N'cro 3,&pcrtisfmenl3. ffufflphrey & Wickham . receiving a large addition to their Stock of i RE n(,w , i-nner Leather, Calf and Kip Skins, Shoe T other Findings, Sugar. Molasses, Syrup, Tea, I tier Family Groceries, Sheetings, Shirtings, li h they offer with their former Stock at a : v m-e for Cash or Country produce, and respect buyers to give them a call. FESTIVAL. FESTIVAL will be held at the rooms \ Collegiate Institute, in the Boro' A ... ~n Tuesday evening, February, 8, 1859, for V fit it that Institution. ' , l.tless known to most of its friends that this In , U- been struggling for the last two years past V and embarrassment from debts and due for constructing and furnish " Ming, and for tuition in former years. Trilling • ; f . ani e as'these debts may appear when compared Jll 'h magnitude of the object for which they were >'i tne , w jth an em]>ty treasury, and without aid of i'{lav must involve the Institution in great loss, if ~e r' r u in, when the collection of them is enforced. ■'U : ''"4 -i n e might be occupied in urging its claims 'people of this County and vicinity. But at this '".sunn to be brought particularly to notice, it is j, i to anticipate here, the means to relieve the Institute of some 1 ,".'claims upon it, its lady friends propose to give Vvrtiinmciit 'or its Iwnefit as above stated. Xo more j.'j.H-ct can lie presented to the liberal giver. To ' ;i v all of its friends is offered .an opportunity to •' 5 En agreeable and pleasant evening, wh'le at'the ' ■ tlicy will he rendering substantial aid in re u .. t! t from present embarrassment. tji.aeiits in every variety of form and price will be ■ ring the evening. The large halls of the Insti r , be opened for promenade, and the evening enli iv tli music ar.d other sources of amusement. A iidncss and generosity of every friend of the In i -n this vicinity will he taxed in the contribution sflL#atkm of refreshments. V'j jnend- of the Institute throughout the County -r.uiiiv invited to attend. Contributions will be SL'rtd at the offices of Messrs. OVERTON A MONT ANTE, booaaic it and W. C. BOUART, in Towanda Boro. McCreary 6l Warner, 4\TIN Cx SALOON, Xcrih s'de of the Public Square, TOWANDA, PA. Y'FN* at all hours for the accommodation of tho pub- I Will keep on hand at all times, all the delicacies ..fisoa. In connection with the above, they have SPARRING ROOM, mpetent person has been engaged,and will shortly j united number of gentlemen to instruct in the . irt of Self Defence. 24,1859. McCREARY A WARNER. THE Bradford County Teachers' Associa- I • n w 11 hold its next Quarterly Meeting at the Un ,rrh in Wihilham. on FRIDAT and SATURDAY ■;hand lltli days of FEBRUARY next, commune ■ It 10 o'clock, A. M., on the 10th. r -( will lie a lecture delivered by Rev. J. FOSTER, I vjnda. and two essays read, one by Miss HARRIET ,-p, the other by Miss ANN BADCOCK. . resolutions that were left over from the last raeet g will be further discussed. "- e of these relates to compelling parents and guerdi : -end those under their care to sellout, the other to priety of giving the County Superintendent a ••.-.'annul teachers' certificates, ther resolution will be offered relative to the im -u: t • f establishing school libraries, and various oth e-tions connected with the cause of popular eduea :il be discussed. A general attendance is reques ters and others interested in the cause who reside y the north side of the State line, are cordially invi attend. The friends of education in Windham. T fit a good attendance, and it is to he hoped that iipectatious will not be disappointed. O. S. DEAN, Secretary. " wanda. Jan. 24. 1859. UOTIUK —The Hoard of Revision of Rrad 'ird County have fixed upon the following days es for holding of the Appeals in said County for vi : * Boro', at John S. Sloan's. Tuesday. Fob. 22 ; - twp.. at .1 >hn S Sloan's, Wednesday, Feb. 23 ; . ,ry. u Charles O French's, Thursday. Feb. 24 ; Mi Creek at Asa Gillett's, Friday. Feb. 25 : v .it Aaron If Ingalls, Saturday. Feb. 2*l ; i and Svlyauu boro',at David Conable's Monday, '•'oruary. 2-; twp. aud Troy boro, at E W Bigonv's Tuesday, Fr-h 1 ; :>M. at II W Root's, Wednesday, March 2 ; i. it Riley Ross", Thursday, March 3: .' at Nathan Olmstead's, Friday. March 4 ; -■'. li twp, at Roswell Luther's, Tuesday March 8 ; .•'.on West and Burlington boro, at 1. F Royce's, esday. March 9 : " 'is.at I! F Taylor's, Thursday. March 10 ; -raa, a! Robert "Mason's, Friday. March 11 ; at s (' Mvers", Saturday, March 12 ; at us Morse's. Monday, March 14 ; • .ii. L> J Beardsley's, Tuesday. Mareli 15 ; • ' twii and Monroe boro, at Etiu.l Taylor's, Wod - March lti : ' nro, at the Commissioner's Office, Thursday, March It ; T - twp and Towanda North,at the Commissioner's - Friday. March 18 ; •;. at Sheffield Wilcox's. Tuesday. March 22 ; '•'in, at Daniel Heverly's, Jr., Wednesday March 23: t. at Hiram Horton s, Thursday. March 24 ; n. at John M Horton's. Friday, March 25 ; c -t Simeon Decker's, Saturday, March 2C ; it Orson Rickey's, Monday. March 2s ; •■'"•■juin, at S F Washburn's, Tuesday, March 29 ; >id. at Cyrus Bloodgo<>d's, Wednesday, March 30 ; •am. at Benj Kuykendall's. Thursday. March 31 ; c'n, at Robert Cooper's, Friday, April 1 ; at Theophilus Humphrey's, Saturday, April 2 ; t<) W Morthrup's. Monday, April 4 ; " s. at H W Camp's, Tuesday, April 5 ; ' ra, at Harry Ackley's, Wendcsday, April 6 ; •ng. at John H Black's, Thursday, April 7 ; g Stone, at H. W. Noble's, Friday, April 8 ; i, at J M Reed's, Saturday, April 9 ; s-c rs will be punctual in delivering notices to the -. and in making their returns on the da design*- ti.i-ir warrants, at which time and place the Board - a will attend and hear such as think themselves •wl by Assessment, and make such alterations •nhtm shall secin just. By order of said Board. -inner's Office. I E. If. COOLBAUGH. uj 24,1859. 1 Clerk I'M INISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Notice 1 • hereby given, that all perpson- indebted to the J Alii A L FOSTER, deceased, late of North ia. are requested to make payment without delay: "■ having claims against the said estate w.ll please • them Julv authentisated for settlement. SAMUEL It. FOSTER. lr . T 25. ls.'iO. Administrator ilrbtmi non. MIMSTRATOR'B NOTICE Notice 'hereby given, that all persons indebted to the •' WIU.IAM BECK, late of South Creek, dee d.. " l, 'V requested to make payment without delay ; persons having claims against the said estate w ill ccic:!: them duly authenticated for settlement. CYRUS BECK, ' 1859 Adm'r, with the will annexed HW" COURT SALE — By virtue orJer of the Orphans* Court of Bradford conn * fi|i -e,l to publi'- -ale at the house of 11. W. Springfield, on THURSDAY, the 27th day of G'A , 1559, at 1 o'clock P. M.. the following de r'al estate situate in Springfield twp., lxmnded i>ed a- follows, to wit: North by land ol Theo •'•r and Northrup, east iiy laud of Daniel m l Wallis Grace, south by land of Kphraim west by other lands of said decedent. Contain ■*" acre- or thereabouts, about thirtv-fivc acres 'ipr-ived. -tier l a lying west of said lot and bounded and , 44 f" l iws, to wit: North hy land of Theodore v i-1 l,y the aforesaid lot l>elongitig to the estate f south by land ol'Ephraim Sargeant. west . ; f H. \\. Westhrook. Containing about fifty i n, pruved. late the estate of Clarissa Grace, dc lerins rnade known on day of sale. Wi H. 8. GROVER. ' 1 's is. Adinini-trater. —Whelms, my wife MARY, * ,n . v l>ed and board, without any Just cause ' -ition t|,j s j s hereby to forbl.J all iicrsotis liar ; ■lasting b. r, on iny account, as 1 .mill not pay j, ot her contracting. v-_ Jan. l. lsr.9. MICHAEL H ANNON- r i! ;;i'AV RAIL ROAI) AND COAL . !'., ])■ -Notice is hereby given to the stock 's ' ,4 y Railroad A Coal Company,that the ' t :,, n|>any will IK- held at thuir of •ik v* oi* MONDAY JANUARY 1(, 1859, I *in i | K | ; at which time and place an election ■ , " ">r a i'roi-ideut aud twelve directors for the I J'E r . H. SHAW. J£ lB / N ' G "RUSHES, MOP STICKS *lr ,ra '" Measures, l'ails, Tubs, Patent Rat _ Nov. 1 FOX'S. ..f every grade, Raw aad Refined, * 2 n "''lasses, and the best Tea in in town, at j LUX'S. ■l'!' !K and RIGGOLETTS, at H A IBD'kwell's Legal. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.—/* the matter of J.X. the estate of Daniel O'Kttfe, dee'd. In the Orphans' Court of Bradford County. And now to wit, Dec. 7, 1858 ; on reading affidavit and a certain petition of review and assignment of errors in s nd to the final account filed hy administrators of said es tate, the Court decree and grant a re hear ing of so much of said final account as is alleged to lie in error in said hill or partition of review that such relief as equity and justice may require may he granted, and for that purpose appoint ELHAXAN SMITH an Auditor in said matter of re-hearing, and order that said Auditor give Catherine Cusack and John Flynn, two of said Administrators, twenty days notice before the time of meeting of said par ties on said matter ot re-hearing, and give the usual notice by public advertisement. To ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE:—' That by virtue of the foregoing order and decree of said Court, the undersigned. Auditor, will attend to the duties of his appointment, in said matter of re-hearing, at his office in the boro' of Towanda. on FRIDAY,the 28th day of JAN" - UARY, 18.19, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, when and where all persons interested may attend if thev think proper. ELHAXAN SMltll, Dec. 20, 1858. Auditor. I EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is her* A by given that all persons indebted to the estate of THOMAS BUIXK, dee'd., late of Pike township, must make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. PERLEY" H. RUCK, Dee. 20, 1858. Executor. QII BRIEF'S SALES. — Rv virtue of .sundry Lj writs of Vend. Expo., issued out of the court of Com mon Pleas of Bradford County. to me directed and de livered. will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, Towanda Borough, on THURSDAY, the 3d day of FEBRUARY, 1859, at one o'clock. P. M.,tbe following lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Albany twp., Brad ford county, bounded as follows, to wit: Xorth by land of Charles F. Welles, east by land of David Makes, south bv land of Joseph Menardi. west by land of Sheffield Wil cox. Containing seventeen acres and a half, more or less, about fifteen acres improved, one log house, one framed barn, and some fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Daniel Chapman now to the use of Dr. Thomas Harris,vs Zadock Gillett and L. X. Varguson. ALSO.—The following described lot. piece of land situ ate in Athens two., bounded as follows, to wit : Xortli by land of John F. Satterlee, and the public highway, east by land of Chester Stevens, south by land of James Thompson, west by the Susquehanna liiver. Containing one hundred and seventy-five acres, more or less, about one hundred and fifty acres improved, two framed houses, two framed barns, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Athens and Litchfield twps., bounded north by lands of A. Miller and James Thompson, east by lands belonging to the estate of Reuben Park, dee'd, and oth ers, south by land of X. C. Harris, west by lands of Job Ilulett, Chester Stevens and Alvin Miller. Containing one hundred acres, more or less, about ten acres impro ved. one framed or plauk house, one shed aud saw-mill thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Daniel Mc- Dnflee to the use of Hugh Tyler vs. Constant Matliew son. ALSO.—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Albany twp.,bounded north,east and nest, by lands of Welles Wilcox, south by the public highway. Containing three-fourths of an acre, more or less, nil im proved. with a framed house aud a framed baru, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Smith A Lyon to the use of W. W. Decker vs. John X. Chapman. ALSO.—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Rome and Windham twps., bounded north by land of James Sibley and Orraan Goodsell, east by lands of Henrv Fritz and James Vibberts, south by land of Thomas Hill, west by lands of Joseph Seeley and Or man Goodsell. Containing one hundred and twenty-sev en acres, more or less, about seventy-five acres improved, one framed house,one framed baru, and fruit trees therc ou. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Eben Gris wuld's use vs. John Rockefeller. ALSO.—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Smithfieid twp., bounded north by land of Jesse Spalding, east by land of Xelson Keeler, south by the public highway and laud of Xelson Keeler, west by land of Xelson Keeler and Davis C Pierce. Containing twelve acres, more or less, about four acres improved, one framed tavern house, one framed barn, aud a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Solomon W. Williams v<. K. D. ltrighun. ALSO. The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in I.eßov twp.. bounded north A east by land belonging to the Sch ruder land company .south by land in possession of Reuben Si one .west by land formerly belong ing to C. L. Ward Containing fifty acres, more or less, twenty five acres improved, more or less, one log bouse, one log barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Charles Stoekwell Adm'r. of M. H. Ureenmau, dee'd, vs John J. Perry ALSO.—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Wysox twp , bounded north by the State road, east by land of William Varguson, D. C. Sherman, Michael Maloy and David Vought, south by land of Da vid Vought, west by land of William 11. Weflmanjthe de fendant. Containing ninety-one acre* and one hundred and thii ty-ouc perches, about seventy-three acres impro ved. ALSO.—One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Wvsox twp., bounded north by the State road, east by land of William 11. Wellman, the defendant, south by land of John Vought. west by land of William 11. Well man, the defendant. Containing about ninety-one acres and one hundred avd thirty-one perches, more or less, about sixty-three acres improved, one framed house, one framed barn, and an apple orchard thereon. ALSO.—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in W vsox twp.. bounded north by the State road .east by land of* Wm H. Wellman. the defendant.south by land oi"Ster ling Dickinson, west by other lands of \V illiam H. Well man, the defendant. Containing about ninety-one acres and one hundred and thirty-one per. more or less, about forty-four acres improved. ALSO.—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Wysox twp., bounded north by the State road and Ste phen Clay son. east by land of William H. Wellman Jsouth land of Morris Coolhangh. west by land of Samuel Owens, Henry l'assmore and Stephen Clayson. Containing one hundred and sixty seven acres, more or less, about eighty acres thereof improved, one framed house, and framed barn thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of I. P. Spal sling and Aurelia Spalding Executors of Robert Spalding vs. William H. Wellman. ALSO.— The following described lot. piece or parrel of laud situate in Albany twp., bounded north by-and of Seth Stevens, and a fot of land known as the Murray lot. east by land of Hugh Cavaimh and Jas. I). Farrel, south byllands of Michael Me.Mahon, west by land of the estate of James Donehue, dee'd. Containing one hundred ai res, more or less, about sixty acres thereof improved, one fra med house .one framed lrn. and a few iruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of T. T. Weir man vs. Adain Murphy. ALSO. -The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Ilurlington twp.. bounded north by land of John Rennet, east by land of Enos Railey, south by land of David Luther.and" west by land in possession of Michael Russell. Containing about forty acres, more or less, about fifteen acres improved, one framed bouse, one trained barn, and saw mill.and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Gibson & Gorsline to the use of IT. Mercur vs. Darwin Russell. AlJsO.—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Granville twp.,bounded north and west b\ a road leading from Granville Cent re to William Rnnn yoii'B, so ith by land of R. F. A L. D. Taylor, east by land of Levi Taylor. Containing seventeen acres, more or less, about one acre improved, with a body for a log house thereon. ALSO.—AII that certain lot . piece or parcel of land sit uate in Granviile twp.. bounded north, east, south and west by lands of R. F. A L. D. Taylor. Containing one half an acre, more or less, all improved, with one large building, built for a tannery, thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of George X. Newberry's use vs. H. G. Reynolds and Xelson Reynolds. A I,S- biio;o —All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Granville twp., bounded north by the public high way leading from Granville Summit to Towanda Creek and land of Ritncr Miles, east by land of Robert Bailey, south by land of C. Drake, west by the public highway and lands of Eliza Taylor and Abraru Mutt. Containing eight acres, more or less, all improved, one framed house, one framed barn, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Gordon F, Mason to the u-e of 11. J. M idill vs Harry Bailey. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Monroe tp.. bounded north by the highway and land of R. R. Rockwell: on the east hy land of John White ; on the south by lands of Sylvester W. and Sevellon W. Allien on the west hy the Towanda Creek and Berwfrk turnpike —Containing about forty acres, more or le-.s, all iinprov ed, one framed house, oue framed burn and apple ore hard thereon. ALSO The defendant's interest in the following piece or parcel of land situate in Monroe tp.. bounded north by lands of defendant. (SAV.Alden), ea-t by laud of John White, south by lands of 11. S. Salsbury and other- and west by the Towanda creek. Containing about eighty acres more or less, about sixty acres improved, and stone bouse, framed barn and other out buildings, and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E. C. Kel logg vs. S. W. Aldeu. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate in Rome twp. bounded north by land of Walter Hoagland. east by laud of John Donahue, south by lands of Michael Coughney, and west by lands of John Sullivan . Containing eiglity aCrcs, more or less, about thirty acres thereof im proved. one h'g house, one framed burn and an orchard ot fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at two suits of 11. J. Ma dill's use vs. John Crowley. Also, at the suit of John Holmes' use vs. John Crowley ALSO—The following piece or parcel ol land situate in Athens tp., bounded north by land of Edward l'crkins, ea-t by land of Z. Gihbs. and south by unseated land, or land known as the Caton tract , and west by land belong ing to the heirs of Horace Williston. dee'd. Containing about fifty-seven acres, more or less, about forty acres im proved, one framed house, one framed barn, one framed shed, and fruit trees thereon. ALSO--One other lot. piece or parcel of laud situate in Athens tp., bounded north by land of Yates Ac Co.. ea-t by land belonging to the heirs of Horace Williston.dee'd. south by the public highway, and west by lauds of Cor nelius llunsiker. Containing about thirty acres, more or less, about twenty acres improved, with olio log house, with a framed addition, and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Stephen St John's use, vs. Abram Hiuisiker. Also, at the suit of M. W. Hamilton A Co. vs. Cornelius llunsiker and Abram llunsiker. ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of levari facias, the following piece or parcel of land situate in Rome town ship, Beginning at a heinlofk, the south-west corner of Richard Lent's lot. thence south 89° east 12'.) 3-10 perches to a post : thence south 1° west 73 perches to a post ; thence north s:t° west 240 perches to the warrant line or out line of the Leßay tract : thence north 1° cast .'it per ches to the south-west corner of Win. and Oscar Elliott's lot. a maple sapling for a corner : thence so :th -.'4° ea-t 111 8-10 perches to said Elliott's south-east corner, and thence north 1° east 19 perches t-> the place of beginning. ('ontaining ninety-six acre- and oiie.huudred and one per ches. strict measure, about foity acres improved, a log lionse, a framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William B. Clymer, assignee of V. Leßay de Chaumont vs. Roderick B. Morley. ALSO —The following piece or parcel of land situate in Towanda borough. Beginning at the south-east coiner of a lot conveyed by Knos Tonkins and wife to James M.:k inson, thence al oig the east side of Main stri i t. -outlier l v 85 feet to the corner of a lot in possession of .losiali Francisco, thence along line of said Josiah Fram i-co's lot at a right angle to aforesaid street, ea-terly 112 feet to the west side of an alley running parallel to Slain street: thence along wast side of said alley northerlyjeighty-five feet to a corner of lot of said Makinson. them e alone line ol said Makinson's lot, westerly 112 feet to the place of beginning. Containing thirty-live perches of land, sti irt measure, all improved, one trained dwelling house, one framed building occupied as a dwelling house and black' smith shop, one trained barn and truit trees thereon. Seized and taken tn execution at the suit of Michael Meylert, to the u-e of Ahira Wickhain, vs. Adanr Esseu vvine. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF. Towanda, Jan. 12, 1859. Sheriff SHERIFF'S SALE—liy virtue of sundry kJ writs of Vend. Expo., issued out of the Court of Com mon I'leas of Bradford County, to ine directed and deli vered, will lie exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the Borough of Towanda, on Kit 11 >A V. the lltli day of FEBRUARY. ISA!), at one o'clo< k. i'. M.. the tol.owiug described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton tp. bounded north by land of William S. [laker and Edward Burke, east by land in possession of A. M. Kramer. Ed ward Burke and S. B. Latin-op, south by the highway called V'tiion street, west by the highway called Troy st. Containing about one acre, more or less, all improved. ALSO—AII the interest of Henry Kingslrery in that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp., bounded north bv the public highway called Union St., east by the public highway called l>ivi-ion street, south hv land in possession of S. A. Sucese, west ty an alley called Wright's Alley 011 a certain town plot of Canton Village, dated Oct. 1.1854, now in possession of 8. H. Newman, (excepting therefrom, lot No. '25 on said plot, upon which a school-house is situated.) Containing owe acre, more or less, all improved. ALSO—AiI the interest of llenrv Kingsbery in that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp., hounded north bv Harding e entitled to receive: Provided that this section -hall not be so construed as to prevent tin- right of said Sheriff, administrator, executor or other person aforesaid to de- ( m ind and receive at the time of -ale a sum sufficient to cover all legal costs entitled to he paid out of the proceeds ol said sale; arid provided further, that before any pur chaser or purchasers shall receive the benefit of this sec- j tion, he or they shall produce to the Sheriff or otiier per son so making said sale, a duly certified statement trom the proper records, under the hand and official seal of the proper officer, showing that he is a lien creditor, entitled to receive any part of the proceeds of the sale oforesa said." \ EDITOR'S NOTICE.— O. D Bart led - A to the use of J. Kingsbery. vs. James T. Taylor.— lu the Common Fleas of Bradtord County, No. C4l. Sept. Term, 1 The undersigned. Auditor, appointed bv said Court, to di-tiibuto funds raised by Sheriffs sale of the real estate of defendant, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Towanda borough, on FRIDAY, the 4th day 'll FEBRUARY. lvV.i. at .me o'tl >• kin the afternoon at which time and place all persons interested are requir ed to present their claims, or else be forever debarred from said fund. E. OVERTON. Jr.. January 3, 1859 Auditor. i EDITOR'S NOTICE —E. ./ Rhinekart, dA. to the use of Jacob Tome. vs. A. 11. Smith. 11l the Common Fleas of Bradford Co.. No. 536, May term 1958. The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute fund- raised by Sheriffs sale of the real e-tate of defendant, will attend to the duties of his appointment at Itis office in the borough of Towanda, on SATURDAY, the 29th day of JANUARY, 18.19. at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which time and lace all persons interested are required to present their claims or e-l-e be forever de barred from said fund. ELIIANAN SMITH, January 3d, 1859. Auditor. \ I DITORS' NOTlCE.— Estate of Simon 1 A Johnson, deceased. In the Orphans' Court of Brad ford County. The undersigned, Auditor, appointed by said ' ourt. to distribute moneys in the hands of the Administrator of said estate, raised by sale of real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the office of E B. Farson-. in Troy borough,on MONDAY the 31st, day ol JANU VRY 1-57. at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which time and place all persons interested are required to present their claims, or else lie forever debarred front said fund. HORACEFOMEROY, Troy. January 3,18.19. Auditor. I ) E(JISTER 'S NOTICES.—Notice is licre -1 t by given that there have been filed and settled ill the office of the Register of M ills, in and for the C'odnty of Bradford, accounts of administration upon the follow iug estates, viz: Final account of 11. R. and N. C. B >weti, executors of George Bowen, late of Warren, deceased. Final account of Huldali and J. B. Thompson, adminis trators of Klias Thompson, lute ofShe-hequin. dee'd. Final account of I-aac Marsh, guardian of Lois E.Marsh n minor daughter ot Elliott Marsh, dee'd. Partial account of Isaac Marsh, guardian of Wilber F., Morris, Anna and Mary t) Marsh, minors of Elliott Mar-h dee'd. Final account of John Norman administrator of Clarissa Grace, late of Springfield, dee'd. Final account of Mary Reil'-nyder.administratrix of YV. If. Reifsnyder. late of Albany, dee'd. Supplementary account of William Boardman, adinks trat >r of Kphraim Boardman. late .if Windham, dee'd. Final account of John Me.Mahon administrator of John Donnelly, late of Wvalu-ing, dee'd. Final account ol Moses \\ atkins.administarator of Ben jamin F. Wat kins, late of Slie.sheqnin, dec d. Final account of Itusscl Miller and Daniel F. Miller, ex ecutor- of Daniel Miller, late of Albany, dee'd. And the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of Bradford County, on M unlay, the 7th day of February, Issd, for confirmation and allowance. J. H. WEBB. Register's Office, Jan. 4,1959. Register. A EDITORS' NOTICE. — .lames McCcrty, J. A. to the use of I'. Mrrcur. vs. William .1 lounney In the Common Fleas of Bradford County, No. 196, Dec. Term. Inl6. The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute luiul- raised by Sheriffs sale ot real estate of defendant, will attend to the duties ol hi- appointment at the office ol Mcrcnr, in Towanda boro'on THURSDAY the 3d day of FKUKU ARY. lsl'J. between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M., and 12 o'clock. M., at which time and place ; 11 persons interested are required to pre-ent their claims or else forever be debarred from said fund. M. F. KINNEY, December 21,18,58. Auditor. \ 1 DITOR'S NOTICE. — Estate of Liteho - A las 1.. Heed, deceased. 11l the Orjili us' Court of Bradford County. The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said Court, to di-tiilnite money-in the hand- of the Administrator of si'ol c-tatc. raised by sale ol real estate, wiil attend to the dll ie- of his appoint me 11. at his office in Tr >y borough, o.i MONDAY, the 31st day of JANUARY, 18.19, at one o clot k in the afternoon, when and where all persons in e-ted are required t > present their claim*, or be forever d-barred from said fund. K. B. PARSONS, Troy, January 3, 1859. Auditor. ORPHANS COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford coun ty, will he exposed to public sale on the premise* on fill RSDAY, the 3d day of FEBRUARY, K59, at one o'd ick i'. M . the following described real estate situate in Tusi-arora twp., bounded and de-crilied as follows, to wit: North by the land of John Clapoer, cast by land of F. F. Hard)", south by land of Chandler Bixhy, west by land in possession of Wvllis Rogers. Containing fifty a -res or thereabouts, about thirty-live acres thereof iin pryved, with a log house, framed barn, and a young orch ard id fruit trees thereou. excepting therelrom, one acre lying in the north-west corner of said lot. late the estate of H illiaui P. Clapper, dee'd. Terms made known on day of sale. JOHN CLAPPER, January 4.18.19. Administrator. EXECUTOR'S SALE—The rollowimr d- JL J scribed real estate of William Gibson, deceased, late of Ul-ter twp., will bo exposed to public sale in the follow ing order, viz.: one lot of land in Burlington twp.. situate on Brown Creek, containing three acres, upon which is erected a good steam saw-mill with all its appurtenances in order for sawing. And also one farm with the afore said Creek running through the centre of it: hounded ou the south by land of Charles Knapp, and the aforesaid saw-mill lot. which lot is hounded also on the south by land of said Knapp, on the west by land of Luther anil Travis, on the north by the Carrol land, and on the east by land of Walter Pollock. Containing sixty-nine acres, or more, with about thirty acres improved and a small hou-e and stable thereon. The sale to take place on the premises on THURSDAY, the 3d day of FEBRUARY. 18.19, and also on the following day at the house of said Gibson, dee'd, all the hill land of the old homestead in Ulster, containing two hundred and eighty-six acres, with over one hundred acres in a good state of improvement, much of it cleared of stumps, and divided into three lots for the purpose of accommodating purchasers. The survey as made by I). Rickey, showing the divisions, will he ex hibited on the day of sale. There is a stream called the Hemlock Run passing through the whole length of the said land, with a saw-mill in good order for sawing, situ ated on the middle lot, which has standiug upon it both pine and oak timber sufficient for all the purposes of the farm and to spare. Thrre are two dwelling houses nt the mill and one other -mail one on same lot. Terms of pay ment will he mane known on rash dav of sale. ' AMUS E! I.TOTT. Jan. 1,18,9. Executor. Ulcrrljanbwc, A~r. GREAT INUNDATION!! -No Lives Lost, but Crinoline greatly endan ger id by the Hush of Customers ot dVu. J. Pultons Block, occasioned by the arrival of New Winter Goods, WHICH WiLL BE SOLD CHEAP,CHEAPER, CHEAPEST WILLIAM A. ROCKWELL has just T T returned from the oitv with nn unusually large and carefully selected assortment el Winter Goods, to whi h he invites your attention, his stock of DItV GOODS are ot the latest styles, and unrivaled in cheapness and excel lence. His GROCEItIKSare of the choicest kinds and in endless variety. His lurge stock of BOOTS A SHOES art' not to be surpassed by any in the county The attention of HOUSE-KEEPERS is particularly in vited to his assortment of CROCKERY, GLASS WARE. TIN .V WOODEN WARE,Carpetings, Curtain Draperies, and House furnishing Goods gene,ally .all of nhichwill be sold at prices which cannot fail to please the mo-t difficult. WORSTED PLAID, Wool DeLaines. DeLain Robes, Blue Polka Del.aius, at No. 1 Pattern's Block. DRESS TRIMMINGS, CHENILLE. Velvet Ribbons, Tassels, Acorn Buttons, Bonnet Ribbons. Elowersand Ruches.at W.A.ROCK WELL'S. IpEATHERS. —An elegant assortment of lilack, White, Crimson and Kancv Plumes. at Nov. 24. W. A". ROCKWELL'S. in LBS. LIVE GEESE FEATHERS, of superior quality, for sale at the Stove and Hardware Store of Nov. 9 D.C.HALL. New Arrival of Clothing! O'TO OVEH COATS, ALL KINDS. AT rC'jyf COLLINS A POWELL'S. 130 BUSINESS COATS, ALL GRADES. AT COLLINS A POWELL'S. 100 CHEAP WINTER VESTS, AT COLLINS A POWELL'S. 230 WINTER PANTS, AT COLLINS A POWELL'S. AH the above articles were bought for CASH and are selling off 2.1 per cent, less than actual cost. Towanda, Nov. .50, 18.18. COLLINS A POWELL. Great Bargains in Goods! TRACY dl MO9RE, VRE now receivimr n very large and desir able assortment of Fifll and Winto r Goods, which w ill he sold as low as anything that can be found in this market,consisting of Dry Good>,Shirting,Stripe .Shirting, Ticking, Denims, Cotton Batts,Cotton Yarn, Carpet Warp. Wicking, Prints, Sattinets, Kentucky Jeans, fancr and Black Cassimere, 111 i k and Blue Broad Cloth, Linsey, Cotton Table, Diaper Linen Crash, Napkins. Table Cloths. Damask Table Spreads, Bleached Muslin, Red and White Flannel Cotton Flannel, Grain Rags. Ac.| DRESS Goons.—De Laines. Hamilton A Pacific mills, No. 1, Poplins, De Beges. Chcnile Scarfs, Knit Hoods, Merinos, Casimeres, Paramatas, Ac. SHAWLS.—A large assortment of new and choice pat terns of Stella and Wool Shawls. HATS AND CATS—Men and Boy's Wool and Fur JHats and Caps, the finest assortm-nt in town. BOOTS AND SHOES.— Ml the different description of Men, Women and Children's Wear, sold cheap far cash. Octolier 12, ISSB. TRACY A MOORE. Ladies Dress G-oods. 7)AUTICt LAR attention is invited to a large assort- I ment of Ladies' Dress Goods, now being received by JOSEPH Po WELL—comprising everything that is now fashionable ami durable in Berages, Crape Mo.setts, Or g indies, French Printed Jaconetts, Lawns, English and French Prints, Brilliants, Ducal Plaids. Lustres, Challi'a Ginghams, Prints, Ac.. Ac., which will he sold at prices far less than ever before ollered in Towanda. June 8, ls.lS. ES FOR SALE.—A Second Hand, O No. 10, " Queen of the West" COOKING STOVE, in good condition—also a Sheet-iron Air Tight STOVE - will be sold cheap. Apply at this office. Nov.lo, ls.'iS. "THE WORLD BEAT." TTIS CO NCEI)EI) TH AT M A RSII & CO., L OF ELM II! \, can. and do beat all competitors in sell ing Embroideries, Collars. Sleeves, Bauds, Flouuriugj, Edgings, I.isertings, Ac., cheap, at Dcc-T, is.is. NO. 3. UNION BLOCK. ".LEGAL INTEREST." THK LEGAL INTEREST ON MONEY .L is from oto 7 percent, per annum, who therefore, would pay 1.1 per cent, more for G O O D S on cred it than they can buy the -aire articles for of MARSH A CO.. of Klmira, for Cash? "Ah, that's the question" which is daily answered by many who hire money at simple interest and buy tor Ua-b thus saving compound in terest. Do you a.-k where Goods can be bought so . heap for Cash? Our answer is at MARSH A GO'S.. No. 5 Union Block, Klmira. N. Y. OUR WINTER STOCK IS MOST COMPLETE-CONSISTING 1- of Single and Double Broche Shawls from $8 to |lO, Single and Double Wool Plaid Shawls from 10 s. to #6l. Dress Goods of every description, Boy's and Men's Wear in every style and quality, from the cheapest Kentucky Jeans to the finest Broad Cloth, Flannels trom 1 s. a yard to the best in the world, Bleached and Brown Muslin from 3 cts, to the most superior grades. Table Cloths, Pi ano Covers. Dinner Napkins, Tea Doylies, Damask. Tow ellings. Hosiery, Gloves, Mittens, Ganntletts, and in fact everything that a rational human being can desire to find in a first class Dry Goods Store, at MARSH ACO S., No. 5, Union Block, Kluiira, N. Y EXPENSES PAID. ALL CUSTOMERS FROM A DIS - XANTE alio trade at MARSH A GO'S., in Elmira, will have their expenses more than paid on what they save in the price of Goods. Hundreds of persons have tried it to their entire satisfaction. Try it on, come and see us, buy twenty dollars worth of us. and if you dou't find it so, your expenses will all be paid in cash by Dec. 7 .MARSH A COS., No. 5, Union Block. MONTANYES' STORE THE CREDIT SYSTEM NOT ENTIRE -A LY EXPLODED—We would say to our prompt pay ing Customers that we are still selling Goods on a credit ei Six Mouths, and that we are receiving large supplies by railroad and canal weekly, and our prices will compare favorably with our cash receiving neighbors. THE WHOLESALE FEATURE of their concern i -till continued, and small parcels, for Cash will be sold at Wholesale Prices. ONE BOAT LOAD OF IRON AND NAILS just re ceived from the Duncanon Iron Works which will he sold to the trade at city prices including freight. Let us pa tronize the manufacture of our own State. Nov. 24. 1 -.is. MONTANYES. ( MITTEN, LINEN AND MARSEILLES \J Shirt Bosoms, at No. 1, Pattern's Block. COLE AND UPPER LEATHER, at 0 ROCKWELL'S, cor. Main A Bridge &ts. Patton's BIM k. Nov. 24. A | \CKIN A\Y TROUT. WHITE FISH. i*A Blue Fish, Mackerel aud Codfish, at Nu. 1, Patton's Block. Nov. 24. PROVISIONS OF ALL KINDS. A Nov. 24. at ROCKWELL'S. ENTLKMEN'S SHAWLS. DouMeand Single Broche, Blanket. Mantle, and Mi--es Shawl-, Nov. 24. at w. A. ROCKWELL'S. Readers of the Repoiter! IF you want to buy Dry Goo s Fancy Goods or Yan kee Notions, cheaper than yon ever saw them, ju.-t take a trip to " MARSH t- CO S, N<>. 5. Union Block. (CROCKERY and Glass ware, a ncwa-ort. J ment now opening at MERCDR'S. noi SE KEEPING GOODS at regn.sr smash down prices, at M VRSH A CO'K I" A DIES' WORSTED HOODS AND ZEPHYR WORSTED, a new supph jn-t received 1 - Iee. 14.18 Mb H. S. MKRCI'R. ' "OUFFALO ROBES.—The lariat A J ment in town, at NnvJft. MKRCI'R S. BI FFAT.O ROBES for sale, nnd nnv Quan tity of FURS WANTED fat ROCKWELL'S. '. )ai S AZI N ES & ALP AC AS in all gradt ' f"~iri I<= j"Vtrtl t the grade* in jll m|or. at llliscdnncons. 7 IST OF JURORS DRAWN FOR 11 K unlet; \UY TERM AND SESSIONS, 1*59. Album -Joseph Lee, Dr.lßidgdiHirj Cly* - Furiii- Fowler Miller,fllmui lior- worth. John Miller, ton. Route—Ellwiu Taylor. Well* Aftlnin—John Hwtlon. M Warner. Athens twp—Patrick Flood. Springfield— Xormuu S.H>u Burlington Wat-It It I'Kelp*. ley. Columbia —Alden K-ys. jTowamla North-Ezra Rutty. Canton — Kphraiin t >e. jUI-ter—Corueiiu* l'lowman. I.t liny-Samuel Bailey. |Wimlhain William Babcock, Monroe twp -George Corey ' John King.land. Orwell Charlea Cpson 'Wilinot Samuel Bacon. Pike—A B i'ayson. Ay-ox SS Pierce. IVYyalusing -John P. Welle . TIiAVMKXE JVKOKS—FIHST WEKK. Albany—P 11 Wilcox. jSmitlifleld--Wtu Peterson, J Asylum -Miner Terry. I Ortille Getold. Armenia —Nathan Sherman jSpririglitld—V ml few t'uiu- Atbens twp—John Morle> I mitigv jr. Joel Ar-drm, Erastu* VVolcutt. j W'mT bailey. Burlington—Dmiel Lane jShrsheqalu-Ueubeu Thoiup- Kamuel B M'Cord, Myron j son. Travis. J South Creek -1. William*. Canton—Daniel P Knapp Standing Stone- CbarleaKet- XicholaaEverhart, Warren I wards, latndon. j Towanda born—H A Bur Columbia—Ceo Hull, Char 1 bank. CM Manville. J C lea L Strait. Wilton. Durell—Charles Stevens. 'Towanda Xorth -W S Run- Franklin—Geo Beardsley. j dell. LeKoy—Alppa Stone. jTowamla twp—Montgomery Litchfield— B B Heeler. i iLwumn. Monroe boro—WHH Brown . Troy boro—John Grant. Monroe twp—J Bingham. !Tusrarora—Reuben Mattc rtrwell—W C Maynard. 1 son. Pike—T 11 Ellsworth, Tlios Ulster—Horace Heath. Stone, D S Codding, J W Windham -W P Kinyou, Lewis. John Treadwetl. Ridgburv—Joshua Kline. Wilmot—Hiram E Pond. Rome—Wm Forbes,HenryD Wysox—Dav id Shores. Tanner. " jWyalusiug -lliraui Ruck. "iKAVERSK JI'ROBS—SECOND WEEK. Atnens twp—Geo L Easter- Standing Stone .Edwin S brooks. Gregg. Burlington West—Charles Troy twp—James P Pratt, Taylor. Ephraitn Berrar. Columbia—John Gustiu.Wm Towund.i boro— E A Parsons, 11 Geruet. Burton Kingsbury. Canton—Geo W Griffin. I'owanda Xorib-JesseWood Herrick—Charles Overpeek rutT. Litchfield—Hiram Merritt. Ulster—l." B Tuttle. Leßoy—R R Kings-ley. Warren—Seneca Allyu.Cbas Orwell—Cicero Dimmick. S Corbin. Overton—Jacobllotten tine. Weils—Lirenzo Wing, Isaao Pike—Lyman Buck, EC Ah Se.irle, Hiram West. bott, Joseph Coleman. j Wyalusing— Lewis 11 itch- Rome—Stephen O Mien. | cock, James C Vaughn, Springfield—A H Craniner.: James Fee. Joel P M'Affee. iWvsox—John Allen, Wrn A Sinitbtield—Merritt Wood. Benedict. Jacob B Eddy, I John Biles. I JCEXSKS.—Notice is hereby driven thsit _U the following named persous have filial in tlic office of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions, their peti tions for license under the existing laws of this Common wealth, and their several applications will be heard before the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions, on Monday, the 7th day of February next, at 7 o'clock in the alter noon of said day : FOJI A TAVERN. Lemuel T. Royee Burlington boro'. H. M. Ilolcoiub l.c Hoy. O.S.Morse I-eltoy. J. M. Reed Wysox. Ann Wlialnn .. Wysox. David Conable Columbia. Silas E. Wilcox Columbia. Btiel Smith Canton. John Howard Wyalusing. Leui Meracle Monroe twp. Hiram Sherry Windham. Shubel Bowman Asylum. Mary Morton Wiliuot. Caleb 11. Sweazey A John Holmes Towanda Boro. O. W. Xorthrup Pike. N*. D. Snyder Pike. Henry Sherman Overton Ilollin Willcox .. Albany. George 11. Estell Towaudn Boro. Theodore Hints Wyalusing. MERCHANT DEALER. Henry W. Noble Towanda Boro. Stephen Felton Towinda Boro. ALLEN M KEAX, Clerk Clerk's Office. Jan. 1?. IMS. GREAT REDUCTION IN 1* It I CMS! AT TDK KEYSTONE STOftE! THE BALANCE OF THE st..K OF WINTER GOODS. which still comprise-, a go d a*.x ,rtm nt of Sll A WLS of various kinds. Ladies Cloaks, Plain and plaid Merino*. Vale icia Stripes and Plaids, plain, all wool and printed Del aines, Knit Woolen Goods. Blankets. Winter Ribbons and Trimmings, ami many oil er Goods adapted only to Winter's use. will m.■ be sold as low as COST, anil in MANY CASES EVEN LESS, in order to open for Sprii g with an entire new and Irish st >ck. • irNOW iS THE TIME FOR BARGAINS in th. BVUTLETT. Towand i. Jan.l*s9. Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings! 4 LARGE ASSORTMENT, for Portrait and Picture xx 1- rames. L>oki:igGlusxr—Looking Glass I'latis a id I rencli Picture Glass of all sizes. Frame* and Looking Glasses made to eider, at prices to suit the times. Ui~ Ready nude roffi is, of fine finish, and different sizes, with a g aid lie use, ready .it all times. Low price* j and term* ea*v. Tow-ii da. Oct. 20. ICS*. CHESTER WELLS. LMNK ASSORTMENT PAR AM ETA SI I- Figure ami Plain DeLaiues. from 12 to 25 cents, ut tvt 1.1.1W&5. I'HINNEY'S. I>ONNET RHi BON'S. FLOWERS 1 " Brocbe Cloaks, Raglans and Shawls fl 25 to *l2 .at I'll INN FY'S. RING ES, LACES, V El. VET RIBBONS I Buttons. Braid. A-c.. at PHINNKY'S. EVMBROIDRREn COLLARS. HAND MJ KERCHIEFS, Marxailcs Sleeve* and Quilt*.cheap at Oct. 19. 1 s.-,s. I'HINNEY'S. SHETLAND YARN, EMBROIDERY kA SILK ami ZepH]r Worsted, at I'HINNEY'S. I ) 111 NTS—BOUO YARDS OF EXTRA I QUALITY, for 3 cents,and an* quantity from G4 to 12 cent*, at I'IIfNNKY'S. V ITS ANDCANin . at WHOLESALR it n't', hi it 1 i\ S.