~T M w IIi" NG HIMSELF ix Fes AND IT esc ', VK3T A very sad affair transpired at r our city, on Thorny lust- Paiiiel Elliot, who lives in Princeton, beeves and selling them in the neigh batt' o ,)d liunff himself iu his slaughter-house. r -as'in exceedingly good humor during the Hiid evening, and naturally of a playful tuition, pave vent to it by many things, NIL-ID bought some cattle, had extended his | "iness. was doing urell, and felt lively and He so expressed himself to his (Hl*0 DrB n ,; , fe AND friends. ' ( ; o iDg from the house to his stable he fed his ;and taking his little girl and a neigh [•'little hoy, some thirteen years old, he -ent on about twenty-five yards from his house ,Vthe slaughter house. Here was a machine ; - raising dead cattle—a rope with a large i, kin it run over a large reel and attached a windlass with a ratchet. Adjusting the i n., in a noose round his neck, he playfully ye the little girl go tell her mother, " some- I ,jr was hanging out there who looked like jian Elliott." Then showing the hoy exactly ■rinanv notches, lie bade him, still laughing, t- draw him up. The boy did so, and drew ;]1 off his feet. Once up, he could not he reof the ratchet, get him down, and when ;ianswer to the little girls anxiety, Mrs. E. j line out, her husband hung dead, his feet caching the floor, and the hook pressing hard gainst his jugular. From all the circumstan it is not doubted that the act was dune ac cidentally, in a burst of playfulness.—llim.il , ~ Ohio) Intelligencer. PERIVIERE NOT A NEW HERO. —Tt would tftni that the hero of the latest New-York vandal case is not unknown to former fame ki that line in this country. The Peoria (111.) Transcript says. •W'e are assured by a gentleman who has recently returned from New-York, where he A# Captain DKRIVIERE, the impudent and in defatigable foreigner of large pretensions who jus lately distinguished himself by running m from Mobile with the wife and daughter of a wealthy lawyer, that he is the identical gignor I >on P. L. HE MORETO, who turned the heads of ail the Chicago belles a year ago, bought a thousand-dollar horse with borrowed money, got up a magnificent excursion to Huit Park, which was patronized by the wives of a distinguished Senator and a well-known Chiea -i lawyer, and finally becoming suspected, vamosed for parts unknown, leaving behind a jurge number of anxious creditors, broken hearted young misses with mortified and disap pointed mammas, an astonished city, half a dozen lumpy local newspaper reporters, and two trunks filled with dirty linen and cravats. V IIORSE LIVING TWO MONTHS WITHOUT FOOD. —A man, named Kirkland residing on Center street, near Seneca, left the city about two months ago, without giving notice to any ne. On Saturday, Mr. Barker, a wagon maker on Seneca street, discovered that a rse was in the barn formerly used by Mr. Kirkland. On entering the stable the horse was found lying down and too weak to rise. The animal had eaten everything within its reach, gnawed the wood of the manger aud ; Soor, and in its agony had apparently bitten msclf. During ail this time the horse so far a can be ascertained, could have had access ••no water or food. Mr. Barker gave the animal a little water and meal, and yesterday It was -till alive. We give the facts as they are reported tons, but it seems almost impos •■■ile that a horse could live such a length of tine without food or drink.— Buffalo Cour., .KLII 19. Nroi TAbocrtiscmaits. 4 DM INISTR ATOR'S NOTlCE.— Notice .1 i- hereby given, that NIL persons indebted to the es nte of U IN. H igstein, dee'd., late of Springfield town • ire hereby requested to make payment without de an.! nil PERSONS having claims again-t said estate will p.NE pre-ent tliem duly authenticate,) for settlement. WM. J. WIGSTKIN. "v f O.-.h, Administrator. Dji | Ihishels of X E\V WHEAT wanted, ' for which the highest market price in cash will *M ti delivery, at M. K. SOI.OMO.VB Jmj 17. Is .s, Clothing Store. TOM 3 STONES AND MONUMENTS. | Towanda Marble Factory. (A early Opposite the Ward Ilouee.) *£P\ THE lias just opened the TOWAN £F|N\ IU M \RBLE FACTORY, where he will he GBGIYL prepared to furnish Monuments and Tomb ; FFRI'' || Stones, manufactured from the I P-t cpialities I < CFY of RUTLAND and ITALIAN MARBLE, and I RAJ F wrought into such styles and designs as will I JVC-V; suit every variety of taste. I'crsons w.shiug to mike their selections — 6 r,N d , so whenever in Towanda, hy calling at J SE-AEAR Establishment. | ..ir S>l|M-RIIIR quality of the stock . the artistical beauty | P";W irk an ! t!ie promptness with which orders will : vfillril, will offer inducements to visit this new shop. _ F. H. BALDWIN, Proprietor, I IN* in da, July 20, |K>. TLKPKRKXCKS. „ WIVEBI.V. I TOW .1 SIM , PA. - ajt ian llri-t.D. (Prof. ('. ILCiburn, "•*hepard. Fishier, Rev. .Julius Foster. " / ' RIIIS. Merchant. 111. S Mercur, Merchant, . ,T Bouiileday, do. Montanves, " 7- <- Crane. T. M. Woodruff, Sheriff, on. Putnam. Col. A. M'Kean, L'rot'y, 1 ■ A. Shepard, Hon. I>. Wilmot, '■ Tvler. Pre-'t. Bank. " J.C. Ad-.M*. cHustrxo. " Win. EL well. Buck, Esq. E. A. Parsons, Ed. Argus, R R W vsox. ,E. O. Goodrich, Ed. Reporter. E - riollet, Esq. I NOW ZS THE TIME npf xo OFT JI MEUINOTYPES & AMBROTYPES CHEAP ! [ \ O. H. WOOD J \llas reduced hi* priors of all kinds of T Pictures with Cases, 25 per cent. • times of all KINDS kept on hand also at red heed nri- K A FUSES with Melainotypew, 75 cents ; nil other U -..; I'P'IC'VTION. Rooms open at all hours. Pictures •" IN uli kinds of weather (except for children.) All i k warranted, fiwaada, July 27, 18.',5. ARFSJ) s*l RAYED.— Fame to the enclosure of flieuob- TSSFC s, R J( K . R J,, SIIESHEQUIN township, on the sth of duly, a Dark Brown COW, small crumpled li- ■ IF IS'ING off front one horn, no other partic marks. als,ut 7 years old. The owner is requested to , ' property . pay charges, aud taker her away. CJ". K>S. ELIASBALU )jh-'KIXSOX SEMIN Alt Y, ~ (MA EE A .V/> FE M i 1.E.) TJ,! "; UA MSPORT, I.YCOMINC COUNTY, PA. I % L " XT -D ademical year of this Institution, divided in- J' •IFF terms, wdl commence AUOUST 19, Vk.sh, with V MRD 1,1 WW [| QUAIIJJUD experienced Instructors, 'J-R' 11 ! AMS P ORT ' "TT accouiti of its healthiness, ennveni- R S AR "I IHE intelligence and morality of its II J' * LN "*t desirable kwation for a school, large and convenient— with separate ! p. N ~' R DIE ladies and gentlemen, and rooms for K: T|l ' S FAMILY and all TIN- Instructors ; thus pl-uc >. 3 .. I'DEUTS under the immediate care of their teach- THER, ,LWKIN ? A " "OE family. "• N,„ OF ST, uly is systematical and extensive, em • ;V; OMMO.V ENGLISH. SCIENTIFIC, CLAB - , ~:NAM LNT \I. BRANCHES. including iva.shing, lights, fuel and room rent> T ® lLl °n from HO to 127 tier year. Ger- NTR( ", Drawing, Painting and Music, at low extra ' mT ( t ,I n TTRM -ADVANCE. ' '" may be obtained at thtoftie. IDYN , S REV. JOHN U PAHTIFLI ,x. if. • Print ip.IH ' fHiacetlaneon AT TlOX. —Whereas my wife JANE has J left my bed and board, without any just cause or provocation, this is hereby to forbid all persons harbor ing or trusting her on my account, as I shall pav no debts o! her contracting. Durell. July 14. ISSS. LEVI HATCH. TO FA.RIHZEB.S. you will find the l>est assortment of grape vine bnl r 1 grape vine & common GRAIN CRADLES. SCYTHE SNA PHS, HAND ami HORSE RAKES, SICKLES, HAY t ORES, Grind-tones. Scythe Stones, &c.. at No 1 Pat tou s Block, corner of Bridge street. _July 15, IBM. WM. A. ROCKWELL. A CONSTANT ARRIVAL OF THOSE Boots - Sheetings, and all kinds of GOODS, from NewAork.at No. 1, Pattotiw Block corner of Bridge street. WM. A. ROCKWELL. FJHALLIS, LAWNS AXI) SUMMER \J SHAVS LS. a new assortment just received by July 13, 1838. H. S. MERCUR. COLORED, DOUBLE EXTENSION, X-' STEEL HOOP SKIRTS, a new and beautiful article just received at _ jyLB MBRCUIUS. BLASTING POWDER. — IOO KEGS SUPE rior BLASTING POWDER, just received and for * a| e hy j.vl3 J. POWELL. T IST OF LETTERS, remaining in the J—J Post Office at Towanda, quarter endiug June 30 1858. Benedict, Miss Mary E. I.vncli. Miss Catharine Rrague, Miss Mily Law. E B Baker Levi Lyons O P Brady John I,antz. John Burnet W J Morris, Lcouard Boyle DeWitt C Minehan, Timothy Barret Conner Monday. Safranuii Chiller Pemelia Mavnard Philip Curran Mary 2 Meeker, P W Chambers Miss Eliza McAffertv, Miss Mary Cummings Juliette Marshall, Lemuel Cooper Joseph McQuart, Jonny Cole Jane Morph, Hannah Case Henry L Morris, Elizabeth Ann Deboy Hannah M>> >re. Mrs E B l Davis Francis McCullough Delamarier Cornelius Newell, it i Dilzer Charles Naglee, Mrs Julia G I Doty A. Niles, Warren 1 Devannie Alice Newell, Miss Kate | Edwards Frederick C O'Burtie, Miss Margaret \ Ester H -I O'Burnes, Patrick Ellis Rnliert Pierce, Miss Mary Francisco Mrs S L l'arkhurst, Cenard Field Mrs Eliza 2 Record, Miss Amelia Fox Mrs Anna Rourk, Ellen Graff, Miss Lizza Russell, Chas. L Grant, Peter M Rockwell, Levi Griffin, John Ro!,ert-: t M Gorham, John B ltourk, John Ganan.GeoA Ryon, Wm Grist, Miss Eliza Rehlein, Sophie Gay, Col. K F Strong, Benjamin I Gardner, Daniel F Sherman. Gee W j Gray, Robert Steward, Ruth Ann ! Howe, Peter Hharpe, Catharine 1. Heains Michael Shaw, Mrs J N 2 Hollaut, Miss Margaret Scott, Perry James Horton, Ellen Smith, Edw 11 2 Horton, Amazilla Swart wood, Daniel Johnson, Harriet Tate, Samuel 11 Jones, Peter Vetter, Philip Keefe, Miss Hannah 2 White, L D Leavenworth, Theodore Wood, Anna Loomis, Miss Adaline Whatson. Miss Eliza Lynch, Miss Bridget Waller, C P A G G N. B. Persons calling for the above letters, please sav advertised. 11. B. M'KEAN. P. M." IVDULES FOR SALE. THE Barclay U. R. A Coal Company have four excel lent mules for sale. Apply at the mines to C. Ja j COBS, or to the undersigned at Towanda. J. MACFAHLANE, Towanda, June 15,1858. Gen'l Sup't. FLOUR! FLOUR! FLOUR! Arrival of 300 Barrels of Floor . from Ohio ; Extra Super-tine, and Doable extra.— Some as low as I can assure the public that 1 have BETTER FLOUR than ever was brought to this market, and will sell it cheaper than any establishment in this section. Call and see before you purchase, and satisfy vourself, at M. E. SOLOMON' S CLOTHING STORE. P. S. The highest price in cash will be paid for WOOL. Towanda. June 15, I*sß. FITS! FITS! FITS ! FITS !— sl 00 FANCY VESTS. At J KINGNBERY'S. $1 00 FANCY VESTS, At J. KIMGSBERrS. $1 00 FANCY VESTS, At J. KINGSRERVS. $1 25 BIFF LINEN COATS, At J. KINGSBURY'S. $1 50 GRASS SACK COATS, At J. KINGSBURY'S. $2 00 UAOI.ANS, At J. KINGSBERVS. I $2 00 RAGLANS, At J. KINGSBURY'S. i $2 50 LINF.X DRII.I, COATS, At J. KINGSBEBY'S. $1 00 PANTS, _ At J. KINGSBURY'S. VLSO, a pood assortment of Farmer's Sa tin, assorted colors, white, huff, and fancy velvet VESTS, and a general variety of SUMMER COATS A PAXTS, Ac. Only One Price asked or taken. June 15,1858. J. KIXGSBERY. 1858] SUMMERGOODS . [IBSB JOSEPH POWELL IS now receiving a large and lieautiful stock of SUMMER GOODS, unequalled in extent and variety bv anything ever exhibited in Northern Pennsylvania, and is now pre pared to offer greater inducements than ever before to Cash Purchasers. Among this stock of Goods will befouml GREAT BARG AIN'S IX BLACK A COLORED SILKS! BARGAIN'S IX SHAWLS! BARGAIN'S IX BEItAGES ! BARGAIN'S IX ORGANDIES, Printed Jaconets A Lawns! BARGAINS IX CHALLIS ! BARGAIN'S IN BRIIA.IAN'TS ! BARGAIN'S IN FRENCH A ENGLISH CALICOES! KH) PATTERN'S ROBE A QUILLE, In Jacouetts, Lawns and Challis. BARGAIN'S in a variety of other Ladies' DIfEMS GOODS! GREAT BARGAINS IX EMBROIDERIES! BARGAINS IN EMBROIDERED CURTAINS! BARG AINS IX GINGHAMS! BARGAINS IN PRINTS -ALL PRICES! 3263 yards REMNANTS IN4INTS, worth one ahßlingV for 6] cents. BARGAINS IX GI JIVES AND HOSIERY I BARGAINS IN WHITE GOODS f- BARGAINS IX LINENS J BARGAINS IX CLOTHS AND CASS I MERES BARGAINS IN BLEA. MUSLIN'S A DOVfEfOTCS I BARGAIN'S IN CARPETS AND MATTINGS! BARGAIN'S IN BOOTS AND SHOES ! PRICES GREATLY REDUCED IN GROCERIEST hi short, bargains will be offered in a thousand other ar ticles, unnecessary to mention, which will be exhibited without charge, and to which the attention of the pnbiic is respectfully invited. Towanda, May 8, 1858. lit ililsf JUST received liy the subscriber, the very best selection of new Spring 4c Summer Dry Goods to be found in this market. Also, the usual general as- ! aortraentof GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY. I BOOTS & SHOES, NAILS, FISH, GLASS, SASH, and a great variety of Summer HATS A CAPS. Also, a lengthy cateloge of BOOKS AND STATIONERY, all of which will be sold at amazing low figures for CASH. June 2, 1858. J. KJNGSBERY. Electricity and Lightning Rods! IT u admitted that F. GREGORY is now selling a bet- | ter article ot LIGHTNING ROD, than has eger before ! lieen offered to the public. The Rod are forger, better I connected, and each Rod is furni-hed with a point plated J with gold, and :ips with platina—consequently affording certain'security. If his Rods do not prove a perfect pro ftection, the money will be refunded—He also has on hand a variety of Vanes or Weather guages, suitable for churches ;• others for farm buildings, Ac. All jobs done by himself or bis men warranted. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Mnrrt t P. GREGORY, Leßh\*l!c,Bradford Co., Pa. Ally I. 1852, 1 £Hcrrt)nnbije, &'t. AV ANTIvI ). >OOO Hiishelos of Oats for which wc will ' '\J\ ' pay cash on delivery. | Towanda. April 2d. W.s. ' r \ILKY A KEVINS. FOR SAIJ:. A WORSE. HARNESS AND CARRIAGE. Inquire JrY. at the Presbyterian Parsonage, iu this Borough, ol i Towanda, April 28,1958. J. FOSTER. Humphrey & Wickham I A DE now receiving a general assortment of goods ; x\. suitable for the season, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, H ARDWARE, BOOTS A SHOES, SOLE A UPPER LEATHER. FRENCH A AMERICAN CALFSKINS, MOROC CO LININGS A FINDINGS, Ac. o which tliey invite the attention of their patrons and friends and the public generally—trusting that they will be able to please both as to price and quality those whff favor them with a call. Towanda, May 10, 1,858. CULTIVATOR TEETH, for sale by NJ May 4,1858. 11. S. MERCUR. | RDS more of those ii 1 Prints ; i I*' c\_' also, 12 doz. more of those tid Linen Hand ! kerchiefs, just received at May 4,1888. MERi l R S. UOOI'S. —Jnst received by express, anoth er lot of those double extension Steel Hoop Skirts j at May 4, 1858. MERFI'IUS. /"UIKAP Embroidered Curtain Muslins, now \J opening at May 4,1855. MERC'UR'S. HATS. —A large assortment of Men's and Boy's Wool, Fur, Leghorn. Palm Leaf, Colored and I White Straw Hat-at May 4. 1858. MRRCUR'S Ci ROCE RI ES! J, PICKTERING, Na, 12, Lake St. Elmira, N. Y., WHOLESALE DEALER IN 'Groceries and Provisions ! | Black and Green Teas. Green, Boasted and ground Coffees. Sugars, Syrups and Molasses. Clour, Pork, Salt, Fish, La rd, Butter, Cheese, Fruits, Xnts, Cigars, t )r. CLOSE Bl ) ERS in search of Good Goods at the VE RY LOWEST CASH PRICES, will find it t > their advantage to examine my fresh and desirable stock be fore purchasing elsewhere, as I shall endeavor to sell goods j as low as they can be bought of New York Jobbers, which will make from five to ten per cent in favor of the pur- I elia-er. J. p., Xo. r_\ Lake street, j P. S.—Goods well bought arc half sold. ) May 1, ls;,s. j WM. A. ROCKWELL, Having just returned from the City, is now receiving a splendid assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, To which he invites particular attention. Being fully i determined not to be outdone either in CHEAPNESS Oil EXCELLENCE of articles offered for sale, ami having had sufficient ex perience in his business to warrant him in saving that Ire ' can offer very gmnt inducements to customers. TO THE LADIES He offers the very smallest Bonnets and the very largest Hoop Skirts ; also, those of a medium size A most ele gant lot ol Plaid, Black and Brocaded dress Silks. I.awns, Bareges, Challies, Del.lines. Brilliants and White Goods ns usual of tlie best kinds, and the cheapest and best lot of PRINTS ever offered in this town!—lf you don't believe it, come and see. Our stock of G B O C E 111 E S has as usual been selected with great care, and cannot fail to give satisfaction Ijoth as to prices and qualities. , if vou want the worth of your money, go to No. 2. Pat ton's Block. Many thanks tor past favors, we hope to | merit our share of patronage. Towanda. April 27. 1858. WM. A. ROCKWELL. BLANKS ! BLANKS ! —Justices ;IIHI Con stable's HI.AX KS ; also. DEEDS and CONTRACTS. &ii~ We have printed and can supply SCHOOL DIREC TORS with sets of all the blanks necessary for three or four years, consisting of orders, contracts, bonds, and warrants. Price. ?1 a set. Mr We b nve neatly printed and snhstantially lsmnd, TOWN* ORDERS, in books sufficient to la-t front lire to ten years. Price $2. BLANKS of all kinds, printed to order, in first-rate , style, and at reasonable prices, at the REPORTER nflire. WAR OF 1812! The Volunteers and drafted tnen of the War of I*l2, who were called into service by the state of XewYork. may hear something to their advantage, by calling on the subscriber in the Ho- j rough of Towanda. May IC, 1859. J. I>. GOOPENOUGH. CHAWLS.—A new arriral of Stella, Thi k!v bet. Silk, Printed and M. Delsiine Shawls, at 2, Pat* ton's Block. dune 3,1858. WM. A. ROCKWELL. COAX. OX LIGHT ! 1 CALL and see some beautiful patterns of Lamps for burning KEROSENE ANI) BRECKENRIIMJB OIL ! —distilled from Coal and not explosive ; cheaper than : any light yet discovei d. Hoth Oil and Lamps, With ! ; Wicks and Shades. Lira shed very cheap at DR. H. . PORTER'S BRI'G STORE. April 21.1R-.8, I i | New Spring ami Summer GOODS. HS. MERCUR has just reee veda gx>d assortment • of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods : Groceries, Hardware, Harness and Carriage Trimmings, Crockery and Glass 1 Tare, Boots i\- Shoes, Hats i\- Caps, Paints, Oils, Wooden 11 are, J)x., i\ r. ; Many of which articles will lie sold lor cash at lower prices than were ever before offered in Bradford County. Towanda, April 20, 1858. SOME VERY CHEAP GOODS. lADIES Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs at f> | cents J each, White Cotton Hose at o j cents per pair, Handsome Lawns at i I cents per yard, and the best •! j cent Calicoes in the State, will be loundat the Store of Towanda. April 21,1858. 11. S. MERCUR. I-:, T. I-ox IS NOW RECEIVING a large stock of ! JL FAMILY GROCERIES, which are offered for sale at i as low prices as the same quality of Goods can be bought ■ yawbere this side of the City of New York. IM KLI) PEAS, for sale at March 24,1858. Fox's. nOMMOXY. SAMP, Wheat-Grits, Oat meal, Tapioca, Rice Flour, Maccaroni, Vermicilla, Corn Starch and Farina, ltiTsutc at March 25, 1858. I FRENCH, ENGLISH and AMERICAN MUSTARD, ground and whole, at March 25, 1858. FOX'S. \tT ORCESTERSHIKE SAUCE, Pepper Y Sauce, Tomato Catchup, Pickles, Sardines, Ac. March 25, 1858. FOX'S. WHITE CRANP.ERRY MEANS for T T seed : the best Field Bean in the country, at March 25, 1h,58. FWX'S. VfAPLE SUGAR—Anv quantity for sale. Al March 25, 1858. FOX'S. DRIED BLACKBERRIES, Ra.-pur ries and Apples, at March 25, 1858. FOX'S. riARPETING —Fine Ittgrthi, Venitian, I Hemp and Rush Carpeting, Mats, Rugs Ac., at No. 2, Pattons Block, April 21,1858 WM. A. ROCKWEI.L. rjIIIE cheapest rtnd general variety of Tloots JL and Shoes ever offered in Towanda, at No. 2 Pat tons Block April 21,1888.- WM. A. ROtTvWELL.^ ANEW invoice of Lancaster Ginghams just received'by H. S. MERCUR. May 11, 1858. BIRD CAGES of all description, Dempand Canary seeds. Birds nests. Cuttle Bone and other Bird'fivn'v a*No. U Pattons Bh>.-k A-prii .'1,18.58. WJf. A. Rt'CKWELG DlisrcAmcons WEEKLY ARRIVALS! he Rubicon Passed -Great Revival of Business- The Borough Bound to Rise —Everybo y Dressing Themselves up in J. Kiugsbery's New and Fashiona ble Summer Clothing. ISTO HUMRUG!! nusixEss not resting upon a sixponnv A ' Calico basis—a better article, however, wild at that price than can lie found elsewhere. The CURAT FOUN'DRY about to b® put in motion by n gentleman oftiiis Borough, with a capital of SII7,(MM). Stella shawls worth sold for $4 ; worth ?s, tor ?' > : Mantillas from $! ,59 up ; Dress and Staple (rooils in same proportion. Thousands of pieces Wall Paper and Borders to match, from (>to IS cents. Hundreds of Bakes, Scythes, Snathes, Stones, l av- Forks, Ac. Groceries sold exclusively for CASH. The principle ot • Only one price asked or taken," ful ly carried out. Sale of Ileal Estate continued in lots to suit purchasers. A large stock of HARDWARE. TIN AND STOVES expected as soon as room can be prepared for its recep tion. of the arrival of which due notice will be given. Farming done as usual, and in short, several irons kept constantly in the lire. N. It. A new invoice of those elegant Black Silk Man tillas will be opened on Saturday morning next. JOSEPH KINGSHEIfY. : Spring and Summer Millinery, FOR 1858, BY A. T. MARSH & CO. BTo. 5, Union Block, ELMIICA, N. Y. HAYING made extensive arrangements and improve ments in our MILLINERY DBF A HTM KNT, we now cordially invite ill! to favor us with a call before purchas ing SPRING or SUMMER MILLINERY, feeling confi dent we can make it to the advantage of all. OUR WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT | W ill be full and complete, with everything in the line of Millinery ; such as Straw Bonnets, Bloomers, Flats and Gypsiettes of all kinds and styles for Ladies' or Misses' wear, by the dozen or case. Ruches and Flowers by the box. Ribbons by the piece or cartoon. Blonds, edging, footings and Straw Braids by the dozen or piece. Bonnet Frames, CroWne and Blocks by the dozen. Heeds and covered bones by the gross.— Band boxes by the nest or gross. Foultons, Crapes, l.is.cs. Crown Linings and Cape Notts by the piece, and in fact everything required in the Millinery line in the ! greatest abundance and at the very lowest Crrv WHOLE ' SALE PI.ICES. OUR RETAIL DEPARTMENT Y\ ill embrace a full and complete assortment of all of tbeabove mentioned articles at prices to -nit the times. All bonnets bought at the store will be trimmed free of charge in the latest style and best manner. Goods bought by parties from out of town, will be packed and deliver ed to the stages or cars free of eapense. A. T. MARSH A CO., No. o, Union Block, Einrira, N. Y. People of Bradford Comity IX particular, and readers of the J!rpor(er in general. MARSH OXNKT RIBBONS in splendid variety, jL-M and entirely new styles at all prices. I'roin Is to Gs per yard, just opened at MARSH a co's. rpHB RRINCKSS ROYAL Looped Ex- JL tension Dridul Skirt, made bv Machinery without a single stitch, with a new sty le of spring adjusting bustle, can be taken apart and put together again in one minute, I and adapted to any member of the family. It i~ a strong , competitor and riViD of Douglas A ShcwnMl*s [latent, j and by many considered even ht!®v. 15-.?h styles can J lie b'uight only at MAI.'SII A (O S. I rrilE WISH for lhmnrt* trnd Millinery t I_ Marsh A Co's is unparalleled. 'fltose in the trade living within a hundred miles of FhiTira, are availing ; themselves of the superior facilities for leplenfshHigtheir stocks, at No. o, and our own Ladies are supplying them- j selves with first class Millinery from Union JBoelt. Don't i be backward about "going forward." l-adies, fotthereare ! still Bonnets by the thousand, and Hihltow* and Flowers I in proportion, on hand and constantly arriving. r j l l llO PRETTIEST Assortment of Fancy JL Head Pins, probably. ever exhibited in Glmini. lias I jwt beea opened by MARSH A d>. 10Tf4 of Linen Tape* in all widths ; also, -J extr* wide twilled Cotton Tapes. I MARSH A CO. WARD HOUSE, TOWANDA, PA. | CWKAZRV A IIOLMES respeetfirny in kJj form the public, that having leased the Ward ilouse j for a term of years, and thoroughly repaired and newly i furnished the sain*, they invite tlie patronage of travel lers and others, with every confidence that their facili ties are surU as to enable iUem to reiv-fer satisfaction.— Tiiey assure the public.that 110 effort shall be spared to maintain for tbe Ward House the high reputation it lias so long enjoyed ; to effect which the personal wants of their quests will he carefully attended to. while every facility the market affords w ill be appropriated to make the Tahlcall that could be desired. We shall pay particular attention to the accommoda tion of Jurors and witnesses attending Court: who will he hoarded at the low price of (>24 cents per day. - The liar is well stocked witii an excellent assort ment of I.IQI'OKS. We also offer to the public a large assortment of Liquors, by the quart, gallon or bawl, of I a quality not to be excelled, and at prices as low if uot lower than ran lie obtained in the cities. Reading, Klmira and ftinghmrrton Ale, by the quart, gallon or barrel. Towanda, April 77. KJW. jCissoluticft. THE Co-partnership lieretofore existing between the undersigned, muter he name and style of Laporte, j Mason A Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent*— Jolts Lapoiwe an.4 Mix A Hooper 14 7 00 W.S.Baker 14 7 00 Columbia.... A. B. Austin 14 700 l Durell ...U. Moody.., 14 7 00 Franklin Barclay R. R. A Coal Co 14 7 00 - Granville L.D.Taylor 14 7 00 Hugh Maloy 14 7 00 \V. 11. Phillips 14 7 00 1 Derrick Chas. Piatt 14 7 00 A.C. Stevens 14 7 00 , Lcroy.... E. Holcoinb 14 700 Parklturst A Foss 14 7 00 Monroe boro" H. C. Tracy 13 10 00 Ingham A Miller 14 7 00 Smith, Cranmer A Co I t 7 00 S. S. Hininan 14 7 00 (J. P. l.von 14 7 00 I 0nve11....T. Humphrey 12 12 50 S. N. Bron'son 14 7 00 H. Gibbs A Son 13 10 00 1 Overton.... Potter A Lyon 14 7 00 Daniel Heverlcy 14 7 00 Pike....D.A D.M.Bailey... 13 10 00 L. L. Bosworth ~.14 7 00 Baldwin A" Bobbins 14 7 (Hi G. 11. Little 13 10 00 Stevens A" Burrows 14 7 00 . I Kidgbury.... H.G.Cornell 14 760 ; " A. H. Voorhis 14 700 B. F. Buck 14 7 00 A. Collmrn 14 7 00 j Rome.... J. W. Woodburn ACo 14 700 Geo. Nichols 14 7 00 Standing Btwie. .Geo Stevens 12 12 50 M. W. Tracy 13 10 00 Espy A Whitman 14 7 00 | Shesheqtun... .Kinney t Gore 14 700 Suiithtield... M. Bullock 13 10 00 Dorfev A Frit' her , <... 13 10 00 J. W."l'lulps 14 7 00 I Springfield.... Hiram Spear 14 700 W. T. Dailey 14 7 (hi Tnscarora... .'l'Uos. Taylor 14 706 Troy boro' .S. W. Ap. F. Pomeroy 12 12 50 Maxwell, lamuurd A Brothers. 12 12 50 <>. P Ballard 14 7 00 H. Koon 14 7 00 V. M. A 11. F. Long 13 10 00 S. W. Payne.. 14 7 00 Spencer A- Payne 14 7 00 Troy twp T. W. Unite 14 7 00 i Towanda boro'../.Moutanyea 13 10 00 3. Kingsbery 14 7 00 H. S. Mereur 12 12 50 M. E. Solomon 14 7 00 Tracy A Moore 13 10 00 J. A. Record 14 7 00 W. A. Rockwell 14 7 00 .1. H. PhitinevA Co 14 7 00 Collins A Powell 14 7 00 D.C.HaI 13 10 00 O. D. Bartielt 14 7 00 Patton A Payne 14 7 00 Humphrey A Wickham 12 12 60 W. A. Chamlierlin t l 1 00 Bailey A Nevins 54 7 00 E. T. Fox 14 7 00 H. C. Porter 14 7 00 E. A. Parsons 14 7 00 Joseph Powell 10 20 00 Ulster.... A. A A. Newell 13 10 00 J. A T. Mather 11 7 0., H. S. Davidson A Co 13 lo 00 Gibson A Gorsline 14 7 00 Wells John' Browncll 14 7 00 Warren R.Cooper . It 7 00 Tahnage A Hi Wen 14 7 00 Windham... \V. 11. Russell.... .14 7 00 Wyalusing ...C. Averv 14 7 00 G. C. At wood 14 7 00 F. A C. Lewis 14 7 00 W. Taylor 14 7 00 G.M.Bixb 13 10 00 Wvsox.... V. E. A J. E. Piolett 13 10 00 ! W'ilmot L L. Junes 11 7 00 A List and Classification of the Beer llonses, Wiling Huu-cs. Ac., i:i the County of Bradford, for the yeat l*sk. under the acts of Assembly 1 t'Jth of April, l-4'> and 31st of March. ls5C : Where Located. Names. Class. License. 1 Athens boro'... .Cornelius Harsh 8 500 Carner A Snell 8 5 00 ' Burlington boro". .Charles Ross H 5 00 Monroe boro*... A. Mullan k 5 00 < >nvel! E. J. Easterbrooks ~. .k 500 i Sheshequin K. Riiglvxiin k 5 00 Smilblield C. B. Itiggs k 5 M South Creek .... 11. Wlreelrr . . .k 5 00 ! Towandu-boro'....Miles Carter k 5 00 ! 11. A. Bnrbnnk... k 5 00 j j Troy boro" Wm. Morgan 8 5 (10 | A List and Classification of the persons en gaged in the sale of Nostrums. Patent Medicines, Ac., in the County of Bradford, for the year I*sß, under the ad of Assembly of April 1". 1*49. Where Located. Names/ Class, I dense. Athens boro'... .0. A. Perkins 4 a (Hi Canton I). Wilcox A Co.. 4 5 00 ■ W. S. Baker 4 5 (H) I Franklin Win. Rose 4 5 00 j Lerov... Parkhnrst A Foss A 5 00 Monroebun/.. -P. N. Newton t 5 (Hi ; ! Orwell T. Humphry f 5 00 i S. N. Broittnin 4 5 (Ml 1 j Standing Pfone H. W. Tiuev 4 5 (Mi Towanga b0r0'.... Patton A Payne .4 500 1 H. e. Porter ...........4 5 00 t Trov bevo'.. S. W. AD. F. PoutfToV f 5 (10 : r. v. A f,'. t Long 4 5 00 | F. L. Ifcffarif 4 5 00 1 j WysoX C K. A J. K. Piolfet 4 5 (Mi | Warren Talmage A Bowen 4 5 00 j I A List and Classification of die different Dis- ■ i tilleries in Bradford County, for the year ISSS, under ' the u< ts of Assembly of April Vltb, 1549, atfd March 1 I 3(st. j SpringtieTd Win. Brace.. .., 70 50 00 , Standing Stone fames Gordon .10 50 00 I Troy twp G. A J. Yelie 10 50 00 Orwau,Spalding A List and Classificntion of Bankers in Brad- j j ford County, for the year lksk. j Towanda b0r0'.... Laporie, Mason A Co.. .1500 45 00 8 6" Notice is hereby given that an appeal will be held at the Coftiiu-issiouer's Olti e, in the borough of Towanda. I on WEDNESDAY", toe 30th ifay of .fI'NE next, at 1 o'- : cloek. !'. M.. at whieli time rind [dace ni.Y pefson ag- I grieved by the foregoing Aqipraisement and Classification • can attend il they think proper. C. TL A ME*. Shesliequin, May 21, 7855. Mercantile Appraiser, j I certify the foregoing appraisement and classification 1 to be true and correct, to five best of my knowledge and j belief. Witness fli > batrii this d.ry of May, 1858. C. IT. \MES, Mercantile Appraiser. \ DMINISTR ATIIIX NO'f/CE —Notice | XjL is hereby given, that all persons Indebted to the es- j tate of WM. B. REIFSNY'DER. late of Albany t rwnship. j deceased, are requested to make payment without de- j lay ; and all persons having claims against said estate will | please present tlieni duly authenticated for settlement. MARY REIFSXY PER. May 10, Ik.'ik. Administratrix. 4DMI X is Tit ATRIX NOTlCE—Notice I J.JL is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of JOHN FTtoS'f, deceased, late of Rome twp. are hereby notified to make payment without delay, ■ and all persons h:tring demands against said estate are requested to peasant them duly authenticated for settle- j ment. " JANE O. FROST. May 4, 185*. Administratrix. V EDITOR'S NOTICE.— lathe mailer H. ('. Miller's estate. In the Organ's Court of ' Bradford County. The undersigned, auditor appointed upon exceptions , filed to the filial account of the administrator of said cs- I tate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at bis office, in the Borough of Towanda, on Monday, the 2d day of August, ls.ts, at 2 o'clock, P. M. All porsrtns in- 1 terested will take notice. June 19. Iksk. p. p. MORROW. Auditor. A D.MIXISTRATOR'S NOTICE. -Notice Jl. A. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Cassias Gillette, dee'd. late of California, are re quested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims against said e-tate. must present them duly authenticated for settlement, to the subscriber*. RALPH GILLETTE. May 4. IRSB. Aht'ministratnr. CECONft Arrival f 200 Bnnols of Flour kTt from the West, which will be sold lower than el-c --wliere at the flothing Btort "1 Mav Pi lf >e. M, E. SOLOMON. I Ccgrtl. KCTTOi; S NOTICE. Notice is here- J liv givi :i that n!l persons indebted to the estate of ; WILLIAM Itt£lNK, late of Pike twp., deceased, must ni ik- immediate p.tymeut. ami all persons having !:- m.nu's against said estate, will present tliem duly authen ticated for settklneiit. I LEWIS B. PIERCF. April 7'". INM. Executor, ' XECUTOR'S NOTlCE,— Notice is here -1 iiy given, that all persons indebted to the estate of 1 NANCY MILES, defeased, late of Canton township, 1 are requested to iv.ikr payment without delay; those 1 having demand -J gainst said estate will present them du'y 1 authenticated for settlement. April W, lftjCn WM< S, .1 \ YN E. Executor. \ DM INISTRATORTB NOTlCE.—Notice I\. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of John Hatch, dee d., late of Albany township, •tie requested to make payment without delay i and ail 1 ; persons having claims against said estate, must present 1 ! tiiein duly authenticated, to the stibscriler. A. J. NOBLE. 1 ! May 2.1, iRItL Administrator. > \DM INISTR A TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice 1 J. Ais ]-,c.eby given, that all persons indebted to the cs -1 ; tate of ( HAhITV ME Aft, oec'fl., lafe of Miehigan. 1 arc hereby reforested fo make payment without de -1 lay; and ,;i| persons having claims against said estate will 1 please pic-scut them duly authenticated for settlement. ' " T. T. DROWN, j May 4.1858. Administrator. | \ I'OITOK S NOTICE.— OrnUe Ch>n.i> ' P\ hrrlin in. slarcn J'trkin*. In the Common I'let) ' of Bradford county. No 591, Sept. 'l'. I*sß, The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised by ShrnffV sale of the real estate of defendant, will ntfeu/f fo the duties of his appointment at his office, Iri fow.mda borough, on Saturday, the 26th day of dnrv. 16.18, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at which f time a fid place all persons interested are required to fire sent their claims or else be forever debarred from said fund. G, I). MONTAXYK. j June 1, 1858. Auditor. ADM I NISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice - is hereby given, that all persona indebted to the en i tate of Joseph B. Chaffee, dec'd, lafe of Warren township, | are requested to make payment Without delay ; and ail I persons baring claims against said estate will please pre - I sent them dul* authenticated for settlement. NANCY M. CHAFFEE, HENRY C. ALLYX, June 1.1858. Administrator*. A DMINISTRATRIX NOTICE.- Notice : XI. is hereby given, tliaf all persons indebted to theee j tate of WM. STEEL, late of Asylum twp.. deceased, are requested to make payment without delay: and all pef \ sons having claims against said estate, must present them I duly authenticated for settlement to the subscriber. I'OLLY STEEL, July 20,1858. Administratrix. 1 IST OF JURORS, draws for SEPTfiM* -Li BER Term and Sessions. Is.lS. GRAND .ICRORf?, Albany—William* Lee. 'Oqerton— Geo. floftcnstlne". Arinenii<—J. F. Burnliatn. (Smithtield—S. 11. Crane, J. i Burling on W—JP Rockwell, Smith. Ir. j Columbia— (' W Soper. 'Springfield—Sylves.LennartT Canton—Joel Taylor. .Towanda—Beiij. Davidson, Dureli—Johu Bennett, Fr= j G. 11. Bull. Cole. i Troy bo—G. N. Newberry. Granville—o. P. Chestey. FClster—C. Mi.fiery. LeP.oy—X. Killhom. Weils—Ab Buchanan. Litclifield—S. MeKinney. j Vyalusing—S. W. Biles.- Monroe—Wm. J. Mason. jWysox— I). I*. Bartlett • Orwell—James Cleaveland. IW'ilmot—Erastus Shepard. TRAVERSE Jt'KORS—FIRST WEEK. Athens tp— lia Ellsbree, 11. Ridgherry—B. Herman, J.l> Kinney, E. A. Murray. Hammond, C. P. Wilson. Athens bo—I). F. Park. Smithtield—W. S. Gardner. Asylum—Geo Teiry. Springfield--C. H. Geruet.J. Burlington—S. .S'a. kcft, ) Craig .H. 6. Smith. Canton -- Abel Rockwell, T South Creek- David Moore. S. Maniey- |Towanda bo—K. T. Fox. Columbia—Orr Wilson. T.M'Troy- D. Alien. Cafd. iTroy bo—R. J. Cheney, Wm Ibirell—John V. Benjamin.j Barto. M'Ke&n Laporte. .Tusearora—Lewis Milton. Franklin—Samuel Gregory.'Ulster— Ama*a Watkins. Ahira Gay. Warren—Peter AUbright, J. Derrick -John J. Anderson Sleeper. M. D. F.!lines. P.Squires Wells— Samuel Ingersoli,Jaa Litchfield—John Fiddler. Owen. Monroe—C. M. Brown, Dor Windham—Harry Russell,3.- "wen, H. H. Ingham. j White. Orwell- Jacob Chubbuck, A ] Wyalnsing—Benj'n Ackley, | Conklin. I J. F. Cbamberlin. Pike- -Samuel Buck. Wysox—Sam'l Reynolds.' Rome—Andrew Wickizer. j TRAVERSE .11RORS—SECOND WIFE. Asylum- -E.Hortou, PJJufck'Sheshequln—Wm H.Ri-hop',- Atiieiis tp—Jackson Green. , Jabez Fish, Jos ILHorton, Burlington—Robert K-iiapp,: Guy Kinney, F.Blackmail. Lihbeus Ellis. Smithtield—C. E. Wood, W. Canton—Wm H. Bates, Wm; E. Barton. Owen. Springfield—("has Mattocks, | Columbia—C. H. Ballard. Sherman Smith. Grain i;le—Osiar Saxtou. E Standing Stone—WmGri.Tis. Godnid. '.Troy bo—John Hopkins. ! Fitcbficld—Clt.ules Kceney. Towaudi tp—Thos Smith. Hanson McMiuney. " ICI.-ter Lorenzo Watkins. | Orweil- Burton Russell. C. Wilinol— Jonathan Buttles, M. Smith. J. I* Jones. Pike—jfarry Wilson. |Windham —Anfh'y Crfcptfl, Ridgl errv— J W 'lhompson • A. Dunham, jr." John Hammond. Wyafusitrg— Edw. Vaughn. Rome—Asa Fuller. PROCLAMATION --Wli.Teas. t/>e Hon. L DAVID WH.MOT, President Judge of the 12th Ju , dieial District, coii-isbng of the Counties of Bradford and i Susquehanna, and Ho no rabies Joriv Pvssmork, ami John F. Lomj. Associate Judges, in aim for said county of Brail."id, have i--ued their precc| t bearing dirte tlie i 111 day of July. A. D. 1 is. to nu* directed, for liofdiug a Couit ot Oyer and Terminer. General Quarter fissions of j tlie Peace. • 'ontmon Pias a*d Chphan's Court, at Towan da, for the < bnibfy ot fWuifrorH, on the Monday, the 6th day ol SEPTEMBER next, to conJimi* f*o Weeks. Notice i- tlrerefore hereby given, to tire Go toners and Justices ol the Peace and Constables, of the County of ' Bradford, that they be th"n and there in th>r proper"per son. at Hi o'clock in the forenoon of sa>*t li.iU l jn.-t. Jurors are requested to lx l punctual ; in their attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at To wan da, the 14(!i of July, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, and of the Independence of the United States,"the eiglitv lirst. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. ORPHANS COURT SALE —liv virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford coun ty, will b exposed to public sale upon the premises, on | MONDAY. AUGUST 16, 18.18, at 1 o'clock. P. M., the following lot, piece or parcel ot land situate in Albany i township,- late the estate of Win. B. Rcifsuyder, deceased, and bounded and described as follows : On tlie east by R iltert Lewis, on the north by James L. Miller, on the west by lauds of R .set and Beechiiig, on the south of 1 M.li'ord Hakes. Containing about 106 acres. Terns made known on day of sale. MARY REIFSXI DER, | July 13,1858. Administratrix. 11. B. M'KMAN, 17 1 RE INSI RANPE AGENT, at Tovtan j L da. Pa., for tlie following reliable Companies : : Farmers Union Insurance. Co. . Athens, Pa.. Capital , $2 00,000. I State. Mutual Insurance Co. . llarrisburg, P".• Capital, $200,000. (lirarz\ JTS GRACE. Notes unit iuvoiHits of the tiiiiiersi^i;- 1 ed, f more than one sear's standing, will he placi d in the hands of N. N*. Esri. for collect! tn, aid judgments under tlie clnrge of a' Lawyer, unless son e arrangement K-S used in fh Mi l Hav.on's School, are I fr -ph* •-heap.- June 30,1 -Vs. f f