SHIH KINU RAILROAD ACCIDENT. —A train on I,J ijuiinibal ami St. Joseph's Rail-way met | with a serious accident a' Platte Itiver Bridge tll i miles east of St. Joseph's on the morning > the 13tii, by which two laborers were drown ed • GKORGF. THOMPSON, the engineer, and two firemen badly injured, and two or three pas- slightly hurt. The bridge is supposed to have been fired by an incendiary, and was so much burned below that when the locomotive i, ached it the entire structure fell, precipita ting the whole train into the river. P IKE —WM. A DOUGLAS, Esq., of Clymer, informs us that a barn, containing 50 tens of I,'n- and a quantity of grain, the property of \{r George 0. Bristol, of that township, was imriied to thegrouudon Thursday of last week It was set on fire by two little boys who were playing with matches. ' Mr Bristol's loss is $1,500. lie had struggled • 0;1 IN-t wind and tide for years, nd only to witness 'he destruction of all his available laeansin a single hour. Such are the VICISSI TUDES of life, disciplinary no doubt, but hard to endure. — Tioga AguUor According to a Washington dispatch to a \>w York paper, information lias been re- I ceived BY the Government, that Mr Reed, 1 mir Minister in China had made a liberal treaty ! with the Celestial Empire similar to that made ' |,v France and England. "We are to have a Minister at lVkin. It is said that the Em- • uiror regards our country with great favor. ; PJS supposed the dignified neutral |>OS;tioii j WV held in the late war lias made an impres sion highlv tavor.ihle. The same may be sa.d \ of Russia; and it is understood that a treaty j | TT s been made with that power on the same J BASK as with the Lulled States. Russia lias : LF-lmved SO frieudly through its Admiral and j Mini-pr there, in taking Dr. Reed up the ri- , N R to TNM-sia, when our vessels were not able ; to a"cend, and in other acts of sympathy, us soemted by a general unity if action with the | United States, that we understand it is con- I ttinplated to give official expression to the | Russian government of our appreciation of ! MICII coi.duct. The news of this treaty hav ing HEM made came overland by way ol Rus sia and Europe." FOR OWE Ztfl&llT ONLY ! THE HUTQHINSQNS WII.L GIVE A Vocal & Instrumental Concert AT TUK Baptist Church, Towanda, Friday Evening, September 24, 1858. Ti, H< ■> 25 cent- ; children half- price. Coacert to com meuce at s o'clock. NEW AKRI \ AI, OF 1 I S. MERGER lias again the pleasure ! I* ol ANNOUNCING to his patrons ,M.| the pu'niU*. the rncal at his -tore erf a very large ami l-.I;itit'l A--ort- I • 11 of FA 1.1. GOODS, which me'l- everything i .• ted. and which will as heretofore be sold FOR CASH „t I- Lot and generally lower prices, than can be found J: liter -tare*. Few possess equal, and none SUPERIOR .wilitics for obtaining cheap and desirable Goods, and imrcha - rs AN- respectfully requested to compare quali ties MD prices. T wanda. Sept. 20. ITW . VBENCH MERINOS and a'l Wool IV J '-LILIES in v irions colors, for sale by SC • 21 !*>. If. S. MEBCTIt 1)01'!.INS, Valencias, Plain and Printed I DeI. LINES, Robes, Debeges and other dress GOODS, II !<* R..UND st >■ • 21. IV.-. H. S. VEIM Tit s. SCHAWLS ! SHAWLS —Single and I >i .i.le liroche. Cashmere, Thil>ct, hilk and Wind Sept. 21. I*3B. 11. S. MERGER S. 'fi || |i | YARDS of those celebrated (51 FJL M Ft F PRINTS; also, an extensive line of Merrimae . . Sept. 21, L'-3.5. H. s. MERCUR. i Hie Great Atlantic Telegraph ! IVI. E. SOLOMON S LOTHING EMPORIUM Iffo. 2, Pattoa's Block. 'illi tw I greatest events of the Nineteenth Century, .IT-' tin siii, marine telegraph between Europe and I MD tin- nnpuralled STOCK ol READY MADE '•THING (IF M P;. SOLOMON! combining the '■IT--. I vjricty. latest fa.liionalde, and MOST durably ■ 1 • " ever hrouglit to Towaada. l EG to inform 4 hc- ( itizcas of Towaudt and vicinity, 8 ! have UKMOVKD TI No. 2. l'.itt ,M> Block. one door AH ' II II kwdl's store, where 1 sli ill be happy to see . . ' I,]S AND CUSTOMERS and as Mmy new ONES "UV I.H T , FAVOR IN" with a cull. Having-PM retiiru- A tin: Eastern and Western markets where 1 have D my Full and Winter stock of < |.()TIIIXG, - FURNISHING GOODS. Ac.. 1 can supply the AT ICR rates than ever sold her" before, as ! have F'U IUJ st-.. K lor Cash at the lowest figures. MV STOCK CONSISTS OF 'R. US. - -superfine Ma K Heaver RAGLANS and Sack ' '-ITS; Black, brown and BLJF Pilot D•; PETERSHAM SIP. I.|A, K Union Cassimcre D>, Klack. MOWN and •: v -d-kiu JO ; Deer --kin do; Lion kiu d ; Faucy I IL . AUD various other styles, too numerous to ' tun. , B'SRCKTOVTS.— Fine French MN<-k Itrnndi'tith don trie I Frsk Coats, single-breasted, same; Mrdi.iui •*• '> DI: Cotton warp d>: French Heaver Business CI Y I .I--i.nere DO ; Side Hand do ; Hlack I nion "■do: FAN Y Sntiuelt do ; Tweed aud Kentucky Jean ,VT *. 's ap. black Doeskin Pants ; Medium do ; Blk. 1 " * irp il i; Fancy (assimeiV side band do; Satti • FAIMERS aud Mechanic* (.'aateimere do. •'; NT *- French Fancy Silk Velvet Vests ; Chenille and ULED ,1., ; SILK Vests, of all descriptions; Silk and BL.I k Satin do; Casaiiuerc Vests; Satti ! KVI-TIIMJ COON*— Fancy Hilk Ties, Block do ; Fnn- SCARFS; Black figured Scarfs; Black Silk Cra- Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs ; Cambric do: Silk • LIS -y cotton do ; White linen-bosom shirts; Fan- L ' 7* '!L- SMALL PKOKITS." W !L 1... PAID for Wool, Hides, Sheep Pelts, and al! ' ' '■rain, at the highp->t market price-. *' p !l r. p-tnuveii tn No. 2. Pattoa's Block, former |"l*. 1 L, T William A. Rockwell. ' * 'S pt 20, MM. M. E SOLOMON. , \\' T' RTF,S ' IR ®* D - MONTANYK. [)\F.R'H>X A MOXTAXVE. ATTOR * .IT LAIV -Office iu Uniou Block,former- I'K'd by ,! AS. MACFAKLANB. U'DirOW* NOLK'E— Minor Taylor IF ,u !:>r *' of Xuthanifl Rutiell and .Xeirton T. ' I.Mrint tfumphrri/ and Major li. Darling. In N . '''(".is of Bradford county. No. 131, I'ec. T. "'"lirsigned. Auditor, appointed by said Court to ' Iniids raised by Shenll s sale of the real estate , "it. N IN attend to the duties of his appointment ' "• in Towauda borough, EN Monday, the 22d '-il. 4 , ,< | K -' R at I o'clock iu the afternoon, at which '"-' TL ' , '. C persons iuteroated are required to pte ;,A clainu or else be forever debarred frou -said , O G. 1). MONTANVE. •U 1858. Auditor. NUGN ESFILAY.— LA-ft the enclosure of the Sub- SEIIL.FR tn Burlington twp., near the Overshot ITUTI 1 ?* A ' K,U * of September inst ~ a ligiit -TOUT built . smutty face. Any informa ' HUNG said 1 earling will la- thankfully received V „ MORRIS MACDO.VAI.D. lAbDcrtiscmcuts, Tioga Point Agricultural & junction Iron Works, AT Athens, Bradford County, Pa, WELLES, BLOOD K CO. EMERY'S PATENT RAILROAD HORSE POWERS! \\7"E arr inanufacturing these justly eelcbruted End * y less Chain Powers, for one and two horses ;to i which vve have added such improvements as to make them the best endless Chain Powers in the world. Our THRESHERS AND SEPARATORS Are much improved over the Albany machines, and work admirably. Our new TIOFIA-POINT THRESHER AND CLEANER, .'u-t liiii-hcd, will, we are coclident, prove it-ell to be the I BKST COMBIX'EM TNULSNKK AND WINMIWEII in inarkct. It nms easily, is .aim pie, -trong. light and d iraMe : will not carry over, nor waste grain ; imd will llirt-sli and \ clean lit tor ma-ket as much grain per day. with the same power, as any Thresher with Separator will thre-h. It is admirably adapted for two and four horse powers. Job threshers vv.ll liml it to he just the machine they have so long dc-iit'll to liii,f. Our Horse Power- and Threshers are, to say the least, equal t . any made in the Union : so that fanner- n Hon- i them New-York and N rtl.eri Pcnn-ylvania. will tu.d i; to their adv.-.iitage to r Macliiue-. on account of I saving heavy in Ire. ht .as well as for their su periority. We in v .to the parti" car attention of Farmers and Deal ers to our TIOGA POINT FEED CUTTERS, GALE'S PATENT" M c can vrith confidence, recommend these Hay, Straw ; and-talk Gutters on account of simplicity, dnrahilitv, ■ -ticugth. efii.-icii. v. ca-e of operation, rapid cutting. Ac. i hey do away with tlie very -cri >n- objc' tiou-heretidore urged t>y farmers and others, and justly to-, again-t all patented feed cutters ; namely—that tlu-y are too com plicated, too many small casting- and trap-, eon-cqi.eiit 1 IV too liable to get o ;t of repair : that they have too many wearing or friction place-.therefore liart! t .operate. Our Feed Cutters have two simple straight knive-which can ea-ily be sharpened, or. if ever nept. 21. I*s*. WELLES, BLOOD k CO L^XKC'I"TOR'S XOTlCJv—Notice is liore -1 J by given that all persons indebted to ti.e e-tate of JOHN PORTER, late of Troy town-hi . deceased, tin .at make immediate payment, and all persons having de maiuU against -aid e-tate, will present them authen ticated for settlement. UEI. C. PORTER, Sept 21, ISSB. Executor. / l EX KRAI. KLKtTIOX I'IHX'LA MA VXT ION.--Wlu-rea-, by an act ot assembly of F!U- Cnm nionwcnltli. entitled " an act relating t.. the elet tions of this eoinmmnvi alth." it is er.j. im d upo-, me t', givepuh lie notice ot sucli election to beheld, audal-o tie :i. ae ration in Mich notice what officers an to In* elected. I. TH'IMAS M. WOODRUFF. High Sheriff of the County of Bradford, do hereby m k- known ami give :e the t > the elector- oi -aid eouiity that a genera! election will be held in said county, on TUESDAY, the 12th day of OCTOBER, i.i tlie several district- in said county, to wit:— In Albany, at the sub-district school house near Gamp -IH>I- mill-. In A -vLm. at the house of Jacob Frutt hey. In Aniens tioro", at the hon-e of E. S. Mathewsoti. In Alliens tivp-. at the house of J. 1. Hunt, i.i Athens Borough. In Armenia, at the house of John S. Becker. Iu Burlington boro". at the hull ot Henry Vo-burg. In Burlington twp., at the house oi R ,siv. 11 laith.-r. In We-t Burlington, at the house ol Ezra G .diiaid. in Canton, at the house of S. C. Myers. In (tolunitda, al tire hou-e ot Janus Morgan. In Durel!, at the oeh iol house, called tlie centre school house, near S. Decker's. In Franklin, at the h-m-eof J. M. M irttugiow oceupinl by H. M. S mthwell. in Granville, at the house of Beni .ruin !■'. Taylor. In llerriek. at the school house near Daniel Duraad's. In Litchliehl. at the house ,1 Cyril- lll'SKlgood. In Leßoy, at the s dexil liou-e in Leßoy. 11l Monroe, r.t the h tuseo! R. I! R tekwell. Iu Monroe h >ro' at the house ol Ethel Taylor. In Orwell, at the hou-e of France- Wm driitl'. In Ovi i ton. at the hou-e of David U'altioan. In Pik ■ , at the hou-e ot Deuui- Johu.-ou. In ii one, at the Academy. Iu Uidgbury, ii -rth di-tri, tat the liouse of J. O. Pine : south district at the hou.-e of ('. O. French. | In SheslieqHin, at the Valley House. In Finithtield, at the house of \. J. Germild. Iu Springfield, at the lnuise of Simon Stevens. In Sylvaiiiu boro". at the liouse of Cui tis Merrltt. In South Creek, at the school h ui-c near A. Gillett's. hi Towumla boro'. at the Grand Jury the Coui t House, iu said boro". In Towanda twp., at the school house.near H.l..Scott's, hi Tow anda North, at the house of S. A. .Mills. In Troy, at the Eagle Tavern. hi Troy twp., at the liou-e of V. M. Long, in the boro" of Troy. Iu Tuscarora. at the school house near James Black s. hi Ulster, at the house of-. B. Ilolcotub. Iu Warren, at the hou-e i IL t'o"|x-r. In Well-, at the hou-e of L Sceley. In Windham, at the house of ileaj. Koykcudall. fit Wyalosing, at the house of J. }J. Black, hi Wilniot, at the house of A. J. Stone. 11l Wvsox. at the ii >uc oI James M. Reed. At wlii.-h time and place ti.e electors af resaid will elect bv ballot One per-ii for Canal Commissioner of the Common wealth of Peim-ylva.da. One p< r-on t r judge •;' the Supreme Court of the Cominotiwe ilth of IVi.;.- lv i .i I. One persc'i to rtpioe .t toe CJiJi Coiigre--ional .1 i-.trict in the Hon-e of Repre-f :t dive u the United St ite. One pees iu for Pre.-ideut Judge of the 11th Judii ial di-trict. One person for As-'ieiate hidgc of the County ',f Brad ford. Two per-on- t> re pre u-nt the County of Bradford in the Hou-e of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One" person for County Commissioner for the County of Bradford. One person for County Auditor of the County of Ilrad 1 ford : And iu and by -aid act, 1 am further directed to give noti. e'• that every per-on excepting justices ol the peace who shall bold any office of profit and trust under the go vernuieut of tin* l uitctl t s ur this St.itr, or of any Incorporated di-tri. t. and aDo that every nieiulier of eon and ot the State Legislature aud the select and com nion council <>f any city. <>r eomtnissioimrs <>f an^ - ineor porutcd di-trict. i- lv law ineapatfie ot holding or oxer cj-ing at the - tuie time, the ofli e .r appointment of Judge, ln-pect r or Clei k of any election ol this Common wealth. and that no in-pert"! 4 or other officer ot any such election, .-hall oe then chgble to any office to be voted for. ! By the Ith section "f an act passed the Ifith day .of • April, 1-40. it i- pr ivided 4 " that the tilth sect.Oß ol an net passed Julv 2d, 1-31. eijtithil 44 An act r<-l itingtodTie elections of thi- Commonwealth,'' shall not i>e eon-ti uod a- to prevent any military officer for serving as lus|- tor or Clerk, at any general or special election ol i this Commonwealth . ) In the filst section of the act fir-t above mentioned, il is enacted that every general and special ele tion -hall ie opened between 8 aud 10 i.i the'fori noon,and continue without iuterruptioii or adjournment until 7 o'clock in the evening, when tin-polls shall i i elo-cd. j By the 1 "-tli seetion of the art pa--ed Feb. 3d. lS4i>, it shall be lawful for the in.-pector- and judge - of any gene ral election which shall be hereafter la id in the Armenia election di-trict <>! Bradford C uuity to < lose the poll- ol such election dl-triet at five oVlocJt. P. M- By the 1 Ith section of the act of In3, it i* provided that the |s>lls of the election district of Tn-carora .twp., be closed at 5 o'clock, p. 11. It is further directed. th it the meeting of the .lodge at the Court Hou-e in Towanda, to make out the general ; return, shall lie on the 3d dav aft or the election, which , will lie on the 1:1 th dav ofOctober. It Is further directed that the nuetlneof retnrn Judges for this Congressional district, shall la* held at tlie Court j : tloii-g, in the bnrough .J Towanda, on the 7th day after the election, which will he the lath. It is lurthcr directed that the meeting of return Judges !, j tor this Judicial district shall he held 4t the Court House ; ill M>ntro-e, on Hie 7th day after the election, whicli will I be the lfftli. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff, j Tow* NIA, Sept. 13, lsq. \f A I'LK BUG A R—Ativ (j'tuntitv for *ak'. -s*A March *5, 1H | iUisccianroos. T!i Larir*t nntl m)tCompletely Kquip|>eil K.ita.wrinn F.*taML-liuit. iit in flic \vtrld, c<>Uipric4 the GREATEST TROUPE V, EVSOPIAH I AtT/TRICAN Mfebk m FmiE V NT? TV) cvr rue j:c7i V I MAGMFICEM CIILLEfTION OF WONDKKFT'I.I.Y " \ TRAINED HORSES v \ " v,n am coiiT T'S.iTUI B, -tfoHiiixa 1 ICILIVIKS KoK T!l-: PR£s:.MC t,un ~f -jmi xtop.E NOVEL, AND VAELED . • tffu, PEHFOHMANCBB fjrj%iHA3 mv, IV.k b>:>n oivcs i* a •< Tiv..i.i.iNii ixiuarrii.x. & Tl." cntr, t • \ v '. Orratnuln, CfOtkic natic Dt'hij'p i yTr.TW'? /., itr-h til ti inn. j,-.-. •/.<.' . .' , Wt.ndm f I'jjuiU'.rnm. i 'i.j' l , Ikiwiy. Slur .J ij* I'anU e i .-/v . I . - Tin- wli. l•• ,-iilii. ii.-l l.v th.- lacy THREE CREAT b nun vailed m * i i' his peculiar sphere. tfK l'Acii Kvcacm's rnfrrt-iinmrnt will \3 , w,rh 11, • Js G3A!ID IEGENCARY SPECTACLE LXTITLID GEORGE AND TEE | DRAGON; 4 - Till! HLVL.V CHAMPIONS r OK Clllth-TtNDOM; r 1" which nearly i,iu- liunili—l rploiv. v I i 11 v -'•* 11 tRi.• -< I rlrirnrtei-s il l H|- ' & JM-ur. uihl in uliicb is iiitiXHiiictnl th® ' . SjCf TERHIFIC CONFLICT of Ht. Gt-.rge and liia dauutl>-f " 'rr T'J i-j JpP htMil V. illi the """"•'"-Vv-ikTT FIERY DRAGON". - .-'J- f) The v.uit r"*i urres covttprfefi! In j* Vsf' ' Noti-.i. i! Hi m' 1 lrhM cfi * rnxiwu f spvt i :l II IciH'Vn <*ip- Giiw.-s in .?' lit, will t'lHihh' the !lt 111 t>|r r• . ■ tl ir llfert; HH nts UJ •!| 41 male ..f I'M A'Wl 1.1 1-i h MAt.- NfFirrvrv. hh.j ; ..d cm v I~y ■ ' ■ : - 1 2TTT7 AND ASTCrrDIKO r I jr?s tn th" w' ' t-'U ••• : -, 1. " "gLf?" 'V< and r\rf'!i TtTWOND ALL "s PBECTDENT. ( Will exhibit at TOWANDA, TI'KSDAV, OCTOBER 5, Admissio.i "25 cents. No, price. Duor < pen i.i 2 a ol 7 o' 1 ock, P. M. Performance to commence half a i hour aitei. e- 'fl:is Company willul.-oexhibit at Troy the 4th aud Athens the Lib or October. J. W. BAXi'KUII. Agent. N OTICE —ls iirrufiy <.-;vt*n ti>:i* a Special Court of Common Pleas will i,e ln-ld at T"W.ia Iff oYlok iff the loici >' vTfi A,-. Only One Price aaked or taken. ! Jnue ii. I"-'"". J- KIXGH-HERT . rftHH HAMMONTON FARMKTI. A ucw-pajmi dnot- I t J to literature and Agrirnltnrc. al-o setting forth full accounts of the new settlement oi Hnminmiton, in New Jer-ey, can be for at only 2> ids. per uti . " Inclose postage stamps for the amount. Address to Fdi'or of the Fanner, Hammonton, Atlantic Co. New Jerscv Tho-d wishing cheap laud, of the he-t quality 'in oae "I'the healtUie-t and most delightful climates in I t ,, c f 4 a ;., D eg a-D "rtisfujeat ot HaiumoUteu Laml-. XNcrclnmbne, &*r. I Dr. Wistai's DaJssm of Wild Cherry. YTTHKHE the above preparation is known, it is •<> will VV established as n infallible Remedy for the core tf Coughs, Colds, Sore Tliroat, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Spit ting of Blood. Rain in the Bicast, Croup, Whooping Cough, and every lorn of ri'LMOs vuv cuMi'LAixr, that it were a work of supererogation to speak ot its merits. Discovered by a well known physician more than twenty years since, it has by the wonderful cures it hits effected i been constantly appreciating in public favor, until Its use | and its reputation are alike universal: and it is now know n j and cherished by all (and their " name is legion'') who j have been restored to health by its u>e astheOKJUT i tuv for the diseases which its profatsses to cure. Sir James Clark, physician to Queen Victoria,has given ! it as his opinion that CDN'SI'MRTI X CAN" BE CURED! The whol. history of this Medicine iully confirms tlie i opinion ot that eminent man Thousands can testify, and ! have, that when all other remedies bad i,tiled,tti.s j has completely cured : and that the sufferer had well nigh despaired, this afforded immediate relief: that when the physician hud pronounced the disease incurable, this lias removed it entirely. The virtue- ot this Balsam are alike applicable to cure a slight cold or a Continued (' 'nsumptioii. and its power | a a safe, certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy j eannot lie eijnnlled. Si" CAPTION !—l'urliasc none unless it his the WRIT- ! T:..N signature of" 1. Hrrrs" on tiie wrapper, as well as j the printed name of the proprietors. The following persons have experiencec -atisfaetorv ! results from the use of Wjstar's Ralsam Wiiliatn liw irttCe, Post Master at Bailey Creek; John Pox, I'ost-1 master at Main-burg : It. M. Itailev. the well known Tern ! pentuce la-ctnrer, ami Thomas Jewel, a well known citi- j | zt'ii of Tioga County. S. \\. FOWI.K ,t i 0., proprietors, llost-m. For sale by j their agents everywhere. Vi.KM's.— Ration A* Rayn*.and 11. C. Porter, Towanda; S. W. A D F. I'omi toy, *fi ty ; Dr. K. P. Allen, Smith- ; field: T. Mather A Co.. I'lster; d. A. l'erkius, Athens: | J. F. Long A Son. Burlington. STAPZiE GOODS. i / W U \ VAKMS 4-4 Sheetings, by the j M M f Rale or single pic e. . -UK) pieces PRINTS, last colors, and iu great variety. ' 50 pieces Blue Denims, heavy. DM) pieces Pleached Mu.-lins. 20 pieces Canton F1 min is, j Also. I'.lue, lied. Cray a.ul While Flannel'. Sheep's i Crsy.Satinett*. Ca--iiui're.s, Kentucky Jeans. C .t. \ urn. Ticking .tun R dfs, t'sndiewi k Mariner's Stri|>c* Bleach j Itrown and i olun d Mm-liu-. Crash, llock ; aback, Ac.. Ac. Country Merehauts will tiinl an i icelletit j : opportunity to sort up at law price- for cash, by calling ' at liiv store. Tonuuda. Scut. c. l-ks. K INC-.RER Y. t O 11E UII- i' SS A I,ICS— llv \hlue il' - indir. 0 i its of Vend. Expo., issued nut ot the court of < 'em i mon Plea* of Bradford County, to nil* directed and tle i livered. will tie exposed to p uliii -stle at the Court House, ! Towanda Hot'ugh, on FRIDAY, tlie Ist day of. OCToRKIt. 1 —•>*, at two o'clock. P. M..the following ! | I it. piece or parcel of land sitaite iu Smiih.icld twp., j j Uradtord comity, bounded on the until by laud ol' Win. . Gibson. i ist by luit 1 of J.imi - i . tior-liiu-. south i■ v land I of Flam Kendall, aud west b\ lmui of lib hard M. Killy ! and li. U. W din ha. Cniitrtiiiing one hundred a re>, more , . or less, about 70 acres improved, lour plank or framed t houses, two trained barns, a sleaiu saw mill with the up ! parte lie. n; c-, au apple orchard and other In; it trees | j thereon. Mud and taken in execution at the suit of C. F. Wil- | sun vs. William Peterson. TliOtr. M. WOODRUFF, Towanda, Sept. S, ls.'.s, sheriff. IEAGLE FOUNDRY! \Si> MACI i 1 N 1 : SHOP ! in ZVZotion ! TUIE Stibsfrii'tr having purchnsgil the nliove A works, situated at the lower end of town, near the 1 j Canal Kasin of the Rarelay Rail lbiad Co.. (the same e- • t.ihlisliment formerly carried on by l-amorcnx. Hall A ' 1 Russell.) and having employed a competent -• t of work- I ' men. is now prepared to ex . ate ordi rs for Castings or I Machinery ot almost any kind. He atso wuuuf.i ti.r. - : a variety of Ctiok, P.irlor'and tjffice stoves. JR. rc-p. t • fully solicits a share of public patronage. 'towanda, Sept. s, I*:,H. O. D. BAUTLETT. M' "AMMnN'TuN" I.AN'D- -MEW ENGLAND SKTTI E . ML N'T -RARE UPPOitTCXITI —TO ALL U ANT ING FARMS in a lie.ilthv pho . fici i/j /,e< >*.<- tr in Philadelphia, on the t'amd u and Atlantic ra'ir ad. N*. w i ' Jersey. An old c fate his recently been opened for sale, and tin- tiist division of lh.oiii; aen d!. ; !. d no h t • bums ■ of twenty acres and upwards. Tlie soil is of ihehi* l ipnili- ! 1 v for itie production of fruits. g- ;'.us, Ac. The price is tin to r'-'u |ier acre, le in < i-y -piatlcryearly iustai lueuts, within a term of lira- year-, with I "it :< -t. The i \ term- are Made easy, in order to iiumre the rapid im- i JII A ciuent ot the land, by i-.i i. Lou tcii'.V industrious man to lory a fa> m. It is nou being xti < -;v !y improved by good mads, and some , i the hi -t. i:i/.ens (Vuia New Htii -1 land and the Middlt States att inc.' -,g large improve- ! met its. It is a scene ot the greatest imprnventcut out of i | I'liil idelpliia. S vt i.ty-tive hoi:-. - 1 n-e been lmilt in four i months. Practical farmers ur.d Im-ine-- men fr ail the ! length end bicadtli of the Union are Milling were, it i- an important business ii.n r, on n. i omit of it- ' t ing ! in tin- luid-t of a great market. Every artn le raised up .mi this land tind- an ittuaediate sale. The water is ex- I eetlent. and no sm li thing hwr is kn -wn. The soil is a sandy or clay loam, with a cln hillom ami nUntict of ma:!'ires. It is tree of -tone- and easily worked. It iiiaiiuid- larg.-Iy iu the piio.- hat*-, ai.d sucii ; is its fertility that ft -in the •; ■: - pr •! ..! both up -n i tlii- li ml ami the large ar.i adjoining innii-r cultivation, ! ■ it will he found not tsi be excelled anywhere in the pro- 1 ! duvtion of crops nio-.t adapted to its ni.oket. Tin- reader may be well aware that t':e ei:idlest and tin lie-t fruits and vegetable- come from New Jersey, which ! are anii iallv export* d t.. the ain..nut •>* iiiilli >i,- u it of tlie t'.\ tcii. ive moigiation, tin- i- the U'.-t cour-e to in order t.. get a place j. live in at lir-t. t' ii| titer.- and builders j ule u tiie he-t terms. in settiiug here the cinigraut lias many advantages.— He is within a lew hours* ride "1 lite great cities in lite j 1 Middle States and New Kngla <1 : be is n< irhis old frieml i and a-sociations : he is iu a sett!*-*! ••mintry. where ev*:v improvement and i-'mfoi: of civ ii/.ation is at baiti! ; lie ] | is in a lie.ilthv place, and i- nut HUiije' t to the certainty , I ul losing the greater part of his family and hi-own health | by those malignant fevers which make the graves ni -o j many inillioiis of the young and hardy in far off region- i away from liouie and triends. He-ides, lie has a milJ : * lunate and an open winter. There are three train- daily to Pitiful* ipliia. and tft el! tic.-* who improve the railroad company gives a free j tit ket. Liie reader will at once be struck with the advantages here pii'-enteil, and a-k liini-. i. why tl.e properly ba- not | iici-ii taken up before. The reason is. it w.rsinvertlu-ov.ui in the in *iket ; and unless the.-*' statements were corn*, t , no one would !* inviietl to examine tiie laud before pur ! cha-ing. Tlii- all are expected to do. They will see tin land under cultivation : tliev will me* to. . -on-,no doubt I tro'n their'iwii tieighliorhuoil: they will witness the im- I provenu!iits aud eau jmlge of the efg ra* U rot tlie pop..- i latum. F*r<>ns should mine prepa re J to pi. rah •-*• a- 1 iii.iuy are l icatiug, and locations art not held on ri fusal. ; The ft.iiniii iit n I'..ruu r. ain 'iithly Kit.rary nd Ag- • -I."li, coiitaining full iui'ot mati ut o! llapitll n , , ton, will tie seal t<> each inquirer, and can b at • | 2-"i cents per annum. Title indispnt i le. Warrantee bed . given, cle ir of all i 1 incumbrance, when purr-lias*- nruiey is paid. Route to ! the land:—Leave \'ine street wlurf, i'liiladclphia. for | : llammout'iii bv r.iilrnad at A. M., and bA. P. M. ; i j wlim tln re iuipiire for Mr. Byrnes. Boarding enliven- ! fence* will be found. Letters and applleatious can be a*l- j lire—sed t* S. 11. • Ot'li Hi,IN . '202 Soul i g'IFTH Stre* t j bc'. iw Walnut. Philadelphia. Map- and information cheer- - fully furnished. T."V\IIM KAN" IIS FOR SALE V, MILES FROM PHIL' - X 1 deiphia by Railroad in the State of-Yew Jersey. Soil I among the liCst for Agricultural purposes, heing a good loam soil, with a clay butt.on. The land is a 1 rge tract, divided into small farm-, and hundreds front ul! part™ of the country are now settling aid building. Tiie crops j ca:i be seen growing. T' tuv- fi'cu to s7'! per aire, I payat*le within f*..r year- by instalments. T > vi-■ t tin place- Leave Vine St. Wharf at Phil i. at 7J A. M. y ' Railroad for Ilaniuioiiton, ornddre-s R. J. Byiues, hy let- j tcr s.-c full advertisemeut In au al.* r column. ITURM LANDS FOR S\I.E 2". MILES FROM PHII.A I A *b.lpliia by Railroad in the State ol New Jel ey. So,! am*idg the l est for Agricultural purpo cs. being a good ioaiu soil, with a day bottom. The ! nitl is a large tract, divided into small farms, ami hundred, "'r un all parks ot the country are now settling ami building. The crops can tie seen growing. Teem- from ?!t to J2O per acre, payable within lour years by hist iliueuts. To visit the place—Leave Vine St. Wharf'at Phihi. at 7A V. M. ly Railroad for Hainnaouton, or address R. J. Byrnes, by let ter. See full advertisement in another column. EWNCY liLASS BKADS for Kintirni* ery and Crochet work. WurU*U, Canvas, tint* hat Hooks and Cotton, and all material* for Fancy Work may j be found at ROCKWELL'S. SOME VilliY CHEAP GOODS. T A DIES Linen Cambric Handkerchief* at ti I cents j each. White Cotton H *-e at t. ( cent- per pair. Handsome l.awns at fi |retits per yard, and the best ii J cent Calicoes iu the State, will be fottml at tiie Store of Tnw iuila, April Jl. leaf*. MLi< TR. A KI'KTI N(iS.—All prici'R siipertiut ut;cl ) ingrain carpeting*, just received bv April t:ix(. is BKI.IKV IM;- conic AND KKL. j T Wamla. Scj lem!*-i i. I-.*. ' \F iX K A-sortinont of 1 tress Trimmings, linnmt Ribbon* and "Loves of Bonnets," are to • be touud at the st ue of S.o t 1. 1 - >*. WM. A. ROCKWELL. j / ' l.N'l LUMEN'S' CANES, inciadwi! I,*md- i • " I *•*! R tt in v Hicla rv. Mali > a Crook anil small Canes. ! 1 Sept.l. IX5*. WM. A. BOCKWEtjL. V|"ARSEiLIjKS Shiet Bosom ft, lt.miiy 1 i I Bam!*, and a nice -election of La-es and Etnbroi- I deies will be sold cheap by Sept 1.. I*s*. " WM. A. ROCKWELL. ; _ . j Spring and Summer Millinery, Foil 1808, BY A. T. MARSH & CO. ?To. 5, Union Block, ELM I It V , X. Y. IT WIN'G made extensive arrangement* and improve-' , I I tnent* in our MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, we nvw ' eordiallv invite all to fivor u- with a call before purchas ing SPRING *-r SUMMER MILLINERY, feeling conti-; dent we rati make it to the advantage of all. OUR WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT Will be full ami complete, with everything in the line of M iliiu ry ; such a-Straw Bonnets. Bloomers, Fiats and (iyp-ictte-of all kind-and style.-for Ladies' or Misses', by the dozen or case. Ruche- and Flowers by the isi.x. Ribbons by the piece i <>r en toon. Blonds, edging, looting- and Straw Biaidsby tiie dozen or pice. Bouuet Fraiu* -, Crown.- and Bbuks J .by the dozen. Rttdsw*) covered boiM* by the gross.— | jI: *... I I*ox * s l.y the iic-t or gr**—. Foiotoiis, Crapes. Li -*•-. Grown i.ioing- ami Cape N'etts l.y the piece, ami I in fact everything required in the Miilitu ry line iu the gr", it* -1 .bi.oiliim e am! at the very lowest GITV U*iiOL | ' "OUR RETAIL DEPARTMENT Will embrace t lit and complete a—ortment of all ef , tin al, .* mention* *1 articles at pries to suit tiie tlm<-s. , All I.' !.in! ; bought at the -t*.re will be trimmed free "f * h..rge in the latest style and be-1 manner. Goodslxeight by parties ir ,iu out oi town, w ill l.e packed and deliver ed to tlie .-tage- or ear- lice of cxpeii-v. A. T. MARSH A CO.. No. .. Union R| .. k. Elmira. X. Y. People of I>ra<]jbrue and ail that ! tiicy the taste-and wants of their numerous customers, whilst I another of the linn i- d .ily i.. the auction room-and im ! porting boil *•- in New York City, securing the tiewe-t and most de huhle L > ,l- at the very lowest rat*-, (as ! I tiny buy ex.l isivrly f*r cash) ~nd a- they -ell for ca-li ' only they have no lossis to make up, and con-eipieiitly ; : can ami *1 >-ill so cheap as t i defy competition. Time 1 i ami -pace preclude the possibility of mentioning half *>r ipiart-'v ot tlie many inducements which are offered to ail to trade at their popular establishment, and the Ni.w AnvnuTisEMKNTs will ! 'rom week to week give hut a limit- ] ! ed idea "t the many advantages to lie derived bv calling * I on A. T. MARSH ,v t 0., ! No. ">, Union Block, Elinira.N. Y. P; S. For farther jiartieul trs.sec New Aslrertho meats, i a-k tho-i- who have calhd. ami go see lor yonrseives. IStcw Just Hear what IVSarsh has been and gene aud dene- J ST —Went tu New York on Monday night. 1 2d—Bonglii lot- of New Good* of tlie M-ry latest and ! most ile-iraHi styles, a few of wliich will mentioned in our new advertisement* but most of which must be ; -cm in oiiict In be 3il—Wt intend oar stock shall be more extensive than ; j en r. and last, though not lea-t. we -hall .SELL Ft)lt CASH ONLY ! ' and a-cheap a-we c.ta afford to ami pay our clerks! j enough to keep tiem honest. We would ju-t *. v that 1 j our facilities continue to he sncti that we will be enabled i to odci extra ioduceuicut- to all to box Prv Goods of I MARSH" Je CO.. \ >. 5, Union Block. Elmira. Shirred Bonnets, IN" ALL COLORS, at extra low p 'ic--. made by First ! 1 Class Milliners, tbe pr* cei'ils devoted to tiie poor at i MARSH A COS. I >1 L\ N I'M' Hllil'ONS :n -|'i'!i(li(l vanity. ! IX and entire!, m w style- ut all prices, from 1- to lis ! ; per yard, just opened at M ARSH \ CD'S. L tension Bridal Skirt, made by Machinery without a | | single stitch, with o new style of spring adjusting bustle. I can tie taken a pa; t and pat t igetlier again iu one minute*! and adapted to any member of tiie family. It is a strong competitor and rival of Dougl - A Slterwm]'* patent, j ;UiJ by many cnitstilerid even Letter. Both sty le- can : |be bought only at MARSH A< • 1 S. ; r pi!E for 15->t:ntts ut. ! Millinery at , i. .Marsh ,v Co'-is nop trill-led. Tho-e iu the trade | living within a hunilied uii!. - of Eiinira. are availing ' i tlo'tu-eive- <• tin -operi >r fagii'ti". lorreideui-liingtheir i | stock , at N'n.-Viili'li"; ".in l.adk-s its-supplyingthem , selves w'.til lir. t chuvs Millinery tuna Cuion Bjock. Don't be backward about " going forward." ladies, for there are still Boimeta by the tjmu-anil. and Rihimn- aud Flower* in proportion. *>o band and i on-t tntlv arriving. 1 Head Pin*, probably, ever exhibited in Ehnira. has j::-t occii opened l y M ARSH A GO. IOTS of Linen Tnpos in nl! widths ; also, J extra wide twilled Cotton Tape-. MARSH A CO. STRAYED, -t intue tot-be ettfkinureuf the sub | nffc-i -i-vil er in She-hcipiin town-hip, on the >tli of i /j, *f. Jul v Dark Brown COW, small ernmplrd horn-, the shell being off from one horn, no other partie ular marks, about 7 years old. Tne owner is reipiestedto prove property, pay charges, and taker her nwav. Juiv 2n. lv-,. ELI AS BALL. /"lAVTlON".—Whcroas my wife JANE has left nivbrd and honid. without any jn-t cause or provn-ntion. this i* hereby to forhid nil person* harbor ing or trusting her on iny account, as I shall pay no debts of ber contracting. I I'urell July It 1?5. LEV! HATCH. Ccgal. \DM IXIsSTRA TKIX NOTlCE.—Notice l\ is herein given, that iJ perwon- indebted to thee*- tiite f WM. STEEL, late of A-vJum twp„ deceased. arc requested to make payment without delay; and nil per sons liming claims against said estate, must present the in dulv* auliit nticuUd lor settlement to tie snbscrihrr. I'UI.LY STEEL. July 20. )sSS. Adniini-tratrlx. 4 DM J N If Buiell township, am requested to make payment without delay; and all j persons having claim* ngninst *nid estate, must present them duly authenticated, to the eubscriber. J A. J. NOBI-E, May 25, 1858. Administrator. 4 DMINISTR AToICS NOTICC -Notice Lw is herehv liven, that all persons indebted to the es tatc or Joseph" It. * inline, ilec'd.iateof Warren township, ate requested to make payment without delay; and ail persons having claim* wgniu-t said e-tatc will please pre - sent them duly authenticated for settlement, i NANCY M. ( HACKEE, 11ENUY C. AI.LYN, June 1, IM Administrator*. i LW EDITOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here i by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of | NA.Vt'Y Mlhi-S. deceased. late of Canton township, are requested to make payment without delay: those I h ivlng demands against -aid "c-tatew ill present th'eiu duly authenticated for settlement, j April 2fi l v s. WM. S. J A YNE. Executor. ! 4 DM INISTR ATRIX NOTlCE.—Notice ji\ is herebv given that all persons indebted to t| lu ; estate of JoHN EKOST. deceased. late of Rome two, are hereby notilied to make payment without delay, , and ali persons having demimds against said estate are ; requested to present them duly authenticated for settle ment. JANE O. FROST. May 4. 185. Administratrix. 4 DM IMSTRATRIX NOTICE.-Nutice ax is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es • tate of WM. B*. REIFSXYDER. late of Aliiany township, deceased, are requested to make payment without de lav ; nnd all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. Y VRY KKIFSNYHER. May in. 1858. Administratrix. 4 DM IN ISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice j 1"V is hereby given, tliat all persons indebted to ttie e— ; tate of Win. W'igsteiu, dee'd., late of Springfield town ' ship, arc hereby requested to make payment without ib - lay; and all person- having claims again -t said estate w ill please present them duly authenticated for settlement. WM J. WIGSTKIN, Julv 27, lf's9. Administrator. W A IU) HOUSE, TOWANDA, PA. I QWEAZKY V HOLMES respectfully iti k_J form the public, that liaving leased the Ward House 1 for a term of year*, awl thoroughly repaired and newiv furnished the same, they invite the patronage of travel i lers and others, with every confluence that their facili ties are such a- ti. enable iiieiu t" reader satisfaction.-- They assure the public that no effort shall be spared to maintain b-r the Ward House the high reputation it has ! so long enjoyed ; to effect which the persoual want- of ! their guests will be carefully attended to. while every facility the market affords will lie appropriated to make the Tohlrail that could be desired. We shall pay particular attention to the accommoda tion of Juror-and witne-sps attending Court; who will be boarded at the low price of t2i cents |er day. The Bar is well stocked with an excellent assort | meat of LIQUORS. We al-o offer to the public a large I assortment of Liquors, by the quart, gallon or barrel, of I a quality not to be excelled, and at prices as low if not lower than can be obtained in the citie-. ! Reading. Elmira and BinghaitUon Ale, by the quart, i galion or barrel. Towanda, April 27, 1858. tS-iy To nil wanting Farms, see advertise ment of liamin nitnn Lands. SELKO F R SCFTo vs. to commence on M--k am! chair. r. u~ Any information in re "e retire to this School may be • -bt-iii <-d by applying to 11. S. Mereur or E. T. Kox. Towanda, August 11, I>sß. Btajr To all wanting Farms, see advertise m-nt of Hanunonton Lauds. BIRD DADES of ull description, Hemp and t'.man seeds. Birds nests. Cuttle Bone and other Bird fixen n it No. 2 Paltous Block. Aid": 1858. WM. A. IffICKWELU _ fib T. b ox IS NOW RECEIVING a lurfre stock of I FAMILY GROt KKIE.S. which an* offered for sale at a- low pri' t - a- the -aiue quality of Goods can Is: bought anew here this side d the City of New- York. UO.MMONV. SAMP, Wheat-Grits. . meal. Tapioca, Rice Flour. Maccaroni, Vermicilla, ; Coin March and Farina, for sale at March i ltt8. FOX'S. LTiKM 11. ENGLISH and AMERICAN 1 Ml ST Alii), ground and whole, at March 15,1858. FOX'S. wOR KSTKRSIIIUH SAUCE, Pper v v Sauce, Tomato Catchup, Pickles, Sardines, Ac. March 25,1855. FOX'S. WHITE DRA NRERRV MEANS fur v seed ; the best Field Bean iu tlie country, at MM oh 2*i, is.-,-. f'o.X's. DRIED BLACKBERRIES. RASPBER ries and Apples, at I March 25. IS:,n. FOX'S. /"T ARRETING Fine Ingrain. Venitinn, V.J Hemp and Rush Carpeting. Mats, Ruga Ac., at No. ; 2. P itt cs Block, April 21. b- .s WM. A. ROCKWELL. fTMIK c! enpest and creneral variety of Roots A and sh-"'* ever offered in Towanda, at No. 2 Pat toiis Block April :l. 1858. WM. (■ ROCKWELL. IDRINTS. —A rtfw arrival of those cheap Ptiuts, at No. 2, Patton's Bio. k. ! June is.'.s. WM. A. ROCKWELL. | rxiHK HAMMONTOV F VRMKR. - A newspaper devot -1 to Literature nm! Vgr'n-iiHul*. sli setting forth full ' acc nines ot Hsmmuiiton, in New Jer*y. can beaubscrib j ed for at only 25 ct . per annum. Inclose po'slsge -tqnip* for the ar.iotnt. Address to Editor of ♦ lit Farmer. H itiutionVin. (t'anttc Co.. New Jer-ev. i n—■ wi-hiii: cheap laud, of the best quality, I in one "f the heafCiie-t a!: 1 m>A ilclightful climates in ; the L nioti. -ce advertisement II ommmton Lands. 4 CONSTANT ARRIVAL OK THOSE i l\- < HEAP PRINTS (iait.-r It >■ it-. Sheetings, and all kiudtiOf 'i'Jt ls. ir-un New Xo.l, Patton'sUl,ck j coiner d Bi id go -tr,, t. WM. A. ROCKWELL. Mr To all "ui tinir Farms, see advertisc mcnt ' SfKEL HOOP SKIRTS, anew and lieantifol irtirla u t received at j_y 1.1 MERCCB'S. U EASTING FOWDFR —IOO kofrn npe rior 81, (STING POWPER, just received and for -ale hv - fvTt •' t'OWF.I.I.. TO FA&MEaS. -vrntT will find tie- be-t assortrw-'St of grane vine, half > ,-r*..e vine V - 'V "P vtv t-N SCYTHE cy \ rilß 11 WO and HORSE RAKER. SICKLES II \Y FORKS, Grind tone-. S. vthe Stone-, Ac., at No. 1, Pat ton's Rloek. coroet o{ Btidge street. July 15,1W5. WM, A K'T^KWELL. I