Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 05, 1858, Image 2

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    News from all Nations.
T| ie Danville Intelligencer says that Mrs.
jiTrrg brother i a •!u iting signatures in Danville, to a
petition praying Gov. Packer to pardon her.
There is just now a tremendous rush of
immigration to Krazer River .which run* from the British
Possessions into Washington Territory. It is said that
almost fabulously'large deposits ot gold have been discov
ered there recently.
—The Directors of the Milton Savings Bank
met on Wednesday and elected Ex-Governor Pollock. Pre
sident of the Institution. Four installments of s•"> each
are to be called in by the middle of September, and the
Bank is expected to be in operation early in October.
—The fat men of Mansfield, Oiiio, had a
separate celebration on the sth. Of this corps, the light
est man weighed 2<>o pounds, and the officers weighed as
follows:— Captain, 24S pounds ; First Lieutenant, 2'ffi
poqnds ; Second Lieutenant, 237 ; Third Lieutenant,2o2
Orderly Sergeant, 230; Surgeon, 2AS.
—The Delaware Railroad Company has
erected in Middletown, in this State, a depot 200 feet
long. 40 feet wide and two stories high, capable of storing
from 40,000 to 60.000 bushels of grain in the second
story, leaving the lower story for freight.
—The Harrisburg (Pa.) Telegraph says
thore is a superabundance of Blackberries this season.—
They are gathered in immense quantities and taken to the
small towns around, where they are sold at five cents a
qnart, while in Harrisburg they bring from ten to twelve
cents per quart.
—James R. Buchanan, recently charged,
in Arkansas, with fraud in the prosecution 01 bounty land
claims, has been convicted and sentenced to .-even years
imprisonment in the Penitentiary.
—The Minnesota correspondent of theCleve
laad (Ohio) Pl.iiade.ilcr says, that the area of crops
throughout the State of Minnesota, this year, is at least
one-third greater than last year. The corn crop is ex
ceedingly promising.
—Ou Thursday night, a large glass house
in Pittsburg. Pa., the property of Mr. John Agnew, but
leased by E. Wormscr .V Co., was destroyed by fire, to
gether with a pile of lumber adjoining. Loss about s'3ooo.
—Two men, named O'Brien and Quiulan,
who were blasting a nick in a well near S >mersville,Mass.,
were suffocated by foul air on the 23th inst.
—There are now in the United States 124
colleges and universities,with an aggregate number of 11,
000' students.
—Foreign papers concur in stating that
the harvest in Russia promises to l>e magnificent.
—The case of O. O. Woodman vs. Caroline,
his wife, suit for divorce, has been decided in New Or
leans, Da., in favor of the plaintiff. This decree to have
no effect upon the contract between the parties, relative
to any other matter, except the question of divorce,
which alone is effected by this decree.
—All the hay and wheat, and most of the
oats in Dauphin Co., Pa., have been harvested in the best
of order. The crops were abundant, but the introduction
of machinery made the harvest of short duration. Pota
toes are doing well and promise an abundant crop, and
corn is coming on finely.
—Lettie Hamlin, a girl aged I<>, residing
in Bclchertowu, Mass., while gathering berries, a few
days siuce, in that vicinity, killed two black snakes,meas
uring six feet in length each, besides catching two strip
ed snakes, which she put in her bosom and carried home
to her mother. A Boston paper vouches for the forego
—Xear Charlottsville, Ya., there is said to
be, still In a pretty good state of preservation, a frame
dwelling house, which Dr. Franklin bad framed in Phila
delphia and shipped to his grandson who then owned the
farm, now the property of Mrs. Craven.
—The Cuuadiau parliament have passed to
a third reading a bill allowing bounty to fishermen. It
will undoubtedly become a law.
—The London Globe says that Rev. Mr.
Spurgeon intends to emigrate to America or Australia.
A naughty man, named John Kendall,
who has a wife and family living in Boston, has gone and
got married to Thomas Carlisle's daughter, of Brooklyn,
JT. Y. Carlisle has found out Kendall, and caused his
—There was no foundation for the report
of the New York News that Win. B. .Ystor was about to
give empoylment to several thousand mechanics and la
—The famous trotting marc Flora Temple,
was recently purchased by Mr. William McDonald, of
Baltimore, for eight thousand dollars, and was cheap at
—lt is said that in consequence of dull
times and the extreme hot weather, over 30 per cent, of
the first class houses of ill-fame, lu New York have
burst up.
—-From Utah we lourn that Gen. Johnston
entered Great Salt Lake City on the 20th ult. Tht Mor
mons had been invited to return to their homes, but were
tftlll at Provo.
—ln spite of the recent disastrous overflows
at the South, the prospects of the sugar and cotton crops
are reported to lte promising.
—The People's conferees of Clearfield,
ITlair'and Cambria have nominated 11. Buchcr Svrope as
their candidate for State Senator.
—A caravan of camels is being organized
to facilitate the transit of emigrants to the territory of
Arizona. The camels are to cross the enterveuiug desert
toward the Gulf of California.
—Sullivan county has declared for the re
nomination of Allison White for Congress, and Geo. 1).
Jackson, for Assembly, on the part of the Democracy.
—By an official report of the appropriations
of last Congressional session they amount to $84,300,000.
—A Baptist church of fourteen members
was formed at Perrysville, Juniata county, on the 14th
—A bill has been introduced into the House
of Lords to prevent British ships from carrying Chinese
emigrants to any place not within the British dominions
—ships so employed to be forfeited, and the master, offi
cers ana owners guilty of misdemeanor.
—Official dispatches from the llou. Win B.
Reed, confirm the report that the Emperor of China has
appointed an official to concur with the Peace Commis
sioners of the United States and Europe. There is hope
for China yet.
—lnteresting news from Utah is furnished.
The Mormons are returning to Salt Luke City. The army
horses are suffering for want of grass.
—Mr. Nugent, the special agent from the
United States to Frazer's river, will leave New York on
the sth of August.
—Martin M. Ray has been nominated for
Congress by the Democrats ot the sixth Congressional
district of lmliaijx
—The funeral ceremonies of Gen. Quitman,
at Natchez, were of an imposing character.
—James Kelley was hanged oil Friday at
Kings county jail, New York, for the murder of his wife.
He died penitent,confessing his crime .and acknowledging
the justice of his punishment.
—F. Knox Morton, Esq., was seriously in
jured on Friday, at Philadelphia, by being thrown from
i s wagon o>.: g J n.s hoise 'akii.g night.
Senator Douglas is set down for thirteen
speech* *ln diftc rent parts of Illinois, Let ween Ibc27lhef
July and the 21-t of A oru i.
Mowing Machine Trial at Athens.
Understanding that misrepresentations con
cerning the trials at Mowing, held at this
place on the fore and afternoon of Monday,
July 19th, between the Manny's Combined
Machine, (Clark & Marry Agents,) and the
Kirby American Harvester, (manufactured by
us,) are in circulation coming from the friends
of the Manny Machine, we have thought it
due to the public, as well as to ourselves, that
the facts should be more widely known.
The first trial was had in the forenoon in the
meadow belonging to Judge Herrick, on good
smooth bottom, covered with an ordinary crop
of straight standing grass. Here both ma
chines did good work,and cut sufficiently close
with the exception only, that the stubble, left
by the Kirby mower, since being raked oil
presents an evener appearance than that of
the Manny machine. There was, as was evi
dent to every beholder all an immense disparity
in the draft of the two machines. The hor
ses on the Manny machine, driven by Mr.
Clark, did severe work and were every mo
ment urged by their driver to keep up a fast
walk. On the other hand the team on the
Kirby machine took its own gait and worked
very casiiy, ( as it did all day) without fret
ting or sweating in the least.
This first trial was in grass where some fif
teen or twenty of the best kinds of mowers
known, will do good work. We knew from
the first cutting such grass presented no real
test of the quality of the competing machines;
we, therefore unbeknown to Mr. Clark, had
engaged beforehand, a piece of heavy lodged
clover and timothy grass belonging to L. 11.
Sherman, Esq., on the west side of the Che
mung to cut in the afternoon ; into which
with a good deal of urging we succeeded in
getting Messrs Clark & Murray with their
Combined Manny Machine.
In the heavy lodged grass at this trial, the
Kirby machine worked just as easily and suc
cessfully as in the morning, without any clog
ging or choking whatever. On the other
hand the Manny machine loaded and clogged
badly, heaped the cut grass and ran over much
standing, and required frequent cleaning, and
his team worked harder even tlian in the morn
ning. Mr. Clark tried his team at a trot,
hoping by so doing to get rid of the pesky long
grass ; put it was no go—getting desperate,
he took off the outer part of the frame and
the wheel thereby destroying the boasted por
tability of his machine, weakening and leaving
unprotected the wood finger bar; in which or
der it is almost sure to break, shouid the ma
chine run against any serious obstruction.—
After this change in his machine its draft was
lighter and it did better work ; still he had oc
casional difficulty in clogging and none of the
time did as good work as the Kirby ma
During the whole day Mr. Clark claimed
that the reason why his machine drew harder
than the Kirby was that it cut some six inches
wider. At the close of the trial to settle the
question of actual width of cut the Kirby uia
chine was driren into standing grass, and the
clean and even cut was carefully taken by
reliable gentlemeu. Mr. Clark was then urg- j
ed to test his machine in the same way; !
after throwing many obstacles in the way lie
was compelled by surrounding circumstances,
to yield.
The same individuals took a careful and fair
measurement of the width of the out.
The following is their statement of the cut
of each machine, and also certifying to the cor
rectness of our report :
This is to certify that we carefully took the i
clean and even cut in standing grass of the two |
above mentioned machines. The Kirby ma
chine cut a clean, even and square swath. The j
finger bar of the Mannay machine was some- |
what longer than that of the Kirby bat un- j
expectedly on careful measurement we found
the even, clean Manny cut, to be just the same
as that of the Kirby Machine. All the width
cut more than the Kirby, it " lopped in," re
quiring to be react or leave a bad ridge. We
attended the trial throughout and believe the
foregoing report to be strictly cortect.
Mr. Murray merely certifies to the correct
ness of the report.
We do not claim for our for our combined
Mower and Reaper, all the good qualities JK>S
sessed by any other machine but we do claim
that it excels the Manny machine in the follow
ing points in nearly every one of which we be
lieve also, that it excels all other machines
now known. Ist. It is the best combined ma
chine, being a complete mower and a complete
reaper 2nd. It is rhe lightest in weight. 3d.
Easiest draft whether mowing or reaping.—
4th. Strength and durability. sth. Simplici
ty. Gth Ability to work on rough ground and
in wet lodged and tangled grass. Ith. Super
ior quality of work does, either as a inower or
reaper. Bth. Less weight on horses necks, and
9th. Cheapest.
We admit that as a mower, the Manny ma
chine, when not stripped for cutting bad grass,
is more conveniently portable tliau the Kirby
as now made. If any farmer buys the Manny
machine on account of its portability as mow
er, " he pays too dear for bis whistle."
It is a well known fact to all those
who have often seen the Manny machine mow
ing, that it is a very common thing to see a
man besides the driver following the machine
with a fork to keep it from clogging, particu
larly should the grass be wet,heavy, lodged or
troubled by vines. This we consider a very
serious objection ; we should be much ashamed
if our machine required any such attendance.
Prop's. Tioga Poiut Ag'l. Works.
Athens, Pa. July 22, 'SB.
SUDDEN FLOOD. —The Hornellsville (N. Y.)
Tribune says that last week, a sudden storm
came up in Delaware county and in two hoars
the village of Downeville was flooded; bridges
saw-mills, dams and fences were carried away
and many persons narrowly escaped the same
fate. Some of the inhabitants had to wade
through deep water, with women nud children
in their arms, to save them from drowning.
after un iutermissiou of twenty years,has reap
peared in a district of the Pasholik of Tripoli,
named Bengali, and at last accounts was con
tinuing to make ravages as an epidemie. There
was a rumor that it had already reached Con
j stantinople, but for this there was no founda
j lion. The most stringent quarantine regula
tions had been resorted to.
TO \Y r A N 1 )A. :
(ElptrsJmn Aloriunn, August 3, 1858.
TERMS — One Dollar per annum, invariably in advance.—
Four weeks precious to llie expiration of a subscription,
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JOR-WOKK — Executed with acrurary and despatch, and a
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Blanks, Hand-bills, Bali tickets, <s'<"•
MOSEY may be sent by mail, at oar risk—enclosed in an
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for its safe delivery.
CONVENTION The Republican
County Committee having met on
the 2(1 inst., it was resolved to call a Roput lican County
Convention to be composed of two delegates from each I
Election District, to be held in the Court House, at To- ;
wanda, on MONDAY KVENLVO, SEPTEMBER*!. 185*,
for the purpose of nominating a Republican Co. Ticket.
They have also appointed a Vigilance Committee in
each election District, whose duty it shall he to call uri- j
mary meetings of the Republican electors In each tlp< - I
tion district, for the purpose of electing delegates to said j
County Convention. The Committees of Vigilance are I
requested to confer together and call the primary meet- |
ings on Saturday the lib day of September nest, between j
the hours of 3 and <>, I*. M., or at such other hour as may 1
he convenient, and at the usual place of holding such I
Athens twp— S. W. Park, John Griffin, D. F.' lark.
Athens boro —N. C. Harris, A. H.Spalding, C ('. Brooks. !
Asylum —Edmund Horton. J. M. Wilson, J>. H. Corbin.
Albany— James Wilcox, Daniel Kellogg. J. Sterigere.
Armenia —Robert Mason, jr., Nathan Sherwood, AH nd
Burlington —("has. Knapp, 1). M. Alexander, W.Spencer. I
Burlington boro—Philander Long, lloyt Ballard, G. C. '
Burlington WEST— Thomas Blackwell, Ed. Loomis, Ste
phen H. Stiles.
Canton — Oliver Wilson, M. H. Case, L.J. Andrews.
Columbia— George Furman, J. C. M'Kean, 1). L.illey.
Durell—L'lysses Moody. Reuben Deioug, R. Gilbert.
Franklin —Nelson Gilbert, Matthew Marshall, Joseph 1
Granville— WM. Banyan, Valentine Saxton, B. P. Taylor.
Derrick --Geo. W. Elliott, KzekielCarr. OrellanaStevens.
Leßoy- J. G. Hammond, R. Stone. M.L. Wooater.
Litchfield— Milo Merrill, Stephen MeKinney, A. F.Camp
Monroe tp- C. M. Brown, 1.. Kellogg, Fieeman Sweet.
MOM e bo.— A. Mullan, S. S. Ilinmiin. E. F. Young.
Orwell— Wm. P. Payson, Josiah Newell, A. W. Alger.
Overton —WM. Waltmau, James Hevarly, G. Hottcstine.
Pike —D. M. Baily, O. W. Northrop, Wm. B. Stevens.
Rome —Perceptor Forbes, Lawrence Vought, D. Strope. ,
Ridgbnry—C. T. Covell, Reuben F. Squires, H. Owens.
Shcahequiu— C. H. Ames, I>. F. Horton. G. W. Black man.
Smithtield— E. G. Durfey, M. Bullock, Newton Wood.
South Creek—A. H. Thompson, Lewis Fassett, John F.
Springfield —S. 1). Darkness, Joel Adams, E. D. Wilder. '
Standing Stone— Wm. Kingslcy, Stephen Vought, George
A. Stephens.
Sylvania bo— Curtis Merrit, Pelcg Peck, jr., O. Furman.
Towauda bo —J. V. Geiger, George Ilritton, J. H. Xevins.
Towanda tp. — Lorenzo Bowman, H. C. Fox.Ha'-ry Decker.
Towauda North—E. Rutty, Francis Granger, WM. H.
Troy bo -William Morgan, Dudley Ing, 11. Pomeroy.
Troy tp. -Howard Spalding, Reuben Stiles, John M'Kean.
Suscarora—E. C. Wells, Ferris Ackley, A. F. Kecney.
I 'L-ter— Thomas Mather, Geo. Nichols, S. N. Havens.
Warren H. Dickenson, Miles Prince, James Cooper.
Wells — Lorenzo Grlnnell, 11. ltoaber, Nathan Phelps.
Windham- Geo. C. Canter, W. P. Kinyon, 11. Koyce. j
Wilmot —J. !.. Jones, J. H. Tyrrell, Jonatlian Buttles.
WyaJusing U. W. Hollenback, Jacob Biles, Jas. Fee.
Wysox— f. P. Spalding, J. B. Smith, John B. Hiaes.
We publish this week the cull for the Re
publican County Convention, and the list of
Committees of Vigilance, whose duty it is to
call the primary meetings. Rut a few weeks
intervene before a Ticket is to be selected to
be presented for the support of the Republican
party of the County, and although the offi.-es
to be filled are neither numerous nor import
ant, already quite a number of candidates have
been announced, and as the " busy season,"
approaches its end, there will be the usual
quantum of visiting and palavering.
That there should be many candidates for
the offices in the gift of the people of this Coun
ty is a matter of no wonderment. A nomina
tion by the Republican County Convention is
equivalent to art election, unless extraordinary
circumstances should occur, of which there is
not the remotest probability. In fact, it is not
probable that the nominees of that Convention
will have any competitors. From this fact, 1
there will be, of course, more strenuous exer-!
tions made to obtain the nominations. And
it is from the knowledge of this fact, also, that
we desire to urge upon the Republicans of the
County the great necessity of attending the j
Delegate meetings. The nominations are vir
tually made at those meetings. And as there
is to be no canvassing of the character and
qualifications of candidates nftcr the County
Convention, there should be the more jealous
scrutiny of the candidates asking a nomination
at the hands of that Convention. This can
only be had by a general interest on the part
of the Republican voters as to the claims and
character of the candidates, and by attendance
at the primary meetings. We trust every
Republican who has at heart the interests of
his party —who would preserve his party from
contamination and from cliques—will feel the
importance of attending to thi3 responsible
Jfcjr On Monday last, the people of Kansas
voted upon the English bill. We have not, of
course, yet received any report of the result,
which is not doubtful, and that iniquitous
scheme has received its quietus.
Iu Missouri members, of Congress were
elected on the same day. The chief iutercst
centres into the BLAIR district. We hope for
his election, though the result was made some
what doubtful from the fact that the Ameri
can candidate was expected to divide the Free
Labor vote.
JKaT" Despatches from Washington deny the
authenticity of the letter purporting to be
written by Secretary Cass to President Mar
tinez, on the subject of the latter's refusal to
sign the Cass-Yrissari treaty. The Admiuis
tion intends sending a fleet of six or seven
vessels to Paraguay, including the Harriet
Lane and Fulton. Commander Page has been
selected to command the fleet.
The Directors of the X. Y. it Erie Railroad
have lately issued an address in reference to
the difficulties now interrupting the good un
derstanding between thai Road and the X. Y.
Central, and which has led to the late import
ant redaction in fares. In this address is as
serted and proven the fact, already patent to
every one acquainted with railroad matters,
that the X. Y. & Erie has been for years the
victim of bad faith on the part of other roads,
and put up with treatment which has drawn
from that Road its legitimate share of travel
and traffic. Within the space of the last few
years, several railroad conventions have been
held, all the important Roads in the country
being represented, and at which certain ar
rangements were made and entered into, cal
culated if fairly carried out, to place each com
peting road upon an equal footing. In these
cases, the X. Y. & Erie has universally acted
m good faith and scrupulously observed its
agreements. On the contrary, rival roads,and
particularly the Central, have hardly made a
show of enforcing the contract they had enter-
Ed into, and have consequently doue immense
injury to the X. Y. & Erie.
This comprises, we believe, the substance of
the difficulty in the Railroad world—a difficul
ty in which the X'. Y. it Erie stands almost
without friends amongst the railroad interests,
because the Central has used those appliances
which it so well understands how to employ—
to subsidize the press, prejudice Railroad offi
cers, and direct public opinion. The X. Y. &
Erie finding it was loosing ground by eudeav
voring to pursuade the Central to observe its
contracts, finally resolved to bring it to terms
by a reduction of fares. In this, we believe
the former is right, and its action will be sus
tained by the public when they come to under
stand the grievances under which the road has
Among other regulations, which the X.Y.A
Erie has strictly observed, was one refusing
passes to the " dead-head" community gener
ally. (We can consequently speak Teely upon
this subject, without danger of having our mo
tives impugned.) This regulation has caused
no little fluttering amongst the members of that
numerous body. Of course, they are down up
on the managers of the Road generally. We
are sorry to see several editors along the line
of the Road who have lately seen much to find
fault with in the Road and its management. It
is astonishing what difference there is in a j
Road whether an editor lias to pay, or rides
free over it ! In the one case, it is badly man
aged and out of repair ; in the other becomes
a model of good management, and its condition
not to be improved ! Much of this fault-find
ing, arising from the absence of complimentary
tickets has fallen upon the devoted head of the
assistant President SAMUEL P. HEADLEY, well
and favorably known to the most of our citi
zens, as a man of fine talent and yet withal, a :
shrewd, practical business-man. Our last ac
quaintance with Mr. 11. was in the political
world, where none embellishes the " st ump" |
bettor than he, and when he was called upon
in Mr. MOHAN'S absence to preside over the !
X Y. &. Erie, we were not surprised to learn
that he had been earning a reputation in the
Railroad world by his discreet and shrewd
management of the Morris and Essex Railroad.
While Mr. 11. has a voice in the control of
the X. Y'. A Erie, that Road will not suffer for
the want of a man of sound practical judg
ment. Resides, there is no man who more
thoroughly understands the requirements cf
the Country and the population through which
the Road passes, nor who will take greater
pleasure in providing for both. Those who
are not disposed to do him justice, are doing
an injury to their neighborhoods, and to the
j interest of the Road, which they would be slow
to do, if they knew him better.
,86-jy° Xcarly all, if not all the drinking sa
loons in St. Louis, it is said are furnished with
straws for sucking juleps, by one man, who
1 sells tliera for one and a half or two dollars a
j thousand ; from about two acres of land, on
which he grows rye annually, he sells about
twenty-four hundred dollars' worth of straws.
: They are packed also in barrels, containing
about 12,000 straws, and shipped to Xew
I Orleans, St. Paul, and the intermediate places,
I and the demand increasing.
LATER FROM EUUOlE. — Friday eveniug
; the steamship llammonia reached Xew Y'ork,
from Southampton, with news from Europe
one day later than was brought by the Ewropa.
The money market was steady. Turkey was
offering large pecuniary settlements to the
families of the British and French Consuls mur
dered at Jeddah. Disturbances were reported
jin Bosinia. A revolution iu Turkey was ex
pected. The Circassians had agaiu defeated
, the Russians.
fciT The President has left Washington for
Bedford Springs. He will be absent about
two weeks. Secretary Toueey, having recov
ered from his recent illness will leave Washintr
ton, for his home in Connecticut, iu a day or
j fl©* From Mexico we have confirmatory
news of the fail of San Luis Potosi. An in
tercepted letter from Gen. Mora Villamil to
Gen. Miramon acknowledges the fact.
Samuel Brown, Fsq., a general super
intendent of the Michigan Southern Railroad
died suddeuly on Tuesday uight, in Adrian,
j Michigan.
B. Scoggins, charged with being
I a notorious horse-thief, robber, and murderer,
i has been arrested iu Leavenworth, Kansas.
Bk£/~ Mr. NUGENT, the agent appointed by
our Government to proceed to Frassr's River
to look after the interests of our countrymen
there will go out on the California steamer to
to sail ou the sth of August. It having been
apprehended that a difficulty would arise with
the governor of Yancour's Island relative to
the passage of our citizens into the gold re
gions Mr. DALLAS, at the instance of Governor
STEVENS, of Washington Territory, called the
attention of the British Government to the
matter, when Lord MALMESBURY promptly re
sponded, in a note which we publish this morn
iug. He gives asurances of a disposition on
the part of the British Government to deal
liberally, but asks for time to inquire into the
legal beariugsof the question, and also as to
the rights of the Iludsom's Bay Company.
Ou the ITth inst., Mr. John Simpson,
formerly of Hamilton county, Ohio, residing
about a mile northwest of Mendota, on what
is known as the Waldo Farm, lost an interest
ing little boy, between four and five years; of
age, in a most shocking manner. The horses
ran away with a mowing machine, and the
child fell under their feet. The mower took
him, cutting off both legs, onejarui at the wrist,
gashing his hip, and across his bowels, so that
when the horses were checked and his father
reached him he seemed lifeless.
Kg- According to the official advices recei
ved from China at the State Departmeut, it is
true that the Chinese Emperor has appointed
an official of a satisfactory rank to confer with
the Peace Commissioners delegated by the
Great Powers An amicable arrangement of
all difficulties is now considered certain.
The Secretary of State has been notti
fied by Minister YRISSARI of the reception, by
him, of the Nicaragua Treaty, which conies
amended in articles 15 andlO. These refer to
to the passage of troops over the trausit route
and to the introduction of forces for the pro
tection of the Isthmus.
t-ip-A personal rencontre took place Thurs
day, in New York, between Stephen 11. Dil
lave and Surveyor Hart. The difficulty grew
out of some letters of Mr. I). in regard to
matters in the custom house. Excitable meu
men should curb their tempers during the
" heated term."
j&jy The Hon. J. F. Farnswortli was Thurs
day nominated as Republican candidate for
Congress for the secoud Congressional district
of Illinois.
ftse?* The Free-Lovers at Berlin Heights re
fuse to accept the offer of the citizens of that
place to purchase their property at a fair val
uation. They decline to leave the place on
any pretence.
fcarThc Moraviau Church and fifteen dwel
ling-houses, at Lebanon, Pa., were destroyed
by fire, ou Thursday last. The loss was heavy
and the orgia of the fire unascertained.
BIA —BITTEN BY A CAT. —The Peoria (111)
Transcript gives an account uf the death, by
hydrophobia, of a very interesting child, the
daughter of Mr. Henry S. Woodur, of Mount
Ilawley, six miles from that city, between eight
and nine years of age, on Friday morning
The following are the particulars :
Ou Tuesday of last week, Surah Eilen re
tiuncd from school, and complained of feeling
unwell, so much so, that she did not attend on
the following day, although still able to be
about the house. Thursday she was no better
and her parents thinking she was threatened
with the typhoid fever, sent for Dr. Murphy,
of this city. The Doctor arrived there about
2 o'clock in the afternoon, and found her sit
ting upon the sofa at the side of her mother,
to all appearances in perfect health ; her pulse
however, was very irregular, with an occasion
al vvildncss iu the eyes,and it was not long be
fore she gave a sudden start, and placing her
hands upon her throat, exclaimed, "It troubles
me to breathe, mother." Minute inquiries
were now instituted, when the fact vvasjelicited
which had not been previously thought of,that
some five weeks since she had been bitten by a
domesticated cat ou the outside of her foot.
| A glass of water was ordered to be brought
her, when the sight of it at once threw her in
to terrible convulsions. This was at 2 o'clock
j in the afternoon, and was the first intimation
had by her distracted parents, of the terrible
disease with which their daughter was affiictcd.
Her agony and struggles in the spasms were
awful tu behold, and iu one of them she hit her
mother severely in the shoulder, aud at anoth
er time scratched the father badly in the hand.
Iu her spasmodic efforts, the saliva from her
mouth was at times ejected across the room,
and the only relief experienced was by the use
i of chloroform, which, in the end, seemed to
loose all efficacy. She remained all the time
in perfect possession of her faculties, and at 3
o'clock on Friday morning,exactly twelve hours
from the attack of the first spasm, her spirit
departed to the God who gave it.
And now comes the most remarkable inci
dent connected with this heartrending affair.
Some four hours previous to her death, and
soon after one of her most violent spasms, she
told her mother that she had beeu visited by
the spirit of her sister, (the family are believ
ers in Spiritualism,) who lett this earth for the
better land about one year since, and that this
sister had informed her of certain remedies,
which, if applied, would relieve her sufferings
and smooth her passage to the tomb. The
remedies were applied as soon as possibel, and,
strange to relate, the desired effect was pro
duced. She was freed from her convulsive fits,
was enabled to breathe easier, converse freely
with her parents and friends, occasionally drink
ing a little water, and finally falling into her
last sleep as gently as an infant reposing iu
her slumber.
INDIANA COUNTY. —The Opposition conven
tion of this county met on Monday last, and
nominated llou. John Covode for Congress,
and Mr. \V. A. Taylor for Assembly. The
Register says the uuiou is complete, "aud the
ticket will be elected.
Late and Interesting fr om
Advices from Suit Lake to J u ] v
been received : The army enteretj ii.'
the 26th, the column exteudin< w
length. It was all day passu?? ,)'!."•? i
city ai d not a soldier left the V< >
army got outside to the tcn.pcrarv'
ground. A coricspondent of the'y? V.
Times says : * *
The scene was magnifiennt and C W--
Gentile eyes, but exceedingly hum??—'*
the few Mormons who witnessed it?? '*
hud repeatedly prophesied " in " r; **
Israel's God" that the army should *
the Valley and whose private
and public speeches for months past x
full of brave declarations of their r-,?"' •
determination to see that tLe nrci
fulfilled. F h
In the army the facilities of the V ...
for defence against the troops is a*?.,*"
general mirth, and especially the deft? '
Echo Canon, understood to have W. .?" 4
by Major S. M. Blair. There are in
many officers who served in Mexico'* v
whom declare that Echo Canon, even ',
been crowded with Mormon militia O b \H '
presented not a quarter of the diffi. u ? U? '
General Johnston's command that 1
brilliantly overcome at Cerro GordoorM *'*'
del Itey. The heights of the Canon a ?
deep dells constituted nothing more or L
than a trap for those who might attc?.
dispute the passage of troops for they J?*
require far greater resources to defeud
than to assail. '
The army lies encamped on the J-i
stretching for a mile or more along iu
General Johnston on the iis'th, made a
noisance, with a view of selecting a site •' •
military post, which he is to establish :
During the absence of the General &
command of the camp on Jordan devc'-l
upon Col. Alexander, of the 10th hf
under whose orders the troop- moved oaT-'
day to Brigbam's Canon, twelve miles"'?
of the City,and on Wednesday six mile
er to West Creek Canon, for the pngv?-?
obtaining the necessary feed for their
herds, the grass in the Valley king 7
sufficient. The army will propably rem.: •
its present neighborhood, its permanent ?
tions are decided opon and designated, i,
eral Johnston manifests a considerate .
that his command should incommode the ?
pie as little as possible. And althougheU
foot oflatid in the territory still belong to?
United States, he is not disposed to de:-,j
the citizens of their pasture ranges fur cut-'
They do not give him credit for any such **
timcut, but some of their leaders indicate : •
bitterest and mo.-t captious spirit towardsL?
speaking of him as a " d—d hound,'' A:, I*.
cause he did not go at once with the eitai
army to some point distuut from the citv.
The corespondeut visited Provo 4- hs
South where the great body of the Morn ~
are at present congregated. There he fee.
some living in houses, some in tent-, in
and lodges. Brigham Young's house here.;
a square block, with a close fence around ;
and no windows to the street.
The Gentile stranger witnessed a r:-'
scene as he walked down the inner front of-e
range of family " shambles," amid the dir. c
crying children " too unmerous to ment;
he passed the long row of booths stantibus:*
by side, each with a wife at its door. I.'.
be guilty of an unpardonable sin of omis>:
did 1 fail to say something in regard to t;?
appearance of Brigbam's spirituals. I hi
very little opportunity, however, for oUer?
tion, as I found myself within the j.rei
the Prophet's home sanctuary by accident, ati
was not warranted therefore, in ] ;.u- .
inspection. Such glance as I obtain*'. >
over, showed me that Brigham is a Lu. i
some taste, and that his spirituals are gturir
ly One-looking women—some of t'.uii. oi ■
quite pretty, and all of them, so far as I :
judge, intelligent. I suppose 1 saw in K
shanty " quarter " some thirty v. ciaen-l s
whether they were all of thciu wives of ta
Prophet, or whether these constituted
honsehold, of c> urse I am not informed.
general impres.-iou here seems to he that .<
has nearly or quite fifty wives, lie -Is
to have forty children livii g having had: .':
seven altogether. This, doubtless, Is the L*-
est figure lie can claim, as the " Saints" c
sider a large number of children snljeet
pride and boast. These wives are still
own servants, and the nurses of their OWLU...-
rcu. To.see them sitting under the orerh..'-
ing eaves of the shanties just at dusk.
their numerous children haugiug arouud tL -
all crying, chattering or teasing at once, •
i certainly suggestive of a foundling Lospiul-
AND FAMILY. —The "Old Log Cabin," SO fam
in political history, has gone at last. It *
the residence of Gen. Harrison at North
about fifteen miles below the city, uheu he*
nominated for president, and was made f. m*
by a thousand songs in the campaign ofl"-'.-
\ esterday morning, between 1 and -
as the train arrived at North Bend, the d
Log Cabin was enveloped in flames a"-
destruction was complete. It was occup-d'J
Col. Win. 11. 11. Taylor, iiurra- *
daughter of Gen. Harrison,) and family,
we learn that such was the rapid progies*;
the fire, and so late its discovery, that ■*
members of the household barely c.-. om •
their night-clothes ? Of course uotlai
saved in the way of furniture or docuweut* '
the probability is, that many valuable
left by president Harrison together with
les cherished as relics of the Old Hero, *-•
of the early history of the West, have U*
destroyed with the building. The on'.v l '- '
of Nlrs. Harrison in existence
Beard,) with two or three of the
at different periods of life, are also p r " ' a y"-
destroyed. Mrs. Harrison, the widow c. l|f
ident Harrison, fortunately was not P 1 * •
dwelling ; the venerable lady at j rmen
at the residence of the llou Scott Harm' e
sou of Geu. 11., a few miles beyoud the
homestead.— Cincinnati Gaz.,
JAMES B. CLAY. —Mr. Forney, iu
Chester address stated that Mr.
himself, prepared a portion of tho sjveec *
James B. Clay delivered ou several ccvai----
in Pennsylvania, in the last Presidents'
paign. This places the " unworthy ' 3
gallant sire," in a still more degraded
It was bad enough iu him to oppose u"
ers political friends, without bciug the^
mouth piece of his fathers P cr "
How James Buchanan mimt have fieri; n
: degenerate sou even when he was avairio
! self of his ungracious service !
j jRs?" The capital of the Atlantic
Company is about $1,500,000.