Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 14, 1858, Image 3

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    Nero Abucrtiscments.
Excitement inClotliing!
r r n ,w receiving the Largest Stock of
\ ~ ' le Clothing ever offered in this market,
>* . -riling at prices that astonish every one;
v 'A r„t up expressly for onr Trade, and are
' . T • very way, our stork consisting of every
of Men and Boy's Wear, Black Cloth
v's ul Plain Business Coats. Sattinett Coats,
. ! ri v Cassimere Pants, ;Uniou do,, Sattinett
1 pliisii Vests, Cotton Plush do., Sattinett do.,
~ . , satin do.
Gents furnishing Goods!
v, >| Under-S'uirts, Wool Drawers, Collars, Cra
ul, rs, Gents White and Fancy Shirts, Check
, v Shirts, Hoseiry of *ll kinds. Hats and Caps,
,i -ivies of Black Silk Hats made to order.
Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings !
, receiving the largest Stock of Cloths. Cassi
testings. ever offered in this market,which we
m;ike to order or sell by the yard. Persona
'hinimade tip to order, will do well to give
TV purchasing we warrant eve
■ iill s;dc. Wo keep none hnt the best work
receiving the latest Fashions every mouth,
v . tin? anything in onr line, will please give us
, wi v >']> nothing but Men and Boy s Wear, and
, v ii. v our Goods cheaper ft an those that only buy
VTIPi PRODUCE of all kinds taken in payment
. .uid i short credit. Cutting done as usual,and
■ A i, II the Goods are bought of us. Ikm't for
c one door south of Hall's Hardware store.
, ~ ~r 12,1558. COLLIN'S ft POWKI.L.
great Eargains in Goods!
i [IF now receiving a very large and desir
\ ,->..rtiiicnt of Fall and Winter Goods. which
• jL .... ilow as anything that ran be found in this
c isistiug o! Dry floods, Shirting.Stri[>e Shirting,
r > ■ Dermis. Cotton Batta.Cnt.ton Yarn, Carpet Warp,
PC't-. Sattiuets, Kentucky .leans. Fancy and
(jsiinere, Bla< k and Blue Broad Cloth. I.insey,
TDiaper Linen Crash, Napkins. Tabletiotns,
I i ■ Spreads. Die.i. lied Ma-Jin, Hod and White
,-! ('ott.'ii Flannel, Grain Bags. ftc.
iJoons.—Dc Laiue*. Hamilton A Pacific mills,
y ' 1' "'.ins. De Beges, Chenilc Scarfs, Knit Hoods,
Cashneres. Parainatas. ftc.
~ i,-.—.V large assortment of new and choice pat-
Mi a and Wool Shawls.
: I- CAPS.— Men and Boy's Wool and Fur Hats
-. me liir st assortment in town.
. A vii SHOPS.—AII the different description of
'Uuineii and t lnidreu's Wear, sold cheap far cash.
12 ' TRACT 1 ft *OORE.
\ w Fall and Winter Goods !
Are constantly arriving at
• -- !' N"<; of a large and well selected assortment
' ' heap and nice Prints selling for only i! 4 and
Ma-iin Delaines and Plaids, Cohurg, Poplin and
ail. al-"> Ladies Plaid Long Broche and Mantilla
. . o-Slniwi-.ail sizes and kinds. Black and Fancy
, - Zephyr Worsted, all colors of Shetland Yarn,
i i'aj Leather, Boots and Shoes, Rnbl-ers.nnd in
Muds of Goods to suit the purchasers, which we
.1 as cheap as the die ipeat.
2. No. l Pitt .us Block,cor. Main ft Bridge st.
- \ TONS of Anthracite Coal for sale at No.
P ' I Rattan s Block
.), ij i 15 A RRELS of Salt for $1,50 per bar
l!A" :i I. at No. I Patton's Block.
N Wholesale and Retail Dealer
< A in Hardware and Stoves. Iron
I_ JL jM-l-'ljitoaomt Nails, Sn-h. Glass, Paints
and Oils, House Trimming.-
i (MPH all kinds of fa rriage trimmings.
HnH Seat Cloths and Laces. ('arriage
sfayr-ifr-fy-fr IMBsnlkev and Scat Springs. ( ar-
P. penters" and Joiners' Planes,
? U;rr_rr~~ saws, Angers. CI isels and all
• *"A W other T ... • ■ M "
" * and Circular Saws, Blacksmith
L . Tools, Bellows, Anvils. Vices,
• = —J Hammers and Screw Plates,
its. R.road Narrow, Lath and Hand Hatchets—Cable,
•e and Haltr, Chains, Crowbars, Picks, Shovels
Toolsofall kinds. Bra--and Enameled Kettles,
aid Tonaues.Spounn and laidies. Tubs and Pails,
i - and Washboards,'and all other kinds of house-keep-
K implements*
H\IMWAPT"Iine, Brass. Brittania, Jappancd
i , 1 i Ware, single or in set ts. Bar, Band. Scroll
: i m Iron, Steel otall kinds, Kail I tods, Ac, Pumps,
1 . and all the necessary fixtures for water works.
: s tl vt,.bed Leather Bolting and String Leather.
HI other articles too numerous to mention, that
i receiving direct from the hands of uianufac
; inporters. including the largest assortment
ri.reatest variety of
25 per cent. less than usual for Cash,
■ C din at the highest tit*rhet prices.
\Y d Cooking. Coal and Wood Parlor. Dining
- v Riate an l Cylinder.ever brought into Xorfliern
I va; or Southern Xew York : all or which we
i .v. d to sell at wholesale or retail, at as low
• Vas good TERMS a can he found this side of
i k. from the fact that all our goods were bought
■■ . aids ami in full packages and large ifwantities,
• -an advantage over smaller purchasers and
') ils dealt rs. that wiil enaide us to sell from a to
- th in any of them, which advantage we
1 v who will favor us with a call before pur
■ > . i-cwhere.
rve ipiantitv of Tin ware, Stove Pipe and Ellmws
a 1 ul, wholesale and retail. All kinds of Job
to order, on short notice and warranted,
t: i ,ke the place to buy STOVKS and lIABD
' ap—one door South 5f Tracy A* Moore's, and
" i v. block on Main saeet, in the new Wood
flh ul uli over.
I' intrv Produce, obi Iron, Brass, Brittania
'. Dried Fruit otall kinds, Feathers and Becs-
Li ■ c.ted for goods.
- i> p lis wanted, for which the highest price
, M elt riven over four months, and all hnv
s ants or notes over due had lietter call and pay
'• v. if thev wish to save cost.
, Octolier 13,1845.
K DRESS BILKS —A now supply
1 -• ' heap Black Silks, just received by
' -Ms. -,. H. S. MKkCUR.
•U)IF„S MERINO VESTS, for sale by
!' H. S. M KRCL IL
| ' lUAfiE TRIMMINGS —consisting of
a and Knaineled Cloths, Damasks, Fyingea,
tc. Ac., just received and for sale by
| obt'KERY and Glass ware, a now assort-
'KzaiiPß slsi&sisa
: in d having purchased the above well
' * ' in■ I- and attached to it a Steam Engine, and
' •iy thing connected with it in perfeet repair,
'-lie modern improvements now ia u*c >a first
- g Mills would respectfully solicit the pa
da community- trusting that the reputation
, • rctofore borne may not snfTer in the bands
'■ lir::i. It shall l>e our aim to do all work eu
• promptly and in the liest possible ni nner.
" fr mi a distance may rely up in having their
'in e, so as to make but one trip " to mill."
[■ 'lbi - r w ill continue to give his own personal at
' Je the business at the mill,
i ' I L>r all kinds of GRAIN ; iilso Flour. Meal
- de at the lowest market prices.
i. O. FROST B> T. FOX.
P"' Tl w*M>4, Oct. <i, lo8.
l . 1 i'!!i"rs Chenilc, and captivating Habits
" 1 '"'Ril at
**:J° a 'l wanting Farms, see advert IM-
I'Mnigotiton Lands.
I ' FARMER—A newspaper devoV
i ature and Agriculture, also setting forth full
. • 11 'mmouton, in New Jersey, can be subscrib
' cts. per annuni.
•Rage stumps fin- tlur amount. Address to
''•inner, Hauunooton, Atlantic Co., New
.1 T i\' liing cheap laud, of J.he best quality,
d'.hicst alnl ino-t deiighttul climates in
'• ee advertisement of liamnMDton Lands.
|mato Catehuj, Pickiei, Sardiaes. Ac.
~ _ LUX'S.
OXS AyD HOOPS of every
; • ;in-i nuterial at
New Qtboertiawncnts.
The Ready Pay System
AT LAST it has been reduced to a certainty that
GOODS can be sutce-fifafiv sold in Towanda FOR
CASH. Those doubting this will do well to call at tlie
store of
Where it will le shown that the Merchant in selling his
Goods can afliird to sell cheaper for CASH, and can offer
inducements sufficient to make it an object for purchasers
at whatever sacrifice they are obliged to make to procure
the money to adopt in their purchases the Cash System.
Having just removed to his new Store, hereafter to be
known as the
and being now in receipt of a large assortment of g.wids
of almost every description, under the most favorable cir
cumstances, for CASH, he is enabled to and will sell at
prices tar less than can be done by those by whom credit
is given.
DRV GOODS.— An assortment heretofore
unequalled by any thing ever offered in Towanda of
FAXCA AND STAPLE DRY G'jODS,comprisingmauy
new and desirable sytles of Goods unknown in this mar
ket ; among which will be found iu Ladies Dress Good-,
all the novelties of the season, 'ii-ap at the KEYSTONE.
SHAWLS. —New antl Choice Patterns of
Broche, Stella, Plaid Wool, Talma, Mantilla, and
Knitted Worsted Shawls, cheap at the
j Oct. 12. _ _ KEYSTONE.
BONNETS, Ribbons and Trimmings, whole
sale and retail,cheap at the KEYSTONE.
DOMESTIC GOODS. — AH the different
qualities of Prints, Ginghams, Bleached Goods.fine
unbleached Muslins, Ticks, Stripes, Denims, Sheetings,
Cotton Yarn, Carpet Warp, Batts, ftc., cheap at the
fct. Ij. KEYSTONE.
vJ INGS.— Black and Colored Cloths,Doeskins,Tweeds,
! Sattinetts, Kentucky Jeans, and a beautiful assortment
I of Fancy Cassimeres. cheap at the KEYHSONE.
[>OOTS AND SHOES.—AII the Afferent
t descriptions of Boots and Shoes, for men, women
and cliildteus wear, just received and will be sold at less
prices than ever known at the KEYSTONE.
T TATS AND CAPS.— Men's and Bov's
1 L Ilats and Caps, in all the new and desirable styles,
ju-t received and for sole cheap at the KKYSTOK.
/"4 ROGER IKS ! GROCERIES f—Snjrflrs
-.4 at less prices than can be found elsewhere. Molas
ses, Coffee, ftc. ftc., and a superior article of Young
Hyson Tea. at 50 cents per {Kiiind, just received at the
Oct. 12. KEYSTONE.
T)AINTS, Oils, Glass, &c. kc. —At the
JL Keystone will always be found an assortment of
Paints, Oils, Glass, Sash, Putty,ftc., ftc., together with 11
thousand other kind of Go ds, which time nor space will
admit of remuneration.
TOWAKBA, Oct. 12, 1858.
I X assortment of Colors of new aud beautiful Styles,re
ceived to-day at
Mantillas, Cloaks and Raglans.
POWELL would respectfully announce
•I • to the ladies that he will always keep on hand a
' large assortment of Cloak-. ft<\, of different Styles, and
1 that he has made arrangements to fnriiisli to orderon short
j notice any article wanted in this line, from cheapest to
J best, at rates below New York city retail prices. He will
j also receive samples of new styles as they appear, to
I which he invites your attention.
Itktober 11.
j qpiiUNKS ! TRUNKS !—A large kfcort
j .L mi nt of Trunks always 0:1 liand and for sale at man
ufacturers prices, at
MATRASSES. —A lartre assortment of
- Hair aud Husk Matrasses of superior quality for
New Fall and Winter Goods!
VRE now receiving a very large and desira
ble assortment of Goods suitable for the season,
comprising almost every article wanted in the line of
Dry Goods—such as Sheetings, Shirtings, Drillings.
Ticking, Denims, Cotton Yarn, Batts, Wicking, Twine.
Calicoes, Ginghams, Broadcloths, Caoaiuieics, S.itinetts.
Kentucky Jeans. Vesting*, Ladies Dress Goods in varie
ty, Crockery, Shetland Yarn, Family Groceries, Hard
ware, lfats and Caps, a large assortment. The usual
large stock of Boots and Shoes, of great variety in styles
and prices, isitli eastern and home manufacture. A very
| large stock of Sole and Upper I-eather, Kip and Calf
Skins, botli French atd American, Linings, Shoe thread
and Pegs, a large stock of Lasts, Boot Trees, Crimps,
ftc., Wooden and Tin Ware, ftc., ftc., which we offer to
onr numerous patrons and friends, and to the public
generally, for CASH or 1 onnty Produce, at prices which
cannot tiiii to plcse. We respectfully invite the attention
of buyers before purchasing elsewhere. Ca-U paid for
Hides ft Skins.
Towanda, Oct. 4.1858.
Dr. Wistai's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
YT7HERE the above preparation is known, it is o well
\\ established as an infallible Remedy for the cure of
Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Spit
ting of Blood. Pain in the Breast, Croup. Whooping
Cough, and every torn of IVI.MONAKV C OMI-I. \IVT, that it
were a work of supererogation to speak of its merits.
Discovered by a well known physician more than twenty ■
years since, it has by the wonderful cures it has effected :
lieen constantly appreciating in public favor, until its ufie
aud its reputation are alike universal: and it is now known ,
and cherished by all (and their " name is legion") who
hive been restored to health by its use a* the OKKAT KKY
KIIV for the diseases which its professes to cure.
Sir James Clark, physician to Queen Victoria,ha- given
it as his opinion that
The whole history of this Medicine fully confirms the 1
opinion of that eminent man Thousands ean testify, and j
have testified, that when all other remedies had failed.this !
has completely cured ; and that the sufferer had well nigh !
despaired, this has afforded immediate relief ; that when !
the physician had pronounced the disease incurable, this j
lias removed it entirely.
The virtues of this Balsam are alike applicable to core
a slight cold or a ('onfirmed Consumption, and its power
as a safe, certain, speedy, pleasant aud effectual remedy
cannot tie equalled.
ltd;' C.vL'Ttos .'—Purhase none unless it has the WKIT
TKN signature of" I. Br ITS" oft the Wrapper, as well as
the printed name of the proprietors.
The following person- have experieucec satisfactory
re<ult from the use of Wi-tar's BaNanr— WiHiatJl Law
rence, Po.-t Master at Bailey Creek ; John Fox, F°eF
master at Mainsburg ; B. M. Bailey, the well known Tem
perance Lecturer, and Thomas Jewel, a well knowu citi
zen of Tioga County.
S. W. FOVVLE ft CO., Proprietors, Boston. For sale by
their ageut-s everywhere.
A OUSTS I'attou Sr Payne,and 11. C. Porter, Towanda;
S. W. ft I) F. Pouicroy, Troy ; Dr. E. P. Allen, Smith
field : T. Mather ft Co.. Ulster; G. A. l'erkius, Athens; ;
J. F. Long ft Son, Burlington.
This Way for Bargains !
___ THE SUBSCRIBER has on hand II bug
. ,/V JsL*gy Carriages, 1 Democrat 2 horse wagon,
N*/ . Sr -ell low for Cash or Grain or approved cred
it. As we use a good deal of Eastern timber in carria- |
ges, we will warrant them to stand all reasonable nse, I
and made iu as good style as can be got in Northern
Pennsylvania. All orders and repairing done on short
Towanda, Ang, S, 1838. G. IT. DRAKY
VFIN'E Assortment, of pfus Tfimmiiijs, ■
Bonnet Ribbons and " Loves of Bonnets," are to j
le found at the store of
Sept I,Jho*. WM. A. ROCKWELL, :
To all wanting Farms, see advertise
ment nt ■MUMWtM Landi.
i MUBTARD, ground and whoje, at
*arch 20,Y508. FoX'£. I
Tiofa Point
Agricqllural k dflnclion Iron Works,
Athens, Bradford County, Pa.
WE are manufacturing justly celebrated End
less Cliaiu Powers, for one and two horses; to
which we have added such improvements as to make them
the best endless Chain Powers in the world. Our
Are much improved over the Albany machines, and work
admirably. Our new
i Just finished, will, we are confident, prove itself tube the
It runs easily, is simple, strong, light and durable ; will
not. carry over, nor waste grain; and will thresh and
I clean tit for ma-ket as much grain per day, with the same
power, as any Thresher with Separator will thresh.
It is admirably adapted for two and four horse powers.
Job threshers will liud it to lie just the machine they have
so lung desired to find.
Our Horse Powers and Threshers are, to say the least,
equal to any made in the I uiou ; so that farmers MI Sou
thern New-York and Northern Pennsylvania, will find it
to their advantage to buy our Machines, on account of
saving heavy expense in trei Jits, as well as for their su
We invite the particular attention of Farmers and Deal
ers to onr
We can with confidence, recommend these Hay, Straw
and stalk Cutters on account of simplicity, durability,
strength, efficiency, ease of operation, rapid cutting. Ac.
They do away with the very serious objections heretofore
urged by farmers and others, and justlv too, against all
patented feed cutters ; namely—that they are too com
plicated, too many small castings and traps, consequent
ly too liable to get out of repair : that they have too
many wearing or friction places, therefore hard to operate.
< >ir Feed ( Titters have two simple straight knives which
can easily he sharpened, or, if ever necessary, can be
made by any blacksmith. All are warranted to give sat
isfaetion. Ask your merchant to order one for vou. and
1 send for onr CATAMIOI-k, which contains additional in
formation concerning all of thealmve mentioned machines
and many others of our manufacture and sale.
Athens, Sept. 15,1858.
Matched Horses for Sale.
THE Subscribers desire to sell
JiMTAtheir line span of matched BLACK HORSES,
-.IX a not having teaming enough to keep them em
| ployed. Said team is a valuable one and is well known,
having been formerly owned by Messrs. Harris A Page,
and Welles A Brooks. Tney took the first premium as
she best pair Carriage Ib'r.-es at the Bradford County Ag
ricultural Fair in lss7—their weight is about 120(1 pounds
each. We will sell them cheap, either for cash, or on
i time with approved security.
Athens. Sept. 21, IHSO. WKI.I.KS, BLOOD A CO.
I ( illi I VARDS 4-4 Sheetings, by the
" / Bale or single piece.
I 400 pieces PRINTS, List colors, and in great variety.
50 pieces Blue Denims, heavy.
100 pieces Bleached Muslins.
20 pieces Canton Flannels.
Al-o, Blue, Red, Gray and White Flannels, Sheep's
Gray, Satinetts, Ca-sinieivs, Kentucky Jeans. Cot. Yarn,
Ticking ami Bolts, Candlcwick, Mariner's Stripes. Bleach
Brown and Colored Drills, Colored Muslins, ( rash. Hock
aback, Ac., Ac. Country Merchants will find anexci lleut
! opportunity to sort up at low prices for casli, by calling
• at mv store.
| Towanda. Sept. fi, 1858. JOS. KIXGSBERY.
Again in 3/Xction !
THE Subscribtr having purchased the above
works, situated at the lower end of town, near the
1 Canal Basin of the Barclay Rail Road Co., (the same e--
tablisliinent formerly carried on by Lamoieu.v, Hall A
, Russell.) and having employed a competent set of work
-1 men. Is now prepared to execute orders fur Castings or
Machinery of almost any kind. He also manufactures
a variety of Cook. Parlor and Office stoves. He respect
fully solicits a share of public patronage.
Towanda. Sept. 8, 1858. O. I>. BART LETT.
By (he Atlantic Telegraph !
"VTF.WS lias just to band that. mapsH A CO. of
| 1> No. 5, UNION BLOCK, ELM IRA. liav-received per
, Express during the last few days direct from the ineti >j
lis, over ten thousand dollars worth of SPLENDID NEW
i FALL GOODS of the very latest importations and m ist
I desirable styles, eonsistiiig of just everything, to which
the attention of c lose cash luiyers is parti.*tilarl v invited.
' A word to the wise is sufficient." Let all read their
! advertisement of Xew Goods daily and weekly, and go
I see and judge whether or no 20 per cent, can lie saved by
i buying Dry Goods of MARSH A CO.,
| No. 5, Uhion Block, Elinira. N. Y.
FLANNELS— f roin I.s a yard to the very
best ill the market, at
MARSH ft CD'S, F.lmira.
Dll ESS GOODS.—From 6d a yard to sls
a pattern, at
SHAWLS of all kinds from 12s to sis. at
UOOI* SKIRTS from (is each, to Douglas
ft Sherwood's best, at
1 >ARAMATAB k MERINOES from ls6d
A a yard to the best grades, in all colors, at
A LPACAS k BOMBAZINES ia all grades
-JA- from lsiid to 12s a yard, at
|>o\s A MEN'S WEAR.—The best and
* J cheapest assortment out of Xew York City can be
found at M \ RSll ft ro'S.
Jj^M BROIDERIES.—Cheapest, in the world
J at MABBH ft CP'S.
smash down prices, at MARSH ft CO'S.
Readers of the Stcpoitcr!
IF voit want to buy Dry Goo s Fancy Goods or Yan
kee Notions, cheaper than you ever saw them, just
take a trip to ' .MARSH t CO'S,
No. 5. Union Block.
NO. 5. NO. 5. X'O. 5, NO. 5, XO. 5, XO. 5, NO. 5,
DR. G. S. PECK, Surgeon and Mechani
cal Dentist, being permanently located in Towanda,
tenders bis professional services to its citizens. Espeeia
attention given to FILLING and CLEANSING DECAY
ed on pivot; also gum and plain incorruptible teeth
mounted on gold, silver, clieoplaatie and Slaytons base,
from one to an entire set, in the most artistic manner
known to the profession.
All the above operations will be performed with a
ness, and duty to his patient.
Office over E. T. Fox's Store, No. 1, Brick Row. En
trance, fir-t door on l'inc street.
N. B. Produce taken in part payment for dental ope
rations at its market price.
July 80, 1858.
Tf Yjyijj rr,K " r has returned, and will beat home
1 I L.I IJ"lor two months to come. J. M. would dis
abuse the public mind of the impression that he was limit
ing up a place to settle in while absent, lie is settled
hero, and will remain so.
Towanda. August 4, 1858.
GENTLEMEN'S' CANES, including Load
ed Rattans, Hickory, Majkn a ' rook and smulj Canes.
Sept.!, WM. ft. ROCKWELL.
IHcrf!)iinbiif, #c.
"J" SEn. JEj] ©> ©©® H2'
HS. MERCUR lias again the pleasure
• of ufi nonliving to lils natrons anil the p iWIt-. the
nrriva! at his store of a very larre and beautiful a sort
ment of PALP GOODS, which mentis even-thin? that is
wanted, and which will ns heretofore he sold for CASH
at RS ir,W and geuerally lower price s, than c>n be found
at other stores. Few possess equal, and none superior
facilities for obtaining cheap and desirable Good , and
purchasers are respectfully requested to compare quali
ties and prices.
Towanda, Sept. 20. 1858.
MERINOS and all \\V>T l)e
JL Lalnes in various colors, For sale by
Sept. 21, ls')K. 11. 8. MERCUR.
IDOHLINS, Valencies, I'lain and Printed
DeCiines, Robes, Debeges and other dress goods,
w ill lie found at
_S. pt. 21, is;,x. If. R. VKRCUR'S.
QIIAWLS ! SHAWLS ! ! —Single and
klz double Broehc, Cashmere, Thiljet, Silk and Wool
Shawls at
Sept. 21, 1858. ___ 11. R. MERCI'IUS.
'V W || .1 YARDS of tliose celebrated fid
Prints; also, an extensive line of Merriniac
Prints, just ree'd by
Sept. 21, Pisa. If. s. MERCUR.
BONNET RIDIiONS, Fringes and Dress
Trimmings of the latest styles, new Silks and Vel
vets, now offered at low prices, by
-Sept.fS, 1868, H. S. MERCUR.
U STF.FI. HOOP SKIRTS, a new and beautiful article
st received at jyl.'t MEKCUIFS.
AS USUAL, a large stock of Domestic
L\. (foods. Heavy Denims. Sheetings and Tickings,
Bleached ami Fable-ached Muslins, Irish Linens and White
Goods, of every description, at
Sept. 28, 1858. MERCER'S.
V LARGE assortment and the best quali
ties of Cloths, Cassimeres aud Vestings at
Sept. 2s. raw. 11. S MEiMTR'S.
/ 1 KNTLL.M I'.N's and Youth's For, Ber-
H liu and Buck Gauntlets and Gloves, at
Sept. 2s. I*sß. MERCER'S
and fasliionalile Hat and Caps, Hoots
ii and Shoes, great assortment received at
_ Sept. 18. ls.-.s. MERCER'S.
F-YT. T. TJtA. X) E!
SSSI 8 8 ?
st t tt r
' I CUKES pleasure in informing his customers and the
-1 public generally that he is now prepared tootTer the
Constant additions of desirable articles will be made, and
no pains will be spared to keep up an assortment of
Good-, which for beauty, variety and cheapness,
Special attention is invited to the department of
In which maybe found every variety of Goods usually
kept by house- who devote themselves exclusively to this
branch of trade.
Townnda, August 2!). 1 s.",R.
I The Great Atlantic Telegraph!
77c. .% Patton's Slock.
' I HIE two greatest events of the Nineteenth Century,
I are the submarine telegraph between Europe and
America, and the imps railed stork <>t READY MADE
CLOTHING OF' M. E. SOLOMON! combining the
great, -t variety, latr-t fashionable, and most durably
made Clothing ever brought to Townnda.
I beg to inform 'he citizens of Towanda and vicinity,
that I have HKMOVKD to No. 2, Pattous Block, one door
north ol Rockwell's -tore, where 1 shall he happy to see
•all my old friend- and enstomers and as many new ones
as may wish to favor me with a call. Having just return
ed from the Eastern and We.-tern markets where I have
purchased my Fall and Winter stock of CLdTBTNK,
public at lower rates than ever sold here before, us 1 have
bought my stock for Cash at the lowest figures.
OVERCOATS. —Rtiperline Ida. k Beaver Raglans and Sack
Overcoats ; Black, brown and blue Pilot do ; Petersham
do; Sup. black Union Gas iinere do. Black, brown and
gray Sealskin do ; Deer-kin do; Lion skin do; Fancy
Bear -kin do. and various other styles, too numerous to
FH.ICKCIIATS. —Fine French black Broadcloth double
breasted Frock Coats , single-breasted, same ; Medium
quality tl ; Cotton warp do ; French Beaver Business
do; Fancy Cassimeie do ; Side Band do; Black Union
('a—, do ; Fancy Sntiiiett do ; Tweed and Kentucky Jean
do. /
I'AXTS.— Sup. black I)oe-kin Pants ; Mcjfium do : Rlk.
eott.n warp do ; Fancy Ca—iinere side baud do; Satti
nett do ; Farmers and Mechanics Ca-sitripre do.
YKSTS. — French Fancy Silk Yelvet Vests ; Chenille and
Printed do; Silk Ye-ls, of all de- riptimis ; Silk and
Worsted do : Black Satin do ; Cassimerc Ye-ts ; Satti
uet and Plush do.
Ft uxisuisi; Goons.—Fancy Silk Ties, Block do ; Fan
cy Silk Scarfs; Black figured S art's; Black Silk Cra
vats: Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs ; Cambric do; Silk
do ; Fancv cotton d-i ; White linen-bosom -iiirts ; Fan
cy Marseilles do ; Fancy Linen do ; White Marseilles By
ron Collars: Fancy do ; Fancy nud white linen do ;
White string and lap do ; Hosiery, of all kinds ; Suspen
ders ; White and Mixed Men's Wrappers and Drawers.
A complete assortment, of Boy's Clothing! Boots and
Shoes and Rubbers, of all kinds, Sole Leather, Upper
Leather, Kip Skin, Calf Skin, etc.
Cash will Tie paid for Wool, Hides, Sheep Pelts, anil all
kinds of Grain, at the highest market prices.
Remember, removed to No. 2, Patton's Block, former
ly occupied by William A. Rockwell.
Towanda, Sept. 20, Ixsß. M. E. SOLOMON.
\ I.THOUGH we may not deal in gas as extensively as
some of our hretiiren in the trade, yet it is an nck
nowledgi d fact throughout the county that the place to
Ii it ft Supeiior (In oils at Low Prices.
Is at ROCKWELL'S STORE. No. 1, Patton's Block, cor
ner of Bridge and Main streets.
The liberal trade which has been bestowed upon us dur
ing the pa-t Summer, has encouraged us to enlarge our
business, and we assure our patrons that we shall not for
feit the reputation which we have gained of selling the
Towanda, September 1, Ixsß.
For Ladies.
MISS MARY F. CBFBBLCK would respectfully give
notice that she will open a Select School for Young
Ladies and Misses, in the room formerly occupied by the
Mis- HANSONS, to commence on MONDAY, Angu-t 22.
A limited number only will lie taken, and Miss C. flat
ters herself that front long experience in teaching, she
will lie enabled to do justice to the scholars confided to
her care.
First Class —To include the elementary English
Branches. $1 00
Si rand Class —To include the more advanced En
li-h branches, with Mathematics and Latin, st; 00
Third Class — I To include Mathematics Moral and
Mental Philosophy, Rhetoric, Botanv, Ac.,with
Latin. " IT 00
Music —lnstruction on the Piano, with use of Instru
ment per quarter, #lO ; French, per term, #.'s, and Draw
ing #4, extra.
Instructions in Vocal Music will be given without extra
Each pupil will be expected to provide herself with a
desk and chair.
Vir Any information in reference to this School may
be obtained by applying to H. S. Mercur or E. T. Fox.
TowaniUt August 11, 1x,5.
T<i I 1 wanting • Farms, sec advertise
meat of Hammouton Laud-,
OR I'HANS' COURT SALE. — lly virtue
of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Co.,
will Re expo-i d to public sale on the premises, oh SAT
URDAY, NOVEMBER at 1 o'c lock, P. M.. a cer
tain messuage, piece or parcel of laud situate in Spring
field twp.. Bradford Co., bounded on the north by lands
of J antes Haulcy. on the east by lands of William S. Wil
liams, on the south by land-of John RohLiuwm, dee'd., on
the west by lands ol Oliver Gates. Containing 25 4 1"
acres, be the same more or less, 4 or ."i acres improved,
with a small frame house thereon. Terms made kutwu
on day of sale. WM. J. WIGS! EN,
Springtie'd. Sept. 28. 1 s.ifi. Administrator.
V / of an order of the Orphans* Court of Bradford Co..
will lie exposed to public>ale ori the premises, en S AT
URDAY. OCTOBER .40, lssß, at 1 o'clock. P M. the
following described lot of land situate in Wells twp..
Bradford Co . bounded mi tin- north by lands in posse
sion of S. H. Ingersoli, on the east by A. P. Bowman. on
the south by John Yaunest, Madison M. Carr and Alme
ron Knnpp. Conjoining is acres aith about 2 acre- iiu
proved, one framed uwelling house, a small born ami an
apple orchard thereon. Terms made known on slay of
sale. V. G. LEONARD.
Wells, Sept.2B, is.",B. Administrator.
t\. is hereby given, tliat all persons indebted to the es
tate of Garret Cotter, dee'd., late of Wilmot township,
are requested to make payment without delay ; and all
persons having claims against said estate, must present
them duly authenticated, to the suliserils r.
Sept. 2x, |B5l. Administrator.
TY. SS—At an Orphan's Court held at owanda, on
J the 18th day of September, A. D., 1858.
L. S. Bp fore the Hon. David Wilmot, president, and
'—— \ the Hon. John F. Long, his associate Justice of
the said Court.
The petition of Cyrus Fuller, Guardian of C. J. f<ee, a
minor son and heir'of James Lee. late of the township of
Derrick, in said county, ilec'd, is presented, setting forth
that the father of said Charles J. Lee died intestate, leav
ing a widow, to wit : Jane Lee and issue, six children,
to wit: William E. Lee, Margaret Jane, intermarried
with David Nesbitt, Thomas K. Lee, James H. Lee. Jo
seph J. Lee and Charles J. Lee. the two last named of
Avhom are still in their minority ; and that Pembroke
Squires has been duly appointed guardian of said Joseph
J. Lee. and that the said intestate died seized in his des
mesne as of fee of and in a certain messuage, situate in
the township afore-aid. which after deducting tifteen
acres set oft' to said Ja .e Lee, widow as aforesaid, is
bounded and described as follows, to wit: North by lands
of William Hiliis, cast by land of Margaret Bloker and
11. W. Tracy, south bv land- of said Tracy and the afore
said land set off to jane Lee, and west by said Jane
Lee's land and land of Robert Boyd and David Nesbitt.
Containing eighty-nine acres, or thereabouts, with the
appurtenances. No partition of the said e-tate having
been had, he prays the Court to award an inquest to make
i partition of the premises afore'aid to and among the ebll
| dren and representatives of the suid intestate in sueli
manner and in such proportions as by the laws of this
Commonwealth is directed, if.such partition can be made
without prejudice to or spoiling the whole, but if such
partition cannot be made thereof us aforesaid, then to
value and appraise the same aud make report of their
pro. ceilings herein according to law. Whereupon on the
leading of the petition aud on motion of Mr. Mercur, the
Court order an inquest in accordance with the preyer of
the petition. And further direct that a a notice be given
in the Bradford Reporter by publishing a copy of the writ
for six weeks prior to the tir-t day of next Term, and that
the three tirst number- be forwarded to the said William
E. Lee. ho resides at Fremont. Nebraska Territory.
To Thomas M. Woodruff, Kherift of Bradford County
You are therefore hereby commanded tosumtji"uami take
| with you twelve good aud honest men of your baliwiek
! for the purposes afore-aid, who are hereby authorized and
I empowered to go to the premises aforesaid, and in the
j pre ern eof the said partie-or their legal representatives
if they, having been -ever-all warned, will be present, hav
| ing respect to the true value thereof, the said messuage,
| Ac., to divide and part among the widow and lineal des
! eendants of the said James la-e. if it can la- done without
! prejudice to or spoiling the whole. But it such partition
! cannot be made a- aforesaid, that when they inquire into
the value thereof and make and return a just pprui-e
--ineut of the whole, o of llm several shares or purports,
into which they may divide the same agreeably to the act
of As-embly in such case made and provided,* and make
return thereof to the next state Orphan's Court, to lie
held at Towanda, in and for the said County, on the lirst
Monday of December r.ext.
JAS. 11. WEBB. Clerk.
hi llr matter f the Ri a Kstate. lute of James Fee,
deed. To all per-mis interested. Take notice, that an
Inquest will Is- held '.t the late dwelling house of James, dee'd.. in Derrick twp., Bradford comity, on Friday,
the 12th day of November, 1 o'clock ia the after
[ noon of that clay, for the purpose of making partition of
the real e-tate of said deceased, to and among his chil
-1 d:en and legal representatives, if the same can be done
without prejudice to or spoiling of the whole : otherwise
to value aud appraise the same according to law ; at
which time and place you. an attend if vnu think proper.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Sept. 2s, IN.'IK. Sheriff.
VI HI TOR'S NOTICE.—/* ii* aoMr &f
the is ate of Fun ire Sh intake/, dec'el. In the Or
phan's Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned. Auditor, appointed to distribute funds
in the bands ot the executors ot said e-tate, will attend
to the duties of his appointment at la is office, in Towanda
liorotigh, on Tuesday, tiio 2d day of November, lx.">S, at
I o'clock, I'. M. Ail j arsons having claims uiw>n said
fund must then and there present them, or else be forever
debarred from the same. I*. D. MORROW,
Sept. 2s, l Auditor.
SFYS AT I.A IT —Ofticc in Union Block, former
ly occupied by J AS. M U I- AKLANK.
s- to the use of .Xulhaniel llussell and .Xerrtou T.
Miller vs. Lucius Humjihrcy and Major 11. Hailing. In
the Common Fleas of Bradford county. No. 131, Dec. T.
The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said Court to
distribute fnuds raised by Sheriff's sale ol the real estate
of defendant, will attend to the duties of his appointment
at his office, in Towanda borough, on Friday, the 22 1
day of October IS3B, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at which
time and place all persons interested are required to pre
sent their claims or else be forever debarred from said
fund. G. D. MONTANYE,
Sept. 21. 18">S. Auditor.
-a- twin to use of Charles I Trig fit vs. A. M. Kramer.
In the Common Fleas ol Bradford County, No. 17.1, De
cember Term, ls.<;.
The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said Court to
distribute fuiids rui-ed fy Sheriff 's sale of real estate of
defendant, will attend ' > the duties of his at
his olli e, ill Towanda borough, on Friday the Atli day of
November ls.j.x, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at which
time and place all persons interested are required 11 pre
sent their claims or else l.e forever dharred from said
uud. P. D. MORROW.
J t. 7. K\B. And t >r.
A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the mailer of
a*- the estate of Oliver S. Or'uy, dee'd. In the Or
phan's Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by said Court
II ili-tribute funds in the hands of the Administrators
of-aid estate, will attend to the duties of his appoint
ment at bis office, in Towanda borough, on Friday, the
.sth day of November, 18.",5, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon,
when and wlu-ie all persons interested are required to
present their claims, or be forever debarred from said
fund. E. OVERTON. JR,
Oct. 4. 15.",.8. Auditor.
LJL is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of WM. STEEL, late of A-ylum twp., deceased, are
requested to make payment without delay; and all per
sons having claims against said estate, must pn sent them
duly authenticated for settlement to the subsciiljcr.
July 20.18.",8. Administratrix.
-oV is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Daniel Smith, d c'd. late of Wyalusing tp., are re
quested to niake payment without delay ; and all persons
hiving claims against said estate, must'prescnt them duly
authenticated for settlement, to the subserilsus.
August 4.18.78. Administrator.
1 UDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matttr of
l\ the estate of Daniel o'Keifr,elec'd. In tho'On'ban's
Court of Bradford County. No. 2 !, Sept. Term, lsjs.
The undersigned Auditor, appointed by said Court to
examine the final areount ot the Administrators and re
port facts to the Court, will attend to the duties of his
appointment atliis office in T iwanda borough,on Monday
November 15. 1858, at I. F. M., at which time and place
all persons intcrc.-teil are required to present their claims,
or be forever debarred from said fund.
October 12, I*IIB. Auditor.
A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— hi the meller ff
-i V. the estate of C. D. I toss and James 11. Ross, dec d.
In the Court of Quarter Sessions of Bradford County, No. i
157, Deeemlier Term, Is.s".
The undersigned Auditor appointed by said Court to
distribute funds raised by Sheriff - sale of real estate of
defendenta, will attend to the duties of his appointment
at his office, in Towanda borough, on Monday the 15th
dav nl November. 18.58, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at
which time and p'arc all persons intere--ted are required
to present their claims, or lie forever debarred from said
Octolier 12. 1858. Auditor.
/A ARFETINGS. —All prices superfine aud
\J ingrain earpctinga, ju&t received by
April G, 1867- ' J. FOWEI.L.
V^OTICE. —Ts lu reliy given that a Special
a. 1 Court of Comm-m plea* will"!*' held at Towanda in*
and t<>r the County of l/r;. dftnd .commencing on At ON It A V
the 1 ith day of XOYKAIBEIf next, at in u'clonk in the
foreih.- 'i of said day. at which the Hon. l.'ffKKßl' C.
WHITE, WilkPeeoidi for the fciul of tine following cause*,
to wit :
Xo. Sept. Term 1851, Xcwton fftmiphrey v*. Wil
liam Humphrey. Ejectment.
S<>. In'.'. Dec. Ter tit I L. C. Dc Chaste lea ox vs. Ira
and Richard, Jennings, LjectnteJif.
No. -"rpt.Tertt DC.o, I-roei Smith n. Samuel Hel
ium, et ul 'lrc-pas-a
Xo.ti t.*>, L>ee. Trrfti 1850, Edward Hornet vs. George
Sumner, Fjectmcnt.
A LI.FX McKKAN, lrot'y.
Prot'y*. Office. Sept. lILJa-l'-b
J\. is hcrchv given. that all jwrsoim itfdebted to the es
tate of UENtIV WiIIi'TAKER. dee d., late of barren,
are liertdiv requested to make payment vvFUfPnt fit
lay: ami all jieiNfiiis having ctahn* against sab! esfaf* h-tH
PH-asc press NT them dtilv authenticated KIT settlement,
Sept. 1",. 185ft-. Administrator.
FfXECETOIVS NOTlCE.—Notice is licet*-
J liv given that all persons itid-,'fifed to (he estate of
JOHN PORTER, late of Troy totv i-liin. deceased, mimt
make immediate payment, and all person* having de
mands against said e-tate, will present them duly authen
ticated for settlement.
Sept 21, 1858. Executor.-
C ITEHI EE'S s A EES IJv virtue of urnwfrt
tJ writs of Vend. Fxpo., issued out of the court of t'oirv
tnon I'leasof Bradford County, to n directed and de
livered, will be exposed to public safest fitt Cdiirt l/nitse',
Towanda Bor rfgli, n MON'PAY. the Ist day of
XOVKMBEU. lk>H,at oneo'cloek, I'. M.,the following
lot. piece or parcel of land situate in RidgUry twp., Brad
fonl county, liouuded on the north hy lands now or lately
heloiivitig to Charles T. Murphy, east hy landsof Howard
Burt, l'eter Miller aud the highway, and ou the wrest hy
tlie highway. Containing about two acres, more or less,
all improved, with one two story framed tavern hmise.
known as the Centrcville Hotel, one framed barn and
few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in cxecntfon at fte suit of Kleazar
Pomeroy vs. A." J. Brown.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in llidgoerry twp.. Bradford county, bounded on tfie
north by land of Vincent f>#eii. oil the east hy lands of
Hector and Vincent Owen and Isaac Baldwin, on lint
south hy land of Fntauiiei Ou. sunlus and on the west by
land of Samuel Tubbs. Coirtaming about one hundred
and twenty acres, about ftrnere* brrpmvcd, one trumed
house, one log house with a framed addition. une framed
barn, two log barns, two apple orchards amf other fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. A. Stills
vs. A. <. Marcel Ins.
A I.Si The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in West Burlington twp. Brulfurd county, bonnded
mi the north by lands of John Tompkins and Israel Phil
lips, on the east by lands t ,f A brim and .Job Morley, on
the south by lands of Job Luxcom and on the west hy
lands of Dickinson and Hubhards. Containing two hun
dred acres, more or less, a bout thirty acres improved,
two framed dwelling house-, one trained barn, one suiv
mill anil ail orchard ol fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of X. T. Dick-'
ins HI to use of Perry 11. Pratt vs. 11. Mallory aud Loren
zo Stanton.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Itidgtmry twp., Bradford county, Isiunded on the
north by land of K. Stevens, ea.-t by lands of James
t npem in. south by land of Alexander Thompson and
west by land of lirfrest Wilkinson. f'rprtarnJn* forty
acres, more or less, about thirty-live acres thereof inr
pfoved and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized'and taken in execution at the suit of James If,
Webb vs. Vincent Stevens.
ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, the follow
ing lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Troy twp., Brad
ford county, bounded on the north by lands of Jolifr
Ori-t and John Sidler, on the east by Granville rand and
1). X. Allen's, ou the south by lands of J. 11. and A. Ward
and on the wesi hy lands of Comfort Peters and 11. I'.
Hickok. Containing eiglity-three acres, be the same
mo:e or less, abuut seventy acres improved, two framed
h )iise, two framed barns and an orchard theieon.
Seized and taken in exeentton a* the suit of S. W. & D.
F. l'omeroy A Co. vs. William R. Buck.
Towanda. Oct. 7.1*58. Sheriff.
A EDITOR'S NOTICE— Fuller 4* Day
-* A ton vs. .V. Tuit'r. In the Common Picas of Brad
ford County. Xo. 4*2, Afay Term, 15.57.
The uiiilersigned. auditor ap|*>iiiteft todistribnte funds
in the hands of the SheriQ*. raised by the sale of the de
fendant's real estate, will attend to'the duties of his ap
pointment at his office, in the Bofnugh of Towanda, art
Monday, the Ist day of Xovetßlier I\sß. at 2 o'clock, P.
M. All persous having i laitus upon said fund must there
and tli'-n present them or else be forever debarred from
said fund.
Sept. 24. ] -•>*. p. D. MORROW. Auditor.
A EDITORS NOTICE.— S. jr. JY hannn
i -YJL VS. .t. S. Minor. In the Common I'leasof Bradford
j County, Xo. 12t>, February Term. ls.'>7.
The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by laid Court to
j distribute fund - n:i-ed by Sheriff's sale of tne real estate of
defendant, will attend to the duties of his appointment at
hi- t'frice, in Towanda l>< lough, on Friday the Jth day mi
Xovemher l s s*,at 1 o'clock in the afternoon,at wtiich time
and pi n e nil persons interested are required to pre-eut
their claims or else forever 1 e debarred from said fund.
Oct 7. iv,s p. |>. MoiHIMWCAnd tor._
i IST OF LEtfEfiSrroMinaf m tlie fMv
1 J Office at Tow.tuda, lor the nuaittr ending .Sept. JO,-
I sbS.
Allen Helen Miss Jackson Joseph
Allen I). V. Johnson K. A.
Anient Joshua Kcrwin William
Bowman Leroy M. Lewis M. A.
Bullard A. X. Liscout 1* If. \V.
Bailey Andrew McCartey Timothy
Bowman D. M. Miller If.
Bowman Jaoh Mrs. Mnynard Philip
Baley Jeremiah Mark Mr.
Booth Henry M- Xeal Mary Miss
Braiaard John Mills Harriet Mrs.-
Itarrows Jos. McXuity J. Mr.
Bronson S. X. Michael John
Banner Temperance Me William- James
Buckler 11. It. McXral John
ltounan Mi- hael Murrey Kdward
Boeiie Maria Mclntire Sarah C.
Cal.ansn T. B. JfeiH Robert
Colt S. F. A Cobum C. R. t>' 15 -yte Danic*l
Carkuffllebecca Po-t L. 11.
Clancey Patrick Patfersnb Mary Airs.-
Coolbangh M. A. I'nttfrsoir .fane Mrs.
Cramer John Aatlersoti Aitrain
Chamberlain J. 0. Pendergast David
Crawford HarVey Potfei" Kliza Miss
Cole EHza'ietlr Mrs. Palmer E. It.
Caster Delilah Mis Peck 11. B. Mrs.-
Collins Dennis Itonan Michael
Coakley Daniel Itiee Joel
Coiitnight Christopher Storm W. B.
Cark-uff Amanda Sax Wm.U.
Coon Ann Jlrs. Stevens Samuel
Dunn Thmnas Swift Michael
Devenpoft Nfrs. Shores J. X. Mi s.
Diinock .aifayelte Sullivan J. T.
Davidson Lucy Afiss Svmonds John .V.-
Davidson Ceo L. Srl'.vn H. Mrs.
Davidson Benjamin SeofkAi Harry
Dougherty Ellen Stratton ii. J-.
Katnn Af. Af. Miss SYll pmiry
Kighmey Margaret Sullivan Daniel
Feritt Aiuatidu Mi'ss SuWiv.ui Catharine
Fianery Aliss Stanley Chirk Mr.
I- rank Jcnnev Miss S.imtnons Carlton
Frisbie Itnby Aliss S-treuy Bridget
Fitch F. P. Taylor Win. If.
(IrifHn S. Af. Trout George
(Justin Mr. Thorp Klizabeth
Craves Mr. Tbuiicy Bridget
Cr w C. A. Vinson Ambrose
Criswobf Ccorge 2 Wntkins Adolphns ;
(Jore Kiizibctli Miss Weed F. It.
Billiard L. If. Miss Wonzer Jolin 11.
Harrison John AA'llcox T. A AV.
Hancock Airs. Wlialon John Mrs. AVard J. 0..
Hartley Margaret AVaish Mary
Huff Kleaimr Wur<i 0. t>:
Hamilton Bob Walker Thankful Miss
II diart Amanda Aliss West Walker.
Persons culling for any of the afcu'p letters will pleae'
say advertised. ' 11. B'. Mi !•'. F. \N. P.-AR
11K vnlunltlo Real Estntp, known as "The
J- Luken's Lands," situate in AVaircn twp.. Bradford
Co.. Pa., are now ottered for s.ulF to Die big tie t and hi st
This body of lands uonsist of fonr tracts, containing
FIFTFFX HCXDRF.I) ACRES of g.-od fanning land,,
situate about live miles fmxn th X. V. A Erie Ifaiboml.
Persons desirous to purchase will .-end their ottT-rs iiv
writing in the nature of bid- per acre to my agent.
F1.WK1.1.. F.-O .MI bis office in 'POWANIXVv by the With
day of NOV F'J'BlTt next.
Oilers will be leceived for the whole body, or for tho
separate parcels agreeably t > the present snb-diWsions.
No sale wiH Is- made "f les- tlutfi one hundred acres, and
the panaris will not he sold negxiratefy unless tlar Isuty can
be disposed of iu t'uat way.
Terms, one-third in hand and the balance in thro jtar--
ly instalments with interest.
Administratrix C. T. A. f John Lukens, decM. !
Philadelphia. Sapt. Li. UO#i
. FSTItAV.-r-10-tt the oniinruro at tlie Snb-
'■* s, 'ril or m Burlington twp., ne-ir the Otfcr hit
f, mfll. ahont the l*t of September hist., a light
red YEARLING, Mhil Imilt. smutty fare. Any informa
tion concerning'said Yearling will L> thankfully received 1
by MDKRIS ; M.VI'V(>^\Wi-.
Burlington,i'-ept. 20, l- a .'i 3.