Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 11, 1858, Image 3

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    opTb o " Star of the North " published at
!oom3 burg, Columbia County, comes to the
very sensible conclusions in regard
p the proposed change in this Judicial Dis
' Hut is tlic proposed in this instance,
, o per one ? Shall that rather undefined
J much misunderstood right, of apportioning
BD State, enjoyed by the Legislature, be ex
t3e;.'e,j fyr this purpose, in this instance ?
rather, should not the people to whom Judge
\V iuiot has for some time past dispensed jus
be allowed a voice in the matter? Is
IVdoctrine of "squatter sovereignty," so
|i 3S itcan be applied to the districts in
& which a State may be divided for muni-
Val purposes, to be ignored for an ob-
I paltry ( Shall the great party whose
Last it has always been to stand by the will
... ,jj e people constitutionally expressed, now
:■ t it should be sated with its triumphs of
r th and right, indulge in the insignificant
ttoairh perhaps palatable dessert of driving a
of the Common Pleas from the bench,
Hen his people wish hira to occupy it ? Shall
! Democracy of Pennsylvania, like the diseas
j"; nv! ]]pli who gratifies her desires at the ex-
L,je of her reputation, embrace retry occasion
doing itself a good turn ? We trow not.—
[here are other and better reasons for the rc-
E ral of Pavid Wilmot, thau that he makes
critical speeches. That the perverts the euils
■.'justice by favoring his political opponents
r t must very much doubt ; for his people
iou!J soon see it ; and the sentiment of self
nervation would drive them to the side of
i-ht. Xo man can know of a judicial deter
- aatioa having been brought about in his fa
[or hv virtue of his position as a partizan,
itiwut resolving instinctively that his judge
ii dangerous one. As soou as Judge Wii
cot'speople see t.iis.they will act ; iu the mean
juelet us mind our own business.
laf \ large Anti-Lecompton meeting was
itld ia the Court House in Ilarrisburg, ou
[oesdav evening, 2d inst. After addresses
roa Colonel Foruey and others, resolutions
[ffeA'hpted condemning the President's Kan
po' cy as a violation of his pledged faith
lotbe popla and subversive of the cardinal
principle of the Democratic party, approving of
lie course of Messrs. Douglas, Stanton, For
pev, and Governor Packer; and applauding
2t sentiments 011 Kansas coutaineu iu the in-
Biural address of the latter,
rtn the same evening, a large Anti-Lecomp
i:a meetiug was held at Cincianati, at which
p., uions were adopted rendering thanks to
H-srs. Douglas, Strwart, 15 rode rick, and
Jvernors Wise, Walker, and Stanton; also,
iciariug it to tie the imperative duty uf Con
:;sto reject the pending application for ad
i-son under the Lecumpton constitution.—
Stanley Matthews, United States district-at
[oracy, was among the speakers.
t&~ The anti Lecompton Democracy of
Dh'O have called a State Convention to be
ieii at Columbus on the 1 Oth iust. The Ohio
ticUmati says that Wise, Waiker, Harney,
f.irney, Stanton, Bancroft, perhaps Douglas,
nil! be there to address the people.
Dispatches from Mobile and New Or
eiM state that the steamer Kliza, with thirty
id? iiassengers and one thousand two hundred
rales of cotton, has been burnt below Derno
>-lis. Among the passengers was the Rev.
1!:. Newman, of Lewisvilic.
kg* A Xew Orleans dispatch says that th e
i/rai>iana House of Representatives has pass
iia bill authorizing a company already or
wzed to inuwrt twenty-five hundred free
e?'oes from the coast of Africa, indentured
or cot Uss than fifteen years.
From Washington.
The Kansas Investigating Committee met
Hight, all the members being preseut.
fieaeral Calhoun sent on a statement rela
•tc to Kansas Affairs, but it was decided it
wold not be considered as evidence.
Mr. Stephens read a report expressive of
* v iews of the majority, setting forth among
:cer thiug.s, that as the authority was legal
fconferred on the delegates to the Conven
to frame a Constitution, those who had
- opportunity, l)ut who declined to vote, are
jarred from fiuding fault with the actiou of
Couvention. The report also reviews the
|J ' ' 0" 0! .Messrs. Stanton, Walker and Dotig
l' a "d maintains that they are inconsistent
present course,
loolutions were passed with the view of
filing information relative to the census,
pot uer documentary evidence to accompany
w report.
A motion was made, hut it was voted down,
1 ' 'journ till tomorrow night.
j ie committee then adjourn sine dir.
fo-day, about thirty citizens of Kansas,
u are temporarily sojourning iu Washing
vtsite<t the President, and expressed their
['probation of his course ou Kansas affairs.
WASHINGTON, Sunday, March 7, 1858.
''isexpected that Mr. STEPHENS will make
[Pert from the House Select Committee on
tomorrow or Tuesday. Whenever he
'bem.nority will raise a question of privi
- that the Committee have failed to obey
?f ' r <kr of the Tlonse to investigate, and will
, a resolution referring the subject back,
U 1 specific instructions to make inquiry rela-
I !o sjiecial points.
5 thi struggle there is good reason to an
. |' ate '''at the minority will be sustained by
*ral Leoomptonites from tne, who
p ,;" sl! ; t 'hat the House, having made an or
. '' r investigation, most be obeyed. The
K Jt ' ;s are decidedly in favor of the success of
" s movement.
WASHINGTON, Sunday, March 7.
Mr P .
['. ,JR 'R\ has arrived at Washington, as
bringing with him the journal of
. tA'ornpton Convention, and the evidence
fcn before the Commission to examine into
l' °A' e d frauds in Kansas on the 21st of
and the 4th of January. The doc
■" 18 volumiuous. It is said that the in
e. reduces the legal vote of the for
, ? K,ut 2,500, whereas it was heretofore
at 6,795.
inches °f 'be House Kansas
tk Committee will, it is supposed,
lr sterol reports next week-
All Important Bill.
Mr NILL, the talented member from Frauk
lin, read in his place to-day a very important
bill, entitled " An act relating to the collec
tion of taxes in the several counties of the
State." Tl>e first section provides that the
Commissioners of every county shall canse
their clerk to make out the tax duplicates im
mediately after the assessments are made, cer
tify the same, and hand them over to the Coun
ty Treasurer.
The second section makes it the duty of
snch County Treasurer, within thirty days af
ter such receipt of duplicates, to give at" least
thirty days notice in one or more weekly news
papers, stating that he will attend at least two
days in each township and borough, previous
to the first day of August in each year, for the
purpose ot receiving the taxes due by each
person residing in said township ; if snch per
son pay the taxes before the first day of Au
gust, he shall be entitled to a deduction of
five per cent, on the amount thereof.
The third section provides that in case of
the taxes remaining unpaid for a period of
thirty days after the first day of August, the
Treasurer shall issue his warrant to the con
stable of the township or borough, authorizing
and requiring him to collect such back-stand
ing taxes within ten days after he has made
demand for the same ; if the person refuses
to pay his taxes, said constable may seize and
sell his goods for the taxes clue, and to pay
all cost o f such proceeding.
The other sections prescribe various penal
ties for the non-performance of the respective
duties by the Treasurer and constables, all of
which will be noticed hereafter, in case the
bill should pass and become a law.
Mr. XII.L informs us that the bill proposed
to be extended to all the counties in the State,
is already in operation in the county of Frank
lin, and has given full satisfactiou to the tax
payers of that county.
We consider this one of the most important
bills of the session, as it changes the entire
mode of collecting taxes all over the State.—
It will abolish all the tax-collectors, and we
hope it may be carefully considered before it
is passed into a law.— llarrisbnrg Teltgraph.
Nero '[AiiDcvtisemcuts.
/tr WH.L he held at LEKAY'SVILI.E. Bradford <n.
sffifjj%>Pa., commencing TUESDAY, MARCH 3d, 185s,
'jaOfcymt 10 01 lock, A. M., to continue four days, and
APRIL 2, at which a choice selection ot new music will
be performed. The whole to be under the direction of
The sessions of the Convention will be devoted to in
structions and exercises in the various branches of Vocal
The books used, will he the " JUBILEE," and " FES
TIVAL GLEE BOOK."—Those having the above Books
will please bring them ; and those have not will be fur
nished, free of charge.
Gentlemen $1 00
Ladies..... 50
Ample provisions have been made to furnish members
from a distance with comfortable accommodations, at the
following prices :
Board at the Hotels, per day 50 cents.
" in Private Families " 37 1t "
The hard-earned and well-deserved reputation of Pro
fessor LOOMIri, as a performer of Vocal Music, is among
the first in our country, and the universal success which
bus crowned his former efforts in conducting Musical
Conventions, gives strong promise that this will be one
of peculiar pleasure and profit to all who may give it
their attention. The Committee takes this opportunity to
say that no effort shall lie wanting to make the sessions
p ifitabie and agreeable.
By order of the Committee of Arrangements,
L. B. PIERCE, Chairman.
G. W. BRINK, Secretary.
/ 'LOVER SEED, Spring Wheat, Poland
W Oats, Hav, Ac., for sale at the Woodside Farm.
March 9, IMOB. E. \V. HALE.
"VfOTICE.—The Incorporators ot the Sus
i. 1 quehanna Mutual Insurance Company, are request
ed to meet at the Court House, in Towamla, on MON
DAY, the loth inst., between the hours of 10 o'clock, A.
M. and 2. P. M., for the purpose of organizing said Com
pany according to law. Twelve Directors are to be elect
ed to manage the affairs of said Company until the first
annual election. H. W. TRACY,
March 8. 1858. One of the incorporators.
To Lumbermen.
be sold, on FIIiDAY, the 19th
v v day of M VRCH. at the mouth of the Towanda
Creek, near the Bridge, about 16.7 thousand feet of sea
soned pine boards ; also, 20 or 30 thousand feet of hem
lock scantling, 3by 4 inches. Sale to take place at one
o'clock, P. M. Terms made known at the time of sale.
Administrators of the estrteof J. M. Mortin.
March 8, 1878.
Clover Seed.
A QUANTITY OF CLOVER SEED for sale at No. 2,
Button's Block, by
March H). 18.78. WM. A. ROCKWELL.
T ARGE and small CLOVER SEED, at
AJ March 10,1858. MOM TANYKS.
A LARGE and varied assortment of Vel
vet Ribbons, at
March 10. ISS. MONT ANTES.
THE latest stvle of HATS and CAPS, at
March 10." 185 >. MOM TA N Y ES.
SHOEMAKERS can find everything in
their line of busiuess, at
March 10. 1838. MOXTANYES.
TATE are prepared to sell goods for CASH
T f at prices that will satisfy all purchasers.
March 10,1858. MONT AN YES.
SHERIFF'S SALE. l>v virtue of sundry
writs of vend, expo., issued out of the court of com
mon pleas of Bradford county, and to me directed, will
lie exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in the
borough of Towanda, on SATURDAY, APRIL 3,
at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following property, to wit:
A piece or parcel of land situate in Franklin township,
bounded north by the highway, eu-t bv minis of Horace
Willey. south by "the Towanda creek, and west by the
highway. Containing about half an acre, more or iess,
all improved, and one framed house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William T.
Mead vs. Jeremiah Myers.
AKSO—A piece or parcel of land situated in Columbia
township, bounded north by lands of George Fiirman and
Edward Young, on the east by the highway, on the south
by lands of Thomas and Eliza Maxwell, and on the west
by land of Edward Young. Containing about !<>2 acres,
be the ame more or lc- s, about 75 acres improved, with
one framed barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John E.
Goodrich vs. Edward Spalding.
ALSO—A piece or parcel ot land in Albany township,
bounded north by lands of K. Horton, ou the east by land
of A. Kogers, on the south by land of Orson Hibbard.and
on the west by land of Amasa Hancock. Containing
about 36 acres, say more or less, al>out 25 acres improved
and one log house thereon.
Seized and taken in execuiion at the suit of David S.
Miller, to the use of Moses P. Slotery, vs. Hiram Horton,
administrator of the estate of Henry C. Gager, and Adol
phus Rogers, terre tenant.
Sheriff 'a Office, Towanda, March 10, 185 S.
j. H. FRxrrsrsY A CO.
ED PRICES. Their stock consists of
Bats, Caps, Boots dc Shoes, Hardware,
Fish, If ails, Glass, Dyes, Ac.
4VPersons wishing to bay Goods for CASH, can save
25 per cent, by purchasing of us. The goods will be sold
to make it an "object to cash buyers. You will find us on
the west side, corner of Main and Bridge streets.
Towanda, November 12. 1857. '
ENGLISH and French Meriuos, Deßages,
DeLaines, AlapaccM, Thibet Cloths, Shepherd's
Plaids (a new and fashionshle article) Prints. Gtaghanw.
and in fact all kind* f 7>rv Good* may be hrd cheap at
Sept. I>, 1857. ' WM. A. ROCKWELL s.
Branch Clover Seed for sale by
Overton, Feb. 28.1858. J. HOTTEXSTINE.
EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here
by given that all persons indebted to the estate of
CHARLES B. WORDEN, dee'd, of Pike towp., must
make immediate payment, and all persons having de
manda against said estate, will preseut them duly authen
ticated for settlement.
March 1, 1858. Executors.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Wm. PEPPER, deceased late of Franklin tp. are re
quested to make payment without delay ; and all persons
having claims against said estate, must preseut them duly
authenticated for settlement, to the subscribers.
March 3, 1857. Administrators.
JTA- is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of EDWARD HANLON, late of Ridgbury, dee'd,
are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlement.
March 1,1858. Administrators.
T AS. O. FR< ).ST vs C AROUN 13 M ATV
In Bradford County Common Pleas, No. 161, September
6, 1.857.
T. all parties interested inter? <ted in this case, take
notice, that bv virtue of a writ o! p.. titinn issued nut of
the Coust of Common Pleas of Bra'! d County, and to
me directed that an inquest will lie lit Id on the* premises,
on Saturday the 17th day of April, A. i). 1858, at 1 oVlm k
P. M.. on all tiiat certain lot of land situate iu Orwell
township, bounded and described as follows to wit
North, east, south and west, by lands of the estate of
Samuel Matthews deceased. Containing about eight
acres, more or less, for the purpose of making partition
of the said described real estate to and among the parties
mentioned in the said writ, if the same can be done with
out prejudice or apoiliug of the whole, otherwise to val
ue and appraise the same according to law, at which
time and place you are required to attend if you think
SeerifTs office, March 2,1858.
of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Coun
ty, will lie exposed to public sale, on the premises, on
SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1858. at 1 o'clock, I*. M., the fid
lowing described lot of land situate in Franklin township
late the estate of Rufus White, deceased, late of Franklin
township, bounded and described as follows : On the
north and east by lands of Mrs. M. Baldwin, on the south
by the highway running from Towanda to Granville, on
the west by said highway and lands of Mr*. M. Baldwin.
Containing about two acres, with a Sash Factory and a
Kiln for drying lumber, thereon, with water priviledges
&e. Sb' Terms made known on day of sale.
March 3,1858. Administratrix.
IN THE MATTER of tlie estate of Peter
Johnson deceased, late of Rome township, in the
Orphans' Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned, auditor appointed by said court. to
audit, settle and adjust the account of l'reeepror Forbes,
Hugh Hicks and Irene Johnson, administrators with the
will annexed of the said Peter Johnson, and to report a
distribution of the balance in the hands of the said ad
ministrators, hereby gives notice that he will attend to
tlie duties of his appointment at the office of William
Watkins, esq., in the Borough of Towanda, oti Monday,
April 12, 18 58, at 1 o'clock, I*. M.. at which time and
place al! persons interested arc notified to attend.
J. 1). GOODEXOUGH, Auditor.
Towanda,March 1,
Tfefjty-SSa TIST. will be found at his old quarters in
Ration's Block, a* belurc, permanently.
Persons from a distance will please send word before
coming, as business has become as flourishing as former
ly, The most binding kind of warrantee will be given, if
required, for good reliable work.
Towanda, March 1. 1858. JOHN MACKINTOSH.
"VTOTICE.—The subscribers to the Capital
ll stock of the Bradford Hail ltoad and C->al Com
pany, who have not paid the first instalment of one dol
lar pe share in the stock subscribed for by them, are
hereby notified that the same is required to lie paid with
in thirty days fro a this date.
By order of the Board of Directors.
A. R. PERKINS, I'res't
Bradford E. R. & Coal Co. Office. I
Philadelphia, Feb. 13.1858. [
BRIDGE LETTING.—SeaIed proposals
will be received at the house of .laurn Chaffee, in
Rome village, upon FRIDAY the sth day of M ARCH
next, until 3 o'clock, P. M., for the building and com
pleting of a Bridge across Wysox Creek, above said vil
lage. Plans and specifications of said Bridge may be
seen at tlie Commissioner's Office for ten days previous,
and at the house of said Chaffee upon tlie day of said
letting. E. B. COOLBAUGII, Clerk.
Commissioner's Office, Feb. 23,1858.
C4AUTION. —All persona are hereby rau-
J tinned against purchasirg a note given by nit to Da
vid A. Prince or bearer, dated Rome, January 25 or 26,
1858, for 4250 feet of hemlock lumber, to lie paid on or
la-fore the first day of June next. Said note was given
on settlement, by mistake, and 1 shall not pay tlie same
unless compelled" by law, as I have not received any con
sideration for tlie same. DAN RUSSELL.
Rome, Feb. 2, 1858.
To Persons Remitting Money to Ire
THE undersigned are now prepared by an arrangement
with Messrs. Roche Bros. A Coffey, of New-York, to
give drafts payable at sight on Messrs. Roche Brothers
of Dublin,iu Minis of one pound and upwards to any
amount, and al*o to issue certificates of passage in the
vessels of the " Black Ball Line" of New York and Liver
pool packet*.
Ja i. 26. 1858. LA PORTE. MASON A- CO.
__ THE subscriber respectfully in
forms Soldier* of tlie war of I*l2. of
tin Mexican War, and any of the lu
,jjan Wars since 1700. that there is
now pending before Congress a bill granting pensions to
officers and soldiers that have la-en engaged in any of
said wars. It is generally believed that said bill will tie
come a law. 1 shall be prepared with directions, blanks
and forms as soon a< said law i* passe i, id will attend
to the procuring pensions under said a' ' m reasonable
terms. I -till continue procuring land A'arrants for all
that are entitled tot hem. Revolutionary claims attend
ed to. —From my long txpcrience in the above named
business, and having reliable agents at Washington, I
flatter myself that I am as well prepared to examine and
perfect aiiy of Hie above named claims, as any other per
son in this section of our country. My office is at my
dwelling house, on Main Street, in Towanda, near the
residence of the late Doctor Huston.
Towanda. Feb. 18,1858. J. D. GOODEXOUGH.
MOHAIR BRAIDS and Twists for the
hair, at
Sept. 15, 17. WM. A. ROCKWELL'S.
A NEW AND GENERAL assortment
J.\. of Boots and Shoes, Cloths and Cassiweres, and
everything in this line, for sale by
Sept. 15.1857. ' W. A. ROCKWELL.
DISSOLUTION. —Notice is hereby given,
that the partnership heretofore existing between the
subscribers is this day dissolved by mutual eoiwent, Zac
cheus Amiable agreeing to settle and pay all ine debts of
the late firm, and he is also authorized to iccetve all ac
counts and debts owing to the said firm.
Granville. July 24. 1857._ ZACCHEUS AIHABLE^
EXECUTRIX NOTlCE.—Notice is here
by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of
JOHN CHAFFEE, deceased, late of Warren town
ship, are requested to make payment without delay;
those having demands against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Dec. 8,1*57- FANNY CHAFFEE, Execntiix.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of CALEB EDGARTON. late of Athens Borough
deceased, are requested to make payment without de
lay ; and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present tbem duly authenticated for settlement.
November 12,1557. Administratrix.
OATS, Corn, Rye, Wheat, Potatoes, and a small quan
tity of Rye straw will lie taken at the BARCLAY'
MINES in exchange for COAL.
Dec, 8,1857. Gea. Sup. Rarclay R. R. & Coal Co.
DRIED BERRIES.—A quantity of Dried
Berries for sale by
Towanda, Nov. 4.1857. W. A. ROCKWELL.
TUUU and a lot of Grind Stone Hanging*, at
Sept. 8, 1857. WM. A ROCKWELL'S.
SALT.— 100 BM Salt for sale, at No.. 2
Patton'a Block' bv
Towanda, Nov 4,1*57. w A. EO r K" w T,f T,.
Jflcrrljanbicf. &c.
Towanda Borough Report, for 1857.
Work done on streets, Ac. , ID 1866 IMO 1V
" ou streets, walk*:, and materials for same 426 98
Interest on Borough Scrip 82 80
Divine Judgment 41 60
Fire Dciiartment, 2 years .16 20
Stove. Engine House 17 35
Chamberlin taking care of town clock 25 00
Mending broken wheel '* " 2 00
Rope for " " 6 56
Secret watch, 12 nights 12 is)
Carman repai ing plow 3 00
Eaton attending election and serving notices C 30
Coal, drawing and box for same 2 50
Election expenses 4 50
Printing do 15 00
Furniture for Council room 16 55
Conley taking care Engine House 1 50
Wm. Street (Commissioner 15 00
Clerk and Treasurer's sendees 40 00
Distributing appeal notices 3 00
Stationary, Ac. 5 18
$033 20
Names of Col. Dates. Ch'd. Paid. Exon. Perct. Due.
W. C Bogart, 1850 $33 07 $33 07
Wm. Burton, 1851 20 60 20 60
G.H.Eaton, '54-5-6 1529 28 595 59 18 74 41 58 873 37
A. J. Noble, 1857 1026 77 336 42 690 35
2009 72 952 01 18 71 41 58 1596 79
Hal, in treasury Jan. By ain't ret'd on dnp.
1. 1857, $5O 12 prior to 1857, JOOC 44
I)up. prior to 1857, 1562 9.5 Ret'd on dup. for's7, 600 35
do for 1857, 1020 77 Percentage to Eaton
Rec'd Licenses for ton on'sl dnp. 41 58
Shows 35 00 Ex. to Eaton on do. Is 74
Paid Harriett, judg
ment, in full, 70 34
Orders redeemed, 922 00
Ex. scrip to Eaton, 4 85
Bal. iu treasury, 40 54
$2703 84 $2703 84
Outstanding orders, (Orders cancelled In
Jan. 1657, $.533 39 15.57, $922 00
Orders issued in's7, 933 2i!jOutstanding orders.
] Jan. 1, 1858, 541 59
$1466 591 $1466 59
Names, of Col. Dates. Ain't Dp. Col. Exon. Perct. Due. |
G. 11. Eaton, 1856 $1124 82 1068 16 19 65 55 06
A. J. Noble, 1857 1202 80 563 IS 634 04
Rec'd from Eaton, Paid out as per
Collector, $lO6B 16 Vouch-r. 12667 98
Rec'd from A. J. No
ble. Col. 568 16
Rec'd from Bradford
Co., Ac. 1005 19
Bal. due Treas, 26 47
$2667 98 $2667 98
Amount of outstanding Borough 'Jrders, Jan. 1,
185s, $544 59
Boro' Scrip issued April Bth, 18.54 payable in 3,
4 and 5 years, 1330 00 j
Balance Due on Engine House, 24s :ji) j
$2072 9.5 |
Judgment vs. C. T. Smith, $5B 06 '
Due on W". O. Bogart's dup., 1850, 33 07
Due on G. H. Eaton's dup, 18.55-0 87J 37
Due on A. J. Noble's dup.. 15.57, 690 3;
Due on A. J. Noble Special Borough, 1857, 631 64
Due from Treasurer - 40 .54
$2330 03
Total cost of Engine House, furniture, Ac., s2*-so 37
By amount paid by Bradford County, Ac., 100.5 19
sl**4 6s |
Borough Paid on the above 1636 32
Balance due on Engine House, $248 36
Attest, A. D. MONTANYE, Secy. Town Council.
Paid Mr*. Miner, temporary relief $3 00
Miss Parrel " " 2 25
Wm, Mix. services Poor Master for 18.56 lo 00
Poet. Ladd, services for do. and Physician for do. 30 00
MoCabe for meat for Wm. Robinson 27
Henderson for keeping Robinson 6 00
W'albridge for taking Jacob Garis to Standing St"ne 2 00 '
Santee for serving notice Poor Masters " " TO I
N. N. lletts Justice fees I 70 1
Poet. Ladd A years services as Physician 10 00 '
Madden for Keeping Mrs. Croke 5 00 I
S. Taylor sor nursing Casey family 5 00 j
Temporary relief to Saveicool 3 66 >
•' " Sage 2 (M)
Montanyes' for 5 bushels wheat for poor ('• 2.5 j
Temporary relief to Savercool, Sage A Frenchman 5 00 ,
For load wood for Savercool 1 50
o.Sagc for Keeping Mrs. Miner 37 .50
.Mrs. Wm. Warner for keeping Mrs Miner 25 00
Paid Brouson 2 00
$1.58 73
Names of Col. Date. Am.tofPup. Col. Exon. Perct Due.
C. T. Smith, 1852 $22 .58 $22 58
G. H.Eaton, 18.55 69 55 $l7 11 $.5 45 16 99
A.J. Noble, 1857 402'J0 50 00 352 90
Bal. in Treas. Jan. 1, Paid Poor orders $l5B 73
18.57. $4l 57
Rec'd from Eaton Col. 47 11
" " Noble " 50 00
Bal Due Treasurer 17 0.5 WM. MIX.
$l5B 73| of the Poor.
WE. the Auditors of the Borough of Towanda. do cer
tify tiiat we have examined the accounts of the Town
Council, Treasurer, and of the Overseers of the Poor, for
the year 18.57, and lind thein correct.
, n JOHN KENDALL would respoct
/JirtiV/k full)- inform the public that having leased the
JJJIL We and commodious house formerly occupi
]• 8 by him, in the lower part of the hnrough,
which has been enlarged and thoroughly re
paired, lie is ready to offer to 'noarders superior aecomo
He would particularly inform Jurymen, and others at
tending Court, that he will he prepared to accommodate
them upon the most reasonable terms.
He solicits a share of public patronage, confident that
satisfaction will be rendered in every respect.
Towanda, January 20, 1858.
CATTLE wanted by the " Mauch Chunk Beef
/)f, ,7f Association." The regular market price will
le paid! Cash. By order of the Board of Directors.
E. H. RAUCH, Sec'y. G. W. SMITH, President.
Mauch Chunk, Dec. 8.1857.
THE Finest Assortment of WINTER GOODS in town
will be found at the store of Wm. A. Rockwell, one
door north of Bridge street.
Many thanks for the liberal share of public patronage
which lias been extended us : and we shall endeavor to
continue to give satisfaction both as to the quality and
prices of our Goods. Call and see.
Towanda, Nov. 19, 18.57. I
Bit. H. JAMES'
Extract of Cannabis Imlica,
(Alcoholic preparation from the leaves imported from \
Price, $2,00 per Bottle.
rNone genuine withoat " Dr. U. James, 19Gran<t-Kt. !
Jersey City," blown in the bottle. For sale by Dr. 11. C. i
PORTER, sole agent. 2m37
No Mistake for 1). C. Ilall.
HE has now on hand a large stock and a great variety j
of Parlor and Plate, and 40 different patterns of
Cooking Stoves of Diving Flue and Elevated Ovens for .
Coal and Wood—that rather than to summer them over, j
be will sell at cost for cash or grain at the following pri- '
ces Wheat, $1 25 ; Rve, 62 j cts.; Corn, 624 cts ; oats 1
37$ cts; Buckwheat, 43$ eenta and Butter the highest
market price given. It' you don't believe it„call and try
P. 6. Tbaee who have teeoonts or notes with nim that
ere dne, bad better make arrangement* to pay imme
diately if they with to jgve ro*t-.
T-warde. Jan. 14, 1*69.
A EDITOR'S NOTICE.- Hector Ovm% r.
Ji \- Daniel Haptman. In the Comm iaPlcaa of Brad
ford County, No. 333, May term. 1856.
The undersigned, Auditor, appointed by said Court to j
distribute funds raised by Sheriff's sale of the real<* j
of defendaut, will attend'to the duties of his appointment j
at the office of Wm. El well, in Towanda, on Monday the '
29th day of March. 185s. at 1 o'clock in tire afternoon, at j
which time and place ail persons interested are required j
to present their ciaiiua or else be forever debarred from -aid '
G. D. MONTANYE, Auditor. !
February 22, 1858. j
SHERIFF'S SALES. —By virtue of writs j
of vend, exponas issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Bradford County, and to ne directed, will beex
posed to public sale on Saturday the 2tfth day of March.
A. I)., 1853. at 1 o'clock, P. M., at the Court House in th"
borough of Towanda. the following lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Orwell twp., bounded on the north by
lands of Roger Spirer, east by lands of 11. •'. Camp,
and James G. Newell, south by lands of Heber Wilson,
west by lands of James Cleveland. Containing seventy
four acres, more or !es.,ttbont forty-five acres improved,
a framed dwelling house, H framed barn.audan orchard
of fruit trees thereon.
ALSO —all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit
nate in Warren township, bounded on the north by lands
of Samuel Lyons, East bv lands of William Davis, south j
by lands of Daniel < haffee. and west by lands of Hum- j
phrey Beokwith. Containing sixty acres, be the same j
more or less, about forty acres improved, with a framed !
dwelling house, a framed barn, a horse barn and sheds ;
and other out buildings, two apple orchards aud other j
fruit trees thereon.
ALSO All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit- j
uate in Warren township, bounded on the north by lands i
of Sidney Brainard, east by the public highway, south j
by lands*of Allen Rowen, and west by lands of Humphrey >
tieckwith. Containing five acres, more or less.
ALSO—AII that certain lot. piece or parcel of land it- '
uate in Orwell twp., bounded north by land of R. Sfi :cr. 1
east by J. D. Newell, south by 11. W. Camp and others. I
and west hy 11. W. Camp. Containing thirteen acres, j
more or less, about seven acres improved, A frameddwel- !
ling house and a saw mill thereon
Seized and taken in execution as the suit of Minor Tav- j
lor. to the use of Nathaniel Russell and Newton F. Miller |
vs. Lucius Humphrey and Major B. Darling.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land sit- '
uate in Orwell towp., Bradford County, bounded on the !
north by lands of Roger Spieer, on the east by lands of
H. W. Camp aud James I>. Newell, on the the south In
lands of Heber Wilson, and on the w -t by lands of
James Cleveland. Containing seventy-four acres, about
forty-five acres improved, one framed dwelling house, a
framed barn and an orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution us the suit ot Selim Kir t
! by. vs. Lucius Humphrey.
i ALSO—The following'lot, piece or parcel of land situ- !
ate in Sheshequin twp., Bradford co., hounded on the j
north and east by lands ol Elias Post, south and west hy j
lands of Wm. B "Morton and Sarah Smith. Containing j
fifty acres, more or less, about buty-fir • acres thereof
improved, with a framed house, a log hou* e, a framed'
barti and an orchard of fruit trees.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Joseph ;
Powell to the use of J. 1\ Kirbv v-. L. D. Post.
Sheriff*s Office, Feb. 23,1858.
/D - Notice is hereby given, that an amount sufficient
to pay all costs will be required in every case where land i
I is sold, also satisfactory security or money paid on all
I bill* made on lands, at the time of sale, and unless, terms j
I aie complied with the land will be again exposed to sale. I
THOB.M. WOODRUFF. Sin riff, j
( of Au order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Co., j
i will I D reposed t" public s:le, on the premises on SAT-
I UKDAY. MARCH 13. 18.58, { 1 o'clock. P. 31.. the fol- ;
I lowing described It of land situate in Warren township. ]
late the estate of Alfred Allyn. deceased, of Warren twp., i
containing ab"Ut ninety acres, bounded on the north hy i
—Row :i, on the east hy Nathan Newman, on the south '
l>y James Arnold, Walter Arnold and the highway, on j
the west bs Samuel Chaffee, with about sixty acres inl- i
proved, with a frame house and an orchard thereon. I
Attendance given and terms made known, on day of '
sale. C. G. GRIDLEY, 1
February 13.1359. Administrator, j
of an order of the Orphans" Court of Br. dford Conn- j
! ty. will lie exposed to public *ah\ on the premises, on
SATURDAY. tin- 2oth day of MARCH, l*.ss, at lo'clotk.
P. M.. the following des rihed prop* rty, tatetlu* estate of
Oliver S. Gray, deceased, late of Derrick township, to i
wit :—A piece or puree! of land situate in the townships I
• •I' Standing Stone and Ih-rrii k. bounded north by land of j
Wm. Knapp, east by land of I. A. Park and Archibald ,
Coleman.*"ii the south by 1 mils n-ov in possession of Jcr- j
eiuiah F. Gray, I.iikt* Dolan and Patrick Dolan, and on i
the wi-t hy Louis Shorei. Containing one hundred and
eighteen acres, more or less. Also, one other pine, situ
atid in Herrick township, l.ouiub d on the north by the
lands of said intestate above descri'o* d,on t lie en.-t' y land
of Jo-eph Lear and Jarvis Buttles, on the south bv lands
of John Foyle, and on the we*t I y lands of said Luke
DoJan. Containing about fifty acres. With dwelling
house and barn thereon, and other improvements.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
f February 16,1553. Administrators.
: ,i EDITORS' NOTICE.— In the mutter cj
J.\ the estate of Robert Tyrrrl, the'd. In the Orphan's
I Court of Bradford County.
I The uiidcrsigned Auditor appointed l<y Raid Court, to |
; distribute the funds in the hands of the administrators of j
; said estate, will attend to the duties assigned him at the ;
j office of Wm. Klwu-11, in Towanda, on Stturday. the 2oth
i of March. A. I'. I*sB, at ,one o'cl < k i 1 the afternoon.
■ w li.-it and where all persons having ciainis are requested
t.) present them, or be forever debarred therefrom.
Feb. 16.1*5*. o. D. MONTANYE, Auditor.
1 DMINISTR A T() I t'S N < )T! (' E.- -Not k*
il is hereby givc-n. that all persons indebted to the es
tate of John Donnelly, dee'd, late of Wvalusing town
ship, are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay: and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlement.
February 18, 18",7. Administrator.
SHERIFF'S SALES. — By virtue of snudry
kJ writs of Yend. Exponas, issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Bradford county, and to me directed,
will lie exposed to public sale at the Court ! ouso. in the !
boro' of Towanda, on SATURDAY. March 6, 18.58. at 1 1
o'clock. P. M., the following lot. piece or parcel of land j
situate in Monroe twp.. Bradford county, bounded on the
north and east by lands belongincto J. H. I'hinmy,south
by the main street leading srom Towanda to Monroe, and
west lITJ.II. PUinnev. Containing one ai re, more or
less, all improved, with a framed house thereon.
Seized and taken in execnsion at the suit of James 11.
Phinney's use vs. Gould and Marv Phinnev.
T. M. WriODRU'IT. Sheriff.
SheriiTs Office. Feb. 5,1858.
i EDITOR'S NOTICE. — fit the matter of
Ll the Estate of Samuel (Juir/:. diait J. Iu tlio
Orphans Court of Bradford county.
The undersigned Auditor appointed to distribute fund- ;
raised by admini trator's sale of tiie real estate of Sam"!
(Juiek. dee'd. will attend to the duties ol his appoint ;
merit at his office in the boro' of Towanda on Saturday.
tlnr 6th day of March. A. D, 1858, at 1 O'CIIH k. P. M.
when and where all persons having clalnisi said fund (
are requested to present the same or else be forever do- j
barred therefrom.
Felt. 9. 15.5.8. P'\. OYER I'd N". Auditor.
-t\ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to tin
estate of PETER NF.ILY, deceased. late of I .itch field
twp, are hereby notified to make payment without delay,
and all person* having demand* against said f*tute are
rerpiested to present tliem duly autlieirtieatcd for si ttie
ment. ANN J. NEILY,
February 10, 1858. Administratrix.
-I'\ is liereliy given, that ail persons indebted to tlie es
tate of Howard Spalding, deceased, late of Troy twp.
are requested to make paymcut without delay : and all
persons having claims against said estate will please pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
Feb. 2, 1853. Administrator with will annexed.
JIY- is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the es
; tate of Benj. F". \Yutkius. late of Sheshequin twp., dee'd.
j are requested to make payment without delay ; and all
: persons having claims against said estate, must present
j them duly authenticated, to the subscriber,
j Jan. 14,1958. MOSES H' ATKINS. .Administrat r.
I rU'ARDI AN'S SALE. —IL • virtue of tin
i vJ" order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford County.'
will be e.xnosed to puidie sale, on the premises, on TCEB- ;
I DAY. March 2.18.58, at 1 o'clock. P. M., the follow inc
| descriiied lot ofl.ind, late the property of Elliot and Al
. mira Marsh, dee'd.,situate in Pike township, and limin
; dod north by land of Austin IfeiTick and Joseph !i .Marsh. |
j on ihe east by land of Seth t'. Rockwell, on the south by
i land of Joshua S. Rotiert* and Asa Strirklund, on the I
| we>t hy land of said Joseph H. Marsh. Containing about '
j 116 acres, tie the same more or less, about sixty acres iin ;
I proved, with a dwelling house, shop and burn and son c
fruit trees thereon. ,
Said as the property of the minor children of Elliot
and Alinira Marsh, late, of pike twp ,deo'd. Terms made j
known on the day of sale by
Pike, 2,1859. ISA AC MARSH. Guardian, j
I EXECUTOR'S NOTlCeT— Notice is here- •
J by given that letters testamentary upon the estate
of Elijah Lucky, late of Sneshequin. dee d, have been i
granted to the subscriber. All persons indebted to said
estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment,
and those having any claims upon said estate to present
them duly attested for settlement.
Sejt. 13, 1?57. tauten.
Tioga Feint
| Agricultural k Junclron Iron Works,
WELLES, BLOOD 6t Co., Proprietor?.
THE wibsrrilwould re pc ♦ • , !!y Inform bis frill,da
and customers, and the puLie: generally "u it ?<• h<
) formed A co-partnership with Mr. JOHN I*. BLOOD. F ...
I bany, N. V".. (WHO lifts fur SEVERAL years Is" 1 :. So; .
j dent ot Messrs. Emery Brothers' Ayr" -U.'T .! . V." : K?.
' lAD with Mr. SAMI LL X. BLOOD, nt v,'O; , :r.
I (Machinist and Tool Builder, and 1 ' .: <R TEI-ii'L.' . !
! t)ie American Hoop Machine ('MRP • Y OF J ;TC! K nrg,
' MASS., under the firm name of WELL]. -, BI.O'JL) A L>;
IN nd that we have leased for A term k r LIO: ".x'.eszivu
and well known Iron Works, of LB'. -. PUTPTMN A
i Welle-, at this place, AND united the : '.'o ::t Agri
eulturul Works with the AN me, for t.:- MAAUR.tvtare of
Agricultural Machines, Implements. A. , a:C:.g whr:U
w ill lie Emery's Endless T Lain Railroo P RSE P
Threshers AMI Cleaners, Threshers and MR .'• -r. 1'
1 table Circular and < : -sent Saw Mills, C T.r M.!!- . ><>g
i Powers, Clover Hollers, FEE 1 . Cutters. Fir NRS • ?,!!N,
J Plows, IF-irr >ws. Cultivators. Shingle Machine-', Vlirdv's
: Mow ers AND Ileapers, Ac., of the most improve! patterns
and constriietion. \T> ARE prepared t'> DI all kinds of
j Machinery Casting ami Repairing, AND have FOI sale A
iurge stock of flr-t claes Steam Engine*. Machinery and
j (.'listings, niamilnetured HY Ul.d belonging to Messrs.
I Shipman A Welles.
Both of the Messrs. Blood are skiUful and experienced
practical mechanics. Our Machinery w ill nearly all he
new ami with the LATENT Improvements, and with the eu
! conratrement afforded hy the patronage of a discerning
; public, we expect to hive the reputation of do'-IG first
I '"LASS work and making the best Agricultural Machines
1 in use. K. M. WELLES.
! Athens, January, 1858.
! Our rmst inuividual experience In the manufacture,
1 sale anil use ot Agricultural Machines and Implements,
I and also in general Machine and Steam Work, with our
: excellent facilities, afforded hy Machinery, principally of
| our own construction, with the very latest and Lest im
provements. and also for procuring the very best mate
J rials and stock of all KINDS at cheap rates, will enable u*
1 to manufacture better machinery, AT same PRICES, than
• that of tithe*- manufacturers, and also compete with the
world in rri ES and quality and material and workman -
! ship of all KINLS of Agricultural liupliuients, and in all
■ kinds of Ca: ting and Job Work.
WE shall pay especial attention to the manufacture of
the very bc-,t O! Plows and PI JW Castings. We intend to
; make eastings for all the leading plows in USE in our vi
citiity, and -hull take great care to U-E only the LE-st INA
] teria!. Our plow wonder is from the best and MOST cele
brated eastern manufactory. We invite all interested La
I " home man u fact urea '' to call and SEE our works.
1 Ft. M. WELLES,
j J. P. BLOOD,
i S. N". BLOOD.
So LE la KAT M E li,
Also, Upper Leather, French and American Calf Skins,
| Kip Skins, a large assortment of Morocco, Linings, Find
ings, and other GOODS suitable for the season.
\J of our own manufacture, constantly on hand.
-=* , AND MUDC to order, all of w hich we offrr at re
duced pi ices. HUMPHREY 4- WICKH.VM.
] Towanda, January 5, LEFT'S.
OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, Ac., all sizes,
for sale at
Oct. 12. 1*57. TRACY .V MOORE'S.
j Y\ r ANTED.—fiOO liushels of Wheat at
V T the market price.
Towanda. Oct. 2(5. 15,', 7. BAILEY A XEVIXR.
' Would respectfully call the attention of the public to the
| fact that he is now offering
To those wishing to buy GOODS FOR CASH.
| Prices Keduced 25 to 50 pr ct.
| THOSE wishing to know wTiat
Are, are invited lo call,
j Towanda. November !TO, 15;,7.
MI fsiC f~MTIS
| ATTENTION is called to the fact T* .IT
XJL S. W. ROGERS is now jin town. am. - ; r
\ vices to those wishing it. iu tuning PI •.
J and tuning XtMcow, Are. He CM ftb
j abcive Instruments cheap as the cheapest . I >(.,•-
; merits fully warranted. Calls from the countr yPR ;
, ly attended to.
His partner. LEVI WELLS, iu Tuscarora, can &LS' LO
j called on in any of thea'oove departments.
I Towanda Feb. 'H Is. V S .
M O N T A N "5T E S
Arc now receiving their Fall Stock of
! Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
iUcfiis?: i'ljnrs, lijor /iutiiiigs fo Imtjirr,
j ir/iic/i irill If sold at G>entl>/ lioluceil Prices.
Cor Public Square and Main st.
,J. V. MOSTASVK. ' TOW AND \. jJ. N. vtovrwrr, ;B
jK. D. MOXTANVK. (S< pteinbcr S, 1-7 ir. D. MONT AN VK.
it to ii nd GOOD eniploynicnt, AND make money with
: little OR NO investment, and without INTERFERING with
I your regular business? If you d", read this advertise
: inent.
I ('. K. TOM. CO. of TLC BROOME Street. New York,
arc no. nnfacturiiig and massi\e gold Pencils for
I F i each. (wiii. it :ir<- -heap at that price.) and they throw
j in I g> t or | R'/.■ w i'lt each Pencil, worth from $2 up to
?!. SLO. ?20. JIM. FSO. ?7.'>. ?l<th. ?2TM AND Jt.'.OO.
Don't cry out •• Humbug! Lottery !" it's no sncb thing.
, The Pencils ARE A tiu-ir CA H value, and all the pr-
J fit- OVER the fir-t COST are thrown into the gifts, which
' actually tiic purchaser N thing. Th ' prizes are dis
ti.i iilcil on it siinpb PLAN t drawing, which would take
j too much room to c vpiuiu. but which has never failed to
! give complete satisfaction. We have drawn and sent to
i purchasi B-:t gol.L watchea of various prices, 74 purses
of g Id 1 ill ir-, 2.'!s go),! lockets. S.AO gold chains, and A
J corresponding mmili r of other prizes, within two months.
THERE \HK NO FLANKS, )mt every purchaser
: draws a prize- worth t2 certain, and it stands thousands
J of chances to be a high; r lieure.
, WE want a good agent in every neighborhood through
, out the country, to solicit purchaser*, and any agent, t A
I be sncci ssfuL MU.-T have a PlR.cil and prize to oxlii'oit.
W.< pay agents FI cash for each purchaser he obtain-".
' and the first person in any neighborhood who applies for
| a Pencil and aitt. will receive the <gency for that locli
! tv. STI mi.l an agent ol.tnin a valuable prize TO exhibit
with hi* pencil, he would have little difficulty in ol.tHin
ing scores of purchasers, and making it a paying BUSINESS.
j We ask nobody to se.nd their money till they KNOW
what prize they draw. Any PERSON wishing to try their
■ lock, can fir-t -end U= their name and address, and we
I will make tl.eir drawing AI D inform them hy return mail
w hat prize thi y draw, when they can send on and take
th*- Pencil and prize, or not, wlifchrrer they choose. Wo
give this privilege only once to H purchaser. After the
tir-t drawing, every purcha-er will IK- required to sen 1
, in advance, through the authorized agent. We will sen I
with each drawing the number taken out. with full (tea-
I cription of the plan of drawing. Address
C. E. TODD .•? F'A.
j Jan. 20. HW. SW Broome Street. New York.
. WHITE STONE LI.ML.-.V18!, 15. Whito
' * Stone Lime just received, and for sale tor Cash or
j Grain br
Towanda,Oct,2<t.DU7. BAILEY A XBYWA
TS NOW RECEIVING a large stock of
A FAMILY GROCERIES, which are oftVred for sale at
as low prices as the same quality of GI,OD* can he bought
an, where this side of the City of New York.
, V-' Yankee Notions, LOOKING GLA-SEA, Wooden Ware,
A .1 evervthing you WAAT MAYBE FTAMD at THE NEW RROR
VT Sept. 15.1>T. "<N(. A. {PCKYTTM '
k . I SO. 1 1