fllisrclancons. WHOLESALE RETAIL Root and Shoo Manufactory. t ,, ,J()H N 1.1 HLK.M AN A- <(>. V ' rr|t i in'••fin the Ji'il,! at t".. y have tV.Yi■'***. - Mt ii it- in in tin Hit tin lt.-i.il. I -'i k • >• ■ JTiin J.V Bridge str-et-. *•> cm t' • y r. j.* i - ;t;> rvirv ikcßitv t" 11■ i ■ l l-'i ;it Wli i. Ye ii '• Hi' ■< 1 • I'~ 1 '~ and Slii't--. nftwy ii t'j.ti ti i tin w> M unite i al-ai.tl nnsn ;!'.i' r:ivt'l i.i Hn •.t w< 1 an..in l.enu- •i Rita's Vrrvrh Cuff. /' •*;> m./t C'o.irst Hoofs mi'J Shi**. IP. .iu-rn* it's Jinn's a tut Shoes, /■' i r 'it i!> 'j By the case or elnjrl*' |.iir. d*-.-.!. ■ * an j r:ic. 11|y- r< f|;if.-toii tn give ctai*uH. * wi la-beve *itH,iwr f i il.tn - we fan furnish a latter article at a LOW Kit I.'A i K Hum can be obtained il-cwlic,e. REPAIRING, ot ail kin i- l"#e wit', desjmti h,iu short Dili f. ill a wm km Ik- ti in. r. We Mi.iil also kee|i ua band lurr: inottwcHt n; LEA THER and FlNiCXt*■* w.Y It will . fr. iid.it t!;o lowist possible tigi : *""• CASH paid lor Hitfcw, Sbacp IVIK '*. >' toe highest market rati ■>. J- lii.ilii. 1 MAN A iit TnWiiinli. Pec. 22,1 M rtlflE nil Icr-i'.'tifil InvTig pr !.- d tin* abo\r v.vl" 1 known mills and an ihi t a Steam K igiua, and nl<o put every tiling fa n- led i , Pa- ' iep.ir with all the Modern imj rovenn nts n>w ii •• in #M F1 ■ 'inn Mill-* •Id . -pi '• .lly -h*it *• p • trotiare of toe c o;nu taity■■ ;♦, is ti-:• the rc|>i:i.!ti • of the SifiVjiir \. It skill !•< om . at 1 il m- -i. trusted to ns primptly ,ri tin the I-t pos-i in i <-r. Customers from u distance may rely npon htiriiijf their work il *ne at'ill'i'. s•a •In nil- i> i' -.• 'rip fit l '' Mr. KCOST will cnntiane to giv ;bis own ;. r. mil at tention to t'--- iiiifiioi-i at the mill. CASH pi: 1 I'.r nil LvN 'CI:\I\" ; .' II • ?!...! a id Feed for sale at the ' > west ut irki t pri e*. M i i-iIL i .t. >ST • CO. J?AAC MVER 7. O. FKO ; T 17. f. *OS. Noni h T. v. i\r. v. O. i.!' I) ! ]NTi ST! T"\R (1 S. i'lrt'K, Siitm nil anil M■■ u-m - I-' cal In-ntist hein? pcrmnnently located in run itnla. ten dm hi- p iftsi'iial -< n ices to its ritinens. tWpei-ia attention efeen to FTt.f.lXl! . nd t'l.kANSIX'} lKC.\Y j;i> TKKTH, n'-o K.XTU.V .= • . id \ r \ N";IN <. IKSKRUL M? TEETH IN t1! 11 !)RKN. Teeth . wrt e>! an pivot ;:d • ; **t - i! "l i-t ••vh-tpt .b-P i h ■Wieeteu en gdd, Fllver. cheoplnstic ami Slaytons base, from one to uti e:.tir< -ft, t!t<- in • t itt:-t: • tnsni.. r kuowa 11 the pr fes-i :i. All the above operations will '.if performed with a THtHtOL'dli i'Hti IK'AI, KMoYKi-.t'tiU of his l-u.-i --ness. and doty to his patient. Office over K. T. I' i*t's Store, No. 1, i!iv k Row. L trance, lir-t door on I'ii <■ street. N. R. i'liiduee taken . i part payiva nt :",r dental ope rations at its maiket price. July ::o, is'iS. Patronize a Slcntc Bnterprizc ! A "Book-Rindcry in Towawla ! tITB wwM respectfiiliy announce to our fiiends and i o.lr rrintinir *;-* 01 i!> St iti-.n. ;• s: •!> i I'! iitt and Faue.y If'i'iv-IU.VI'f iiV. and ... it ti.e patronajre of all w! o dcsiit .1 in the fine. in the United States, we flatter ourselves i!. twe can ..m --universal .etisfaeti hi I'otii in w> i !<:n:i:■ diij i i pii e.— Therefore *\e i • it t 'V' ■ , ,-t r • ,i --ccs that we are pi •; are Ito i.ind in t vv**i kinatiiik man ner, all kinds of ll.'iiiXS. am ' wiii h • in n i Bibles, Hist *ries. M i i■■. Mirazi Pain: lib Periodi ca's, Law and Sc'un 1 Book-, to • r Kpatfciii in l'rrvh, /.' tli in, (!• rtann and Flag i•h xtylt ;in Yclrcf, Silk, Cloth, lent her and Paper. noon i!.ein -t I'-isonabk'lutes, .* i t \.-:i .' > <e"tlive ns atr I '.!. i'' work warrant, d t ■ I' ; r . i. and Fancy i'ltjier Boxes mad • to order. Jan I, 1- s. " i . A. pa .. i \"s. BOOKS &. STATIONERY! WrThe attention of the public is reom .te.l to tit v jreneral irl e\-a -.nt. ient ;i. , . .> . - • . \i kits I! ink and St i \ -: re. i! it l*n . *-. ti < flic vt'ard Hiuisc. t ill id c\. nine oar >' EACLE FOUNDRY! A N :> i ixr: si ioi > ! Ajfain in Irlotion ! FJI UK St;l ssrilifr hnvln? j'.tr •! ■■'!!: •i'nv ■ L wnrka, sitnated at ti.e lower end f town. ir Hie final Basin oftl Barclay Rail Bond C '., (tin -.an . . tabtbdiment forim rly carried <m < y i.-mi renx, Hall Rasscll.) and having emp.l iyni a < onipeti nt . t • : w ... ; . imw,lh wow prepared to execute orders for fa.-tir Machinery or almost any kind. He .•! > ni u<. n variety of Cook, Parlor and Otß vcs. 11. r. pi t- Jiii'i solicit. ,i -hare of p itr so-. Tow ind.i. Sept. s. )s- . 0_ |_ BARTKF.TT. "BIG STOCK" / <OOI> APSOI'TMMNT. NKW UOODS, Beat Ptvlea and 1 >. prices, at JIAUHiI( t> S..N i. 1, ITaion Bi.wk. Kluiira, N. TZII2 GROVta £l 3AIIEF. r SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. t'J"> BIIOAPWAY. NEV\* YORK, UAVIXG gn-ntly incivasct! t' • r ficilitit w for manufui tui inir f iic irf thhrah <I .-r/iiiifs. with all the recent itnpr ivenietits, have .educed titeir pri ces, and oil'.; for -.:!e A NEW STYI.E MACHINE. PRH E • % It is m longer qiu stioni .1 that the c Ma. hiaea are tire* best in n c for family -i w injf. They Hem, Fell, fat:.or. nnd St it Ii in the most superior ttiiinr.-r; and a . ' ma. hints in the mil ket that arc . well and - ... ii .o ~;,i. tliat tlicy may be acnt mt > families w • , . , ibt r'iiistnic tions than are CMtained in a circular !ii hno upaii". each Mtiehinc. and from wbi-h a 1 / 1 •• c re 15!iy icarti how 11 n-p tiicm. •■* i k- * . , . Theymnki opwardsof FIFTEEN HIJN. liHMSTITi !, A MINUTE, and will do the re wing of tamiiy < iieapei than a aeamtdreaa can do it, even it work .; ..f one rent an !i r. Is there a husband, father, . r bro ther in the United St ties, wii will pen.iit the ilreid : > oflinnil si wine in his fr,. wiieo • R Vcr.-.i I clitiMi will do it better, i i e\' .-.lit i Iv. .-mi < li.. •• i than i' can pos-illy I d..:a !.v iiand. Vn.J I ,■ 1 ir. For sale t.v .i'. M. liOKibSON, l.akeS:., Ehnira a"d F. H. UHAXI'LEK. 'i : :. |> A Kt'LA Y !' K & ('OA I. COM L'A N \ . •f—ltctaii pn*-cs < I Coal at Ti.wa:.d tn: . Ilv the single ton ■ . • o. After the first of Deceru'ier ro \!. will be delivered i.; town, at li'o door, .it 25 cent per 1 *a i. COAI, is mid, for cash only, at i • >f the Rail road Company, in f'utt >:i"- lb . ■;,.<* in.er . M • • Streets, (second story); also at the -f ire of H I). BART- J.KTT. ' JAM;;-, M v \\ To.vand.i, N v. 11, is-.-:. UetiT r;:;--*-i.t- nd • t. I?M RROIDERI ICS. - Cbi ajn si i • tb< world at M \RSH & CO S. ( 1 KXTLE.MKN'S nnd Youth's Fur, ller * M lip. and Hue!: <iauutlcts and <•! •>. . :.t Sept. 2d, 1858. MERCUICg nll\' (iOODS.— Afi assorfiiK*!i: I creltdorc aneqtuillcil by any thing ever ofiered la Towand i of fancy an: si Ai'i.;; DRY m.irW new and de-ir.ilile syt'< - ,i . ,v: : tliis mar ket : among which u !be fnuu-.l i.. I.i■!.. - !:• (• s 1 i iii" navelt ms of the searem, cheap at tlie kKYSTi 1N... L HAWIjS—New inn] Ci.-.'.-e ius of k - Broclie, *sfo|| i. Piai.l Hi• 1. i • ~ M , a:i i Knitted Worsted Siiawi-. cheap i' tie- Oct.ll. KEYBTONE. I ADIEB' IOK GAUNTLKTTS Tl ■ .1J "Picoelomlai Style,'* lias been tveciv* 1 and I n f r sale at the net.2s. KCY 1 -i'O-i'ui,'.:. ipiiIATED FRKNCII MORINOKS.- -At A assortment oi Col rs of new an 1 beautiful Styles,re ceived to-day at Qet. li. I'OWEfJ/B KEYSTONE STORE. TITOttS TRD HOOPS —A large lot of f t\..:r,cas. Mi-a- and Children's H■i- • i-t re crived at the Oct. 25. KEYSTONE SlOltf>. I!. I* r< -li U lispis /sn ~.. Cm nuts, I'rttnrs, I tried I'lMcbt.-, Ypp!. - an.l !' .rics, Ncr. 24. If :< Ke':.:.!.'S. CI'LFNDJ!) ROBES A 11 i.i:. |; ~ k ' ehantiu; Coiii'T. C:.cai!e, and u "ovatinc Habit*, d'-tpera and Knit Sept. I' ik-7. ffERrCR'^ OLO#AVA AND RIOOOFFtfE. PI ttfcj C.ron d Java Coffee, Ore. ti Tea i" ..! .. Nts ) . r lb. a >d as i It 1... , !.t at iiiUi i . i ~ i <o:fs. at \..V J. iUctiljunbir, A'r. Ticgs Pcint tV .uuiriioii Iron Work*. AT Bradford County, Pa. WlU,i>. BLOOD k CO. ■ -ifa fu ' ' : -$i "MK'.IY'S PATENT BAiKROAD HORSE POWERS! UTi" are mamifactnrlng ttaw justly celebrated Fad it • (*1: :i:j Powers, for one and t ili >r-e- :t< Will '.e!:"' n'.do.i • • ' i itnpiemetit -p- t n.-k. tbcm 1 !'c I C.-t .• • ie.ss ( :.;.in P.iwe: sin t'u* W-..J.1. Our THRFSHEIiS AND SEPARATORS . .... i •>..(•:, int:irv.-it r tin: A!': my nt.< ■ ,ami w ik udiniruoK. Our ac v fiO'IA-I'UIN 1' THRESHER AND CI.F.ANER, Jr-.-f finished, will, we an- eot ' di :.' prove itself t .b." the Ii.-1 Co t-.NKti Tin;' • Jiku .*.vn v>'iNx.iw■; n in market. ■ jm ' r<y i vi-r, nor w craia ; and will t'.rv.h ai d ; tie l lit for ni n'!-i tis in.i.■!, . aia r day. i. '; li t'l..- same . It i- :i !: - raid. ioi nn .1 lor two a.d lour li"-,--" powers. b :dri-. • . i I-. t be just the machine they have '-• • a j (ie-i: -dt t:■ ' Our !!• rse Powers and Threshers are, to say the leant, e (U.il t • any nle in I u :i :so that f.-rin* - n Snu i ,rr : N• iv-'i'u :< ii.d No; ~; | p ■ n • v. . iv i.! !i. i! • i t > :>!'• 'ii.v . ■ Mill I. Oil „e ■ ..i.t o, -'•v ' ' una.', i \j u:i.-i in In-: .'lit ,Us well as for t! eii m: - , I'crior.fy. \ • or. te the part.ciilar attention of Farmer.-.vad Dc 1- i er to oui ! !M' e.n I. i'!| C'liiidelt'!*. roe .:i o. nd tli . 11 v. S . ' i 7 'air- inu otiie;-. and ,| is! v to-, • .■ I n.-t r.i , ! ; -I'd i!.. ; ti-ii'ii v li; ' tiny n- ■ •. com , :■ - -ateci. t iVin.ui'. --niali cast i.i ' o>d tr "is, i •ilscu <nt j !.-■ i liable !o I■: ..•! Of r ; that til - I • i Til r ■ v, iiiin ror . ' I'• ■ 1 .!• i• ■*.. I 11 ; c hard I'■ > OF. c 1 ' ut" ah <v. t'vo i:npk- st I lis lit! .dre- -A i h j :• *tl easify re 'harp* .'il, C" if ever HC. • - v. • n b i ■ 1 I i". 'a. n i •. ■•■:!,. i_ of tin id. i un ntioi i d iiiacb ..c , . WELLES, BLOOD a (' '. | ttbons, Sept. 15, I JKlatchcd Yacrses for Saie. • THK Sulio i-;: i-r.s <L -In* tn .!! FN. lit - Ii of mat. •<! I"! \r;< lIOR.-i - j , • .L. A. n • b..vi.:g ..gh i keep t , .. ... i ■ I! . Y:: : . t I . . 1 -'a- '-• 1 p ii' i: • If-'i*" .*- at t!.e Br.- n *ni i?y A • jr. .tl.. :'. i ...• :n ! w" ■—tin i, -.v. i • ut '■ I ■nd <■ V ■■•'!! li . i in p, tit it. r for ',' or on : time with an,.: .. . .1 ... - :i it . . , The Great Atlantic Telegraph! E. SO2.CrrIOIS"3 n * in t}*i■ ai n v " •*' n m ?u r S " if sUJ ?..• I i-' ?i; iF •; t-f U'l L" ■' s •' '• 1 Dt;*J:J !. \ i Xlj. 2, Palt:,u"s 7*lcck. r n:! r . •*.. •el I. ■ the N■ :t*i r, fury. I ..re the 5.,1 i ...riiic Uiest.ipii b-.w.-en i.aiopc a I CLOTH'NO •!-' M.' V.. "OMON ! ■ ;; .'e-i v iriHy. h?.**t I; lie, -.d m_. t u ir..' : ■ :.. . . . . i from the K:*.sf :a"! W< t- nt mark ■v. !• i- 1 | |. h! , 1 r.v Fall !V. :• ■! kof( !. ;*!'!!!N , ■ . . MY STOCK r. \>! -'j'.-; or , O•• !.::•■.At.- —s 1 I:. ~.-.. i- Raalans r. d ?a~k . . t; ~ .i! '.. i • ' •. d : I.i n skin do; Funny Is. kin <i aa.l V.M olin • sty ir- too u iUI-r :is to , * '• !'.:■••• iii" French bi;u k Hroadelnth e ui | ■ • •' >: C ■• -o v. - . •' >; 1- ■ a ii ('• . • d* : I ■ lie , . is-i: : . sn i d- : I t k I ni .1 • ' r . • - ti... 4 ; 1..• ed and K< ni .k. do. ■ ■ • ' -1 . iir!' i ■ kY;; tv. ts; < 'in nil'., nt.d j ir in ten d>*: M;k '■ t - . ' i .'.I d< -. i a tions ; Sj]k :ind l V.'..rt> d ;>: • k s.ititi lo : tan re Vests: Sitli- I net mid i'. i-!i do. IT t!M. liivi c mw.—Fancy Silk Ties. Block do; Fan-1 : H . ti-, : f V '■ : t 11 •' - : \. bite lio'ln; i !- ; I . o 'cy M .!- iii-s li-i; I'.i ■ y Linen d>; Wlii'e M.ir--i' <l., - i'*;i (' ■' F i-iev* 'i; Fm v ind w'.iiti limn do • : • . A ' "Oil ■ ;l--o|lunun of iloy's cloth'! .! p.. !- mi , SToes a : ll.ii - -. ..' !-. ■ i . sde 1-eatl.. ~ Up:., r • i. rkev. Ki ; .C ' ' • . Ot;r nimt .: " ,• ; . - \t: *c i* '• . .r. IT. . I i-di :!! '<•n nd :,-r W '. i■ o p 11. ' . ■■ ■. ud< d \ w;:;; A. i: . k.. Great Excitement in Gtothing! czuzizcj ts: rom'SLx., i, ■ w!;a ta- .i ■ •ika. ip. T :li it ii.-i-cu-h every i.t : i "ir O • : .lit . : up. on :* lor o< r Trm". , aid a: - W -nt.-! < \.. c.r-i . cm,-i-t n-r ev, :y | t : ■ lie i. i M n f -.i Roy' w. sr. 15!a-k < i ■•-. '. .'•an ! F i i :! C~. , >.i'-. HitC at . ■ . IT : -il .1... S ill do. Cents r'arni-'oiRT Coos •! s T.„ V. ... I'm*. ■ •;!.. W [ Drawe: . (Vars. fm 1 v its. s . r- V. . -iOil l-'.iiicy Shirts. <" ■ k . . . Clcth . Ca-f-imerer: and ITcstißgs ! • ! in, ,vs : id Ye t . . i v.-r : red , tSiisnuirket w!>' h w ; . I w.-io -, < ', ;.n- a.,!■- up 1 > ore r. will do w, !1 C> five ' ami.. pareim e! "".vlcrc ;,s we warrant .v - ' . II! 1 1.1 - We M-Vp 'a Tl t ilii": ,nd Boy's \\ i If. till! I think wv bay n (B. clu- j erthuu tii • c that ~iv !:v • '• 'I IR'. i .SO'ii of all kinds take tin |myni<-t for C .oils a. 1 a ot rt lit. <t: tgd-im-as ii-nni .nd ; i • ■ h.-.rjr. wlwa til" mp bongbi ,f ii-. Don't . r- ' ■ 1A \ ] i ■wn;tK\mj J mom i 1 iMTissoii 1 >:•.(! i -tivt- I> : \ii" vour fni!y attci.ii in to '1) t- t'e-ir i 'st let .. r ,. eivc 1 c-uiipr!in.g cTaice si\!es lionoio I; i I,' o .is, si its, S pii:.., \ clvts. together "it . i Kiiy tc: . e,l assort:.i.t of i catlicis and I i - A t-r-. Thankful f->r pact |wtmn!ien bemt ifpr< so Wwmßy bel ! ved. tiny would l. pc.-tfully solicit a eontiuii.ue ef Lie c.o Ot iber LI, !.",s. H. A. BURBANK'S BAKERY One Door Yorth of the I Yard House. To wand A. PA. A \ ' HERE yntii an ' a 1 a coo -tnnt s. pplvnf Rrend. Rusk. \ V ( rankers, c mke s. Jlimbic-", and ai! kin Is ot Faucy j Ukcn, i o' OYSTERS f'.ir: i .he,l by the quart or keg, oi c ,k ■ ed to ord( r. t •" l'a, :i i.i ii'.-it. idioii paid ' ordersb-rpurii, - iJ-.-t.-.ruing our siiicer. thanks for the iila-iai patr- aaco : , ir*stowed ui'o .ii d-tring tii • past year, nnd Toping >v e! we :pp!. .miion , , !.;,..... ■— to merit a c-mtituntui. .n K.e .same, we remain :ie ever, vour hiimole scrcaut, Mardi EC, is".:. 11. A. BCrRANK I M'F FA 1.0 HOIiKS.-Tw i .Jew. BniT.ilo YJ E-.'-cs. j i-i , and : r ■ ..lc ••!.• j Nov. lajhas. Pmb ei.i.s Bi:Y<niv|; 'TI.;:.:. Ijnoiitcso CTarbs. DU CH AS M.TURNER, J'JiYSIQIAN 4- SRHGEDN. oflt-iT hi.-professional scrvlca* to the inha'c.tai t- of Towanda and vn-inity. Office and ree- Itlfiif - in thedwelling recently occupied by 11. BOOTH,! Esq.. 0:1 c door north • 1 the Episcopal Church, ou Maine Str.ei. I K. OVf.KTON, JK O. J>. JIONTANYE. / AVKHTON & MONT A NYE, ATTOR V / 2\ /. I vV -i T I. A If—Office in Uaiou Bio k, former ly occupied by JA?. MACIAI:i.ANE. I H. Mvii 1 P. D. MOKBOW. ! \i A DILL &MO It HOW, A TTUIiNE YS lit A Mi COUXSKLI.OIIS AT LAW,— Office ivci Met, urV {-don-, Towanda, Pa. Towanda. April I s - n-13-tf ! \L. E. 11. MASON, PHYSICIAN AND 1' S( RCL O.V, oilers his professional service- to the ,'i.opit Towanda and vicinity, Oltice at his residence •0 Pine -trett, where he can always he found when not proM< nally engage d. P h. PARSONS, ATTORNEY AT I / I IT. I'ROY, Bradford Co., I'a. Ottiee over V. M. A H. P. Long's store. Aug- 7, 15€. OEXItY R M'KEAN, .-I TTORNEY\ I t AT L.AIV, RWANDA, PA.; will paj prompt I siti"! 1 ion t• i n • o.- ei.triisti.d to him. Coih 1 tion.- !-■:■••< j on r<-;' ' terms, with prompt muittan. •-•. oct li , LI IAX AX SMITH, having returned t<> | J Totvand 1. has opened a Law Office over Mercur'. I Store. Dec. 1. 1£57. McCABE'B | CENTRAL MEAT MAKKETj j litHwttn J. lYingsbrrrfs if J. PmrelPs stores. i Till'- .',-ir':nrw > 'Vili tcf-'ertn I *\ 111- -list'. Mrs and the public i iu i.iliy hi-- 1.- I it F cere thank for Hi ■ very li. • .! patr mi, e ex I t- >.!•••! t lent tht past sea- ou. lie .solicits a eonliauauee ] lien . -ay to the public that lie intends to keep con- I . | tin;! .-tII •, .-iiitry aR'Ol which he intends to sell t>r j vrv ssii ill profit .I'. in r■ . the side, ipiarter or pouud.- t'l. .. . ii 1n: ,1 call. i' • • ' "v, don -t n-> wla-i; . le ,1■ 1 , ;:■ ' r V ' ' V . ' ':e ' ' ■ >'] "'la 1. 'll. ' TOWA ND A FOUNDRY. 1 I'jpllE iili-e-rllx i■ i 1:: Inr..-s to :UTV <'ii tin t I- '..1,1 -' i • '! s. and i- p- eiinred t<> 1 |do all kinds. '>rk ia i.'* - eon short notice and inn j ; v.usk; iw.iike men; Ih mi! kt pon ?;a >d 1 rin ike to I irdei I'l • - - us -. >; ■! i nis, sleigh shoes, \\ .• i'l ixi". and my ;h i. !e 'em n-ti that may !>e re-, • r.ii i;ir,j and "dtiti M> it >rk will IK done on 'sort n !'•• ! . . Si -v • t any ' i.d • d ;:.■ -1 It nssi -h to their edv ntnee 1 ! t-> ; niv at the i-.is.ndi v. e - ,ney ran lie lepairisl iiv: h . 1 v.' Old. t is-.m and hi in taken ia p..yinci-t.— : ii. ~ ! n.isl.ii i : | I.n e ,1 ; ( i-t i I : s.s' - li.■ ck. , i,r~ I\i 1i . '-II -;V 1 i 111 ■ bavi'r. ids -t nid • "t*tr <-tc-r six *: .' d'-. ym -t I. • s-t! <-l without : •i. I. . .. ' - v. is Miles that arc di.i will ■ •w, i'to . e;, * JOliX C.VLMAX. i' .•.'a..';, l 1 '. NE VV TIN SHOP! R 1 11 :" '• t I res informs hi fr. n 1* and | J ' , .tic .. at- • 'hai■ !; ■ --.j id ain w I TIN* V, \ :I -V -111 .1' LLII.i.v KST.V IJl.isilM ';\T ; in tile F i-tmir. ii i-t,i . r 1 low Mc. . 's s< ... v.! - n !• • ; ;• -*••■! to i res .t t!.■ ', ; u •- in all i. i'..id u j hr iti; to . ' .Jer. oil sh -t TIII : -e. Mo- • cl' various >1 \ii - , .11-1 , I . ICC' -m •• ■id tojoldii .. i 'id 1. ... (' • and Ik ss |.,1 i-.s ex. ham <f. r fro. is. ' ' ARE YOU INSURED ? Snsqnelianna Mutual Insnrancc Co., . rpniS Ci jest,y insures against loss ordato a •I; I" ILvrII..!" hou.-es, l-hirni: sic U, ri-h •- ■ ■ cs ~ud iicn-.iu .ulii. .i v., on the iie.st rcasoi i : l)ll.;\ TOl: II VD. TP\RV. AI.L. IN M'KKAX, . I . : • Pi.lit'i- I'i'Ult .-'illißEf s , -111 It'll Pill. Id'.. II Y\". THAI V . Pi— i'• nt. ' COM i, .... .- I.A POP I !'. M\SliM i 11.. Tri-as. 11. 1 E M'JK i: A IST, 1. dl, P.i., for tin id, v, dc ! ' ■-> : i Parmer's I uion Insurava Co, . Aliens, Pa. I (' aj.il aI , i - 0 , (MM*. I' . Caj> i t 1, t-kOO ,110 i. . - : J T .-■ .M'U. -intv 11, 1-ds'. TOWANDA HARDWARE, CUTLERY IUO AND STOVE STORE. r<j D. r. HALL IVh -I lie and Ih'.-.il Pealn . 3 : f in P . ' are ml St. v.- .Is i ''-cwi-A. A, ! > kd -li.C' Paint -3 g mil Oils, I! m.e Tr'-I imii I f-~ - —— —.-YrkJ k'd .!''•• I ret. i ' "t■ tc;l -■ .t - 1 ■ i..it ' i.. 1 S: "!s i':i\\ •nd v S -. (' i i ' ' |..-ni. l-s" and s O Plan, i. L• • id 7 ■ -.5,. i . • it i W* 'A- -.' il-C.: Ff-l oJ.-er T" 1 ' :. ( - —■•JT * and < ail S.n\ .. I'da.'k V T to I'- It , Anvil Vi -I -. J II • isnicr- d s,-rew I'l.it■ • . \- >. Pr id X i ••>••?. lath mi! 11 ..nil It.' -In'-. ; '.i M... ' POi'U I'.T \\P TAT'.I.K CrT!.r.KY>-si,. - , n d S.d- 1 on •. K T. !- i . :sl! k'ad-. H: i and l-kn mi-!, dKi tti - . s'n vi-1 ' 1 T-s rue .Sp >:- an ' Lad! s. Tubs and P.Ms M - sod '•'• id ,rd-. and ail otiu-r kinds of !i . c -i;-- <p ' .: • J.i. ; Vs-I \\ <•. . i.... ' I ' !'. ij i . !.Si S d'l ' j and in.il si Ml-, i-nrC-les t--o inmuTO"s t • Hie tin. 11. i 1 u-c a: ■ ■ i • f • s 'a- h .J of maun! .-- anil n"i l st vara '-. if S?OVB3 ! Stores :2 ft per rent, hss than usual for Cask, t r (!rn> ■> nt the hi<-h. ' .-=/1 •'i t pr>, c.t. I ! 1! - >m. s \ Pin' r-' is.h-r.f. r'-t- -n-rhti m : th, in : iVnusylvania < s s.'iifiu rn Xc'i..k: a'.! •; which we pre ti-.w prejiarc-d t —ll at whole ale m- :■ tail, -it as low l- si-- ait lon as ...id Ts:um> ,:S ,-.i:l lie fi aui this side of M V.ii'k, 'l.i- rs• t tli a I mir sr -I- wi .e 'it '•Yd •! lull id*, and '• '-I! nnct; s?es and larie quantities, , i '.nil '.:!vc US i.n :dva over -:n Her pnr< h.tsi r.s an! I'; v ('.... lis lie. l-. that wlil c.i.di'e Sis to --1 IV.uu t i 1 . p.-r ia.'.!. shut ■ it ot them, w'ii.-h ad. rata.ise we 1 .11 to i y who will favor us with a call before pur* . I'll is Miff I lsewhl t c. i A l.tigc quaiitit- of Tilt ware, Ftfovo Pipe and El!k>ws y-'.;sh .1, wind—a! Inisil. Ml kinds n! Ju!> W rk dene to order, on -hort noti.-e -mil warranted. P ■ s't • listakc t!ie place to i.uy STOVES and IIAHP j AVAPE cheap—one ih-or South of Trisi-y A Moore's, and l'.iwe!!'- ui I ! kon Main street, in the new Wood 1! :'!•!!'.sr. tfttn 'it all over. i.' in iinl Com,try Produce, old Iron. Tli-sos, P.ritt nia and ( nicer Ik d Pratt of all kinds, Feathers and ilces . wax w nit- d for troods. j ln,()0 Sheep p< its wanted, for which the highest price n('\ sn will I. paid. P. I" an en-lit given over four months, and all hav ing ac-o. nls or - otes over due h.nl lietter call and pay , iwtaodlately. If tlicy wish to bw coat. Towuitila. (i tolier p!, I ids. SAX.Z3 OX REAIt ESXATS. . ril!I L vaitialile Ileal I:st:ito, known as " The | I. Luk.-n s Liii.'l-. '-ilmite in Wans ii twp., Ilrailford ; Co.. Pa., are now ofiered for sale to the highest and best I bidder. I Titis body of lands consist of four tracks, containing 1-1: I Li.X II! XIMMiD ACHES of good larniina' land, situate about five s tiles frmn the X. V. A Erie Kails-, ad. Pcr-oii desirous to piircba.se will scud their oilers in writing in the nature of bid ' per acre to tnv agent, Wm. Lt.v.: E,.... at bis office in TOWAXPA', by the 15th d..y <Y NOYEMQEB next. Oflcr* will l u icceivcd for the wholo body, or for the • separate p~. els agreeably to the present snb-divisions. >C - i.c ua! t. Nt sdc of 1.-es than one hundred acres, and t.c ,' ireei- will not he sold separately assies the body can be disposed of ill that way. 1.-s-a. -te tliinl in the hsilain cin twt ycar lv instalments with interest. WAR VH 1.. KEEN I*, \.,iiii!il-ir.stri\ T. - t John f.ukcmi, '.• c'd, . < misce&ntsoM A- CnAMBF.ULIIOH^ ( LOCK k IV:IT( II —" sLßV&iaim, jA M l ill Street. BhL Tow an Ja, I' a . / ¥ IS TIIK ESTABLISHMENT 1. where vmt ran find a verv tine assortment ot W ATCHES AMI JEWELRY of sill descriptions, al.-o a ood stock of CLOCKS, prices ninging from M shillings up. and warranted to g : ve good sati>lacti<>n or no sale. I am a's.. ageul for the sal.- ot I). E. LEVI S 1 elebrated lkit- .meters, which cm ry i.inner shoiihl always have. I'li ec from : * to S2O, according to linisli SEl'AllllKti I done as usual in a mat and workmanlike maimer and war- ] Irani.-,!. WM. A. (11 AM HEREIN. X. It. The person th it took a Breast Pits from my shop. I i July 3d. to show to hi - w it'e. Ua I better call a id sc.- tue in i I r> Mid to the matter, pe: haps It will save h::u some cost I I and trouble. I Towanda. Nov. 24. lk5S. W. A. O. j JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY! A. Nl. Yvarncr's ' New i\- Spin Hid Jncehv S/crr, one floor north t'f Rath ns ! )rn£ Starr, j—- II AS jr.-t been opened with the! irgestand ; most rhoi c stock of FASHION A ULE i JEM ELUY ' -.' rolfeied to a., is. i iminntinu ! Stt-f -1.. c .1. ti.-c.ia sulciy-ay thatwitb | t!.<- "p'-:.iiig ot i;i- new store h.c- I.ceii in-I '- augurateil a new era in the Jewelry line, |in lurch as nlon witii the choice and elegant a.--orttnent , ! I:-- gix ■ - iln most r-iia le assurance ol an ilniost inered - 1 I,|t red.let;, ill | i hi- : the rich ami tasteful articles hnv- • ing he. n all hoi ■ lit with ready cash. A. M. W. -.vln-n lie re; e. t- iam . I >r tin- past years.with n far le-- attr.s. live stock' be Ita*enjoyed *. large a stiare of p-.-ilir patroic, fatteis Ifm-i It thai the itntueuse in- I crease of (io< ds he now oR.-r*. whk h h u-e been bought <o ! j trim !i more : h. nta i nti-Iy, will enable him to in-reas | i the g.-neio-a .. . ,ii" ace winch has hitherto been vouch -.0i1.' a. lit-th:-: ! i - >lii its a i mtin: ance of tlie ' | ! \... <n' lbs old as* ... rs. ami iui .toe the publii general- j I p. to cm ic and see the fashions. i -THE M \'l- il KEI'AMMXfi PEPALTMENT wilt ' . otitic, eto la: di-tingui hed by the sl.'iland d< -pati ll j whi i. is h.|-i toioi.- i-nat.i- •! it •. i ..j >y the enviable rep- • I utation "i being the tnost relia! le in town, i . i. Sept TOWANDA CABINET WAREHOUSE (.'HESTER WELLS would pee' |i inf. rni bis p ' ;-,|s an.! t! e •-- vpi.,.! 11.ai he -n ;v receiving at his old 1 stand one ii- r north ol laqiorte. Mason & Co.'a tanking | house, aI n- ■ and extensive assortment of Sofas, ?>!n.liojgiiny Cliairs, of various patterns, i i li ".; ■! •.! '' ' iy .- i Centre Tabled, ! L.,; .'!'• - : .-. 'I , ,i-i . Ic'l.-b .Statu!-ofevery ki i. < 1 Woo i cut Chairs, high , ii- .* '.as. Lou—..a ~ (■ .1 and I!- -■ - ti< ii. iir< Fran C-. I:-oa Hat Ist i-. i .-viier and -i '> d >. of in!-, t, .... i ' \;i. i. p.-s, Cribs, Wardrobes, ■ c.--cii! . ~ i , -iy . il quality, ar-1 will at te: lon ..It or . ion wlt-n requued. ' 'I I-.- publu p. - vi- dti.p ,n- par-:aisi; . i -■ : -cl! ch.-a, -er thai; any other , t-ip.-I.:. ii N-.i; ih .uisvlvania. ■ HAIIZ sILD STAND ST! IL 1 N OPE R A TlO N! —r.-T '.! L THE - ri' r V.m .7,1 an unre S' " • t 1 ; i-u .>in t Iu- i. -1. -.v . . ,I " !, nnii will in. !.c to order all; , i'.vans.l , : c-,Cen to . t Ic i • •t'• .Ml .• v, Wahmt Ma pic- and fry '' • '• - - 8 *■ A- 1.;.. ,( i ... ,1 t il-te .' ; try j ' ill - XpE w',l i; U ill U" It. , of till he 1 II! *• i t 'I ■ I wurktn- •. I na-. •r, ami which Ih. \ w". .-ill ; . a • .01 ... t i.i a:.y of.-c r 'War r "-:u i . t' • <• - :.t.... IIEAI'.V \!'E (t 1 TINS w, hat .1 on the most ren- I so.u.p.ie ti mis. A go ■! 111-Al.'sr. v II r'e fa i ! ils hi. i on' Funeral oi casions. JAMES MACKiSSOS. Tow:,' da. .fiiniiarv 1. IS'.T. ariCCSSISS, dec. nest side of Ho' Pobit:' Si/nar"., opposite the ('on of House. DAILEY & XEVJXS are just receiving n L ; - I i l -, . t -k •ih .visions,(lroeerics, I nnki e N> tinnn. Toys, Fruit. Confectionary, Ac., which | wT - :• I. of t-t . lor i asli. or in cxhange for ! i >-! ki d ■ iiiiir.v pr .luce, it. pii -e- that cannot fail t ■ '.ii pur In I'onsaiitets or co'intrr dealers would i' i well to call and examine <> r 1u k and prices. (HtoCEKIES. Binclflktid (if ' it Tea. I,'io old Java ("olfce, Ch< i-ol.itc, (' K-oa, Sugar, Mola-ses. Syt-ttp, (linger. I'eppcr. Spi--e. Cloves, niitmi in, Mace cinamon. Ground Musiard. Pepper 1 Satire Soda. S ilenittis. Cream 'l'artar, Sperm and Tallow Can.lles, Bar Soap, Vinegar, Starch, Ac. PI'OX ISIONS. l'lot r. Ttui kwliciit Flour, live Flour. Corn Meal. Feed, t'.irk, li a- A- Shoulder*. Mark rel. ('mlli.-h. Shad, Lnl e Trout. !•; kid eil andSniokid He.iiiig. Chee-r. Up e. iic.iu •. Onions, Potatoes, Batter, Lard.Crackers. Ac. Ac. FRUIT. Fv in ( iron, 1 i i-eg. Currants, Raisins., I.em eu s and Or; :-gi s, (irnett null hied Apples. nd Peaches. Alnioo.;.. .-a n. is, l'ra'/.il nuts, <ireaohle ami Madeira Walnuts. 1 rts. I'ea nuts, ( lie {nuts,Hiekorynuts.A'-. H ' ■ ■■• ! • ;.l \MKKICAX I'd*, s, FANCY Coons, Aiv If- y m, i>_• 11 .'! in W on*. China, Pewter .t Wood Tea Setts. I tolls, rnimpets. Toy (iuns. Accordians, liar-1 mor.iras. Class, Paper and Wood Inlaid Work Boxes and i -nit i -• .i oy i:-i. ..'A, , retai h-s, Ar, lVarl. ivny,. Ih .iei Ma he . . I.c P. 11 Moimies Wallets, Pttre I vol v. Horn and Wood l'-■•. kit and Toilet Conibs. 'lobar- ' •a d"■ ti i. -.. .( i i i-a-s. i'ootli. Hair r.nd Cloth I Brushes, Fancy Mirrors, Perfumery. Hair oil, Ac. i I doi -( \e. I.c imereial N-te and Bath Post \ P- ' • Env.loiii-. W al'ers, Si ding Wax. Ink, Inkstands, j Ua ■ ,- (hips, .s.uid lkixi -, Penholders, Pens, Wafer.-rales, in.tr: im'Pihv Si:.T, Salina and Rock Salt, and Cat a Ground Plaster. BAILEY A KEVINS. Towanda, N< ventber Jil. 1855. TOMB STONES AND MONUMENTS. SToiVTin'da r.Snrbic Pactory. (Acnrh/ Opposite the Ward Jh.uee.) /•*, 'I - b- :-• rhas ia-f encd the TOWAX ' A HA M M.'ilLE FACi'iißy, where lie will be ! : . j prep ,n d to fuvoi-h Moiuimeuts and Tomb ; "L|l 'd ; tiiai.i.!:ii tared Irntii the I est qualities I i l Id II AM) audiTALI AN MARBLE, ami : i , wrought int - such styles and designs as will I suit .-very variety oi taste. P< r-'uis \i, *ll i: i g to ni tke their selection*! can ,1; so whenever in Towanda, by calling at' this New Establi hmcnt. I h.- sit] r'n r q ' ility of the stock, the artistic .il beauty 1 i.fthei.oik tud the prouiptnc-; with which onb-rs ii ill I be lilicd, u ill oner induceuients to vi-ii tbi- new !iop. i 1 . 11. BALDWIN, Proprietor, j '1 '.Viiniln, July 20. l*- ">. KiaEKIINCKS. iv l VKIU.Y. | TOWANDA, TA. I Hon. Nathan Kri tol, 'Prof. C. R. Cobnrn, II C. H Bhepard, Cashier, ißev. Julio* Foster, .R. IL Crans, Merchant, jILS Mercur, Merchant, i Alpin & Doubleday.do. |Montanyes, Rev. O. Crane. Ih M. WaiodrnfT. SherirT, •' Wm. Putnam. Col. A. M'Kean, Prot'y, i , " I>. A. Shepard, Hon. I). Wilmot, " i | F. Tyler. Pre*'t. Bank. " J. C. Ad-nis. i liiMixa. " Win. El well, : (l. W. Back, Esq. K. A. Paiaaua. Ed. Argus. | wv ox. E. O. Goodrich,Ed.Reporter. : ! V. K. Piollet. Esq. I THE PK()PLE i S ROOT ASI tOXL SIXOI> ff. LYMAN W\RNEft, having established a Root j Yj . _aud Shoe .*iiop, in the building formerly occu ' pied by John Burger, a* a Grocery and" i'rovh I *ion *t ue, north side of the Public Square, ' and -di n Iy nnder the Billiard Saloon, would respect- : fully a-k his share of patronage. Gr.ii.etul lor past patronage, he would say to his custo mer . .aid the public, that iie will manufacture to order . j on the most liberal terms, all kinds of work in hisline.and i "ill guarantee to tit and good works or no -ale. From bis long experience in the business, and as be employs none but the ! e-t workmen, he tcels confident that his work i | cannot fail * - give ntMktlw. He will get apcrn >l Kip , Roots for i ; 2•'; bait do., rY ; Cowhide do.,i-d ; FiueKin - i dm, $3 50. I M ENDING.—Iie is prepared hi execute all work in this line on tin- -horte-t notice, at the following prices: Hal.-soling men s l.*.ts, ~nets.,; children boots and , show mended at cotveapondlpg prices. Uutm uiicd I patche-. ~ uti each. a'C*G ive him a call: examine his work : ascertain hi* ' prices, and he will m>t fail to ph a-e the mo-t fastidious. ! I Reiiu-iiils-r the place, unilci the Billiard *.ili o;i. I !'i.uanila. i i-t. J'.. I*;,*. I WARS I 11, i DR. PORTER'S OFFICE & DRUG STORE, SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE Fronting the Fufclic Eguare. ' iTBh wtwftg, thaakfal for the Hbqal paftwpe of the paat ymr, inini, W keep can I . I sortmfiit of ti c very l>c>t arti' k> us-. I!y k--pt iu our line, v.l.i iir wii.i. disp- • .if on • .•••! .-r , 11 i-fji twy t ;>U wli m:i\ patronize liiin. Tl. : ; |>tir--liu.-e ate in ■ exitii iy wit i • -h i: hami. ..ud in,- •••,,, . customers will receive the benefit of a good article at a low price. All article* Audi answer oor sc<JL ; *•' : and an warranted a* rt] ; i-ruled. dr- Slcdical Advice ?ratnilonsly given at the Office, dialing tnly fur Hie SrJiciapj. The stock consists of a complete and select of DRUGS, IHEDSCIIVES, AND GROCERIES, hire Willi! & Liquors, for Uriiiiiiinl use, London Pinter & teli-li Ale, JM.L 'I HE MOST POPUL.HI POTENT MUDKISEa The most approved Trusses and Abdominal Supporters, nursing Settles *; pie Shells, Erer.st Pumps, I'ccth Uyringcs, Catheters, 1 American, IJnglisli § Chinese Razors and FRESH CAMfKitiE £ BURNING FLUID—NEW & EEA'JTTUL PATTERNS CF LAKPS! Superior SCSACCO £i SIJUTP! —Choice brands cf Pure Eavanna P-x,; and Vara CIGARS ! " ' Paints, Oils, Tarnishes, VTin.it>w Gfu**. lfrttslr-, rerTuuiery. Sliavin"Sriaß tL'aiir> Aiiicli's. &.c. &,c. ' 3 p ' Hair Dyes, Hair Restorer, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Cream, Tooth Powder, Extracts for td Jiaudkt i- !.ief, Italian Whisks, I'ort nioni ai -. Purses, Pay, Colonge, Hose and*' Lavender Watt r>, Tobacco and Snuff Boxes, ludellibk) Ink &e FAMILY GROCERIES: Black and Green Teas; Hio and .lava ColiTe; Molasses, Svrups, Sugars, Sp.-es, &r r. Salmon, Maekt Sardli 6cc. REl!Ell BEII THE STOKE—SOUTH LAD OF THE WARD 110® T< ry 1,1 5. 11. r. p()i -v, • A NEW jSRUG STORE. £L 2 PAT TONS( P i YJS'E, c ON THE CORNER CF DRIDCE AND MAIN STREETS, 2S"o. Pattens' Icclt, Towaufia, Pn. I V7JI Diss i\Tj r .i ,a c>f .o :a da* • rrt;;i: en. tl inkfid fir the liberal patr naje th y have re eived sine? they ewtered into ofwtnasiJ I I t : ' 'i ' y t„..t i'. U tCji ;!<• .!*.!' I the best retrulafod. sufet and tBOt approved n Northern t'emieytvan i. They .:!-•> beirh v t . -J I cou.stantiy rt eivit :front Xeflr York and Philadelphia, SfclLLt F DItL'GS AND MEDICINES, of th n'Ts nn r s r* rr-firi iTrM Lr.UWA. LA:' •... - .Is ;,| PAIXTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS. DYE STUFFS, .. p yi £ i. - --- -fj . - . .. , , I dr:SSN3 com FERFJMY, FANCY SOAPS, FORT LC: .;;ACI &C" SURGICAL i:ur T~jr3lT TTZ. and a variety cf the most approved TrcsseJ Abdominal tuppoi ters, <kc., always en hand. London Porler and Srolch AW, and Purr Liquors, far Medicinal piirpwi ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. Bru>firs for llic Hat, Hair, Teclli, Xails Hooln raiatiu?, VarnFliiog, \\hitcwashins, k The Lovers of GOOD CIGARS and TOR AC CO, iriß >' ■ A a / rari '•/ of rho • 11-ni ■na, Vara and Trie iyc Cigars, and the fines! hmnth , f T'■ o<■J S' f- Fresh Caniplunr.—and ration & ravin's BIICMNG n i ilk on hind. . And a t:ne a .sorts: nt of I..IMPS, of all i;ps an la' scriplitms, iliei C'ag *. tups, Aesti and Sei- I I All of which feretl • retlured rates. Our xtrx k being lartje ' ~ " 1 I Importer aud Mat facturcr at the lowest rates dwi Ca-h. e l.lcst t sell at red ices, that most bed II -i i.;Uir. t0..... VV< u\ ti tb attention of tite publii to aa examination of our xtotk of goodsaJMlpnto O.tr Motto m—"Till - . CASii BYST! M—QI'ICK SALES—SMALL PROFITS." i tlnr Oooil< are >e!i -' <1 \vi'i the ittm iire en] w;,n n'ed to 1 e what they are -preset:ted: if my v i >iitrary. ivi n.t only wi'li.. r Tt r- .-.••-t • r .-! ■ i. >- i . ret- r*t tin'n. ie.d the money .hall I* re. t DR. I'A YXE will srive iii< ••• i.l t' -nti'ta t-> the |ire i.i•. .m t PIIISCItII'TI'tNS. whh-fi will he • * . . ' • leins made ex ■ t | r medicine taken. " JttsKl'H <>. I'ATTOJu T.iwan.la, IK-. 1, lsjti. EDWARD P. PAYSk NEW ARRANGEMENT. J$L The Mammoth Hardware Store CHATFIELD C< STORKS. ... tr. Is now receiving a Urjre and well selected asfortmcnt of ' "Jl ; .. Foreign $ Domestic Hardware Ulrt'SE TRIMMINGS, f every description. Ca reenters, Cabin ! r 1 /.<, Itlarfy, y.i'hs and Shoe makers' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, fe (n f it;i almost rvfrvtlnntr tint the intl i-ti vni t!io Ta ;ullition we are eoastantly receiving ami kce ( > 011 lvuid Hill stuck f Strides and American In n, Ih rsc shoe Trcn, Xoil rods, Jr. .... Darker mill Nails, Lead Pipe, Glass, Sash, iv.tty. White Lead, Unseed Oil, which i- warranted ; erfectly r* - *' Saddlery Hardware, and Carriage IVlalter's Gocds. COAL AM) WOOD COOK AND PARLOR STOVIN Parlor and t'ook Wood and Coal Stove-a ltors mil Sheet lr-m Stow . Stove Pipe. .1 '• Nf wr ', 1 : supply of the e let,rated < 'k stove <fi\'Els\t>lt. whltb is i>ionoiinced ty all jmljL'ea as the le-t ■ ''' N ui.ii Uet. It is espi'i ally adapted to the l'arnier's use. " „. s 'l A- we li v e tii' !ar:re.-t and m > t eomp! te I lard ware Store on the Xew York and Erie I'ailmad. an ' j ! pnrehitse troods in the l-t markets, and by keeping a full uc>rtii:ent, selling as cheap as n • . - . (Ii "<>. N. h". (I. t. '2l. ls.el. ; J " STOW IS THE TZ33B I TO GI:T £melainoty?es & ambrotyfes cheap i G. H. WOOD Ifas reduced his prices of all hinds of Pictures inth Vases, 2.~> per cent. Frames of all kinds kept on lewd also at reduced pri ( ps. tiood fawith Melninotrpes. 7"> rents ; all other , kinds in proportion. Karons open at all hour*. Pictures ' taken in all kinds of weather (except tor children.) All | work warranted. Towauda, July ST.I'W. I GEO. J I . BUNTING, RKSPKC I i n.r.Y informs his former customers nl > the public generally,that he has removed his TAILOR'S SIX OP, I T • one door south of Tracy ,( Moore's store and iinme l diateiy oppr-sitc |).( . Mali's Stove and Tin Store Main.<t. lie Hatters himself that Irom his loir.;experience in lm i siness lie will be aide to please all who may favor him j y> itii their OKtim. (ivillf to tile loir i>ri-stiri in the no* : iiev market, lie will make ( oats from fit ,i( to -1 nutneh and other work in proportion for ItK\DY P \ V. t oirityv i'rodow in payment, no! not be refunwL if 1 t'erod. lowaiohi. Mafh 1~ >s. . ■ p WATIIOUS A Co., •' " \. I U> HE AIT V SHhI.FIIAIWI' AKt " ' ■ We have reeantly made hrce nd<" ' : < r k, and have tew on !.. i -ia ,t e:descr otion of Ihodwav' wit •••ish o'. i es: ( oTisistin-j • ' Meehaa. - 1 " i teri.il- Iron n:,d stvrl, X • is ni.l sp.k'■ : . H.-e. Paints, Oils and (ihtss.M.il ullU '- siic . either .M".lay Caiu'of t'i v '■ f , -.K ■■ * Machine Heltintr. ■■fail widths, beta . leather, lilacs t wholesale. - ' L ,ri • ' t-,-..at s' Merc) lits with (ila-s. Nails, s -win- I nfa. turprs price-. fin, sheet iron, ana ei: b oid or ei.ide to order. „ „.. tmc" fOItTKAfTOH'STOOLS—WIicc. arrow • vols, Hl istinfr Powder, ,(c. .. , n ,.n,lfr - Fairhmik's Platform Scales, and M e.< Itr saws. _ t-andaiii i.j f/irtje st7ps np to f>o itn'h. ac.vays n ".it,, on*' Factory Prices. Partpular attention P* mail. n-ft'* 3 fl Khuiru, April 7, 1-mC. r adies' and misses wmj® I U< ■ ived by J || pOOTS, SHOES, HA I of all I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers