The Liquor Question. j„ the House of Representatives, a large umber of petitions are daily presented, asking fr the repeal or alteration of the present ;°, cn <e IrtW. Mr. Geopp, of Northampton ountv. preparing a new license act, which C ill shortly be preseuted for consideration It contains substantially the following few and simple provisions : Licenses are to be granted to all persons ho may apply for them, and in the case of tavern-keepers or persons licensed to sell by | measure than a quart may file a bond conditioned for the preservation of good or ,pr j n their houses. Three kinds of licenses reestablished; the first for tavern and restau rant keepers ; the second for liquor dealers ; aU I the third for brewers and distillers who m'av take out tavern-keepers' license if they choose. Tavern-kee|ters (or persons selling - v less than one quart) arc to pay as fol lows When the annual sales exceed forty tlious (ind dollars, three hundred dollars ; —when thev are between twenty thousaud dollars, and forty thousand, one hundred and fifty u o || ar s ; —between ten thousand dollars, and tirentv thousand dollars, seventy-five dollars ; —between five thousand dollars and ten thous and dollars, fifty dollars ; —and under five j thousand dollars, twenty-five dolors. Li enor dealers (or persons selling by the quart ftn d upwards) to pay as provided in the act of 4th May, 1841, section 10, which continued in force until repealed by the " Jug law " of 1g55. Brewers and distillers to pay as pro vided hv the act of 10th April, 1849, section 32, which was the law regulating their sales until the passage of the same "Jug law." The machinery for assessing the sums to be paid and issuing the licenses in this : The aj>- praiser of mercantile taxes is to assess all persons engaged in the business, or who may inform him of their intention to engage in it, and to classify them according to their rates specified subject to an appeal of the judge if the Common Pleas, just as in the case of mer chants. The list of tavern keepers, liquor dealers, and brewers and distillers thus made out, is to be furnished to the county treasurer by the first Monday in September, whereupon he shall issue the licenses, upon payment of the price assessed and fees, and in the case of tavern-keepers, iq>on the delivery to him of a bond in SSOO, with surety to be approved by him conditioned for the main tenance of good order, Ac., the bond to be held in the office of the Court of Quater Sessions. This with the addition of penalties for a vio lation of its provisions, is the whole act. A CmvAiitic SCGOESTIOV. —The Smith, the leading onrat) of the Virginia fire-eaters, makes most rueful months in reciting the downfall of its protege, Mr. Keitt. In reference, however, to the statement that the South Carolinian was filled by the fist of his antagonist, it advances . this consolatory reflection : "This, however is nothing to the purpose.— A gentleman may be knocked down by a huge boor like Grow without incurring any dis grace." The fact that Keitt and Grow are about of R size, and that the Peniisylvauiati is slender dud physically feeble, renders the South'* apology more ludicrous than its author intend ed. The hotspurs of chivalry arc drawing it rather mild. On this subject we commend to them the subjoined comments of the Providence Jour r. il: " Mr. Keitt 'seriously regrets' the little af fair at the night session. A\ e have no doubt of it. The depth of sincerity of his great re gret nre exactly proportionate to the strength of Mr. Grow's arm : and every friend of de eeney and order, every foe of insolence and blackguardism, will be sorry that the sturdy Pennsylvania!! had not given him much greater c:ine for regret and reflection. If any body struck Mr Keitt lie was not r.ware of it ! So h" said in his personal explanation yesterday. It is rather the opinion of those who looked en that somebody did strike liitn ; but if he has any doubt on the subject, he should grub Mr. Grow by the throat again and the latter will remove all possible doubt on the subject." FUGITIVE SI.AVF.3 IX Onto. — A few years ago ii the Ohio Legislature passed a law denying the use of the jails of the State for the con finement of fugitive slaves. The present Log islnture, it seems, is disposed to repeal the law, Mul i! bill to that effect passed the House on Tuesday. LF.TTF.RS RECEIVED AT THE PHILADELPHIA MEETING. —Among the letters received and rea lat the anti-Leeoe- ton Mass Meeting held in Philadelphia on .ionday night, were several from prominent Democrats in this State. We instance, of members of the Legis lature, Messrs. Calhoun, Bierer, Lloyd, Shields <lackmail and Ilautz. tee* It is said that Gov. Denver, of Kan 'as, lias besought the President to recall him, and to reinstate him in his former position as ' ommissioner of Indian A flairs. The Lecomp tou business is repugnant to his feelings, and, Ike all all his predecessors, he is anxious to e-eane the odious responsibility imposed upon lain by the Administration. T IST OF LETTERS, remaining in the P. AJ (bat Towanda, February 15. 185*. s"lint5 "lint Geo E Kipp Maria Miss Jnearn Rev Father Kisner Wiiliam Msop Miss I.izzie Little Mrs H " r "*n R Long J F wnwnOwar I.vnch Patrick "•'.vie O Oweu Lloyd Rophronia I,lb I/mt Miss Harriet X i' r ir.snn Laura Miss Merrer Wm ™"1 Joseph P Miasms SH jjoijamm Caroline Miss 3 Murphy Thomas P Miss Morrison Father OTert Rrastus MeMahon Dennis "it Almofi Moore Cornelius ( , K M'wley .V 'mn Isae Mineral Water Manufaot'r yk .lames O'Keefe Patrick f . "' e ' b Pierce W A 2 James Pendergrast David Harriet E Heed J M nelly Mary Miss Itaynsford Edward jwnuig j Storrs Win It f annery Peter Sood I, W'ieo Shclden Mrs Marj ;.' w er Maria 2 Schuyler Tims J brifrit' 11 . Symons John ii '* S ' h s Lizzie Smith John A "orton A stone Smith E B u,'iy u 'iicharc Spencer Derinda ll *' a j r 'ck Sullivan Daniel ic„ Orville Thompson Abram J j, T 01 ? Araamla E Vandyke James j r F„" *-' ,za Xerbcck Margery Miss r; " son -Vrxander Wiggins Ezra A Bridget Winchester George lav Ik ersons inquiring for letters in this list will please advertised. H. B. M'KBAN. P. M. mnr NOTICE. j subscriber desirious of settling up his accounts . requests all persons indebted tobim Pith i, ft the same by note or payment, hv the lh "fJanaarylW.,ndicreeotri T„-,„, , JOHN' RF.RDT.EM4V. 1 '*anda Dee. 22, lfijT. Nero slbocrtiscmaits. CUD SOLDIERS, ATTEND! _ THE subscriber respectfully in foruis Soldiers of the war of lx*l2, of tbe Mexican War. and any of the In ' 1 dian Wars sine® 1790. that tliere is I now pending before Congress a bill granting pensions to officers and soldiers that have been engaged in anv ot said wars. It is generally believed that said bill will be come a law. I shall be prepared with directions, blanks and form- as soon as said law is passed, and will attend to the procuring pensious under said act, <>n reasonable terms. I still continue procuring Land Warrants fer all that are entitled to them. Revolutionary claims attend ed to.—From my long experience in the above named business, and having reliable agents at Washington. I flatter myself that I am as well prepared to examine and perfect any of the above named claitffs, as any other per son in this section of our country. My office is at my dwelling house, on Main Street, In Towanda, near the residence of the late Doctor Huston. Towanda, Feb. 13. 1858. J. D. OOODEXOUGH ._ Towanda Borough Report, for 1857. EXPENDITURES. Work done on streets, Ac.. in 1850 SI "0 11 " on streets, walks, and ntuertals fur same 420 98 Interest on Borough Scrip *2 HO Divine Judgment 41 00 j Fire Department. 2 years 66 20 j Stove. Engine House 17 35 Chamberlin taking i-nrc of town clock 25 On I Mending broken wheel " " 2 00 I Rope for " " 0 56 j Secret watch, 12 night 3 12 00 j Carman repai ing plow 3 00 Eaton attending election and serving notices 6 30 j Coal, drawing and box for same 2 50 j Election expenses 4 50 Printing do 15 00 j Furniture for Council room 16 55 j Conley taking care F.ngine House 1 50 i Win. Mix. services Street Commissioner 15 "" ' Clerk and Treasurer's services 40 00 J Distributing appeal notices 3 00 Stationary, Ac. 5 IS 1.133 20 ACCOUNT WITH COLLECTOR OF BOROrGII DUPLICATES. | Names of Col. Dates. Ch'd. Paid. Exon. Perct. Due. j W. C Bogart, Ixso $33 07 $33 07 j Wm. Burton, IXSI 20 00 20 00 G.H.Eaton, '54 5-6 1520 26 505 50 14 74 41 58 673 37 | A. J. Noble, 1x57 ll)26 77 33(1 42 090 35 2600 72 052 61 IX 74 41 5H 1500 70 DK. A. D. MONTANYC, TRF.AS. OF BOROUGH. CK. Bal. in treasury Jan. Byam't rct'd on dup. 1,1x57. SSO 12 prior to 1x57, SOOO 41 Dup. prior to 1x57, 15x'> 9" Rct'd on dup. f'r ,7, 600 35 j do for 1857. 1030 77 Percentage t" Eaton Rec'd Licenses for ton on *54 dup. 41 58 I Shows 35 01 Ex. to Eaton on do. Is 74 Paid llartlett. judg ment. in full, 70 31 Orders redeemed, 922 00 , Ex. scrip to Eaton, • 85 j Bal. in treasury, 40 54 $2783 84 $2703 84 \ TOWANDA BOROUGH ORDER ACCOUNT. Outstanding orders. 1 Order- cancelled in Jan. 1x57. $533 30 K57. $322 00 Orders issued in '57, 033 20; Outstanding orders, j Jan. 1, Ixsß, 544 .53 | $1 $66 50i $1 Mid 69 | ACCOUNT WITH COLLECTORS OF SFEIAL BOKO* I'l l'. ! Names, of Col. Dates. Ain't Dp. £ol. Exon. Perct. Due. G. H. Eaton. l-5u $1124 x 2 lddX Pi In 65 55 OS A. J. Noble, 1-57 1202 SO 50S 16 634 64 DR. A. D. MON'TANYE. TREAS. OF SPECIAL BORO. CR. Rec'd from Eaton. Paid out as per Collector, SIO6B It Voucher, $2667 38 Rec'd from A.J. No hle. Cob 568 16 Rec'd from Bradford Co., Ac. 100.5 19 Bal. due Treas, 26 57 $2667 98 $2667 9x LIABILITIES. Amount of outstanding Borough Orders, Jan. 1, 18.58. $544 59 Bom' Scrip issued April Sth, 18.54 payable in 3, 4 ands years. 1380 09 Balance Due on Engine House, 24X 36 $2072 95 j ASSETS. Judgment vs. C. I'.Smith. SSB 0' ' Due on W. < . Bogart's dup., 1850, 33 07 , Due 011 G. 11. Eaton's dup, 1-55-i *73 57 j Due 011 A. J- Noble's dup., 1567. '> '0 3 . ; Due on A. J. Noble Special Borough, 1857, 621 F. 4 Doe from Treasurer 40 .54 j $2330 03 j rxiTNE nousr. AC. Total cost of Engine House, furniture. Ac., s2x.-9 -7 | Bv atnontit paid by Bradford County, Ac., 100.5 19 ] $ Ix-4 •> I Borough Paid on the above D36 32 j Balance due on Engine House, $24- 3ti ULVSSES MERCER. B irgess. J. HARVEY PIIINXEY, jr, E. O. GOODRICH, JF.RRE CULP. JOHN F- MEANS. ISAAC SMALLEY. Attest, A. D. MONTIS YE. Sec'v. Town Council. OVERSEERS OF THE POOR REPORT FOR 1657. EXPENDITURES. Paid Mr-. Miner, temporary relief $3 00 Miss Parrel " *' '2 Wm, Mix. services Poor Master for 18.56 10 00 Doct. i.add, services for do. and Physician for d". 33 00 McCain for meat for Wm. Rohinsou 27 Henderson for keeping Robinson 6 O'l Walbridge for taking Jacob Gar's to Standing St-me 2 Co Santee for serving O' ticc Poor Masters •• " 7" N. N. Betts Justice fe-s _ 1 70 Doct. T.add 4 years services as Physician 10 0< Madden for keeping Mr-. Croke 5 ON S. Taylor sor nursing Casey family 5 on Temporary relief to Saveicool 3 .56 ii 41 00 Mo .ta' fes" for 5 bushels wheat for pour 6 25 Tempota-v relief to Snvercool, Sage A Frenchman 5 00 For load wood for Savercool 1 50 0. Sage for Keeping Mrs. Miner 37 50 Mrs. Wm. Warner lor keeping Mrs Miner 2.5 00 Paid Bronson 2 <M i flss 73 ACCOUNT WITH COLLECTOR OF POOR DUPLICATES. Names of Col. Date. Am.tofDnp. Col. Exon..Pen t Due. C. T. Smith, 18.52 $22 58 $-'2 ox G H Eaton, 1X55 69 55 $47 11 $5 45 16 99 A.J.Noble. 1857 402 90 50 00 352 90 DR. A. D. MONTANYK TREASURER OF POOR Ft NDF. CK Bal. in Treas. Jan. 1. jl'aid Poor orders $1.58 75 1857, $1157! I.'e-'d frotn Eaton Col. 47 11! Noble " 50 Ot | Ba! Due Treasurer 17 05 j MM. MIX. I J. P. KIRB4 . $l5B 73j Overseejs of the Poor. WE. the Auditors of tbe Borough <d Towanda. do cer tifv that we have examined the account- ot tbe Towi Council, Treasurer, and of the Overseers of the Po >r, f< r tic year 1x57, and liml tlvem correct. J M. C. MF.I C 'R. J. D. .MON'TANM", Audit. . Towanda I"cmale Seminary. rriflK Til I HI) TEKM of the Towutida F. J. male Seminary, under charge of Misses I[AN St INS will commence on MONDAY. February to. ix.>x. MUSIC ! MUSIC ! ATTENTION is called to the fact that S. W. ROGERS is now jiii town, and offers his -er viceato tho-o vvi-liing it. in tuning Pianos, repairing and tuning Melodeous, Ac. He can also furnish Hie above Instruments cheap as the cheapest. All Instru ments fully warranted. Calls from the country prompt ly attended to. His partner, LEVI WELLS, in Tu-caror.i, can also be railed on in any of the above departments. Towanda. Feb. 9. lx. R >H. (lAUTION. — All persons are hereby caa- J tinned against pnrrhaslrg a note given t.y me to Da vid A. Prince or bearer, dated Rome. January 25 or 26. 1858, Tor 4250 feet of hemlock lumber, to tie paid on or before the tirst day of June next. Said note was given on settlement, by mistake, and 1 shall not nay tbe same unless compelled by law, us I have not received any con sideration for the same. DAN RUSSELL. Rome, Feb. 2. 1.858. To Persons Remitting Money to Ire land. THE undersigned are now prepared hy an arrangement with Messrs. Roche Bros. & Coffey, of New-York, to give drafts payable at sight on Messrs. Roche Brothers of Dublin,in sums of one pound and upward- to any amount, and alnoto issue certificate* ot in the east is of the •• Black Ball Line "of New York and Liver pool packets. .. „„ Jan. 26. 18.V). LAPORTE. MASON A CD DRIED BERRIES.—A quantity of Dried Berries for sale by Towanda, Nov. 4.18.->7. W. A. ROC'KBLI.T . OFT AIR BRAIDS and Twists for the bair. at ' I sept. 15, 18.57. WM. A ROCKtt BEET*. filerrljrtnbicf, &*c. I. U. of (). F CIT 811 AT HJA — _ I.ERAYS LODGE, No. 416,1.0. of O. F.. hav engaged H m. F. S. SWeET, of pwego, to I fwW*<li liver a public lecture to the order, in LettAVS- VILLE, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22d, at one o'clock. P. M. Permission having been gTanted. the Order will appear in Regalia. Our sister Lodge's are cordially invited to attend, without further notice. By order of the Lodge, O. IV. NOHTHOP. STEPHEN GOP.HAM, L.B. PIERCE. Leßaysville, Jan. 30. l a sß. Com. of Arrangements. Sent Free to any Address. GO. EVANS, Bookseller, Publisher, and originator • of the GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE, has just issued a new and complete Catalogue of his Hooks, comprising a large and varied assortment of all kinds of literature. SSOO worth of Gifts will be given with every #IOOO w rth of books sold. A gift worth from 25 cts. to SIOO will be delivered with each hook at the time of sale Orders from the country promptly tilled and the goods forwarded by express or mail 011 the same day the order is received. A coinpldte catalogue sent free. Adilresa G. G.Ev ANS , 439 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, j Jan. 26, 185s. No Mistake for 1). C. Hall. | ' T TE has now on hand a large stock and a great variety I i T1 "I Parlor and Plate, and 40 different patterns of ! Cooking Stoves of Diving Flue and Elevated Ovens for j j Coal and Wood—that rather than to summer them over, j ! lie will -ell at cost lor cash or grain at the following pri- | ! ccs :—Wheat, $1 2.5 ; Rye, 62J cts. ; ( oru, 624 cts ; oats j j 374 cts ; Buckwheat, 434 cent- and Batter tTie highest i market price given. If you don't believe it, call and try j j him. ! P. S. Those who have accounts or notes with nim that j are due, had better make arrangements to pay iintne- j i uiately if they wish to save cost. Towaml i. Jan. 14, 1-5-'. sOu v: 13 K T 1.1 E li, \ LARGE SUPPLY, iV AT VER Y L O W PRICES.! | Also, Upper Leather, French and American Calf Skins. < : Kip Skins, a large assortment of Morocco, Linings, Fiud j ings, and other goods suitable for the season. ft BOOTS 6l SHOES, VI of our own niaiiufarture, constantly on hand, j made to order, all of which wc offrr at rc- 1 (luted prices. HUMPHREY <!>• WICKHAM. T iwanda, v 5, 1-58. !OII,S, PAINTS, GLASS, kc., till sizes, for -ale at Oct. 12, 1-57. TRACY A MOORE'S, j Ticga Feint Agricultural k Jnnclion Iron Works, AT ATHENS, BRADFORD CO., PENN., WELLES, BLOOD 6l CO., Proprietors. j uitliE suliscribtr would respectfully inform his friendß ' J. and customers, and the public generally, that he ha- i formed a co-partnership with Mr. Jo UN P. BLOOD, of Al- ; bany, N. Y.. (whohas for several years been S iperiuten- > | dent ot Messrs. Emery Brothers' Agricultural Works.) j and with Mr. SIUUEI. N. Bi.oon, ot Worcester, Mass., ; (Machinist and Tool Builder, and late Superintendent of I the American Hoop Machine Company of l-'itch'mirg, I I Mass.. under the firm name of AVELLES* BLOOD A Co; j ! and that we have leased for a term of years the extensive and well known Iron Works, of Me--rs. Shipman V I Welles, at this place, and united the Tioga Point Agri-j cultural Works with the same, for the manufacture of Agricultural Machines, Implements, Ac., among which . will be Emery's Endless Chain Railroad liorse Powers, ! Threshers and Cleaners, Thre-hers and Separator*, Por table Circular and Crosscut Saw Mills. Cider Mills, Dog I i Powers. Clover Hollers, Feed Cutters. Fanning Mills, Plows, Harrows, Cultivators. Shingle Machines, Kirbv's ' Mow ers and Reapers, A-e.. of the most improved patterns i and construction. We are prepared t" do all kinds of j Machinery Casting and Repairing, and have for sale a large-tuck of first class Steam Engines, Machinery and | Castings, manufactured by anu belonging to Messrs. i Shipman A Welles. Both of the Messrs. Blood are skillful and experienced practical mechanics. Our Machinery will nearly all be, new and with the l itest improvement-, an.l with the eil couragemeiitafforded by the patronage of a discerning i public, we expect to hare the reputation of doing lirst 1 class work and making the be t Agricultural Machines : i in use. K. M. WELLES, j Athens, January 15,58. '■ To DEALERS. FARM .it- AND MILL OWNERS : j Our past iiiuividna! experience in the m uiufactnre. | ; -uie anil u-e ot Agricultural Machines and Implements. • | and at-o in general Machine and Steam Work, with our excellent facilities, aif'i'ded by Machinery, principally of ! our own construction, with the very latest and Le-t im- ; j provernents, and al-o f"r procuring the very lie-t mate > rials ami -I ck >' al- kind- at cheap r-,te-. w ill enable us ; | to in Eiuf.e t ae la tt> r machinery, at same prices, than ' i that of other maLiGni turn-, and al-o i ioopeti with tin ! world in pricei and quality and miterisl and workman I ship of all kinds ot Agricultural iniplimeiits, and in al! : ' kinds of Casting and ./••!• Work. j \\ e shall pay especial ati< ntion to the manu'licture of , j the very l.K'st-of Flows and Fi-nv Castings. We intend to 1 make eastings for all tbe leading plows in u-e in our vi- j ciliily. and shall take great care to u-e only the be-t ma- j teriai. Our pl->w wonder is from the best and most eele- | brattd eastern Manufactory. We invite all interested in " home manufactures'* to call and -ee our works. WELLES, BLOOD A CO. I j R. M. WELLES, | J. F. Bi.oon. I s. N. BLOOD. J D It. J MACK IN I'OS 11, i)i: X 77.x 7', will be found at his old quarters in I T_J_T--> I'atton's Bim k, until De einlier next. ToWiuila, Nov. 2, 1-57. Ji'ilN MACKINTOSH. I ENGLISH and Frenult Merinos, De Gages, J Declines, Alapaccas, Thibet Cloths, Shepherd's l'b ids (a new and fashionable article) Prints. Ginghams, and in fact all kinds ot Dry Good mav (<• hoi cheap at Sept. 15, Is.-,7. WM. V. !:•)( !< WEI.CB. VV^ANTKD.—fiOO lJu-hels of Wiieut at * T the market price. Towanda. Oct. 26. 1x.57. BMLF.Y A NEVINBC SECOND ARRIVAL ! | % i 5 000 WORTH OF GOODS ARE NOW OFFERED AT AN ENORMOUS SACRIFICE ON THE ORIGINAL COST, FOR CASH Q.XLY ! JOSEPH POWELL Would respectfully call the attention of the public to the fact that he is now offering GBEA T INBirMENU, To those wishing to buy GOODS FOR CASH. Prices Reduced 25 to 50 pr c-t. Those wishing to know what PANIC PRICES Are, are invped to call. Towanda, Noveiu'oer 30, 1 -57. C ASH AVANTED FOR GREAT BARGAINS! J. H. PHINNEY &. CO. WILL SELL GOODS FOR CASH AT VERY REDUC ED PRICES. Their stock consists of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Hats, Caps, Boots 6c Shoes, Hardware, Fish, Nails, Glass, Dyes, 6LC. tfS*Fersnns wishing to buy Goods for CASH, can save 25 per cent, by purchasing of ns. The goods will be sold to make it an object to cash buyers. You will find us on the west side, corner of Main and Bridge streets.* Towanda, November 12, 1557. WANTED OATS, Corn, Rye, Wheat, Potatoes, and a small quan tity of Rye straw will be taken at the BARCLAY MINES in exchange for COAL. J. MACFARLAXE, Dec, S, 1857. Gen. Sup. Barclay H. R. A Cool Co. DISSOLUTION. —Notice is hereby given, tbat the partnership heretofore existing between the Htibscnbcrs is this day dissolved by mutual nt. Zac cbeua Annable agreeing to settle and poy all Je debts of tbe late firm, and he aleo authorized to tcc4v all ac counts and debts owing to the said Arm. SAMUEL ANN A ILL. Granville. July 21. 1-57. ZA' CHUUS AJN4BT.F. um msmsamßmammasxaßsssm ■ —*-■ - ■—■■■■ / ™ ■■ r - a ■ - — 1 r ANNUAL REPORT Of the Receipts and Expenditures of Bradford County, from Jan. 1 st, to Dec. 31 st. 1857, inch si re. EXPENDITURES. Auditors,. * HO 50 Assessors 11358 (JO Bridge Contracts 14(12 00 Bridge and Itnad Views 35 (Mi Bradford County Agricultural Society 100 00 | Coal and Wood Rouse 438 47 i Crier at Court 9" oo j Constables making returns and attending court 607 09 | Counsel to Commissioners 60 00 Cost in Commonwealth suits 125" 24 | Costs in civil suits 20 00 Election expenses 793 13 ! Erection of Fire Proof COSB 65 i Fuel and Lights 112 07 i Craud Jurors SM 04 i Traverse Jurors 23"S 90 j Incidental expenses 82 12 | Indexing and comparing Deed Books 100 ('4 | (JITIce Books and Stationery 210 30 ' Account rci/h the several Collectors of County Tares for the County of lie ad ford. Toirnships 4" Bor'os Collectors' Names. Yrr Charged. Received. Exonerated Per eentagi Euc. Ulster .... C B Kitchen 1863 $ 2o 22 .. $4 0j $22 i. .._ Wilmot E Shepard 50 32 26 34 7 79 8 01 $ i *9 Durell John Stevens 1864 11 89 .. .. 11 89 Hcrriek K Hillis Is 99 9 17 .. 952 | Ridgbnry Charles French 62 Sti 30 77 4 47 17 62 Lister H 1> Ropers 57 40 67 40 Wyalusing E Whitney ... 14 95 7 05 7 30 A Than v S Clinptuun 1556 32 30 32 30 j Franklin F F Fairchild ... 25 22 Is lo I 77 j 6 35 (■ranville CD Ross 63 57 3:i 13 j 2 29 j 12 16 Hcrrick It Hillis 98 40 j 90 73 j 7 67 Rome 3 C Mann 69 01 69 01 j Tuscarora D Ackley 60 21 48 oh 12 13 j Towanda North ... W W Eastabrooka 19 4S 10 00 | . 9 48 Wyalusing Hiram Elliott 2t 90 303 371 I Is 10 Athens 80r0....... -Charles Ciapp ........ llSSfi 143 02 85 76 34 16 j 23 10 I Athens twp j.X Kdminstcr 705 59 Oil K6 23 63 I 70 10 j Albnnv jC H Corhin ... 165 47 136 00 12 64 j 11 86 657 , Asylum |G H Morrow 41 86 "22 35 HO7 j 14 44 Burlington West .. Plvnn Phelps 196 46 136 50 470 i 17 63 3. CJ Burlington iJ'l'ravsjr 217 14 168 46 29 37 | 19 31 i •• j (Joluinbia Peleg Peekbam ! ... 167 96 123 79 11 28 j 32 8y j Durell I) l.States !... 110 91 86 14 7 79 : 16 99 I Franklin I P Burnham i 211 16 35 53 j 166 29 i 934 j Cranville CI) Ross ... 319 64 , 6 22 21 49 , 292 93. Derrick Wm Hillis 1.... IS9 46 155 13 ; 1 41 12 92 j Leßoy V D Fuss ! 89 64 74 54 j 207 | 12 93 I Litchfield It Merrill j.... 120 91 87 12 I 443 j 19 36 j Orwell V G Mathews 37 00 969 I 405 j 23 26 1 •• Overton il) lleverlyjr M -7 O€J i li> Pike.. IChandler*Brink 471 60 425 43 ; 807 i 3s 10 4 Rome O F Voting j 2'J3 83 26. 31 I 394 j 22 58 | Ridgbnry iJesse Hammond 156 36 127 63 | 649 t 23 15 j Stie-~hei|uin Wm P Horton 136 02 96 61 5 61 33 so i Smithlield T J Wheeler 107 30 65 72 641 j 35 17 j ' Springfield Al> Harkness 166 54 120 00 571 j 28 79 12 04 South Creek Ira Crane . k | 61 11 41 66 4 91 14 64 j j Standing Stone.... Jonathan Wood i.... 103 03 i 82 5o 6 05 15 48 | Tuscarora V W Cray 17s 17 ; 157 71 50_ 15 41 , 'l'owanda Boro 1 J Noble 402 47 310 28 l'j 99 75 20 ; Towanda North.... A A Mills 221 20 .. j ■■ 231 J) Towandatwp lames San tee 136 26 116 35 j 284 17 07 j Tmv Borough \ B Moore. '7 60 | 6 90 11 i 0 ' Ulster R McKinney 158 39 130 62 7K9 | 19 Hi ; Wysox J B Hinds 20s 71 ' 174 21 4 10 30 40 Wyalusing James Lewis 110 95 8l 87 4 48 24 60 i Wells Daniel Strong 59 05 , 3.1 93 3 97 21 15 Warren J F Wheaton ! 52 48 i 16 82 633 3d 33 Windham J W Warner .... lbl 75 j 132 29 461 . 24 8.5 .. i Wilmot DS Miller 26 08 I 12 94 6 90 7 24 Athens Boro Win Parry .... lsj" 4.16 67 ! 389 08 27 02 , 2u 67 Athens two WII Sible 7604 40 j 910 38 . i 694 02 Albany Clark Sweet '242 25 | 21 <4l 13 ..9 j It 4> . , Armenia Robert Mason 43 ] 64 oo 1 o. 3 36 i .. ; Asvlitui Hiram llorton 307 00 j 109 00 I 5 i 1> 11 11. 64 Burlington 80r0... F Whitehead .. 69 10 I 64 09 j 104 I 33, j .. _ Burlington West... C W Codard 348 2J j In 00 i 1- 8l 16 <8 ; 131 .0 j Burlington twp 1 Travis jr 392 71 237 00 j j 156 .1 Canton ill T Beardsiey > . "28 55 j 621 00 I .. i _ ! "• Columbia !Charles Keves .. ' s l 65 jO2 oo 554 ; r..i ,J ; 140 02 Durell D I. States . .... 347 *7 j lt'7 17 It 23 . 16 ai ; 122 114 Franklin IP Burnham. 1... 197 70 110 00 .. 6. .0 Granville ! \lhert Barnes . 437 8.5 ; ls.B oo 44. 2l 67 1 233 <1 Derrick Isaac Marsh ... 255 23 , 189 10 ! 538 j 12 50 l 4.8 25 iLerov H'dconil) 1... 250 45 1 118 00 426 j 12 31 115 Ks 1 .itchfield jßowen Merrill 1... 402 17 j 104 00 j . 1 > 298 17 Monroe Boro lit 1 Tracv . 64 12 5* 63 . 3 14 . 3 0. , Monroe twp HM U .olbaugh 1.... 399 89 I 255 00 | 14 95 22 27 ; 107 64 Orwell DC Ellsworth ; .... 602 14 , 3O 5 | 24 82 Overton j.lames Heverly 1... 86 71 \ 76 43 o 18 j 4 04 j pike (1 IV Brink '.. "'>2 OO 557 00 , ■ol i 37 76 It.I) 23 Rome 11 W Browning ' 415 91 292 46 294 22 15 1 12s 3'- Ridgbnry Jesse, llamnioml : 4.6 93 . 290 77 j .. , 160 16 Standing Stone Jonathan Wood , 294 14 2i5 09 , 4 :>o 14 51) Slieslieoiiin j olin Blink 1 .. | *8 49 244 21 ! 30i 1 33 2s 357 93 Smithlield Til Who hr 1....! 706 46 ; 638 00 j 715 i 34 97 j 26 34 stj.ringfi, 111 'c • Hooker ... ssB 97 i 304 00 ; 728 j 2SI OH 248 61 Sylvabia Boro Harry Smith . • .4 4. i 69 2 j 14.; j73 South Creek Ira < ran ' ...| 2.6: 42 -.4 60 I . . D yl - T.i-earor.; I) D Black I ... 308 06 \ 210 00 j 4 51 15 29 : 78 26 Towanda Br- . \ J Noble 1"26 81 . 671 M . 73 09 I 47 75 ! 2.4 16 Towanda North... James Elliott >....! 263 29 1 200 04 1 .. ! 6125 Towanda tw o James Santee .. 1 335 6s 1 90 13 . ■ 233 Is Trov Boro James Adams I ... 25131 ; 113 50 I 18C | 12 47 I 123 4s TroVtwp 111 Spalding jr .|... 683 64 sm: (Ml 11 30 ■ :::: 62 1 132 72 L'lster. IsC llovev" !... j 395 17 | 373 36 212 j 19 69 j Wvalusiug i.lames Lewis \ ... 495 62 ' 367 27 8 26 24 59 ! 5 50 Wvsov 'E R Blauvc lt 1 s'd 74 ! 310 00 230 28 03 | 22141 Wi'iidhatn j.l W Warner 1... j 639 31 : 340 45 13 61 26 30 , L.s 95 Warren |J F Wheaton 62s 69 ;SSI 66 1704 30 59 j Wells 1 8 II lng.rsoll .. ! 42.92 , 292 40 16 09 20 4.) j 96 91 Wilmot IN' T Horton j. —I lull Is j 126 95 968 h4O j 15 01 i $24,688 23 $16,843 82 $Ts7 97 Isl 57.6 44 j $5.540 57 J)r. J.Czra C. helioses, Treasurer, in with the Comity of Jjraa'Jord, (Sr. To ain't of duplicats for years pr vioustolSs7, $6,599 01 "1857 I s 32 ' " Re-assessment lor lsjti 45 23 15.57 U 34 J " Transcripts of unseated lands I V. *5 " Aiiatemciit upon State tax 310 03 " Miscellaneous receivals 43. M " lu Treasury, Jan. 1,1857 7,593 3. $33,247 74 Dr. K. C. Krlligg, Treasurer, in ucc't with the Comth of Pennsylvania, Cr. To ain't of duplicates due previous to Is.-,7.... $5,58.4 r.i; •' •' fori sr. 7 13,702 55 " Transcripts of unseated lands 133 07 " •' seated lands 7 31 " Re-asesanient for 1*57 > 11 Co " Miscellaneous receivals 75 $19,455 93 Dr. County Orders in account with the County of Bradford, for 1857. Cr. To ain't of orders issued in 1857 $19,59# 03 j " outstanding Jan. 1, 1857 194 19 j $19,784 22 j i.. s. that the above is a true and correct statement of the Receivals mid Expenditures of said County won tin . l-t dav of January to the 31st day of December, inclusive, A. D. 1857. "Witness our hands anil seal of office, at Towauda, this 20th day of January. 1858, I*. H. BUCK, | P. 1.i1.1.EV. • Commissioners. Atlost—E. B. Cooi.n.vrun. Clerk. D- PECKER. i BOARDING. JOHN KENDALL would respeot fully inform tlie public that having I eased the ]'** 1 large and coniinodious house formerly neoupi- I g i ed by him. in the lower part of the borough. •SMStsSS which lias been enlarged and thoroughly re- j paired, he is ready to oiler to hoarders superior accomo- | modations. He would particularly inform Jurymen, and others at- [ tending Court, that he will lie prepared to accommodate i them upon the most reasonable terms. He solicits a share of public patronage, confident that j satisfaction will be rendered in every respect. Towanda, January 20, ls.lS. BEEF CATTLE WANTED. ONE THOUSAND HEAD OK HOOD BEEF | CATTI.E wanted by the " Maueh ('hunk Beef Jj ~jj_ Association." The regular market price will be paid. cUsh. Bv order of the It iard of Directors. E. H. RAtxH. Sec v. O. W. SMITH, President. Ranch chunk. Dec. 8, 857. i GOING! GOING I ! WHO WISHES TO BOY?: 11 HE Finest Assortment of WINTER GOODS in town . will be found at the store of Win. A. Rockwell, one ; door north of Bridge street , Many thanks for the liberal share of public patronage j which has been extended us: and wc shall endeavor to continue to give satisfaction both aa to the quality ami ; prices of our Goods. Call and sec. Towanda, Nov. 10, 157. 1 kT Pattnn's Block' by Towanda, Nov. 1. W. A. ROCKWELL. | TAAA LBS~OTIT(J grind STONES Tv/Ul' ami a lot of (trind Stone Hangings, at Sept. , 1857. _ WM. A. BOCK WELL'S. T. FOX IS NOW RECEIVING a large stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, which are offered for sale at 1 .is lon' pvio\, 0s ihr same fyalitv of rar bought ; ivwh*r* ♦b s! c i'lc Lf < it v of Now \ oilc. | Insurance on Pu'ilic b*iilding 202 00 Prisoner's support in County jud . 521 4l do Eastern State Penitentiary.... 3 -'-i 5s i Conveying pr'.eoucrs to do. .... 3-t of j Public printing— 322 1 . Protlionotary and Citrk of Quarter Sessions. 3i ,: "' I Ilepairs upon Public Buildings 213 . t ! i State Lunatic Asylum lit (Hi ; , Sheriff tor summoning Jurors 127 00 ! Township line Views (-2 67 I Wild cat certificates.. 8 ?5 ! C. 11. Bull, late Coniiuißsiouer 314 ho i I'. H Buck, Commissioner 3uij on ' i L>. Lilicy, do 2*2 '■<( . i O. Decker, do 73 no } E. B. Coolbaugb, Clerk to Commissioners 500 00 819,500 03 By ain't ret imed uncollected prior to 1557, SCM I'd j for 15.'.7 4,92t> tiii " " noon unseated lands.... 10 8$ •• Exonerations allowed Collet tors 757 07 ; " Percentage " 1.57a 44 [ " Exonerations upon unseated buds ... 2u 80 " •' sales of seated and unseated do. t:4 84 , " Orders redeemed in 1>57 . . 19.0'>7 48 j " 2 per cent, commission on same 302 15] I " " $10,007 00.. 100 68 " lu Treasury. Jan. 1,1858 5,077 03 $33,247 74 By ain't uncollected f"r 1*57, and previous yrs 31,733 1.! } " " upon unseated lands... 9 50 i " per centage allowed collector* 1,183 07 1 " exonerations " 023 00 " " on unseated lands 17 01 | " 1 percent.commission on sl2,shh 42. 128 88 ! " State Treas. receipts. July 3, A 13, '57, 10,526 31 " Overpaid in ]Bso,as per And. (leu. rep. iOB j " due Coiumonwealtli, Jan. 1,1858 2.231 25! $19,455 03 i By ain't of orders redeemed in'l*s7 $19,307 4-s •' outstanding Jan. 1, 1858 176 74 $19,784 22 \ GENTS, ATTENTION !—Do you wish J.\. to find good employment, and make money w.t'i little or no investment, and without interfering with your regular business? If yon do, read this advertise ment. C. E. Torn A Co., of 332 Broome Street, New York are manufacturing and selling massive gold Pencils for j $5 each, (which are cheap at that price.) and they throw I in a gilt or prize with each Pen il, worth from 52 up to I s>, $lO, sls. S2O, $25. s'!i, $'•. $75. slo'i, S2OO and SSOO. ; Don't cry out •• Humbug ! lottery!" It's no such thing. ' The Pencils are sold at their cat ii value, and all the pro j lits over the first cost are thrown into the gilts, which | actually cast the purchaser nothing. The prizes are dis tributed on a simple plan of drawing, which would take tea much room to explain, but which has never failed t" ! give rftmplete satisfaction. We have drawn and sent to purchasers I*3 gold watches of various prices. 74 puree : of gold dollars, 23$ gold lockets, ViO geld chains, and a i corrc-neutlvng numl erof other prizes, within two m liths. THERE ARE NO BLANKS, but every purcha-ot ' draws a prize worth $2 certain, and it stands thoitsaud ! of chances to lie a higher figure. We want a good agent In every neighborhood through out the country, to solicit purchasers, and auy agent, to : lie successful, must have a Pencil aud prize to exhibit. ! We pay agents $1 cash for each purchaser tie obtains, j and the first person iu any neighborhood who applies for j a Pencil and gift, will receive the igen'-y for that loculi ; ty. Should an agent obtain a valuable prize to exhibit : with his Pencil, he would hate little difficulty in obtain | ing scores of purchasers, and making it a paying business. A NEW IDEA ! READ! RE \D! ! ! We ask nobody to aend their money till they know what prize they draw. Any person wishing to try the it ; luck, can fir-t send us their name and add, ess, and we will make their drawing and inform them 1 y return mail what prize they draw, wlicu they can send on and take , the Pencil and prize, or not. whichever they choose. We give this privilege only once to a purchaser. After the ; (ir.-t drawing, every purchaser will be required to send i in advance, through the authorized agent. We will-end with each drawing ihe number taken out. with full des -1 rription of the plan of drawing. Addre—. C. E. TODD A ft). •Tan. 20. 1-ss. 332 Broome Street.., New York. WHITE STONE 1.1 ME.— SO hi,ls. White 1 * V Stone lame just re eeßed, and for sale for Cash or i (train b* T.wanda. Oct. 1*57. B MIXY -V NT.YIXS. wmc—naaaaww; ■. 'IuuMSMMk ' m—<ia / \rpiiax?' roui t r sat;f —r J rirf ij" * J o'an order tt>e Orfi'itnr* Ciart of I'mtfnrd f.. wi't 1 txn rrt to f>nl-!c rale, (n theTrtmiso-, . n fiA'i . 1 I.OA Y, MAR H 13. IH'.S.atl omul. P. M , the I hot ir:<r (ie-< libtd h t ol I! <1 rJjU *tfc in Vnitcn i'Jftp-lM}', 1 tie the ' vnrtsiniD ninety arre, bounded <>n the r >tii y | e.-i. en tiie tby Nathan Newman, oil the. mi*-\ !.y .Time! AmtVn'ter AmolJ and'the highway on I the west !■< s'iinnel t li'itlro. vtth about aivty a res ike prnved. vnth a Irunre Ir-use ui an or -lia, d ths ty n, Attendance ttivou urid Urois nude tr:i"WiY, ".1 /Py f •v ie. c.c mitfuSr." t Fciir nry 13, H'. Auiiiuii-trtl r.- / \ nriT.VNS- COURT .\L!:-T.f" 'tfrfßn * ) of an i rtk-r of the Orphans' Ct'ttrf or Hr dtlrd IVfAi. tv. will t expos-o.i to |.all*o ~>"e. on the fittsnMW. - i SAlOr.ltAY,the I'litb d.iv of UAKl'il. IV>*. at 1 o'clock. 1' M.. the f'ill.triQ de- . r'l e.T j,rj orti. tafe Qtaftf tattyf Oliver R. Gvcv, 'l. !re of towpsM; ,t > wit :—A piece or part ' let J m*i situate iitliif* l-'Vysiio, i ot Studding Stout .nt Ftrrjik. bomtdi <' iMertn l*r Mind of ! Win. Kuaj.p, fn-t by hw ->f I. A Park and XMwMil Coleman, on t'o) sio-fh bv iatiiT* niw :R|tngse-ttiO!i"f : -ito' puii.iU r. Gi.iv. l,i k-c t i-l.'ii at'd Psti.idk IH-lun. wd.-on : the west l.y Unci- Ph mn. ' Coj-t#iiiT;i? • oejiifritrfrt rt-i eighteen tries, more or lrs. Also, one otftei' p: te, site | uteil in llerrn k town-hip. hounded "U the noith by tip' 1 t,#J~ of • ,i : niet; above b c ib'd mi Tylfm' of Jo eph 1,-sr and J irvt-i Buff •. on the o:dn of Wits of Johu Koyle. ami "u the west by lends Jh'l I>Ah; I t'ootultoii g a'** t Mty arm. TCJjt d f.eilUtg ' house nnJhi-r. thi-reo . d other licproveajcnts. Terms uiade known < n the dry of ''e. J. ii. f! UA'i . A. W CRAY Kc'-raarv If. 113'- Adrn'.nistritort. { \ UDITORS' N'OTICK. — ln tin nrtttr i Y \ lif- e>tate of Hobert Turret, ilec'tl. In the Uiplnu. J ! C'l'-rt i.rßnidrnrd County. Th • itndi 'si'/nerl Auditor appointed by **1(1 Court, to . distribute the funds in thelivuds of the "rdto-a o' estate, wiii attend tithe duties os&igaed him at tie ollicc of Win. CTw'H. in Toivaiium .n r i iu.j, iue c t .of March. A. I. lf>is, at .one 't'dnck In the afternuo i. when and where ail persons having elauns are t > present them, or be forever deu irred therelYoih. Feb. 10, lhAh. G. I). MOMTAN'YK, Auditor. j ~\ Y)my ISTI: ATOUS xotici:.—Xot'oc I is hereby given, that nil persons fndel ted to the es tate of J dm iV.rmellv. de'd, lit" of V.'yallifin* town ship, are hereby rrrp'sled to make payment without iie ! lav: and all perwom. having < '1:111- .iga.ust sAld estate alfl please present them Uulv authentb':itel fnrietrJpnspijt. JOHN rebruary 1-, IS.iT. Adm ini-j a! Oil KHIFF'S SA LKS.—IS y vktn.oof anlidrT kZj writs .f Vend. Kx|M>naa, iawutl nt ot li! Coprt \4 ' IVnmtm I'h Bra*l.rd county and to iue dire.rteT. will be rvpo-etl t-i j'tiMir siV at t' r Conrt I oure. in the born'l f Tuwanihi. on FATU KUAY' Mat. h *>. 1 : o'clock. I'. M., the f< ll'nvinglot. je.;e 01 ]wrctJ, ol land i situate in M ujp e tw p. Bradford county, b-ffnwd np the ' north and east by laiids I Hhiighiab) J. H. Plftnucrjaeota by tlienmin street ieadiug sruiu 'Juwamla 1ollpr<e, jji est bv ,1. 11. I'tiiiiuey. Cenlaining oce m. 11, nior: uf 1 less, all improtcd. with a framed h we flieroot!. tSeized and t#k> n in execution at the siri: oh Jtvi''-. li. I'iiimiev's ute vs. Gould and Man i'i.imity. T. M. Sheriff's Ofiiro. Feb. 5. l*!(s. \U I) ITO L V S NOTIcK. hi the na tie r i,j' I '.t Kstytr of Samw' ( • Ginci, dictated. Iu the (j.-pi>ati Coatt of Bradford county. Tim undersipned Audit >r appointed to distribute fumU raised by mloi.ui tr dor's sale o! the ical e-tate id JiuJ- i : ('. Qt i< li. i!e-: <l, will attend to the dr.tb s or hi- appolnt nient *t hi- office In the h >ro' of Tow. nda on Saturday, the rib day of March. A. t>. I>sW, at 1 o'eluok, I*. e.. when . n.i where all person*having cln msnpou -aid ! are requested to present the same or else be forever barred therelrnln. Feb. b. lsjs. D' \. QY'L'r.TQ.N", Auditor. \ PMIXISTRATIIiX NOTlCE.—Xotifw J.\~ is beeeby given, that ailj er-on- intie ;te! to the estate I'ET'ER NUII.Y. h- e.i-ed, Kto of LiV'hflild twp. arc neriby notifli-d to nmkc payment withont delay, and all persons having demand* in do t said estate nio requested to prcrent tLum duly a;.Jo-ii!:cutcd nir fetGe . meiit. ANN' J. N'Fli.Y", February 11, lff.Yff. AlWihiisirutr'S. "V r OTICE —The Commlsvitnirrs or B- ir IfoM -L 1 County h.ive lived upon the davA and dates respettivi'lv forhoMh.e ppcaF. vi.: list, r. Athens boro,' Athens twp,, shmthCreek.RUig bury (tnd Wells, upon Monday February 22. Sj>r'natiehl, Sndtbtield, N rtb Tow.iiidn.Ci/lßmWlafiyl - boro." and Towanda boro.' upon Tue-dpy Feb. "dd. Armenia, Troy two., Trov boro". Ih'.rlin't>b boro'.Bui - lino ton iwp.. Ri'rlington We-.t and GranviHe njKin YVed uesdav February 2Tth. Canton, T.eltoy, Franklin, Mar.roc bnro*. Monroe twp., Overton. Albany and Totvanda two. upon TlMrndar Feb ruary 26tb. \Vilin"t. A-yhmi. Pire'l, Tisearora, YVyalusing.J.itch (ll Id. Warren airl Windliain up >ll Friday February 2!<th. Standing Stone. Herri, k. Orwell, Pike, Shesbtquin, Iloine and Wv-si.x upon Saturday February 27th. tSf I'lu- Assessors will !• punctual in delivering Cm Votive- t,, Fee ♦a.\:tb!<- r-d n r.iehinsr their reriirn® hi person on the day designated in tneir War, ants, at which 1 ire and place thi Board ot Revision will attend and hear I all such as think thirn-clvc- . ggiieted by said Assess lue'it. an-1 in ik" -u, ii aiteratioiis utxl deductions as may i to them -ec:u ju-t. Feb. 2. lvis. F.. B. COOT.B \T'Gir. Clerk. \ DAI I MUTILATOR'S .NOTICE.— Notice X V is hereby given. that all persons iudehtcd to til* M tate of It >w n J Spalding. di-i-eased. late of Troy twn. aro requested t > make payment without delay ; and all pefsons having claims against said i state w iil please pre - sent them tlulv authenticated for ttHment. S. N. Sf'ALDINO. Feb. 2,185-1. Administrator with will annexeJ. NOTICE.—Notice is here- A J bv Riven that all persons indebted to the estate of FREDERICK FISHER, dev'd 01 Heath T a aud i, must make immediate payment, and ail i-ereoße having de mands against said estate, u ill present them Jnly authen ticated for settlement. SAUsTtfIRY CO 1.11 JOSEPH HOMF.T, August. 15, 18.57. Executor". XECUTO P. 'S NOTICE.—XotIfQ is liere by given that letters testamentary c.pbn the estate i of Elijah Lneky. late of Shesliequin. dee VI. have been granted to the subscriber. All jH-rsniw indebted to HUMI ; estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment, , and those hating ttny claims upon said estate to present them duly attested for settlement. NANCY LUCKY. JOHN LUCKY. Sept. 15. lv. r ,7. Executor". DXECUTRIX NOTlCE.—Ndtieie |arhwrfc . A J by given, that all person" indebted to the estate f i JOHN* CHAFFEE, deceased, late of Wnrrtn t>wn j ship, are requested t irakc payment without delay; i those having demands-, cms? snol I'Matewill present thew dulv autlientieated lor settlement. lie. , s. 15.,7. FANNY t II At FEE, KxeeutUx. \ DM I MsTE ATOli'S X*TlOE—Notice , A V is hereby given, that all p' rsons indtd.tnl to the et ' tate of iiillirt, deceased Ut of lui..U twp.. are re -1 quested t-> make pa} i. < til without delay : and n!l per-, is ' having elnitns against ~.tid estate, nrM present tlieni duly I lutheulivaU <1 d>i settlement, t > the s-ihsvi jlieFS. j Nov. 3, Is .;. It. I. M'i)Rl'E. Ailnum-draC'-. ADM IX IST RA Tit IX NOTiQlL~N'nti. •* 1 XA. is Ucrebv given, that aH persons unitized tr> the e !tteof <' a LEit Ktn.ARTnN. h -t Alli.-J:- horpilgn ! I" -a s ed. are requested to make payment-without | lay; and all pet-om h iviiigciiiiiiisagiiifM said est*!* wil I please present then*dulv a- tltentieuUd f--r setUeiutni, A NtiEi.lNE FT*; Aim V. j November 12. 1 5.57. Aduf i-tw'v. j A DMIMST'RATOR'S NMTlcE'.^Xntiro j XV is here' v given, that all person® IniWtle# \h the es. 5 rate mf 15c-n>. F. Wutkin*. latent' WnsHeqarw tw;i. dee d. I ire requested ' 1 mike payment wiljiapt delay ; mul ail having -films against said estate, must present | Ihcm duly authenticated. tnthe -ulwrritier j Jan. I f l-'o. M MES sV.\'l'Kl\>. Ad minimi; - tor. \ DM ! N ISTKA TO R ib NOTlCE.—Notice | X V is hereby given, that, 1 persons indebted Id tho US- I tile of tg-orge Mi Ch 11 md. late of Canton, ' ire lterebv requested to make payment without dt - lay; and nil persons having claims against suitl estate whl i nresc.A them dulv authenticated i'or setihm u!._ K. W. M OUEI.I.AYTV, ORRIS FHlsltlK,.. | Carton, Jan. li. A-j|W-nXt.r,itore. ;r* UAUI'IAN'S SALE.— \iy virtue of nip | lT order <-f the Orphans' t'otirt of Bvndfoid County t I >iiil h" ev.i-'scd to piddic sale, ot4h<> prem.sw,<!i'f Et i :>.v t". M r-h 2. 1-.58. at 1 o'eto-k. P. M . the h iV-v. -. 1.--, riled b-'t of land, late the pr p rtyol Elliot and V j mira Marsh, dec'cl .situate at l ike lown-kip. a >i Pomi- I ,li d north by land ;f Au-t in Ifen iyk and.! •■■ h H MAr-sh i on the east in- land of Seth P. Rook we!'. oh the s-irtb hr i land of J-whua S. Rivliert* untl Asa StnukiainU ot -lav | west by lai d >f s,iiii Josvpb 11. Marsh, Cpntainiogal"..-t I 1 Itl (teres, he the same more or uhmit sixty a.i> . I proved, with dwelling house, shop and barn and soma ' fruit trees thereon. Sild aat prorerty of F-e minor eb'l'i'v"! • . end Mfnin 5! ir-'i late of like twp .dee'd. t>rn* watf* fc.,owr on the day of sate tsy . • -('ike, 2. 1- .8. ISAAC'M \ / A NJBW AND CENERAL XV of Roots and ?aoe-. Cloths and I'ami me re a r.,\ e*ervnijt in thn line,for sale i>v 4 Slept. I:,, is;.,. ' W. A. ROCKWEUs,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers