Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 27, 1858, Image 1

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CtprM W*rnmn, Ulan 27, 1838.
itlctfcb Pocfni.
ner the cerms of the beautiful !
yv the waysule let them fall,
- j! ilie rose may spriug by the cottage (rate,
~j the vine on the garden wall ;
the r ugh and the rude of earth
Willi a veil <>f leaves and fiowers.
]mnk with the opening bud and cup
' The march of summer hours.
a'ter the perms of the leautiful
ID the holy shrine of home ;
the pure, and the fair, and the graceful thero
la their loviiest lustre come ;
1 "...; ■: a trace of deformity
Lt x • 14
Jn the temple of the heart,
. , about its hearth its gem*
Of Nature and of Art.
v,-jeer the germs of the beautiful
[n the temple of our bud—
I: ..... starred the the uplifted sky,
• u ,j flowered the trampled sod ;
v en He built a temple for himself,
And a home for hi- priestly race,
ji, reared e.wh arch in syiuetry,
led c ;wd each line iu grace.
„ -or the germs of the beautiful
la the de, ths of the human soul ;
and blossom, and bear the fruit
, the endl- -- ages roll ;
i ■'v ;:h the i' ovt r■ of charity
The portals ..f the tomb,
, :.i:r and the pure about thy path
In Paradise shall bloom.
Utisrrll aneous.
Change Working in and Upon us.
I: fine passage, from the pen of
j (Forge Wilson, is a part of an article
i I;, l.iitcll's Living Age from the Edin-
Ti.t living body of a man unites in itself
contrasted and apparently incompatible
jaiities, of great stability and great nobility.
1; is so stable that it can last for threescore
rears and ten : for a hundred or more ; maiu
t- ,;:.g i's sharply defined individuality ail the
.> i' i-so mobile that it does not con
v-: of entirely the saute particles during my
:s ,i -i'vessive moments. The dead matter of outer world, it is ever changing into its
in 11.iug substance ; and its living sub
•. c d ever changing into dead matter,
ii s alien to itself, it returns to the outer
Like the heavenly bodies, it undergoes
- Mi 'iiur radiations which carry it
. d ait' ring conditions through the
-r- ii |.!usi> of embryonic, infant, adult, and
• •.'e. Like certain of heavenly bodies,
it <!• -cribes a diurnal revolution, knowing
• re-rat -a of sleep and waking, hunger and
. activity and rest. The reproduction
- L ni involves a peculiar series of very
\ changes esix-riallv in the maternal
-n. Mechanical injuries disabling or
• ;. g 0.-guns ai.d tissue require the inani
• of corresponding recuperative pro
I).- -as (.ijuallv def icing and destruc
. 1-mauds a countervailing r is mcdinlrir
' neitralize its violence ; or rather, disease
•a battle bet ween the organismal elements
;h are qu t-k at finding a a sits belli and
very rarely at perfect peace with each other.
Lri .still.* change mid yet fixity. Unceasing
'■tuy.'le a:i:l jet no schism Civil war and
" ■ 'inareliy. These unlike conditions are
l i and harmonized, every moment in our
: " iy and wonderfully made bodies.
i' we r- i'iee these apparent incompatible*
' simplest expression, we shall pcr-
I-- 1 ii'id it iu this. Physically, the human
miiista j> an aggregation of solids and li
n il art continually changing into each
• : the solid melting into the liquid, and
■'4'iid congealing into the solid; whilst
'-vand so related to the air which is the
" ea ' iof life, that they are continually va
'Rg into gasses, and gasses are continually
; :: pngand solidifying into them. When
loacet exclaimed :
r ' ' that this too, too solid flesh would melt,
'Aw,and resolve itscif into a dew"—
preferring a request which was granted
"•'itwas preferred, and which is every 1110-
f eeiviiig fulfilment iu each of 11s. Blood
■i "1 muscle, nerve, sinew, and muscle arc
:! ] blood ; and at every moment flesh
niing blood, and blood flesh. The cur
I "" 111 °ur veins is at once a river of the wa
' : i'le, and sustaining all that grows along
Stores, and a river of Lethe quenching in
-ian everything that it touches. Like the
'■ or other great rivers of tlie world, it is
sunie time wearing down the hills, and
up continents ; but with this difference
- J! - r the mountain! of Abyssinia, and only
~ ruetive in the plains of Egypt, the blood
■ -very point in its course is simultaneously
and subtracting.
wise wonderouscrimsou barks or wood-cell
■■ navigate the arteries are keen traders,
>'low the rule of the African rivers, where
" y are effected only by barter; but they
• to this rule one peculiar to themselves,
' wither civilized nor savage mn care to
b lamely, that they give away new goods
••'Range for old. Here the traffickers on
i river deposit fresh brain particles, to
1 " those which the immaterial spirit has
j ( ,, ( ri to the expression of its thoughts.—
f Liylor taught a great physical truth
' e declared long ago, that "while we
1 thought we die." The eloquent preacb
!A 'leath near us at every moment, and
* r at eneh than at the moment before;
' •• i'h is ln us at every moment, and it is
I . '. n" v irhilsf, but because we think a
that we Hie. Alas ! that we caunot
1 with such innocent self-slaughter,
t river of life in our veins forgives in
y eetiou in every case as fast as it rip-
It cannot help us, if we overtbink
l| id die before our time, bnt_ during
life its mariners deal in all vital wares. As
fast as the blacksmith wastes his muscles by
each blow, they barter against the spent cor
dage of his arm, uew flesh-particles to make
it strong as before ; they restore to its integ
rity the exhausted auditory nerve of the musi
cian, give the painter a new retina, and the
singer a uew tongue. Wherever, in a word,
the million lamps of life, which keep up its
flame at every point of the body, have burned
to the socket, they are replaced by freshly trim
med ones ; nor is it here as with the bar
ter of Aladin's lamp. The new lamp is in this
case the magic one ; the genie has departed
from the old.
Some folks are born with the devil in 'em,
and you can't drive it out either : you might as
well try to make a pair of patent leather boots
out of a piece of corned beef, or crowd a soda
fountain through the touch hole of a cannon.
Billy Dobbs was one of this kind ; he was as
big a devil as ever ate string beans. When
he graduated from school, be left through the
window,pursued by the teacher and three assis
tants. Oue thing Billy would do, be would
tell the truth. He told me confidently that
when he was taking a trip upon the canal, for
his health, a storm came up one night, and in
the morning they found that the tow-line had
shrunk so that it had drawn both horses on board
the boat. It proved to be a Providential
thing for them, for the Captain hadn't taken
an observation or a gin cock-tail in three days,
and they were three latitudes and most a lon
gitude out of their course, and in fifteen min
utes more they would have run afoul of the
front-door of a farm house and foundered in an
oat-bin. I sincerely hope that when they
take Billy out to lie hung by his neck till he is
dead three times, and God have mercy oil his
soul, the rope will shrink so that they can't tie
a knot in it. I went over to Billy's house one
night, and the old man had a prayer meting.
Billy says, " Jack, let's go up and have a
peep in." So we went up. The good brother
and sisters- were keeling upon the floor,and we
stood looking 011 ; and first I knew, Billy dart
ed into the room, shouting, " leaping frog, by
thunder !" and straddling his legs, he bounded
over one after another of the good people, and
not half way around the room, and was stop
ped by pitching head first into the apron of his
grand-mother. There was a kinder " laying
on of hands," just then, and Billy was taken to
the house, laid across a backlog, and his "sit
down" was pounded till they broke kindling
wood enough to last all winter When the
row commenced, 1 ran up stairs, knocked the
jKjodlc dog endwise, dashed into Sally Dobbs'
chamber,ran around a hooped skirt, knocked
an old hat out of the window, took an obser
vation, saw Billy licked. I jumped out of the
window upon the eaves a minute, and dropped
—where? Echo answers, in a swill-barrel, I
touched bottom, came up, and crawled out. —
I was troubh'd with a sour stomach. By gra
vy, that was the worst vegetable soup 1 ever
swallowed. I shook the coll'ee grounds and
egg-shells out of my hair, and made tracks for
home, scattering turnip-tops, fish bones, pota
to parings, apple skins, and grease as I went.
My old mail thrashed me for spoiling my clothes
and Billy's old man sued niyold man for spoil
ing his swill. The hogs were taken sick, and
they had to be killed to be cured. 1 bam t
bad any hair oil since.
BYE-AVD-BYE.—"Procrastination is the thief
of time," and of everything else that is good.
Some fifty years ago, one Jones curne into this
world, aial he was a smart, bright baby, and
did as other babies did, we presume. He grew
into boyhood, and prospects of a happy in! lire
were bright before him. \\ hen Jones was
twenty years old or so, he married—it was the
only thing he ever did in any kind of season.
It would have been just like hint to have said
each year, " I will marry the next," and to have
went on saying so until surprised by Death.
When Jones married he said, " Now will 1 lay
up money, in anticipation of trouble ahead. 1
will begin immediately." So Jones worked
hard, and money caine in fast ; it went, how
ever, as fast s it came, for this and for that,
for Jones Imd a big heart, and one that scorned
a love of filthy lucre. Jle said also " I am
not well educated ; therefore I will learn and
be wse." Immediately lie bought books to a ,
large amount ; and they were opened three
times each, or until, he novelty wore off, and
then laid carefully away in the old book case.
They are covered with dust now, and all the
good Jones ever got from them might be tohl 1
in a snap of his fingers. One by one bright ;
anticipations left Mr.Jones —troubles fell thick
upon his head, and care and anxiety wore his ,
round countenance down to sharp, and made
many wrinkles there. All the result of listen
ing to " Bye-and-bye." Procrastination kept
the man continually on bis back; it chained him
down, allowing him only to gaze upon the j
beauties of life which might be his own could
he free himself. He could not, alas ! he was
slave to " Bye-and-bye." Jones is about fifty
years oid now, yet he looks to be seventy. He
is poor ami humble. And yet there is'nt a man
in the place who has worked harder —suffered
more. He goes about town, when not at work,
leaning upon a staff ; the hair under his batter
ed beaver is white as snow ; his clothes are
patched from top to bottom, and lie looks like
one of the unhappy ones of Poverty in every
way. He might have been in good circum
stances to-day, had he not fallen a victim to
" Bye-and-bye a thought of all he has lost,
and what he has gained, after years of toil,
brings tears to bis eyes and warnings, for the
benefit of others, to his lips. This is not a fan
cy sketch : there arc many such men in the
world. Let us heed what they tell us about
the evils of Procrastination. " Put not off
until to morrow what should be done to-day.'
The hopes of many have been blighted,and life
darkened, bv a non-observance of this rule.
fletj r There is nothing like a fixed, steady
aim, with an honorable purpose. It dignifies
your nature, and insures you success.
Hon. Galusha A. Grow, of Pennsylvania.
In preparing biographical sketches of promi
nent statesmen in the thirty-fifth Congress, we
are constantly reminded of the advantages
which a Republic confers upon energetic and
gifted men, who, born in comparative obscuri
ty, might, under other forms of government,
never rise above the daily strife for daily bread,
and, accomplishing no grander purpose than
wrestling by fierce struggle a bare subsistence
for themselves and families, would pass ou in
to the silence of nameless obscurity " unwept,
utihonored, and unsung." If Congress may
be taken as a criterion, the Republic has not
so greatly degenerated after all ; for many of
the most prominent legislators in both branch
es arc men whose rare genius, intense applica
tion, indomitable will, and unswerving recti
tude have enabled tliem to rise from the shoe
bench, the factory, the forge, and the farm,
to the solid dignity which, after all croaking,
still appertains to American Seuatorsand Rep
Among those who in elevating themselves
have illustrated the true worth of our institu
tions, we must award a very high place to the
Hon. Galusha A. Grow, whose likeness our
artist has so admirably presented herewith.—
Mr. Grow was born in Ashford, Windham
County, Connecticut, on the 31st of August,
1823. His father, Joseph Grow, died when
the subject of this memoir was only three years
of age ; leaving the mother to provide for a
family of six children, of whom four were sons.
The youngest child was only three months
old at the time of this sad bereavement, and
on settling up the affairs of the family it was
found there was barely enough of property to
pay u]> all indebtedness. Fortunately Mrs.
Grow was a woman of remarkable energy and
decision of character ; instead, therefore, of
losing all courage and bemoaning her lot, she
gathered her little flock about her and remov
ed to the residence of her father, Captain
Samuel Robbins, who lived in Voluntown, in
the same county. Here she engaged in trade
and farming ; and, to her honor be it said,
succeeded not only in providing for her young
family, but also accumulated a surplus, which
afterward laid the foundation for the present
prosperous circumstances of her children. The
best answer to the inquiry " What can woman
do ?" might be given in the history of what
this brave and good woman did. Unfortu
nately we are not writing her history, and
must therefore content ourselves with this mea
gre outline of the accomplishments of one wo
man, who, we are happy to believe, is but a
representative of a great many others, that in
the lowly cares, and patient endurances, and
holy sacrifices of maternal love are quite con
tent to have inscribed upon their tomb-stones,
" She hath done what she could," but of whom
history and God will sav, " Well done, good
au.l faithful servant !'^
When Mr. Grow was eleven years of age,
his mother found that her industry and enter
prise had enabled her to save a sufficient sum
to defray the expense of removal to the West,
and for the sake of her children she determin
ed to make that great sacrifice. Twenty-live
years ago the tide of emigration was setting
westward ; the Northeastern Slates had com
menced to push out advance parties of settlers
who, knowing nothing of what they should en
counter, struck boldly into the forests and laid
the foundation of our Western prosperity.—
There -e no railroads then to carry the emi
grants in a few hours, and for a few dollars,
from the valley of the Connecticut to the val
ley of the Mississippi, but painfully and slow
ly the caravans moved like snails toward the
setting sun : and when the last good bye was
said to relatives, and the last view had been
taken of the old homestead, the emigrant felt
that years must pass before be saw either again,
and had faint hope of returning at all.
Despite these serious drawbacks, the Grow
family started for the West, and finally took
up their abode in a wild and mountainous part
of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, which
from its romantic beauty tliey named " Glen- j
wood and there is still the residence of the ;
subject of this sketch. For the next few years
Galusha led the ordinary life of farmers' boy.-;,
attending school when there was opportunity,
and undergoing the noble discipline which is
afforded by wild mountain scenery to a quick 1
perceptive nature which has also something of
cultivation. It is told of him in these early
years that he was often in the woods for a ;
week or ten days, sleeping 011 hemlock boughs, j
and trusting to his own skill to provide his
food. Living in a region of country in which 1
lumber was abundant and good, the winter j
occupation of all the settlers was the cutting j
of timber, to be floated iu the spring down the i
stream on which they lived to the Susquehan-;
na (of which it was a tributary), and on to 1
find a market at Baltimore, and other towns '
lying along Chesapeake Bay. The great event '•
to which Galusha, in comuiou with the other
boys, looked forward, was to be permitted to
accompany the lumbering parties down the ri
ver. When he was about fourteen years of
age the desired opportunity came, and lie ac
companied his brother Frederick to Port De
posit, iu Maryland. While here an incident
occurred which furnishes very decided testimo
ny to the confidence which his neighbors felt
in Mr. Grow's integrity, and the high estima
tion in which the innate shrewdness of the na
tives of the well-abused State of Connecticut
was held twenty years ago. A friend of the
Grows was anxious to send a cargo of lumber
to Annapolis to be sold, and intrusted our he
ro with the business. On arriving at bis port
he sought ont a Mr. Claud, who wished to buy
the lumber, but almost feared to trade with
such a young merchant. After asking his age,
residence, parentage, family connections, and
a variety of test questions, it occurred to him
to ask, " Were you born in Pennsylvania ?"
GROW. NO, Sir, I J/><U born in Counechcut"
CLAUD. "Oh yes, 1 understand it all now ;
ves, I do want to buy some lumber."
It is needless to add, the cargo was sold to
good advantage.
At 6cveuteen years of age, Mr. Grow, be
ing generously helped by his brothers, entered
the Frcsumuu clasi of Amherst College, gradu-
ating in 1844. As soon as his collegiate course
was completed, he commenced his political life
by " stumping " for Polk and Dallas. When
the election was over he entered the law office
of F. B. Streeter, E-q., late Solicitor to the
Treasury, ,and was admitted to the bar in tbe
autumn of 1847.
Iu the spring of 1850 it was found that his
close application to study while in college, and
his subsequent confinement to his business,
was impairing his originally tine constitution,
and he was forced to retire temporarily from
his profession to seek a recuperation of his
physical powers in out door exercise. He ac
cordingly returned to his mother's farm and
resumed his place in the field. In the winter
of 1850 he surveyed six thousand acres of
land into small lots.
111 the summer of 1850 the Democratic con
vention of his county nominated him unani
mously for the Legislature, but he declined.—
In the autumn of the same year he was fir-t
elected to Congress. The Democrats of the
district were divided, and had "two candidates
in the field, each claiming to be the regular
nominee. Eight days before the election both
agreed to resign if Mr. Grow would be the can
didate. He was visited by a delegation, who
i found him not exactly, like Cineinnatus, plow
| iug, but working with a set of hands 011 the
public highway, rebuilding a bridge that had
been carried away by a freshet. Ho heard
their proposal and consented to lie a candi
date ; both the other candidates resigned as
agreed upon, and a convention! was called
which nominated Mr. Grow, just one week
before the election. He was successful, hav
ing a majority of twelve hnudrod and fifty
votes ; and in 1851 lie took his seat, the youn
gest member of tlie thirty-second Congress.—
The second time he was elected by a majority
of seven thousand five hundred ; the third
time he was elected unanimously, on account
of the satisfaction with which men of all par
ties in his district regarded his strenuous op
position to the Kansas-Nebraska Bill. The
last occasion upon which hca-ked for the votes
of his constituency he was elected by a larger
vote than he received when there was no op
position. During the Speakership of Mr.
Banks, Mr. Grow was chairman of the Com
mittee 011 Territories, one of the most impor
tant positions in the gift of the Speaker. Up
011 Mr. Banks' retirement from Congress, Mr.
Grow became virtually the leader of the Op
position—an arduous post which he has always
filled so as not only to win the applause of his
friends but to gain the respect of Ids political
opponents. He received the Republican vote
for Speaker at the commencement of this ses
si on.
In the summer of 1855 lie visited Europe
in company with Hon. E. B. Morgan and Hon.
B. Cringle, of New York, lion. E. 15. \Ys!i
burne, of Illinois, and others. They intended
to visit the Crimea, but were prevented by the
prevalence of cholera While in I'.iri*. our
Representatives were treated with great con
sideration by the Emperor of the French, be
ing invited to the ball given in honor of Queen
Victoria, who was then visiting Napoleon.
With the probability of a long life before
him, having thus early distinguished himself,
it would be an idle speculation to set limits to
his future. He has already attained a high
position as a lender in debate and parliamen
tary tactics. We may reasonably anticipate
more honors and distinction for him ; but the
ideasure of them Tor himself, and the worth of
them for others, will be found iu the facts of
his strict personal uprightness and private in
tegrity.— Harper's Weekly.
True BOOMERANG.—Professor Lovering of
Harvard University, read, on Thursdays paper
before the American Association for the Ad
vancement of Science, upon na
Australian weapon, from thirty to forty inches
in length and two and a half to inches
iu width, tapering gradually from the handle
to the point, and in shifye resembling some
what a sickl,e. , The Australian barbarian ear
ly acquires the art of projecting it with terri
ble effect. He can hurl it into the air to a
height!) of many feet,giving it 11 momentum and
direction which will cause it to return to him
again ; or he can send it forward in anv direc
tion, straight or oblique, and it i> sa d quite
round a tree or a hill, and make it, after the
principal force is spent, return to any point lie
may desire. Europeans are very awkward in
wielding it ; not knowing how tQ fix its di
rection and return, tliev are extremely liable
to give it an impetus which will impel it back
into their own faces. But the native, trained
from curly childhood to its use, will hurl it with
an effect almost transcending credibility. The
pupils at Eton School, in England are said to
have employed an instrument for their cxerci
s?s,constructed in u similar form and upon much
the samg principle as the boomerang.— X. V.
BOTH SIDES.—III the old time, in Philadel
phia, the disciples in the faith of William Ponn
invariably wore the single breasted drab or
snuffcolored coat, and were strict iti their no
tion of having the buttons thereof on the left
side of the coat aforesaid. At a dinner given
by him, friend Elias Breasy had secured a big
buck darkie to " tend table," to whom he gave
imperative orders to hand things to the guests
at the left side.
" Thee will always know by their coat but
tons, Cnesar, which is the left side."
Among the guests was a French gentleman
who wore a double-breasted coat—a worldly !
garment. The darkie, in handing round the
soup, paused behind the French gentleman,
looked at his coat and stood, for a moment,
an ebony statue of despair, struggling with
donbt and a plate of soup.
Presently he yelled out, " Masa 'Lins—it's
no use—buttons on boff sides," and handed
the plate to the French guest over his head.
" Dat's the fust time 1 ever seed a mm dat
was leff handed on boff sides ob his coat
Lit the girl be ever so young, the rao
' meat she is married she becomes a woman.
Tho Bottom of the Ooeau—lnterest^
LIEUT. MAURY lias just sent a report to tin
, ! Secretary of the Navy concerning the sub
, marine explorations made by the North Pa
cific Exploring Expedition under the conimaw
of Lieut, Rodgers, and from this vuluabl
document we take the following interesting
extract :
" Deep sea soundings, with specimens or
! the bottom, have also been returned to thi.-
| office from that expedition. They were tn
j ken in the North Pacifice with Brooke's appn
! ratals, and have been studied through the mi
croscope of Prof. Bailey at West Point.
" They all tell the same story. Tliey teach
I us that the quiet of the grave reigns every
I where in the profound depths of the oceau ;
] that the repose here is beyond the reach of
i the wind ; it is so perfuct that none of the
I powers of earth, save only the earthquake
and volcano, can disturb it. The specimens
of deep sea soundings, for which we are in
debted to the ingenuity of Lieut. Brooke, are
as pure and as free from the sand of the sell
as the snow flake that falls when it is calm,
upon the sea, is from the dust of the earth,
j Indeed, these souudings suggest the idea that
j the sea, like the snow cloud with its flukes in
! a calm, is always ktting fali upon its bed,
I showers of these microscopic shells ; and we
j inay readily imagine that the " sunless wrecks"
I which strew its bottom, are, in the process of
ages, hid under the fleecy covering, presenting
' he rounding appearance which is seen over the
body of the traveler who has perished in tie
suo.v storm 'lhe ocean, especially within
and under the tropics, swarms with life. The
remains of its myriads of moving things are
conveyed by currents, and scattered and lodg
ed iu the course of time ail over its bottom
This process, continued for ages, has covered
tlie depths of the ocean as with a mantle, con
sisting of organisms a-- delicate as the meaL d
frost, and as the undrift-d snow-flake on the
mountuir. Whenever this beautiful sounding
rod has reached the bottom of the deep sea,
whether in the Atlantic or Pacific, the bed of
the ocean lias been found of a dovvnlike soft
ness. The lead appears to sink many feet
deep into the oozy matter there which has
been strained and filtered through the sea
water. This matter consists of tiie skeletons
and casts of insects ol the sea ol microscopic
" The fact that the currents do not reach
down to the bottom of the deep sea, that there
are no abrading agents at work there, save
alone the gnawing tooth f time, that a rope
of sand, if stretched upon the lied of the ocean
would be; a cable strong enough to hold the
longest telegraph wire that art can draw;
these with other disovcries made in the course
of the investigations carried ou iu the liydro
graphical department of this office concerning
the physics of the sea, and already aunonm-ed
in its official publications ami correspondence,
are likely to prove of great practical value
and impoitance in submarine t e!egrnp!i—aline
of business only iu the first stage of its intaiicy
but deeply interesting to the whole human
family ; for iu it* bearings and results it toucin s
mo t nearly the progress of man in the march
tlint is bailing upward. The notion was that
u telegraphic cable must be of great strength
to resist and withstand the forces of the sea.
Whereupon the conducting wire, after being
coated to iusulation with gutta perch*, was
encased in aw ire hawser or cable stout enough
to hold the largest " seventy-four'' to her
anchori. These cables were very expensive in
their manufacture, bulky for stowage, unwieldy
for handling and difficult to lay. It was such
a wire laid cable that the Telegraphic Com
j pany lost in the laying between Newfoundland
and I'ape Breton, in 1855 ; and it is such a one
j —wire laid ; —stiff and larger than a uian'
arm—that the French ha e twice attempted
j to lay in the Mediterranean, and twice lost.
" But now we have learned, in the course
! of these investigations, that all the obstacles
! interposed by the sea to the laying of subma
rine telegraphs lie between the surface and
the depth of a few hundred fathoms below ;
j and that these arc not to be mastered by force
nor overcome by the tensile* strength of wire
drawn ropes, but that, with a little artifice,
I they will yield to a mere thred. It i* the caso
| of a man-of-war mid the littic nautilus in the
hurricane ; the one, weak in its strength is
di-.shed to pieces ; the other, strong in its
weakness, resists the iitrm>-t violence of the
storm, and rides as safely through it a* though
there were no raging? in the s> . Therefore,
it may now be considered as a settled principle
in submarine telegraphy that the true charac
ter of a cable for the deep sea is not that of
an iron rope as large as a man's arm, but n
. single copper wire, or a f iseibb-of wires coated
with gutta peicha, pliant and supple, und not
larger than a lady's finger.
WAGGERY.— Some time :ig\ ou tlm SATE
| Lath day, we wended our way to one of our
churches and instead of a sermon, heard an
address upon some missionary r other benevo
! lent subject. After the address was conclud
ed, two brethren were sent round with a bas
ket for contrii-iitions. P.iron , who
was one of the ba-ket holders, took lhe side
upon which we sat. Immediately on our front
and upon onr next seat negligently reclined
; onr friend BJI H , * gentleman of infi
nite humor, and full of dry jokes. Parson
; , extended the basket, and Bill slowly
shook his head.
" Come, William, give us something," SCA i' 1
the Parson.
"Can't do it," replied Bill.
" Why not ? is not the cau*e n good one ?"
" Yes: but I am not able to give anything."
" Poh ! poll ! I know better ; you must give
mo a betti r reason than that."
i " Well, I owe too much m vncy ; I must be
I just before T am generous, you k> ow.'
" But, William, you owe God a larger debt
j than yon owe any one el?"."
1 That's iruc. Parson, but then He ait push
! iug mr li.'r 'he bdinr. of my creditors.''
"The Parson's face got into a rather curious
conditio.l, "ml lie t r-> ■ 1 on.
VOL. XVIII. —NO. 51,
plebeian face it fta*, with great crug*
•f cheek bones—a wild amount of jwssumatif
ntrjy and appetite, hut in his dark eyes
vera floods of .sorrow ; and deepest mdauchi*-
v, sweetiteas, and mystery, were all there.—
Jftcii did there seeui to lueet in Luther th
• cry opposite poles in a man's character. lie,
or example, for whom Richter hud said that
nis words were half battles, he, w hen ho first
iegan to preach, suffered unheard agony.—
' Oh, I)r. Staupitz, Dr. Stuupitz," said he to
the vicar general of his order, " 1 cannot do
t, I shall die in three months. Indeed I cau
aot do it."
Dr. Staupitz, a wise and considerate man,
said upon this, " Well, Sir Martin, if you inu->t
die, you must ; hut remember, that they need
.rood heads up yonder too. So preach, uiau,
preach, and then live or die as it happens."—-
So Luther preached and lived, and he became,
indeed, one great whirlwind of energy, to
work without resting in this world, anu also
I before lie died he wrote very many book*—
| books in which tlio true man —for in the inidt
; of all they denounced and cursed, what touch
of tenderness lay. Lock at the Table Talk
[ for example.
W c see it in a little bird having alighted at
! sunset on the bough of the pear tree that grew
in Luther's garden. Luther looked upon it
and said : " That little bird, how it covers its
w ings, and will sleep there, so still and fear
less, though over it are the iufiicte starry spa
ces, and the great blue depths of immensity.
Vet it fear.s not —it is at home. The God
that made it, too, is there." The same gentle
spirit of lyric admiration is in the other passa
ges of his book. Coming home from Lcipsiu
in the autumn season, he breaks forth in living
winder at the fields of corn. " How it stauds
then," he says, " erect on its beautiful taper
stem, and bending its beautiful golden head
with bread in it—the bread of man sent to
hi in nno'.iior year." Such thoughts as thesa
are us little windows, through which we gnaw
into the interior of the depth of Martin Luther's
soul, and see visible across its tempests ami
clouds, a whole heaven of light and love. He
might have painted—he inu-t have sung—
could have been beautiful like Raphael, uud
like Michael Angelo.
Hendlev tells a story of oid l)r Rich
ards, uf Auburn, in Dr. Sprague'a Annuals of
the Pulpit," just issued. The reverend Doc
tor went off on a journey, and left his son
James under the care of one of the theological
students, who was to hear him recite daily.—
One day, at the usual time of recitation, James
was seen playing in the garden, and when
called to liis lesson refused to come, and us
the student went to fetch liirn, took to his
heels and ran. The student pursued and
caught and chastised him. Immediately after
the Doctor's return James entered his com
plaint against his tutor. His father heard
him through and bade him go and fetch
the young gentleman. He did so, and when
the latter arrived the Doctor said :
" Sir, Jeems has told me that you whipped
him because he did not git his lesson, utui raw
away ; and now I have sent for you to know
if vu laiil it on well ?"
The student replied that lot thought La
"Do you think that you punished Lia
enough ?"
He said," Ye "
" Wall then," continued iht Doctor' " if
yen are sure you puuished bun Mtficiwntly,
Jeemsyou may go thts tm* !''
A Davit. L DEMOCRAT. —Ont of tWe mmt
uncompromising Democrats in town fnrniahra
us th following election item, and taja it ia
true :
A son of the Emerald Isle, with a black
carpet bag in his hand, stepped into a store
last Saturday while the election was goiuj
0:1 ; and naked the proprietor to writo him a
" Very well," said the merchant, " I sup
pose you wish to vote the Democratic tickai"
" Yes," answered the Milesian.
" Weil, Lewis Amis for the;.lT."
" Is lie a Diuiikrat 7"
" Yes."
" George W. Hunt for Trust**."
" Is he a Diwikrnl V
" Certainly."
" The Devil for Register."
" At rail, now. is he a Dimikraf ?"
" Of course ?"
" Then be dad, that's me ticket, 111 v®:#
for him."
And when the votes for were count
ed, they stood, for Ilerndoii 310 ; for Johucoa
TO : for Rutkr 01 ; and for the Devil I.
Tnr DOCTOR'S WKI.COM?: —Down east, tliera
resides a cei t tin M I> One very cold night
he wiis roust d from his .slumbflrhy a very 1 otvl
knoi king nt the door. After some hesitation,
lie went to the window and asked -
" TV ho i- there
" Friend.'
" What do you want
" AN*.l ut. to stay all night. v
" Stay there then," was the banevoleat re
Mr llnehanan recently gave nn ruder
to one of his Irish footmen to wear livery
Pat replied tluit " he'd lie d J if he'd mnko
a 1 :iger of li .11, self." Accordingly Pit lost hi*
place. Hi* e.\pcricn ,- e is an important lesson
to the political placctneti throughout the coun
try. Let them all sport the L compton livery,
let them make " lingers" of themselves or they
will have to walk a. nncerimouooudv as pocr
Pat did.— Du. Jt vrn l.
Ct .yPi nters with nine children ur* to i *
exempted from taxation iu the State of Vw
N or K.
Very safe legislation that. M'c would hka
to c 0 tiie fi Titer who had anything to tax af
ter f j t"li:vg nine children.