jrannci's fhpartmcuL Wheat Sowing. We hear many complaints of the total, or partial failure of the wheat crop, in various beet ions of the country. In some places it has been winter killed, in others smitten by ru-t, and in many ethers cut off by the insect. The truth probably is, that, excepting destruction by insects, there is about the same amount ol injury received from these sources as occurs evrry year. The business of collecting infor mation from the wheat-growing districts is now so systematized, that we hear much more of the failures, than we were accustomed to, ten years ago. Whole columns of reports are published in the dnilv newspapers, and the s-tory of fail ure in tifty counties of the Lnioti makes a great impression. heat bus nevei been so ret tain a crop as Indian corn It is a more captions plant in its wants, and must have more care ful attention. It demands a porous soil, rich in vegetable matter, such as is found in the newlv cleared lands of the West. In old lands the ituchanicnl prrparation of Me soil is n matter , of prime importance. The more nearly you can | make it like the virgin soil the better. If it be i not already dry it should bo made so. The soil j should be deeply stirred with a sub-soil plow to let the rain pass down quickly, and to give air to the roots of the plants. More wheat is winter killed by stagnant water freezing around the plants, than by any other cause. The deep ! stirring of the soil is also a help in Summer, guarding the crop against drought. It the i land is not underdrained it should he plowed in narrow lands,with deep dead furrows to give the water a chance to pa ss off into them. Sow EARLY .—The experience of vvheat-srrow er> is very uniformly in favor of early sowing. The ooner it is put in after the first of this month the better. The roots have time to get/ a strong hold of the soil and are net easily' thrown out by the frost. > SELECT VOIR SEED. —This may he done by/ threshing the bundles only partially. A few ' strokes uf the flail will knock out the plumpest kernels. Some of the fanning mills have rid dles for this purpose, running the smallest ker nels through, and saving the large ones for seed. Attention to this matter is of great im- \ portanee if you wish to keep tip the reputation j of any given variety. The early red varieties, snch as the pure Red Mediterranean are most reliable against insect ravages. I '.SB A PRIIX—If yon cultivate wheat in nnv considerable quantity. It will soon pay for itself in the saving it makes in the seed, and in the larger yield per acre. If without a drill, plow in the seed with a shallow fur row. M ANURES. —Do not he afraid of making the land too rich. Wheat will not grow where buckwheat and some other grains may yield a tolerable crop. Barn yard manures are always g.od and safe. Ashes, lime, plaster, and clover turned in green will each and all pay, in cer tain conditions of the soil As good wheat ran lie grown now as ever, in the oldest part | of the country, if cultivators will heed these | suggestions—except where the insects happui i to abound for the time being MILES AM> IIIXMF.S. —If we would A*K the youngest farmer on our list of subscribers, •' What i a mule?" lie would reply at once j that, hr is " a hybrid or cross between the 1 horse and the ass." And he would begin to look at our ears, as if the asking so simple a question indicated that we were ak:n to the last named animal. Yet it is not certain that everybody could answer our question ;nnd few er still could tell us tbat there are two distinct animals, both the progeny of the horse and ass, one of which is, and the other is not, a mule. The offspring of a male a>s and a female horse is the genuine mnle. The offspring of a male horse (stallion) and a female ass is a /mum. The English word kiumt is d< rived from the Latin verb himiin, to neigh, which was used by the Romans to designate a point of differ ence between the two animals, the hinny w cighs while the mule brays. Nor i> this the only difference. The general appearance of the mule is like that of the ass, while the hinny more resembles the horse ; and the temper of the two is likewise different. The hinny has a smaller and better shaped head, flowing mane and tail, shorter hair, and larger frame, legs and feet than the mule. The hinny has also the voice of the horse. Considering the wonderful endurance of the mule, its comparative freed nn from disease, and faculty of keeping in good condition on the cheapest food, we wonder that this antuial is not more commonly used at the North for all kinds of farm and team-work. At the South the mule is the common drudge. The hinny is hardier than the horse, more patient, and will bear harder usage, yet is inferior in these respects to the ass and nude. TriK FOOT OF A HORSE. —The human hand his often been taken to illustrate Divine wis dom —and very well. Rut have you ever ex amined your horse's foot ! It is hardly less curious, in its way. Its parts are somewhat complicated, yet their design is simple and obvious. The hoof is not, as it appears to the careless eye, a mere solid lump of insensible hone, fastened to the leg by a joint. It is made up of a series of thin layers, or leaves of horn, about five hundred nicely fitted to each other and forming a lining to the foot itself.— Tic i there are as many more layers belonging to what is called the " coffin-bone," and fitted into this. These are elastic. Take a quire of paper, and insert the leaves, one by one, into those of another quire, and yon will get some idea of the arrangement of these several layers. Now, the weight of the horse rests on as many elastic springs as there arc layers in his four feet—about four thousand—and all these is contrived, not only for the easy conveyance of the horse's own body, but of human bodies and whatever burdens may be laid him. HINTS. —As the pastures become short and drv, your stock will betray symptoms of tinea sincss. Some will pine, some will be ill-tem pered, and some will become unruly. The way to remedy this is to increase the supply of food. This may be effected indirectly by selling off a part of yonr stock ; it may be effected directly by putting the animals into fresh pasture, or by feeding oxtra food in vegetables, grain, or meal, or by all these means combined. There will be a great amount of food for stock this fall. This may tempt many to try to keep too much stock. Re on your guard against this. GOOD wheat sown never changes to cheat or lures; but "wild oats "sown in youth always does -o. I. x :\'bu*t;s always be soft words, with hard argument. itlisccllaiicoiis TOWANDA HARDWARE CUTLERY IRON AM) STOVE STORE. \ Wholesale and Retail Dealer C jT"-fi" j '"if in Hardware and Stoves. Iron It V ritll n r-S 11 tfTJ '' ""i Oils, Honse Trimmings— fjWr" i TijlTiT . dl kinds of Carriage trimming-, [if,, illtlilc'lijl': ffiflUi Scat Clothsand Laces, Carriage ■DP I Snlkcv and Scat Springs. Car- pcnters' and Joiners Planes ~i Hammers and Screw Plates, Axes. Broad Narrow. Lath and Hand Hatchets—Cable, Log. Trace and llaltr, Chains, t. rowhars, 1 icks, bhotels H "I'(K'KKTAND TABLE Ct'TLERY-Shears and Scis sors Edge Tools ol all kinds. Brassnnd Ltiameled Kettles, Shovel and Tongues. Spoon- and Ladles Tubs and Pails, Mops and Washboards, and all other kinds of house-keep in" implements. . In the H AIM >\V AUK line, ttrn-s. Hnttauia, Jappancrl and Plain Tin Ware, single or in setts. Bar. Band, Scroll and Hoop Iron. Steel of all kinds. Nail Bods. Ac. Pumps, I end Pipe and all the neces-arv fixtures fur water works. Patent. Stretched Leather Belting and String Leather, ami 10.000 other articles too numerous to mention, that we are now receiving direct from the hand- ol inanntai turers and importers, including the largest assoitnicnt and greatest variety of STOVES Coal and Wood Cooking. Coal and Wood Parlor. Dining- Boom. Six Plate and l vlinder.ever Wrought into Northern Pennsylvania or Southern New York; all ot which we are now prepared to -ell at wholesale or retail, at a> low rates, and MI as good Tkk.us as can lie found this side of New-York, from the fact that all our goods were bought of jirst hands and in full packages and large ipiantities, that gives us an advantage over smaller purchasers and prv Coods dealers, that will enable lis to sell from .1 to I."> per cent, less than anv of them, which advantage we shall oiler to any who will favor us with a call before pur chasing elsewhere. A large quantity of Tin ware. Stove Pipe and Elbows always on hand, wholesale and retail. All kinds of Job Work done to order, on short notice and warranted. Don't mistake the place to lmy STOCKS and HARD WARE cheap—one door South of Fox's, and nearly op posite Tracy A Moore's, Main street, in the new Wood Building, lettered all over. drain and Country Produce, old Iron. Brass, Rrittania and Copper, Dried Fruit ol all kinds, Feathers and Bees wax wanted for goods. 10,000 Sheep Pelts wanted, for which the highest price in CASH will be paid. Towamta. April 2.1W7. 11. WATROr* 11. M.SK\VAKI>. 11. TOOK. Hw at no us it Co., D I:\LK us IN • HEAVY SHELF HARDWARE, No's. I.V .'5, Water st. Elmira, N. Y. We have recently made large additions to our extensive stock, and have now on hand a complete assortment of ev ery description of Hardware, which >n utter at the lowest cash prices; consisting of Mechanic s Tools, Building Ma terials. Iron and steel. Nails and -pike. Ropes and Cord age. Paints, Oils and (Has-. Mill saw.a of every size and shape, either Malay Cung or Circular. Machine Belting, of all widths, both of India Rubber A* leather. Class at wholesale. We are prepaid! to supply Merchants with Class, Nails, scythes. Forks, Ac., at Sl.m ufacturers prices. Tin, sheet iron, and Copper work on hand or made to order. CORTRACTOR'S TOOLS—Wheelbarrows, Ames' Sho vels, Blasting Powder. Ac. Agents for Rich A Wilder"s Patent Salamander .Vafes, Fairlank's Platform Scales, and Welch A Criffith's Circu lar saws. Large sizes np to 00 in*h, always on hand and sold at Factory Prices. Particular attention paid to orders by mail. Elmira. April 7, 1858. n-U-12m Susquehanna Collegiate Institute, 'I'OIV AS DA. BRADFORD CO., I'A. TNSTKCCTORS. DAVID CRAFT. A. R. Principal. Professor of Ancient Languages anil Mental and Moral Science ; OLIVER s. DEAN, A.!., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. MiSS A.ELIZA FIMTCHER, Preceptress ; MISS EM I LIE A. HITLER, \ssi-tant : Miss (. LOFISA JKNKS, Instructor on Piano, and ol Drawing ; Mr. CANFIF.I.D DAYTON, Steward. Tlie Fall Term conn.ten a— on Wednesday, AI *01" ST 23, and will continue 11 weeks. KXPKNSKN PKK TERM. Payable invariably in advance, or one half on entering the school, and one half at the middle of the term—Fuel and contingencies included : I Primary, per term,... ? 4 Ob Preparatory (1 00 Higher. I-; year, pertenn 7 'MI j Higher. 1-? and 2d year, per term N 00 < Tassical. 1-t year, per term 7 00 j (Massical. 2d and 3d year, per term.. H 00 I Coilegiate. per term 10 00 N. B. Pupils will he classed by the most advanced ; branch they respectively pursue. Pupils u-iiic scholarships are charged $1 per term for ! tic! and -ontingents : fur instrument on which to take J ie-son.-, ."iOc, or for practice $2,00. EXTRAS. '■'renvli f.'.on I Drawing 15 Ofl j Tuition on Piano Forte with u-e of Instrument,.. . 12 00 do do per ipiartcr of 11 weeks,. 10 00 Board in the Institute, per week, including fuel and light 2 (Ml Washing, tier dozen, .1;! No scholar, whose parents or guardians shall re-ide within two miles of the Institute shall lie admitted to tui tion therein upon anv permanent scholarship rented or loaned by such pupil, tiis or her parent or guardian. The arrangements for Boarding will he under the entire control and management of the Steward, while the Piiii ripaland Teachers residing in the Institute, will be able to exercise a constant watch over the pupils, mingling with them as members of the same family : as a Itoard- I ing School for youth of both sexes, the Institute will at j ford increased ami superior advantages. Parents and i guardians may be assured that all due care will be oxer j cised over the health, the manners and morals of those en ! trusted to their r re. and all suitable aid rendered at all ! times in promoting their advancement in study. Pupils boarding in the Hall, will furnish their own he J, bedding, towels, Are. and the table silver at their option. Pupils entering the Institute are pledged to the obser vance of the regulations, and none will he admitted on other terms. Special exercises are arranged without extra charge fot tho-c qualifying themselves as teachers for common schools. S. F. Coat.Secretary. C. L. WARD. President. J nix 7. 1858. A. WTckban, Tre.i-. NOW IS THE TIME 7 '-s* TO CET i; MELAiNQTYPES & AMBRQTYPES CHEAP / \ G. H. WOOD I \ Has reduced his prices of at/ kinds of ~J 1 Pictures with Cases, 2.~> per cent Frames of all kinds kept on hand also at reduced nri ce. ''.nod Cases with Melainotypes, 73 cents ; all otlin kinds in proportion. Rooms open at all lmurs. lecture* taken in all kinds of weatlicr (except lor children.) A1 work warranted. Towaiida, duly 27,1858. H. A. BURBANK'S BAKERY One Door North of the Ward House. TOWANDA, PA. UJ HERK you can find a constant supply of Bread. Rusk Crackers, Cookies, Jumbles, and all kinds of Fane) Cakes. * nit' OYSTERS furni.-hed by tlie quart or keg, or cook ed to order. Particular attention paid to filling orders for parties Returning our sincere thanks for the liberal patronagi bestowed upon us during the past year, and hoping 1>) close application to business to merit a continuance of tin same, u e remain as ever, your humble servant, March 10. 18.37. H. A. BUBBANK. GEO. 11. BUNTING: r) ESPECTFCLLY INFORMS his funner ciistomer.s an< Y the public generally. t"at he has removed his TAXI. OIL'S SHOP, To one door south of Tracv A* Moore's store and imme diately opposite i>. ('. Hall's Stove and Tin Store Main st He batters himself that from his long experience in bu sines* lie will be able to please all who may favor bin with their custom. Owing to the low pressure in the mo aey market, lie will make Coats front #2 30 to $4 30eacl anil other work in proportion for READY PAY. Country Produce in payment, will not lie refused, i offered. Towanda, March 20. I*3*. \JLT ANTED. —I wish to purchase 100,001 T T feet of MAPLE SCANTLINti 13 feet long, am 34 inches square. Any one wishing to makr a contrac tor any or all, ran do so by calling at my Furniture Wan Rooms in Towanda. Sept. 13. 1*67. CHESTER WKLl.fi. OROF HARRY'S TRICOPHEROUS L FOR BKAITII-'YINO THE HAlß—(living it r rich, tie nitiful. and glossy appearance, and keeping tin bead i lean. Ladies, try it. Price 23 cents, in large hot e-. e>r sale by -Innc 20. lViio7. McC ABE ; S CENTIIAL MEAT MAIIKET, Be/ween J. Ringsbtrifs A ./. Pnirel/'s store*. "28l7c~" : N Til E subscriber would respectfully tender t< IK customers and the public generally his sin ?jT cere thanks for the very liberal patronage ex tend "it o Vim the past season, lie solicits a continuance of the same. He w.aihl say to the public that he intends to keen con stoutly on hand a chub <■ -election of MEATS of all kinds the best the country affords, which he intends to sell foi very small profits, either by the .side, quarter or pound.- Tleasc give we a call. o®*Meats, Ac., will be delivered on short notice, whet ordered, at any place in the Corporation. Towanda. fch. 12, 15..,. J. McC ABE. TOWANDA FOUNDRY. IE stibwrilier continues to carry on tli< J. Foundry business in Towanda, anil is prepared t< do all kinds of work in his line on short notice and in s workmanlike manner. He will keep on hand or make ti order Plows, Stoves, Mill Irons, Sleigh Shoes, Wagon Boxes, and any article of cast iron that may lie required Turning and fitting up work will he done on short notiei ami on'reasonable terms. Persons wishing to purehasi Stoves of any kind will find it much to their advantagi to hoc at the Foundry, as they can lie repaired mucl cheaper. Please call and examine before purchasing else where. Old cast iron and C.rniu taken in payment.- Don't mistake the place—one door east of Mercnr's Block S- I would also say to those having accounts stand ing over six months, that they must be settled withou delay, and those having notes that are due will do weilti pay up and save cost. JOHN C ABM AN. Towanda, Oct. 22, 15.715. NEW TIN SHOP! r pHE undersigned respe-tfully informs his friends an - I the public generally, that he has opened a new TIN WARE A SHEET I BON ESTABLISHMENT in the F liindry, first door below Mercnr's Store, when lie is prepared to conduct the business in all its variouf branches. Tin Ware and House Spouting of all kinds, made to or der, on -imrt notice. Stoves of various styles constant!} for sale. Paitieular attention paid to Jobbing. Old Iron Popper and Brass taken in exchange for goods. June I, Iv'.s. JOHN CABMAN. ATE YOU INSURED? Susquehanna Mutual Insurance Co., TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA. C|1 11 IS Company insures against loss or dam -JL age by Fire. Dwelling houses. Furniture Warehou -es. Stores and Merchandize, Ac., on the most rcasouabU terms. DIRECTOUS. H W. TRACY, ALLEN M'KEAN, JOHN F. LONG. BUY TRACY, K7.R \ HOLCOMB, JOB KIR BY. JUSTUS LEWIS, DANIEL BAILEY, ISA AC MYEIt. WM. KINOSI.KY. PRECEPTOR FORBES, JOSEPH POWELL. 11. W. TRACY. President. ALLEN M'KEAN. Vice President: JUDSON HOI. COMB. Secretary ; LAPOHTE, MASON A CO., Treas IF. B. M'K EA X , LMKK INSNIANCE A( ENT, at Towatt -1 da, Pa., for the following reliable Companies : Farmer's I'nion Insurance Co. . Athens, Pa Capital, $200,000. State AluturJ Insurance Co. . Jlnrrisburg, Pa, Capital, $200,000. Girard Insurance Co. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Capital. $.100,000. Great ll "extern Insurance Co. - Philadelphia Towanda, July 14,1858. AiTaulaments for 18~)8 ! AT HI. E. SOLOMON' 3 CLOTHING STORE, ME. SOLOMON has just received the most exten • sj\e and elegaut assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing ever offered in this market, which was bought for CASH and will be sold at prices which cannot be equalled else where. Persons desirous of purchasing any article of Clothing are requested to give hint a call, as lie pledges himself that tv> person anxious to buy shall go away without be ing satislied.. KB' A good assortment of Gentlemen's FURNISHING GOODS will He kept on hand. Towanda, April 2t>, 15.79. Electricity and Lisrhtninj-r Rods! T'i' is admitted that F. GREGORY is now selling a bet- I fer article of LIGHTNING HDD. than has ever before been offered to the public. The Rods are larger, lietter corfhected. and each Rod is furnished with a point plated with gold, and '.ips with platina—consequently affording certain security. If his Rods do not prove a perfect pro tection. the moner will Is- refunded.—lie also has on hand a variety of Vanes or Weather gnages, suitable for churches ; others for farm buildings. A-c. All jobs done by himself or his men warranted. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Direct to F. GREGORY, LeUavsville,Bradford Co., Pa. July I, IRoft. THIRTY DAYS GRACE. FFLLLE Notes nml accounts of the undersign -1 cd. of more than one year's standing, will be placed in the hands of N. N. Betts. Esq. for collection, and judgments under the charge of a Lawyer, unless sonic arrangement or payment is made within the above men tioned days of Grace. To all of our prompt paying and Cash customers, and the public generally we would say, our stock of GOODS is complete, and are weekly receiving FRESH SUP I'l.lES—which we are determined to sell at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction. We sell Goods at whole sale as usual. June s, 18AR. MONT AX YES. I YCKINSON SEMINARY, 1' (MALE AXL FEMALE,) WILLIAMSPORT, LYCOMING COUNTY, PA. The next Academical year of this Institution, divided in to Three Terms, will commence AUGUST 19, 1 Soft, with a fi 11 Hoard of wc II qualified and cxperit need Instructors. Williamspnrt, on account of its healthiness, conveni ence of access, and the intelligence and morality of its citizens, is a most desirable location for a school. The buildings arc large and convenient—with separate apartments fer the ladies and gentlemen, and rooms foi the Principal's family and all the Instructors -. thus plac ing the students under the immediate care of their teach ers at all times, making all as one family. The course of study is systematical and extensive, em bracing the COMMON ENGLISH SCIENTIFIC, CLAS SIC AI. and ORN AMENTAL BRANCHES. Board, (including washing, lights, fuel and room rent) $2 2t Ta lliiMjMjjATLEY k NEYIN'S are just receiving a 1 ) large addition to their stock of Provisions, Groceries, Yankee Notions. Toys, Fruit. Confectionary. Ac., which will be sold wholesale of retail for cash, or in exhange for mo>t kinds of country produce, at prices that cannr t fail to suit purchasers. Consumers or country dealers would do well to call and examine our stock and prices. GROCERIES. Black and Green Tea, Rio and Java Coffee, Chocolate, Cocoa, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, Ginger. Pepper. Spice, Cloves, nutmegs. Mace cinamon. Ground Mustard, Pepper Sauce. Soda, Salcr.itus, Cream Tartar, Sperm aud Tallow Candles, Bar Soap, Vinegar, Starch, Ac. PROVISIONS. Flonr. Buckwheat Flour. Rye Flour. Corn Meal, Feed, Pork. Hams A Shoulders. .Mackerel. Codfish, Shad, Lake Trout, Picki led and Sui >kcd Herring.Cheese, Rice, Beans, Onions, Potatoes, Butter, Lard. Crackers, Ac. Ac. FRUIT. Prunes, Citron. Figs, Eng. Currants. Rai-ins, Lem ons and Oranges, Green and Dried Apples, and Peaches, Almonds, pecan nuts. Frazil nuts, Grenoble aud Madeira Walnuts. Filberts. Peanuts, Chestnuts.Hickc-rvnuts.Ac. GERMAN. FUKNCII and AMERICAN TOYS, FANCY Goons, Ac..- Roys' Sleigh*. Tin Wagons, China, Pewter A Wood Tea Setts. Dolls. Trumpets. I'oy Guns, Accordions, Har monicas, Glass, Paper and Wood Inlaid Work Boxes and Toilet Case, Toy Bureaus, Secretaries, Ac. Pearl, Ivt ry, Papier Mache and Leather Port Mouains Wallets, Purses, Ivory, Horn and Wood Pocket and Toilet Combs, Tobac co and Snuff Boxes, Cigar Cases, Tooth, Hair and Cloth Brushes, Fancy M rinr-, Perfumery, H ilr Oil, Ac. Foni.s GAI'. Letter, Commercial Note and Bath Post Paper, Envelopes. Wafers. Sealing Wax, Ink. Inkstands, Wafer Cups, Sand Boxes, Penholders, Pens, Wafer scales, Ac. Ac. TAISI.E ANI> D WRY S VI.T. Salina and Rock Salt, and Cayuga Ground Plaster. BAILEY A XEVINS. Towanda, November 2<>, IN","). pLOCK A* WATCH REPAIRER.—TIie Vc' undersigned is constantly receiving from New-York by Express, new additions to his Stock of Watches, Clocks Jewelry, Silver ware, and Fancy Goods, comprising in part—Gold and Silver Lever, L'Kpine and Plain Watches with a full and complete assortment of Fine Gold Jewelry such as Gold chains, (/tickets. Bracelets, (fold Pens, Keys Breast-Pins, Ear-Rings, Finger-Rings, etc. etc. Also, a large variety of Silver ware .such as Table and Tea Spoons Cream spoons. Butter knives. Salt spoons. Spectacles, to gether with an extensive assortment of Plated Ware—All of which v. ill be sold very low for CASH. <'I.OCKS —A large assortment Clocks just received, ol all descriptions, ranging in prices from 75 cents to Fifty Dollars. gn. Watches repaired on short notice, and WARRANTEE to run well. Also, all kinds Clocks repaired. W. A. C. would hog leave to say. that he is prepared tn execute the most difficult Jo) s, such as can be done at no other Shop short of New-York < it v. W. A. CH AMBERLIN. Towamla, February 1, 1857. TOMB STONES AND MONUMENTS. Towanda Marble Tactory. (Nearly Opposite the Hard Jlonte.) —_ The subscriber has ju>t opened the TOWAX * iFT\ DA MARBLE FACTORY, where he will be vfll-M P'eparcd to furnish .Monuments ami Tomb tpi 111 St"ncs. manufactured from the best qualities ,:Lv of RUTLAND and ITALIAN M ARBLE, and [ wrought into such styles and designs as will 'Jk&\ suit every variety of taste. Ah. Persons wishing to make their selections can do so whenever in Towanda, by calling at this N'ew Establishment. The superior quality of the stock, the artistical beauty of the work, and the promptness with which orders will be filled, will offer inducements to visit this new shop. F. 11. BALDWIN, Proprietor. Towanda. July 28, I Soft. RKFERKNC'ES. WWKItr.V. TOWANDA, PA. Hon. Nathan Bristol, Prof. C. 11. Coburn, C. H. Shepard, Cashier, Rev. Julius Foster, It. G. Crans, Merchant, 11. S Mercur, Merchant, Alpin A Doubleday,do. i.Moutaiiyes, " Rev. O. Crane. T. M. Woodruff. Sheriff, " Wni. Putnam, Col. A. M'Kean, l'rot'y, D. A. Shepard. Hon. D. Wilmot, F. Tyler. Fres't. Bank. " J. C. Ad*ms. ciiKMfso. " Win. Elwell, G. W. Buck, Esq. K. A. Parsons, Ed. Argus. wvsox. E. t). Goodrich,Ed.Reporter. V. E. PioUet, Es(|. r> ARCLAY COAL.—THE BARCLAY ) RAIL ROAD AND COAL COMPANY have now on hand, and will keep constantly for sale at TOWANDA, a large supply of their coal, at $2 f>o per ton for Blacksmith Coal, and 00 per ton for llaked Cool. Apply for coal at Towanda to O. D. BARTLETT. Coal will also be sold at the MINES at $2 00 per ton for Blacksmith Coal, and $2 50 per ton for linked Coal. A liberal discount will be made on sales by the boat load. Oct. 7, 1817. J. MACFARLANE. Gen'l Sup't. EpXTRACTS for flavoring, for sale cheap J at FOX'S. T AIHES' DRESS GOODS.— Just recoiv- I j ing the present week, a large assortment of laidies' Dress Goods, Shawls, Fringes, I .awns, Robes, Challis, Prints, Ginghams, Ac., Cc., which we offer very low for < 'ash. June ft.ls.VL HUMPHREY A WR'KH AM. Attention! Dentists! Teeth ! TI'ST received, an aK-.ortment of Superior MINERAL TEETH—warranted to stand (ire, riveting, mastica tion, Ac. They are good imitations of Nature and pre sent every variety of form, size, color and arrangement, from a single tooth to ail entire set, with or without ar tificial gnms, with desirable large sized and extra long platina pins. For *"le by Towanda, Juu c H, 1858, PR, PORTER. DR. PORTER'S & DRUG STORE, SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE Fronting the Public Square. TWE subpcrilxT, thankful for the liberal patronage of the past year. intend* to keep constantly on hanest articles us-ally kept in our line, whi< hMK WII.I. dispose of on *U< H term*** WJ, . te MT isfactory to ail who ruav patronize hiin. The purchases are made entirely with < ash I" hand, and for the i A-How cnxtoniers will receive the benefit of a good article at a low price. All articles shall answer oar and are xcarrunted ax represented. [CP* Medical Advice ralnitoosly piven at the Office, ehnrping cnly for the Medifina The stock consists of a complete anil select assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal use, London Porter & Scotch Ale. ALL IHE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES! The most approved Trusses and Abdominal Supporters, Nursing Bottles, Nip ple Shells, Breast Pumps, Teeth Rings, Syringes, Catheters, Ac. American, English $ Chinese Razors and Knives, FRESH CAMPHENE & BURNING FLUID-NEW k BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS! Superior TOBACCO & SNUFF !—-Choice brands of Pure Havanna, Principe and Yara CIGARS ! Paint*, Oil*, Varnishes, Window Glass. llruMic-*. Per Turnery. Shaving Soap, Fancy illicit*. Xc &c. Hair Dyes, llair Restorer, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Cream, Tooth Powder, Extracts for the Handkerchief, Italian Whisks, Port monnais, Purses, Ray, Colonge, Ruse ami Lavender Waters, Tobacco and Snnff Boxes, Indellible Ink, &e. FAMILY GROCERIES: Black and Green Teas; Itio and Java Coffee; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spice*, Sec Ac Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, Arc. REMEMBER THE STORE —SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE! Towanda, February 1, IRJS. H. C. PORTER. M. D. NEW ARRANGEMENT. jjk The Mammoth Hardware Store CHATFIELD * STGRRS. Is now receiving a large aiul well selected asfortment of Foreign Sf Domestic Hardware iiuUSE TRIMMINGS, of every description, j Carpen'ers, Cabinet ma hers, Blacksmiths and. Shoe makers' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, lntrr of the country requires. In E addition we are constantly receiving and nep on hand a full stock of '. .. -v$ Swedes and American Iron, Horse shoe Iron, Xail rods, Jr. U arranteil of the Ke-t,un!i ty. and sold as cheap a* can he purchased of any establishment west of Xew T'lki I'arker mill Nails, I.tail Pipe, (Has*. Sash, Putty, White Lead, Linseed Oil, which is warranted perfectly pure. Saddlery Hardware, and Carriage XWnlicr's Goods. COAL AXI) WOOD COOK AM) PARLOR STOVES. Parlor and Cook Wood and Coal Stoves. Resnilators and Sheet Iron Stoves, Stove Pipe. Ac. Now receirinfJ'! supply of the celebrated Cook -tove GOVERNOR. which is pronounced by all judges as the best cook Store is tk market. It is especially adapted to the Farmer's use. A- we have the largest ami most complete Hardware Store on the New York and Erie Railroad, and we intenti W pur base goods in the best markets, aiul by keepinga lull assortment, selling as cheap a- possihle.wr hepebi'tw the patronase of those doing business in this market. ' STORKS A CHATFELD. Owego, N. Y. Oct. 21. ls."(>. NEW ARRAMGEMENT~ P AT TO Si P | r.VB , IITM JUST OPI^XKD. 1 ON THE CORNER OF BRIDGE AND MAIN STREETS, No. 4, Pattons* ' lock, Towanda, Pa. Till; subscribers wonld respectfully inform their friends and the public that tliev hav -formed a * the Dug business, and are now receiving at No. 4, in Patton's New Brick Block, from the cities of Itu"* 1 phia and New York, a large and well selected stock of American, French and English CHEMICALS, DRUGS, MEDICINES, GROCERIES, TAINTS. OILS. WINDOW GLASS, YE STUFFS. & niui mm w&xs onr ii DRESSING COMBS, PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, PORT MONNAES. &c. URGICAL IN TR.UB4BNTS, and a variety of the most approved Truss' 4 Abdominal Supporters, dtc., always on hand. London Toner and Scotch Ale, and Pure Liquors, for Medicinal purport! ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. Brushes for the Hal, Hair. Teelh, Nails, Boots Pa luting, Varnishing, H Uilewashios, k The Lovers of GOOD CIGARS and TOBACCO, trill find a large variety of rhoict Hul na, Yarn and Principe Cigars, awl the finest brands of Tobacco ami Sniff. Camphciie—Particular Altenlion paid to the Manufacture of 1U it\l\G KM And a fine assortment of I,A MI'S, of all sizes and descriptions. Bird Cages, Cups, Xests and Sid All of which i* offered for sale at greatly reduced rates. Our stock being large and mostly purchased '"' J Importer and Manufacturer at the lowest rates, and with Cash, enables us to sell at reduced price*, thai usfactory to all. We invite the attention of the public to an especial examination of our stock of goods *aup* Our Motto is —" TUB CASH SYSTEM—QUICK SALES—SMALL PROFITS." Onr Goods are selected with the utmost Jare and warranted to l>e what they are represented : if any sh° !: ' Ihe contrary, we are not only wiiliug hut requeat'our customers to return them, and the mnnev -h.il! I* ret-i" *"_j MR. PAYNE will give his special attention to the preparation of PREBCRIPTION'S, which will l,e< *!K v ' accurately on the shortest notice. JOSEPH 0. I*ATT' ■ Towanda, June 26, 1858. EDWARD B- Patronize a Home Enterprize ! A Book-Bindery in Towanda! LI T E would respectfully announce to onr friends and 1 VV the public generally, that we have connected with our Printing Office and Bonk & Stationery Store, a Plain and Fancy BOOK-BINDERY, and earnestly solicit the patronage of all who desire anything in the iine. Having secured the services of one of the licst binders in the United States, we flatter ourselves that wc can give universal satisfaction both in workmanship and price.— j Therefore we present to the public the strongest aasuran- : cos that wc are prepared to hind in a workmanlike man ner, all kinds of BOOKS, among which we may name I Bibles, Histories. Music, Magazines, Pamphlets. Periodi cals, law and School Books, to order or pattern in French, Italian, German and Jung/ish style ; in Velvet, Silk, Cloth, Leather and Paper. upon the most reasonable rates, for CASH, or ready pay &d~Uivc us a trial. Particular attention given to re-binding Books. All work warranted to be properly executed. ** Plain and Fancy Paper Boxes made to order. Jan 1,1858. E. A. PARSONS. BOOKS &. STATIONERY! reqnested to the very general and excellent assortment always on hand at the i Argus Book anil Stationery Store, first' bnilding north of ! the Ward House. Call and examine our stock. I" EATIIEIi.— A new supply of Sole Lentli er. 'ow Hide. Kip and Calf Skin, at No. ?. Put ton's Bloik. aug'J'i MM. A. ROCKWELL. LIQUOR STORE. C FELTOX would respectfully t • public that he is now ready at hi- old " t1 ' tft I Hall At Russell's, south side of the public -.jiiare isth those wauling ITUK I.IQI'ORS, with "■"JT,*#* thing in that line. He has lately made largr, |( 0 his stock, purchasing of the best importers j original package. He has on hand, and tur -" a ' quantity from a quart upwards i Brandy, —Kignette, t'oguiac. old Uennc--' Gin —Swan. American, and Schcitlam scwo ll'hixkry. —Scotch.Old Itye.Monongahela * n ll'ine.— Currant, Tort.and Brown •dierrv• yilft Fresh Catnphene and Burning Fluid kept o 1 hand. Also OS |ier cent. Alcohol. 11 „;im; | CiOAKsofthe Itest brands. Jugs of f.y • flasks, and a large quantity of empty barrel*- Biughamton Ale by the gallon • r Iwrrei- Those favoring me with their patronage m- \ that all articles will lie what they are re pre*' I N. B. The person who borrowed my " requested to return it. Towanda. January IS, lsdf>. House furnishino ooop^S IJe and single fold worsted and ! damasks, moreens, cotton damask*.bleat no ID j i ed table linens, Marsailes quilts, toilet "_ v ..j br , riety of other goods in this line, ju.-t reef - April t>, 1 s.i 7. Z' m 4 NEW ASSORTMENT Ja Bibbans and (lloves, expve-slv - l " r _ 4ll j fc* i Belt Ribbons ; also anew stock deries, sot of (\.|lars and Slci v s. A • eiJ> J Sept. 1;,. k ,7. w.t.ld'tn