Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 13, 1858, Image 3

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    Woman who Lives without Eating.
TO" ' ■
\Ve IUAVC published several notices of Mrs.
. . / who resides in one of the north-east j
-udies of Ne' York, and whose cxtraordiu-;
1 has attracted the attention of,
Mfie men. The following is written by
' g l' Williams to the Christian Advo-
Rev- -•
Mrs Hayes is not yet dead. I have seen !
. Lvcral times. And after reading all that
vs appeared in the Advocate in regard to her,
' 1 .!, r ,. to communicate a few thoughts upon
.Before she passed into this peculiar
, j afflictive condition, her health was for
, length of time extremely poor. Slie ate
''• little, and that little occasioned a consid
er amount of suffering. Sometimes it
?j* e w her into spasms. For nearly a year be
•Y, -he ceased to take refreshments altogether,
,'lived wholly, or nearly so, upon the juice
\ gied raspberries, until tliat became a source
buffering. Then for a time she took oc
. cially a small quantity of cold water ; and
now nearly a year since she swallowed
", |V ijquid, to the knowledge of any one. In- i
*. j 1 have no doubt that a teaspoonful of
" j p a t into her mouth would be the occa-!
j her death, unless the spasmodic action '
%cr throat should expel it.
k '\nv person to see her ten minutes must bo j
.u 'tied that there is no deception in her case. !
head and shoulders, one or other, are in !
. r! ,etual motion. She is frequently thrown :
■ arJ until she is nearly doubled together, ;
then tim head thrown hack, and neck lit- j
Lll v doubled, and the body forced back, and j
P whole face, chin and all, entirely buried in i
pillow. This done several times succes-;
via less time than I take in writing it.—
time in the series the face will remain ;
~i rl v buried in the pillow, and she does not j
nt'he for ten or fifteen minutes. Once she ,
■ lined sixty-two minutes without breath- j
Vhen this is over, and the spasm passes off,
-tra.mles for breath, and her head is roll- j
jiiuiii side to side almost with the velocity of ,
'htnimr, for a moment or two ; the face be- i
juies red with the rush of blood to the head, |
d the .-kin quite moist with perspiration.— j
|t, -i the spasm subdues into a gentle motion ,
the jaw and shoulder, keeping time, as one
w,u!d think, with the action of the heart.— i
;[,. r shin about the face, neck and hands is as j
ut- and healthy as the -skin of an infant.
The pulsatious of her blood about the chest, ;
iiead and arms, though exceedingly deli- j
are quite regular, iter hair does not
.-row. nor is it worn off her head as one would '
iiurallv suppose, except a little on the crown, j
T:. action of the liver is entirely suspended,of ;
... The action and -state of the lungs are j
perfectly healthy. They have been thorough- !
laniint-d by skillful physicians with the aid
: a stethoscope, and are supposed to be per- j
The last nutriment, indeed the last swal-1
, of water she was known to take, was tbe
Aof June, 1857. The last time she was ;
5 : nil to be conscious was last December.— j
When she comes out of these long spasms she
■ cms to cry for a moment, like an infant in ;
..dress. At such times her husband thinks
• . may be conscious. It is most distressing ;
near it. She is not above the ordinary laws
; She has recently bad a thorough
i* of the mumps, precisely as others have j
:,.:n, Iler nails upon her lingers, like her
..air do uot grow at all.
Jn-on I. IKING. —The appointment of Judge ;
I. LING hy President BUCHAN AN, to the judge-!
>iip made vacant in the Court of Claims by
ti.■ decease of Judge GII.CHIUST, appears to !
MI forth from the public press general appro
val, The objection made to the action of the .
Ma--aeliu,-(•!:> Legislature for removing Mr. i
!. KIXG from the post of Judge of Probate, |
;.;:vet! its chief force from the fact that there :
IR- and for doubt as to the legal authority ;
ftlie legislature in the premises. Whether
ti. represented the dominant sentiment in 1
' • S'ate is a point not entering into the issue, j
la fact, the attempt made in our own Legis !
'Jure to oust Ju lire WILMOT (a measure w! icli
-' -Ely passed in the State Senate, but failed
The House from the stern opposition of ster-1
g Demc -rata y was equally at variance with ,
• ! policy and republican precedent. If!
•' iff LORI.VG was deficient in legal learning, I
TIL hail been guilty of gross immoralities, or j
;■ maifea.-ance in office, then the action of
Legislature would have been right and
proper. As it was, a law was first passed to j
tuv ;e fir the ease ; Judge LURING was then '
areU to have violated the spirit of the law, ;
-'id he was ousted. The act of ejection can- i
when calmly viewed, be regarded other:
j taati a persecution, and, though even approv- •
• ■>: tin.' tn a j >ri tv of tlie people of Massachu-!
"tts, it ]<[n-ir.s just as uncalled for as the!
pR'PO-iiion here to oust Judge WH.MOT by :
■idling bis court. The defeat of the lat-)
" r proposition has been universally approved, !
' • WE think that even many of Mr. IJORING'S I
t bitter enemies at home will think he has
unpunished sufficiently already, and they
not regret that he lias been selected to
Ti;-; a po>t which tliey cannot but acknowl
ne has the talents to fill with honor and
-Gelitv.— The Press.
The execution of WM. MULI.ER, took
t iu the jail yard at Wilkes-barre, on FVi-
A April 30th, in accordance with the time
"'pointed by the Governor. The Military
mpanies were on parade, and long before ;
hour of execution arrived, the tops of the
adjacent to the jail yard, were literal
(overed with humaii beings, eager to gratify
'Tdr curiosity.
A few minutes before 12 o'clock, Muller
his appearance, accompanied by the
er ! f llis steps were far from bemg sol
but lie run up the steps of scaffold in the
a '' a hotel guest would run up to his room. ;
j ,V' e r -peaking u few minutes he turned to the
A ulser, with a look, as much ns to say,
Koeeed. The divine read the last chapter in
"'•U.atioiis iu a a very affecting and solemn
-aimer; he then read a hymn, which had been
- -AAorite oue of tbe j risoner's ; after which
'■'•fitpmerit was read by Rev. Mr. Miles,
l ; "ii been made l>y the prisoner, nekuowl-
S'ing his guilt in the murder of Matthias.—
Rev. Miles also read an appropriate
T^ 1 ". when they took their leave. The
' then adjusted the rope, drew the cup
" I Ui> face, when the counsel of the prisoner
y Took hands with him, and also did the
, if, aad took their final leave. At 12
'•°A'k no one stood upon the scaffold but the
J Ttd man, and in a few moments he was
M[i ''&ed into eteruity without a struggle.
~ Judge Loring, of Massachusetts, who
r a teiy removed from office by Governor
has been nominated as Judge of t! e
\ " Hates Court of Claim*, iu place o
J 'ln ;.deceased.
1* ATAL ACCIDENT. — Another fluid lamp acci
dent occurred a couple of miles north of Horse
heads, on Friday evening last, which resulted
iu the death of a little girl aged about six
years, the daughter of CHARLES STRAIT. It ap
pears that the mother of the girl attempted to
iill a lamp while burning, in doing which the
fluid took fire and was communicated to the
clothes of a little boy standing near her.—
The little girl flew to the rescue of her brother,
and succeeded iu extinguishing his clothes, in
doing which, however, her own took fire, which
so frightened her that she ran out door, where
the flames increased by the wind to such a de
gree, that before they could be extinguished,
she was burned iu such a manner that she sur
vived but a few hours.— Elmira Gazette.
FATAL CASUALTY. —On Wednesday forenoon
an accident occurred at the railroad depot in
this city, which resulted iu the death of # a
young man apparently about 17 years of age.
His name is unknown, although it is supposed
to have beeuC. BROOK, as a shipping bill found
in his pocket, signed by E. Clark, Jr., agent,
of the New York Central Railroad, and dated
at Buffalo, May 1, 1858, acknowledges the
receipt of one Itox of cloths marked " C. Brook,
New York." Coroner SHOCKEY held un in
quest, but failed to asceitain any further facts
iu the case, except that the accident occurred
as the young man was attempting to jump on
the train while it was in motion, and fell be
tween the cars, two of which passed over him
just above the hips, severing his body iutwo.
Elmira Gazette.
informed, unofficially, though, from a source
we consider entirely reliable, that the work on
the Sunbury and Erie railroad will be resumed
immediately, and energetically pushed forward
until it is completed. Toe completion and
opening of this great thoroughfare, so long
desired and sought for will be a glorious event
for Pennsylvania, and it will rank at once, in
importance, amouir tbe greatest public im
provements of the United States. With the
impetus given by the sale of the State canals
to the company, the prospects ot such a de
sirable consummation never before looked so
cheering.— Lycoming Gazette.
FEM ALES. —Four or five females wore arrested
and tried last week, at Mt. Yeruou, lud., for
assaulting a German Methodist clergyman.—
They waylaid him as he was leaviug the
church after an evening meeting, and pelted
him with stale eggs. A brother of the church,
who attempted to shield the preacher, was
knocked down and roughly handled. The
reason alleged in extenuation was that the
clergyman had made some unwarrantable iu
uendoes iu the pulpit against the character of
fisaT' John Berry, aud his son William, were
very badly injured by the explosion of two
kegs of powder, near Eastou Pa., on Friday.
They were blasting, when, by mere accident,
fire was communicated to two kegs of gun
powder, which exploded. This family has
been very unfortunate of late. A short time
ago the father, fell down a precipice of fifty
feet, while at work in a quarry, and his son
in-law was killed at the terrible affair ut Ox
foul furnace some months ago.
previous to the final adjournment of the Leg
islature, the House ratified the contract made
I by the committee appointed in the early part
of the session, for the purpose oi' purchasing
a mansion for the Governor. The house is
located next to the Presbyterian church (re
cently burned) and was the property of Mr.
Bevans. The dwelling is iu excellent repair,
the proprietor having had it re-modelled and
changed two years ago. The price paid for
the same is SUO,UUO, including some furniture.
guy- A few days since, a man living near
Galena, Illinois, carried a load of potatoes to
that place. The l)igh<st offer he could get
was ten cents a bushel, and rather than to sell
them at that rate, lie tipped them into Fever
river. The result was that he thus obstructed
navigation, and was fined fourteen dollars.
athan, it is stated, will not be able to get to
sea short of an additional expenditure of £172,-
OUO, which sum, added to the present liabili
ties of the company, amounts to £211,282, to
meet which the directors propose to issue de
benture preference shares to that sum. The
total cost of the ship will lie £801,525, or at
the rate of £3l per ton taking the ship at the
builders' measurement, 21,000.
The crevasse in the Mississippi has broken
1 loose again, the flood breaking through the
! piles which were set to stop it. It is said,
however, that at least one good result will lol
bw this overflow : a large amount of lumber
:in the Yazoo Valley can now be floated to
; market.
In ISllgl>tiry. Pa., hv I). P-wey, I> ( .. M<y 0. ('. T. CO
VKI.L, Esq., to Mm. SALLY HINCHJIAN, nil of
j liidgbury.
In Rome, t>y Rev. I) Cook, , ISSS, Mr. JOHN
1 P,v the saint-, at lUIIv Bav, Derrick. Mr. STEWART
I ) ASSOCIATION".- The next quarterly in< cling of the
Bradford County Tern hers' Association will be held at
I SHKSHEOUIN, FRIDAY, MAY !, at iu) o'clock A. M.
A hire—l-- will be delivered l.iTure the As- .ciu'i- nhy
the Hon. 11. C. HfCKOK, and Dr. V. M. TURNER, l-'.s
--j-iiys w ill be read by Aiies Mary Mclvin icy and Maiy A.
Biittington. .... ~
The science of Phrenology as a necessary qualification,
: for a .-ucces.sful teacher and other important subjects con
nected with education, will be taken up and discussed at
this meeting. W'• IEV\ l' rcs -
May 12, 1858.
IOST in the Borough of Towanda, on Fri-
J day. the 7th inst.. a LADIES GOLD WATCH
CHAIN, with Pencil, several Crosses and other trinkets
attached. The tinder will be suitably rewarded by leav
ing it at the store of uenrrn
Towanda, May 11,1858. 11. S. MKRCI R.
VNEW invoice of Lancaster Ginghams
just received by II- 8- MERCLR.
May 11, 1858. .
SECOND Arrival of 200 Barrels of Flour
from the West, which will fie soid lower than else
; where at the Clothing Store of
I May 10, MM. M. E. SOLOM">.
The Last Call!
I HP HOSE indebted tome, either by note now past due,
x or by judgment, or book account, ot more than six
I months standing, are notified that unless payments in
i lull are made betore the first day of June next, on that
day their obligations will be placed in the uauds o. re
I proper officers for collection- This 1 shall regret to do
in many cases ; but uece -By kn-n:- no law.
i fowau-b May I't, ISSS. JOStf H 1 OTLL-
Ncta lUoeiflMkiiii.
Humphrey & Wickham
\RE now receiving a general assortment of goods
suitable for tbe season, consisting of
to which they invite the attention of their patrons and
friends and the put-lie generally—trusting that they will
be able to please both as to price ut'd quality those who
i favor them with a call,
j Towanda, May 10,1853.
£AALTION.—Whereas my wife POLLY
A— J GRAHAM a_3 left my bed and board without any
| just cause or provocation," this is hereby to forbid all
| persons harboring or trusting her on my" account, as I
j shall pay no debts of her contracting alter this date.
j Wyalusing, May 7,1858.
STRAY COW.—Strayed from the subscri
ber in Towanda Borough, on Saturday last, a DARK
| RED COW, five years old. with crumple J horns, and a
| small white spot under the fore log. Whoever will re
; turn said cow will be liberally rewarded,
Towanda, May 12,1855. IRA H. SMITH.
Xfoticc to the Public.
TMIE subscriber wishes to inform the public
; JL that he has leased the Hotel iu East Smithfield, for-
I nierly occupied by J. A. KINOM.F.Y, where he will be found
ready- at nil times to wait upon all who mav favor him
I with a call.
j HIS TABLE wi!l at all times be supplied with all the
- delicacies of the .season, togi ther with the more substan
| tial fare : and no pains will be spared to make this house
i a comfortable home for travellers and* rs.
He would al->o state that his STABLE ACCOM.MODA
j TIONS are -o arranged, that the beast as well an the man
| shall be amply provide ! for—and the traveller, while eu
j joying the comforts of the house, can rest assured that
iii.s horse i enjoying the same blessing iu his well-fur
' nished barn.
j By strict attention to business and the comfort of his
patrons, the subscriber hoj es to merit and receive a fair
! portion of public patron ace.
I Kasi Sauthfield, May 1,1859, sf. R. BOSS.
; Susquchanfta Mulaal Insurance Co.,
r riIIS Company insures against loss or dam
| age by Fire. Dwelling homes, Furniture Warehou
os. Stores and Merchandize, Ac., on the most reasonable
1 terms.
11. W. TRACY, President.
COMB,Secretary; LAPOBTE. MASON k Co., Treas.
i pULTIVATOR TEETH, for sale by
j V May 4,1858. 11. s. MEIhTi:.
- 10/ V i YARDS more of those I Prints :
1 •—' ' / also, l'Z doz more of those CU Linen lland
-1 kerchiefs, ju.-t received at
: May 4,1853. MERCUIUS.
UOOPS. —Just received by express, auotli
er lot of those double extension Steel I loop Skirts
I at May 4, 1858. MEItCUR'B.
(MIKAP Binbroidered Curtain Muslins, now
J May 4,1858. MERCUR'S.
HATS. —A large assortment <>f Men's and
. Boy's Wool, l-'ur, lx j ghoni. Leaf. Colored and
j White Straw Hats at May 4, 1-:..-. MERCUR'S
GROC E \ I I I :S !
Wo. 12, Lak3 St. Elmira, N. Y.,
Groceries and Provisions !
Black and Green Teas.
Green, Roasted and ground Coffees.
.Sugars, .S ifrups'and Molasses,
dour. Pork, Salt,
i'ish, Tjtird, Butter, Cheese.
Fruit f, Nuts, Cigars, dr.
(ILOSE BUYERS in near-h "-f Good 1 at the VE
j RY LOWEST CASH PRICES, will find it to their
j advantage to examine my fresh and desirable stork he
i fore purchasing el-ewhrn as I shall ende rto RC!I goods
! as low as they can lx- 1j night of New York Jobbers,which
j will make from five to ten per cent in tavor "!' the pur
ehaser. J. P., No. 12, Lake street.
i P. S Goods well bought are half sold.
Arrangements for 1858 !
ME. SOLOMON Ins ju-t received the most cxten
• .sivc and elegant ns oitment of
Spring and Summer Clothing
ever offered in tills market, which was bought for CASH
I' and will be sold at prices which cannot be equalled else
Persons desirous of purchasing any article of Clothing
! are requested to give him a call, ns be pledges himself
j that no person anxious t-j buy- shall go away without be
: ing satisfied..
#5" A good assortment of Gentlemen's FURNISHING
GOODS will lie kept >-n hand.
Towanda, April 20, 1*58.
LMJOUR ! FLOI'K !—A first rate article
! J_ of Western Flour, may lie had it SOLOMON'S in Mer
| cur's Block, lower than can be purchased in this virini
i D'-
I April o'.. Is's. M. E. SOiiOVAh.
k HOLMES rospcrtfully iti
kO I 'rtu the public, that having leased tii Ward Hons
j for a term of years, and tJii.riuighly n*|iaired and newly
| furnished the same. they invite tin- patnaiage < f travel
) Icrs and others, with every confid nee that their faciii-
I tits are such as to enui-Ie them to render satisfa. ti->n—
| Thoy assure the public that no effort shall be spared to
! maintain f-r the War-1 Ibm-r ti;c high reputation it ha
| s&ong enjoyed ; to effect vvh'urh tin- personal wants of
' their guests will lie carefully aiteiuled to, while every
; facility tlx.- market aflbrds will in- appropriated to in-ikc
the Table, all that could lie desired.
. We shall pay particular attention to the aceomtnoda
: lion of J -rors and witnesses attending Court : who will
| be hoarded -it tbe low price of 621 cent- per day.
'ii The Bar - wedf sto.-ked with an excellent assnrt
j ment of LBjUORS. We also offer to the public a large
i assortment of Liquors, by the quart, gallon or barrel, ot
| a quality not to be e.vcil'e-l, and at prices as low if not
lower than can lie obtained in the cities.
Reading, and Binghamton Ale. bv the quart,
gallon or barrel.
I Towanda, April 27.1959.
Having just returned from the City, i- now receiving a
splendid assortment of
Spring and Summer Goods.
i To which he invites particular attention. Being fully
j determined not to be outdone either in
of articles offered for sale, and having had sufficient ex
l>erience in his business to warrant him in saying that he
can otter very gteat inducements to customers.
! He offers the very snia!lo-t Bonnets and the very Inrge-t
- Hoop Skirts ; also, those of a medium size A most ele
i gaut, lot of I'laid, Black and Brocaded dress Silks.
I Lawns. Bareges, Challies, DeL.tines, Briliiauts and
! White Goods as usual oftiie best kinds, and the cheapest
! and best lot of PRINTS ever offered in ibis town!—lf
I you don't believe it, come and see. Our stock of
has as nsua! been selected with great care, and cannot
i fail to give satisfaction both as to prices and qualities.
If you want the worth of your money, go to No. 2, Pat
! ton's" Block. Many thanks "for past favors, we hope to
merit our share of "patronage,
j Towanda. April 27, ISSfK WM. A. ROCKWELL.
SHAWLS. —A great variety tnny be found
April 21, 1868. ;
"\7"EILS, Lares, Edgings, lasertings, "Win
f dow Praperlc and Embroideries of >ll kinds
| April 21,1-55. " WM. A-ROCKWELL-
XUciiljanbijc, &rc.
CIALL and *c<* some beautiful patterns of l amps for
—distilled from Coal and not explosive ; cheaper than
any light vet discovered. Both Oil and Lamps, with
Wicks and Shade-, furnished very cheap at
April 21,1558.
New Spring and Summer
HS. MEPCUR has just received u good assortment
• of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods.
Groceries, Hardware, Harness and Carriage
Trimmings, Crockery and Glass Ware,
Boots ($• Shoes, Hats <§• Caps, Paints,
Oils, Wooden Ware, tj-c., fyc.
Many of which articles will be gold for cash at lower
prices than were ever before offered in Bradford County.
Tnwanda. April 20. lso".
I A DIES Skeleton Lattice extension steel
J Hoop Skirts at MERCUII'S STORE.
ORECKENRIDGE Illuminating: Oil ami
JLP Lamps for sale by H. S. MERCUR.
LADIES Lluen Cambric Handkerchiefs at 6 4 cents
each, White Cotton Hose at b cent- per pair.
Handsome Lawns at 6 cents cer yard, and the best 0 4
cent Calicoes in the State, will he found at the Store of
Towanda, April 21,1568. H. S. MERCUR.
IKD CAGES of nil description, Ilempum]
* Canary seed 0, Birds nests, Cuttle Bone and other
Bird fixeu'ji utXo. 2 Buttons Bloc k.
April 21. 1 - 58. V, M. A. ROCKWELL.
V LARGE assortment of Ladies Fancy
- Basket.-, Children- Willow and Empire Cuba*
A*.., at Xo. 2 Buttons Blook.
April2l. 1358. WM. A. ROCKWELL.
VN extensive variety of Crockery, Glass,
Yellow Ware, Fluid, lamp wickiup Ac., at Xo. 2
Buttons Block.
April Si t WM, A. ROCKWELL.
(CARPETING.— Fme Ingrain, Veuitian,
J llemp and Bush Carpeting, Mats, Rugs Ac., at Xo.
2, Buttons Block,
• April 21,1888 WM. A. ROCKWELL.
cheapest and pencral variety of Boots
JL auJ Shoes ever ufl'ercd in Towanda, at Xo. 2 Bat
tons Block
April 21.1*58. WM. A. iMK'KWn r
IT 1 RElT.—Prunes, Raisins, dried Berries,
- apples, .Ac., at Xo. 2 Button- lilock.
April2l,lß6*. W. A.ROCKWELL.
I LLINOIS Timothj Seed and OhiaClover
. seed for sale ct Xo. 2, Buttons Block.
April 20, 1-52. WM. ROCKWELL.
M.\ ('KIN A W TROUT,Mackerel,Codfish,
for sale at Xo. 2, Buttons Block.
April 2d, 1858. WM. ROCKWELL.
Spring and Suram r Millinery,
FOll 1858,
ZSTo. 6, t T nioa 3icck,
EL M I It A , N . V .
"I f. VYING made extensive arrangements and iinpmvc
-1 I incuts ::i our MI'.LIXEKY DEPARTMENT, we now
cordially invite : II to favor 11- with a call before purchas
ing SBRIXG or SUMMER MiLLIXEIiV, feeling confi
dent we can make it to the advantage of all.
Will lie full and complete, with everything in the line of
Millinery ; such :t- Straw Bonnets, Bloomers, Flats uiol
Gypsictte-of ail kinds and styles for Ladies' or Misses'
wear, by the dozen or case.
Ruche- and Flower- by the box. Ribbons by the piece
or cartoon. Blonds, edging, footings and Straw Br.iidsby
the dozen or piece. Bonnet Frame.-, Crowns and Blocks
by the docen. Reeds and covered bones by the gross. -
Baud boxes by the lie t or gross. Fnufiou.-, Crapes,
Li-ses, Crown Linings and Cape Xett- by tin- piece, -nd
in fact everything required i:i the Miflincry Hue in the
gieate.-t abundance and at the very lowest CITY WtioLC
Will embrace a full and complete assort men t of all of
the above mentioned articles at prices to auit the rime*.
VII bonnet- I,ought at the -tore will be trimmed free of
charge in the !ute-t style and best manner. Goods Imugbt
by parti - from out • ! town, will be packed and deliver
ed to the stages or car- free of expense,
A. 1. MARSH A CO.,
No. 5, Union Block. Elinira, X. V.
People of Urtullbrd County
IX particular, ami readers of the Reporter
. in general.
M VRS.'I A- CO.. OF EI.MIRA, X. Y. send greetings
to you and your-, and de-ire t > inform one and all that
they lan and will make itgieatiy 11 your advant age to
pureh i-e every thing you want in the -huge ot PRY
wholesale or retail of them at No 5. Union Block, in the
aforesaid village of Kliuira. X. Y.
Their facilities areci rtainiy unsurpassed : asononn m
ber oi the tirta is on the spot nil the while, consulting
the tastes and wantsoi' their uuiuerou*customers, whilst
another of the firm is daily in the auction rooms and im
porting house-- in New York City, securing the newest
and mo-t dc-iralile go >< the very lowest rates, (as
they buy exclusively for ca-li) and as they sell for cash
only tluy have 110 10--cs to make up, and consequently
can and do sell o cheap as to defy competition. Time
and -pace preclude the possibility of mentioning half or
quarter ot the niaav ind 1 cement* whir h are offered t all
to trade at their popular establishment, and the X:.w
AovrurisKM-'M's will from week to week give but a limit
ed idea ot the many advantage- t-i be derived by calling
oil ' A. T. MARSH A CO..
No. .5. Union Block. Elinira, N. Y.
P. S. For further piit t'n ul,ii s,-ee New Adverti-cineiits.
a.-k those who have called, and go see fir your-elves.
IJow Just Hear what ivTarsh has been
and gene and dene
1ST —Went ' • New Y rh on Monday night.
I 2d-—Bought lot* of New Goods <-r the very latest and
most desirable styles, a few of which will I- mentioned
in our new adr-rti-cm"iits, but most of which must be
seen in order to lie appreciated. *
! We intend our st ick -hall be inore extensive than
eves, and last, though not least. we -hail
and as cheap as we, ran afford to and pay our clerks
enough * 1 keep the ..1 honest. We would j-i-t s.iv that
our facilities continue t > !-e sneh that we w ill be enabled
to offer extra inducement.- to all to bin- Drv Goods of
MAIt-I-i A Co.,
Xo. 5, ITTion Block. F.laiir i.
"LVe 'vc ?ot 'cm !
I je-tahb- bustle-, made by Ponglas A Sherwood. N w
York* ity, are emphatically the best thing ever got up
in the shape 0: Skirts. To !>e iiad only of
M IKSH A CO.. Union B!
ros. SALE.
1 sold for sluu. which i- S ■ 1 le-s than the regular price.
Also, 1 seruml-hand do.. been used but little ; regular
price ilj, will In .old fin s.">o, by
A. T. M tIiSH A CO.. Union Block.
MORE uf those Fancy llead Dress Pins
. at MARSH A CO.
) NEW piet-cs .-plei.riiri Black Dress SILKS
'3 at ss ami 10- a yard at M MJSiI A o'S.
1" GTS of Linen Tapes in all widths ; also,
-J extra wide twilled Cotton Times.
1) EEDS ! Plain Brass Hoops ; Spiral do;
V patent covered Steei Hoops—lot* and lot.* of 'em
ju-t received. MARSH A CO.
DOINGS, I'nsertingM, Rami*, < dl.trs. Sleeves and
_IL Sett-of the newest -tries Just opened.
TI7INDOW DRAPERY, both in Muslin
It and Lace, of splendid -tyle-. MARSH A CO.
PLAIN all wool PeLnines of every color
and best grades for only 3B a yard usually sold for
is ; also Figured ones same price : also a splendid as
sortment of the newest Be sian Figured Pel-nines tor on
ly l:*Cd a yard ju- opened. MARSH A CO.
fTUIE latest style of lIATS and CAPS, at
JL_ March 10." 1858. _.M •N TA X YLS.
OX Tuesday. March 23, between this place
and Brown town, a BLACK FORTMONLL, with
about seventy five ecnU in silver and note:-, one of 56,
jlfi.and 177
' March 31,1?58. JACOB MM \N.
TS NOW RECEIVING u. larpe stock of
I FAMILY GROCERIES, which are offered i r sule ut
as low prices a? the same quality of Goods can be bought
anywhere this side of the City of New York.
CMELD PEAS, far sate at
-L March 23,'1363. FOKTs.
HOMMONY, SAMP, Wheat-Grits, 00-
mcal. Tapioca, liiec L lour, Maccaroni, Vcrini iUa.
] Corn Starch and Farina, fcv sale at
, March 25,1858. FOXTU
I A' MUSTARD, ground and whole, at
I March 25, 1858. FOX'S.
; tl Sauce, Tomato Catchup, Bi.kies, Sardine*. Ac.
March 25, 1858. FOX'S.
j ' f seed : the best Field Bean in the country. c_t
March 25, 1808. FuX'S.
M APLE SUGAR—Ant quantity for sale.
. March 25. 18.58. " FOX'S.
Dried blackberries, Ru-pUi
lle-and A; pies, at
March 25.1858. FOX'S.
M"oilE FRENCH DIMITY, m-oiveil bv
113 grade from 12 to $0 a yard at MARSH .t CO.
Ticjva Pcint
Agricultural k Jiindiuii Iron Works,
WULIZ!3, £ZaCO}3 &L Co., Proprietcrs.
subscriber would re-j.ect'ully inform his I'rXmla
L and customer-, and the publ'.e zencrnlly, that l.e ha
formed a co-partnership with Mr. JOHN p. BLOOD, of A1
buny, X. Y.. (who ha - tor several year- i eea Saj erint ...
dent ot Messrs. Emery Brothers' Agri .ulturul W ;k->.)
and with Mr. B&wukl N. BLOOD, oi Wwrcnter, Ma -..
■ (Machinist and Tool Builder, and lute Superiutomtent -f
i tlie AinericHii Ilo.p Mnehine Company of i'iteiiburg,
i Ma.--., under the firm name of WE..LLS. BLOOD A C;
and that we have leased for a termol year- tl.e 1 xlea-ivv
end well known Iron Work-, of M>-rs. Shipuun A
• Welles, at this place, and united the Tioga Point Agri
cultural Wcnks with the .same, fi>r the rnaiK.latt'.ie ol
Agricultural Machines, Implements, Ac-, wig which
, will be Emery's Endlew Uiiuin Railroad lb r-e Powers,
Threshers and Clcaaen, Thresher* and Separators, Pur
t ible Cir uilar and < r -cut r.v Mills, Cider Mill-. Dog
Fower*. Clover Hollers, Feed Cutters, Fuming Mills,
Plows, Harrows, Cultivators. Shiugk Machines, Kirby'a
; M avers and Reaper-, A c., of the most improved nan rn
-1 and construction. We are prepared t > do all kinds cf
! Mii' liinery Casting :mJ Rep -iriug. and have ;> r s.i'e i.
larze stock of lir-t cl-jsa stt'aiu Liigine-;. Machine-: , ami
Ca-tings, nmuutucturcd by and g ::g to .Me-:-:-.
, Shipinaii A Welles.
1 Both of the Messrs. Blood are skillful and experienced
; practical mccbauh s. Our ilachine-ry will nearly all be
I new with the latest improvements, and with t!.- an
cot ragement ifforded by the patronage of a discerning
' public, v.e expect to have the reputation of d'dng tli-t
cla.-s work and luakiug the bct Agrieulturil Ma.'niuc
in use. " R. M. WIiLLL.d.
Athens, January, 185 S.
Our past iiiuividual experience in the 111 uir.fiteinre.
• -ale and use oi Agricultural M.. hint- and Imjilemeiit-',
and aNo in genertil Ma •liiue and Steam Work, th our
excellent facilities, afforded by Machinery, jirineipii!!;. • !
our owu con.-truction, with the very late.-t and best im
provements, and n!-o for pro •uring the very hest mate
rials and stock of all kinds ut cheap rates, will enable us
I i-> manufacture better machinery, at same pi ice-, than
that of other inaliulactuier*. and also compete with the
, world in pri cs and quality and material and workmau
ship of all kind- of Agricultural linpltmcuts, and in nil
1 kinds of Casting and Job Work.
; We shall pay especial attention t the initnufacturi of
the \c-ry best of Plows and Plow Casting-. We intend t .
| make ea lings f. rail the lei ding pfi.w.- in u-e i:i our vi
; ciuity, and shall take great . are l i u.-e only tl.e Li l ma
j terhii. Our j low woo tier is from the l-est and ui" t cele
brated eastern mannf'in t<-ry. We invite all interested in
! " home mauufucturei'' to cull m! -t e our works.
1!. M. WKI LLS,
' .1. P. BI.OOD,
.5. X. BI.OOD.
SOLE la K A/i'i IK R,
A 1' \ ER V L 0 W PItIC F. S.
Al-i. Upper I .eat her, French and American Calf Hkins,
Kip bkins a large u—ortmci-t of M >rueco. Linings, Find
ings, and other goods suitable for the season.
11 ' f eur own muimfar■tme, constantly on hand,
wade to order, all ol which wc offirat re
p*. dured prices. HUMPHREY 4 WICKHAM.
j Towanda. January 5,1-.5-.
W-DIL MA' KlN'""rill. J'li.X
j'itn TIST, will be l uil 'l at his old quarters in
Pattou's Block. IN belore, permimently.
Persons fruia a tii-taiice w ill 1 lease send word before
j coming, a- busine-- ii 1- I- cue .1- ffouri-biug ..s former
• 'v. "(he mo-t binding kind ol warrantee will l e given, if
rcu'iired. for goi 1 reliable work.
Towanda, March 1, 1858. JOHN M VCKIXTiI.N'I.
M O N T A N Y !• ". S
Are 11 uw receiving tht ir Spring and Suiiiiuer .--tock of
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods.
flints k ?!)ur /iiiMngs t Irnihrr,
' Which will be. sold at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Cor. Public Square and Main st.
! 1:. JJ. MOMANVt, \ April 12.1-.'-. | P.P. XONTAMTK.
IS now reopiviiij* a laryrc stock of SI'KING
. GOODS, coiup: i.-ing < verytiiing that is su • it".; de
' -irable, which will bo sold as u-tul. at prices far b"-.-thai.
1 at any other establishment in tilt country,
Believing tli it long credits and the u' is.- of the credit
' -y-tem geio-ially, have been the fuu-e 01 thegre .' cum
! iiiercial it vul-ioii which lias ! rought the wic le • ouutry t..
! the verge of bankruptcy, end that a continuance ot the-e
i causes inu-t irt a -till creator degree pr sic. -e ti:c -.11 i*
| result-: and It Levin tint it is far better tnr bath the
1 merchant ,1 d li'.s nistomrr. that the evil ie>w he
correctel, i lake this method ot announcing t" m.v t u--
tnmers and the p'lhlic tint my In: ant a will heieatter
be conducted stri* t!y upon the ready pay .- y-i- 0, and
(•hall fciitleavor to maki it nn 1 t . ilio-e wi-iiiug t >
! buy goods for CASH, to favor me with tie. ir patron ige.
| f ovaed 1. Mai ch 2ff. 1-58. JOSEPH POWELL
VTTKNTD >N is e-ribil to tlm fuct tlant
. S. 'A*. ROGERS it now fin town. nr. 1 oflbra hi* ser
vices to thou 1 wishing it, in fining Pianos, repairing
| and tuning Hek Icon , . Ho con at* 1 famish tiu
j atwve lu-trumcnL* clieup as tlie cheapest. Ail Instru
I meets ially warranted. Call.- tiom the country prompt
lv attended to.
Hi* partner, LEVI WELLS, i-a Tnseanra, can .1 -J be
j called en in any of the above department-.
Towanda. Fib. tl, 1858.
GHOEM VKERS <•;>ri fhul cv rytliing it.
■ O their line < f bubine-s, tt
j Murch in. I-■*. MONT AN YES.
J") ESPECIT I'LL A" inform- b form' r riift-an-n n>i
I the publi generally, 1. at be has removed his
To one door south of Trarv A Moort's -tore and irume
diatejy opposite P. ('. Hall - Move uiul Tin Store Ma• t
He Batters himself that from In- long experience 111 bu
siness he will be able to plea-v wbn may f*v. i lorn
with their custom. Owing to tin <'ow prr>*urc in t; e mo
ney market, lie will make Coat- from #2 50 to *5 #oea '1
i and otiier work in proportion for BEADY PAY.
! Country Trouuce in payment, will u-t i iefe >*! f
j oflvred. Towand-i, March 2n. losßi
STONE WARE - A prp.'it variety on hand
\nrii 21. t-ss. WM- A. ROCKWELL'S .
HA.TS AND CAPS —A !ar;.e vsortiQAut.
The n.-ual assortment of ilardu.irc. Nails
and Cutlery ut WM A EOCRWEt.I.
/l. |J In r*ty pi<"en, (ill person* indebted to the e
t -te <>f U'.tf. If. RKIFSN' YDEIL late of Albany t'.v.ishto.
d'caned. u:e rcqu< ni. •! to nrke payment without de
lay ; fttsu all per-um, having .m~ against said e*-tate whi
please present them d-dy „ tiie::;:.. te,i f.r -ettiemant.
War in. IdAfe. Administratrix.
0' ~~H PH A NS* CO CUT SA LE —By virtue
of an tinier of the o:pb j-' (J ■ -.riot' Bradford- Co ,
tviil Le fxpo-ed to | u! lie sale < u the I retiri-ox. 011 SAI
UIrPAY, JUNE IC. or 1 \l.-k. P.M.. tb f-Roaring
red) estate. •ituntc in So,';, .li- id twp., BmKttl county,
b uii ed as foil w<, to wit • —Uvginui'iT "t j post ;n toe
divhdon. iiae of the i. 1' sI. a IL Potter hra unJ land* ol
I let ard P. f, i t the sr.i t;' t Conner i f lands of said
Rich rd 1< c, thence north V e~ *. ' i 4 lu perches to
paet. UICIJCO m r'.h 74 c c .-t cii 7-10 pet el.#. t > a pv*t,
t it:: •• -outli 2 west 7 j 2-1 u p.-r tup -t. theme north
S7 we-t V 2 6-1 ' pc-re ics t> t..e p.a eof beginning. Con
taining 2J act e. and UO perches, L* the amn* more tr
Springfield, May li. I*'!-. Aduuni-tratrix.
ORPHANS' ( ©URT SALE.—By virtoo
of an order of the f>rp!.ans' Conrt of I'.n dfcrfl Co .
w,.l be (KMMd t-. public aide • the pretaiaea,n .MoX
UAY, JUNE hi. .n'.S, ut 1 o'clock.P. M.. the following
lot ofhii-i .ate i.i V-Vfj t •wnslrit;. Lite 'be
c-.tate of Charlotte Siiepaid. dreiae l. hoaniied as fl
--lo'.va, io v. : t ; £e;iniiug in the centre cf'b : ror.d leading
from Elmi.a to u , get . MJlaatt'e m-r.'i Ct-.t evTin t
oi Andrew J. Ml hi s 1 t. thence i:o.h C 4° we-t 11 ti-16
ptroiies 11 aii t nd A ,ce-, the north wv-t conicr of
p.Vd Miller's i t, .i.e: c n .t : < ?"*'■> ca.t 4 '2 lo pcrcbe* to
a port end atone.. t'i>_ cc south Ct° eat 11 'MO per. to
the i-ntio of -aid road, thetices< i b it 0 weal 4 ti-lb |iiav
to the plate ol beginning. C.. ;,t ..ung 44 6-10 percbe*.
inore or It-,-;, with a framed bost-e and a 1 rained Lara
tUcreua. Terms nude known <•; div ■ f sal*.
jAULi 11. BRINK,
AVell*. May 12.1 : 39. Ail'ui ibtrator
of A,i i.rj rof the Orphan-' C'ouit of BiotTord Co..
| '.-ill be i aji .i ii ti ;ii.Ac role. 'ii the ] 'tinl-.c-s. "a
j THURSDAY. the P t'i div of J EXE. l w i*.at 1 o'clock,
the ollowi.ig >i s .ribc - property, late the catatw
! o'R ortl Kr-i-fc. tie u .
| All trai 10l Lin 1 sht:a; in the town-lrp of Rirr.e.
io said ccmr.-ty, out-led md described a ■ follows, Uz •
• Ti.e f, it lit . then :th by the id of land hereinailof
de-. rbei.onr ;-c.<-t br lands of T. J. Loot, <ni the ?mti.
;iiij *e-t by Buihud's tret-k ar.d .lacob tVurthinjr. COJ
j tain ,g s i. :ie-, with a Iruntilhou-e aud yarn therem.
I ALSO—One • tht ;• let mlj lining the !a>; c.cnti'
i cdlotoa the wit -i .e. B- rntnina nt a corner ca tu
Warrant in.- on II nlatd's Crtck on the ol the be,'o:
I roenlloiied i •'. thence by the- corner of the warrant its*
j nearly a u >rth c >urse -b 4 west to a j> >-t !a the corner
jo: the I- u, thence by the ceutte o; id r-ad to tht said
I cr> ithciicc i the ant cicek as mth easterly corner
t > the ; 1 ice f t-er:n ing. C nit'.'.iiiing three acres, ja.rn
or le-v.
Alas')— One >t. ; i- r lot is lag on the north "ids of arid
i adjoining the two tots before d- scribed ; Beginning at a
j p .si en nt oivi ioa Hdp, tbestt a nth vj° ol p,-,.
II a post, u c iru-i o: Lewis hr-df. theace al-ng
; line south l c we t .',l per. to a po.->t. thence north 51 West
j 6? per. along 9 piece of land belonging to T. J. Lcnta>fl<t
i the Corner o; the two herein' "h>re dc.ur.btd lots o; land
j t) a jio-t, >i corner of the 10.-t described lot in tie divi
-i'l.i line, thence invrth I 1 east ciong the a.,id d vi.iou
line . i j,'-, to 1i... j hue of beginning. Coutaiilag l i
. acre, a-.d 12 per iled.
i ALs.i—i >r.e other parcel orb tof load lying n -rh of
i 'no -. d l i-t nittrtioi.'i d lot, beginning at ibe south .vest
i coi.iei oi U' lit X >. OS i i the warrantee iiatne of
i toseph id.. ,tip i-t thenoe north 1° east along the ve.4
lii.e oi ... Warrant Isrp. i. ton post, thence noitb 1*
; w i-t akxig the aouth Km of said warrant 47 vi'j pur. to
• tb,- 1 egiiiiiing. Containing f.O acres, and lii pereho-..
j The i bo\c p.! j e;ty Col.laius at nit s5 aetcs, of whkia
; about iiU are improved. Upon it u larire Tavern at nil,
j barn and other > utbuihlin rs. There :* ul-o near the Tav
! ern a (rlcbr. ted Mineral Spring.
Ti E- It, tus ii SATE* will l e one quarter "f the pur.h „ J
i inoiie-v , 1 the beiauce ia nu > at iiiFtultn'nts of Si4o
j with in talent. JoIIN McM AHON,
1 iji.ardiari ti ra: aor children of L'an I O'Keito.dvtt'd.
May 5, 1 -a-.
a. A ii lie i \ given, thi-t uli peraons i'ldebted to the
est.-te o. I 'i Fl'Obl, vie cased, late- of R-,m<*
• tvvp, • -hi 'die It- inihe |iayinerl without delay,
u.u all par-ions havingdem '.Mis .tgain t said eatate ato
j ic-ipiested to pt'cseal the.., uuly autlieuticated for settle
I meiit. " JANE O. FROST, 4. Ftb Administratrix.
i a. A i- ltei-eby triven.thut all peraoiuiindebfed to the
| late* ni t'fl Ai.'.TY bU.WKS. ile 'J.. lnte oi Michigan,
tare litrebv to make payment without de-
I lay; aud all person- it.iv ing i lalui-, a-, .urt said estate vv iil
I plea-c prcsoiii tbc-m duly authenticated tor settlement.
May t. 1:-."> H.,ir.
T \. in hereby given, that all iv-i sons indebted to the ee
| tate ol i.'.uisii.s liillftte. d e'd . Lite - f C'alii-^nii.i. are riy
' quested to ni"ke jteynre• t without delay ; and all pci-s, ns
I having ,'iaims ax-tiii-* --aid < tate. must present them duly
; aatiicntieatcd for sett'eineut, to the suhaeriiwrs.
May 4. 1 5.",4. Administrator.
Vf AKSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of
1 -'1 writ of Yend,iioT: ; . Exponas issued out of the Cir
j enit Court of tiie United States, for the Western Disti iet
• I'entisv lvania, and t>> me dins fed. there will be e.\p,,s-
I ed to peblic Kale, at the Court Ui,,isr. in Wilfiainsport,
! IVunsy va.iia. tKekth day of MAY next,
; it 2 <•'• i >. k. J'. M.. the i-iioviiiig deseril ol property, t-
Jit: Aci it.-ii tract id l .nd. situate in Springfitid totvn-
I diip. I Ira el ton! county. I\nnylvaiiia. routaining tw<*
: bundled a les.uiorv or i, -- : out hundred acres, more > r
loss., Icaicd ;b- ded on tie north i.y land of Stepl cu
1). I?arsnc--, on ilie ca-f by I.iud of Ja, (ib HnrktiWfc at;,]
~ tiieis. on tiie tlt by land eit Taiiuian lb I tea rd-ley,
ind i t lie we tby lands of Jacob JhtiLnc-. and otlier,
with the ti '.anc, -. roi:sisti:ig of or,e dwelling boi.stj
painted white, three Lams, one w.ico'i shed, one corn
h ><nc. ami other n:itbiiiid'MK s , also an ore hat d of apf>!
I tree-,. >• ,j. ( s-n >n ■ . otioc, and to be seld aa Lw
; property of John fT.rkie-s
J \MKS (1. CAMPIH LI.. Marshal.
Murshil's i ifll e. W hiam-poft, March 31, ls^t.
1 j- X I- lure by pi ven, tint ail ntrn ns in i-l,ted to the p.-.
j tate ol !.v. K.itiis, late "l Sluiniiug bur., twp , doc','.
are requested to make pi • "in lit without delay; aid n ! l
i uer e-ii-having claim- igv.u-t estate, meat pretext
j litem dulv autlieuticated, to the subseriber.
A Li: \ A N I' KXXIS,
April fi. WW. Admi listratnr*.
a*. U Imrcby given, that >ll imuMn iwk'litcil ttt tb* c*
| tate of J'diT: I It-,:l. >'• <\.-eu, Tcif• of froy township,
. are reqneeted to uutkt payment withwut demy ; and all
: jk,-o;i- i.e.v in;; is oust c.ihi -, itc ,1! plcueupta •
i sent tlicui dele authcuticat, 1 |,,r settlement.
i April l'J.l Administr.itom.
' k I>Ml NisrilA rillX NOTlCE—Notice
| T\ is !.re,v given, t! M a 1 ! persons indebted to thaoa.
tate of !--j • All* ii, la * e of \Yi:> tvvp., decensed. Bra
' iTqi:fs;,j to in ike.payine: t n Mhout delay; and all pcr
| s ins hai >ig ■ ; acaintd aid i st; t•. im..: precmt thout
: -July -iuUiei.tieat' d f< r settlement to the ■ai l >sci;bt r.
J April R, is .-. AdmttiisUnitrix.
LWi'.C! I'OR'S XOTlCK.—Notiee is here
i.J 1 v . '■ 11.lie ril oer-i.ns i; -icbtr.l to the estate of
i WI;,!,(A\I BRINK. 1„| II I" t'.vp.. deceased,
I make immedi.'t- p vm<-..j. I I! eejwpna hiving de
■ in tude ag.iim-t • . J est.i'.i*. wi:l pre .ent ti.CUI duty authin-
April 2', l->.", Vi . Evocator.
OXECUTOITS NOTiri: -Notice 18 here
in l-v vAc that a!'per 'oils indebted to the estate of
N i.'s "1 .'in ! (k r.i-i .l. late of Canton t iwii-dPp.
I an ro,incited t- raaliq jvaytnent wiihoiit delay; tho-a
Lavingdem :nil-"cra nst nil estate will present them duly
s>ithet;!ie;it< d for -etll- mcnt.
AprillVW, U'M. S. JAYXE. Executor.
i I >.M! \ ! ,STR ATi >:. >,\ ©TI <IE-Nat im
as is lieiebv given, that nil per- ::s inde'oted to the c
v.ite ,j, V.'m V. C'apper, iv"i!. ! t'.c off c-, aiori tow a
ship :'e hi rei y reqiir-tt d to make payment without Je
lay; nitHp ma 1 lavingrltdniaaßviMt sai>! estatew jil
i L-a. >1 cm .nt di.iv ■ ithciiii'.iUd f>t settlement.
\i •• 1 27. Pi',4. _ Admiiiistratoi.
W AX TI :i_>.
; nil ) Btisliclcs of O its lor which we-will
t}\ "rl f |,.] venh mi deliverv.
Towai'da April Kh 'BAILEY !i XEVIN?.
A at the I're-bv teruii Parpo sue. in this Borough, of
"towards. Apr.l
/ 1 ACTION—The ptthiic tiro hoteliv cntt-
Vj tloned ogsiD.'i purchasing a note given by the f-nh
scrtber to U'ni. Derm n, or r arer. ilaied April 10. 1 ■>/>>,
for 475, payable at J -iah AXbitcV house, in Lit ■•'afield,
on the Ist of April. l s i a . as- the said note—as frauduh •
]v obtained, and I sha',l net pv t!ie '■imo u.ile.-j. corurell
ed bylaw. " Wfl P. ARNOLD.
| Warien, May !