farmer's Ocpaitmcut. Testing Seed Corn. There is so much thimugvil corn this year that much care will be requisite in selecting Fiich a-s is suitable for seed. I have seen in vour paper and elsewhere, several modes smr fffsted for testing; qnnlities, but they are efficient, iinpracticniilv. or altend'd with too touch trouble to be generally useful. The following mode will be found simple, practical and certain,and can be applied to any extent desired. Put the shelled corn in a ves sel or vessels of snch dimensions as are requir ed for the quantity to be tested. Pour water over it of about the temperature of milk from the eovr, nntil it is fairly covered, adding to the watiir from time to time, if the absorption and •welling of the corn should raise it above the surface. Bet it in a moderately warm place, and let it remain there twenty-four hours.— Then pour the water off, cover the corn with some thick cloth which must be kept wet, and let it stand in a mass, still in a warm place, un til it sprouts. —This will take place in from thirty six to forty-eight hours, usually, if the corn is good. I prepare all my corn for planting in this manner, though 1 know seed to be good. I plant sometimes with the sprout half an inch long. The rckult is that it brings the plant forward a week or more earlier than planting dry. This advantage in the fall is souietinres very important. The damaged corn from tny field last year did not exceed five per cent. Cin. G'az. SJM.BCTTTCOSREO(MRS —Farmers wiil remem ber thut for two or three years past .a great deal nf corn curnc up badly. La-t spring, es pecially, much of it " rotted'' in the ground.— The loss from this cause is hundreds of thou sands the last season. On our own ground (with some fourteen acres)the. loss was next to nothing. The same i true of some otiiers we could name. What is the reason of the diffi r- Clire ? Why does the -ecd in one be id grow, find in another rot ? That is just what we wish to get at. One grertt cause of the rotting of seed i.- flißt it was never well ripened. Another rea son is thnt it is bhdly dried. Poorly ripened and badly dried seed is very easily injured by fermentation, and a very little fermentation and moulding will destroy vitality Last au tumn we had the best, largest and ripest ears carefully selected, and braided together by the busks in tresses, and hung in a dry p.!ace.— This was planted, and notwithstanding the drenching rain and mud, all came up—not a missing hill or stalk—and the field is noted as one of the best in the country. The same has been the experience of some others. Those who made no selection and took no care of their seed, have had " very bad luck." An other field was planted with King Phillip corn, not trussed ; but. as this ripens so early and perfectly, this operation apjienrs not necessary. It came np as evenly as the other. Let farmers select their best ami rijtest ears, end either truss and hang them up, or place them, in the ear, where they will dry tho roughly, (unless it be some very early.quiekly ripening sorts,) and there will lie better suc cess and better luek with the corn crop.— Cfaintry Gentleman. SKTTIK'; On NBW ORCHARDS —There is no greater truth than this—it is the interest of every one who has a farm or plantation with out an orchard, to plant one—it adds to the comforts of home, enhances the value of th place, and if properly managed after being planted, may result in being H great source of profit. The ground inteuded for an orchard, should neither be subjected to being flooded in time-. of heavy rains, nor naturally wet in times of drought. If not naturally dry, it should be un der-drained. It should be plowed deeply bv drench-plowing, to at least 20 inches iu depth, besides which it should be liberally manured with nutritive manures, ashes, and bone dust, sad top-dressed with lime ; as pot ash, phos phate of lime, and lime greatly abound in both ♦ho apple tree, arid its fruit. These may natu rally exist in the soil, bnt if they do not, they •hould he Artificially applied. The following are laid down the essential reqnisitc for successfully transplanting orchard trees : " A previous preparation of a rich deep b*d of mellow earth to receive the roots, and land that cannot be water soaked. " Removing the tree with as little mutila tion of the roots as practicable. " Pairing of the bruised parts. " Shortening in the head, in a greater nr less degree, to correspond with the necessary loss of roots. " Immersing the roots in the mud. "Settling the earth with water " Planting no deeper than before, that is as they stood in the nursery. " iStaking or embanking to prevent injuryby the wind. " Watering the stems and branches only, be-' fare the appearance of the leaf. " Mnkilling, where danger of mid summer drought is feared." - * RVASON'S- WHY FARMKHSARB HKAI.THIRR THAN PROFESSIONAL MEN. —These reasons are : 1. They work more, and develop all the lead ing muscles of the body. 2. They take their exrrcise in open air, and thus breathe a greater amount of oxygen. | 3. Their foo l and drinks are commonly less adulterated, and far more simple. 4. They do not overwork their brain as : much as professional men da 5. They take their sleep, commonly, during the hours of darkutss, and do not try to turn day into night. 6. They are not, commonly, so ambition" ami do not wear themselves out so rapidly in ; the fierce contest of rivalry; 6. Tiieir pleasures arc not simple and less exhaustiug. 6fay* A New Jersey farmer hits ofl some folk? handsomely. He says : " People say the farmers are the most inde pendent class ; and pray why should we not be ? We have to work hard enough for what : we get. The reason why farmers don't fail | along with tiie rest is, because we live within our means. I own a good funa and if I was i to live as people do in the cities it would take five fanns to keep tue and my t'uuiily." Skif Flattery is a sort of bad money, to which our vanity gives currency. io stings us even in our pleasures, but virtue consoles us t\en iu our pains ilUttdttUcouo ; TOWANDA HARDWARE CUTLERY. IKON AM) STOVE STOI'.K. M r>. C. II AT J, Sv \ Wholesale ar.d Retail Dealer 1 in Hardwire mul Stove-. In 1. 1 i ' ' IB .uid oil.-. Trimming I I fernr~.M urn. —rarel all Kinds ofCarrinKQ tri inner Mb: : ; S, at Cloth.- and Lai e-. <'arv : [ *n d <•<, I!'., k > V. Tools. Hell 'Ws, A mils, Vires. * Hammer- and Screw I'lati - Axes. Broad Narrow, Lath ar.d Hand Hatchets- < aide. Log. Trace and Hnltr. Chains, Crowhan, l'ii ks, Slmvcl and Spades. , _ . POOKKTAND T tRI.K CUTLERY Shear -and >< o ■errs. K.K'c Toots of all kind*. Itra wand Enameled Kettle-, Shovel and Tongues, S]x*ns and Indies, Tnh- and I'ails, Mops ar l Washboards, and all other kinds of houf e-k. ep insr implements. In the HARDWARE tine, Bam. Brlttanla, Jappaned and Plain Tin Ware, sincU- or in setts, Bar, Hand, Scroll and Hoop Iron, Steel of all kinds, Nail Rods, Ac. Damps. Ja'ad i'ipe :r d all the newssary hxtures f. r water wi ' Patent, stretched Lontlier Beltihg and String IxntSier, I i t and 10.000 other arti'D - too mimt TORS to inciti n, that . I w ar.- now r 'reiving direct from t!„- hands of mantifac i Hirers aioliiiipofter . including the largest assortment | and greatest variety of ■ I Si'OVSS . 1 Coal and Wood Cooking Con! ami Wood P-.irlnr. Doting i ilooin. Si \ Plate and Cylindei,everhrotight into Northern I Perm-vivnnia or Southern N< w ) ork ; nil ot v 'i we are now prepan il 1 .11 at wholesale or retail, at a- low I rates, and on as good Tirnxs a- can be found th s < side of ' ! y.wv-Vork. from the fact that all our goods were bought ' I of tirst hands and In 101 l packages and large qaantitic#, l that give- u an advant s ,• over smaller pnreha er • and Drv Hoods dealers, that wiil cnWc n to sell from a to ' 1% per cent, less then any of them.whhh advantage wc -hall offer to any who will favor us 8 eallbclorc pur chasing elsewhere. A large imantity of Tin ware, Stove Pipe and Elbows always on hand, wholesale ami ret ill. All kinds ot Job Work done to order, on short notice and warranted. ' | Don't mistake the pln< "to buy STOVES and HARD- I WARE cheap otic e >or "-or.' aot Fox's, and nearly op posite Tracy .V Moore's, Main stret t, in the new Wood j Building, lettered a/lorrr. drain a".d Countrv i'rodnce old Iron, Brass, Rrittsnin j j and Cenje-r. Dried l-Vtiit of all kinds, Feathers and Bee - ; wax wanted for U ■ -Is. ) j't sheep P( lt wanted, for which the highest price . I in C \sn will be paid. | Ti'wamhi, April J, H". j K. WATHOCS TI. M. SKWAUH F. 11. COOK. KWATKOUS A' Co., DEALERS IX . HEAVY if siu: /. /•* //. a n ir. IRK, xV i a ' 3, Water "t. Elmira, X. Y. ; I We have re.-antly made large additions to our exton-iw r stock, and have now on ha: ! a h-te a -ortnient of ev ' j evv description of Hardware which wt offer at the iowo-f i j wish prices; e"nsi-ting of "rciianic's Tools Ittiiiding M.i . [ terials. Iron and steel. Nails and -pik>, I: u.cs and < • i ago, Paints, Oils and Glads, Mill saws of ( very siz t and i | shape, either Malay Oan or Circular. Machine Belting, of all widths, both of India It 'l l or A leather, Glass at wholesale. Weave prepared to supply ' Merchants with Ghsu, Nails, scythes, Porks, Ac., at tian • ofhrtarera prices. Tin. sheet iron, ami Copper work on hand or made to order. COR'FRACTOR'S TOOLS—Wheelbarrows, Ante;' .Sho vels, Blasting Powder, A c. Agents for Rich A Wildcr's Patent Shlamander Akiles, Fairhank's Platform Scales, and Welch A (Iriflitli's ( ircu -1 I lar saws. lairgm sizes np to GO inch, always on hand and old at Factory Prices. Particular attention paid to orders by [ mail. Ehnirs,'April 7, I c, ".G. n-tt-12m §iisqucj)annn Collegiate Sfustitute, TOIVAXDA, URADFORH CO., PA. INSTRUCTORS. REV. JAMES MeWH.l.l AM. Drin. d, Profe---or of An cieut Langnages and Mental and Moral s -fence ; ' DAVID CRAFT, A. 8., Profcisor of Mathematics and Natural Science. Miss A. Ei IZ.\ FIUTCifEH, Pra-eptrr--; 1 MISS EM I Mil A. BUT!. Kit Assistant; • I MWS o. l.ol'fs \ JKNKS Instmctor on Piano; ! HELEN M. CARTER, Assistant instructor on Pi aim and M. l ab" ; MISS CLARISSA A.STOCKWELI .Teacher of French ! and Draw a j STEPHEN C V 1.1 FF. !' er : ! Mr. CANFIFI.D D AYTON. Stew -d. ' T'.:e'Vintt r T(a me iu ;:u net - oil Wednesday, D( cem f j b* r 'A, and w ill 11 wt i Us. excl.ihive of a rect ' of in days nt Ckri tm -. UM'K- -KS I--H T; ' | Payable Invariably In advance, or one half on entering > I the school, and one half at the nviddh • term—Fuel ! ar.d contlngi-ucle* included : . j Primary, t 1 j Prertr.P'irj 6 00 1 Higher, Ist year, nerterm T oa I Higher. 1 '■ aid '2O y ;r. p(r term S 0(1 Ckstocul, Ist year, per term < 00 ; j Classii il. 2d and 3d year. pe. term. - Id) f Collegiate, per term, 10 00 X. B. Pupil- will be clas ed by the most advanced " branch they ii-.-pe ti\,-Jy pursue. l'upil-iisb.g-.h i u-rip-are charged ?1 per term fur l uel and contingents ; for instrair.ent ou which to take j • lessons, JOc, or for practi: e I RXTLL \S. "rench s."> I'.O ' Drawing 3 0 Tuition on i'i.sno Forte with u.-c of liistrunient,... 12 00 i do do p<-r quart" rof 11 weeks,.. 10 00 j Board iu the Institute, per week, including fuel and light 2 00 I ! Washing, per dozen, 3s No scholar, whose parents or guardians shall reside within two mile- of the Institute .-hail be admitted to tui tion therein upon aav permanent scholarship rented or | loaned by such pnpil, hi- or bar parent or guardian. Tl c arrangements for Boa id in-.' wiil be under the entire control and management of the Steward, while the I'rin | cipal and Teachers residing in the In-tit ite, will IKS aide toexereien a eonatant watch ever tin pupils, mingling witii them as members of the same family : ns a B i.trd ing School f. r youth of both sexes, th- lu-t'tnte wiil af ford increased and snporior ad vantages. Parents and guardians may lie assured tliat all due t are will be cxt r eised over the he. !th, the I atnner and motuls of tho-o en trusted to their rare, a' I all - lit t : le aid rendered at all times ill j.romotiiig the"' advaiu'enieiit in study. Pupils hoarding iu the Hall, will fiiimishthoirownlic !, bedding, to wi 1-, Ac. and the table silver at their option. Pupils entering the Institute are pUa'.-oii to the ob-i r vauce of the regulatious, and none will be admitted on other terms. Special e\ rcL-e- are arranged without extraclmrgefor tliose (pialifying themselves as teiu hers for eounnoii i school-. ! S F. COI.T. Secretary. C. L. W.MtD, President. Augn-t 12. A. WICKH\M. TtW. | r -Y 3 WOW IS EITE Eitlttß TO OF.T T MELAINOTYPES & AMBROTYPES CHEAP! f\ G.H.WOOD I v ITas reduced his prim of oil kinds of K \ I'ictv res irßh Cases, 25 an/. ' * for the Winter. Frames of all kind- kept on hand al-o at reduced nri i cos. (land Cases with Melainotypc-, 7"> cents ; all other i kinds in proportion. Renietnla r the n iuction i- only for ! the Winter, and so improve the time. Rooms open at all I hours. Pictures tak.oi in all kinds of weather (except j for children.) Ail work warranted. Twraada, Dee. 8, lh.lL 6. H. WOOD. H. A . BURBANK'S BTTK YrTY One Dour Xorth of /he. If ard House. TOWANDA, PA. 11 7 HERE you can find acm lant supply of Bread. Rusk. r (trackers, Cookies, Jumbles, and all kinds of Fain y I Cakes. a •?- OYSTERS furnished by the quart or keg, or cook ed to order. Kb' Particular attention paid to filling orders for parties ( Returning our sincere thanks for the liberal |mtr business to n.erit a eontinnanee of the f -ame, we reioain as ever, vour humble servant. , March l, 1867." H. A. BURBANK. A RrKTFNGS. —All prices superfine and J ingrain carpetiugs, just received by April ti. 1857. J- DOtVETJ,. rEATIIKIl —A new supply of Sole J er. Cow Hide, Kip and Culf Skin, at No. 2. Patten's Stock. augtO W)|. A. ROCKWELL. (1 AT"TIOX. All per-ons are hereby eau- J ti ned agaiii-t purcim-ii g a note given bv nie to Da vid \. Prince or bearer, dated Rome, JHUII IFJ 2."i or 2t>, lSfih, for 42">() feet of liemloek lumber, to be paid on er iadore the first day of June next. Said note was given ou -etilement. by mistake, and i shall not the same iiiite-i compelled by law, as 1 have nut ICI clveil any eon j -idriati.m for the-Hine. DAN ItUSSEI.I,. j itwn> Fell. 2, ls.'iS. | /NROCKERY, GLASS WARE, Groceries, I \J Yankee Notions, Looking Glneue*, Wooden Were, aitd cveiytiiing you want uuiy he Ii md at the tit w stole : tot; t. I'" 157. Ual A. ROCKWELL Unssiteea (ftir?-?. j I VR CHsAS. M TURN EU, PIJ YSICT4N I -m-J V M'A'GA'O V, otit i s his pi ifr-sii-nal mr vices to the inhabitant* of To wanda find vicinity. Office and rta>- Hi i notice and In a wori-.e iiilii.; n- I' • will keep on hand or make to onier plows. S 1\- Mill li-cis, Sleigh Shoes, Wagon lio\. s. ..'..1 i. rti - ot •; t iron th it may he required. Turning end tit* i -up woi ". will he done on short notice nmi on re.i.- m b" i.-rms. I'-r- wishing to purchase Stoves of any kI id will find it m - h to their advantage toh yat the i'o :: dry. . they an he repaired much cheaper. Plea e call and examine before purchasing •IMO drhere. Old cast ir..n and Grain taken in payment.— Don 't mistake the pi ct one door east of Mercur's Block. *y I would also \y t> thcMi having accounts stand inir OV. r six ui< thr.t tiny :-t 1 ■ settled without delay, and tie -e vh.g note- that :'.rc due will do weilto pay up and save tost. JOIUf CAliMAh*. Towanda, Oct. 22,1 156. GOOD SWISS SA LYE IS TIIK f IRK AT Ct'RKn OF FEV ETFI SOITT :S. FT give- immediate relief front pain, and in as quirk a time as it po.--'.' for this .lisea-e to lie affected, it ills tli wounds gradually and safely, ■ ftt • extr icting ' ■ inoi. mat' r, i nti! a permanent cure is made. ITS N'AMK As if> name imports, this Oiutini nt is of Swis- 0- ; gin, mid t - lie- most re,!c->nt:ut 1.,r eit ring old Sores ti- i Had I■g> t ve known. Its curing properties seem to .e i- t'y :i: ie. i: The re" ■ ii.t f-r making rare nieuiaine,was ole ' : - d i ..1 iuu-s Iloiidi.n, an oi.i sivi.-s lur-iuaker in tit L'aroliua, who brought it with him from Switzer land. AS \ FAMILY S \LVR, it has no equal, '."ti- in its powers for doing good, and it. , \ti. in. ic t ;es e a i N. -'c i . ..I I ill'. I'i.i:\s\\TO!\i'MKVT. lit i iiout the injury eveiythhig to which it j ' ' MOTHERS USE IT j for their Caked Broki i and ludainetl Breasts with chnriß ' ti ■ !e rr i:i whicli tiny lir>t ape!. -1 the (i(.'UD MViSS SALVE. SALT lUIEI'M and SCItOFn.OUS SORES and .-'•.rollings it rapidly curec hy striking gt the root of the diwue an a drawing the an -- to the -nrf.iee. IT s. vi.;i IWIVIW TiiEit IN waun! Under all < ir. iimstan. es tlie ea>e IT iS SAF E ! Good Swiss Salve cures Felons. Good Swi.-- Salve care- I'ik.-. Good Swiss Salte cures Biro Good Swiss Sali e cures Hrui-es. Good Swi.- Salve eure- Kle-h Wi.Hllds. th.od Swi-- Salve cures Toothache. IN .-il'lUT. a Wherever F i:. or lidi.'.i'r'.ti'-n exist, apply the ' GOOD SM'iSS SAIA'E, and yon will find relief. r ■ This Salve i> put up in L ARGER BOXES than Ointment in general, at 2 a ets. It is also put lip in large China pots, for the accommodation of Families and those who use it for Fever Sores where several boxes may he required, as it is g in July, and end' 'in S A recess of a lew days will he taki n at the holiday s. Weekly reports will he sent to the parents, who ar.t requested to -ign anil return thein. We e m pr-imi-e no improvement unless a scholar is regular and punctu :1 in attendance. T. itvs, rKit qraitnatt First fVos-r- Toinrl idi the elementary English 1 ... hranehes, and the study of tlie Latin language, f * ' Second Class —To in lude the more advanced -tn-1 dies of the Englisli branches .with Mathematics,)- $9 00 and the study of Latin ami ) Third' Clfts- -To include Mathematics, Mental) and Monl Philosophy, Rhetoric, Botany, Ac. '- ?12 00 with Latin and French ) Each pupil will bring with her a desk and chair. There will he no extra ch rge wh iti ver. Mrsic—lnstruction on tlie Piano, with use of instru ment, will he given by Miss UKBKCCA D. H INSOX, at #lO per quarter. Hoarding fur young ladies can he obtained in private families at reasona le rates. Pupils from a distance will receive the esiieeial enro of the teactiers. They beg leave to refer to the following named gentle men: Rt. Rev. A i.oxro PIITTI u, 81-hnp of the Diocese of Penn'a, l'hi' e-dphia: Rev. Dr. M ACT,VAN, President of the College of New Jersey. Don. DAVID WILMOT. G. F. AI \SON. C. L. WARD, JOHN F. MKAXS, 1). F. BAUSTOW, 11. S. MERCI R, O. D. BAKT i-ktt. E. O. GOODRICH, Wm. C. BOO. ART, Towynda. BOOTS AND SHOES. —The lanrest and inn.-t complete assortiueut of Roots anil Shoes ever ■ xuibite I in Towa ■'.!. to which particular attention lias been given in tile purrlia e, and which will positively be •u 1.1 le-- than at any other estahlishiuent in Northern Pefiiivlv.uiki. just received by Apr.D; !.' J. POWELL. I ftfrwflrmrtw JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY! A. Warner's Ecu- Sjtb u'tiA Jewelry Store, door north of I'ottons Drop Store, lIASjuM hi en opened with the largest and _ 3KjL nio-t choice stock of FArtHION ABLE JEWELRY ever - fieri d to a discriminating public. Indeed, he can safely say that with lie opening f his nefiv store has l-en in aiignrated a new era in the Jewelry line, inasmuch as along with the choice and elegant assortment lie gives the must reliable assurance of an almost incredi ble reduction in prices : the rich and tasteful articles hav ing hoi n all bought with ready cash. A. M. W.. when lie reflects how, for the past years .with a far less attractive stuck, he has enjoyed so largea share of public pationnge, flatters himself that the immense in crease of Goods lie now offers, which have lieen bought so much more advantageously, will enable him to increase the genen as caif'di ace which has hitherto been vouch safed to him. He therefore solicits a continuance of the favor ofhis old en-turners, and invites tlie public general ly to come ami -ee the fashions. WTIIB WATCH REPAIRING DEPARTMENT will continue to lie distinguished bv the skill and despatch which has heretofore enabled it in enjoy the enviable rep utation of bi ng the mo.-f reliable in town. Towandn, Beptember 24. 1 TOWANDA CABINET WAREHOUSE <.t ciiM.-Tiii; \vi:r,i.s would ggStf inform his friends and the " ' -k™pulilic that he is now receiving at his old aland one door north of Lupurte. Mason ,fc Un.'s banking house, a large and extensive assortment of Sofas, Maliofrit;:y Chairs, of various patterns, Ro twood :-• rl Mahogany Side and Centre Tables, Duiing.Tea at, J Pembroke Tables. Stand.- of every kind. Cane, Flag and Wood seat Chairs,high Chair-, Children's Rockers, Bedsteads, Bureau x Lounges, Gilt and Rose wood Picture Frames. Iron Hat Stands, ('onier and side do. of walnut and ina! -g iny ; Cradles, Cribs, Wardrobes, Cupboards, Looking gln--cs, Ac. •('< H-'FIN'S, of every size and quality, and will at tend OH all occasions when r-quired. The public are invited to ex miine my assortment before purcha-in" elsewhere, as 1 will sell cheaperthan any other establi-hinent in Northern Pennsylvania. To wan da, August S, 1x55. TUB OLD STAND STILL IN OPERATION! THE subscriber would announce Jwt) t!ie public tha.f be has now on | nw ,i V.--T1 make to order nil of CABINET FURNITURE, I' 5 fs: has f-ofas, Divans.Lonnse.-.fVn i* • ; ; tis .(i ni, Dining and Bieakfnst Ta ■ r.~ tf ■-iV'-i-- H' j V-b. Mnh" . -try. Walnut. Maple and I C jf If I'D berry Rurean's. Stands of various j M _ kind-, < 'hair- and Bed tends of every I description. w! -h ere. and will op made of the best mil- I ter il and workmanlike manner, and which they will -ell j for r.i*li chi aper than can be bought in any oilier Ware i ro ■ : iii tl,:- e.entry. I REAOY-M \DF COFFTN'S. en band on the most rea sonable terms. A goiKl HEARSE will lie furnished on j Funeraloccwdma. JAMES MAUKINSON. Towtmda, January 1. i 5.57. anocEiars, provisions, ckc. j IT 'est side of the Public Square, opposite the. Court House. TY ATI,PfY k XKVINSnre jn.-t rocoivinm a IY bir/c addition to their stock of Provi-ionsDlroceries, Yank *e Nut: Toys. Fruit. Confectionary. Ac., whb-h will be sold v. holr-afe of retail for ea-h, or in exhangc for | mwt kind- ofconntrv proiln e,at prices that ratmot fail !>-id no ! i • r-. Consumers or country dealers rnjuJd i do well to roll and examine our lock and prices. GROCERIES. I Black and Green Tea. Rio anil Java Coffee, Chocolate, { Coeon. S' -ar. M ' I— es. Sjiup, Ginger, Pepper, Sjiiie, Cloves, nutmegs. Mime rinamon. Ground Mustard, Pepper Sauce So Salcratns, Cream Tartar, Sperm and Tutow j r.-ndle-, Par Soau. Vinegar. Star -li. Ac. PROVISIONS. Flour. Buckwheat Flotir. I.'yi Flour. Corn Meal, Feed, ' Pork. Ham- .V Sh" Idrr-. Mackerel, Codfish, Shad, Lake , Trout. Pb-keled nndSmoked Herring.Cheese,Rice, Beans, Onions, Potatoes. Fitter, i.ard. 'nickers. Ac. Ac. FRUIT. j Prune--. Citron. Figs, En •. Ca.rrants, Raisins, Lera | ens and Oranges, Green and Dried Applcai and Pcacfies, ! Alninnds, l'e- . ; nut-, Prazi! nut-. G:. a ib'e and Madeira ; Walnuts, Fibs'its. Pea nuts, Che-timts, Hickory ! GNKMAN. FKKNCH and A MKKIC.VN TOYS, FANCI thioDs. : Ac- Bays' Si' i' in. Tin Wagon -. Qhina, BfvtUr A Wood Tea Setts, Dol's. Truui] . Toy Guns, Accordians, Har monicas. Gla-s, Paper and Wood Inlaid Work Boxes and Toilet ('• scs. Toy Bui. .ins. Sccretarii.-. ,\c, Pearl, lvcry, Papier Ma be nil Leather Port M mail - Wallets, Purses, Ivory, Horn and Wood Pocket and Toilet Combs, Tnbac !en and SuaT iioxe-. Uigur, Tooth, Hair and Cloth Brisht -. Fancy Mirrors, Perfumery. Hair Oil, Ac. Fonus UAC. Letter, Commercial Note and Bath P -t Paper. Envelope-. Wafers. Sealing Wax. Ink. Inkstands, Wafer Cups, Smd Boxes, Penholders, Pen.-, Wafers, iles, A- . Ac. TABUK VND D.tntv SALT, Salina and Rock Silt, and Cayng-t t - round Plaster. BAILEY A NGVIN'S. T'owanda, No emLvr 2i. Hls. 1 HIRE INSURANCE.—The oadenigMd is i agent for tlie follow ing safe anil reliable Companies: Parmer's Union Insurance Co. . Athens, Pa. Capital, # 2 01> , 00 0. State Alnfu il Insurance Co. . I!arrishurp, Pa. Capital, S2OO ,0(10. Girard Insurance Co. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Capital, $300,000. These Companies insure against loss or damage bv fire on the m i-f 'able terms. Dwelling 11 mses, Furni ture, M arch uise-, .Meii ha; ilize, Ac., and Farm Property i isiired for any length of time. All los-ea will be nrniupt ly paid. C. S. RUSSELL. Towanda, December 25, 1850. ~%v* Ai x; ham imicc- Watches repaired on short notice, and WARRANTED to run well. Also, all kinds Clocks repaired. W. A. C. would beg leave to say, that he is prepared to execute the most diili-ult Jobs, such as can be done at no other Shop short of New -York city. W. A. CHAMBERLIN. Towanda, February 1,18.57. jPatrcnizc a Home Enterprize ! A Book-Bindery in Towanda! would respectfully announce to our friends anil the public generally, that we luive connected with our Printing office ami Book A Stationery Store, a Plain ami Faiu-y RooK BINDERY, and earnestly solicit the patronage of all who desire anything in the line. 1! icing secured tlie service- of one of tlie best hinders ; in tlie United States, we flattermtrselres that we enn give ! u-iiver >1 satisfaction Imtli in workmanship and price.— T.mrrl ic we present to the ; uhli ■ the stronge-t assuran ces that we are prepared to bind in a workmanlike man ner, all kind- of BOOKS, among which we may name Bibles. Histories. .Musi--. Magazines, Pamphlets, Periodi cals, Law and School Books, to order or pattern in French. Italian, German and Fnp/ish style ; in I elect, Sill:, Cloth, Leather and Paper. upon the most reasonable rates, for CASH, or ready pay WGive ns a triat. Particular attention given to re-biniling Books. All work warranted to be properly executed. Mir Plain anil Fancy Paper Boxes made to order. Jan 1, 1858. E. A. PARSONS. BOOKS 8l STATIONERY! lie attention of the public is requested to the very -cueral and excellent assortment always on hand at tlie Argus Book and Stationery Store, first building north of tlie Ward House. Call and examine our stock. BARCLAY COAL.—THE BARCLAY RAIL ROAD AND COAL COMPANY have now on hand, and will keep con-tantly for sale at TO WANDA, a large supply of their coal, at $2 50 per ton fur IliaclsmitJi Coal, and $3 00 per fen for lire led Coal. Apply f>r coal at Towanda to O. I). BARTLETT. Coal will also he sold nt the MINES at $"2 00 per ton for Blacksmith Coal, and $2 50 per ton far Baled Coal. A liberal discount will he made on sales hy the boat load. Oct. 7. 18.17. .1. M ACFARLANE. Gen'l Kup't. FTXTR ACTS for flavoring, for sale cheap i at FOX'S. DR. PORTER'S OFFICE & DRUG STORE, SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE Fronting 1 the Fublic Square. HTHE snl.*rriier. thankful for the liberal patronage nf the ii.t t, intend- to keep constantly or> T:-<| g f r JJ M 1 sortniont of the very best artD !c* >■,. -ally kept in our line, whi h in. MH I. dispone of on such term* .1- v.-i jk.. isfni'torv to .-ill who may patronize him. Tin padaw are made eul rely with cash a hand, and for tlie ( ABR customers will receive the benefit of a good article at a low price. All arth k a iWi answer our and ate warranted as represented. Medical Advice srrnlnitously given st the Office, charging cn!y for the Mrim. The stork consists of a complete and select assortment if DRUGS, ftIEDiCINES, AND GROCERIES, Pure Wine k Litjiiors, for Medicinal use, London Porter & Scotch Ale. |JtLI. 'IUK MOST POPUL.HI PATENT MEDICINES' The most approved Trasses and Abdominal Supporters, Nursing Settles, Kip. pie Shells, 23rcast Pumps, Teeth Rings, Syringes, Catheters, dec. American, English Sf Chinese Razors and Knives. FRESH CAMPHENE & BURNING FLUID-NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS! Superior TOBACCO di. SSTUFF!-—Choice brands of Tare Savanna, Frincise and Vara C2CARS I ' Paints, Oils, Varnislies, Window Class, ESruM(-s, Perfumery, Shaving Soap latuj Articles, Ate. ls.c. . Hair Dves, Hair Restorer, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Cream, Tooth Pow !er, Extracts for the 1 llaudkerebief, Italian Whisks, Port mouuais, Pur .-is, Hay, Colotige, Hose and Lavender Waters, Tobacco and Snuff R<>.\es, IndelMble Ink, -•*, Syrups, Sugars, Spices, Sec ke Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, Ac. REMEMBER THE STORE—SOUTH E.NO OF THE WARD HOUSE! j Towanda, K; liru.iry 1, IR.VS. H. C. PORTER. H. !>. NEW ARRAXGE3IEXT. jfa The Elammoth. Ha rdware Store CHATFIELD * STORRS. T, now receiving a large and well o-lectcd a.rorrment of Foreign Sf Domestic Hardware |§||JL ** J& HuUSE TRIMMINGS, of every description, Cur neuters Cabinet makers, rd Shoe makers' £ • AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, In fa ei thl * addition we are con: tauily receiving an 1 keep t f f Ne-.v York. Ai# I rkei mid Nulls, i ipe, l'uity, \\ jue i.< 1. L I 0 : 1, which is wan anted perfectly pure. Saddlery Hardware, ana Carriage r&altcr's Goods. COAL AND WOOD COOK AND PAKI.OR STOVES. ' ''A ■ n i ( > ' v "" ; ' tors mid Sheet Iron Stov . Stove Pipe, i. N w vi;,, t o supply of O). •, i.-l.r;.- ,1 Co, ;; ,♦ : ~ON its OH, w! ; ,il juti-t i ,tf ties! r•,e ,k SeiVt ... '* i market. it is especially c ie, cd to the i .: lair's e. As we have the 1 . -r ••■: ■ •• • on the Y Y-ork and IWe Railroad and we iat&i t ! purchase -nods in the' -t tn ;rk< ts, and by V:eer.hi<;a full a- —.t ... t. . • : a; . ;,i. " - ;.V\r. t- V: ' Owego, K. Y. Oct. 21. Is h. a en. 1 & N E \V~A lilt AN G E itl ENI" JtJ PAT TON S" I'AY.YE, j I|"T .TXTST OT'ITXED, ON THE CCRN'Eft OF BRIDCE AND MAIN STREETS, i ICo. 4, rations' r lock, Towanda, Fa. rjiiiK guhzcrlhm would respeetfhlly Inform thefr Meedsfland the puMlc tht they bar 'formed a co-partr.erili? I j>hia and New York, a large and well selected stock of American, French and F OIMICAL?, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, DYE STUFFS. A iiS-S CI? iiCi : DRESSING COMBS, PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, FORT MONNAES. Stc, SUaCxiCAI. inSTnUIMErffTS, and a vaiicty cftho rncst approved Trcss Abdominal Supporters, die., always on hand." ' London Porter and Scotch A!e, and Pure Liquors, for Medicinal pnrjw^ ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. Knishfs for the Hat, Hair, Tcrth, Sails Boots Paiiilin?, Varnishing, H hitPwasWn?. W The Lovers of frOO/) CTCirA RS and TOR AC CO, trill find a larere variety of rA> '■ • /' na, Vara and Prinripe Cigars, and the finest brands of Tobacco and Sv f. (amplienc—Particular Mention paid lo the Manufacture of BIRXRC nim. And a t'.nf assortment of LAMPS, of all sizes and description*. Bi. i ('ages. Cups, Nests at.d Sad- All nf which i 8 offered for sale at greatly reduced rutes. Our stock i-eing forge and mostly pur 'n-rd fr°" Importer and Manufacturer at the lowest fat.-s. and with C;i di, <•: i l l*. ~ • ti >• il at reduced jiri-.' ' y to all. We invite the attention of the public I Our Motto it —" TIIR OASFI SYSTEM—x'UiC'iv SALES—SMALL PI.OFiTS." ur Goods are selected wltii toe lit'oostT ce and wi.rriiiited to l*e what t' ey are renresen*ed 1 if v * r A ,v 1! e contrary, we are not only willing lint ic-iucstfour customer* to n turn th Vi. and the nnv -■ • •*'' j MIL PAYNE will give his il atti ecnrately on the shortest notice. ,)<>> ' ••! Towanda, June 2d, Is.TG. EDW.v FTi I>. i'Al ■' WAVERLY BXARBX.S S£-riLB^IS?STVTE?T3. IP 11. BALDWIN, having purchased the • Marble Factory of thfc village, under tiie superin tendence of H. Hnnford, the auhseriiier is happy to an nounce that the Marble business in Waverly will now be conducted by him. He is constantly receiving IT A 1.1 AX \ N!> ItHTI."AND M A RBI.K, for Monument-, II 1 stones, Tomb Tabels, and Stand Tops, Faint Stones, Midlers, Ac. Having secured the services of (1. H. POWEKS. who Is well know u to he the. most perfect Artist in the St.ite, he offers unparalleled ind.n einents to persons wishing to secure any of the above articles, in cheapness, style and Artisti cal beauty. Waverly, X. Y., Feb. 3,1157. FOB. RZ!NT. _ _ THE snbseriber. guardian of the minor rhil dren of Daniel O'Kcefe, deceased, offers for (JJJ-i L rent the very desirable property is Home tyvp., I j f 1 bad ford county, known as the Rome Springs 5 House. Tiie property comprises a large Tav ern House, harn, and out buildings. There is near he j house a celebrated Mini ral Spring, wh hin the posses , sion of a proper person would attract many visitors. The j Farm contains 15 acre-, about 50 of which are iuiprov !. Possession given on the Ist ot A i ti 1 in\t. JOHN M'MAHOX, Doc. R, 1157. Guardian. ni iNTED. — I wih to perchue 100 000 * > feet of MAPLE SCAXTLIXG 13 feet long, and j 3.t inches square. Any one wishing to make a contract; for any or all, can do so by calling at my Furniture Ware ' Rooms in Towanda. Hcpt. 15, 1557. CHESTER WELLS. LIQUOR STORE. I Q FT:i.TON I i k • piT lie tint he is n# -w rr- ' v :?i • i . M B ■m B : quantity from a qnart u(iwards : , ~,.2 | liin —Swan. Ann and > ',i ■a ■ Fresh Camphene and Bunting hTuid *r : c " Bj B| flasks, and n lnrw quantity of empty arrc.s. I Those favoring me witii their patronage m®* !■ N. 15. The person who borrowed my " MactaP requested to return it. n HOUSE FUR NISEI B HB H i ' riety of other giMiJs in this line, just A NEW ASSO I s \ B J Belt ■