farmer's Dfjnitnuut. Thought - Profitable in Farming JV-riiapu tliere is MU respect in which farmer differ more from each other than mtlieamoui t ofy/U the? briny to their work. Onejiuiii !;iijoi ■> huril from January to iKetut >< r, y t wunders to see that he accomplishes less than h's ueiyhboi v li<> works iewer hours a-tluy than he. He toil* on 1 tboriously in the s tine old routine, without forethought, without -kill: his neighbor seeks to do evervtitiiipf inn i.qreiit. Iv. ,y• 11 1 a wise forecast of the best means o! (loiiiy it. Suppose the first farmer wished to remove a large boulder iroiu his wheat field He bad pccii liis father get rid of such rocks : bv c:iTlTny together all his hum's and i neighbor or two, ami roliiug it by mere muscular fore- | into a corner by the fence. Now, he never bothers himself to inquire whether there is any better met hoi than his father's ; so lie spends j u whole d.iv in yetting a single boulder into a corner, and thinks, after inuch straining and i weariness, and many bruises, that he ha-: rcaiiy | done at great deed. Hut the second farm' i thiuka twice before touching his botiMer. lie examines its shape, size, texture Can it be sunk out of sight, and below the reach of plow point .' Or cuu it be more easily rolled out of the way by good, stout levers ; or w ill olast iug do the work as quickly, and save him the j pieces for future use? Having once settled j tlie point, he goes to work with a will, and the boulder is soon disposed of. I'liis as an ex ample ; but the same principle applies to eve: y operation. The thinking farmer lakes advant age of opportunities and means of doing things, which escape the notice of careless men. 111 > thought shows itself in his house, barns, stables, pig-sty, cow-yard, ditches, fences, h -Ids, every where—Spring, Summer, Autumn and M in tcr. Hearken, now, to the " improvement ' of our little sermon ! Another season of out-door labor bus closed ; the year, with its toils, sue COFSOSS atid failures, cannot now be rceullud ; it can be reviewed. And let us view it Neighbor Jones, how do you account for your ill-luck in that corn-field down in ihe corner lot ? Is the ground cold, wet, and lull of grubs and wire wornjs ? if so, or possibly so, think about it before you repeal the same profitless experiment. Read and think about the effects of draining, its cost and the probable gain to vour crops. Then, if yon determine on drain ing (and wc really hope you will,) make your self master of all its rh'tnils, such a- draining with plunk, stones,, and the best ditch, its depth, direction, its cutlet, Ac., And so, wiieu the season op< ns, you will be prepar ed logo to work intelligently and successfully. And. farmer Smith, what gave you such a rousing crop of potatoes, while ueighbor John sou's was so small ? Perhaps you scattered a good top-dressing of though* over the land be fore you plowed andpluntcd. Farmers general ly need to do more head work. This should be applied to the management of the dairy and orchard, sheep and young cattle, rotation of crops, and, in sho. L, to all theoperatious of the farm. "During the leisure months of Winter, now begun, form your plans for the coming year.— Make uood use of the past. Review the year now closing, and see what real improvements you have made and where other things will bear a little mending. This will make your ex perienee of great advantage. Avoid, if pos sible, former mistakes, and repeat the methods which have proved successful. I>raw np on paper a plan of your farm After suitable deliberation, assign to each field its respective crop, end determine on the way the land shall be prepared for the crop. May not the old orchard lie improved by re graft ing some of the trees with new and superior kinds of apples ? Perhaps it is time to com mence the planting of a new orchard And what a grand undertaking is that ? How it looks into the future, and what a spirit of be nevolence it awakens for those who shall come after us ! To determine what sorts are. on the whole, the best for a succession of Summer, Autumn, and Winter apples is no .-.mail mat ter, and requires no little study. These Win ter months are just the time for that study. Aud so, in reference to all the details of farming. Give them a careful overhauling.— Don't lie mere routine farmers, but have a reason for everything, and do everything in the best pos ible way. Put as much thought into your farming as you have to spare, and surely it will pay. CnxrtKD Hands—These are very common '"about these days " Cold weather chills the surface of the .skin and prevents a free circula tion of the blood, and consequent warmth,and thus induces or aggravates the difficulty. One of the primary causes of chapping or c racking of the skin is the action of soap. The alkali in this eats away the cuticle or outer skin, ami thus destroys the natural covering. In cold weather especially, the hands should always be tliori uglily rinsed in clean water after willing them with soap. It will be found highly bene ficial to wash the skin in a weak solution of mi gar aud water, after using soap, and then rinse ia clean water. The acetic acid of the vinegar neutralizes the alkali of the soap, and prevents the further action upon the skin, which will take place if the slightest amount of soapy water be left on the bands when they are dried with a towel. On washing days it will be of special advantage to have a vessel of water with a little vinegar added, to dip the the hands into whenever they are takeu from the washing water. Whenever we find it necessary to wash with soap, we rinse the hands in dilute vinegar, or a very weak solu tion of any acid, such as a few drops of oil of vitriol (seiphrie acid), muriatic (hydro-cliolric. a id, or nitric acid (aqua fortic), in a quart of water. Any of these acids will neutralize the alkali of the soap. Since adopting this prac lice no have never b en troubled i t the lea-t w ;th chap|K-d, or even rough hands, though we do not put oil gloves or mittens half a dozen lime* a-year. We would add further, that in washing the hand* it is usually better to use a stiff brush instead of soap, unless they chance to be cov ered with oil or tar A brush is more con venient, more effectual, neater, cheaper, and better every wujr than soap. G ARDKN'IXO KOK L vIUKS. —Make Hp yOUT ht'ds early iii the morning; seir buttons on your husband's shirts ; do not anv grievan ce* ; protect the young anU tender brandies of your family ; plant a smile of good temper in your face, and carefuiiy root out uii angry feel ing.-., and expect a good crop of happiness. An honest employment is the best inhere ance that can tad to any A hbertiuc's life is uut a life of liberty. XVu-juilaucons Ticga Point Agricultural \ jimciiou Iron \\ orks ! AT Athens, Bradford County, Pa. Wl-XLKS. 1JL00I) & CO. ■ EMERY'S RAT EXT RAILROAD IIORSE POWERS! j V\ 7 K are manofertiiHTig these J-.stlv rc-lebrntt il End \\ le*r Chain P"vvrr, for one and two horse* : to , which we h ivi lddedsurh improvements a* to make them • tiie Le.-t e:id!e** t 'h lin power* in the wort.l. Our THRESHERS AND SEPARATORS Are much t;;i; r ..t I our the Albany machines,and Work ; admirably, t Uir at v I • TIOGA-POIN I THRESHER AND CLEANER, Just finished, will. Jf are confident. prove itsell to be the i R ST v'OMI'.INKK TifKFsHVR AVP HTnmmv kr in tnarki t. ! U r m* in-ilv, 1-: biin de. strong. light and darable ; will not carry over, nor waste grain: and will thresh and j . lean lit for mHo-t as mudi srrai.' j• r day. with the same ! power, is any Tiirchet witli Separator will thresh. il is admirably adapted for two and four horse powers, job thresher* wid rind it to he just the machine they have 0 Inn',' desired to find- On Powers and Threshers are. to say the least. ! en ml to any mail'- in tho Union :eo that farmers n Son- , them \t w-York an I N'ortiiera Pennsylvania, will lind it to ttieii advantage to 1.-iy onr Machines, on aeeom-.t of j saviajr 1m avv expense iu freight*, as a til as for their r'.i- | periority. We !■ ■ .•• particular attention of Farmers and Deal- j ers to our ; ITOGA-POINT PLED CUTTERS, GALE'S PATENT. ; A", ran with confidence, recommend these liny. Straw and stalk Cutters on account <>f simplicity, dnrabilitv, strength, efii' iein'v.ease of o|s'ratio .rapid cutting, fee, 1 hey .!■• away with tin very prions objections heret .tore 'lived by farmers and others, and justly to*, against all | patented feed cutters ; namely that they are too coir, i plicated, too uiAiiv ousting* .md traps. const rp-.ent j Ivtoi li ibb to -• t out of repair: that tiny have too ; [ many v. >i ; ir.. u | l.i<-i . therefore hard t" operate, j | Our l-'erd alter.* have two -bo pi- straight kniver rhi b ! ran easily is- sharpened, or. if ever ncees*ury. can Is? I made by any bin k v m;th. All arc warranted to give >at ; isfortinn. \*k your merchant to order one for vu. and j send for onr * 1T.11.H01 k, whi -h coutains additional in i lor.uati.-n .ne. riling all "f the Y...r mentioned inaehiueti i and many others of our manufacture and sale. WELLES. BLOOD it CO. Athena. Sept. IS. 13*8 I XVlatcked Hcrscs fur Sale. ! 'I ill*] Subscribers desire to sell tinu span el matched BLACK HOHsES, t.\ / k no: teaniiny enouph to kei-p them t-m -( ploy.-d. S-cd teant is a \alnable one and i* well known, I i iiavinv ls?en formerly owned by Messrs. Harris A Pace | ind Welles ,V Brooks. Ibn-v took tlie first pretninni as I ' In '-est pair Carriage Iboes at the Bradford County .'.c- , ! rirnltural Pair in lv" . their wei.ijiit i* about 12dn pounds ' I each. We will seH them cheap, either for ea-sh, or ou ( ! time with approved security. 1 \tben*. >ept. Jl, 1 WEF.LKS, lII.OOD .V CO Tlie Great Atlantic Telegraph ! IVI. E. SOLOJVION S CLOTHiNG EMPORIUM No. 2, Patton's Biock. iw.. _ic!te-t events of the Nineteenth Century. L are the sulmiariiic telegraph between Europe and Ai'i-uica. and the unparalled stock ot READY MADE j CLOTHING OP M. E. SOLOMON! combining tlie ! greatest Y.o-'lety, l itest f.i-liion li.le, and most durable I made Clothing ever brought to Towanda. I beg to inlorin the i it;/.ens of Towamla and vicinity, • that I have BE mi Kl> i > No. J, l'attoiis Block, one d-ior north of Roi kw ell's store, when T shall he happy to see ! a'l my old fiicnds and customers and as many new ones :as may wish to favor uie with a call. Having just letuni ! el fr en the Eastern and Western markets where 1 have ! purchased tnv Pall uid Winter stock of CLOTHING. | GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. Ac.. I can supply the : public at lower rate* tlvin ever sold here before, as I have bought my h foi Cash at the lowest figure i. MY STOrK < 'INSISTS OP OVKKOO i ts. — Supcrfne f lark Reaver ILiela.ns and Sack i Overcoats; black brown and blue Pilot do; Petersham do; Sup black Union C.i*sinifre do, Black, brown and 1 tray Sealskin do ; Deerskin do; Lion ekili do; Fancy i lhar skin d >. and various otiier styles, too numerous to ; ; mention. Pitot Ke'OATS*.—Fine P'rineh black Broadcloth double | breasted Frock Co..ts , single-breasted, ame : Medium I pialio do : I ottoil warp do ; French Beaver raisiiiess J .1 ; Fancy Cofsimere do ; Side Band do; Black Union • | ' 'a--*, do ; Fancy Satineit do ; Tweed and Kentucky Jean ! do. I PANTS. —Sup. black Doe-kin Pant* : Medium do ; Rlk. I cotton warp do : Fancy ''.is-inn-rc - d'- land do J neit do : Farmer* and aita-hanUa.. X i -T* bnai'l. Fancy S'lk Velvet V ests ; Clicniileand Printed do ; Silk Yost*, of ail descriptions; Silk and Worsted do; Black Satip do; Cussimcrc Vesta ; Sutti net and Plash do. FrKMsuiNc; Goons.—Fancy Silk Tie*, Block do ; Fan :cy Silk Scarfs: I'.la-k ligured S arls : Black Si IK Cra j vats; Linen Pocket II indkcrchiefs ; Cambric do; Siik do ; Fancy cotton d" : Wliite linen-bosom shirt* ; Fah- I cy Marseilles do ; Far e Linen do ; Whi?e Mar-eilles By | ron Collars ; Fancy do , Fancy and white do ; • j Whit* -tritig and lap do ; Hosiery, of al! kind* : Suspen ders; Whin and Mixed Men's Wrapper* aud Drawers. A complete assortment of Boy's CI Thitu ! Boot* and ! Shoe* ano Rubbers, of ill kmu.*. Sole Ltaliicr. Upper | Leather, Kip Skin. Calf Skin. etc. Our motto: •• kh'o'K mm.- AM> SUAI.t. I'KOFITS".'' t'asli will l jilt id for Woo!, Hide*. Sheep Pelts, and ail . ! kinds of Grain, at the login t market price*. lleiaeniU r, reraov. d to No. J. Pat ton's Block, former- I lv occnpied l v William A. Rockwell. T-'waud i. Sept. "Ju, l.s.S*. M. T" SOLOMON". I Great Incitement in Clothing! I COLLINS POWELL, \R K now receiving tlie Idirgrst Stock of - Ready-made Clothing ever offered iu fliis inarkc-t. I whit h they are selling at prices that astoni-h every one; i ( nur Goods are got up expressly for our Trade, and are 1 warranted in every way, onr ►:•••- !i consisting of every , th :: : in the liuo of Men and Boy's Wear, ltiack Cloth i i oat*, I-aiicy-and Plain Business f'oat*. Siiltineft Coats, j Black and Fancy I'is.imeri Pant*. Union do,, Suttinett 1 j n Silk and PI i-'i Vet-, Cotton Plusli do.,Sattinitt do., i Plush .and Satin do. Ccc; Ptsrnislung' Goods! Such vWo >1 L'ndar Shirt*. Wool Drawer*, Collars. Cm i ■. f* suspender*. Gents White and Fancy Shirts, Check ai d Hickory Shirt*. Hoseiry of all kinds. Hatsandt ajis, | | the i'ltest style* of Riaek Silk Hats made to order. Cloths, Cassimercs and Vestings ! 1 Wc are receiving the largest Stock of Cloth*, Cassi- ! mere* and Vesting-, everoffered in this market,which we J I arc ready to make to order or sell by the yard. Person* , wishing Clofhirim nle up to order, will do well to give j ! us a call beb.r. purchasing we warrant t\ - ; I r . thing 1 • tit or no *ile. Vv'c keep none hnt the !-st work- j ! men, aud in receiving the latest i ash ions every month. ' j PeraotMi wanting anything in mr line, v. ill give w I 1 a call a* w kce > nothuig iit Men and Boy * Wear, ami i think we buy onr Goods cheaper than those that only buy I a few. I COUNTRY PRODUCE f all kinds token in pavment : for Coo.!* : i.l on-holt ere lit. Cutting done a* usuaLnnd !no charge wheu tin? Goods nre bought of us. Don tl< r get the place, DM dour south, ul 11.-di 's Hardware store. October 12. I-COLLIN'S A POWELL. i MlLL'ii i a il aL) i M: SSC3 GKZFFIN Cl PikXiK, KG lonvo t.> invite yonr cnrly attrition to 3 to tuuir new at ,ck ju-t received c->mprising choice \ -tvles Bonnet Silk*, Satins, Velvet*, together ! with a carefully -elected a.s..ortni(lit of Feathers and j Flowers. Th ink'nl for put patronage beret ifore so Ida-rally l>e . towed, they would respectfully solicit a coutinnnire ol the same. Otoher 11, ut.v*>. H. A. GURBANK'S BAKERY Out J)oor Xorlh of the Ward House. ' TOWAXDA, PA. \\J I! ERE you can tiu-1 a■■ ui*i.uit supply of Bread, Rusk. \ V Crackers, Cookies, Jumbles, and all kinds of Fancy | Cakes. e -j" OYSTERS furnished by the quart or keg, or cook ed to order. c -T- Particul.irattention paid to fillingorlers for parties Ret irning our sincere tlianks for the liberal patronage j Isvstowed up n us during the past year, and hoping by - j close Application to business to merit a eontiiiiuuiceofth'e • same, we rcnaui as ever, year Laud if serve. I March 16,1857. H. A. B RBANK. OPLEN'DID ROBKS AQUILLE, Kii- O chanting t'oll'i-rs Chen tie, and captivaiiug Uabr.a d'-Oyeca and tv-;.: P :i; At | ..U2A MEP.'UR S. I Unsincfs Carta I \R CITAS. M.TURXKH. I'IIYSICIAX U 4- Si; HUE ON, oiler* his professional sei vi- o& to the inh-IjitiiniN of Towamla and vicinitj • Office :n■ D. MI-NTANVF.. OVKRTOX & MONT AN VK, ATTOR NEYS AT LA If—Office in Ui.iou Block, former ly occupied t>y JAS. MAO AULAVK. H. J. MAKILI P. D. MORROW. MA DILL & MORROW, A WORSE YS . AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW,— Office OUT Mercnr's Store, Towanda, Pa. T"wanda. April 2. It. 1 iR. E. H.MASON, PHYSIC IA N AND XJ SUUGEON, ( Bern rofesxioiial services to the people of T'lwai.da ant! vicinity. Office at his residence on Pine -tret t. where he can always be found when tint I professionally engaged. 171 B. PARSONS, ATTORNEY AT Jt LA If, TIIOV, Bradford Co., Pa. Office over V. ; M. A H. F. Long's store. An- 7. I.Mi. | HENRY r. M'KEAN, attorne y li . AT LA II , TOWANDA. V\-: will pay prompt j ( attention to husiness entrusted to hint, Collection* made ' i on nuoittble terms, with prompt remittances. < tin J ITU-HAN AX SMITH, having returned ton J Towanda, ban opened a Law Office over Mercur's i . Store. Dec 1. lt>s7. MCC.'.:E : S CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. Between J. J. Poire It's shires, j < y£~. VW'-h TIIK suhscrihi rv ml.I re-pectiulh tender to his customers and tlo* piinlic ---[leta.-lv hi-*in- 1 .(Lttl ••ere thanks for tiie liiierul patron ige < \ twided tohim the past season, lie solicits a continuance j of the ."aine. lie w nhl say to the public that he intend-to ke p eon- | stautly on baad a cboioo si lection "i MKA'IS ol all kind-. 1 J the ij' -t the country affords, whieli he intends to sell for 1 very MiiaLi profits, either iy the side, quarter oi pound.— ; | Please five no- a call. nj-JI, .its. Ac., wdl 1.0 ile'lv i.l on -holt notice. lien ordered, at anv place Fie Corporation. Towanda. Feb. 12, i*7. J. McCABE.. , 1 TOWA ND A FOUNDRY. rjHJ R splc-crilior couliiiDcs to carry uu the 1 Fonndi". lei-iness io 7- waudu. • '-1 is prepared to ' do all kind- oi' wniT in his liin on short m-tneaud in a ' workmanlike manner, lie wUI keep on hau lor make to ordei Plows. Mi ves. Mill Ii• •• -. S < i.iii Shoes, Wagon- , ' B '\i -. and any article of cast iron that may he required. Tummy and lit I nig up wi rk will oi d me on short mtai 1 and Oil leasonalile ternis. Parson, wishing to purchase . stoves of any khid will tind it much to their advantage ; to buy at the Foundry, as they can he repaired much . cheaper. Phase call and examine before purchasing else- ; where. Oldest iron and drain taken in payment.— Don't mistake the place i-nedm r east of Mercur a Block. I *' I would il —i say i • those having accounts stand illy over six months, that tliev must he settled without delav, and those lia\ iug notes that are due a ill do well to pay np and save cost. JUIIN CABMAN. Towanda, Oct. 22, 18.76. NEW TIN SHOP! I rnilE undersigned respectfully informs liis friends and j I the public centrally, that ho has opened a new TIX W.VUE A SHEET IRON' ESTABLISHMENT in the E.iundry, first door below Mercnr's Store, where < i lie is prepared to conduct the business in all its various j i liralii lies. Tin Ware and llou.-e Ppouting of all kinds, in.uit to or i der, on short notice. Stoves of various styles constantly Cor sole. P articular nttcntiun paid to,fobbing. Old Iron. (,'opper and Brass taken in exchange for good-. i Juoel.lftSS. JOHN CABMAN. • ARE YOU INSURED? Susquehanna Mutual Insurance C 0.,; TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA. I r |UII.S Company insures npiinst loss or dam- ' A age by Fire. Dwelling houses. Furniture Warehou ses, St ne.s and Merchandize, Ac., on the must reasonable 1 terms. DIRECTORS. H W. TRACY. ALLEN M'KEAN, JOHN F. LONG. GUY TRACY, EZRA HOI.COMB, JOB KIRBV JUSTUS LEWIS, DANIEL B A ILEA*. ISAAC M7 LK. W M. KINGSLKY, PRECEPTOR FORBES, JOSEPH POWELL. H. W. TRAGI . President. ALLEN M'KEAN, Vice President; JUDSON HOL COMB.Secretary: LA PORTE, MASON \ CO., Tress. I 11. I). MKFAN. "CIIRE INSURANCE AGENT, at Towsn- I. da, Pa., for the following reliable Companies : Parmer's Union Insurance ( <>. . Athens, J'a. Capital , $200,000. Sinte .Mutual nee C<>. . Harrisburg, Pa. Capital, $200,000. Cirard Insurance Co. . . . Philadelphia , Pa Capital. $300,000. Great Western Insurance Co. - Philadelphia Towanda, July 14, IK,->B. n AMMONTOX LANDS- NEW ENGLAND SETTLE MENT—RARE OPPORTUNITY—TO ALL WANT ING FARM S—in a healthy place, hrmtit-ftve mile* Irom Philadelpliia. on the Camden and Atlantic railroad, New Jersey. An old estate has re :ently been opened for sale, and tiie first division of lfl.OnO acres divided up into farms of twenty aerea and upw ard-. The soil is of the £■'(•/qiiali- 1 ity for the production of fruits, grains, A.. The price is j *1.7 to $2O per acre, payable in easy quarter \ early instil ment.-, within a term of four year-, with intero.-t. The |< terms arc made easy, in order to insure the rapid iiu- j '■ provt uieiit of the land, by enabling every industrial * man ,to buy u farm. It is now being extensively improved 1 \ good road, and some of the best citizens irom New Lug- j hind and the Middle States are erecting large improve meats. It is a scene of the greatest improvement out of ; Philadelphia. Seventy-live houses have been built in four ; months. Practical farmers and business im u from the j ! length and breadth of the Union are settling tlrere. It | is .:n important Tailless place, on account of its lieiug ' ' in the midst of a great market. Every rticle raised up- i | on this land tinds ati immediate s.iie. The water is e.v ! cellctit, and no such thing as fever i- known. The soil in a sandy or clay loam, with ,l day bottom j i and i tUniiee of manures. It i- tree of stones and easily i worked. It ali-uiod- largely in the phosphates, and sucli is its fertility that from tiie crops produced Vioth upon | i this land anil the large area adjoining under cultivation, | | it will ie found not to be excel'- d anywhere in the pro- i j ductiou of crops most adapted t its iii.irket. The re.ider may be well aw.ire that tt.e earliest and the i he-t fruits and vegetables come from Nt w .)• my, w hii h ! i are annual! , exported to the amount of millions of d-d- ! | lar-. The bnni. oi -lues In ing am essible in every way for : fertilizers, has an abundant sap; !y of the best quality oi j muek manure. Lumber and building materials can bo hid on the spot | 'at a cheap price, from the mills. Other mills are now ; being opemd, and brie kyards U-iug slarti !on the ground. | A per-nn can put up a trairu- tenement fir present con ! venieuce for one. liuudred doiiars. On account of the ex i ten.-ive emigration, this is the best course to in order to j get a plate to live in at first. Carpenters and builders ! I arc on hand to put np houses on tbc nest terms. In settiing lure tin- emigrant has many advantages.— | He i- within a few hour-' ride- ot the great cities in the j 1 Midelfe Mat'-vaud New England : iie is near his old friends j | and assi oi'itinus : lie is in a settled country, where every | improvement and comfort of civilization i- at hand ; he J : is in a healthy place, and i- not -nip t to the ctJlaiuty ; |oi losing the great-T pai tof iiL- family and his on s ixaltli | bv times maligimnt fevers which niaki the- graves of so | ninny millions of the young ind hardv in tar off regions , aw.ty from home and friends. Besides, he has a mild I elimat-- and an open winter. There are three train.-, d lily to Fhihdelphia. and to all : those who improve the railroad company gives a fret i ! ti. Let. ' , ! Tin render w ill at once be struck with the advantages j hen- presented, and ask himself why the property ha- not I been taken up before. The reason i.-. it was never t.u-own j j in the market : and unless the-e statement- were correct no one would be invited to examine the laud IK- lore pur chasing. This ail arc expected to do. They will see the ! laud under cultivation : they will meet persons, no doubt i from their own neighborhood: thev will witi.cs the im- | provi-ments and can jud-e ol the cl.;iracter ol the pnpu ! iation. Fersons should come prepared to purchase a- j many arc locating, and locations are not held on refusal. : The Uamuuiutt n Firmer, a monthly Literary and Ag- j ricultund sheet, containing full information ••! t ton, will be sent to each inquirer, and can be obtained at i 2o oents; T annum. Title indisputable. War ran tec deeils given, clear of all ' incunibrance, when purchase money is paid. Route to the land: —Leave Vine street wharf, Philadelphia, for H.unmonton by railroad at 7j. A. M., and oh, P. M. when ther- inquire for Mr. Byrnes. Boarding conven iences will U- found. Letters and applications can he ad dressed to S. 1!. < Ol GIfLIX. 2U2 South FIFTH Street hi low Walnut, Philadelphia. Jlapeand informatiuucheer fully furnkhed. Attention! Dentists! Teeth! TEST received, an assortment of Superior MINER AL • ' TEETH—warranted to atand fire, riveting, iMitica- j lion Ac. They are good imitations of Nature and prt sent evel y vara-ty of forin, size, eo'.u.- an'. arrarperLtL-nr, I from a . iglo tooth to an ent r- set, with ot- without ar tificial gum-, with desirable eized a- I ex ,j long I platiua puis Foi -aP i.y 1 | Tuwauda, June lu, 1-3*. Dll. H. C. PORTER. ' Hliscclancons. A. CHAMBERLINI^S^ CLOCK A WATCH " , lib rpms IS TIIK ESTABLISHMENT j I. where TON can litnl a very fine assortment of j WATCHES ANI) JEWELRY of all descriptions. aio a good stock of CLOCKS, prices ranging from 10 shillings j np, and wurranted to give good satisfaction or MI sale ' I am also agent for the sale of !>. L. LLN 1 S celebrated J Barium LI -. which every farmer should always hav, . Pri ' ei-S front S to J'io, according to finish REPAIRING done as usual in a neat and workmanlike manner and war ranted. WM. A. CHAMBER!.IN. X. B. The person that took I Breast Pin from my shop. July 3d, to show to his wife, HA 1 better cull A id SEE me in j N sard to tlie matter, perhaps it will save him some cost and trouble. Towanda. Nov. U, 1858. V'. A. fb i JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY! A. 2VA. Warner's JVtr I}- Splendid Jetcelrit Stare, one door north of Pat tons Drug Stare, HAS just been opened with the largest and it M .II FASHIONABLE JLWF7LUV evei-I, fieri D .. adi- I i ill illat in G mdp—f 3? public. Indeed, he can safely -ay that w ith . . YTU the openin gof his new store has been in- 1 •! a new era in the Jewelry line, inasmuch U- along with the ehoiceand elegant assortment ! lie gives the most reliable assurance of an almost incredi- ; ble reduction in prices : the rich and tasteful articles hav ing been nil bought with ready ash. A. M. A\ ~ win nhe retha 1 - HUE . for the past years.W itli a far le - attractive stock. IN lias enjoyed SO large N share • ol public patioii.l-C, llaliei - himself that the immense in- I crease of GOOD-- lie now offers, w hich have been bought so irna h mm E ailvnntagcu-isly, will enobh ' AI to increase the generous conliih nee which lias hitherto T>eei vouch- SID'I dto 1.4 m. He there! -re - di- its N • tinnaiice of the favor ot liis old •■OSTONI iiid invitt the public general- J- 1.1 on. E nd si I the fashion ' BE-THE WA'fi'Ll REPAIRING DEPARTMENT will ; continue to ).I distinguished BV the SI ill and despatch which has heretofore enabled it to enjoy the enviable rep- ( ulal ll.n of being- the most reliable iu tow n. Towanda. September 24. 155. TOWANDA CABINET WAREHOUSE CJIKsTKR WELLS WONL-L N -I'l-C; .NP V IN form his friends and tin ; — Wjniblic tlinl he is no-\ receiving at his "id ' stand one door north ot Laporte. Mason & Co.'s baukiug J house, a large and extensive assortment of Sofas, Mahoiranv Chairs, >t various patterns, < Rosewood r.tul Mahoganv Side and Centre Tables, j Dining, Tea an.' Pembroke Tallies, Stands of every kind. Cane, L ING and Wood seat Chairs, high " Chairs, Children's Rockers, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Lounges, Gilt and Rose wood Pieturc Frairc, Iron Mat Stands, Corner and SITE do. of walnut and mahogany : Cradles, Cribs, Wardrobes, Cupboard-. LOOKING glasses. Ac. rE"C' )KFINs, ot every size and quality, ard will at- | tend on all oei asi ins when C quired. The public are invited to examine my assortment before purchasing I wiilsell . hea)ier than any Other ! c tali'islniieiil in Northern Pennsylvania. Towanda, An glut H, 1855. THE OLD STA3NTD STILL h\ OPERATION! THE subscriber would announce : R 1 ■ I the pnhli that lie lias NOW on 1 lIINL. and will make to order all | I "4-JIKIIIIL- of CABINET FURNITURE, , [SI IFVFIMU sncli a-> Sofas.Divans.Lounges,Cen ?K tre. Card, Dining and Breakfast Ta- I G~ .*. i ! N LJ Chorrv Bureaus, Stands of various B.I kinds. Chairs and Bedsteads of every I deseription. which arc. and will be made of be-t ma ts-rial and workmanlike manner, aud which they will sell ! for cash cheaper than can be bought iu any other Ware- ' room iu the country. READY-MADE COFFINS, on hand on the most rea sonable term . A good HEARSE will tie furnished on j Funeral oc a-ions. J AMES M ACKINSON. Towanda, January 1.1737. GROCERIES, PROVISION'S, AILEY k MA INS nre just recoiviu.T n I 9 large addition to tlieir st-ick of Provisions. Groceries. Yankee Notions, Toys, Fruit, Confectionary, Ac., which ; will he sold wholesale of retail for cash, or in exhange for ! most kinds of country produce, at prices that cannot fail j to suit purchasers. Consumers or country dealers would | DO well to call and examine our stock aud prices. GROCERIES. Black and Green Tea, Rio and Java Coffee, Chocolate. I Cocoa, Sugar. Molasses, Syrup, Ginger, Pepper, Spice, I 'loves, nutmegs, Mace cinamon. Ground Mustard. PE;q>er Sauce. Soda. Salcratus, Cream Tartar. Sperm and Tallow I Candles, Bar Soap, Vinegar, Starch, Ac. PROVISIONS. Flour, Buckwheat Flour. Rye Flour. Corn Meal. Feed, ! Pork. Hams A Shoulders, MM-kerel, Codfish, Shad. Lake j 1 I uit, I'icki led and Smoked Herring, Cheese, Rice, Beans, j Onions, Potatoes, Butter. Lard, Crackers, Ac. Ac. FRUIT. Francs, Citron, Figs, Eng. Currants, Raisins, Lent- | ons and Oranges, Green andDricd Apples, and Peaches, j Almonds, Pecan nuts, Prazil nuts, Grenoble and Madeira Walnuts, Filberts, Pea nuts. Chestnuts, Hickory nuts, Ac. j GKHMAN. Fiir.Nß II and AM KMC AS Tovs, FANCY GOODS. , AC— Boy-' S'l igli-. Tin Wagons, China, L'evvter A Wood ' Tea Setts. Dolls, Trumpets, Toy Guns, Accordians, Har- j monicas. Glass. Paper and Wood Inlaid Work Boxes and ; Toilet Case-. Toy Bureaus, Secretaries. Ac, Pearl, Ivcry, \ Papier MA -he AND l.falli- r Port M-'-naies Wallets, Purses, i Ivory. Horn and Wood Pocket and Toilet Coinhs, Tobac- j EO ami Snuff Boxes, Cigar Cases, Tooth. Hair and Cloth! Brushes, Fancy Mirrors, Perfumery, Hair Oil, Ac. Foots CAP, Letter, Commercial Note and Bath Post Paper, Envelopes. W iters. Sealing Wax. Ink, Inkstands, Wafer Cup.-, Sand BOACS, Penholders, Pens, Wafer scales, Ac. Ac. TAJ;IX AND DATKY SALT, Saliua and Rock Salt, and ; Cayuga Ground Plaster. BAILEY A XLYINS. ! Towanda, November 2L, 1555. TCM3 STONES AND MONUMENTS. Towanda Garble Factory. (l\'earfit Opposite the Ward llouee.) The subscriber has just opened the TOWAN- ! AV-X DA MARBLE F\< I'IIRV, where he will be I -I' | I"A pared to 'furnish Monuments and Tomb j W/IJB'lif | Stones, manufactured front tile 1-e-T qualities ' L'FL of RUTLAND and ITALIAN MARBLE, and j. TF- wrought into SUI-II style\. and designs as w ill j I&l suit every variety of taste. L; Persons wishing to make their selections can do so whenever in Towanda, by calling at this New Establishment. The superior quality of the stock, the artisticnl brantv ' of tiie work, and the promptness with which orders vvili | be tilled, V\ DL oticr ind—.cenieots to visit this new shop. F. 11. BALDWIN, Proprietor. | Towanda, July 20,1858. REFGREXCF.9. WAVFKI.T. TOWANDA, TX. lion. Nat halt Bri.-tol. Prof. C. It. Unburn, C. H. Shepard Cashier, P-U Julius Foster, It. (}. Gratis, Merchant, H. S Mercur, Merchant, Alpin A PNIIL-itday, do. \1 ntanyes. " Rev. t). Crane. I . M. Woodruff, Sheriff, •' Win. Putnam. 'ol. A. M'Kean, Prot'y, J " I). A. She; ard. Hon. D. Wilmot, F. Tyler. Pre- t. Bank. " J. C. Ad RE is. EIIKMI NO. " WM. Klweil, G. W. Buck, Esq. K. A. Parsons, Fid. Argus. v. v.-ov. L. 0. Goodrich,Ed.Reporter. ! V. F.. Ptoßet, ESQ. THE" PEOPLE'S BOOT A S4 LOJE SHOP LYMAN WARNER. havingestablished a Boot L J aud Shoe Shop, in the building formerly oecn- J I it d by John Burger. a> a Grocery and Provi sioii store, north side of ttie Public Square, and immediately under the Billiard Saloon, would respect- I fully ask hi- share of patronage. Grateful for past patronage, he would say to his custo- I niers. and the public, tiiat he will manufacture to order | on the most liberal terms, all kinds of work in hi- line, and j will guarantee to tit aud good work; or no sale. From his ; long experience in the business, and as he employe none but the best workmen, he feels confident that his work ' cannot fail to give satisfaction. He will get up good Kip | Boots foi $3 23 ; Calf do., !4 . Cowhide do.,FJ ; Fine Kip j do.. 50. MENDING.— He IS prepared to execute all work in this line MI the shortest notice, at the following prices : Half- OLIR.-r men boot-. ct- , children . BOOTS and - SHOES mended nt -REN --ponding pii-T . Common sized patebe 0 J CENT* Oh FTA'Give lnui a call examine his wot k : ascertain hie' price-, and lie will not fail to plea-e the nio-t F.istidiouF. I lb member the phi- E. nmlei the Billiard Saloon. ' TOWANDA, Oct. 25,1855. WABLFTF. I DR. PORTER'SOFFICK & DRUG STOKE, SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE Fronting the A-uuaic Square. r fAI!E suTHseribcr, thankfnl for the liberal patronage of the ]• i~t year, intends to keep constantly on hand a M] M I sortment of the very best articles us-al!y kept in our line, which UK wii.i. dispn-e of oil such terms as will boa-, istactory to ail aho may patronize him. The purchases are made entirely with tush in hand, and for the ' ASH „ customers will receive the benefit of a good article at a low price. All articles shall answer our recomuienJatiboi mid art warranted a* represented. [Cr-Medical Advice gratnitoosly fivrn at the Office, charging only for the Medicines. The stock consists of a complete and select assortment of DRUGS, MEDICIIMES, AND GROCERIES, Pure Wine & Liquors, (or Medicinal use, London Porter 1 Scotch dir. ALL 7HE MOST I'OVULAR PATENT MEDICINES'. The most approved Trusses and Abdominal Supporters, Nursing- Bottles, Kin pie Shells, Breast Pumps, Teeth Zt ; ngs, Syringes, Catheters, Ac. r Am "ridm, /Jin/Huh $ Chinese Razors and Knives. FRESH CAMPHENE & BURNING FLUID -NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS! Superior TOBACCO dc SNUFF !—Choice brands of Pure Havanna, Princine and ITara CXGAXIS ! F Paints, Otis, Varnishes, Window, lini.Mit's, Perfumery, Shaving Soap. Fancy Articles, &c. &.€• Ilair Dyes, I lair Restorer, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Cream, Tooth Powder, Extracts for the Handkerchief, Italian Whisks, Port nionnais, Purses, Hay, Colonge, Rose aud Lavender A\ aters, Tobacco and Snuft' Boxes, Indeilible Ink, &c. FAMILY GROCERIES: Black and (ti'cpii Teas ; Rio and Java Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices, St? ice Sainton, Mackerel, Sardines, See. REMEMBER THE STORE—SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE! Towanda, February 1,1M55. H. C. PORTER, M. D. & NEW DRUG STORE. '<■ , PATTON .y PAYNE, aHfSritny I j c ! ON THE CCRNER OF BRIDGE AND MAIN STREETS, No. 4. Patterns' i lock, Towauda, Pa. ™ — J WNo IMM IS. Lfi u i\ MM SP A I i,, luilß subscribers. thankful for the liberal patrouage they have received since they entered into copartnership de-irc to inform their friend.- aiul the public generally that they mean to spare no pains to render their store the host regulated, safe-t and nv-t approved in Northern l'enn-\ lv.ini.i. They also beg leave to say, that tlier are constantly receiving from New York and Philadelphia, SELE' 1 DHL - US AND MEDICI N ES, of the freshen and beat character, as below : CHEMICALS, DRUGS, MEDICINES, GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, DYE STUFFS, & niuEisa A&aiMßazosv c ifASjnr AXEaoiresi DRESSING COMBS, PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, PORT MONNAES, &c. SURhICAL IKSTRUMEKTS. and a variety cf the most approved Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, et Iron Stoves, Stove Pipe, Ac. Now re •eivinga new supply the best markets, and by keeping a full assortment, selling as cheap as possible, we hope to secure the patronage of those doing business in this market. STORItS A CHATFELP. Owego, N. Y. Oct. 21. 1556. r 2STGW IS THE TI2VSE TO GET L 4 MELALNOTYPES & AMBROTYPES CHEAP ! | \ G. H. WOOD # \ /fn* rcduetd fits fro \er crn/. Frames of all kinds kept on hand also at reduced pri ces. tiood Cases with Mclniuoty pes, 75 cents ; all otlier kinds in proportion. Rooms open at all hours. Pictures taken in all Kinds of weather (except tor children.) All work warranted. Towanda, July 27,1*58. GEO. I I. 1U XTI NCi. I) ESPECTFI T T.T.Y informs hi- former customers and L the public generally, t'.at lie has removed Ir. i T A UOR'S Stt OT , To one door south of Tracy A Moore' -tor.' i Timor dlately opposite TV C. .. and Tin Store Mainst. He Haiti v.- Lioibelf that from his long experience In bu siness he wiilhc alii to please all who may favor him with t* custom, tlwing to the foic prrsorrr in the mo ney market, he will make Coats r rom *.! sn • • \ h and other work in ;••• -pi .' . .r. \lm • Coonfry Producefn its } art M, wi I M 4 he reftn* j j> • fl-. t •!. !■ mada, Mi. h 20, L *. I K. W VTKOrs. 11. M. PEW Attn K. II.COOf 1 B) WATROUS&Co., PPM.CP* ll • HEAVY 4- SHE I. FHA RDIVA RK, No's-1 A li. Water at. Ehnira, N. V. We have recently made large additions to our extensive stock, ind have now on hand a complete assortment of ev cry description of Hardware, which we offer at the lowest ■ ejsli prices; consisting of Mechanic's Tools. Building Va . t. rials, Iron and stool, Nails and piko, Ropes and Ccrd age, Paints, Oils and Class, Mill saw s of every sire an i shape, either Mtday C.ang or Circular. , . Machine Belting, of all widths, both of India Rubber s leather, (Tlassat wholesale. We are prepared to supply ■ ! Merchants with Class, Nails, scythes. Fork", Ac., at '' lß ' i | nfaetnrers prices. Tin, sheet iron, and Copper work on I hand or made to order. . .. < 'ORTRACTOR'S TOOLS—Wheelbarrows, Ames N"> Vela, Blasting Powder, Ac. Agents for Rich A Wildcr's Patent Salamander >'• Fan bank's Platform Scales, and Welch A (iriflith st la i' saws. , I>argc sizes up to r>o in r h, always on hand and *° Factory Prices Particular attention paid to wi' r# ' ' mail. Ehnira, April 7, 185 G. _n-44-l . ' r A DIES' AND MISSES WHITE AND | Colored lamb's Wool and Silk M cetved by NvrJO. I "DOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, 1 I oi i!de v ini i ■ fat Man. Womm. and < f ♦v . . i . : o( the r • -