Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 26, 1858, Image 3

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yjjis Way for Bargains !
THE SUBSCRIBER has on hand 11 bug
,<rv Carriages, 1 Democrat 2 horse wagon, 1
Mild 3 two horse Carriages, which he will
~ii i„w for Cash or Grain or approved cred
it-" a good deal of Eastern timber in carria
i: ji''warrant them to stand all reasonalJc use,
U" T ■ ii as good stvle as can be got in Northern
,:J .Vv.mi*- AH orders and repairing done on short
Anc. 3. 1858. G. n. DRAKE.
PI; G. S. PECK, Snrpremi and Mechani
' ! Dentist, Ic ing permanently located in Towanda, j
v; orofessional services to its citizens. Especia I
•' ', n Alt TEETH IN CHILDREN. Teeth insert
pivot; also gum and plain incorruptible teeth
f "languid, silver, cheopfastic and Slaytons base,
1 ; ,L to an entire set, iu the most artistic manner
-n 11 the profession,
tlie above operations will be performed with a i
' dutv to his patient.
Vi ver E-T. Fox's Store. No. 1, Brick Row. En
grst door on Pine street. 1
"* N '('."produce taken in part payment for dental ope- J
;'.,t its market price,
y :iu. 1858.
VIST, has returned, and will be at home ■
■ irtwo months to come. J. M. would dis- |
• . pub! ' niind of the impression that he was hnnt
[ |,ln c t 8-ttle in while absent. He is settled
'' id will remain so. I
"V V a:i,L. Am—* 4 - )
Bushels of NEW WHEAT wanted, j
ll II ' for which the- highest market price in cash will
. delivery, at M. K. SOLOMON'S
- Clothing Store.
' _ L STRAYED. —Came to the enclosure of the sub- I
scriber in Sheslicquin township, on the stl of I
Yjr jufr, a Dark Brown COW, small crumpled j
v f| being oil from one horn, no other partic-
J ,-k-. aloiit 7 years old. The owner is requested to .
.Hy pay < barges, and taker her away.
moX.—Whereas my wife JANE has
I v-l my ls"l and board, without any just cause or
'.-itian. this is hereby to forbid all persons liarbor
- iri.-tiug her on uiv account, as 1 shall pay no debts
ov-r ultra- ting.
July 14.1858. LEVI HATCH.
iTf) •;;! li.i-i the best assortment of grape vine, bait'.
i vr,< common GRAIN ( KAIM.KS, SCYTHE
;• in ! i ines, S > the St met, 4c., at No. 1. Pat
:'.!i k . -mer of Bridge street.
;\ IKAI* PRINTS. niter Boot-. Sheetings, ami all
, m:|is iroiu New No. I.Patton's Block
Bridge street. WM. A. ROCKWELL.
1. •'!! WVI.s. a new as>ortineut just received bv
13 H. s. MERCCB. j
I -THKI. H >OP SKIRTS, a new and beautiful article
4 Revived at jy!3 MERC IRS.
Di.ASTING POWDER.—IOO kejrs snpe-
D- rill.\>TlNG P'fU'DER, just received and for
jyl3 J. POWEIX.
\ I SO, ii '-'Odd iissortmcfit of Farmer's Sa
.l ' i-- rteil color-., white, bufi". and fancy velvet
.-l' .usl a general variety of SUMMER COATS 4
Nis 4c. (ialv One Price a.->ke<l or taken.
1958] Summer Goods . [IBSB
I- receiving a large and beautiful stock of SUMMER
] tjlHlDS.unequalled in extent and variety by anything
v.; iteii in Northern Pennsylvania.and is now pre
t ■ b r greater inducements than ever before to
'tin'-r-. Am mgthis stock of (joods will be found
iP.h \IN- IX ORG AX DIES, Printed Jaconets 4 laiwusl
In Jaconetts, laiwns an<l Challis.
; OS'S in n variety of other Ladies" DRESS GOODS!
■ yard- REMXAXTS PRINTS, worth one shilllug,
for cents.
. bargains will ofiV-red in a thousand other ar
uHiT-s.u y to melitiou. which will IK- exhibited
a age. and t > which tlie attention of the public
■ vqiegfully incited.
• *anda. May s , 1 s.tS.
I PK.VS, for sale at
1 March 25, 18.58. FOX'S.
|[ VIS AND CAPS.—A larjrc assortment.
K. r r. FOX
"NOW RECKIVINO a stock of
1 v.\!!L\ GROCERIES, which are offered for sale at
P r:i<, > as the same quality of Goods can be bought
yvuerethis aide of the Qty of New York.
UOMMO.NY, Wheat-Grits] ()ut
, y'-al. Tapioca, Rice Flour, Maccaroni, Verinicilla,
" u !i and Farina, for sale at
185*. FOX'S.
S ' AR!>, ground aud whole, at
* lr l) ls'.H. FOX'S.
v Banrp. Tomato Catchup, Pickles, Sardines. 4e.
- ISSB. FuX'S.
• the tiest Field Bean in the country, at
"fh 25, IS.-,H. FOX'S.
U vi'l K SUGAR—Any quantity for sale.
* l h 25,1858. FOX'S.
neiand Apples, at
1858? FOX'S^
| v ,I'i. | iXG -
and Rush Carpeting, Mat-, Rugs 4c., at No.
• 1 "tins Block, ®
j J'- ' !i('a|)est aud jreneral variety of Boots
I y • - > ver offered in Towanda, at No. 2 Pat
1858. WM. A. ROCKWELL.
A NEW invoice of Lanenster Giugrhams
7 M received by H. S. MERCUR.
{j ' l '* CAGES of ail description, Ilem])and
1 .•"'arv M-ed*, Birds nests, Cuttle Bone and other
; 't No. 2 l'attons Block.
I ■<!! :' -1.1858. WM. A. ROCKWELL
rp-Trnit and Ornamental Trees.
| V-' is Agent for the "West Blounifield "'
|- ' 'is-'.one of the most reliable establishments
t"5 ' " tr y —ati<l would lie hippy to forward any <r
,„re* ~ °r Plants, to be delivered the coming Fall.
1858, E. T. FOX.
Second hand School Books.
1 f O . u.-ed in the Miss HANSON'S School, are
8. E. T FOX.
Up A new arrival of those cheap
ilt No. 2, Patton's Block.
[ THE HAlß—Giving it a
r cleui. j" a i' l<l apnearancc, and keeping the
Y K,, r " W |, j i * 8 ' tr - lt - Price 25 cents, in large bot-
iflisccdancous. •
he Rubicon Passed—Great Revival of
Business- The Borough Bound to Rise
--Everybo y Dressing Themselves up
mJ. Kingsbery ! s New and Fashiona
ble Summer Clothing.
DUSINESS uot resting; upon :i sixpenny
MJ Calico basis—a better article, however, sold at that
price than can be found elsewhere.
1 he GREAT FOUNDRY about to lie put in motion by
a gentleman of this Borough, with a capital of $37 (too
Stella shawls worth $5, sold for $4 : worth *s. for $0 ;
Mantillas from $1,50 up ; Dress and Staple Goods in same
Thousands of pieces Wall Paper and Borders to match,
from 6 to 18 cents.
Hundreds oi ltakes. Scythes, Snathes, Stones, ay
rorks, 4c.
Groceries sold exclusively for CASH.
The principle ot ' Only one price asked or taken,'' ful
ly carried out.
Sale of Real Estate continued in lots to suit purchasers
A large stock of HARDWARE, TIN' AND STOVES
expected as soon as room can be prepared for its recep
tion. of the arrival of which due notice will be given.
Farming done as usual, and in short, several irons kept
constantly in the tire.
N. B. A new invoice of those elegant P.laek Silk Man
tillas will la; opened on Saturday morning next.
Spring and Summer Millinery,
No. 5, Union Block,
EI. M I lUA , N. Y .
H.V\ IXG made extensive arrangements and improve
ments in our MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, we now
cordially invite all to favor us with a call before purchas
ing SPUING or SUMMER MILLINERY, feeling eonti
dent we can make it to the advantage of all.
Will be full and complete, with everything in the line of
Millinery ; such as Straw Bonnets. Bloomers, Flats and
Gypsicttes of all kinds and styles for Ladies' or Misses'
wear, by the dozen or case.
Ruches and Flowers by the box. Ribbons by the piece
or cartoon. Blonds, edging, footings and Straw Braids by
ttie dozen or piece. Bonnet Frames, Crowns and Blocks
by the dozen. Reeds and covered twites by the gross.—
Band boxes by the nest or gross. Foultons, Crapes,
I.isscs, Crown Linings and Cape Netts by the piece, and
in tact everything required in the Millinery line in the
greatest abundance and at the very lowest CITY WUOLU
Will embrace a full and complete assortment of all of
the above mentioned articles at prices to suit the times.
All bonnets bought at the store will be trimmed free of
charge in the latest style and best manner. Goods bought
by parties from out of town, will lie packed and deliver
ed to the stages or cars free of expense.
A. T. MARSH 4 CO.,
No. 3. Union Block. Klmira. X. Y.
People of Bradford County
IN particular, and readers of the Reporter
■ in general.
MARSH 4 CO., OF ELM IRA. N. Y. send greetings
to you and yours, and desire to inform one and all that
they can and will make it greatly to your advantage to
purchase ever* thing vou want in the shape ot DRY
wholesale or retail of them at No. 5. Union Block, in the
aforesaid village of Etiuira. N. Y.
Their facilities are certainly unsurpassed ; asoneinem
l-r of the firm is on the spot all the while, consulting
the tastes and wants of tbeir numerous customers, whilst ,
another of the linn is daily in the auction rooms and im
porting houses in New York City, securing the newest
and must desirable goods at the very lowest rates, (as
they buy exclusively for cash) ~nd as they sell for cash
only they have no losses to make up, and consequently
can and do sell so cheap as to defy competition. Time
and space preclude the possibility of mentioning half or
quarter ot the many inducements which are offered to all
to trade at their popular establishment, and the NEW
ADVERTISEMENTS will from week to week give but a limit
ed idea of the many advantages to be derived bv calling
on " A. T. MARSH 4 CO..
No. 5, Union Block, Klmira. X. Y.
P. S. For further particulars, >ee New Advertisements, !
ask those who have called, and go see for yourselves.
Now Just Hear what Marsh has been
> and g-one and done-
IPT —Went t:i Kew York on Monday night,
id—Bought lots of Xew tjoods of the very latest and
most desiraide styles, a few of which will be mentioned
in our new advertisements, but most of which must be
seen in order to lie appreciated.
3d—We intend our stock shall lie more extensive than
ever, and last, though not least, we shall
and as cheap as we can afford to and pay our clerks
enough to keep them honest. We would just say that
our facilities continue to lie such that we will be enabled
to offer extra inducements to ali to buy Dry Hoods of
MARSH k Co..
Xo. .1. I'nion Block. Klmira.
Shirred Sennets,
IX AT.I. COLORS, at extra low prices, made by First
Class Milliners, the proceeds devoted to the poor at
T3ONNET RIBBONS in npfendid variety,
.13 and entirely new styles at all prices, from Is to Or
per yard, just opened at MARSH A CO'S.
_L tension Bridal Skirt, made by Machinery without a
single stitch, with a new style of spring adjusting bustle,
can lie taken apart and put together again in one minute,
and adapted to any member of the family. It is a strong
competitor and rival of Douglas k Sherwood's patent,
and by many considered even better. Both styles can
is* bought only at MARSH k COS.
rnm*; RUSH for Bonnets and Millinery at
-L Marsh k Co's is unparalleled. Those in the trade
living within a hundred iniles of Etmira. are availing
themselves ol the superior facilities for replenishing their
stocks, at Xo. 5, and our own Ladies are supplying them
selves with first class Millinery from I'nion Block. Don't
Ik* backward about " going forward," ladies, for there are
stiil Bonnets ly the thousand, and Ribbons and Flowers
in proportion, on hand and constantly arriving.
11 HE PRETTIEST assortment .f Fancy
. Head l'ins. probably, ever exhibited in Klmira. lias
just tiecn opened by MARSH .V CO.
LOTS of Linen Tapes in all widths ; also,
extra wide twilled Cotton Tapes.
SWKAZEY k HOLMES respectfully in
form the public, that having leased the Ward House
| for a term of years, and thoroughly repaired and newly
! furnished the*same, they invite the patronage of travel
I lers and others, with every confidence that their facili
j ties are such as to enable them to render satisfaction.—
' They assure the public that no effort shall lie spared to
maintain for the Ward House the high reputation it has
' loner enjovod ;to effect which the personal wants ol
i their guests'will be carefully attended to. while every
j facility the market affords will be appropriated to make
i the Table ail that could be desired.
We shall pay particular attention to the accnminoda
| tion of Jurors and witnesses attending Court: who will
I la* imarded at the low price of U24 cents per day.
1 The Bar is well stocked wfth an excellent assort -
i meut of LIQUORS. We also offer to the public a large
assortment of Liquors, h\ the quart, gallon or barrel, ol
! a quality not to be excelled, and at prices as low if not
; lower than can be obtained in the cities.
Reading, Klmira and Uiiigbaiutou Ale, by t'ne quart,
' gallon or liarrel.
I Towanda. April 27, Ih.lß.
New Spring and Summer
HS. MEUCUR has just receveil a gxal assortment
. of Staple and Fancy Dry (Joods :
; Groceries, Hardware, Harness and Carriage
Trimmings, Crockery and Glass Ware,
Bonis jf Shoes, Hats A Caps, Paints,
Oils, Wooden Ware, Sec., 4*c.
Many of which articles will he sold for cash at lower
prices than were ever before offered in Bradlord County.
Towanda, April 20, I*sß.
LADIES Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs at 6 4 cents
each, White Cotton Hose at b cents per pair.
Handsome Lawns at 6 j cents per yard, and the best 6 4
cent Calicoes in the State, will be"found at the Store of
Towanda. April 31,1868. H. S. MEBCUB.
AItPETINGS.—AII prices superfine and
\J ingrain carpet iitrs, just received by
April >. 17. J. POWELL.
! £cgal.
SHERIFF'S SALES.— Bv virtue of sundry
writs of Vend. Expo., issued out of the court of Com
mon Pleas oUßradford County, to me directed and de
livered, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House,
Towanda Ron u;h, on THURSDAY, the 2d day of
SEPTEMBER, 185*, at cue o'clock. P. M., the following
lot, piece or parcel of land situite in Granville twp..
Bradford county, bounded on the north by land of Isaac
Putnam, on the east by lands o. of M. C. Arnot and B.
F and L. D. Taylor, oil the south by land of M. C. Arnot
and William Bunyon. and on the west by land of Harri
son Ross, Christopher Low and M illiaui McFalon. Con
taining one hundred and thirty acres, be the same more
or less, about one hundred acres improved, two framed
barns, two framed houses and two orchards thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of The Coun
ty of Bradford vs. C. D. Russ and Jas. 11. Ross.
" ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Sheshequiu twp., Bradford county, Isiunded on the
north and west by lands of Samuel Hults, and on the
south and east by Myers Osborn. Containing about five
acres, more or less, about two and a half acres improved,
one log house house, oue log barn, and a few fruit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Samuel
Owens vs. La Fayette Merithew.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of laud situ
ate in Troy twp., Bradford county, bounded on the north
by lands of Darwin Allen, on the ea-t by lands of John
Parks, Abijali Parks, on the south by lands of Darwin
Allen and on the west by lands of John Ward and Harry
Grecno. Containing seventy acres, more or less, about
forty acres improved, oue trained house and oue framed
barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Newberry
4 Peck vs. M. W. Jones and L. M. Jones.
ALSO The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Ulster twp., Bradford county, hounded on the north
bv lands of 11. S. Davidson 4 Co .on the east by lands of
Philander Holcomb, on the south by lands of Alfred Hol
comb and on the we-t by land of Geo. Lenox. Contain
ing forty-six acres. IK- the same more or less, about tliir
ty-tive acres thereof improved, one log house with a fram
ed addition attached, one trained barn and an orchard ol
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James M'-
Carty to the q?e of John Coiiklin vs. R. M. Simons.
Also, at the suit of D. G. Newton to the use of John
Couklin vs. Richard M. Simons.
ALSO. The following described lot. piece or parcel of
land situate in Wysox twp.,Bradford County I'a., bound
ed on the north by lands of A. I!. Smith, east by land of
E. B. Coolbaugli, south by the Wysox road, and west hy
lands of the State of Pennsylvania, excepting therefrom
three small lots near the western line of the (arm ; one
lot of about one acre belonging to the bridge company,
one to William Keeler, and one to Cornelius Coleman.
Containing (the three aforesaid lots not included) about
forty acres more or less, all Improved with two dwelling
houses, two framed barns and an orchard of fruit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James
M'Cabe. to the use of Job P. Kirby vs. N. P. Brown.
ALSO The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Granville twp.. Bradford County, Pa.,
bounded on the north hy land of Charles l>. Ross, on the
east by the public highway, on the south by lands occu
pied bv Levi I). West, on the west by lands belonging to
the estate of Jeremiah Taylor, dee'd. Containing one
acre, be the same more or less, all improved, one framed
house,oue framed burn and a few fruit trees thereon..
Seized and taken In execution at the suit ofS.R.Palmer,
to the use of John Ward. vs. Richard Ilager.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or pared of land situ- ,
ate in Asylum twp.. Bradford comity, bounded on the j
north bv land of John Voce and John Wandall, east by
land of Reuben Barnes, smith by the Sullivan County
line and on the west by land of Benjamin and Daniel
Vaughn. Containing about one hundred and eighty-five
acres, more or less, about one hundred acres improved,
one framed house, framed haru with shed attached, one
framed wagon house and other out buildings, and an or
chard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at- the suit of William
H. Philips 4 Co. vs. Josiah Stowell.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel ot land situ- I
ate in Burlington Borough, Bradford couuty, bounded on
the north by the Burlington and Troy road, on the ea.-t
by the public highway leading over the hill from Burling
ton to Towanda, on the south hy lands ot William Cory
ell and on the west by lands of Addison McKcan. Con
taining one acre, be the same more or less, all improved,
one framed tavern house, one framed barn and a few fruit ,
trees thereon. j
Seized and taken in execntion at the suit of John E. j
Goodrich vs. Reuben Morley.
ALSO The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ- j
ate in Towanda Borough. Bradford county, bounded on j
the north by laud of James Makiusoii. on the east by land
of the Bare lav Rail Road A Coal C ~ south by land of
William A. Chamberlin and on the west by Main Street.
Containing about No feet trout by alxmt 112 feet deep,
more or less, all improved, one framed dwelling house
and blacksmith shop, one framed barn and fruit trees
thereon. , , .
ALSO—One other lot piece or parcel of land situate
in Towanda Borough, Bradford county, hounded and des
crilsd as follows, to wit: On the north by land of J. C.
Adams, east by Main street, south by land of John F.
Mean*, and on the west by an alley. Said lot being about
50 feet front by 13U deep, all improved, with a tew fruit
trees thereon.
ALSO— One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate
in Towarda Borough. Bradford count . bounded on the
n rtb by land of Edwin Rollins and John 11. Badger, east
bv an ailey, smith by land ol'James Kinsman anil on the
west by the highway or Second street. Containing about
AO feet front by UlO feet deep, all improved, one framed
barn, one framed house and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Bei
dleman vs. Adam Escuwine.
ALSO— The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Sheshequin twp., Bradford comity, bounded north
bv land of William Patterson, ea-t by the highway.south
by land formerly belonging to Dennis Post and on the
west l>v lands of Elins Post. Containing about one acre,
more o"r less, all improved, one framed house and a few
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 11. J. Ma
dill, executor of Alexander Madill, dee'd. vs. Samuel
Al.SO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Canton twp.. Bradford county, bumded on the
north by land of William S. Baker and Edward Burke,
1 east by land in possession of A. M. Kramer, Edward
Burke and S. B. Lathrop, south by the highway called
Union street and west by the highway called Troy street.
I Containing about one acre, more or less, all improved.
ALSO —AII the interest of Henry Kingsbery in that
certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp.,
I Bradford county, and bounded as follows, to wit: On the
north by the public highway called Union street, on the
east by the public highway called Division street, on the
south by the lands in possession of S. A. and on
the west by an alley called Wright's Alley, on a certain
town plot of Canton Village, dated Oct. 1. 1854. now in
possession of S. H. Newman —excepting therefrom lot
No. 3u on said plot, upon which a school house is situat
ed. Containing about one acre, more or less, all improved.
ALSO—The interest of Henry Kingsbery in all that
certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp.
Bradford county, and bounded as follows, to wit : On the
north by lands of Harding 4 I<ee, G. W. Griflin and D.
Wilcox, east by lands of J. W. Griflin and A. N. Spald
ing, south by the public highway called Towanda street,
and west hy the public highway called Troy street and
by lands of Harding 4 Lee. Mix. Hooper 4 Turner and
F. G Manley. Containing three-fourths of an acre, more
or less, all improved, with one framed tavern house and
one framed building occupied as a dwelling house and
shoe shop and a new framed barn and a few fruit trees
ALSO —AII the interest of Henry Kingsbery in all that
certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp.
Bradford county, bounded on the north by the public
highway called union street, east by land of F. K. Van
' dyke, south by land of Ca-e 4 Colwell, and west by land
' la-longing to the heirs of J C. Rose, dee'd. Containing
one-eighth of an acre, more or less, all improved, with a
framed barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James But
ler to the use of J. E. Goodrich vs. Henry Kingsbery.
ALSO.—The following hit, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in West Burlington twp., Bradford county, bounded
on the north by bind of W. Sawyer and Marvin Rockwell,
east by A. Compton, on the south by land of Orrin West
gate and on the west by land of O." Besley. Containing
iiinetv-seven acres, lie the same more or less, about forty
acre'improved, one log house, one framed barn and a few
'i fruit trees thereon.
I Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Orrin K.
Harris vs. Frederick G. Crofut. George F. Crofut and My
ron Faircbihl.
ALSO The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
j ate in W vox twp.. Bradford county, bounded on the north
by land of l'onieroy Gorsline, jr., east by land ot John
j Johnson, south by the warrant line aud west by land ot
O. 1). Bartlett. Containing sixty-five acres, more or less,
about thirty acres Improved, and a log house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Collins 4
i Powell vs. G. H. Gorsline.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Franklin twp., Bradford couuty, bounded on the
north by lands of Samuel Amiable aud John McDaniel,
on the east and west by lands of Horace Willey and on
the south by Towanda creek. Containing about one hun
dred acres, ie the same more or less, about 45 acres im
proved, one framed house. one frame and plank house,
one blacksmith shop, framed barn and orchard of fruit
trees thereon. (Excepting fherretom a small lot with a
framed house thereon, on the south end of said lot here
tofore deeded by defendant to E. D. Montanye Contain
ing about five rods, more or less.)
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of L. G. Ban
croft to the use of H. 11. Mace vs. William E. Gore.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of laud situ
ate in Ridgburv twp.. Bradford couuty, bounded north by
land of Daniel "Harrigan. east by lands of James Collins,
south by lands of Michael Cain and west hy land of Mi
chael Grace. Containing fifty acres, more or less, about
thirty acres improved, a log house, a framed barn, and a
few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Decker 4
Cornell to the use of D. A. Overton vs. Daniel Cain, jr.
ALSO The following lot, piece or pan el of land situ
ate in Canton twp., Bradford county, bounded and des
cribed as follows, to wit: Beginning on the west line of
land owned by William H. Smith at the south east cor
ner of N. H. Hiekok's farm and running thence Routh
west along the west line of land of said Smith and Isaac
Williams fil perches to the north east corner of William
I ltzwaUrV, aud thcuec north (PG°, west along fbc north
jine f said Fitzwatcr's land and land of William S. Fel*
oxvs 2j2 perches to a stake and stones, standing on the
east line of land of Jared and Jacob Beardslet-, thence
north 2A° east along said Beardslee's line, 4 2-10 perches
to a stake and stones standing on the south west corner
of Myron Fellows land, thence north 79° east 112 perches
to the west line of Nathaniel A. llickok's land, thence
south west along the west line of said Hiekok's land
to the south west corner of said llickok's land, thence
south 6SA° east along said Hiekok's south line to the
place of beginning. Containing seventy-seven acres and
seventy-five pcrchts, be the same more or less about for
ty acre* improved, one framed house, a log house, a barn
and an apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Chester
Thomas and O. P. Ballard to the use of O. P. Ballard vs.
Geo. I*. Channel.
ALSO— The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Kidgbtiry twp., Bradford county, bounded on the
north by land of Vincent Owen, on the east bv lands of
Hector and Vincent Owens and Isaac Baldwin, on the
south by land of Emanuel Gunsaulus and on the west by
land of Samuel Tubbs. Containing about one hundred
and twenty acres, ahont seventy acres improved, one
framed house, one log house, with a framed addition, one
framed burn, two log barns and two apple orchards and
other fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. A. Mills
vs. A. G. Marcellus.
A LSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in South Creek twp.. Bradford county, bounded on
th,< north by land of Mahlon Kerrick, on the east bv land
of Alexander Relyea, south by the public highway lead
ing from Giilett's to Wells township and on the west by
land "t William Relyea. Containing one hundred and six
acres, be the same more or less, about thirty acres im
proved, one plank house and a framed bam" and a few
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William
Buhner vs. .John Watson.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in South Creek twp., Bradford county, bounded on
the north by the highwav, on the east by iand of Dennis
Relyea, on the south by land of John Vankirk and land
now in possession of James Terwilliger and west by land
of James Terwilliger. Containing about sixty-nine acres
more or less, about thirty m res improved, one framed
house and a few fruit tree's thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William S.
Ingalls vs. James Terwilliger.
AljSO— The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Smithlield twp.. Bradford countv, lioumled on the
north by lands of Asahel Scott, on the*east h\- the public
highway and L. B. Gerould's land, on the south bv lands
of Ansel Scott, Christopher Child, anil on the west by
land of Gordon Wilcox. Containing forty-five acres, be
the same more or less, about forty acres* improved, one
framed dwelling house, one carriage shop, one framed
barn and an orchard of fruit trees thereon.
ALSO— That certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate
iu Smitlifield twp., Bradford county, hounded on the
north by.lands ot Asahel Scott, on the cast by lands of
Wallace Scott, on the south by lands of Wallace Scott,
and on the west hy land of Beehe Gcrould. Containing
twenty-seven acres, be the same more or less, about teu
acres improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Gordon
Wilcox vs. Timothy C. Kellogg.
ALSO—The billowing lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Canton twp., Bradford countv. bounded on the i
north by lands ot Irad Wilson, east by" the highway lend- i
ing from Troy to Canton, south bv lands or Nicholas I
Kverlmrt. ami west by lands ot Irad Wilson. Containing j
about five-eighths of an acre, be the same more or less, j
all improved with a framed house, a framed baru and j
some ruit trees thereon.
Seized anil taken in execution at the suit of Ira Cro- j
fut's administrators now to the use of Thomas Case vs. \
Asel Bl.ikeman.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Athens twp., Bradford county, bounded on the
north by lauds of Yates A Co., west by lands of Edward
.Williams and Smith Griffin, on the south by land of
Smith Griffin and land belonging to the heirs of H. Wil
iiston, dec d. and the public highway, and on the east by
land ot the heirs of H. Williston. dee d.. Geo. Wolcott aud
A brain Hunsiker. Containing about two hundred and
fifty-six acres, more or less, about one hundred acres im
proved, one framed house, one log house, three framed
barns, one framed shed and fruit trees thereon. ♦
Seized and taken fn execution at the suit of the Bank
of l'ort Jams vs. Cornelius Hunsiker.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ- i
ate in North Towanda twp.. Bradford county, hnnndel I
on the north by lands ot John Simons, on the east by j
lands of David Rutty and Ira H. Stevens, on the south
by lands ot Ira H. Stevens and the Sugar Creek, and on
the westerl) si,i L - by the Sugar Creek. Containing mic I
hundred acres, !* the same more or less, about thirtv-five !
acre- thereof improved, with one framed house, one board j
shanty, one framed barn and two small hay barns and an !
orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S|>cncer
We-t new to the u-c of K. T. Fox vs. Jesse Woodruff, ex
ecutor of Nathan Coon, dee'd.
ALSO —The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Towanda borough, Bradford county, bounded on
the north hy lands of J. f). Montanve, east by lands of
N. N. Belts, south by South street, and west by Main
street. Containing one hundred feet front, und one hun
dred and sixty feet hack, be the same more or less, all
improved with a framed dwelling house, framed barn
and other out buildings and fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of laud situate
in North Towanda twp.,Bradford co,hounded on the north
by lands formerly belonging to Joseph Powell and the
Susquehanna river, east by land of Joseph Alloway, south
by lands of John Dougherty, Stephen Mel-anevand Wil
liam Brown and on the west by lands of William Major.
Containing about two hundred acres, more or less, about
one hundred acres improved, one framed hoard
shanty, two framed barns and other out buildings and
two orchards of fruit trees.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. A N.
McKinney vs. D. M Bull.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel i f land situ
ate in Granville twp.. Bradford county, bom ded on the
north by lands of Julius Bailey, east by Julius Bailey,
south by the highway and ou the west by lands of Jona
than T. Miller and Julius Bailey. Containing about 121
squire perches, more or less, all improved, one framed j
lm ise, framed shop, one framed barn ami a few fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James H.
Ross. School Treasurer of Granville twp. vs. A. D. Bailey
and Uriah I). Baxter.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Canton twp., Bradford county, bounded on the
uorth by the highway leading from Canton to Towanda.
east by lands of J. W*. Griffin and W. Leavitt. south by
Sellard and Leavitt. and west by T. L. Pratt. Contain
ing about three fourths of an acre, more or less, all im
proved. v*itli one framed dwelling house, and one fram
ed barn partly finished thereon.
ALSO -One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate
in Canton twp.. as aforesaid, bounded on the north and
west by land of F. G.^M anley. on the south by land of
Mrs. M. Ib Greeuman'and mi the east by Troy street or
public highway. Containing about twenty feet front bv
forty feet back, all improved, with one framed store house
Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Walter S.
Newman vs. Harris Miller.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Granville twp., Bradford county, hounded on the
north by laud of L. 1). Swain, east by" l.indi of Geo. A.
Johnson, south by land of A J. Robinson, and west by
the highway. Containing about fifty acres, more or less,
about twenty-five acres improved, one framed house, log
barti aud fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Meeker.
Herbert A Perkins vs. N. N". Finney, garnishee of H. S.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Sheshequin and Wysox twps., Bradford county,,
bounded on the north by lands of David Crowley, on the
east by lands of David Crowley and V. F,. A J. L. I'iollet
on the south by V. E. A J. E. Piollet and John Briiiuiu.
and west by lands of Jerome Giliett, Samuel Owens,
Abram Patterson and John Brinnin. Containing about
one hundred and fifty acres, more or less, about seventy
live acres improved, one framed house, framed barn, saw
mill and mill house and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John B.
Smith to the use of John Beidleman vs. J. S. Spencer.
Also, at the suit of O. D. Bartlett vs. J. S. Spencer.
ALSO -The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Springfield twp., Bradford county, bounded on the
north by land of Warren fallen, east by laud of James
McCurmick and Mahlon Dickinson, south by lrnds of
James Hi nicy and west hy land of Joel McAflfee. Cor •
tabling fifty-four acres, more or less, about four acres im
proved, a small framed or board house and a few fruit
trees thereon.
Seized ind taken in execution at the suit of Amos
Knapp. jr. to the use of The idore Wilder vs. Jason Ch i
ALSO The following lot, piece or parcel of hnd situ
ate in Wells twp., Bradford county, bounded on the north
by land of Whiting Gilford, west by land formerly in
possession of Abraham Garrison and Whiting Gift'ord.
south by land belonging to Daniel and Anil Strong, and
east by land of Nonlian and Sylvester Davy. Contain
ing about 70 acres, more or less, about 00 acres improved
one framed house, framed barn and an orchard of fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William
Bingham's trustees vs. Edward 1). Roberts.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of laud situ
ate in Tuscarora twp., Bradford county, bounded on the
north by land of Abial Kceney, east by land of Thomas
Shaw, south by laud of Hamilton S. Sturdevaut and west
by land of George Pusenbury. Coutaiuing about one
hundred acres, more or less.
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate
in Tuscaroru twp., Bradford connty, bounded on the north
and cast by 1 ind of George VV. Thompson, south by the
Tuscarora Creek, aud on the we-t by land of George W.
Thompson. Containing about one and a half acres, more
or less, all improved, with one saw mill and machinery
attached for manufacturing lencc paling tliercon.
Seized and taken]in execution at the suit of Charles
! Frederick Johnson vs. i. N. La :cy and Win. Thompson,
' junior.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Albany twp., Bradford county, bounded on the
north by land of Simeon Chapman, east by land of F.henc
zer Rogers, south by Robert Eddy and west hy land of
Weils Wilcox. Containing fifty acres, more or less, ahout
20 acres improved, with a log house and shanty stable.
Seized aud taken iu execution at the suit of Smith A
Lyon to the u*c o! W. W. Decker vs. Jobu N. Chapman.
Al-SO—The following l>t. piece or parcel of laud situ
ate in North Towanda twp., Bradford county, bounded
north by land of Isaac Post and the Susquehanna liver,
east by land of Joseph Alow.ix. south by land of John
Dougherty, Stephen Mel: net" and William Brown, and
xvest by land of William Major. Containing a lent two
hundred acres, more or It's.-, about out hundred acres
thereof improved, with a framed house, two framed barns,
and other out buildings and txvo orchards of fruit trees
ALSO—A certain lot. piece or pared of land situate
in Towanda borough. Bradford county, bounded on the
north by lurid of J. D. Moutunye. east bv land of N. N.
Betts, south by Washington street, and wc-t by Maine
street. Containing about one hundred feet front "on Main
street and one hunured and sixty feet on Washington St.,
more or less, all improved, with a framed dwelling house,
a framed barn aud other out buildings, and some fruit
trees thereon.
ALSO—A certain lot. piece or parcel of land situate
ate iu Towanda borough, Bradlord county, bounded north
by Washington street, east by River street, south by land
of 1 J. P. Kirby u:id H. P. Moore, und west by an alley
Containing about one bundled and ten feet on Washing
ton street, and about ninety-five feet on River street, inure
or less, all improved with three framed houses, a board
shanty and a framed barn thereon.
AI .SO—A certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in
Towanda borough. Bradford countv, bounded north by
land of C. L. Ward, east by the Wesley# n Church lot,
south by State atreet and west by Third street. Contain
ing one-fourth of an acre, more or less, all improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. W. Mer
cur to the use of E. W. Baird vs. I>. M. Bull.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Athens txvp.. Bradford county, hounded on the
north by land of Billings Spring, east by the highway
leading from A tin lis to Mi liowu, south by lands of Ja
cob Reel, and southwest l>v lands of Charles McDutfee.—
Wontaining about ten acre.-, more or less, all improved.
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate
in Athens borough, Bradford county, bounded on the
north by Joseph Parsons' lot, west by E. Drake, south
by Waller Olmsted and 1,. W. Burchard's lot and east by
Main street. Containing about one hundred feet front
and about txvo hundred feet deep, more or less, all im
proved. with a few fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—The defendant's interest in the following lot,
piece or parcel of land situate in Athens borough, Brad
ford county, bounded on the north bv Canal street, xx'
by Horace earner's lot, south by C. S'. Shipman and on
the east by Main street. Containing about seventy five
feet front and about one hundred feet deep, all improved,
one large framed building occupied as a grocery store,
dry goods store and an Odd fellow's Hall, and a fexv
fruit trees thereon.
AI-SO—The defendant's interest in one other lot. piece
or parcel of land situate in Athens borough, Bradford
county, bounded on the north by Bridge street, west by
N. C'. Harris's lot. south by Dretell A Derrick's lot. anil
xve-t by L. M. Allen's lot Containing about fifty feet
front and one hundred ami ten feet deep, all improved,
one framed dwelling house thereon.
Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of Chittenden,
Bliss A Co. vs. \\ illiam Kill.
ALSO The lolloxxing bit. piece or pa rat! of land situ
ate in Albany twp.. Bradford county, bounded ami des
cribed as follows. to wit : Beginning at a post, thence by
lands oi Sheffield Wilcox south Gl° east 144 perches to a
post, thence by the ! uuls o the sHiue south west .i.i£
perches to a birch, thence hy finds deeded to \bsalom
C'arr. north 01° xve-t 111 u-rches t u post, thence by
lauds of Rollin Wiieox north 2: A° east At 4 petehes to
the pi. icc of la-ginning. Containing oil acres, more or
less, about thirty acres improved, xxith a framed house
and a fexv fruit trees ; it living the same land conveyed
by Sheffield Wilcox to John Lewis and Jacob Jackson bv
deed dated Jan. 22. , recorded in deed book No. 20.
page 57J, which laud- were surveyed in pursuance of a ;
warrant granted to Rollaml Wilcox, dated the -Ith. day ol
March. 1n35.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Robert
Gray to the use ofC. M. Maiiville vs. Jacob Jackson, 2d.
A lis')—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ- 1
ate in Herrick txvp.. Bradford county, bounded on the
north by I'embroke Squires, Daniel Durand and Thomas
Fitzgerald, on the east by land of James I.ce.and Robert
Boyd, south by land of John Ne-bit, and west by land of 1
Pembroke Squires and John Laffi-rty. Containing sixty- i
four acres, lie the same more or less, about fifty acres im
proved, one framed bouse, one old log house, one fraui- '•
ed baru and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. W. Tra
cy to the use of T. T. Weiniian vs. Richard Hillis.
A LSI >—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ- !
ate in Canton twp., Bradford couuty, bounded on the ,
north by the highxvay and a lot occupied by Horace Tut- .
tie, on the east by land of Frederick Black und Theodore
Pratt, on the south by C. S. Sellard and Wilson, Vandyke
and Evcrhart. and xve-t by lands of J. G. Scudder. Duty
A Wilcex, Wilson. Vandyke A Evcrhart and road lead
ing from Canton to Fox township, Sullivan Co. Contain
ing about two acres, more or less, all improved, with one
framed storehouse, one framed barn and shed thereon.
ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel o' land situ
ate iu Canton txvp.. Bradford county, bounded on the
north by lands of Kingshery, Newman A Co., on the east
by lands of A. N. Spalding, on the south by the highxvay
and west by lands of Kingsbery, Newman A Co. Con
taining about eight rods square, more or less, all improv
ed, with one framed building thereon.
ALSO—AII that certain lot. piece or parcel of land
situate iu Canton twp., Bradford county, bounded on the '
north by land la-longing to the estate <>i J. 0. Rose.dee'd. j
E. W. Colxvi!! and M. H. Case, east by Centre street .south
by lands of James O. Randall and Samuel Owens, and on i
the xvest by land of Samuel Owens and lands of the estate
of J. C. Rose, dee'd. Containing about two acres, more J
or less, all improved, with one framed house and fruit
trees thereon.
ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land
situate in Canton twp., Bradford comity, bou ided on the
north by land of Elias Rockwell, ea-t by land of J. W.
Griffin, south by the highway leading from L'nion to Can
ton and west by land of J. W. Griffin. Containing twen
ty acres, more or less.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Fuller,
Dayton A Co. v-. Nathan Tuttle.
ALSO- -The following lot, pic.e or parcel of land situ
ate in North Towanda twp., Bradford County, bounded
north I v land f Isaac Post and the Susquebautia river,
ea-t by land of Joseph Alloway, south by land of John
Dougl'ierty. Stephen Melauey and William Ilrown, aud
west by land of William Manger. Containing about two
hnudred acres, more or less, about one hundred acres
thereof improved, xvith a framed house .two framed barns,
and other out buildings aud two orchaids of fruit trees
thereon. "
ALSO—A certain lot. piece or parrel of land situate
in To Wanda borough. Bradford County, bounded on the
north by land ot J. D. Montanve, east by land of N. N.
lietts, south hy Washington street, and xvest by Maine
street. Containing about •one hundred feet on Maine
street and one hundred and sixty Let o i Washington St.,
more or less, all improved, with a framed dwelling house,
a framed barn and other out buildings, aud fruit trees
A LSO—A certain lot. piece or parcel of land situate
in Towanda borough. Bradford county, bounded north by
Washington street, cast by River street, south by land
of J. P. Kirhv and H. P. Moore, and xvest by iVm. Patton.
Containing seventy feet front on Washington street, nud
ninety-five-feet on River street, more or less, all improv
d. with txvo framed houses, and a board shanty thereon.
AI-SO—A certain lot. piece or parcel of land situate in
Toxvanda borough. Bradford couuty. koundrd north by
land of S. Russell, cast by land of W. C. Bogart, south
by hind of Abram Edwards, and west by Third street.—
Containing fifty feet front, by one hundred and forty feet
back,more or less, all improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E. W.
Baird vs. D. M. Bull.
ALSO The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Sheshequin txvp.. Bradford county, hounded on the
north and east by lands of Z. It. Spalding, on the south
by land of Jabez Fish, and on tin xvest by the river road
leading through Shohetjuin vallev. Containing about
one acre, all improved, one framed house and baru and a
few fruit trees thereon.
Sciza d and taken in execution at the suit of Elisha Fas
sett, jr. to the use of J. D. Montanve and Elba nan Smith
vs. A. J. Cole.
ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, the fid
lowing lot. piece or pan-el of land situate in Granville
txvp.. Bradford county, bounded as folloxvs, to wit :—Be
ginning at the northeast corner of lot No. 17ii, on war
rant I it No. 1471 formerly a beach, thence south No 7*l"
perches to a pod. thence xvest 74 8-10 perches to a post
thence north nA 7-10 perches to a post, formerly a dead
beech, thence east 74 s-JO perches to the beginning.-
Contaiiiing 40 acres and 10 perches, lie the same more or
less, about twenty acre- improved, one framed house one
framed barn and an orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ro'jert R.
Davidson's adin'rs.. A", to the use of Stephen P'.erec vs.
James H. Ross.
ALSO—By virtue of a writ of fi. fa., all 'ant certain
lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Spr jgiield twp,
Bradford county, bounded as follows, to xv : .,;— Beginning
at the smith xvest corner of a lotownej by Russell li.
Young, thence xx'ost loi 3-10 perches „r> the xve-t lineot
xvarrant No. I47ti, thence north on the line of said warrant
134 perches to the southwest cornrof a lot c infracted
to Lucius French, thence cast l';7 3 10 perches to the
west line of the said Young I -t, '.nonce south to the place
of beginning. Containing nicety acres or thereabout
about thirty acres improved, u framed house aud a fexv
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Stephen
Fierce vs. Jercmiali Ifcc /r.
Toxvauda, August i, iNjS. Sheriff.
Notice to Pct.cii a-khs.. To prevent misniiderstrd
ing, notice is h jrebv given that purchasers ut Sheriff" -
sales will lie '.eqnim! to pay the amount bid at the firm
the land is sold. It lias become imperatively neccssar\
to adopt this rule, and't will be strictly adhered to, ex
cept in cases xvliere the purchaser is a fien creditor and
is entitled to the fluid ns provided in the Ist section ol
the act of Assembly, approved April 20,1K1G. xvhirh is
as follows : • Wlienevt-rthe purchasers of real estate at
Orphans' Court or Sheriff's sale, shall appear from the
proper record to be entitled, as-a lien receive
the whoie or any portion of the proceeds of said sale, it
shall be the duty of the sheriff', administrator, evecntor
or other person making such sale, to receive the receipt
of such purchaser or purchasers tor the amount which
be or they would appear. tVom the record as aforesaid,
tn lie entitled to receive : Provided thai till- section shail
not he so construed as to prevent the l ight of sa id Sheriff
administrator, executor or other person aforesaid to <le
maud anf re.ehi at flic Lit* ot ale a ?um . uffrcirnt t >
cover nil le/al costs entitled to tie paid out <>r tiie prucreda
of said sale ; and frovidcd fuither. that bclne any pur
chaser >r pan hasers shall receive the benefit of this se.'-
tion, lie or they shall produce t" the Sheriff', or other per
son so making said sulc.u duly certified stau-iwut fn in
tiie proper records, under the lntnd and official sea! of th''
proper officer, showing that he Is a lien creditor, entitled
to receive an\ part of the proceeds of the gale as aforesaid."
RED ISTKK'S NOTICES — Notice is liero
; by given that there have Iw.on filed ami settled in
the ■ ffiee <>| the Register ol Wills. In and lor the count/
of Bmdtord, accounts ol administration upon the follow
ing estates, viz :
Final account of Ezrt Loomis a d Woodward fit-try,
executors of Airiu Looiuis. lote ol Troy, deceased.
Final a count of Svth Sbci mm.udmiuUtiatoi of aimou
Johnson, late of Columbia, deceased.
Final BCC"UUt of Elihu Case and A. P. Spalding-, ftd
ruinistratois ol Johnson 17 ill;am*. 2d, late of Trnv.dec'd.
i Final account of Jesse Moore, administrate rot William
Miller, late of South Creek, de -eased
Partial account of J. C. Ridgwey and P. J. Reardidcv,
administrators of J. M. Mat tin, late of Franklin .deceased.
Partial account of Clinton Keener, executor of Benja
min Brink, late of l*ike. deceased.
Final account of Stuart Smiley, guardian of the minor
children of J. F. Stone, l.ite of I.uroy, dee'd.
And the same will le prc-ented to 1 lie Orphan'* Court
of Bradford county, ou Monday, the Oth day of September
ne.vt, for continuation and allowance.
• JAMES H. WEBB. Register.
Register's office, August 3. 1858.
X-J BER Tenn and Session*. 1858.
Albany—Williams Lee. lOqerton—Geo. Hot ten-tine,
Armenia—l. P. Itnrnham. |Sinithfleld —8. R. Crane, J.
Burling on W—JPRockwell; Smith. Jr.
Columi ia— C W Super. jSpringfield-Sylve*.Leonard
Canton—Joel Taylor. iTownnda—BeuJ. Davidson,
Dure!!—Joliu Bennett, Frs. 0. H. Bull.
Cole. 'Try bo—G. X. Xewberry.
Granville—C P. Chcslev. Ul-tcr—U. Mallory.
la-Roy—X. Kitlborn. j Wells—Ab Buchanan.
Litchtield—S. McKinm-y. iVVyulusin*—B. W. Bile".
Monroe—Wm. J. Mason. Wysox —D. P. Bartlelt.
Orwell- -Janres Cleaveland. Wilmot Ernst us SheparJ.
Athens tii—lra Eilsbrve. 11. Rid/berry--B. Herman, J.D
Kiiisn y. K. A. Murray. Hammond. C. F. Wilson.
Athens bo—D. F. Park. |Sinithfleld--W. S. (Inrdner.
Asylum—Geo Terry. jSpringfield--C. H.Gernet.J.
Burlington—S. -S'a. kcU. j Craig, if. B. Smith.
Canton- Abel Rockwell, T South Creek--David Moore.
S. Mr nicy. Towanda bo—E. T. Fox.
Columbia—Orr Wilson. T.M! Tny--D. X. Allen.
Card. ;Troy bo—R. J. Cheney, Win
Duretl—John V. Benjamin,! Ilarto.
M'Kean 1 atporte. ,Ttiscarora —Lewis Milton.
Franklin—Samuel Gregory.! L'lster —Ama-u Wat kins.
Ahiru Gay. I Varren—Peter Allbrigbt, J.
Herrick —John J. Anderson.' Sleeper.
M. D. F. Hinos, P.Souires.j Wells—Samnel IcgeraolUaa
Litchfield -John Fiddler. Owen.
Monroe--*.'. M. Brown. Dor. Windham—Harry Rassell.S.
''wen, 11. 11. Ingham. White.
Orwell - Jacob CliubTmck. A Wvnlusing—Eenj'n Ackley,
Coiiklin. | J. F. Cuamljerlln.
Pike—Samuel Bnck. ; Wysox—Snm'l Reynolds.
Rome—Andrew Wickizer. '
Asvlnm--K. Norton. P.tjnlekShesltequin—Wni H.Bishop,
Athens tp—Jackson Green, j Jabez Fish, Jo- R. Morton,
Burlington—Robert Knapp, l Guy Kinney, F.Blaekraan.
f.ibbeusKills. |Smithtield —0. E. Wood, W.
Canton—Wm 11. Bates, Wm E. Barton.
Owen. j -ptiiigfield-Chas Mattocks,
Columbia—C. 11. Rillard. Sherman Smith.
Granville—Oscar Sax to a. E {Standing Stone— WmOriilia.
Godard. jTroy bo—John Hopkins.
Litchfield—Charles lveency. Towanda tp—This Smith.
Hanson McMiunev. Ulster—Lorenzo Watkin*.
Orwell—Burton Russell. Wilmot- -Jonathan Buttles,
M. Smith. J. L. Jones.
Pike—H arr y Wilson. Windham—Anth'y Crispell,
ltidgberry —J W Tbcmpson. A. Dunham, jr.*
Johu liuiumond. Wyaluaing- Edw. Vaughn.
11 line —Asa Fuller.
PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the Hon.
DAVID WILMOT, President Judge of the 12th Ju
dicial District, consisting of the Counties of Bradford and
Susquehanna, and Honornblea JOHN PASSMOKK, and
JOHN F. Lose. Associate Judges, in and for said county
of Bradford, have issued their precept bearing date the
7th day of July. A. D. 18.75, to me directed, for holding a
Court of rtyei uM'l Terminer, General Guarter Sessions of
the Peace. Common Pleas and Orphan's Court, at Towan
da. for the County of Bradford, on the first Monday, the
(ills day ef SEPTEMBER • \t, to continue two weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners aud
Justices of the Peace and Constables, of the County of
Bradford, that they !• then ami there in their proper per
son, at 10 o'clock in the foil noon of said day, with their
records, imuiieitioiis.and other remembrances, to do those
things which to their oftce appertains to be done ; and who are bound bv recognizance or otherwise to pro
secute again-1 the prisoners who arc c.r may be in the jail
of said County, or who shall be bonnd to appear at the
said court, arc to lie then and there to prosecute against
them as shall be just. Jurors are requested to be punctual
in their attendance, agreetbly to their notice.
Dated at Towanda, the 11th of Julv. in the year of our
Lord, one thousand eight hunched and fifty-eight, and
of the independence of the United States, the eight v
flrst. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff'.'
il i- hereby given, tluit all persons indebted to the es
tate of WM. STEEL, lute of Asylum twp.. deceased, aro
reqi'.o-tcd to make payment without delay; und all per
sons having claims against said estate, must prc-ent them
dulv authenticated for settlement to the subscriber.
July 20. 18.78. Administratrix.
a A is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tjte ot Daniel Smith, d c'd. late of vVyalusing tp.. are le
<pie-ted to make payment without delay ; and all persons
having claims against s ; iid estate, must pre-cnlthciu duly
authenticated for settlement, to the subscribers.
August 4. 18.78. Administrator.
-TjL is hereby given, that .all persons indebted to the es
tate of Michael Croak, dec d.. late of Durell township,
are requested to make payment without delay ; and all
persons having claims against said estate, must present,
them dulv authenticated. to the snbscrilier.
' A. J. NOBLE.
May 27. 1858. Administrators
-kJL is hereby given, tlmt all persons indebted to tke es
tate of Joseph B. Chaffee, dee'd. late of Warren township K
are requested to inake payment without delay : and aHf
persons having claims against said estate w iljy.oasc' pre -
sent them dulv authenticated for settlement.
June 1, 15.78. ftiminWfl—
EXECUTOR'S NOttCH. -Niiee is here
in by given that all persons indvbtik to be osteite ot
WILLIAM BRINK, late of like t*p v deceased, must
make immediate payment, nod aff persons having de
nruids against said estate, vill tUwn duly authen
ticated for sell lenient.
April 28. is vs. K\KtttOT>
tj^X ECU TOR'S NOTICE. —Nutiee is lierc-
J by given, uil prrsons indebted to the estate of
NANCY MILE'j, disrj<rd. late of Uautoti twvgnsW>p.
are requested o r-.ake payment without delay; tb"-e
havingdema'.d igainstsaid estate will jiresetit Vhetu duly
authcntica' ,-d for settleiitvut■
April ?q, is.-,8. WM. S. J VYNE, Executor.
-s is hereby given that all persons indebted to the
j estate of JoilN FROST, deceased, late of Rome
j ' .vp, aic hereby notified to make payment without delay,
and all persons having dcutnods against said estate aro
| requested to pre-rnt theut dulv authenticated for settle
ment. ' JANK O. FROST.
May 4. ls.7s. Ailnilnistraiiix.
! X\ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
j * ite of W M. B. RKir'SN YIKR. late of Albany t ornshlp,
i -leceaseil. are requested to make payment without de
. lay; and .11 persons having claims against said estate will
i plea*? present them dulv authenticated for settlement.
i May 10, Is.Ts. Adioinistratrix.
' is hereby given, that a!! persons indebted to the es
| tate of Wm. Wigsteln. dei'd . late of Springfield town-
I -hip. are hereby reqiiest-d to make payment without de
! lay; and all oeiSons hav+ng claims against said eslute u ill
! please tliem duly autlieutii ateil for settlement,
| July I'. Its*. Administrator.
1 V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
; fate of CHARITY MEAD, dee'd.. laic of Michigan,
, arc hcrebv requested to make payment without d -
j lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will
i olease present them duly authenticated tor settlement.
T. T. HiltA .V
MA} I. 187*. Administrator.
0" "UIMIAN S rOI'RT SALE -V.v rrrttafr
nt an order of the Orpliatr's Court of Bradford coun
•v. will be exposed to public sale noon the premi-cs. on
MONDAY. AUGUST D7. D78..a! I o'clock. P. M.. tb.s
following I'd. piece or parcel of 'and ritna'e in A Bran v
township, late the e-tale of Win. B. Reifsovder, de csmi.
alld bounded and de-crlbcd a* follows ; Oil the erst Fv
Robert l ewis, on the rjortb bv James L. Miller, on lh>
est bv lands of Rpset and Be c.hmg, oa the south of
\filford Hake-. Containing about luti acres. Terusniade
known on day of tale.
Julv |3. i- |V. Adminutrutux.