Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 25, 1858, Image 3

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rious afi'uir occurred in Conarresc, 011 Saturday,
jn which a sneaking, rascally Abolition, Black
Republican scoundrel, named Grow, who hails
from some wretched locality in the interior of
Pennsylvania, got his deserts at the hands of
the gallant and chivalrous Hon. Lawrence M.
Keitt. of S. Caiolina. It seems that the mau
(Jrow had the audacious impudence to cross
over to the Democratic side of the house, and
while there take part in the proceedings. For
this he was rebuked by Mr. Keitt, and the
man Grow replied with Black Republican
slang about this being n free land. Mr. Keitt
immediately resented this insolence Jby making
an effort to seize the scoundrel by the throat,
at the same time calliug him a Black Repub
lican puppy. Grow put out his fist (from the
shoulder) for the purpose of keeping Mr.
Keitt from hurting him, when the latter struck
the list of Grow such a tremendous blow with
his eye that Mr. Keitt fell dowu from the re
Several Southern gentlemen interfered to
prevent Keitt from continuing to punish the
insolent Black Republican, and Mr. Barks
dale, of Mississippi, struck Washburue, of Il
linois, such a blow in the fist with his head
that the wig worn by Mr. B. was knocked off.
It is hoped that this decided course, on the
part of our gallaut Southern representatives
in Congress, will put an effectual stop to such
insolence as talking in Congress about this be
ing a free laud. — Southern Lire-eater.
receiving a sample of " plantation manners"
at the hands of the Southern Senators. When
ever he rises to call for his Kansas resolutions,
half a-dozen members on the Democratic side
of the Chamber start up from their seats to
put him dowu. MASON scowls dissent. DAVIS
blusters " objections." TOOMBS growls some
thing about " enforcing parliamentary law,"
and the Vice-President blandly rules him " out
of order." If he undertakes to claim the usual
courtesies of debate, they interrupt him, worry
him, and vote him into silence. Whenever he
takes the floor, they never leave off badgering
him till they have got him down into his chair
again. To those who remember bow smooth
mid smiling the "Chivalry" were to their "hon
ored friend, the distinguished Senator from Ill
inois," a year ago, whenever the " stern little
man in black" strode out into the aisle to make
I a speech, the contrast is striking — Albany live.
CiusrsE INSOLENCE. —We learn BY oar la
■ te>t foreign advices, that Canton is to lie boin-
I barded. The ultimatum of the English and
I French Plenipotentiaries has not only been
■ treated with disdain, by His Celestial Majesty,
I VEH ; but the American Commissioner, Mr.
H LB. KIT, has also been snubbed without cerenio
: ■ IT "No barbarian shall set foot within the
I limits of Canton," says Y"<CII, whatever be the
I consequences. We shall see.
The Chinese authorities talked just as stont
■ Win L-HO, when, by an edict of the Emperor,
I nil trade and intercourse with E iglaud was
I at AN end forever, and yet, in two years after
■ wsrds, peace and friendship were gladly pur-
I CHASED at the tremendous cost of $21,000,000.
■ ('anton blockaded by a English fleet of but
I fifteen sail and a few steamers, carrying but
1 COO troops, in L-S-10, and yet these braggarts
I having an army, including the Tartars, of
■ 1,000,000 of infantry and 800,000 cavalry,
I WERE disgracefully brought to terms. Tiiey
■ are a cowardly nation, and least of any other
■ can afford to put on haughty airs and indulge
■ i'i insolence. Walled cities, however secure,
■ nro not impregnable.
I H OAF IN his late speech at Philadelphia, Gov.
R HSUVTON siid he conscientiously believed that
Hgreater mass of the people of Missouri had
■ K.,TILING TO DO with these shameless violations
law and right in Kansas. Tlio-e who did
■ ii-t participate in them were comparatively
H R W, and were the worst part of the border
■-ccrupnimiscliaraeter. This is true to the let-
I M'-L and what we hare ever stated from the
Ml.VVF.SOTA. — Alexander Ramsey has taken
Hl'-: proper steps to contest the election of
T I|. Sibley, as Governor of Minnesota,
O- H' Vi l d w s the Democratic candidate and Ilani
,„ BIT THE {}•-publican, and the former was count
of HI " by MEIITIS of bogus returns from wild dis
it in the extreme north, remote from the
ct of population. Ramsey, undoubtedly
as H "IVCD a clear majority of all the votes legally
iid AND returned.
JJ E BURR, of Ohio, now living at
MAN engaged with others, in charivari
F HE Ex-Governor's house, on the occa
•AOFA wedding, has beeu tried for mauslaugb-
H' AND acquited.
OPINION.—In seventy or mire of
W D ' F VD counties of lllinios, meetings have
by ' HELD, by the Democracy, ami resolutions
' NMUSLY adopted, disapproving in the
H j l *' 65 ' terms, the admission of Kansas with
N-CF H HCTONIPTON constitution. The Democracy
tbe H '-GAINING counties will hold meetings
,i,I- H'" TER similar opinions. Tito Illinois De
,to ■ 1 • ARO UNITED on this question.
tof I" , KE P F WN. —An attempt was made on
of H.' P hist hold a Lecompton meet-
B E| IF°RD, were Buchnnau goes in dog-
L'° N ■ L ° L ' IE VVATERS - The meeting broke
B nd ■ E ." T 4 R LJ, A "d so rebellious were the " De
,of B( L '" AT '•HE Lecompton resolution was
lor- B. " 'HE series, the engineer not dar
;ace it to the meeting. Dougherty,
o rv. Shannon and Cesisea tried to
re- 8.,- J ! AS EV( TY man of 'ein had been loud
}ov- ■: R ,"' ,JAND noisy in 1856 for the "blood
acft- °I 'HE people of Knnsas to choose
loffl- B7 U ' UFl titutionß in their own way," what
lop- BJ E V A '" E ''leofocoism had left them carne
;EDE ■ ' L ''EM to palsy their tongues, and con
by H L J NADE cowards of them all. Mr. Ru-
AN 4 B ~'! ILUSt send Col. Bowman there from
>T ER H "' U S TOU TO engineer the next meeting.
' K BREEDING. —A few days since, a
reaf- ! 'he Poor House at Taunton, Mass.,
i '° child weighing eight pounds,
llj "°, r r , ' in - 11 years old, and the father
our- B ' Ihe mother herself was born in the
1 H i'fe 6- iiat a commentary upon jioor
liar a s , h ;onablc you°g the
H at o healthy parents, met in the post
nbe i racuße 00 Friday, when one 6truck
rhS the faco. The;
1 H " 1 ' yoatig man.
Ncm fAhocrliscinjnts.
WILL be held at TUOY BOROUGH. Bradford Co.,
Pa., commencing TUESDAY, March !. t-,
continue three days, and to chue vrltti a Concert on
Thursday eveniup, at which a choice selection f new
music will IK? performed, the wliolc to be under the di
rection ol Prof. GEO. P. BOOT, of Boston.
From 9to 10, sinking Church Music, with reference
to reading music, appropriate adaptation, eapr- sion. Ac.
From 10 to 11, elementary instruction, including prac
tice in major, miuor, aud clirouuitic scales, time-keeping,
intonation, Ac.
From 11 to 12, vocal training, or cultivation of the
voice, including instruction and exercises in position,
breathing, proper uttucular actiou in singiug, vowel aud
consonant elements, resonance and different qualities of
From 2.30 to 3.30, part-song and glee singing, includ
ing instruction in plirasiug, and other matters relating to
style and expression.
From 3.30 to 4.30, the same, and miscellaneous practice,
with remarks on various styles of music, and their per
From 7 to R, Chnrch music, including instruction in
hymnology, anthems, chanting, choruses, Ac
From S to 9, the same, and practice with reference
to public performance.
Gentlemen $1 00
Ladies 50
books to be used will be the SA BBATH BELL
and FESTIVAL GLEE BOOK. Those having them will
please bring them ; and those who have not will be fur
nished. free of charge.
Board at the Troy H >use, per day, 50 cents.
Board in private families. " 3* "
~V~OTICE.—The subscribers to the Capital
-F* stock of the Bradford Riil Road aud Coal Com
pany, who have not paid the first instalment of one dol
lar per share in the stock subscribed for by them, are
hereby notified that the same is required to be paid with
in thirty days fr on this date.
I?v order ol the Board of Directors.
A. R. PERKINS, Pres't
Bradford R. R. A Goal Go. Office, i
Philadelphia, Feb. 13. Uti f
BRIDGE LETTING.—SeaIed proposals
will be received at the house of Jason Choffee. in
Rome village, upon FRIDAY the sth day of MARCH
next, until 3 o'clock, P. M.. for the building and com
pleting of a Bridge across W'ysox Creek, above said vil
lage. Plans and specifications of said Rridge may be
seen at the Commissioner's Office lor ten days previous,
and at the house of said Chaffee upon the day of said
letting. E. B. COD LB A UGH, Clerk.
Commissioner's Office. Feb. 23. ls.js.
Towanda Borough Report, for l>o7.
Work done on streets, Ac., in ISSG $l5O 11
" on streets, walks, and materials for same 08
j Interest on Borough Scrip 82 so
Divine Judgment 41 fifi
Fire Department, 2 years stj 20 Engine House 17 35
I'hauiberlin taking care of town clock 2.5 00
Mending broken wheel " " 2 OO
| Rope for " " 6 .50
- Secret watch, 12 nights 12 00
Carman repai ing plow 3 00
! Eaton attending election and serving notices 0 3')
Coal, drawing and box for same 2 .50
I Election expenses 4 50
j Printing do 1-5 00
Furniture for Council room Id 55
i Conley taking care Engine House 1 .50
Wiu. Street Commissioner 15 00
Clerk and Treasurer's services 40 (HI
Distributing appeal notices 3 00
Stationary, Ac. 5 18
1333 20
Names of Col. Dates. Ch'd. Paid. Exou. Perct. Due.
IV. C Bogart, 15.50 $33 07 $33 07
Wm. Burton, 18.51 20 CO 20 CO
G.ii.Eaton, '.54-.5-C li'iii 28 ,58.5 59 IS 74 41 5-S 873 37
A. J. Noble, 1857 102 C 77 33C 42 690 35
200'J 72 962 CI Is 74 41 58 15UC 7'J
Bal, in treasury Jan. I By ain't ret'd <• dap.
I, 1557, $59 12j prior to
Dup. prior to 18.57, 1552 9.51 Ret'd on dup. for"s7, 690 35
do for 1857. 1028 77| Percentage to Eaton
Ilec'd Licenses for i ton on'sl dup. 41 58
Shows 35 00 Ex. to Eaton on da. Is 74
Paid Bartlett, judg
ment. in full, 7o 34
Orders redeemed, 922 (II
Ex. scrip to Eaton, 4 8.5
Bal. in treasury, 40 54
$2703 841 $2703 81
Outstanding orders. j Orders camel led in, _ $533 3:ij 15.57, $922 00
Orders issued in's7, 933 201 Outstanding orders.
, Jan. 1, 1 ->4l a J
$ 14G8 59! $1486 59
Names, of Col. Dates. Ain't Dp. Col. K.xon. Pent. Due.
O. H. Eaton, 1956 sll2l 82 10:5H IS 19 85 5-5 OS
A.J. Noble, 1857 1202 80 588 10 631 64
Rec'd from Fatou, ji'aid out as per
Collector. SIOOB 161 Voucher, $26G7 98
Rec'd from A. J.No
ble, Col. 569 lo
Rec'd from Bradford
Co., Ac. 1005 19
Bal. due Treas, 28 47
$2667 98 $2667 98
Amount of outstanding Borough Orders, Jan. 1,, $544 59
Bnro' Scrip issued April Bth. 1 -54 payable in 3,
4 and 5 years, 1380 00
Balance Due on Engine House, 218 38
$2072 96
Judgment v<. G. T. Smith, SSB 08
line on W. C. Bogart.'s dup., 18.50, 33 07
Due tm G. H. Eaton's dup, 185.5-C 873 57
Due on A. J. Noble's dup.. 15.57, 890 35
Due on A. J. Noble Special Borough, 1857, 634 64
Due from Treasurer 40 51
$2330 03
T'-ta! cost of Engine House, furniture. Ac., ?2-sS< s7
By amount paid by Bradford County. Ac., 1005 19
slßs4 68
Borough Paid on the above 1836 32
Balance due on Engine House, s24s 36
Attest, A. D. MONTANYE, Sec'y. Town Council.
Paid Mrs, Miner, temporary relief $3 00
Miss Farre! " " 2 25
Wm, Mix, services Poor Master for 18.56 10 00
Doct. Ladd, services for do. and Physician for do. 30 00
McCabe for meat for Wni. Robinson 27
Henderson for keeping Robinson 6 00
Walbridge for taking Jacob (Jaris to Standing Stone 2 00
San tee for serving notice Poor Masters " " 70
N. N. Betts Justice fees 1 70
Doct. Ladd i years services as Physician 10 00
Madden for Keeping Mrs. Croke ' 60
S. Taylor sor nursing Casey family 5 00
Temporary relief to Saveicool 3 56
" " Sage 2 00
Montanyes' for 5 bushels wheat for poor 6 2.5
Temporary relief to Savercool, Sage A Frenchman 5 00
For load wood for Savercool I 50
O.Sage tor Keeping Mrs. Miner 37 50
Mrs. Wm. Warner for keeping Mrs Miner 25 on
Paid Bronson 2 00
$l5B 73
NamesofCol. Date. Am.t of Dup. Col. Exon. Perct Due.
C. T. Smith, 1852 $22 58 $22 58
G. H. Eaton, 1855 69 55 $47 11 $5 45 16 99
A. J. Noble, 1857 402 90 50 00 352 90
Bal. in Treas. Jan. 1, Paid Poor ordera $l5B 73
1857, $44 57
Ilec'd from Eaton Col. 47 11
Noble " 50 00
Bal Due Treasurer 17 05 WM. MIX,
$l5B 73 OverseeJß of the Poor.
WE, the Auditors of the Borough of Towanda. do cer
tify thai we have examined the accounts of the Town
CoancU, Treeaoror. and of the Overseen of the Poor, for
the year 18J7 ( and find theaa correct.
Auditor;. |
filcutjanbief, src.
Extract of Cannabis Inclica,
(Alcoholic preparation from the leaves imported from
Price, $2,00 per Bottle.
Air None genuine without " Dr. H. James. 19 Grand-st.
Jersey City,'' blown iu the bottle. For sale by Dr. H. C.
| PORTER, sole agent. 2m37
No Mistake for D. C. Ilall.
HE has now 011 hand a large stock and a great variety
of Parlor aud Plate, and 40 different patterns of
j Cooking Stoves of Diving Flue and Elevated Ovens for
Coal aud Wood—that rather than to smuttier them over,
I he will sell at cost lor cash or grain at the following pri
[ ces : —Wheat, Si 25 ; Rye, 62J cts.; Corn. 624 cts ; oats
| 37J cts ; Buckwheat, cents and Butter the highest
1 market price given. If you don't believe it, call and try
! him.
P. S. Those who have accounts or notes with nlin that
are due, had better make arrangements to pay innue
uiately if they wish to save cost.
Towanda, Jan. 14, 1858.
Also, Upper Leather, French and American Calf Skins,
Kip Skins, a large assortment of Morocco, Linings, Find
ings, and other goods suitable for the season.
I V I "f our own manufacture, constantly on lmnd,
e^*i<* an d nimie to order, all of which we offrr at re-
E&k. duced prices. HUMPHREY $• WICKHAM.
Towanda, January 5,1858.
OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, Ac., all sizes,
lor sale at
j Oct. 12. 18.57. TRACY A MOQKF'S.
Tioua Point
Agricnlliira! & Junction Iron Works,
WSLLE3, BLOOD &. Co., Proprietors.
r pilE subscriber would respectfully inform bis friends
1 and customers, and the public generally, that he lias
formed a co-partnership with Mr. JOHN P. 81.000, of Al
bany, N. Y.. (who lias for several years been Superinten
dent ot Messrs. Emery Brothers' Agricultural Works,)
and with Mr. SAMI KI," N. BLOOD, of Worcester, Mass.,
(Machinist and Tool Builder, ami lute Superintendent of
the American Hoop Machine Company of Kitchburg,
Mass., under the tirin name of WELLES, BLOOI) A Co;
I and that we have leased for .1 term of years the extensive
| and well known Iron Works, of Messrs. Shipmnn A
j Welles, at. this place, and united the Tioga Point Airri
j cultural Work- with the same, for the man 11 tact urp of
! Agricultural Machines, Implements, Ac., among which
will be Emery's Endless Chain Railroad Horse Powers,
Threshers and Cleaners, Threshers and Separators, Por
table Circular and Crosscut Saw Mills, Cider Mills. Dog
Powers, Clover ILilh is. Feed Cutters. Fanning Mills,
I Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Shingle Machines, Kirby's
1 Mowers and Reapers. Ac., of tbe most improved patterns
j and construction. We are prepared t d > all kinds of
1 Machinery Casting and Repairing, and have for sale a
| large -tuck of first cla.-s Steam Engines, Machinery and
Castings, manufactured by and belonging to Messrs.
I Shipmaii A Welles.
| Both of the Messrs. Blood are -killfnl and experienced
' practical mechanics. Our Machinery will nearly all be
j new and with the Litest improvements, and with the en
j co iragemeut afforded by the patronage of a discerning
| public, wo expect to have the reputation of doing first
class work and making the best Agricultural Machines
! in use. R. M. WELLES.
Athens, January. 185 S.
Our past iuuividual experience in the manufacture,
j sale and use ot Agricultural Machines and Implements.
1 and al-o in general M icliine anil Steam Work, with our
j excellent facilities.afforded by Machinery, principals >f
| our own construction, with the very latest and best ini
i provements. and also for procuring tli* very bpst mate
rial- and stock of ail kinds at cheap r%tes. will enable us
to muuufai'ture better machinery, at same prices, than
that of other manufacturers, and also compete with the
world in prices and quality anil material and workman
ship of all kinds of Agricultural iuiplimeuts, and in all
kinds of t 'ustiug and Job Work.
We shall pay especial attention to the manufacture of
the very best of Blows and How < astiugs. We intend to
make castings tor all tbe leading plows iu u-< in our vi
einitv, am! - hall take great care t•> use only tbe be-1 ma
terial. Our plow woinier i- from the Le-t and m> -t c< le
brated eastern manufactory. Me invite all interested iu
" home uniniil'uctures '' to "call and -ee our v ••1!;-.
-'l'lSwill Le found at hi- eld quarters in
1 T—X—j — Button's Block, until Deeemi er next.
Towanda, Nov. 2. 1857. JOHN MACKINTOSH.
\\T ANTED.—500 lJusliels of Wheat at
v f the market price.
Towanda, Oct 26.1857. B AILEY A NEVINS.
& 1 5.000
IIIRHQiI liSimil
Would respectfully call the attention of the public to tbe
fact that he is now offering
To those wishing lo buy GOODS FOR GASH.
Prices Reduced to oO pr ct.
Those wishing to know what
Are, are invited to call.
Towanda, Xovemlicr 30, 1557.
S. W. ROGERS is now fin town, and offers his ser
vices to those wishing it, in tuning Pianos, repairing
and tuning Mrlodeons, Ac. He can also furnish the
above Instruments cheap as the cheapest. All Instru
ments fully warranted. Calls from the country prompt
ly attended to.
His partner. LEVI WELLS, in Tuscamra, can also be
called on in any of the above departments.
Towanda Feb. 9, 1858.
(CAUTION. — All persons are hereby cau-
J tinned against purchaser g a note given by me to Da
vid A. Prince or betirer. dated Rome, January 25 or 26,
1858, for 4250 feet of hemlock lumber, to be "paid on or
before the first day of June next. Said note was given
011 settlement, by mistake, and I shall not pay the same
unless compelled by law, as 1 have not received any con
sideration for tlie same. DAN RUSSELL.
Rome, Fell. 2, 185s.
To Persons Remitticg Money to Ire
riARE undersigned are now prepared by an arrangement
X with Messrs. Roche Bros. A Coffey,"of New-York, to
give drafts payable at sight on Messrs. Roche Brothers
ot Dublin,in sums of one pound and upwards to any
amount, and also to i<sue certificates of passage in the
.esselsof the " Black Ball Line" of New York and Liver
pool packets.
Jan. 26. 1858. LA FORTE, MASON A GO.
THE subßorilicr respectfully in
forms Soldiers ot tbe war of 1812, of
the Mexican War, and any of the In
dian Wars since 1790, that there Is
now pending before Congress a bill granting pensions to
officers and soldier* that have been engaged in anv of
said wars. It is generally believed that said bill will be
come a law. I shall be prepared with directions, blanks
and forms as soon as said law i passed, and will attend
to the procuring pensions under said act, on reasonable
terms. I still continue procuring Land Warrants fer all
that are entitled to them. Revolutionary claims attend
ed to—From my long experience iu the above named
business, and having reliable agents at Washington, I
flatter myself that 1 am as well prepared to examine and
perfect any of the aliove named claims, as any other per
son in this section of our country. My office is at my
dwelling house, on Main Street, in Towanda, near the
residence of the late Doctor Huston.
Towanda. Feb. 13. 1858. j p. GOODENOUGH.
MOHAIR BRAIDS and Twists for tbe
hair, V
Sept. Ift, 137. "W M. A. LOCK "NULL S.
Of the Receipts and Expenditures of Bradford County, from Jan. 1
Ist, to Dec. 31.< 1857, inclusive. j
Auditor* J lift CO
Assessor* 113* 00
; Bridge Contiacts 1132 CO
| Bridge and Road Views 35 00
I Bradford County Agricultural Society 100 00
Coal and Wood house 438 IT
Crier at Court 90 00
{ Constables making returns and attending court 607 99
, Counsel to Commissioners 60 00
j Cost in Common wealth suits 1257 24
I Costs m civil suits 20 00
! election expenses 793 13
! Erection of Fire i'roof 0058 85
| Fuel and Lights 112 07
Grand Jurors 655 04
Traverse Jurors 2388 90
Incidental expenses P2 12
Indexing and comparing Peed Books 100 64
Office Books and Stationery 210 30
Account with the several Ctlleclors of County Taxes fur the County of Bradford.
i Tmrnships Lor'os Collector*' A'amet. Vcr Churned. Received. Exonerated, Per crntage Due.
I Ulster C B Kitchen 1853 I 20 22 .. $4 05 $22 17
i Wilinot E Shepard 50 32 20 34 7 73 8 91 $ 7 29
| Purell lobn Stevens 1864 11 69 .. .. 11 89
i Ilerrick |R Hillis ... 18 99 9 17 .. 9 32
I Ridgbury Charles French 62 80 30 77 4 47 17 02
i Ulster 11 I) Rogers 67 40 67 40
| Wyalusing R Whitney 14 96 7 06 7 30
j Albany S Chapman 1856 32 30 32 30
! Franklin F F Fairchild 25 22 18 10 77 6 35
| Granville C P Ross 63 57 39 13 2 28 12 16
j Herrick R Hillis 93 40 90 73 .. 7 07
! Rome S C Mann 69 ol 69 ol
: Tuscarora 1) Aekley 00 21 4s 03 12 13
j Towanda N'orth.... W TV Eastabrooks 19 48 lo 00 .. .. 9 48 !
I Wyalusiug Hiram Elliott 24 90 3 03 3 71 18 10 j
| Athens Boro ( buries Clapp 1*56 143 02 85 70 34 10 23 10 •• I
I Athens twp N Kdminster i 706 69 611 s6 23 03 70 10
! Albany € H Corbin 105 47 136 no 12 04 11 80 6 97
I Asylum G H.Morrow 44 80 22 35 6 07 14 4 4 .. j
j Burlington West .. Plynu Phelps 190 40 130 60 4 70 17 u3 37 03
I Burlington I Travsjr 217 14 109 40 29 37 19 31
I Columbia Pelcg Peckhum 107 96 123 79 11 28 32 89
j Purell I) l.States 110 91 80 14 7 78 10 99
I Franklin I P Burt:haul 211 10 35 53 ICO 29 9 34
i Granville CI) Ross 319 64 I 6 22 21 44 292 93
Herrick Win Hillis 109 40 155 13 j 141 12 92
1 Leßov VP 89 54 74 64 2 07 12 83
: Litchfield R Merrill 120 91 97 12 4 43 19 30
j Orwell V O. Mathews 37 00 9 09 4 05 23 20
, Overtoil 1) Hcverlyjr 60 27 60 00 .. .. 10 27
| Pike Chandler Brink 471 00 425 43 | 807 3s 10
: Rome OF Young 293 *3 207 31 I 394 22 68
Ridgbury Jesse Hammond 150 30 127 03 • 6 4o 23 15 .. I
| Sheshequin Win P Horton 130 02 90 01 j 501 33 so
I Smithtield T.I Wheeler 107 30 05 72 . 041 j 35 17
Springfield 31) Harknoss 100 54 l.'O 00 j 571 : 2s 79 12 04
1 South Creek Ira Crane Ol 11 41 00 j 491 1 14 54
: Standing Stone lonathau Wood { I 103 03 82 60 j 605 ! 15 4*
1 Tuscarora A WGray .... 178 17 167 74 j 602 j 15 41
. Towauda Horn V J Noble 402 47 310 28 J 10 99 | 75 20 •• I
Towanda North S A Mills 221 20 .. j .. 22120
| Towanda twp lame* San tee 130 2o 110 35 | 2 s4 17 07 •- j
I Troy Borough V B Moure 17 00 .. 6 90 11 70
LT-tcr R McKinney 158 39 13u 62 7 89 19 88
! Wyox LIB Hinds.. 208 71 174 21 4 10 30 40 .. !
Wyalusing flames Lewis ... 110 95 81 87 4 48 24 60 •• 1
Wells Daniel Strong .. 69 05 33 93 3 97 21 15 .. I
Warren jl F Whcaton 52 48 16 82 633 •30 33
Windham j ' W Warner. 161 75 152 29 4 01 24 6.5 IPS Miller 23 08 12 94 6 90 7 24
Athens B"ro |Wui Parrv 1567 430 67 3 .9 OS 27 02 20 67
Athens twp W H Sible 1504 40 910 38 694 02'
Albany j dark Sweet 242 25 217 41 13 39 11 45 .. j
Armenia 'Robert Mason 08 43 64 00 1 07 3 36 .. ;
Asylum ; Hiram Horton .... 307 00 109 00 ; 625 I 16 11 117 04
Burlington ltoro.. F Whitehead 09 10 64 09 1 04 3 37
. Burlington West.. '} W Gi.dard 34* 29 I*7 00 12 Si 10 78 131 70
Burlingtou twp.... J Travis jr 392 71 237 00 j .. j .. 165 71
Canton •f| T Bennl-dey 728 56 621 00 | .. .. 207 66
Columbia I Charles Keyes o*l 65 692 oO ; 684 ' 33 79 140 02
Purell I) l.States 347 *7 197 17 11 23 j 10 83 122 04
Franklin ~I P Buruham ... 197 7o 1 140 00 .. 67 70
: Granville j A Hart Barnes . -••• 437 *5 i 188 00 447 ; 21 67 22." 71
Herrick I suae Marsh ....j 255 23 | 189 10 5 38 12 60 . 4 8 25,
: Lcßoy Leroy Holfomh 260 45 ; 118 00 420 I 12 31 i 115 88 ' jltuwen Merrill !■•■•! 402 17 104 00 ! i 2J5 17
Monroe Boro jll C Tracy 1....1 64 12 | 67 03 3 44 305 i
Monroe twp !\t M Coolbaugh I 399 89 j 2",5 no 11 95 j 22 27 107 04
Orwell IPC F.llsworth : 502 14 471 36 i 690 | 24 92
: Overton flames Heverly I 85 71 i 76 4s I 6 1* 4 04 '
Pike jG W Brink j 762 00 657 00 j 701 37 71; J 160 23
1 Rome Ml W Browning .... 445 91 2/2 40 1 2 94 22 15 1 129 30
Ridglmry I.lessc Hammond 45G 93 290 77 | . 166 16
Standing Stone... Jonathan Wood ... 294 14 275 OS 4 50 14 50 !
Khesliequin john Brink ... 069 4'J 244 21 3 07 33 2s 387 93
Sinithlield n'|J Wheeler . ...... i ... TOO 4', 63s 00 7 15 34 97 20 34
Springfield Ic C Hooker i. .. • 68* 97 j 304 00 72- 29 08 24s 01
Svlvania 80r0.... .'iHurry Smith ...I 74 47 j 09 27 147 373
1 South Creek jlraCran I 293 42 274 09 . .. 19 *2
T iscurora 11)1) Black j . I 308 00 , 210 00 451 15 29 78 20
Towanda Boro 1.4 J Noble 1.... I 1020 r>4 ] 671 .*4 73 09 47 75 231 10
Towanda North.... Jame* Elliott • j 263 29 j 200 01 .. .. 6325
Towanda twp '.fames San tec i ! *'•> > "9 90 13 .. J 239 45
Troy Boro j lame* Adams 1... j 251 31 j 113 50 186 12 47 j 123 48 !
Tr>v twp H Spalding jr J... I o*3 64 600 00 ' 11 30 • 3.1 i; 2 • 132 72
ULi'r Is r ||<,vey ;... 395 17 j 373 30 2 12 1909 j
Wyalusing flames Lewis . j.... 495 62 1 307 27 826 1 24 7,9 j 95 50 ;
Wysox .! jll R Biauvelt j obi 71 j 310 00 250 j 28 03 221 41:
Windham .U W Warner j.. 53: i 3! i 340 45 13 "11 ; 20 30 168 95 ]
Warren |.l F W lies ton 1 .... 629 09 j 5-1 00 17 04 30 59 .. I
Wells is 11 Ingersoll j... | 425 92 2>2 4(1 16 09 20 49 9*l 94
Wilinot ... cN T linrton ' ...I lot) Is j 120 95 968 g4O 15 ol
! $24.6*9 23 i $10,843 *2 s7*7 97 $1,575 14 $5,540 57
Br. JCzra C. Kellogg, Treasurer, in aceount iciih Ike County of Bradford, Cr.
To aiu't of duplicats for years previous to 1657, $<>,599 91
" "1b57, lb.ObS 32
" Re-assessment for 1556 45 2.'!
15.17 14 94
" Transrripts of unsealed lands 155 85 ,
" Aliatement upon State tax 310 93 j
" MKeoManoons receivals 439 *4
" lu Treasury, Jan. 1,1957 7,593 32
#33,247 74 i
Dr. 7i. (\ Kellogg, Treasurer, in a eft villi the Conith of Pennsylvania, (Jr.
To ain't of duplicates due previous to 1657.... $5,565 00 1
for 1657 13,702 55 I
" Transcripts of unseated lands 139 97 )
" '• seated lands 7 311
Be assessment for 1657 .. 11 09 ,
" Miscellaneous receivals 675 j
$19,455 93 I
Dr. County Orders in account irif/t the County of Bradford, for IBf>7. Cr. !
To am't of orders issued in 1957 #19,59# 03
'• outstanding Jan. 1, 1637 194 19
#19.764 22
—■ — BR VOFOltn roi NTV. SS.—We, the undersigned Commissioners of Bradford County, d > hereby certify i
1.. s that the ahove is a true and correct statement of the Receivals and Expenditures of said County from the
—■>— lsl day of January to the 31st day of Pecembcr, inclusive, A. i>. 1857.
Witness our hands and seal of office, at Towauda, this 2uth dav of J.muarv, 1858.
I*. 11. Bit K, ' |
1. 1.11.1.KY, - Commissioners.
Atiest—E. 11. OonußAroH, Clerk. I). BECKER, S
n n JOHN KENDALL would respect
fully inform the public- that having leased the
;j C, large ami commodious house formerly ocoupi-
hy him, in the lower part of the borough,
whirh has heen enlarged ami thoroughly re
paired, lie is ready to oiler to boarders superior accotuo
He would particularly inform Jurymen, and others at
tending Court, that he will lie prepared to accommodate
them upon the most reasonable terms.
He solicits a share of public patronage, confident that
satisfaction will le rendered in every respect.
Towanda, January 20, ls.>s.
fcZwff CATTI.E wanted by the " Mauch Chunk Beef
,/jl . y Association." The regular market price will
be paid. Cash. By order of the Board of Directors.
E. H. HATCH, Kec'v. G. W. SMITH, President.
Manch Chuuk, Dec. 8.1557.
r |MIE Finest Assortment of WINTER GOODS in town
X will be found at the store of W in. A. Rockwell, one
door north of Bridge street.
Many thanks for the liberal share of puhlic patronage
which has been extended us: and we shall endeavor to
continue to give satisfaction both as to the quality aud
prices of our Goods. Call and bee.
Towanda, Nov. 19, 1857.
SALT. —100 B'ils. Salt for snle, ut No. 2,
Patton's Block' by
Towanda. Nov. 4.1857. W. A. ROCKWF.IX.
TvA/vJ and a lot of Grind Stone Hangings at
Sept. 8, 1857. W'M. A. UOCKWXLL'S.
IS NOW RECEIVING a large stock of
FAMILY GROCERIES, which are offered for sale at
a low prices as thne quality of Goods r n be bought
. ny where this side of the City of New York.
Insurance on Public buildings 202 00
Prisoner's suppoit in County jail. 621 42
do Hasten. State Peniieutiary.... SJO 3*
Conveying prisoners to do. 300 00
Public" printing 322 01
\ Prothonotary and Clerk of Quarter Sessions.. 310 91
Repairs upon Public Buildings.... 213 71
I State Lunatic Asylum 119 00
Sheriff for summoning Jurors 127 on
Township Hue Views 82 t-7
Wild cat certificates 6 26
G. H. Bull, late Commissioner 316 no
P. II Buck, Commissioner 306 no
D. Lilley, do 262 00
P. Decker, do 78 00
E. B. Coolbaugh, Clerk to Couinrissiouera 600 00
$19,500 03
By ain't returned uncollected prior to 1637, J oil 21
for Is:,, 4,92>> 2<i ;
" " upon unseated lands 10 66'
" Exonerations allowed Collectors ~s7 ;i7 '
j " Percentage " 1,575 44 I
i " Exonerations upon unseated lands ... 20 so
" sales of seated and unseated do. 04 >4
" Orders redeemed in 1057 19,807 46
" 2 per ceut. commission on same 392 Jf,
" 1 " " $10,907 99. . 109 88
" In Treasury. Jan. 1,1659 5.077 93 !
#33,247 74 |
■ Bv ain't uncollected for 1657, and previous vrs $4,733 13
I " " upon unseated lauds.... 950 :
I " per ceutaije allowed collectors 1,163 07 !
I " exonerations " 023 90
" " on unseated lands 17 91
I" 1 per cent.commission 011 $12,666 42. 126 8s ;
State Trea. receipts, July 3, & 13,'57, 10.520 31 j
" Overpaid in l> per Aud. Gen. rep. 198 !
" due Commonwealth, Jan. 1,1558 2,231 25
I $19,455 93 ;
- - .- J "-■•■ v" 1j "• v-• . :
j 15v am'! of orders redeemed in 16.57 #i9,007 46 '
outstanding Jan. 1, ibs 178 74 j
i #19,784 22 j
| AGENTS, ATTENTION !—Do yon wish!
j 2\. to find good employment, and make money with !
I little or no investment, and without interfering with
: your regular business? If you do, read this advertise-;
j incut.
U.K. Tonn A Co., of 3 2 Rrootno Street, New York, i
i are manufacturing and selling massive gold Pencils fori
1 $5 each, (which are cheap at that price.) and they throw !
; in a gift or prize with enh Pencil, worth thun $2 up to !
$., $ll, fl.>, S2O. $25. i.'o. $75. slon, S2OO and SSOO. j
Don t cry out " Humb'.g! Lottery !" It's no such thing,
j The Pencils ure sold at their cash value, at d nil the firo- 1
; fits over the first cost are thrown into the gifts, which .
actually eost the purchaser nothing. The prizes are dis
tributed on : simple plan of drawing, which would take :
; too much room to explain, but which hn. never failed to !
give complete satisfaction. We have drawn aud °eiit to \
j purchasers 183 gold watches of various prices. 74 purses !
: ot gold dollars, 2,'W gold lockets, 850 gold chains, and a
j corresponding number of other prizes, within two months,
i 'IHERE ARE NO BLANKS, but every purchaser;
! draws a prize worth $2 certain, and it stands thousands j
i ot chances to be a higher figure.
We want a good agent in every neighborhood through
; out the country, to solicit purchasers, and any agent, to [
I be successful, must have a Pencil and prize To exhibit, i
We pay agents $1 cash for each purchaser he obtains. [
: and the first person in any neighborhood wlm applies for
a Pencil and gilt, will receive the igency for that loeali-
I ty. Should an agent obtain a valuable prize to exhibit
! with his Pencil, he would have little diflh u'.ly in obtain
j ing scores of purchasers, and making it a paying busiue -s.
j We ask nobody to send their money till they know
what prize they draw. Any person wishing to try their :
I lurk, can first -end us their name and address, and we !
j will make their drawing and inform tbcm by return mail
what prize they draw, when thev can send cn anil take
! the Pencil and prize, or, not. whichever they choose. We
give this privilege only to a purchaser. After the :
| first drawing, every purchaser will be required to sead
in advance, through the authorized agent. We will send
with each drawing the number taken out, with full des
cription of the plan of drawing. Address
c. E. Tonr> k co.
Jan. 20. 1858. 392 Broome Street, New Yo>k.
6tone Lime juat received, aud for sale for Cash or
1 Grain bv
; lowsiidj; Oct, :c, 1557. EALLEY A NEVINS. '
.1' ■■ -*-• - ■" 'l'..'gjjy L
I A UDITORS Nt/T! CV..--ffeFor Otrrns x~.
fx. Daniel Hcprman. I:> the Omiinou l'lewa ol Bmd
fori! County, No. Xi 3, >f>iy ter*. I'-t-C.
I The wnde'iwiyred, Auditor. tld f.-nrt to
distribute fund- mi-ed by Sheriff's wile"' the renl estate
; of defendant, wlil attci.d'ln the duties of h1 pppwMunent
| at the office of Wm Elwcll. in Towaa ia, "a Monday 1* *
2'Jtb dij of ilar.!i.HHe5 e . at l o'clock in the R.tepiogn, t
which time and r>!a< e all petfcnns interested are requif t
to present their .lar-nsoi ilse he forever dolaircJ in.
fnnd. ' .
0. D. MONTASYF, Ahtf.tar.
j xFehraarvM, H63.
SHERIFF'S SALES. —By virtue of writs
0 of vend, exponas Witd out of the Cor.rt of I'wit' o
Pleas ot Br.aU'/id County, end to me diicued, wii) hc-ex
! posed tn p .Mi • sale o' botunl iy the 20th day of March.
A. I)., 1%6S at 1 o'<!ti"k, P. M.. at the Court ffoneein the
borough <J To wan (In, the following I -t pie or parcel of
land sit ante n Or* 11 twp., botindel on the no nil ly
lauds of Ftojf r Sp'cer, ei-tly lands ol H. W. Ca'gn.
' end James (1. Xewt 11, south by land- 'f He'er Wjf ea,
we-t hy lands of Jamr* C'eveland. C-'Uifniiiiis; seveuty
f ur aero-. more or Its-. about forty-., vt acres iuiprovgd,
j ft fr mod dee 1 ng ho' e. a framed burn, and .ra oftLlrd
' of fruit trees theie m.
ALSO- -all certain lot. or parcel of land nit
: Uat< in Warn t towii-h'n bounded "n the north by lamia
; of Samuel Lyon-, Ka-t hy land-. <>f William Davis, *tfth
by lands ni l> mie! Chatter, and west by fcuids of llum
piney BockwUh. Containing Guy acies, he the .saine
j more" or less, about forty a. res Improved. with n fraicvd
I dwelling house,.a framed barn, a home ham and Khmi-i
! end other out build ngi, two apple or-harvU and o;it> r
. fru't trees tbereoE.
j ALSO -MI that eertaic lot. r>'ce or parcel of land Wit
! uate hi Warren town-hip, bouiidtd on toe north hy lam'*
i of S.d my Brainard, east by the public highway, south
I hy lands of Allen Bawen. and west by lands of Humphrey
| Beckwith. Containing five acre*, more or lea*.
• Seized and taken In execution as the suiiof Minor Tay
! lor. to the ol Nathaniel Russell aud Newton F. Militr
vs. Lucius Humphrey and Major B. Darling.
j ALSO—AII that eejtaui lot. piece or parcel of land sit'
j uate in Orwell twp.. Hounded north by land of R- Spice*
east by J. r>. Newell. south hy H. W. Camp and others,
and west by 11. W. Cain;). Containing thirteen
more or less, about seven acres improved, a tiameddwcl
l ling house and a sn\ mil! thereon.
AFSO—The follow ing lot. piece or parcel of land H
--nute in Orwell towp., Bradford County, hounded on tl e
: north bv lands of Roger Spieer, on the cost bv lands of
H. VV. Camp and Jiuues 1). Newell, or. the the s<nih by
Innds of llelier Wilson, nnd on the west by lands ""
James Cleveland. Containing seventy-four utjes. alaa-t
torty-tive acres improved, or.e frsiutd" dwelling house a
framed barn ami an orchard of fruit trees tlierenn.
Seized and taken in execution as the suit ot St-liin Kir
by. vs. Lucius Humphrey.
' *ALKO—The following" 1 t.-piece or parrel of land situ
ate in Sho-heqnin twp., Bradford co.. hounded on the
north and east by lands of Fli.u Post, ki.nlii end west by
' lands of Wiu. B Tlorton aud Sarah Smith. Ontytuir .-
tlfty acres, more or !e. nhunt forty-tire acres tbreof
improved, with a frtßteil hou--e, a log hou e, a fiained
barn and an orchard of fruit trees.
Seized and taken in execution fit the snit of Joseph
Powell 11 the use of J. P. Kirby vs. L. D. Post.
Tliuci. .Ni. WOODBCFF, Sheil'T.
SlierifTs Office, Feb. 23,1'*5f.
*5" Notice is hrehv given, that an amount sufficient
to pnv all costs will tie required in every where land
j is sold, also satiafoctory security or money paid on ail
! bids made on land*, at 'th} time of sale, and unless, terms
i a.e compiled with the land will V again exposed to b*.
THUS. >[. HOOBRL'FF, Sheritt.
of an order of the Oriilmus' Court of Bradford C" ,
will be <-.\"o-ed to public sale. "U the premiss, on SAT
URI'AY. MA lit 1! 13, L-'l, at 1 o'clock. I*. M-. the n.l
--; b wirg ib -i til i d lot of lai d situate in Warren town-hip,
late the est.i'e "I Alfred AUvn. deceased, ol Warren twp ,
containing about ninety acres, honiuh d ou tiie north t<y
—Boweti, on the- eci bv Nathan Newmi-n. on the south
bv James Arnold. Walter Arnold and the highway, ou
tfie west bs Samuc-i Chaffee, with about sixty arcs im
proved, with u frame home ami an orchard theieoU.
Atteudaace given and term made kn< wn. en dey ut
sale. C. 0. (1 RIDLEY,
February 13, lSf!®. Administrate:.
of an order of the Orphans' Ccr.rt of Br. dt'erd Coun
tv, wilt tie t.tposeit to puMie sale, on the premises, on
SATI.'rJ'AY. the Zuth day of MARCH, IMS, at I o'clock,
P Af., the f dlowing descril • d property, late the estate of
Oliver S. (fray, deceased, late of llerriek township, to
u .! :—A piece or parcel of lar-.d situate in the township i
"t Standing Stone and Herrick. bounded north by land ■ f
Win. Kinipp, east by land ot I. A.Park and Archibald
Coleman, ou the south by lauds tew in possession of Jn
emiali F. Cray. Luke Poian and Patrick Ik-lan. and en
the west I y Louis Shoreti. Containing one hundred and
eighteen acres, more or less. Also, one other piece, situ
ated iu Herri-k township. Hounded ou the north by the
! -of -aid iute-tate al vedc-cri) id.on the east bylatvd
ot Joseph Lear aud J irvis Buttles, on the g>mth by biiida
" r John Foyle, and on the west by lauils of said Luke
liolan. C mtaiiiitig about fifty a. n.s. With dwelling
hc'ise and ban thereon, and other improvements,
i derma made known on the day of sale.
j __ February If., 1853. Admiuintrators.
A EDITORS' NOTICE.— In the m ittcr of
! .a. \ tin r*t :!( i f Hohert hjrt rl, dte'd. In the Orphan's
Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by said Court, to
di.-frifiuti the funds in tin h i!.ds of the administrators of
said estate, will att'T.d to the duties assigned him at the
ufiicc of WIN. I TOW.IIHM.OU Saturday, the ZOtU
lof March. A.!>. ls.">3. at ,one o'ehiek in the afternoon,
when and where al! persons having claims are requested
to present them, or be forever delnirrc d therefrom.
Feb. m, 1858. _ c. I>. MONTANA K, Auditor.
a V. is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the e>
talc- of John Inuiiielly. dee'd, iate of Wyalusing town
ship, are heretiy reqnested to uiuke payment without de
lay: and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present thc-ur dulv authenticated for settlement.
! Febrnary 1®,1357. Adniini-tiator.
SHERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of ttandrr
kid writs of Vend. Kxponas. is-ued out of the tb.nrt of
Common Fleas .| Bi.idr'ord county, and to me dio cted,
will tie exposed to put.lie sale sit the c <nrt i ouse, in tb
born" < f Tovvatiihi. on SATCRHAY. March C, 1358. at 1
; o'el-ick. I'. M„ the following lot. piece or parcel of jond
situate iu Monroe twp., Bradford county, bounded u the
north and east by lands belonging to J. H. FHinncy,south
by the main street leading sroin T-iwauda to.Monroe, and
west by J. 11. Phinntv. Containing one ere, more or
h -s, all improved, with a framed house thereon.
Seized and taken in exeeusion at tlie suit of Jamea 11.
Phinnev's use vs. Gould and Man Phiuney.
T. M. WOODRUFF, Sher;?.
j Slier !T- Office, Feb. 5. LAf!.
I A UDITOR S NOTICE.- -Tn tie vi,tier of
!j V the F.state of Snivel C. yncA, deceased. Iu tlie-
Oriduiiis Court of Bradford county.
| Tlie undersigned Audit . appointed to di-tril.utc fund*
' raMed by >r", sale of the real e: tatu of Sum I
. C. Quick, dee'd. will aitond to the duties of his appoint
! ment at hi 4 uCicc i\ the lyir' of Towaudu on Saturdav,
: the bith day of Liar h. A. I). 1-5-. at I o'clock. I'. M,
1 when i n 1 who - c p.ll persons having claim.-upon said fund
| are request ad to present the anme or else be forever de
barred tLerefrnoi.
_F'A. f'. is.",®. D'A. j^TßTON^Auditor,
j fx. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
: e-tate ol I'I,'TKR NI.IIA , dei ta-d. late of Litchfield
i twp, are here-t.y notified to tnnke payment without detui.
i and all {tersons imvingtleniiuids ag .inst aaid e-tate ar
I ivqui-nteil to jire.-tnt them dulv authenticated for settle
ment. ' ANN J. NEII.Y.
Fetirnary 10. 18A9. Admini-tratrix.
fx. i- hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
j tate of Howard Spalding. iK-ecaed, taffc of TYoy twp.
are requested to make payment without delay ; and ail
per-ons having •■'n.ims agaiii-t -aid tn tate vrlUplenscprv
' sent them dulv authenticated for settlement,
i " S. N. SP ALKINC,
Feb. 2, lssß. Administrator with will annexed.
fx. i- hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate o r Bcnj. I'. Wntkius. Intent She-heqiiin twp., dw'd,
i arc requested tn make payment without delay: and all
• per-ons having claims again-t said e-tnfe. ruusl present
! them duly authenticated. t-> ihi- snb-criiter.
Jan. 14. l-'oS. Mu.-K> W \T!CI VS. Adinini-frutor.
A' I)M I N ISTR ATo It'S N PXIOR.—-Kottco
i- heieby giv< ail uersonsindeHti-d to the c--
tate of George Mct 'iel'ind, late of Canton, deceased,
are hi reliv requested to make payment without th •
lay, nl all pcr.-ou- having claims against said estate wi |
plea-e prcscut them duly authenticated for -ettlcm at.
Canton. Jan. 14. I®"®. Administrator.
( *L AUDI A N'S SALE—Rv virton of nit
V.f order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford County,
w ill be to public- sale, on the premise*,on TL T K®3
PAY. Mar.-h 2. I®.'lH, ,t 1 o'clock. P. M.. the foil MI .g
des-rioed lot oflind, Kte the property of Elliot and Al
niii-i Mar-h dee'd-,-ituate in i'ike township, and boun
ded north by la i'd of Austin Herrick and Joseph H. Murh.
; on the er..--t by land of Seth P. Rockwell, on the sonth by
j l.njd of Joshua S. t.oberu aud Asa Strickland, on ti>.
' wo tI y lard of *abl Joaapb H. Mar-h. Coiitniniugabo it
Ud acres, be the same more or lees, about sixty a. res im
proved, with a dwelling honor, chop and Laru aud soma
fruit trees there.' n.
S ild as the property of the minor children of Klli t
and Almtra Mar.-H, iaiaol l',kc twp.,dee'd. Terms tnuda
1 b wn on th® dsy of'V-H-r
i'.Le,itu.. -XARjH, GuaicUuL.