Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 27, 1858, Image 3

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    the Peoria Transcript, May 15. J
. Bain and Hail-Destruction of Life
R and Property.
■ -fnl hurricane, accompanied by hail
A ell ' wte a this city aiul vicinity yester-
jnst before six o'clock in
is; a nd lasting about three quartets
i f . For fifteen minutes previous to
D n 11, i: iDCcn jent the sky was thickly overcast
!?f° n,n l ! rre ,n clouds, and the city presen
filb 7'mbre and gloomy appearance, which
s f or eboding of the terrible catastrophe
ft® I fgo goon to overtake it In the stores,
rooms and other places of business,
■ ' :I \as lighted, and the crowds of people
' 1 fLjed through the streets seeking shelter
1 ' | the lurid light like so many spectres.
came from any quarter; on the
■ "Va wave rippled ; ou the trees not a
Snored AH nature seemed hushed—
naught but a gloomy green ; in the city
" 7 silence. In the midst of this scene
blaze of lightning shot up apparently
pn>rv quarter of the horizon, aud for
,ir four minutes was accompained by no
" r Suddenly, however, the city was
1 'V'. lV a loud and heavy clap, and instantly
i: *77oauc commenced, sweeping through
c '7"ith terrible power from the west.—
' ;. carae the rain in torrents. We never
I a deluge of water. In less than three
* v .7 tiie hail-stones, as large as hickory
f". U ,Mmmenced heating down like leaden
1 ; ami the Iturricaue, meantime, increased
L. - iitfnl power.
r, was now terrible. Hundreds of
7, vs in every direction were twisted off,
7'iie bricks sent crashing through the
7- and over on the neighboring roofs ;
, v wads boxes were picked up and hur
-7. r 7:"lv through the air until they struck
|. re torn from their fastenings violently;
7v hilkts of wood, stones, brick—every
-1 movable, in short, went Hying through
7'irettn ami over and against buildings ;
7at the wliarf, becoming perfectly uu
-eaiile. were tossed over the waves to
■7>ite -bore, and to sure destruction.—
' neut tlic terrible gale seemed to have
:j fury but it was only for a moment,
t jwept through the city, and this time
the sinews of a giant. Church steeples
. ,n,jieil off, and went crashing through
7'.7: exposed frame buildings were fairly
-am their foundations and crushed into
• of ruins: roofs were torn up and
into fragments, and large brick
g-, in process of construction, were
i never upon the roofs of smaller adjoining
s. \Vi.ilo this description of destrnc
going on, the large hail stones, falling
,'v. were driven with great noise and
v down upon the city, and were doing
-e damage, People rushed from their
- and places of business oiU into thestorm
ini of their lives; women fainted, cows
j.(l#iidiv and bellowing with pain through
■ reels, and, with the pelting rain and hail,
:vivid flashes of lighttiing, the terrific claps
• under, the roar of the hurricane and the
•of falling chi tune vs and buildings, the
ve was one of great terror. At one
when the gale Was at its height, it really
• rd as if the cutire city would be laid in
1st wm continued, with more or less fury,
•about three-quarters of an hour. The wind
p.abated its violence, the dark clouds in the
b<: lifted gradually, and a mellow, golden
r." <rluned down upon the city, strangely with the darkness tliat had only
'■v minutes before wrapt it in such gloom,
bantered out into the street and mixed
r the anxious frightened crowd. Kvery
i ■?wrreevidences of the destructive power
-• :m. Tiie streets were filled with rub
l ruins were met with on every side. All
e windows u)>oii the west side of every
BW through which we passed were more or
t : sen. Itumors of ruins and accidents in
try quarter were abundant upon every man's
i'% and had the city been stormed and
U:\i by au invading array, it would not have
pm a state of greater terror and coufu
! lie ftorm was as furious out upon the
p' was in this city, and the destruc
'• a "d property will be immense.
<>• landing unprotected upon the prairie
: : for a moment such a powerful gale
B"v. of yesterday. The train of the Peoria
V- ; ska road was near Cruger station
the hmricaiie swept past. One of the
■"W ears, baggage car and the tender
bodily from the track and turned
F 'nto the ditch. Cruger village, which
I "Mefl niion the prairie eighteen miles east
* r! ty, is in complete ruins— every build
in the ground, including the, station
>\e. Washington, a place of some fifteen
'• inhabitants, located eight miles this
. .. n
11 ' ruger, was saved from complete des
'on by bej t)t r situated where it is protec-
B f 'tie woods and hills. It did not escape
B"- damage, however.
B HOPS NOTICE.— A Sermon to
H., - Vtiu w ill delivered at the Baptist Church
"f-"n s ;l i,|, a th evening next, 30th inst. at 6
B ' ''"* i ," viU ' i t,J att °nd.
I That Everybody Likes!
H '\BR AX |) ue.VI'ER COMBINED. Strong and
H ,:; 'J-tnn tin, not liable to get out of order,
■ , f f '". v "t draft, so easy as to tie oomforable
■ * v: r a light team ; safe to the driver, and may
>w gait by horses and oxen.
! ; tr of knives : works well on side hills, and in
tTass, heavy or I'irht. coarse or tine, lodged
■ -• npeor uuriiie, wet or dry, long or short, or
!:, h1 to localities where other machines work.
■. Mod where otbeni iqjcratc indifferently, or j
'Hi] that no person can 1* fmind having one.
' 'X' liaage it for the lcst of other kinds, and
in i' hine warranted to give entire satisfac
r®"yby p. p. PECKHAM.
HT J s J ! '"'nubia X Roads, Bradford County, Pa.
Be Dissolution.
' innersliij) heretofore existing between the
\ 7 under the name and style of I>a|>rt?,
t '"' < *>y dissolveri by mutual consents
.. ''TTK and COKKKN E. MASON having purchased
' ' b. s. UrssKi.i., will continue the business
■ the same place, nnder the same style.
B-V 3r , , O.K. MASON,
M B. s. RCaBBLL.
B STICKS for Carriage Scats.
: " ' r al assortment of Carriage trimmings lor
May 2.-., POL tl. S. MEBCL l!.
B kery and glass ay A UK.
received by
B NAILS.—A assortment
B ~~A great variety may be found
Ha -ortment of Hardware, Nails
"1000 us ' ,e ' es °f Oats for which we will
UUvv pay cash on delivery.
Towanda. April 26,1858. BAILEY & NfiVljfa.
at the Presbyterian Parsonage, in this Borough, of
Towanda, April 28,1958. j, FOSTER.
Humphrey & Wickham
ARE now receiving a general assortWferit of goods
suitable for the season, consisting of
o which thev invite the attention of their patrons and
friends and the public generally—trusting that tbey will'
be able to please both as to price and quality those wo
favor them with a call. a
Towanda, May 10, 1858.
Susquehanna Mutual Insurance Co.,
THIS Company i isures against loss or dam-
; l Ue by Fire. Dwelling houses. Furniture Warehou
se-, Stoma and Merchandize, Ac., ou the most reasonable
~ . , H. W. TRACY, President.
COMB, Secretary; LAPORTE, MASON A CO., Treas.
LTIA ATOR TEETH, for sale by
May 4. 1858. H. S. MERCUR.
) YARDS more of those Gd Prints ;
also, 12doz. more of those Gd Linen Hand
kerchiefs, just received at
May 4,1858. MERCUR'S.
HOOPS. —Just received by express, anoth
er lot of those double extension Steel Uoop Skirts
at May 4, 1*56. MERCUR'S.
CHIEAP Embroidered Curtain Muslins, now
J opening at Hay 4,1858. MERCUR'S.
HATS. —A large assortment of Men's and
Hoy's Wool, Fur, la-ghoru, Palm Leaf, Colored and
White Straw Hats at May 4, 1958. MERCUR'S
No. 12, Lake St. Elmira, N. Y.,
Groceries and Provisions !
Black and Green Teas.
Green, Roasted and ground Coffees.
Sugars, Syrups and Molasses.
Flour, Pork, Salt,
Fish, Bard, Butter, Cheese,
Fruits, Xuts, Cigars, ij-r.
CLOSE BUYERS in search of Good Goods at the VE
RY LOWEST CASH PRICES, will find it to their
advantage to examine my fresh and desirable stock lie
fore purchasing elsewhere, as I shall endeavor to sell goods
as low as they can bo bought of New York Jobbers, which
will make from five to ten per cent in favor of the pur
chaser. J. P., No. 12, Lake street.
P. S.—Goods well bought are half sold.
May 4, 18.58.
Arrangements for (858 !
MF ; . SOLOMON has just received the most exten
• she ami elegant assortment of
Spring and Summer Clothing
ever offered in this market, which was bought for CASH
and will be sold at prices which cannot be equalled else
Persons desirous of purchasing any article of Clothing
are requested to give him a call, as he pledges himself
that no person anxious to buy shall go away without be
ing satisfied-
MS' A good assortment of Gentlemen's FURNISHING
GOODS will flc kept on hand.
Towanda, April 26,
Having Just returned from the City, is now receiving a
splendid assortment of
Spring and Summer Goods,
To which he invites particular attention. Beiifg fully
determined not to be outdone either in
of articles offered for sale, and having had sufficient ex
perience in his business to Warrant him in saying that he
can offer very great inducements to customers.
He offers the Very smallest Bonnets and the tery largest
Hoop Skirts ; also, those of a medium size. A most ele
gant lot of Plaid, Black and Jirocaded dress Silks.
Lawns, Bareges, Challies, Del-lines, Brilliants and
White Goods as usual of the le-t kinds, ami the cheaj>est
and best lot of PRINTS ever offered in this town I—lf
you don't believe it, come and see. Our stock of
has as usual been selected witli great care, and cannot
fail to gite satisfactionbtith as to prices and qualities.
If you Want the worth of your money, go to No. 2, Pat
ton's Block. Many thanks for j>ast favors, we hope to
merit our share of patronage.
Towanda, April 27, I*sß. WM. A. ROCKWELL.
RLOUR ! FLOUR !—A first rate article
of Western Flour, may lie had at SOI.OMOV'S in Mcr
c ir's Block, lower than can be purchased hi this vicini
ty. .
" April 26,1858. M- E. SOLOMON.
A NEW invoice of Lancaster Ginghams
iX just received by 1L S. MERCUR.
May 11. I*s*.
SECOND Arrival of 200 Barrets of Flour
front the West, which will be sold lowtrr than else
where at the Clothing Store of
May.lo, I*s*. M F. SOLOMON.
BLANKS ! BLANKS !—Justices and Con
stable'.* BLANKS ; aIso,DEEDS and CONTRACTS.
tfg-We have printed and ran supply SCHOOL DIREC
TORS with sets of all the blank* necessary for three err
four years, consisting of orders, contract*, bonds, and
warrants. Price $1 a set.
git-We have neatly printed and substantially bound,
TOWN ORDERS, in books sufficient to last from live to
ten years. Price $2. „ .
BLANKS of all kinds, printed to order, in first-rate
style, and at reasonable the REPORTER office.
WAR OF 1812! The
Vnliint,-ers and drafted men of the
War of 1912, who were called into
service bv the state of New York, may hear something to
their advantage, by calling on tire subscriber in t!e Bo
rough of Towanda.
May 16. 1959. J* P. GOODENOI GIL
Bradford county teachers'
ASSOCIATION.—The next quarterly meeting of the
Bradford County Teachers' Association will be held at
SHEKHEOUIN, FRIDAY. M AY 28, at KG o clock A. M.
Addresses will be delivered lie fore the Association by
the Hon. H. C. HICKOK, and Dr. C. M. TURNER. !>•
-tiys will be read by Misses Mary McKinncy and Mary A.
-Buffington. . .. „
The science of Phrenology a* a necessary qualification,
for a successful teacher and other important subjects con
nected with education, will be taken up and at
this meeting. lfc> ' res *
May 12. I*.s*.
VThe Last Call!
HOSE indebted to me, either by note now past due,
or by judgment, or account, of more than six
months standing, arc notified that uule*s payments in
full are maite lietore the first day of June next, on tlrit
duv tlieir obligations will be placed in the hands ot the
proper officers for collection. This I shall regret to do
r OST ill the Borough of Towanda, on Fn
1J day, the 7th inst. a LADIES GOLD WATCH
i CHAIN, with Pencil, several Crosses and other tnnkets
j attached, 'the finder will be au.tably rewarded by leav
| ing it at the store of wpm iTR
! Towanda May 11. IW. H. s. MBW ÜB.
j TTATS IND CAFS a !■">■ aswrtmeat.
fUcrrljaniiijc, Src.
CIALL and see some beautiful natterns of Lamps for
i. . )D1 and not ex]iiosive ; cheaper than
any light yet discover d. Both Oil and Lamps, with
leks and Shades, fur l shed very cheap at
April n,m* "• • I,ORTKI, s STOIIK -
New Spring and Summer
HS. MERCKR has just recei gxd assortment
• of Staple and Fancy Dry ( f.
Groceries, Hardware, dP ,-Tiess and Carriage
■trimmings, Crockery and Glass lVare,
Boots Shoes, Hats Caps, Paints,
Oils, Wooden Ware, fyc.
Many of which articles will be sold for ca. h at lower
prices than were ever before offered in Bradford County.
To wan da, April 20, ls;,s.
T A DIES Skeleton Lattice extension steel
-Li Hoop Skirts at _ MERCUB'3 STORE.
BRECKENRIDGE Illuminating Oil and
Rim pa for sale by H. 8. MERCUR.
LADIES Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs at C 4 cents
each, W bite Cotton Hose at b i cents per pair,
Handsome Lawns at G 4 cents per yard, and the best 6 4
cent Calicoes in the State, will be found at the Store of
Towanda, April 21,1858. 11. S. MKK'I K.
BIRD CAGES of all description. Hemp and
Canary seeds, Birds nests, Cuttle Bone and other
Bird fix en'a at No. 2 l'attous Block.
April 21. 185*. JV M. A. ROCKWELL.
A LARGE assortment of Ladies Fancy
Baskets, Willow and Empire Cabs,
Ac., at No. 2 l'attous Block.
April2l,lßsß. WM. A. ROCKWELL.
AN extensive variety of Crockery, Glass,
\elloW Ware, Fluid, lamp wirking Ac., at No. 2
Pattofi* RWK
April 21. 1858. WM, A. ROCKWELL.
/^JARPETING. —Fine Ingrain, Tenitian,
Hemp and Rush Carpeting, Mats, Rugs Ac., at No.
2, Fattens Block,
; ■ April 21.1858 WM. A. ROCKWELL.
THE cheapest and general variety of Loots
and Shoes ever offered in Towanda, at No. 2 Pat
tuns Block
April 21, 1858. WM, A. ROCKWELL,
IpIIUIT. —Prunes, Raisins, dried Berries,
apples, Ac., ai No. 2 Fattens Block.
April 21,1858. W. A. ROCKWELL.
ILLINOIS Tiniotbv Seed and Ohio Clover
. seed for sale at No. 2, Buttons Block.
April 20, WM. ROCKWELL.
MACKINAW TROUT, Mackerel, Codfish,
for sale at No. 2, Buttons Block.
April 20, 18J8. WM. ROCKWELL.
Spring and Summer Millinery,
FOR 1858,
No. 5, Union Block,
ELMI It A , N . Y.
HAVING made extensive arrangements and improve
ments in our MILLINER V DEPARTMENT, we now
cordiallv invite all to favor us with a call la-fore purchas
ing SPUING or SUMMER MILLINERY, feeling confi
dent we can make it to the advantage of alb
Will be full and complete, with everything in the fine of
Millinery ; such as Straw Bonnets, Bloomers, Flats and
Gypsicttcsof all kinds and styles for Ladies' or Misses'
wear, by the dozen or case.
Ruches aud Flowers by the box. Ribbons by the piece
or cartoon. Blonds, edging, footings and Straw Braid-by
the dozen or piece. Bonnet Frames, Crowns and Blocks
by the dozen, lteeds and covered bones by the gross. —
Band boxes l>y the nest or gross. Foultons, ' rapes.
Liases, Crown Linings and Cape Notts by the piece, and
in fact everything required in the Millinery line in the
greatest abundance and at tiie very lowest CITY WHOLK
Will embrace a lull and complete assortment of all of
the above mentioned article- at ju ices to suit the times.
All bonnets bought at the store will lie trimmed free of
charge in the latest style and best manner. Goods bought
by parties from out of town, will lie packed and deliver
ed to the stages or errs free of expense.
No. 5, Union Block, Elmira, N. Y.
People of Bradford County
IX particular, and readers of the lie-porter
in general.
MARSH A CO., OF ELMIRA, N. Y. send greetings
to you and yours; and desire to inform one and all that
tlicy can and will make it greatly to your advantage to
purchase every thing you want in the shape of DRY
wholesale or retail of them at No 5. Union Block, in the
aforesaid village of Elmira. N. Y.
Their facilities are certainly unsurjiassed ; as one mem
ber of the firm is oil the sjiot all the while, consulting
the tastes and wants of their numerous customers, whilst
another of the firm is daily in the auction rooms and im
porting houses in New York City, securing the newest
and most desirable goods at the very lowest rates, (as
they buy exclusively for cash) and as they i ell for cash
only they have no losses to make up, and consequently
can and do sell so cheaji as to defy competition. Time
and space preclude the possibility of mentioning half or
quarter ot the many inducements which are offered to all
to Gade at their popular establishment, and the Xi: w
AI>v KKT I SEMKNTS will from week to week give but a limit
ed idea of the many advantages to be derived by calling
on A. T. MARSH A CO..
No. 5, Union Block, Elmira, N. Y.
B. 8. For further particulars, sec New Advertisements,
ask those who have called, and go sf for yourselves.
Now Just Hear what Z&arsh has been
and gone and dene
-1 ST—Went to New York ou Monday night.
I 2d—Bought lots of New Goods of the very latest and
most desirable styles, a l't'W of which will lie mentioned
in our new advertisements, but most of which must be
seen in order to lie appreciated.
3d—We intend our stock shall be more extensive than
ever, a/id last, though nrtt least, we shall
ami as cheap as we can afford to and pay our clerks
enough to keep them honest. We would just say that
our facilities continue to be such that we will be enabled
to offer extra inducements to all to buy Drv Goods of
No. .A, Union Block, Elmira.
We 've £ot 'em !
justablc bustles, made by Douglas A Sherwood, New
A'ork City, are emphatically tlic best thing ever got i/p
in the shape of Skirts. To be had only of
MARSH A CO.. Union Bldtok.
1 sold for 4100, which is Fill less than the regular price.
Also, 1 second-hand do., becu used but little; regular
price will be sold for s.">o. by
A.T. MARSH',v C 0.,5 Union Block.
MORE of those Fancy Head Dress Tins
O NEW pieces splendid Black Dress SILKS
f") at 6a, Ss and las a yard at MARSH A Cos.
IOTS of Linen Tapes in all widths ; also,
J extra Whlc twilled Cotton Tapes.
REEDS ! Plain Grass Hoops ; Spiral do ;
oatent covered Steel Hoops—lots and lots of em
ju-t received. MARSH A CO.
11DGINGS, Inserting*, Bands, Colinr. Sleeves aud
li Setta of the newest styles just opened.
WINDOW DRAPERY, both in Muslin
TV and Luce, of splendid styles. MARSH A CO.
FJAIN all wool DeLaines of every color
and best grades for only 3s a yard usually sold for
4s : also Figured ones same price : also a splendid as
sortment of Ihe newest I'e sian Figured DeLaines lor on
ly laftd a yard jaat qpeaed. MARSH A CT.
IMIE latest stvle of HATS and CAPS, at
March 10,*1858. MONTAX YES.
ON Tuesday. March 23, between this place
and Brown town, a BLACK BORTMONIE. with
about seventy-five •*i;ts in silver and notes, one of SS,
Slo,and r27
' v ,, r -TT \-\f • v
IS NOW RECEIVING a large stock of
FAMILY GROCERIES, which are offered for sale at
as low prices as the name quality of Ooods can be bought
anywhere this side of the City of New York.
FIELD PEAS, for sale at
March 15,1858. FOX'S.
HOMMONY, SAMP, Wheat-Grits, Oat
meal, Tapioca, Rice Flour, Maccaroni, Verniicilla,
Corn Starch and Farina, for sale at
March 25,1858. FOX'S".
J- MUSTARD, ground and whole, at
March 2.5, 1858. FOX'S.
Sauce, Tomato Catchup, Pickles, Sardines, Ac.
March 25,1858. FOX'S.
T T seed : the best Field Bean in the country, at
March 25* 1858. YOVS
]If~APLE SUGAR—Any quantity for sale.
Jri. March 25, 1858. KoX'S.
ries and Apples, ut
March 25,-1858. FOX'S.
grade front $2 to $0 a yard at MARSH A CO.
Tioga Point
' Agricultural k Junction Iron Worta,
WELLES, BZiOOD <& Co., Proprietors.
ffpiiE subscriber would res]>ectfully inform his friends
1 and customers, and the public generally, that he has
formed a co-partnership with Mr. Jo in I*. BLOOD, of Al
bany, N. Y., (who has for several years been Superinten
dent of Me.-srs. Knierv Brothers' Agricultural Works,)
and with Mr. Sami'ki. N. Bi.ooit, of Worcester, Mass.,
(Machinist and Tool Builder, and late Superintendent of
the American Hoop Machine Company of Fitchbut'g,
Mass., under the firm name of WEI.LES, BLOOD A Co;
and that we have le .sed for a term of years tiieextensive
and well known Iron Works, of Messrs. Shipman A
Welles, at this place, and united the Tioga Point Agri
cultural Works with the same, for tire manufacture of
Agricultural Machines, Implements, Ac., among which
will he Emery's Endless Chain Railroad Horse Powers,
Threshers and Cleaners, Threshers and Separators, Por
table Circular and Crosscut Saw Mills,"Cider Mills, D ig
Powers. Clover Hollers, Feed Cutters, Fanning Mills,
Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Shingle Machines, Kirby's
Mowers and Reapers. Ac., of the most improved patterns
and construction. We are prepared to do all kii ils of
Machinery Casting and Repairing, and have for .sale a
large stock of lir.-t class steam Engines, Machinery and
| Castings, manufactured by and belonging to Messrs.
Shipman A Welle.
Both of the Messrs. Blood are skillful and experienced
practical mechanics. Our Machinery will nearly all he
new and with the latest improvements, and with the en
couragement afforded by the patronage of a discerning
| public, we expect to have the reputation of doing first
j class work and making the best Agricultural Machines
! in use. U. M. WELLES,
j Athens, January, 1858.
To Dkai.kks, Fakmkrs a \N MI>.I, OW suits :
j Our jin-t individual experience in the manufacture,
sale ann use ot Agricultural Machines and Implements,
and also in general Machine and Steam Wofk, with onr
excellent facilities, afforded by Machinery, principally of
our own construction, with the very latest and best im
provements, and aLo for procuring the very best inate
rials and stock of all kinds at cheap rates, will enable us
to manufacture belter machinery, at same prices, than
fiiat of other manufacturers, and also compete with the
world in prices and quality and material and workman-
I ship of all kinds of Agricultural Inipliments, and in all
i kinds of Casting and Job Work.
We shall pay especial attention to the manufacture of
the very best of Flows and Plow Castings. We intend to
! make castings fo* all the leading plows in use iu our vi
j einity, and shall take great care to use only the best ma-
I ferial. Our plow wooder is from the licst and most cele
brated eastern manufactory. We invite all interested in
! •' home manufactures " to call and sec our works.
j J. V. ID.-onn,
i R. N. BLOOD.
C WEA ZEY A- HOLM ES re?pectfnllv in
| 4-3 form the public, that having leased th<-Ward House
' for term of years, and thoroughly repaired and newly
; furnished the same, they invite the patronage of truvri
i lent and others, with every confidence that their facili- j
t ties are such as to enable them to tender satisfaction.—
They assure the public that no e lib ft shall be spared to
lu iiiitam for tlx- Waff* House the liigli reputation it has
so long enjoyed ; to effect which the personal wants of
their guests will he carefully attended to, while every
taeility the market affords will be appropriated to make ,
the Table all that could he desired.
We shall pay particular attention to the accommoda
tion of Jurors and witnesses attending Court: who will
be hoarded at the low price of 024 cents per day.-
j.*;' The ihir is wcM stocked with an excellent assort
ment of LiqUORH. We also offer to the public a large
assortment of Lhpiors, by the quart, gallon o barrel, of
a quality not to be excelled, and at prices as low if not
lower than can he obtained, in the cities.
Heading, Elinira and Buigbninkm Ale, by the quart,
gallon or barfel.
ToWan4a, April 27, 1858.
MON r r A NYE s
Are now receiving their Spring and Summer stock of
Staple anil Fancy Dry Goods,
1'onb?: tjjf?rs, f\)wt
Which trill If sudd at Grraf/'i 11' d nerd Prices, j
Cor. Public Square and Main st.
.1. P. MONT.VN'YF, ( TOWANDA. i .1. 11. MONT VN YE, .111
k. i). MONTA.x'VK, t April 12. ls.'is, jf. o,MOKfAXYk.
IS now receiving; a large slock of SPRING
. (KHIDS. comprising everything that is new and do
sirable. which will be sold as usual, at prices lar less than
at any other establishment in the country,
Relieving tiiat long credits and the abuse of the credit
system generally, hate been the cause of the great com
mercial rev.i'-ion which has brought the Whole country to
the verge of bankruptcy, ami that a continuance of these
causes must in a still greater degree produce the same
results: and helievin that it is far belter for both the
merchant a d his customer, that the evil should now lie
corrected, i take this nicth >d of announcing to ?ny cus
tomers and the public that my business will hereafter
be conducted strictly upon the ready tray system, and
shall endeavor to make it an object to those wishing to
buy goods for CASH, to favor me with their patronage.
To'vanda. March 23. IK.'IB. JOSEPH POWELL.
\TTENTION is called to the fact that
. S. W. ROGERS is now jitr town, aiv.l offers his ser
vices to those wishing it, in tuning Pianos, repairing
ami tuning Melodeons, Ac. He can also funrish the
above instruments cheap us the cheapest. Ail Instru
ments fully warranted, falls from the country prompt
ly attended to.
" His partner, LEVI WELL!*, in Tusearorn, can aLo be
called on in any of tlte above department.-.
Towanda, Feb. 3, 1858.
SHOEMAKERS can find everything iii
their line of business, at
March lc, 1858. MONTAXYKS.
! p ESPEPTFULLY informs his former customers and
' 11 the public generally, t' at lie has removed his
To one door south of Tracy A Moore's store and imme
diately opposite D. C. Hall's Stove and Tin Store Main st.
He Sattcrs himself that from his long experience in bu
siness he will be able to please all who may favor hint
with their custom. Owing to the low pressure in the mo
ney market, lie will make Coats from $2 50 to s:> 50 each
and other work iu proportion for READY I'AY.
Country Produce in payment, will not be refused, if
offered. " Towanda. March 20,1858.
! CTONK WARE A viri ♦ ..
' V ' rvl '' "JC'O ~r\ r t \
Ccgol. !
fication of the different persons engaged in the
sale of goods, wares and merchandise in the County of
Bradford for the year 1858, with the amount of license
thereunto annexed :
11' here Sold. Xames. CI at*. License.
Asylum ingham A Stafford It 7 Oil
J. W. Denison. It 7 00
U. Terry 11 7 00
John lforton 11 7 00
Athens boro' U. A. Perkins 11 7 tut
(}. B. Perkins 11 7 00
C. I'ark & Son 13 10 00
Page A Bristol _...1l 15 00
C. Comstoek 11 7 00
P. W. Meeker U 7 00
Joseph Parsons 14 7 00
Athens twp David Gardner 11 7 <l*
Anson Bcidleman 11 7 oo
Burlington b0r0'.. .. J. F. laing A Sons.... 11 700
8. W.Miller 14 7 00
Merry, Wilhelm ft Ca 14 7 00
Canton H. Lock wood 14 7 oo
A. N. ft W. W. SpaMinw 14 7 00
J. Francisco 14 7 00
D.Wilcox A Co 14 7 00
A. Doty 14 7 00
J. Vandyke, jr 14 7 00
W. P. Newbury 14 7 (Ml
Mix A Hooper .'...14 7 00
W.S.Baker It TO#
Columbia A. B. Austin 14 7 00
Purell U. Moody 11 7 <>o
Granville. .. .L. D. Taylor 14 700
Hugh Maioy ... 14 7 06
W. H. Phillips 14 7 00
Her rick Chas. Piatt 14 7 00
A. C. Stevens 14 7 00
Lcroy .... E. Holcomb 11 700
Parkhurst A Foss 14 7 00
Monroe b0r0' .... 11. C. Tracy 13 10 00
Ingham A Miller 11 7 00
Smith. Cramner A Co It 7 00
S. S. Hiaman 14 7 00
O. P. Lyon. 14 7 00
0rwe11. ...T. Hamunrey <.,.12 J2 50
S. N. Brouson 14 7 00
H.GihhsA Son 13 10 00
Overton. .. .l'ottcr A Lyon 11 700
Daniel Heverley 11 7 00
Pike. ...l). A D.M.Bailey 13 lo 00
L. L. Bosworth 14 7 00
Baldwin A- ltohhins 14 7 00
(LU. Little 13 10 00 I
Stevens A' Burrows 14 7 00
Ridgbury. .. .11. G. Cornell 14 7 •<>
A. H. Voorliis 14 7 00
B. F. Buck 14 7 00
A. Colburn 14 7 00
Rome. .. J. W. Woodburu ACo 14 700
Geo. Nichols 14 7 00
Standing Stone. ,, .Geo Stevens 12 12 50
H. W.'Tracy 13 10 00
Espy A Whitman 14 7 00
Shcsbequiu.... Kinney A Ou?e..< 1 4 700
Sciitbtirld.... M. Bullock. 13 10 00
Purfey A Fritchet. 13 10 01)
J.W.Phelps It 7 00
Springfield.. .-Hiram Spear 14 7 <)0
W. T. Dailey It 7 GO
Tuscarora.. . .Tims. Taylor 14 700
Troy buio'... .S. W. A D. F. l'omeroy 12 12 50
Maxwell, teouard A Brothers. 12 12 50
O.P.Ballard It 7 00
11. Koon It 7 00
Y. M. A 11. F. Long 13 10 00
S. W. Payne 14 7 I*'
Spencer .V Payne 14 7 00
Troy twp. . ,-T. W. White 14 7 00
Towanda boro*.. . .Moutauyes 13 10 00
J. Kingsbery 14 7 00
11. K. Mercur 12 12 -">0
M. E. Solomon ..14 7 00
Tracy ft Moore 13 10 <K>
J. A. 14 7 00
W. A Rockwell 14 7 00
J. H. PhinneyA Co 1 4 7 00
Cell in- ft Powell 14 7 00
I). C. Hall 13 10 00
O. D. Biirtlett 14 7 00
Pat ton A Payne It 7 on
Humphrey A Wiekhaui 12 12 50
W. A. Chamberliu It 7 (Ml
Bailey A Nevins 14 7 00 !
K T. Fox 14 7 00
H. C. Porter 14 7 00
E. A. Parsons It 7 00
Joseph Powell 10 20 00
Ulster....A. AA. Newell 13 10 0(i
J. ft T. Mather 14 7 0q
11. S. Davidson ft Co 13 10 (•
Gibson A Gorsline 14 7 00
Wells John l!f iwi.ell 14 7 (Ml
Warren. ... 11. Cooper It 700
Talmage A Bo wen It 7 00
Windham. ... W. H. Russell It 700
Wyalusing C. Avery It 700
(>.('. Atwood 14 7 00
LA C. Lewi's It 7 00
W. Taylor 14 7 00
G.M.Bixbv 13 10 01
Wysox.... V. E. A .1. F. Piolett 13 10 d 0
Wiimut. .-. .J. L. Jones It 710
A List ami Classification of the Deer Houses,
Eating Houses. Ac., in the County of Bradford, for the
year 1858, under the aets of Assembly f 10th of April.
1840 and 31st of March. 185(1:
Where tjocated. Xtimes. Class. License.
Athens boro*. .. .Cornelius Harsh ...8 500
Canier A Sucll .8 5 00
Burlington boro'. .Charles Ross 8 5 00
Monroe boro" V. Mull. in 8 5 00
Orwell.,, E.J. Eastcrbrooks 8 5 00
Sbeshequin E. Brigliam 8 5 00
Sinithlickl C. B. Biggs 8 5 00
South Creek 11. Wheeler 8 5 00
Towanda b0r0". .. .Miles Carter 8 5 (Mi
H. A. Bor hank 8 5 00
Troy boro' Win. Mcfgan 8 5 00
A List and Classification of the persons en
gaged in the safe of Nostrums, Patent Medicines, Ac.,
in the Connfv of Bradford, for the year 1K53, under the
act of Assembly of April 10. 1840.
IVhe e Located. Xames. Class. License.
Athens boro'.. . ,G. A. Perkins 4 5 00
Canton D. Wilcox A Co . 4 5 0o
W. S. Baker 4 5 00
Franklin Win. Rose 4 5 00
Leroy. Parkhurst ft Foss 1 5 Oil
Monroe b0r0'. ... I). X. Newton t 50"
Orwell T. Humphry 4 5 (HI
S. N. Bronsoii 4 5 (Mi
Standing Stone. ...H. W. Tracy 4 5 Oo
Towanda boro'. ...l'atton ft Payne 4 5 00
H. C, Porter.,, 1 5 00
Troy boro' R. W. A D. 1". Poiucroy t 5 Oil
Y. M. ft 11. F. Long 4 5 00
F. L. Ballard 4 5 Oo
Wysox V. E. ft .1. E. Pinllet 4 5 (Mi
Warren Taimage A Bowen .4 5 00
A I<ist iind Clnssiftcatioii of the different I>if
tilleries in Bvadfor l County, for the year 15.58. under
tie- aets of As-eTnbly of April loth, 4840, and March
31st, Is.'iij.
SpriHgiieM. ... Wm. Brace 10 25 00
Stan ling Stolic lame-Gorden to 25 oo
Troy twp G. ft J. \ die in 25 (Hi
Orwan .Spalding ft Co 10 25 00
A List and Classification of Rankers in Rrud
ford County, for the year" 185s.
Towanda boro'. .-.. laiporle, .iia-on v C 0... 1500 45 oo
VZ~ Notice is hereby given that an appeal will lc held
at the Commissioner's office, in the l*>ri ilch o| i'owauda.
on WEDNESDAY, the 3<Hh day of JUNE next,-t 1 o'-
elo.-k. P. M., at which time and place any person ag
grieved l>v the foregoing Aiqirai-enrent and Ciussinctftinn
can atterd it they thick proper.
C. 11. AMFJS.
Sheshcqnin. May 21. Is;, 8. .Xfen antile Appraiser.
1 certify Ihe foregoing anpraiscineut and classification
to be true and correct, to the bc-t of my knowh-itge and
belief. Witness my hand this 21-t day of May, 18.-58.
<C. 11. AMES. Mercantile Appraiser.
of an order of tire Orphans' Court of Bradford Co.,
will be exposed to pnhffr -.Tic <>n tie- premises, on MON
DAY. JUNE 21.! v>s. at 1 o'clock. P. M.. the following
described lot of land situate ih Wells townsliip, late the
estate of Charlotte Slrcpa'd, de Based, bounded as fol
lows, to wit : Beginning in thecentre of the road leading
from Elinira to Daggert's Mills at tile north e i-t cornel
of Audrew J. Miller's lot. thence north ,; 4° we-t 10 lt-10
perches fo a po-f and stones, the north wrst corner of
saiil .MillfT's lot, thence north 2'3° east 4 2-10 porches to
a post and -tones, tlionee south t',4 0 cast Hi <>-lti per. to
tire centre of said road, thence south 24 J west 4 2-10 per.
tothepfaceol lieginning. Containing 41 5-I(4',
more or less, with a framed house and a trained barn
thereon. Terms made known on dav of -ale.
Wells. May 12. IRS9*,r.
aX is hereby given, that alt persons intlcbted to the es
tate of WM. B. BEIFSXYDF.R, late of Albany township,
dei eased, are requested to make payment without de
lay ; and all persons having claims against said estate w ill
please present them duly authenticated for settleincnt.
Mey 10, 15.58. Admintatftttrix.
J\. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
f-state of JoflN FROHT, deceased, late of Rome
twp, .tie hereby notilieci to make payment without delay,
and all person, having demands against said e-tate are
requested to present them duly authenticated for settle
ment. " JANE O. FROST.
M iv 1. 1859. Admini-tinlrix.
I YjL is hereby givi n. that all persons indebted to the es
i t.ite of CHARITY MI'AD, dee'd., late of Michigan,
I are hereby requested to make payment withont <V-
I lav; and all per -mis having claims against said estate will
pieus BMHHt them duly authenticated for sctVlemeat.
J T. r liKiin v.
.* Ccgnl.
CIIKItIFF'S SALES.—Ry virtue of sundry
0 writs of Vend. Expo., issued out of the court of Com
mon Picas of Bradford County, to me directed and de
livered. will be exposed to pnldic sale at the Court',
Towanda Bor tub, on SATURDAY, the lidlt day ot
JUNE, 185s, at one o'clock, P. M.. th'e followinglot, piece
or parcel of land situate in Smithlield twp.. Bradford!
County, bounded on the south, West ami not fit by fond 1
ofE. S. Trnrey. and ea-t liy (Ire public highway, funning
northward from near Ulysses •foody's. Containing thre*/
fourths of an acre, more or less, all improved, with a
framed house and -mail framed tarn thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execnthrtiul the suit of M. Bullock
A Co vs. Auinnh Ixdtl.
ALSO—The follow iutr fot. piece or flared df land sjtu
atein Granville two.. bounded as follows. to wit : Begin
ning at a post on the line of a lot in possession of Sea
man Kmitii and owned by Dubois, it being the south east
Corner, thence west one hundred and eighty-eight rods
and eight-tenths to a post, lire south cast corner of a lot
owned by Orlando Stricter, thence north eighty-live rods
to a post, the south west corner of a lot owned by Philan
der Williams, thcuce east Is* s-10 rods to a post, it be
ing the south cast comer of Philander Williams' lot. thenar
south so perches to the place of beginning. • onUiuiug
one handled acres and forty-eight perches, be the same
more or lcs. about aeVeuty-lltc acres fram
ed house, one framed haru and a few frait trees thereoU.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 0. W. Cur
tis to the use oi E. I'omeroy vs. Ptfnhanf Boss.
ALSO- The following lot, piece or parcel of laud situ
ate in Wilmot twp., Bradford crfunty, Ismnifeil on the
north by lands bel ingiug to the estate of Thomas Stevens
di c'd., cast by I ifi*D of Charles 1". Welles, .smith by lauds
rtf F.rastus Shepnrd, and"u tfr w<*-t by lands of Samuel
Hillhouse and others. Containing about one hundred
acres, umre or less, about fifty acres improved, two frani'
ed houses, oae framed 1 *rn, crtrti house mid oilier out
buildings and one apple orchard rfnd other frait trees
Al.SO—Defendant's interest in one other lot, piece or
parcel of land situate in Wilmot twjm Bradford county,
bounded on the north by I inds of Eristus Shepard and
tlie liighway hunting f'uiu the Albany road to the French'
town road, cist by the liighway leading front the Susque
liauna river to Albany, south and west by lands of Hirant
and J. P. Horton and unsettled land, ''ontahiing about
thirty acres, more or less, about if teen ttere's iin pro veil,
one .steam saw mill, two framed houses aiHl framed barn,
and other out buildings thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit <rf Moses Ki
tcuhurger now to the use of Hiram Morton r.s lid ward J.
A1 .S() The followirrg lot. piece or parcel of laud sit
uate ill Canton township, Bradford ability, bounded on
the North bv lands of J. W. Griffin, cast by the public
road leading from f'anton to Beach Ft ts. s;tilth by lands
by ('has. Stoeltwell. and west hv lands of A. Dutv. Con
taining about titty-live feet iu front, by three hundred
feet back more or les-s, all improved with' a frame dwelling
hove thereon.
Seized and taken in execution af the suit of S. H. New
man to the use of E. Vandine vs. J. S. Minard.
Al.So—'Tiic following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate iu Canton twp., Bradford count v. bounded on the
north by lands ol Wni. S Baker and Kingshery, Newman
A Co.. east by lands ol King-bory, Newman A C .. south
by Tioga Street and west I>y lands of Kingsbcry, New
man A Co. and Win. S. Baker. Containing one-fourth
of an acre, m >re or less, all improved, with a framed
house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. 11. New
man to the use of E. Vandine vs. A. M. Kramer.
Towanda, May 25, 1858. Sheriff.
Notice to Piuichaskks.—To prevcut misunderstand
ing. notice is hereby given that purchasers at Sh ri.Ts
sales will he required to pay the amount bid at the timo
tlie laud is sold. It has become imperatively necessary
to adopt tliis rule, and it will lie strictly adhered to. ex
cept in eases where the purchaser is a lien creditor and
is entitled to the fund as provided in tlie Ist section of
the act of Assembly, approved April 20,1*41}. which is
as follows : ' Whenever the purchasers of real estate at
Orphans' Court or .-Mn-rlfTssaie, shall appear from tho
proper record to be entitled, as a lien creditor, to receive
the whole or any portion of the proceeds of said sale, it
shall lie the duty of the sheriff, administrator, executor
or other person making such sale, to receive the receipt
of such purcha-tr or purchasers for the amount which
he or they would appear, from the record as aforesaid,
to lie entitled to receive : Provided that this section shall
not be so construed as to prevent the right of said Sheriff
administrator, executor of other' person aforesaid to de
mand and re -eive at the time of sale a sum sufficient to
cover all legal costs entitled to l.e paid oat of the proceeds
of said salt- ; and provided further, thai before any pur
chaser or purchasers shall receive the I enotit of this sec
tion, lie or they sh ill produce to the Sheriff, or other per
son so in iking said sale, a duly certified statem- nt Iroin
the proper records, under the hand and official seal of the
proper officer, sinewing that he is a lien creditor, entitled
to receive am part of the proceeds of tlie sale as aforesaid."
Towanda. May 21. 1858. rsiierilT.
A UtHTOR'S NOTIUFI.— Jud Smith t t
XA. Kenoirer il'rrrmlry and K. K. H r m tn'ei/. —In the
Common Picas of Bradford County, No. 218, May Term,
Is.-, 7.
T1 0 undersigned an Audit r app l.ited by said Court
to distribute funds raised by the Sheriffs sale of defen
dant's real estate, will attend to the duties of nis appoint
ment at tlie office of Jan.e- Martarlaue, Esq., in the boro'
of Towanda, on Friday,the l*th dsy of .June. 1858, at 3
oYlo k in toe altera* o i. at which tifitc and place all per
sons interested are required to present their claims, or Lt>
iorever debarred truiii said fund.
May 24, IRSfk Auditor.
V. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the cs
titeof John Hatch, doe'd., late of Albany township,-
a e requested to make payment Without delay ; and all
persons hating claims eg.iinst said estate, must present
them duly authenticated, to the subscriber.
May 25, 1858. Administrator.
Oil I*llA NS' COURT SALE —liy virtue
of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Co.,
will be exposed to public sale on the premises, on BAT-
I'RDA V. the 26th day of JUNE, at oue o'clock, I*. M.,
the following described real estate situate in Troy twp.,
Bradford county, bounded and dtcribed as follows, to
wit : Beginning at a post and stones the south east cor
ner of a lot owned by Sidney Vault*im, thence by the said
lot northjls7 pet'li-s to a post and stones, corner, thence
by Andrew Ayres" lot east 45 U 10 perches to a post and
stones, a corner of a iot heretofore granted to Hiram Kit
tle, thence by the said Kittle's lot south 71 8-10 perches
to a post and stones, thence north *(l° east 87 8-10 i cr'
chcs to a )io>t find stiffs jn the line of Enos Luthei'slaud,
lining tin warrant sinvey line, thence along said line west
Gi 15-1 it perches to the place of beginning. Containing
4s acres and 105 perches, more or les-, except seven
acres conveyed by John C. Ball hi his !i etime to 1 eonard
Vanhora, an it situated on (be south -i*ie of saiil lot.
Terms made known on day of safe.
May 21. USR. Administrat' r-*.
of an order of the Orphans' Court *>f Bradford Co.,
will be eTpo.-ed to public sale oil the premises, on SAT
URDAY, JUN E 16, at 1 o'clock, [•. >!., tlie following
real e-tafe. situate in Swringlield twp.-, Bradford county,
bounded as follows, to wit :-—B*gierring at a post in tho
division line of the Efisha H. Potter farm and lands of
Richard Roe. at the southeast corner of lands of said
Richard 1! c thence forth 2® east 64 4-10 perclies to a
post, thence north 74° east 52 7-10 perches to a post,
thence south 2° west 70 2-in per. to a post, thence north
sT west 52 ."*• in perches to the place of beginning. Con
taining 22 acie and 110 perches, 1* the same more ot
Springfield. May 11.1858. Administratrix.
of an onfor of the Orphans" Court of Bradford Co.,
will le exposed to public sate, on the premises, on
THURSDAY, the 10th day of JUNE, 1 o'clock.
!'. M.. the following described property. late the estate
of Daniel K-.cfc. flec'd..
All that tract of land situate' in the towiedrtp of Rune,
ia said county, hounded and described as follows, viz :
'F'.ie first lot on the north by the l**t of land hereinafter
described, on the by ! mds ol i. .1. Lent, on the south
and west by Ballard's ere* k and Jacob Worthing. Con
taining * acres, with a framed house ami barn thereon.
AI.SU One other lot adjoining the said last mcution
etl l"t on the tve-t -ide. Begifming at a corner on the
vfarrant line on Rullard's Creek on fho fine of the l>efore
inetitioncd lot, tlti'tice by the corner*if the warrant line
nearly a north course S'.i° west to a po-t iu the comer
of the road, tftence by tlie centre of said road to the said
creek, thence by the said creek a smith easterly renter
to the place of iie.-'in ling. Coiifiaiuiug tiiroe acres, more
<rr less.
ALS'* One other lot Mlrtg <n (he north -ide of and
adjoining tlie two lot- b* lore d- scribed ; Beginning at a
/tost on the division line, thence south s.i° east 62 per.
to a post, a corne <>f Levis (> >ff, tlfrnee along GofTs
I Hue south 1° West .>1 per- ,JI a post, thence north 8: west
! 62 per. along a piece ol hind b* lon T. J. Lciit.aud
' fhe corner of the two hercinl>*T*re *le-<trilK-il lots of land
|to ;> post. a eerm rol tlie la t d-sci dcd lot in the divi
i sion line, thence north P i.ot along the -aid division
' line 71 per t-> ti c place of beginning. Containing lh
I acres and 12*1 p*-relies.
ALSO—tine ether pan e! or lot of land lying north of
I she said hist mentioned lot. In-ginning at the southwest
1 corner of Warrant lU Niyfix iu the u uranU-c name of
! Joseph I'oie. at a poet "hem -aortii 1 0 < a-t along the we t
I fine of -aid 'A', rrant fs* per. to a post, thence north 1°
i west along tin- .sot ti; line >V aid >v irra.-t 47 - i*t per tw
the beginning. Containing in a- n-s. and 124 pert In ;.
The above property eoiifains a1 tit •-"> acres, of which;
ah'eit Share impr-ived. Upon it on large Tavern stand,-
, liarn and other outhuiidings. '1 here is al-o near the Tav
en a celebrated Mi-coal Spring.
The term- will be one quarter of fbe
monev. and the b.U *uc in ann-ur' instilments of $l5O
witl Int* -■ •mSM< MA HON.