Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 11, 1858, Image 1
ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. TOWANDA: I Jbars&an illorninn, Jcbinani 11, IS3B. | .Stlctltb Upodrn. COURTING IN CONNECTICUT 'Tvi- >anday nidit iu Podank valley, In i-lear. eold. wintry weather, josiab Perkins ani bis ally Nit by the tire together. "Tras no new-fashioned iron case, With fancy work adorning. But a real old-fa-tunned fire-place, On purpose made f<r warming. Tte era king wood in cheerful blaze Around the room was throwing p.- best and light in ruddy rays, /£:: And en their faces glowing. The apples by the chimney rug Were slowly getting warmer. The eider iu the pewter mug Was bubbling in the corner. T.icir loving forms supporting : *T is made of s*as.)nei white pine- wood ; Aud j.;-t the thing for courting. A: re end Sally stm-k like piti-h, p W.-.lie Josiah seemed to fear h r ; But after a while he gave a hitch, And got a little nearer. She oast her eyes down—looked quite tame. Thi :h very-weetly Mu-hing ; | While all the bio d in dosh's frame St nied to his face a-gushing. Ft hit bed again and got quite near — He could not then re-i-t her ; fie called her his own Sally dear, ? Then bashfully he kissed her. •• tr. d gracious!" she gave a -tart fr-m him. Her anger d:dn<>t stn-sther— * •: si'd •' if yon do that aguin. Now, J -h. I'll tell my in >ther." Ti.ey - >or. made up, a:.J .-he caxe back. A:: i t..iimed her agitation ; When la-t 1 -aw them through the era. k T> -1 wrrr kis-ing like tarnation. MISULL A t ON S. History of Tobacco. Azes before the discovery of America, the I t;T,o? ::i some parts of this continent hnd -.: i!o seek sensuous gratification in ehew- I au.i-locking Tobacco: and the evidence I : the employment of this narcotic, furnisiicd ■ I :> U5 of pipe-making found among the I M ci :r.i>es, to a tH'riiJti long anterior to ■ ; i'. rt 0 i Li- arrival at Cuba, Coiumbus I k :..i for the first time the Strang" phcuotae ■ c! t .niii drawing Tobacco smoke into his Ic." i • ugh a buruing cigar. 11-rnaudez I :c 1 leslo -Oi>a alter introduced the plant into I- . . 1 Portugal •' t •..: • Nicot at U r vbom • ' i;t has been named sent tlie to I F"i:..e .ibout the year loGO. r Francis I I'hii •. c ; re'arning to England with the Vir- I „• j. >l) :.s:sin 158G, introdaced there the 8 - • t article and al>out the year I ' Saute ye i I. -;" from Fran.-e to Italy. From these --prcaj rapiuly over almost the whole •? inhabited jKtrtions of the gic!.<e F„e p mt is now cultivated and used ' the whole extent of tne United I " - - New Rr.: 1 n ■ k. M \i o, the I • Coast *:. i SfMßtsh .Mrln. t'uba. St. - - i). Trinidad, Turkey, l'cr'a. India, ■ Aastrm, the I'aii: pine Islands, laj>ar. f A'geria. the Canary Islands, ami the l:s u— was first opposed, then tok-ratcd, ■ ;*t! f") >raced, and n iaHy eulogiz -d Dr. <|l ♦*:- r-aunts : " It lias been saccessfullv op f H "rd 2..; commended l y plt vsictans : om- I - i d triagM by {rieMi and* ; Hi r.oed and protected by : H K. ig Jamcj the first of England, an t his 1 " ' Cuaries prohibited its n*e under se- I penalties Elizaiieth nublis'Mnl an 11 ■ -'• -i-'• *t its use. In 1593* r*.'iah Abbas ■ '- i s use iu I'er-ii. by [>enal statute* s H 1 L"n>au VIII. exjommuuicatetl *tiutT ■ who defiled St Piter's Church by tak- I -* - i within its walls. In 1 H.vJ, as*. vere • I H i- 'm the canton of Apponxel. In Ru*- H . . the saiiK' time, the (teawlty of death I v a:tn i agaiu.-t tne offence of Tobacco • iz while tliose who smoked were con- H . -e: :o have tdeir uoses cut off. In 1690, <■ " I wnt Nil. renewed tiie bull of Pope . 1T24. BlMfikt XIV.. bavin? I ~* - mff-t:<ker h:nself. rtjvairai the edict. about tbe same time. 1690. 1 - <i caught iu tbe indecent art of smok ■ - lot ted in ridicule through the ■ - sealed on an ass. bi* face directed to- T -" Joi-aal's tail, aad a iipe transfixed .\ t I . 1 ' countries, men, women, and even j,r I _ ' :f " a s:e addicted to smoking. Iu Cam sr | w 7 fo -ire told, it L- cocnnKwi for children "' tee years of age to cigar*.— h -as that tbe Sand wich Islands ' '.n -moke before tbey iearu to * 4 : thai me adult* frequently fail \ "* - ; from the excessive in-iulgence India, all ciassoa aad Injih sex ff t? *-- In UlndiNM, boys of foartnen < I ■'•a- o excess;rely, in tbe Barman Em c v u. m, jwne* and females smoke incessantly, . . iufauts have the iighted pipe put : taouUiS occnsion&liy by their smokiosr j a - In China young girls wear, as an Tr to their daily dress, at* poc-tct to carry a pipe and toivacco.— Amenea, both sexes use Tobacco. a *ouiao art daily sees pu£:< cigars i <*' r rrt ; and in Paraguay we " fair sex" every day by chewing, smoke a large portion of their 1 t tyncii and Sparnxh smoke t great * "jK T coosamo uomtaae qoan- Wad in stuffing, y. :a the Uinted States as err To THE BRADFORD REPORTER. bacco is raised aud consumed in proportion than any otber country. Most of the foreign population of this country are inveterate smo kers * and a large and increasing proportion of the natives, particularly great boys and small yoang men, are addicted to the geueral folly. SAM PATCH. —We find in an old paper the following account of the last leap of the fa mous and fool-hardy Sam Patch, who lost his life in jumping over the Gennesee Falls at Rochester, New York. It will be remember ed that he had leaped off the Geuuesee Falls, and also at Niagara. His last leap was taken November 13. 1829, This singular and presumptuous being has in deed made his "Inst jump." Friday (13th inst.,) at the hour appointed, in handbills which had been previous circulated, headed. " Sam's I/ast Jump,'' the banks of the river on each side below the falls, for nearly half a mile were crowded with spectators. Sam ap peared amid the shouts and hurrahs of the ex pectant assemblage. A stage had been erect ed twenty feet higher than the brink of the precipice, making the height about 120 feet, from which he was to leap. He had before jumped the precipice without injury, and now determined to prove by experiment, (in his own language,') that some things can be done as well as others, ascended the sta>_rc and was again greeted by the cheer* of spectator*. Sum addressed those immediately below for a few moments in a language that seemed to say he half anticipated the re*u!t of Li* rashness. After adjustiug his dress, he bowed to the to the vast assemblage on either side cf the un enviable station, then o:i the other, and delib erately leaped <>ff. was h*r a moment iu mid-air, and then engnlphed in tiie abyss beneath.— We stood near where he struck, and for a mo ment after he left the stage, heard not a word. Every heart bvat with a dread suspense, and every eye was strained to behold his rising ; but they saw him not. for the water still eu gulphed its victim. At length when not a wave or sign gave further cue to hope, the half-formed shout of joy died in'o breathing murmurs of " He's dead !" " He's gone !" and in a moment the vast crowd knew full weii its truth, and turned half aside to cooct al the hor ror that they felt. FLLS has Sam Patch, who lmd rashly, but till now uninjured, sported with the law of nature, given us an example that vain and mortal man may not trifle with bounds prescribed by an omnipotent God.— The body has not yet been found.— G\n. LlFE. —Life bears on us like a stream or m'ghty river Our boat at first glides down the narrow chrome!—through the playful mnr muring of the little grassy borders. The tree* shed their blossoms over our young heads : we are happy in hope, and we gra-p eagerly at the beauti'n! around us, bnt the stream hnrriv.* on. and still our hands arc cmp ty. Oar course in youth and manhood is a! -ng a wilder and deeper flood, and amid ob jects more -trkirg and magnificent. We are animated at the moving pictures and the en joyment and industry passing ns ; we ure ex cited at some short lived disappointment The stream boars u* o:i. and our joys and grief* are a'ike left behind u* We may be shipwrecked, we cannot be delayed—whether rough or smooth, the river hastens to its home tdl the roar of the ocan is in on: ear*, aud the tossing of the wave* is beneath our feet, ai d the land lessens from onr eye*, and we tak our leave of earth, and its inhabitants, until of further royage there is no witness save the Infinite and the Eternal. — Hrbc. SUITING TITS Ac:; >N to THE WORD. —The la test anecdote we Lave seen j? the following, illustrative of the manner in which the cele brated preacher, Spotgooe, in Load oa. alt facte attention. Uj>on the occasion, he tu.d the as sembled multitude that "he " way to hell was smooth and easy, I ke this," and straightway opened he pulpit door, put Li* foot over the bamigtcr, and ?Ld down, a* you Lae seen little boys do. lie then tap;*ed for u mo ment. and said, bat ine way to heaven is hi: !, like this." at, 1 pulled himself up again, which was rather dt3i alt ; but the co lgrega tion received this practical illustration with great applause J. Q. ADAMS AND HIS BIB.F. —In a letter to his -o:i in is! 1. he says: I have for many years ma ie it a t<> read through the Bible once everv year. My eastern stor a 1 four or five cLaptei* every morning, immediately af tr rising from my bed. It employ* a' out an hour of mv time, and seem* to me toe most suit able manner ot beginning the day. In what soever light we regard the Rtbie. whether with reference to revelat.on. to history, or to mora lity. it is an invaluable ami inexhaustible mine of kuowieti.-e and virtoe. MAX WCH-HT RBUGIOV. —Religion isthe tie that connect* man witii his Creator, and fcelds him to his throne. If that tie is sundt?red or broken, he floats away a useless atom in the universe, its proper attraction all gone. i:s des tiny thwarted, and it* future nothing bat dark ness. desolation and death. frjy Sheridan was once taken ill ia conse quence o f a fortuigHt's contiuued dialog cut a:sd dissipation. He sent for Dr. Ileberden, who prescribed rigid abstinence ; and. calling again aeon afterwards, asked his pat .eat if he was aUeudicg to that advice. The answer being affirmative —" Right," said the doctor. ** 'tis the only way to secure you length of days." "I do not doubt it," said Sheridan. M for these last three days ricce I began have been the longest to me in my life." OWED jo Lax OVTTFTT.— Greea tfcy waters, green as bMtio glass, behold 'em stretched that ; fiae Mnskaloages and Oswego baas, w chiedy ketched thar. Waost the red Injoas thar took their deiighta. fished, fit mod bled ; now most of the iahabitaat* te whites, with i nary red PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY E. O'MEARA GOODRICH. " REGARDLESS OF DEMUNCIATTO.t FROM ANT QCARTEK." Western Eloquence. " GenUemen of the jury," said a western lawyer, "it ie with feelings of no ordinary corarnotion that I rise to defend my injured client from the attacks which have been made on his heretofore unapproachable character. I feel, gentlemen, that though a great deal smarter than any of yon, eFeu the Judge him self, yet I am utterly incompetent to present this case in that magnanimous and heart rend ing light which its importance demands ; and I tm*t, gentlemen, that whatever I lack in presenting the subject, will be immediately made up by your good seuse and discernment, if you have got any. " The counsel for the prosecution, gentle men. will undoubtedly heave dust in your eyes. He will tell yon that his client is pre-eminent ly a man of function—that he is a man of un doubted ond implacable voracity—that he would scorn to fotcli an action against anoth er merely to gratify his own corporeity ; bat, gentlemen, let me cauticnate you how to rely upon such spacious reasoning like this. self, apprehend that this suit has been wilful ly and maliciously focht, gentlemen, for the sole and only purpose of browbeating mv cli ent here, and in an eminent manner griuding the face of the poor ; and I apprehend, also, if yoa conld bat look into that man's heart, and read there the motives that have impelled him to fotcli this suit, such a picture of moral turpentine and heartfelt gratitude would be br Might to light as has never before been ex hibited since the Falls of Niagara. " Now, gentlemen, I want to make a bril liant appeal to the kind si nt me tries of your nater. and see if I can't warp your judgment a little in favor of my unfortunate client here, and then I shall fotcli my argument to a close. " Here, gentlemen, i a poor man with a numerous wife and child, depending upon him for their daily breed and butter, wantonly fetched np here and arranged before an intel lectual jury on the charge of igoominiouriy hooking—yes, hooking, six quarts of new ci der. You, gentlemen, have been placed in the same situation, and I humbly calculate that you will not permit the gushings of your sympathizing hearts to be squeuched in the bud by tie surruptious ami surrogating argu guments of my ignorant oppouent on the other side. " The law eXpre**ly declares, gentlemen, in the beautiful word* of Shak*peare, that where no doubt exists of the guilt of the prisoner, it is your duty to lean norm the side of justice and fotch him iu innocent. If you keep this fact in view in the case of my client, gentle men, you will have the honor of making a friend of him and all his relations, and yoa can allers look upon this occasion and reflect with pleasure that you did as you would have been done by : but if, on the other hand, you disregard this great principle of law, and set r.t r.cnght my eloquent remarks, and fotch him in guilty, the silent twitches of conscience will follow you over every fa r cornfield, I reckon, and my injured and down-trodden client will he trtetty apt to light on you some of these nights, as my cat lights OJ a sarcer of new uiilk." Tne AGE OR OCK RACE —The surface of the earth, to the depth of some or ter. miles i* composed of rocks. Thee rocks are full of the remains of animals aud plant*. Thirty thousand species of them, which diff-r from any living species,have been disenterred, yet no human remains were found among them tints! the loose soil—alluvium—is reached, which soil is universally acknowledged to !>eof recent origin. Tite reman* of o'lter animals are found several thousand feet tK-low tie? surface, while the fosil remain* of man have never ieen found so low as one hundred feet below the surface. Rut if man had in existence when th>se other animals lived, whose remains are found at such depths. h ; * remains would have also been found there : for his bones arc of the *ame structure a* theirs, and consequent ly no less likely to re*i*t destruction. Cn.\xr avr Kv .—The Siamese twin? were taken down to Louisville the other day to I>e shown there. The ibovilM the had charge .'f them gave the conductor but one ticket for the two The eoudoctc-r demanded two tiek e*s. r.s they were two persons. He replied •hat they never jet had 1 .ought more than cue. Condnctnr must have another. Said the show man. "I b mght the ticket tor Eng. Chang can take care of hin-df : you can pat him off the car- " A-{Chang could not go off without Eng. whose ticket was paid for, the cocdactor sn!'ir ? t'ed with as good grace as he could Cindnsiii Guztile. fcg" Mistress—Net going to remain in a sit uation any longer ! Why, yoa foolish thing, what are yon going to do then ? Eliza.— Why, to a am, you see oar fortune teller says that two young noblemen is a going to marry us. so there's no caii to remain in no situations no more ! Rp*r~c? WOVAX. —Nothing sets so wide a mark between a vulgar arri a noble soul, a? tbe respect and reverential loTe of woman kind. A man who is always sneering at a woman, is generally a course profligate, or a coarse bigkvt. *g-Pr. Johnson said cf female preaching : " People flock to Lear a woman preach ; not because she preaches well, bat te cause she preaches any how. Just as they go to see a dog walk on bis hind legs, though be doea not walk on them near so we'd a* a mam" Bar An hairst n? it believed wiliest an oetb, for kk reputation swears for Lim. t*y The true love of God casaot eawt without meting as lovers of men. — j 4 ggr ETi Cook, in her journal says that i they who are booest orfr brrto* honesty is I 'be best pobey. are half war to beii*| rarces KANSAS AFFAIRS. EXTRACTS FROM A SFEECU BY MR. HICKMAN, OF PENX 1 A. In tbe Houie, January 2S, IS.W. Mr. HICKMAN. I should not have sought the floor at this time, but for the fact that si lence would leave mv views liable to an un pleasant mis-construction. I was an early, earnest, and sincere advocate of Mr. Buchan an's election to the Presidency of the United j State*, believing that his elevation would large ly promote the present peace and lasting wel fare of my country. His life had been a pub ; lie one. and his character was that of an edu cated statesman and a just man. I esteemed him as eminently worthy of the largest confi • dence ami warmest regard of the American people, as I could not doubt his Administra j tion would alike reflect his wisdom, experience, ! and nice appreciation of justice ; and that an- ' der it the rights of the people, of nil the peo- j pie, would be scrupulously regarded. I did j not expect infallibility in his management of i public affairs, aud do not now expect it ; and when I shall meet with what I may regard as j error, I trn*t to be pardoned for the frankness with which I shall always proclaim my opinions, i Until I heard the annual message read, I : had expected to be able to yield to its doc trines an bouest and decided snpport ; but ; from its Kansas policy I must strongly dis herit. lam unable to give it my support. I regret exceedingly the tendency of the Exe cntive recommendation, which, to my mind, 1 ir to place the President in a position of an -! tagonism to the majority in Kausas. It leads to an issne between power on the one hand, i and tbe people on the other. In such a case, j I never run hesitate in determining whose cause I shall espouse, or what verdict I ought j to reuder. lam not unmindful of the fact that the former is quite as likely to triumph with the wrong as the latter with the right ; and that the ambitions may well heitate when re solves on success are to decide for whom to do battle. The great influence of executive pat- j | ronage ; the fail extent of executive jiower in this country is but feebly comprehended. We ; are apt to underrate it vastly. If unscrupu lously exercised, it become* a crushing despo- | (tism. as indefensible as that controlled hv the ! ' greatest of tyrants—combinations can seidom resist it, individuals never. But these con- j siderations, clearly as they have presented ' themselves to my mind, can never induce me , to espouse a political heresy. I think J may. with great truth, say that the enactment of the law organizing the Ter- ; r;tries of Kaii*a* and Nebraska, including the ! repeal of the Missouri compromise, was not, j originally, a popular movement at the North, j It was regarded with suspicion, and believed ' lo be impolitic if not uniust. Mr. Buchanan ! hi:n*elf. by expres-ing the wish, in Lis Read- i ing letter, that that line should be extended to the Pacific dee .in, gave to the compromise i asa ic-tity of popularity additional to that de-! rived from thirTy-four yeafs'acquiescence : and when its contemplated destruction was announc ed, it was received with great astonishment' and deep regret. It was honestly believed, by ; very many, to be a movement to advance the peculiar interests of the South at the expense 1 of those for whose oenefit the territorr north of the iine Lad beeu dedicated to freedom.— Tue doctrine cf popular sovereignty i>y which it wax accompanied, made it at first bat tole ra! !". though, eventually, palatable. Could I the future history cf Kansas have then been , read, as it ha- since transpired to this mo- i metit ; the repeated frauds &:d tisariiation* j practice 1 and imposed her people • her t agonizing and fruitless cries for justice ; the { erne! and crashing sympathy of |, Federal ofifieer* with her oppressor* : her sppeal for i free institutions derided by ruffians, and sia-' very fu-tened u}x>:: her in bold defiance of her right* ; could al! thi: hare bte-j foreseen, the northern advocate of that legislation could not j have brea-ted for a single m)m -nt the wither- j ing tornado such wrongs would have raised against him. Th-*e unjust conse-i tences, not naturally flowing from the legD'ation spoken of. Lave now re-nltH. ; and if fiev would not hare Itrn icleratni then, why :>boa!d thev ! 1 now ? Have we an overplas of political pow er which should induce u- to carry so exhaust- i ing a burden with patience ? Once taken up 1 by tin? party they vr.mid cling to it like the Man of the Mountain to the back of the sai lor. choking it and sinking it to the ear.:. It i :.* too soon ior us to forget what <rreT]>ower- ; ing strength we brought to the poll* in am! tbe means—ye*, sir. the means—bv which it was re hiesslT frittered away before 1 *56 • Mr. Chairman. I sin upon a point I feel j deepiy, and if I shall express myself with wannth aud decision I mas: i* nanloneil As long as I aiu capable of Bprereciating troth, I can never lend rayseif to the attempt now beiDg made, w th high sanctions, to undermine . the foou-dalien open wnich the modern terri- , torial lezisiatioa rests, and to falsify pledges ; npcu the faith of which the last presidential | j election was accomplished. Tne rital priaci f pie, the soul of the Nebraska-Kansas bill, is jto be bia-ted. The majority are not neres : sariiy to rule. If I can read recent ejects at all. I learn so much from them. Let the peo- j pie understand this : teach there the whole truth, and then bear their response. Tsmk sou the mighty millions of the North, the East, and the West will be oukted as cbii j dreo by baubles ? Will they ai-iow legisla tion to be construed one war to-day, arid en- I forced a different way to-morrow ? In short, wiii they submit always to stake upon a rame where tfcej never can win ? If they are so miserably made op. so destitute of real man hood, they are traiy only fit to be the " white slaves n c€ whem we hare occasionally heard, aad from s?y soct I pity them. The name of freeman fits the a not, hot hangs upon thee, Dpca a dwarfish suiri. " My coirs© is BJT own ; others are not an swer* We for it; sod I would not larplicate tbem is ®T action if I codd. Bit I will e*er v *ttearrt nt matter *?rv. it may come to inflict a despotism upon tbe people of Kansas, when the law guaranties them liberty, err to impinge upon the promises the Democracy took upon themselves to make in the last presidential campaign. The recommendation in the message goes out as " a forlorn hope " against what has heretofore been supposed to be the strongly intrenched doctrine of popular sovereignty.— What will the country do, is the question.— Will it defend this great principle in the hoar of its severe trial f Or will it allow the right of self-government to be successfully assaulted? Has it already become an obsolete, a worn-out thing ? But two years ago I expressed the opinion that those must prominently instru mental in causing the Democratic party to be | pledged to maintain the doctrine of popular i sovereignty, in the organization of our Terri-; tories, would deeply regret it, I never doubted that it mould operate against the growth of j the South. On the 19th of March, 18.36, : when insisting upon an investigation into al leged election frands in Kansas, I had occasion j to use these word* : " 6ir, the supp-Trters of thit Wit [the Nebraska-Kansas bill J have proclaimed t" the nation that the l'erritorie of tiie L'niied State- are to con-titutc • a fair field." .v-d that there is to be • a free iisriii' there, betw-.en the N Ttb and the South, to decide whether slavery or (Ted im shall rule tuera. If the energy, the enterprise, the active ; m<>des of life, the available capital, and tne numbers of the North, shall n"? be able to compete successfully with j their opposite* in the >o!ith. au-1 secure freedom to the ; Terri'' rifs. then 1 will adinil that there is a vitality and : a p iwer iu slavery which we of the North have never . dreamed of. In ray opiaion, the of the South in the Thirty-Third Congress - have sown the fire, , and they will father tire into their own Tbe prediction is fulfilled ; for now, like Pyrene, the Iberian princess, they fly in f?ar j from their own child ; it is a serpent, and pur sues them. The clay of repentance has come i upon them much sooner than I anticipated.— 1 Instead of decades, it ha* required but brief months to inculcate the le-*oa which should never be forgotten, that weakness cannot long triumph over strength, nor minorities in this ; free land, trample down majorities. If what we have esteemed tne great truths of repub lican government are not a sheer lie, then squatter sovereignty, adequately protected, will give the virgin land* of onr Confederacy to the free white man. and not the negro slave. This i* now seen, and sovereignty is W to be protected : it is to be crushed uut ; by an war rantable, illegal interference it is to be ciush ed ont ; and the hitherto pliant North is ex pected to acquiesce. If it submits, be it so. I V, "11, never ! no, never I I* it not too plain that popular sovereignty so mu b extolled iu the Thirty-TnirdjCongress, 1 and so highly recommended in the last presi dential contest, as the sound principle npon which our Territories were henceforth to be or ganized and governed—which was declared as giving all power into the hands of the peor-le i —i? to be sweated dewa to the very moderate 1 dimensions of a privilege to say whether they will h-jl-1 a negro in bonds or not ? No opin ion can be expressed as to the organ'zation of the legislative, executive, or judicial branches of the government ; none of the constitutional safeguards affurded to life and liberty are of ( any importance to the citizen. He may not sj>eak a.* to them ; his whole voice is to be 1 kept for hi* yea or nay on negro slsrcrv is Tom Thumb sovereignty, or sovereignty in a nut-sheii. The case is even worse than I bare exhibit ed it. Nothmg ha* been submitted for popu lar determination. Slavery should not be vot ed down by voting the " constitution with no slavery," when the instrument expresviv de clares that tinder such vote. " the right of prop erty in slaves now in the Territory shall ia no manner le interfered with.'' " Tuat right of j ropcrty Carrie* with it the increase of those slaves as completely a* if born in ?outh Car olina ; and if that right "shall rtc-t br interfer ed tcith," slavery must continue. I have never before been taught that that is a free State in which the negro and his i*-ue ere to Ire boideu as -lave*, and where the property iu slaves '• sbaM not be interfered with." The right of the mestic institutions in their own way," no* means simply, " to form and regulate' ilavcry. provided tbey '* form" it in a State, and do notregulate" it out. TuS I would designate a* sovereignty invisible. 1 deeply regret that those who support the Lecomptoo constitution have not rested it up on a principle, bat upon expediency. As I read the m- ssage of the Presid: "t, he scauc ticuis it in order that the conntrv may get rid of the excitement which ha* *o long prevailed ;i|>oa the subject. What excitemenr, pray ? Taat which has been caused bv repeated acts of violence, smothering tl?e jopalar will, and gagging the popular voice. Its language is : * oner in to the Cmsa *beJi?r wi!h o- witbo it shraj. :hes;iteeat -*yo:iJ h*r own limit* wV.~. ytt I-1T cj.-- AWAV. taea.for tV s.*xt • a-, be left. - 'be "crV. bxe been in. to ac own n&irs a her j*: way. If her contitiiti'jQ rii the of ''sre-y. tot* *ar >:htr V* uis v • aajcrltr of the people, no h j-hac *ia prevent tVa fr ra In my judgnjent s principle should Deter be sacrificed to expediency. But I deny the ex pei ency of the course recommended, an J the argument to sustain it is, to my rclnd, unfor tunate Tne President save :" if ber cousti totion cn the subject cf siavery. or any other subject, be displeasing to a majority of the peo ple. no human power can prevent them from changing it within ahr ef period." Tne or ganic act premises the people that they msv " form ao3 ivgHlate their domestic institutions in their cwo way," now they a-e told they sbou.d take a fund iinental law, in t*g of which they bad no fart. aud of which they to la. ij dtsapprcve, because *' no ba.mic power ran pfeveot them from changing It within a brief period." Now, at the time they wek d --sis-iou into the Union, oppression forces in stitutions upon thMa ; but when aim tied, that band will be withdrawn aud they will re gain their ngbts. This n soreretgnry with os j peoded animation I here leave the dhrwioa. lam onwlßyig to repeat potaU raised in the earlier portioo of tay remarks, to as?t this breach of ay argo meui. aod I aK it fcmtrr to do eo 1 CTB HRE :B * •AT T^ "' A X .~ VOL. XVJII. — NO. 30. opinion, the course now recommended tonby the President in bis message is nnjnst to, be cause inconsistent with, hirae!f, aud would. if carried out, rob tbe Nebraska-Kansas act of its vital principle, and stand as an accusing rec ord against the good faith of the D -woeratic party, crippling it for years to come, if not des troying it for tbe future. In such an event, where is that strong hand which i to lay bold of the rudder and st.U direct tbe ship of State freighted with the hopes of mankind, in ber course of material greatness and increasing glory ? What, in that day. will constitute the breakwater against which fanaticism shall d ish in its wild fury, as the hurricane may bear it from the North or the South T How will then fare the Union, with which we are ! everything, without which we are nothing ? Do you believe you can satisfy tbe country of tbe propriety of planting slavery on that ! soil, from which the Missouri compromise ex : eluded it, npou the uewest doctrine that it I should be left to the laws of nature and pro i dnotion alone, and that neither of tbese will ! esciade it ? that popular sovereignty, applied by the legislation of 1854 to tbe rule of the Territories of the United States, may be tram pled under foot upon the pretense that forms of law have been duly observed in establish j ing it ? that popular elections may be cairied under solemn guarantees to the voter, and all pledges be broken the moment they hara per formed their work ? that ;he p ma/ iu ; struct the agent, and agent, by faithtuily obey ; ing the instructions given, shall render him self abnoxious to the just indignation of his superior 7 that that Territory Lscif-goverened whose highest law is made and riveted upon it by a convention in whose composition oae-haif I the Territory was unrepresented and disfrau -1 chised, which wis ordained by a Legislature never acknowledged because never elected 7 ' in short, that all is well, and that principle and faith are inviolably kept in Kansas, when they know that nine-tenths of her citizens, acting together, are unable to prevent the adoption : of institutions which they never eau ackuowl ! edge without disgrace 7 Do you believe you can satisfy the country 'of all this 7 I tell yon here to-day plaiuiv that the northern Democracy never will be able to satisfy northern men of these things. Unlike | tbe ancient knight, those who support this strange policy will be kuown, alttiougii they may change the color of th*!r armor at every change thy make ? e eafter. Tne time has • com - et last and not too s on, when a new I requisition will be made northern constituen j cie—an earnest and manly defense of north ern honor and of northern rights, whiUt giving the ntmot demand* of ju-tice to their breth ren of tiie South. If unpardonable to insist upon so much equality, then vre ha*? reached the end of n-n.onal platforms,and the beginning ;of sectional President*—to my micd the las; calamity to be survived ; for then will begin those acts of aggrewive interference which, leading to protracted and desolating wars, mast end in establishing amoug children of the same blood tbe relation of coaquerer and captive. i m j T.ur jksv THE NEBVE. —Tne mind In the brain employs the nervous system as so rnauy instruments of communication with tiie ■outer wurlu. The eye ia necessary to sight, but it does see ; for if the ncrTa which forma a communication between it and the brain be di j vided, the visiou wiil be destroyed ; and so with all the organs of eu-e. Some have be ' iieved that the heart is the of the miud, and it is common to consider it the source of • affections. It is perfectly easy, however, to trace all the pas- ons and mental phenomena • to their great lodging place in the brain Vis -n has bt-en destroyed in &>me persons aud yet by pressure -on ihe optic n rve they saw objects which did not exist After a leg or arm is amputated, he feels for a lung time afterward-, as if hu fingers or toes still bc'onged to him The -pinal cord generate* nervons energy for muscular actions, the secretion regulates tactions of the heart aud maintains the action of tbe olffert-ut organ> in harmony t> jierforru tLeir .-ev c ra! fuuct.ous, but it ha- no relation whatever to the faculties of pro-eption and thought. It is composed of same materia: a* the brain, but its fibers and are a cou remtition of the saint- sir noture, while ii> the brail! there is endles- variety iu their ar rangcrnents : this is the reason why the brain is >-onsidered to be a congerie of ersrarss. A large extravasation of blood witb*n tbe head by the pressure which it chjses on the 'oralu, produces total insensibility to external impres sion, and suspend* vo-'itiju. The eS-.-ct of siro i'ar injury to tbe *p ; .al cords Is vcy different The part- be'ow the in/wry are deprived of their sensibility, a: the same time those parts of the body maintain !heir sensibility aad power of motion L; repaired. A person who ha* receive*! a mortal Injury of the ; e"-1 hi the neck may live for five or sir day. noth ing living Out the lee-al A case of this k:nd occurred in the city of Brooklyn aering the past summer. A young man in the very prime • of manhood, Irjsfed the spoal cord in b; ne*k by striking The bottom of the ruer when d'v ing : and while the body below tbe head 53id to have been dead from tbe period of the accident, tbe head bred for several days after wards. and She triad duricg part of that peri-, "d, evinced its consciousness. An Irishman writing frota Pbilade - pbla. to his friend iu tbe old country, coadnd ed a letter thus : " If iver it's tne fore Iron® t* lir tiii I dy—and Clod uoee whether it is or o> —Til visit oaid Ire.aod afore I lave Tbilamx deifT" If oo Sra were pooiahed here, improv idence would be believed ; if every sie were puniaiied here, oo judgment would be eipec > ed. TFI Kr.jrr Vrrw —To EA IODIGTOJ wboweß his anJaJrr tpwk WUfli Woie orurr oh^ r . i" ' friepi, v proud of vo a - ,v r*"' lem p.-td -f = - err-J