illiscrilattcone. K.T.KOX j T a VOW RECEIVING lange stock of r 'mILY GROCERIES, which are offered for sale at 1 nt ys as the same quality of Goods can be bought fcfe Side of tfce City of New Ymk. IXKLD be AS, for sale at I Mm ' 25.1858. FO X S. HOMMOXXY, SAMP, Wbeat-Grits, Oat meal Tapioca, Rice Flour, Maccaroni, Vermicilla, J. and Farina, for sale at TTREXCH, ENGLISH and AMERICAN r \ii'9TVßD,grouml.aiid w hole, at \{ avh 2'>,1659. _ _ _ FOX'S. VI UI'A'ESTEBSH IRE SAUCH, Pepper \V Sauce, Tomato Catchup, Pickles, Sardines. Ac. March*-'"'. FOX'S. |tthlTE CRANBERRY LEANS for \\ iocil ■ tin- best Field Bean in the countrv, at h 25.1858. MAPLE SUGAR, at . March 25.1858. FOXJS. VARIED BLACKBERRIES, Raspber- I ' riesand Apples, at tlarch 25, 1851- _ FOX'S. IfORE FRENCH DIMITY, received by \[ MARSH A CO. "DLACK BROAD CLOTHS in every I ?"ni,le Tom $2 to $6 a yard at MARSH & CO." Ticg-a Point fljricnllnral & Jiinclion Iron Works, ? AT ATHENS, BRADFORD CO., PENN., WELLES, BLOOD 6C CO., Proprietors. rnjiE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends I , ustorm-rs, and the public generally, that he has rwi a co-partnership with Mr. JOHN P. BLOOD, of Al ,\. V.. (who has for several years been Supcrinten ■ Vc"!-■ Emery Brothers' Agricultural Works,) j II with Mr. SAMUEL N. BLOOD, of Worcester, Mass., ,|, hiaist and Tool Builder, and late Superintendent of ■ I i.ierican Hoop Machine Company of Fitchburg, : jte-i., under the tirm name of WEI.I.ES, BLOOD A Co; ;j' we have leased for a term of years the extensive 1 i well kuotvn Iron Works, of Messrs. Shi).man & w,.;; ~; i t this place, and united the Tioga Point Agri-I . rJ I Works with the sane, for the manufacture of n iituralMachines, Implement*, Ac. among which j n ,'ie Emery'- Endless Chain Railroad Horse Powers, ; p'n-hers ami Cleaners, Thresbehs and Separators, POl - • Circular and Crosscut Saw Milts, Cider Mills, Dog ; s-rtt. CI wer Hullers, Feed Cutters, Fanning Mills, eM , K V *-.r- and Reapers. Ac., of the most improved patterns ! cd .•..ffitrortion. We are prepared to <h> alt kinds of Vi. ! ,.:iery Casting and Repairing, and have for sale a! stock of fir-t class Steam Engines, Machinery and . ... ;irs. manufactured by and belonging to Messrs. -I. ;imaii A Welles. •; :h uftlie M --rs. Blood are .skillful and experienced | :i,al lis i liaiiics. Our Machinery will nearly all he >w and with the latest improvement)*, and with the eu n .cut afforded by the patronage of a discerning , ire expe t to have the reputation of doing first -- work and making the best Agricultural Machines R. M. WELLES. Athens, January. lsjS. T PF.AI'KS. FA KM KK.S AND MILL OWNERS : r | i-t individual experience in the manufacture, j ,inti as*: ot Agricultural Machines and Implements, j it in general Machine and Steam Work, with our i ~t i 'otic-, afforded by Machinery, principally of i w:t construction, with the very latest and best im -uients. and al-" for procuring the very best mute - i:; l -t-> k of all kinds at cheap rates, will enable us :;j iifiieture Tetter machinery, at same prices, than tiiofiitiu-r mauufacturcrs, ami also compete with the 1-; iin prices aa l quality and material ami workman : all kinds ot Agricultural Implinicnt.-, and in all • rk. 'A..--! .! pa> c-peeial attention to the manufacture of fir verj best of Plows and Plow Castings. We intend to | -< j-tings f.-r all the leading plows in use in our \i . and shall take great tare to use only the best ma il ir pi or wooder is from the best and most cele w.r. J eastern manufactory. We invite all interested in '. ae manufactures to call and see our works. WELLES, BLOOD A CO. LM. WELF.ES, j. P. BLOOD, t X. BLOOD. 1-OT.T-: LEATHER, t LARUE SUPPLY, ■A AT VERY I.OW PRICES, o _!_ pptT Leather, French and American Calf Skins, >ki ! - i large assortment of Morocco, Lining.-, I'ind t.'-. aud other good- -nitable for the season. ff BGOES & SHOES, U of our own main,la. tine, constantly on hand, ™ B : which wi ofl'ri at re m rik. d cd pri' >-. HUMPHREY $• WJCKH.UL .da. Ja C. i A. 1 -.Vs. I S 1 ' ' r st].- Nt H ■\\ ANTKD.—'OO Bushels of Wheat at H'* the market price. ■ BAILEY A NEVIXS. [ Ml'SlC ! M rsic ! fl \ : 4 ENTIOX is called to the fact that : -. a. Rot;BUS is now |in town, and offers hi- ser p! - wi-hing it, in tuning Pianos, repairing |ffl| i! Melo'lcoiis. Ac. He lan al-o furnish the truini its cheap as the t heapt st. All histru ■ v-vai anted. Calls from the country prompt '-tended to. ■ -- • iartner. LEVI WELLS, in Tuscarora, can also he ■ R-w.inda. Feb. 9, IS.',K. W* Persons i 1 JVtcnty tolic- ITJ. land. ■ | ■ ■ ■ \ ■ (ht on Messrs. Rot he Bi tin r ■ ind and upwards to an> H • '* Black Hall Line v of New York and Liver- j B - LA PORTE, CO. 1 OHIO GRIND STONES H Stone Hang ■ WM. A. ROCKWELL'S. Salt for sale, at No. - ■ ■ W. \. ROCKWEI!.. MACKINTOSH, DEN iae found at his old quarters in - J I'.iitoiit Block, as before, permanently. H ■ lieconie LS flourishing as former- H ■ , tor good n liable work. :. l-'.s. .JOHN- MACKINTOSH. I Misiako lor I). ('. Hull. ■ } : ' 1W "11 h iiol a luvgf stock and a great variety 'j,'" ranf | ''late, and 4-i different patterns of "♦ Diving Flue and Elevated Ovens for '• v ;'' tl. it rather than to sinnmrr them over. " ,u ' "st lor cash or grain at the following pri aS' • n'"', '' • Bye. 62 J eta.; Corn, 624 its; oats kwlieat, 43| cent's and Butter tne highest n ;■ 7' who have accounts or notes with him that " 'tcr make arrangements to i)a\' iinuic- T wish 10 Mv e coat. ■ K l-.Ks 11 tiiitl evorvthiitff in " f business, at ■ MONT AN YES. DR. XX. JAMBS' M- r:l( 't of Cannabis ludica, preparation from the leaves imported from Calcutta,) THE PERMANENT CU RE OF Cocghs, COLDS, NERVOUS DEBILITY. H-', Price, $2,00 per Bottle. i line without" Dr. 11. James, 19Grand-st. ', ij '"wu in the bottle. For sale uv Dr. H. C. )>■ '' ""'e ageut. 2m37 K ..... X'OR SALE. I N 'FW 6 OCTAVE MKLODEON. will be "ami do., lieen used but little: regular - H '* lU he sold for fV). b V ; T. MARSH a CO., A Union Block. iMAHSH A CO. 1 : -' V ■" splendid Black Dress SILKS . "°od 40s a yard at _ MABSH A CO'S. L and small CLOVER SLKD, at .M ON TAN YES. Ccgal. REGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is bew by given that there have been filed and settled in the office of the Register of Wills in and for the count y of Bradford, accounts ot administration upon the following estates, viz : Final account of Sophonia E. Jackson, administratrix of Joseph 11. Hamilton, late of Windham dee'd Final account "f Henry Gibha und Humphrey Beck with, Executors of t yprian Barnes, late of Orwefl, dc'd. Final account of Charles Sock well Guardian of Eras tus Man ley minor son of Asa Mauley, deed. Final account of Sarah Stone, administratrix of J. F. Stone, late of Lcroy, dee'd. Fmal account of Wm. H. Peck Guardian of Hubbard \\ illiams, minor son of Johnson Williams 2d, dee'd. Final account of Stephen Brink, Executor of John Ford, late of Pike, dee'd. 1 i.oal d' count ot F.lijah and R. S. Shoemaker, Executors ot Eunice Shoemaker, late of Windham, dee'd. l iual account of Samuel Davidson, Administrator of beely t.oble, late of Litchfield dee d. Final account of O. W. Northrop and John M. Bris ter, Executors of Ireue Whitehead, late of Pike dee'd -V'Jth" , saino 'ill be presented to the Orphan's Court ot Bradford county, on Monday, the 3d dav of May next lor conlirmatioa aud allowance. , JAMES H. WEBB, Register. Megister a office, March 30, ls.">*. IITARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a w rit of \endiiioni Exponas issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the United States, tor the Western District of Pennsylvania, and to me directed, there will lie expos ed to public sale, at the Court House, in Williamsuort Pennsylvania, on SATURDAY, tlieSth day of MAY next, at 2 o clock. P. M.. the following described property, to wit: A certain tract of land, situate in Spriugtield town ship, Bradford county. Pennsylvania, containing two hundred acres, more or less ; one hundred acres. 111 >re or less, cleared ; bounded 011 the north by land of Stephen D. Darkness, on the east by land of Jacob Darkness and others, on the south by land of Tallman D. Behrdslev. and 011 the west by lands of Jacob Darkness and others with the appurtenances, consisting of one dwelling house painted white, three barns, one wagon shed, one corn house, and other outbuildings, also an orchard of apple trees. Seized, taken in execution, aud to be sold as the property of John Harkness. „ ~. _ J AMES G. CAMPBELL. Marshal. Marshal s Office, V illiauisporf, March 31, 1858. I ICENbES.—Notice is hereby given, that J the following named persons have filed in the office ot the (. lerk ot the Court of Quarter Sessions their peti tions for licenses under the existing laws of the Common wealth. and their several applications will he heard before the Judges o: the Court of Quarter Sessions on Monday, the 3d day ot May next, at 2 o'clock in the alternoon of said day : FOR A TAVERN. Nathan Olmstead Ulster twp John Hickcrson '.'.'. Warren ttvp! S. ('Lesley Myer Canton twp. ?; Fine Ridgbury twp. u Rliam O. GnoaMifea Ridgbury twp. William Gibson Ulster twp. Ethel Taylor Monroe boro. Orson Rickey l{ulne b<)ro- John Lauglilm Towanda boro. Moses r. Carrier Towanda boro. L. \\. birehard Athens boro. Nathan Mitchell Athens twp. John O. Ward Troy twp. H. A. Phelps.... Athens boro. Ephraim W. Bigony Troy boro. Jason C bailee lloiue twp. J- Horton Asylum twp. Stephen A. Mills North Towanda. H. \\. Root Springfield twp. F. Strong. Columbia twp. L. I. Goetchius Sylvania horo. J. S. iboni]isoi> Wyalusing twp. Daniel Vandercook Towanda boro. M. R. Ross Smitbtield twp. 11. \\. Noble Standing Stone twp. Reel A Aekley \thcns twp. Horace Kinney She-hequin twp. S. F. Washburn Ulster twp- Reuben Mor ley Burlington Borough. MERCHANT DEALER. Jacob Richardson Ridgberry twp. William P. Newberry Canton twp. Jacob Richardson Ridgbury twp. TO SELL IN QCANT 1 TIES NOT LESS THAN ONE GALLON. Janies Nestor Towanda boro. EATING SALOON. 5\ illiam Morgan Troy boro. ALLEN M'KEAN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, April 6, 1858. A DMINISTR A TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice V is hereby given, that sill persons indebted to the es tate of Levi Liiuis, late of Standing Stone twp., dee'd, are requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons haviuff claims against said estate, must present them dulv authenticated, to the subscriber. ALEXANDER KNNIS, BENJAMIN EX.VIS, April 6.1858. Administrators. J 4 I)MIXISTRATOIUS NOTICE.— Notice , i \ i- hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es ! tate of John ('• Ball, deceased, late of Trov township. | are requested to make payment without delay; aud ail \ persons having claims again-! -aid estate will please pre- j sent them duly authenticated for settlement. . c. 11. CAMPBELL. JOHN SALSBI'RY, April 12,1858. Administrators. T>ROCLA M ATIOX. Whereas, the Hon. I DAVID WILMOT, President Judge of the 12thJv- i dicial District, consisting 01" the t'ounties uf Bradford and Su.-quehanna. ami llun"i*all>-s JOHN I'A —MOKE, and j JOHN F. LIWC, Associate Judges, in and fur said county ! of Bradford, have i>nieil tiieir precept bearing date the I 7th day of April \. I>. i iSB, to me directed, fpr holding a j Court - f Oyer ami Terminer, ticueral (Quarter Sessions of 1 the Peace. 1 'oniiiion Pleas and Orphan's Court, at Towan ' da. for the 1 minty of Bradford, "ii the lir-t Monday, tin 3d day of M AY next, to continuethiee weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given, to lie- Coroners and - Jusfiies of the i'ea -e and Con-table-, of the ( o'inty ol - Bradford, that tliey i ■ tiien and there in their proper per ] son, at lo o'elo) k in the forenoon of said day, with their j records, inquisitions.and other remembrances, to do those 1 things which to their office appertains to he done ; and : tho.-e who are bound bv recognizance or otherwise to pro- j secuti against the prisoners who are or may be in the jail of said County, or wlio shall lie bound to appear at the -aid court, are to t- then and there to prosecute against them as shall he just. Jurors are requested to be punctual 1 in their attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the 4th "f Apriljiu the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred anil lifty-eight, and of the Independence of the United States, the eigiity first. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. OUI'IIANS' COURT SALE. — By virtue of au order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Co., will be exposed to public sale on the premises, on SAT URDAY, APRIL 24. 1958, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the fol lowing described lot of land -ituate in Wells township, late the estate of Charlotte Shepard, deceased, bounded as follows, to wit : Beginning in the centre of the road leading lroin Kliuiru t ■ Daggett's Mills at the north east corner of Andrew J. Miller's lot, thence north 64° west lft 6-10 perches to a post and stones, the north west cor ner of -aid Miller's lot, thence north 29° east 1 2-lft per. to a post and stones, thence south 04° ea-t lft 6-lft per. to the centre of said road, thence south 24° west 4 2-10 per. to the place of beginning. Containing 44 5-10 per ches, inure or less, with a framed house and a framed barn thereon. Terms made known on day ol sale. JAMES If. BRINK. Wells, March Is. Is.'.s. Administrator. GEO. ir. lU XTLXG, KESPECTFULI.Y informs his former customers and the public generally,!>:it he has rem ved his TAILOA'S SHOP, To 01m door south of Tracy A- Moore's store and immr diately opposite D. ('. Mali's Stove and Tin Store Main at. He flatters him.-elf that from his long experience in bu sine-s lie will be able to picas, alt who may favor him with their custom. Owing to the loir pre<surr in the mo ney market, lie will make Coats from 82 50 to $5 50each and other work in proportion for READY PAY . Country Produce in payment, will not be refused, if 01'ercii. Towanda, March 20, 1859. rpilE J a tost stvlo of HATS and CAPS, at X Mnwk 10,1858. MO.VTANYES. NEW SPRING GOODS LOW PRICES AND PROMPT PAY, THE OR Dim or THE DAV ! JOSEPH POWELL IS Dow receiving a largre stock of SPRING GOODS, comprising everything that Is new and de sirable, which will be sold as usual, at prices far less than at any other establishment in the country, FOR CAM ONLY! Believing that long credits and the abuse of the credit system generally, have been the cause of the great com mercial revulsion which has brought the whole country to the verge of bankruptcy, and that a continuance of these causes must in a still greater degree produce the same results : and believin that it is fur better for both the merchant a d his customer, that the evil should now be corrected, I take this method of to my cus tomers and the public that my business will hereafter be conducted strictly upon the ready pay system, and shall endeavor to make it an object to those wishing to buv goods for CASH, to favor me with their patronage. I'owanda. March 23, Ik">k. JOSEPH FOWHLL. DRIED BERRIES—A quantity of Dried Hrrrics for sale by Towanda, Nov. 4,1857. W. A. ROCKWELL. £ nb Sale. 0 TREASURER'S SALE F UNSEATED LANDS IX BRAD FORD COUNTY,—In pursuance of an Act of the General .Assembly, passed the 13th of March. 1615, and other A. ts ol Assembly, will he exposed to public sale, at the f'oinmissionei's office, !n Tovrauda Boro'. on the 2<l MONDAY in JUNK, IsSS, the Tracts of Unseated Lands described in the following list, unless the taxes due upon the same are paid before that time. -£. P. SHAW, Treasurer. Towanda, March 20,1858, No. j Sfe. | Warrantee | YYarutj Acres. I or Owner. ! ATHENS. 1-100 5"0 Charles Carroll, sll 50 . 1512 300 same ti 30 ASYLUM. 120 Avery Christopher 2 84 237 Cortright Cornelius 4 98 383 Cortright John K 05 301 Davenport Cornelius 6 33 231 Davenport Daniel 4 86 116 Kidd John 2 43 150 Sterling Samuel 2 03 ALBANY. 91 Anderson Joseph 6 03 107 Baron John, jr 7 44 78 Cas tutor f red trick 5 15 69 Gore Klizaheth 4 56 84 Pearce Abel 5 55 188 Roberts Robert 12 65 193 Roberts Hugh 12 96 93 Rush Moses C 16 j 80 Shotts Charles 5 28 Bt'RHNGTOJi. 1494 88 Carroll Charles 1 85 ' 1493 195 same 4 10 1486 100 same 2 10 CANTOS'. 75 Attis Frederick 1 57 120 Arnout Henry 2 52 1 273 Croak Jacob 5 74 j 40 Friend John 94 33 Greeno John 72 265 Hand Edward 5 57 75 Morgan John 1 63 | 410.} Shafner Casper, jr. 861 . 245 Shaw Robert 5 14 1 46 '• •' 06 . 75 Singer John j 51; 3uo Slough Matthias 6 30 j 100 Singer A brain 2 10 FRANKLIN. 397 Baukson Jacob 34 57 377 Biddle William 7 48 113 Cunningham 1). 11. 9 86 i 57 Cooley Henry 6 00 j 400 Samuel Edge 6 96 , 492 Franklin College 42 60 200 llaga George 17 40 156 Hughs & Fishef 13 56 •100 Hardy James 34 80 400 Hardy Simon 34 88 400 Hardy Andrew 27 84 400 Hardy Nathan 34 SO 400 llardy Paul 17 40 400 l.adlcy Peter 34 HO 400 Ladley Joseph 34 80 300 Ladley Andrew 26 lo 321 Moore Patrick 27 91 350 Rice Joseph 30~45 428 Stuart Walter 37 24 265 Stuart Deborah 22 91 400 Siddens Samuel 34 B<i 4'MI Siddens Joseph 34 80 325 Siddens James 28 25 175 Siddens Peter 15 25 415 Suviel Israel 36 19 72 4 Wilson James 62 99 200 Wallace Samuel 17 40 406 Young Samuel 35 31 LEROY. 129 Attis Frederick 7 37 407.} Antis Henry 23 16 357 Douglas Andrew 22 04 332! Morgan John 19 00 407 Morgan Jacob 23 35 413 Simmons Joseph 2 86 437 Wister Wm. 24 63 lsl Witzell John 10 31 MOXKOK. 400 Anderson Samuel 27 00 1 309 Anderson Joseph 20 67 322 Castutor Frederick 21 73 172 Ellis Marcy 11 81 97 Gray Wm. 6 63 400 Hampton Robert 27 00 150 Hopkins Robert 10 13 200 North Samuel 13 50 400 Shotts Peter 27 00 400 Shotts Frederick 27 00 400 Shotts George 27 00 280 Wallace Mary IS 'JO 100 Woodruff Hannah 6 75 o\ERTON. 343 Rctz Joseph 30 40 343 Betz John 30 40 I 343 Betz James 30 4o ! 400 Byson Henry 35 40 j 375 Cooley Samuel 33 15 ' 400 Castator llarman 35 4u J 400 Castator Joseph 35 4ft j 41MI Cooley JOShua 35 40, 100 Kills Marcy 8 85 j 343 Fritz Samuel 30 40' 400 llaga Peter 35 40 I 4ftft Haga Nathan 3". 40 2iM) llaga George 17 70! 4oft Haga Samuel 35 40 ) 400 llardy Samuel 35 40 , 375 Hardy James 33 15 1 390 Harris Ann 3 4 50 : 400 • 11 illings worth Stephen 35 40 j 400 Hardy Henry 35 40 1 375 Moore George 33 lsl 400 Moore Paul 35 40 ! 3 '3 Moore John 34 si 1 2uo North Samuel 17 TO 1 400 North Jonathan 35 40 | 200 Palmer Thomas 17 70 ! 400 Siddens Andrew 35 40 400 Siddens George 35 40 i 400 Secloy Joseph 35 40 . 400 Seeley Henry 35 40 : 75 Siddens Jauies 6 60 225 Siddens Peter lit 88 400 Temple George 3 45 lift Woodruff Hannah 15 93 KOK. 28 Rentley Samuel 68 RIDGKI'KY. 1516 COO Carroll Charles 12 60 1507 250 " " .5 1.5 1515 196 " " 3 35 SPRINOFtEt.O. 947 121 Myers Fisher 2 5.5 TI'SCAKOR \. 250 Keelcr John & Co., owners. .5 2.5 150 Primer George 3 15 75 Potter Henry 1 .57 120 Sbumtvay Barrowcliff, owners. 3 15 WAR REN. liil Jacobs Peter 3 36 1.53 Jacobs Paul 3 22 120 Jacobs Henry 2 52 WII.MOT. 28 Leaky John 2 27 •101 Morris Israel 30 27 80 Morris Benjrmin 6 4s 1.50 Sterling Samuel 12 15 272 Baldwin Jana s 22 03 ALSO—In pursuance of the provisions of the Act of the General Assembly, passed the 29th day of April, 1844. section 41, at the same time and place will be ex posed to public sale the tracts or parcels 'if land or real estate designated in the following li-t, unless the taxes due upon the same are paid before that time. ! 11 1 7 1 w j rs? Year, jTo whom Assessed. IE ? •- § ARMENIA. 19.55 Dewey I.vman, 100 tort .. 100 $ 61; .... Drinker Henry, . . 375 37.5 2 49 .... Ward C. L. " 200200 .. 200 132 .... Williams Lorenzo D. -50 60 .. .50 4o 18.56 Ward C. L. 134 2002 no 9s .... Williams Lorenzo D. 50 .50 .. .50 48 Benson John 25 28 .. 28 26 ALBANY. 1954 Gagerll.C. ... 11l 15 96 217 .... Lewis Hughes ... 190 .. 190 240 Olipliaut Daniel, ... 63 3 60 91 Donahue Mrs. J. 50 50 63 1855 GagerH.C. 11l 111 15 97 178 .... Woodard A. L. 100 100 20 80 234 1856 Boon Timothy 50 50 .. 50 77 Donahue Mrs. J. 50 50 .. .50 77 .. Harris Thomas, 100 214 .. 214 329 \., Little Daniel P. 12 12 . 12 18 .... Kinney Henrv, 25 2.5 .. 25 39 .... Murphy Stephen jr. 150 150 .. 150 231 .... Martin John 113 113 .. 113 1 77 .... Vargason Samuel 1 house and shop, 2 ... 41 ATHENS TUT. 1852 Bradford G. H. House and lot, 3 20 .... Haines G. W. ... 58 .. 59 1 17 1855 Belding, Village lot 60 .... PincJ.O. 87 87 .. 87 78 , ATHENS BOUO. 1855 Forbes Mrs. D. 4 houses & lots, 9 90 Huston Thus. T. House and lot, 2 64 Kiff Horace House aud lot 3 24 1856 Culling James Est shanty and lot 77 .... Leonard F. House and lot, .... 1 40 .... Palmer J. S. House and lot, 1 51 Woo ley Peter House and lot, 70 .... Stuart C. B. House and lot, .. 3 ... 6 93 ASYLUM. 1850 Fitch Gideon ... 160 . 150 224 RCBLINGTON TWF. 1856 Brandy Sarah 50 53 3 50 198 j Bt'RLtNGTON WEST. 1856 Wells C. F. 100 100 .. 100 252 CANTON. 1855 Pepper Stephen ... ... .118 Locke James Est 400 . 10 360 2 34 rt'RtLL. 1555 Cclbtugh G. W. ° ? 56 .... Cole J- P. 343 2 £ani Gale. .... Hurlbtirt A. V. ... 4 4 ... "8 .... McAfee Susan ... 134 .. 134 1 76 UHA9VII.I.K. 1855 Bailey J. R. 66 .. 06 88 HEKKICK. I 1854 Dougherty Owen I'M) 105 105 121 | 1855 A Ilia Elea'zer 3a 3a 35 1 10 Chapel Benjamin 60 '25 10 18 48 ... Dougherty Owen 100 105 105 200 .... heeler Ei.ska 05 160 75 5.8 350 ... Dechastel Icux C. L. C. ... 200 .. 200 207 . C'oggins Timothy . 60 10 40 150 .... Brink Epliraim ... J 60 Mace Emerson .. '99 15 65 191 ... Lee Jiilin 57 2 65 105 ... Tucker Mason ... 64 64 50 .... Strickland Win. ... 58 20 33 193 LEKOV. 1854 Nelson Oliver ... 144 4 140 5 25 W'ooroter E. P. ... 41 4 47 70 LITCHFIKI.U. 1855 Baldwin Allen 62 52 52 3 30 MONROE TWP. ' 1855 Ager Wilson ... 153 .. 153 430 OVERTON. 11865 Beagle E.J. .. 200 8 192 140 ] .... Gately Patrick ... 100 .. 100 60 ' .... Gleasou Patrick .. 100 100 30 Williams James T ... 400 .. 400 1 32 .... Walker George ... 400 .. 4un 200 .... Woodburn Hirain ... 100 .. 100 60 .... Malony Cornelius .. 100 5 95 124 1960 Mead Peter 60 50 .. -50 35 .... Madden Patrick 230 230 .. 230 1 61 McDowell James 100 100 .. 100 70 .... Honau Michael 60 50 50 70 ROME. 1855 Onan Win. ... 62 20 42 182 .... Struble Henry ... 5 5 44 Viberts James ... S9 2 37 104 1356 Elsworth James 16 6 .. 6 35 Packard A. O. ... • 89 89 1 62 RIDOBIKY. [ 1856 Spear James Est house and lot 52 STANDING STONE. 1855 Meylert Michael 49 59 5 49 80 Washburn L. H. 60 162 17 145 2 22 ls5G Washburn L. H. 50 162 17 145 1 85 SMITHt'IULD. 1855 CaliffDavid ... 60 .. 60 86 I .... Child Henry ... 79 4 75 134 .... Sweet I'.!'. ... 106 35 71 4 06 [ 1856 Tracy Guy ... 80 5 75 180 SFTESHEQI'IN. 1855 Heavener John H. Hou-e and lot 168 SOl'Tll CREEK. 1855 Arnold .Tared ... 300 30fi 19 14 .... Duuliam George ... 1740 40 1700 44 78 .... Graves Nathaniel ... 60 .. 60 2 28 Green Anson ... 60 .. 50 2 29 .... Strobridge Cyrua ... 100 5 95 474 White Charles .. 45 10 35 311 .... Smith Hollis . 1028 .. 1028 22 61 Yeoman Mary A. . 1662 .. 1661 410 TL'SCAROKA. 1855 Gordon James 30 30 12 18 86 Roger Wm. 25 30 15 15 64 Maxfield .1. S. 25 25 6 20 56 Barroweliff Russell 50 50 . . 50 42 Finney John ... 20 10 10 34 i Meylert Est 2 60 ! 1856 King Stutley 80 80 so 1 12 .... I.acey I. N. ... 120 120 2 10 Sturdcvant Charles ... 25 25 52 TOWANDA TWT. 1855 Fox George 25 .. 25 2 49 ULSTER. 1854 Cash David 80 75 29 47 406 ! .... Harsh Chester ... house a lot 39 I WARREN. 1356 Pierce Warren ... 100 .. 100 564 i WYALiSING. 1855 Farley Anthony 50 50 5 45 100 . WINDHAM. 1855 Fletcher Charles 25 21 1 23 46 WELLS. 1855 Dunham George 900 000 000 13 50 Wll. MOT. 1855 Barnes Sandy ... 100 .. 100 98 .... Sullivan Win. ... 51 61 50 1856 Harrington Timothy 80 80 304 .... Mct'arnon Thomas 50 60 .. 60 1 90 .... Place James 60 50 1 40 273 Parker John " 119 119 119 4 51 .... Barnes Sandy ... 285 X. B. Notice is hereby given that an amount sufficient i to pay taxes and costs will be required in every case ; where land is sold at the time of sale, and unless tonus are complied with, the lauds will be again exposed to sale. E. P. SHAW, Towanda, March 20, 1858. Treasurer. ORPHANS* COURT SALE.- By virtue r of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Cotm : ty. will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on i SATURDAY, APRIL 3. 1858, at 1 o'clock. P. M.. the fob ! lowing described !"t of land situate in Franklin township ' late the estate of Rulu- White, decea-cd, late of Franklin ; township, bounded and described as follows : On tin* I ; north and east by lands of Mrs. M. Baldwin, on the south j I by the highway running from Towanda to Granville, or. ! ! the west by said highway and lands of Mrs. M. Baldwin, j (.'ouiaining about two acres, with a Sash Factory and a * I Kiln for drying lumber, thereon, with water pririlcdgcs | Ac. CD* Terms made known *m day of sale. SUSANXA It. WHITE, ! Marrh 3,1958. Administratrix. C'XECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is here-; 1 Li by given that all persons indebted to the estate of j ( H if. \\ OItDEX, dee'd, of Pike towp., must ! make immediate payment, and ail persons having de mands against said instate, will present them duly authen ! ; ticatcd for settlement. J. R. FLETCHER. O. W. NORTHROP, March 1. IRiW. Executors. 1 A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE 2 a Y i- hereby given, that all persons indebted to thccs ; tateof Win. PivPPEIt, deceased late of Franklin tp. are re j quested to make payment without delay : and nil t . rsne having claim- against -aid estate, must present theiu duly i authenticated for settlement, to the .-iibserilters. TERRY PEPPER. EASO.V PEPPER, | March 3,18.77. Administrators. i DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Notice I 1 1_ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the e : tate of EDWARD HAXLON, late of Ridgbtiry,dee'd. i are hereby requested to make payment without de | lay; and all persons hav-ing claims against said estate vv ill i please present them duly authenticated tor settlement. MARY HAXLON. WI!. 1,1 AM HAXLON. EDWARD K. IIANLoX, March 1.1858. Administrators. A DMINISTRATOR S NOTICE" Xotice I a 1l is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the e | tate of John Donnelly, dee'd, late of Wyalusing town ! ship, are hereby requested to make payment without de j lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will ; please present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN M'M \ HON. j _ February 18.1867. Administrator. : A DMINISTRATRIX Notice | I\. is hereby given, that all person- indebted to the estate oi PETER XEILY, deceased, iate of Litchfield twp, are hereby notified to make payment without delay, and nil persons having demands against said estate arc requested to present them duly authenticated for settle ment. ANN J. XEILY. February 10. 1858. . Administratrix. A DMINJSTRA TRIX NOTlCE—Notice x JL i- hereby given, that all persons indebted to tl;r c— tate of Isaac Allen, late of Windliain twp., deceased, are j requested to make payment without delay; and all per I sons Inivingclaiuis against said estate, mu-t present them i duly authenticated for settlement to the subscriber. MARGERY A Li.EN. April <>. 18.78. Administratrix. TAS. O. FROST V 8 CAROLINE MAT 't THEWS.EMILY M ATTHEWS, CHARLOTTE M \T THEWjt, GEORGE MATTHEWS,OLIVE MATTHEWS. In Bradford County Common Pleas, No. 161, Sep I ember 6,1857. To all parties interested interested in this case, take notice, that by virtue ot a writ ol partition is-ued -nit of the Const of Common Pleas of Bradford County, and t*> m< din -ted that an inquest will be held on the premises, on Saturday the 17th dayol April. A. D. I o'clot k P. M., on ail that certain lot of land situate in t)rwell township, bounded and deseribed as follows to wit : North, east, south and west, by lands of the estate of Samuel Matthews deceased. Containing about eight acres, more or less, for the purpose of making partition of the said described real estate to and among the parties mentioned in the said writ, if the same can be done with- I out prejudice or spoiling of the whole, otherwise to val i tie and appraise tlie same according to law, at which j time and place you are required to attcno if you think proper. THOS. M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. Seeriff"s office, M. rch '2,1858. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. - Notice is hereby given, that si; persons indebted to the es- : tate of CALEB EDOARTON, late of Athens Borough ! deceased, are requested to make payment without de- | lay ; and all persons having claims against said estate will j please present them duly authentieated for settlement. i ANG KLINE EDGARI'CN, November 12, 1957. Administratrix, j EX ECUTRIX NOTICE.-—Notice is hTre by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of I JOHN CHAFFEE, deceased, late of Warren town- I I ship, are requested to make payment without delay; those havingdemandsagainstsaid estate will present them 1 duly authenticated for settlement. Dec. 8, FANNY CHAFFEE, Exccntiix. WHITE STONE LI M E.—so bbls. White Ftonc Lime just received, and lor sale for Cash or Grain bv iowanda Oct, lb, 1857. BAILLY A XL VINE. I Ccgal. Sli KMIFF'S SALES. — By virtue oT sundry writs of Vend. Fxpo., issued outot the court uf Cotn ' raon Pleas of Bradford County, to me directed and vie livt ted, will be exposed to public sab- at the D"iut House, j Towanda Borough, on THURSDAY, the 2 th day of APRIL, lb, t one o'clock. P. IL. the foil-.wing lot, I pitreor par-•! ofbuid in Burlington tan.. Brad -1 ford county, bounded on the north by bind of P. 9 Acres, on the east by laud of V, dim;;, Glbaon, ol the south by land of R".-well I.utLer aud Alexander loim- cud on the I we-t by land of Alexand*-. Lane and Myron Travis. Con taining 40 u area more or less, about lb Ron* improved. ; Seized and taken in execution at the suit of David J. : Cruwfoid vs. V.. K. Travis. ALSO—Tiie f'.liowi- v h t. piece or {.-arcel of Nt,J Ltai- I ute iu Burlington and West Buiiipgtoii tups., bounded j on the north by Silas Ri tts and N" -veil rioiien: uk east ' by Philo Beard-ley. o;> the south bv Addison M'Ke-u and Jeremiah Ixjvelbn'd and on the west by li-ud- of John j Bloom. Containing about one hundred and Ui'ly acres, ! tnore or less, about thirty acres improved. Seized and taken in execution at the euii of J. C. Al- I dricb vs. Benjamin Nichols. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sdtu ! ate In Canton twp., Bradford county, bourdtd on the | north by the highway nnd a lot occupied by Honice Tilt ! tie, and east bv land of Frederick Black and Theod. re 1.. | Pratt, on the south by lands of C. S. Stilard and Wilson. ; Vandyke and Evcihart. and on the west by lands of J. G. Sciidder, Doty and Wil-ox, Wilson A Vandyke, Evt r lmrt and highway lending from Cant'-n to l-'ox'piwii-liip, Sullivan Co. Containing about two a res, mure or, all improved, with one framed store home, and trained barn and shed thereon. Af.SO—One other lot. pieee or parcel of land situate in Canton twp.. Bradford county, bounded ou the north by land belonging to Kingsbety, Newman A Co,, cast by lands of A. N. Spalding, south by the highway and west by land of K/ng-bery, Newman A Co. Containing about eight rods square, more or leas, ail improved, with one framed building thereon. ALSO- One other lot, pieee or parcel of land situate iu the village of Canton, in the township of Canton, county and State aforesaid, 1 nunded on the north by land belonging to the estate of J. C. Rose, dee'd., E. W. Col i well and M. H Case, east by Centre street, south by land ; belonging to Jatues O. Randall and Samuel Owen and on the west by lands of Samuel Owen and the e>tate of J. C. Kose. dee d. Containing about two acres, more or less, all improved, with one framed house and fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp . Bradford county, bounded on the north by land of Elias Rockwell, ea.-t by laud of J. W. Griffin, south by the highway leading from Union township to Canton and on the west by land of J. W. Griffin. Con taining twenty acres, inue or less. Seized and iaken in execution at the suit of liockwtll and Winton vs. Nathan Tuttle. Seized and taken in execution at the 3ui t of Stone, Starr A Co. vs. Nathan Tuttle. ALSO—The following Int. piece or parcel of land situ ate in Ridgbtiry twp.. Bradford county, bounded on the north by land.- of Vincent Owen, on the ea-t by lauds of Hector and \ invent Owen uud i-aac Baldwin, on the south by land of Emanuel Gunsaulus and on the we-.t by land of Samuel Tubt-s. Containing about one hundred uud twenty acres, more or less, about seventy ucrea im proved. one framed bouse, one log h*>u-e witli a framed addition, one framed Lam, two log barns uud other out buildings, two apple orchards and other fruit trees. Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of James It. Webb to the u-e of L. Mereur vs. Alpheus G. Marcellus. Al>SO— The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in South Creek twp.. Bradford county, bounded as follows, to w it:—Beginning at the centre" of the public road, from tliencc north by line of Harrison Ward twen ty-seven and eiglit-tenths perches to the south west cor ner of the Korrick lot, thence north 76 west along south line of said Kerrick lot 54 8-10 rods to northwest corner of the Charles White lot, from thence south 11 rods to the centre ->f said public road and from thence an easter ly course along said road to the place of beginning. Con taining five acres and forty-six perches, more or less, be- i ing a part of what is known as the Charles White lot, j No. 6 on E. Overton's map, about three acres improved, ! one framed hou-e. framed stable and Iruit trees thereon, i Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Decker A j Cornell vs. Isaac F. Campbell and Catharine Campbell. | ALSO—The following lot, piece or .parcel of land -itu- i ate in Wells twp., Bradford comity, b'-unded on the north ' by lands of Humphrey Wilson, west by lands in posses- ' sion of Charles Smith. George Beckwitli nud James Gris- j wold, south by lands of Jaiues Griswold and the highway , anil ou the east liv lands of Nebemiah Rathbone. Con taining seventy-two acres, more or less, about thirty-live ! acres improved, one framed, framed barn and u few . fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William S. Ingallsvs. Benjamin In galls. ALSO—'The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ- I ate ill < trwell twp., Bradford county, bounded on the north by the north line of Orwell township, east by lands of i Harry Billings and Sidney Brainard. south by lands of James D. Newell ami Humphrey Beckwitli and we-t by the public highway. Containing ninety acres, more or i less, about forty acres improved, one framed hou.-e, a framed barn and an orchard of fruit trees. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. L. Ward to the u-e of Joseph Powell is. Sewcll S. I.uthrop and ! Wyllis Brownson. ALSO—The following lot, pieee or parcel of land situ- I nfe in West Burlington twp., Bradford county, h tuided on the north by lands of W. Sawyer and Marvin Rock- ; well, ea-t by A. Coinpton, on the south by hutdaof Orrin 1 We-fgute and ou the west by O. Henley. Containing . ninety-seven acres, be the same more or less, about forty acres thereof improved, one log house, one framed baru , and a few Iruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in t vi- ution a* the suit of G. F! Pen dleton to use of fait in Dodge V;-. r G. Crofut and G. F. Crotut. Al.Stt The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Asylum twp., Bradford county, bounded on the j north by land-ol John Voce and John Waudall cast by : land ot Rcnben Barnes, south by the Sullivan County ' line, and on the west by Lnd- of Benjamin m,d D. Vaughn nnd John Voce. < ontaitilng aboui one hundred ' and eia'lily-tive aeres, more or less, about one hundred ! acres inipr. i >l. one framed house, one trained barn with ' shed attached, one framed wagon house and other out- \ buildings and an orcliard ot fruit trees thereon. s zed aud taken iu execution at tiie suit of C. & A. Richmond vs. Jo-iali stowell. Al.Sit—The mil* wing lot, pieceerparcel of had -itu ; ate in Ridgbnrv twp.. B'-adford county, bounded north j by land of B. F. Buck east by the Berwick turnpike, south and we-t bv land of J. B. Wilkinson. Containing half mi acre, more or less, all improved, with a trained house and a blacksmith shop thereon. Seized tnd taken in e\o< ution at the suit of Orvillc Chninbeilin vs. \nroii Perkins. ALSO—The following lot. piei e or parcel of land silu ate in Troy twp., Bradford county, bounded us follows, to wit: Beginning on the west line of the fariu ol the late Samuel Allen, dee d., in the centre of the public road leading from East Troy to Granville Centre at the | south end of the watering trough near a house now or lately < cupiid bv Hiram Latin nt. thence eastwardlv by a lint- parallel with the south line of the kite Sainu 1 Al len. dee'd. afoiesaid ami the north line of Sheffield Pur ple's land. to the we-t line of Abijah Parks' land, thence northwardly to the west line of Abijah Parks' land to a point from mliii ha line westerly t * the aforesaid road, and from tlieuee to the place of beginning will enclose. Containing seventy acres, tnore or less, about thirty acres improved, with a framed house, a framed baru and a few small fruit trees. Seized and taken in execution at the -nit of Edward Spaulding to the use of Win. P Newbury vs. M W. Jones. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel <>! land situ ate in Burlington Boro', Bradford county, bounded north by the State road, ea-t !>v lands of S. H. Hill, the south by lands of S. JL Hill and John F. Long and on the west by lands of John K. Long. Containing about Pah an acre, lie tin* same more or Ic-s. ail improved, with a framed dwelling house, a trained linni and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Samuel McKouu to the u.-e of .bare Adams now to use of John W. Pellett vs. L. P. Taylor. ALSO l'he billowing lot, pierc or parcel of Lud sit iiatt iti Wiituot townstiip. Bradford County, bounded on the north by lands is longing to the K.-tatc of Tlioina-! Stevens dec d. cast by lands of Charles F. Wells, south tiy laud- of l.rastu.-SliepaKl. and on the west by lands of Samuel llilllioime, and otiier-. Containing about one hundred ai res ntou-or less. ab>iit fifty two framed lioii-i - one framed barn,corn house and other out buildings, aud one apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. 51.80- Defendant-interest in one othi r Id. piece or i parcel of land situate in \7 town-hip. Bradford coun : ty, lioundcd on the north lv lands of Ura-tus Shepnrri. j and the highway kad ing from the Albany road, to the | Freuchtown road. east, by the highway leading from Sus- ; quehanna liver to All; any ; south and West bv lands of; Hiram aud J. P. Hortoti and unseated land. Containitig | about thirty acres more or k-s, about fifteen a. res im* j proved, one steam saw tinil, tuo framed houses aud j trained barn and other out buildings thereon. Seizi d and takrn in > \r> uiion at the suit of M tscs Kil- I enherger. now t<> the use of U.J. Madill v.. Edward 1. i She pai d. ALSO—'The following lot. piece or parcel of land sit , u#te in Canton township. Bradford county, bounded on the North by lands of J. W. Griffin, east by tiie public road leading from Canton to Beach Fl. ts, south by land by Chan. Stock well, and we-t by lands of A. Doty. Con taining about fifty five feet in iront, hy three hundred ' fcrt back more or less, all improved with a frame dwelling house tltereon. Seized and taken jn exe< ution at the suit of 8. 11. New man to the use of E. Vanditie \s. J. S. Minard. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit nate in West Burlington tout-hip, liradfr.rd county, bounded on the north by land of Allen Henry, on the west by land of Edward Pivain, south by land of Andrew : Swain, and on the east by landof Benjamin Ross and the ; highway. Containing about f,.uracres more or less, about | three acres improved and one log house thereon. Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of D H. , Sweeney vs. A. B. W. it kins. Al-SG—The following lot. piece or parcel of land sit uate in D irel! town.-hip, Bradford county, bounded on ♦he North bv lands of Solomon Cole on the east by lands ot Richard Bennett, on the south hv the public htghwav, on the west by lands belonging to toe hens of John Cole de-eased. Containing about ten acres be the same more or less, all iulpi oved one framed house, one frauu d barn and fruit tree - thereon. i tired and ttken in e X e- u - n !'•* suit if V ' Ma dill Ex rot \lcxander Madill is William J ole ALSO—The following It. piece ox j>-r <-1 of hind M'-I --1 ate in Canton two , Bradford com Ay. b'.cnJed on the j north bv lands t Wm. S ifakvrond Kings cry . New turn ; A Co.. ea-t bv lands of Kiiigsbcry. X aiuhJj A Co.. | Iv Ti"y ijtrl-. t and west ly land) of Kirn; i.ery, N* man A Co. aid Wrn. S li>!>r. Containing one-fourth ; of axi acre. tß' it or less, ail Ltn proved, with a lraZMnl ! house thereon. Seized and takc:i in cxe-utton at the sv'.t of-. H. New : mm to the use it K. Yandice vs. A. M. Kramer. | ALSO -The following lot. piece rpi-.icci of J 'J ait- Hate in Tiisiottora t'i,t.ninliil 01 t!— north ly ■ lands of 1.. Roger-, east by iai.da of 11 Hill, south by j lauds of J. Dili end F. Shaw, and v.t t by the p'tl,li< higli ' v:iv. Containing about .ninety acre-* m--rc- or .• -s :i!o it twenty-five n<rres iniprcvi r. 'h alr ene.l lion e. a fran ed L-.trn and a LEW y impfrrtiit tt. CH thereon. ! ALSO--The foil/w mg lot, piece <□ parcel of l.ud sit □ate in To ,caror.i township, bounded on the north bv 1 U.nds of ">?. Dav d-toi. >J by lands of 0. Warner, south i bv lands of C. Smith, s-.ii west by lands of J. Sih-abey. 1 Containing twenty iiw m if in re or less, all improved • one franud hvnse* OM framed barn, and few fruit tries • thereon. 1 ALSO--oiit othei lot. pitve or par.el of land situate in Tu caror.. towiisbi'i. founded on tin north by lands f J. R. StjrUevant, ea-t and sontli by lands of S. Ll.SUtrde > ant, and ou the- by lands of Si. yuiiwby. Contain ing twenty one aerv m re or les*. about teudefeai itnprct - j ed. and one trained house thereon. Seized and taken in executl m ut the suit of Aim >u i Pi. kett, to the use vt K. .Stillwell and Joseph M. Brow a ! partners doing bu-'nt-s nndertLe firm <>f Stillwcl! iind j Brown to the use of C. 1. Stedinmi asuignee of He my j B- t kmu'i. t). L. Knox and Charles I'. I. ll.phy, late co- I partner tl..s•:_r Imsinc- s under the- ti- mof Bcekman, Knox ' and Ripley, ve B. M. Si'.vara. ALSO— l ite following lot. piece or parcelot Isnd sue I at. iu Burlington twp.. Bradford county, hounded on the ' north by land of Harrison Dodd, east by latnl of James j N'iehol-". south by laud of Joel Dibble and west by land lof Charles li. Scouton. Containing about tU'y-tlireu ' acres, more or le-is, about twenty five acres improved, j one plank house and fruit frees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William ' Lane to the ue of 11. B. Wilhelai vs. Reuben Booth and | Benjamin Bolt, terrc t. riant. ALSO —The tollov. ing lot. piece or parcel of land Mtu ' ate in Albany two.. llrtdford county, bounded on the north by lands of Myron Kellogg, easi bv lands ofMvron Kellogg and Daniel llnglisb. south by lands id the heirs o' Jacob Miller, dte'd., and west by the Barclay Coal j lands. Containing one hundred acres and allowances, more or less, about thirty-five acres improved, with a log house and log barn thereon, i ALSO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land aituste ; in Albany twp., Bradford c mntv, bounded north by lands of David Miller and James Macfariane, ex-:t by lauds of Ainusa Hancock, southauu west by Zadoe Corson. Con taining one hundred and seventy acres, more or less, about j one hundred acres improved, a framed Lou-e. a framed bam, a log blacksmith shop, three apple orchards and : other fruit trees thereon. ALSO- One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Albanv tivi)., Bradford county, bounded north bv lands ot Sheffield H il ox, ea-t by Milton 1 lakes, Joseph Jtfenar di and Simeon Chapman, south by lands, of Wells Wil cox and S. C. and H m. Means and* west by lands of John Hanson, John Holmes and James and Benjamin Wilcox. Containing one hundred and sixty acres, more or less, one hundred acres improved, two trained houses, one log house, two framed barns, one blacksmith shop, and un apple orchard and otln r fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Albany twp., Bradford county, bounded inuth bv land of Sheffield Wilcox and Milton Hakes. south by Joseph MeoarUi and west by lauiU of Z. Giiicit. Containing JO acres, more or less, about eighteen acres improved. ALSO -One otiier lot, piece or parcel of 'and situate in Albany twp., Bradford county, bounded on the north west jud south by Warrantee lines of a tract in the war rantee name of Henry Stark and on the ea>t by lands in possession of William B. Keifsnyder, being part of the said tract iu the warrantee name cf Henry Stark. Con taining ab r..t one hundred acres with a log house in thu woods. Seizod and taken in execution at the suit of H. 11. Mace vs. llollln Wilcox and Sheffield Wilcox. X'jtici: to i'l in. prevcut misunderstand ing. notice is hereby "riven that purchaser- at Sheriff's sales will lie required to pay the amount bid at the time | the land is sold, it has bee ine imperatively necessary i to adopt this rule, and : t will lie strictly adhered to. ex | cept in eases w here the purchaser is a lien creditor ami is entitled to the fund as provided iu the Ist section oi ! the act of Assembly, approved A pill 2u, 1~ 4 ■ : . whicii is | as follows : ' Whenever the purchasers of re tl estate at I Orphans' Court or Sheriff's sale, siiali apfiear from the proper record to be entitled, as a lien creditor, to rei < go j the whole >r any portion of the proceeds of said sale, it shall be the diny of the shcriif. administrator. executor or other per- >n making such -ale. lo reieive the receipt 1 of such piircha er or purchasers ' r the aui >unt which he or they would appear. from the record .is aforesaid, to be eutiiicd to re eive : Provided that this section shail not he so construed a- to prevent the rijjlit of said Sheriff administrator, executor or other pc-soi aforeaaid to dc in.ind and receive at the time ot sale n sum sufficient to coii a!! l ost- entitled to bt paid out of the proceeds ! oi said -ale ; and provided further, that beloie any pur ' chaser or purchasers shall receive the benefit of this sec i tion.he or 'hey -hall produce to the Sheriff, or other per i s'oi so making sale, a duly certified -tatum-iit from ! the proper records, uudcrthc hand and official seal of tire proper officer, he is a Pen creditor, entitled , tu receiic aov part of the proceeds of thi -ai - as aforesaid." THoS. M. WOODRUFF, ; Tovtndt, March IS, lIIK. Sheriff. T IST OF JURORS, draws for May . I-J Tei ill and So--ions. Is.".*. OKA \II JI'HOKS. ; Athens—Curran Merrick. li Williams. ; Di :lirj{rt'>n tp li Uu-t'u.j Stone -Ju Taylor, j Burlington mat- J Hiai K Springfield—Lucius French. well, jr. Shcsiictiuiu— I'avid HorUui, | I'oluial. Mi in Furiuan. ' < W Dullis. Krankit Itobcit Meteor. -Towinda n. rth—Uhoderick ' Lilchti* hi Gyrus .Merrill, i Granger. , Orwell >• ! ..100 Friable. IWvsax Frank Brown. | P.i.tcrbtm Hector Owen,C.'Wiimot_J G CrandulLDau't : P Half. ! Welles. Mu thiicW V S Vincent, O 'Varreu--Eliery Coffin. ' K L:rd, Win - Pierce, E, Wiwih.un—l.oren Pearl. Wyalusing—Theo llines. jtkors—mrst WEEK. Armenia. ,lohn B Morgan. ! James W Boswnrth. Asylum—Aaron Eley, t.l jlionie —Jas It Deuiouey. more H uton. I Ridjrhary- Geo (MMine. Athens Iwp -Albert Tozer.phesheqnin —Jesse Brown. Burlington tn,, -las Wil ;South Creek—G W Heed, I* cot. Emanuel Guycr. | J Dean. Burlington in-t .1 aI • Smith; Stand itig Stone--Bart holo- Ganion- I; Williams. sllc-: men i'ulver, H W Noble. Packard, J Vandykejr F Syivaaia boro—Jaa 11 Xa-h. W 'liuns. Springfield- this O Gates. Pure!! John Chumherlin. ITov two Itufus Kochwell. l.eroy—l) A Gruno, A J • l'M> I -li S 1 iavid.- ou. Fo-s. Matthew Mott. ;Worren Milo Diuion, Geo. Overtoil - EdwMi Govern. Vt Bow-en. Pike - Win Black. Almuio-W. il- Nathan bhepard, A binilh, Pcuii-'on Johnson,' J Bee Wyilu-lng - Almon Fuller. SEKOM' wn K. Albinv Daniel Kdlngir. IKoinr John G Towner. Atlaiisfp- Francis Tyler. ispringticul Lewis Adam*, Burßutrton bop P Lone. The. d"i-e Watson, Chcs- Burlington tp.- -M h iters. ter Harkncss. Burlington west H K Sic Smth Greek I cwis Kas.-ct, viTis. ! David Relyea. Canton John W Griffin. \\ (Standing Stone—'William 1 awrruce. ' Ivinp.-lcv. Gohimtiia -V A Bullock. Tow.;nda Lore- D L Scott. Granville— Stephen B Tidr! Towaii.ln north—F Watts. Derrick John Alien. .Troy twp—Allen Taylor. Lcrov A ti-v t Ti! lot son, lb Tu-carora- Vincent Owen. More. 'FI-ter -f. H Vandyke. Litchfield- -Joseph Park. 2d, Well- l.vtnau French. Orwell P.ii;P I Steven-. Wvsox- John Conklin, Jta- Fikc - Abel Moore. Tfcnry ! so Allen. A Boss, Geo I, Sievetis, Wvalnsintr—Calvin Gamp, P Lines. i D H Montgomery. Warren- A M Beaiii-lty. Ttllliti WEKK. Albany- Wm. Martin, I! >bt (Pike Gyrus la-wis. James Lewis, I 11 K let liter, D P .Jones. A then- twp —II Shipmin. UidgSurv I < wis Mo.-bcr, Bnrliu rton- Lc>-..y jii'gl,t.| Jumn Struct' >n, Norman Burlington west- .1 Pratt i Stevens. Myr u Ballard. John A' -onithticlil- Hiram Carpen Billard. j '< r. Harvey Fierce, E G i Golnutbia- -P l*eckhnm Durfey. . Franklin- Mat >!nr-h 11. IVoy twp I,'el C Dorter. Granville 1.-aac Pr,lu..m. I' • •warda born -A.Wickhnm : Merrick- Wm Nc bit- ITowaiul.-f twjt—W H Pecker , I.itclif't ld N X Merrill. ill-tor -John GiltuOK, Wm. j Monroe bor.t—.-' S Hhonin. Plowman, j M.ciroc twp—J\ Xathanicl Park. J Freeman Sweet. i i'onklin. | Orwell James I) Xfwcll. . Well- Swavrey. j Overton- rliristlan llevrrly 1 Winilham Daniel Shoema ker. Jeffers in Johnson. I fx THK MATTKR of tli estate of Peter 1 Johnson dect c I l ite of Rome township, in tho Orphans' Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, a ditor appointed by .said court, to audit, -ntie ami ad'c si the .1 -count of i'leccpror Forbes. Hmrh Hie - - and Ircw ..dministrators with the will iinncxed of the -aid Peter Johuson. and to report a distribution of the balance in the hands of the said ad ndi'i-trators. hcvrby give, notice that he will attend to the duties of hi- appourtnn nt at the office of William Walking e-q.. in the Borough of TowAndn. on Monday, AprH IV. P-"i s . at 1 o'clock. P. M.. at which, time and place all persons intcre-tei] ate intlifisd to ntiend. J. I. tiOttPEXvIL'GH, Auditor. Towanila, March J. Vo riGj; TO COLLECTORS.—V©oar hereby veriuired to d luct live p r cci t. froni iho State tax of ci.-h and every perw.n who -ha 1 pay his or her State and < onnty tax in full no > r before the IMb day of Jiiue next, and the same shall I e ailowed yn i hi your settlement with the Tieisurer. provided the -am: ia paid into the f uip v Treasui on ~r I t f&rc the 'J id au 2 Ith days of June next. Ami arc also reqnr. d t > be prompt in yuf coilceiinu and pay ritg f the same ver iat that tiiftc. Bv order of the oinmi- -ionrra, K. H. COO I AUGM. Glc f ci.i.Ti s ° rr "it. I>V<,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers