Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 18, 1858, Image 2

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    The Royal Marriage in England.
The marriage of I'rince Frederick William
of Prussia was celebrated at the Chapel Hoy
nl, St. James Palace, on the 25;h of January,
according to the programme. The day was
generally observed as a holiday.
The bridal costume of the Princess Royal
was of rich white moirr antique ; the lace
dress of exquisite Ilouitou guipure, oasis!ing
of three flounces, the body being trimmed to
match. The veil was of Honitoa guipure lace,
worn in a stylo completely novel in England
for bridal costumes, attached to the head with
magnificent Moorish and Spanish pins. Ihe
dress and veil were splendidly worked—the
emblems being the rose, thistle and shamrock.
The latter has employed fifty girls for the last
twelve months. This new style of veil was en
tirely her Majesty's suggestion, and the carry
ing out of the idea that met *he approbation
of the Queen. The cost of this production
was about £6OO.
The floor of St. James chapel was covered
with a scarlet carpet, and was en'irely appro
priate to the royal cortege, the illustrious vis
jtors and their suites.
The altar was of crimson velvet, on which
was the royal communion service of gold plate.
There was a low rail of oak around tbe altar,
the whole of the top being covered with crim
son velvet. The Archbishop of Canterbury ;
officiated, assisted by the Bidiop of London, ,
notwithstanding that the latter is dean of the j
chapel. Sir G. Smart presided at the organ. \
Tlio attestation of the royal marriage took |
place in the Throne room. The royal attestn- !
tiou book is the keeping of the Archbishop of j
Canterbury, and is a curious memento, contain
ing witnessing for centuries past. i
The royal wedding cake was of colossal pro-,
portions—five feet in height. It. was made in •
three tiers, and in compartments, each one be-,
ing surmounted with a figure of a classical
character, more resembling a work of nrr, in ;
ability of execution, than a production of tho
confectionary department. It was brought to
Hnckiiighum Palace, in pieces, and finally put
together there.
On arriving at the chapel the bride was con
ducted to her seat in the chapel, on the left
side of the Haut Pas leading to the altar,
near her Majesty's chsir of state, and Lis roy
al Highness the Prince Consort and his M ij
esty the King of the Belgians were conducted
to their seats oil the Haut Pas, near the bride.
The Lord Chamberlain and vice-Chamberlain
stood near her Majesty.
As each procession entered tne chapel a
march was played.
When the bride had taken her place near
the altar, a hymn was sung and the service
The service was performed by his Grace the
Archbishop of Canterbury ; the Lord Bishop
of London, Dean of her Majesty's Chapels
Royal ; the Bishop of Oxford, Lord High Al
moner ; the Bishop of Chester, Clerk of the
Closet ; the Honorable and Very Reverend
the Dean of Windsor, Domestic Chaplain to
the Queen : and the Rev. Dr. Wesley, sub-
Deau of her Majesty's Chapels Royal.
At the conclusion of the service Handel's
Hallelujah Chorus was sung.and Meiidlesshon's
Wedding March was played as the procession
left the chapel.
Hardly had the last words of the chorus
died away in solemn echoes, when the ceremo
nial as arranged by chamberlains and heralds,
ended, and the bride gave vent to her evident
ly long pent up feelings turned and flung her
self upon her mother's bosom with a sudden
ness and depth of feeling that thrilled through
every heart. Again anil again JL-r Majesty
strained her to her heart and kissed her, and :
tried to conceal her emotion, but it was both ;
needless and in vain, for all perceived if, and !
there were few who did not share it. We !
need not mention how the bridegroom embra
ced her, and how, as she qnittod him, with
the tears now plainly stealing down her cheeks
she threw herself into the arms of her father,
while ber royal husband was embraced by the
Princess of Prussia in a manner that evinced
all that only a mother's love can show. The
most affecting recognition, however, took place
between the bridegroom and his royal father,
for the latter seemed overpowered with emo
tion, and the former, after clasping him twice
to his heart, knelt and kissed his parents hand.
The Queen then rose, and hurry ng across j
the haul pax with the Prince Consort, cmbra- j
ecd the Princess of Prussia as on" sister would •
another after long parting, and turning to the
Prince of Prussia, gave him her hand, which
as he stopped to kiss she stopped him, declin
ed the condescension by offering !n*r cheek in
stead. But words will feebly convey the ef
fects of the warmth, the abandonment of ef
fection and friendship, with which these greet
ings passed, the reverence with which the
bridegroom saluted Her Majesty, and manly
heartiness with which he wrung the Prince
Consort's hand, for by the working of hi* face
it was evident he could not trust his tongue t>
The terminus of the Great Western Rail
way, w here the illustrious couple were to ar
rive on their first wedding trip, was the centre
of interest, and eager crowds flocked to the
station. On the arrival, platforms of two
large wooden stages, capable of containing
upwards of I,oot> persons were erected on
either side of her Majesty's waitingroom, in
front of which the royal travellers were to
alight. One of the stages intended for spec
tators was appropriated to the Eton boys,
who mastered upwards of 700 strong ; and
above their heads appeared a tasteful display
of banners and laurel wreaths, together with a
splended device in goid lamp*, on which, in
large and brilliant characters, " Congealulalor
JZtoni," shone out conspicuously.
At o, 36 the telegrajvh announced that the
train had passed Slough, and the excitement
of the assemblage had reached its climax, when
in six brief minutes l iter the shrill sound of the
engine-driver's whistle broke upon the car. This
was the signal for a spontaneous outburst of
enthusiastic cheers, the shouts leing caught
up and renewed ag lin and again along a length
ened line of sjiectators.
Auiid this tumultous din, during the whole
of which the E'on boys rang out aloud ami
clear, tbe special train drove slowly up the
platform. The youthful bridegroom instantly
alighted and gave his hand to his bride. The
appearance of the royal pair on the platform
elicited redoubled manifestations of loyalty,and
the whole scene was indescribably heart stir
ring and affectiDg. The youthful illustrious
objects of all this enthusiasm appeared deeply
iik) veil at the thorough heartiness of the wel
eotne accorded them, and testitied their grati
tu k* t*V repeatedly bowjug to tI)Q assemblage.
Hiving shaken hands and exchanged a few
words of r cognition with one or two of the
principal personages on the platform, Prince
Frederick William led his youthful bride into
the Queen's reception room, through which
they had to pass in order to rench the carriage
which stood in waiting to (Oivey them to the
Castle. The horses which brought this vehi
cle to the station—two handsome grays—had
been removed to make way for the Eton boys
whose enthusiasm had impelled them to solicit
the honor of drawing the royal carriage through
the town to its destination —an offer which
was gracefully accepted hy its illustrious occu
pants. Some twenty or thirty of these fervid
youths having yoked themselves in front of the
I chariot, and a greater number lending their
assistance t" propel it from behind, the cortege
moved off under the escort of theFusilecr guards
! whose fine hand struck up the national anthem.
Its route, which lay through the High street
ami up Castle hill, was brilliantly illuminated,
and along the entire course it was accompanied
by a vast multitude, who rent the air with the : r
vehement vociferation. Arrived at the Castle,
the royal pair took up their abode in the Lan
caster Tower, where an elegant suite of apart
ments had benj specially fitted up for their
Washington. Tuesday, Feb. 9.
In tho Senate, Mr. again made an
effort to induce a consideration of his Kansas
resolution calling for the returns of the elec
tions, etc., but the Senate refused, by a vote
of 3d to 23, to postpone the consideration of
the Army bill, which was debated until the
In the liouse, the Committee appointed to
investigate the ae. ounts and official conduct of
the doorkeeper of the last House, were author
ized to extend their inquiries to any charges
affecting the present doorkeeper. A Special
Committee was ordered, on motiouof Mr. Il.vs
kin, to inquire into the circumstances attend
ing the sale of Willet's Point, New-York, as
a site for Government fortifications, with pow- !
or to send for persons and papers. Nothing
else of general interest was done.
Washington, Thursday 1-Vb. 11. lsva.
In the Senate, a memorial was presented
from citizens of Albany, offering to raise a.
regiment of volunteers for Utah. Resolutions
were reported, making an appropriation for
printing the opinions of the Supreme Court in
the Died Scott case. An amendment, to the
effect that the Senate, in voitng the appropria
tion, does not intend to indo se the decision,
was voted down. A discursive debate then
took place on the resolution, in the course ot
which several Senators declared that they
felt compelled to vote for it, because the work
had been done, and should be paid for, at the
s line time that they dissent from the discussion.
The resolution was finally passed by a vote of
32 yeas to 12 nays. A resolution was adopt
ed. unanimously, calling on the Secretary of
War to inform the Senate what officers of the
army, belonging to regiments now in active I
service, arc absent from their regiments, and
the cause of such absence. The Army bill
was then debated, until the adjournment, and
the first section, proposing to add two coinpa- ;
nics to each regiment, was amended by limit
ing the increase to two years. In the llonsc,
the Speaki r announced the Committee of Fif
teen under Mr. Harms* resolution to refer the
Kansas Message and the L*eompton Constitu
tion, and, also, the Committee to examine into
tlie facts connected with tha sale and purchase
of land at Willet's Point for fortification pur
poses. The bill amendatory of the act for the
preservation of life on board steam vessels was,
after debate, referred to the Committee of the
Whole. Mr. Stanton-, Chairman of the Tariff
Investigation Committee, reported that Mr.
J. W. Wai.cot had male satisfactory replies
to the question of the Committee, and submit
ted a resolution for his arraignment at the bar
of the House for contempt. The Committee
say they have proof that soß,ooo of the $87,-
000 expended by Lawrence, Stone <fc Co..
were put into Wai.cot's hands. After consid
erable discussion, the resolution was passed.
No other business was done.
Washington, Friday, Feb. 12.
The Senate was not in session, having ad
journed from Thursday to Monday. In the
House, the Sergeant-at-Arms brought John
X. W oi.cott, the witness in the Tariff investi
gation, before the bar of the House to an
swer for contempt. Mr Wolcott disavowed
any intention of treating the authority of
of the House with contempt, and asked until
Monday to pure himself of the charge—-which
indulgence, on motion of Mr. Stanton, was
granted. Majority and minority reports in
the Maryland contested election case were re
ceived from the Committee on Elections, but
; consideration of the subject was postponed un
; til Monday. Mr. II oaro, of New-York, then
. broached another question of privilege, in re
1 ferencc to the newspaper reports to the effect
! that meinbeis had been upproaehed by per
} sons in the interest of the Executive for the
j purpose of influencing their votes on the Le
j coinptoii question He asked leave to offer a
, resolution for the appointment of a Committee
of Investigation, and read an article from the
Richmond South, and a (wragraph from the
correspondence of th? New York Tribune, to
show the necessity for an investigation. A
deflate ensued, during which considerable feel
ing was maiii tested, and the House finally, by
a vote of 108 against 88, refused to consider
the matter a question of privilege—and so the
matter will probably drop. The House ad
journed till Monday.
Thf. Pi ok T. W Smith anp
Wife —The legislature have passed the bill
annulling the marriage contract of Thomas
Washington Smith. The vote in the Senate
upon the bill was 13 to 8 ; in the House there
was discussion upon it prior to its passage.—
The bill is now ready for the Governor's signa
ture, which it is supposed will be appended,
without further delay
James \Y. Grimis, just elected U. S.
Senator fr<uu lowa, for six yeajs from the
close of the present Congress, March 3, 1839,
iia.s just retired from the office of Goviraor, to
which lie was elected in August, 18. H. He
is a native of New Hampshire, about fifty
years of age, is a lawyer and firmer, formerly
Whig uiul now Republican in polities, and was
the first man of that political stripe ever
thosen Governor of lowa. lie lakes the
elaee of (It orge W. Jones, a Nebra.-ka-Letomp
lon Democrat.
iljnrshan tflorninn, 18, 1838.
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Speaker ORK lias announced the Committee
appointed under Mr. HARRlS' reso'ntion, adopt
ed on Monday morning, to which WHS to be
referred the President's Message, and the Le
eompton Constitution, and who are authorized
to make an investigation into Kansas affairs
generally. Contrary t<> the usual parliamen
tary custom, and to honorable and fair deal
ing. that committee is composed with a ma
jority opposed to the object of the resolution.
The following is the Committee :
HARRIS of 111 Vnti-Lp'-oniton—Dt-m.
STEPHENS of (TA Leeompton—Dein.
MORRILL of Vt Anti-Lecouipton -Hop.
LETCH R of Va Leeompton—-Dein.
WADE of Ohio A at i-Leeompton —Rep.
QriTM IN of Mis* Leeompt m—Dem.
WIN SLOW of X. (.' Leeompton —Dem.
BENNETT of X. V Anti-Leemnpton—Rep.
WIIITK of I'.t Leeompton— Dem.
WALBUIDUE ot Mich \nti-le-.-omptou—Rep.
ANDERSON of M" Leeompton— S. American
STEVENSON of KY Leeompton—Dem.
ADRIAN of X. .1 Anti-Lc-enmptou—Dem.
Be I- KIN TON of Mass Anli Lerompton -Rep.
RI'SSELL of X. A" Leeompton—Dem.
The Committee stand a* follows :
Lo.-miptoiiites (7 Dem >erats ami I Smth American).. .8
Anfi-Leeomptonitus (j Republican* ami 2 democrats). .7
This unusual course on the part of the Spea
ker has excited much indignation at Washing
ton. We cannot say that we are disappoint
ed in the formation of the Committee. What
arc precedents, parliamentary usage, or legal
requirements, when put in the scale against
the demands of Slavery ? That exicting, in
exorable power, stops at no moral obligation,
when fraud and villainy are necessary to ac
complish its purposes.
It would be too much to expect, after the
many outrages upon the rights of the people I
of Kansas, after all the fraud and forgeries
perpetrated upoa the elections of that Territo
ry. that the Speaker should hesitate to re
pudiate parliamentary custom, and the re
quirements of comiuou decency, when by so do
ing lie could prevent an official investigation
and exposure of ilie monstrous wrongs perpe
trated iu Kansas.
The Inst act of fraud and jugglery prac
tised in regard to Kansas is now being played
bv the Administration, in asserting that the
Free-State Legislature is to lie declared elect
ed by CALHOUN. Alarmed by the indications
in the Free States, and by their partial defeat
in the House, it is now given out that CAL
worx lias received some additional returns
since lie has been at Washington, which elects
the Free-State ticket, and a majority of Free-
State men to the Legislature. This is freely
telegraphed over the country, in tiie hope to
divest the question in Congress of some of its
importance and interest, but CALHOUN, when
questioned, declares that he will not issue any
certificates until after Kansas is admitted
Then it is safe to say, the Pro-Slavery men
will have the certificates.
We call the public attention to the disgrace
ful fact that CAT, not-v is at Washington, pet
ted and endorsed by the Administration, with
the suffrages of the people of Kansas in his
hands to alter as he pleases ; with supreme
power to elect whom lie pleases, to control for
years the destinies of that Territory. Can
there be any wonder, that the people of Kan
sas should lie, as Mr. BUCHANAN expresses it,
in a state of rebellion to the Territorial au
thorities when snch infamous and high-handed
proceedings are sanctioned by the General
Government ?
In the mean time, a commission appointed
! by the Territorial Legislature, is investigating
i the frauds perpetrated at the late election, and
making some astounding developments. To
tiie celebrated Oxford precinct, which gave
IsOO majority for the Pro-Slavery ticket, a
commissioner was sent to take a census—he re
ports 33 legal voters in that precinct, a ma
jority of whom are Free-State !
6?" A sham duel took place Friday after
noon, on the west side of the Schuylkill, near
Philadelphia between two young men named
PE CHARMONT and SHERIDKX. The balls were
drawn by the seconds from the pistols before
they were handed to the combatants—a fact
of which SiiERinKN was aware. As the p-stols
were fired, SHERWEN fell, and ,J)E CHARMONT,
fearing the consequences, fled to parts unknown.
In a letter he left at home, lie stated that if lie
killed his antagonist he would leave for Eu
| rope immediately.
The amount of loss to the Hartford
i County Saving's Institution, of Hartford, Con
! necticut, by the default of its Treasurer, John
W. Seymour, is represented to bo $112,000.
r l he sum of $3,000 has been offered as a reward
for the apprehension of Seymour, and his de
livery in Hartford. It is represented that he
wis in Columbus, Georgia, last Wednesday,
traveling South. The institution which he
robbed so heavily will be wound up. It has
remaining only two hundred and ninety five
thousand dollars of assets.
Gov. WISE hus written a letter of charac
teristic length, in response to on invitation to
attend the Anti-Leeompton meeting in Phila
delphia, on Monday evening. The letter is
contained in The Press, and the following is a
hrief synopsis of the leading features. He
commences by saying that a careful view of the
President's Message constrains him to differ
fiom the President of his choice. He protests
against the mode in which the Leeompton con
stitution was pretended to be submitted, as
anti-Republican und oppressive, and as offen
sive to the self-respect and moral sense of n
free people. He admits that the conduct of
the Topekaites was violent and unlawful, and
that their opponents acted under lawful au
thority up to the submission of the constitu
tion to the people. Rut that has nothing to
do with the issue—is the constitution the act
and deed of the people, and is the schedule Re
publican ? The wrong of the Topekaites will
not justify the wrong of the Leeompton Con
vention, nor cure the effects of the Leeompton
schedule, which through providing for its rati
fication or rejection was submitted, for appro
val alone, without allowing a vote upon its re
jection. He contends that there was obvious
ly a sinister and anti-Republican purpose in
tiius giving an unfair election as to the part of
the constitution, with no election as to the
whole. He denies the assertion of the Presi
dent that no people could have proceeded with
more regularity in the formation of a constitu
tion than the people of Kansas have done.—
The people were not allowed a fair election at
all. A fair election could not be held under !
the schedule, as appears from its face. He j
combats the President's idea that the admis-1
sion of Kansas would speedily end the agita- j
tion in Congress and localize it in Kansas.— j
lie declares that it never can Ix.- local. Again, ;
it is all essential that the settlement shall be !
just, right and equal ; and if not so, it is sure
to be inischeivious to that party snatching
power without right, and doing wrong that
good may come. The ulterior effect of adopt
ing the Leeompton constitution will be worse
than referring back the question for Territori
al decision. It will arraign the Democracy
and the South for demanding more than is
right ; it will return the chalice to oar own
lips, when the Kansas question again and again
rises in our own boundless domain of unsettled
Territories ; it will drive away thousands of
houest democrats to raise the Black Republi
can flag over the Capitol in tiie next struggle
for power, and then raise the last dread issue
of disunion. He concludes by addressing the
committee as the friends of Mr BUCHANAN and
to the administration, who have his best wish
es and warmest friendship, and whom he would
save both from danger an 1 defeat lie trusts
in their pure and patriotic motives, but lie re
gards much more the Democracy of the South
and the Union, and professes anxiety for their
fate. For himself he fears nothing, firmly
standing on the right in spite of friends or foes.
tag" Mr. MAFKET having resigned his office
as Superintendent and Engineer of the Upper
North Branch, the Legislature has passed an
act giving the Canal Commisfioners control of
the work, and it is announced that the Board
has divided it into three divisions and appoint
ed Dr. I). L. SCOTT Supervisor of the Upper
division from the State line to Towanda ; Jo-
SF.I'II E. PIOI.F.TT of the middle division, from
Towanda to Horse Race Dam ; and— LITS,
of the balance.
The unscrupulous and persevering war
made upon Mr. MAFKF.T lias at last been suc
cessful, and that gentleman succumbs before
the unequal conflict, resigning to avoid a re
sult which was inevetable. Now that the
work is under the control of men who have
done their utmost to embarrass Mr. MAFFET,
in bis efforts to fiuUh the canal, wc trust
that that they will evince as much anxiety for
its thorough and early completion as they have
hitherto professed, and make the canal naviga
ble, in as short a time as possible.
t&af riie " Atlantic Monthly 1 ' for Februa
ry more than sustains the reputation of the
former issues. The papers are all of the very
highest order of talent, with a freshness and
attractiveness about them which cannot fail to
render the work popular. The success it has
met with, thus far, is altogether unprecedent
ed, awl shows that the public are ready to sup
port a work of sterling merit.
We will supply the Atlantic Monthly by
mail, and the Reporter, one year for $3.
6t&- On Tuesday evening, a fight took place
at New Haven, Connecticut, between some
students of \ ale College and a lire company,
in the course of which a fireman, named Wil
liam Mills, was so severely wounded that his
recovery is considered doubtful. The name of
the student who shot him is not publicly kuown.
The affair has caused much excitement.
teg- Messrs. Nichols, Babcocb, Stevens,
Chase and Wiliiston, the members of the Le
| gislature, from the Wilmot District, (says the
j Potter Journal,) left Harrisburg for Washing
ton immediately after hearing of the fight be
tween Grow and Keitt, an account of which
we give in another column. They say that if
their District is going to have any knocking
to do they want a hand in the game.
FINE BF.F.F.—M'CARE, at the Central Meat
Market, has purchased, for the purpose of
feeding the people of this place, some of the
j best cattle ever slaughtered for this market.
Onr metropolitan friends, who generally mo
nopolize every thing of a snperior quality in
this line, have never been offered fine beef than
is now exhibited by M'CABK.
Court was called at ten o'clock in the fore
noon, on Monday, the Bth inst, and not many
of the jurors having yet arrived, adjourned to
meet again at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at
which time it again met, Judge Wii.mot,
President, and Messrs. Long and PaSsmohe.
associates, present. The docket was read
over and judgment taken on motion of the at
tornevs, on all matters where they were enti
tied to judgment by the rules of Court. The
trial list being called over, the following cau
ses were tried, to wit :
Clark Hyatt vs. Alnnson B. Smith. — Ac
tion in covenant—Feb. 8, Jury sworn and
Feb. 10, they are discharged—cannot agree
u{)ou a verdict.
Richard Horton vs. Elijah Jlorton.—Ac
tion on appeal from Justice of the Peace. Ju
ry empanneled and sworn, and return a ver
dict for plaintiff' for $64,32.
Semanlha Woleott vs. David Wolcott—Li
bel in divorce. Jury empanneled and sworn
and after a hearing, return a verdict in favor
of tiie plaintiff ; the Court thereupon decree
a divorce to the said Semantha Wolcott from
the bonds of matrimony.
The Com. of Pa. to the use of Chester Parks
vs. IVm. H. Foster, Stephen Powell, et. al.— '•
Action iu Debt. Jury called and sworn,
plaintiff suggested an amendment of the re- I
cord ; the cause is thereupon continued, ami!
Jury discharged.
A. B. Smith's use vs. Horace J I'll list on, jr.
—Appeal from a Justice of the Peace. Jury
sworn, after which the plaintiff takes non.
David Barber vs. Cornelius Harsh —Action
in debt on transcript from Justice of the Pence
from State of New York. Having been bro't
into Court from an appeal from Justice in this
county, Jury ctnpanuclled and sworn, same
day, plaiutiff takes a non. pros .and Jury dis
Edirin Dodge vs. William Mc Intire. —Ac-!
tion in debt on note made in the State of New
York. February 11th ,Jury called and sworn,
after a hearing, they return a verdict for the
Plaintiff jfor the sum of slls 86.
John B. Myer vs. Chauncy Rockwell.—Ac
tion on the case for the recovery of the value
of a mare stole from the Plaintiff, in Cambria
Co., in this state, in 1854, by some of the cel
ebrated and well known Ruttcr gang and sold
to different individuals, and lately sold to the
defendant Rockwell ; February, 11th, 1858,
Jury called and sworn, and after a hearing
return a verdict for the Plaintiff for $165 75.
John Bidleman vs. John McCord. —Action
on the case in I>eft for the recovery of
of an amount claimed for work and labor done
and performed, defendant claiming an offset in
consequence of the work not being done in a
workmanlike manner. Feb. Il # Jury called
and sworn and after a hearing render a ver
dict in favor of the Plaintiff for $276 89.
Joshua Say re vs. T! "illiam Whilneu. Ac
tion in Ejectment, Feb. 12, Jury called and
sworn, and same day, after a hearing render
a conditional verdict in favor of Plaintiff.
Caroline Greenfield vs. IBr am Greenfield. —
Libel in Divorce, Feb. 10, on reading depo
sition and on motion of Mr. Patrick the Court
decree a divorce to the said Caroline Green-
Geld from the bonds of matrimony.
Ulysses Moody vs. Harriet Moody. —Libel
in Divorce, Feb. 10 on reading deposition and
motion of Mr. lln I lock the Court decree a di
vorce to I Iysses Moody from the bonds of
Com. vs. James Drake—Larceny—Defen
dant haying plead guilty upon three different
indictments at the present sessions, on a charge
of stealing various articles of merchandise
from the store of Y. M. & H. F. Long, of
Troy borough, at different times during last
fall and the present winter. Feb. 10, the said
James Drake is brought up before the Court
and sentenced to an imprisonment of one year
on the first indictment, 3 months on the sec
ond, and 3 months on the third, in the Eas
tern Penitentiary at Philadelphia, making in
all, one year and six months.
Com. vs. Michael McMahan—Larceny—De
fendant having plead guilty upon an indict
ment preferred against him at the present ses
sions, charging him with stealing from Messrs.
S. W. & D. F. Pomeroy A Co., in Troy re
cently, two grindstones, a quantity of oats,
barley, Ac. Feb. 10, he is brought up be
fore the Court, and is sentenced to an ira
prisonmert in the Eastern Penitentiary at
Philadelphia, for 1 year and 3 months.
Com. vs. Peter Johnson.— The defendant in
j this case having plead guilty to an indictment
preferred against hiin at the present Sessions
charging bins of having poisoned a mare, the
property of J. W. Dentiison, of Wilmot town
ship, February 10th, 1858, the said Peter
Johnson being brought before the Court and
it appearing by testimony that he being about
18 years of age, the Court thereupon make an
order committing him to the House of Refuge
in Philadelphia.
On Monday of the first week of Court li
censes were granted to the following uauied
persons to wit :
Tavern—David Conalde, Columbia.
" John Howard, Wyalusing
" J. M. Reed, Wysox.
" Ann Whalon, u
" Sweazey Ac Holmes, Towanda boro'.
" Geo. H. Estel), M "
Hugh M. Holcomb, Leßoy.
O. S. Moore, " "
" Buel Smith, Canton.
N. D. Snyder, Pike.
" O. W Northrup, "
" John Wallace, Ridgebcry.
L. Kirkpatrick, Athens" Township.
Eating Saloon—Horace Tuttle, Canton.
" John C. \\ ilson, Towanda Iloro'.
Stephen Felton, to sell liquor as a merchant
Dealer in Towanda Boro',
On Friday iu the afternoon the J, lrr
discharged. The trial iist having ''
through with, and the Court rfjeor IlP f'
meet again oil Saturday morning at lu,/
for a further hearing of matters npon t} )e '
guraent list and matters in tl, o o r
Court at which time the Court again m<t J
after the transactions of various matte- 4
business in the several Courts of Co
Pleas, Quarter Sessions and Orphans r**
adjourned. V
The President Judge makes an order t
the holding of a three weeks' term at u"
uext. .
ttyThe ultimate fate of Locompton
House, is very doubtful. The majority %
Harkis' resolutions were only three ; and
Administration is already boasting of in
ability to " put it through." That they h„.
the power to do so, we have no question
opponents of the measure, however, are cty
dent, that every day, with its revelations jf
monstrous vifliatiy in Kansas, weakens!
compton. Could the Investigating Comm%
have been formed, so as to secure a thoro-;-
and searching investigation of all matters w>t>
in its scojie, no Northern man would have Je
ed lent Lecompton his support. As it is
should not be surprised some day to learn tin
the measure bad been sprung upon the Ho
and under the previous question, passed.
Henry Fife and Charlotte Jones •„
of the Mc Keen port murderers, were b, )? „
Pittsburg, Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock •
the jail-yard. The execution was witnessedb,
about thirty persons, but a very large cror
was on the outside of the yard. Both roorfe.
er delivered addresses, acknowledge:; t*
justice of their sentence, but said that Mom
and Stewart are innocent. Stewart is
tenced to be liuug iu a fortnight.
figy Bishop Potter was attacked on
ncsday by severe apoplexy at Greeiis'oor;..
He has partially recovered, but still in n critic
From Washington.
Washington, Friday, Feb. II
I understand the Lecomptonites are re
sanguine that at their caucus, to morrow n®
they can present a compromise which will#,
isfy the Douglas men, and lead theiu to cw
; tlieir resistance. The principal point of u*
proposition is that Congress shall declare tor
, right of the people of Kansas to change tber
Constitution immediately if they choose.
The j artisan vote by "which "Hoard's re*>
lation, prov'd ng fcran nveuuatim i, to tiv
uewspaper reports relative to attempts on t
part of persons in the interest of the Kmc*
tive to influence votes for Locompton wast*
bled today, is a significant commentary up
the President's d eclaration that he will car
Locompton through within thirty days. Bras
! attempts to exculpate himself to-dav weit-rrr
■ indiscreet, especially in view of the fact tin
lit: himself told a colleague that lie (Haws
could have a couple of offices in the district:
jhe would vote right. This can be substatu:
I ed.
Cai.HOCN's declarations that the Froe Sri: 1
I TiCgislature of Kansas is elected is creatiif
trouble among the Southern Lecomptonites
Washington, Felmiary !*,
Tlie Lecomptonites have modified theirpto
| somewhat since their disheartening defeat
1 Monday. In other words, a compromise is
| foot, and to mv knowledge some of the Pk
orotic opponents of Lecompton in its presrt
shape hare signified their willingness to v
cept the proposed compromise. The arraag
■ iiient understood now to be settled ipon,
| that Calhoun shall issue certificates tt tb
! free state candidates for state officers in Kc
sas, and Congress, i accepting the eonstitoti*
will assert the right of the people of Kas*
; to amend it at any time, irrespective of &:"•
; thing in it to the contrary. This, it is thoagh;
, will satisfy the Douglas party, or erwßth i
i it to carry Lecompton easily.
It is thought by some that nnatteswtv'
be made to rush Lecompton through Cwpf*
; in spite of the reference in the House to'
I Select committee. But such a game etnej
be played. The Republicans will stop it'
i necessary by a resort to "dilatory mpti"ff
' This will, i their own opinion, In* iastifia 5 *
under the circumstances. Tlie House havir*
! referred the whole question to a commit®
they will insist upon its report before takif
. action upon it.
Senator Wilson and GEN. CAt.norx—p
, following is the report of that portion of^ ?
ator Wilson's s|eeeh on Thursday, i n which *
I referred to John Calhoun in terms whichs- 1
likely to lead to personal difficulty :
" On the demand of the President, on"'
promise of Governor Walker, and the <k f,,r
a tion sof the Washington Union, tlict k 1
j promised the people of Kansas, tlnit they
submit the Constitution to the people. T-!
provided for its snlimission in such a wayt>
Governor Walker could not correct frauds'
be had done in the case of Oxford and M '' r *
county, and so that Calhoun could hnve
matter in his own hands—a man who V*
not only permit the frauds, but, if necessary
frauds himself. He was just the man to doc
tor God never allowed to walk the green f*r
any man who more richly deserves to dif 1
traitor's death, and leave a traitor's , " il
John Calhoun.
Mr. Green—Say it to his face.
Mr. Wilson—l have said it here, and it
on record. I have no fear of the tools of
, der-ruffianism in Washington or in Kan* I ' f
lam able to take care of myself. 1 *'
to do so, at any rate. Sir, this Ji din
i has cheated and defninded the people of k 4 '
sax out of their sacred rights. He has re
mitted a crime against the liberties of the r
pie, which will associate his name withtyra nB .
and tyrauts while the history of Kansas
be read aud remembered by mankind."
RQrTlic New Hampshire election "'j l '
place on the 9th of March. The Adroit
tion, by its course on the Kansas question
left its friends in the Granite State no
to recover the ground they lost several .
since. The Republicans will win an ea-\ .
tory. The next Legislature wiil elect a '
Senator to succeed John P. Hale, bo ' v
derstood to le a candidate for reelect ion