farmer's gtpartuuut. How to Wake Good Eutttr. In llio Corning Journal we find :v lettei fr< tn the linn. Andrew Dickinson, of&tcuhcii. which contains much valuable information 01 the process of making butter. Mr. Dickinson is a thorough practical farmer, and his opinion.* und suggestions are of more than ordinate value. The following is his 'ettcr: — I will endeavor to give the general outlines, the essential leading principlesjwithout attempt ing to give all the exact details, as it would be a much easier ta.-k to teach a man to make a watch, than how to make the first quality of butter ; as it is the most sensitive, it is the most liable to injury, of all eatables extract ed from the vegetable kingdom. The first important thing for making butter is the cow- Without stopping to give a full description for selecting she must give good rich milk, as first quality of butter cannot be made from poor, pale milk, as pale milk lacks the essential quality of good butter. The idea of coloring butter with anything after it is made, is as absurd as would be the painting of rye bread to make it white, with the expectation of changing its flavor, Butter is so sensitive, it partakes of everything that can effect it, that it comes in contact with ; as onions, carrots, parsnips, turnips, fish, or anything else that would make it uypalatahle, either in the butter or the milk churning. Not only so, but the butter partakes of everything the cow eats or drinks, and the longer it stands after being made, the more perceptible will the unpalatable things on which she fed make themselves manifest. By this it will be seen that the most important thing for first quality butter, is the food for the cow. Neither frotn roots of any sort or kind, nor grain of any description, can first quality butter he extract ed. It must be from something that imparls a sweeter and liner flavor, and from nothing growing in this country that I know, except timothy, white clover, blue grass, red top and foul meadow, can fir-t quality of butter be made, that will stand the test so as to remain sweet until the winter or spring after it is made and each of these grasses must have been sowed or-seeded down sufficiently long and so cared for as to have a soil thick enough to make it produce a fine solid grass, to make it a perfect dairy pasture, though inanv other grasses will make good butter for immediate use, but not to keep. The cow, too, must be well wintered, however good she my have been to make good butter, because if poor, her milk will also be poor and white, and of course the butter ditto. Your correspondent says. " If von had seen, as I have done, the farmers wives and daughters with tears in their eyes, when told that the product of their summer's labor, as shown in their butter, was a poor aitiele," &c\, &c. For none of these things are the dairy women in the least resposible, and no one else but the dairy man, or provider of the cows food ; jet in this, as in many, very many instances, the wrong persons arc held accountable for things over which they have no control. The inanfacturing is an essential part of the business, yet the neglect of any of the above mentioned requirements is fatal to a first rate dairy for winter use. The cow must be looked efter as soon as she comes in, and milked sufficiently after to prevent her bag from becoming feverish and caking, as one milking from a feverish cow would spoil a whole churning, and that would spoil a whole firkin in which it was packed, though it might not be percceptible for imme diate use, and and none but the skilful butter maker would perceive it in the churning of the butter. Such milk froths and foams, and when it docs this as well as from other causes, it is always safest to sell it for immediate use, or pack it separately in a firkin to sell for what it will bring. The churn should be as nearly straight up and down as possible, as the dash should stir all the milk every stroke it makes, so that the butter in the churn should all come at the same time. If the milk is too cold, the only safe way to warm it is to place a pail of milk in a large boiler of warm water to bring it to the exact temperature, which i about 55 deg. to 00 dcg.,—a few degrees war mer in cold than in warm weather. As soon as the butter has come and gathered, take it immediately from the churn in its warm state, and put in a large wooden bowl, which is the best vessel for the purpose ; than put in cold, soft water ; then continence pulling the butter over with the ladle in so gentle and careful a a manner as not to affect the grain, for as sure as that is injured at the washing or working, the butter becomes oily and can never be reclaimed. Every particle of milk must be washed out, and then seasoned with the best of Liverpool salt. Set the howl away until the next day, and when sufficiently cool, work the mass thorughlv, but not so as to affect the grain, and on the third day pack it away if it has assumed the right color. Ex amine if well before packing and be sure there is no milky water runs from it, for as sure as it is packed with the least drop in the butter, you will hear from it the next March or Apri'. The sooner you dispose of unwashed butter ! the better, as a little in Ik would not harm it j much for immediate use. If your spring or well water is hard, I should advise saving the ice from river or stream, though the water is hard, as the lime never congeals with the ice. Save rain water, and then with ice you will have soft water sufficien tly cool to wash your butter, without which no mau or woman can get the milk without injur ing the grain, so that the injurious effects of the lime water will not exhibit itself in five or six months. Soft water is as indispensable ♦(> wash butter as fine linen. From all this Ido r.ot wish to be understand that washing butter is positively necessary if it be used within a few weeks. A. B. DICKINSON. HORNBY, March 18, ISSK. WEAVING CALVES. —The best mode of wean ing is to keep the calves in the barn on hay. And whether they are permitted to suck the cow three days or three months, they should not be turned out to grass, provided you can procure good hay. Calves will readily eat good fine hay when they are two or three weeks old, but they will not then eat grass enough to keep a grasshopper alive. We often see young calves tethered out in gardens and on headlands where the richest clover grows—yet they always seem pining for something to eat. And when they have slops given them and all manner of stuffing they look poor and emaciated One reason is, the tlies pester them exceed ingly when out in the open day light, but in a burn properly c'o;ed the flies are seldom seen. A one-armed man is always an offhanded V.'.t -J of fi "v\\ miscellaneous TOWANDA HARDWARE CUTLERY IRON AND STOVE STORE, j s Wholesale and Retail Dealer fn yJI Hardware and Stoves, Irun t if jjLi r Nails. Sash, Glass, Paints and Oils, House Trimmings— wfisa all kinds nt Carriage trimmings, PiPiIMW! : i|BH Seat Cloths and Laces. Carriage Hn3al Sulkey and Sent Springs. Car £&£&**&&&! 4%$ renters' and Joiners' Planes. 1 .J'!', Jrof Sows, Augers, Chisels and all other Tools—Cross Cut, Mill * and Circular Saws, Blacksmith >, Tools, Bellows, Anvils, Vices, J Hammers and Screw Plates, Axes. Broad Narrow, Lath and Hand Hatchets—Cable, i Log! Trace and Haltr, Chains, Crowbars, Picks, Shovels ' porKKT AND TABLE CUTLERY—Shears and Sris-' sors. Edge Tools of all kinds. Brass and Enameled Kettles, ; Shovel and Tongues, Spoons and Ladles, Tubs and Pails, j Mops and Washboards, and all other kinds of house-keep ing Implements. In the H ARDWARE line, Brass. Bnttania. Jappaned j and Plain Tin Ware, single or in setts. Bar, Band, Scroll : and Hoop Iron, Steel of all kinds. Nail Rods, Ac. Pumps, J Lead Pipe and all the necessary fixtures for water works. ; Patent, Stretched Leather Belting and String Leather, and 10,000 other articles too numerous to mention, that we arc now receiving direct from the hands of mannfac- ; tnrers andimporters, including the largest assortment ant! greatest variety of STOVES Coal and Wood Cooking, Coal and Wood Parlor. Dining- j Room. Six Plate and Cylinder,ever brought into Northern | Pennsylvania or Southern New York ; all of which we j are now prepared to sell at wholesale or retail, at as low rates, and on as good Terms as can be found this side of ] New-York, from the fact that all our goods were bought of first hands and in full packages and large quantities, that gives us an advantage over smaller purchasers and Drv Goods dealers, that wiil enable us to sell from 5 to l.> "per cent, less than any of them, which advantage we shall offer to any who will favor us with a call before pur- j chasing elsewhere. A large quantity of Tin ware. Stove Pipe and Elbows j at wars on hand, wholesale and retail. All kinds of Job Work done to order, on short notice and warranted. Don't mistake the place to buy STOVES and HARD WARE cheap—one door South of Fox's, and nearly op- ; posite Tracy k Moore's, Main street, in the new Wood Building, lel tried all over. _ j Grain and Country Produce, old Iron, Brass, Brittania and Copper, Dried Fruit of all kinds, Feathers aud Bees- < wax wanted for goods. ln.OUu Sheep Pelts wanted, for which the highest price . in CASH will be paid. Towanda. April 2, 1857. | K. WATKOrs It. M. SEWARD K. It. COOK, j UWATROUS & Co., DEALERS IN • HEAVY 4' SHELF HARDWARE, No's. 1 k 3, Water st. Elmira, X. V. We have recently made large additions to our extensive stock, aud have now on band a complete assortment of ev ery description of Hardware, which we offer at the lowest ca-li prices; consisting of Mechanic's Tools, Building Ma terials, Iron and steel, Nails and spiko. Ropes and Cord age. Paints, Oils and Glass, Mill saws of ever}- size aud shape, cither Malay Gang or Circular. Machine Belting, of all widths, both of India Rubber & leather, Glass at wholesale. We are prepared to supply i Merchants with Glass, Nails, scythes, Forks, Ac., at Man- j nfacturers prices. Tin, sheet iron, and Copper work on hand or made to order. CORTRACTOR'S TOOLS—Wheelbarrows, Ames'Sho- j vols. Blasting Powder. Ac. Agents for Rich A Wilder'® Patent .Salamander .Safes, ; Fairbanks Platform Scales, and Welch A Griffith's Circu- j lar saws. Large sizes up to 00 inch, always on hand and sold at I Factory Prices. Particular attcatiou paid to orders by I mail. Elmira, April 7, i 5.56. n-44-12m Snsqucjjanmt Collegiate institute, TOWANDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. INSTRUCTORS. DAVID CRAFT, A. 8.. Principal, Professor of Ancient Languages and Mental and Moral Science : OLIVER S. DEAN, A. 8., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. MISS A. ELIZA FRITCHER, Preceptress ; MISS EMI LIE A. BUTLER, Assistant ; MISS O.LOUISA JENKS, Instructor on Piano, and of Drawing ; Mr. CANFIELD DAYTON, Steward. The Fall Term commences ou Wednesday, AUGUST 25, and will continue 14 weeks. EXPENSES PER TERM. Payable invariably in advance, or one half on entering the school, aud one half at the middle of the term—Fuel and contingencies included : Primary, per term $ 4 00 Preparatory t! 00 Higher, Ist year, per term 7 00 Higher, 1-t and 2d year, per term, R on Classical, Ist year, per term 7 00 , Classical, 2d and 3d year, per term 8 (H) Collegiate, per term 10 00 ! X. B. Pupils will lie classed by the inost advanced branch they respectively pursue. Pupils using scholarships are charged fl per term for uel and contingents ; for instrument ou which to take lessous, 50c, or for practice $2,00. EXTRAS. '•'icnch $5 00 Drawing 3 00 Tuition on Piauo Forte with use of Instrument,... 12 00 do do per quarter of 11 weeks,.. 10 00 Board in the Institute, per week, including fuel and light 2 00 Washing, per dozen 3't j No scholar, whose parents or guardians shall reside within two miles of the Institute shall be admitted to tui tion therein upon any permanent scholarship rented or loaned by such pupil, his or her parent or guardian. The arrangements for Boarding will be under the entire control and management of the Steward, while the Prin cipal and Teachers residing in the Institute, will lie able to exercise a constant watch over the pupils, mingling with them as members of the same family; as a Board ing School for youth of both sexes, the lustitute will af ford increased and superior advantages. Parents and I guardians may be assured that all due cure will be exer [ eised over the health, the manners and morals of those en trusted to their care, and all suitable aid rendered at all times in promoting their advancement in study. Pupils boarding in the Hall, will furnish their own be J, bedding, towels, Ac. and the table silver at their option. Pupils entering tiie Institute are pledged to the obser vance of the regulations, and none will be admitted on other terms. Special exercises are arranged without extra charge for those qualifying themselves as teachers for common schools. S. F. COLT. Secretary. L. WARD, President. July 7, Is5S. A. Wickiiam, Treas. jgrfta WOW ZS THE TIME TTF** TO GET j k MELAINOTYPES & AWBROTYPES CHEAP ! I \ G. H. WOOD JJ \lla s reduced his prices of all hinds of "3 ' Pictures icifh Cases , 25 per cent. Frames of all kinds kept on hand also at reduced pri j ces. Good Cases with Melainotypes, 75 cents ; all other j kinds in proportion. Rooms open at all hours. Pictures taken in all kinds of weather (except for children.) All work warranted. Towanda, July 27,1858. H. A. BURBANK'S BAKERY One Door North of the Ward House. TOWANDA, I'A. IIJ HERE you can find a constant supply of Bread, Rusk, V V Crackers, Cookies, Juinbles, and all kinds of Fancy Cakes. OYIiTERS furnished by the quart or keg, or cook ed to order. r>- Particularattention paid to filling orders for parties Returning our sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon us during the past year, aud imping by close application to business to merit a continuance of the same, we remain as ever, your humble servant, March 16.1857. H. A. BURBANK. GEO. 11. BXJ2STTING, RESPECTFULLY informs his former customers aud the public generally, t>at lie lias removed his TAILOR'S SHOP, To one door south of Tracy A Moore's store and imme diately opposite I>. C. Half's Stove and Tin Store Main st. He flatter.- himself that from his long experience in bu siness he will be able to please all who may favor him with their custom. Owing to the Imp pressure in the mo ney market, he will make Coats from $2 50 to $5 50each anil other work in proportion for READY PAY. Country Produce in payment, will not be refused, if offered. Towanda. March 20, 1858. Wf ANTED.— I wish to purchase 100,000 7 T feet of MAPLE SCANTLING 13 feet loug, and 3J inches square. Any one wishing to make a contract tor au> or all, tan do so by calling at my Furniture Ware Rooms in Towanda. Sept. 15J857. CHESTER WELLS. Cl'M.MMil GOODS, Broadcloths, ('assi- O meres. Vesting., Hats, Cap-. Ho.icrv, Ac.. Ac., at J.m" '-'V "1-MPHRFY V Wp'KHLV- J3nsiucss (Curbs. DIL CIIAS. M.TURNER, PHYSICIAN fy SURGEON, offers his professional services to the inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity. Office and res idence in the dwelling recently occupied by H. BOOTII, Esq., one door north ot the Episcopal Church, ou Maine Street. _ TAMES MACFARLAXE, A TTORNE Y W AT LA If, TOWANDA, PA. Occupies the Office, in the Union Block, formerly owned bv John C. Adams Esq. 88" He will attend to procuring Bounty Land Warrants and Pensions. March 22,1855. H. J. MADILL P- P- MORROW. MADILL A- MORROW, A TTORNE YS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAlV,— Office over Mercur's Store. Towanda, Pa. Towanda, April 2, 18. n-43-tf DR. E. H. MASON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, offers his professional services to the people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at his residence on Pine street, where he can always be found when not professionally engaged. EH. PARSONS, ATTORNEY AT • LAIV, TROY, Bradford Co., Pa. Office over V. M. A H. F. Long's store. Aug- 7,156. HENRY R. M'KEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAIV, TOWANDA, PA.; will pay prompt attention to business entrusted to him. Collections made 011 reasonable terms, with prompt remittances. 01 tl'J IPLHANAN BMITH, having frcturned to J Towanda, has opened a Law Office over Mercur's Store. Dec. 1,1857. Tioga cint Agricultural & junction lion Work?, AT Athens, Bradford County, l a. WELLES, BLOOD & CO. KIRBY'S MOWER AND REAPER. | UT E are manufacturing the above mentioned excellent machine for Eastern Pennsylvania and the neigh boring Counties in New York, and invite the particular attention of farmers to the following features of Kirhy's Mower and reaper, which we believe to )>e superior to all others in use, in the following particulars:—lt is the lightest in use : strong and durable ; simple in construc tion ; easily worked ; adapted for horses or oxen ; re quire much less draught than other machines ; has no side draught though it cuts a wide swath : will work on rough ground where no other machine can follow it -. very difficult to be dogged fn any kind of grass, be it wet or dry ; not liable to get out of repair ; is composed princi pally of iron; is a perfect combined machine, working ! eyuaily irell whether mowing or reaping ; and is the cheap- . est in price. —Mower being only SIOO. and the combined ' Machine sl2o,—making it altogether the most desirable Mower and Reaper in market. *ir Farmers wanting RELI ABLE Mowers and Reapers, : should by all means see our machine before making up ! their minds to buy any other. Additional and interesting information concerning the Kirhy machine is contained in our illustrated Catalogue, which also describes our ] other machines and implements: among which are EMERY'S PATENT CHANGEABLE RAIL ROAD HORSE POWERS; TIOGA POINT IMPROVED THRESHERS A CLEAN- , ERS.THRESHERS A SEPARATORS. PORTABLE SAW MILLS, PLOWS. CULTIVATORS AND HORSE HOES, CIDER MILLS, DRILLS. OUR PORTABLE DOG POWER is a valuable machine, and much superior to the common ' inclined wheel, and is adapted for dairies of from 5 to 20 ; cows. Send for copies of our Catalogue and Price List for yourself and neighbors. WELLES, BLOOD A CO. Athens, Pa., June 10, 1858. THE MOWING MACHINE That Everybody Dikes! ALLEN'S PATENT IMPROVED MOWF. ?, AND MOWER AND REAPER COMBINED. Strong and simple in construction, not liable to get out of order, 1 compact, light, easy of draft, so easy as to Is- conifnralde j ail day work for a light team ; safe to the driver, and may j Ire worked at a slow gait by horses and oxen. No clogging of knives ; works well on side hills, and in any kind ol grass, heavy or light, coarse or line, bulged j or "standing, ripe or unripe, wet or dry, long or short, or ! sanded. Not confined to localities where other machines work, hut will do good where others operate indifferently, or none at all. It is believed that no person can he found having one, tint would exchange it for the best of other kinds, and fifty dollars. - Every machine warranted to give entire satisfac tion. For sale by P. I*. PEt'KHAM. Columbia X Roads, Bradford County, Pa. May 18, 185 m. McCA B E : S CENTRAL MEAT MARKET, liet ween J. Kingsberfs J. Powell's stores. THK siibsrrilier would respectfully tender to his customers and the public generally hissin yT" JT cere thanks for the very liberal patronage ex tended to him the past season. He solicits a continuance of the same. He would say to the public that he intends to keep con stantly on hand a choice selection of MEATS of all kinds, the best the country affords, which he intends to sell for very small profits, either by the side, quarter or pound.— Please give me a call. a#"Meats, Ac., will be delivered on short notice, when ordered, at anv place in the Corporation. Towanda. Feb. 12. 15.'.7. J. McCABE. TOWANDA FOUNDRY. THE subscriber continues to carry on the Foundry business in Towanda, and is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line on short notice and in a workmanlike manner. He will keep 011 hand or make to order Plows, Stoves, Mill Irons, Sleigh Shoes, Wagon- Boxes, and any article of cast iron that may he required. ; Turning and fitting up work will he done on short notice and on reasonable terms. Persons wishing to purchase Stoves of any kind will find it much to their advantage to buy at the Foundry, as they can he repaired much cheaper. Please call and examine before purchasing else where. Old cast iron and Grain taken in payment.— Don't mistake the place—one door east of Mercur's Block. SUT I would also say to those having accounts stand ing over six months, that they must lie settled without delay, and those having notes that are due will do well to pay up and save cost. JOHN CARMAN. Towanda, Oct. 22,1856. NEW TIN SHOP! THE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that ne has opened a new TIN WARE A SHEET IRON ESTABLISHMENT in the Foundry, first door below Mercur's Store, where iie is prepared to conduct the business in all its various branches. Tin Ware and House Spouting of all kinds, made to or der, on short notice. Stoves of various styles constantly for sale. Pat ticnlar attention paid to Jobbing. Old Iron, Copper and Brass taken in exchange for goods. Jane 1,1888. JOHN CARMAN. ARE YOU INSURED? Susquehanna Mutual Insurance Co., TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA. ! THUS Company insures against loss or dnm j .1- age by Fire. Dwelling houses, Furniture Warehon ! ses. Stores and Merchandize, Ac., on the most reasonable i terms. DIRECTORS. H. W. TRACY. ALLEN M'KEAN, JOHN F. LONG, GUY TRACY, EZRA HOLCOMB, JOB KIRBY, JUSTUS LEWIS, DANIEL BAILEY ISAAC MYER, MM. KI.VGSLEY PRECEPTOR FORBES, JOSEPH POWELL. . "• w - TRACY, President. ALLEN MKEAN, \ ice President: JUDSON HOL COMB. Secretary ; LAPORTE, MASON A CO., Treas. A LARGE assortment of Ladies Fancy -C*- Baskets, Childrenx Willow and Empire Cab ; Ac., at No. 2 Pattons Block. ! April 21,1858. WM. A. ROCKWELL. FLO IR ! FLOUR !—A first rate article of Western Flour, may be had at SOLOMON'S in M. r- I cur s Block, lower than can be purchased in this vicini ty. ! t pril 26, ts.'.R. y p SOLOMON. fUiscclancons. JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY! A. Xtt. Warner's New t$- Rflendid Jewelry Store, one floor north of Potions Drug Store, ___ HAS just been opened with the largestand most choice stock of FASHIONABLE Cyr*TOk JEWELRY ever offered to n discriminating ®L—V public. Indeed, lie can safely say that with jSg . the opening of his new store has been in augurated a new era in the Jewelry line, inasmuch as along with the choice ami elegant assortment he gives the most reliable assurance of an almost incredi ble reduction in prices : the rich and tasteful articles hav ing beet) all bought with ready cash. A. M. W. t when he reflects bow, for the past years,with a far less attractive stock, he has enjoyed so large a share of public patronage, flatters hiniselt that the immense in crease of Goods lie now offers, which have f made on sales by the boat load. Oct. 7, 1557. M ACPARLAXK, (en*l Kup't. EXTRACTS for flavoring, for sale cheap at FOX'S. T ADIKS' DRESS GOODS.—Just recoiv- U ing the present week, a large assortment of Indies' Dress Goods, Shawls, Fringes, Lawns, liohes , Challis, Prints, Ginghams, Ac., Cc., which we offer very low lor Cash. June I.MM, HCMI'HUKV A WICKHAM. Attention! Dentists! Teeth ! JUST received, an assortment of Superior MINERAL TEETH—warranted to stand tire, riveting, mastica tion. Ac. They are good imitations of Nature and pre sent every variety of i'orin, size, color and arrangement, from a single tooth to an entire set, with or without ar tilicia! gums, with desirable large sized and extra long platina pins. For sale by Tiwsndn Jure IS 1"\. ]>r. h. c. PORTER. dr. porterwfice& drugstore SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE Fronting the Public Pruare. THE subscriber. thankful for the literal patronage of the past year, intends to keep constantly on haM s m sortinent of the very test articles us- ally kept in our line, which HE WII.I. dispose of ousuch terms A* vv; isfactory to all who may patronize him. The purchases are made entirely with casli in hand, and lor the C.h|j customers will receive the benefit of a good article at a low price. All articles shall answer our recount 1 and art warranted at represented. Medical Advice gratuitously given at the Office, charging tnly for the Sedition, The stock consists of a complete and select assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, Pure ii W k Linoers, fur Medicinal use, London Purler & StMtk Alt. ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT The most approved Trusses and Abdominal Supporters, Nursing Bottles, Hit. pie Shells, Breast Pumps, Teeth Rings, Syringes, Catheters, &c. r American, English fy Chine Razors and Kniin FRESH CAMPHENE & BURNING FLUID-NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS: Superior TOBACCO dt SNUFF ! —Choice brands of Pure Havanna, Priced and 7ara CIGARS ! ¥ Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Winrio*v Olass. ISi uMics, Perfumery.Siiavlug> on . Fancy Articles, &,c. &.c. Hair Dves, Hair Restorer, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Cream, Tooth Powder, Extracts for Handkerchief, Italian Whisks, Port monnais, Purses, Bay, Colonge, Rose and Lavender Waters, Tobacco and Snuff Boxes, Indellible Ink, Ac. FAMILY GROCERIES: Black and Green Teas ; llio and Java Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices, Ac 4, Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, Ac. REMEMBER THE STORE—SOUTH E.ND OF THE WARD HOUSE: Towanda, February 1,1555. H. C. PORTER M [i NEW ARRANGEMENT. Jjt The Mammoth Hardware Store CHATFIELD fc STORRS. Is now receiving a large aud well selected asfortment of Foreign Sf Domestic Hardware Jp lIUl T SE TRIMMINGS, of every description, Carpenters, Cabinet makers, Blacksmiths and Shoe makers' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, In faei almost everything that the industry of the country requires. In W addition we are constantly receiving and keep oa hand a full stock of < •-•■.-Sft Swedes and American Iron, Horse shoe Iron, Xail rods, Jr. Warranted of the test quality, and sold as clwap w mn be purchased of any establishment west of XcwToitf 1 I arkei null .Nails, Lead I ipe, Glass, Sash, Putty, \\ lute Lend, Linseed Oil, which is warranted perfectlypurt Saddlery Hardware, and Carriage Maker's Goods. COAL AND WOOD COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. Parlor anil Cook Wood and Coal Stoves. Regulators and Sheet Iron Stoves Stove Pi i,e A c \, wn t r-i i Zr& lluf t eb r,r d r ; mk ; St ,r c //°^ ERX< . ,R - wLi, ij is ail judge. LWteWLsmia market. It is Ch|)i'Ciai!y adapted to the Fanner s use. As we have the largest ami most complete Hardware Store on the New York and Erie Railroad and weirwii purchase goods in the best markets, and by keeping a full assortment, selling as cheap as pos-iide.we li.,r; tbe patronage of those doing business in tins market. STuRUs v <"H iTr'F Owcgo, X. Y. Oct. 21,155 U. SiUlUtti A i HAiri*. & NEW ARR ANGEMEN T fcrf PATT() N 1 , mF? JUST OPENED, ON THE CORNER OF BRIDGE AND MAIN STREETS No. 4, Pattons' "lock, Towauda, Pa. THE subscribers would respectfully inform their friendajand the pnldic that tbev hav 'formed a the D ug business and are now receiving at Xo. 4. iu Pattou's Xew Brick Block, from tbe cities of I'aJrf phia and Xew lork. a large and well selected stock of American, French aud En dish CHEMICALS, DRUGS, MiDIGINES, GR.QCIRJEI, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, DYE STUFFS, A ASSAUfIft&SSHP @3" ffAiTOI DRESSING COMBS, PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, PORT MONNAES. &c~ SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, and a variety of the most approved W Abdominal Supporters, dtc., always on hand. London Porter and Scotch Ale, and Pure Liquors, for Medicinal purpo^ ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. Brushes for the Hat, Hair, Teeth, \ails, Boots, Painting, Varnishing, Hliitewaste?. # The Lovers of GOOD CIGARS and TOBACCO, will find a large variety of choia H* na, Yarn and Principe Cigars, and the finest brands of Tobacco and Snaf. Vamphene—Particular Attention paid to the Manufacture of BIRMVG FLTID. And a fine assortment of LAMPS, of all sizes and descriptions. Bird Cages, Cups, Nests asi Sd All of which is offered for sale at greatly reduced rates. Our stock being"e and mostly purchased linjiortcr and Manufacturer at the lowest rates, and with Cash, enables us to sell at reduce! price- that m--'* 1 ' isfactory to all. W e invite the attention of the public to an especial examination of our stock of g.iods aud pri* (hir Motto is —"THE CASH SYSTEM—QUICK SALES SMALL PROFITS." Onr Goods are selected with the utmost] are and warranted to be what they are represented if anv sb-mW.ff ?.iI >n !r^ l 7iT. e ar r, not °l - v w| llig out request onr customers to return them, and the numev -hall l* MB. LAN XL will give Ins special attention to the preparation of I'REBCRIPTIOX'S which w'! be r ccurately on the shortest notice. 'irKrpu c PtTTDN Towanda, Jane 26,185 C. EdVaKPD P4YX*L WAVE R L Y MARBLE ESTABLISHMENT. FlI. BALDWIN, haying pnrelinsod the • Marble Factory of this village, under the superin tendence of H. Hauford, the subscriber is happy to an nounce that the Marble business in Waverlv will now be conducted by him. He is constantly receiving ITALIAN AND RUTLAND M ARBI.K,for Monuments, Head-stones, Tomb Tabels, and Stand Tops, Faint Stones, Midlers, &c. Having secured the services of <5. H. POWBKS, who is well known to he the inost perfect Artist in the State, lie offers unparalleled inducements to persons wishiug to secure any of the above articles, in cheapness, style and Artisti eal beauty. Waverly, N. Y., Feb. :i, 1857. Arrangements for 1858 ! AT M. E. SOLOMON'S CLOTHING STORE. ME. SOLOMON has just received the most cxteu • sive and elegant assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing ever offeied in this market, which was bought for CASH and will be sold at prices which cannot be equalled else where. Persons desirous of purchasing any article of Clothing are requested to give him a call, us be pledges himself that no person anxious to buy shall go away without be ing satisfied.. *- A good assortment of Gentlemen's FURNISHINC. GOODS will fle kept on hand. Towanda, April '2O, 15,78. nA IS A Nil 1 A PS.—A huge assortment. M M. A. ROCKWELL. liquor store. j FULTON would respectfully K .* P'tblic that he is now readv at hi- old sta I Hall it Russell's, south side of the public sqaarf *... ish those wanting PURE LIQUORS, wiih '®', thing in that line. He ha- l.itclv made larsr *<>'•* his stock, purchasing of the be-t importcrf, i original paekagc. He has on hand, and for j quantity from a quart upward- Brandy.—£ iguette, Cogniac. old Henne-v. 1 Gin. —Swan, American, and S< - lieidain Whiskey. —Scotch .Old Rye.Mimongahefo*"* 11 * Wine —Currant, Port.and Brown Sherry- . lt i i Fresh Camphene and Burning Fluid kept ron-w ! hand. Also 95 per cent. Alcohol. . y | ( uiAus ot the l*est brands. Jugs of a'l site* flasks, and a large quantity of emptv barrels- Binghamton Ale by the gallon or i>arrel- Those favoring me with their patronage "J , that all articles will be what thev arc i-eprrsenM*-^, N. 11. The person who borrowed my " W'antaff - | requested to return it. Towanda, January 18,1856. House furnishing Gooi*-jjj - ble and single fold worsted and linen # damasks, inorei rs, cotton' l ' h' ( .i ed table linens. Mar-ai!e- quills, P..lei • 1 '"J'., rietv of other goods in this line, just recfiw •, j _ April (i, 1K.",7. A NEW A SS(.HTM C.N! ; il. Ribbons and Cloves, exptessiy for ' Belt Ribbons: also a new stock ol TJO'S \ i deHes. -et of Collar- and Sslecu-. Ac A,- ; :: ssept. I.:, 1557. M v. k" 11