Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 28, 1858, Image 3

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    \ t -tu
i() r.vHiioE shop
•t \V WARNKIi, having established a Boot
s]i,>p. in tin- building formerly OCCII
.*] ! Burger. as a Uiocerv and Provi
)>■" K'.nli -i'l' 4 "f the Public Square,
>, rt ! !( . ltllliardSahmn, would respect -
, „f patronage.
"",',.1 ~at' mage. lie would say to Ins custo
that he will manufacture to order
' t, "us. all kinds of work in his lino.and
"' 't, tit and rrooil work: or no sale. From Ids
i the business, and as he employs none
,diicii. ho hols confident that his work
iv ati>l'a< tion. lie will get up good Kip
■ Calt do., •?-l ; Cowhide d 0.,53 ; Fine Kip
He is prepared to execute all work in this
j, .rti'st notice, at the following prices j—
,•*, 50 i ts.,; .children's Units and
a ,t corresponding prices. Common sized
•" vnts each.
~,11; examine his work : ascertain hi
' u 'ii! .n't tail to please the most fastidious.
i, o, under the Billiard Saloon.
LV-,S. 1.. WAUXER.
lIK SI I AWS.—Great, Bargains innj
t KKV>TO.\K STORK. thi- week. in
: fro,ii a Uankrupt importer*at half
- ..51! find this a rare ojiporiunity as a j
re ola liner quality than bali ever before |
~ ■ in.l? kit : also a largo lot of plaid and .
t\", Sh.iwN, just received at prices below !
r.-t klercd. Oct. 25.
I> HOODS. —A large lot of ,
. ~< Misses and Children's Hoods, just re
ViI.LK SCARES. —A clioice nseort
. eirod at the KKYSTOXB STORK.
i s DOK OA! NTLKTTS. —The 1
, Stvl• -.* has been roc, ived. and is now <
' ~ t.25. . KKYSTOXK STORE. 1
, V : 1 los and l.inen Shirt Bosoms and
s in ai.,l Worsted Menris, nl now and
.. i ravats. (Roves. W 001-Shirt- m,l Brow- i
d-■>( the quaiity ever offered
,st received at til •
v. i'.,l most re.-pct tl'ully jctuni the pub
, n thatiks lor the liberal patronage he lias re
lic fist eighteen years, which time he has de
i in, antilc hiisinc.-s in Towanda and the nd
,•••1 from the experience lie has had, he is
1 at his new quarters
fa I'itHi >i 4* i'aymr s Itrux .Starr, I
1,1 Customers, and otln rs who wish '
11. ;,t lo.i-t 25 percent , licaper than nil,
. v ctl-: .♦ 'oinT 'wanda Borough. Ml that
1 o\ ui 'i 'ti"ii ot his Hoods, whieli were
a .Now M il> . ad I'hilsd. lpliia. at. MIU tn,|i and
C.;o;s. ~n-. Lii.-nt'yn",re(},,.„Ucai)),ol|:ni
as-m lay than at any other place. lie wants
| :!v , i fit r.-t Sid that his (iomis will be sold in lu
i \ most kinds ot Produce.
: _ct die | la, o.Xo. .1. PATTOX'S BLOCK,
Ik ig A Clothing Si ore. CASII paid for
ii si Shingles.
I. (let. 1:>. ' J. HARVEY rillXXEY.jr. 1
[ , and I'l.iiu Delanues, from 12 to 25 cents, at
.as. Valencia, It.ivailien Stripes and Veil cts,
[) liroclie Cloaks, Raglans and Shawl* froni -f1.25t0
it PH IN* SKY'S.
, BbUOM, Braid. Ac., at PHINXEY'S.
i KKl.clllEl s, Marsailes Sleeve-and ynilts.eheapnt
id. 19, I*3B. FIIIXXKY S.
. SILK and Zephyr Wonted, at iMHNXEY'Sy.
(jI'ALITV, for 5 cents, and any quantity from fil to
- it ' PHIXXEY'S.
DOMESTIC GOODS of si 1! descriptions,
I'Tik Iciiims, Brills, Sheeting, Stripe Shotting,
- S.i t' ;t, i assimoie Cloths, Ac., iln ip foi I lead v
i! i:,.! ,i, -< i iptioiis. for Men, Women, and Children,
i w,i* pin lia-od ~I the manufaetiiu rs and will Is
CARS <if nil kinds, (JOMI 1 ME, TEA,
. >l,. Sirups. Fish. Ifiee. and Tolm- alwavs on
• ' ' • rv. Brags and Oves. cheap for Readv Pav.i.t
, I'A I'l'UX'S BLOCK. "
• .1 s ,s. .1. H ARVEY PIIIXXEY. jr.
Gilt nnd Hcscwccd 2VEou]ding-s!
t !:< •! 1 \S>ORTMKXT, for Portrait and Picture
If - I .king tila—c—looking ••lass l'lates .ami
1' ' .re Class ~! all sizes. Frames .mil Looking
■' - - mule to order, at prices to suit the times.
£. - it nlv made coffins, of fine finish, and different
• v. ili ,i g „>d hearse, ready at all times. Low prices
r a ,',l:,'.'|b't. 20, ls.'.S. CHESTER (YELLS.
..1 Kij, skin~, Morocco and Findings, ju-t re-civ
)OOTS AND SIKH'S.—A Ixrge,axort
' nici,: "iistaiitly kej ton k.iml, and Manufacturing
nler Wholesale and Retail, at
way Fall and AViutor Goods !
Are constantly arriving at
' i\'si>TlN'C> of a large and well selected assortment
■•f' i se cheap and nice Prints selling for only (>i and
■ ' Ylus!in Btlaiiies and Plaids, Coburg, Poplin and
, til. also Ladies Plaid Long Broelie and Mantilla
'! sizes and kinds. Black ami Fancy
- /.cpln r Worsted, all colors •■! Shetland ( am.
I Caps. Leather, Knots and Shoes. l'iil)l>ers.aiid in
kliid of Hoods to suit the pin chasers, which we
-• ' as cheap a- the ehc ijicst.
12. Xo. 1 patton's Block, cor. Main A. Bridge st.
Great Bargains in Goods!
\RE now roceivinir it very large and de^ir
■ assortment of Fall and Winter (Jo<wls, which
! e s. ,1 as low as anything that can IK- found in this
■" t.c Hisi.-ting of Dry < ioods.Shirting.Stripc .shit ting.
Miig.Benims, Cotton llatt.-.Cotton Yarn, ('arpct Warj.
s'lig. Prints, Sat tine ts. Kentucky Jeans. Fancy and
i t ass'noere, Black and Bine Broad Cloth, lansey,
' 1 ihle.Biapvr Linen ('rash, Xapkins. Table < lot lis,
Tahle Sprtsids. Bleached Muslin, Real and White
'lannri Cottoq Flannel. Craiu Bag-. Ac.
, I'c.Kss Coups, ft,. Lai no. Hamilton A Pacific mills.
I. l'opiitis, lH'Begcs. Chenile Scarfs, Knit Hoods,
- i 'asimcres, Paramatas, Ac.
>Hvn.s._ \ large assortment of new and choice pat
"i* "I Stella and Wool Shawls.
Ivts AMI (' ics,— Men and Boy's Wool and Fur Hats
1 ip-. the finest assortment in town.
Uiors 1N!I SIIOK-. All the different description of
'H. U.miei, ami Children's Wear, sold cheap far cash.
l"'er 12. K>s. TRACY A MOOKK.
\i H I OF GLASS 7xD to loxiJO
" ' ' 21 in lthls Salt ; 150 Bbls Solar Salt : I'.fM) 1151s
1 c Water Cement : Oakwn by the IH>| or pound :
• H i i.y the Bbl .r lb.: Rosin by the bhl or lb : Tar by
"' "•' or gallon. Just received* and for sale cheap at,
'M. ], IS Pi; \(.y A M"tUE.
F A Ta la
Ifl'lll'irllU'l SODD3 2
Misses GRIFriN & PARK,
K'-R leave to invite your early attention to
to their new stock just received comprising choice
] B,,i uiet p.ibbons, >ilks, Satins, Velvets, together
;l carefully selected assortiiu nt of Feathers and
f iivrpm.
, j'ikfiil for past patronage heretofore so liberally Ko
; " they would respectfully solicit a continuance of
' • Otober 11.
a ALTACASiiiallgrades
mi Is',J t 0 a yard, at
iXcto Sl&oerlftcm.nts.
The Ready Pay System
Til I IT.MI >ll AX T !
A1 LA>r it lias U'cn it-ii'irul to a oerUiMy that
W -tuc-sltilh M11 in Towamla Koiti
CTASH. Tho>c doubting ling will dov . llto call at the I
store of
AA hero it will In- -howu that tin- Merchant in selling his j
Hood- I .HI afford to .-ell cheaper tor CASH, and can offer
inducement!) sufficient to make it an object forpurchasers
at whatever saeriliee tkey arc obliged to make to procure i
the money to adopt iu their ptireha-es the Cash System.
Having just removed to his new Store, hereafter to be
known as the
and lieiug now iu receipt ot a large a-sortmcßt of goods j
of almost every description, under the most favoraliU' eir
euiustauc. 5. for CASH, he is eimblcd to and will-elf at |
prices lar less than can be done by those bv whom credit
is given.
1 GOODS.—An nss'orfiiioiit heretofore
.1 J unequalled by any thing ever offered in Tmvand* of
FAX' A AM) ST AI'EE I>lt A GOODS, comprising many
new and de-irabh* sytlcs of Hoods unknown in this mar-,
hot : am nig which will be found in Ladies Dress Goods,
nil the novelties of the season, eJie ip at the K EYSTONK.
vJ H A A\" LS.— New ami Choice Patterns of
k lhoche, Stella, Plaid Wu-.d, Talma, Mantilla, and
Knitted Worsted Shawls, elreap at the
Oct. 12. KEYSTONE.
1) ON NETS. Rihhons niul Triminimrs, tvhole
-9 sale and retail, cheap at the KEYSTONE.
DOMESTIC GOODS.— ah the tiiflVmit
qualities of i'rints. Ginghams, ltleaehed Hoods.line
liubleaeiied .Muslins, Tieljs, Stript.s, Denims. Sheetings.
C dto'i Yarn. Carpet Warp, Butt-., Ac., cheap at the
filet. If . KEYSTONE.
V,' INHS. Hlaek and ('oloreil (Totlw Doe-kins.Tweeds ,
S.ittrnetts. Kentucky -leans, and a beautiful assortment j
id Fancy ('a.ssiiueres, i lieapat the KEYSKoXK.
r>OOTS AND SHOES. — All the il d'cri-iit
.13 descriptions oi Hoots and Shoes, fir men. women i
and children- wear, just received and will be -old at less J
prices |bnu i ver known at the KEYSTONE.
HATS AND CAPS—Men's and Boy 5!
. Hot- and t'aps. in all the new and desirable styles.
just re. . "red and tor -ale cheap at the KEv'STOK.
'.J" at less prices than can be found elsewhere. Molas
ses. Coffee, Ac. Ac., and a superior article of Young
| Hvson Tea. at 5(1 cents per pound, jast re cived at the
I Oct 12. KKA STONE.
T>Al NTS, Oils, Class, &o. &c.—At the
J. Keystone will always be found an assortment of
I 'a.: it s. Oil-, Hlo -Sash, I'uttv.A-.. A... t .get her with a
;h nsatid other kind nt Hoods, which time nor space will
admit of rem nictation.
j Tow as i> A, Oet. 12, Is.ys.
J assortnieiit of Colors of new and beautiful j
ecived to-lav at
Mantillas, Cloaks and Raglans.
1 POWELL would re.s|K*clfuHy niiiiounce ,
•I • to the Indie- that be will always keep on hand a
largo assortment of Cloaks, A' ~of different Styles, and
that he has made arrangements to furnish to unler nn short
notice any article wanted in this line, from cheapest to i
lio-t. at rates lielow New York city retail prices, lie will J
also receive samples of new styles as they appear, to
which he invites your attention.
' October 11.
i - \ ~r "7 • |
fPRI \KS ! 1 111 NKS ! A largo assort
! mi nt of Trunks always on hand and for -ale at iiuui
utacturers prices, at
MATRASSES. — A large assortment of
Hair and Husk Matrasses of superior qnalitv for
(' \ Wholesale and Retail Dealer I
f -".j 3 j in Hardware and Stoves, iron
j. 1 J Nails, Sa-li.Class, Paints
' '"~3L. oils. House Tr minings—
i~—~— all kind-of( 'arriage trimmings.
r 'ifiV >•"''• ?KB| Seat lotbs anil Laces. Carriage I
, SljSlsulkiy ami Seal Springs. Car- '
P .local- I*"
an ,j Circular Saws, Blacksmith I
I V, Tools, Bellows, Anvils. Vices, j
J Dimmers and Screw Plates,
i Axes, l'.road Narrow. I.ath and Hand Hitebets—Cable,
i Log. Trace and lla'.tr. Chains, Crowbars, Picks, Shovels
and Spades.
' sors, Edge Tools of all kinds, lira-sand Enainelert Kettles,
I Shovel and Tongues. Spoons and Ladle-. Tubs and Pails,
' Mops and Washboards, and all other kinds of house-keep- j
ing Implements.
In Hie HARDWARE line, Brass. Brittama. J.ippnned
land Plain Tin Ware, single or in setts, liar. Rand. Scroll
j and i 1 oop Iron, Steel of all kinds. Nail Roll-. Ac. l'umns,
' Lead Pipe and nil the lie e-nry tixtures for water works.
Patent, Stretched Leather Pelting and String Leather,!
i and Kt.Offtt other arthfos too numerous to mention, that
we arc now receiving direct from the hand- of maiintur
-1 turers andimpoi ters. including the largest assortment
and greatest variety of
Stores -■'< vt rmt. less than vsinl fur Cash,
or drain nt the highest market prices.
i Coal and Wood Cooking. Coal and Wood Parlor. Dining
Room. Six l'late and Cylinder,i-ver brought into Northern
I Pennsylvania or Southern New York : all of which we
are now prepared to sell at wholesale or retail, at a-' low |
rates, and on a< good TiiiiMs a .-an he found this side of
New-York, from the fact that all onr goods were bought
of tirst hands and in full packages and large quantities.,
that gives us an advantage over smaller purchasers and
Dry Hoods dealers, that wiil enable us to sell from 5 to ,
1") pi r cent, les- than any of them, which advantage we
shall nfft r to any who will favor us with a call before pur
chasing elsewhere.
A large quantity of Tin ware, Stove Pipe and Elbows
always on hand, wholesale and retail. All kinds ol Job
Work done to order, on short.notice and warranted. j
Don't in.-take the place to bnv STOVES and HARD
WARE i heap -one do. i South <"ff Tracy A Monro's and ,
Powell's new block on Main street, iu the new Wood
| Ruihling. Irttrreii aJlovtr.
(train and C-uintry Produce, old Iron. Bms. Brittania
and Copper. Dried Emit of all kinds, Leathers and Bees
wax wnnti d for goods.
1 n.OOO Sheep Pelts wanted, for which the highest price
I in Cah will be paid.
1 ti" Nu credit given ever four months, anil all hav
ing accounts or notes over due had better call and pay
j immediately, if they wish to save cost.
Towanda. October It!, Ik.AS.
| fJMIE valuable Ileal Estate, knowti as "The
I L Lukcji's Lands," situate in Warren twp.. Bradford
Co.. Pa., ai-e now offered for sale to the highest and best
This bodv of lands consist of four tracts, containing
FIFTEEN HUNDRED ACRES of good farming land,
situate about live miles from the X. V. A. Erie Railroad.
Persons desirous to purchase will send their offers iu
writing in the nature ot hids per acre to my agent, AA m.
E1. W1:1. i.. Esq.. at his office in TOWANDA, by the loth
dav of NOVEMBER next.
Offers will be leeeivcd for the whole body, or for the 1
separate parcels agreeably to the present sulnlivisloiis.
No sale will Is- maile of less than one hnndred acres, and
the par els will not be sold separately unless the body can
be disposed of in that way
Terms, one-thiril in hand and the balance in two year
ly instalments with interest.
Auuiiiiistratri.v C. T. A. < t John Lukens, dee d.
Philadelphia, Seqit. 15, lsjf?. I
fllcrrljaubiie, £*c.
XMW AIM; I\' A|,
Ms. MEROUR litis again (lie jileasnre
• of announcing to his patrons and the public, the
| arrival at his -tore or a very large and beautiful ass >rt
! ment of FALL HOODS, which means everything thai is
wanted, and which will a- heretofore !>e sold for CASH
at a-- low and generally lower prices, than can be found
at other stores. Few possess e qua I. and none superior
facilities for obtaining cheap and de-iiable Hoods, and
purchasers are respectfully requested to compare quali
ties and prices,
j Towanda, Sept. 20. ISJS.
i Istines iu various colors, for sale bv
, Sept. 21. |s.-,s. 11. S. MERCFR.
IXIRLINS, Ynloncias, Rlain and Printed
I DeLaines, Robes, Debeges and other dress goods,
will lie found at
j Sept. 21. ISoS. H. S. VKRCUR'S.
! CIIAWLS ! SHAWLS ! !—Single and
L. double Broelie, Cashmere, Thibet, Silk and Wool
i Shawls at
t Sejit. at. 1 s.-.s. 11. S. M ERi ' I R'S.
4 J| || || i YARDS of those celebrated (id
r " f\ 7 Prints ; also, an extensive line of Alerrimac
i Prints, just ree'd l>y
[ Kept. 21, DC>k. H. K. MKBCUB.
BONNET RIBBONS, Frinjres and Press
Trimmings of the latest styles, new Silks and Vel
vets. now offered at low prices, by
Sept. 2s. ls.-,s, ' H. S. MERCI'R.
\J STEEL HOOP SKIRTS, a new and beautiful article
st received at jyEt MERCER'S.
VS USUAL, a lnnjc stock of Domestic
. Goods. Heavy Denims, Sheetings and Tickings,
1 Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Irish Uncus and White
Good-, of every description, at
sept. 2s. vm. MEiiCCirs.
/ 1 ENTLEMEN'S nnd Youth's Fur, Rcr-
Y3 lin and Buck Gauntlets and Gloves, at
Sept. 2s. 1-sAS. MERHUIUS
> T E\V and fashionable Hat and Caps, Roots
I and Shoo-, great assortment received at
Sept. 2is, IS.VS. MKRCUK S.
| ADIES MERINO VESTS, for sale by
Jj 11. S. MERCUR.
/LV RRI A(J ETR IM M INGS—consisting of
\J Woolen and Enameled Cloths, Damasks, Fringes,
Eaees, Ac. Ac., just received and for sale by
October 12. 11. S. MERCI'R.
(CROCKERY and Glass ware, a new assort
_) mcnt now opening at MERf'UR'S.
J''uY L I , T ItA.ld E !
I|lp 3 3 %
' i iAKEs pleasure in informing bis customers and the
X public generally that he is now prepared to offer tlie
Constant additions of desirable articles will lie made, and
no pains will be spared to keep up an assortment id
Goods, which for lieauty, variety and cheapness,
Special attention is invited to the department of
JIEAJ)Y }fAI)E cumnxa,
Li which may be found every variety of Goods usually
kept by hoii-e- who devote themselves exclusively to this
branch of trade.
Towaada, August 29. D >.
TlieGrcat Atlantic Telegraph!
IUo. 2, Patten's Slock.
' 1 111F. two greatest events of the Nineteenth Century,
1 are the -übnuirine telegraph hetwi en Europe and
America, and the iinpuralled stock ot READY MADE
CLOTHING OF M, E. SOLOMoX! eouibiuing the
greatest variety, latest fashionable, and most durably
made Clothing ever brought to Tow.uul.i.
1 beg to inform the i iti/.eiis of Towanda and vicinity,
that I liave KKMOVKII to No. 2, l'attons Blot k. one door
north of Rockwell's store, where I shall be happy to see
; a'l my old friend- and ru-tomer- and a- many new ones
a- may wi.-h to favor me with a call. Having jii-t return
ed troiu the Eastern and Western markets where i have
j pureba.-ed my Fall and Winter stock of CLOTHING.
t GENT'S FI'ItXISHIXG HOODS. Ac.. I can supply 'he
public at lower rates than ever -old bore before, as 1 have
bought my stock for Cash at the lowest ligures.
OvratcoATs.—Superfine Mark Beaver Raglans and Sack
Overcoats ; Black, brown and blue Pilot do; Petersham
do; Sup. Mack Union Ca-siuiere do. Black, brown and
j gray Sealskin do ; Deerskin do ; Lion -kin do; Fancy
1 Bear -kin do. and various other styles, too numerous to
FitocKco.vTs.— Fine French black Broadcloth double
! breasted Frock Coat- . single-breasted, same ; Medium
qualitv d-. Cotton warp do; French Beaver Bu-iiicss
I do ; Fancy Cassitnere do ; Side Baud do ; Black Union
'< 'ass. do; Fancy Satiuett do ; Tweed and Kentucky Jean
, do.
PAVTS.—Sup. Mack Doeskin Pants ; Medium do : Blk.
cotton warp do ; Fancy Cassimere side band do; Satti-
Uett do ; Farmers and Mechanics('.is-iiuerc do.
VKSTS. —French Fancy Silk Velvet Vests; ( Uenille and
Printed do; Silk Vests, id all descriptions; Silk and
Worsted do; Black Satin do; Cassimere Vests; S.itti
; net and Flush do.
FrKMsiiiMi Hoims.—Fancy Silk Ties. Block do ; Fan
cy Silk Scarfs ; Black figured Scarfs ; Black Silk Cra
vats ; Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs; Cambric do; Silk
do ; Fancy cotton do ; White linen-bosom shirts ; Fan
cy Mar-eilles do ; Fancy Linen do ; Wlii'e Marseilles By
: ron Collars; Fancy do; Fancy and white linen do;
White string and lap do : Hosiery, of .ill kinds ; .Suspen
ders ; White and Mixed Men's Wrappers and Drawers.
A complete assortment of Boy's Clothing! Hoots and
Siioes and Rubbers, of all kinds, Sole Leather, Upper
Leather, Kip Skin, Call Skill, etc.
Our motto ; " QI-JCK S VI.KS \NI> SMAI.I. PBOKITS."
Cash will be paid for Wool, Hides, Sheep Pelts, and all
kinds of drain, at the higlie-t market prices.
Remember, removed to No. 2. Pattern's Block, former
ly occupied by William A. Rockwell.
Towanda, Sept. 20, ls.',s. \|. p. SOLOMON.
Great Excitement in Clothing!
\R E now receiving: the Larprst Stock of
Ready-made Clothing ever offered in this market,
which tliey are selling at prices that astonish every one;
our Hoods are got up expre-.-Iy for our Trade, and are
warranted in every way, our stock consisting of every
j thing in tlie line of Men anil Boy's Wear. Black ''loth
! ('oats. Fancy and Plain Business Coats.Sattinett Coats,
Black and Fancy Cassimere Pants. Union do.. Sattinett
1 d i.. Silk and Plush Vests, Cotton Rle-h do..Sattinett do.,
! Plush and Satin do.
Gents Furnishing Goods!
Such as Wool Undar-Shirts. Wool Drawers. Collars. Cra
' vat = . Se,spenders. Hent- White and Fancy Check
and Hickory Sliirts. lloseirv of all kinds. Hatsmul Caps,
the latest styles of Black Silk Hats made to order.
Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting !
We are receiving the largest Stock of Cloths, t'assi
meres and Vesting*, ever offered in this market,which we
are ready to make to order or sell by the yard. Persons
wishing Clothing made up to order! will iio well to give
us a call liefore purchasing elsewhere.a- we warrant eve
rything to lit or no sale. We keep none but the liest work
men, and are reeeß ing the late-t Fa-hion- every month.
Persons wanting anything in our line, will please give us
a call as we keep nothing but Men and Boy - Wear, ami
think we buy our • loud- cheaper than those that only buy
a few.
COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds taken inpayment
for Hoods and on short credit. Gutting done as iisiialaiiiil
no charge when the Goods are liought of n*. Don t for
get the place, one door south of Hall's Hardware store.
October 12. is'.*. COLLINS ,Y POWELL.
I ROAD COMPANY.—The annual meeting of the
Stockholders of said Coin piny for the election ot officers,
and the transaction ol such oilier business as may he re
quired, will be held at the office of Win. C. Bogart. in
i next, lietween the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock. A. M.
I Towanda, Oct. IJ. B. S. ULSSELL, I'ica.s
kjr rit- of Fieri Facias, issued out of the Courtof C-un
tnon l'leas of Bradford County, to me iliix-cted and ileliv
* red. will i-e exposed to public sale at the Court House,
in Towanda Borough, on THI'KSPAV, the 2d day d
PKCKMBKR,, at one o'clock, P. M., the following
lot, piece or parcel of land situate ill Litchfield township,
Bradford County, State of Pennsylvania, bounded anil
d- s,-rilied as follows, to wit : On the north by lands of
Horace Williston, on the ea-t by lands ol Jantes L- wden
and X. C. Harris, on the south by the public highway,
and on the west by lands o| Samuel Smith. Containing
lorty-scven acres, be the same mole or le-s, about thirty
acres improved, one framed house, one log stable, und a
small orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Heorge A.
Perkins, now to the use ol John Bu-h vs. Joseph Ureeti,
jr. .and ltosamui Park.administrator- of Calvin Park dee'd.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel f land -Ru
in Standing Stone twp.. Brnillord county, hounded on the
north by lands of ThroplntUM Kchoonover, on the ea-t by
lauds ol Charles Roof and H.J. Maditl, on the south bv
lands of Charles Roof ami Mary Hriggs, on the west by
lands of Reuben Voslmrgh. C'-mtiiniug fifty acres, la
the same more or less, about thirty acres improved, one
log honse, one framed I turn and a few fruit trees th'ereon.
Seized and taken in execution nt the suit of Jolm lline
to to use of Oliver Kllsworth vs. £lien Powers anil Reuben
ALSO- The following lot. piece <ir parcel of land situ
ate in Athens twp., hounded on the north by land of Wil
liam Thomas, east liy lands lately owned by Orson Ri* key
and latul ot James Miller, south by laud of James Miller
and Nathan K<l minister, west by public highway leading
from Athens tsiro to Factoryville. Containing about
twenty-eight aeres. Is- Ihe same more or le-s, all impro\ -
ed, one large brick-dwelling house, one btick-burn, and a
small orchard of fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—One other brick-dwelling situate in Towanda
Boro', bounded on the west by land of P. F. Barstovv mid
L. \V . Baird, north by lands of I). F. J!ar-tow and Ira 11.
Stephens, east by land of Ira H. Stephens, and south by
the public square, it being thirty-nine and a half feet
trout, and thirty-two feet back, defendant's interest in
-aid building being the basement and upper story, anil
the west hail ol the story over Kdward Ooverton A Hco.
Montauyes law office, and the right of entrance in front
of saiil building.
A LSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in
Troy Born', Bradford county, liounded north by lands of
O. P. Ballard, east by an alley about lii feet wide used for
said lot. which joins on the land of V. M. Long, south bv
Main street, west by lauds of O. P. Ballard. Containing
thirty-three feet front and seventy-two feet bark, with tin
right ol way on the- back or north end ol said lot of li> feet
wide, all improved, with a large brick building tlien-n
occupit d lisa stove shop. Ac., it being tile- ea-t part of
the brick block in Troy Boro.
Seized and taken in execution at tlu- suit 0f.1.C Adams
to the- use- ot Frances Taylor v-. Sidney llaydeti.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Hranville twp., ltradlord comity, bounded as fid
lows, to wit: Commencing at the south-east corner of
William Morrison's lot, them* bv the west line of Du
bois's land south 8;1i per to a corner, thence along the
nothern boundary of a lot of land sold by lien. Curtis to
Dunham Ross.west 1->:i per to a post ill the road.ou St reef
er's eastern boundary, thence by land ol saidSti-eeterami
Charles Lament, north *7.1 per to a corner, thence by tlu
line* of William Morrison's"land east, 18!" per to the place
*>f beginning. Containing lilt) acres, be the same more or
less,(being the north part of a lot of land formerly belong
ing to James Morris>ui.) about 5,7 acres improved, with
one framed house,framed barn, and young orchard there
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Luther J.
Andrus to the use ol L. Ponu-roy vs. Hesnge W. Curtis.
ALSO Ihe billowing lot, piece or parcel ol laud situ
in Sylv.ioia Borough. Bradford eoiiutv, bounded <>n the
north by land of Heorge Lay. east by lauds of Harry
Smith and Loriu Podge, jr., south and west by the public
highway, (.'oiitaining mieacre, more or less, all improv
ed. one trauicd tavern, bouse and framed barn, and a few
fruit tree- thereon.
Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of Curt is Mer
rltt vs. la-vi F. tioetehiiis.
AI -St) I lie following lot. piece or parr* i of land situ
ate in Wvsox twp.. Brad turd county, hounded north by
lands of Pomery Horsliue. jr., east by land or Jobnsoii,
soutli by warrant line, and west by land of O. P. Bartlett.
Containing sixty-five acres, more or less, about thirty-fire
acres thereof improved, with an old log house, and a few
fruit trees thereon.
Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of C.ibsnu A
Horsliue vs. A. .1. Horsliue and H. 11. Horslinc.
ALSO- Ihe billowing lot, piece or parcel ol land situ
ate- in Plster twp., Bra-lfonl eonnty, bounded north in
land of Mary Ami L< kwood.ot the Corkwood e-tate,< a-t,
sooth and west liy land of C. W. Ilolonub. Containing
ten acre.-, more or less, all iuiprnveiLwith a framed h-aise,
a small barn, a sawmill, and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Caleb Ad
ams vs. Abraham Steets
A LSI t —The following lot, piece or parcel of land -itu
ate in Warren twp., Bradford county, bounded north bv
the highway, ea-t by laud of Ira orbin, wuitli by land of
Judson Kasterbiisiks and others, west by land of Abra
ham Brant. Containing about liftv-tive aeres. more or
le-s. about twenty-five acres improved, one framed house,
one Iraim-d barn, and orchard of truit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ot Chauncey
Hi idley. administrator ol itosa VauWiukle vs. Lawrem e
ALSO—The following b-t, piece or parcel of land -it-i
--ate in I Ister twp.. boumh-d north by thoiiiithtiohl road,
east by the public highway leading from Towanda to
Athens, south by land of Hiram Shaw, wi st land of John
<'■ hik 1 in. Containing halt an arre, more or less, ail im
proved. with a framed tavern lumse. a framed dwelling
house, a framed bam and out-buildings, ami a few fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken iti execution at the suit of James L.
H irsline to the use of Hilbert Barret vs. Nathan Olm
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in l !-tcr twp., Bradford county. lioiindi'd north Lv
liiid of Heorge We-t and Isaac Huff', ea-t by laud of John
V. Huff'and 11 S. Davidson A Co., south by laud of Abr. -
bam Ste* rs and lli nry Kitchen, west by fanil ot Heorge
Haliislia and F. A. Willi; ins. Containing eighty—even and
a halt acres, more or less, about thirty-five a< re- improv
ed.a log house and log barn.aiula few fruit trees then on.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ol 11. S. Da
vidson A Co., vs. Samuel Habi-ha.
A LSO The following b>t, piece or parrel if land situ
ate in Orwell twp.. Bradford county, bounded north by
I imls of Roger Sj-i- er. ea-t by laud of <'. Clark and John
Beard-ley, south by lands ot H. W. Camp, we—t bv l.iutl
ol* Newton T.Miller. Containing two aen-s aiii tliirtv
pcr, more or less, -ill impn-ved.witli a -m II framed build
ing used lor a barn, ami a few fruit t e - then:- n.
ALSO—AII that certain lot. piece or parrel of a dsiti
ate-in Orwell twp.. Bradford eounty, bounded north ly
lanil of Newton T. Miller. 11. W. t'.uiip a ul oiliers.e.iat I y
the highway, south by lands of Levi and't 'l.loe Fri-bi. ,
west by laud of Newton T. Miller, fontaini ig seventeen
acn-s, more or less, four acres improved.
A LSO All that certain lot. piece or parcel of 1 nil -itu
ate in Orwell twp., Bradford eonnty, hounded north by
land of Roger Spicer, ea-t by lands of J. P New 11,south
by land ol H W. Camp and'others. west by laud ol HAY.
Camp. Containing thirteen aeres, lin rc or less, alsmt
seven acres Improved, with a framed house and saw mill
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Clarissa
Cole vs. Lucius Humphrey and Henry W. Camp.
ALSO- The following lot, piece or par el ol'lind situ
ate in North Towanda twp., Bradford county. boiiiuUd
north by land of John Pcviue ami Rhodcrirk Hiangei-.i-ast
by North Branch Can .1, ami land-of Rhodcrirk Hranger,
and John Dougherty, south In lands of James Fene'rty.
Wm. Manger and John Dougherty. west by land- iff SAY.
ltniidell, Cluster Bennett ami Willi un McMorgan. Con
taining about two huudred and -ev n aens, in re or less,
about one hundred and twenty acres tlu-icd improved,
three framed hiiu-es, t oi framed barn-, two hoard shan
ties. and three orchards of fruit trees til-eon.
Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of Samuel
llillhon.c vs. Horace Hranger.
A LLO -The following lot. p'eee or parcel of land -itu
ate in Warren twp.. Bradtord county, bimmled north by
the highway, e-at by laml in possession of Jo.-epli Brant,
south by land ot H. 11. Brant and the Wappeseiia creek,
west by land ot Chaun ey Buffi igtoti. Containing about
oiie-foiirtli acre, more or less, all improved, one trained
wagon shop thereon.
ALSO Ore other h<t piece or pared of land situate n
Warren twp.. Br.nßord county, bounded north by land ot
J din P.ckioson. i h-unecy Bultingtoii, -lo cpli Brant,
He irgc Rogers..l 1" Rogers and the W.ippe-ena creek, ea-t
by land of I'hillip Rogers, south by land of Win. Anti -
dale, west by land beloiigingt.o the estate of William Ro
gers. dee d. ('ontaiiiing ab-uit nine and a-hall' aeres.more
or li s-, about three acre-improved, one framed house,one
framed t>arn. ami truit trees thereon.
Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of Bowen A
Baker vs. n. 11. Brant and Hiram P. Taylor.
ALSO- The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Tow and i boro", Bradford county, bounded north by
land ot Robert*t l y land of Henn lv-seiiwiiu-.
south by land of (). P. Bartlett. we-t by Second street.
Containing sixty-two and a-lialf I'eel front on Second st..
and running Lr< k one bundled anil forty-seven feet, all
improved, with one framed dwelling house, framed barn,
and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of P.P. Bart
lett to the use id Joseph Kingsbury vs. James T. Taylor.
Sheriff's Office, Oct. 27, I*7*. Sheriff
20,000 , ' 3 '
4u*> jdeees PRIX IS, last colors, and in great variety.
-70 pieces Blue Denims, heavy.
1 on pieces llleacbeo' Muslins.
20 pieces Canton Flannels.
Also. Blue, Red, ('.ray and White Flannels, Sheep's
Cray, Satinetts, Uassiineres. Kentucky Jeans, Cot. Yarn.
Ticking aim Bolts, Candle wick. Mariner's Stripes. Bleach
Brown and Colored Prills. Colored Muslins. Crash. Huck
aback, Ac.. Ac. Country Merchants will find an excellent
opportunity to sort up at low prices for cash, by calling
at my store.
Towamla, Sept. C, 18.78. JOS. KINHSBKRY.
~A TONS of Anthracite Coal for sale at No.
*f\ * 1 Button's Block
II RARRHLSof Salt for si,.>o jm-i* lar
lei, at No. 1 Pulton's Block.
0I! I'HANS' con IT SALIv —l>v virtue
ot an order of the Orphan-'Court of Bradford Co.,
will be exposed to public Mile iti tin* premises. on SAT
CItD.VV, NQVKMBKi: lb !*..*, at 1 *> clock, I*. 11.. a r
tain messuage. piece or parcel nt lntul situate in
tielil (vp.. Bradford Co., Minded on the north by limits
of James llanbv. ou tin- ca>t by land* of William S- Wil
liam-. on the south by lanti-of John Robiiisu. ilor'il.. on
the west by lands ol Oliver (late-. Containing -■> 410
acres, be the-ante more or less, 4 or .1 aere- nu|iroved.
with a-mall frame house thereon. Terms made km on
on day or sale. WW. J. WIC.S K.V
Springfield, Sept. 2s, I -As. Adiuiui-trat-r.
of an order of the Orphans' Court f Bradford Co..
\\ ill lie exposed to public sale oil the premise*. on SAT
I'ItPAV. OCTOBKK :to, Js.V. at 1 neb ,k. 1' M the
following desei ilied lot of land situate in We IN twp.,
Pra-ft'ord ('o . bounded on the north by lands in pos-t
siou of S. IT. Ingersoll. on the ea-t by I'. on
tile -oiith by Jolin Vanne-t, Madison M.t'arr and Alun
roil Knapp. Containing 4 s acres with about 2a acres ip,
proved, one framed ..welling Itoti-e. a small iiaru and an
apple orchard thereon. Terms made known on day ol
sale. V. ti. LKOXARP.
Wells. Sept.'Js. Is",ft. Administrator.
\ I.V; INISTR AT(HI'S X(>T 1 (' K . - .V<: i< .■
J.X. is hereby given, that all pirsoti* indebted to the es
tate of ( arret Cotter, deed., late of Wilinot township,
are requested to make payment without delay : and all
persons having claims against -aid e-tate, must present
them dn v aatlientieated, to the snbscritier.
Sept. 2s, 1858. Administrator.
i ' TV. SS—At an Orphan's Court held at owaoda, ou
(i -•—) the Htli day of Septomiier. A. P.. ls.s.
1.. S. HeforC the Hon. David Wiltnot. I'resident, and
I 1 the Hon. John F. Long, his associate Justice of
flic said ("ourt.
The petition of Cyrus Fuller. Ouardian of ('. J. Lee, a
minor son and heir of James l*ee, late of the township of
Herrh-k, in said enmity, dee'd. is presented, setting forth
that tlie lather ot said Charles .1. la-e died intestate, leav
ing a widow, to wit : and issue, six children,
to wit : William K. Lee, Margaret .lane, intermarried
with David Xesbitt. Thomas K. I a*. James 11. la-e. Jo
seph J. late ami Charles J. Lee. the two last named ol
whom are still in their minority ; and that Pembroke
Squires has been duly appointed guardian of said Joseph
J. Lec, and that the -aid intestate died seized in his de*-
tnestie as of fee of and in a certain messuage, situate in
the township afore-aid, which after deducting liftcen
iteres set oft to said Ja e Lee, widow as aforesaid, is
liounded and described as follows, to wit: North by lauds
of William Hiliis, i a.-t by laud o| Margaret Bloker und
11. W. Tracy, south by lands of said Tracy and the afore set off to Jane Lee, and west by said Jane
Lee's html and land of Kola-it lloyd and David Xesbitt.
Containing eighty-nine acres, or tlu realsuits, with the
appurtenances. Xo partition of the said estate having
been had, lie prays the Court to award an inquest to make
partition of tin- premises aforesaid to and among the chil
dren and representatives of tin- said intestate in sueli
manner iiml in such proportions as by the laws of this
Commonwealth js directed, if such partition enn be made
without prejudice to or spoiling the whole, but if such
partition cannot be made thereof as aforesaid, then to
value and upprai-e the same and make report ol their
pro, ccdings herein according to law. Whereupon on the
reading of the petition and on motion o! Mr. Mereur, the
Court order an inquest in accordance with tiie preyer of
the petition. And further direct that a a notice In-"given
in the Bradford Reporter by publishing a ropy of the writ
for six weeks prior to the lirst day of next Term,and that
the three lirst nutuliers be forwarded to the -aid William
K. Lee. ho resides at Fremont. X'ebraska Territory.
To Thomas M. Woodruff, Sheriff of Bradford County
Von are therclorc hereby led to summon ami take
with you twelve good and honest men of your haliwick
for the purposes aforesaid, who are hereby authorized and
empowered to go to tlie premise s afore-aid. and in the
pri'-cnoe of the said parties or their legal representatives
if they, having been several! warned, will be pre-ent,lia\ - respect to the true value thereof, the said messuage,
Ac., to divide and part among the wid -iv and lineal des
cendants of the said James Lee. it it can la- done without
prejudice to or spoiling tin- whole. But if such partition
cannot lie made as aforesaid, that when tliev inquire into
the value thereof and make and return a just ppraise
nn-nt it the whole, n of the several shares or purjeirts.
into which they may divide the same agreeably to the act
of Assembly in such case made and provided, and make
return thereof to the next state Orphan's Court, to he
held at Towanda. in and for the said County, oil the lirst
Monday of December next.
J AS. 11. WKBB. Clerk.
In the mattrr f the Tin Entitle. lair of James I.,rr
tier ti. To all persons interested. Take notice, that an
Inquest will be held at the late dwelling house of James
Lee. dee'd.. in derrick twp., Bradford county, on Friday,
tin- 12th day ot November, l*.7s,ut 1 o'clock ia the after
noon of that day. for the purpo.-e of making partition of
the real estate of said deceased, to and among hi- chil
li ten ami legal representatives, if the same rail In- done
without prejudice to or spoiling of the whole : otherwise
to value and appraise the satin- according to law : at
which time and place yon • an attend if von think proper.
Sheriff's Office. Towanda, Sept. 2-. l*.7s. Sheriff.
VI HI TOR'S XOTICK.— In the tunller i f
the ex ule of I'llniff Sh nnaker, deed. lu the Or
phan's Court ol Bradford County.
The und* r-igi ed. Auditor, appointed to distribute funds
in the hands of the executors ol said e-tate, will attel.d
to tin duties ol his appointment at his office, in Towanda
borough, on Tuesday, the 2d day of November, ls.'is, at
1 o'clock. I*. M. All persons having claims upon said
fund mu-t then and there present them, or el-e be forever
debarred from tin- same. 1". 1). MORROW.
Sept. 2s. Is/is. Auditor.
\ I HI TOR'S NOT I OK.— In Ihe inn tier /■/
\ thr cxtntr of Danitt (>'KetfeArr <t■ In the Orphan s
('ourt ot Bradford <' unity. No. 2!. Sept. Term. I s .",s.
Tbc under■signed Auditor, appointed by said Court to
examine the tiual account ol the Adiuiui-tr.itors and re
port facts to the Court, will attend to tlu- duties of his
appointment at his office in Towanda Imrough.on Monday
X vembci 2:, Is .s. at 1. I'. M.. sit which time and place
all per.-oiis interested are required to present their claims,
or la- forever debarred from said iiiml.
October 12, 1808. Auditor.
AI > MINI ST II AT( )R'S N()T IC K.—Notice
1 V i- hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate ot .Install liosworth d *'d. late of I'ike twp.. are re
quested to make payment without delay ; and all persons
having claims against said estate, must pre-xnt them duly
authenticated for settlement, to the subscribers.
Oct. 10,18.',8. Administrator.
i Assesso s for 1 -.7* will make their ret irns in the
following order, viz :
Assessors lor I 1-ter. Athens boro", Athens twp.. South
Creek. Kidgburv and Wells, on M onlay Nov. 1.1, 1.5.78.
Springlield, Smithlield, Xc-rtli Towanda, Columbia.
Sjlvania Imho , and Towanda. on Toesdly Nov. Iff.
Arm nia. Toy twp., Troy boro', B rlingti n twp.. Bur
lington West, Burlington bor'.iuidHr.>nville,on Wed lies
day Xovem'a-r 17.
Canton. la-It iv, Monroe boro". Monroe twp,. Overton.
Albany, Frankliu and T-uvauda twp., on Thursday No
vember 18.
Wilinot. Asylum, P-irell, Tus arn-i, Wvabising, Litch
field, Warreu. ami Windham, on Fri lay Nov. la.
Staruling Stone, Derrick. Orwell, I'ike, Slicshequin.
Rome and Wyso.x, on Saturday Nov. 20.
Assessors ne requested to be punctual in making their
returns on th •dly d -signatcd in their warrants. Tin y
are also required to extend the amount ol each per-on s
valuation into the t iglit hand eoluniii of tlu it assessment.
By order of the Commissioner's,
K. B. ('()■ ILBAUOH. Clerk.
Commissioner's Office. Oct. 2 1,
Apain in X&otion !
TBIIK Suliserildr loviiisr |nireli;tsp(l tho above
1- works, situated at the lower end of town, mar the
Canal Basin of the Barclay Kail Road Co.. (the same es
tablishment formerly carried on by lattuoreux. Hall A
Russell,) and having employed a compeU-nt set of work
iik-ii, is now prepared to execute orders for Castings or
Machinery of almost any kind. He also manufactures
a \ irietv -if Cook. Bailor and Office -toves. lie respect
ful! -oli. it- a -hare of public patronage.
Towanda. Sept. 8, |s.-,s. o. |>. BARTLKTT.
New Fall and Winter Goods!
VRK now receiving a very large and desira
ble assortment of Hoods suitable for the season,
comprising iihnost every iirticle wanted in the line ot
Pry Hoods—such as Sheetings, Shirtings, Drillings,
Ticking, I H-uims, Cot ton Yarn. Uatts, Wicking. Twine,
Calicoes, Hingbanis, Braiiclotlis. Cas-inwrr-t. Satinet Is.
Kentucky Jeans. Vestings. Ladies Press Hoods in varie
ty. Crockery. Shetland Vain. Family Hroeeries, Hard
ware. Hats and Caps, a large assortment. Tiie usual
large stock ot Boots and Sle-os, of great varietv in stvlc
mil prices, both eastern ami home manufacture. A very
large stock-d S tie and Upper Kip and Cait
Skiiw. l>th French ami American, IJniugs. shoe thread
and Pegs, a large stock of Lists. Boot Trees, Crimps.
Ac., Wooden ami Tin Ware. Ac., Ac., which we offer to
our numerous patrons and friends, and to the public
generally, for CASH or County Produce, at prices which
cannot tail to ph-se. We respectfully invite the attention
of buyers More pureliasing elsewhere, tali paid for
Hides A Skins.
Towanda. Ort. t, fs.lß.
C IIA WLS of all kinds from !-s to nt
NOTICE. —Is inoj'ljy given, I hat S|cial
Court of Common Pleas will Ve brill at Tow.* tula iu
..lid h-rthe toiiriti of Hrndfotd.i ominem ing n MONDA Y
the ISt It day of NOYKMHKH next. lit IWo'cfiok In the
"ii'iioi'ii in said day. at which (lie Hun. UOliKitT 41.
WIHTK. will Preside for the trial tl the following causes,
to wit :
N". 2n7.Se|rt. Term lffil, Xewton Humphrey vs. Wil
liam Humphrey. (• jeetimiiL
N'n. l-'2. Pee". Teriu Is.Mi.C. J,.Ci Pe Chaxtefcau.x vs.lra
ami hi' hard Jennings. Kjertment.
No. 11 i. Sept. Term I-is, i-rael Smith vt. Sumuel Ikel-
Imn. el alTrrymw.
No. i.4"i. I h-e. Term I Soil, fMwntd Unmet vs. Heorgo
Suunier. Kjn tment.
A1.1.1.'N MeIvKAN, Proty.
Pftil'rs.fmct.stfit l!. ls".s
a.\ is herein given. that all persons indebted to the es
tate of IIKXRY WIM ITAKKK. ilerM, late of Warren,
are lierehv reipiested to make payment without de
lay; am) ail per-on- having claims against said estate will
please present them diilv aiitheiitieated l'<tr settlement.
Sept. l.. lsjp. Administrator.
NOTION!.'-—Notice is he*r
t-J by given that ail i>er-oii* indebted to the estate of
JOHN I'dHTKIi. late t Tna towiohiu. deceased, mast
make immeiliate payment, and all persons luring de
mand-; against -aid estate. will present them duly authen
ticated for settlement.
Sept n, is'.s, Kxeeotor.
O II HE IF F'S S Al>loß. Hv virtue of snmlrv
0 writs of Vend. Kxpo., issued outfit the court of Com
mon Pleas of Hradford County, to me directed and de
livered. will he exposed to pnldiesaieat the Court House.
TowainU It'ir nth, on MONDAY. the Ist dujr of
NOV KMHKU. Ivis, at one n clock. p. M..the following
lot. piece or parcel of land situate in l!idgla-ry twp.. Ilnni
ford county. Isninded on the north ly land- now or lately
la-longing to Charles T. Murphy, east hy lauds-,) Howard
Hurt. I'eter Miller and the highway, and on tlie west by
the highway. Containing alsuit two acres, more or led-,
all improved, with one two st >iy Ira med tarcru in MI so.
known as the Centreville Hotel, one framed turn arid a
few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Klenror
Pomerny v-. A. .1. Brown.
ALSO- The following lot, or parcel of land situ
ate io Hidgta-cry twp.. itruilford county, hounded on the
north hy land of Vincent Owen, on the east hy lands of
lira-tor and Vim-cut Owen and Isaac Ha Id win, u tin
south hy land of Kmuinic! tin sanltis and on the west lv
land of Samuel Tuhbs. Containing alsmt one hundred
and twenty acres, about in acres improved, one trained
house, one log h iiise with a framed addition, one framed
burn, two big barns, two apple orchards and other truit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 8. A. Mills
vs. A. tl. Marcellus.
A I.St i The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in West Harlingt-iji twp., Iliad urd county. laiunded
on tin- north hy lands of John Tompkins ami Israel Phil
lips, on the east l<y lands of Ahram and .lull Ilorley, on
tlie south l-y I uid- of .lob Lircom and on the west hy
lands ot Itickiusoii iuid Hubbard*. Containing two hun
dred acres, more or less, alxmt thirty acres improved,
two framed dwelling houses, one trained barn, one saw
mill ami an orchard ol fruit trees thereon.
Seiz. il and taken in execution at the suit of N*. T. flick
ins >II to use of I'erry It. I'ratt vs. 11. Mallory and Loren
zo Stanton.
VLSi- flie following lot. piece or parcel of laud situ
ate in Kidgbiiry two.. Hradford county, hounded on the
north hy land of K. Stevens, east hy lands of Jnmrs
apcin in. south by land of Vlexundcr Tlmmpsou ami
west hy land of Iterrcst Wilkinson. Containing forty
acres, more or les-. als-ut thirty-five acres thereot im
proved and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of James 11.
\\ ebb vs. Vincent Stevens.
ALSO Hy virtue ot'a writ of Fieri Farias, tin* follow
ing lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Troy twp.. Brad
ford county, hounded on the north by lauds of John
(iri-t and John Sadler, on the east hy (ininville road ami
l>. X. A lien's, on tin- south by lauds of J. H. ami A. Ward
ami on tin- wesi by lands of Comfort Peters and 11. It.
Hickok. Containing eighty-three acres, ho the sanm
mo cor less, about seventy acres improved, two framed
houses, two framed barns and an orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. W. \ I).
F. Poiucroy A Co. vs. William It. Hurk.
Towamln. Oct. 7. Is."*. sheriff.
A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— Fuller l)ay
f\ ton rt. .V. Tutt'r. In the Common Pleas of Hrad
ford County. No. ts-j. May Term, 15.17.
The undersigned, auditor appointed to distribute funds
in the hand- of the Sheriff, raisi-d by tin- sale of the de
fendant'- real r-tatc, will attend t > the duties of his ap
pointnu-nt at hi- office, iu tin* Kor-uigh of Towamla, on
Mund ii. tlie 1-t day of Xveml>er I*sß. at 2 o'cl >-k, P.
M. All persons having tl tints upon said fund must there
and then present them or else be lorever debarred from
said fund.
Sept. 24. I>. p. MOUItOW, Auditor.
\ EDITORS NOTICE.—N. ][ A'- tenia n
J~\.. rs. ./. .V. Mi II nr. lii til- Coinm-m Pleas of Bradford
< outity, X. Piii. Fehniary Term. 15.',7.
The uinli; -igiiisl. Auditor, appointed by said Court to
di-tril-ute fund- r ised by SlierifT- sale of the real estate of
defendant, will attend to the duties of his appointment at
hi- office, in Towamla I*-rough. <>n Friday the .ith day of
Xovctnlier I o'el >ck in the wnichtinie
and place nil per-ons intirested are rt-]uireil to prc-ent
their eL:-i- or else forever I e ih-liarreil from said fund.
Oct. 7. Is.',- P. |. MORROW, Auditor.
A I I'l FOB'S NOTICE. I.)RRTII /•,'. / Inrris,
-s. \. <•.. /" H. i lofvt. lii the Court of Common Pleas,
of Hradfoi'l ei-ui.ty, Xo. l.'d!, February Term, ls.Vf.
The iinder-igne.l Auditor, nppointt'd by -aid Court to
distribute lands raised I y Hieritt's -all- t the teal estat--
ot >h undent, will attend to the dnties of hi-appointment
at hi- office in Towandli. on tin- 7jtli dav of
November. 1 s.vx. at 1 oTI uk in the atternoon. at which
time and place all p< r-ons in tele-ted are required to pre
sent their claims or el.-e be .orever debarred from said
fund. I>. MOX'TAXYK,
lh t. 19, t-'-s. Auditor.
A UDITOR S NOTICE.— Waller S. Xcic
mini rs /{litis .\h//r . In the Court of Common
Ph a- >il Hradford county. X>. 2:t:t. Rdtnury Tei-m. IRXS.
Tlie undersigned Auditor, appointed l-y said Court to
di- rilrite fit al- ta s >1 hy Sheiifl - sale of the real estate
ot de.elide >t, will attend to the duties of liis appi inttncnt
at hi-ofti e. in T--Wauda, on Friday the 2t th day of
X-'Vember. Is.',-, at 1 o'lha k iu the nftcriioon, at which
time ami place alt persons interested are required to pre
sent their claims or else be fbrever dehorn d from said
fund. ti. 1). MOXTAXVK,
tb t. IS, l-.",-). Auditor.
\ I DiTO II'S NOTICE— Sam net .1/' AVv?*,
1 \ uuir to t'ie we of J. ll'. I'rHett rs. 1.. 1). Tatj'ur. hi
the Coin uu ii Peas of Hradlbrd county. No. but, Sept.
Term, Is.').-,.
Tin? undersigned Auditor, appointed by-aid Court So
di-triliiite ti.iul- rai-i-d by Sin-riffs salt- <d the real esfcrte
t defendant, will a'teiio t-> the duties of hi-appoiittm-rtil
at the house ->f Heulten M' rley. in Burlington, on Friday
X'-yemher Path, Is.n, at Hi o'clock, iu the tVirew-Mo*. at
ah: h time and pi tee all pei-s-ui- intere-tisl are tequirwl
t > present their claims or el.-e In; foiwer delutrt'-d from
said fuinl. K. It. PARStr.VS,
Octolwr lit. K'iS. Auditor.
4 riXTOR'S NOTICE.—A/tW Taylor
-l V to tin ilie of .Xnthanic! Wiiw// and Xnrton T.
Miller rs. Ijsritt* Humpki tit itod M ijor K. Dtrlmg. In
tlie Common Plea-ol Hradlbid comity, Xo. Lll,He> .T.
The uiider-igneiL Auditor, appoint) -1 by said Court to
ili-lri .te tnti*l— i.ii-e-1 by Sheriffs s]n ol the real estate
ot ilcteml int. will attend to t In- dutie- of his appoint men t
it his office, in Towan-l - Isir -uch, on Frid^v, tlie 2HI
<i >y of t b-toU-r 1 at 1 oVioi k in tlie afternoon, at which
! time it tut place ail pcr-nn- interested are m|iiin-d to pn
-cut their elaiuis or else be lorever deUirre'l from said
fund. <L It. MOXTAX'YK.
Sept.2l. ls.s. Auditor.
A FIX roil S NOTICE.— la the mal/t* of
1 . the est Or ef C. It. Ross and James /I. Ross, dee d.
In tin-Court of ft'iarter Se—ions of Hradford County, X'o.
' 1.7. Itweiiil-er Term. ls">7.
The uniler-igiii ii Audit'-r a|Ms>inted by said Court to
ill-tribute ftmds rai-ed t>y Sheriffs sale of real estate of
ilefeinleiit s. will nlteud to tlie duties of hi appointment
at his office, iu Towamla borough, on Monday the ]|Kh
il.iv ->t Xovem'-er. l-.|S.at2 o't hw k in the aftermuui. at
which time and place all ocrs.fbs intere-ted are feqnin-d
tt> present their claims, or l-e foreier ch-liarreil tr-wn aakl
Otlnlrr 12. HJ*. tmlitor.
A F IX I'OIvS NOTICE—>S. 7/ .Xrirmati,
l\. note to use nf ( h lilies II 'right rs. .1. .M. h'mines.
In the Common Pleas ot Hradloril County, Xo. 17., Dc
eemberTi-rm. l-.'st.
The uii-ler.-igned. Audit r. appointed he said Court to
distributi- fund- raist d l-y Stirriff's -ale ->f real estate of
defendant, will attend to the duties of hi- upp-dntme it at
his office, iu Towamla itor-ngh, oil Friday the .ith dav of
November lKis, at 2 oVloi-k in the afternoon, nt whii lt
time and place all persons interested are required to pre
sent their elaiuis or c'.se le f ren-r ileteier. f-in sard
tiu-l. I*. l>. MDIIROW,
[ ib-t. 7. is - ,-. Yud t >r.
i I 01 TOR'S NOTICE— In tie matter of
a. V the efait of (thru- S. Urinf, dee d, iu the Or
phan's Court of Hradloril County.
Tli - mider-igned, an Auditor appointed by said C >nrt
to di-trilMite fnnds in tin- hands of the Administrators
of said estate, will attend to the did- -s f hi- appoint
ment at his nfflee. in Towatida t orongh, on Fri'ay. the
ith d iv of NwvemU-r. lsis. at 2 o'doek in the itlMiioin.
when ami win-re all |ieisons i.lnested are required t >
present their claints, or IK.- foiivei drliarrerl tnun -abl
turn). K. OVERTON. 'H.
Oct. 1, l-'-jf. Auditor.