Dcpiutmcut. Swamp Dflucit. One of the mi-takes in the use of muck, is that incorjioraMng it with the so.l while yci fresh fruiu the swamp, of with a too short sea soning. It might sulliee as a caution against committing this blunder if wc were to point out the grounds, in reason, science ami com mon seti-e, which indicate, more or les> plainly that injurious results are likely tohappri. wiiem muck is spread and ploughed in in a wet ami fiesli tondition. Rut one fact may make a deeper impression and be more convincing than a score of < o net) itratiors on speculat ve or scientific grounds, in the pages of the recent ly issued Patent Oflice Report, we find a stale incut lias'd on some few facts or observations a- to this matter, the substance of which we herewith submit, with the hope that its more extensive dissemination may prevent similar mistakes in others and in future. 'I he article from which derive the information in the fol lowing abstract was written by lion Simon lirowti. of Concord Mass. He says that in extensive low muck swamps the quality of the material is often widely different, as may fre quently be seen when these swamps arc drain ed and long ridges of muck arc thrown tip on the edges of the ditch. If thrown up in autumn or winter, there will be a rank growth of weeds or grasses on some portions of tins ridge in the following summer, indicating great fertility in the muck below, while, other por tions will be entirely bare, or at best but par tial! v covered with stunted fnugilor moss. — These barren spots are sometimes covered with a whitish-yellow substance, or with sulphate iron. "Muck of thislatt r description, spread upon pasture or mowing lauds, has been known to prevent the growth of grass lor many years in succession ; and \vheu ploughed and culti vated, aquatic grasses ami plants spring up in profusion, and can only he eradicated by a most careful an 1 expensive process of cultiva tion.'' Cases have come under his observation in which the cost or trouble of cultivating a corn crop has been doubled by the introduction of these plants with this kind of muck, with out being seasoned or composted. These plants are not finally sal dued without much labor, and if allowed to go to seed, will establish a colony of intruders upon a farm which it will be exceedingly difficult to eject. The caution suggested by such facts is obvious, viz., that fanners should exercise discrimatiou as to the ij in fill/ of the muck they use, and that torn .should be used until it had been seasoned I \ a winter's freezing and a summer's drying and sprouting of seeds, or by being composted after some seasoning. It may, indeed, be laid down as a general rul", that, to insure its full bene ficial efficiency and safety, muck should always have been thrown cut one or two years before being used either as a top dressing for mowing lands, or for admixture with tilled soils, or for absorbing liquid manures, or for compost ing with fertilizing matter of any kind Without exposure for such a length of time, and some working over in the interim, muck cannot become sufficiently dry, or sulliciently pulverized, to be fit for any of the above pur poses. The moisture with which it is saturat cd, being poisonous or unfavorable to cvl tind er! crops, should be got rid of by exposure to rain and sun, and, iu addition, by admixture with lime or ashes ; and then it should be thoroughly dry and finely pulverized.— Country Citn'leman. WINTER FEED EOR MII.CII COWS. What kinds of food produce tlie most milk in winter seems not to be determined. Certainly, great diversity prevails in modes of feeding among the multitudes who keep cows cither for their convenience or profit, yet comparatively few are prepared to speak with any degree ot cer tainty as to the kind of keeping which answer best. One thing is quite certain, that no kinds of food are yet known which produce equal to summer grasses. Isut what com s the nearest to it ? This is the question. Pumpkins we have long been accustomed to regard as among the very best materials for fall feed, and they arc equally as valuable lor winter feed, and as long as they can be preserved from frost and rot. Next to these, buckwheat shorts may be named. These add more to the quantity than the quality of the milk, but by adding about one pint of Indian meal to four quarts of the •horts yon secure your quality as well as quan tity. Wheat bran or shorts may be substiti.t ed for buckwheat where the latter is not lobe had. Carrots, beets, tarnips, and roots of like na ture, are of great value, if not increasing the milk, in retaining the flesh and health of the animal. As fodder wc regard corn-stalks cut up at the bottom and well preserved with the huks on, as equal to anything—none the worse we presume for the occasional ears which are left on the stalks when harvested. In con nection with these, fine hay rowen should be fed, say once a day. If you have t one but roarse hay, it is much better that it shoal 1 be cut and wet. Cows fed as above, iu warm stables and kept clean, will furnish as good a supply of milk as it) any way short of pastur ing You may, perhaps, obtain more milk per day by feeding freely on Indian meal, say from four to six quarts a day, with plenty of good hay or stalks, but in this ease your cows will be short-lived, or their days for giving milk soou numbered.— Rural American, Dec. 1. SI MMER I'RENINC, AITI.E TREE. —lt is a pret ty well established fact that apple trees—and we would add pear trees —pruned from the middle of July to the middle of August, sus tain tlie operation with much more advantage than if pruned at any other period of the year. If pruned at this time, the wound will heal over, and make, what surgeons would say of a properly amputated arm or leg, a hand some stump. If the branches be lopped in winter or spring, the stump generally leaves a jK-rpetunl sear ; ami if after the sap has com menced flowing, a bare bone, as it were, pro jecting from the living parts of the tree, and remaining there until it ro's away, when fre quently the decay continues on, as a sort of gangrene, into the very heart of the tree, much to its injury. Who has not observed this in his experience? We hare more than once witnftsed the benefits of pruuiug iu midsummer, and have always been impressed with the advantages over the system generally pursued. On one or two occasions, some years ago, we adverted to the fiet, and again call attention to it, e *ometime n fool, but a cox- I conttvis always of trh own m'niiufactnfe. fHttfrthntttw Tic&a runt Agricultural iV junction Iron Works. AT ilthens, Bradford County, Pa. V, el i KMEKY'S PATENT RAILROAD HOUSE POWERS! \\7"E are DUHuf;i< turing these justly relcbi ted End \ h - Chain Powers, for one and two - : to which we h tv( added -nch improvement-a-to make tinm the best i ndie-s Chain Powers in the world. Our THRESHERS AND SEPARATORS Are mneh improved over the Albany machines,and work j admirably. ( MM* new TIOOA POINf THRESHER AND CLEANER, j .lost finished, will, we are confident, prove itself to be the U r CoMniNK.N TIIKESIIKK AND WINNOWKK in market. I It run- ea-ily, i-simple, strong. light and durable; will ; not carry over, nor waste grain : and will thresh and j clean lit tor net' ket as much grain per day. with tlie same | power, as any T iresher with Separator will thresh, j It is admirable adapted for two and four horse powers, i j .1 <>li threshers will find it to be just the machine they have | so ton a desired to find. j Our Horse Power-and Thro-1* r> are. to -ay the least, ' I equal to any made in the Union ; so that farmers : n Sou- i them New-York and Northern t'enn \lv.iuia. will find it ! to their advantage to buy our Machines, on account of saving heavy expense iu freights, as well as for their sa ! periority. Wc mvite the particular att' iition of Farmers and Ileal -1 ers to our jTIftOA POINT FEED CUTTERS, CALK'S PATENT. ; IV.- r.ia with confidence, recommend these llay, Straw j and stalk Cutters on account of simplicity, durability, I stremrth, efficiency,ease of operation, rapid cutting. Ac, j They do away with the very serious objections heretofore j uracil by farmers and others, and justly to- , agiin-t all ' patented feed cutters ; namely—that they are ton com- 1 plicated, ton many small casting- md traps, conseipicnt -1 ly ton liable t> yet out of repair : that they have too many wo i ring or friction place-, tin re fore hard to operate. < >ur Feed c 'utter- have two simple straight knives which can easily be sharpened, or. if ever necessary, can be mad.' by any I la. I.smith. All are warranted to give sat isfaction. A-k your merchant to order one tor yon. and send for our C t i'Ai,oi;ri:. which contains additional in -1 i imiatioii concerning all of the above mentioned machines . and umnv others of our manufacture and sale. WELLES, BLOOD & CO. Athens, Sept. ] 1 -j.S jftiaiclied Horses for Sale. I vcd seeuritv. I Athens, Sept. 21, lHf>S. WELLES, BLOOD A CO. TJieGreat Atlantic Telegraph ! 3\Z. E. SOLOMON'S CLOTHING EMPOaiUM STc. 2, Fattcn's Blcck. | r TMIE two greatest events of the Nineteenth Century. 1 X are the submarine telegraph t>etweeu Europe ami 1 I America, and the uoparalled stock ot READY M \DE - I ( LOTllINt; OF M. E. SOLOMON! combining the greatest variety, latest fashionable, and most duiU) " made CI ithing ever brought to Towanda. ■ i 1 lieg to inform 'lie citizens of Towanda and vicinity _ : that I have KEUOVI :> t > No. 2, Rations Block, one doot j north ol Rockwell's t- re, where I -hall 1-e !i ippy to . e< 3 ! ill my old friends and eust oners and as many new ones . | .- may u ish to fivor me with a call. Haviuv just return j i i from the Eastern and W. ;cru markets win re 1 havi 2 I purchased my Fall and Winter stock of CLOTHIXtf. u RENT'S FURNISHINH HOODS. Ac.. 1 can supply tin public at lower rati - than i \ . r -old here before. as 1 havi bought my stock for Cash at the lowest figures. MY STOCK CONSISTS OF OVKKCOATS.—Supi i tine idat k Reaver Raglans and Sm k ' Overcoats; Bhe k, brown awl blue Pilot do; Petti-ham l- .11; Sup. black Union Cas.-imere do , Rl.uk. Iu vn utiil , gray Sealskin do; Deerskin do; Hon skin do; Fancy ' "car -kin do. and various other styles, too numerous 'to ; mention. ~ , Fiidt'KCo AT.s. —Fine French hlack Rroadeloth double breasted Frock Coats, single-breasted, same; Medium t* quality ilo ; Cotton warp <1 > ; Fret, li Heaver Rii-int-- ilo ; Funet t'a imere do ; Si.le Pel do; Rl.i k Union Cass, do; Fancy Satinett do; Tweed and Kentucky Jean '* ilo. g RANTS. Sup. black Doeskin Runt -; Medium do ; IJlk. •ot! i varp tin; Pa \ Ca--i:" e - ! e l.aml do; S.itti aett do ; Farmers and Mechanics Cassimerc do. t Vests.- French Fancy Silk Velvet Yests; Cbenilleand Priu'.-d do :S !k Vest-, ot all do- t'ptio ; Silk and Worsted •! : Phi'k Satin do; C -iiuere Vest- : Satti - net and Plu-li d>. V Fi'KNisHiNu tloo'.-.—Fancy Silk Tics, Block do : Fan j cy .->dk S. arfs; Pluck figured S arfs ; Black Silk Cra vat-; Linen Rocket Handkerchiefs; Cambric do; Silk I do: Fancy cotton do ; White linen-bosom shirt- ; Fan cy Marseilles do ; Fancy Lin* id : White Mar - ill. - By ron Collars; Fancy do; Fancy and white linen do; e White string and lap do; Hosiery, of all kinds; Suspcu g dent; White and Mixed Men's rappers and Drawers. . A complete assortment of Bov'a Clothing! Boots and Shoes and Rubliers. of all kinds, Sole Leather, Upper C Leather. Kip Skill. Calf Skin, etc. Our motto: " <. iuk Sai.KS AND SMAI.I. PIWIVITS." Cash u ill lie paid for W 001. Hides. Sheep Pelt.-, anil all . kinds of (train, at the highest market prices. P Remcinlicr, reunited to No. 2, Patton's Block, former ly occupied by William A. Rockwell. Towatida, Sept. 2U, ISSH. M. K. SOLOMON. - ( ireat Excitement in Clothing! coiiZiZirs &. POWELL, 0 \RE now receiving tlie Largest Stock of l'\ Ready-made Clothing ever offered in this market, which they are selling at price- that astonish every one; I) our floods are got up expressly for our Trade, arul are warranted iu every way, our stock consisting of every thing in the line of Men and Roy's Wear. Rla-k Cloth I' Coats, F. iicy and Plain Business Coats,Sattinctt Coats, t Black and Fancy ('a-siim-re Pants, .Union do., Snttinett . do.. Silk and Plash Vests, Cotton Plush do., Sattinett do., ' Plu-h and Satin do. Gents Furnishing Goods! II Such as Wool Umkr-Shirts, Wool Drawer-. Collars. Cra vats. Suspenders, Genta White and Fancy Shirts, Check and Hi.-kory Shirt-, lloseiry of all kinds. Hats and Caps, the latest styles of Black Silk I lats made to order. Cloths, Cassimeres and Vcstings! 11 We are receiving the largest Stock of Clotb-. Cassi [] meres and Vesting-, everoffereil in this market,which we ll are ready to make to order or-til by the yard. Persons " wi-hing Clothing made tip to order, will .i > well to give k u- a call before purchasing elsewhere,as wc warrant eve rything to tit or 110 sale. We keep none but the Inv-t work men, and are receiving the lute-t Fadiior. ; every month. Persons wanting anything in nnr line, will iden.-e give us a call as we keep nothing but Men and Roy's Wi ir, and . think we hoy our E .od-. heaper than those that only buy , a few. " COUNTRY riIODUCEof all kinds taken in payment C for Roods and on short credit. Cutting done as usiial.and no charge when the (Jood- are bouffht of ns. Don't for get the piii e, one door sooth of Hall's Hardware store. 1 October 12,1868. COLLINS A PDWLI.L. ' MILITiIkaT BODD3I misses GRIFFISNT 6c PARK, 1 T> Ed lmive to invite your enrly attention to I i U to their new stock jo 4 received c imp rising choice . j -tries lion net-Ribbons, Silks, Satins, Velvets, together a .ill a carefully selected assoi tini lit of Feathers and " 1 Flowers. 1 ' Tli.uikfi.l for past patronage heretofore so liherally be j lowed, they would re-peetfully solicit a coiit'uuiance of the same. (Jtober 11.135A. , H. A. BURBANK'S BAKERY i One Door .\ rlh of the Ward House. TO WAN I) A, PA. . \\7HE RE yon can find a n-tant supply of Rread, Ru-k, \ \ ('rackers, Cookies, Jumbles, and all kinds of Fancy 5 Cakes. 5 OYSTERS furnished by the quart or keg, or cook s j ed to order. i;j~ Piirticnlarntteiition paid to filling orders for parties I | Itctuniiiig our sincere thanks Car the liberal patronage j bestowed iiion us during the past year, and hoping by ' ; • 10-c application to business to merit, a continuance 01 the • . suqje, wc remain a- ever, your humble servant, M in-h lb. 15".7. H. A. BURBANK. Ci'li! ; M!!D ROHFS "A'oriLLE, Eu . 1 km ehaiitl r Cnllt ••• Cbenile, nnt) captivating RiMts UiioiiU'3s (Curbs. OIL CHAS. AL.TURNEK, I'UYSICIAN if SI'IUiXO A", otter* h:* professional scrvieaAto the inhabitants ol Towanda and \ icinity. (Mb and re ■deuce iu iho dwelling recently ocoujmd hy 11. IkiOrn, Esq., one doer north of tbe Kpi.scojial Church, ou Main* ■•l r< ct. K. drißini), .11! P. MONTVSYK. OVERTON *(; MONTAN YE, ATTOII .YA' I'.S A T I. A I!' —Office in Union Bhak,formtr y occupied by J v.-. M.vci'AKLANK. H. J. MA IN 1.1 r. D. MORKOW. \J AI'ILL A MORROW, ATTORNEYS Jl AMi (' 01' .V SE 1.1 Ail \ S AT LAW,—(Mice over MenurV Store.Towanda,l'a. To wan da, April 2. IS. n-lbtf ! * VIM-:. H. MASON, PHYSICIAN AND i 1/ SI 'IW/:()X, offers bis professional crvices to the I people oi' Towanda anil vicinity. Office at his residence I in I'ilie strei t. where lie can always be found when not I pmfc—b nally engaged. 15. I' AH SONS, ATTORNEY AT I /.All', TIIOV, Bradford Co., Pa. Office over V. M. A 11. P. lamp's store. Aug- 7, 1 ">O. HENRY r. M'KEAN, ATTORNEY AT /.All'. TOYY'ANDA. I'A.; will pay prompt I attention to business entrusted to hint. Collections made ion reasonable terms, with prompt remittances. octlfl j CM.IIAXAX SMITH, having rotnriictl to I 1 J Towamla, lias opened a Law Office over Mcrcur s ' Store. Dec. 1.1557. —— McCABE'S CENTRAL MEAT MAIUvET,! Jie/ircen .7 Eivgsbertfs t \- .7. I'oirelPs stores. ~Sp".s THII subscrila r would respectfully ti ndcr to -y TA his customers and the public generally his .sin 'i P/_ thank - for the very liberal patronage ex tended to him the past season. He solicits a continuance of the same. lie w old say to the public that lie intends to keep ron -t uitlv on hand a choice -election ot MEATS of all kinds, the bc-t the country affords, which he intends to sell for very small prolits, either by the side, quarter or pound.— i'le.t-e give me a call. jfiySleats, Ac., will be delivered on short notice, when ordered, at any place in the Corporation. Towanda, Fell. 1-'. 1 7. McCABE. TOWANDA FOUNDRY. rpilE stthscnlicf cor.unites to carry on Ihe X. Foundry hiisiness in Towanda, and i- prepared to do all kinds oi' work iu liis line on short notice and in a workmanlike manner, lie will keep on hand or make to order Plows, Stoves, Mill Irons, Sleigh Shoes. Wairon- J!o.\cs. and any article of cast iron that may be required. Turning and fitting up work will be done on short notice | and ou reason aide terms. Persona wishing to purchase Stoves of any kind will find it much to their advantage to buy at the Foundry, as they can be repaired much cheaper. Phase call and examine before purchasing clse wlmie. Ohl east iron and drain taken in |myment.— Don't mistake the place one door ea-t of Mcrcur's liloek. ri" I would al.-i -ay to those having accounts stand ing over six months, that tliey must lie settled without , delay, and those having notes that are due will do well to pav up and - ive co t. JOHN* CARMAN. Towanda, Oct. 22, bs.iG. NEW TIN SHOP! ' r f Tll' ruder-: I'IU d respe t full v inform- hi- friends nnil i the public cnoraHy. that lie his opened a new Ti.V M ARK A* SHEET IRON ESTABLISHMENT in the I" mndry, lir-t door below M ercur's Store, where lie is prepared to conduct the business iu all its various hranehe . Tin Ware and House Spouting of all kinds, made to or di r. mi -ho, t notice. Stoves of v ariou- styles con-taiitly ■r - ale. Ikn tieiilar attention paid to .fobbing, old Iron, tkqiperand Brass taki ii in exchange for goods. June 1.1- JOIIX CARMAN. ARE YOU INSURED? Susquehanna Mutual Insurance Co., TOYY'ANDA. BRADFORD COUXTV, PA. 'THIS Cmpniiy insures against loss or r!::rn- I age by l'ire. Dwelling houses, F'urniture YYarehoo ■i s. Stores and Merchandize, Ac., ou the most reasonable terms. DIUECTOns. ir YV. TRACY. Ai.I.F.X M'KEAN, JOHN' F. I.OXII, dUY TRACY, K/.ltA IIOI.COMH, JOB KIRBY. 1 CSTI'S Lf.M'lS, DANIEL ISA!KEY, ISAAC MY Ell. lV.il. KINdSKEY. PRECEPTOR FORBES, JOSEPH !'o,\ )•;Ki ll. M". TRACY, President. Ai.I.F.X M'KEAN. Vice President; JCDSOX HoK nMB. Secretary: I.A Pi • PTE, MASON A CO.. Tree.*. I£. !i. :.n< EA N, IR E INSLKANCE AUKNT, at To wan- IJL da, l'a., t*r the reliable C'onijuinn s : 1 Tanner's I vital Insurance Co. . Alliens, l'a. Ca ji i tal , $200,000. Stale Alulual Insurance ('a. . Harrisburg, l'a. Capital, $2 00,0 00. Girard Insurance Co. . . . Philadelphia, Pa (la pit a1 , $.100,0 0(i. Great Jl'rslern Insurance Co. - Thitadclplia. Towoiul i. July 11.1 s.'is'. TOWANDA HARDWARE, CUTLERY IRON AM) STOVE STOlli:. JH H- C. HALL -y -- M ludcsale and Retail Dealer . J~d| Hardware n.d Stove-, lieu M- n Ji n il— Nail-. Sa-li. o;. -s, Paints X A ami oils. IKUI-I Trinimlug- - . !' *' '1 * lot lis and Kin es. (-irriage .-rfaggatSKaßraa. SjlSa Sulkey run! saat Springs. Car xJSeA* Planes. y.'.Jp-" (j Saws, Augers. Chisels and all ,** ■*■"■— other Tools Cross Cut, Mill | and Circular Saws, Blacksmith Tods. Bellows, Anvils, Vices, * Hammers and Screw Plates. Axes. Broad Narrow, I.atli and Hand Hatchets—('aide. Log. Trace and llaltr, Chains, Crowbars, Picks, Shovels and Spades. POCKKTAND TABLE CCTLERY—Shears and Scis sors. Edge Tools of all kinds. Brass and Enameled Kettles, Shovel and Tongues. Spoons and Kadles. Tubs and pails. Mops and M'a-hboards, and all other kinds of house-keep ing implements. In the HARDWARE line, Brass, Rrittanin. Jappaned and Plain Tin M'are. single or in setts. Mar. Band. Scroll and lloop Iron. Steel of all kinds. Nail Hods, Ac. PIIIHIIS, Lead Pipe and all the lie -es-ary lixtures for water works. Patent. Stretched I.e.itber Belting and String Leather, and 10.(100 other articles too numerous to mention, that we are now receiving direct from the hands id' manufac turers indimporters, including the largest assortment and greatest variety of STOVES Slaves 2."> per mil. /ess than usual far Cash, or Grain a I the highest market prices. Coal and M'ood Cooking. Coal and Wood Parlor. Rining- Itoom. Six Plato and Cylinder, over brought into Northern Pennsylvania or Southern New York ; all of which we are now prepared to sell at wholesale or retail, at as low rates, and on as good TKKMS n can be found this side ol New-York, from the fact, that all our goods were bought - f first hands and in full packages and large quantities, that gives us an advantage over smaller jnirchast rs and Dry Hoods dealers, that wiil enable ns to s<.|] from ."> to 1.1 |>'-r cent, less than any of them, which advantage we shall offer to any who will favor us with a call before jiur chasing elsewhere. A large quantity of Tin ware. Stove Pipe and Elbows alway on hand, wholesale and retail. All kinds of Job M'ork done to order, on short notice and warranted. Don't mistake the jilaee to bny STOVES and HARD WARE cheap—one door South of True}- A Moore's, and Powell's new block on Main -licet, iu the new M'ood J Ru'hling. tell,-red nil over. Drain and Country Produce, old Iron, Brass, Brittania | and Copper. Dried Fruit of all kinds, Feathers and Bees wax wanted for goods. 10,000 Sheep Pelts wanted, for which tbe highest price n CASH will be paid. liiT No credit given over four mouths, and all hav ing accounts or notes over due had better call xud pay immediately, if tliey wish t • save cost. Towanda, October 1.1, LsJK. SALE OF SLEAXi ESTATE. rrilK vulnnhlo I'D-OI Kstntp, known ns "The I I Kukeii's Lands, v situate in Warren tivp., Bradford ! Co., I'm, are now offered for sale to the highest and best | bidder. This body <>f lands consist of four tracts, containing I FIFTEEN HCNDBED ACRES of good farming land, : situate about five miles from the N. Y. A Erie Railroad. | Persons desirous to purchase will send their offers in j writing in the nature of bids jier acre to my agent, Wu. ! Ei.wii.i.. Esq., at his office in TO M r AND A. liy the loth I day of NOVEMBER next. Offers will be icceived for the whole body, or for tbe i sejiarate parcels agreeably to the present sulsdivisions. No sale will be made of less than one hundred acres, and the parcel- will not be sold separately unless the body can I be disposed of iu that waj . • Terms, one-tliird iu hand and the balance in two year ly instalment- with interest. BAH AH K. KEEN!. Ydrn nistratrix C. T. A. f.loliu I.likens, dee d. pbikidcljihi ■. c'ejit. ■ J- .-. 1 illiocciaucous. w. A. CHAMP.ERT.IN, *—WCT | I,m K \ W'.t ri II yltfr —* rpiIIS IS THE ESTAIHJSIIMKXTi J. where you can find a very fine assortment ol j MATCHES AND JKMKKRY of all descriptions, al.-o a good stick of CROCKS,,prices ranging from in shillings J IIJI, and warranted to give good satisfaction or no sale, j I am also agent lor the sale ot D. E. KENT'S celebrated | Barometers, which every fanner should always have. R' K j ees from $s to S2O, according to finish REPAIRINC. ! done as usual in a neat and workmanlike manner and war- | ranted. MM. A. CHAM BERLIN. X. B. The jierson that took a Breast Pin from my shop, j July Gil, to show to his wife.bad better call aid see me in | regard to the matter, perhaps it will save him some cost and trouble. Towanda. Nov. 21. l-.Y-. AA. A. C. JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY! A. HE. Warner's 1 New i$- Splendid Jewelry Store, me door north ; of Pat tons l)ru-COFFiXS.ot even -i/.e and (piality, a,-d will at tend on all occasions when required. 'The |iiiblir are invited to examine my assortment lmf-'ie piirclia- ug elsewhere,as i will.-ell eheajierlhau any other e-tab|i-liiiK ut iu Northern Penn-ylvama. T 1 ca imla, Auom-tS, ls.Vi. TIIZL CX.B STAND STILL IN OPERATION! i ""THE -üb-criber would announce Hie j nhlir that lie lias now on C I <"'d will make to :A r all r —y- nd- Of CABIXET FI'RXITt'RE. h.'i'r i " { sm li as Solas. Di\. us,Koiingi-,( Yn- JtL ? #Fj. tie, Card. Dining and Breakfast Ta- L— j L ojjdf—j j ... l.le. iYlaliogaii v, M'aluut, Mniih ami jj MMMhn n j rl|tTrv Bureau-. Stand- of varinu " • 0 IL * kind-, 'liairsand Bedsteads of every des ription, which are, and will be made of the bc-t ma terial and workmanlike manner, and which tliey will" -ell for cn-li cheaper than can be bought in any other M'are- I room in the country. READY -MADE < OFFINP, on hand on the nio-f rea- I sonable terms. A good HEARSE will tie ftirnished on • Funeral occasions. JAMES MACKINSt N. I Towanda. January 1. 1C77. CIHOCERIFS, FS.OV23IOWS, tkC II est siile oj the Public Si/uare, apposite Ha ('ourt House. I>AILEY XEVIXS arc just rpceiviut? ti * i large a ldition to their stock of Provisions, (Iroceries ; A enk c X in 11-. 'l 'is. Fruit. ('onfe. li •uaiy, Ac., which ! will be -old u hole-ale of retail for cash, or in cxliangc for mo-t kind-ot i , mitry produce, at prmc-that cannot fail t ' -nit purchasers. Om.-iimers or country dealers would do well to * ..II and examine our stock and prices. GROCERIES. . ! Bin k and Green Tea. Rio and Java Coffee, Chocolate. ' Cocoa, sugar, Jhua- cs. Syrap, Ginger. Pepper, Spice. Ciovt - , nntim g'-. Ma- e ciii.imon. Groiiml Mustard.Pejiper ! tsauco >i da. Sal< ("re iin Tartar, Sperm and Talioii Candles, Bar Soap, Y'inogar, Starch, Ac. PROVISIOXS. Flour, Buck wheat Flour. Rye Flour. Corn Meal, Feed, P uk. Ham.- A -lion'.in-. Mimki rel, ( 'idli.-li, Shad, Lake rrout. Pa kch d and smoked Hei ring, Cheese, Iticc, Beaua. r Onions, Potatoes, Batter, Lard, Crackers, 4c. Ac. i FRUIT. Prunes, Citron. Fig-, Eng. Currants. Raisins, Lem on- and Orang. Green and Dried Apples, and Peaches. Almond-, pi an nuts. l'r.izil nuts. Grenoble and Madeira Walnut-, 1-illicrts, l'ea nuts, Chestnuts. Hickory iiuts^tc. Guumax, FIIKNCH and A.MKUIUAN TOVS, EANLV GOODS. Ac.—Boys' Sleighs. Tin YVsgons, China. Pewter A YVood I Tea Setts. Dolls, rrumjiet-. Toy Gmiim, AI-eordians, Har -1 monicas, Glass, Paper anil YVood Inlaid YY'ork Boxes and i Toilet Cases, Toy Bureaus, Secretaries, Ac, Pearl, I very. Papier Macho and Leather Port Mutinies YY'allet-, Purses. Ivory. Horn and M'ood Pocket and Toilet Combs, Tobac coajid Snuff Boxes, Cigar Ca-cs, Tooth, Hair and Cloth Brushes, Fancy Mirrors, Perfumery, Hair Oil, Ac. FOOI.S CAI-, Letter. Commercial Note and Bath Post Paper, Envelopes. M'afcrs. Sealing YY'ax, Ink. Ink-tamis, YY'aler Cujis, Sand Boxes, Penholders, Pens, Wafer scales, Ac. Ac. TAUI.k \XI DAIRY S.m.T, Ralina and Rock Salt, and Ca.vugi Ground Plaster. BAILEY A XEVIXS. Towanda, Xovemla-r 2G, 15.',",. TOMB STONES AND MONUMENTS. Tcoranda IVSarblc Factory. (Nearly Opposite lite Ward Havre.) _ r*sr\ Timsuiiscriber lias jn-t opened tlic TOYVAX"- M ARBLE FACTORY*, where he will be •'■Aygl t. 1 prepared to'furnish Ylonuments and Tomb 'Vi H' m ti'nnufm tured from the hest qualities ' ''{/ si ot RUTLAND and ITALIAN MARBLE, and ' I T wrought into -neh styles and designs as will jtPAsL suit every variety of taste. , Persons wishing to make their selection can do so whenever in Towanda, by calling at . this New Establishment. \ The superior quality of the stock, the artistieal beauty I of the work.and the promptness with which orders wiil be iilicd, will offer inducements to visit this new shop, j F. 11. BALDWIN, Proprietor. Towanda, July 20,15.8. ItKFEHMXCES. WAVEnr.T. TOWANDA, rA. Hon. Nathan Bri-tol, Prof. C. R. Coburn, . ' c. H.Shepard. Cashier, Rev. Julius Foster, J R. G. Crans, Merchant, IKS Mcrcur, Merchant, Aljdn A Donblcday, do. Montanyes, *' . Rev. O. Crane. " T. M. \Y oodruff, Sheriff, . Mm. Putnam. Col. A. M'Kean, Prot'y, I ! " D. A. Shepard, Hon. D. YY'ilmot, | F. Tyler, l'res't. Bank. " J. ('. Ad-ms. L j CIIKMI NO. " Mm. Elwell, i (i. Y\ . Buck. Esq. E. A. Parsons, Ed. Argus. w\ -ox. E. (). Goodrich,Ed.Henorter. , Y'. E. Pioilet. Es(|. TIII; PI i>l I i s BOOT t SHOE SITOT* ffJY LYMAN YVARNKR. having established a Boot ; . VI and Shoe Simp, in the building formerly oecn i 'y John Burger, as a Grocery and Provi- Psi. -ion -tore, north -ide of the Public Sjuare, I j and immediately under the Billiard Saloon, would respect- j I fully a-k his share of patronage. Grateful for ]>;i-t patrenage, ho would say to his enstn- ; mers, and the public, that lie will manufacture to order ' . on the most liberal term*, all kinds of work in his line,and . ! will guarantee to fit and good work: or no sale, l-'rom his long experience in the business, and as he employs none hut the best workmen, lie feels confident that his work cannot fail to give satisfaction. He will get up good Kip Boots tor SG 2o : Call do., $4 ; Cowhide d 0.,12 ; Fine Kin do., #:i .Hi. I MENDING—He is prepared to execute ail work iu this ! line mi tbe shortest notice, at the following prices:—! Hah-oliiig men's boot**, 50 cts.,; children's boots and shoes ineiuled at corresponding prices. Common sized 1 patches, ilj cents each. As Giv him a ail : examine his work : ascertain his : prices, and lie will not tail tn please the mo-t fastidious. < P' member the place, under the Billiard Sah.on. I Towanda, Oct. JS, IKSB. L. MARKER. ' mi. roIiTKIi SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE ' Fronting the Public Sruarc. fTtHE snbsrrilirr. thankful for the liberal patronaie of the year, iutoml-i to keep constantly on hand aMi J sortincnt of tiie very liest articles us-,ally kept in our line, which in: will dispose of on such terms i;'| t„ r M ! isfactnry to all who may patronize him. The purchase* are maile entircl) with ash ht li for the* tSH " S ' customers will reci ive the bciieiit of a good article at a low price. AH articles xliull answer our recommm t a i and are wurruntrd us represented. 11 luu, > £7*" Medical Advice gratuitously given at llic Office, charging only for the Mcdieinei. The stock consists of a complete anil select assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, I'nrc Wine k Liquors, for Medicinal use, London Porter & Scotch Ale, ALL 'HIE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES! The most approved Trusses and Abdominal Supporters, Cursing Bottles Mi. pie Shells, Breast Pumps, Teeth Kings, Syringes, Catheters, Ac. ' American, English $f Chinese Razors and Knives, FRESH CAMPHENE & BURNING FLUID-NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS! Superior TCEACCO k SPJirrF !—-Choice brands of Pure Havanna Priacire and Yara CIGARS ! ' Clpe I'aiiils, Oil.*, >ai nisbex, tliudotv Ola**. lii tiMit s, Perfumery, Sha\lug Roan fancy Ailiclet*. S.C. Ac. ' ' Hair J'.vps, IT air Restorer, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Cream, Tooth Powder, Extracts for the Handkerchief, Italian Whisks, Port moiniais, Purses, Pay, Colonge, Hose and Lavender Waters, Tobacco and Snuff Boxes, Indellilde Ink &c FA3IILY GROCERIES: Black and Green Teas; Rio and .lava Coffee; Mola-ses, Svrm*, Sugars Spices Vr k-r Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, & c . ° ' ' ' HEMF..MREH THE STOKE—SOUTH EM) OF THE WARD HOUSE' 1 i. 1.l- .:,. ||. c. v '' \JL NEW DRUG STORK. PA T TON Si P i YNE, 1 ! ON " rH£ CCRNER CF DRIDGE AND MAIN STREETS. Ko. 4, Pattons' I lock, Towanda, Pa. I ™ %V MO li ZfeJ 3J\Jj a i.\f 3D 2\ BW A XI,, rpHK subscriber*. thankful for the liberal patronage tlicy have c lived sin,-,, tlicv entered into . partnrroli'i I 1 desire t inform their friends and the public generally that they mian t., -pare no jains t. ror .1. *t' Uie W regulated, mtot ami most approved in Northern Pennsylvania. Tbev al*<> Ik-u leave to *av that thevm constantly receiviiur from New Y ork and l'liil.idelphia, SKI.K* 1' IMHGS AM) MKIMi INES, of the !rc*lie*t ii,'l cliar.ictcr, a behov : CREMiGALORUGS, MIOJCiNES, GROCERIES PAINTS, OILS, W I.N HOW CLASS, DYE STUFFS, a CJ xjvze&Z XZESZ&OSI , DRESSIN3 CDM3S, PERFJMIRY, FANCY SOAPS. PORT MONNAES, &c. buSCriCAL liltSSK^.tflS*T>>, and. a variety of the most approved Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, ate., always en hand. London Purler and Scotch A!c, and Pure Liquors, for Medicinal purposes ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. Brushes far the Hat, Hair. Teeth, Xiils Boots, P.iiitlirtg, Varuishiug, Hhilewasliins, ki Hie Levers of 0000 ( [OA US t ad 7 OIL If f'O, vu- find a large variety iif choice Ilea na, \ai'ii (Did Principe Cigars, aad the fiw'st br.nuls < f Tobacco and San if. Fresh < tmpliene—atul S'.iituii & Payne's BfUMNG FU!!>. constantly on hand. And a fin e axsortm.nt of I. AM PS, of atl sizes and descriptions, IlirJ C'./gcn, Cups, Nests and Seat. Ml of which Is offered for sale at greatly reduced rates. Our dock Vicing large and mostly purchased fen tin I mi ll u ' r al Mami;'a ti icr at the low >t "rates, :i| with c ; iMin ii- to m-H at rcl,;ce> all. We invite the attt a? inn of the public to an e peeia! examination of our ,*to, kof goods aud prices. Our Motto it—••Till; CAsll SV*TKM-<,>!*IOK SAI.KS SMALL I'ROFITS.'' Our On,id are seleclc'l with the utmo>tJcare anil warr nted to he what tl.t \ ate represented :if anv 'heulii prme •e ■ uitrarv. we are nut only willing but rei|iu*st mir customer* l > return thern, ami the money shall He refiiiulrd. DK. I'AYXK will rive his pei il ttent nto the prepar.itin of I'lf KSCKII'TIONS, wh h will fe rompona with ecnracy and d -n it u. He w 1 l* i give uudical advi.e to any person desiring 't. gr.itnitouslv : ne charge lie'.tig made except for medicine taken. " JOSKI'II PATTON. Towanda, Ihu . I,ls. r ,(5. EI>NVAI{I I>. I'AYNE. NEW ARRANGEMENT. Tlie Mammoth Hardware Store CHATFIELD * STORRS. Is now receiving a large and well selected asfortment of , Foreign Sf Domestic Hard tea re UuUSE TRIMMINGS, of every description, Carpenters, Cabinet makers, Blacksmiths and If hoe makers' j 'liimiii I AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, hi f;ic? almost ovorythinpr t.hat tho inlustry of tlio cottntry rofpiires. Tn ■■ adGitiou we arc coustantly receiving and on hand a full stm-k of Sire ties anil American Iron, Horse shoe Iron, Nail rods, t f-c. AN arranted nf the oe*t quality, and sold a* , hi ap a* can 1 e purchased of any establishment west of New Y -k- A 1 arker mill Nails, Lead l'ipe, Glass, Sasli. Putty, White Lead, l.insei-d Oil. which is warranted perfectly pare. Saddlery Hardware, and Carriage IVTaker's Goods. COAL AM) WOOD COOK AND PAD LOR STOVES. Parlor and Cook Wood and C oal Sb-ve*. Peculator* and Sheet Iron Stoves, Stove Pipe. Ac. Now receiving supply of the celebrated Cook stove GOYKIiNOR, which is pronounced by all judgt s a* the best cook stove ia t market. It i e*pee'a'.lv adapted to the Parmer's use. As tve have the largest and most complete Hardware Store on the NOAV York and Erie Railroad, and tve intend tn purchase goods in the host markets, and by keeping a full assortment, selling as cheap as nossilile.we hope ;•> -•• "ft the patronage of those doing business in this market. STORKS A CH ATFKI.P. Owego, N. Y". Ylct. 21. is.sii. ! p-j-g, NOW IS THE TIME ItiF TO RET AMELAINOTYPES & AMBRQTYPES CHEAP ! G. H. WOOD Has reduced his prices of all binds of Pidttres with Cases, 25 per cent. Frames of nl! kinds kept on hand also at reduced pri l ce. Good Cases with Melainotypes, 7.Y cents ; all other I I kinds in proportion. Rooms oji'en at all honrs. Pictures : taken in all kinds of weather (except for children.) All work warranted. ! Towanda, July 27, ltviß. GEO. 11. BT Ni l INTO, RESPECTFULLY informs his former customers and i , the public generally, t'; at lie has removed his TAILOR'S SKOF, To one door south of Tracy A Moore's store and imme- 1 dintelv opposite D. C. Hall's Stove and Tin Store Main st. i He flatters himself that from hi- lone experience in LIN: siness lie will he ?blc to pleiu-e all who may favor him I with their custom. Owing to the Ivtr preisuct in the mo ney market, be will make Coats from $2 GO tn $ I JO.aeli ■ and other work in projtorlion for RKADY PAY". Co intry Produce in payment, will not he refused, if ollered. lowauda March 20, ls,,s, , U. WATROI'B 11. M. SKWARP r " "; C % f > WAT ROUS A Co., DEALKIi* A* It* ItKAVY 4- SH El. F HARDWARE. Xos. 3. Waters!. Blmira, X. Y. if# We have reeantly made larcc additions toonrctctcn 5 stock, and have now on hand a complete assortment® ery description of Hardware, wliicli we offer at He; * cash prices; consisting of Mechanic's Tools, llnilding tcrials, Iron and steel. Nails and spika, i;<>|>cs and 1 Age, Paints, Oils and Glass, Mill saws of every sue shape. either Malay Gang or Circular. . ~ v Machine Belting, of all widths, both of India n" 1 ' leather. Glass at whole-ale. We are prepared I,Man- Merchants with Gla--. Nails, scythes, Fork-. Ac.. " ■ B nfacturers prices. Tin, sheet iron, and Copier w " hand or made to order. • q(, O . CORTRACTOK S TOOLS—Wheelbarrows, Ames vols, Rla.-ting Powder, Ac. e.c.^. Agents Tor Rich A Wilder - * Patent Silf tr ;L. Fairbank's Platform Scales, and Welch A Grinitu $ Large sizes lip to 00 inch, always on hand and '' A,. Factory Prices. Particular attention paid to (,r mail. ~ . Kltnira, April 7, ISS. n-44 r A DIES' AND MISSES WHITE J J Col,.red 1 aisl.'s Wool and Silk Warp HOSr-T.., ceived by N0v.30. lI.S.MKKU T>OOTS, SHOES, H.\TS A\P AT ';' l> of all descripl'on*, foe Men.ttoric ' n .in itt w bieh s( e pnr hased of the ina fad • N; - - sold cheap ' r l A >ll at