Nero WHOLESALE &. RETAIL \\,)oi and Slioe Manufactory. JOHN KEIDLEMAN & CO., tr. -l.octfully inform the public that they have ' nunced the manufacture of Boots A Shoes, in tlu- 3!i a better article at a LOWER RATE than . d elsewhere. I 1 \1 K1NI, of all kinds, done with despatch,in short ' ' workmanlike manner. 1 \ !| i; dl also keep on hand a large assortment of LKA ; lEI \ DINGS which will be sold at the lowest li.'ares. I i~n pml for Hides, Sheep Pelts, he., at the highest _, r ' kol rates. J. BEIDLEMAX A CO. y, wan-it. Hec. 22.M58. i)A IifLAY KAIL ROAD AND COAL I) ( iiMl'N A V.—Notice is hereby given to the stock -. .... i the Barclay Railroad A Coal Company .that the up .-ling of -aid Companv will he held at their of- j n ll iadelphia, on MONDAY JANUARY 10, 1059, ,k. A which time and place an election 1,. Mir a President and twelve directors for the ' ,\,r. H.SHAW. ' Pec. 20, 1858. Secretary. SCRUBBING brushes, mop sticks Baskets. Grain Measures, l'ails, Tubs, Patent Rat fnp,Ae.,at Nov. a. FOX'S. THE GROVES. 6C BAKER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. 495 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, H AYING irroaily increased their facilities r m.uuila Muring thviri.'elebratul Family Machines, rcent improvements, have reduced their pri- I , ui.d oiler lor Mile A NEW STYLE MACHINE. PRICE s.>o. , ii-i !'.i!grr questioned that these Machines are the , . n i.for family sewing. They Hem, Fell, Gather, i. in the most superior manner; and arc the only ... pi the market that are so well and simply made, ,t 1.,,-v may i>e sent into families with no other iustruc- i , - an are contained in a circular which accompanies v . and from which a a child tf ten years may un lciw to use them, and keep tlieni in order, -I FIFTEEN HUNDRED STITCHES \ MINUTE, and will do tiie sewing of a family cheaper ,i ipi-t.f-s ran do it. even it she works at the rate , A put .in hour. Is there a husband, father, or bro i • the United States, who will permit the drudgery pg in liis family, when a G rover A Baker.Ma le it better, more expeditiously, and cheaper i ■> ip it ran possibly be done by hand. Send for a cireu i : sale by -I. M. ROBIN SUN, Lake St., Elmira, and I p. i II W'PLKR, Montrose. Susquehanna Collegiate Institute, ■IOtVAXHA, It!IAI)FOllI) CO., PA. INSTRUCTORS. ■ \VI!) UR U-'T. A.8.. Principal. Professor of Ancient j , lit :ires and Mental and Moral Scicuce ; , |\ . : S. DEAN. A. 8., Professor of Mathematics i, , Natural science. ■I f. Ib'RToN, Master of the English Department. | ' s> V. El.I/.A ERHVIIER, Preceptress ; -s ii. IciUiSA JENKS, Instructor on Piano, and of I \NKIEI.D DAYTON, Steward. ,:.-r Term coinmenccs on December Ist, and : . ,e It weeks, exclusive of a week's vacation at ( iu.-tuias. KXPKNSES PKK TERM. ,bh invariably in advance, or one half on entering ! t. , ••. , ami one half at the middle of the term —Fuel l and contingencies included: i". per term $ 4 00 rv G 00 | : l-t year, per term 7 00 11-..! -r. Ist and 2d year, per term, 8 00 j ( - !, l-t year, per term 700 | i '.d, 2d and 3d year, per term, 8 00 j I' !•-. itc.pcr term. 10 00 i \ 1 ads will be classed by the most advanced : nc: they respectively pursue. L using s holarships are charged {1 per term for

commencei u MONDAY . August 23. \ limited number only will lie taken.and Miss ('. tlat r c!t that from long experience in teaching, she * le enabled to do justice to tin- scholars coutidcd to iie.. re . TER*. TKR qi'AUTER OF 14 WEEKS ; /'i that this will be one of superior profit and plea th c .ittcnding. Arrangements have been made • 1 i.ittee, to furnish all menii>ers from a distance ... .1 oinmodation, at reasonable prices. A!>Missio\' TO THE WJIOI.E COI'KSE : OENTI KMEN $1 GO | I. AMES 50 by . nlcr of the Committee of Arrangements. ■ Raysville, N0v.,185. w. BRINK. Sec. I M" MERRY CHRISTMAS." AI IS 11 vN CO , OF KLMIUA INTEND - giving their customers a benefit, in the sliapc of ex- I r a ' nr.; :ns, in SliuavlS, Silk. Dress Goods, Embroideries, j ry, Fancy Goods, and many other fancy art i.-les for , r -tiuas Gilts,give them a call, secure a i.argain. and fond 1 eart glad. Itc.nein'ocr No. 5, Union *Wt, Elmira. N. Y. ' , HAPPY NEW YEAR." |)° VOU INTEND TO MAKE YOUR "ib y.ur Sister, your Cousin, your Sweetheart, or sr '. v lp nr friend, a nice "present on New Year's Day? if : • advise ym to make a selection from the splendid 'A on exhil.ition at MARSH A CO'h., Elmira, 1 >• lec. 14. I "OUR FRIENDS." \UK CONTINUALLY showing great bargains in Dry Goods, and to the question J when did you get them ?" The answer invariably , ■' st M.\|;s|| \ en s.. Elmira, N. Y. I "BIG STOCK" (|OOD ASSORTMENT, NEW GOODS, '■st Style,, and low prices, at MARSH A CAES.,No. ' '"'Hi Mack. Elmira, N. Y. VK\V and fashionable Hat and Caps, Iloots "" al "1 Stilus, great assortment received at 2s, is ,s. MEBCtTR'S. ( UOCKERY and Glass ware, a new assort- . J ment now opening at MKKCUR'K. JjOI.SE KEEPING GOODS at regular 1 Mii.t-h dnwn price.-, at MARSH k CO S. , 0f amou " t ' description and value of REAL AND PERSONAL . \i J ' Tradea, Protesaions and Occupations, Offices and Posts of Profit, Monev at Interest. Notes, Judg ments, Mortgages. Ac., Gold Lever, Silver Lever and Gold Watches, Silver Watches valued at over twenty dollars, Ac., Ac., as returued by the several Assessors of Bradford County, for A. D. 1559. * a? cT 5 = Townships | § fIU *1 11l J.M S 5 ? S and I 11 ii Boroughs. ; | :s' '--it I * * f 3*l? t f i ; =".5 : 3= J : Rrlsf - • . hJS . 5 . ens. b-i 87 Armenia $11,540 $1,074 ~~ ~ 223 Asylum 43,019 8,099 $3 700 2bo .... " i 234 Albany 47,375 9.105 " " 405 Athens Township 274.331 22.835 5 400 . 2 ltll Athens Boro 102,932 8.125 1,000 290 !!!! !!.! " 13 240 Burlington 84,006 11.135 300 200 187 Burlington West 78,501 8,115 47 Burlirgton Boro 15,844 2,308 1.000 50 | . ' 3 380 Canton 109,220 10,255 2,100 70 203 Columbia 158,257 17.307 330 545 ' 152 Durell 81.516 11,059 158 Franklin 38,48'J 0,552 100 205 Granville 85.47G 11,444 4,400 290 .) " '5 202 Derrick 69,191 9.551 2.100 1 232 Litchfield 01,938 10,280 2,000 20 i 194 Leroy 03,889 9,094 95 i 210 Monroe Township 91,495 100,93 .... 300 .... .... 55 Monroe Boro 14.499 3.400 004 .... .... .... 1 310 Orwell 121.555 15.712 2,700 635 5 '3 81 Overton 21,109 3,308 35 301 Pike 153,870 24,720 5,317 405 4 281 j Rome 90,412 14,503 335 Ridgbury 89,302 10,101 000 140 .. .] 1 173 I South Crpek 05.408 7,890 612 174 !Standing Stone 71,280 9,705 50 500 .. 1! L 431 iSmithfield 103,074 21,906 0,037 275 .... .. 3 [' 405 Springfield 139,541 20,192 1,397 305 .. .. !. 62 Sylvania Boro 17.050 2,201 1,420 100 .... .... .. 1 .. 313 IShcsheqnin 141,230 15,961 200 940 j 2 1 .. 114 'Towanda Township 70,356 8 928 1,400 100 .... . 1 j 118 Towanda North 44,940 5,410 160 1 1 I .. 294 Towanda Boro 140,930 18,285 10,000 685 1900 800 20 13 ! .. 199 uscarora 77,589 13.403 .... .... .... 292 Troy Township 107,503 17,349 1,050 425 .... .... .. 3 170 Troy Boro 57.107 6,525 2,400 .... 200 .. 8 203 Ulster 85,438 10.620 1,200 .... .... ~ 6 342 Warren 130,700 17,147 5,850 .... 255 Windham 105,515 18.377 2,785 .... 270 1 Wyalusing 99,234 13.290 500 180 100 1 .. 4 1 258 [Wysox 117,396 14,712 1,300 j 4 256 I Wells 86,210 10,154 2,150 75 | ..1 .. 225 jWilmot 57,950 8,245 80 100 j..| ~ 1 3,810,585 498,901 ' 77707 0585 1 1900 1700 i 33 i 70 12 BRADFORD COUNTY, SS.—We the undersigned. Commissioners of said County, do hereby certify, L. S. Hie above to be a true and correct statement of the returns made bv the several Assessors of Bradford County ; TUESDAY, the 2tli day of December. 1858,f0r the perpose of revising and equalizing said assessment. Given under our hands and Official seal, at Towanda, this oth day of December, A. D. 1853. D. LILI.EY. ) D. DECKER, - Commissioners. Attest -E. B. Coolbacgh, Clerk. P. H. BUCK. ) " TIIE WORLD BEAT." IT IS CON CE DKI) TH AT M A RSH & CO..' I JL OF KLMIRA,can, and do boat all competitors in sell ing Embroideries, Collars. Sleeves, Bauds, Flouuciugs, i Edgings, Inserting*. Ac., clieap, at L)EC. 7, ISAB. SO.A, UNION BLOCK. " LECrAL INTEREST." rpUE LEGAL INTEREST ON MONEY J I- is from ij to 7 percent, per annum, who therefore, ■ would pay 15 per cent, more for II DO DS oil cred- j it than tliey can buy the san;e articles for of MARSH A I CO., of Klmira, for Cash? "Ah, that's the question" ■ which is daily answered by many who hire money at ' simple interest and buy for Cash thiissaviug compound in-, i ; terest. Do you ask where Roods can he bought so cheap 1 for Cash? Our answer is at MARSH A CO S.. No. 5 j Union Block. Klmira. N. V. OUR WINTER STOCK IS MOST COMPLETE—CONSISTING |I. of Single and Double Rroelte Shawls from to S3O, Single and Double Wool Plaid Shawls front 10 s. to , j Dress Goods of every description, Boy's and Men's Wear | ! in every style and quality, from the cheapest Kentucky j ; Jeans to the finest Broad Cloth, Flannels from 1 s. a yard ! to the be-t in the world, Bleached and Brown Muslin j i from 5 cts, to the most superior grades. Table Cloths. Pi- j I aim Co\ers. Dinner Napkins, Tea Doylies, Damask, Tow ellings. Hosiery, Gloves, Mittens, Gauutlctts, and in fact I everything that a rational human l>cing can desire to find ; , in a lirst class Dry Goods Store, at M ARSH Sc CO S., No. 5, Union Block. Klmira, X. Y. EXPENSES PAID. I 1 LL CUSTOMERS FROM A DIS | -4 V, TANCE aho trade at MARSH A CD'S., in Klmira, | will have their expense* more than paid ou what they i save in the price of Goods. Hundreds of persons have tried it to their entire satisfaction. Try it on. come and see u.s, buy twenty dollars worth of us. and if you don't find it so. your expenses will all he paid in cash by Dec. 7 M Alfsll A COS., No. 5. Union Block. DRADFORD COUNTY IS WELL RE- i JLV presented at Marsh A Co's., in Klmira, where they ; : go to trade every day. at Dec.7. No. 5, Union Block, j FTUIE OXYGENATED BITTERS -FOR j _L the cure of Dyspepsia or indigestion, l.ivrr Com- I plaint. Asthma, Costivniess. or lots of Appetite. Fever and Ague, Heart Hum, IVuter ISrash. Acidity. .Sea Sirkness, Srui tey. Xnuseu, Headache, Ennui, and lirn crnl Debility, or any disease having its origin iu imper fect digestion. These Bitters, as all classes of our fellow citizens.inclu ding Members of Congress. Lawyers, Physicians. Clergy men, Planters, Farmers and others testify, are The oniy safe, certain, and sovereign specific for the immediate re lief and permanent cure of the many cruel complaints which in some phase or other of Dyspepsia afflict our i race. These Hitters were discovered by Dr. Geo. B. Green, and in their formula differ entirely from that of any other preparation of medicine. Containing no alcohol no min eral—no poison—n<> noxious drug in their nature tonic, not stimulating —retaining their virtues in any clinnqthcy i are a "combination and a form indeed" of medicine which I knows no rival in exterminating disease and restoring the i system to its pristine vigor and health. No matter of how long standing, or however induced or chronic in its j character the disease may he—no matter that it has baf fled the skill of the physician, and resisted the efforts of Medicine, a single trial of these Bitters will satisfy the sufferer that his disease is amenable to the proper remedy. fn testimony of the many cures effected by this Reme dy reference is had to the written certificates from distin guished individuals known all over the land. KKAI) TIIK FOLLOW I N'FI I.KTTEH : RK UFORI), Tioga Co., Aug. 25,1858. MESSRS. SET IT W. FOWI.E A CO. GENTLEMEN :—Af ter suffering for over thirty years with Dyspepsia.and try ing many remedies recommended for that disease with i out any good result, I was induced by Dr. F. If. While ; to give the Oxygenated Bitters atrial. Two bottles gave i me much relief and two more completely cured ine, 1 am I now seventy-five years old and for the la-t three months ! have felt no inconvenience from anything I have eaten. I I take great pleasure in recommending the Oxygenated i Bitters to all who arc suffering with a like disease. Miss Mary A. Snover, of Covington,and Miss Catharine j Beck, of Liberty, have experienced wonderful cures from i the Oxygenated Bitters. S. W. FOWI.E A CO., pr prie | tors, 80-ton. For sale by their agents everywhere. AUENTS Patton A Payne and H.C.Porter. Towanda ; I S. W. A D. F. Pomeroy, Troy; I>r. E. P. Allen, Smitli | field : T. Mather A Co., Ulster ; G. A. Perkins, Athens: j J. F. Long, Burlington. Pec. 7, I*sß STRAYKD.—Came to the enclosure of the HMBfir subscriber in Asylum, on or about the Ist of September hit. a White Spotted YEARLING HEIFER™ The owner of which is reduested to prove pro ' perty. pay charges, and take her away. | Nov. 12. 1758. GEORGE H. PRESTON. ; "VTOTTCE.- The Anneal Meeting >f the 1 x) Stockholders of the Bradford Railroad A Coal Cm- I puny, for ELECTION of DIRECTORS,and for such other I business as may come tip before them, will be held on i Wednesday, the 22d day of December next, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Merchant s Exchange, Philadelphia City, room number 24, up stairs. A BR. R. PERKINS, Philadelphia. Nov. 11. ISSS. ___ President. MONTANYES' STORE fTIIIE CREDIT SYSTEM NOT ENTIRE X LY EXPLODED We would say to our prompt pay ing Customers that we are still selling Goods on a credit | ef Six Months, and that we are receiving large supplies ' by railroad and canal weekly, and our prices w ill compare j favorably with our cash receiving neighbors. THE WHOLESALE FEATURE of their concern is still continued, and small parcels, for Cash will be sold at i Wholesale Prices. ONE BOAT I.OAD OF IRON AND NATI.S just re ' reived from the Duncanon Iron Works which will he sold to the trade at city prices including freight. Let us pa- ( tronize the manufacture of our own State, i Nov. 24. lss. MONT ANTES. , / 10TTEN, LINEN AND MARSAILLES | V-/* Shirt Bosoms, at No. 1, Patton s Block. i COLE AND UPPER LEATHER, st lO ROCKWELL'S, cor. Main A Bridge ets. Patton s j Block. Nov. 24. : \f ACKIXAW TROUT, WHITE FISH, j I i'L Blue Fish, Mackerel and Codfish, at No. 1, Patton a Block. Nov. 24. _ i "PROVISIONS OF ALL KINDS. A Nov. 24. at loctwmv ENTLEMEN'S SHAWLS.—Dol>leand U Single Bmche, r.lanket, Mantle, and P.hiwls, Nor 24 * W. .4 ROCKWELLS. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice il. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Samuel Satterlee dec'd.Jatc of Smithfield township, are requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims against said estate, must present them duly authenticated, to the subscriber. CONST ANT 51ATTHEWSOX, Nov 24, 1858. Administrator. \ DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice IX. is hereby given, that all psrsons indebted to the e - tate of CLARRISSA GRACE, dee'd.. lute of Springfield, are hereby requested to make payment withuot de lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. H. S. GROVER, Dec. 14. 1858. "Administrator debonis non. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hcre .LJ hv given that all persons indebted to the estate of DAVID PLAYFOOT late of Athens township,dee'd, must make immediate payment, and all persons having de mands against said estate, will present them duly authen ticated for settlement. EDWARD A. MURRAY, I Dec. 1.1858. Executor. 1 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. -Notice f\_ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to tliees- I tate ot Josiah Bosworth d-e'd. late of Pike twp., are re quested to make payment without delay : and nil persons having claims again-t said estate, must present them duly authenticated for settlement, to the subscribers. TRAVEL BOSWORTH. Oct. 18. 1858. Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE —By virtue J\. of all order issued out of the Orphans' Court in and for the county of Bradford w ill be sold at public auction on the lltli day of DECEMBER. 1858. at 2 o'clock.P.M., at the Athens Exchange in 'Athens boro', the following described pieces or parcels of land, to wit : one piece sit uate in Athens twp.. hounded north by lands of Warren I King and Jerome White. we-t by land of John Morley. j smith by land of William Underwood, ea-,t by land of Al | vin Morley. Containing seventy-five acres. And the oth ! er piece situate in Litchfield twp.. bounded north by land : of Cyrus Merrill, east by lands of Stephen Evans and A. j Baldwin, south by land <>l O. Carner. west by land of | Thomas Munn. Containing about eighty acres. Terms I made known on day of sale. ALMIRA <>XAN, Athens, Nov. It.. ISSS. Adm'x. John Onan,dee'd. A UDITOIUS NOTICE. — In the matter of Jf\.. the estate of Daniel O A~c fe,\ In the Orphans' C uirt of Bradford County. And now to wit, Dec, 7,1858; on reading affidavit and a certain petition of review and assignment of errors in and to the final account filed by the administrators of said i -tate,the I 'ourt decree and grant a re hearing of - > much of, said final account as is alleged to he in error in said bill or partition of review that such relief as equity and justice may require may be granted, and for that purpose appoint ELHAN'AN SMITH an Auditor in said matter of re-hearing, and order that said Auditor give Catharine Cusack and John Flynn.two of said Administrators,twen ty days notice before the time of meeting of said parties on said matter of re-hearing, and give the usual notice by public advertisement. To AI.L WHOM IT MAY COVCKJtN*. T.IKK N'OTICK: Tll:lt by virtue of the foregoing order and decree of said Court, the undersigned Auditor will attend to the duties of his appointment, in said matter of re-hearing at his office in ' the Boro' of Towand, on Friday the 28th day of January 185 it, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, when and where all persons interested may attend if they think proper. Dee. 20. ls.-,s. KLHANAN SMITH, Auditor. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— James McCarty IV. to the use of I'. M rear, vs. I Villi am Mnunsey. In the Common Pleas of Bradford County, No. 1%, Dc comber Term. 1856. The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised by Sheriff's sale of real estate ot defendant, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the offi e of U. Mercnr, in Towanda boro'on Thursday the 3d day of Feb uiry. 1858. between the lours of 10 o'clock A.M." end 12 o'clock. M .at which time and place all per sons interested are required to present their claims or else be forever debarred from said fund. M. F. KINNEY. Auditor. December, 21,18,58. EWKCUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is lu re I J by given that all persons indebted to the estate of THOMAS BRINK, deed., late of Pike township, must make immediate payment, and all persons hiving de mands against said estate, will present them duly authen ticated for settlement. I'KRLEY 11. B! ('lx. Dec. 20, 1858. Executor. New Books and Stationary ! JOSEPH KINGSBERY IS NOW replenishing his Stock for the winter schools. Nov. 24. 1858. New Cook Stove for Coal. r piTK NEW EAGLE COOK STOVE FOR BURNING X COAL Believed to be superior to any COOK STOVE heretofore offered in this vicinity, now ready for exhibi tion or sale at the EAGLE WORKS. Purchasers need not he reminded of the advantages of buying a Stove where it is made. O. I). BARTLETT. Towanda, Nov 24, 18.58. T>ARCLAY R R & COALCOMPANY. J3—Retail prices of Coal at Towanda per ten : LCMI* COAL. SMITH COAL. By the single ton t'2.25. $2,00. After the first of December COAL will be delivered in town, at the door, at 25 cents per load. COAL is sold, for cash only, at the office of the Rail road Company, in Patton'a Block,corner of Main A Bridge Streets (second story); also at the store of O. D. BART LETT. JAMES MAC'FARLANE. Towanda, Nov. 24.1858. Gen'l Superintendent Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings! A LARGE ASSORTMENT, for Portrait and Picture Frames, Looking Glasses —Looking Glass Plates,and j French Picture Glass of all sizes. Frames and Looking | (Basses made to ardor, at prices to suit the times. | * j-Ready made coffins, of fine finish, and different sizes, with a good hearse, ready at all times. Low prices ' and terms easy. • Towanda, Oct. 20, Ih5S. CHESTER WELLS. FARM FOR SAI.B. ■JtJaftli. CHESTER PIERCE, in Wysox, Bradford ! County, Pa., wishing to retire on account of feeble health, from the care of his farms, of- ! fersthem with all their improvements for sale; they are pleasantly situated in Wysox. oppo- j ! site Bowman's eddy, one mile"and a quarter from Towan- j da Bridge. Containing seventy acres each, of fertile land all unproved and in a good state of cultivation, each hav ing comfortable dwellings, l.arns, grancry and apple or chard thereon, together forming a completely furnished, comfortable, pleasant and retired farm residence, and if applied for toon will be sold at a bargain. For further parti< ularsapply to CHESTER PIERCE living near the pieraises. Wysox. Dec. 7, 1858. flleril)ani>i?e, K'c. NEW ARRANGEMENT! The subscriber would most respectfully re turn the pub lic his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage he has re ceived for the last eighteen years, which time he has de voted to the mercantile business in Towanda and the ad joining town, and from the experience he has had, he is uow prepared at his new quarters NO. 3, FATTON'S EZ.GCIT, Nut door to Pattern 4" Payne * lh-ug Store, To sell Goods to his old Customers, and others who wish to give him a call, at least 21 per cent < heaper than can be had at any other store in Towanda Borough. Ail that he asks is a careful examination of his Goods, which were purchased in New York and Philadelphia, at auction and of the mannfacturers.consequently more Goods can lie had of him for less money than at any other [dace, lie wants it distinctly understood that his Goods will he sold in lu ture for CASH, or most kinds of Produce. #T Don't forget the place,N T o. 3. PATTOX'S BLOCK, between the Drug A Clothing Store. CASH paid for Grain and Good Shingles. Towanda, Oct. PJ. J. HARVEY PHIXXEY, jr. TjMNE ASSORTMENT PARAMETAS, A Figure and Plain I'eLaines, from 12 to 2.1 cents, nt Oct. lit. ISSK. PHIXXEY'S. I) ON NET RIBBONS, FLOWERS— I ' llii -.he Cloaks, P.aglans and Shawls from $1.21 to 112. at PHI X X E V 'S. I FRINGES.LA< ES.VELVFT RIBBONS Buttons, Braid. Ac., at PIIIXXEY'S. EMBROIDERED COLLARS, HAND -I-i KERCHIEFS, Marsailes Sleeves and Guilts,cheap at Oct. 19,1868. PHINKEY'S. SHETLAND YARN, EMBROIDERY SILK and Zephyr Worsted, at PHIXXEY'S. T>RINTS—3OOO YARDS OF EXTRA A QUALITY, for 5 cents, and any quantity from <;j to 12 cents, at PHIXXEY'S. DOMESTIC GOODS of all descriptions, Ticks, Denints, Drills, Sheeting, Stripe Sheeting, Jeans. Sattinett, Casaiiuere Cloths, Ac., cheap lor Ready Ray, at PHIXXEY'S. m GARS of nil kind-, COFFEE, TEA, O Molasses, Syrups, Fish, Rice, and Tobacco,nlwat-. on hand, at PHIXXEY'S. MAILS, GLASS, OIL, PUITY, SASH, -L1 Crockery, Drugs and Dyes, cheap lor Ready Pay,at No. :(, PATTOX'S BLOCK. ' Oct. IS, una. J. HARVEY PHINNEY, jr. Qi y \ BOXES OF GLASS 7x9 to 15x30 2no Bb!s Salt ; 110 Bbls Solar Salt ; 300 Bids i Lime and Water Cement ; Oakum by tlm lib! or pound I i Pitch by the Bbl or lb.: Rosin bv the hid or lb : Tar by the bbl or gallon. Just received and tor sale cheap at. Oct. I'.i. lsis. TRACY A M 'oRK. ! ITRFSII RAISINS AND CURRANTS, A at FO.VS i O I'K.'FS of till kinds, Ground and Whole ; O also. Mustard Seed, Caraway and Celery Seed at SOT. 2. 1858. FOX'S. / CORNSTARCH, TAPIOCA. FA KIN A. Yv Rice Flour, Baker's best, Cocoa and Chocolate, at Nov. ?■ FOX'S. MACKEREL. No. i, 2and3, PICKLED - SII A D and (' at I'OX'S. !p A MILY GROCERlES—lncluding: al- A. most every article in that line required in any family for sale cheap, at FOX'S. 0 UGARS of every grade, Raw and Refined, kA Syrup and Molasses, and the best Tea in in lowii. Nt Xov. 2. FOX'S. OLD JAVA AND RIO COFFEE. PURE Grou d Java Coffee, Green Tea at 10 cents per lb., as good as can be bought at other places for 71 cents, at Xov. 2. FOX'S. BLACK, DRAB & BROWN LADIES' CLOTH, at No. 1. Patinn* Block. HOODS AND RIGGOLETTS, at Xov. 24. ROt KWELI 'S. I>UFFAL() ROBES for sale, and any <)tm- J tityoT FURS WANTED, at ROCKWELL S. BOM BAZI NES &. ALPACAS in all grade s freer l*';d to 12s a vard, at MARSH A CO S. IT XTR ACTS for flavoring, for sale cheap I Fj at FOX'S. ! THRESH BI'TTFR A SODA CRACKERS X? at NOT. 2. FOX'S. 1 )ARA MAT AS A MFRINOFS from lsf.d J- j yard to the best grades, in all colors, at MARSH A co s. MUTS AND CANDY, at WIIOLFSALF it very low. at FX'S. ITXTIIACT OF LEMON, ROSE VAN ILL A, and Almond, .a FOX'S. HOOU SKIRTS from t's each, to Douglas . A Sherwood's best, at MAR-HI A- CO'S. MYE R' S M ILLS. rpHH undersigned having purchased the above well L known mills and attached to it a Steam Engine, am! also ]iut every thing connected with it in perfect repair, with all the modern improvements now in use in tirst class Flouring Mills—would respectfully solicit the pa tronage of the community—trusting that the reputation the mill has heretofore borne may not suffer in the hands ol the new firm. It shall be our aim to do all work en trusted to us promptly and in the best possible m liner. Customers from a distance may rely upon having tin i: work done at once, so as to make but one trip " to mill." Mr. FROST will continue to give bis own personal at tention to the business at the mill. CASH paid for all kinds of GRAIN : also Flour. Meal and Feed for sale at the lowest market prices. MYER, FROST A CO. ISA V C MY KK T. O. Ft'.OST It. T. FOX. XoKl'll Tew ANPA. Oct. 6, 1 SIM. THE LATEST NEWS By the Atlantic Telegraph FROM ELM IRA. "VTI'.WS lias just cornc to haml that MAPSII A CO., of IN No. 1, I'XIOX BLOCK. ELM IRA. have received per Express during the last few days direct from tin tiictrqi lis, over ten thousand dollars worth of SPLENDID N EW FALL GOODS ol the very latest importations and most desirable styles, consisting ol just everything. to which the attention of close cash buyers is particularly invited. •• A word to the wise is sufficient." Let all read their advertisement of New Goods daily and wieklv, and go see and judge whether or no 2d per cent, can be saved by buying Dry Good, of M ARSH A CO.. Mi. 1. Uhion Block. Elraira, X. Y. PLANNERS. —From Is a yard to the very -L best in the market, at MARSH A CO'S, Elraira. DRESS GOODS.— From lid ii yard tosls a pattern, at MARSH A CO'S. I > UFFA LO ROBES—Two do/,. Buffalo 1-AA Robes, just received and for sale cheap, at Nov. 11.1 sis. POWELL'S KEYSTONE-TORE. TRU IT.—Fresh Raisins, Zantee Unrrants, . Prunes, Dried Peaches, Ap[iics and Berries, at Nov. 24. ROCKWELL'S. A Splendid assortment of WALL PAPER, ji\ Nov. 24. at ROCKWELL'S. / CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS —consisting of i \J Woolen and Enameled Cloths, Damasks, Fringes, Fares, Ac. Ac., just received and for sale by BJo, tobcr 12. H. S. MERCER. POLORED, DOUBLE EXTENSION, ' VT STEEE HOOP SKIRTS, a new and beautiful article st received at jy 13 MERCER'S. VS USUAL, ft largr stock of Domwtic . Goods. Heavy Penim, Sheetings and Tickings, Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Irish Lincnsaud White Goods, of every description, at Sept. 2S, UM. MERCER'S. GENTLEMEN'S and Youth's Fur, Ber lin and Buck Gauntlets and Gloves, at I Sept. 28, I*s*. MERCER'S BONNET RIBBONS, Fringes and I>re-- Trimmings of the latest styles, new Silks and Vel vets, now offered at low prices, hy Sept. 19, lb'l®. H S. MERCER. ill's 'cdaucom. The Heady Pay System TRIUMPHANT! \T LAST it lias been reduced to a certainty that GOODS can be successfully sold in Towanda FOR CASH. Those doubting tins will do well to call at the store of JOSEPH POWELL, Where it will be shown that the Meichant in selling his Goods can aflbrd to sell cheaper tor CASH, and can offer inducements sufficient to make it an object for purchasers j at whatever sacrifice they are obliged to make to procure the money to adopt in their puichase- the Cash System. Having just removed to his new Store, hereafter to be known us the arid being now in receipt of a large assortment of ■ J da of almost every description, under the mostfavoi cumstances, for CASH, lie is enabled to and w ijiriees far less than can be done by those by wliom.7* s given. EXAMINE, COMPARE VXD JUDGE! nRY GOODS.— An assortment heretofore unequalled by any thing ever offered ill Towanda of i FANCY AND STAPLE DRY G'>ODS, comprising many I new and desirable lytles of Goods unknown in thi- mar ket ; among whieb will be fouud in Ladies Dress Goods, ali the novelties of the season, cheap at the KEYSTONE. QHAWLS.—New and Choice Patterns of i t Broebe. Stella. Plaid Wool. Talma, Mantilla, and Knitted Worsted Shawls, cheap at the Oct. 12. KEYSTONE. I BONNETS, Ribbons and Trimmings, wholo .) sale and retail, cheap at the KEYSTONE. DOMESTIC GOODS.—AII the different qualities of Prints. Gingham-, Bleached Goods. liny tiiihleai t d Muslins, Ticks. Stripes, Denims. Sheetings, i Cotton Vain, Carpet Warp, B.itw, Ac., cheap at the Oct. 12. KEYSTONE. i / ILOTIIS, CASSIMFBES AND VEST ! v.-' INGS. --Black and Col ireel Cloths Doe-kins, Tweeds, Sattinett-. Kentm ky Jean-, and a bcautilul assortment ; nf I'-incy Cassiraere.-, cheapat the KEYSSONE. I >DOTS AND SHOES.— All the tiifferetit 1) de-ei of Boots and Sh . f>r men, women and children* wear, ju-t received and will be -old lit le-s ! price.- than ever known at the KEYSTONE. MAI'S AND CARS.—Men's and Boy's . Hats ami Caps, in all the new and desirable style*. \ ju-t received and for sale cheap at the KEVSTOK. / MIOCFKIKS! GROCERIES!— Sngnrs VT at less price.- than can be found elsewhere. Molas ses, Coffee, Ac. Ac., and a superior article of Young Hv son T> a, at oh cents per pound, juat rei eived at the ; 'Oct. Pi. KEYSTONE. TJAINTS, Oils, Glass, Ac. &e.—At the I Keystone will alwavs be found an assortment ot ' Paint-. Oils,. 11--. Sash. Putty, Ac.. A '..together with a ' thousand other kind of Goods, which time nor space will admit of remuneration. TOWANIM, Oct. 12, ISIS. ])RINTFD FRENCH MORINOFS— Ail I assortment of Colors of new and beautiful ceived to-dav at Oct. 11. " POWELL'S KEYSTONE STORK. YirOUSTED HOODS. —A large lot of T T Women-. Misses and Children's Floods, just re vived at the Oct. 21. KEYSTONE STORK. lMEantillas, Cloaks and Raglans. I POWELL would rts]i cifully announce • to the ladle-that he w ill always keep on hand a 1 1 large assortment ■' Cloaks, Ac., of different Styles, and I that he ha- made arrangements to furni-h to order on hoi t | notice any article wanted in this Hue. from < lie.ipest to - Inst, at rates below New York i ity retail pre es. He will ai-i receive -ample ■ ef new -tyles as tliey ajipear, to i which he invjtes your attention. I I iktober 11. COLE AND UPPER LEATHER. CALF l k • aud Kip Skins, Mi rceco and Finding-. ju-t receiv ; iogat HUMPHREY A WICKHAM'B. 1 )EN r J 1 IST! DR. G. S. PFCK, Suru't'oit ami Mpchani ral Denti.-t, being [icrmanentlv located in Towanda, - tenders his p o''"—ional services to it-citizens. E-pceia attention given to FILLING and CI.EAXSIXG DKA'A Y ED TEETH, also EXTRACTING and ARRANGING IRREGULAR TEETH IN CHILDREN. Teeth insert ed on pivot; als > gum and plain incorruptihlo teeth monnted on gold, silver, elieoplastic and Siaytons base, i I f.oin one to an entire set, in the most artistic manner j known to the profession. I All the above operations will he performed with a ! THOROUGH PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE of his bu*i . ness. am! duty to his patient. t Office over E. T. Fox's Store. No. 1, Brick Row. En - trance, first door on Pine street. i X. B. Produce taken in part payment for dental ope s rations at its market price. July JO, tsis. ! I)R. J. MACKINTOSH, J)XX -V'/.s 7* ha- returned, and w ill be at home —-JLLJLJLT I,U two months to come. J. M. would dis , abuse the public luindot the impression that he was hunt ' ng up a place to settle in while absent. He is settled here, and will remain so. Towanda. August I. WW. Patronize a Home I3nierprizc ! A Book-Bindery in Towanda! UTE would respectfully announce to our friends and the public generally, that we have connected with our Printing office.-mil Book A Stationery Store, a Plain r and Fancy BOOK-BINDERY, and earnestly solicit the patronage of all who desire anything in the line. Having secured the scrvi< es of one of the best binders in the United Slates, we Hatteronr-elve- that we can give universal satisfaction both in workmanship and price.— 1 Therefore we present to the public the strongest assuran • ees that we are prepared to bind in a workmanlike man ner, ail kinds of BOOKS, among which we may name ' Bildes. Hi-forie-. Music, Magazine*. Pamphlets. Periodi cals, Law and School Books, to order or put (era in French, Ililin, German ami l'ngfis/i s!i/!r ;in Vrlrtt, Sit/;, Cloth, T.rather and I'afcr. upon the most reasonable rates, for CASH, or ready pay ®jr(Jive us a trial. . Particular attention given to re-binding Books. All , work warranted to be properly executed. Plain and Fancy Paper Boxes made tordrr. Jan 1, ISIS. E. A. PARSONS. BOOKS 8l STATIONERY ! n"Tlie attention of the public i- reque-trd to the very general and excellent assortment nlwaj- on band at the Vrgas Book nml Stati-nci v Store, lir-t budding north ol the Ward Ilon.-e. Call and examine our stock. IT MBROIDERIES.—Ch;.apost in tbe wmld I J J at M VRSH A CO S. EAGLE FOUNDRY! \N D MACI 11 X K S! IOP ! Again in XVZoiion ! miTE SuKscriKtr having purcltasoil the above I works, situated at the lower eml of town, near the Canal Basin of the Barclay Rail Road Co., (the same es tablishment formerly carried on by Eainorenx, Hall A Russell.) and having employed a competent -ot of work men, i now prepared to execute orders for Castings or Machinriyof almost any kind. He also manufactures a varietv of C mk. Parlor and Office stoves. He respect ful!'.' solicits a share of public patronage. Towanda.Sept. s. 105 ft. "■ D. HARTI.ETT. I p ENTS FT'RNISHING GOODS—A ® ' large lot of Mar-aille- ami Linen Shirt Bosom- and Collar-. Brocade Silk Worsted Scarf*, of new and • beautiful -tyles. Cravat-. Glove-. Wool Shirt* and Draw - or*. ::t prices below am Good- of the quality ever offered in Towanda. just received at the Oct. 21, 1 -is. KEYSTONE STORE. Ulertljnnimc, &'r. new akiuval Of !FAli ©@©©3l ns. MKRCUR lias ngain the j>lesur • nf announcing to hi patrons and tho public, the | arrival ut bis store of a very large and beautiful assort j meat ot FALL liOOl>b, which uieaus everything that U I wanted, and which will as heretofore be sold for CASH at as low -Jin] generally lower prices, than can be found ' at other stores. Few |n>*se* equal, and none superior facilities for obtaining cheap and desirable floods, and purchasers are respectfully requested to compare quall | ties ami prices. Towamla, Sept. 20, 185*. MERINOS nnd u'l Wool De i X I ..lines in various colors, for sale by I s. pt. 21. 18Mb KS. MKRCL'R. IXJIH.INS, Valeiitias, I'lain and Printed I'd.nines, Rubes, Debeges and other dress goods. w ill be found at j Sept. 21. ISSS. 11. S. WWM. QUAWLS ! SHAWLS ! : - Sir.-Ic and kr double Broche, Cashmere, Thibet, Silk and Wool i Shawls at Sept. 21, lt5S. 11. S. MKRCUR'S. O/wwv YAKDS of those celebrated fid ■ t Mft f Prints ; also, an extensive line of Merrimau Prints, just ree'd by | Sept. 21. Ibis. _ 11. S. MERCUP. I AIMKS MERINO VESTS, for sale by I 1J 11. g. lUatCL'R. :ia¥ A r. I. r L' It ATJ E 1 Iq ft T ? * * JOSEPH KINGSBERY, TWO DOORS BELOW PUBLIC SQUARE, KTLAKES pleasure in informing his customers and tl a X public generally that lie is now prepared to offer the MOST ELEGANT AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF AUTUMN GOODS ! EVER EXHIBITED IX THIS BOROUGH. Constant additions of desirable articles w ill be made, and i no pains will bo spared to keep up an assortment of Goods, which for beauty, variety and cheapness, ICANNOT BE SURPASSED! Special attention is invited to the department of READY MADE CLOIHING, In which may be found every variety of Goods usually kept by hou-es who devote themselves exclusively to this branch of trade. Tovvanda. August 29. Ls.Tf. New Fall and Winter Goods! HU.TVZPHB.EIT & WICIIHAM 1 RE now receiving ft vt ry large nnd desirn _s.\ ble assortment of Goods t citable for the season, comprising almost every article wanted in the lino of Dry Goods—such as Sheetings, Shirtings. Drillings, ; Ticking, Denims, Cotton Yarn. Batts, Wicking, Twine, Calicoes, Ginghams, Broadcloths, Casslmercs. Satinett.s, Kentucky Jeans, Vesting*, Ladies Press Goods in varie -1 ty. Crockery, Mietland Yarn, Family Groceries, Hard j ware. Hats" and Caps, a large assortment. Tiie usual largo stock of Boots nnd Shoes, of great variety in styles r and prices, both eastern and home manufacture. A very large stock of Sole and Upper Leather, Kip and Calf I Skins, both French ami American, Linings. Shoe thread , and Pegs, a large stock of Lists, Boot Trees, Crimps, , ' Ac., Wooden and Tin Ware, Ac.. Ac., which we offer to \ ' our numerous patrons and friends, and to the publio generally, for CASH or County Produce, at prices which ! | cannot fail to plesc. We respectfully invite the attention ' ; of buyers before purchasing elsewhere. Cash paid hit I Hides A Skins. I Towanda. Oct. 4. lAM. MORE NEW GOODS ! . 1 Consisting of r A TEKIXOS, 1 !>i POPLINS, DELAINES, ROBES, DEM IMS. SHIRTINGS. 10 4 SHEETINGS, GLOVES, ; HOSIERY. Ao j JnSt received and fbr Bale by H. >. MEftCUR BUFFALO ROBES. —Tiw Unrmt asort meut in town, at NorJll. MERCUR "8. GREAT INUNDABONTi -An Lives Lest, but Crinoline greatly endan gered by the Rush of Customers ot Xo. 1, Patten s Block, occasioned by the arrival of New Winter Goods, WHICH WILL BE SOLD CHEAP, CHEAPER. CHEAPEST! \VHLLIAM A. ROCKWELL has just ' f r returned from the city with an unusually large and ■ i carefully selected assortment of Winter Goods, to which r I he invites your attention, his stock of DRY GOODS are nt the latest styles, and unrivaled in cheapness ami excel i 1 me. His GROCERIES arc <>f the choicest kinds and in endless variety. His large stock of ROOTS A SHOES are not to be surpassed by any in the county The attention of HOUSE-KEEPERS is particularly in vited to his assortment of CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, - TIN A WOODEN WARE,Carpetings. Curtain Draperies, and House furnishing Goods gene,ally,all of wbichwiil bo sold at prices which cannot fail to please the most difficult. WORSTED PLAID. Wool DeLaines, DeLaln Robes, . Blur Polka l>el.ains, at No. 1 Patton's Block. nil ESS TRIMMINGS, CHEN I ELK. Velvet Ribbons. Tassels, Acorn Buttons, Bonnet I | Kihhvus, Flowers and W.A.ROCKWELL'S. F^EATIIERS. —Aii elccrant assortment of Black, White, Crimson and Fancy Plumes, at I Nov. 24. W. A. ROCKWELLS. fc)i WA LBS LIVE GEESE FEATHERS, of superior quality, for sale nt the Store and Hardware Store of Nov. 9 I). Cb HALL. New Arrival of Clothing! ."> IXCI OVER COATS. ALL KINDS. AT iOU COLLINS & POWELL'S. 130 BUSINESS COATS, ALL GRADES. AT COLLINS A POWELL'S. 100 CHEAP WINTER VESTS, AT COLLINS A POWELL'S. 230 WINTER PANTS. AT COLLINS A POWELL'S. All the above articles were bought for CASH nnd nra selling off 23 ncr cent. less than actual c ut. Towanda. Ksv.36, IKM. COLLINS A PoWEI.L. Great Bargains in Goods! TS.ACST ck TVIOORS, VRE now receiving a verv large ami desir - able assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, which will be sold .'!< hnv as anything that can be found in this market consisting of Dry Goods.Shirting,St ripe Shirting, : : Ticking.Denims, Cotton Itatts.Cotton Yarn, Carpet Warp. Wicking. Prints, Sattincts, Kentucky Jeans, Fancy and Black Cassimere, Black and Blue Broad Cloth. Linser, 1 Cotton Table.Diaper Linen Crash. Napkins. Tablecloths, Damask Table Spreads. Bleached Muslin, Red ami Whits ; Flannel Cotton Flannel, Grain Bags. Ac. I) K r-s Goons. De Lainct. Hamilton A Pacific mills. No. I. Poplin.. De Bege.s. Cbenile Scarfs, Knit Hoods, Merinos. '.c iineres, Paramatas, Ac. Simti.s. A 1 iree assortment of new and choice pat - 1 tern* of Stella and Wo*,! Shawls. IUTS AM> Cars Men ami Roy's Wool and Fur Hats i and Caps, the finest assortm-nt in town. ROOTS Vl> Sums -All the different description of Men, Women and Children's Wear, wild cheap far cash. October 12. 183*. TRACY A MOORE. * Ziadics Dress Goods. I)AKTICUI.AR attention is invited t a large *nrt I nieiit of Ladies' Dress Goods, MOW being received by ' ; JOSEPH POWEI.L comprising everything that is now j fashionable and durable in Borages, Crape Mnsctt, Or [ gaudies. French Printed Jaconetfs. I.awns, English and French Prints, Brilliants. Ducal Plaids. Lustres, Challi s ' Ginghams. Prints. Ac.. Ac., which will be sold at price* I far less than ever before offered in Towanda. I I JinM s . lASR. ! QTOVES FOR SALE.—-A Second Haul, ] j No. 10. " (,uecn of the West" COOKING STOVE. 1m giod condition- al-o a Sheet won Air Tight slv.lO, ls„d.