Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 13, 1859, Image 3

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TUTOR'S NOTICE.—/* the matter of
\ I,tate of Daniel O h'eefe.dec d. In the Orphans'
' ri .J Virc.V. 1858 : on reading affidavit and
lid b"*' J" ; i( - rev i ew an d assignment of errors in
anal account filed by administrators of said e.s
.Jt rit decree and grant are hearing of so much
;i account as is alleged to be in error in said
" u , lition of review that such relief as equity and
: r ■ mniire mav be granted, and for that purpose
' r "i-'i h\X VN SMITH an Auditor in said matter of
>f : \| W i'order that said Auditor give Catherine
! John Flvnn, two of said Administrators,
l ' K i' i notice before the time of meeting of said par
m.itter Ot re-bearing, and give the usual notice
TIJ nf the foregoing order and decree of said Court
p 1 d Auditor, will attend to the duties of his
; .nt iu -aid matter of re hearing, at his office in
' "f.f Towanda. on FRID AY", the 28th day of JAN
' at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, when and
""""" ■SldSfsafffn!^
Fg'jo. 1858. Auditor^
taYFCUTOR'S NOTICE. —Notice is here
r - veil that all persons indebted to the estate of
iV BRINK, dee'd.. late of Pike township, must
- mediate pa'vraent. and all persons having demands
j'-b' l!U . ' tate "will present them duly authenticated
, n cuiFF'S SALES.—By virtue of sundry
S .a of Vend. Expo., issued out of the court of Cora-
L Bradford County, to me directed and de
-1 I -ill he exposed to public sale at the Court House,
1 ; rough, on THURSDAY, the 3d day of
•'opi-vPY' 1859, at one o'clock, P. M..the following
"" or parcel of land situate in Albany twp., Brad
' ..jiv hounded as follows, to wit: North by land
Welles, east by land of David Hakes, south
Joseph Menardi, west by land of Sheffield Wil
] '' i lining seventeen acres and a half, more or less,
I siteeii acres improved, one log house, one framed
I ' ,„d -ome fruit trees thereon.
j ' •„! mil taken in execution at the suit of Daniel
m n' iv to the use of Dr. Thomas Harris,vsZadoek
S i,, x. Vanrunm.
'.■ ill The following described lot.piece of land situ-
Athens twp.. bounded as follows, to wit : North
,f ' n j n' .lolm F. Ratterlee, and the public highway.
', .: t!ll i o! Chester Stevens, south by laud of James
I f' ,'fann west bv the Susquehanna River. Containing
'.' [id-eil and seventy-five acres, more or less, about
■fre J and fiftv acres improved, two framed houses,
,5-1111(1 barns, and an orchard of trait trees thereon.
'* io \!l that certain lot. piece or panel of land sit-
I uliens and Litchfield twps., bounded north by
" fl. Miller and James Thompson, east by lands
'inj to the estate of Reuben Park, dee'd, and oth
. Xtl. hv land "f X. C. Harris, west by lands of Job
" Chester Stevens and Alvin Miller. Containing
d acres, r about ten acres impr..-
ne framed or plank house, one shed and saw mill
. ■. • ami taken in execution at the suit of Dauiel Me
• v t'V the use of Hugh Tyler vs. Constant Mathcw
. i r'.t following described lot, piece or parcel of
. -i:ati in Albanv twp..lM>utideil north, ea-t and west,
- • \V, lies Wilcox, south by tlie public highway.
■ Mun-lourthsof an acre, more or less, nil im
•.rtl. tl. a framed house and a framed barn, and a tew
• -rces then-oil.
. , i.i- 1 taken in execution at the suit of Smith A
Lioa t<> the use of W. W. Decker vs. Jolm N. Chapman,
-i The following descrilied lot, piece or jmn el of
-ituatc ::i Rome and Windham twps , bounded north
,1 ~f .t un - Sibley and Ormun Goodsel!, east by
. • Her.rv Fritz and James Yibberts. south by land
j ,uw Hill, west by lands of Joseph See ley and Or
j ; IS. Coutuiiiing tne hundred and twenty-sev
-- a.-rcs in .re or ie--. about sevcuty-five acres improved.
: ikvi house,one framed barnj and fruit trees there
~ aud taken iu execution at the suit of Eben t'.ris
, , use vs. John Roi kefeQw.
US!).—Tlie following described lot. piece or parcel of
i .ituate in Smithfield twp.. lsiiiiiiled north by land
.. sjiaMing. cast by land of Nelson Keeler, south by
highway and land of Nelson Kccler, west by
f Nelson Keeler and Davis C. Pierce. Containing
v.- a res, more or less, about four acres improved.
e framed Livera house, one framed barn, aud a lew
• ; tree, thereon.
and taken in execution at the Auit of Solomon
' ft'i'.'.iims vs. E. D. Brigham.
a!.Sii. The following descrilied lot, piece or parcel of
:■: .ate iu Ucßov twp., bounded north A cast b}- laud
- re gto the Sehradcr land company .south by laud in
• ns. aof Reuben Stone.wi st by land formerly belong
: ('.!.. Ward. Containing fifty acres, more or less,
five a. res improved, more or less, one log house.
- g i arn. aud a few fruit trees thereon.
8 z : and taken in execution at the suit of Charles
• kwi-H Adtu'r. ofM. 11. Grecnman, dee'd, vs John J.
so. The following descrilied lot. piece or parcel of
nan- in Wvsox twp , bounded north by the State
• i-t hy land of William Vargusoti, D. C. Slierniau,
'! :! ' anil David Vouglit. south by land ot Da
.lit nV-t by land of William H. Weflinan Jtlic dc (. ontaining ninety-one acre< and one hundred
ty- >ne perches, about seventy-three acres impro
~ ■ one other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in
. t ... bounded north bv the State road. ea-t by
f tv'i : am 11. Wellman, the defendant, south by
J i n Vouglit. west by land of William 11. Well
i t ii ndaiit. Containing about ninety-one aeres
ie hundred ud thirty-one [icrclies, more or less,
xtv three acres improved, one framed house, one
1. ai d an apple orchard thereon.
'Pie other lot. piece or parcel of laud -ituatc in
■ \ twp bounded north by the State road .east by land
111.' Wellman, the defendant, south by land ol'Ster
. i i kin-Mi. west by other lands of William H. Well
:tic defendant. Containing about ninety-one aerrs
i- hundred and thirty-one per. more or less, about
r aeres improved.
!-(I One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate in
• i twp.. bounded north by the State mad and Ste
• u sun. east by land of William H. Wellman .•south
. <>! Morris Coolluiugh, west by land of Samuel Owens,
•"• I'.i-smore and Stephen Clayson. Coutaining one
• rt and sixty-seven acres, more or le-s, about eighty
• thereof improved, one framed house, and framed
• thereon.
-ze i and taken in exccntion at the suit of I. P. Spal
: not Aurelia Spalding Executors of Robert Spalding
• William 11. Wellman.
A';.-' i rb following described lot. piece or parcel of
. ite in Albany twp., bounded north by land of
v.-v ns, and a lot of land known a- the Murray lot.
. land of Hugh Cavanah and Jas. D. Farrel. south
of Michael McMahon, west by land of the estate
- I >..uehue, dee'd. Coutaining one hundred acres.
-• orlc-s, about sixt}* acres thereof improved, one fra
: house .one framed barn, and a few fruit tree- thereon,
s /cd and taken in execution at the suit of T. T. W eir
■a I-. Adam Murphy.
t .80. The following descrilied lot. piece or parcel of
•: it" in Burlington twp., bounded north lv land of
Ilcnnet, east by land of Ktio.- Bailey, south by land
"id Luther, aud west by laud in possession of Michael
Coutaiiiing about forty acres, more or less, aleuit
*i a res iinnrnved, one framed house, one trained
3-ia-i -aw mill, and a few fruit trees thereon.
and taken in execution at the suit of Gibson A
ii" to the use of U. Mercur vs. Darwin Russell.
-8).- Tlie following described lot, piece or parcel of
■ituate in Granville twp.,bounded north and we.-t bv
ft lending from Granville Centre to \t ill inm Buun
! - .til I,V land Of B. F. A L. D. Taylor, east by land
' Taylor. Containingseveiiteen aeres, more or le.-s.
:ie ai re improved, with a body fur a log house
Ml that certain lot. piece or parcel of land sit
twp., bounded north, east, south and
' . 'an K ut'R. F. A L. D.Taylor. Containing one
.ere, more or less, all improved, with one large
I built for a tannery, thereon.
■e -I taki a in execution at the suit of George X.
i s list- VS. 11. G. Reynolds nnd Nelson Reynolds.
| "" The following descrils-il lot, pie< eor parcel of
1' : 't- in Albany twp., bounded north by land of
Kellogg east l',y land of M vron Kellogg and Dan
•li -outh by land of the estate ol or heirs of Ja
' ••" 9,1 d.. wst by the Barclay coa! land-. Con
- 'tic hundred acres and allowance*, more or less
' ''flirty-live acres thereof improved, with a log house,
- barn thereon.
i"' Dae other lot, piece or parcel of land situate
y' li .bounded north by land of David Millar
'"in-s M'-Failane, east bv land of Amasa Hancock.
I t:-f - 'hy Z.uiock Corson. Maintaining one hun
i -eventy acres, more <*r less, übout one hundred
! 1 c 1, n franied house.fnitncil irn,a log black
"'i 1 - and three apple orchard* thereon.
H (hie other lot, piece or parcel ol land situate
I ''•> lwp, bounded north by land of Sheffield Wil-
I |-y ianti of Milton Hakes. Joseph Menardi and
■ ,n '-iu, south by land of Wills Wilcox,and's.C.
I Means, w,„t |A land of John Hanson, John
■ cid Jan es aud Benjamiii Wilcox. ConLiining
■ , bed and sixty- acres, more or less, one hundred
!l |!i' : d. two"framed houses, one log house, one
T •'■ slip.two framed barns, and an apple orchard
■T iruit trees thereon.
I _ 'bit other lot, piece or parcel of land situate
if (ji.. bounded north by land of Sheffield Wll
'"n Hakes, south by land of Joseph Menardi.
' / GilleL ( ' twenty acres,more
J ""ict eighteen acres improved.
' 1 hie other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in
I „ '*p., bounded north, west aud south by warran-
I * nl a tract of land in the warrantee name of Hen-
I nd in possc-sion ot William F.Reifiny-
Bv, l) lrt °l the -aid tract in the warrantee uamc of
, "'*■ 1 on tan: iu.c about one hundred acres, with
the woods.
' f ' a '"' n in execution at the suit of H.H. Mace
-1* •'"dson Blackmail vs. Rollin Wilcox aud
IlJI) ' r ''r"X
. , ,".7 10 following de*crib'd lot, piece or parcel of
1 K ,: ria ln Ath< ns Boro'. hounded north by land of
-su.'-aM hviaud (owners names unkuowii,)south
; ' "b" I rit-her, west by Main street. Contain
Iront and one hundred and tweu<y five
nark, more or less, all improved, one framed dwelling
house, one framed barn, and a few fruit trees thereou be
ing lot No. 33 in town plot of Athens Boro'. '
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C F Welles
Jr., vs C. K. Martin.
ALSO—The following descrilied lot, piece or pan el of
land situate in Monroe twp., bounded uorth bv land of de
fendant, Sylvester W.Alden, east by land of John White
south by land of H. S. Salsbury and others, west by To'-
wanda Creek. Containing about eighty acres, more or
less, about sixty acres improved, one stone lious'e.framed
bam and other outbuildings and fruit trees thereon. (De
fendant's interest levied upon.)
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Sevellon
W. Allien vs Sylvester W. Alden.
AI.SO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of
land situate in Granville twp., bounded uorth by land of
M.C.Arnot, east by land of L.lngraham, south by hind of
Daniel Wilcox, west by the public highway and Martin
Wilcox. Containing fifty five acres, inore or less, about
forty acres framed house,one framed bam,
and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Jacob
Grace and Hampton H. Grace vs George Walborn.
ALSO.—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
and situate in Burlington Boro', bounded north by land
lielonging to the estate or James Long.dee'd, east by land
of S. 11. Hill and said Long's estate, south bv land be
longing to the estate of James Long, dee'd, west by land
of John Bloom. Containing six acres,more or less .about
one acre framed house, one framed build
ing occupied as wagon shop, and a few fruit trees there
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in
West Burlington twp., bounded north by land or John
Bloom, west and south by land ofS. H. Hill, east by land
of John F.Long. Containing six acres, more or less.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of A. Morley
& Bro's vs Jonathan D. Hill.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Tuscarora and Wyalnsing twps.. bounded
north by land of Charles Camp, east by laud of Philemon*
Stone and O. B. Snell. south by land of Luther Shtimway,
Windsor Shumwav, Johnson Palmer and Jackson C'ady,
west by lands of Charles Camp, C. W. Camp and Edwin
Lewis. Containing about eight hundred acres, about two
hundred acres improved, one woolen factory, one grist
mill, one saw mill, six framed dwelling houses', one black
smith shop, four framed barns, two large orchards, and
other fruit frees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ingham
Stone, administrator lngham dee d. vs. Harvy B.
I ighain.
ALSO- The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in West Burlington twp., bounded north by
by land of Jonathan Davis, east by the public highway,
south by land of Washington Taylor, west by land of
Wilher Gamnge and J. M. K. Phillips. Containing sev
enty-five acres, more or less, about thirty acres improv
ed, one framed house, one frame for a small burn, and a
few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of U. Mercur,
vs Elijah Booth.
ALSO—The following described Lft, piece.or parcel of
land situate in Smithfield twp., bounded north by land of
Samuel B. Holconib, east by land of David Brcw.i, south
by unseated lands, west by "land of Charles Mann. Con
taining forty-nine acres, more or less, about forty acres
improved, two framed dwelling houses, one framed barn,
and other outbuildings, two apple orchards, and other
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John
Ward vs. Nathan E. Wood and Shelton (!. French.
ALSO—The following descrilied lot. piece or parcel of
land situate in Pike twp.. bounded north by land of Josh
ua S. Roberts and Chandler Canfield. east by land of Josh
ua S. Roberta, south by land of S. P. Rockwell, west by
land of Chandler Canfield. Containing one and a half
acres, more or less, all improved, with a framed dwelling
house, framed barn, a building used for the manufacture
of window blinds, with the water privilege and machine
ry thereunto belonging.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Elvira
King-ley, now intermarried with Ralph Buckingham,ami
Ralph Buckingham vs C. P. Lines.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Canton village, b mnded north by laud !-
longing to Kingsbery, Newman A (To., east by land of A.
X. Spalding, south by the highway, we.-t by lumlof
Kingsbery, Newman A Co. Containing aliout eight rods
square, more or less, all improved,with one framed build
ing thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Ash
down v-. Nathan Tuttie and 11. T. Beurdsley.
ALSO—The following descrilied lot, piece or parcel of
-ituate in Wvsox twp., bounded north by land of Charles
Newel and 0. D. Bartlett. ea-t by land of Charles New
ell. south by land ot David Sherman, west by land of Asa
Bennett. Containing forty-two acres, more or less.about
fifteen acres improved, and one log house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at tbe suit of Valentine
Wooilburn vs. Patrick Sullivan.
ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of
land situate in Smithfield twp., north by land of A.C.
Scott and E. Loomi-, east by land of William Smith.south
by land of Daviil and lister Arnold, Thomas Weed and
James Doty, west hy land of Christ iplier Child. Contain
ing fifty six acres, more or less, about fifteen acres impro
ved, one log house .one framed barn,and a few fruit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the -uit of Abirain
Pierce to the use of Darius Bullock vs. Montiliou Soeley.
AI .SO The following described lot. piece or parcel of
land situate in Granville twp., bounded north by land of
Kleazer Pomeroy, east by land of D. A. Siinpkins, south
by land of J.Riley and William MoFalcn. west liy the
public highway. " Containing twenty-three acres and
I ninety perches, more or less, about nineteen acres im
i proved, one framed house, one framed barn, and a young
I orchard thereon.
Sei/od and taken in execution at tlie suit of John E.
Goodrich's use vs. John Hogun.
AI-SO—The following described l"t, piece or parcel of
land situate in Granville twp., bounded north by land of
Kli-ha Bailey and a road leading to Ezra Bailey's,east by
land of Ezra Bailey and Myron Ilolcomb. south by the
public highway, west by land of John Simpson and John
Ziuuncr. Coutaining one hundred and thirty acres.more
or less, about seventy-five acres improved, one framed
house, one trained burn, log house, and a small orchard of
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at tlie suit of Tracy &
Moore vs. L. I). Fowler.
AI.SO —The following described lot. piece or parcel of
land situate in Granville twp., bounded north and west
land of Robert Bailey, south by the public highway, east
i by land of Charles Drake. Containing fifty-two acres,
| more or less, about thirty acres improved, and one small
: shanty house thereon.
I A l>o - All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit
uate in Granville twp., hounded north by the public high
way leading from Granville Summit to Towanda Click
I and land of liitner Miles, east by land of Robert Baili-v.
south by land of C. Drake, west by the public highway
and lands ol Eliza Taylor and Abram Mott. Containing
eight acres, more or less, all improved, one framed house,
; one framed barn, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Gordon F,
Mason to tlie use of H. J. Madill vs Harry Bailey.
A US*) The follow ing piece or parcel of land situate in
j Monroe tp., hounded north by the highway and laud of
R. it. Rockwell : on the cast by land of John White ; on
tlie south by lands of Sylvester W. and Sevellon W.Alden
on the west by the Towanda Creek and Berwick turnpike
-Containing"about forty acres, more or less, all improv
ed, one framed house, one framed barn and apple orchard
ALSO—The defendant's interest iu the following piece
or parcel of land situate in Monroe tp., bounded north by
lands of defendant, (S.W.Aldcn), east by land of John
White, south by lands of 11. S. Salsbury and others, and
west by tlie Tow anda creek. Containing about eighty
acres more or le—, aland sixty acres improved, and stone
house. framed bani aud other out buildings, and fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and Liken in execution at the suit of E. C. Kel
logg vs. S. W. Alden.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate in Rome twp.
bounded north by Land of Walter lloaglaiid, cast by land
of John Donahue, south by lands of Michael Coiiglmey,
and west by lands of John Sullivan. Containing eighty
acres. more or less, about thirty acres thereof im
proved. one log lie-use, one framed bam and an orchard ot
truit trees thereon. ......
Seized and taken in execution at two suits of 11. J. Ma
dill's use vs. John Crowley.
Also, at the suit of John Holmes' use vs. John Crowley
ALSO The following piece or parcel ol bind situate in
Athens tp.. bounded uorth by laud of Edward Perkins,
east bv land of Z. Gibbs, aud south by un-eated laud, or
land known as the Caton tract, and west by land belong
ing to the heirs of Horace Williston, dee'd. Containing
about fifty-seven acres, more or loss, about forty acres im
proved. one framed house, one framed barn, one framed
shed, and fruit ttees thereon.
ALSO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate in
Athens tp., bounded north by land of Yates & Co., east
bv land belonging to the heirs of Horace V illiston.dec d.
south by the public highway, and west by lipids of Cor
nelius llunsiker. Containing about thirty acres, more or
less, about twenty acres improved, with one log house,
with a framed addition, and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and Liken in execution at the suit of Stephen St
John's use. vs. Abram llunsiker.
Also, at the suit of M. W. Hamilton .V Co. vs. Cornelius
llunsiker aud Abram Hunsiker. ... ,
ALSO—Ry virtue of sundry writs of levari facias, the
following piece or parcel of land situate in Rome town
ship Beginning at a hemlock, the south-west corner of
Richard I.ent'> lot, thence south 89° east 129 3 10 perches
to a post ; thence south 1° west 73 perches to a post ;
thence north vi° west 240 perches to the warrant line or
out line of the Leßay tract; thence north 1° east 54 per
ches to the south-west corner of W m. and Oscar Elliott s
lot. a maple sapling for a corner : thence south B:is east
12] 610 [>ercheH t said Klliott's south-east corner, and
thence north 1° east 19 perches to the place of beginning.
Containing ninety-six acres and one hundred and one per
ches strict measure, about forty acres improved, a log
house, a framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon
Seized and taken In execution at the suit of William B.
Clymer. assignee of V. Leßay de Cbaumont vs. Roderick
B. Morley.
ALSO —The following piece or parcel of land situate in
Towanda borough. Beginning at the south-east corner of
a lot couveyed by Enos Tomkius and wife to James .dak
insou, thence along the east side of Main street, souther
iy 85 feet to the corner of a lot in possession ol Josiab
Francisco, thence along line of said Josiali rraiiciscos
lot at a right angle t<> aforesaid street, easterly 112 feet to
the west side of an alley running parallel to Main street;
(heme along wast side "of said alley northerly eighty-five
feet tv a corner of lot of said Makiu.:on ibrucc along line
teg U.
of said Makinson's lot, westerly 112 feet to the place of
beginning. Containing thirty-five peri lies of laud, strict
measure, all improved, one named dwelling house, one
framed building occupied aa a dwelling house and black
smith shop, one framed barn and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken tn execution at the auit of Michael
Meylert, to the use of Ahira Wickhuni, vs. Adam Esseu
Towanda, Jan. 12, 1859. Sheriff
XOTICK TO PFRCTIASKKS —To prevent misunderstand
ing, notice is hereby given that purchasers at Sheriff's
sales will be required to pay the amount bid at the time
the land is sold. It has become imperatively necessary
to adopt this rule, and it will be strictly adhered to, ex
cept in cases where the purchaser is a lieu creditor and
is entitled to the fund as provided in the Ist section of
the act of Assembly, approved April 20, 1*46, which is
as follows : " Whenever the purchasers of real estate at
Orphans' Court or Sheriff's sale, shall appear from the
proper record to be entitled, as a lien creditor, to receive
the whole or any portion of the proceeds of said sale, it
shall be the duty of the sheriff, administrator, executor
or other person making such sale, to receive the receipt
of such purchaser or purchasers for the amount which
he or they would appear, from the record as aforesaid,
to be entitled to receive : Provided that this section shall
not be so construed us to prevent the right of said Sheriff',
administrator, executor or other person aforesaid to de
mand and receive at the time of sale a sum sufficient to
cover all legal costs entitled to lie paid out of the proceeds
of said sale; and provided further, that before any pur
chaser or purchasers shall receive the benefit of this sec
tion, he or they shall produce to the Sheriff, or other per
son so making said sale, a duly certified statement Irom
the proper records, under the hand and official seal of the
proper officer, showing that he is a lien creditor, entitled
t > receive any part of the proceeds of the sale aforcsa
-ZA. to the use of J. Kingsbery, vs. .fame* T. Taylor
In the Common Pleas of Bradford County, No. 611. Scut.
Term, 1858.
The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said C uit. to
distribute funds raised by Sheriff's sale of the real estate
of dufeudiiut. will attend to the duties of his appointment
at his office in Towanda borough, on FKID.VY. the 4th
day of FEBRUARY. 1559, at one o'clock in the afternoon
ut which time and place all persons interested are requir
ed to present their claims, or else be forever debarred
from said fund. E. OVERTON, Jr.,
January 3, 1859 Auditor.
A UDITOR'S NOTICE— E. J. JihiveAart,
■*-Y to the use of Jacob Tome, vs. A. I). Smith. In the
Common Pleas of Bradford Co., No. 536. May term 1358.
The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said Court to
distribute funds raised by Sheriff's sale of the real estate
of defendant, will attend to the duties of his appointment
at hi. office in the borough of Towanda, on SATURDAY,
the 29th day of J AXUARY. 1859. at one o'clock in the
afternoon, at which time and lace all persons interested
are required to present their claims or else BO forever de
barred from said fund. ELHANAN SMITH,
January 3d. 1859. Auditor.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE Estate of Niclw
las L. Reed, deceased. In the Orpin ns' Court of
Bradford County.
The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said Court, to
distribute moneys in the hands of the Administrator of
I estate, raised by sale of real estate, wili attend to the
i duties ol his appointment, at his office In Troy borough,
j on MONDAY, the 31st day of JANUARY, 1839, at one
j o'clock in the afternoon, when and where all persons in-
J ested arc required to present their claims, or be forever
| debarred from said fund. E. B. PARSONS,
Troy, January 3, 1859. Anditor.
j AUDITORS' NOTlCE.— Estate oj Sim >,
I a-V Johnson, deceased. In the Orphans' Court of Brad
ford County.
The undersigned, Auditor, appointed by said T'ourt, to
distribute moneys in the hands of the Administrator of
said estate, raised by sale of real estate, will attend to the
duties of his appointment at THE office of E. B. Parsons,
in Troy borough,on MONDAY the 31st, day of JANUARY
1857, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which time and
place all persons interested are required to present their
claims, or else be forever debarred from said fund.
Troy, January 3, 1859. Auditor.
TOR'S SALE—The fo!lowin>r de
j -LJ scribed real estate of William Gibson, deceased, late
of U1 -ter twp., will be exposed to public sale in the follow
ing order, viz: one lot of land in Burlington twp., situate
ou Brown Creek, containing three acres, upon which i.->
erected a good steam saw-mill with all its appurtenances
in order for sawing. And also one farm witu the afore
said Creek running through the centre of it: bounded on
■ the south bv land of Charles Knapp, and the aforesaid
! saw-mill lot, which lot is bounded also on tlie'south In
land of said Knapp, on the west by land of I.uther and
Travis, on the north by the Carrol land, and on the east
by land of Walter Pollock. Containing sixty-nine acres,
or more, with about thirty acres improved and a small
house and stable thereon. The sale to take place on the
I premises on THURSDAY, the 3d day of FEBRUARY.
• j 1*5:). and also on the following day at the house of said
Gibson, dee'd, all the hill land of the old homestead in
Ulster, containing two hundred and eighty-six acres, with
over one hundred acres in a good -tate of improvement,
much of it cleared of stumps, and divided into three lots
for the purpose ot accommodating purchasers. The survey
as made by t). ltickcy, showing the divisions, will be ex
hibited on the dar of sale. There is a stream called the
Hemlock Run passing through the whole length of tlit*
said laud, with a saw-mill in good order for sawing, situ
r ated on the middle lot, which has standing upon it both
pine and oak timber sufficient for all tbe purposes of the
farm anil to spare. There are two dwelling houses at the
mill and one other small one on same lot. Terms of pay
ment will be waue known on eash day of sale.
Jan. 4, 1859. Executor.
of au order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford coun
ty, will lie exposed to public sale on the premises on
' THURSDAY, the 3d day of FEBRUARY, 1859, at one
o'clock l J M , tlie following descrilied real estate situate
in Tuscarora twp., bounded and described as follows, to
wit: North by the land of John C'lap.icr, east by land of
! 1\ F. Hardy, south by land of Chandler Bixby. west by
land in possession of Wyllis Rogers, Containing fiity
acres or thereabouts, about thirty-live acres thereof iiu
pryved. with a log house, framed ioiru.aiida young orch
ard ot fruit trees thereon, excepting therefrom, one acre
lying in the north-west corner ot said lot, late the estate
of William P. Clapper, dee'd. Terms made known on day
of sale. JOHN CLAPPER,
January 4, 1853. Administrator.
of an order of the Orphans' Court ol Bradford coun-
TV. will LIE exposed to public sale at the house of 11. VV.
ROOT, ill Springfield, on THURSDAY", the 27th day of
JANUARY, 185!), at 1 o'clock P. M., the following de
ac ri bed real estate situate in Springfield twp., bounded
and described .is follows, to wit: North by land L Theo
dore Wilder and Xorthrup, cast by laud of Daniel
j Cleveland and Wallis Grace, south by land of Rphraim
j S.irgeant, west by other lauds of said decedent, l 'ontain-
I ing liily-two acres or thereabouts, about thirty-live acres
j thereof improved.
Tin- other lot lying west of said lot and bounded anil
described us follows, to wit: North by land of Theodore
Wilder, east by the aforesaid lot belonging to the estate
of said decedent, south by land of Kphraira Sargeant, west
bv laud of H. W. Westbrouk. Containing about fifty
aires, nil improved, late the est ate of Clarissa Grace, de
ceased. Terms made known ou day of sale.
11. S. G ROVER,
January 4. 1559. AduiMii.triter.
REGISTER'S NOTICES.—Notice is lure
by given that there have been filed and settled in
the office ot the Register of Wills, in and for the Cndnty
of Bradford, accounts of administration upon the billow
ing estates, viz:
Final account of H. B. and N. C. 1$ oven . executors of
George Bo wen. late of Warren, deceased.
Final account of Hulduh and J. It. Thompson, adminis
trators of Klias Thompson, lute of Klio-hequin. dee'd.
Final account of Isaac Mar-li, guardian of Lois E.Marsh
a minor daughter ol Elliott Marsh, dec d.
Partial account of Isaac Marsh, guardian of Wilher F..
Morris, Anna and Mary O Marsh, minors of Elliott Marsh
Final account of John Norman administrator of Clarissa
Grace, late of Springfield, dee'd.
Final account of Mary Reifsnyder.administratrix of \\.
B. Keifsnvder, late r Albany, dee'd.
Supplementary account of William Boardinan, adnus
tmtor of Kphraim Boardinan. late of Windham, ilec'd.
Final account of John McMahon administrator of John
Donnelly, late of Wvalusing. dee d.
Final account ot Moses Watkins. administrator or Ben
jamin P.'Watkins. late ofSheshequin. dec d.
Final account of Russet Miller and Daniel I-■ Miller, ex
ecutors of Daniel Miller, late ot' Albany, dee'd.
And the same will be presented to the Orphans Court
of Bradford County, ou Monday, the 7th day of tebruary,
lss'J, for confirmation and allowance. W'"RB
Register's Office. Jan. 4. 1953. Register.
AUDITORS' NOTICE. — Jam** McCaritj,
to the use of U. Merrur, vs. William M*nsey—
In the Common Pleas of Bradford County, No. 136, Dec.
Term, 1856.
The undersigned. Anditor. appointed by said Court to
distribute funds raised bv Sheriff,* sale of real estate of
defendant, will attend to the duties of his appointment at
the office of IT. Mercur. in Towanda boro'on THURSDAY
the 3d day of FEBRUARY, 1859, between the hours of
10 o'clock A. M.. and 12 o'clock. M.. at which time and
place all persons interested are required to present their
claims or else forever be debarred from ireid fund
M. r . KIISNEi ,
December 21,1858. Auditor.
IP M BROIDERIES. —Cheapest in tbe world
!itt MARSH k CO S.
ENTLEMEN'S and Youth's Fur, Bcr-
T lin and Bu.k Gauntlet:- and Gloves,
• Sept. "-'B, 1858. JlLivv.-L.LI >-
fllercljnnbitf, & T r.
No Lives Ixtst, but Crinoline greatly endan
gi'red by the Rush of Customers ol No. J,
Patti n's Block, occasioned by the arrival oj
New Winter Goods,
v v returned fr >in the city with an unusually large and
carefully selected assortment of Winter Goods, to which
he invites your attention, his st >ck of DRY GOODS are
of the latest styles, and unrivaled in cheapness and excel
lence. His GROCERIES*!© of the choicest kinds and in
endless variety. His large stock of Bo< >TS A SHOES arc
not to be surpassed by any in the county
The attention of HOUSE-KEEPERS is particularly In
vited to his assortment of CROCKERY. 01.ASS WARE,
TIN A WOODEN WARE,Carpeting*, Curtain Draperies,
and House fnmi.-hiug Goods geneially.all of wbiehwill he
sold at prices which cannot fait to please the most difficult.
WORSTED PLAID. Wool DeLaines. pcLaiu Robes,
Blue Polka DcLain*, at No. 1 Patton's Block.
Yelvet Ribbons, Tassels, Acorn Buttons, Bonnet
Ribbons. Flowers and W.A.ROCKWELL'S.
F FATHERS.—An elegant assortment of
Black. White, Crimson and Fancy Plumes, at
Nov. 24. W. A. ROCKWELL'S.
"V_* of superior quality, for sale ut the Stove and
Hardware Store of Nov.'J D.C.HALL.
New Arrival of Clothing!
All the above articles were bought for CASH and are
helling off 25 per cent, less than actual cost.
Tuwanda. Nov. 20, Isos. COLLINS A POWELL.
Great Bargains in Goods!
\RE now receiving a very large and desir
able argartmi nt of Fall and Wi it. r Go da, whhh
will he sold as low as anything that can be found in thU
market,consisting of Dry Gnods,Shirtiug,Stripe Shirting,
Ticking, Denims, Cotton Batts,Cotton Yarn, Carpet Warp.
Wicking, Prints, Sattiuets, Kentncky_Jeans, Fancy and
Black C issimere, Bl e k and Blue Bro ul Cbdli, lun.-ey.
Cotton Table.Diaper Linen Crash, Napkins. Table Cloths.
D Table Spreads, Bleached Muslin. Red and White
Flannel Cotton Flannel, Grain Bigs, Ac.J
DKKSS GOODS.—Do Laines, Hamilton A Pacific mills,
No. 1, Poplins, I)e Bcges. Chenile Scarfs, Knit Hoods,
Merinos, Casimeres, Paratn itas, Ac.
Suawi.S.—A large assort ment of new and choice j at
torns ot Stella mil Wool Shawls.
11 ITS avi) C irs.— Men and B >y's Wool and Fur ; llats
and Caps, the finest assortm-at in town.
BOOTS \y SHOEStiI the different description of
Men, Women and Children's Wear, sold cheap far cash.
October 12. ls.'iX. TRACY A MOORE.
Ladi ?s Dress Goods.
PARTICULAR attention is invited to a large assort
ment of Ladies' Dress Goods, now being received by
JOSEPH POWELL—comprising everything that is now
fashionable and durable in Bcrages, Crape Mo->etts, Or
gandie*. French Printed Jaconetts. Lawns, English and
French Prints. Brilliants, Ducal Plaids. Lustres, ChaUi's
Ginghams. Prints. Ac., Ac., which wiil he sold at prices
far less than ever before offered in Tuwanda.
June s. IK.W.
ES FOR SALE.—A Second Hand,
0 No. 10, •• Queen of the West" COOKING STOVE,
in good condition—also a Sheet-iron Air STOVE
—will be sold cheap. Apply aft this office. Nov. 10, lk.'.s.
L OF KLMIRA, can, and do beat all competitors in cell
ing Embroideries, Collars. Sleeves, Bands, Flouncing*,
Edgings, Inserting*, Ac., cheap, at
Dec. 7,1458. _ NO. 5, UNION BLOCK.
JL is from <i to 7 percent, per annum, who therefore,
would pay 15 per cent, more for GOO D S on cred
it tiian they can buy the san e articles for of MARSH A
CO., of Klmira, for Cash ? "Ah, that's the question"
which is daily answered by many who litre money at
simple interest and bay for Cash t bus saving compound in
terest. Do you ask where Goods can be bought so . heap
for Cash? Our answer is at MARSH A CO S.-No. 5
Union Block. Klmira, X. Y.
I- of Single and Double Kroche Shawls from s<i to $2O,
Single and Double Wool Plaid Shawls from 10 s. to JiiJ,
Dress Good- of every description. Boy's and Men's Wear
in every style and quality, from the cheapest Kentucky
Jeans to the finest Broad Cloth. Flannels from 1 s. a yard
to the best in the world, Bleached and Brown Muslin
from 5 cts, to the most superior grades, Table Cloths, Pi
ano Covers, Dinner Napkins. Tea Doylies. Damask, Tow
ellings. Ho.-iery. Gloves, Mittens, Gauiitletts. and in fact
everything tli it a rational human lieing ca f ' desire to find
in a first class Dry Goods Store, -at MARSH ACO S.,
No. 5, Union Block, Klmira, X. Y.
-1 V. TANCE who trade at MARSH A CD'S., in Klmira,
will have their expense* more than paid on what they
save in the price of Goods. Hundreds of persons have
tried it to their entire satisfaction. Try it on, come and
see us. buy twenty dollars worth of us. and if you don't
find it so. your expenses will all he paid in cash by
Dec. 7 MARSH A COS., No. 5. Union Block.
X LY EXPLODED.- We would say to our prompt pay
ing Customers that we are still selling Goods on a credit
ef Six Months, and that we are receiving large supplies
by railroad and canal weekly, and oar prices will compare
favorably with our rash receiving neighbor*.
THE WHOLESALE FEATURE of their concern is
still continued, and small parcels, for Cash wiil be sold at
Wholesale Price*.
reived frmn the D incaimn lr>n Work* which will lie sold
to the trade at city prices including freight. Let us pa
tronize the manufacture of our own State.
Nov. 24, I-..* Mi iNT WYES.
\J Shirt Bosoms, at No. 1, Patton's Block.
ROCKWELL'S, cor. Main A Bridge sts. Patton's
BI k. Nov. 24.
iTA Blue Fish, Mackerel and Codfish, at No. 1, Patton's
Block. Nov. 24.
X Nov. 24. at ROCKWELL'S.
VX Single Broche, Blanket, Mmitle, and Misses Shawls,
Nov. 24. at W. A. ROCKWKLUS._
Readers of the Rcpoiter!
TF you want to buy Dry Goo s. Fancy Good* or Yan
kee Notions, cheaper than yoo ever saw them, just
take a trip to MARSH V CD'S,
No. 5. Union Block.
(CROCKERY and Glass ware, a now assort-
J mcnt now opening at MKIKTU'S.
smash down prices, at MARSH A CD'S
JiJ ZEPHYR WORSTED, a ntw anpplviust received by
Dec. 14. tefc Hi S. MERCURU
BUFFALO ROUES.—The larjrest assort
ment in town, at Nov.JO. MERCUB'S.
BUFFALO ROBES forsale, andanvfinnn
IvJMU AZIN ES A ALI'ACAS in all grades
f f-i/i l*qd to 12* a vard, at
PXTRACTS for tlavoring, for sale cheap
X at _ _ FOX'p.
at Nov. 1. FOX'S.
\ Splendid assortment of WALL PAPER,
. Nov. 21. at' KOUKMEIX'S. I
The Ready Pay System
\T I. VST It has liecn reduced to a certainty thai
<•001)8 can be aitcreaafiiily sold in TowainU FOR
CASH. Those doubting tins will do well to call at the
store of
Where it will be shown that the Merchant in selling hi*
Goods can afford to sell cheaper for CASH, and can offer
inducement-, sufficient to make it an object for purchasers
nt whatever sacrifice they are obliged to make to procure
the money to adopt in their purchases the Cash System.
Having just removed to his new Store, hereafter to.jbe
known as the
kmn§w® m m >
and being now in receipt of a large assortment of goods
of almost every description, under the most fa von'ic cir
cumstances, for CASH, he is enabled to And will sell at
prices far less than can be done by those by whom credit
Is given.
DRY GOODS.—AIt assortment heretofore
unequalled by any thing ever offered in Towandaof
new and desirable svtles of Goods unknown in this mar
ket ; among which will he fouud in Ladies Dress Goods,
nil the novelties of the season, cheap at the KEYSTONE.
SHAWLS. — New and Choice Patterns of
Hrocho. Stella. Plaid Wool. Talma, Mantilla, and
Knitted Worsted Shawls, cheap at the
Oct. 12. KEYSTONE.
\ A "Piccolomini St vie," has been received, and is now
for sale at the net .25. KEYSTONE STORE.
DOMESTIC GOODS.—AII the difforcnt
qualities of Prints, Ginghams, Pleached Good..line
uiihleavhed Muslins, Ticks, Stripes, Denims, Sheetings,
Cotton Yarn, Carpet Warp, Batts, A.c., cheap at the
V > INGS.—Black and Colored Cloths.Doeskins,Tweeds,
SattincttM, Kentucky Jean ~ and a beautiful asm-rime;.t
of Fancy Cassimeres, cheap at the KEYSSONE.
"OOOTS AND SHOES -A!! the d ffervnt
IJ ilouiption* of limits and Shoes, f.r men, women
and child tens wear, just received and will he sold at less
prices than ever kuowu at the KEYSTONE.
HATS AND CAPS—Men's Hid Boy's
Huts and Cap*, in all the new and desirable styles,
just received and for sale cheap at the KKYSTOE.
VIA at less prices than can lc found elsewhere. Mola-,-
-e*. Coflee, Ac. Ac., and a superior article of Young
Ilvson Tea, at SO cents per pound, just received at the
Oct. 12. KEYSTONE.
I) AI NTS, Oils, Glas, Ac A • At the
1. Keystone will always lie f mini an assortment of
Paints, Oils, Glass, Sash, Putty, Ae.. Ac., together with
thousand other kind of Goods, which time nor space will
admit of remuneration.
TOWANIM. Oct. 12. IS.M.
A assortment of Colors of new and beautiful Styles,re
ceived to-dav at
X\T OR STEP HOODS —A large lot of
T T Womens, Misses and Children's Hoods, just re
ceived atthe 0ct.25. KEYSTONE STORE.
Mantillas, Cloaks and Raglans,
)PO\\ ELL would respect fully announce
•to the ladies that he will always keep on hand a
largo assortment of Cloaks, A*., of different Styles, and
that he has made arrangements to furnish to order on sh >rt
notice any article wauled in this line, from cheapest t >
1 best, at rates below New York city retail prices. He wiil
I hi o receive samples of new styles a they appear, to
: wliii h lie invites your attention.
October 11.
\ and Kip Skins, Morocco ami Findings, just receiv
DR. G. S. PECK, Surgeon and Mrrhnni
cal Dentist, being jiermaiientlv located in Towauda,
tenders his p • ifessional -ervices to i?< citizen*. Especia
: attention given to FILLING and CLEANSING DECAY
llt REG 11. A R TEETH IN CHILDREN. Teeth insert
ed on pivot ; also gum and plain incorruptible teeth
mounted on gold, silver, cheoplastic and Si u tons base,
from one to an entire set, in the most artistic manner
known to the profession.
All the above operations will be performed with a
ness, and duty to his patient.
Office over E. T. Fox's Store, No. 1, Brick Row. En
trance, first door on Pine street.
5s,N. B. Produce taken in part payment fur dental ope
rations at its market price.
July 30, 1068.
-778"/*, lias returned, and will be at home
4 -"CULIJ--' lor two months to come. J. M would dis
abuse the public mind of the impressi >n that he was hunt
ing up a place to settle in while absent. He is nettled
here, and will remain so.
Towauda, August 4,
Patronize a Home Rnterprize !
A Book-Bindery in Towanda!
UJ E would respectfully announce to our friends ami
the public generally, that we have connected with
our Printing Officeand Book A Stationery Store, a Plain
and Fancy BOOK-BINDERS , and earnestly solicit the
patronage of all who desire anything in the iine.
Having secured the services iff one ol the liest binders
in the United States, we Hatter our-elves that we can give
universal satisfaction Is'th in workmanship and pi i e.—
Therefore vie present to the public the strongest assuran
ces that we are prepared to hind in a workmanlike man
ner, all kinds of BOOKS, among which we may name
Bibles, Histories. Music, Magazines, Pamphlets. Periodi
cals, Law and School Books, to order or pattern in
French, Italian, (Servian and Fup fish style in
Velvet, Silk, Cloth, Leather and Paper.
upon the most reasonable rates, for CASH, or ready pay
rive us a trial.
Particular attention given to re lauding Books. All
work warranted to lie properly executed.
64* Plain and Fancy Paper Boxes made to order.
Jan 1, IHSS. K. A. PARSON'S.
Ctf-The attention of the public is requested to the very
general 'nd excellent assortment always on hand at ihe
Argus Book and Stationery Store, first building north of
the Ward House. Call and exam'ue our stock.
Again in Motion !
TIIE Sii' scrilitr liuvintr purchaser! the ahovo
works, -ilu ited at the lowi r end of town, near the
Canal Basin of the Barclay Rail Road C ., (the same es
tabli-hment form-ily carried on bv I.amoreux. Hall A
Russell.) and having cnijil >ved a competent set of work
men. is now prepircd to execute orders for Callings or
Machinery of aim *t rnv kind, lie also manufacture
a varietv of Co.'k. Par'or and i iffl'-e stoves. He rcsp<"t-
Lillys olicits a all ue.of publi pitr nigs.
Towanda. Sept. X. Ri<l. O. D. B ARTLKTT.
vX Best Styles and low prices, at MARSH A CO'S. No. 1
1. Union Bio! k. Klmira, N. Y.
| ) A R A M AT A S k M ERINOES from 1 sfi
I. a vard to the be I grade in .-.11 colors at
MVR - H <*o 5. I
Consisting of
Jut rwftvul And for sale by H. S. MLRCUB-
Harness trimmings—a new assort
..„pnt It JyS MERCCRU
4 XKS. —Single ami double bit Axes, just
wclvml hv jvs H. S. MllßCl'fi.
rpflF. MAN that make* the T'N AND SHEET IRON
1 WARE at the EAGLE WORKS, i* supposed by hU
iilm'riug friend* to I* tlic* best looking man, and the but
workman in Tin and Sheet Iron or any man in thi* rejflou
of ronntry. Tin Wait m ide by him "is warranted nti to
leak sand He is always on hand. like n tboicaiid of brick,
to make work to order, or do HOUSE JOBBING, as Eavo
Troughs, Conductor* and Roofing, or to .exhibit a lerga
rariety of
8 T O V J2 8 ,
For cooking with Coal or Wood, or f'arior, Office or Shop
Stores linnle at the above work*. But if you wish to give
orders for CASTING OR MACHINE WORK, call at the
ether end f the same establishment where you can pro
line anything you want in the line of AGRICULTURAL
IMPLEMENTS with late improvements, mch as Plows,
Cultivators, Corn Shel'e' s Cutting Boxis Horse and Dog
Powers. Ac., or anv kind of Casting in Bra-*, Iron and
Composition ; or Machine Work and Repairing in a neut
and workmanlike uiauner. CASIi paid for Old Pewter
or RrlttaHa. O. D. BARTLETT.
Towund.t, Jan. 5,1559.
/"t ACTION.— Whereas. my wife MARY,
Vx haa kit my bed and board, without any jtust causa
or provocation, this is hereby to forblj all persons bar
boring or trusting her, on my account, as I rhali not pay
auv debts of her contracting.
Monroe. Jan. 1. W.p. MICH AFI. HANNON.
Barclay rail road and coal
C'OMPNAY*.— Notice is hereby given to the stock
holders oi tbe Barclay Railroad A Coal Company .that tha
annual meeting of said Company will I*- held at their of
fice in Philadelphia, on MONDAY* JANUARY" Id. 1659,
at 11 o'clock. A. M.,at which time and place an election
wiil be held for a President and twelve directors for tha
ensuing year. 11. SHAW.
Philadelphia. Dec. 2 f >. lRj. Secretary.
kv Baskets, Grain Measures, Pads, Tuba, Patent Rat
Traps, Ac., at Nov. 2. FOX'S.
RAYING greatly increased their facilities
for manufacturing their Celebrated Family Machine!,
with all the recent improvements, have reduced their pri
ces, and oiler for ale
It is no longer questioned that these Machines are the
best in use for family sewing. They Ilem, Fell, Gather,
and Stitch in the most superior manner; unl are the only
machines in the market that are so well and simply made,
thai they may be sent into families with no other instruc
tion- titan are contained in a circular which a. companies
each Machine, and from which a a child <f ten years may
readily learn how to n-e them, and keep them in order.
They make upwards of FIFTEEN 11 UN DREI) STITCH ES
\ MINUTE, and will do the sewing of a family cheaper
than a seamstress can do it, even if she works at the rata
of one cent an hour. Is there a husband, father, or bro
ther in the United State*, who will permit the drudgery
of hand sew ing in his family, when a GroverA Baker Ms
chine will do it lietter, mure expeditiously, and cheaper
than It can possibly be done by hand. Send for a circu-
L.r. For sale by J. M. 11l IBIXSQX, Lake St., Eliniru, and
F. B. CHANDf-ER. Montrose
Boot and Shoe Manufactory.
\ I respectfully inform the public that theyha>
the manufactureofo ots A Shoes.
in the 3d story of Bcidleinan's|lslock.comer of
M iin j.V Bridge streets, where they sre.prepared with
every facility to furnish at Wholesale .and* Retail, Boots
and Shoes, of every description, of the„very beat matin i
al- and nianufaetured in the mostworkmanlike manner.
Men's French Coif, Kip and Coarse Boots
and Shoes. It'cmrm's and Children's
Boots and Shoes, of every description.
By the case or single pair, dealers are particularly re
que-ted to give us a call, us we believe aitlymr facilities
we can furnish a better article at a LOWER RATE than
can lie obtained elsewhere.
REPAIRING, of all kinds, done with deapatch.ln short
notice, in a workmanlike manner.
We shall also keep on band a large assortment of LEA
THER and FUNDINGS which will .* sold at the lowest
possible figures.
CASH paid for Hides, Sbecp'Pelts. Ac., at the highest
market rates. J. BEIDLEMAN A CO
Towanda, Dec. 22, 1 ssd.
Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings!
A LARGE ASSORTMENT, for Portrait and Picture
1 ri Frames, Looking Glasses —Looking Glass Plates .and
; I reach Picture Glass of all sizes. Frames and Looking
Glas-es made to eider, at prices to suit the times.
Otr Ready made coffins, of fine finish, and different
"izes, with a good hearse, ready at all time*. Low prices
aud term* easv.
i Towanda, Oct. 20, IMS. CHESTER WELLS.
A Figure and Plain DeLaines, from 12 to 25 cents, at
..Oct. 19.1*58. I'HINXEY'S.
Bonnet ribbons, flowers^
Brochc Cloaks, Raglans and Shawl* from $1.25 to
*l2, at I'HINXEY'S.
Buttons, Braid. Ac., at PHIXNEY'fI.
KK.HCHIKFS, MarsailcsSleeves and at
Oft. 1. UM. I'HIXNKY'a.
k7 SILK and Zepht r Worsted, at PHINN*FY"B.
J.. QUALITY", for 5 cents, and any quantity from C 4 to
12 cents, at PHIXXKV'S.
Domestic goods of n descriptions,
Ticks. Denims, Drills. Sheeting, Stripe Sheeting,
J- aus. Sattinett, Cassiiuere Cloth*, Ac., cheap for Ready
Pay * lit PHINNEVfe.
m*G.\RS of nil kinds, COFFEE, TEA,
O Molasses, Syrups, I'ish, Rice,and wava on
hind, at I'HINXEY'S.
Xv Crm k.-ry. Drug* and Dyes, cheap for Ready Pay .at
1. at FOX'S.
0 PICKS of nil kinds. Ground nnd |Whole- —
k7 al<o. Mustard Seed, Caraway and Celerv Seed at
Nov. 2. I*s*. * FOX'S.
v.- Rice Flour, Baker * bent, Cocoa aud Chocolate, at
Neva 2. FOX'S.
SH V 1 anal Codii-h. at FOX'S.
-1 most every article in that line required in any family
for gale de -ip. at FOX'S.
of every irrndp. Raw and Refined,
k Syruo and M'daaae*, and the best Tea in In town, at
' I v. 2.' FOX'S.
N v. 21. ROOKWKM '3.
11 \. r\ Imr, at F fill
J lI.LA, and Ainmnd, at FOX'S.
IpRUIT. -Fresh Raisins, Zmtee Currants,
Prunes, Dried I'eachea, Apple* and Re Tie*, at
Nov. 21. ROCK WELL'S.
chanling Collier* C'henile, and captivating Habits
d'Opera and Knit Herds et
Sept lfi't. MEBCUR'S.
—From Is a yard to the very
l beat in the. market a'
MAKSII V f OF, Elaura