Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 05, 1858, Image 3

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    Nero AiitJcrtiscmcnte.
This Way for Bargains !
THE SUBSCRIBER has on hand 11 bng
v Carriages. 1 Democrat 2 horse wagon,
) 'nil low for Cash or drain or approved cred
— „. t . , good deal of Eastern timber in carria-
A " "warrant them to stand all reasonable use,
, A good style as can lie got in Northern
s'l All orders and repairing done on short
>• 'nanda, Ang. 3,1858. G. IT. DRAKE.
Pv ft S. PECK, Surgeon and Mechani
' 1 |enti-t, being permanently located in Towauda,
nrofessional services to ita citizens. Especia
! r \' civen to FILLING and CLEANSING DECAY
\ii TEETH IN CHILDREN. Teeth insert
' Divot; also gum and plain incorruptible teeth
fJ ion gold, silver, eheoplastic and Slaytons base,
r '!, LR ',ne to an entire set, in the artistic manner known
" ' nifession.
above operations will be performed with a
„\hi>C<;H I'KACTICAL KNOWLEDGE of his busi
r ! and dutv to his patient.
,f e ever"B. T. Fox's Store, No. 1, Brick Row. Efl
' . fir-t door on Pine street.
V \ !> Produce taken in part payment for dental ope
:= as at its market price.
July 30, lHaf-
xj-—if^lll si - ' ,as returned, and will lie at home
iTX* :-.-r two months to come. J. M. would dis
• , nublic mind of the impression that he was hunt
~ ~"i nlare to settle in while absent. He is settled
remain so.
August J .IMS.
. v liushels of NEW WHEAT wanted,
,)l K ' tor which the highest market price in cash will
v on delivery, at M. E. SOLOMON S
1 , "7. I V "'S. " Clothing Store.
Toward* Marble Factory.
Nearly Opposite the Ward llouee.)
The subscriber has just opened the TOWAX-
C PA M ARBLE F ACTORY, where he will be
prepared to furnish Monuments and Tomb
t?rfi i'il Stones, manufactured from the best qualities
! wrought into such styles and designs as will
suit every variety of taste.
• Persons w.shing to make their selections
•' —do so whenever in Towanda, by calling at
tii. N'ew Establishment.
.ulterior quality of the stock, the artistieal beauty
work, ami the promptness with which orders will
!, giud will offer inducements to visit this new shop.
F. 11. BALDWIN, Proprietor.
Tmramla, July 2d, IMS.
v,i Nathan Bristol, Prof. C. R. Coburn,
rji s .cpaid, Casliier, Rev. Julius Foster, ,
~l' Merchant. 11. S Mercur, Merchant, i
a I>oubleday,do. ' Montanyes, "
: ii. Crane. T. .M. Woodruff, Sheriff,
" Win. Putnam, I Col. A. M'Kcan, l'rot'y,
I). A. Shepard. IHon. D. Wilinot,
F. Tvler. I're-'t. Rank. " J. C. Ad mis.
t hemvnu. " Wm. Elwell,
~ \v. Bark. Esq. P.. A. Parsons, Kd. Argus.
wvsox. E. O. Goodrich,Ed.lteporter.
V. E. Pioilet, Esq.
sjforrwA STRAYED.—Came to the enclosure of tliesnb-
M-rils r in Shesheqnin township, on the sth of
n jjt .tnlv. a Dark Brown COW, small crumpled
i • -in-U being offfrom one horu.'no other partic
mai ks. about 7 years old. The owner is requested to
1-1 .pertv. pay charges, and taker her away.
, _ i,. I s ","s, ELI AS BALL.
next Academical year of this Institution, divided in- ,
I'iiree Terms, will commence AUGUST lb. Isak, with j
Hoard ol well qualified and experienced Instructors. '
a'iiliamsport, on account of its healthiness, converii
e of access, and the intelligence and morality of its
/.ens. is a most desirable location for a school.
Ti.e buildings are large and convenient—with separate
.rtments for tiie ladies and gentlemen, and rooms for
Principal's family and ail the Instructors ; thus plac
. 'lie students under the immediate care of their teach
- t ill times, making all as one family.
■ course oi study is systematical and extensive, em
Board, (including washing, lights, fuel and room rent)
fits per week. Tuition from sls to $27 per year. Ger
inin,French, Drawing, Painting and Music, at low extra
I'iyment for the Term, in ADVANCE.
C ATALOGUES iii.iv be obtained at this office.
July 19,1358. Principal.
I'AUTIOX. —Whereas my wife JANE has
V ■myla d and board, without any ju-t cause or
■tin-., tlii- is hereby to forbid all persons harbor
i . ~ her ou my account, as 1 shall pay no debts
'it r centra ting.
imrril, July 14, IMS. LEVI HATCH.
V 1 will tin J tiie best assortment of grape vine, half
A--, drind-toties, S vtlie Stones, Ac., at No. 1, Pat
t - Block. corner of Bridge street.
I July 15,1858. " WM. A. ROCKWELL.
*t l HEAP PRINTS, Gaiter Boots, Sheetings, and all
- .units, from New York,at No. 1, Patton's Block
- -tr.s t. WM. A. ROCKWELL.
V -II am IS. a new assortment just received by
_ July 13. I*3*. H. S. MERCUR.
-i'KKI. HOOP SKIRTS, a new and beautiful article
ted at jjrlJ MEBCL'ICS.
D N r BLASTING POWDER, just received and for
\ LSO, a good assortment of Farmer's Sa
i: i->ortiil colors, white, buff, and fancy velvet
' v ! i general variety of SUMMER COATS fc
NTs. Ar, only Q IIC Price asked or taken.
fa* 15,1858. ' J. KINGSBURY.
•v r<civinp a large and beautiful stock of SUMMER
1 M )bs unequalled in extent and variety by anything
";xln j n Northern Pennsylvania, and is unwpre
t niu-r greater inducements than ever before to
I'urcliascrs. Among this stock of Goods will be found
• 'A!\"S IN ORGANDIES, Printed Jaconets.': Lawns!
lu Jaconetts, Lawns and Challis.
■ AIN'S '.n a variety of other Ladies' DRESS GOODS!
- ■ yards REMNANTS PRINTS, worth one shilling,
for t>4 cents.
argains will lie offered in a thousand other ar- .
■am. rssary to mention, which will lie exhibited
' r ge, and to which the attention of the
'l*' bully invited.
- "-""la. May 8, 1858.
,J I- B. M'KEAN,
-1 l J a., for the following reliable Companies :
■ r s L'nion Insurance Co. . Athens, Pa.
v Capital , #200,000.
1 Mutual luurance Co. . Ilarrisburg, Pa.
r Capital, $200,000.
'insurance Co. . . . Philadelphia, Pa
(,V ( Capital, $300,000.
Western Insurance Co. - Philadelphia
I i'EAS, for sale at
"• ch 25 i FOX'S. 1
£Hercf)andi?c, Arc.
"\AAA Busheles of Oats for which we will
r /' / pay cash on delivery.
Towanda. April 20,1858. " BAILEY A NEVINS.
Humphrey & Wickham
ARE now receiving a general assortment of goods
suitable for the season, consisting of
o which they Invite the attention of their patrons and
friends and the public generally—trusting that they will
be able to please both as to price and quality those who
favor them with a call.
Towanda, May 10, 1858.
CU LTIVATOR TEETH, for sale by ~
May A, 1858. 11. S. MERCUR.
|*)AA YARDS more of those 6d Prints ;
-W/ also, 12 doz. more of those Cd Linen Hand
kerchiefs, just received at
May 4,1 M 3. MERCUR'S.
HOOPS.— Just received by express, anoth
er lot of those double extension Steel Hoop Skirts
at May 4, ISSB. _ MERCUR'S.
Embroidered Curtain Muslins, now
openingat May 4,1858. MERCUR'S.
UATS. —A large assortment of Men's and
Boy's Wool, Fur, Leghorn. Palm Leaf. Colored and
White Straw Hat- at May 4, lsjs. MERCUR'S
GRO C E 11 1 ES !
Wo. 12, Lake St. Elmira, W. Y.,
Groceries and Provisions !
Black and Green Teas.
Green, lioasted and grovnd Coffees.
Sugars, Syrups and Jlulasscs.
Flour, Pork, Salt,
Pish, Bard, Butter, Cheese,
Fruits, Nuts, Cigars, <s*r.
CI.OSE BUYERS in search of Good Goods at the VE
RY LOWEST C ASH PRICES, will find it to their
advantage to examine my fresh and desirable stock be
fore purchasing elsewhere, as I shall endeavor to sell goods
as low as they can be bought of New York Jobbers, which
will make from five to ten per cent in favor of the pur
chaser. J. P., No. 12, Lake street.
P. S—Goods well bought are half sold.
Having just returned from the City, is now receiving a
splendid assortment of
Spring and Summer Goods,
To which he invites particular attention. Being fully
determined not to be outdone either in
of articles offered for sale, and having had sufficient ex
perience iu his business to warrant him in saying that he
can offer very great inducements to customers.
He offers the very smallest Bonnets and the very largest
Hoop Skirts : also, those of a medium size. A most ele
gant lot of Plaid. Black and Brocaded dress Silks.
Lawns, Bareges, Cliallie-, Dcl.aiucs, Brilliants and
White Goods as usual of the best kinds, and the cheapest
and beat lot of PRINTS ever offered in this town!—lf
you dou't believe it, come and see. Our stock of
has as usual been selected with great care, and cannot
fail to give satisfaction both as to prices and qualities.
If you want the worth of your money, go to No. 2, Pat
ton's Block. Many thanks for past favors, we hope to
merit our share of patronage.
Towanda, April 27, 1-5-. WM. A. ROCKWELL.
CALL and see some beautiful patterns of Lamps for
—distilled frnin Coal and not explosive; cheaper than
any light yet discover d. Both Oil and Lamps, with
Wicks and Shades, furu shed very cheap at
April 21,18.38.
New Spring and Summer
HS. MERCUR has just rece'ved a gxd assortment
. of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods :
Grocer its, Hardware, Harness and Carriage
Trimmings, Crockery ami Glass liare,
Boots dp Shoes, llats fp Caps, Paint s,
Oils, Wooden TI a re, iVc., <\'C.
Many of which articles will be sold for cash at lower
prices than were ever before offered in Bradford County.
Towanda, April 20, In.",m.
IADIES Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs at fi 4 cents
j each, White Cotton Hose at o j cents per pair.
Handsome Lawns at t) 4 cents jwr yard, and the best (5 4
cent Calicoes in the State, will be found at the Store of
Towanda. April 21, Wis. H. 8. MttCUR,
EL T. fox
TS NOW RECEIVING a large stock of
X FAMILY GROCERIES, which arc offered for sale at
as low prices as the same quality of Goods can be bought
yawliere this side of the ( it\* of New York.
HOMMONY, SAMP, Wheat-Grits, Oat
meal, Tapioca, Rice Flour, Maccaroni, \ ermicilla,
Corn Starch and Farina, for s.ile at
March 2d. 1858. VOX'S.
P MUSTARD, ground and whole, at
March 2d. 1858. FOX'S.
T T Sauce, Tomato Catchup, Pickles, Sardines, Ac.
March 25. 1858. _ FOX'S.
V V seed ; the best Field Bean in the country, at
March 25, 1858. FOX'S.
\I" A PLE SUG AR—Any quantity for stile.
;U March 25,1856. FOX'S.
ries and Apples, at
March 25,1858. 10XS.
(lARPETING. —Fine Ingrain, Veoitian,
J Hemp and Rush Carpeting, Mats, Rugs Ac., at No.
2, Pattons Block,
'April 2L 1858 WM. A. ROCK WELT,.
11 HE cheapest and general variety of Roots
and Shoes ever offered in Towanda, at No. 2 Pat
-I'April 21, 1858. WM. A. ROCKWELL.
VNEW invoice of Laucaster Ginghams
just received by H. S. MERC UR.
May 11. 1858. -
I>IRD CAGES of all description, Hemp and
J Canary seeds. Birds nests, Cuttle Bone and other
Bird fi.xen's at No. 2 Pattons Block. ,
April 21. 1858. WM. A. RO< R" ' ' L
FROM the pasture of the subscribers, on
<jN Wednesday night, July 7, a bright bay horse,
years old, 10 hands high, heavy mane and
GLZjL-tail.a small white star in the forehead, fore
legs stand back, and a small callous bunch on the inside
lof left leg. and was in rather thin flesh. Any person re
turning said horse <>r giving information where he may
be found, will be liberally rewarded and no questions
i a * ked ' D. P. & J • W. BARTLETT.
[ Wysox, July 13,1858.
Fruit and Ornamental Trees.
THE Subscriber is Agent for the " West Bloomncld
Nurseries, one of the most reliable establishments
in the country—and would be happy to forward any or
! ders for Tree* or Plants, to be delivered the coming V all.
June 30, 1858. E. T. FOX.
Second hand School Books.
THE BOOKS used in the Miss HANSON'S School, are
for sale cheap,
i Jnne 30. 1858. F„ T FOX.
THE Barclay R. R. A Coal Company have four excel
lent mule.- for sale. Apply at the mines to G. JA
, cOBB, or to the undersigned at Towanda-
1 Towanda, June 15,1858. Gca'l Sup't.
HI iccJmcou
4he Rubicon Passed —Great Revival of
Business-- The Borough Bound to Rise
—Everybo y Dressing Themselves up
in J. Kingsbery's New and Fashiona
ble Summer Clothing.
BUSINESS not resting: upon a sixpenny
Calico basis—a better article, however, sold at that
price than can be found elsewhere.
The GREAT FOUNDRY about to be put in motion by
a gentleman of this Borough, with a capital of $57,000.
Stella shawls worth $5, sold for $i ; worth SM, for s<3 ;
Mantillas from $1,50 up ; Dress and Staple Goods in same
Thousands of pieces Wall Paper and Borders to match,
from (3 to 18 cents.
Hundreds of Rakes, Scythes, Snathes, Stones, ! ay
Forks, Ac.
Groceries sold exclusively for CASH.
The principle of ' Only one price asked or taken," ful
ly carried out.
Sale of Real Estate continued in lots to suit purchasers.
expected as soon as room ean be prepared for its recep
tion. of the arrival of which due notice will he given.
Farming done as usual, and in short, several irons kept
constantly iu the fire.
N. B. A new invoice of those elegant Black Silk Man
tillas will be opened on Saturdav morning next.
Spring and Summer Millinery,
FOE 1858,
CTo. 5, Union Slock,
HAVING made extensive arrangements and improve
ments in our MI I.I.IXFRY I)EPAI.TMEXT, we now
cordially invite all to favor us with a call before purchas
ing SPUING or SUMMER MILLINERY, feeling confi
dent we can make it to the advantage of all.
Will be full and complete, with everything in the line of
Millinery ; such as Straw Bonnets, Bloomers, Flats and
Gypsicttes of all kinds and styles for Ladies' or Misses'
wear, by the dozen or case.
Ruches and Flowers by the box. Ribbons by the piece
or cartoon. Blonds, edging, footings and Straw Braids by
the dozen or piece. Bonnet Frames, Crowns and Blocks
by the dozen. Reeds and covered bones bv the gross.—
Band boxes by the nest or gross. Foultons, Crapes,
hisses, Crown Linings and Cape Notts by the piece, and
in fact everything required in the Millinery line iu the
greatest abundance and at the very lowest City Wiiole
uu Pkschs.
Will embrace a full and complete assortment of all of
theabove mentioned articles at prices to suit the times.
All bonnets bought at the store will be trimmed free of
charge in the latest style and best manner. Goods bought
by parties from out of town, will be packed and deliver
ed to the stages or cars free of expense.
No. 5, Union Block, Elmira, X. Y.
People of Bradford County
IN particular, and readers of the Reporter
. in general.
MARSH A CO., OF ELMIRA, X. Y. send greetings
to you and yours, and desire to inform one and all that
they can and will make it greatly to your advantage to
purchase every thing you want in the shape of DRY
wholesale or retail of them at No. ">. Union Block, in the
aforesaid village of Elmira. N. Y.
Their facilities are certainly unsurpassed ; as one mem
ber of the firm is on the spot all the while, consulting
the tastes and wants of their numerous customers, whilst
another of the firm is daily iu the auction rooms and im
porting houses in New York City, securing the newest
and most desirable goods at the very lowest rates, (as
they buy exclusively for cash) and as they sell for cash
only they have no losses to make up, and consequently
can and do sell so cheap as to defy competition. Time
and space preclude the possibility of mentioning half or
quarter ot the many inducement- which are offered to all
to trade at their popular establishment, and the New
Anvi:itri .Kments will from week to week give but a limit
ed idea of the many advantages to be derived hv calling
ou A. T. MARSII A CO.,
No. 5. Union Block, Elmira, N. Y.
P. S. For further particulars,see New Advertisements,
ask those who have called, and go see for yourselves.
Wow Just Hear what IVxarsh has been
and and done
1ST —Went to New York on Mouday night.
2d Bought lots of New Goods of the very latest and
most desirable styles, a few of which will he mentioned
in our new advertisements, hut most of which must be
seen in order to be appreciated.
3d—We intend our stock -hall lie more extensive than
ever, and last, though not least, we shall
and as cheap as we can afford to and pay our clerks
enough to keep them honest. We would just say that
our facilities continue to be such that we will he enabled
to offer extra inducements to all to buv Prv Goods of
No. 5, Union Block. Elmira.
Shirred Bonnets,
I X ALL COLORS, at extra low priics, made by First
. Class Milliners, the proceeds devoted to the poor at
[)ONNET RIBBONS in splendid variety,
) and entirely new -tyles at all prices, ft-,-m 1< to Cs
per yard, just opened at MARSH A CO S.
JL tension Bridal Skirt, made by Macliim ry without a
single stitch, with a new style of spring adjusting hustle,
can be taken apart and put together again in one minute,
and adapted to any member of the family. It i- a strong
competitor and rival of Douglas A Sherwood's patent,
and by many considered even better. Both styles can
be bought only at MARSH A CO'S.
11 111-] for Bonnets and Millinery at
. Marsh V Co's is unparalleled. Those in the trade
living within a hundred miles of Klmira, are availing
themselves of tlic superior facilities for replenishing their
stocks, at No. 5, and our own Ladies arc supplying them
selves with first class Millinery from Union Block. Don't
be backward about " going forward," ladies, for there are
still Bonnets by the thousand, and Ribbons and Flowers
in proportion, on hand and constantly arriving.
riMIE I'KETTIEST assortment of Fancy
X Head Pius, probably, ever exhibited in Klmira, lias
just been opened by MARSH A I O.
LOTS of Linen Tapes in all widths ; also,
extra wide twilled Cotton Tapes.
SWEAZEY A HOLMES respectfully in-
form the public, that having leased the Ward House
for a term of years, and thoroughly repaired and newly
furnished the same, they invite the patronage of travel
lers and otliers, with every confidence that their facili
ties are -ueh as to enable thetn to render satisfaction,—
They assure the public that no effort shall be spared to
maintain for the Ward 1! >u?e the high reputation it lias
so long enjoyed ; to effect which the personal wants o!
their guests will be carefully attended to, while every
facility the market affords will be appropriated to make
the Tableall that could be desired.
We shall pay particular attention to the accommoda
tion of Jurors and witnesses attending Court: who will
lie lioard. d at tile low price of I'.'A cents per day.
■ The Bar is well stocked with nil excellent assort
ment of LIQUORS. We also offer to the public a large
assortment of Liquors, by the quart, gallon or barrel, of
a quality not to lie excelfcd. and at prices as low ii not
lower than can Vie obtained in the cities.
Reading, Elmira and Bingliainton Ale, by the quart,
gallon or barrel.
Tnwauda, April 27, 1858.
Electricity and Lightning Rods!
IT is admitted that F. GREGORY is now selling a bet
ter article ol LIGHTNING ROD, than has ever before
been offered to the public. The Rods are larger, better
connected, and each Ibid is furnished with a point plated
with gold, and tips with plat in a—consequently affording
certain security. If his Rods do not prove a pcrlc tpr
tection, the money will be refunded—He also has on
hand a variety of Vanes or Weather gnages, suitable for
churches ; otliers for farm buildings, Ac.
All jobs done by himself or his men warranted. Ail
orders by mail or "otherwise promptly attended to.
Direct to F. GREGORY, Leßaysville, Bradford Co., Pa.
July 1, 1858.
TIIE Notes and accounts of the undersign
ed, of more than one year's standing, will be placed
in the hands of N. N. Betts, Esq. for collection, and
judgments under the charge of a Lawyer, unless some
arrangement or payment is made within the above men
tioned days of Grace.
To all of our prompt paying and Cash customers, and
the public generally we would say, our stock of GOODS
is complete, and are weekly receiving FRESH SUP
PI IKS— which we are determined to sell at prices that
cannot fail to give aatisUctton. We - ell Goods at whole
bale as u.-ual- ...... . v ., rc
June 8,1858. MONTAN \ ES.
O HERI EE'S SALES.— liv virtue of sundry
►O writs of Vend. Expo., i - led out of the court of Com
mon Pleas of Bradford County, to me directed and de
livered, wil! be exposed to public sale at the Court House,
Towanda Boi'ingh, on THURSDAY, the 2d day of
SEPTEMBER, 1858, at one o'clock, P. M.. the following
lot, piece or parcel of land situ ite in Granville twp.,
Bradford county, bouuded on the north by land of Isaac
Putnam, on the east by lands ot of M. C. Aruot and B.
F and L. D. Taylor, on the south by land of M. C- Arnot
and William Bunyon, and ou the west by land of Harri
son Roes, Christopher Low and William McFulou. Con
taining one hundred and thirty acres, he the same more
or less, about one hundred acres improved, two framed
barns, two framed houses and two orchards thereon.
Fcized and taken iu execution ui tiie suit of The Coun
ty of Bradford vs. C. D. Ross and Jas. H. li->ss.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Sheshequin twp., Bradford county, bounded on the
north and west by lands of Samuel H-ilfs, and on the
south and east by Myers Osboru. Containing about five
acres, more or less, ah >ut two and a half acres improved,
one log house house, one log barn, and a few fruit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Samuel
Owens vs. LaFavette Merithew.
ALSO —The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate ill Troy twp., Bradford county, hounded on the north
by lauds of Darwin Allen, on the east Ly lands of John
Parks, Abijah Parks, on the south by lands of Darwin
Allen and on the west by lands of John Ward and Harry
Greeno. Containing seventy acres, more or less, about
forty acres improved, one Iramed house and one framed
barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Newberry
A Peck vs. M. W. Jones and L. M. Jones.
ALSO—The follow ing lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Ulster twp., Bradford county, bounded on the north
by lauds of 11. S. Davidson A Co , on the east by lands of
Philander Holcoinb, on tiie south by lauds of Alfred Hol
comb and on the west hy land of Geo. Lenox. Contain
ing forty-six acres, be the same mote or less, about thir
ty fin- a -re- thereof improved.Jone log house with al'rum
ed addition attached, one framed barn ami an orchard of
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James M'-
Carty to the use of John Cotiklin vs. R. M. Simons.
Also, at the suit of D. G. Newton to the use of Joint
C'onkliu vs. Richard XL Simons.
ALSO.—The billowing described lot. piece or parcel of
land situate iti Wysox twp.,Biade id County Pa., Iveiud
ed on the north by lands of A. B. Smith, east by land of
E. B. C'oolbaugh, south by tin Wysox road, and west In
lands of the State of Penn ylvatiia. excepting therefrom
three small lots near the western line of the farm; one
lot of about one acre belonging to the bridge company,
one to William Keeler, and one to Cornelius Coleman.
Containing (the three aforesaid lots not included) about
lorty ucres more or !c-s, all improved with two dwelling
houses, two framed barns and an orchard of fruit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James
M'Cabe, to the use of Job P. Kirby vs. N. P. Brown.
AIJSO. —The following described lot, pie-r or parcel of
land situate in Granville twp.. Bradford County, Pa.,
bounded on the north by land ol Charles D. Ross, on the
east by the public highway, on the south by hauls oecu- i
pied by Levi D. We-t. on the west by lands belonging to
the estate of Jeremiah Taylor, dee d. Containing one I
acre, be the same m >rc or less, all improved, one framed
house,one framed Irani and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ot S.R.l'aimer,
to the u-c of John Ward, v-. Richard linger.
A l>SO —The billowing lot, pie e or parcel of land situ
ate in Asylum twp.. Bradford county, bounded on the
north by hind of John Voce and John Wand.ill. eist by
land of Reuben Barnes, south by tiie Sullivan County
line and on the west by land of Benjamin and Daniel
Vaughn. Containing about one bundled and eighty-live
acres, more or less, al>ont one hundred acres improved,
one framed house, framed baru with sited attached, one
framed wagon house and other out buildings, and an or
chard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William
11. Philips tc Co. vs. Josiah Slowcll.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Burlington Borough, Bradford e unity, bounded on
the north by the Burlington and Troy road, on the east
l>v the nubile highway leading oyer the bill from Burling
ton to Towanda. on the south by lauds of William Cory
ell and on the west by lands ot Addison McKe iu. Con
taining one acre, 1m- the same more or less, all improved,
one framed tavern house, one framed barn and a few fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John E.
Goodrich vs. Reuben Xlorley.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of laud situ
ate iu Towanda Borough, Bradford county, bounded oil
the north by land of James Makins-ui, ou Ihoeu.-t by land
of the Barclay Rail Road & Coal C ~ soutli by land of
William A. dnamberlin and on the west by Main Street.
Containing about SJ tret trout by about il'2 feet deep,
more or less, all improved, one framed dwelling house
anil blacksmith shop, one framed barn and fruit trees
ALSO—One other lot piece or parcel of land situate
in Towanda Borough, Bradford county, bounded and des
cribed as follows, to wit: Ou the north by land of J. C,
Adtiuis, east hy Main street, south Ly land of John F.
Means, and on the west by an alley. Said lot being about
51) feet front by RIO deep, all improved, with a lew fruit
trees thereon.
ALSO- One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate
in Towarda Borough. Brmlionl count . bounded <-n the
u -rth by land of Edwin Rollins and John H. Badger, east
bv an alley, soutli by land of James Kinsman and on tin
west by the highway or Second street. Containing about
50 feet"front by Rli) feet deep, all improved, one framed
barn, one framed house and a few fruit trees tlu reon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J.dui iit-i vs. \dam Kscmviue.
\|,SO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land Gtu
tile in Sheslieqnin twp., Bradford county, bounded north
bv land of William Patterson, east by tin- highway, south
by land formerly belonging to Dennis Post and on the
west by lands of Elias Post. Containing about one acre,
more or less, all improved, one Ruined house and a few
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 11. J. Mu
dil!, executor of Alexander Modill, tlec'd. vs. Samuel
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Clinton twp.. Bradford enmity, bounded on the
north by land of William S. Baker aid Edward Burke,
east by land in possession of ,\. XL Kramer, Edward
Burke and S. B. laithrop, south by the highway called
i'liion street and west by the highway called Troy street.
Containing about one acre, more or h---. all improved.
ALSO —All the interest ot Henry Kiugsliery in that
certain lot, piece or parrel of land situate in Canton twp.,
Bradford comity, and bounded a< follows, to wit: Ou the
north by tiie public highway called Union strei t, ou the
cast by the public highway called Division street, on the
south by the lands in pos> ( ---ion of S. A. Sucose and on
the west by an alley called Wright's Alley, on n certain
town plot of Canton Village, dated Oct. 1, 1554, now iti
possession of S. 11. Newman ex epting therefrom lot
No. 35 on said plot, upon which a school noose i- situat
ed. Containing about otieacre. more or less, all improved.
ALSO—The interest of Henry Kingsbery in all that
certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp.
Bradford county, and bounded as follows, to wit : On the
north by lands of Harding A Lee, G. XV. Griffin and D.
Wilcox! east l>v lauds of J. XV. Grlffio and A. N.Spald
ing, south by the public highway called Towamla street,
and west by the public highway culled Troy street and
by lands of Harding A Lee. Mix. Hooper A Turner and
F. G. Mauley. Containing thru -norths ot an acre, more
or less, all improved, with one framed tav< rn house and
one framed building occupied as a dwelling house and
shoe shop and a new framed barn and a few fruit trees
ALSO- All the interest of Henry Kingsliory iti all that
certain lot, pie e or parcel of land situate in Canton twp.
Bradford romitv. bounded ou the north Ly the public
highway called Union street, east by land of F. K. Van
dyke,south by laud of Case A Colwell, and west by land
la-longing to {he heirs of J. C.ltose, dee'd. Containing
one-eighth of an acre, more or less, all improved, nith a
framed burn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James But
ler to the use of J. K. Goodrich vs. Henry Kingsbery.
ALSO The following 1 -t. pkee or parcel or laud situ
ate in West Burlington twp.. Bradford county, bounded
on the north by land ot W. Sawyer and Marvin Rocku ell,
east by A. Coinpton, on the south b\ laud of Orrin West
gate and on the west by land of t>. Ik*-lev. Containing
ninety-seven acres, be the -nine taore or h--s, about f-i t>
acres improved, one log house, one trained barn and a k w
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Orrin E.
Harris-vs. Frederick G. Crofut, George F. Crofut and Xly
ron Fairehilil.
A USD The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Wysox twp., Bradford comity, bounded on the north
l>v land of Potiioroy Gorsline. jr., rust by land ot Joint
Jiihnson, south by ibe warrant line and west by laud of
O. D. Bartiett. Containing sixty-live acres, more or less,
about thirty acres improved, and a log house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Collins &
Powell vs. G. H. Gorsline.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel ot land situ
ate in Franklin twp., Bradford county, bounded on the
north by lands of Samuel Amiable and John McDanicl,
on the east and west by lands o£ Horace XVilley and on
the south by Towanda creek. < 'nntuiniug about one hun
dred acres, lie the same more or less, about 45 acres im
proved, one framed house. one frame and plunk house,
one blacksmith shop, fronted barn and orchard ol fruit
trees thereon. (Excepting therefrom a small lot with a
framed house thereon, on the south end of said lot here
tofore deeded by defendant to 12. I). Montanyc Contain
ing about five rods, more or less.)
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of L. G. Bail
croft to the use of H. H. Mace \ s. William E. Gore.
ALSD The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Uidgbury twp., Bradford county, bounded north by
land of Daniel Harrigun, ea-t by lands of James Collins,
south by lands of Michael Cain and west by land of Mi
chael Grace. Containing fifty acres, more or le-s, about
thirty acres improved, a log house, a framed barn, and a
few truit trees thereon.
Seized aud taken in execution at the suit of Decker A
Cornell to the use of D. A. Overton vs. Daniel Cain. jr.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of laud situ
ate in Canton twp., Bradford county, bounded and des
cribed as follows, to wit: Beginning on the west, line of
land owned by William 11. Smith at the south east cor
ner of N H. Ho kok's (arm and running tlience south 2J°
w- st along the wc.t Lee of [and of tatd Smith and I.:. t
! Williams el r.erehe.- to the north ea. * cor.ior ot Wh./.m
I FiUwater's, and thence north tieU we-t along the north
I tctjlll.
! line of -aid Fitzwater's land and land of William S. Fel
low- 252 perches to a stake ami -tones, standim? ou the
I east line of land of Jared and Jacob Beardsh-c, tliencc
north cast along said Bcardslee's line. 4 2-1 h percltcs
to a stake and stones standing on the south west corner
of Myron Fellows land, thence north 711° east 112 perches
to the west line of Nathaniel A. Hlckok's land, thence
j south west along tin- west line of said llickok's land
: to the south west corner of said llickok's land, thence
south (js east along said Hi kok's south line to the
place of beginning. Containing seventy-even acres and
seventy-live perches, be the same more or less about for
ty acres improved, one framed house, a log house, a barn
and an apple orchard thereon.
Scizi 1 and taken in > Xe. ution at the suit of Chester
Thomas and 0. I'. BnlLrd to the Uoe of O. P. Ballard v-.
Geo. P. Channel.
I ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of laud situ
■ ate in Ilidgbury twp., Bradford comity, bounded on the
| north by land of Vincent Owen, on the east bv lands ol
Hector and Vincent Owens anil i-aae Baldwin, ou the
| south by land of Knianuel Gunsaulus and on the west by
land of Samuel Tubbs. Containing about OTIC hundred
! and twenty acres, about seventy acres improved, one
framed house, cue lug house, with a trained ado Amu, one
framed barn, two log barns and two apple orchards and
other fruit trees there in.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. A. Mills
vs. A. G. Marcellus.
ALSO—The follow ing lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in South Creek twp.. Bradford county, bounded on
tin. north by laud of M illion Kerrick, on the east by land
of Alexander Relyea, south hv the public highway lead
ing from Giibtt'- to Wells township and on the west by
laud of William Reives. Containing one hundred and six
acres, be the same more or less, about thirty acres im
proved, om-plunk house and a framed barn and a few
fruit tree- thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William
• Buhner vs. John Watson.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of 1 nd situ
] ate in South Creek twp., Bradford county, bounded on
; the north by the highway, on the east by land of Dennis
j Rekea, on the south by land of John Vankirk and laud
i now in pos-ession of James Terwilliger and west by land
of James Ter williger. Containing about sixty-nine acres
more or less, about thirty acres improved, one framed
house and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William S.
lug..lD vs. Jauies Terwilliger.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Smithfield twp.. Bradford county, bounded on the
north by lands ot A.-aliel Scott, on the east by the public
highway and L. B. Oeroul I's land, oil the south by lands
of Ansel Scott, Christopher Child, and oil the west by
land of (iotdon Wileox. Containing forty-five no res. be
| the same more or less, about forty acres improved, one
framed dwelling house, one carriage shop, one framed
barn and an orchard of fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—That certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate
in Sniithlield twp., Bradford county, bounded on the
north by land-of \sahel Scott, on the east bv hinds of
Wallace Scott, on the south by lands of Wallace S oft,
and on the west by land of lieebe Gerould. Containing
tweuty-seven acres, be the same more or less, about ten
acres improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Gordon
Wilcox vs. Timothy C. Kellogg.
ALSO— The following lot, piece or pan-el of html situ
ate in Canton twp.. Bradford county, bounded on the
north by I mils ot lrad Wilson, east by the highway lead
ing from Troy to ('iint-'u, south by lands of Nicholas
Evrrhirt, and west by lands of frail Wil- >n. Conttiining
about five-eighths of an acre, be the same more or less,
all improved with a framed house, a framed barn and
some 'rnit trees thereon.
Seized aid taken in execution at the suit of 1m Cro
fut's dmiui-t!atom now to the use of Thomas Case vs.
Asi-I Bhikernan.
A LSI t The following lot. piece or parcel of land sitn
ilte in Athens twp., Bradford county, hounded on the
north by lauds of Yates A Co., west by lauds of Fdward
Williams and Smith Griffin, on the soutli by laud of
Smith Grifliii and land belonging to the heirs of 11. Wil
li-t'iu, dec 1. a d tin- puMi, highway, and on the ea-t In
land ol the heirs of 11. Willi-don, dee'd.. Geo. Wolcott and
Miriiiu Hmuiker. Containing nbout two hundred and
- tilty-six acres, more or le>s, about one hundred acres im
proved, one framed house, one log house, three framed
! barns, one framed shed and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken lit execution at the suit of the Bank
' of l'ort Jan is vs. Cornelius H in-iker.
ALS't—The billowing lot, piece or parcel of laud situ
! ate in North Towanda twp.. Bradford county, bounde I
on the north by lands ot John Simons, on the east by
- lands of David Rutty and Ira 11. Stevens, on the south
i y land-of Ira 11. Stevens anil the Sugar ('reek. and on
the westerly side by the Sugar Creek. Containing one
Imudn I acres, be the same more or less, about thirtv-iive
acres thereof improved, with one framed house, one board
sliauty. one framed burn and two small hay barns and an
: orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and t ikett in < M-cutioii at the suit of Spettei-r
West now to the use of K. T. Fox vs. Jesse Woodrulf, c-x
--[ eciitor of Nathan Coon, tlec'd.
ALSO Tiie i Blowing lot. piece or parcel of laud >itu
ate in Towanda borough. Bradford county, bounded on
, the north by lands of J. 1). Montanyc. east bv lands of
N. N. Rett-, soutli by South street. and wu-t hv Main
I street. Containing one h indeed fed front. and one hun
dred and sixty feet back, be the same more or le-r-, all
I improved with a trained dwelling house, Irani od barn
. and other o ,t buildings and fruit trees thereon.
| ALSO Due other lot. piece or parcel of land situate
in N< rth Towanda twp.,Bradford eo.lmnded on the north
j by lands formerly belonging to Joseph Powell and the
■ :sit-i|Uphaiuia n;< r. C.i -t by land of J-i-cpli \ll-.wav, south
\ by lands of John Dougherty, Stephen M■: lanev and Wil
; liani BIOWII and ON the we-t by lauds of William Major.
Containing about two hundred ur res. More or less, a boat
' - tie hundred acres improved,oue framed board
j shanty, two framed barns and other out buildings and
two orchards of fruit trees.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. A N.
I llcKimey vs. D. M. Bull.
A LSD -The fallowing lot, piece or parcel f land sito
| ate in Granville twp.. Bradford county, hounded on the
j north by hinds of Julius Bailey, east by Jul: - Bailey,
j -outh by the highway and on the west by lands of Jon i
ihaii 'i . Miller and Juiius Bailey. Containing about I'il
square perches, more or less, all improved, one trained
| lio ;e. framed shop, otic framed ham and a few fruit
j trees thereon.
Seized and t iken in execution at the suit of Jantes li.
Ross. School Treasurer of Granville twp. vs. A. D. Bailey
and Uriah D. Baxter.
ALSO The following lot, piece or pan el of land situ
ate in Canton twp., Bradford county, bounded on the
it nth by the highway leading from Cant m to Tow unl;-.
: east hv lands ot J. W. Griffin and W. Leavitt, south by
1 Sellard and Leavitt, and west Ly T. L. I'iatt, Con tain
ing about three-fourths of tin acre, in ire < r less, all ini
i proved, with one framed dwelling house, and one fram
i ed bant partly finished thereon.
ALSO One other lot. pie-'c or parcel of land situate
in Cant-m twp.. as aforesaid, bounded on the north and
west by Imil of I-'. G. Mauley, on the |soctli by land of
j Mrs. M. 11. Green man and ou the east by Troy -treet or
public highway. Containing alw-ut twenty feet front bv
i forty feet back, all improved, with one framed store house
Seized and t -ken in execution at the -uit of Walter S.
' Newman vs. Harris Milhr.
ALSO The foil -wing lot, pic< eor parcel of land situ
I ate in Granville twp., Bradford county, bounded ou the
I north by land of LD. Swain, oast by lands of t;,--. \.
Johnson, south by land of A J. Robinson, and west hv
the highway. Guntaiiiing about fifty aetes, more or lo—.
ah ml twenty live acres improved, one framed house, log
barn and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken iu ext-utinn at the suit of Meeker.
Herbert A* Perkins \s. N. N. Finney, garnishee of H. S.
i ll'dcoinb.
ALSO Tiie following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ite in Slicshcquia aid Wy.- x twp>., Bradford county,
bounded on the north by lands of Daviil Crowh-v. on tin
ea t by lands ot David Crawley and V. F. ,V J. K. Piollef.
m the south by V. L. cv J. K. PioJU-r and J-iiin Brhutin,
and we-t by lands of Jerome Giliett. S.nniul Owen-.
Abeam Patterson and John Brlnnin. Containing asottt
one hundred and fitly acres, more or less, al.ont s-. vetity
live acres improved, one framed house, framed bum, saw
mill and mill house and fruit tree- thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John 11.
Smith to the use of John Behllemun is. .1. S. Spencer.
Also, ut the suit of tt. D. ltartlett v -. J. s. Spencer.
Towanda, August 4, ls.'S. Sheriff.
Norte: TO Rem itA-KI: TO prevent misunderstand
ing. notice is hereby given that pureha er- at sheriff's
sab's will be required to pay the amount bid at the time
the land is sold. It has la-come imperatively nece -ury
to ad-ipt this rule, and it will tie strictly adhered t >, ex
cept in ease- where the purchaser is a lien creditor and
is entitled to tip-fund as provided in the Ist section ol
the act of Assembly, approved April 20. is-hi. which is
a- follows : •' Whc-iii vc tin- pi.renast i s of real estate at
Orphans' Court or Sheriff's sale, sliall appear from the
proper record"to be entitled, as a lieu creditor, to re> eive
the wh<de or any portion ni the proceeds at said sale, it
shall be the duty of the sheriff, administrator, executor
or other person making such sale, to receive the
| of such purchaser or purchasers lor the amount which
' In- or they would appear, from the record .is more-said,
; to he entitled to re -eive : Provided that this section sh i:
I not be so construed as to prevent the right of said Sheriff
I administrator, execut r --r other pe-soa alVue ahl to ii> -
: ntand and receive at the time of sale a sum sufficient to
j cover all legal costs eat itied to la- paid out ot the proet eds
In s.i id sale ; and provideil fut ther. that la-tore any pur-
I chaser oi pui'i ha-ers shall receive the benefit of this i
! tion, he or f h<-y- -hill produce to the Sheriff', or other per-
I son so nuking said sale, a duly certified statement from
the proper records, ttnd- rt-he hand and official sea! of the
proper officer, showing that be is a lien creditor, er.titb 1
: to receive any part of the proceeds of the .-ale a.- aforesaid.''
of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford coun
ty, will be exposed to public sale upon the premises, ou
MONDAY, AI GL'.Si' In, 1855,::' 1 o'clock, P. M.. the
following lot, phve or parcel of land *itnnte in Albany
township, late the e-t ife of Wnt. B. Rcifsnyder.deeea ed.
and bounded and described as follow.-: On tiie. east hy
Roliert Lewis, on the north bv James L. Miller, ou the
west by lands of Ro>ct a id B • 'hiag, on the south of
Milford Hakes, f onfaia.apahoi t lOftaues. Ter - sraadc
known on day of F.l>.
i Julv If, 155 P. Admmifctra.. ;x
i REGISTER'S NOTICES —Notice is here
! 1 A by given that there have Ixen filed and -ett'ed n
li e iiffii't of the Register of Wills, in and lor the county
| of Bradford, accouuts of administration upon the follow
ing estates, viz :
Final account of Ezra Loom is a d Woodward Berry,
executors of Alvin Loom is, lote of Troy, deceased.
Final account of fjetb Sherman,administrator of Simon
Johnson, late of Columbia, deceased.
Final account of Kiihe. Case and A. I). Spalding, ad
ministrators of Johnson Williams. 2d. late oi Troy di e'd.
Final account of Jesse Moore, adminiidiutor oi \\ lllutui
Miller. late of South Creek, de eased.
I'artial account of J. C. Hidgwny and I). J. Beardsley,
administnitors of J. M. Martin, late of Franklin,deceased.
Partial account of Clint 11 Kt-c.iey, executor of Benja
min Brink, late of Pike, deceased.
And the -ame will he pie-uiti d to the Orphan's Court
of Bradford county, on Monday, the Ctli day of September
next, l'or confirmation and allowance.
JAMES H. WEBB, Register.
BwMcr'l office, August 15, I*sß.
a V. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Daniel* Smith, d e'd. late of Wyalusing tp., are re
quested to make payment without delay ; and all persons
hiving claims against said estate, must present them duly
aath uticated for settlement to the subseribera.
August -t. lsr,ft. Administrator.
; JL V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es-
I fate of Michael Croak, dee'd., late of ]>ureli township,
[ are requested to make payment without delay; aud all
persons having claims against said estate, must present
them duly authenticated, to the subscriber.
May 2a, 1858. Administrator.
A UDITOR'S NOTlCE.— Orville Chnm
-1 I btrlin r*. .lurun I'erkit I*. In the Common l'ieaa
of Bradford county, No. 591, Sept. T. 1'.
The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said Court to
distribute funds raised by Sheriffs sale ot the real estata
of defendant. will atteud to thj: duties of his appointment
at his office, in Towanda borough, on Saturday, the 2ciii
day of June. Issß, at I o'clock in the afternoon, nt which
time and place all persona interested are required to pre
sent their claims or else he forever debarred fioiu said
fund. O. D. MOXTAXYK.
June 1. IMS, Auditor.
A V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tute of Joseph' B. < li atl'eo, dee d, late of Warren township,
arc requested to make payment without delay : ami ail
persons having claims against said estate willplca.sepre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
June 1.1850. Administrators.
A \ i- hereby giv en, that all prisons indebted to the es
tate of W M. STEEL, late of Asylum two., deceased, tiro
requested to make pay no at Without delay: and ail per
son- having• laims against -aid estate, must present them
duly autin uti< ated for settlement to tie subserHx r.
July 20, 1858. Adiiiini-'tdrix.
I IST OE .11 RORS, druwu lot SEI'TEM*
l J BElt Term and Sessions. 1-is.
Albany—Williams I,(-e. lOqertnn Geo. llottenstinc.
Armenia J. I*. Bunihaiu. j smithticld—S. U. Crane, J.
Burling 011 W Jl* Rockwelll Smith. Ir.
Colaniliia i" W S iper. ISpringlield— Selves.Leonard
c.iiilou—Joel Taylor. i'owanda—llenj. Davidson,
Durell—Juliu lleiiuett, Ft-. (1. 11. Bull.
Cole. I'riy lio—C. N Newberry.
1. run ill# - C. I*. Clie.-lcv. I'!-t< it- C. Mallorv.
IAI! >y X. Killbora. J'i lis- Ab Bndaim.
Litchfield S. McKinney. '.Yvalosiiig—S. W.Biles.
Monroe—Win. Mason. A'y-ox—I). I*. Bartlctt.
Orwell—Jane s Cleavel md. Wilumt—Krastus Shepard.
\then* tp--Ira K-l-bret, li.'Riilgberry - I!. Herman, J.l)
Kinney. K. A. Murray. Ilaminond. C. F. Wilson.
Atln in-ho 11. I . l'aik. Smithtkhl - w. 8. Gardner.
Asylum Ceo Terry. Springfield C. 11.Ceruct.J.
Itartilgtim S. .V.e Lett. I tr.iig.ll. It. Smith.
Canton- \bel Rockwell, T iSouth Crock Dav id Moore.
S. Manley. I'owanda ts>--E. T. Fox.
t'olum'oia—Orr Wilson. T.M.Troy 1). N. Allen.
Card. jTroy ls>—R. J. Cheney, Wiu
Durell John V. Renjamin. Barto.
M'Kean I.a porte. I'uscarora Lewis Milton.
Franklin -Sumuel Gregory Ulster—Ainasa Watkins.
Altintiay. Warren—Peter Allbright.J.
1 derrick John J. Anderson Sleeper.
M. D. F. Mine-. I*. Squire- Wells—Samuel Ingersoll,Jan
Litchfield--John Fiddler. Owen.
Monro, C. M. Brown, Dor.! Windham—Harry Russell,S.
• •wen, H. H. Ingham. 1 White.
: Orwell Jacob Chubbttck, V A'val.isiug—Renj'n Ackley,
Cottklin. | J. F. Chatnlierfia.
! Pike Samuel Ruck. 1 Wysox—Sam'l Reynolds.
Rome—Andrew Wiekizor. |
Asylum E.l lot ton, I'.tj .ii L Shc-heqiiin—Wlll H.Bisliop,
Athens tp Jackson Green. ' JtlM l-'i-b. Jos ILHorton,
Burlington Robert Knupp.l Ouy Kinney, K. Blackmail.
LibbeusEllis. Smithfield- 0. E. Wood, W .
Cunto:i- Win 11. Bates, Win E. Barton.
Owen. Springfield- (has Matlock-,
c iiini. ia ■ •'. 11. Ballard. Sherman Smith.
Cr i'lviil,- O.M ai Saxtun. K "standing Sti-ue- WniGriffis.
Godard. Trov bn—John Hopkins.
Litchfield- Charles Kceney, I'owanda tp—Tlios Smith.
Hans',n ,\K I'l-tcr -Lorenzo Watkins.
| Orwell i: .ton Rus-ell. C. Wilnu t Jonathan Battles,
M. Smith. J. L. Jones,
j Pike—|jai ry Wilson. Windham—Anth'y Crispcll,
| Ridgbcrry .1 W I'houipsou A. Dunham, jr.
John llammond. Wyalusing Edw. Vaughn.
J It,one A-a Fuller.
; PROCLAMATION. Whore**, the ll<n.
I DAVID WII.MOT. President Judge of the 12th Jit
dicial District, consisting ol theOuuities of Bradford and
Siisipa h.iiiua, and llottorables JOHN I'ASSWOBI:, and
JOHN F. laNii. Associate Judges, in and for said county
of Bradford, have issued tlw ir precept bearing date tlio
Ttiiday of July, A. D. 1558,1n me directed, for holding a
C ant of Oyer ami Termini r. General Quarter Sessinus of
the Pea c. Common Pleas and Orphan's Court, at Towan
da. for the County ol Bradford, on the first Monday, the
•ith day of SEITEMREH ucxt, to continne two weeks.
N'oti, e is Du-refore hereby given, to the Coronets and
Justices of the Peace and Constables, of the Comity of
Brail,ord. that they be then and there in their proper per
son. st 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their
records, inquisitions.anil other remembrances, to do those
things which to their office appertains to be done ; and
tiio-e vvlio are bound by recognizance or othervv i-e to pro
secute against the prisoners who are or may be in tbe jail
of said County, or who shall la* bound to appear at tlio
s.iid court, arc to lie then and there t > prosecute against
them as shall lie just. Jurors arc requested to 1m- punctual
in their attend.nice, agreeably to tlu-ir notice.
Dated at Towatula. the 14th of July, in the year of our
1."i,1, inn- thousand eight hundred* and fifty-eight, and
ol the Independence of the I'nifed States, the eighty
first. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff.
| pXECUTOII'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here
in by given that all persons indebted to the estate of
WILLiAM BULXK. late of l'ike tup., deceased, must
make immediate payment, and ail persons having de
mand* against -aid estate, will present them duly authen
ticated lor settlement.
Iprll 2*.MS*. Excci.ior.
pXECUTOirS NOTICE.- Notice ig hkv-
A 'y given. that all persons indebted to the estate of
NANCY MILES, deceased, late of Canton township,
a e requested to wake payment without delay; those
h.ivi,, _ ! 1 mnds 1 gainst - n.l estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
April '!•'<. 185*. WM. S. J VYN'K. Executor.
J. A. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to tho
estate of JOHN FROST, deceased, late of Rome
twp, are hereby notilied to make payment without delay,
and all per so ns having demand* against said estate are
! requested to present theui duly authenticated for settle
ment. JAKE o. FROST.
May I. I* s. Administratrix.
1 rl is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of WM. B. R'vlFsX Y PER. late of Albany township,
de eased, are reque -ted to make payment without de
lay ; and .ill pel-sons having claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlement.
May 19,1858. Administratrix.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.- /* tkt vtaUfttof
j i\ U. (". jtiiiifr't et'i iU . lu the Orphan's Court of
I Bradford County.
The undersigned, auditor appoint ,1 npon cx -eptioin
! filed to ila- ~na! tbe administrator of aanl e~-
talc. will atu- Ito the d. ' es of his appointment at lbs
ofiiec in the Borough of Towanda, ">n, the " I
day -a \u_-e 1 ISo.s. at 2 o'clock, P. M. All persons in
terested vt ill lake notice.
June 11, P. R. MftRROW. Auditor.
A \ is b-rely given, that LI jiersons indebted to the es
tate of Win. Wigstein, dr.-'d.. la'e of Rnrlngfield town
diip, are hereby requestrd to make pavinent withent de
lay : aud ail jrei son , iui < laiin - against said estate will
please present them duly autli*i. a'.ed for settlement.
July J7. Je s. Administrator.
, - V is lie 1 ei>v jk-.-n. r : all persons indebted to the es
! tato of CHARITY ML. VD. de -.'d., late of Michigan,
i are hereby requested t make payment without tie
* lav; and a"! oei-son - i-,a>'ng liiins airwUst said estate will
Pita, e nre ti.ei.. 1 ,rt-ot.. .-tod tor settlement.
I Mav 4 l"A>t. Adifiiui^tn<s}r.