sa^aaaa?a , Oi n-berv. on the 10th inst.. by D. H. Bumham. e-q., ' \VM HARRISON HAYNER. of Chemung. N. \., t iiiss SARAH E. BROWN, ot the former place. i oith in*t.. bv Rev. Wm. Svm. Mr. REUBEN C. °VOSIII ,10 to MS- PHEBE ANN LUNDY, both of Standing Stone. . DELEGATE ELECTION -The Republican Voters of To wan da Boro' are requested to meet at h P f.raTid JnrT Poora. on SATURDAY, MAY Ist, le f.i) Ihe hours of 4 and 6 o'clock, P. M.. for the purpose Ti , tire delegates to represent said Borough in the C jUEty Convention, to be held event ng. May 3. GEO! RRITTON, J. 11. XKVINS, T„wanda, April 26.1658. Coin, of Vigilance. Nero Arrangements for 1858 ! AT Iff. E. SOLOMON'S CLOTHING STORE. . % SOLOMON has just received the most exien- | Al. sice and elegant assortment oi Spring and CJlothing Tfroff' red ia this market, which was bought for CASH ! '•1 will he said at prices which cannot be equalled else- 1 * iv'- us de-irnus of purchasing any article of Clothing ,Lt-. ucteii i yivt him a call, a-, he pledges himself I j i cr-oM anxious la buy shall go away without be- n cr -atistied.. V A a d assortment of Gentlemen s FLUX ISHiNU : (jljitPS '.' ll tic kept on hand. Tuwaiida. AprilJW.W>*- j TiLoni ! FLOUR! —A first rate article i J[ , f Western F1 air, may be had at SOLOMON'S in Mer- | ar's Blcck, lower thau can be purchased in this viciui- • ''■ V April M.JijSfh _ M. E. SOLOMON. ! WARD HOUSE", TOWANDA, PA. CWEAZEY A HOLMES RF-S|)EETFUL!Y IN-' p l,,im tlw public, that having leased the Ward House I j term ol'ye.u, and thoroughly repaired and newly | • the "same, they invite the patronage of travel- j '-is Ad others, with every confidence that their facili ties are inch as to enable them to render satisfaction.— "her a--are the public that no tff.ri shall be spared to •A .1 f. r the Ward House the high reputation it has ft !' U" enjuved \ 11 edci't which to- personal wants of their ricstj'will be carefully nUetid'.d to, while every . >• the market ail' rd.s will ia appropriated to make Tat le ail that could 1A? desired. HV hall pay parti !.\r attention t > Un- acsoinniod i t,c aof J'.rs - n. d witnesses attending Court: who will he boarded at the loir price of 62£ cents per day. rr The Bar - Weil-to. ked with an t.xcell-ut assort ffi fM ; I.IQI'OIH. We also oft'r to the public a large | i,. rt:r.<-nt t Liquors. by the quart, gal! m or barrel, of a - tv not t' : i c excelled, find at prices as low il nut laser than can be i btained in the cities. iu.'d.ap. Fimira arid Binghamton Ale, by the quart, gal. qi cr b.'.rrcl. Tmraada. April 27. 1858. W A NTED. "l ii II I 1 of Out* for which we will #)■ " " ' prtv 'a-h on delivery. Towanda, April 26,1858. _ BAILEY & NTVIXS. FOB SALE. i noitsi'. HARNESS AND CARRIAGE. Inquire A at tlie Presbyterian Parsonage, in this Borough, ol I rinda. April 28, L's6. J. FOBTKR. WM. A. ROCKWELL^ Having just returned from the City is now receiving a splendid assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, Towkkk he invito, particular attention. Being fully aettrmincil u it to be outdme either . t CHEAPNESS OK EXCELLENCE of articles offered fr-ale, and hiving had -utfb'b-nt ex pc < ice in his Imsinc >s t > warrant 1; a in tying that he 'at der very gieat inducements t > <::-1 .•!!• :-. TO TilS LABIBS He nfcrktbe very smallest Bonnets and the very large t Hip Skirts; also, th ieof a medintn size. \ m ist tie gut it.' , laid, 15!,. 1; and Brocaded dress Silks. Lavas, Bareges, ChftHte*. BeLaines, Brilliant* and t".r. ;ct;- j;; •. '... ,tbe : t kinds, nrd the cheapest ltd best lot of PRINTS ever offered this town!—lf it •; • and •-. Ours: ck of Ef:' "..r -h:T" of Putlonage. _Towau : . •..* 27| 1858. WW. A. ROCKWELL. —A great variety niav lie found b- c " WM. A". BOOK.WELL'S. Apr'l 5) . l ; 58. _ \ ; -H.S. Lnc -. Edgings, Irtings, Win * do Draperies and Eaihr C \PS j 1 PIIH u.-tial ii-.-ortLicnt < f Iliinlwarp, Nails 1 lA\ A COFFEE.—A choice !<>t of prime, ,V DELISSER. have just l - ceiniuen ed t" publish an cr lurged series of 1. rriiLLV LIVING AGE: A per:-" i! f.flcng established re|nitati n, and high 1 ■ 'UiarU'r.eontprising thern-art i-thleprodn. ti'ms ■>' ma.-ti r-iu' id- nr' Europe (from the Engli-h Reviews * • M .< rio- truly va!u.ihk puMi uti-ui stands •!sl k,t!i for the sterling excellence of .is liters 8 ' 'Oi; .. ;t s cheapness it wbi ti it is offer'.!. All * i profit with pleasure ,u their reading, 1 L:UtW I. '.ig Age th ir wishes tully Hit liii j, - ••• is u-- !u ;• 1 eo i:i the world if y■■ v)chui,, and attractive a variety ..1 really - 'iiis p. i i.lical; and in aiidith- 1 to thi- fact, '■■". over one tliird more in qmitity t!' in any oth -the yearly; being 41 i l ' pages—tor only < > .• ? Lr...Uin. "niargtil Series comufncd April 3. a::.l offers a N . i'Vaziet can up jj ihis as t > the intrinsic literary ■ 11! 1- the very c-'cam .it is boa'i (.'it' best und '*!*>( periodical in the i~ii!d 'D" an imber—l2 cents. . "-S v rk 1- received the universal approval of the j '"•a..! .if many of our mo-t eminent wm, in- ! . - .nt \-i-,C!,ar; -I! >r K- it. J JSG t, 11 ill. G. 1 . J. ! : . Ra mml,Beii t A. Potter, Rev. j-^Barnes, Pc. ' KEC NT EIIITOKIAL SOTICEP. bti'ia?. c p ibloMti in, one of the very best ever is- • I - ■ --.'ier. The pc oiiar merit .il this woik 1 ■ns.-t in,! '-sing the cimi est art', lcs Irom the nuui'-rouft j j. .i' r 'b Is. T!ic selections ;;ie a!way well made, ! u'. "'"'aitis si. ha variety of matter that the taste- of ?; r.f readers appear to le consulted. We ire Will tind si-r 111 it Hie carefully written articles ol the 1 3 fp aa 'l the lighter and c.itci tainiug papers of 8, 4 ' T:i>re are n" lers than ti ft y periodical* '' it:", nteiit* \., ' ,r s ' ,!; th ot Tra v A Moni e s store and immr- I 1 D ■ • Half's Store and '! in Stoic Mainst. I ff'• abb to pleasi ftil who may favor bin I ■ ■ out this ilUrrhanbi?tr, &~c. COAL OZL LIGHT ! ! CALL and see some beautiful patterns of Lamps for burning KEROSENE ANI) BKECKEXRIDGE OIL —distilled from Goal ami not explosive; cheaper than I any light yet discovered. Both Oil and Lamps, with Wicks and Shades, furnished very cheap at DR. H. C. PORTER'S DRUG STORE. April 21,1858. New Spring and Summer' GOODS. | HS. MERCUR has just received a good assortment ' • of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Harness and Carriage' 7 rimmings, Crockery and Glass H'arc, JJovts dj- Shoes. Hats Sf Caps, Paints, Oils, Wooden Ware, fyc., t )-c. Many ot which articles will be sold for cash at lower prices than were ever before offered in Bradtord C'ounty. Towanda. April 20. 1858. I A DIES Skeleton Lattice extension steel J Hoop Skirt* .a _ MERGER'S ST(>RE. ! DRECKENRIDGE l liumitiatingr Oil and | O Lamps f..r .-ale by H.B.XEBCUX. SOME! VJ3RY CHEAP GOODS. 1 | ADIES Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs at G j cents 1 j -*A each, U hite tiottou Hose at n 4 cents per pair, j I Handsome Lawn.: at 0 j cent-per yard, and tin- be-t U,j j cent ( a 1 icons in the State, vv.ll be found at tin* Store of I Towftada, April 21,1868. H. 8. MERCUR. T>IRD GAGES uf alldescriptiou,Uempand 1 II Canary seeds. Bird-nest s. Cuttle Done and ether j Bird tixen's at No. 2 Pattons Block. _ April 21, 1858. WM. A.ROCKWELL. 1 V LARGE iisscirtincht of Ladies Fancy j Baskets, Childrens Willow and Empire Cabs, | Ac., fit No. 2 I'attons Block. j April2l,lßsß. WM. A. ROCKWELL. \N extensive vari< tv of Crockery, Glass, Yellow Ware, Fluid, iaiap wicking Ac., at No. 2 i Block. April '2l, 1858. WM, A. ROCKWELL. | /"TARPETIXG —Fine Inffrafn, Yeuitian, YHemp atid Rush Carpeting, Mats, Rugs Ac., at No. 2,l'atioiis Block, April 21.1658 WM. A. ROCKWELL. riTiE elieajiest and treti'-rnl variety of Moots J and Shoes ever oHe red in Towanda, at No. 2 I'at tons Block April 21,1858. WM. A. ROCKWELL. IY'KLIT. — Prunes, Iuisit*is, dried lL.rrics, aj | !"s. Ac., ut No. 2 l'atton- Lloik. 1 fprll 21,1888. W. A. ROCKWELL. ILLINOIS Tintulb) Seed and Oiiio Clover reed foi sale ut No. 2, Puttaas 81'.c!.. April 20. 185'.'. WM. ROCKWELL. j \TACKINAW TROUT, Mackerel, Codfisb, -■ 1 f.r 0.1!" at No. 2, Ratlins Block. April 2fl, 1856. WM. ROCKWELL. Spring aiul Summer Millinery, FOR 1858, BY A. T. MARSH & CO. ICc. 5, Union Plock, ELM I RA, N. Y. HAVING made extensive arrangement- and improve ments in ."ir MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, we now curd allv im in all to favor us with a call before purchas ing SPUING or SUMMER MILLINERY, feeling confi dent we can make it to the advantage of all. OUlt WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT j Will be full and complete, with everything iu the line of I Millinery ; such as Straw Bonuels, Bloomers, Flats and j Gyps : ctt<- of :.i! kinds and -ty lea for Ladies' or Mioses' ' wear, by the d..zeu or case. Ii :--! s and Flower- by the V-.x. Ribbons by the piece or cartoou. lilond-, edging, holing- anil Straw Biaid-l>i 1 tiie •! ./en nr plot e. In nn< t Frami s. Crowns and Blocks ibv the dozen. Reeds and covered bone- I v the gross.— 1 Band boxes by the nest or gross. Foi lt .n.s. Crapes 1 Li--es, Cron n Lining- ami Cape. Netts I.\ the piece nnit in fact everything requited in the Miilirery line in the , greatt -t abundau.c and ut the vcrj lowest CITY WUOLK SA IE R IC'KS. UUR RETAIL DEPARTMENT Will rni'.-race a tull and rrmpVte a-v.-fmenf of *ll of tin above inctuioneil arti. iv- at price- to suit the turn - ! All bonnets bought at the-t- re will be trimmed free of eh: rge in the latc-t -1 vie and best maimer. Goods bought by parties bom out 01" town, will be packed and deliver ed to the • ia t eo or car Uee ot cxpeu-e. A. T. MARHII &. CO., ; No. 5. Union Block. Eln.ira, N. Y. People of ]>nullbrd Couhtv J.V particular, at;d readers of tLe lit] titer . in general. MARSH W CO., OF ELM IRA. N. Y. send greetings t inform one and all that , they 'an and wil; make it guat!;, 1 1 your advantage t> I purchase every thing von want in the shape <>t DRY J GOODS FANCY GOODS and MILLINERY, either 1 | wholesale or i. tail of them at No 5. Union Block, iu thc a! re-aid village of Elm ia. N. Y. Tiico tacilitiv.- are .crtaiuly iin-tirpa-.-ed ; as one meni i ber of the lii in is on the spot oil the while, con-tilting j ' the tit. and want-of their numerous ct;.-t> ment, whilst : . another of the firm is daily iu tlie auction room* and im- i i porting houses in New York < ity. securing the newest i and m >-t desiral le go .d- ftt the very lowest rate®, (a- 1 ■ they buy exclusiveh for c;v-li) ami a- they -ii! for ca-h !;. tin y liave no 10--' to inak<- up, and 01: eqneatly ! can ftftd d . -cl: - i Clteftp at I kfj COUipetittOß. Time j : and -pace preclude the possibility of mentioning half or ' quarter ot tiie many induicment- which are off red to all j | to trade ut their popular e-tabli.-limeiit, and tin; NEW ; \ IIV KitTi-ttHKNTs v II from week l ; week give but a li.nit | c 1 idea of the many advaiit:i"e* to tie derived bv calling | on ' A. T. M VKSII A CO.. No. 5 Union Block. Elmira, N. Y. i U.S. For further par'.: ulur, sec N< vv \>!verti- incnts, , j ssk these who have ealh d, and go see for ynorsclves. j IvJcw Just Hear what IVlarsh has been and gone and done -1 t le.-t. we di.tll SELL FOR C ASH ONLY att-.l as 1 heap a- we can afford to and pay enr clerks j e.lO qh 11 k.. p them hoiie-i. We would jest say o fa - : :;tie- . unti.. eto! c - tch that '.y w ill be ~ .tabled to o;lcr extra inducements to all to Imv Dry Goods of M VRSif Co., No. C, Union it! •• k. Elmir*. Wc 'vc got 'em ! j r pHOSK PATENT ELASTIC SKII.TS. with self-ad 1 ju-table bustles, utadf by Doug! 1- A Sherwood, New ! York f'ifv, are emphiitieally *!:e b p -t thing ever got up in the shape' of Skirts. To be had only of M kRSII A CO.. Ufti n BS >ck. TCK SAL£. 1 STLFNI'ID NEW (5 Ot lAM: MELODEON, will be j j 1 sold for II 3, which ia f3O less than the regular price. I : Also, 1 sc itid-hantl da., been used but little ; regular j price J75, mil . . .-old for ? >O. by A. T. MARSiI r. CO., 5 Union Block. | MOKE of those Fancy llead Dress l'ius j .ut JIAR.SII &< O. ! ! o NEW pieces sples-did Biaek Dress SILTS ; ■O at 6a, Bft pad 16a • ywi si XABSH &t 1 S- I lO'l'S of Linen Tapes in nl! widths ; also, ' J extra wide twilled Cotton Tape-. MARSH k CO. | 1) EEI)S ! Plain Hrass Hoops ; Spiral do ; j V patent covered Steel Hiop- lot- and lots 0 f >ai ju.-t te. . ived. MARSH A CO. 1 Embroideries. I 7^DOINGS, Inner'iug.-, Bauds, C'oilars. Sleeves and ; L Sutu ot the oevveat style- just opeued. | HARSH k CO. W'I.MIOW DRAPERY, both p Msiiu , II and I.ave, of splendid styles. MARSH k CQ. i>LAIN all w '°°l DeLaines of every color and be-t grades for only 3- a yard usually sold for i •i" ; also Figured ones same price : also a splendid as- j sort.neut ol the newest I'e siah Figured Delanncs tLACK BROAD CLOTHS in every I .13 grade from it to $6 a yard at MARSH A CO. Tict*a Point Agricultural & Junction Iron Works, AT ATHENS, BRADFORD CO., PENN., WELLES, BXsOOTi Af Co., Proprietors. r l'!lF, subsiri! >r would re.-pectfully inforni liia friend* i cu-tomcra, and the public generally, that lie ha ! formed a co-pattnor-hip with Mi. Joiix U. BLOOD, of Al i bauy, N. Y.. (who iu- lur -cveral years beeu Supci intcn- I dent ol Messrs. Finery iirotliera' Agricultural Works,) i and with Mi. i.L N. BLOOD, ol Worcester, Mas-... ! (Machini-'t and Tool Builder, and late Superintendent of I the Anierieftri Hoop Machine Company of Kitchtiurg, j Ma -., under tiie firm tiume of WEi-I.ES, Bl.Oul* & Co; i and that we leased tor a term of rears the extensive I ; nil well known Iron Works, of UV -srs. Sbipman A i W elles, at this place, and united the Tioga Point Agn ) cultural Work-with the same. ! r the luanulactutf of , Agricultural Mui hitios, Implements, Ae., among vvliich will be Fuiery's-ICndiess Chn'i Railroad Hor e Powers, Threshers and Gleam rs. Thresher;- and Separators, For ! t ible Circular and Cru—cut -aw Mills, Cider Mills, Dog [ Power*. Clover Duller-, Fed Cutters, Fanning Mills. 1 Flow.*, Ilai row-. < i.Uivator-. s nu le Machines, KirbyV i Mowets ir d Reapers, Ac., ol the mo ' improved liatteiii* ! and construction. We are prepared t•> do aii kinds of ; Machiuery Casting and K( pairing, at.d have lor sale a I h ige stock of first via— Steam Engines, Machinery and i Cu-t: ic>, manulactuied by and belonging to Messrs. | Shipman ft Welles. Both ol the M'-s-rs. Blood are skillful and experienced 1 prjcli al mechaiiics. Our Machinery" will nearly all be I new and with the latest impi vnnents, und with the en i couragemcntafforded by the patronage of a discerning | public, we expect to have tiie reputation of doing tirst class work und making the be-t Agricultural Machine* I in use. ' R. M. WELLES. Athens, January. 1658. i To DKALERS, FAHMKRS AMI MILL OWNEKS : Our pu-t inuividuftl experience in the manufacture, j sale and use t Agricultural Machine* and Implements, ' and also in general Machine und Steam Work, with our excellent facilities, allmled by Machinery, principally of our own construction, with the very latc-t and best iin proveme.its, and also for procuring the very best mate rials arid stock of all kind- at cheap rates, will enable us 1 to manufacture better machiuery, at same prices, than I that of other manufacturers, and also compete with the I world in prices and quality and material and workman ship of all kimls of Agricultural lmpliuieuts, and in all kinds of Casting and Job Wink. We shall pay especial attention t<> the manufacture of the very la -I ot I'iow- and Plow Ca-tingw Wc intend to j make ca-tings It all the leading plows in use in our vi ; cinity, ami -hall take great care to u.-e only the best ma j teriai. Our plow wooder is from the best and most ctic brited Mrtern manufactory. W invite ail intm-sU'd in " home luanuh.ctuics " to call ami -cc our woiK*. WELLES, BLOOD A CO. R. M. Wei.LLS, ; J. I*. BLOOD, b. N. BLOOD. so i uiu ii u; .y tITt: k, v LARGE SUPPLY, 1 A T VF. R Y L O W PRICE S. | Also, Upper Leather, French and American Calf Skins, Kip Skins, a large assortment of Morocco. Linings, Find I iag-b and other good- suitable for the season. TOOTS SZXO22S. i \ j of our own manufacture, constantly on hand, in '. made : > order, all ol which we "ft 1 1 at re dm id prill - HI MUIIEKY fy Wit KH AM. T'ouai; la. January 5. ls.ts. MACKINTOSH, hi:. y -77awill be found at lii- <■ld quarters in j ICittoiißlock, a- I- lore, puuianeutly. Person-from a distance will jilea-e send wold In fore i coming, a- busiuess ha- liecotue a- lio'iri-liiug as loriner ly. The mo.-t binding kind ol warrautee will be given, if required, for good refia'dc woik. I Towanda, March 1. I*sß. JOHN MACKINTOSH. ; YI (,)"N r r AN Y ]-: s Are now rccciving their Sjiring and Summer Stock of ! Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, i'oob k .fijnrs, |l; OP /iniiiiiijs 'C, jLTntjjrr, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, AC. Which will be sold at < heat hi Red wed Pries. Cor. Put die Square and Main -t. j. n. MOST WYE. i TOWANDA. \i. i. MONTAXYK, jk jL. D. MONI A N VE, ) April 12.1856. (K. n. MUMTAM'K. L^XECUTOR'B NOTICE. Notice is hcvc- I 1 l.\ given that all ; ersons inde'ited to the estate cf j WILI.fAM BRINK, late of Pike tap., deeoa-ed. must ' make immediate jniyment, and all per ons having d'- ! mind i"ai:i-t ci'l e-tate, will pre-ent them duly authen ticated for settlement. LEWIS B. PIERCE, April JO, 18 6. Executor. , IpXECCTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is lier< - Ij >y given, that all per-oii-iiule'itcd to the t .-tateof ! NAN'"V MILLS, deceased, late of Canton t>wn-h ; p. 1 are requested to r.- .ke payment without delay; those j Inn ing dc.nands'jgain-t-aid estate will present them duly authenticated for-clllcrncut. I April 26,1858. WH- s. JAYNE, Executor. 4 DMINISTR ATOR'S NOTICE.- Notice J 1 is In vi-by given, tlg.t .ill pel -oil- indebted to the es tate of Win. V. Clapper, dee'd.. late of Tuscaiora town ship, are hereby requested to make payment without ib - l.n ; and all pet.sou* having claim- a miu-i said e-tate will pi ~-r present them du! y anthertlieatc d for scttlemcuL JOHN GLAPPEIt, April 27. 10-58. Administrator. NEW SPRING GOODS LOW PRICES AND PROMPT PAY, THE 02U2ES. OP THE EA7 ! JOSEPH POWELL ]S now receiving n lrircre stock of SPRING _ GOODS. eotni U . \ DM IN ISTRATOII'S NOTlCE.—Notice J V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Levi Ennis. late of Standing Stone twp .de-hi. i are requested to make payment without delay ; and all j persons having claims against said c-t st-, must present • them dtilv authenticated, to the sab- r:'>er. ALEXANDER EX.NIjJ, BENJAMIN EN Nib. j April 8.1538. Adin in i stratore. | A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice 1 1a. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to ;no es I tate of John t. Ball, deceased, late of Try, township, fare n piested to make payment without delay : and all ! per.s-.-ii.-i having claims against said estate will pieasepre ' sent them duly authenticated for - itu me it. C. H. i \ M I'BEEL, JOHN SAESBURY, I April 12,1858. Vdminietraton. ! 1 I>M IN ISTR ATO R'S N OTlCE.—Notice 1 1\- i- here! y civ. ii, that .ill ; ■ rons in h-bted to the es , tate ot Win. I'illM'Eß, di e:i idi.te of Franklin tp. arc re- I quested to make payment withor t d- i tate ot EDWARD HANI.OX, 'ate ol Ridgburv,dee d, I are hereby requested to make jmynivfit with ;.t de | lay; and all jieisous having claims -against -aid. tate will please present them duly uuthenticuti >i lor scttk inent. MARY H.\NL<.x. WILLIAM IIANI.oN. EDWARD F. IIANLON. j Adniiiiistratorx. ! \ DMINIBTRATRIX ! il- 1- hereby given, that all pers.-ns imlehtrd to the estate of PETER NEII.Y, de nased, lati of Litelitield J twp, are hereby notified to make payment u it limit ileiav, l and all persona bavins demands against -c.:d estate 'c requested to present them U i.v autlu nt :-:ated for settle ment-. " ANN J. NEII.Y, Petirotry 10,1858. tdrainislratrix. i DMINLSTRA i'HIX N •: . jl \ i. hereby given, that all pi ji del-ted to th tate of Isaac Vlh u. late ol Windham twp., dec. asp.!, refpiested to make juiyinent without delay; and all per soiis Lav ngviaims against sunt estate, must present them duly authenticated for seitieim-ol to tin- sub-ci ii-er. MARGERY ALI EN. April 6,1858. A Uuifd-tiatrix. fAS. O. FROST YS CAROLINE MAT • THEWS. EMILY M VTTHEWS.CI! VKI tiTTEM VT- T HEWS, GEO KG K .M ATT HEW S, Old VK M AT I H 1-iWS. In Bradford County Common I'leas, No. 1 ', i isk P. M., on all tital • ertaiu lot of laud i i ijte i:i Orweil township, bounded and de-evibed a> follows to wit North, cast, south and weat, by lands of the estate of Sauiuel Matthews de-cased. C.nt lining a ;;t eig* t acres, ioor< or less, for the purpose of making partiE ,i of the said described real t-.-t ite to anl iiioong tl;opartie.i nieuti uicd iu the said writ, if the sarue can t-v 0 a • with out prejudice or spoiling of the whole, othet wise t > val ue and up;.rai-c the same according to law, r.t whi- h time auu phtcc jou uc required to attend if you think 1 1 '" TIIOS. M. WOODRUIT, FherifT. EcerilT.i office, March 2, Is.OS. A DM INISTRATRIX NOTlCE.—Notice i L i -htrelry given, that all persons iud ' ted to iht e - j tate of I'AEEB EIMJAKTUN, latent Athens Borough [deocttcd, are roqueatei to make payment with it ac | lay ; and ail pers jus haviugcluims against said estate will i please present them duly authenticated for settlement. ANUELINE EDO VRTC'N. j November 12, 157.7. Administratrix. "PROCLAMATION. —Whereas, the TToTT. X DAVID W'IEMOT. President Judge of ti.e l'Jth Ju dicial District, consisting ol the Counties of Bradford and Susquehanna, and Houoraides Joux PX.SSMOKE, and JOHN F. LONG, Associate Judges, iu and for said county of Bradford, have issued their precept bearing date the 7th day of April A. D. 185F, to nte directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, Geucral Quarter Session.- of the Peace, Common Picas and Orphan's Court, at Towan da, for the Couuly of Bradford, on the tir.-t Monday, the 3d day of MAY next, to continue time weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroaeiwmd Just i es of the Peace and Constables, of the County G Bradford, that they be heD and there in their proper' ner ; son, at 10 o'clock in the forenocm of said day, with their records, inquisitions,and other rcmciubrau- vs. to do those 1 things which to their office appertams to be done ; and j those who are bound by recognuan- c or otherwist to pro i Beoute against the prisoners who are or may U. in the i til j of said County, or who .-.hall be. bound to appear at the I said court, are to be then and there u pre t. :te against j thnn a' shall V-e jnst. Jurors are reipiestrd to V-e ptinctnal ! in their attendance, agreeably to tiu-ir uotice. i Dated at Towanda, the Gh of ApriGlr. the year of our lord, one t'oeuroud right Lutdrad led filty-o.ght tr.d • i the L it, r, d*:rc cf the Untvd F etc?."the t- I find* THOMAS X. WCKMDLITP, Fherlfli. IIER IF PS SALES.— Br rirtw of sundry i CJ writs ol Vend. Exp"., Usned out ot th*-court of Com ' mon Pica. ofßradf rd Co- nrt. t< mi- d.n .Jet? and de lire-rial, wiil be exposed to pu'Hi • sale at tl e Court Hon -e, Towanda Ib.tough, c;i THURSDAY, the "' th day a . APRIL. IsiPL at one o'clock. P. M. the f' llowu.g !,.♦ ultccor parcel cf land situate in 8.-rlingt-m t'.vm, B: iu rord co'iuty, bound'd t less about V" •* :ea ;ni:.i- vc 1. Seized taken in exi„ution at the 3 uit of l".vid J. ! Crawford vs. Z. R. Tiavls. i ALSO—The fellow, in v lot, piece or pared of laud fit*.- .• ate in Burlington a:.u P.'cst B. Gington twp*., iK'tmdfu 1 on the north Ly Silas B* tts and Newel' Hoi'vncj.k,. •-t by Ph 1 ' B'.-atu-ky, on the south i y Addison U'Keuiiand Jeremiah Lovcl.tSid and on the west Ly lands of John Bloom. Containing about or,e hundred nml fi.ty a- re-., uioie or less. a')>>ut thirty aores iinproved- Seized and taken i > execution at the suit of J. C. A! 1 drich v.. Be jam in Nichols. Ai.SO —The following Int. piece or pu'-ci of land itn atln C nt n twp... Brr.df -rJ county, bounced on 'he north by the highway an-J a lot occupied by H-uwc- ft tit, and ea-t by laud of l-'ri-deriek Bl.i k anil 'lheoJ -re L. Pratt, on the south by lauds of ( . F. Stllard and Wi! van Vw.-dyke i-mi Ilveihart, and tbe we-t by land-i of J G.Seudder, Doty and Wilcox, Wilson A Vandyke. Ever j hart and highway leading from Cant- ato !■ xtewn up, I Sullivan Co. Containing about two acres, in'-re u r i. I all improved, with out trained store hoc.-.- and framed | barn urnl shod there, u. ALSO—One other lot, p'e.-e or pa reel of litul ,-ltuat' i iin Canton twp.. Brad .id.--e.ntv bounded ou then th I ! by land brl ■ 'in:* to King e*y, N v -.lav A Co., i-u-.; 1 y : iai ds cf A. N. Sp..iu;iig. south ov the highway and west | 1 by latul ot K ng-a.i'ry, X< wri an i Co. C o rlh by la .d / I belong rig t-- tue (.state oi' J. C. Ko-e. de J.. 1".. \V. Col- 1 j well and M- H Case, e i-t 1 v Ceiitie street, eontli by land | j btl- nv.i g to James (• Randall nr. d Sam. ■*•! Owen and on r ' the west l y lands of &1111 I*! U.vei! -uul the eitntc o; J. ' |C. Lose. dee d. Containing about iwo anea, more or i ' le—. all improved, with one iramtd home and fruit tree: j J tlll'l e.)ll. ;—One other i"t, piece or jiarcei of ante : In Cant - u twp , Brad'oiii ..ou.dv, ... mailed ou the north jby laud oi El.a. Rockwell, east by land of W. Griffin, 1 i south by the hi- hvvuy lead .- r Jront Un .. t -wn-h.p to j | Canton "and on tin-, v.vsi by laud oi J. \V. (JEfiui. Cm j Mining tw- tv Hi-res, n.ere or less. Ft:.' dand taken . • wrnti u at the suit cf R*ukwell , ; and Wint ,n vs. ..ath n Tutth*. j f>. zt.d :J i. n in c.v-sutiou at the suit cf Stuns. ' ! Stair A Co. vs. Nathan Tattle. i A1 SG—The f.-liovnug ia. piece or pane! oflmd situ- , l ate in li dgl a .t.vj , Drudfoid touii*. • , bouisde i -n the I ' i firth y lai.iis ••;' Viuf.-'.t Owen, on Ihe i i-l by l.mdi of j j HiiU'i aiid Vincei.t Owen and Isaac Baldwin. i:j the! south Ly hu doi KM uicel Gt a-aidus uU the wi-.t Ly { j land of Son tl To s ')-, ('...taiiuog nb-ut one hundred ; j and twenty re., more or lesa, about verity a. r*a in*-1 pi . v*d. -uc fi.imed li'.o-i-, oil.,- i .g h >ase with a framed , ! uddit ■ n, one iiatiu J l aru. two 1 g barns and oti.n oat : building)*, Iwo apple or> bards and other fruit trees. I Seized and taken In exe .mion at tbe aoit ot James H.; , Webb to the use oi V. Mtrvur vs. Alphe .s G. Mar reliuu. ALSO—The following lot. piece -r parcel of laud situ | ate in S..uihCTttk t\ p.. I!i. i rd c :.ty, bounded us i follows, to witßegianlng at the centre" of the public ! ' r- ad, from ti-er.Ci ■auth by line or lianis-'Q Ward tweu ' ty-scven and ei. iit t i.'.'as pircLcs t > the south west C"r --| ner ol tin Kenick i t. tin are north To west along south i line of said Ken ick I I .74 r-10 i- •!- to northwest corner jof the Charles White lot, from thence sooth 11 rods to the centre of saui public p 1 and from thence an ea-ur ■ ly course along -aid i ad t. the place of beginning. Con- I uiuitig five ...its and loi t \ six mote or leas, be ing a part of whut is k -own a* tiie Charlc-s White lot, I No. 6 on E. Overton's tnap. about three acre* improved, i one framed lioutt. Iran:- d -.t ible and fruit trees tucreou. Si-i.'i d and taken i:i execution 'it the suit of Decker A Ornc!] vs. Una- F. Campbell and CatLari.c Caiiahe.l. j ALSO -The following lot. piece or j a>ctl of land situ-1 ; ate iu V. el is t wp., Bradi'ord county, bounded oa the north j Vy land*, of HUT ,ih:.-y' 11, West by kinds in >- i I si'M ! Charles fjniitli, Gt*orge Bevkwitli and James Gris wnid, s.ath *y land f Jatne*ifirisw dd and the highway j . > and on the < '.si 1 y lands ol N-hcmiiL It.thboue. Con-! . ■ taii.'.ng svwiity-twr a..res. inoi or ivs-,. about • I II- K - improvt 1 ;:T framed HW c, ba,.. a. '. af- W ■ fruit trees lln i i-on. F-dzt-d take:, ]n cn-i tion at the suit of William i S. Inialis vs. Bt-iijamia 1 .gal's. Ai.SO- Tiie f d'lo.v. IT!d,iit ec -r jar tl of land -itu* at- in O: well twp., B. - 1 .i-<... tut. oaamlcd utliei.>rvh t v tiie a .1: line o." Oi wc.l town.-!,in. int by lands el 1 : Huny Buliu-g.s a Sidney Ibv uaid s ih Ly lands oi . ! Jam 's 1). N well and H :uinbrey Be kwith and we-t .y 1 j the pebli. highway C t.taii.inff uSntly acres, insre or ! less, id out Surly acres improved, me framed h iu-e, a . tea:.. -I turn and aa orchard of fruit tret--. St ho Jan 11 ken in ex* Titian nt ilit -.iit of C- L. Wai 1 ! 1 to t'.e i so of J si ph I'oweli vs. sic*ll S. Latlir.p and | ! Wyllls Hrowuson. j AIJSt > -The following ct, piece r r parcel of ]j*.d situ- | ' ate in Wi -i 11 rlioglontwj).. Biadfurd cum :y, bond. j , : j on the- north by land* of W. Sawyer and Marvin Rock- j well, ea-t by A. Cunii'tju. ou th- sooth by lauds of Ortin I Wc. tgate :- d ou the west by O. Bc-h y. Containing i i 1 ninety-seven acres, be the mine m l*s.s. about forty . acre.-, tki.rc-it imp: -vi I, one lug bou.-e, one framed barn ; : and a few truit trees thereon j Se.zei". and taken in exe* t tion at the mtit ..f <>. P! l'en-' | diet -it to use of Calvin Dodge vs. F G. Crofut and G. 1". ' 1 Croft.t. Ai-F t—The fallowi !•.' 1 t. p't-ee *r parcel of laud situ- ! ■ at*- n A u yhtm Ivp.. Bradford county, h* ~ndvd on tbe i north li\ laroisoi John V<> • and John Wandall cast by i ! land i f Boulieu Barnes, south by th'- F illtvnn Co inlv { ' line, nt;d < n the wi*i ly lands e-f Bcrjr.ii in and D. ! . Vaugltti and J"hn Voce. Costtaisiing :ie huudtel j i and eighty-fiv.- acres, more or less, niiniit one hundred ! ; acres iu.; i -.vtd, oi.. house, mu- framed barn with • | shed attach*''!, onefr.unr-d wag-Mt Icnisc u.'J ••:!.*•? out-! i buil'luors nud an or. hard ot truit Decs thereon. ! Seized and fak uin c.\eianion ai the auit of C. & A. j . 1 Ri -hnionil vs. Josi-th Stowtll. I ALSO—The following i it, piece or pgrcel of hrd *itn- | i ate in Ridyoury twp . Bradford county bounded n -rth ! ' ; l.y land of B. F. B i k, east bv the llerwick lurupike. I • si' an-1 west by h" lof J !!. Wilkinson. Cuuta'.uing ' i lirtif an acre, more or less, all iinproved, with a frame-. ! house and a blacksmith -Lop thereon, j Seized rid tkn iu omi -Tion at tbe suit of O.ville i Chamloerlin v : . Aurcu I'erttins. M.-It- The tell .wing lot. pi •- or ptr*el of land itu ate ! a Troy twp., Bradford coonty, bounded as follows, j to wit: Be j.; i: tii ••' on flit* west line of the lurm of the ; I late Samuel Alk-u. dec'tl., in the centre of tb<- jmbße 1 ! toad lead tig from E. ' Troy t ■ Granville Centre at the j i south end of the watering trough near a novae Bow or • i lut: ly o.n i jiici l\v Hiram Lament, thfnci eisiw. :dlv bv a e p-'. :tie' v (tl. tin south lim* of the late Sonne! Al ien. li' c'd. at !•-: id and the u rtli line of Slirlfield I'e.r --j pie's hind, to the west line of A'-ijah Parks' land tin :V e i j northwardly to tl:" wet line of Ahijoh Parks' land t • ' a point fri'tii which a line vscstrrlv to the afuresri'd r->ad. > I and from thence to the place of 1 cit'invig wi!! en !?sr. | ■ I Containing scTcnty acre*, more or lesa, about thirt** wrei: ' | improve 1 with a trained house, u tranicd haru ami a few | " ' small fruit trees. [, 1 | r*ei/> d id taken in cvrnti *:* et t'.ie r:it of L'-.iwanl j S;. aulding to the t..-c of M'm. 1' Ne .via.: v vs. Ai. \V. Jan--. ALSO—Th foil win: lot, piece or parcel ol land*itu- j | in |b>rlingtou Boro', Brad.or 1 county, hoatided u irt: :.-.v ttie.-' iie mditwl by land- of S. 11. Hill, on tl .; j -n th ' l,t• ; i s. H. I'll! nud John !'. Lent: .a*id on the i west by lauds of John F. Long. Containing about hall j an a-we. he tae same c. re or b--c. all hupr-viol with a i framed dwelling a framed barn tLu a few fruit! tree- tucreou. S-i/ed nnd t?k**n iu e\ -ei :i,.n at th* suit of Samnci j 'j M -K< un t ■ the u-e ol Jer. Adam.-' now to use of John j I W. Pell* it vs. 1.. D. Tavl r. ! A ESt i--i be toho'viiig 1. piece or parrel of bud si'-' ! r.ate iu Wihivt town .hip. Brad bud Co-'uty. ho indtd i-u the north bv Itndi !h 1 fa th' Estate < f 'lhe-n.e- 1 ! Steven- ch-i J. east by 1 nids t-i Cuariea F. Wells, soot. by lands "oi ! rast Fi M Lit -1 o*i the we t by land, lof Fimucl lltlihouse, and others. Contair.uv: Hi, it on j hundred arrcs more m !,•>.:.:>outfi ':\ acresiinpr*>vd tw .* frami -1 h one frauit 1 bai u, c--rn house and other out ■ biiiUiigs, aud one apple orchard and other irtiit fees ■ thereon. i AI.SO--Dcfer.dat.ts interest in one ctlier 1 piece cr : parcel oi l'-nl sit art* in tVi'.-act t-'-wn-'u", Rr,di-. u- • I ty. boittidcq on th** north'iy Ir.n Ix of F-a-t-s Fb.- id, ■ and the highway leading fivnn the ALiany road, t-i the i i 1 r: IV'!:town road c-i tby tue highway i< :i 1' f fro® : - : o'i hanna l iver tu Albany ; south and w t l y !.n*i. | taken tu execu -m at the suit n a* the Rult of S H New man to the n.-e : E. A andlne vs. J.S. Minard. ALSO The f diowing lot, pie- uor parcel of 1 iml - it : nate ID AVcst Burlingtoii townchip. Bradf'r.l ejunty. hounded on tbe n- rlh i y laud of VEcu Henry, on ll.e we,t l\v laud of Edward Swain, south by land of Viidr< w Kwaiii. and or. th- eisl by lai.dof Benjamin 1.'0,s au-l Ue highway, t 'ontai :i g ghout f >tiracre? mere er leu.-, about three acres improved and one log lionjie thereon i Seized aid ttken in execution at the suit of I) H Swccmv vs. A. B tViitk ns. ALL '>— The foil iw iag let, n'e-'e ov parcel of Land sit | nate in DureH townsfcio. Bradford county, bounded on the North by land? of S ilmT.'-n t.ole,an the f-xst by Imdfi of Mi bard ffuretf on 'he ■ rtii b* - the pul fi hlghwav. i 1 en the **fc: t hv ia .1s hi Purging to *ht heirs of Jn'.u t'silc dc-rexse 1 ■ C- ntaining Mut ten 1-. LLc MITS mare •! or le**. s'! im; ravel ate fram'd ja ,te, one framed b,ra and fruW tr.e; :'i ri--n. fi* 1 :'• 1-i-d'a}.*-: a a* f' e er.* "f *T T Jfj 1 Fs'r. of AiiKvttkr-Jit jJ! "'-iltrtQ. '. >. U— ■MM——MI" r L>grl. 1 ALSO The h'll>*iu: 1 V J,V cor par *1 of !sid •" | r.te in Cxatun tup-. acri mt r i twenty live f" S :.iil r .veJ a • ra township, bounded on tfie north by Vndi of M. Jfv | 11, > j-t lends ••!' O Warner, maita by lam)' ol c. Smith, and we-t by Iti'oi of J. Biivubey.— Coutsluin ; t v r.t v :lu- u> it :.v ;c or k->. improved u;.. f. init: ~;;:o |vi a mated ban, tr.d few tree* tberc " . ACS. ■—<>;. c otl.i r lot, pleui or jarctl ©: Jwud nit-iaw •1 T r . '. >5.; i. bJ ati e With bv iaiidj e' jJ. B. StunJe. -■ ' esit in.t snith by l da S- D. Stnrd 1 viuit, aal'Ji. tfce wtl ovIUIKIC of il C'l-iriiy. (.<>ctain -1 : '• '.nnt ro >r I>t>. übowl lai;rwV | .;J, :vttj one frntrn d !i >t -e tbfTc< S u.ed nflil taki-a In e.xpcta-i n tl t\c 3> it of hlarii | l*i* ktU, to ti c in. ', (ijnii rtbc Lr.u of Stiff well ai J I Kioxrn t t hi- a v., lfraU: .d a*. v 'Uty, hounded > a tho uoith >:y of U.iniioii !' d.' >t by land , t Jar: i.i I Xkl ' iii". PM.tb by !'•} ut Joel inbblt u.d w-.-t by lar.4 lof Cbailt-a H. .aooi.loa. ' ontn aiaif about fiity.three 1 a : lva~ o t '•■...'.>• Cvf acrca itt.r*.vd, I oce pi ink hoa.-'t had fi i t tw' tbrrron. Sei:rd and taken in • tr'oth'B at salt of tVTl'aiia Lai-a 11 the :: eof H li. Wiibc.n. Ti. ItouUn Booth und 1 Uonjiii'.in F '.t, torn !• nar.t. A -Tbe toflow ir:l pic e or pf.r ti of lar J *ltu nte In Albany iw •.. Pridfoiu county, bounded -n the ! n-.rth I . hutoi >f Myron ivcll . if. caai by lands rf Myr< 1 Keil jj|r l>ati:t i Kt.jC i'i, v t' .; inutlsnf the h> Ira o Jacc-h M.i.c-r. tico'd . t-uu m.t by the Parcisy CVel i I.iLdc Containing ' .ne hntd'cd acre* w.d .!!< w.t c.<, more or aboi.t thirty *\c a rei impiottd, witn a! i hou c eand 1"K 1... n tbicrooii. I A! SO—• t e other !'t piece or parcel rf ltrd ai'nate in it.any tp.. lira ii' Oil "or.ty, boandt-c' north by ianOa : Li.'.-. .d ,u.i.e.'-:.u Ja:-'--. M- ! :!"?;• c.t i v la: of ; A*r-ti i.' .ucotk. - nth and w tby Zad>c C'r- n. Ct. I ttliiin.; fi i- Ir lid ml atd #c verity . rw, more or le-a. abr.i t i one humi ed ac: o improved, a {ranted h.u-e. a fnui,rd 1 barn, alog bl :tl-.i.ith 3bo£), three apple or.h&rli nad ! other fruit tnes thereon. Aldt.O—tuic oti r r i t, pice or parcel cf land e'tnate ! in AH-nv l"♦!'•. li:i dtot-J county. Ir coded north ht lance .oi Sho.ii -bJ Wile •*. r. tby Mi ton II Jo. -- 1 flensr • di anil Simeon t hapmun, south by larid* c* V'tih V J : c i.\ and S. C. arid b\ m. Moans and weut by lauds ot John Hanson, John Holmes and .1 a nits atd IteriJanjin Wilw x. ! Cont lining one l.undicd l td sixty acres, more or less, . one hundred acres im; rove i. two trr.rui J lr.n-.iiN, one ! ; bouse, two barns, ftj.c l !uck.-rn:tb chop, tr.d t.u 1 apple orchard and other fr..P trees there-'u. ALSO- Out other lot. piece or pr.rce! of land situnte i in Albany tvrp., Bradford . ■.ur.ty. 'oounUed north hy land ! of Sheffield V.'H-.-ox a. d M.lton liakts, sotth by Jostnli Mcmirdl and west hy lands of 7 Clilett. Contaiiiing 20 j acres, moi'- <-r less, about t-igiilevn acres inrprnved i AI.SU—One other lot, pie.c or } arcel of land sitcste ! in Albany twp., Brad.brd c-iantv, bounded on the north ; we t and south by Warrcntee lint-p or a tract a the war- I rantct name ■>: Henry Sta: k : L-:1 oi the east by lands :a 1 po -essi'in < f tVilliom It. Heifsr-yder. being- pert of the said t at in the warrantee name .! Henry Stcrk. C- n- I taintng übjut outhuutir.d seres with * log boose In ih woods. Sc-izid art-11 tkm in execution p.t tbe sail of 11. 11. Ma'e : v . It ,li:c Wiljrx and Sheffield Wilcox. XOTiru TO PcncHAflEPS.—To preys jit mlhunderetni-.d ' Ing. n >the is hereby givea tuut purchasers at Sbeiiil a ' salts w .11 be rs-qni.ed to pay the amount iiJ ut the ! tl;e land Is sold. IthaslK .-eme iirprra' o-ly peceseaiy to adopt this r :le. and >t wi" be 'tii -tly adhered to, OJC | ci-pt in'.ni'-!W..crt the u. u creditor u;.i I la entitled to the fund a* pbdvlded in the Ist rection cf rise net of As smblv, awpr ved A; ril 20. I*4 which : : w-.- • Whenever the pitf chalets ol real eatati. at ;• >r h.iiis' Co-irt or Shci iiTa s.iit, 1 '.'. u; i'si -'s.a th j projjer t,. rj<> entitled, sw n 1 Hi -rcititr-r.t < reee!\-> I Um wj. ;•? or My yniihwi o: tne pr ireMM vt wil *• w. it I ii..i>c Hie duty oi tiro, i.dujui. t:l d. tituutor . it'-jfr ' fr.-u *:• i,- <■■■ ! .-..1 v. to r. reive the receipt .f snch purchvec or pnr-li.iicrs fr tbe amount which • h- or f-.ey-.voalu appt J: , ir >rn the record .is ac..rea,.a. : U :.-e cutttl. 1 . reive : ?r n dvd that this -ectl.>.i ' n't Lc "o c-.otrcoJ s. t pp-1 '-it the ri.-'ht o said Sheriff ' i-L:: . sr. tXi :nt r r r pc-rson afor< said to d i m.scd and T-;Cr : .\<- .it the tun o r.i'.e .a sour snlbcVut to c vv. nil !■ ■ji-t-- r-.t,tied t ' b-r paid ontof theprKce<'.a | of h.ud sale ; and provided that before i-ny pur j chi-cr or purchaser* h ii res tive tin benefit of thi- e-e --i to n. he or thev -h ill nrodsce t j the Sheiiff, or other per , sou tin in-kin# s.tid sate, it duly tt-itili< d stateiii'-nt tr< in the praper records, tinder the Land fnd o"iCiu! seal ot iha prnper uilicer, .-blowing tli it he 1-. a la-u creditor, inlltied :l > iectivt any part of the pro i JT; tic sale ./a'' -esai L - ' i lIUS. M. WOODItUFF. j T'-wr.i.d i, M:r h Is, lWt. Rkftflf j T IST OF JITIORS, drava fut Mnj ; J. J l'erm and Se-.-i- - ;. l-'H. ii> J:"ttni-.. Athens- Currac Hcrrick. | B Williams. Bnrllngtoi tj F. Cnstin.Jj[Standing Stone—Ja fajlor. j D .riingiou west J ifhicit-j^ji;inrucid—l icio* French. \w ii. jr. janeshi quia—l)avid Horteia, ' C-'i iui' .a— \!v:n Finnan. ( C\\ 15 iii:s. Fr.ei.k'; l: br'l Vi-vtcer. * f ia not tli—llhodui- k : :,':-!i:ie-!l- 'y . x b n 11. i tirtm? r. j Orwell m.bin FrLshie. jWy* -< Frank lir- en. ' ::;.1... -;rv—lle.-t-. r U eu.r ' •VTir- t-J G Crai.caF.DiiaT I 1> II..!!. i Welles. 1 Sirithleld—V S Vincent O; •> nneii—Bilery Golfin. ; iv Bird, Wm S l'icr< e. 1 Win d, IU Lores PuarL Wjalu.-iti,' Ttleo Hines. IKlvresf :i-!:or,- HUT WICFjr. Armenia-- John 11 M ruuu. ! Ja ue.s d 80.-worth. A-sl im— \r n Lshy, K1 .H.-ict-—Jaa B Ueiuoney. ii ore-H'it iii. 'ititi'-liiiry- Geo I>ildfne. Athens tw . Mhcrt Tn/ei Shi-lie]ain —Jeice Brown. Buriitign i twij—las Vv i! S - ail v'tvek—li \V Iveed. C co\. K:i ill ii-i . Tat-l-'ird, J Vuiaivkejr 1 S.t it.::iu 1>- r-— : as H NawU. j Williams. ,'S-iri:igfie!ui, J !iv: Wyalcsi ig -Alm-m Fulhr. OKCCMV wni:x. Albany—Us Tvllig -. '{ mt ,T '-*• fj~. w-r.rr. j Atben* tp—Frant-ia Tyl ;. J.Hi • ittjrSfld -L' wis Utm), • ibirlingt ,r. oor-v -I'lcrig. ; T:i e Watson. Che . ! ab'it-t. ii ip M in re. t.r H. :k:ic s. ' U-'■ ; oa w t.-t -II K S.e S-cth< .• k—l.twie Fasaet, ! tr- .. Divid Belven, ' Cn -i'-n —J hn V." Gri:lin, " iot -ue—William i i vwreu | IliMdeVi ;C. 1 V A Boil 1' |t dI b L Seott. j (irauviUe—Stephen i> i'dJ jf.ftra.nda north—F Watts. I lli-riick—Jhu Alien. jrcyiirp- Vih-u T.iyl'tr. i i eriiy Austi T ilol.-or., I 1. -nr.'-. - Vincent Owen, j M-.r-e. ! 'cr- <\ I! Vandyke. | I.itchlicW ph tbtrk. 2'i; 'v'ett—l.vniau Fmv-h. i unveil "an- ' Stevfi". W-. vx- Jha Ca-.kllu, Jew | rike- \|*l M ' -iv. Henrv ** Aflen. A-I --.Mi' I. Sic-> i, i Bp'y ■! i.-og—(■'j'v'n Camp, 1* l.iie.s. cIIM at^o.uerr. Warren—A M Beard, hy. rainn vrnn-i. ".!' toy -Win. V rtia, I. )hf r " -n • few's, .fame* lasis. i B Fltt.-l cr. ti !'Jonea. I Athens tirp—H Shin in. iC -i.-ba. v- Levria Mochcr, .tot— i. • J I-mi- irtrmtm, Sarjia B |,r HnTton t-- .l Fi-ift i Sf.'ven. j Mv-l-m Bih.i.d. .1 -aa V viol', lib -!l ram Carpen liiii rd. i trr. H ivi-y l'irrce, U G . l .ni'di- rTV o j Ourfcy. ' Mi.'-i'a—M it '• 't-hwil. : l'r.vv tw ; —IV! C Porter. I'iraiiviih l.-: i. cF' t.tum. T-nv.n,d i > r - v.'-Vi-Vham ' 11.-r-i "k- \\ mV' -bit. ! r c.vaii-i i t wp—W H IV-k r !I !. H V.V M r-!b '1 t<>* I bii fbr -rt, W-.i. i oiroc li-in. S.> linr Pl iwiina. M :.rc< twp J .V-,.. it—Nathaniel I'aik. I Frreina-t Hw-cwt. I if" tnklln. Orwell -Jim - r< N w,tv. 5! --It ram Strayrcy. OveC'in—('hrmlian H. v rlv V.r.i'ii.ioi- -Ibiniel Shoeßia kH-. ieffi-rs - r ■ , -.1 . fX TIIK MA JTI4R <-i ih® (Hit# ul I't-ii r JL>n ii- taxi i, hitc of Ihitnc tiven.-.hiiv, in tin t)r|ihiii>" ( Urt of Hisdlind Cftunfy. The -r.-ic-. . 1. :r ..'-tor ippointed by said court, to .Tcii . .mil lj i-t the acvctiut of Prece,.-or Pmhf, Hut'i Hi' k- .ii'il I.'-tie h: .-n, adriiinistrato.n with the will .h. >e.%r of tii< raid I'titer Job rise i. iia.i • > reprut a di.ti-ibuti 'ii of the lialmce iu the hands of the sai-i ad on -t i ot'i. - iic:r; y gives nivtice that he will aMend to : the rl itn-s of his apiiointmctit at the oilice of Will am Wot!: c .fj., in tbe Iter u.cU of Tow unla. >.i Vlom'ay . Apul i., Isys. at ! o'li v-k, lb >f.. -.t -which time nd jda-e all 111 -ins irCrrr.-tcd :rc ti vtified to st'jn l. x J lb GOOI*LMt)VGH, A idit-ir. T-iiraiida. March i. li'.k. VOTIrK TO COLLKn'OIfiS.—I'M ura a. s hereby r:y;ired t bib t nve jwr trout tbe St i ctaxoi io u ai.b • iy pirs mwo eh-h pay bit rr But* a: d t "-:-t \ •K B :arl •Mm |he late day ->: J-mc mxt. no • aire shall be a:h>avd yw ila yoiir wttie neat with *b T'catitrcr, prov ui. 1 the MIT* • '[>*• i into the rftn-'ty Triu-sviri nu r.r fore to.- i"'d and -L*h day a i pr citiu - our colh-> *1 -n a-. i- t ■. ■of h. t . ; .. . <*. r at that time ! B*. criuT the v r-r p. p c*n- :i . V , T -U 1 ■ - -,'rr -"-T •. Man '• ; , '•