Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 01, 1858, Image 1

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jtinrshag fflorninn, Jnljf 1, 1858.
Sclttltlr HotlrjT.
Is the sky the bright star* glittered,
On the grass the moonlight fell ;
Hushed the sound of daylight's bustle.
Closed the piuk-eyed pimpernell,
a .tiuwn the moss-grown wood-path—
Wh ere the cattle love to roam—
from Aunt Patty's quilting party,
[ was seeing Nelly home.
Jetty ringlets softly fluttered
O'er a brow as white as snow ;
And her cheek-the crimson sunset
Scarcely had a warmer glow ;
M;d her parted lips' vermillion,
White teeth flashed like ocean's foam ;
All I marked with pulses throbbing,
As I saw sweet Nelly home.
When the Autum tiuged the greenwood
Turning all the leafes to gold,
In the lawu by alders shaded,
I my lve to Nelly told
As we stood together gazing
On the star-bespangled dome,
How I blessed the August evening,
When 1 saw sweet Nelly home.
White hairs mingle with my tresses,
Furrows stand upon my brow,
But a love-smile cheers and bessea
Life's declining moments now ;
Matron iu theaiowy kerchief,
Closer to myoosoia come—
Tell me. dost thou still renttnumber
When I saw sweet Nelly home ?
Srilttftb ©nit.
The countenance of Mrs. Lawrence wore a
somewhat troubled expression, as she seated
herself at the dinner table, and the shadow
deepcued as site raised the plate of bread to
her husband. It was not raw dough but a
little, just a little "soggy." Not every one
would have noticed it, not every one would
have troubled themselves to say anything about
it, and uot every wife would have cared whe
ther or not her husband did notice it. But
Mrs Lawrence knew " Harry " would notice
it; she knew be would remark upon it, and
she knew that those remarks would rankle in
her sensitive heart. Hence her anxious look.
Ii was as she expected. As Mr. Lawrence
hid the slice lie had just taken beside his plate,
he exclaimed in rather a querulous tone —
"Heavy bread again, as I'm alive! It
dues seem as though we might once in a while
hare some that was light and fit to eat. It
; 3 euough to seare a man's appetite let him be
ever -0 hungry, to have such stuff as this set
before him."
"The bread is not so heavy, my dear," said
iiis wife mildly, " it is very light and with the
< xceplion of a small spot, baked nicely. I set
the' emptying ' myself, and wet the dough,
i->t our girl would spoil it, and had I not been
called out of the kitchen to receive company,
1 would have baked it ; as it was, she drew
it from the oven a few minutes too soon. But
iit is nice, light bread, and as Bridget said
.tod tuturedly, when l,P"iute 1 out the fault,
master may cut out the damp spot, aad I'll
cat it myself.' "
" But Mary, almost every time you bake
something is the matter, aud I can't see why
it should be so."
" Don't prav, make me out so bad a house-
Keeper as all that," said his wife, pleasantly,
ttough a close observer might have noticed a
i.iiy tear nestling in the corner of her hope
ful eye— " dou't, pray. It's uot ofteuer than
jßce a mouth that anything happens to either
bread, cake or pie. But as they say accidents
*il! happen in the best of families, so will,
Jiice ia a while, failure happen to the best of
cooks. I never knew one yet but had once
111 1 while bad luck."
" Bad luck," responded her husband, rather
-mtemptuously ; 44 that phrase ought to be
banished from the kitchen department. My
mother—and the name was emphasized power
' my mother has cooked these forty
rears or tnorc, and never had bad luck. I
• you, Mary, you should eat some of her
1 r - I d, once. It makes my mouth water to of it. I shall never eat such victuals as
s;| c used to cook."
This was the point which Mrs. Lawrence
dreaded. She had heard so much about 44 mo
iQers cooking," during the two years of her
bedded life, that the slightest allusion to it
® : *dc her nervous. She could bear to remaiu
up in the close kitchen, morning after
morning,— though she knew other young wives,
•Rates of her girlish years, were promenading
' pleasant streets, —because she loved her
truly and tenderly, and it was a plea
'nre minister to his rather dainty palate ;
*uile to be fretted at sometimes, she knew
* xs part of every woman's experience, and
" -she must have to bear with a smiling face,
■ u °iigli the heart ached ever so sorely.
She could even have borne to be called
"e.ess, wasteful, extravagant, though 6he
"-w the adjectives would have beeu misap
p .ed, because in all those things she could
i' r ' lv e to her husband that she was daily
""ding ; but to be censured because she
J "ot cook like his mother, was more than
" could hear patiently. It was a hopeless
1 " no wife ever did cook like a man's
oilier, aud for a reason too. Mothers hav
l"? the hearty appetite of little growing boys
lca ' with, while the poor wife has the fas
lous la ste of a matured man and mayhap,
,JDP .*bo loves to eat.
did uot reply at once to her husband.
■° could not, indeed, for there was a chok
es s°h struggling in her throat. But with
' iero ' stn s he swallowed it whole,
tbcu said pleasantly—
" I know Harry your mother is a paragon
of a cook, for all mothers are, and I should
like dearly to eat some of her nice victuals. I
do wish," and her voice assumed an earnest
tone, " I do wish you would take me to see
her, and let me serve an apprenticeship with
her. I assure you I would willingly cook as
she does, if I only knew her way ; and then
it is too bad too, here we have been married
almost two years, and I have never seen one
of your relatious. Come, let's give up goiug
to New York this fall, and go out in the coun
try to your father's, wont you ?"
Mr. Lawrence did not answer at once. He
was, in truth, a little ashamed of the only rea
sou which had so long deterred him from in
troducing his wife to the paternal homestead.
She was a city born and a city-bred woman,
had beeu nurtured in affluence, and always
miugled in fashiouable society ; and he did
hate to have her see the contrast between his !
humble home and countryfied relations, aud i
her stately residence and geuteel friends. It j
was a reason to be ashamed of, and he knew 1
it, for not holier were the associations that
cluster arouud the city home, nay not as holy '
were they as those that clung "to that low, !
brown home, with its mossy eaves, its arch- i
ing elms, its rippling spring, its beaming gar- j
den, its straggling orchard, its broad sweep of
meadow, aud its dim old forest, so like a pic- i
tare, with its lights and shades.
Aud well too, did he kuow that in all that
makes true men and women, in sterling integ
rity, in tixeduess of purpose, in warm devo
tion of heart, the aged parents, whom he had
left years before under that humble roof,
would stand to say the least, side by side, with
those who had claimed the young alfectious
of his wife.
Yes, Mr. Lawrence was ashamed of the 011-1
ly reason that had deterred him so long from !
introducing to his parents the gentle one whom
their only sou had chosen for his life compan
ion, aud so though he put her off with an ex
cuse at dinner, yet afterwards when they sat
together 011 the sofa, enjoying that half hour's
chat which he always allows himself, he assent
ed to her wish, and that day week was decid
ed upou as the one which should present Ma
ry to his frieuds, aud as she laughingly, yet
earnestly said, present her to some of her mo
ther's victuals.
44 I will write them to-day. They have a
mail on Thursday, aud if they do not receive j
it then, whj Saturday's will carry it, and as
they are always at church, they can get it on
Sunday. We must always make some allow
ance for country mails. But if they get it 011
Sunday, there will be time enough ere Tues
day noon, for a deal of cooking ; and I'll tell
you Mary, such a chicken pie as you'll see iu
the centre of mother's table—"
" You havn't eat since you were a boy," in
terrupted she pleasantly. 44 O, lam so glad
you are going. I shall make me a new check
apron this afternoon, for I mean to be in the
pantry all the time. You'll never talk of mo
ther's victuals after this visit."
" Only to say this tastes like licr's, and that
will be praise enough, I suppose," said the
young husband, now all good nature, kissed
the soft and beautiful cheek presented, and
went on his way, feeling for a time quite sat
isfied with his darling wife, although her vic
tuals did not taste to him like boyhood's board.
The next Tuesday morning found Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence on their way to the olden
home of tho husband. Four hours ride in an
exnress traiu left them within ten miles of tne
place. A carriage was hired at once and they
As they entered it Mr. Lawrence observed
gaily" Our horses, poor as the look, will easily
carry us there by noon —we shall be in good
season for the chicken pie. "
" And shall doubtless, do justice to it," re
sponded the wife. 44 I hope it will be wide '
aud deep."
44 Never fear—l know them of old," said he
and giving the word to the driver, they were '
off, after passing many a rich and pleasant
field, and now aud then under the shadows of !
patches of woodland, they turned about noon, !
into what seemed a long grassy lane. A beau- j
tiful light played iu the husband's eye as they
rolled long and he whispered softly as though
he feared to break the holy spell, " this is
the homestead road. I have played on its
sunny banks many an hour with the only
brother that Heaven ever gave me ; and along
this we passed when we carried him to his lit
tie grave. O, it is lined with autumn flowers,
but thicker are the memories that cluster here,
and he turned his head and wiped away a
A moment after and they drew up before a
little low-roofed house, brown aud mossy, but
neat and cheerful, with rich festoons of cling
ing vines hanging all about and a garden path
radiant with blossoms, but to the surprise of
Mrs. Lawrence, no one come to the gate to
meet them, nor did any one seem in waiting ou
their threshold.
A shadow passed over the love-lit brow of
her husband, and as he assisted her to alight
he said, pettishly—''my letter must have failed
—what a nuisance are these country mails !
But we shall find them home, for mother never
goes anywhere, and drawing his wife's arm
within his own he led her up the grassy path
way. Just as they reached the steps, the door
was opened and a little old-fashoued, woman
dressed in " short gown aud petticoat" advan
ced to meet them.
44 Ere Mrs. Lawrence had time to conjecture
who it might be, the wrinkled hand was
clasped by her husbaud, while the words,"my
mother," 44 my son Harry, my dear hoy is it
you ?" revealed to her iu whose presence she
now fonnd herself.
Taking her to her bosom as she would a
long absent daughter, 44 you are welcome,
child. God bless you, and spare you to him
these many a year, for I know by his looks
you have made him happy indeed. Come in,
children, come in ; and she nshered them in
to the cheerful kitchen, aud was soon busy in
assisting them to rid themselves jof the dust
that had gathered upon their clothes, and in
carrying off the outer garments to her nice
spare room
44 But why iu the world, Harry." said she
when they were comfortably seated, 44 didn't
you let us know that you were coming, that I
might have fixed up a little, aud had something
good for your dinner ? You'll have to take
farmer's fare now—it's pot-luck to-day."
"If it's only some of mother's cooking, it
will do I know," said;tbe young wife, "for Har
ry has talked of our victuals almost every meal
stuce I've known him. Aud I've come ou now
not only to see you but to have you teach me
your ways, that I may make hiin love me all
the more. You will show me won't you now,
mother ?"
• 4 That I will, child," said the old lady kiud
ly, her heart completely won by the gentle
ways of her new daughter. 44 But if Harry
thiuks my cooking will taste us it used to he
will be mistaken, I guess. Now that he has
lived so long iu the city, and fed on its daiu
ty fare, mother's homely mea's won't relish
so well."
44 Yes, they will mother," said bar son, em
phatically. "Aud I want while I am here now
you should cook it just as you used to ; I want
the old fashioned taste."
44 Well I'll try and suit you, my boy ; but,
go now and find father, —aud be spry, too, for
dinner will soon be ready," and she bustled
about to complete her preparations.
Mrs. Lawrence watebed her intently. The
cloth was soon laid, and neatly too, but iu the
same style which had been prevalent when the 1
uow aged woman came a blooming bride to
her home. Tne linen was faultlessly white,
but it was home made, and uot as liue as even
that which her sou used for his servant. The
dishes were from lint, and 44 fairly shone," but
they were common blueedged white ware, such
as her son used merely for baking upon, while
the cutlery, though polished with labor, was
of such an uncomely shape, that it seemed to
the ooserver she could never handle it and she
looked iu vain for silver.
But when the old lady prepared to dish up
her dmuer, she wutchea ner closer than ever
aud a mischievous smile iutked iu the dimples
that nestled so cosily on her soft cheeks.—
Would Harry, could Harry, relish now such
victuals as those ? A huge platter was brought
from the buttery to the broad, old hearth, and
the iron pot removed from a pot of ample di
mensions. First, the old lady took from it a
piece of salt pork, ail dripping with fat ; theu
loliowed a mass of boiled cabbage ; beets, rud
dy and so plump ; carrots, golden as suushine;
aud potatoes bursting from their brown skins
as though iu haste to be eaten, aud all like
the meat dripping with grease.
Mrs. Lawrence expected, of coarse, each
would be placed 011 a separate dish, the water
pressed from the cabbage, aud it moulded into
comely form, the beets aud carrots sliced aud
scasoucd, and the skins removed from the po
tatoes. But nut so. I'roudly as though it
were a dish of 44 four and twenty black-binds,
and 44 fit to set before a king," the good mo
ther carried it to the table, aud depositing it
iu the centre, said pleasantly—
-44 There is a real old fashioned dinuer, aud
1 hope it will taste to llurry as it used to," ;
aud she turned aud went to the buttery to till
out the unoccupied space, was a plate of bread,
aud which her daughter thought must be some !
of the rye bread of which she heard her bus- j
baud speak in high terms, for it was certainly
differeut from any bread she had ever seen, !
theu there was pickles, apple-sauce, and some
late cucumbers sliced iu vinegar with onions,
aud stewed pears, and sage cheese and dough
nuts, and lastly fresh from the cellar a roll of
sweet, goldeu batter.
44 I huv'ut a bit of pie or pudding in the
house," said the good mother, 44 but I only yes
terday fried up a great pan of doughnuts. And
I'm dreadful glad on't now, fur Harry, when
he was a boy, used to say he could eat half a
peek at a time."
Harry's wife compared the mass of fried
dough, each oue as large as a farmer's fiat and
as brown, with the delicate, fairly like crullers
she had beeu wont to set before him at tea. —
And wondered mentally if Harry, now that
lie was a man, would uot prefer a half peck of
hers. But she said nothing, about the dinner
we mean, and waited patiently till he should
return, to see how he would manage to dispose
of the hearty and bountiful meal.
He came in shortly, aud with him the dear
old father, his wrinkled merry face with smiles.
Very tenderly did he draw the gentle youug
wife to his heart, and ferveut and solemn was
the blessiug he invoked on her head. You've
come to an humble home, but you're welcome,
child, aud we are glad to see you. But come,
you must be hungry, I know ; sit by aud take
a farmer's fare. Are the meu called, wife ?"
" They are here," aud as she spoke there
was heard the tramping of heuvy boots aud
soon the splashing of .water iu the Bhed, and
in a few moments the three hired men eutered,
dividing their glances betweeu the beautiful
young wife aud the s'moking plater. Without
any ceremony they all drew their chairs to the
When all was still, the aged father rever
ently bowed his head and asked a blessing up
011 the food of which they were now to par
take, and then returned thanks to Heaven that
once agaiu their first born had been permitted
to return to their lowly home. Tears were
streaming down his cheeks as he coucluded,
aud so solemnly and impressively had he spok
en, that for a few moments Mrs. Lawrence
looked upou the table with a feeling of awe !
—its contents seemed all to have been sancti
fied But the spell was broken when, after her
father-in-law had sliced np the huge piece of
pork, he said pleasantly—
-44 Come, now, all help yourselves, country
fasbioD," aud she saw the hired raeu thrust
their ungaiuly forks into the dish, aud take
thence a portion of each aud everything, and
then add to the miscellaneous mass a spoonful
of apple-sauce, another of cucumber and onion,
a stewed pear, a pickle and a piece of cheese.
Could she possibly swallow sach a miugled
mass ? She tried it, and filled ber plate as the
othcra did, wonderiDg to herself what her bus
baud would do, being in bis own home always
so particular about a change of plate. And
there wa* a merry twiukle iu her bright blue
eye ; wheu, instead of helping himself at all,
he said to his mother—
-44 If you will give me a bowl of milk, it will
be all I waut this noon—l cau never eat pork
wheu I have the headache."
44 Does your head uche very badly ?" asked
his wife, mischievously, scarcely able to refruin
from laughing outright at this his first get off
from his mother's cooking.
44 Not very," said he 44 but I'm afraid it will,
and so shall keep on the safe side."
By this time the mother had brought him
the milk, aud it was a sight to gladden the
heart ot u citizen, so pure, so sweet, aud with
such sweet, goldeu cream.
"This is nice," suid he as he swallowed about
a spoouful—" uow I shall feast," and he reach
ed for the bread, but his wife, who was very
atteutive to his looks, saw the happy expres
sion pass off, as he slowly crumbled the slice
he had just taken.
44 I 'm dreadful sorry," said his mother, pass
ing the plate to her daughter, 44 dreadful sorry
about my bread. But I had the worst of luck
with it ; fhe emptyings took e'enmost all day
to come up, aud theu forgot the dough, and it
stood till it soured a little, and the oven some
how was'nt first rate. Husband had a miud
that I should give it to the pigs, but I said it
was better than none, but it's most gone now,
and I'll try to have better to-morrow."
44 Then you do have bad luck once in a
while said the younger Airs. Lawrence. "Hurry
thought you never did."
44 Harry has forgotten. Yes I believe that
every one does sometimes."
Harry's wife wondered if he ever remember
ed telling her many times, that there was no
excuse for even poor bread. But she forgave
him all the pain he had caused her by sueli re
marks, as she saw with what a wry face he
swallowed the stale, sour rye bread.
44 Would you sooner have a doughnut ?"ask
his mother shortly, passing him the dish as she
spoke. 44 They are the real old fashioned
"I'm going to get mother's receipt for them,"
said the youug wife, with seeming earnestness
— 44 they have a substantial look about them
which strikes my fancy."
But Harry declined taking any, saying that
he would confine himself for that meal to bread
aud milk—milk, he should have said for the
bread was mostly left iu the bottom of the
44 I'm sorry I havn't a piece of pie for you,"
said the good mother, as they arose from the
table, 44 you don't eat euough to keep a chick
eu alive."
44 Yes, I have said the son gaily— 44 it was
all good, first-rate, only a little too hearty for
a mau with a headache. Come, Alary, put
on your sun-bounet, and we'll be off to father's
orchard—there's desert there to feast the ve
riest epicure."
" I guess your headache is better," said
Alary, very demurely, as her husbaud threw
aside tho twelfth peach pit, 44 how you do
eat ?"
44 Eat," said he, 44 why I'm almost starved.
Such a greasy pig's mess as we had, when I
expected a chicken pie—it turns my stomach
now to think of it."
44 But it was mother's cooking," Mary felt
like saying, but she was a prudent woman aud
the time was uot yet come.
About four o'clock iu the afternoon,the good
mother, having knit to the middle of the seain
needle, carefully rolled up the thick blue wool
en sock, and replenishing the lire iu the stove,
set about making preparations for supper.
44 Does Harry love custard pies as well us
ever ?" said she to Harry's wife, as she tied ou
her baking apron.
44 Yes, indeed he does—there is no pie of
which he is fonder."
" Theu 1 will make some for tea," said the
good mother.
44 Let ine see you, do, mother," said Mary,
following her into the buttery. I want to
learn all your ways," and she carefully watch
ed the process. But she could uot help men
tally drawing a comparison between her own
custards, with their rich puff paste, their sweet
uing of refined loaf sugar, and flavoring of rose,
vanilla or lemon, with the substantial looking
ones the mother prepared, with the crust of
rye flour wet up with buttermilk, maple sugar
for swectniug, and allspice for "seasoning,"and
and she could not help wondering how Harry
could prefer them to hers, and in her heart she
did uot believe he would. But such as they
were, they were made and set in the j
oven, and then tho good old mother
said she would make some cream biscuits. —
These Alary said was of no use for to look at,
she could never have any cream to use, and so
she ran out into the fields to meet her husband,
to gladden his appetite with the fact that he
was to sup on custard-pie and cream biscuits.
44 Cream biscuits !" said he—"well I'm glad
of that, for I wanted you to eat biscuit that is
biscuit. You will hardly dare to offer mc your
soda ones again. Do you remember how streak
ed they were the last time ?
44 Yes, indeed 1 do, and tho hearty cry 1
had over them. I wonder if any oue else ever
had such troubles in cooking as I do
44 No need of such troubles," said ho with
that oracular look which husbands always as
sume when discoursing of household affairs.'—
44 A woman who has the happiness of her fam
ily at stake, will never place upon the tabic a
dish that is uot properly cooked." He had
forgotten his mother's poor bread, but Mary
yet was gcuerous. She thought of the custard
pie, and triumphed at her heart.
She fancied as she entered the house, that
her mother'scouutenance wore atrouuled look,
and sought an explanation. With tears in
her eyes the old lady bewailed the failure of
her biscuits ; hut they were not streaked with
salaratus, hut green all through. 44 1 must
have made a mistake, and put in two spoonfuls
instead of oue. lam so sorry."
Harry worried down half a biscuit aod
three mouthfuls of pie, aud then askiog for a
bowl of milk, he sliced up some peaches in it,
as he said a 44 luscious meal."
44 I've brought you a hat full of eggs, moth
or," snid he, as he came from the barn about
half au hour after supper, "and I want many
as I can eat, cooked for my breuklust. Fresh
eggs are a luxury we seldom enjoy in the city.
I want some fried and some boiled.
When we went out to breakfast he found his
mother had cooked a * 4 lot of them'—hut
how f Iu the centre of the table stuod a lmge,
deep platter, filled almost to the brim with
; thick slices of fat pork, swimming iu gravy,the
j sight of which would have sickened a Jew,and
I scattered through all the " mess," were a good
j ly portion of the fresh eggs lie desired to eat.
i Alary remembered once cooking wheu her girl
was absent, a dish of ham and eggs, and send
ing it to the table in the old fashioned way,
ham, eggs and gravy ull together, and she
wondered if Hairy would lecture his mother as
he did her, for "such a greasy dish " But lie
simply declined taking any of the fried ones,
simply saying that he was hungry for boiled
ones, a bowl of which stood before fiim. Now
Alary always dreaded to hear him say he want
ed boiled eggs for breakfast, unless they were
cooked just so, she knew what a tirade upou
careless eooks she might prepare to hear, and
she wondered how these would suit. He
broke oue upon his plate—for his good mother
had never heard of egg cups—broke it, and it
was us hard as the Irish girl's when she hud
boiled it half an hour.
"Are they ull hard ?" asked he.
44 Why yes," said Airs. Lawrence, ,4 I thought
you liked them so—you used to."
4 ' Well 1 dou't any longer—they are uot so
healthy us soft ones."
"O, well then, 1 can boil some more," and
with alacrity she set about it ; but alas, these
latter oucs when brought to the table were too
rare the white hardly warmed through.
"Shau't I boil you some ?" asked his wife—
as I am used to boiling them soft, perhaps I
can suit you.
44 Yes, do," in a tone that bespoke relief.—
She did so, and as she dropped, them into his
plate, he observed to his mother, 44 this is the
way I like them—two minutes and a half by
the clock. They are very uice."
44 Very nice !" said his wife— 44 well lan"
gad if once in my life I have suited you. O,
if I were only your mother—then you would
never find fault with my cooking," and the old,
self same mischcivous siuilo lurked 111 her eye
aud dimpled her lips.
44 Why, he's found fault with everything
siuce lie came home," said his mother. 4 'ile's
grown to be mighty particular, for I cook just
as 1 used to."
44 Why, mother," said Harry, 44 have I said
a word ?"
4 'No," replied his mother, 44 but you 4 ve act
ed it. I know when things relish, and I know
you hav'nt relished anything since you came
home, that you've eat off the table, save peach
es and milk, and those I didn't cook. And see
your coffee—you havn't tasted it hardly."
There was no gainsaying this truthful re
mark, and as to the coffee, why he wouldn't
have been hired to drink it, boiled as it had
been preparing breakfast, and having besides
the hitter that itself would give, another which
he could not analyze, but which he afterwards
learned was the result of boiling molasses in it,
because it was thought the cheaper sweeten
ing. and also a hit of dandelion root to pre-!
vent the coffee from injuring the health of the
44 Your wife must have a good deal of pa
tience to get along with you, if you arc alwavs i
so particular—more than ever I had. 1 alwavs i
brought up my children to eat what was set he- [
fore them, and not complain if it wasn't quite !
so good as they wanted. Women dou 4 t alwavs
feel;like cooking.and then mistakes will happen
aud failures too, and yet can't help it The i
only way is to make the best of everything.— 1
At any rate, a man should never fret at his
wife, for goodness knows she has enough to
fret her at her very best."
As the good mother concluded, Mary felt
like saying amen, and though she refrained
from doing so, she did in her heart wish that
Harry would lay the words she hud just heard,
deep in his memory, and con them over often.
An hour or two after breakfast, Mary found
her mother picking chickens. 44 What arc we !
to have now ?" inquired she, pleasantly.
"O that chicken pie that Harry wanted :
dear me," and she sighed, 44 isn't it any u>e for
me to bake one—he won't eat it. I wish you'd
make it," and she looked at her pleadingly.
A new thought flashed over Alary's uiind.
44 I will, mother, ou two conditions—l shad
have as much of everything as I choose, aud
von shall not let Harry know but you made it,
till you get his opinion."
The mother gave a glad assent, and the
young wife proceeded at onee to her task. She
spared neither material nor time, and proud ii -
deed was she when she bore it to the table.—
Like a mass of snow-flakes was the rich puff
crust, and never fowls fouud a deeper gruve or
tempting gravy.
" I can't see how Harry can find fault with
ycur cooking when you can cook like that,"
said the mother. 44 I beats anythiug I ever
"Because it is his wife's and not his mother's
cooking ; but we'll cheat him for once."
"Do you see that," exclaimed Harry, as he '
entered the kitchen, 44 do you see that V and
he came tip to his wife who stood idly looking I
out of a window, the while thumping upon it, |
never evincing by word or look that her repu- :
tation was at stake. We'vcgot the chickeu pie, j
and its a glorious one, too —deep, wide, rich,
with crust that will melt iu your mouth. Alo
ther is herself ugaiu—if you could only cook
hke that I"
'• It does look nice," said she, " hut I don't
believe alter all, it will prove any better than
the one I made last Christmas."
44 Not taste better than yours ! 1 guess then
it will. I tell you Mary, you'll own after this
you never knew anything about a chicken pie.
You may be proud, father, of your wife's cook
ing. I shall be of miue when sho bakes me a
pie like this."
44 Don you really think this is a good chick
en pie ? as her busbaud at length dropped his
knife and fork.
"A good one! yes, aud more than that."
"And would you like some lime to have au
' other like it
VOL. XIX. — NO. 4.
" Indeed I should."
" Well, then, I will make you one next
" You ?" his tone was an incredulous one.
"Me ! vcs. Why not me ? J made this "
Hurry's chair found its place next the wall
iu murvelously quick time, and about as quick
ly did he walk off towards an old amusing spot
in the woods, but Harry's wife never afterward
heard anything said about Mot fur's Cocking.
I From au ueeurate account of the condition of
women in any country, it would not be difli
: cult to inter the whole stale of society. So
i great is the influence they exercise on tho
i character of men, that the latter will be cle
: vuted or degraded, according to the situation
Jof the weaker sex. Where women ure slaves,
as in Turkey, the men will be the same ; where
they are treated as moral beings—where their
minds ore cultivated, and they are considered
equals—the state of society must be high, and
the character of the men energetic and noble.
There is so much quickness of comprehension,
! so much susceptibility of pure and generous
1 emotion, so much ardor of alTectiou in women,
that they constantly stimulate men to exer
| tion, and have, at the same time, a most pow-
I crful agency iu soothing the angry feelings,
and in mitigating the harsh and narrow pro
pensities which are generated in the strife of
the passious.
The advantages of giving a superior educa
tion to women are not confined to themselves,
but have a salutary influence on our sex. Tho
fear that increased instruction will render them
incompetent or neglectful in domestic life, is
absurd in theory, and completely destroyed by
facts. Women, as well as men, when once es
tablished in life, know that there is an end of
trilling ; its solicitudes and duties multiply up
on them equally fast : the former are apt to
fee) much more keenly, and too frequently
abandon ull previous acquirements to devolw
themselves wholly to these. But if the one
sex have cultivated and refined minds, the oth
er must meet them from shame, if uot from
sympathy. If a man finds that his wife is not
a mere nurse or a housekeeper ; that she can,
when the occupations of the clay are over, en
liven a winter's evening ; that she can con
verse on the usual topics of literature, and en
joy the pleasures of superior conversation, or
the reading of a valuable book, lie must liavti
a perverted taste, iudecd, if it does not make
home still dearer, and prevent him from re
sorting to taverns for recreation. The bene
fits to her children need not be mentioned ;
instruction and cultivated taste in a mother
enhance their respect and affection for her and
their love of home, and throw a charm over
the whole scene of domestic life.— IVm. T-udvr.
care of them. Don't let them stir without
watching. They may do something wrong if
you do. To be sure you never knew them to
do anything very bad, but it may be on yonr
account they have not. Perhaps if it had not
been for your kind care they in'ght have dis
graced themselves and their families, a loug
time ago. Therefore don't relax any effort to
keep them where they ought to be; uever minci
your own business that will take care of itself.
There is a man passing along—lie is looking
over the fence—be suspicious of him perhnp#
he contemplates stealing something son.e of
these dark nights ; there's no knowing what
queer f .ncies lie may have got into his head.
If you sec any symptoms of any one passing
out of the pith of duty, tell every one elt*
w hat you can see, and be particular to see
great many. It is a good way to circulate
such things, and tho' it may uot benefit your
self, or any one else particulaily, it will be
something important about some cue else.—
Do keep something going—sileuce is a dread
ful thing though it is said there was silence in
heaven for the space of half au hour don't let
any such a thing occur 011 earth ; it would ho
too much like heaven for the inhabitants of
this mundane sphere. If, after all ycur watch
ful care, you can't see anything out of the wuy
iu any one, you may be sure it is not because
they have not dune anything bad perhaps, iu
an unguardtd moment, you lo c igiit of them
throw out hints, they are 110 better than
they should be—that you should not wonder
if ps pie "found out what they were after a
while anc then may uot enrry their heads so
high. Keep it a going, and some one will
take the hint and begin to help you after a
while—then there will be music, and every
thing will work to a charm.
Ztegf It is said that one of the editors of the
Lewisburg Chronicle, soon after he went to
learn jtlie printing I usiucss, went to r seo a
preacher's daughter. The next time lie at
tended meetiug he was considerably astonish
ed at hearing the minister announce as his
text, " My daughter is grievously tormented
with a devil."
Car" During a recent debate in the British
Parliament, one argument advanced iu favor
of letting men marry their deceased wife's
sisters was, that by doing so, a man had only
one mother in-law instead of two. If a man
could marry so as to have no mother-in law at
ill, domestic peace would be less frequently
disturbed, uiul his wife would mind her own
Bfciylt is rumored that Mr. Karey.the Amer
ican horse turner, uses a tile of Congressional
speeches, to subdue the refractory animal put.
under his charge. After reading about a
quarter of an hour, the quadruped gives in and
promises an entire amendment of morals and
maimers if he will only stop.
It bar been t'nought that people are
degenerating, because they don't live as long
as in the days of Methuselah. But the fact
is, provisions are so high that nobody can af
ford to live \ery long at the eurrcut prices
I Had there never been a clond titer®
had iietcr been a rainbow