Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 09, 1858, Image 3

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    gpe abf honorable negotiiition. If
accomplished, the lust relic of the
. t \e-trnde would instantly disappear.
] i not, if could, acquire Cuba in
- manner. This is due to our national
All the territory which we hare
e the origin of the Government
v fair purchase, from France, Spain
or by the free and voluntary act
■ndent State of Texas, in blending
> with onr own. This course we :
pursue, uuless circumstances should
u h we do not now anticipate, render-!
,arture clearly justigable, under the i
and overruling law of self-preserva-
I-!.ind of Cuba from its geographical
innnth the mouth of the Mississ- j
its innuence and annually increasing
f i_Mi and coastwise, from the valley j
■ , fife river, now embracing half the
S'ntes of the Union. With that Is-^
J , r the dominion of a distant foreign
j. tij. trade, of vital importance to these ;
• . i- exposed to the danger of being des-'
. time of war, and it has hitherto been
•ted to perpetual injury and annoyance >
•' • nr. Our relations with Spain,
ou:,'ht to lie of the most friendly cliurac
,r always be placed in jeopardy, whilst
, voting 15 ilonial Government over the Is
. ,| Ki il nmain in its present condition.
\ ; ist the yossess'ou of the island would be
, t ji,j rt nice to the United States its val
-j,;iiti i<, comparatively, unimportant.—
. ,ij was the relative situation of the parties |
;!ip trri at Napoleon transferred Louisiana
I nitcii States. Jealous, as he ever was, 1
national honor and interests of France,
throughout the world has imputed
am to him, f>r accepting a pecuniary equiv
; for this cession.
i■„ publicity which has been given to our
r hegotiatious upon this subject, and the
appropriation which may be required to
tin purpose, render it expedient, before
r .„'.g a; tiier attempt at negotiation, that 1
; iitv the whole subject before Congress
1 ;is especially necessary, as it may become
-sable to success that I should be in
irx-teil with the means of making an advance
Spanish Goqernmeut immediately after
, ,'iiii.g of the treaty, without aw aiting the
' ;iti :i of it by tlie Senate. Inm eneour
: io make this suggestion by example of
Mr Jefferson, previous to the purchase of Lou
. , iafr a France, and by that of Mr. I'oik
, . w of the acquisition of Territory from
Mexico. I refer the whole subject to Congress,
1 commend it to their careful consideration.
I repeat the recommendation made in my
. <>f December last, in favor of an ap
• ration "to be paid to the Spanish Gov.
r the purpose of distribution among the
j aunts in the Amistad case." President
; ; first made a similar recommendation in
aibiT, 1547, and it was repeated by my
mediate predecessor in December, 1853. I
•t rtain no doubt that iudemnity is fairly due
Tj claimants under our treaty with Spain
t the 27th October, 1795 ; and whilst de
aling justice, we ought to do justice. An
iproprlation promptly made for this purpose
could not fail to exert a favorable influence on
:r negotiations with Spain.
Onr position in relation to the independent
States south of us ou this Continent, and
especially those within the limits of North
America, is of a peculiar character. The nortli
en iMtuidary of Mexico is coincident with our
• *:i southern boundary from ocean to ocean ;
and we have necessarily a deep interest in all
. at concerns the well-being and the fate of so
tar a neighbor. We have always cherished
lite kindest wishes for the success of that re
public, and have indulged the hope that it
Nit at last, after all its trials,enjoy peace and
:■* -pcrity under a free and stable Government.
W>- have never hitherto interfered, directly or
ilirectlv, with its internal affairs, and it is a
city which we owe to ourselves to protect the
Vagritv of its territory, against the hostile in
rhri'tice of any other power. Our geographical
ensitiou, our direct interest in all that concerns
Mexico, and onr well-settled policy in regard
; the North American Continent, render this
an indbpens&blc duty.
Mexico has been in a state of constant re-
T ution almost ever since it achieved its inde
i mlence. One military leader after another
ha*usurped the Government in rapid succession,
ami the various Constitutions from time to time
united have been set at nought almost as soon
cs thev were proclaimed. The successive Gov
ernments have afforded no adequate protection,
other to Mexican citizens or foreign residents,
against lawless violence. Heretofore, a sei
zure of the capital by a military chieftain has
been generally followed by at least the nominal
mission of the country to his rule for a brief
priod, but not so at the present crisis of
M xican affairs. A civil war has been raging
sometime throughout the Republic, between
r Central Government at the city of Mexico,
which lias endeavored to subvert the Consti
tution last framed by military power, and those
*homaintain the authority of that Constitu
tion. The antagonist parties each hold pos
h- .11 <>f different States of the Republic, and
hi? fortunes of war arc constantly changing.
Meanwhile, the most reprehensible means have
nil employed by both parties to ex tort money
' ui foreigners as well as natives, to carry on
! < ruinous contest. The truth is, that this
bt country, blessed with a productive soil and
"benign climate, has been reduced by civildis
'l - >ii to a condition of almost hopleless
ftiarchy and imbecility. It would be in vain
or the Government to attempt to enforce pay
out in money of ihc claims of American cit
hens, now amounting to more than ten million
dollars, against Mexico, because she is desti
'J'e i.f all pecuniary means to satisfy these de
Our Inte Minister was furnished with ample
f-' .vtrs and instructions for the adjustment of
a pending questions with central government
' Mix o, and he performed his duty which
if, ai and ability. The claims of our citizens,
k -a? of them arising out of the violation ot au
provision of the treaty of Guadelupe
Hidalgo, and others from gross injuries to per
iuus as well as property, have remained mire
ur ' -H'd and even unnoticed. Remonstrance!
-ainst these grievances have been addressed
•i.'diout effect to that Government. Meantime
j'- 1 various parts of the Republic, instances have
e n nnrnerious of the murder, imprisonmenl
1 plunder of our citizens, by different parties
' :i uiig and exercising a local jurisdiction; but
e central Government, although repeatedly
-■>td thereto, have made no effort either tc
: "h the authors of these outrages or to pre
" - their recurrence. No American citizen
vi-it Mexico on lawful business withoul
'Uent danger to his person and property
' is no adequate protection to either ;am
■ s respect our treaty with that RenublU
s -iaoxt, a, dead letter.
This state of affairs was brought to a crisis
in May last by the promulgation of a decree
levying a contribution pro rata upon all the
capital in the Republic, between certain specifi
ed amounts, whether held by Mexicans or
foreigners. Mr. Forsyth, regarding this decree
in the light of a " forced loan," formally pro
tested against its application to his couutrymeu,
and advised them not to pay the contribution
but to suffer it to be forcibly exacted. Acting
upon this advice, an American citizen refused
to pay the contribution, and his property seized
by armed men to satisfy the amount. Not con
tent with this the Government proceeded still
further, and issued a decree banishing hi in from
the eouutry. Our Minister immediately noti
fied them that if this decree should be carried
into execution, he would feel it to be his duty
to adopt " the most decided measures that be
long to the powers and obligations of the rep
resentative office." Notwithstanding the warn
' ir.g, the banishment was enforced, and Mr.
Forsyth promptly aunounced to the Govern
ment the suspension of the political relations
of his legation with them, until the pleasure of
his own Government should be ascertained
This Government did not regard the contri
bution imposed by the decree of the 15th of
May last to be in strictness a " forced loan," !
and as such prohibited by the tenth article of !
treaty of 1820 between Great Britain and
Mexico, to the benefits of which American cit
izen are entitled by treaty ; yet the imposition
of the contribution upon foreigners was con-id
ered an unjust and oppressive measure. Besides,
j internal factions in other parts of the republic i
were at the same time levying similar exactions j
upon the property of our citizens, aud interrupt- ]
ing their commerce. There had been an entire
failure on the part of our Minister to secure
redress for the wrongs our citizeus had eudured
notwithstanding his persevering efforts. And j
from the temper manifested by the Mexican j
Government, he had repeatedly assured us that
no favorable change could be expected until the j
United States should "give striking evidence
of their will and power to protect their citizens," ,
and that " severe chastening is the only earthly
remedy for our grievances." From this state
ment of facts it would have been worse than
idle to direct Mr Forsyth to retrace his steps
and resume diplomatic relations with that Gov
ernment ; and it was, therefore, deemed proper
i to sanction his withdrawal of the legatiou from
the city of Mexico.
Abundant cause now undoubtedly exists for
a resort to hostilities against the Government
still holding possession of the capital. Should
they succeed in subduing the Constitutional
forces, all reasonable hope will then have ex
pired of a peaceful settlement of our difficulties.
On the other hand, should the Constitution
al party prevail, and their authority by estab
iidied over the republic, there is reason to
i hope that tliey will be animated by a less un
friendly spirit, and may grant that redress to
American citizens which justice requires, so far
as they may possess the means. But for this
expecttaion.l should at once have recommended
to Congress to grant the necessary power to
the President to take possession of a sufficient
portion of the remote and unsettled territory
of Mexico, to be held in pledge until our in- :
juries shall be redressed and our just demands
,he satisfied. We have already exhausted every
milder means of obtaining justice. In such a ;
case, this remedy of reprisals is recognized by j
the law of nations, not only as jnst to itself,
i | but as a means of preventing actual war.
But there is another view of our relations
• with Mexico, arising from the unhappy condi
; tion of affairs along our Southwestern frontier
j which demands immediate action. In thut
> remote region, where there are but few white
inhabitants, large bands of hostile and pre
datory Indians roam promiscuously over the
t Mexican States of Chihuahua and Sonora and
1 our adjoining Territories. The local Govern
ment of these States are perfectly helpless, and
i are kept in a state of constant alarm by the
L Indians. They have not the power, if they
; possessed the will, even to restrain lawless
- 1 Mexicans from passing the border and com
-1 mitting depredations on our remote settlers. —
s A state of anarchy and violence prevails ]
1 throughout that distant frontier. The laws j
s' are a dead letter, and life and property are
wholly insecure. For this reason the settle
- ■ ment of Arizona is arrested, whilst it is Of great j
- ; importance that a chain of inhabitants should
r ' extend all along its southern border, sufficient
fur their own protection and that of the Unit- I
e ed States mail passing to and from California. !
i Well-founded apprehensions are now
-; ed, that the Indians,and wandering Mexicans
equally lawless, may break up the important
, ! stage and postal communication recently estab
lished between our Atlantic and Uacific pox
's sessions. The passes very near to the Mexican
! boundary, throughout the whole length of
f Arizona" I can imagine no possible remedy
f for these evils, and no mode of restoring law
r j and order on that remote and unsettled frontier,
i but for the Government of the United States
to assume a temporary protectorate over the
- northern portions of Chihuahua and Sonora,
i' and to establish military post* within the same;
- and this is earnestly recommended to Congress.
- This protection may be withdrawn, as soon as
1 local Governments -hall be established in these
Mexican States, capable of preforming their
j duties to the United States, restraining the
y lawless and preserving peace along the border,
i 1 do not doubt that this measure will be
s viewed in a friendly spirit by the Governments
1 and people of Chihuahua and Sonora, as it will
i- prove equally effectual for the protection of
s their citizens ou that remote and lawless fron
n tier, as for citizens of the United States.
And in this connection permit me to recall
a your attention to the condition of Arizona. —
i- The population of that Territory, numbering,
:- as is alleged, more than ter. thousand souls,
arc practically without a Government, with
c out laws, and without any regular admiuistra
f tion of justice. Murder and other crimes are
t committed with impunity. This state of things
li calls loudly for redress ; aud I, therefore, re
i, peat my recommendation for the establishment
u of a Territorial Government over Arizona,
c j [The President then passes to the considera
•- tion of our relations with the States of Central
i- America. The transit route, controlled by
is Costa Rica'and Nicaragua,he declares to be of
d too great importance to the commerce of the
e world to be interrupted by the civil wars and
c revolutionary outbreaks whichjiave sofiequent
it ly occurred in that region, and it is the duty ot
s ' other notions, while respecting the sovereignty
t of these States, to require that the interruption
y shall not take place. The stake is too irupor
o tant, also, to be left at the mercy of rival corn
s' panies, claiming to hold conflicting contracts
n with Nicaragua. The Government of the I ni
it ted States will not be satisfied with less than
7. this. They would not, if they could derive any
d advantage from Nicaragua transit, not com
c tnon to the rest of the world. Its neutrality
, uiid protection for the common u:e of ail nations
is their only object. They have no objection
that Nicaragua shall demand aud receive a fair
compensation from companies and individuals
who may traverse the route ; but they insist
that it shall never be closed again by an arbi
trary decree, as it was by the] Walker-Rivas
The President refers to the Can-Yrissari
treaty, which Nicaragua has failed to ratify,
because of the provision authorizing the Uni
ted States to employ force to keep the route
open, in case Nicaragua should fail to perform
her duty in this respect. lie concludes this
portion of his Message by asking authority
from Congress to employ the land and naval
forces of the United States in preventing the
transit from being obstructed or closed by law
less violence, aud in protecting the lives of
American citizeus traveling thereupon. We
need say nothing of the importance of this
demand, it speaks for itself. A similar necessity
exists for the passage of such an net, for the
protection of the Panama and Teliuantepec
routes. The President discusses some length
the claims the United States has against Nica
ragua, Costa Rica, and New Granada, and
also alludes to the Paraguay expedition.
He then comes to the consideration of the 1
depressed condition of the industry of the
country, lie adds but little to what he said
on the subject in his last annual message Our
manufacturers have everywhere suffered in the
late revulsion; but this was not because of the
tariff of 1857. The same ruinous consequences ,
would have followed in the United States, under
the tariff of 1846. They were the inevitable
result of our unsound and extravagant system
of bank credits and inflated currency, and the
periodical revulsions to which we have been
subjected must continue to return at intervals, ;
so long as our present unbounded system of
bank credits shall prevail. The President there- j
fore, renews the recommendation in favor of
the passage of a uniform bankrupt law, appli
cable to banking institutions. This is all the
power over the subject which lie believes the |
Federal government possesses.]
In connect on with this snlijeet, it Is proper to refer to
our financial condition, The same causes which have I
produced pecuniary distress throughout the country .have 1
so reduced the amount of imports from foreign countries, ;
that the revenue has proved inadequate to meet the ne- i
cersary expenses ot the Government. To supply the de
ficiency. Congress, hy the act of lleo. 'ill. 1557. authorized
the issue of i'.'h.OoO.nOO of Treasury notes, aud. this pro*
ing inadequate, they authorized, l>y the act of June 14,
1558,a loan of $'2U,0()0,00," to he applied to the payment
of appropriations made by law."'-
No statesman would advise that we should go on in
creasing the national debt to meet the ordinary expenses J
of the Government. This would be amod ruinous policy, j
In case of war, our credit must be our chief resource, at j
least for the first year, and this would be greatly impair- '
ed by having contracted a large debt in time of pea> e. It i
is our true policy to increase our revenue so as to equal |
our expenditures. It would be ruinous to continue to |
borrow. Besides, it may be proper to observe that the j
incidental protection thus alf'orded by a revenue tarifl
would, at the present moment, to some extent, increase j
the confidence of the manufacturing intcrsts, and give a ]
fresh impulse to our reviving business. To this, surely, i
no one will object.
In regard to the mode of assessing and collecting duties j
under a revenue tariff, I have long entertained and ex- j
pressed the opinion that sound policy requires this should j
be done by specific duties, iu cases to which these can be i
properly applied. They are well adapted to commodities j
which are usually sold by weight or measure, and.which,
from their nature, are of equal, or nearly equal value—
Such, for example, are the articles of iron of different 1
classes, raw sugar, and foreign wines and spirits.
In my deliberate judgment, specific duties are the t>est. '
if not toe only means ot securing the revenue against false I
and fraudulent invoices, aud such has been the practice }
adopted for this purpose by other commercial nations. —
Besides, specific duties would afford to the American ma
nufacturer the incidental advantages to which he is fairly
entitled under a revenue tariff. The present system is a
sliding scale to his disadvantage. Under it,when prices are
high and business prosperous, the duties are high when
he least requires their aid. On the contrary, wheh prices i
fall, and he is struggling against adversity, "the duties arc '
diminished in the same proportion, greatly to his injury. ;
Neither would there be danger thut a higher rate of du- j
ty than that intended by Congress could be levied in the
form of specific duties. It would be easy to ascertain the j
average value of any imported article for a.series oi years
and instead of subjecting it to an ad valorem duty at a
certain rate per centum, to substitute iu its place au equi
valent specific duty.
By such an arrangement the consumer will not be in- ,
jured. It is true, he might have to pay a little more duty
on a given article in one year; but if so, he would pay s
little less in another, and in a series of years these would <
counterbalance each other and amount to the same thing (
so tar as his interest is concerned. This inconvenience
would be trifling when contrasted with the additional se
curity thus afforded against frauds upon the revenue, in
which every consumer is directly interested.
I have thrown out these suggestions as the fruits of my
own observations, to which Congress, in their better
judgment, will give such weight as they may justly de
] serve.
The report of the Secretary of the Treasury will explain
| in detail the o[u-rations of that department of the govern
: ment. The receipts into the Treasury, from all sources,
i for the fiscal year ending 30th June, I*sß, including the
| Treasury notes authorized by the act of 23d l>ec. |sA7,
were $70,273,8159 59, which amount, with the balance of
i $17,710,111 27 remaining in the Treasury at the com
j meneement of the year, made an aggregate for the ser
i vice of the year of $*7,983,9x3 75.
j The expenditures during the fiscal year ending June
20. Ixs*. amounted to $*1,5X5,607 76, of which $9,6X4.-
; 537 99 were applied to the payment of the public debt,
1 and the redemption of treasury notes with the i'.terest
! thereon, leaving in the Treasury on July 1,1X58, the com
mencement of the present sscal year, the sum ot $6,398,-
316 10.
The receipts into the Treasury during the first quarter
of the present fiscal year, commencing the Ist ol July,
1858, including one half of the loan of $20,000,000, with
the premium upon it, authorized by the aet of the 14th of
June, I*s*. were $25,230,879 46. aud the estimated re
ceipts for the remaining three quarters to the 3oth June,
1X59. from ordinary sources, are $38,500,000, making Un
balance before stated an aggregate of $70,129,104 56.
The public debt on the Ist of July. 1858, the commence
ment of the present fiscal year, was $2.">.199,977 67.
[The President then calls attention to the Reports of
the Heads of the different Departments. The postal sys
tern is not self-supporting, owing to the vast increase of
mail service, the deficit growing larger every year.
The Pacific Railroad next receives the consideration of
l the ['resident, and he refers to his last message for his
! views upon the subject.]
On the 21st of August last, Lieut J. X. Maffit, of the
i United States hrig Dolphin, captured the slaver Kcho,
i (formerly the Putnam, of New Orleans.) near Kay Verde
I on the coast of Cuba, with more than three hundred Af
rican negroes on board. The prize, under the command
of I.ient. Bradford, of the United States Navy, arrived .it
i Charleston on the 27th of August, when the negroes, 306
I in nnmlier, were delivered into the custody of the United
j States Marshal for the district of South Carolina. They
| W ere first placed in Castle Pinckney, and afterwards in
fort Snmpter, for safe keeping, and were detained there
until the 19th of September, when the survivors, 271 in
number, were delivered on board the United States stea
mer Niagara, to be transported to the coast of Africa, un
der til" > h rge of the agent o the United States, pursu n"
to tin- provisions of the act ot the 3d of March. Ixl9. " in
addition to the arts prohibiting the slave-trade."' Under
the second section of this act, the President is "authoriz
ed to make such regulations ns he may deem expedient,
for the safe-keeping, support and removal beyond the li
mits of the United States, of all such negroes, mulattoe*,
or persons of color," captured by vessels ot the United
States, as may be delivered to the Marshal of the district
into which they are brought. " and to appoint a proper
person or persons residing upon the oast of Africa, as
agent or agents for receiving the negroes, mulattoes, or
persons color, delivered from on board vessel* seized
in the prosecution of the Slave-trade, by commanders of
the United States' armed vessels."
A doubt immediately arose as to the true construction
of this act. It is quite clear from its terms that the Pre
sident was authorized to provide " for the safe keeping,
support and removal" of these negroes up till the time of
their delivery to the agent on the Coast of Alrica : but
no express provision was made for their protection and
support after they had reached the place of their destina
tion Still, an Agent was to be appointed to receive them
iu Africa ; and it could not have been supposed that Con
gress intended he should desert them at the moment they
were received, and turn them loose on that inhospitable
roast to perish for want of food, or become again the vic
tims of the slave-trade. Had this been the intention of
Congress, the employment of an Agent to receive them,
who"is required to reside on the Coast, was unnecessary,
and thev might have been landed by our vessels anywhere
in Africa, and left exposed to the sufferings anil the fate
which would certainly await them.
Mr. Monroe, in his special message of the I <th OT De
cember at the first session after the act passed, announc
ed to Congress, what, in his opinion, was its true con
struction. He believed it to be his duty under it to fol
low these unfortunates into Africa, and make provision
for them there, until they should be able to provide for
themselves. Iu communicating this interpretation ol the
~• rv>"L"C"* >e stated that some doubt had been en
?e?U?Mu" VoiGUue ttteat -ad e.r!nf
mltted tho question to tbem, so that they night, "should |
It bo deemed advisable, nmend the same before further I
proceedings are had under it." Nothing was done by
Congress to explain the act, and Mr. Monroe proceeded
to carry it into execution according to bis owu interpte
tation. This, then, became the practical construction. —
When the Africansjfrom on board the Echo were deliver
ed to the Marshal at Charleston, it became my duty to
consider what disposition ought to be made of them under
the law. For many reasons it was expedient to remove
them from that locality as speedily as possible. Although
the conduct of the authorities and citizens of Charleston
in giving countenance to the execution of the law, was
just what might have been expected from their high cha
racter, yet a prolonged continuance of three hundred Af
ricans in the imraodiate vicinity of that city could not
have failed to become a source of inconvenience and anx
iety to its inhabitants. Where to send them, was the
question. There was no portion of the Coast of Africa to
which they could be removed with any regard to human
ity, except to Liberia. Uuder these circumstances, an
agreement was entered into with Colonization Society on
the 7th of Scptemi>cr last, a copv of which is herewith
transmitted, under which the Society engaged, for the
consideration of forty-five thousand "dollars, to receive
these Africans to Liberia from the agent of the United
States, and furnish them during the period of one year
thereafter, with comfortable shelter, clothing, provisions
und medical attendance, eausing the children to receive
schooling ; and all, whether children or adults, to be in
structed iu the arts of civilized life, suitable to their con
dition. The aggregate of $45,000 was based on an allow
ance of $l5O tor each individual, and as there had been
considerable mortality among them, and may be
fore they reach Africa, the Society agreed, in an equita
ble spirit, to make such a deduction from the Hinouut as
under the circumstances may appear Just and reasonable.
This cannot fixed until we shall ascertain the actual num
ber which may become a charge to the Society.
It was also distinctly agreed, that uuder uo circumstan
ces, shall this Government be called upuu lor any addi
tional expenses.
1 recommend to your favorable regard the local inter
ests of the District of Columbia. As the residence of
Congress and the Executive Departments of the Govern
ment. we cannot fail to feel a deep concern in Its welfare.
This is heightened by the high character and the peace
ful and orderly conduct of its resident inhabitants.
1 cannot conclude without performing the agreeable
duty of expressing my gratification that Congress so kind
ly responded to the recommendation of my last annual
message by allordiug me sufficient time before the close of
their lute session for the examination of all the hills pre
sented to nu- for approval. This change in the practice
of Congress lias proved to be a wholesome reform. It j
exerted a beneficial influence on the transactions of legis- !
lative business, and elicited the general approbation of j
the country. It enabled Congress to adjourn with that |
dignity auil deliberation so becoming to tho liepreseuta- ,
tives of this great Republic, without having crowded info j
general appropriation hills provisions foreign to their ua- i
tore, and of doubtful constitutionality and expediency.— |
Let rne warmly and strongly commend this precedent, '
established by themselves,as a guide to their proceedings
during the present session.
WASHINGTON CITV, December 6, I*sß.
In Christ Church on the morning of the 2d inst.. hv the
Rev. lienj. J. Douglass. EM ILK FISCHER, M (., of j
Philadelphia, to Miss ROWEN'A, daughter of Burton
Kingsberry, Esq., of this place.
In Ridgbury, hv D. Dewey, Oct. 22, ISSS. JOHN' VOOR '
HIS to Miss MARY JANE WINTER, both of Spring- !
field, Pa.
In Ridglmrv, bv the same, Nov. 22, I*sß. AARON SEA- 1
FUSE to Miss EMILY STEVENS, both of South Creek, j
In Ridglmrv, bv the same, P. D. COVEI.L, of Ridghury j
to Miss ESTHER ANN CHASE, of South Creek, Pa.
fS&iig™ DONATION PARTY.—The friends of the [
liSr REV. A. It. JONES, will pay liirn a Donation |
Visit, at the Sons of Temperance Hail, LERAYSVILLE, j
THURSDAY, DEC. lb, l*.5N.
It is expected that early in the evening an address will
lie delivered in the Church by Rev. GEORGE LAN DON. j
A general invitation is extended.
Iftgpw NEW YEAR'S BALL. —The pleasure of your- |
Bqi*sr self aud Lady is most cordially solicited to at- I
Milan. Pa., on FRIDAY EVENING. DEC 31, 1*59. Mu
sic- KENDALL S FULL BAND. Bill t>.
D. MYERS, Proprietor.
FAIR—The Ladies of the Sewing Society, con
IsJ&r netted with the Methodist Dpi-copal Church
in this village, propose to hold a FAIR on the evening of i
Wednesday, I.sth inst., at the ENGINE HOUSE, for the j
purpose of paying off the debt on their parsonage. For j
about eight years tlie debt has greatly retarded and era- |
barrassed their tinaneiaifbenevolont objects and believing j
that this community are willing that we should exist in j
their midst unembarrassed we solo it their patronage. All !
disposed to aid us by donation or otherwise, will confer a
favor we can, aud will, appreciate. By order ot
fMjgayrW KSI.EY A N F AIR. The members and friends
of the " First Wesleyaii Methodist Church " of
tiiia boro,will hold a FAIR for the benefit of said church
on the evening of THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 30, 1-s*.
There is a debt nf two hundred ami sixty dollars against ,
said Church. And it is for the purpose of procuring means 1
to pay it oil'that this Fair is to he held, and we earnest :
iy appeal to the friends of humanity lor help in this time !
of great need, we are few in number and very poor. It i
lias been sometime since we have called upon our white |
friends for help, and we now l>eg their aid ; they have j
never turned a deaf car to our wants and we trust they
! will not do so now. We hope that public confidence is j
i not shaken iu us,we are in your midst and are striving in
our humble sphere to do good, to live soberly. industrious
i ly and righteously before God. and we trust no one can j
say our Church has not done a full share ol her mission in j
! this community Her Sabbath schools and day schools •
j have done a great amount of good, the Church and Sab- j
I bath school has never been in a better spiritual condition j
than at present.
Friends of the oppressed and downtroden race, to you j
! we appeal for aid, for the few who are with you in this |
j community, in their efforts to elevate and better the con
I dition of their race. Remember that "he who giveth to
t the poor giveth to the Lord." God loves tho cheerful giv
i er. Contributions will lie received at the Barber's Shop
in the basement of the Ward House, aud the amount duly
The Church books can lie found there open to the in
spection of all who wish to examine them
Towanda. Nov. 30. 18.5*. SOLOMON COOPER.
Xcto 'gVbticrtiscmcnls.
UAYING preutly increased their facilities
for manufacturing thrirCe/ebraftd Family Machines,
with all the recent improvements, have reduced their pri
ces, and offer for sale
It is no longer questioned that these Machines are the
best in use for family sewing. They Hem, Fell, Gather,
i and Stitch in the most superior manner; and are the only
j machines in the market that are so well and simply made",
I that they may be sent into families with no other lnstruc
i tlons than arc contained in a circular which accompanies
I each Machine, and from which a a child if ten yeart may
' readily learn how to use them, and keep them in order.
1 They make upwards of FIFTEEN HUNDRED STITCHES
I A MINUTE, and will do the sewing of a lamilv cheaper
1 than a seamstress can do it. even if she works at the rate
jof one cent an hour. Is there a husband, father, or
! ther in the United States, who will permit the drudgery
j of hand sewing in his family, when a GrnverA Baker Ma
! chine will do it better, more expeditiously, and cheaper
i than it can possibly he done by hand. Send for a circu
-1 lar. For sale hv .1. M. ROBINSON, Lake St., Elmira.and
F. B. CHANDLER. Montrose.
Susquehanna Collegiate Institute,
DAVID CRAFT. A. B- Principal, Professor of Ancient
.Languages and Mental and Moral Science :
OLIVER S. DEAN, A. 8., Professor of Mathematics
ami Natural Science.
W.M. T. HORTON, Master of the English Department.
MISS A.ELIZA F RITC HER, Preceptress ;
MISS O. LOUISA JENKS, Instructor on Piano, and of
Drawing ;
The Winter Term commences on December Ist, and
will continue 14 weeks, exclusive of a week's vacation at
Payable invariably iu advance, or one half on entering
the school, and one half at the middle of the term—Fuel
and contingencies included :
Primary, per term, f 1 0°
Preparatory, 6 00
Higher, Ist year, per term, 7 00
Higher, Ist ami 2d year, per term, S 00
Classical, Ist year, per term, 7 00
Classical, 2d and 3d year, per term, 8 00
Collegiate, jer term 10 00
N. B. Pupils will l>e classed by the most advanced
branch they respectively pursue.
Pupils using scholarships are charged tl per term for
uel and contingents ; for instrument on wuich to take
lessons, 60c, or for practice $2,00.
French t r > 00
Drawing 3 00
Tuition on Piano Forte with use of Instrument,. 12 00
do do per quarter of 11 weeks,.. 10 00
Board in the Institute, per week, including fuel and
light 2 00
Washing, per dozen, 3'i
No scholar, wh"e parents or guardians shall reside
within two mile* of the Institute shall be admitted to tui
tion therein upon any permanent scholarship rented or
loaned hv such pupil, hi- or br parent or guardian
j jQpf or further particulars ir.q .ire e.f the j nc-lpa.
STATEMENT of- t|je Amount, description and value of REAL AND PERSONAL
PROPERTY, Trades, Professions and Occupations, Offices aud l'.-H ofTrnit, Money at Intmat. I Nvtea. Jufff
wents, Mortgages. Ac., Gold Lever, Sliver I*vei and Gold Wuteks, biJvu Aches valued at vei twentj lollr*.
Ac., in returned bj tbv levvrnl AiiK.vior ot Bradford County, fur A. L)
■■ '■ ! 1
0 f f >2 5 ® "2 21E.
Township* p % - 2 1 *& f 2- ~ * *7 \ f ~2. >
1 i % Hit I? ii| tifii?|i|fl if
t | | ||ff f* j iff
37 Armenia $11,640 $1,974 •••• •••• j "*• | - " I
223 Asylum 43,919 6,099 $3,700 2 0 i | .. I 1
234 Albany 47,375 9.1C5 -•
40.5 Athens Township 274.331 22,866 5.4(H) ... 1 •••• I • I ..
llil Athens Boro 102,032 8,125 I,""0 'iW •••• | .. 13 j ..
240 Burlington 84,006 11,136 36'J i -U0 .... j ••• •• .. j
187 Burlington West 78,501 8,115 .... f •••• I •••• •• -i
47 Hurlicgton Boro 15,844 2.366 1.000 60 i | 9
3*o Canton.. 189,220 10.255 2,100 j 70 i i ••••
2t>3 iColuuibia 156,257 17,307 33) 545 i ....
152 iDurell 81,616 11,<59 I j ....
1.5 J Franklin 38,4*9 0.652 .... j 100 ... ....
206 tiranville 45.476 11.444 | 4.460 290 4
202 I Derrick 69,191 9/.51 ' 2.1(H)
232 | Litchfield 61,938 10,2*0 I 2,000 I 20 1
194 il.eroy 62,689 9,094 96 j .... .... .... • ; A
210 IMonroe Township..,. 91,495 DM),93 .... SOO .... .... •• -
65 iNlonroe Boro 14,499 3.4U)i 6"4 i .... .... .... 1
310 i Orwell 121.565 15,712 2.700 i 533 .. 5 9
8l Overton i 3,366 .... 36 .. ..
361 j Dike 163,870 24,720 ! 5,617 | 400 ..., 4
28l ; Rome 90,412 14,603 ! ... j .... .. ..
335 Ridgbury 89,302 10.101 000 ; 140 ~ 4
173 Ibouth Creek 65.408 7.690 612 ..... I
174 j Standing Stone 71,2*0 9,705 .-•• j I •••• I --
431 {Smithtiedd 103,074 21,900 6,037 | 276 i .. 3
405 '.Springfield 139,541 20,192 1,397 ! 305 .... .... ...
62 ISylvania Boro 17.650 2,261 1,420 ; 100 ■ .... .... | J ' '
313 ISheshequiu 141,230 15,9'.1 200 1 940 | 2 1
114 'Towanda Township.... 70,360 i 6 928 1,400 1 100 : .... i ...• . . I
118 |Towanda North 41,940 6,410 .... 150 I ;•••••• / t J
294 Towanda Boro 140,930 15,2*6 10,000 6*5 j 1900 | SCO 20 13
199 j uscarora 77,589 13,403 .... .... j •••• j •••• ••
292 Troy Township 107,503 17,*43 1,660 425 , .... i .... ... "
170 [Troy Boro 57,107 0.526 2,400 .... | ... 200. .. 8
203 Ulster j 85,436 j 10.020 1,200 | .... | .... C
342 (Warren 130,700 1 17.147 5,-60 j .... .... •
255 | Windham 105,615 1*,377 2,7-6 .... ....]..
270 ' Wyalusing 99,234 13.290 600 i 170 .... l') 0 .. 4 1
j 258 iWvsox 117.396 I 14,712 1,300 , .... i .... •••• j •
256 I Wells ! 86,210 1 10,154 2,160 ! 75 I t .1 ..
I 225 (Wilmot j 57,960 | 8,245 J 80 ! 100 1
I BRADFORD COUNTP, SS.- Wo the undersigned, Commissioners of said County, do hereby eertlfy
L. S. the above to be a true and correct statement ot the rrt irns made by the several Assessors of Bradford County
' - fyj- tlie vear 1*59, aud we also give notice that we wilt meet at the Commissioners Office, in Towaudu, upon
TUESDAY, the 2sth day oi December, I*sß, fr the nerpose of revising and equalizing said assessment.
Civen under our hands and Oflidul seal, at Towauua, this 6th day ot December. A. D. IS'".
D. Ull.l.EY. j
D. DECKER, - CommUaionur*.
Attest --E. B. COOLRXCUH, Clerk. 1*- "• BUCK. )
1- OF ELMlllA.cau, uuil do beat all competitor-, in sell- i
, in i< Embroideries, Collars. Slecvea, Bands, Flounciugs,
I Edgings, Inserting:*, Ac., cheap, at
Dec. 7. !s>. NO. j, UNION Ut-OCK.
i J. i< from li to 7 per cent, per annum, who therefore,
would therefore pay 15 per cent, more for (foods on cred-
I it than they can buy the san e articles for of MARSH A
i CO.. of Elinira, for Cash? "Ah, that's the question'*
i which is daily answered by many who have money at I
ample interest and buy for Cost thus saving com/ uund in- •
terest. Do yon u-k w here Goods can be bought so . heap J
i for Cash? Our answer is at MAltSli A CD'S.. No. 5. j
| (fatal Block, Elniira, N". V. I
Its most complete—consisting
! A of Single and Double Bnx-he Shaw ls (rom tfi to Sid, !
| S ngle and Double Wool Plaid Shawls from 10 s. to j
| Dress tloods of every description. Hoy's and Men's Wear j
: in every style and quality, from ihe cheapest Kentucky j
Jeans to the linest Broad Cloth, Flannels from I s. a yard I
to the best in the world, Bleached and Brown Muslin j
from 5 cts, to the most superior grades. Table Cloths, l'i- j
aim Cosers, Dinner Napkins. Tea Doylies, Damask. Tow- J
eliings. Hosiery, Cloves, Mittens, tiauutletts. and in fact
| everything that a rational human being can desire tolind j
jin a first class Dry • roods Store, at MY RSH A CD'S., i
No. 5, Union Block, Eluiira, N. V.
EXPsarsEs paid.
• -a A TANCE who trade at MARSH A CD'S., In El mira, i
will have tlieir expenses more than paid on what they I
save in the price ut Good-. Hundreds of persons have!
tried it to their entire satisfaction. Try it on. come and
see us, buy twenty dollars worth of us, and if you don't |
find it so, your expenses will ail be paid in cash by
Dec. 7 M (RSH A CO S.. *• 5. Union Block.
i presented at Marsh A Co's., in Elinira, where they !
jgo to trade everyday, at Dec.7. No. 5, Union Block.
I A the cure of Dyspepsia or indigestion, Direr Com
j plaint. Asthma, Costircness, or loss of Appetite. Ferer
anil Ague. Heart limit, ll'attr If rash, Aridity, Sea
Sickness, Scanty, .Vuusru, Headache, Fnnui. and lien
erai Debility, or any disease having its origin in imper
! teet digestion.
I These Bitters, as all classes of our fellow citizens.inelu
j ding Mem lien* of Congress, Lawyers, Physician*. Clergv-
I men, Planters, Farmers and others testify, are the only
' safe, certain, and sovereign specific for the immediate re
i lief and permanent cure of the many cruel complaints
j which in some phase or other of Dyspepsia atliiet our
These Bitters were discovered by Dr. Ceo. B. (Ireen,
and til their formula differ entirely from that of any other
1 preparation of medicine. Containing no alcohol -no min
eral —no poison—uo noxious drug—in their nature tonic,
1 not stimulating—retaining their virtues In any elime;thev
| are a "combination and a form indeed" of medicine whicli
knows no rival in exterminating disease and restoring the
system to its pristine vigor and health. No matter of
how long standing, or however induced or chronic in its
character the disease may lie—no matter that it has buf
i tied the skill of the physician, and resisted the efforts of
Medicine, a single trial of these Hitters will satisfy the
sufferer that his disease is amenable to the proper remedy.
In testimony ot the many cures effected by this Reme
dy reference is had to the written certificates from distin
guished individuals known all over the land.
Ricuroun, Tioga Co., Aug. 2,7, I
, ter suffering for over thirty years with Dvspepsia.and try
ing many remedies recommended for that disease with
out any good result, 1 was induced by Dr. F. H. White i
to give the Oxygenated Bitters atrial. Two bottles gate
. me much relief and two more completely cured me. lam
, now .seventy-live years old and for the last three months
hate felt no inconvenience from anything I have eaten.
1 take great pleasure in recommending the Oxygenated
Bitters to all tvho are suffering with a like disease.
Miss Mary A.Snover, ol Covington,and Miss Catharine
Beck, of Liberty, have experienced wonderful cures from
the Oxygenated Bitters. S. W. FOWI.K A CO.. Pr jirie
tors, Boston. For sale by their agents everywhere.
AGENTS : —Pntton A Payne and H.C.Portcr, Towanda ;
S. W. A D. F. Pomeroy, Troy ; Dr. E. P. Allen. Smitli
lield : T. Mather A < 0., Ulster ; G. A. Perki is, Ythcns;
J. F. Long, Burlington. Dec. 7, lftSS
-ggpysytt STRAYED.—Came to the enclosure of the j
subscriber in Asylum, on or about the Ist of :
| last, a White Spotted YEARLING j
HEIFER. The owner of which is reduested to prove pro- j
i peity. pay charges, and take her away.
I Nov. 12, 17 >s. GEORGE H. PRESTON.
"VTOTICE. —The Annual Meeting if the
j it Stockholders of the Bradford Railroad A Coal Coin- ,
I puny, for ELECTION of DIRECTORS and forsiicli other j
t I imsiness as may come up before them, will be held on J
| Wednesday, the 22d <1 ly of December next, at 12 o'clock .
t j noon, at the Merchants Exchange. Philadelphia City.
| room number 24. up stairs. ABB. R. PERKINS, i
j Philadelphia, Nov. 11. lsj.s. President.
t ALY EXPLODED We would say to our prompt pay- |
ing ( aistomers that we are still selling Goods on a credit ;
ef Six Months, and thai we are receiving large supplies .
I by railroad and canal weekly, and our prices will compare !
1 favorable v. ith our cash receiving neiglilmr*.
THE WHOLESALE FEATURE of their concern is
0 still continued, and small parcels, for Cash w ill lie sold at
f) Wholesale Prices.
D coived from the Duiicanon Iron Works which will Do sold
a to the trade at city prices including freight. Iot us pa
ll ! tnmize the manufacture of our own State.
l| fray. 24, 1858 MONTANYES.
r Shirt Bosoms, at No. 1, Patton's ltbs k.
| O ROCKWELL'S, cor. Main A Bridge sts. Patton's
0 Mock. Nov. 21.
0 i ILL Blue Fish, Mackerel and Codfish, at No. 1, Patton s
| Block. Nov. 24.
Nov. 24. at ROCKWELL'S.
! Single Brospe PJanki* Mantle and Mls*f-f>hiiwTa,
I N'ov ?4. tt 'V St KWBJL*B,
2\ is hereby given, a " persons Indebted to the es
tate of .Samuel Sattorlee decM ,lute of Sinitliflcld tuwuelilp,
are requested to make payment without delay ; and all
person* having claims against said estate, must pruacsit
them duly authenticated. to the subscriber.
NOT 24, 185#. Administrator.
is hereby given, that all p.rsous indebted to the
tateof HENRY WHIT'f AKEK, dec u.. lata of Warren,
are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay; and all person* having claims against said estate will
please present them dulv authenticated for settlement.
Sept. 15. IPSB. Administrator.
I?XECUTORS NOTICE Notice u hero-
Hi by given tinit uli p>-rt>ii* indebted to the estate of
DAVID PLAY FOOT late of Athens townshlp.dec'd. must
make immediate payment, and all person* having de
mands against said estate, will present them duly authen
ticated for settlement.
Dec. 1. 1-53. Executor.
is hereby srhen, that all persona iudebted to thaea
tate of Josinh Ltosworth d c'd, late of Pike twp.. *r re
quested to make payment without delay ; and all persona
having claims against said -elate, must presenttham
autheuticnteJ for settlement, to the anhscribera. .
Oct. 19. I*sß. Adinluiatrator.
XJL of an onler issued out of the Orphans' Court la and
for the county of Bradford w ill be sold at public auction
on the lltli day of DECEMBER. 1858, at 2 o'clock,P.M.,
at the Athens Exchange in boro'. the following
described nieces or parcels of land, to wit : oue piece sit
unte in Athens twp.. hounded north by lands of Warren
King and J r< ine W bite, west by laud of Jcliu Morler,
south by laud of William Underwood, east by land of Al
vin Morlcv. Containing aeventy-five arrea. Aud the oth
er piece situate in Litchfield twp.. hounded north by land
of Cyrus Merrill, east by lands of Stephen Kvauaaud A.
Baldwin, south by land of 11. Curlier, west by land of
Thomas Munn. Containing about eighty ucres. Ternwt
made known en day of saie. ALMIRA ON AN.
Athens, Nov. IC. 1858. Adm'x. John Ouan.dec'A.
New Books and Stationary !
IB NOW replenishing his Slock for the winter aehaoia.
Nov. 24.
New Cook Stove for Coal.
J. COAL—Relieved to be superior to any COOK STOTM
heretofore offered in this vicinitv. now ready for exhibi
tion or sale at the KAOI.K WoltKS. I'urchaaera ueed
not be reminded of the advantages of buying a Stova
where it is made. O. I. BARTLBTT.
Towanda. Nov J4. 1958.
- Retail pi ices of Coal at Towanda per kn :
Lt'ae co XL. a WITH cox*.
By the single ton f2,25. 12.00
After th* first of Decenit>er COAL will be delivered t
town, at the door, at 25 cents per load.
COAL is sld, for cash only, at the office of the BaA
roud Company, in Button's Block.corner of Main X Bridge
Streets, (second storv); also at the store of O. D. BABT
Towanda. Nov. 24. 1355. Oen'l Superintendent
.Yo Lives Jjost, but Crinoline greatly endan
gered by the Rush of Customers of Yo. Z,
I'alien's Block, occasioned by the arrival nf
New Winter Goods,
v T reinrned from the city with an nominally larga and
can-fully selected assortment of Winter Goods. to which
he invites your attention, his stock of DRY GOODS are
j of the latc-t styles, and unrivaled in cheapness and exeel
l Inner. His GROCKRIKSare of the choicest kinds and fa
endles- variety. Hi- large stock of RtlfiTS ,k SHOKJv are
i not to he surpassed hr any in the countr
The attention nf HOCSE KEEPERS is particularly In
vited to his it", rt-iicnt of CROCKERY. GLASS WARD,
! TIN A WOODEN WARE,Carpeting*. Curtain Draperies,
I and House furnishing Goods gene,al!y.ail of whiehwill he
sold at prices which cannot fail to please the most difficult.
WORSTED I'LAID. Wovl DcUine*. Del.ain Rohee.
! Blue Polka Del.ains, at No. 1 Patton's Block.
Velvet Ribbon-. Tassels. Acorn Buttons. Bonnet
: Ribbons. Mowers and Rnchcs .at W.A.ROi 'K WELL'S.
F^EATIIKKS —An elrirant Assortment of
Black, White, Crimson aud Fancy Plumes, st
Nov. 2t. W. A. ROCKWFLIfS.
; s—l " '~f superior quality . for sale at the Stove and
j Hardware Stare af .\<v.i ft. c. ?1 t1.1..
CTOYES FOR SALE—A Second flam!,
! UN No. 10, '• Queen of the Wgt" COOKING SToVP,
in good condition—a No a Sheet iron Air Tight STOVE
j - will he sold cheap. Apply at this office. Nov 10,1553.
T>ROCHE SII \WS.—Great Rartritin* may
i I.) be had .it the KEYSTONE STORE, this week, in
j Uriarhe Shawl- l**ieht from a lianfernpt importer *t half
' their value. Ladies will find this a rare npporiumty as a
[ part of this lot are of a finer quality than lias r ver before
1 horn bronght to this market : al*nn large lot of plaid and
1 round eoriier Wool Shawl*, just received at price* he|nw
i what ha* tweu hithcreto offered. Oct. 25.
I J "IMceolomini Style." has been received, and Is now
i for sale at the 0ct.25. KEYSTONE STORE.
j 'T large lot of and Linen Shirt Rninmn and
' Collars, Brocade Silk and Worsted Scarfs, of new and
beautiful *t vies. Cravat*. (Jlovcs, Wool Shirt* and Draw
ers. at price* hebov anv Goods of the quality ever offered
in Towanda. just received at the
Oct. -JV lux*. KEYSTONE sTfinr.
1 P Baskets. Gr-ir. sfra-'—>. rl!r. Tubs. Tifert F.-1
' -p-i, • .v it N r •' 3 TDX^.A