Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 25, 1858, Image 2
dead from their graves in England i Can you you unsay one of the curses uttered by our dying father ? Can you recu'l the agoniz ing tears of our mother and sister I Can you give me back uiy wife, uiv angel wife ?" " Hliti was an angel. She is an angel now." "Dead, too?" " Yes, dead. In a con'cnf in France ; pen itent, peaceful, o they told me —she ha# not j told vou to V " Me r " I forgot. She visit* ma in dreams ; 1m! ! always pale, and cold, and sad eyed. Ah ! • there. I see her now— enlm and beou'iful, >mt j so cold, so bitterly cold. George, George, forgive me 1 forgive me, brother I— 1 am dy Ing—let me not go to hell unforgiven. See, I have not an instant !—quick, quick—quick —speak—Holy Saviour, Ma—Mary, mother — JESM—" There was a flood of crimson on the bod, a •trnggle—the dying man reached his arms out piteously toward his brother, who stood mo tionless—there was a shudder, a sharp con vulsive motion of the features ; he crossed the forefingers of his hand as if in token of hi* dying belief not, hope—and then—and then— what then ? Why then have I sometimes fancied a scene ! In the other world—a scene on the bank of ! the swift river that flows along the confines of ' heaven down to the abode of the damned. 1 j have fancied a mother, radiant and star-eyed, j with three most holy babes beside her, stand ing serenely on that flower-clad bank, and I eould see her start and shrink back from tin dark flow of the river, as she eaught sight of a face above the wave— a black and fiendish face, that gazed one instant lovingly into her heavenly eyes, and then swept madly, in the whirling, eddying current, down to woe unut terable. The next, morning after Stephen Forst"r's death, a nol. pros, was entered in the murder case, and it may please some to know that Ma ry Wilson was in court to hear the announce ment. And for years after that, an old gray headed man, unrecognized by any villager, might be seen almost any 'evening standing by the grave of the murdered wife, and at length some one learned that hi* name was Norton. But the story of Ellen Pusenherrv's early low had been forgotten for twenty years—save by tho true heart of her old lover. fFnm Forney's " Press."] Where are wa Drifting ? Yesterday's intelligence, that the Commit tee of Investigation raised in the National House of Representatives on the motion of Mr. HARRIS, of Illinois, had decided by a majority rote—that majority created by Mr. Speaker ORR, in direct violation of u-age, as well as of parlamcntary law —to restrict examination in to the Kansas frauds, adds another load to the mountain of injustice which has accumu lated since it has been decided to deprive the the people of Kansas of their rights. The same despatch from from Washington an nounces the removal of tiro distinguished Dem ocrats from office, no doubt a r meed lit because they oppose the infliction of the Ucompton Con stitution upon the people of Kansas. These are Mr. PRICK, postmaster at Chicago, 111., and Mr. Mini .FR, postmaster at Columbus, Ohio It is apparent, therefore, first, that tho vote of the House of Representatives in favor of a full and thorough exposure of the frauds of the minority in Kansas, is to bo disregarded and defeated ; and, second, that every Democrat who differs from this scandalous injustice, or from the platform of the enemies of the Union on the Lecrmpfon Constitution —wo moan the pro-slavery leaders of the extreme South—is to be read out of the Democratic part v. Tiie annals of polities will bo ransacked in vain for a parallel to tlsese extraordinary pro reedings. We begin to doubt whether, in deed, this is a land of liberty and of law. - That which was the administration policy in June and July has become the Administra tion's detestation in February. The Demo crats who endorsed and strengthened that policy, in the belief and with the knowledge that they were acting in harmony with the President of their choice, are ejected from office, because they adhere to this position ; and their fate is hel i up to others as a solemn warning. The long catalogue of undenied frauds in Kansas ; the infamous manner in which a portion of the Constitution was sub mitted ; the refusal to regard a leg I . lection against that instrument ; the effort to deprive the people of their own officers and the Legis lature duly elected ; the repeated protests of the Conventions, Legislatures, and representa tives of the people against the L-eompton Constitution ; the testimony of four Governors sent out by the General Government, all tend ing to provo the same facts, —all these acts, not to speak of the outrages of the pro slavery party before the Convention began its sittings, have excited a deep, resistless, and almost uni versal resentment in tiie free States. Tl lis feeling lias penetrated to trie remotest regions. It has become the master sentiment of the Democratic party. And the response to it, from Washington, is the refusal of a com mittee of the House to carry out the instruc tions of the majority of that body demanding the investigation and the exposure of the wrongs and frauds in Kansas, and the removal from office of all who dare to sympathize with the popular sentiment against these wrongs and frauds. The pastime of reading men out ihe Demo cratic party is a dangerous one. It is sugges tive of fierce and fatal retaliation. Let us consider it practically and frankly. General JACKSON'S name and example arc invoked in support of this determination A more unfortunate authority con'd be suggest ed at the present moment. General JACKSON was not only in favor of fair play, but he had away of his own in other matters. The nuili fiers of the South understood him. lie made short work of their threats, aud by his bold and indomitable will taught them not onlv his own strength, but also tiie strength and dura bility of the Union they attempted to over throw. We are very sure that General JACK SON issued his instructions to Governor WALK ER, to give the people of Kansas the unquali fied right at all hazards, uud over ail obsta cles, of voting upon their own Constitution, he would have stood to that pledge against all the machinations and threats of the South.— Their Legislatures, and their Knurrs, and their MASONS, would have thundered in vain He would have stood by his faith, like a true soldier by his flag, holding his life cheap if he could sacrifice it for suclt a principle. And with all rc pect for JAM; S BUCHANAN, we do not hesitate to say, that if he had main tained the stand he took in his instructions to Governor WAI.KKR. and in all his intercourse with that gentleman up to November, 1857 the doctrine asserted broadly asserted by the ushingtou Union as the Administration's policy on this great issue—he would huve unit-, ed around him a body of friends as devoted and ns didntcrested those whoso long clung to his cause in the darkest days of Ins ca reer. He would have consolidated all patties in the North in his favor. He would ha ve re culled into the Democratic ranks, as p< ruia ncnl Democratic States, .Maine, New Harap ! shire Connecticut, New York, Ohio—now, we | fear, hopelessly lost to the Federal Adminis ' tration by the effort to force them upon a plat- j | form whose whole superstructure is open and 1 scandalous fraud. The miserable baud-full of : j discontents in the South (his foes at Cincin- • uati, and Lis foes uow on every part of his ; policy that does not square with their own , Procrustean exactions) would hare been lost j in the uprising of the people in the South in i favor of the Union. He lm, however, chang- j ed his course : aud now to the sorrow of all j true patriots, the Democracy arc also called ! upon to change theirs, on pain of excommnni- j cation ; and the Southern secessionists boldly j come forth with their ultimatum— THE LECOMP- j TON FRAUD OR DISUNION ! TERRIBLE EXPLOSION OF GAS—A Cnuucn j DESTROYED—SEVERAL PERSONS INJURED.— j Cincinnati, Saturday, Feb. 20. Last even-j 1 ing, about 7 oVloek, the Methodist I'rotes- j I taut Church, on Sixth street, near Race, was ! I partly destroyed bv the explosion of defective j gas pipes. At the hour mentioned some fit'- ! j teen persons were assembled in the basement I j for meetings, when a strong odor was felt, and ian effort made to discover the leakage. A \ i light was applied to the metre when the blaze j j burst forth, but was extinguished by a bucket i of water. Quiet was almost restored, when ; the explosion took place, tearing up the floor, j shattering the walls, and making a wreck of the basement. More than half the pews in 1 the church were torn up, windows were blown i up, aud portions of the floor blown as high as . the ceiling. Doors were forced from the bin-' ges and blown into tile street. The explosion j was heard at a distance of half a mile. The j windows of many buildings in the vicinity were | destroyed, eight or ten persons were severely i wounded, and two or three of them are uot ; ' expected to survivo. J LVTF.R FROM SALT LAKE.— St. Louis. Satur j day, Feb. 20.—The independence correspon-: j dent of the Republican, under date of the ifith ; inst., says that the Salt Lake mail arrived : there last night Conductor DENVER reports the snow from one to six feet deep on the ! mountains, and the weather intensely cold.— j j He left Camp Scott Jan. 1, and the troops | there were in good spirits, earnestly wishing |to make a descent on Salt Lake City From Mormon prisoners an I straggling Utah Indians ; Col. JOHNSON was well advised of the move- j meats of the Saints, who were making active i preparations to continue their resistance to the J troops in the Spring. Their municipal rogu- ; latious were very stringent, and they looked with suspicion upon every body the least in clined to favor the action of the IT. S. Gov- 1 eminent. Gov. GUMMING was performing the duties of his office as far as he was able. The outward-bound mails were making good pro gress, and the many Indians who they met ■ manifested friendly feeling. THE ERIE RAILROAD IN LONDON. —The N. i Y. Ilerald publishes u report of a m -cling of ; the stock and bondholders of the Erie Railroad ! in London, England, at which Mr. Moran, the j President, of the road, explained at some length the scheme he had gone to Europe to propose. The meeting seem- to have taken a most favora ble view of Moran's proposal ; after hearing him out, they passed resolutions from which it ! would seem that there was a fair prospect of the loan being taken up within ten days. M oney is so cheap in England that, notwith standing the looses which were experienced last year through injudicious investments, it is generally believed that the English are just as eager as ever for American low priced seeuri j tic-s. A railroad bond at anything like seventy or eighty per cent, and therefore paying ten or eleven per cent per annum, they cannot re fuse. The Erie will therefore probably obtain their loan. fray The meeting of the Anti-L rompton ites, at New York, was held on Wednesday evening, at the Chinese Assembly Rooms.— L'he room was crowded, and considerable en j thusiasm was manifested. Mr. JAMES A. MAC MASTERS, of the Free maids Jour ml, called the meeting to order. Hon. GEO. BANCROFT pre sided, and introduced lion. F. P. STANTON, who spoke for more than two hours, to the ; evident satisfaction of his audience. U S. SUPREME COURT. —Senator Seward i has given notice of his intention to introduce a bill in the Senate to re-organize the U. S. Supreme Court and Cireu-t Courts, so that the several States shall be represented by Jud ges in those Courts more nearly on the basis | of their federal population, while the adminis tration of justice shall bo made more speedy - J and efficient. IMPORTANT BILL. —A bill was read by Mr. JACKMAN, in the House of Representatives of ■ ; t his State, on Thursday last, provided for the j sale and delivery of the Sunbury & Erie Rail : | road Company, if that Company will agree to j purchase the same, aud all the public works ■ | of the Commonwealth remaining unsold. ' j DROWNED. —The Honesdale Democrat says i that Mr. KIRKWOOD ROBINSON, of Hawley.and h:s brother-in-law, Mr. CALMER WINTER, of I New-York city, were drowned on the 27tu j nit., in the Fond known as " Joe's, 1 ' six miles . from the first mentioned place. Mr. WINTER i was upon a visit, and he his relative were out II fishing through the ice for pickerel, when they I broke through and perished. fifty Tiie Lecompton National Democrat of . j the 4th iust., says : " John I). Henderson, for . merly editor of the Leavenworth Journal, and . more recently a member of the constitutional . convention, has retired to Weston, Mo., owing it is said, complicity iunchanging the elec , lion returns of Delaware Cossing. Mr. 11., however, deuies the charge and lays it John . j Calhoun." S&ay The steamer Magnolia., running be . | tweeu Wilmington and Fayetteville, N. G\, j burst her boiler ou Wednesday of last week, i killing from fifteen to twenty persons. No particulars are given. ' IT is said that George Bancroft, the - | historian, listened attentively to the reading of • | the President's Kansas Message in the Senate, 1 and when it was finished, that he denounced I ; the document as " hellish." lintMorb ilqmlcr. E. O. GOODRICH, EDITOR. TOAVANDA : £l).irsbag Morning, iTbuirtrt} 25, 1858. TiiiiMs—One Dollar per annum, invariably in advance.— Fottr weeks previous to the expiration of a subscription, notice will be given by a printed wrapper, and if not re newed, the paper will in all cases be stopped. Cl.CßlilNU— The Reporter will be sent to Clubs at the fol lowing extremely tow rates : (! copies for io 00 J1) copies for... .112 00 It) copies for 8 00 | 20 copies for 15 00 ADVERTISEMENTS— For a square of ten lines oi tees. One Dollar for three or less insertions, and twenty-Jive cents for each subsequent insertion. Job-Wokk — Executed with accuracy and despatch, and a reasonable prices—with event facility for doing Hooks, Blanks, Iland-bills, Ball tickets, 4-r. Money may be sent by mail, at our risk—enclosed in an envelope, and properly directed, we will be resptmsiblt for its safe delivery. A THREATENED OUTRAGE UFCN THE RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE OF THIS JUDICIAL DISTRICT. It will astonish and alarm the people of this Judicial District to lean that a plan is on foot to blot out the 13th Judicial District, composed of the counties of Bradford and Susquehanna, by Legislative action, so as to prevent tho people from choosing, this fall, who they will have as President Julge. The nefarious plan, as far as it lias been developed is, to annex Susquehanna to an adjoining district, and to attach Bradford to the dis trict South of us, presided over by Judge WOODWARD. This scheme, if successfully con summated, would prevent an election for Presi dent Judge, in October. To effect its accom plishment men are now secretly at work, pro mulgating the m )-t shameful misrepresenta tions and propagating the most iufamous false hoods. This contemplated outrage upon the rights of the people of this Judicial district, we need hardly inform our readers, is planned to pre vent tho election of Judge Wn.wor in October next. It is a blow aimed at liirn personally, wlrch it is expected to accomplish by depriv ing the people of their Constitutional rights, preventing tlioni from saying who they will have to pass in judgment upon their most sa cred rights of property, of liberty, and it may be, of life. It is quite as unnecessary for us to say, that the movement originates, and its consummation is urged on, by the same un principled men who have for years pursued Judge Wilmot w th the most blood thirsty fe rocity ; following his every step with unscru pulous falsehood and misrepresentation, deal ing in open lies, or covert inuendoes, as they thought best calculated to effect their despica ble purposes. The election of a Democratic Governor and L n gi>lature, has enkindled anew the malice and hatred of tiiese men, and given another direc tion to their efforts. They now seek to inspire the Executive and legislative branches of the Government with the malignant passions of their own hearts. They hope to enli>t in a miserable personal warfare a whole party —to make a partizuu question of their private griefs, and trample upon the sacred rights of the people to gratify their spirit of personal hatred and revenge. It is not, however the personal bearing of this threatened outrage which should claim the ; the attention, and excite the iudignation of our people, any further than investigation into its conception shows that it has its origin in moan and malignant petty personal hatred.— It is not whether Judge WII.MOT, or some uther Judge, shall preside over the Courts of this District, which demands attention. The solution of that question, we take it, whatever might be the result, if obtained in a proper manner, would leave no permanent feelings ot dissatisfaction, but. would be cheerfully ac quiesced in by the people. But. it is the fact that an attempt is being made to deprive the peo ple of their Constitutional rights— to prevent them from electing their Judge—a right en joyed by the people of other parts of the Com monwealth —which should alarm every citi zen residing in the bounds of the threatened District. More than this, it should awaken the interest of citizens of other judicial districts, whose rights would be in equal danger should this gross outrage be perpetrated, whenever the gratification of personal revenge or parti zan feeling might stimulate reckless and un principled men to imitate such a dangerous precedent. By the amendment to the Constitution adop ted by the people in October, 1850, providing for the election of Judges by the people, it is declared that Law Judges " shall be elected by the qualified electors of the respect ice districts over which they are to preside or act." We shall not consider how far this Constitutional provi sion would be violated by the proposed anni hilation of this District ; because we have now only to do with its injustice to the people, and the motive of its projectors. It is pro posed, however, to render nugatory this guar antee, because it is feared that \n the exercise of this right " the qualified electors" of this District, may elect a Judge whose elevation would not gratify the festering passions iu the breasts of a few envious men. It is proposed to disfranchise the people of this District, to minister to personal enmity. Setting at defi ance the whole spirit and tenor of the Consti tutional right of the people to elect their Judg es, we are to be annexed and attached to other districts, to prevent the expression of the popular will. It is not at all likely that any Judge who might by the present Legislature be forced upon us, would be anxious, when his commission expired, to have the vote of Brad ford in the scale against his re-election. If this L"gis!atuie can deprive us of the right to have a voice iu electing our Judge, then when that time arrives, another Legislature may at-J tacli us to some other district presided over by n Judge just ejected, and our people there by forever be deprived of the Constitutional guarantee we have quoted above. Such an outrage upon our rights could never have its conception in any but the most base and dis honorable spirit of ill will, which would break down the barriers of law and honor for its gratification. We do not believe, however, that the Leg islature of Pennsylvania will lend itself to the accomplishment of a scheme whose only result is the gratification of jiersoual ill will. It would be a sorry spectacle to see the Legis lature of a Commonwealth like this, stooping to the perpetration of such a gross and unjus tifiable outrage. There certainly must be, in the majority of that body, honorable and uj>- riglit men, who will not be made tools of for so base and despicable a purpose,and who will hesitate to join an attempt to array the Leg islature against the Judiciary—to deprive a people of their Constitutional rights, because partizans shall endeavor to force it through as a party measure. The persons who have in charge this attempt to deprive our people of one of their most sa cred rights, have gone about their work witli characteristic meanness andduplieity, and in a manner which should at once stamp their ef forts with the reprobation of every honorable right thinking man. They have not dared ar raign Judge WII. MOT at the bar of public opinion. They knew that the people would probably be called upon in October to pass upon lii.s merits and qualifications, and to say whether he has sullied the judicial ermine— but instead of appealing to that high and im partial tribunal, to which of right belongs the settlement of this question, they seek to array a partisan feeling in a Democratic Legislature, to further their ends of personal inulice, and to gratify their feelings of personal malignity.— To accomplish this, they must make use of desperate and unprincipled means, resorting to fraud and falsehood. We assert in the most unqualified terms, that Judge WILMOT'S course upon the bench has been such as to command the respect and admiration of both political foes and friends. We will not sav that in his decisions he has always satisfied everybody, for that would be impossible ; but we declare without fear of contradiction, that for honesty of purpose, dig nity of character, and strict and unwavering impartiality, he lias no superior upon the bench. His friends challenge the strictest scrutiny in to his judicial acts. His bitterest political op ponents have been, and still are, ihe readiest to defend him from even the suspicion of po litical bias upon tlie bench. Those who are now the keenest on the scent to annihilate this District, dare not, at home, utter a word against his integrity or strict impartiality as a Judge. They dare not insinuate an unworthy motive or a corrupt action, before the commu nity in which Judge WII.MOT holds his courts, because that community would hurl hack the base falsehood in their faces. If they have charges to tiring against him, let them be made as becomes men—boldly and plainly—and not sneakingly insinuated, where responsibility can be avoided, and refutation is impossible. If Judge WII.MOT has carried his political feel ings upon the bench—if he lias permitted par tisan prejudices to bias him to the favor of friends or the disadvantage of opponents—if he has exhibited partiality in any manner—if he has shown incompetence or negligence—if he has been actuated by unworthy motives—let the facts be published to the world, that the people of this District may utter their disap probation. But we protest in the name of all that is honorable and manly, against this dis honorable and cowardly attempt to degrade Judge WiLMor as a man and a Judge. We express what we believe to be the impulse of every honest heart when we declare this at tempt to be mean, disreputable and cowardly. L'he instigators and abettors justly deserve the condemnation of an outraged people, whose rights they have trilled with, for the basest and most dishonorable purposes. They need not expect by secret plotting to evade the res ponsibility—for they shail be held up for pub lic execration. This scheme is impotent for either personal or political ends. Its consummation will effect nothing, except to show how deep-seated and implacable is the hatred of a few men, and how far they can go to gratify their feelings of persoual revenge. Judge WILMOT owes no small share of his personal popularity to the efforts of tho>e who have followed him ever with a bitter and vindictive personal warfare. Steadily and consistently pursuing the path of duty, though " Tray, Blanche and Sweetheart, Little dogs and all,*' howled with bitter anil revengeful purpose, he has scarcely deigned to notice their attacks, but the PEOPLE have rallied, whenever occa sion presented, to overthrow and baffle his blood-thirsty pursuers. Every fresh attack has brought new, and fastened with firmer bonds, old friends, until he is endeared to the honest hearts of our yeomanry, and their con fidence and affections are his best buckler and shield of defence. —Remonstrances against this threatened invasion of our rights, are being generally signed by our citizens, irrespective of party, and will be presented to the Legislature in sufficient numbers to show the depth of popu lar feeling on the subject. —We shall endeavor to procure copies of whatever petitious. &c. may be preseuted to the Legislature, to effect this plan, that the people of the District may know vho are en deavoring to deprive them of their rights, and the ostensible reasons why the Legislature is asked to consummate the outrage. GEN. CALHOUN has published a DEFACE of his conduct, in regard to the Kansas election returns, in Which he says that he has written to Gov. DENVER, to procure sworn statements of the Judges of the controverted Delaware Crossing Precinct, and to have them taken un der such circumstances as will secure a free and unbiased exhibition of the facts. By the sworn statements so procured, lie says, he shall he governed in giving certificates of the elec tion of members of the Legislature frotn Dela ! ware County. If this course, as he intimates it probably will, should place the Government of Kansas in the hands of his enemies, no one would regret it more than he, yet he will hou- j estly discharge his official duties. This is a new card played iu the game of defrauding the voters in Kansas, and is intend ed to carry the idea that the Lpgialature will be Free State—a matter of small consequence as Gen. CALHOUN rejects the returns sent to DENVER, and refuses to go behind the returns from Oxford and MeGee which elects the Pro- Slavery State Ticket by over 2,000 majority. FIRE AT KLMIRA.—A most destructive fire occurred at Klmira, on Wednesday, 18th inst., an account of which we find in the Gxzritt : It broke out about half-past twelve o'clock, in ; the upper gtory of the building occupied by i 11. KOKN. as a Clothing Store, on Water street j (river bank,) adjoining Ulrich's Lager Beer ! Saloon, and spread with such rapidity, that iu ! the course of two hours no less than fourteen : buildings were entirely destroyed. They were | all woo len structures, two stories high, and some of them no great value. The entire loss ; is about $2"),000 ; but we are happy to state ! that the greater part of it is covered by iusur | auce. The firemen were promptly on the ground. | but owing to the great severity of the weather, were unable to do much execution in staying the progress of the fire. They succeeded, however, in saving the valuable buildings on the opposite street, from destruction. FOREIGN NEWS. —The Collins steamship I Baltic, arrived at New York on Thursday | last, from Liverpool on the the 3d inst., with four days later news from Europe. Her advices I are interesting, though not especially iinpor -1 taut. There is nothing from India or China | additional to what was brought by the Ning ! ara. Continued ease is reported in the Lon don Money Market. The Liverpool Cotton I market was firm, with a tendency to advance, j while Breadstuffs were very much depressed. The Leviathan was at last successfully floated lon Sunday, the 31st of January, and the oc | casiou was one of much excitement and rc j joicing . The London Times gives the par ticulars of the capture of a large American ) slaver on the Coast of Africa, the circnmstan ' ccs attending which w,:rc horrible iu the ex treme. The vessel was driven ashore; and numbers of the blacks perished in the surf. — From France we learn that further repressive measures wore on foot, one of which was a reorganization of the police force. A meeting of American citizens had beeen held iu Paris, at which resolutions congratulating the Em peror and Empress ou their escape from as sassination where adopted. It was thought j that the attempt on the life of the King of Naples was part of the programme of which the death of the French Emperor was to be the leading feature. There is nothing of ma terial interest from the other States of Eu- Irol>C1 ro l>C- DREADFUL CALAMITY AT ST. LOUIS—A calam ity of the most dreadful character occurred at St. Louis on Saturday 20th inst. The Pacific Hotel took fire about 3 o'clock in the morn ing, ami the flumes spread so rapidly tiiat all the means of egress were cut off before the Sleeping inmates could be aroused The win dows presenting the only means of escape, many leaped out and were instantly killed or horribly mangled, while some, unable to reach the windows, perished in their rooms. We have the names of twenty-nine killed and six seriously wounded, but a* they were about one hundred persons iu the hotel at the time, and forty or fifty were missing, the probability is that the loss of life is still more serious. BISHOP POTTER'S HEALTH. —The following paragraph from the Greensburg Argus of the 18th, contains tire gratifying intelligence that Bishop POTTER is recovering from his late at tack : " The Rev. AI.ONZO POTTER, Bishop of the Dioeess of Pennsylvania, has been lying dangerously ill at the residence of his son, who is pastor at this place. He came here on Wednesday of last week, for the purpose of ordaining a minister, when he was suddenly overpowered by a stroke of apoplexy. For some considerable leugth of time his life was in jeopardy ; but at last accounts, was iu a fair way of recovery." We cut the following relation to Mr. G ROW'S movement from the Evening Fast : " WHAT'S IN THE WIND.— Hon. Galusha A. Grow, or, as he is commonly called from his popularity iu his district, " Great Majority Grow," is now, we learn, at the St. Nicholas hotel in this city. Mr. Keitt, it is reported, has either remained at Washington, or goue North by another route." A party of Sing Sing convicts attempt ed to escape from prison last Thursday. While marching in to supper they rushed from the ranks and for the ice covered river. They were brought to by the keepers firing revolv ers after them. Two of the fugitives were bad ly wounded, and all were re-captured. JUDGE KANE died at his residence in Phila delphia, on Saturday evening last. telegraph announces Louis two weeks later news from j the jireseut head-quarters of the Utah . ifl dition. The troops are reported to 1* , spirits and eager for a descent on Salt M l City. The Mormons, according to 1 tcllfgenee received by Col. JOHNSTON, W „ I | tively engaged in making preparations f„. ■ ! sistace in the Spring. Governor was performing the duties of his office t. ■ best of his ability under the circumstance H] Reports on Lecompton in the i ] WASHINGTON-,Thursday, I : The report made to day by Mr. uM from the Senate Committee ou*Territory® cites at leugth the evefrts that have o<wMf in Kansas, and asserts thai the majority people may simply, as in ancient ble in mass-meeting, and make a CoiistiSM] or they may elect representatives to maiB ;| for them, or elect representatives to draft!* to be submitted to them for their I i rejection. The last method has beeutLjfi i approved during the past feW year?, ffM formerly the second method was very ly resorted to. In calling the this case, it was conceded to have been *-.H ly legal, as was also the election of delc jM Was it not logical to infer that the tion so legally called and so legsfly electedM clothed with authority to make a Constitn can uo more be interfered with by the nor, Judge or Legislature, either to m.. r M or to diminish its power or to after, modj'fM nullify its acts, than the people could b'fl terfered with, had they assembled en mux fl stead of bv their representatives? I Iu conclusion, the Committee fay that ■ I Abolitionists in Kansas had thus "fur fK M power, by methods unknown to the la B by acts of violence, and not through the ful agency of the ballot-box Claimvß have a majority of voters in the Terrip-B and, therefore, able to elect a Legislature a H Convention, they yet ask Congress to ?>>,■ fully do for them what they may at le?alti>M and at legal places rightfully do for —that is, to change or abolish theirCcwM tion ; a>id in case Congress refuse to coir-I with their Constitutional demands, ten to afflict the country with an attcsiwrH bloodshed and revolution. Unless (WrM will do for them what they assert tw J anxious to do for themselves, but which tiM willfully refuse to do, they threaten to pbM the country into civil war. This conducthM exceedingly unreasonable as to force the - I viction upon the mind that they are conr~.B of being in a powerless minority, and ouiv e;H pect to be able to compass their uiiwarrjsaß ble ends by departing from the general *rl of peace and quiet. If your Committee nl not greatly mistaken, those reckless men :.M judge the American fieople, and will lierequ'l ed to seek peaceful methods for redress of i B their grievances, whether they be real or bl aginary. The report recites that the people of Kr sas have framed for themselves a Constitute and State Government, republican in for* and that the Lecompton Convention has h their name and behalf, asked Congress to li mit her. Therefore it is declared that Kit sas be admitted into the Union on an e-ji;: footing with the original States in all nspett whatever. The bill prescribes the contains the usual regulations relative to graoti of public lands, as iu the case of Minnescu. and gives Kansas, for the present, one R?pn sentative in the House of Representatives. MINORITY RETORT OF MR. DO CGI. AS. Mr. DOUGLAS, in his report, dissents fros the views of the majority, for the reason, iun? others, that there is no satisfactory evident that the Constitution framed at Leeomuton the act and deed of the people of Kansas,or embodies their will He shows that tliei'os vention was not clothed with competent power to establish the Constitution without the s.- sent of Congress, which has been expres-j withheld in this case. Hence the only had such power as the Territorial Ly* lature could rightfully confer, and no woe which was to form a Constitution and send i: to Congress as a memorial for admission, whici could be accepted or rejected, according as n embodied the popular will ; that all the pre ceedings of the Convention should have bees l held in strict obedience to the authoriirof the Territorial Government, while, iu fact. was declared to be in force, and to take effect in defiance of the Territorial Government, a; well as without the consent of Congress, and that the only lawful election held on the adop tion of the Constitution, was that on the 4tb of January last, which was in obedience to the law passed by the Territorial Legislaturees tablished by Congress, with fuli legislative po wer on all rightful subjects within the Terri tory. -MINORITY HEPORT OP MESSRS. CO], LAMER A WU? Messrs. Coi. LAMER and WADE submitted their views They say that the Territorial Government of Kansas was never organized as provided for in the organic act—that is, by its own people—but was usurped by n foreigi force, ami conquered and subdued bv artas. and that the minority was installed in [>>*' —which has ever since been snstaiiied by *■* general Government, instead of being examin ed into and corrected. This has beeu donet® establish and jn-rpetnate Shivery The Lecompton Constitution is tl>c result cf those proceedings, and contrary to the will the great majority of the people, legally re pressed And for Congress in its discretion to consummate this protracted atrocity, and especially for such a purpose, is a violation of the fundamental principles of Republican Gov ernment, and can }*rodnce no permanent pt&ee or satisfaction to the people of the Territory In the late Territorial election they have re claimed their rights, and that Territorial Gov ernment is for the first time now moving pi' Bo4- bly in its legislative sphere of promised freedom The Lecompton Constitution and its op tion were concocted and executed to supers™' and to triumph over justice. To admit it b? Congress is but to give success to fraud "• encouragement to iniquity, and to turn o f<r that people, not to an election fairly and le gally conducted, but to such State officers a™ legislators as General CALHOUN shall hereaf ter proclaim, and on snch contingency as shall determine ; and his long mysterious and inexcusable indecision and reserve, bat encou ages expectations in both parties— one 0 which is certainly doomed to disappoiutme" 1 - THE questiou of the day at Washing ton is : " What become of KEITT after struck him ?" That fellow was nowhere to " seen, and says that he knows nothing of '' 3 happened. He must" have crawled na<if a desk until the row was over.