Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 23, 1858, Image 1

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rj\)AY r :
y 4ay Morning, December 23, 1858.
ftlcttcb Poctnj.
. sn . some hearts that, like the loving vine,
tn unkindly reeks and mined towers,
that -after ami do not repine—
• M! and sweet as low-trodden flowers
1 - from the passer's heel arise,
.0 odorous breath instead of sighs.
.. are other hearts that will not feel
] i .wlv love that haunts their eyes and ears;
■,v .and fond faitli with anger worse than steel.
! ul; t of Pity's spring draw idle tears.
Nature ' shall it ever lie thy will
n „. „ jth good to mingle, good witli ill ?
, -Iwuld the toot of sorrow press
willing heart of uneomplainitig love—
, u tv that shrinks not from distress,
•Vness, both her tyrants to reprove ?
\ irtue weep forever and laiueht,
hard heart tarn to her and relent?
. ~,„M the reed lie broken that will bend ?
t;,. v that dry the tears in others eyes
. ;r .um anguish welling without end,
. ,irnmei darkened with the .-111 ike of sighs?
I f ;,i some fair Eden of his own
;,rat L-t, and leave us here alone.
, T.|'th always weepeth for the past,
. - that are. tor woes tdat may betide ;
1 .1,1.1 r"t hard ambition weep at last,
1 •,1 v and hatred, avarice and pride ?
I i-| r-. sorrow is your lot.
w.niM Is- rebels love rebelleth not.
: ill istf II a lit C US.
! the first state prisoner.
1 iii New York, June 1781, by trade
: 1 nnilmnkcr, in the 22nd year of my
In October following, (at that time the
was at of town, and only JO,OOO iniiab
with ten thousand fools, some big
! -ome .-mailer than myself, we stood
the vibrations of the rope and iron
, ihiring two long hours. Then the sheriff
en the scaffold and read a reprieve. I
- I was much disappointed, i expected
a hanging, Gut no hanging was there.
- man was Noah Gardner. He kept a
. -hoe store in New York. He committed
. v, which at that time, was death by the
-e United States. The State prison
a Vork was in the course of erection at
ne: this was the first prison erected in
rid for reform, instead of hanging. The
of Friends were the chief promoters of
imnne >v-tcin. One room in the prison
■nr ready to receive criminals. The
. procured from the Governor a com
'ion from death to the State prison for
ig a -lioemakcr bv trade, they gave him
. wax, lasts and awls, and here com
1 tlie state prison shoe manufactory.—
art, six vagabonds were scut to keep
inpany, them lie learned to make shoes.
'I the prison three years after this. In
ge room sat three hundred shoemakers,
was provost marshal, walking through
inks with cane in hand, punishing evil
• ami praising them that did well. Seven
■having passed over him, the Friends wait
tlie Governor. " Friend," said tliev,
vears ago you wouid have lmng this
: miw here is a reformed member saved
•received an unconditional pardon, and
"'it. The Friends found him a store 011
1-trcot, found him money, endorsed his
' ami gave liirn their custom. Inimediatc
was in a thriving way. He joined the
ety of Friends, and said thee and thou
■ ltlie best of them. 11c had a wife, and
:ren arrived at maturity,
uis journeymen were chiefly men of families,
d wrought at their own houses. One day
yare a man a pair of boots, " Now friend,"
he, "thee must Gring home these boots on
: day evening. Says he, "you shall have
'I lie boots did not coine home till the
day evening. Noah was wroth. He gave
man a long lecture on the evils of disap
'nient and want of punctuality. When lie
■ v up to breathe, the man replied:
S i\ I am a poor man ; have three ehil
dic youngest forty-eight hours old. I
10 '' ud to my wife and cor k for my cliil
lt was not in my power to finish the
-Miner." Noah still continued to magni
iiorrors of disappointment. The'man
angry ; the Scotch blood boiled in his
"■ m struck the counter with his fist like
hammer. " I know," said he, " its a
'' thing to be disappointed. I remember
- "|> to the I'ark to see you hung, and I
as s 0 disappointed in my life as when I
l ' c reprieve."
w this was a knock down argument, as
•hnian would say. It was a case in point,
"? Kay in court ; and a fact beyond all
,( | -y, as they say in Congress. Noah
ft'ah; lie opened not his mouth. He gave
an another pair to make, kept him in his
yni'tit, treated him kindly, but as, the
bd, he never heard the word disappoint
irop from his lips thereafter,
h went on prospering and to prosper.—
:a . v he borrowed various sums of money,
tained a number of endorsements. The
changed for gold : the endorsements
•'1 in Wall-street. That night he
: w parts unknown, taking with him a
r, the wife of a young friend to cheer
the way. The story is true to the let
•"1 being the first subject of state prison
■ ,! 'e day dreamers of the present time
""•e the question, whether hanging or
l'"son reform, is the surest way of curing
/ 11 HI ate villain. His family and friends
"card trom hun.
Wounds on the Brain,
The popular notion as to the almost neces
sarily fatal character of wounds on the brain is
a very exaggergated one. Perhaps, however,
there is hardly an instance on record of a family
of six people being all so dangerously struck 011
the skull with a hatchet into the very substance
of the brain, and all remaining at the end of
the week alive, and so many of them in a fair
way for recovering, as the Gonldy family were
at the end of that period. Probably the very
force, suddenness and madness, with which the
blows were inflicted, and the sharpness of the
instrument, have contributed not a little to this.
A round ball, though not making half so ugly
a wound, would almost cerfainly have prodne
ed a greater amount of displacement and con
fusion of the edges of the wound, and hence a
subsequent inflammation ; and blows delivered
with only half the fierceness and violence
might have produced worse fractures of the
skuilbone, and a greater jar of the whole brain,
than the rapidly dealt and nervous strokes of
this young madman. It is thus a pistol ball
will pass through a window without cracking
the edges around the hole, while a spent ball
or a stone coming with half the force will shiver
the glass in every direction.
There is nothing in which nature seems more
capricious as to the effects she causes to ensue j
than in wounds on the brain. Sometimes a i
slight fab. or a verv trifling blow that does not j
break the skin proves fatal in a short time ;
and other times not only may the skull be pier- j
ced or fractured, but large pieces of the skull- i
bone be removed, as by trepanning and a very
considerable portion of the cerebrum or upper
portion of the brain itself be lost, and yet all
the functions of life be carried on for years. If.
however, the cerebellum, that is the lower and
back part of the brain, be injured, it is a very
different matter. A slight wound there pro
duces immediate death. But a man may, in
certain circumstances, lose a teacup full of
brain without death or the loss of reason for
even an instant. Perhaps this may go far to
show that the brain is the organ through which
the mind acts, but nothing more. The mind
is a whole and entire thing, independent of its
organs of operation.
A few years ago a man, in blasting, explod
ed his charge too soon by ramming it down with
an iron bar or drill. The drill was driven up
clear through the roof of his mouth, through
t he Grain of course, and through the top of the
-kill! high up in the air. The man coolly got,
into a wagon standing near and drove some
distance home. No one supposed hecould live;
but actually he did survive, certainly for some
months, with his senses perfect, and we have
not heard of his death.
We know of a case of a barkeeper in the
South being shot through the forehead. He
took up pen, ink and paper and wrote to his
wife that he was shot, and probably he died in
twenty-four hours, the blood dropping on his
A more remarkable case was that of a well
digger, who, while in a well, had his skull bro
ken in by the fall of a heavy timber upon his
head. He was taken out insensible, and re
mained so for ten days, his death so momenta
rily expected that trepanning was not even tri
ed until the end of that time. By degrees he
recovered his mind perfectly, and even his
strength, so far as to be able to walk around
: the room, after losing a verv considerable part
lof the brain itself. Although, near sixty a
new Gone began to grow ; and this, at the end
of about eighteen months, piovcd his death,
owing to a small spike of the new Gone, not an
. inch long, growing down the brain, producing
1 irritation, pressure and death.
It is then, not, the loss of blood or the sub
stance of the brain that is so much to lie fenr
i ed, as the irritation and inflammation which
ensue. Congestion of the brain may stupefy,
or the liemorhage through the rupture of the
blood vessels cause death But, as we have
1 said, quite a considerable quantity of the brain
itself may be abstracted without necessarily
: occasioning death ; and, in some instances,
without sensibly impairing the senses or mental
! powers. There is, however, we suppose, no
1 doubt a loss of nervous forces, especially of the
power of endurance, in all such cases.
. Still it is worth while to bear in mind the
' distinctions between the effect of the loss of
! the brain and the pressure upon it. That, if
not fatal, seems always to produce a disorder
ed action. Whether this pressure is produced
i by an external wound, or by internal determi
nation of blood, whenever it becomes such that
a supply of pure and healthy blood does not
I flow freely and continually through all the ves
, sels, the mental action assumes a disordered
character. Remove the pressure, and some
times the restoration will be as sudden. The
removal of a portion of the skull that had been
fractured and indented three years previously,
was known, in the case of a sailor, at once to
restore him to a state of insanity, although
with a perfect oblivion of the whole intermedi
ate time. Whether congestion of particular
! portions of the brain is not the true mode of
i accounting for the occasional idiosynracics of
many men, and beyond what is ordinarily sup
jrosed, who shall say ?
A QUEER MISTAKE.— An ignorant follow,
who was about to get married, resolved to
make himself perfect in the responses of the
marriage service ; but, by mistake, lie commit
ted the office of baptism for those of riper
years ; so, when the clergyman asked him, in
the church, " Wilt thou have this woman tobe
thy wedded wife?" the bridegroom answered,
in a very solemn tone, " I renonnce them all."
The astonished minister said, " 1 think you are
a fool !" to which he replied, " Ail that I
steadily believe."
THE slightest sorrow for sin is sufficient if it
produces amendment; the greatest is insufficient
if it do not,
THERF. is a man in Vermont so dirty that the
assessors have taxed him for real estate.
TTr who hates his neighbor is miserable him
j &e t, aud makes all e.i ouud him feel miserable
How Darkey Jake was Cured of Butting
Some years since I was employed as ware
house-clerk in a large shipping-house in New
Orleans, and while in that capacity the follow
ing funny scene occurred :
One day a vessel came in, consigned to the
house, having on board a lot of cheese from
New York. During the voyage sonic of them
had become damaged by bilge water, t he ship
having proved leaky, consequently the owners
refused to receive them; they were, therefore,
sent to the consignees of the ship to be stored
until the case was adjusted. I discovered a
few days afterwards, that, as to perfume, they
were decidedly too fragrant to remain in the
warehouse in the middle of June, and reported
the same to my employers, from whom I re
ceived orders to have them overhauled, and
send all that were passable to Beard Cal-!
houn's auction mart, (then in the ohl Camp- i
street theatre,) to be disposed of for the bene-1
lit of the underwriters, arid the rest to the !
swamp. I got a gang of black boys to work
on tlicm; and when tliey stirred 'era up, "Be 1
the bones of Moll Kelly's quart pot! but the
smell was illegant entirely." 1 kept a respect
able distance, believe me; for strong niggers i
and strong cheese, on a hot June day, just j
bangs all common essences—including acer ; J
tain '• varmint" -we read about.
Presently the boys turned out an immense
fellow, about three feet six inches "across the i
stump," from which the box had rotted. In '
the centre, a space about ten inches was very j
much decayed, and appeared to be about the
consistency of mush, of a bluish tinge, which '
was caused Gy the bilge water The I toys had j
just set it up on its edge, on a bale of gunny-1
bags, when I noticed over the way a big dark- ■
cy (then on sale) from Charleston, 8. C., who
was notorious for his butting propensities ;
having given most of the niggers in that vicin
ity a taste of his quality in that line. I had
seen him and another fellow, the night previous
practising, they would stand one 011 each side
of a hydrant some ten yards distant, and run
at each other with their heads lowered, and
clapping their hands on the hydrant, they
would butt like veteran rams. A thought
struck me that I might cure him of his bragg
ing and Gutting, and have some fun also; so I
told the boys to keep dark, and 1 called " Old
Jake" over.
"Tliev tell me you arc a great fellow for
butting, Jake ?"
"L is some, massa, dat's a fae. I done butt
dc wool 'tirelv orf old Pete's head last night
and Massa Nichols was gwinc to gib me goss!
I kin jiss bang de head orf any nigger in dese
parts, myself,—l kin ?"
"Well, Jake, I've got a little job in thnt
line for you, when you havu't anything else to
" I'se 011 hau' for all dem kin ' ob jobs, my
self,—l is."
" Well, —you see that large cheese back
there ?"
" 1 docs dat. 1 does myself."
" Now if you can butt a dent in it, you shall
have it."
" (Jolly, massa ! you're foolin dis nigger?"
"No I'm not, Jake,—just try me."
" Wot ! you gib me de hull ob dat cheese if
1 butt, a dent 111 um ?"
" Yes."
"De Lor ! I'll bust 'em wide open. I will,
myself. Jess stun' back dar, you Orleans nig
gars, and clear the de track for Ole Souf Car
liuu, case I'se a coiuiu' myself,— I see."
And old Jake started back some fifty feet, '
and went at it with a good quick run, and the
next instant I heard a dull, heavy sound, a
kind of si/veish, and old Jake's head disappear
ed from sight, with the top just visible on the
other side as lie rose with Gis new fashioned
necklace, the soft, rotten cheese oozing down
all round him as he settled down, so that just
his eyes were visible. From the centre of it
Jake's voice was scarcely audible and half
smothered, as he vainly tried to remove the j
immense cheese.
" O-o-o-o ! or de T,or ! Mass—'ook um orf.
O-00-o! bress de Lor ! Lif um up! Gor-a
might ! I ."
Meanwhile, I was nearly dead myself,—
having laid back on a cotton bale, holding i
myself together to keep from bursting, while !
the bovs sto< d round old Jake, paying him off. 1
"De Lor ! how the nigger's bref <mell ! j
You dusen't clean your teef, ole Jake !"'
" I say you didn't make more dan four times j
dat ban,' did you'ole boss?"
*' Well you is a nasty nigger,—dat's a fae !" 1
" Well, you is the biggest kino of Welsh
RaGbit, —you is !"
" Wliar you git your grease ?" And thus 1
the boys run old Jake, —now half smothered,
—when I took compassion on him, and told
them to take it off. Jake didn't stay to claim
his prize, but put out growling.—
" (jor-n-mighty ! I done got sole dat time.
I'se a case ob yellow feber, — I is, myself !"
Old Jake was never known to do any more
butting in that vicinity after that.
YOUNG MEN*. —Keep your eyes open when
yon are after a woman. If you bite at a na
ked hook, you are green. Is a pretty dress or
form so attractive, or even a pretty face /
Flounces, boys, are of no consequence. A pret
ty face will grow old. Paint wash off. The
sweet smile of the flirt will give away to the
scowl of terrnagont. The coquette will shine
in the kitchen corner, and with the once spark
ling eyes and beaming countenance will look
daggers at you. Beware ! If the dear is
cross, and scolds at her mother in the back
room, you may be sure you'll get particular fits
all over the house if she blushes when found
at the wash-tub, with her sleeves rolled up, be
sure she is a dish-rag aristocrat ; little knowl
edge and a good deal less sense. If you mar
ry a girl who knows nothing but to commit
woman-slaughter on the piano, you have got
the poorest piece of music ever got up. Find
oue whose rniud is right and pitch iu.
WHEN* you go to drown yourself always put
off your clothes ; thtv may fit your wife's >e
coud husband
—Dr. Abial A. Cooley, the inventor of friction
matches, died at Hartford, COllll., 011 the 18th
ult., aged 7li years. This is the simple announce
ment which the papers bring us of the death
of an inventor. In these days when friction
matches are nearly as cheap as dirt, when eve
ry ragged urchin can afford to have a pocket
full to light the stumps of cigars which he finds
in the streets, it is difficult to imagine how peo
ple could ever have lived without matches.—
But there is scarcely a man over forty y.ars
of ago who cannot well remember the time
when matches were not, ; when our ancestors
used to cover up the live coals of the wood lire
with ashes, and when they uncovered them in
the morning and nearly blew their brains out
trying to start a flame ; when the old flint
and steel and tinder were brought into reqni- !
sition, and how knuckles used to get hard !
cracks iu the ineffectual attempts to "strike a
light," the knuckles often getting struck in
stead of the flint ; how lights used to be kept j
burning all night ; how at length there came
a little improvem-nt in the shape of a stick, j
with one end smeared with sulphur, dipped iu j
the oil of vitro!, which creates a (lame ; and
then the mysterious phosphorous bottle, and
the pieces of punk and pith that were carefully S
preserved, and the burning glasses which the
amateur huntcis used to invariably carry with |
them in fine weather, thinking themselves won- ;
derfuily lucky to lie able to get a light in the
course of from three to five minutes. To those
who remember these things or at least heard
their parents tell of them, the. man who invent
ed friction matches appears in tin; light of a
benefactor to the human race. How tliey paid
cheerfully their three or four shillings for a
box of matches, a handful of which could now
be bought for a penny. Then to giyp a man
a match was something of a favor : they were
worth giving and worth keeping, and the man
who invented tliem was likely to be appreciat
ed. Rut, now the very humanitarian •Imracter
of the invention seems to conduce to the obli
vion of the inventor, for the match lias become
a public iiidespensibility,aiid has grown too com
mon for the people to wonder what w'as used 1
before thev were invented, or how long ago i
tliey were first known. The invcntois of the
spinning jenny, cotton gin, railroad, steam
boat and telegraph, are immortalized as the be
nefactors of the race. But now we have just
ceased one of the grandest ovations onr coun
try eve:* witnessed to those who laid the Atlan
tic telegraph cable, while its flaming record
overshadowed the simple announcement of the
death of liirn to whom the masses, at present
at least, are quite as much indebted. Who
can tell whether, when the men we today hon
or have attained the years of three-quarters of '
a century, the prevalence of the fruits of their
energy and enterprise shall not have becomes >
great as to make them cease to lie a wonder
and their names unheralded as that of the in
ventor of friction matches.
If the grandeur of the fact that by the move
ment of a muscle we cnc transmit our thoughts
for thousands of miles beyond the seas is ac
companied by any feeling of gratitude towards
those whose genius has accomplished that
wonderful feat, that same feeling of grateful
ness should extend to him who has in the nar
rowest sphere of domestic life, given 11- an in- I
volition comparatively as great. There have
been many modern improvements in the maim- j
factnring of matches, as there have also been I
in the steam engine and the telegraph, but we
believe that to Mr. Cooley is due the credit of
the original practical invention of friction
" PIT HER T. ROUGH."— A gentleman had
occasion to send his little daughter up to the
garret far some article which he wanted. The 1
child soon returned, crying, and upon being j
asked what the trouble was, replied : "that the i
snow had sifted in upon the garret stairs, and
she had slipped down and hurt herself."
"Well, did you get. what I told you?" inquir
ed lier father. She replied that she had not.
"Well, then," he exclaimed, starting up, " I'll
go ; 1 guess I ain't afraid of a little snow."
After he had gone, the child observed that
she hoped papa would fall just a iittle, to pay
liiin for laughing at her.
Soon afterwards a distant tumbling ami roil
ing was heard, accompanied by the sound of
suppressed wrath. The family listened with
awakened inteiest, but. the object of tlmir soli
tude was heard above whistling quite soberly,
as though nothing had happened. He crossed
two rooms above, ami as he approached the
head of the stairs, thundered out—
"Open the chamber door ! The next you j
know, you'll have me tumble down here and
break my neck. It's so dark now "
But the sentence was never finished. Trip
went his heels and rolling and thumping he
sprawled his six feet of length upon the kitchen
(loor, where lie was greeted with bursts of mer
riment from the collected family. He lay
quite still for a moment. At last he shouted
"Open the cell or door —l may as well put her
through to the bottom
A WESTERN paper mentions as among the
advantages derived from a residcce in lowa,
that " people who have endured a childless
union for ' lo those many years' in other states
on removing there have been blessed with
' well springs of pleasure' to the full extent of
their desire."
How folks differ! We chew tobacco, the
Hindoo takes the lime. The children of this
country delight in candy, those of Africa in
rock salt. A Frenchman "goes his length"
on fried frogs, while an Esquimaux Indian
thinks a stewed candle the climax of dainties.
Si.F.r.r— DEATH'S youngest brother, and so
like liirn that 1 never dare to trust myself with
liirn without sayiug my prayers Sit Thomas
IT was a saying of Sir Robert Reel, that
" I never knew a man to escape failures, in
either mind or body, w-ho worked seveu days
in a week."
mnlieal student from Michigan, who Imd been
attending lectures in New York for some time,
and considered himself exceedingly good look
ing and fascinating, made a deadly onset on the
heart and fortune of a blooming young lady
who was boarding in the same house with him.
After a prolonged siege the lady surrendered.
They were married on Wednesday morning.
The same afternoon the "young wife" sent for
" beau:i u! little daughter," three and a half
years of age.
"Hood Heavens ! then you were a widow,"
exclaimed the astonished student.
" Y'es, iny dear, and this is Amelia, my
youngest : tomorrow, Augustus, .lames and,
Reuben will arrive from the country, and then |
1 shall have all my children together once j
The unhappy student replied not a word ; 1
his feeling were too deep for utterance. The !
next day t!)° "other darlings" arrived Reuben !
was six years old, .lames nine, and August us a i
saucy boy of twelve. They were delighted to
hear they had a " new papa," because they
could now live at home and have all the play- ;
things they wanted ! The "new papa," as soon !
as he could speak, remarked that Augustus |
and .lames did not much resemble Reuben and j
" Well, no," said the happy mother, " my
first husband was quite a different style of man
from my second—complexion, temperament,
color of hair and eyes—all different."
This was too much. lie had not only married
a widow, but was her third husband, and the
astonished step father of four children.
"Hut her fortune," thought lie " that will
make amends." He spoke of her fortune.
"These are my treasures," said she, in the
Roman matron style, pointing to her children.
The conceit was now quite taken out of the '
Michitrander, who, finding that he had made a
complete goose of himself, at once retired to a ;
farm in his native State, where he could have
a chance to render his " boy-" useful,and make
them sweat for the deceit practiced upon him
by their mother.
—A watch differs from a clock in its having
a vibrating wheel instead of a vibrating pen
dulum ; and, as in a clock, gravity is always
pulling a pendulum down to the bottom of its
are, which is its natural place of rest, but does
not fix it there, because the momentum ncqnir- I
ed during its fall from one side, carries it up 1
to an equal height on the other—so in a watch !
a spring, generally spiral, surrounding the axis
of the balance wheel, is always pulling towards
the centre, but does not fix it there, because
the momentum acquired during its approach to
the middle position from either side carries it i
just as far past on the other side, and the j
-pring has to begin its work again. The bal
ance wheel at each vibration, allows one tooth
of the adjoining wheel to pass, as the pendu
lum does in a clock ; and the record of the
beats is preserved by the wheel that follows.
A mainspring is used to keep up the motion of \
the watch, instead of the weight used in a J
clock ; and as a spring acts rq i illy \v■! 1 wh it - :
i rer be its position, a watch keeps time al- j
though carried in tiic pocket, of in a moving i
ship, in winding up a watch, one turn <>t the
axle on which the key is fixed is rendered i
equivalent., by the train of whceis, to about
four hundred turns or beats of the balance
wheel ; and thus the exertion, during a few
seconds, of the hand which winds up, gives
motion for twenty-four or thirty hours.
OI'R RELATIONS TO (Ion.— I)o you suppose
a man to know himself ; that he comes into this
world on no other errand but to rise out of
the vanity of time into the riches of eternity ;
do you suppose him to govern his inward
thoughts and outward actions by this view of
himself, and then to him every day lias lost its
evil, prosperity and advers'ty have no difference
because lie receives and uses thorn both in the
same spirit; life and death are equally welcome
because equally parts of his way to eternity.
For poor and miserable as this life is, we have
al! of us free access to all that is great and
happy ; and carry within ourselves a key toall
tl e tea i re; tl at heaven has bestowed up nus
We starve in the inid-t of plenty, gn a i
under infirmities with tlie remedy in our own
hand ; live and die without, knowing and feel
ing anything of the One. tilth) gy<.7 whiM we
have in cur power to know and enjov it in n<
great a reality, as we know and feel the power
of tiiis world over us; for heaven is as near to
our souls as this world is to our bodies ; and we
are created, we are redeemed, to have our con
versation in it. (3od, the only good of all in
telligent natures, is not an absent or distant
! (Jod, but is more present in and to our souls
than our own bodies ; Mid we are si rancors to
heaven, and without (lod in the world, for this
only reason, because we are void of tliit spirit
of prayer which alone can, and never fails to
unite us with the One, null/ gmi.l, an I to open
heaven and the kingdom of (iod within us.
A root set in the finest so I, in the best cli
mate, and blessed with all that -an, and air.
and rain can do for if, is not in so sure away
lof its growth to perfection, as every man may
be whose spirit a-pires nfierall that which Hod
| is ready and infinitely desirous to give him.—
j For the sun meets not the springing bud that
j stretches toward him with half that certainty
i as (iod, the source of all good, communicates
j himself to the soul that longs to partake of
i him. We arc all of us by birth the offspring
!of (iod, more nearly related to liiiu than we
j arc to one another ; for in him we live, and
i move, and have our being William Law.
A CKI.K PRATED actress, whose fresh smile and
silvery voice favored the deception, always
called herself "sweet sixteen." She stated her
age at sixteen in a courtroom as a witness
Her son w as directly after placed on the stand
1 and asked how old he was. " Six months
older than mother," was the honest reply.
"Can von return my love, my dearest Jn-
Hit I" "Certainly, sir. I don't want it, I ain
' suit."
VOL. XIX. NO. 09.
! MISTAKES OK I'RINTERS. —Some people are
j iiiunlly wondering at the " enrelesssness''
! <>!' editors In allowing so many errors and
i b'utidcrs to appear in tlx-ir columns, and mir
the print. Such people kmw very littleof the
difficulties—we had almost said impossibilities
—of keeping them out. The most careful at
tention to these matters will not prevent errors
from creeping in, even when professional proof
I readers are engaged expressly for the purpose,
j And when it is borne in mind that in most
J papers such an expense i•.necessarilydispensed
i with, and the proofs, on that account, arc often
1 hurriedly examined, the fact will no longer ap
pear si range. In connect ioi with this subject
i the following anecdote is not inappropriate.
| A (llasgow publishing house attempted to
| publish a work that should be a perfect spo-
I cinicn of typographical accuracy. After hav
ing been carefully read by six experienced proof
i readers, it was posted up in the hull of the
I*diversity, and a reward of fifty pounds oflfer
i cd to any one who should detect an error -
Each page remained two weeks in this place ;
and yet, when the work was issued, several cr
j rors were discovered, one of which was in the
' first line, of l/ir first jpage.
When such was the case in a city long cel
ebrated in (1 rent Britain for publishing the
I finest and most correct editions of the classics,
I what is to lie expected in a newspaper, which
must necessarily be hurried through the press
ir/ti!r it is lines ; and wher; the eom|>en.satioft
will hardly a (lord onc"cxperienced proof reader,''
let alone six. The wonted accuracy of our
' papers is really astonishing.
process in the treatment of gntta pereha for
manufacturing purposes consists in cutting the
block into slices. There is a vertical wheel,
on the face of which are fixed three knives or
| blades ; and while this wheel is rotating with
! an immense speed, a block of gutta pereha is
supplied to it, and quickly cut into thin slices.
These slices show that the gulta pereha is by
no means uniform in different parts, either in
i color or texture. To bring about uniformity
I is the object of the shredding or tearing pro
cess. The slices are thrown into a tank of wa
ter, which is heated by steam to such a temper-
I ature as to soften the mass ; the dirt end hea
vy impurities fall to the bottom, leaving a pas
ty mass of gum, and this mass being thrown
into another rotating machine, is there is so
| rent and torn, and drugged asunder by jagged
: teeth, as to lie reduced to fragments. The
fragments fall into water upon the surface of
which, owing to the small specific gravity of
j the materia:, they float, while any remaining
dirt or impurity falls to the bottom. These
! fragments are next converted into a dough liko
substance by another softening with hot water.
1 and the dough undergoes a thorough Kneading;
it is placed in hollow heated iron cylinders, in
which revolving drums so completely turn,
squeeze and mix the uowpurified mass, that all
: parts become alike.
C.wsE OK FROG SIIOWKRS. —The actual fact
1 that considerable spaces of ground have been
j -nddenly covered with numerous small frogs,
where there were no frogs before, lias been
| proved beyond a doubt. Some have called in
J the aid of waterspouts, whirlwinds, and similar
| causes, to account for their elevation into the
! regions of air, and some have even thought
that they were formed in the clouds, from
w hence they were precipitated. It hasgeneral
ly been in August, and of ten after a reason of
drouth, that these hordes of frogs have made
their appearance ; but with Mrs. Siddons we
a I exclaim, " How got they there ?" Simply
a follows : The animals have been hatched,
and quitted their tadpole state and their pond
at the same time, day before they become
visible to, or rather observed by, mortal eye.
Finding it unpleasant in the hot, parched fields
and always running a great chance of being
then and there dried up by the heat of tho
sun, they wisely retreated to the coolest and
dampest places they could find, viz , under
clods and stones, where, on account of their
dusky color, thev escape notice. Down comes
the rain, and out come the frogs, pleased with
the chance. Forthwith appears an article in
too country paper ; the good folks (lock to see
the phenomenon. There are the frogs, hop
ping about ; the visitors remember the shower
and a " simple countryman" swears the frogs
fell in the shower, and lie saw them fall ; frogs
vi-itors, countrymen, editors, are all pleased,
and nobody undeceives them, nor are they wil
ling to be undeceived.— HvcJdunu's Curiosities
"J JVuliirtil History.
ery man should keep the wolf from his door.
Evcrv woman has a right to lie nny age she
pleases, for if she were to state her real ago
no one would believe her. Every one lias a
right to wear a moustache who can. Every
woman has a perfect right to believe that she
makes a better pudding than any other woman
in the world. Every man who carves has a
decided right to think of himself by putting a
few of the be>t bits aside. Every woman Ins
a right to think her child is the "prettiest lit
j tie baby in the world," and it would be the
, greatest folly to deny her this right for she
| would be sure to take it. Every young lady
h.s a right to faint when she pleases, if her
lover is by her side to catch her. Every fool
, has a right to be on the best terms with him
| self, and that man is a greater fool who differs
j with him about those terms. Every child who
1 makes a noise has a right to be turned out of
the room : and, supposing you have not tho
right, \on are perfectly justified (if its parents
: are absent,) in usurping it.
1 A 1.1 MI A MAN in New Bedford has a dog
' some six months old, that was horn with only
two leg-—tlm fore us well as the four leg!
In ing absent The puppy is healthy and other
wise in good co ulition. The canine can projv
, himself quite well bv resting on his
| which is entirely smooth, and accelerates him
self by his hind legs. He is quite a curiosity.
i Tm:- nperflu'ties of professed christians WOU [
[ rend the gospel to the whole world.