlei of (sato -.... . Canwilstiloil er't9, l2 lce,/ E. B. COOt1111:10tr - - ,- -, ribaulp7 , 43 ll . itimAr i - ' ',r I_ ti .c i 4°lol tqtES1111171111( &Igt),i - e O iteg " Jr at ' No • : - ?ors. NM= 11O1=Mi MEM ME _I§V4PATIIitO UIJ piponwiLy ?Riau :Ty . +limo' :Mbany.4osielift lee; Dr. Fow . **ifferAffram Sot • Asylfrai-jolin Morton. - Athens twp-Patrick Flood. Burllneon .Wet.-}t R Phelps. Colombia-Alden Keys. Centoh;-Ephistur Case. ' Leß,oynuel Monroe eorge Corey. Orwell-rtes Upson. • Piko-d 8 Fiiyaon. 4 flavrvszl Altiiny.r..P I Wilcox., • Asylum—Miner Terry. Armanla...4laShan Shaman. Athena Morley • Snots, Medi. Burlington—Daniel Lane, Samuel B ISTOrd, Myron Travis. Canton—Daniel P Knapp. NieholasEverbart,Warren Landon. Columbia—den Hull, ,Ckar leß flurellltChuries Stever*. Franklin—Geo. Ficallsley. Lelloy-f—Alppi Stone. Litchfield—B 11 Keeler. Monroe bars—Wall Brown. Monroe tarp—,T B Ingham. Orwell—W tl Maynard. Pike--T H Ellsworth. • Thor Stone, D 8 gadding, y W Lewin. Illdgbary—Joshua Kline. lintne—Wm FortmealenzyD Tanner. re/Loran 4710 Alma ks. torp—Geo L Faster broo Darlington West—Charle, Taylor, Colombia—Sohn Onstin,Wm Gomel. Canton—Ciro w Berrie k—Clarlea Overpeck- Litchfield—H trim Mtrritt. Leßoy—ft R Kinpley. Orwell—Cicero Dimmtck. Overton—Jacobliottendine. Pike—Lyman Buck. EC Ab. bott, Joseph Coleman. Rome—Stephen 0 Allen. Springfield—A B Crammer, Joel P Smithfield—Merritt Wood. LICENSES.—Notice is hereby given that the following named persons have . flled In the °Mee or the Clerk of the Court of Quarter fies%ions, their peti• Ulm* for license under the ezisting laws or this Commonk wealth, end their severatspocations will be heat.] before the Judges of the Court of Q..arter Ses.ions. on Monday. the 7th day of February next, at 2 o'clock in Thii lon of stud day : • ?OR • eaermir. Lemuel T. Royce Burlington brim' H. M. Holcomb Leßoy. O. S. Slime Leßoy. J. M. ReedWysoz Ann Minion Wysox David Conablo Columbia Silas E. Wilcox COlumbia 11.1e1 Smith .. . Canton John Howard Wyulusing. I.eui Meravle Monroe 'tw p. Hiram Sherry Windham. Shubel lbiwinatt Asylum. Mary iiii r ion wilmot. Caleb H. Sweazey it John Holmes Towanda Rom. 0. W. Northrup Pike. N. D. Snyder l'ike. Henry Sherman Overton, Rollin Willcox • • • • Albany. George 11. Estell " Towanda 80r.,. ' Theodore Hines Wyalusing =RICH ANT DEALER. Henry W Noble Towanda Rare. Stephen Felton Towanda Bore ALLEN M'KEAN, Clerk Clerk's Olive, Jan. 12, 1858. EXECTJTORS flCE.—Notice is here tit , given that all perions indebted to the estate or l'HOlf AS BRINK, dee'd.„ late of I'ike towm.hip, mu-t make immediate payment. and allperson.; haring'demands against mid estate, will pre6eut them duly authenticated for .ett lenient. PERLEY H. BUCK, Dee. 2n, Executor. r t- DM IN 1 STR TO ,t'S xor! CE.—Nol ice is hereby given. drat ail perpsniut Indebted to the e-tate A MAI. Fi.)44'Ert, devea.eil, late of N. , rth Towanda. are requestedtto inake ph pent without delay: tnd these having etiiinq against the said eAtate w 11 please prevent them daffy authenl.l4ated for settlement. 5.1311.:E1. D. FOSTER. .lennery 25. I e.lh. Adiniiii-tentor efrbcmi. non. INISTIZATOR'S NOTICE.—Notico rt. is hereby given, that all persons Indebted to the estate of WILLIAM BERK. late of South Creek, dee'd.„ are hereby repotted to make payment without delay ,• and all persons having claims against the said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. CYRUS BERK , Jan. 24, 1 6 1.39. Adm'r, with the will annexed. GREAT INUNDATION I I No Lirrs Lott, but Crinoline greatly endan gered by the Rush of Customers of No. 1, Pattcnes Block, ocosioned by the arrival of New Winter Goods, WHICa Vill BE SID CIEAP,CRAPHI, CHEAPEST WILLIAM A. 'ROCKWELL has Just returned from the city with an uniumally large and carefblly selected assortment uf Winter floods, to whp he invites your attention, his stock of PRE GOODS ate of the latest styles, and unrivaled in cheapness and excel. knee. Ills GROCERIES are of the choicest kinds and in endless variety. Ills large stock of BOOTS & SHOES are not to be surpassed lov any in the county The attention of ROUSE-KEEPERS Is particularly in- vited to his aswlrtment of ElltiEEElly, GI.ASS WARE. TIN 3r, WOODEN WARE,,Carpetings. Entrain Draperies. and House furnishing Goods gmteally,all of whichwiti be wild at prices whichleannot full to please the most difficult. WORSTED PLAID, Wool DelAines, DeLain Robes, Blue Polka DeLnins, at No. I Patton's Block. DRESS TRIMSIINGS, CHENILLE, Velvet 1111.1oupt, Tagsel% Ati.om nuttono, Bonnet Itilitons. Plmven an.lll , lcheyuat w.A.nocKwELL's.. FEATUF.IIB.—An elivant macortment 0 BMA. White, Crimson and Fancy Phnom at Nov. 21. - W. A. ROCKWELL'S. 91 LBS. LIVE GEESE FEATHERS. or superior quality • for &Ile at the Store 'mid Hardware Store of Nov. 9 O. C. HAIL New Arrival of Clothing ! 2150 OVER COATS, ALL e M i lnr powELL.s. - • no BUSINESS COATS, ALL GRADER, AT COLLINS & POW ELL'S. 100 CHEAP WINTER. VESTS, AT COLLINS & rowEws. • 250 WINTER PANTS, AT COLLINS & POWELL'S.. All the above article: were bought for CASH and' ate selling off 25 per cent. leu than Retold cant. Towanda. Nov." MR. C 01,14 Ns & POwEi.t. Great Bargains in Goods ! 'MUM di 3WOORZI, • A RE now receiving , a very tare and viesir. ..a. able assortmt nt of Fall and Wit r Gond% which will be sold as low as anything that can be found in tbk marketsceinsitting of Dry Goods Shtrtina;stripe Shirting, Tulting,Deniass, Cotton B wtts.Cotton Yarn, Carpet Warp, Wicking e Prtnts, Sat nets, Kentucky Jeans, Fancy and Black Cso.imere. Bla, and Blue Br° ni Cloth. Li •say, egtan Table.Dl %pea L en Crash, Napkins. Table (1(411 , 4 Damaniklable Spreads Bleached Muslin, an Red d While t. , Flannel Cotton Flaunt , Grain Bag% Ac. Dam Goons.—De taloa% Hamilton Sr. Pacific callla, No. I:Poplins. Be Beget% Chenile Scarfs, Knit Hoods, Mariana, Casirnerea, Paramatas. U. - Suatet.s..-A large assortment of new and choice pat terns of Stella and Wan Shawls. t 1 i HATS ANA Csm-14 n and Boy'ft • Wool and Fur Rata cuiand Caps, the finest rtwut In town. .'' Boot' - AirlY ShtlasL.Ail the didbeelt deliertigkii i l i Men, Wornen and Childrea'a Wear.siold cheap far. rash. Relabel , It. tan. t TRACY k, MOORR. ' 1 Ladies 3)resv Cloodvi DMlTlOW4ll4ttention is-inrited.. to a, large *Mimi meat of Ladiese'Ciress Goods . , sow being received by JOSEPH . POWELL—comprising eierythlng that is now *fashionable and durable in Betagels, Crane thwetts, gatidiee, French Printed!Jaeonette; LminsiEnglish and Ftench Prints, MUMMA. Dupe! Welds. Lustre's, Chain* Oingberps, Prints, &c..di0.. - whiels will be gold at pries tat less than ever betoresdlited in Towanda. June 4, 1938. NIMISMI ,:: I t : 'IC . 4St i , , • Ailit,,ticittiott , Rldgbeer4fltsea Ts worth: Jobs Mt* Rome—Elle , Whylet,Wens if Werner: Spriogfield-1 4 fottainal/W 1 ley. __ Towanda Korth -Etna Rutty. Pkiermen. Wlndlistn-Wilitsm Babcock, John Weiland. Wilmot—Samuel Sams. wisoz—S S Pierce. W - ramslog•lJotut R Weller. • sass wine. helthliald—Xm Psteason,J Owe Gerold. Springhill—Andrew Cop mint, Jr._ Joel Andrus, .Wm T &Dep. • SO Sheshemdu-Ssuben now D. South Creek—L. Williams. Standing Stons—CluniesEd wards. Towanda t 071.1-11 A Bar bWilson. ank,C. lisnydls. C 5 - Towanda 8 Ikin• dell. To *. aim—Montgomery Bowan Troy born—John Grant. Tnicarora—lteuben Matte- Non." Mater—liaraee Heath. Windham—lV P Mayon, John Treadwell Wilmot—Hiram E Pond. Wysoz—David Shores. Wyalosing—Htrain Back. • 863 ND WEIS. Standing Stone—Edwin reg, Tro G y tw g p—Samea P Pratt, Ephraim Berray. Tommuida buru—EXParanna, Burton Kin Lary. Towanda Nor th-JesseWood• ruff. Chter—E B Tuttle Warren--Seueca Allyn,Chas S Corbin. d'ells--horenzo Wing, Isue Searle. Hiram West. Wyalusing—Lewis Hitch cock, James 0 Vilnghtt, James Fee. Wysox—John Allen, Win A Benedict, Jacob B Eddy, John Riles. EZEZE b. ANNUAL REPORT' :. f oi asatotit coustk from 'sat* Ist, Ab • J.:: - whims; • . , • , . Amity:is tis as Auditors. 127 00 Upon Bridge Contract /299 28 Upon Bridge and Bind - View5.......... - 6000 J mos Bereill. Crier of *ant 101/ 60 C Caudalounsel to la Wooers asitft retains and attending a ., .. 60 0 U . 623 Costa in Cosontorarealth mite 2012 77 Costs in Civil salts.... 25 00 Weed= expeoses...„. 784 60 Balance of erecting Firs Proof.. 1560 66 Fuel faight' /40 47 Gland JdurLors . 632 61 . Traverse aaem . 21142 70 liden Expenses te 40 Im nc mo tal * upon Public Bultdings be 75 - OM= Books and Eitattonay 65 to Prisoners Suppod In County Jill 435 *7 Acessat uit Orleeter t a Names. EShepard H W ISiuderbrooks... C a Corbin ' - Plymm Phelps CD Ross. Daniel Beverly, Jr... S D Harkness. 3 A Mills Wm 11 Stroh , Hiram Horton 0 vit Godard 1 Travis, Jr. ... li•P Beard-ley Charley Keys. I) II State J C Burnham. Albert barrel Isaac Harsh ..eftuy Holcomb Bowen Merrill M H. Coultraugh 0 W Brink. ti W Browning Jesse Hammond .... John Brink T J Wheeler ' C C Hooker • Ira Crane D D Black A J Noile.. James Elliott J tares Santee Jamey Adams H Spalding. James Lewig E It Blauvelt • J W Warner 21 T Horton S U lugerstll II J Fritehte L B Garner IClark Sweet :Ileum Bolton J .iiii II M .ripin Jer h Travi, Jr..... t'hilauder Um •:. .. c.d win knothis . tdwin Neums:i Edward Young I) S States Jame. l' Burnham... l).A:d Sayles .... _ . IJ. mina Beaumont..... G V Wolcott... . ... Leßoy Itoleornb 4 31 Cooluaugh. .... \bream Terwilliger... l) C E11me , .rh.... . James Hcceriy t: W Eh Mk H W Browning..... Jei%e Hammond Ira Crabe Jonathan Wxal V J Wheeler. t t I Brown—. John SI Smith S II M'Collum. it II Mace IA J Noble t II Kingsbury...... George Peek 111 Spalding B I) Illa , k , S C Hovey J B Hinds James Lewis torch Corbin .. _ .. Levi E Baker .1 W Warner..... ... :.. , 1 T Hutton lbw/whips 4, Bor Wilmot Towanda North.... Altany. Burlington West.... Granville Overton . Springfield 'Amanda North.... Athens township. ... Asylum Burlington West... Burlington townshit Canton Columbia • Garet .. Pranblin. Granville Garrick Leßoy . Litchfield. Monroe township.... Ptke Rome Ridgbury iiheAequin Smithfield Springfield South Creek Tuscarora. Towanda Borough... Towanda North.. .. Towanda township.. Troy B,rongh. Troy township Wyalusing Wyox Windham Wilmot Well,' • Athena Borough.... Athena township .... A ninny.. Asylum Armenia Burlington town. , hil Burlington Borough Darlington We.t... Canton Columbia . Duren . Franklin • Granville. Ilerriek Lit, hileld Leßly Monroe township ... vonroe BOP 11Z11... Orwell Overton Pike Rime Bilighury South Creek Standing Sto SMilhfirld Springfield Sheshegnin Sylvania Borough.. Towanda township.. Towanda Borough.. T0wanda........... , Tmy Borough Troy township Tasearora 1.11, , ter Wy.ox Wyo I using Wor. en 5Ve11A...... Windh an . Wilmot E 'Weird Shaw, Trearnrer, in recount with the County of Bradford. MI Dui upon duplicates for previous years $.7,540 57 Duplicates for IssB 15,5.52 lo Transcript of unseated land charged over for col lection 10 RR Transcript of seated lands for IssB 215 41 Transcript of unseated lauds fur 1856. 226 4 • Reassessments 15 42 Miscellaneous receivals9 0 60 Paid fur advertising 113 tracts of seated land . 28 2.1 Abatement for State tux 236 51, Tu amount in Treasury, January 1, 1658 50,76 93 DR. E. Pereira, Shaw, Treasurer, in a Due upon duplicates tor realm years $ 4.739 13 implicates ior 183$ 11,413 31.1 Tranieript of unseated land for previous years, 0 60 Transcript of seated bind for 1858 RA 19 Transcript of unseated land 1668 645 47 Re assessments 10 99 11Iseellumuns reeeivals 1116; 4 22 02 • DR. Camay Order: in ace's With t To Orders israed is 10511, $16,654 22 Outstanding Jan. I, ISSO, 116 74- DR.tDFORD COUNTY, SB.—We, the undertl d ners of sea County, do hereby certify that 1.. 14 the above is a true and correct statement of the iteceiv and Expeudit tree of 'aria County, trom the tir..t ....v.... , day or January to the thirty first day bf December, (MeinAve) A. D. 185 a. Witl3(lli our hands and beat of officii,at Towanda, tite..l.sth day of January. DiSa. D. TALLEY.) ‘-' D. DUCKER, ) , Couintlaskinerti: P. li, BUCK. Attest—E.R. Cons Aran. Clerk DOVITZ.&S ZLECT3I3III MITE MIN that makes the TIN AND SHEET IRON 1 WARE at the EAGLE WORKS. is purposed by his adin'Ting frlend+ to he the iveAlooki.ig man, and the he.t. workman in Tin and Sheet iron of any man in thf4 region of country. Tin Ware made by him is warranted not to leak aaad Fie is always on hand.like atboit-and ebrirk, to make work to order,or do HOUSE JORBING,ra F.iee frongiut. Conductors and Roofing, or to ,etibibil a large variety Of STOVES .) For cooking with Coal or WornLor Forint. Office or Shop Stoves made at the above work'. But it yon wish to give 'mien for CASTINti Olt MACHINE W 4 gm, call at the other end of the saute establishment where ,you can pro cure anything you want in the line of ARIRICULTURA I. IMPLEMENTS •withlate improvements, such as Plows. Cultivators. Corn Sheßeim. Cutting Boxes, Ilor.e and Dog Powers, Ac., or any kind of Casting in Bra's, tr•n and C mpirition ; or Machine Work and Repairing in 0 neat and workmanlike manner. CASH paid for Old Pewter or Brittatila. O. D. BARTLETT. Towantla, Jan. 5,1A.52. Gilt and Rosewood STouldingsl A LARGE AS.: RTMENT, for. Portrait Mill Picture ri. FrAMO; ',Mkt Ig faa , ses--Looking (ans. PlattayLnd French Picture (11 ici'of all Age.. Pranie. and Locking Ula..es made to et er, at price s trr snit the times. • SR- Reidy mid crier., of (Me finish, and lliTerent size.. with a good earse;reAdy at all Cites. Low prices and tgrins easy. Tow •cd t. Oct. 2 . IQIO. cursTET: WELf.ct.. F's E A SSORTNI EN I' PARR NI ETA S, Figure and PMiu DeLaines. from 12 to 2.i etit.A. a t Oct. 19.11,5+. I.lll."."Erti. ON' ET RIBBONS. FL• VERS— , , LI Broglie Cloak , Raglans and Stu ru in 11.23 to sl2,at ESJIMIES,VELVET . it I TIPONS 1: flpttans,,BrAtillotr, Pt , , Hi RROIDHEI); COLL.% RS; H t 1). KEN II I Ell, Marmites Sleeves situt qiilbsoileitio at Oct. ID. 104. PIIIN:VEI77% H BMA ND YARN; BItWIDFR Y. SILK andZerlisr Worsted, at J.. ,-_,-PHINNIMr.z. • _ r• RI NTS-4006 YARDS ' EXTRA QUALITY, f $ eents,itad qrnibtity , front , ol to 11 cents; at --- - VIIINNUM-t • 'MITTS AN CANDY, at WHOLESALE ..vry lnw. n f! WS. 1 tot NI ,& MenlNous from leo . J. s yard to did Frogt grades, to all minty at SI OWN k NY?. • tiii seared Co 1143 tt46,4 MB S2l.lati 43 $24.440 21 - 116.%30 - 96 1 Prboams" Saitpiiii In listens Paituitlou, 33 Conveying prosonnic tu Ea tern Peulten, ~ J ,,.. '15 1 4.17 Public Printing. .. ' . ''. . ',.' ' . :..,',.' $lll5 prothoneiv anii‘tiie iiiiittilsickl.4 7 :.l - ; r i.rse4 Repko of üblio BuUdiuge.... ....... „: „" , t. Stet Township Line Thirt ..,.. i .... . . .::...1; . I .V. - 4111* wolf and Wild Cat Certificate* -' . ' •-, ''.. r • IV= Justici.i. laluisions a . ; I __•,• ' . :.$!, 11 Townohipsfor School Tex upon :, eatedlinuli es: - turned for Colirtlon ' • - OVA W 6 r4l for Water Rot !brute , 1 61. 60 P. U. Buck . Camoktoliaor - O. (Ailey. • • • • • '' '1 Sle ° CO D. D. Decker. do " SAO I* E. coulbaash, comuguilme* IMO #1 sim Total. - • :::.:;:slllllll4*l pus .to 1510011' Akt per • Auditge4 ,r 4 .110 •• cotitt4 .esvienikd mixtfor Brewed; 67 22 9.48 6-79 3655 292 93 7 64 12 , 04 207 20 477 62 , 117 tit 131,70 12134 • 163 56 • 149 02 121 64 12 00 223 71 48 25 'llssB 271 29 107 67 160 23 124 .6 IJS us 354 2t 26 31 24$ 62 $1 OS !El EM 1547 6 74 LEI 8 83 3 89 IMO 73 25 223 04 25 05 127 05 123 4i 132 72 95 5U 221 41 13) 33 15 01 92 17 0 50 69 6 4) 4 75 24 76 2+l GO 13 . 34 2 77 2 04 235 JJ 1115 38 15: 00 44 35 55 hl 154 00 25 00 110 00 61060 4 4 00 155 00 113 3GO 3' 13l 00 3-611 2 33 1 01 33 6 2G 3 b 0 1 84 1 41 10 017 2 32 6 4G 2 37 L. 27 &i 25 9 06 3 25 1 10 2 05 3 O. 9 19 6 8 •l 2 81 2 23 596 16 36 4 76 4 73 13J4 62 I ..700 02 . Returned uncollected previous t ) 135: 4 167 85 Returned unc , illected i. r Issit 4;143 - 76 Exoner. tious upon transcript, of unseated lands. 10 88 Exo ieration4 g iven to Collectors. ' 394 62 Percesit.v,e to'Coniector4 - 829 71 t)rd rs redeemed in IvsB 16.80 85 2 per cent conunissinu upon same 313 ri 1 per cent commission upon 812,638 30.... /.. 176 38 Exonenttions upon seated and unseated lands.. ' 34 Or. By amount In Treasury, January 1, 1959 5,799 gs c't with the Com'th of Prnasy Returned uncolleold previous to 1858 Returned for 1;58 F.xoneratious upon unsorted land.... P.xonerations given Col:et:tors Percentage i per cent. commission upon $13.09, Paid State Tic-wirer. per rectipts,l.. Amount of abatement on State tax. Due State, January 1. 1e69 e Co. of . Bradford for 1858, By orders redeemed in " Outstanding January I, £sl " TEEM WORLD 3378/LT." IT IS CON CP:DEO THAT NI AItSII,&PQ.; OF ELM IR 1, can, and do teat all caiipelltcire lee Eculm,iderie., Collar:I. Sleeves, Raids, Flouudl;ige, Edgings, he‘ertingn, etc., cheer,* ' Dec. 7, 1318. \ S."LINION ".LEGAL rig .:• TILE LEGAL I N TEREST NtONEY 14 from ato 7 per cent. pet Minim. bo therefor:. wot M pny 15 per root. more, for (; 0 0 D tied it than they can buy the Kure .a-tielea roe lot 11:ftIVITI CO.. of Elmirn. for Ca.'s? "'Xi. MA's rtho.gneal.foa" which is (Lilly answered by many who hire money al si opts intereg and boy for C'n.lw thus Sairing eOlftiotod tn. terest. ask a here Good. earl be botszbt beep r Cash? Our an=wer is at 31.1.1W1 S Union Block, Elmira. N. T. • OUR - WINT STOCII IS MOST COMPLETE—CONSISTING of Simile and Dothle &unite Mauls from St.to Elk Single and Double Wool Wald Shalrly from Pls. to sti, nte,t4oon4A of erriy dnventien, ifors and Men's - Wear I n every style and anslbtr. Wan tie cheapest Kentucky , Jeani to the finest Broad Cloth, Flannels from lt e. a yard to the bent hi the nwitil, Blest/1141'mM Drown lifaidlet from S eta, to the most unperior gradmTable.Cloths.Pl ano cox era, Dinner Napkins. Tea Doylies. Damask. VW` Ilusiery, Gloves. Mittens, fhpintletts: Lind hilliet everything that a rational human twine con desire to find in a llrut, cL DI Grut.' Store. at NI Ifitili h CD'S., S. Vnimil3lock Klmlta,'N: Y. - • • 1MM1'313131 PAID. ALL CVSTONIEIIB Al * TANCE he trade at 5t. 1 111.4H St , Yil.ittiatairt. will hate their exnenyalt more _thin paid,Ort wbat Pare i 9 the price or (1,141. tiendrel4 of persons- bun tried it to their entire I;3s:faction. AY., fl eti. carckeLamt ae r hay twenty &titans worth of us. and yon dobl Quit it to, your earl Pew.. wilt alitte paid to ere.h P. 7 u %trio* Co S.. Ntn.S. ITuton,Block. , IiIONTANYEW - .ST:OrtE Tilt - CREDIT SYSTE M NOT Ere - in s E. JL F.XPLODED—We Would say triattr prompt pay foiCaitomert that: we ant atilt atillaa Illoode.nrear credit of 81>t *lathy: awl thaVyre aro yeeelyina halm soppliot by railroad ant . zimal weekly. 013minutestrill comma* l'avorthiSt *lth 'nor ' TilE' WIPILTh %TM - FmArlim ri et ? ,PfrTerv. h iititt rontinned, and small rarebit, for. Cab wlllta said at firholeotTe' • - • • - ONF:410 AT MAT) Or 1111 N AND• NAHA tact re (*wed. N o m the Thateannn trits %relict whi,dt-will he ad I to the trade at city prig** Including height. Let as pa tronize the mom:Arturo et our own State. Nov. 31, 1138. 1110..741,M1:11. of Br if Aa eirott4 ; • •rADVio' • "'A , It r. - . 1 .r , „ IMIIII =MCI ED 13'91 13 61 ) OM . tt, • • , /31/ SG 21 lilii 13 IS EEO =I EMI 13.13 16 -0 24 4$ E p SI 17 61 6171 10 54 13 42 1 94 CIE] 4t R 4 210 30 175 92 '32 , 49 172 15 107 00 71 57 117 61 62 36 3 03 14 B,:r 28 34 1434 1.3 99 /t/ b. 5 /I (10 U I 2 1637 123 U 3 41 TS 11 51 £OI 1:3 -00 241 TO Di 61 194 T 356 24 209 E 0 1511 00 •1235 09 03 20i TO 68 67 /9 46 19 a Its thl 30 71 2., 73 30 3i 32 11 uu '6" 16 20 15 108 93 11 69 11 30 30 72 13 00 17 13 96 43 /34 92 110 44 104 e 6 2t 67 26 49 17 57 23 63 6 70 218 09 101 54 I 29117 191,199 91 CO $26,t49 ,V CR. $ 107 PA 4,043 Y4l 0 50 302 03 . 'CS2IS ISO IS PUSS 19 '1:8013 tl6, QS CR. SISXB A 172 14 116.PN31,98