sa&aaaaia)# „ f :ho bride'* father in Troy, Oct. 18th. Mr. ° f ' ton - JDLfA TAY " i —— ! —g Xcro "COUNTY TEACHERS' Q" .V. IITIOV.—The annual meeting of the Brad- D Teachers' Association, will lie held in the # °Swl Building, on Fit I L) AY and SATURDAY, •' yI T Java of this month Addresses will be Ijtlnad '".yud the W.T.DAVIES. <*** ill* read bv Mrs. H. I* LAMORKUX and Miss Krf> Declamations by REES DA VIES and TIIOS. rpdolnlionrt relative toor common educational IV'" 11 ' -be discussed, among which is the following: * ' T(le commonwealth has, by legislative en- for the education of all her children ; ' ts the proper intellectual and moral training -outliof the State, is absolutely necessary for ' "rityof our political and religious institutions, f '.j That in order that all may be benefited by the ** „f the School Law, it should he made compul r^ 10 "'rents and guardians to send those under their the time being, to school, at least so long iu &•■ the school- shall lie kept open at the public ■ " nnt'l tlicv -hall arrive at the age of twelve years. BU * O. S. DEAN, No ' l . 18ML *"■'H I'rotrm. IBS. LIVE OBESE FEATHERS, ''! n I f MiDerior quality, for sale at the Stove and ' of Nwr.t D.C.HALL. , T( )VES FOR SALE. —A Second Hand, V, j (! ■' yuecn of the West COtlKlNll STOVE. L .inditioii .Do a Sheet-iron Air Tight STOVE I-.. Apply at this office. Nov.i®,lBsB. THE PEOPLE'S •DOT & SIIOIC SI lOl' tI.YM AX WARNER, having established a Root and Shoe Shop, in the building formerly oecu s* ,icl iiy John Burger. as a Grocery and" Pmvi .i,,n store, north side of the Public Square. i :itt Iv tinder the Hilliard Saloon, would respect- V). k hi- share of patronage. .t : („r pa-t patronage, lie would say to his ensto | tin- public, that he will manufactitre to order , :r ,-t liberal terms, all kinds of work in his line,and .'.ranter to lit and good work: or no sale. From his •*i; riettcc in the iutsiness, and s lie employs none rltf host workmen, he feels coulident that his work !': fail t" give satisfaction. He will get up good Kip $3 25 : Calf do., $1 ; Cowhide d 0.,53 ; Fine Kip K£N"1 1 1 N't I • He is prepared to execute all work in this i tlii- shortest notice, at the following prices : . ling men's boots, 50 cts.,; chiidren's I mots and "t. mended at corresponding prices. Common sired • Ac ''< i cents each. live him a call: examine his work : ascertain his - .and he will not fail to please the most fastidious. Member the place, under the Billiard Saloon, mds. Oct. 25,1858. L. WARNER. niIOCHK SHAWS.— Great Barpains may ) > had at tlie KEYSTONE STORE, this week, iu - K' shawl- bought from a bankrupt importer at half value. Indies will find this a rare opportunity as a •. i- lot are of a finer quality than lias over before „i : .uplit to this market : also a large lot of plaid and l -irner Wool Shawls, just received at prices below nil !ia- been hithereto offered. Oct. 25. rrOKSTKI) HOODS.—A larpe lot of I IVnmcns, Misses aud Children's Hoods, just rc 0ct.25. KEYSTONE STORE. I'HKMLLE SCARFS.— A choice assort ' merit just received at the KEYSTONE STORE. : AWES' DOE (JAUNTLETTS.—The h lV -olomiui Style," has been received, and is now 0ct.25. KEYSTONE STORE. m FURNIBHING (JOODS—A I arsre lot of Marsaille* and Linen Shirt Bosoms and Brocade Silk and Worsted Scarfs, of new and mtifi.l -tylcs. Cravats. Cloven, Wool-Shirts and Draw ■ i! prices below any Hoods of the quaiity ever offered ' njiida.just received at the ; 1-..-. KEYSTONE STORE. W ARRANGEMENT! mmM,w <BWGHD9 > subscriber would most respectfully return the pub > sincere thanks for the iilieral patronage he has re tti for the last eighteen years, which time he has de •trit" the mercantile business in Towanda and the ad t. wit, ja.l fp.p.i the experience he has had, he Is iwpared at his new quartern NO. 3, PATTOW'S BLOCK, Y'jt <l<*ii to I'athm <§■ I'n ynt's Drug Store, ■ to his old Customers, and others who wish iwe him a call, at lea-t 25 per cent cheaper than eon '! it any other store in Towanda Borough. All that ■A- is i can ful examination of his Good*. which were • HI! In New York and Philadelphia, at auction and jru.iiuifacturera.consequently more Hoods can t>e had b r le-s money than at any other place. He wants •Cictly understood that his Hoods w ill be sold in lu ■'CASH, or moat kinds of Produce. t Jorge' tlie place.No. 3. I'ATTOX'S BLOCK, ■I tin Drug A Clothing Store. CASH paid for ml lIIHHI Shingles. i.Oct. 19. J. HARVEY PHINNEY. jr. ASSORTMENT PAR AM ETAS, ' run- ::nd Plain Del.aines, from 12 to 25 cents, at ' I'.*. 185h. PHINNEY'S. pilFN' I [ ROMES, MOHAIR LA RTFS, ' • ' ij.,., Velcneia, Bavadiere Stri|es and Velvete, PHINNEY'S. JON NET RIBBONS. FLOWERS— i* Cloaks, ltaglaus and Shawls from $1.25 to PHINNEY'S. FRINGES, LACES, VELVET RIBBONS 1 ttona, Hi aid. Ac., at PHINNEY'S. pMUnniDKUED COLLARS, HAND " KEB< lIIEFS. Mar-.iilesSleeves and tjuilts.elieap at 'I'D-. PHINNEY'S. y IKTLAND YARN, EMBROIDERY ' Iv and Zephyr Worsted, at PHINNEY'S. 1 ;\js ;!ii nH yaFVDS OF EXTRA 1 s AI.I LY, lor 5 cents, and any quantity from i'-4 to PHINNEY'S. DOMESTIC GOODS OF ALL <IESCRIPTI<N.-, ks. lii iiiius, Drills, Sheeting, Stripe Sheeting, licitt, ( as-iniere Cloths, Ac., cheap s>r Heady I'HINNKY'S. |OOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, .ill desi'riptiona, for Men, Women, and Children, " '• purchased of the uauufactuiers and w ill be **> for CABH, at I'HINNKY'S. S' bsVILS of all kinds, COFFEE, TEA, 'Usses, Svrups, Fish, Rice, and Tobaccooilwav* on PHINNEY'S. \-ULS, GLASS, OIL, PUTTY, SASH, 1 r K'kery. Drugs and Dves. cheap for Ready Pay ,at I'VTTON S BLOCK." J. HARVEY PIHNNEY.jr. ,lH ) I'>OXKS OF CLASS T.\9 to L r x3o Mil t,| s salt : 150 BbD Solar Salt : 300 BbU Water Cement : Oakum by the Bid or pound ; v the It'll or lb.: llosin by the bid or lb : Tar by t gallon. Just received anl for sale cheap at, '' 'V TRACY A M'M )RK. ' ; >1! RAISINS AND CURRANTS, FOX^S. S 1 KS of all kinds, Ground and Whole ; Mutard Seed, Caraway and Cctery Seed, at ' - FOX'S._ ISTARCH, TAPIOCA. FARINA, , " ' Hour, Baker's l>est, Cocoa and Chocolate, at FOX'S. No. 1, 2 and 3, PICKLED H A D nd (,'odtlsh. at FOX'S. ,; ' V GROCERIES—IncMiag a! . i< '. t er, * r . v article in that line required in any family . FOX'S ) JOf every prnde, ltaw nn<l Refined, au< l Moiasses, aud the best Tea in in town, at FOX'S. I LI) J AVA AN D RIO CO FPK K. PIT IRE ; 'j '*"■'' -'ava Coffee, Green Tea at 50 cents per lb., '.. ~ can be bought at other places for 75 cents, at £ -i FOXU K'JACT OF LEMON, ROSE VAN 'H and Almond, at FOX'S. r IiUTTER A SODA CRACKERS Nov. L FOX'S. V KgBING BRUSHES, .MOP STICKS . ' ' Drain Measures, I'aiD, Tube, Patent Rat Nov. 3 POX'S. CjDat. —ls hereby priv en thnt a Special x * Court or Common Pleas will tie held at Tow anda in and for the County of Rrndford .commencing on MoN'li rv the 15th day of NOVEMBER next, at 10 o'elook in the forenoon of said day, at which the Hon. ROBERT ft to'wito . Wi " PpeBi<k ' for lhetriai of the followingcauaea* ~ *7° f- Term IRSI, Newton Humphrey va. WU ham Humphrey, Ejectment. a o- I ? 2 ' W' Term L f '- Chastrteaux vs. Ira una Kiemiru JenmngH, Ejoctnieiit. No. 115, Sept. Term 1*5(1, Israel Smith vs. Samuel Kel lum, et al Trespaaa. No. 64*5, Dec. Term 1*66, Edward Homet vs. George Sumner, Ejectment. * . „ ALLEN MnKE.uN. i rot'v Prot y. Office. Sept. 13, 1858. X DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice . . ] s given, that alljiersons indebted to the es tate of HEN RV VVHITT A krilt. dee'd.. late of Warren, are hereby requested to make payment withont de lay; ami ull persona having claims against said estate will please present theiu duly authenticated for settlement „ , , a . Q JAMES H. WHITTAKKR, 5? *J!'• • Adnlnistr&tor. LUXKCI TOR'S NOTlCR.—Notice is here l^at al! Persons indebted to the estate *f JOHN I (Mt I KK lute of Troy township, deceased, make immediate payment, and al! persons ha\ : ' i\-. mand- against -aid e-'tute, will present them duly auGu.ii ticated for settlement. UEL C. PORTER, Sept 21,1 m, Fxei utor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE OrrinE.Harris, r. F. C. VroJ'ut. In the Court of Common Pleas' of Bradford eonntv, No. 153, February Term. I*sB. The undersigned Auditor, appointed bv said Court to distribute funds raised by Slierir's sale of the real estate of ilefeiuleiit, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his offiec in Towanda, on Thursday the 25th dav of November, 1858, at 1 o'eloi k iu the afternoon, at which time and place all persons interested are required to pre sent their claims or else be lorever delmrred from said G. ]>. MOXTANYK, Oct. Auditor. A UDITOR'S NOTICE.— Walter S. Xnc toon vs. Hnrrix .\li/ler. In tlie Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county, No. 233, February Term, 1*55. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute lunds raised by Sheriff's sale of the real estate of defendeut, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office, in Towanda. on Friday the 20th dav of November, I*sB. at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time and place all persons interested are requires! to pre sent their claims or else tie forever debarred from said G.D. MOXTAXYE. Oct. 19.2858. Auditor. Al D 1 TOR'S NOTlCE.— SamuelJWJumn, noir to the use of J. ll'. I'rllett ri. /„ I). Taylor. In the Common Pleas of Bradford county. No. 301, Sept. Term, 1*55. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised by Sheriff's sale of "the real estate of defendant, will attend to the duties of hit appointment at the house of Beuben Motley, in Burlington, on Friday November l!Hh. I*s*. at 111 o'clock, in the forenoon, at which time and place al! persons interested are required to present their claim* or else be forever debarred from said fund. K. B. PARSONS, October 19. 1859. Auditor. A A DITOII'S NOTICE.— III the matter of A the estate of J). Ross and James H. Ross, ilee'd. In the Court of (Juarter Sessions of Bradford County, No. 157. December Term. 1*57. The undersigned Auditor appointed by said Court to distribute funds rai-ed by Sheriff"s sale of real estate of defendeut s, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office, in Towanda lsirough. on Monday the 29th day ot Xovemlier, 1858, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time and place all ;>ernna interested are required to present their claims, or lie forever debarred from said lund. KLHAXAX SMITH. October 12. I*s*. Auditor. AD MINISTR A T() R'S N OTICE—Not ice is hereby given, that alt persons indebted to the es tate of Garret Cotter, dee'd., late of Wilmot township, are requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims against said estate, must present tlieui duly authenticated, to the subscriber. EDWARD COTTER, Sept. 28, 1858. Administrator. AUDITOR'S N ()TI C K.— ln Ike matter of -iT\ the estate of Daniel tf Kttfe.dee'd. In the Orphan's Court ot Bradford County. No. 23, Sept. Term. I*sB. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by said Court to examine the tinul account ot the Administrators and re port fact* to the Court, will attend to the duties of hit appointment at his office in Towanda borough,on Monday Novembot 29. I*sB, at 1. P. M., at which time and place all persons interested are required to present thcirclaims, or be forever debarred from -aid fund. El Ji AX AN SMITH. October 12, 1*<!8. Auditor. ADM INI STR A TOR'S XOTIC E.—Not ice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Jo.-iah Bosworth d e'd, late of Pike twp., are r<- (piested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims aguin-t said estate, must present tliem duly authenticated for settlement. to the subscriliers. TRAVER BOSWORTH. Oct. 19,1858. Adminittrator. T IST OF JURORS DRAWN FOR l J DECEMBER TERM AND SESSION'S, I*s*. GRAND JI'ItORH. Athens twp- Julius Tozer jOrwell—lleber Wilson, lb-u- Asylum-Washington lugliami jainin Lyon, Kleazer Allis Burlington twp—Earl Nich Springfield—Win Tracy ols. Smithtield- Selden Tracy, Columbia—Wm Gnstin Orville Kellogg Canton—William P Avery. Sheshequin—Elian B Bull John ('.ray, James Warren Titsearora- N J Cogswell Herrick-J'hilander Barnes Towanda twp E W Hale Lcßoy—if II llickok Wyalusing—Augustus Lewis I.itchlield—William Cooper Wysox— Morris J Coolbaugh Monroe— E C Kellogg, Joabi Warren—Nathan Young Summers TKAVKItSP. JIUOKB—KIKST WEEK. Armenia—Alanson Smitli |Springffrld— AHVcd Brace Athens twp —Benjamin Rieei John Knapp Alliany—Jno Campbell.Rus-|>rnithlield—Henry T'lielps, sel .Miller 1 Warren Hill, Nelson Bur- Canton—Seneca Kendall,Al-! lingamc leu Crandall. Chas Manlej Standing Stone—George ' Columbia— David Cory Ste- Stevens.. Joint Keene phen G Gcrnet Tusoarora—Stephen Lyon, ptirell—Charles 11 Arnot Hiram Taylor,T J Shaw Granville Alliert Barnes. (Towanda I tone—E O Good- John Say les. Joel Packard | rich, James Makinwon, D Herri k- Joseph Sill j F Bar-tow l.cftov Renlien Stone, Ora-| fowonda North—Dan'lKen tor'Holcomb I edv Litchfield -J DCarmer, WmjTmy twp—Nathaniel Kings- Walker ! lev, Lucius Stiles Orwell Otis J Chnblwck.jWyuliising —John H Black, Julius Gorham, LSChub-| John S Gaylord. Nelson buck | Jennings Pike—Asa Warner 1 Warren—George Smith Rome—John A Moody. Jo-j Windham- Hezckinh Darling siah Horton. E F Barnes Wysox—E B Coolbaugh Troylmro'--Eliihu Newberrv TRAVKKSK H'KORS —SECOND W EEK. Albany Welles Wilcox.l Springfield—Samuel Wood, Clark Babcoek | Alanson Fuller, James L Asylum—John F I*H!ge | Phillips Canton Justin Both well, j Smithtield—AntlionvEChild Horace 11 Fitch.N M Bey Warren Allen, Clysses nolds Mo.idy Columbia —Alva M Cornell Sliesliequwi- Win Campbell Asn A Bullock Troy twp—Horace Freeman Dnrell—Daniel Cook Troy horo'— Frederick J Cal- Granville—N N Finney, I. kin, Henry L Adams D Fowler, Wm F Morse Towanda boro*—J no Holmes Herrick—A brain Taylor Towanda north— David Bnt- Monroe —James Smith, ("has ty. James Elliott Holland Tuscarora Cyrus Shnmway Pike—Rusael Coleman, Xa Warren—Wilsey Rogers than Stevens Wells—Humphrey Mosber itonie—H W Browning Wvalusing—Charles K Ing- Ridgbury—Peter A Evans ham. TBAVKUSK JI'HOKS —-Tiltl'D VVKKK. Alliany—Sylvester W Chap- Pike—Jesse Gregory man. James l>*o Rome—C G Chaffee, Hiram Athens twp- -Samuel Oven- Drake, Silaa Cole shire. J FOvenshire.Fmn- Ridgbury—C O French,P W ci H Arnold. Elias Math- Jtaniham Watkins, jr Sylvania boro'—Levi ¥ Burlington twp--Alexander Goetchius Lune Shesheqnin—Martin Rogers, Rurlington West-—Charles Geo W Vincent Mead Smithtield—Edwin Blakeslee Canton—Alfred Smith.John Troy twp—Roeweil Dunbar, C, Mason,Jn*iah Francisco Harry Greeno Columbia—Alanson B Tay- 1 Towandafmro'—WmßDodge lor " [Towanda twp—John Mingus Dnrell—Wm It Storrs Ulster--Ethan BMoore, Jno Franklin—Nelson Gilbert Mather Monroe boro* Anthony!Windham—Martin Elshree Mullin jVVarreu —Daniel Coburn Orwell—Nelson Barnes |Wyah*sing—Ira Brown lICENSKS. —Notice is hereby Riven that J the following named persons have filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter .Sessions, their peti tion* for licene under the existing laws of this Common wealth, and their several applications will be heard before the Judges of the Court of (Quarter Sessions, on Monday, the tith day of December next, at 2 o'clock in the after noon of said day : FOB A TAVERN. , Lemuel T. Rovcc Burlington boro . ALLEN M'KKAX, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 9,1858. \TUTS AND CANDY, at WHOLESALE XX very low, at JVX'S. tcgai. SHERIFF'S SALES.— By virtue of sundry writs ot \ end. Expo., issued out of the court of Com mon Pleas of Bradford County, tq me directed and de livered, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, Towanda Borough, on MONDAY, the Ist dav of NOVEMBER. I*sB,at one o'clock. P. M.,tho following lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Ridgbury twp.. Brad ford county, bounded on the north bv land* noworlatelv belonging to Charles T. Murphy, east by land*of Howard Rnit, Peter Miller and the highway, and on the west by the highway. Containing about two acres, more or less, all improved, with one two story framed tavern house, known as the Centreville Hotel, "one framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Eleazar Punuwoy vs. A. J. Brow n. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Get. 7. 185*. Sheriff. Iv* * COHERENT .- —The above sale stand* adjourned until Thursday December, 2,1*58, at the same place and time ot ii„y. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF. Towanda, Nov. 2,1*5*. Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALES.— By virtue of sundry writ* of Vend. Expo., issued out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Bradford County, to me directed and deliv ered. will lie exposed to public sale at the Court House, in Towanda Borough, on THURSDAY, the 2d day of DECEMBER, I*s*, at one o'clock, P. M., the following lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Litchfield township, b tdi'ord County, State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follow*, to wit : On the north by lands of Horace Williston, on the east by lands of James Lowden and N. C. Harris, on the south by the public highway, and on the west by lauds of Samuel Smith. Containing forty-seven acres, be the same more or less, about tliirtv acres improved, one framed house, one log stable, and a small orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of George A. Perkins, now to the use of John Bush V*. Joseph Green, jr. .and Itosanna Park,administrator*nt Calvin Park dee'd. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ iu Standing Stone twp.. Bradford county, hounded on the north by lands of Theopolus Scbnonover, on the east liy lands of Charles Hoof and 11. J. Madill, on the south by lands of Charles Hoof and Mary Griggs, on the west by lands of Reuben Vosburgh. Containing fifty acres, be tlie same more or leasovbout tbirtylive acres log house, one framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon- Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John liiiie to use of Oliver Ellsworth vs. Ellen Powers and Reuben Voslmrg. AI2SO—The foil iwing lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Athens tw p., bounded on the north by land of Wil liam Thomas, east by lands lately owned by Orson Rickey and land of James Miller, south by land of James Miller nnd Nathan Edminister, west by public highway leading front Athens boro' to Faetoryville. Containing about twenty-eight acres, lie the same more or less, all improv ed, one large brick-dwelling house, one brick-barn, and a small orchard of fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other briek-dwelliag situate in Towanda Boro', Ismnded on the west by land of D. F. Bar-tow and E. W. Baird, north by lands of p. F. Barstow and Ira H. Stephens, east by land of Ira 11, Stephens, aud s.mth bv the public square, it lieing thirty-nine and a half feet front, and thirtv-two feet back, defendant's interest in said building being the basement :•-.( upper story, aud the west half of the story over Edward Overton fi Geo. Montanye* law office, and the right of entrance in front of said building. AlJfiO—One other lot, piece or parrel of land situate in Trov Boro', Bradford county, Imuuded north by iauds of (). P. Ballard, east by an alley about |r, feet wide used for said lot, which joins on the land of V. M. Long, south by Main street, west by lands of O. P. Ballard. ( ontaining thirty-three feet front and seventy-two feet back, with the right of way on the back or north end of said lot of Id feet wide, all improved, with n large brick building thereon occupied as a stores, shops. Ac., it being the east part of the brick block in Troy Boro. Seized and taken in execution at the suit ofJ.C Adams to the use of Francis Tyler vs. Sidney 11 ay den. ALSO -The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in Granville twp., Bradford county, bounded as fol low-, to wit: Commencing at the south-east corner of William Morrison's lot, thence by the west line of Du boi*V land south h.H per to a corner, thence along the nothern boundary of a lot of laud sold by Geo. Curtis to Dunham Ross,west I*9 per to a post in the road,on Street er's eastern boundary, thence by land of said Streoter and Charles Lament, north *54 per to a coruer. thence by the line of William Morrison's land east, 189 per to the place of beginniug. Containing 100 acres, lie the same more or less.flicing the north part of a lot of land formerly belong ing to James Morrison.) about 85 acres improved, with one framed house,framed barn, and young orchard theie on. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of I.uther J. Andnis to tlie use of E. Pomeroy v. George W. Curtis. AI-SO—'The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ in Sylvania Borough, Bradford county. Imuuded n the north by land ot George Lay. east by lands of llarry Smith and Loriu Dodge, jr., south and west by the public highway. Containing one acre, more or less, all improv ed, oue framed tavern house, out- framed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Curtis Mer ritt vs. lavi F. Goetchius. A I.SO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Wy*ox twp., Bradford county, Unnided nortli by lands of Pomeroy Gorsline. jr., east liy land of Johnson, sou tii by warrant line, and west liylandof O. I). Bart left. Containing sixty-tive acres, more or about thirty-five acres thereof improved, with an old log house, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Giltson .V tiorsiine vs. A..1. Gorsline and G. 11. Gorsline. ALSO The following l"t. piece or parcel of land situ ate in I'lster twp., Bradford countv, liouuded north by land of Mary Ann Lockwood.or the l.ockwood est,ate,east, south and west by land of (. W. Holeoinb. Containing ten acres, more or less, all improved.with a framed house, a small barn, a sawmill, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Caleb Ad ams vs. Abraham Steers. ALSO The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in Warren twp., Bradford county, bounded north by the highway, east by land of Ira ' orbin, south by land of •iudson Kasterbroofs anil others, west by land of Abra bam Brunt. Containing altout titty-live acres, more or less, about twenty-five acres improved, one framed house, one framed Irani, and orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Cliaunoey Grid ley. administrator of lloxa Van Winkle vs. loiwreiu c Antisdale. A I.SO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Ulster twp.. bounded north by theSmitlifield road, east by the public highway leading from Towanda to Athens', south by land of Uriah Shaw, west land of John Conkiiii. Containing half an acre, more or less, all im proved, with a framed tavern house, a framed dwelling house, a framed barn and out-buildings, and a few fruit trees thereon. St ized and taken in execution at the suit of James L G irsline to the use of (iilbcrt Barret vs. Xathan Oliu ,l-1.1. ALSO—'The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in Ulster twp., Bradford county, bounded north by laud of (ieorge West and Isaac Huff, cast by land of John V. Huff and H. S. Davidson A Co., south by land of Abra ham Steers and Henry Kitchen, west by land ot George Oalusha and F.A.Wilii: in -. Containing eighty-seven and a half acres, more or less, almiit thirty-live acre, improv ed,a log house and log barn .ami a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 11. S. Da vidson A Co., vs. Samuel C.aliisha. ALSO- The following lot, piece or parcel of laml situ ate in Oiwell tw p., Bradford county, bounded north by lands of Roger Spicer. cast by land of C. Clark and John Beard-ley, south by lands of H. W. Camp, west by lands of Newton T. Miller. Containing two acres and thirty per. more or less, all improved,with a small framed build iug used for a lutrn, and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—AII that certain lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in Orwell twp.. Bradford county, bounded north In land of Newton T. Miller, 11. W. Camp and otbers.east by the highway, south by lauds of Levi and Chine Frisbic, west by land of Newton T. Miller. Containing seventeen acres, more or less, four acres improved. ALSO—AII that certain lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in Orwell twp., Bradford eounty, Imuiuled north hv land of linger Spicer, east by lands of J. D Newell,south by land of 11. w. Camp and others, wrest by land of H.W. Camp. Containing thirteen acres, more or less,about seven acres improved, with a framed house and saw-mill thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Claris-a Cole vs. Lucius Humphrey and Henry IV. Camp. AlilO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in North Towauila twp.. Bradford county, bounded north by land of John Define and Ithoib-rick Granger,east hv North Branch Canal, and lands of Ulioderick Granger, and John Dougherty, south by lands of Jas PenertV.W Mauger, Jn Dougherty A J.Voting, w i st by lands of S.W. Bun dell. Chester Bennett and William Mi Morn. Con taining about two hundred and seven acres, more or less, about one huudred and twenty acres thcreol improved, three framed houses, two framed barns, two board shau ties. and three orchards of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Samuel Hillhoiiie vs. Horace Granger. ALLO- -The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in Warren twp., Bradford eounty. bounded north by the highwav, east bv land In possession of Joseph Brant, south bv land ot G. ft. Brant and the Wappcsena creek west by land of Chauncey Bulfington. Containing about one-fourth acre, more or less, all improved, one framed wagon shop thereon. ALSO One other lot piece or parcel of land situate n Warren twp.. Bradford county, bonnded north by land of John Dickinson. Chauncey Buffington, Joseph Brant. George Rogers, J P lingers and the Wappcsena creek, cast by land of Phillip Rogers, south by land of Wm. Antis dale, west by land belonging to the" estate of William Ro gers, dee'd. Containing alwmt nine and a-balf acres,more or less, aliout three acres Improved, one (yarned house,one framed burn, and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Bowen A Baker vs. G. H. Brant and Hiram P. Taylor. ALSO -The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Towanda boro*. Bradford county, bounded north by land of Robert Smalley.east by land of HenrvKssenw ine. south by land of 0. D. Bartlett, west by Second street. Containing sixty-two and a-balf foot front on Second st., an<l running back one hundred and forty-seven feet, all Improved, with one framed dwelling house, framed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the snlt of (Mb Bart lett to the use of Joseph Kingsbury vs. James T. Taylor. ALSO- The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate iu M ilinot twp,, Bradtord couutv, bounded north by Cegal. land of Datrirk Blade, east by land of Edward Overton, south by laud of Joseph Bates, wct by kind of John Frazer. " Containing one hundred aercs. more or less, alsiut thirteen acre- improved, one log house, one house frame, log barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution ut the suit of L. 1' Stuf ford vs. John Bates. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in Sinithlied twp., Bradford county, Isaimled north hv lands of Allen Calif, ea-t by land of Sheldon Baker, south by lands belonging to the estate of Chauipliu G. Brown, west by land of Nelson Burlingame. Containing flfty live acre-, more or less. al>out forty-three acres improved, a framed house, framed bam, 1111 apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Gordon Wilcox vs. Richard M. Killey. ALSO—Tlie following lot. piere or parcel of land situ ate in Burlington twp., Bradford county, bounded north by land of Daniel Lane,east by land of Mor timor Kn.tpp, south by Sugar ereek, west by land of Juscphus Camp -I*ll. Containing about eighty acres, more or less, about fifty acres improved.two trained houses, framed burn, fra med shed, framed corn-house, an old blacksmith -hop.and an orchard of fruit tree-thereon, (excepting therefrom about one acre of laud with a framed liou-e thcreou .here tofore deeded to James Wheat, by John Arthur. Seized and taken in execution at the suit ol Murky A Campbell to the use of Joseph us Campbell vs. John Ar thur. AI .SO—The following lot. piece or parcel of kind situ ate in ltidgbury and Soutli Creek twps..Bradford county, beginning at a corner on tlie rond on the line of lot No. 24. thenee north ninety-six per to the corner ot said lot, tlience cast ninty four and two tenth per to a stone heap, thence south one hundred and four per to the centre of tlie road, tlience along the centre of the mad north eighty five dcg. west ninety two and-a-hidf per to the Is-ginning Containing fifty-seven acres and one hundred and fifty six per, 1* the same more or less, about forty-live aCii-s improved, with a board or plank house, old log barn, and a few truit trees thereon. Seized and t.iken in execution at the suit of fleo.Govett to the u-e of Elizabeth M'C'olhim and Margaret Bevens vs. Isaac Daliner. AI .SO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in Smithtield twp.. Bradford county, bounded north, east arid south liy lands of Daniel Aiidnis, west by the highway leading from Burlington boro' to Ea-t Smith field. Containing half ail acre, more or less, all improv ed. with a framed dwelling house,framed barn, and u few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Siuithfichl twp., Bradford county, bnundod.iiorth, west and south by land of Daniel Andru-.east by the high way lending from Burlington horo'to East Smithlicld. Containing one acre, mine or less, all improved, with a blacksmith -hop thereon. ALSO—-All that certain lot.pieee or parcel of land situ ate in Smithtield twp.. Bradford county, bounded north by the highway, east by the highway ami land of Alviu Seward, south by land of D. Andrus, west by land ot \V|l - Forrest. Containing ten acres, inure or less, all im proved. Seized and taken in execution at tlie suit ot James H. Webb to the use of M. Bollock vs. Nathan E. Wood and J. B. Wood. A IJSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate iu North Towauda tp.,Bradford county.lsiunded north by land ol Duncan Sinkkr and Wm. Gibson, east by Hor ace and Khoderick Granger, south by 'and of William M" Murrin, west by land of Andrew Gibsou Containing sixty-three acres,more or less, about twenty-five acres im proved, one framed house, and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Gil son A Gorsline to the use of J. D. Kiriiy vs. John Granger. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of laud situ ate iu Albany twp., Bradford county, bounded north bv land of Warren Ayrcs, east by land of M. A. Izidd, south by land of Seneca Hatch, west by land of Douglas Hatch. Containing sixty acres, more or less, about four acres im proved. Seized and taken in execution at the -nit of S. S. Ifin niaii A J. 11. M. Hinman to the use ot .J. B. M. llitlllla.ll vs. Douglas Hatch and Calvin Hat. h,Seneca llat" h and wile, and Lydia Hatch wife of Douglas Hatch, tore tenant. ALSO The following iot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Towanda boro' Bradford county, hounded uoilhky land of Robert Smalley, east by land of Henry Essenwine, south by land of O. i>. Bartletl, west by Second street. Containing slxy-two ami a half fi-et front 011 Second -t., running back one hundred and forty-seven K-et, all im proved. with a framed dwelling house, framed barn, iiini a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot. piere or parcel of 1 md situate iu Towanda boro' Bradford county, bounded north by kind of Patrick Kenedy, east by tlie public highway call ed Main street, south by land of Thomas Elliott or an alley adjoining the same, west by land of Birchard. Con taining seventy-three feet trout, by one hundred and tiitv feet back, more or less, all improved,with a framed dwell ing house and hoard shed thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Calvin Wilcox vs. Daniel Sweet and J.inies T. Taylor. ALSO—The following lot,piece or parcel of land situ ate in Litchfield twp.. Bradford county, bounded north by land of A. F. Campbell, ea-t liy land of David Struble,and Chauueey Wheaton south, by land of David Strttble and James Randolph, west by lands of James A William Tat tle. Containing fifty five acres, more or less. ALSO—AII that certain lot, piei e or parcel of land sit uate in Shesheqnin twp., Bradford county, hounded north by land of George W.Vincent.east lty the public highway, south by laud oi' George Kinney, west by hinds of Win. Snyder, jr., and George Kinney. Containing three-fourths of an acre, more or nil improved, otic framed dwell ing house and store room, ami a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken ill execution at the suit of George Ro gers vs. William It. Campbell >V William Campbell. AI-SO—Tlie following lot.pieee or parcel oi land situ ate in Smithtield twp.. Bradford county, bounded north liv land of Ira Adam-, ea-t by land of Patrick M'Nimiey, south by land of Samuel 15. Holcomb. west ly laud of Spencer Forrest. Containing fifty-seven acre-, mora or less, about forty-thc acres improved, with a framed house, two framed b trns, apple orchard and other fruit trees. Seized and taken in execution at two suits of Wil liam Kits-ell vs. John Mi*oueeti :uul Jatm - Mctjiiern. at two suits of W iliiam Uu-sell vs. William Me- Ouccn. John Mctjiieeii and James MI (JUCCII. A LSI I —The following lot, piece or parcel of laud situ ate in Towand.i Borough, Bradford county, bounded on the north by land of James Mtikiuson. on the ea-t by lam! of the Barclay It til Road A Coal C .. south by laud of William A. Chanibcrlin and on the we-t by Main Street. Containing about x.7 tret front liy about 112 feet deep, mora or ic-s. all improved, one framed dwelling house and blacksmith shop, one trained lyirn and fruit trees thereon. ALSO -One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Towarda Borough. Bradford count . bounded on Du ll irth by land of Ed it in U dlin- and John ii. Badger, ea-t by an alley, south by land of James Kinsman ami on the wc-t by the highway or Second street. Cont.iinitigaliout .30 feet front hv 130 feet deep, all improved, one framed barn, oue framed house and a few fruit ir 1 - thereon. ALSO—One other lot piece or parcel of land situate in Towanda Borough. Bradford count)'. bounded ami des cribed as tollows. to wit: on the north by land of J. C. Adams, cast by Main street, south by land of John F. Means, and oti the we-t by an alley. Said lot being about 111 feet front by 130 deep, all improved, with u few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution ;. .two -nits of K. W. Baird's use vs. Ee—nwine. A LSi I The following lot, piece or parcel of land -itu ute in Canton twp.. Bradford county, bounded on the north lty 1 ami of William S. Baker and Edward Burke, ea-t by land iu possession of A. M. Kramer, Edward Burke anil S. 15. Lathrop, south by the highway railed Union -trret and we-t by the highway culled Troy street. Containing about one acre, more <<r It—. nil Improved. ALSO—AII the defendant's Interest in all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp.. Brad ford county, hounded north by the public highway called Union street, ea-t by the public highway called Division street, south by land in possession of S. A. Sueoa-o. we-t by an alley called Wright"- alley, in a town plot of Can ton village, dated Oct. 1, 15.14. now in possession of S. 11. Newman, (executing therefrom lot No. 27. in said plot, upon which a i.- situated.) Containing ahont otic acre more or le-s. all improved. ALSO—AII the defendant s intere-t in all that, certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp., Brad ford county, bounded north by land of Hardin A Lee .Geo. W. Glifiiii. D. Wilcox. Mix and Hooper, ea-t bv land of J. W. Gritfiii. and kviul of Nathan Turtle, on the smith by tlie public highway called Towanda -treet,we-t by the pulilie highway ealied Troy strict, and lain) of Hardin A U-e, Mix. Hooper A Turner, and F. G. Mauley. Contain ing three-fourths of an acre, more or less, all improved with a framed tavern house, one framed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—The following lot, piene or parcel of land situ ute in Canton twp.,Bradford Co. bounded north by land of O'Brien and Tioga street or lands of King-bury,New man A Co., east by the public highway called Centre street, south by the public highway called" Union street, west hy land of S. It. Lathrop and O'Brien. Con taining one-fonrtli acre, mora or less, all improved, one framed bouse, and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Canton twp..Bradford county, Imuiided north and east ly land of K. 1.. Gillett. south by Die puhlie highway called Towanda street, west hy the public highway called Division street. Containing one fourth acre, mora or less, ail improved one framed house, one ITaiucd burn, and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—AII that certain lot. piece or parcel ofland sit uate in Canton twp., Bradford county, bounded north by lauds of the estate of James arsons, dec'il, cast hy land of S. L. Gillett, south by the public highway and land of S. 11. Newman, west hy land of Kingsbury. Newman A Co., C. Wright, W. S. Baker, T. S. Davidson, T. H.Morse, (excepting therefrom lot No 37, sold to J. il. Wright Containing nine arres, more or less, all improved. Seized and taken in execution at two -nit- of lnvin, Shultz A Piper vs S. 11. Newman A E. L. Manley. ALSO, at the suit ofM.Giugriek vs. same. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parrel of land situ ate in Troy boro', Bradford county, bounded north In land of Berry A I'omcroy, e.i-t liy the Wi!l!am<pnrt A Kl mira Railroad, south ami west hy lands of Ahirnm Fierce. Containing one-fourth acre, more or leas, all improved, oue framed house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Nathaniel Monltnn to the use of Pomeroy A Co., vs. John Dri-eall. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Monroe twp , Bradford county, beginning at a black oak, tlie north-west comer of the farm which David H. Owen, dee'd. possessed, thence north 56° east, 221 j per to a post, tbence south 33° east 34 per. thence south 13° west, 160 per.thtuce north 7S° wctt 2Jj,thcuce north Ccqa!. I 32° west Ui per to the place of la-ginning. Containing 100 a> re-, in<>re or le-s. about 23 acres iinpruftil, one plank hott-e, one board -lied, and fniit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the -uit of Win. A Park to the use of Joh I'. Kirby vs. Harry Horsey. AI.SO--The following lot. piece or pan el of land situ ate in Biiilitigtnti twp.. Bradford county, bounded north i by land of John l.eavett, east by land of Edward Overton, ! south hj' the puhlie highway, west by land of Justin H.light. Containing forty-seven acres, more or twenty-five acres improved, one log house, one log barn, and tew fruit tiers thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C.M. Man ville to the use of U. Mereur vs. Xel sou Corinea. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of laud situ ate in Windham twp., bounded north by the lino between New York State and Pennsylvania, ea-t by laud of Ro bert Howell, south by land of Joha Weadwell, west by I lands of Banter. Contain ng forty acres, more or less, about one acre improved. Seized anil taken in execution at the suit of George . Kiriiy to the use ofX. C. Harris vs. Stephen C. Isivelaud. AI .SO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land-itu ' ate in derrick tvp., hounded north by land of 11. A. i Greene, ea-t by land of Aldeii J. Reed, south by land of 7., west by land of tieorge lilakeslee. Con | tabling about fifty-one acres, more or less, about fifteen i acres improved, one 1 ruined house, and one log shed J thereon. ! Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Charles j Beetnau to the use of Baldwin A Bobbins vs. hi. X. Bee ! man. ALSO--The follow ing lot, piece or parcel of land situ i ntc in Spriugfitld twp., bouuded us follows, to wit: Be i ginning at ii hemlock tlie south-east corner of a lot here j to fore conveyed to Hczekiel Crowcll, thence south 77 per i and it-10 per to the north-east corner of a lot contracted i to Collins Tracy, thence west 'JI and 7-H> per to tlteea.t line ot a lot formerly owned by linos Smith, thenee north I 77 und 3-10 ier to the south-west corner of the -aid Cro : well's lot, tlience east 34 and 7-10 per to the place of be ■ gitinitig. Containing about forty-five acres, more or less, about forty acres improved, one trained house, oue Iram j id ham and fruit trees thereon. t Seized and t.iken in execution at the suit of Hiram Spear vs. tieorge L. Nichols. ALSO--The following iot, piece or pared of land situ j ate in Wells twp., bounded north by land in possession of John Roberts and Mott & Davis, east by land of tieorge Wilcox and Wade Beard-Icy, south by laud of lhinid ' lloldridge and Gabriel Swuyze, west by land of James i Griswold. Containing about one hundred acres, more or 1 less, about forty acres improved, one framed house,fram ed burn, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. Hutch inson A Co. vs. J dm Robert . ALSO The following lot. piece or parcel of land sitn ! ate in Ridgbury twp., founded north by laud of Elislm Griswold and K. F. Hanboi, ea-t bv lands of Sturges I Squires and other lauds of A. 1). Smith, south by land of Tire M'Dowdl. and west bv laud of Aaron O-tr.iudci. ! Containing two hundred anil twenty one acres, more or less, about one hundred acres improved, a steam saw | mill, two framed dwelling house-, two trained barns,and a few truit trees thereon. ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit ! uate in Ridgbury twp., bounded north by other lands of A. D. Smith, east by land of Samuel Green, south by land of Rent,en Squires, west by land of A. D. Smith. , Containing ninety-six acres, more or less, about four acres thereol improved, a log house with a small frauie attach ed, und an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Mijainuit i Griswold vs. Anthony I>. Smith. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in Smithtield twp., lxmndcd north by land of Row-ill McKiuuey, east by land of James Jenny, south by land of John Mc(Jm u, west by land of Frederick Williams. Containing tift. 'line acres, more or less, about -even < acres thereof itn| d. ALSO—AII that cc.t n lot, piece or parcel of land sit -1 uate in Smithtield and Ulster twp-.. bounded north by land of Russell M'Kitiney, east by land of John Elsbree, ' -outh by land of Janu s Jenny, l'eter Campbell. Thomas Scott and others, we-l by laud of William Mottn-ey.— Containing sixty-seven acres, more or less, about forty i acres improved, a log house, log barn, und a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the tuit of James M'- C irtv to the use of U. Mereur v-. William Mounsey. j ALSO —'flic following lot, piece or parcel of laud situ ate in Is; Roy twp., bounded north by the public highway fr m Canton to Towanda. east by land of Marlin Ilolcoiub, i south and west bv land ot Harvey Holcomb. Containing I one half an acre, more or less, all improved, one framed dwelling, one -mall framed barn, one framed building for i nierly occupied a- a grocery store,and a blacksmith shop, | am! a few fruit trees thcreou. AI SO All that certain lot, piece or pared of land sit uate in lioßoy twp.. bounded north by land of tiie estate of I-aat Wilcox, dec'ib. east and west by land of Hczekiel , Wilcox, south by lands (owners name unknown.) Con taining thirty thnc acres, ale nit twenty acre* improved, framed house, framed ham, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at two suits of t'harles H. I.ainb to the u-e of I'erley Mor-e vs. John C. Wilcox. ALSO- The following lot. piece or parcel ot land situ ate in Windham twp.. lsiiimled north by land of William Doaue.east by land of K< th Doaue, south ly land of Drive Donne and Samuel Grandiill, west by laud of I'rice Dome and Jo-cpli Doaue. Containing' one hundred and seven ty-live acre-, more or le-s, about one hundred and twen ty-live improved, with two framed hou-es, two framed hams w itii -lied- attached, two app.'e orchards and other fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Selim Kir iiy vs. George Fox A J. M. Deck. ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of Levari Farias.the following de-crilied lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Ridgbury twp., Bradford county. Da. Containing one hundred and seventeen acre- and forty-nine per. bounded by line a- follows, to wit: Heginningnt a stone the north west corner ot lot No. 21, thence south 2144 per to a po-t and stones, the south-west corner of warrant No. 4.7sii, thence west -74 per to a post and stones,tliende north by I d No. 23, 214a per to a post and st uies, Dunce east .574 per to the place of liegiuniug. AJsert thirty acres im proved. one plank house, one framed ham, apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of George Govelt vs. Wm. O. Gunsaulcs, adiuiiii.-trator of Samuel Gunsanles. dee'd. ALSO -Tin* toll.iwiiiL' 1 if. piece or parcel of land situ • i,■ in Derrick twp.. Bradlord county. Da.: Beginning at the north east corner of warrant I u No.2'Ji, in the war rantee name of Andrew Cochran, thenee smith s;° ca-t 12.'j per to a post, thenee south I 3 west lib .1-10 per to a post, thence north sb 0 west 12a .1-10 per to a post on the west line of said warrant lot. thence north l°east 1102-10 per to the beginning. Containing eighty-nine urn-- and thirty-one per strict measure,\it living intended for tlie j whole oi lot No. .17 on said warrant lot. A limit fifty acres improved, one log house, one framed barn, anil a few fruit trees thereon. Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of Burton Kingsbcry v-, Zebulon E-scl-tinc A Win. Henry Kssel stiuc. ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias, the defendant's (Henry Kingbcty) interest in the follow ing lt. piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp , Bradford county, bounded north by lands of W. S. Baker I and L. Burke, vast by lands of Charles Wright.K. Burke. S. 1!. Lalhrop. south by the highway called Union street, west by the highway called Troy street. Containing oue acre, more or less, all improved. AI .SO All the intere-t ol Henry Kings),cry in that certain lot. piece or parcel of laud situate in Canton twp., Bradford county, and hounded a- follow-, to w it : On the north by the public highway called I'liion street, on the | east by the public highway called Division street, on the south by the lands in posses-ion of S. A. Succ-e and on . the wc-t Viy an alley called Wright's Alley, on a certain ' town plot of Canton Village, dated Get. 1, 15.14, now in I posses-ion of S. H. New man—excepting therefrom lot No. 2.1 mi said plot, upon which a school house i- situat ed. < 'oiitaiiiiug about one acre, more or le-s. all improved. | A LSI) -The intere-t of Henry King-berv in all that | certain lot, piece or parcel ot laud situate in Canton twp. 1 Bradford county, and bounded as follows, to wit : an the ] north liy land-ol Harding A Lee. G. W. Griffin and D. : Wilcox, and Mix A Hooper, east by lands of J. W. Griffin J and John A. Godding, south by the public highway etill ' ed Towanda street, and we.-t by the public highway call | ed Troy street and by land- of Harding A Lee, Mix. | Hooper A Turner and F. G. Maulev. Containing threc | fourths of an acre, more or li s-, all improved, with one '< framed tavern house and framed barn and a fgw fruit 1 tri c- thereon. ALSO—AII of the defendant's (Henry Kingsberry's) j interest in a!! .hat certain lot, piece - r parcel of land sit j uate in Canton twp., Bradford county, hounded on the 1 north by land of the estate of James Par—>ll*. dee'd.. east j by land of S. L. Gillett, south by tlie puhlie highway and ; land of S. 11. Newman, west, by land of Kingsliery. New | man A Co., C. Wright., W. S. Baker T. S. Davidson, T.H. Morse, (excepting therefrom lot No. 37. sold to J. It. 1 Wright. Containing nine acres, more or less all impmv ' ed. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of J. K. Good j rich vs. Henry Kingsbcry. ALSO The following lot, piece or parcel nf land -itu |ate in Wvsox township, bounded north by one e' j land or 1 md- ill possession of M. II Lu i ig. we-t by the I Susquehanna river, sooth by land now or formerly belong | ing to N. P. Broi. .K- B. Goolhaugh, M. H. laming ami 1 J. L. Morgan, eas' by lands of J. L. A Harry Morgan, j Containing Did acres, 11; ■<■ or less, alsuit .70 acres im proved. ALSO -The defendant's interest in the following lot, ■ niece or pa ml of land -ituatein Dnreil north ] by laud ol John Johnson, east bv land of Samuel Vauckr pool and the Benjamin Aria farm originally, now occtipi : ed S. S. Bradley, south by land of Wm. Sb-rr-. and we-t by Die Wm. Morrison tract owned by David (.'ash. Gnu , tabling about four hundred and thirtv acres .more or less, about .Id acres improved, four plank A framed bouses,one I framed liarn thereon. AI .SO- The defendant's (A. B. Smith'-) interest in the j following lot, piece or parcel ot laud situate in Durvll tp. Bradford county, hounded north bv land of Emma June Smith, ea-t by the Susquehanna river, south by I ami of 10. A. Hidden, we-t by the Sarah Morrison tract. Con taining about 100 acres, more or less, about 70 acres im proved, 7 dwelling houses. 1 double sawmill. 1 grist mill. I framed barns,2 blacksmith shops and 2 orchards of fruit trees thereon. ALSO—The defendant's (A. B. Smith) interest in a cluster of islands lying in the Susquehanna River. Brad ford County, known as the Gordon and Aela Islands the same being opposite to the mills formerly occupied by Israel Smith, in Durell township, cimtuining about forty acre- jioreor lew, partly improved. tconl. AI.SO—-The tollvwiog lot piece or parcel of landaitnale in I'lster township, Br dford county, bounded north by lane* it I'homss Mather, land* belonging t the estate of John Mather fctcao il and John F. Howie ; writ by tli highway, lands of Ix-vi Xoble, Ji.A. Pettis, Robert Moore, lewis la wis ami Cornelius Plowman ; south hy lands of Ethan li. Tattle. land belonging to the mtnte of Wm. Ho vel deeea-ed, Wm. Hoivie, Morri ( lai:, Cornelius Plnvr .iiuu.lulitl belonging to the estate l Wn .Gibson deeastd and Win. I'lowman; east ly a hraneh ot the Suaquekwt na river, or a stream known as the 1-laiid Creek, contain ing ahont two litiriilred and tlfly litres more or less, aisuit fifty aeres thereol unproved, seven frame dwelling house* one larard shanty, eight Ira me,l burns, one framed torn house, one gri-1 -aw mill and other out building* and apple orchard thereon. Al.SO—.\n Island lying in the SuHqoehauna river, for merly known as the Overtoil 1-Uiid. situate in Ulster town-hip, Bradford county, containing aU>ut one hundred and twenty-lour acres more or less, about ninety acres thereof improved. Seized a. d taken in execution at the suit of K. J. Rlne hart vs. Alanavii Li Smith. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff"s Office, Oct. 25. IaSS. Sheriff". NOTICK TO Priu.u ASKKS. —To prevent misunder.-' id ing, notice is hereby given that purchasers at Sheriff"* sales will la- required to pay the amount hid at the time the land is -oln. It has become imperatively uece**ary to adopt this rule, and it will lie strictly adhered to, ex cept in cases where the purchaser is a lien creditor and is entitled to the fund as provided in the Ist section ot the act of Assembly, approved April 20, which is a- follows : " Whenever the purchasers of real estate at Orphans' Court or Sheriff's sale, shall uppear from the proper record to is- entitled, as a lien creditor, to receive the whole or any portion of the proceeds of said -ale, it shall be the duty of the sheriff, administrator, executor ur other person making sue'i sale, to receive the receipt of such purchaser or purchasers for the amount which lie or they would appear, from the record a aforesaid, to be entitled to receive : Provided thai this section shall not be so construed as to prevent the right of said Sheriff , administrator, executor or other person aforesaid to da maud and receive at the lime of sale a sum sufficient to cover all legal cost* entitled CHie paid out of the proceeds of said sale; and provided further, that before any pur ehascr or purchasers shall receive the benefit of this sec tion, he or they shall produce to the Sheriff, or other per son so milking-aid sale, a duly certified statement from the proper records, under the hand and official soul of the proper officer, showing that b- is a Ren creditor, entitled to receive any part of the proceed* of the sale us afore said." QTATE OF PKXXSYLV A VIA, BRADFORD COUX lir TV. SS—At an Orphan -. Court held at towanda, on I the lMli ilay of Septeinis-r, A. D., I*s*. 1.. S. Before the Hon. David Wilmot, President, and I I the lion. Joliu F. Long, his associate Justice of tin- said Court. The petition of Cyrus Fuller, Guardian of C. J. Lee, a minor son and heir of Jaiut-s Lee. late of tlie township of Herrick. in said county, dee'd, is |ireeiit-d. setting forth that the father of said Charles J. Lee died intestate, leav ing a widow, to wit : Jane Lee and issue, six children, to wit : William K. las-. Margaret Jane, intermarried witli David Xcshitt, Thomas K. Let, James 11. |ee, Jo seph J. Lee and Charles J. Lee. the two last unrai-d ot whom are still in their minority ; and that Pembroke Squires Ims lieen duly appointed guardian of said Joseph J. Lee, and that the said intestate died seized i:i his dc-e mesne as of fee of and in a certain messuage situate m the township afon--nid, which after deducting filteen acres set off' to said Ja e Lee, widow as aforesaid, is bounded au.l described u- follows, to wit : Xortlitiy lands of William lliiiis. ea-t by land of Margaret Blok'er and 11. XV. Tracy, south liv lands of said Tracy and the afore said land -et off to Jane Lee. and west by said Jane Lee's land and land of Robert Boyd and David Xesbitt. Containing eighty-nine acres, or thereabouts, with the appurtenances. Xo partition of the said estate having been had. he prays the Court to award an inquest to make partition of tin- premises aforesaid to and among the chil dren and representatives of the said intestate in such manner and in such proportions as hy the laws of this Commonwealth is directed, if such partition can be made without prejudice to or spoiling the whole, but if such partition cannot be made thereof as aforesaid, then to value and appraise the same and make report of their pro codings herein according to law. Whereupon on the reading of the petition and on motion of Mr. Mereur, th Court order an inquest in accordance with the prvyer of the petition. And further direct that a a notice be given in the. Bradford Reporter by publishing a copy of the writ fir six weeks prior to the tfr-t day of next Term, and that tiie three first numbers lie forwarded t • the -aid William K. Lee. ho re-ide-s at Fremont. Xebraska Territory. To Thomas M. Woodruff. Sheriff of Bradford County— You are therefore hereby cntnmun led to summon and take with you twelve good and honest men of your baliwiek for the purposes aforesaid, who are hereby authorized and empowered to go to the premises aforesaid, and in the presence of the said parties or their legal representative* if tliev, having been several I warned, will he present, Lav - ing respect to the true value thereof, the said messuage, Ac., to divide and part among the wid iw and lineal de cendants of the said James Lre, if it can be done without prejudice to or spoiling the whole. But if such partition cannot lie made as aforesaid, that when they inquire into the value thereof and make and return a just . ppraise meut of the whole, o of the -everal shares or purports, into which they may divide the same agreeably to the net of Assentlilv in such case made and provided," and make return thereof to the next state Orphan's Court, to lie held at Towanda, in and for the said County, on the first Monday of Do ember next. J AM. H. XVKBB. Clerk. /i th matter f the It u Kttate, tntr of J a met /.#/, tier (I. To all persons interested. Take notice, that an lnquc-t will Is- held at the late dwelling house of James Lee, dee'd.. in Herri k twp., Bradford county,on Friday, the 1 "itli day of XoveiuW. I*s#, at 1 o'rluek ia the after noon of that day. for the purpose of m.tkiug partition of the real c-tate oi said dis eased, to and among his chii d;eii and legal representatives, if the same eau be done w ithiuit prejudice to or spoiling of the whole : otherwise to value and appraise 1 lie same according to law : at which time and place vou. an attend if vou think proiier. " THOS. M. W ODRUFF, Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Sept. 2s, lsjs. Sheriff. KEG ISTER'S NOTICES.—Notice is here by given that there has been filed and settled in the office of the Uegi-ter of Wills, in and fur the county o! Brad ibid, aci-otits of administration upon the follow i ig estates, viz : Partial aeeount of Fanny Brown, guardian of Sarah A. Brown. Hiram Brown, Mary B. Brown. Ellen D. Brown and Lurania C. Brown, minor children of Hiram Brown, .1. ed. Supplementary aeeount of Chandler Bixhy, admistra t ir of Kduiud S Hinders, late of Pike, dee'd. Final account of Jaculi Fries and Aider Swayzc, exec utors of John XV. Beslev. late of Columbia, dee d. Final account of John F. Loug.executor of Jaiues Long late of Burlington, dee'd. Fin il account of Denis Mead, administrator of Ezekiel Mead, late of South Creek, dee'd. Filial account of Kmerenza Stevens, administratrix of Samuel Stevens, late of Pike. dee d. Partial aeeount of M. M. Fairchild. surviving adminis trator of Allen Brown, late of XV valu-ing, dee'd. And the same will be presented to the Orphans* Court o'" Bradford county, on Monday the btli day of Decerning next, for confirmation and allowance. JAMES 11. XVKBB. I Register's Offirc. Xovcmlicr 2, ls.oS. llegi-ter. \"<)TICK TO ASSESSORS.—The several at Assessois for lt.8 will make their ret irns in the following order, viz : ,\s-e—ors for Lister. Athens homo*. Athens twp.. South Creek. Itiilfftairv ami Wells, on Monday N'ov. 15, I*s#. Springfield, Kinithlieid. XortU Towamii. Columliia, Sylvania lmr"', and Towanda. on Tuesday Xov. Iff. Armenia. Troy twp.. Troy bom'. Burlington t\rp.. Bur lington Wes', Burlington Imvii',andUr-nviUc,ou Wednes day N*oveml>cr 17. Canton, la-Roy, Monroe born", Monroe twp,. Overton, Albany. Franklin and Tow.uuki twp., on Thursday Xo vem'-er I*. Wilmot. Asylum. Dun If, Tuscarora, XX'valusing, Litch field, XVarieu. ami XX'indham. on Fridav Xov. Iff. Standing stone, Ibrrbk. Orwell, Pike, Nhcuhequin, R >me and Wysox. on Saturday Xov. 20. As-essor- are requested to l>e punctual in making their returns on the ilay designated in their warrant*. They are also required to extend the amount oi each person's valuation into the right hand column of their asnewmglA. Bv order of the CommissionerV. K. It. COUI.B.VUGH. Clerk. Commissi.inerV Office. Oct, 2n. I its, 1 >!vl)('!, A M ATI ON. -Whcrens, the Hon. 1 DAX'ID XVILMO'f. President Judge of the 12th.fn dieial Distrkt. con.-i.-ting of theCMuitiw of Bradford and Susquehanna, and Honorable* JOHN PASSMOKK. anil JOHN F. I.ONU. Associate Judges, in and for said comity of Bradford, hpve i--m-il their precept bearing date the 7th day of Oct.. A. D. 1 l.'.K, to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer. General <Quarter Sessions of the Peace. Common I'leus and Orphan's Court, at Towan da. for tin- Count v of Bradford, on the tir-t Monday, the ith day of DECEMBER next, to continue three weeks. Xotiee is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and Justice- *f the Peace and Constables, of the County of Bradford. that tin v be then and there in their proper l >er s.ui, at In o'clock in the forenoon id -aid day, with tneir record-, inquisitions,and other i cniembram-cii,to do those things whirl) to tin ir office appertains to be done ; and tho- e who are bound by recognizance or otherwise to pro secute against the prisoner- who are or may la- in the jail of said County, or who shall lie lmund to appear at the said court, are to be then itml there to prosecute against tlu-m as shall bejn-t. Jnrors ate requested to be punctual in their attendance.agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the 14th of Oct., in the vt-ar of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred ami fifty-eight, and of the Independence of the United St.itos. tha eighty first. THOM AS M. XVOQDRUFF. Sheriff. first quality TalJow Candles hy / the Vox or pound.also Wax, Pure Sperm and Ad amantine Candles for sale cheap at FOX'S. BOYS A MEN'S WEAR.—Th* best and cheapest assortment out of New York City can be found at MARSH A CP'S. HOI'SE KEEPING GOODS at regular smash down pnc*, at MARbH J; LO'S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers