Jfnau's Drpartmrut. meadow or Mowing Lands. Now thot Mowing Machines are so rapidly ; coming into use, those farmers who work tlieiu are compelled to bring their meadows in a better surface condition tlinn when the scythe only was used ; as, on a good bottom depends greatly the success, or the want of it, of the machine. Some mowing lands are frosty, us it is termed ; that is, heaving np, by the win ter frost, of the spongy soil which overlies the i hard pan beneath ; aud when the (rost is whol ly out of the grouud, it settles unevenly, oi liuramocky, and requires the aid of a heavy roll er to crush it baek to un ct leaves the ground in the Spring, and a heavy roller too, to bring all the hummocky turfs, and small stones, down to an even surface. The meadows should be gone thoroughly over, too, to cut and take out all rooty grubs or brushes that may have sprung up since the last haying. Where roots are left in the ground, thcyfrequently send up thrifty shoots late in the season, which, if left uncut, will be sure to; break or cripple the machine in passing over ; them. All these shoots, and the grubs from i which they spring, are best taken oijt by the roots at once, by the grubbing-hoe, or axe. It is now a good time, also, to examine and ; see whether any bare spots are in the mead-1 ow ; and if so, sow thciu with the proper grass j seeds, raking them thoroughly in with a sharp i iron tooth rake ; or if the barren spots are ; large, with a sharp toothed harrow. Let the j meadow be covered with gra-s ia every part ; ! all low places drained ofT, that the young grass j lie not drowned, or foul stuff come in, and this should l>e among the first labors of the open ing season. RAISING TLKK K VS. —A correspondent, writing from Michigan, October 4th, gives the follow ing as his mode of raising turkeys. It is his opinion that farmers can raise a pound of fowl easier aud cheaper than a pound of pork. lie says : " Heretofore I have been unfortunate in rais ing turkeys, but this season I have adopted a different mode—a plan of my own invention— by which I have been successful. Others may have adopted the same course, but not to my knowledge. " Young turkeys are very apt to die before they attain the age of three weeks. 1 came to the conclusion that the fatality among them was caused by vermin, heavy feed, and cold, , damp weather. My method this season has been this : Take the eggs of the first laying and set un der hens ; the second laying let the turkeys hatch. Two or three days before hatching sprinkle the nest and fowls themselves with sulphur. When the young were hatched, I took a little sulphur, gunpowder and lard, mix ed, and greased tin ir heads and necks, to keep olf the vermin while the young brooded. If it ; does not remain on, in eight or ten days put on another coat. MODE OFFKEDIXQ.—I took equal quantities of wheat bran and Indian meal, and wet with ■ sour milk, or lnppered milk, with a good lot of tine cut schieves once in two or three days in with it, aud fed them till a month or six weeks old ; then lessen the uran. Feed thcin early in the morning to keep them from rambling in in the dew. LATE POTATOES —Tiw of Planting. —For late potatoes, location pennitt ug, we would pet them in between the 2Utli of April and the 10th of May. AFTER Oi/rritE.—As soon ns the potatoes begin to come up run a harrow through tliern over the rows. This process—destroys grass and weeds ; insure* a general stand and serves as a cultivation of the potatoe. When the po tatoes are up three or four inches throw a fur row from them and turn it at the same time, so as to leave a slight flat hill and strew four bushels of ashes over the vines. In two weeks plow again, preserving its flatness. The weeds aud gra*s on the rows must be relieved by the hoe and hand. At this working strew over the vines on each acre a mixture composed of 5 bushels of ashes, 2 bushels of salt and 1 bush el of plaster. In two weeks alter this give a third and last working, increasing the size of the hill a little, preserving its flatness, arid by repeating the top dressing before advised. C>l ANTITV OF SEEK PER ACKK. — It requires from 12 to 15 bushels of potatoes cut into sets to plaut un acre. To PREVENT HENS SETTING. —Make a small open pen, of laths ; or some similar material, in oue corner of your hen house, about eight inches wide and of any convenient length and height. Let one of the laths or slats be so se cured that it may be easily taken out or mov ed to oue side, so that a hen can be conven ient!} passed or taken out of the pen. On the bottom of this pen, and running lengthwise through it, set up a couple of laths one edge, and fasten them about the same distance from each other and the sides of the pen. Hun a small perch across the pen and the work is done. When a hen wishes to sit, put her in there.— She will soon find that she can walk leisurely ou the floor, or roost comfortably on the perch but she cannot sit without " riding on a rail," and that they seem to think i-'nt decorous.— The length of time for which they will have to be confined will vary somewhat, and in ob stinate cases it may be necessary to put a few pegs or tacks into the edges of the laths.— Gcnnesee Farmer. Yocvo FRCIT TRF.KS. —Young fruit trees which lack vigor of growth from too poor a soil, should be stimulated with a good coating of old manure spread around them and spaded in as soon as the frost leaves the ground. All fruit trees, except of the largest which do not staud in ground kept constantly cultivated by the hoe, should have the soil for several feet kept well spaded around them. Soapsuds, es pecially for peach trees, are fine. STRAWUI;KKY IJKIS.—They should be kept free from weeds and grass, well watered when bearing. To keep the ground always moist and the fruit clean, various methods are adopt ed, the favorite being a mulch of spent tea. It keeps down the weeds, yields a tannic acid, io eps Uie ground iuoi t,aud preserve: the fruit Yam dirt and sand. Xlliscelatifons. TOWANDA HARDWARE CUTLERY, IRON AND STOVE STORE. ; Stovt V r " n Mr " ami Oils, House Trimmings— all kindsnfCamage trimmings. Seat Cloths and lowes. Carriage VfKu ..tii.'-r' Tools—CrossCut, Mijl /" ~ and Circular Saws, Blacksmith J Hammers and Screw Plate*, Axes. Broad Narrow, loath and Hand Hatchets-' able, bog. Trace and llaltr, Chains, CiuwUrs, Picks, Shovels U 'iV>v KKTANP TAPLE CUTLERY—Shears and Scis sors, Edge Tools of all kind", Bra-sand Enameled Kettle*. S'u.vel and Tongues. Spoon- and Indies. Tuhs aud Bails, Mops and Washboards, and all other kinds ol house-keep ing implements. i In the II \RI >WAIIE line, Brass. Brittanm, Jappaned and Plain Tin Ware, single or iu setts. Bar. Band, Scroll and Hoop Iron. Steel of all kinds. Nail Bods. Ac. Pumps, l ead Pipe and all the ne. e-ary fixtures for water works. Patent, Stivt. bed !■> ether Belting and String beat icr, and 10,000 other articles too numerous to mention, that we are now receiving direct from the hands of nianotac tnrers andimporters, including the largest assortment , and greatest variety of STOVES Coal and Wood Cooking. Coal and Wood Parlor, Dining- ( Room. Six Plate and Cyliuder. ever brought into Northern Pennsylvania or Southern New York ; all of which we are now prepared to sell at wholesale or retail, at as low rates, and on as good TKKMS as can he found this side of New-York, from the fact that all our goods were bought of first hands and in full packages and large quantities, that gives us an advantage over smaller purchasers aud |)rv Hoods dealers, that will enable us to sell from 6 to 1". 'per cent, less than anv of them, which advantage we shall offer to any who will favor us with a call before pur chasing elsewhere. A large quantity of Tin ware. Stove Pipe and Elbows alw.n-on hand, wholesale and retail. All kinds of Job, Work done to order, on short notice and warranted. Don't mistake the place to buy STOVES and HARD-! WAUR cheap—one door South of Fox s, and nearly op posite Tracy & Moore's, Main street, i t the new Wood Building, httrrrd allovrr. . I Drain and Country Produce, old Iron. Brass, Bnttania ; and Copper, Dried Fruit of all kinds, Feathers and Bees wax wanted for goods. 10,000 Sheep Pelts wanted, for which the highest price ilk CASH will LIE paid. Towanda, April 2, DWb K. WATKOP* H. M. SEWAItn E. 11. COOK. HWATROUS As Co., DEALERS IX • HEAVY §• SHEI.FJtAIiDWAHE, No's. 1 & .'I, Water st. Elinira, N. Y. We have recontly made large additions to our extensive stock, and have now on hand a complete assortment of ev ery description of Hardware, which we offer at the lowest cash prices; consisting of Mechanic's Tools, Building Ma terials, Iron and steel. Nails and spika, Hopes ami Cord age, Paints, Oils and Class, Mill saws of every si/.e aud shape, either Mulay Cang or Circular. Machine Belting, of all widths, hoth of India Rubber k leather. Class at wholesale. We are prepared to supply Merchants with Class, Nails, scythes. Folks, Ac., at Man ufacturers price*. Tin, sheet iron, and Copper work ou hand or made to order. CORTIJ ACTOR'S TOOLS—Wheelbarrows, Ames' Sho vels, Blasting Powder. Ac. Agents for Rich A Wilder's Patent Salamander Safes, Fa ir!tank's Platform Scales, and \\ eleli A Crillith s <_ ircu lur saws. loirge sizes up to GO inch, always on hand and sold at Factory Prices. Particular atteutiou paid to orders by mail. Klmirn, April 7, 1850. _ n-4 12m ®Us(|utl);imu Collegiate institute, TOIVAXDA, BRADFORD CO., J'A. INSTRUCTORS. UK V.JAMES McWlbbl \M, Principal. Professor of An cient Languages and Mciitai and Moral Science : DAVID CRAFT, A. R., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. MISS A. ELIZA FRITOHKII, l'raeeptress ; Miss KMII.IE A. HITLER. Assistant: MISS '). IJOUIS A JENKS, Instructor on Piano; | Miss HELEN M. CARTER, Assistant Instructor on Pi ano and Mcloileon; MISS CLARISSA A. STOCKWELL, Teacher of French and Drawing. STEPHEN ( AI.IFF. Usher; Mr. CAN FIELD DAYTON, Steward. The Winter Term commences on Wednesday, Decem ber 2, and will continue 11 weeks, exclusive oi a reccs.- of In days at Christmas. EXPENSE* run TKKM. Payable invariably iu advance, or one half on entering the school, and orie half at the middle of the term—Fuel and contingencies included : Primary, per term, $ 1 oej, bedding, towel*, Ac. and the table silver at their option. Pupils entering the Institute arc pledged to the obser vance of the regulations, ami none will be admitted on other terms. Special exercise* are arranged without extra charge for those qualifying themselves as teachers for common schools. P. F. Uoi.r. Secretary. C. I>. WARD, President. August 12, |S."7. A. WLCKHAK, TI. MS. F T£a NOW IS THE TIME TO GET | TT MELAINOTYPES & AMBROTYPES CHEAP! \ G. H. WOOD I \ Has reduced his prices of oil finds of I • \ Pictures iri'h Cases, 25 per cent. [ J t for the Winter. Frames of all kinds kept on hand also at reduced pri j ces. (bind < a-es with Melainotvpes, 75 cent- ; alt other j kind- in proportion, ltemeinlier tlie reduction is only for I the Winter, and so improve the time. Rooms open at all j hours. Pictures taken in all kinds of weather (except ! for children.) All work warranted. Towanda, Doc. 8, 18.77. O. 11. WOOD. H.A~ DURBAN K'S BAKERY One Door Xorth of the J Card House. TOWANDA, PA. , AT? HERE yon can find a constant supply of Bread, Rusk, \ t Crackers, Cookies, Jumbles, and all kinds of Fancy i Cakes. it*' OYSTERS furnished by the quart or keg, or cook ed to order. err Particular attention paid to filling orders for parties Returning our sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon us during the past, year, and hoping by I close application to business to merit a contiuiuuice of the same, we remain as ever, your humble servant, j March Iff, 1-57. H. A. Bl PRANK. (T ARPKTINGS.—AII prices superfine aud J ingrain carpetings, just received by j Aprd a | \id A. Prince or bearer, dated Koine, January 25 or 20, ! 1858, for 4250 feet of hemlock lumber, to be paid on or ; before the first day of June next, s-iid note was given ; mi settlement, bv mi-take, and I shall not pay the -ame unle S compelled by law, as 1 have not received any COD* ! siderntioii for the-ante. DAN UUSSELL. | Bern, Feb. 2, Is ,s. /CROCKERY, GLASS W \ RE, Groceries, j " J Yankee Notions, Looking Die -c-, Wooden Ware. , and everything you want may be f r.d it the l i v -tic 'of kept. 15.177. WM. A ROCKWELL. Dnaincss Cards. DR ( HAS. M.TURNER, PHYSICIAN fy SI'RtIEON, otters his professional services to the inhabitants of Towamla and vicinity. Office and res idence in the dwelling recently occupied by 11. BOOTH, Esq., one door north of the Episcopal Church, ou Maine Street. ___ _ TA M ES M A CF AR LA N E, A TTORNEY fj AT I.A IF, TOWANDA . PA. Occupies tlie Office in the Union Block, formerly owned by John C. Adams Esq. 43~Hc will attend to procuring Bount v Land Warrants and i'ensions. March 22,1855. H. J. MADILI P- P. MORROW. MA DILL k MORROW, A TTORNE YS AND COUNSELLORS AT LA IF,—Office over Mercur's Store. Towanda, Pa. Towauda. April 2, 18. n- 13-tf DB. E.U. MASON, RN YSIC IAN A NL) SI'IIOEO .V, oflers his professional services to the people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at his residence on Pi lie street, where he can always be found when not professionally engaged- li. PARSONS, ATTORNEY AT J, I.A fV, TROY, Bradford Co., Pa. Office over V. M. A li - F. 1 .ring's Mare. Aug- 7.156. HENRY B. m kkax, ATTORNEY AT LAIT, TOWANDA. PA.; will pay prompt attention to business entrust! dto him. Collections made on reason aide terms, with prompt remittances. OCtH /A IT MORGAN, M. D.. PHYSICIAN \T A SUIIOEON. having recently graduated at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, attended the Hinckley' Hospital, and received a Diploma trom the Pennsylvania Hospital of Philadelphia, offers his profes sional service- to the |>c qile ol Moiuoeton and vicinity. N. B. Particular attention paid to OPERATIVE SCHGEKV. Office at his residence at Monroetoii. Dec. 8,1857. TALTIANAN SMITH, having returned to 1J Towanda. has opened a Law Office over Mercur s Store. Dec-1,1557. McC ABE'S CENTRAL MEAT MARKET', Between J. Kingsbcnfs A J. Powell's stores. the -lib-ciiber would respectfully tender to his customers and the public generally liissin jf gy ' ere th :nks for the very liberal patronage ex tended to him the past season. He solicit- a continuance of the same. He would say to the public that lie intends to keen con -taiitlv on hand a choice -election o! MEMS ot a!I kinds, the be-t the country afford-, which he intends to sell for very small profit-, either by the side, quarter or pound.— Please give me a call. _ Meats, Ac., will lie delivered on short notice, when ordered, at any place in '■ ie Corporation. Towanda, Feb. 12, l s ">7. J- Met ABE. TOWANDA FOUNDRY. rill IE subscriber continues to curry on the 1 Foundry business in Towanda, and is prepared to do all kind- of work in his line on short notice and in a j workmanlike manner. He will keep on hand or make to ! order Plows. Stoves, Mill Irons, Sleigh Shoes, Wagon j Boxes, and any article of cast iron that may lie required. ! Turning and fitting up work will lie done on short notice i and on reasonable terms. Persons wishing to purchase Stoves of any kiml will find it inneli to their advantage to buy at tlie Foundry, as they can tie repaired much cheaper. I'lease call and examine la-fore purchasing else where. Old east iron and Grain taken in payment.— Don't mistake the place- one door east of Mercur's Block. 1 would also say to those having accounts stand ing over six immths, that they must be settled without deiav. and th" c having notes that are due will do well to pay up and save cn.-.t. JOHN CARMAN. Towanda, Oct. 22,1856. j CBS GOOD SWISS SALVE 18 TIIF. GREAT CTKER OK FEVER BORES. I"T gives immediate relief from pain, and in as quick a time as it is possible for this disease to lie affected, it heals the wounds gradually and safely, after extracting all poisonous matter, until a permanent cure is made. ITS NAME As its name imports, this Ointment is of Swis- Origin, and is the most remarkable Ointment for curing old Sores .Hid Bad Legs ever known. Its curing properties seem to lie perfectly irresistible. *- Tlie receipt for making this rare inedi-ine, was ob tained from James Rondmi. an old Swi-s tar-maker in North Carolina, who brought it with him from Switzer land. AS A FAMILY SALVE, it lias no equal, both in its powers for doing good, and its extreme neatness as a CLEAN. SWEET, PURE. PI.EAS VXTOINTMENT, healing without the least injury everything to which it is applied. MOTHERS USE IT for their Caked. Broken and Inflamed Breasts with eharm j ing success. Thousands of Mothers are tlii- day blessing the hour iu vvliii h they first applied the GOOD S\\ ISS , SALVE. SAI.T RHEUM I and SCROFULOUS SORES and Swellings it rapidly cures by striking at the root of the disease and drawing the humors to the surface. IT NKVKK IIHIVKS TUKX IN WARD! Uudcr all circumstance- QF the case IT IS SAF E ! Good Swiss Salve cures Felons. Good Swiss Salve cures Piles. Good Swiss Salve cures Burns. Swiss Salve cures Bruises. Good Swiss Salve cures Flesh Wounds. Good Swiss Salve cures Toothache. IN SIIOKT. MU Wherever Pain or Inhumation exist, apply the GOOD SWISS SALVE, and yon will find relief. gar This Salve is put up ill LARGER BONES than Ointment in general, at 25 cts. it is also put up in large China pots, for the accommodation of Families and those who use it for Fever Sores where several boxes may be required, as it is one half cheaper. A pot holds 8 boxes and sells for one dollar. Hundreds of families keep it in this convenient form as a necessary household article. A. F. BARNABT, Ithaca, N. Y., sole proprietor. Sold by J. KIKHSIIKHV. Tnwnndn, Pn. SORH EYES ! /TO7TSLOFFE IS THE INVENTOR OF the eeie- VX liratcd ALPINE EYE BALSAM, which has gained such wonderful reputation throughout Europe and the United State®, it is extracted from plants taken direct frem the ALPINE MOUNTAINS,and prepared byJD r - Heimli c h Gottslotfe. a native ot Berne, Switzerland, and for many years Professor in the Berne institute, now a resident"of the U. S. This Hal-am is superior to any other eye medicine, be it salve or water. It is a safe and CKKTAIN crui: for all INFLAMATIOXS, PKKMATI KI: FAII.I'UI: or RIGHT, NIGHT BI.INIINKSS, Bi.ru OR FII.JI, PAIN ON Kxrn rev TO LIGHT, Ac., and always makes a (,'i K'K cure. TRY IT! li is recomended by all druggists and Phy-icians who have become acquainted with its vir tues. it /) - Eucli bottle bears his written signature.— Price 25 i cuts. A. E. Barnaby, Ithaca, N. Y., General Agent. Sold by J. Kingsbery, Towanda, Pa. TOWANDA ifemaie mMY. ITAIIE MISSES H ANSON rcspcrtfully inform the pnbiie .1 that tlie scholastic year will commence MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. continuing to July it. MissO. P. HANSON will have tlie general superinten dence of the school, assisted in Music by Miss REBECCA !>. HANSON, and in Freocli by Miss EMMA HANSON. Thankful for the jaitronagc already extended to tht ui, thev beg leave to assure those entrusting their daughters in their < hurgc, that every effort will lie made to deserve tlie confidence and lavor of their patrons. The school year will consist of four quarters, of eleven weeks ea h. The summer vacation commencing in July, and ending in September. A recess of a lew days will be taken nt the holidays. Weekly reports will be sent to the parents, who are requested to sign and return them. We can promise no improvement unless a scholar is regular aud punctual iu attendance. TEKMS, PKLL QUARTER: West Class —' To include the elementary English ) f ._ branches, and the study of the Latin language, j ' Second Class—To include the more advanced stu-) dies of the English branches, witli Mathematics, > $!• 00 and the study of Latin and French ) Third Class —To include Mathematics, Mental) and Moral Philosophy, Rhetoric, Botany, &c., - sl2 00 with Latin and French, I Each pupil will bring with her a desk and chair. There will be no extra charge whatever. Music—lnstruction on the Piano, with use of instru ment, will be given by Miss REBECCA D. HANSON, at #lO per quarter. Boarding for young ladies can Vic obtained in private families at reasonable rates. Pupils from a distance will receive tlie especial care of the teachers. They beg leave to refer to the following named gentle men :--Rt. Rev. Ai.oxzo POTTER. Bishop ot the Diocese of Penn'a, Philadelphia ; Rev. Dr. MACI.EAN, President of the College of New Jersey. Hon. DAVID WII.MOT, (*'•. F. MASON, C. 1,. WARP, JOHN F. MEANS. I). F. BAKSTOW, H. S. MERCUR, O. D. BAKT- I.KTT, K. O. GOODRICH, WM. C. BOGART. Towanda. BOOTS AND SHOES.—The largest and ino-t complete assortment of Boots and Shoes ever i xhibited in 'i' lwand.i, to which particular attention Ims I•!■. :! in trie purcha-p, atnl 'i will posithefy be -cbl le-s than it any "tlicr <-tabti-Lmcnt in Northern Pcanylvania, just received by Apiil G, 1.-op .LPOVNELL. Xiliscrluneons JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY! A. IWL Warner's New Splendu! Jewelry Store, one door north of Potions Drug Store, _ HAS just been opened witli the largest and mfahorany Chairs, of various patterns, IJo-ewood and Mahogany Hide and Centre Tables, Dining, Tea and Pembroke Tables, Stands of every kind, Cane, Flag and Wood seat Chairs, high Chairs, Children's Rockers, lledsteads, Bureaus, Lounges, Gilt and Rose wood Picture Frames, Iron Hat Stands, Corner and side do. of walnut and mahogany; Cradles, Cribs, Wardrobes, Cupboards, I .nuking glasses, Ac. ga'COFFINS, o( every size and quality, and will at tend oa all occasions w hen required. Tlie public are invited to examine my assortment before purchasing elsewhere,as 1 will sell chcupcrtliau any other establishment in Northern Pennsylvania. Towauda, August s, 1855. THE OLD STAND STILL IN OPERATION! jsprw*-TTIR subscriber would announce - -if*'' 'lie public that he lias now on pig-, -3Laud. and will make to order all kind- of CABINET FURNITURE, g.JI siieli as Sofas. Divans. Lounges. Cen- I'gl.i/| i. A1 tie, Card, Dining and Breaktn-t Ta )'..sJf. ;r-a- i'le. M.iliogany, Walnut. Maple and K V li iD'heny Bureaus, Stands of various 9L J 1L I kinds, ( haiis and lledsteads of every description, which arc, and will lie made ol the best ma terial and workmanlike manner, and which they will -ell for cash cheaper tiian can be bought in any other Ware room in the country. READY-MADE COFFINS, on hand on the moat rea sonable terms. A good HEARSE will tie furnished on Funeral occasion*. JAMES MACKINSON. Towauda. January 1.1857. CXIOCERXES, PROVISIONS, AC. West side of the Public Square, ojrpnsite the Court House. BAILEY k NEVINS are just receiving a large addition to their stork of Provisions. Groceries, Yankee Notions, Toys, Fruit, Confectionary, Ac., which will be sold wholesale of retail for cash, or in exhulige for most kinds of country produce, at prices that cannot fail to suit purchasers. Consumers or country dealers would do well to cull and examine our stock and prices. GROCERIES. Black and Green Tea, Rio mid Java Coffee, Chocolate, Coma, Sugar, Mobis.-es, Syrup, Ginger. Pepper, Spice, Cloves, nutmeg-. Mace einamon, Ground Mustard. Peppf r Sauce, Soda, Sulcratus, Cream Tartar. Sperm and Tallow Caudles, Bar Soap, Yiucgar. Starch, Ac. PROVISIONS. Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Rye Flour, Corn Meal, Feed, Pork, H:n i- A Shoulder.-. Mackerel, C-slli-h. Sliad, i..ike Trout, Pii keled and Smoked Herring. Cheese, Rice, Beans, Onions,"Potatoes, Butter, lavrd. Crackers, Ac. Ac. FRUIT. Prunes, Citron, Figs, Eng. Currants, Raisins, la-m --| ons and Oranges, Green and Dried Apples, and Peaches, Almonds, Pecan nuts, Prazil nuts, Grenoble and Madeira Walnuts, Eillierts, Peanuts, Chestnuts,Hickorynilts,Ac. G EHWAN, FRENCH and AMERICAN TOYS, FANCY Goons. Ac. Boys' Sleighs, Tin Wagons, China, Pewter A Wood Tea Setts, Dolls. Trumpet-, Toy Guns. Accordians, Har monicas, Glass, Paper and Wood Inlaid Work Boxes and Toilet Cases, Toy Bureau-, Secretaries, Ac, Pearl, Ivery, i Papier Mai he and Leather Port Monaies Wallets, Purses, Ivory. Horn and Wood Pocket and Toilet Combs, Totiae eo and Snuff Boxes, Cigar Cases, Tooth, Hair and Cloth Brushes. Fancy Mirrors. Perfumery, Hair Oil, Ac. Fooi.s I' M', Letter. Commercial Note and Bath Post Paper, Envelopes. Wafers. Sealing Wax. Ink. inkstands, Wafer Cups, Sand Boxes, Penholders, Pens, Wafer scales, Ac. Ar. TABLE ANII DAIRY SALT, Salina and Rock Salt, and CayugaGround Plaster. BAILEY A NEYINS. Towauda, November 26,1855. HE INSURANCE.—-The onderagnedis _ agent tor the following safe and reliable Companies: Parmer's Union Insurance Co. . Athens, Pa. Capitisl , #200,000. State Mutual Insurance Co. . Ilarrisburg, Pa. Capital, #200,000. Girard Insurance Co. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Capital, #300,000. These Companies insure against loss or damage by fire on the most reasonable terms. Dwelling Houses, Furni ture, Warehou-e-, Merchandize, Ac., and Farm Property insured for any length of time. All losses will lie prompt ly paid. ' C. S. RUSSELL. Towauda, Deeemlier 25, 18.56. ~ w- vm&m mwT pLOCTC k WATCH REPAIRER.—TIie vy undersigned is constantly receiving from New-York by Express, new additions to his Stock of Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, Silver ware, and Fancy Goods, comprising in part—Gold and Silver Lever. L'Upine and Plain Watches, with a full and complete a—ortinent of Fine Gold Jewelry, such as Gold chains. Lockets, Bracelets, Gold Pens, Keys, llrea-t Pins, Ear-Rings, Finger-Rings, etc. etc. Also", a large variety of Silver ware .such as Table and Tea Spoons, Cream spoons, Butter knives. Salt spoons, Speetae.es, to gether with an extensive assortment of Plated Ware—All oT which will lie sold very b>w for CASH. • 'LOCK-. A large assortment Clocks just received, of all descriptions, ranging in prices from i 5 cents to Fifty Dollars. Co Watches repaired on short notice, and WARRANTED to run well. Also, all kinds Clocks repaired. \V. A. would beg leave to say, that he is prepared to execute t lie most diflieult Jobs, such as can be done at no other Shop short of New-York city. W. A. CHAM BERLIN. Towauda, February 1,18.17. Patronize a Home Entcrprize ! A l>ook-l>indciy in Towauda! 117 E would respectfully announce to our friends and VV the public generally, that we have connected with our Printing Office and Hook A Stationery Store, a Plain and Fancy BOOK-BINDERY, and earnestly solicit the patronage of all who desire anything in the line. Having secured the services "of one of the liest binders in the I nited Stales, we flatter ourselves that we can give universal satisfaction both in workmanship and price. Therefore we pre-ent to tlie public tlie strongest assuran ce.- that we are prepared to bind in a workmanlike man ner, all kinds of ROOKS, among which we may name Bibles. Histories, Music, Magazines, Pamphlets, Periodi cals, Law and School Books, to order or pattern in French, Italian, German and English sli/lc ; in \ elect, Silk, Cloth, Leather and Paper. upon the most reasonable rates, for CASH, or ready pay 'Give us a trial. Particular attention given to re-binding Books. All work warranted to be properly executed. Plain and Fancy Paper Boxes made to order. Jan 1, ISSB. E. A. PARSONS. BOOKS 8L STATIONERY! *5-The attention of the public is requested to the very general and excellent assortment always on hand at the Argus Book and Stationery Store, first* building north of the Ward House. Call and examine our stock. BARCLAY COAL—THE BARCLAY RAIL ROAD AND COAL COMPANY have now on hand, aud will keep constantly for sale at TOWANDA, a large supply of their coal, at $2 50 per ton for Blacksmith Coal, and $3 00 per ton for Raked Coal. Apply for coal at Towamla to O. P. BARTLETT. Coal wilt also be sold at the MINES at $2 00 ]o made on sales by the boat load. O 1.7. 1 57. J. MACF MM. WE. Gen'l Snp't. 1 EXTRACTS lor Unvoting, tut sale cheap at W' FOX'S. ' DR. PORTER'S OFFICE & DRUG STOP,I SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE Fronting the Public Square. THE subscriber, thankful for the lilcral patronage of the past rear, intends to keep constantly on hand snrtment of the very best articles us-ally kept in our line, which HE WILL dispose of on such terms 1 isfactory to all who may patronize him. The purchases arc made entirely with cash in hand, and fur th, r customers will receive the lxmelit of a good article at a low price. All articles shall answer our reco i : .! "' and are warranted a* rtjn eseuled. • * Ojr- Medical Advice gratnitoosljr given at the Office, charging only for the leditiga The stock consists of a complete and select assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal use, London Porlcr k Scold. § ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDIClsts The most approved Trusses and Abdominal Supporters, Nursing Bottles R* pie Shells, Breast Pumps, Teeth Kings, Syringes, Catheters, &c. American, Knglish $ Chin Razors FRESH CAMPHENE & BURNING RUID-NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS I Superior TOBACCO dt SNUFF !—-Choice brands of Pure Havanna Prior. and Yara CIOAHS ! q Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window (.LINN, 111 llMus, l*erf umery, Sliatingw Fancy Articles, At. At. Ilair Dyes, Hair Restorer, Fancy Soaps, Sharing 1 Cream, Tooth Powder, Extracts f e K!!N '. >!! ' w,licll is P "bounced by all judges as'the be-t cook Stcv ! inaiket. It is especially adapted to the Farmer s use. As we have the largest and most complete Hardware Store on the New York and Erie Railroad, and wcicw purchase good- ... the host markets, and by keeping a full assortment, selling as cheap as possible.*.- k..|*t i 'l°?G m Ct * STOIiIW A Chlt® & NE W AMUNGE MEW i fed P 1 T T ° V fir A y.YC , JUST OPL.XED, Hi J ON THE CCRNER OF BRIDGE AND MAIN STREETS No. 4, Pattons' flock, Towanda, p a . rpriK subscribers wnoM respectfully inform thi ir the public that thee h v -formedacuwakwi A the Dug business, and are now reeeiving at No. , in Patton'- New I hi. k n't., k ft.oil the cities of ® phia and New Y oik. a lai ge and >\eii selected stock ot American, French aid I'm-li-li GHEMICALJ:, DRUGS, .MEDICINES, "GROCERB FAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, DYE STUFFS. Ss &&JB©3B £2" DRESSING COMBS, PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, PORT MONN.AE3. kc. " SURQICAL INSTRUMENTS, and a variety of tho most approved Tr® 5 ® Abdominal Supporters, Ac., always on hand. London Porter and Scotch Ale, and Pure Liquors, for Medicinal parp^ ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. Finishes for Ihc Hat, Ilair, Teeth, Hails, Boots, Painting, Varnishing, IVltilrwashin? The Lorers of GOOD CIGARS and TOBACCO, Trill find a large rarbh/ of choii If na, Yara and Principe Cigars, and the finest brawls of Tobacco and Snuff. fampheuc—Particular Attention paid to the Manufacture of B( ItUVh FU!I> And a fine assortment of LAMPS, of at! sizes and descriptions. Hint Crimes, Cups. X, A* and All of which is offered for sale at greatly reduced rates. Our stock \mn lar"-p and mnstlv pnrrha-.-' Inij-orter and ManuU.turer at the low. -t rates, and w itii Cash, enables u- to -eii at reduced i.ri. -- t ' i- : ' twfactory to all. \\ c invite tl.c attention of the public to an especial examination of our -toe* ot jood-audH Our Motto is —"THK CASH BYSTKM—QUICK SAI.KS- SMALL PROI'iTS/' Our Goods are selected with the utmost], arc au.l warranted to i.e what they ai* represented •if mv -1 : I the -ot,tr;jry. wo are not only willing but requester customer- to return them. and the m-nev- 'V ML. I AYNL will give Ins special attention to the preparation of PUEIiCUIPTIOXS whicli w ; ■ accurately on the shortest notice. JOSt i II G. |'A I! "> Towan.ia, June 2L lsiH. Ep'w't I;m P. i• A\Vt WAV ERLY ESTABLISHMENT. FII. BALDWIN, having purchased the • Marble Factory of this village, under the superin tendent of H. Hant'ord, the subscriber is happy to an nounce that the Marble business in Waverlv will now be conducted by him. He is constantly receiving ITAI.IAN AXD RUTLAND M A Hl'. I.K, for Monuments, Head-stones, Tomb Tabels, and Stand Tops, Paint Stones. Mullcrs, Ac. Having secured the services of (5. H. l'owtcits, who is well known to be the most perfect Artist iu the State, he o Iters unparalleled inducements to persona wishing to secure any of the above articles, in cheapness, style and Artisti ca! beauty. Waverly, N. Y., Feb. 3,1857. TOR RENT. ni* THE subscriber, guardian of the minor cliil 'PA dren of Daniel O'Keefe, deceased, oilers for IMlttjL ront v ery desirable property in Rome twp., iji JISS Bradford County, known n.s the Boine Spring* •rsSKrSS. House. The property com pi ises a large Tav ern House, barn, and out buildings. There is near .lie house a celebrated Mineral Spring, which in the posses sion of a proper person would attract many visitors. The Farm contains s."> acres, about 50 of which arc improved. Possession given on the Ist of April m \t. JOHN M'MAHON, Doc. 8.1657. Guardian. \\ r A NTEIV - i wish to port ha e l K) 000 11 feet of M.VILK SCANTLING 13 feet long, and inches square. Any one wishing to make a contract for any or alt, can do by Calling at my Furniture Ware Rooms in Tov.anda. Sept. la, 1857 CHE&TLK W ELLS. LIQUOR STORE. K FELTOX would lvsju'i tfiiliv in:>'nr Hall A Riis-err*. south vidp ,} the p.' ' ish those wanting 4>lTltK LIqM'ORS. u .^K thing in that line, lie his stock, purchasing of the original package. He IMD mt INHNI, anil lor s , quantity from a quart upwards:— , Braiuly —Signette. Cogniac.olJ Henm-w r ; P - s *VHB. American, and Sclu: lam > T U'hi.skcy. —Scotch,old Rye,Monoiignhela H'tne.—Currant, Port.and Broun Sheiry. Fresh Camphene and Burning Fluid Kept cons'.'-" hand. Also "Jo per cent. Alcohol. MHi CIGARS of the best brands. Jugs of all siZ( '' flasks, and a large quant itv of entptv barrels. Itinghamtnn Ale by the gallon or'barrel. Those fuvoring roe with their patnnigo ' |U . V , that all articles will be what thev ire iepo .-'"'e . N. B. The person who borrowed my " requested to return it. Bit Towanda, January 18,1856. HOFjsE KFKMSii f \.J <•'" ; B ble and single fold worsted and linen , damasks. moreenl*ac n •' *■ ■ ed table HUM, Mai .. April tS67. HI A NEW ASSOIVr.MENT B J i. V llibbotis and iilwte rxpr< *i>' I Belt Ribbon i ..' , new > I®* '' * Sept. ID, IS., W V .■ m